The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, September 03, 1822, Image 1

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Oil. BY CAUUt -X HINES, STATE PRINTERS. MILLEDGEVILLE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1823. YOL. XIII.—NO. 47. 'I'fir Brorria 'otiisiL R published week- V ALU ABLE LAND NEGROES for SALE. ^ AW,— \. Holt & ,1. W. Cook, having c U at three :>o!bm in advance, or fvtr Dollar, al rilHE subscriber will sell his entire pensions 1J nected themselves m the praet<c» ot'Hw. i ic end nf the yew Adxiertiscvnents inserted at J| j n Twiggs county. consinUng of fffiO acres of P^ ia *ncnt!y lootted ihemiclv’i:i it Jl airoe C' »he usual rates prime land,Ivins within about 3 miff** of the Oomul- oner lheir prutcisional service* to tffoir j — " iiT ' 1 ”’ _r rrr.« s..„« ... i. liwt *>m friends ana the militia. AH Annfilnil i.t ! Camate. u Umes Hhvp in nr-rt. ^ * i pu'i'lis. • . * Utf ,__ . r . x . « ■ . \r . /n uu iicrcs^ary i 1 UK JOU lt]S AL A *M A^N AC perb Gin House, and .1 rood Cob Mill. FI”1 UK subscriber will sell his entire posHossions ~~ . Ji. in Twiggs comity, consisting of ftfiO acres of P^Hiuicntly located themselves *t JTmroe Cmirt prime land, lying within about ff miles of the Oomul- ?? ut *' °"* v 1 the,r PPtifeisional service* to their gee, on Slicilstonc creek, about 300 of which aro *nends and the puiifio. AH business confided to ID cultivation at present, and in fine repair. On them will meet with prompt and diligent attention, the land are a good comfortable dwelling house, te wilt practice in all^the court* in the Flint ail nercssiry out buildings, among which are a su- lMdmi "**<* 1 15 16 17 18 19 and go 3 do 1 10 II 13 14 15 IB and i'J 4 do I S 9 10 It IK 13 mil (fi i do X 3 4 5 6 S 9 10 It 12 13 anil 18 6 do Onthc 1st ill 'inlay in October next, tor the sole FOR TUB YKAK OF OUR LORD LAW NOTICE. T HK subscribe is ha-e associated together in th' name o< lore-* fa Howard, in the prnotice of Furcha .eis must give good security, or a mortgage Law . I heir nflic.e is opened oivthe west side 011 the property they purchase. From 1 to 40 NEGROES, ail young and likely, among which are 17 boys and fellows. Stock of all kinds, consisting of horses, mull?, oxen, cows and calve.',tec. All the above property, except the negroes, will he sold on a credit of from one to three veal s.— l he negroes will he sold for cash only, hut low. of the I'enitentinry s p :vc. They will attend the several Superior Court* of the Ocrmdgec Circuit, cud oi the counties of Hancock ami Twi®gs. •H'e thorn Jones, 'I’hacker Ji Howard, Milledgeville, Junmrv 7 13—— lawT " HfclHE 5»m of ROCKWELL fa HEPBURN, U is diss olved in consequence of the death of J. L Hi pbttl , ttq t lhe subscribers hsve formed a connection in the pruc.tice ol the LAW, u d«»r the tirm of KOi KWELLfc MORGAN. They will attend proteviionnl bminest in the Federal Court, in ^ liie O kmjlg°p circuit, and those com.tie* "he c in toe late, firm ol Rockwell ami Hepburn prnc t'c ul. t heir Office h on the om ner of Jefferson and V| Intosli ttrer-.s, Mifft* ,, £<uM< t where one «»f hem may be found at all times "lv n not on the crenii. S RO .K'VKLL, Iii* . 10. A. A. MORG AN. T\*" >< Subjcrilwi »1F rs tor side «m*ollht iwosi \ dejirable witoatf .is I >r » privatv famdc in the ii;i cm i?;*v. It*i n nc in the tow n of M Hiticcllo* di& .cr county, and i* «o pUnn^d f*nd improved ns to pr r . *• \ eve.rr comfort and conventjnce whicii is »ic*ii ! »! for a pvi\H»e reside *ce. For further , \» • • \r ’ v'. Mild- to the subscriber, jv.vr.15 9/ • J'V 1 ^ ’ V n\ enty tt o\Vav s \V c.\\ ait A. 1 > VNA'V\Y Miinu mnrnins of the 5th in- o' i i*, a n. jr'o slave bfNis’iniJ to the sub 8'’lhe* named S V4 He took away with him a nr i l mio icco hoot, nearly new, end two linen im li• il willi thosuhgeriner* name. 11.- hid on a bomh-rme coat and pantaloons, cad a ii-lf worn heaver hat. He is of a dark complexion, and about 5 feet 7 inches hiRh, well made, and about 28 rears old. Ho will probably make lor Savannah. The above re- A a rust 13 JOHN' MARTIN. 4.'i .If Circuit:—in Bahlwin, .Morgan, .tones and Jnt- I per, in the Ocmnlgee circuit;audio JVewten, II al- • a! tuca oi '.lie above described land, i. are sit'uit- ton, and Cuinnet:, in the Western ci cuit. j ed in the lullowmg townsliipaaml raurt i, viz t Holt U Co>k. | t ownships l 2 S 45 6 7 10 II 1« 13 IS lf> 17 IS 19 Monroe county, .tune 13 37»-'.f | and Kt), in range 7, west of 5th me ridian line 183456789 tO 15 bletract of land on Sugar Creek, ia Morgan eoun- J . i®. 1 a c*** » "."ii f.', .. 8 <lf> ty, seven miles below Mnduon, whereon lie now j 1 * , '* ' * • 1 “ ’ Uvcs, containing one thouiund acres, four hundred j l( 1 18 a | 5M) r'OK bALft.—The aabtuFiUer MUrs I s lor sclc on accommodating term., that valua ble --- - — 9 tlo of whish are cleared andin a high state of ealtiva- I ,, . . .. , , |l ” lion, with » good dwelling house and all other nr- j ,° n hc " 1 r5t 1 M " n,, V; •" November next, for the eer.ary out cuildings, together with a peach and “ le 0 ‘ w “' ! ‘ I. 1 *.® »bove describe d Im.ds as a. i apple orchard and a variety ofolherfniits thereon. ,, * u,te< l lf - loilowmg townships and ranges rersoiis wishing to purchase would do well to ?•**... , o a 1 * 6 7 » o in v in White Lead, Wtitdmr Gla u », §c. . r >0 r.«v;ks Lomlon-groiind White Lead, J<*0 (' t'l.K \nicrican, do. ('ii>ks Spanish Brown groun^l in Oil, 3 Casks LiusoimI Oil, 1*0 Boxes B hv 10 and 10 bv 12 Window Glass, Just iccccived, and forsalo, bv REDDING &,*WASHBURN* August 27 'Pi— GEOftGlA, /In the Superior Court Frnnlilii) county 5 September 'I’erniy 1821 Dud., s, ^ petition for fort closure. JohnAt’Vlullin. 5 ( d PON Ihn petition of Dudley Jones, setfine ! lo ti*^ Hul>sc; J forth tlmt John M’.Mulliu on .lm twenty- V “tusnded to. Madison Springs for Sale, I N consequence of long and ju*\ere indisposition. the suhsrriher is compelled lo oiler lhe MADi *. •SON SPRlNfJw for salt*. T.’iorc arc i pwarcJ* of^ , r )00 urros of laud, on which there areiiiut anrf^ * Saw *Mills, and Ice and Bath Houses. The hous« f are peculiarly well calculated to afloid comfort uiui, hcaltii, and will accommodate about 100 persons^ J lie household uwi kitchen furniture, together with tlie stock of cows, sheep, gi rits, and hogs, will he sold with the projvorty. As the Sp* ings are gcncr 1 rally known, and tint medicinal virtues of lhe wa/ ters duly Appreciated, a minute di scription of them is deemed useless, [t howexer may not he tunis^ to state, that no establishment hold t out »i eater in- duccmetits to persons calculated to i ng.«je in h* i-* ties* of tliis kind. Letters on this subject, addie^ d to the auhserthur at DanioLviUe, wdi bepna..;i^ WRIGHTSBOKO* FEM ALE ACADEMY. P ARENTS wishing thcirchildrcn to rnjoy the reraor.s winning to purenase xvoutu an wed to t o a a « r. ? o n 10 . 1 tn advantages of this Institution, arc invited to call and view the premise*, ns it is well calculated j *° n, ^ 1 P* ^3 j . I U H, m t -'ngt* bring them forward,as the school issdll open for ad- for one or more plantation*, a* ma> suit pnreha- « o « e r *» o 7*’* I • Jl 1 "* luu non. In addition to die former routine of *tu- sett. Abner Jordan- a o " l \ 2° hintin r on IVivt, June 13 56-1.1 ! i 3 15 6. 8 J und ID I i J - ,n. ,i„...wh- - . ,.r—.-r-TTTrr-r n : 88*5078lad 9 13 14 mission dies, will he tauelit the Art of Paintin'* on |7?/»W, Terms. ,SV)3 for Board and Tuition, with thocxelu- si\o price of per quarter for Painting. The term to continue 22 weeks. August 13 41 1 f. ^ IfyW'iLMAM Cakkoi.I., Governor in tin J over the stnteof Tennessee, a PROCLAMATION- , WTikrkas it 1ms been mode known jo me. that lately in our county of Lincoln, arid state of Ten nessee aforesaid, a certain John M. Pitcock com mitted lh" crime of i- order, on the body of a cer tain Archibald Maviidd; audit being also made known that the said' Piteoek has escaped from jus tice and is running at large. Now I, William Car- roll, Govcrnoras aforesaid,do,by virtue of the pow er and authority in me vested, hereby offer a reward of FIFTY DOLL ARS to any person or persons who may apprehend the said Pitcock, and safely deliver (uni to the sheriff’ or jailor of said counts of Lincoln, to the end that justice may, in that behalf, be had and done. Said Pitcock is represented to me to he about C7 or 2d vears of nge, with fair hair, Hue eyes, a small bit off’ his left car, and a sear on his under lip. In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand, and caused the great seal of the stnto (tj. s.) to he affixed, at Murfreesboro’, this 2lth day of June, A. D. 1822. \\ M. CARROLL. By the Governor, DANIEL GRAHAM, Secretary of State. The above described John M. Pitcock has lately tgVVKE NO! 1GE, See.—Now in my post* n.i 1 small bur horse, about ( 2 1-4 hand* high, a- f 3 t 5 6 7 H J »nd 10 f 3 4 5 6 7 8 and U S 4 5 t‘» 7 un*J <1 4 s &nd 7 5 u and 7 6 do d> do IS do Fash sale will cammetvee with *he lowest oum- • j ocr of section, tov:ntiiip, and range, mid proceed b ait 4 yean old, a star in hi* forehead, branded thus t] L, paces na'n, idly. Phis horse had been | Uke.ti up b u not posted, lhe man who iryM him up j bciic vi-.g that lie. knew lhe owner. A cert .in man who ‘ all* himself Thornton, went forward,cla.m- ' m rvoular numerical order. ' h ■ hl ’ rs, -> ■ ,11 , K ’ k *11 ,n5f ' el, i "I. »»<1 W..» •;l urridl bj law for the me ol ichooli oiaking oil Wi ll turn «mt « ha; mare which lie ’ or , or other Miirpcjen, will be lxari vc! .inm sale, tj k nut of 'he nine neighhorh-iod in 'he nmr | . , ml j. jr m > hind, it the rily ct V, u«hi..c maooer, aisn a bay in ire which he had »lnlen fioin , 0Ii> t ) ul d.j' ot Mi en, u;-.-t. , l " : ] ily’ilie l’lMSMleiit i JAMES MONROE. Joy|ah Mr.ins, a Mr. EitBimmoM*, in the town of Athens intn wm pursued and taken as a horse thud, «L bone* all taken from him, and he put m the c witty jail, Inti ha* Slice hr k * jail and mad * hi* *cap 'Php thief w is taken on Sunday tho 7lS . "!y, and the horse pul in m/h ruli far •if: ktep* in'. It fen*since bi-onnicertatu'-d fit tl erloesnot belong to th man it wm supposed own* d irm. 1 i.eiefort 1 ■wLh the o*vncr to c me fbi *crd a id m die satislnctoi*) praof aud receive ni i r> t ROBERT YUUNG. JL'".• d*£!?' .,... w ^ I OKKIUAI. noti KIV3 NfftlOfe 01- 'DKFArtf- I an ACT for the r.U.d of the ollieer*, volun J V •.R.1.--I7 -2i,rr..sol oak ami hicl.or.- and, j t all ,| , )lll( , r . M | tl,. lute 3d (pialiU, onginaUv granted to James vounghlond. • • , , adjoinin'; at th- ttmeof snrvrv. W. Itad-v Jo,.’ I **»‘ , ;* t » ! Marshall's, and Thomas GracVs land, o.Tthe wa- ! lip enacted by the Senate mut House of tiis of Dcrrasoc's crook, now Baldwin county, in Representatives of the United Stutis of slvu- rica in Congress assembled. That any ollioer, Gommiusiontr of llie Gen Lmr.d Office. Much 18 *25 -mN .vl I'rinter* who puhlisli the laws of the United S’uVs will puhlisli tl;c Ah.'iveonce a week 1*11 tht fp X .vloudiy in Novi*niln r nest, and send htir si.. : is (* receipted J totlie General l^nud Office fur paj xucut. H is oi t/errason s crocK, now n iimvin conmv. default for tho years 1820—1821—and 1822—b been seen hi the Cherokee Nation, on foot, anti dents. 3 The above lands will be sold agreeably to i Carrying u gun, on his way to Geoi {?i August 6 43 b t pr,'»aol,' nniw .or ^ j 1 LLnrr.Mona Innin--.lcmami7^ a inst Lmmml v*v! ,p * s Tu 'r*i’7«'V 1 '^;Ariau.p^ac-c'd.a:-',,,,,,-mi.7....1...... tor hip delivery to the ’ubserd^er at MulPtlgu- . ai |d those indebted to said deceased, will make iiu V'Pe, or upon his being lodged in envjail in the j mc diate payment to state. Sntnnel Undersell ' 1 July 7 3^ tf Th 77TiiiKT5T y o an o. Icr I tti? nouorsbl*' the Court of ordinary tor tnc c-mn'y if Jackson, vHll be sold on tho S’’*t f'uenl i) of October next, sit iho cour bouse »l i*id cirinty, a g»’o woman •ot i ft re ''hilrimv longing d*e estate ol t r m. L- -v t. il, for the betiodt of the h 1 irsof said d« - cca*'' 1. George Hewlett, Adm’r. \Js; 30 *1 id-. _ ’TOHX J. GltOV L^ ha< ♦•‘•'tahlishfrj hi« office at Monror,in U altoncoumy. and will attend totlie Trartioc ofL.WY inWaltcn and the adjacent coun ties. July Iff 40 - -... Ot* t y H IF. suhsci ibcih h i - ing formed aco-pariuciship I. under the firm of RO>SK l lilt hi lil’ClIAN- A , rrspectlblly inform the public, that they occupy the Fivcffi on tho west corner of the Stoti*-Hou**c btpr.uc, known by ^ he sign of the Hotel, where tliev , \ u hie 20th dvMrict of\\ ilktiumn, now 7’wiggs tv.lf endeavor to give comfort and satisfaction to all , containing 333 nercs, sold for the benefit of the may pali’onue them, ^ ^ ^ j Heir* and creditors of James Rice, dec. Terms July 30 j UTfCL JAMES HITCHCOCK, Adm’r. —r»t ?7t l.i.f Will be sold on Friday the 27tli o 1 IK Sentemhcr at the lute residence of Red mond B. Mason, late of Pulaski county, doc. all the personal estate of said dee d, consisting of horse?. Hogs and cattle, one road waggon, household and kitchen furniture, plantation tools, and nimb y ot her articles too tedious to mention. Sale to continus from day to day until all is sold. Terms made known on the dav of sale. SIMON’ BARDIN, * , v. a ARTHUR bARMN.S A ' , ' a13 ' 4! "Is*. .Vhlry, or o'hvr pci ions, e.uBge'l in (lit campaignut one II.ouiriiJ , iglit liundrcd and eighteen,ajjainst lhe Seminole In dians, who h 5 BUJl'Miied dairia.-c by leasoa ol the Ion of any horses, v.hieli, in consi qm nre ol tiic g iv-rmn .i'.t ol the United btn'es failing to Gr.onViiA, lit--no county, i supply .ullicier.* l'or:,ge. while engaged in WILLIAM ROBI.Nri tolled before Ambrose I service, (bed, or wire unavoidably ale udoned Hntcliinson, Esq. on the l.Jtli of July, nn Indian and lost, shall be allowed anil paid the value pony, a bright sorrel, bramled oil the left bnttyek thereof lap*, unless the tax due on the same lie paid in six months—sixes duo on the alioie laud lor 3 years, amount to »[ 1 07 cents, 3 l-~ mills. Ci M’CARTV, r. t. r. b. c, July 16 ni6m twenty 1'iifd day of February, eighteen hundred and nineteen, made, exeeu ed and delivered to the pi 'dinner ins certain deed by way ot mortgage of, in and to all those lots or parcels ofland,sit uate, lii.ig and being in and annul Carnesville, in tin county aforesaid, to-wit: lots number 1, J, 8, 5, and 7, situate in tjivillage ol viile in said cotmly and state, which lots arc adj nr;ing each oilier, bounded on the south t y tla- public streets, on the east by the public square, on the north by Nathaniel llullei’is lots, on the west by Green W. Smith’s lots; also two otbe half acre lots adjoining each other, bound ed on the west by* Hczoliiah Terrell, n tin east by William Terrell, on the south by Frederick Heidi's land: also lots number 13 a id 5, adjoin ing each ther, bounded on Hie went by the public square, on the north by the public slrcets, on the east by M.s U igwrll’s lots, and on lhe s uth by il- public streets; als > number Sixteen, adjoining Frederick tlei.ll, Willis Hank- nod the public streel.; to d also one nud a hull'acres commonly railed the spring lot, bounded by Mrs. liagw ell’s on the we'l by John Brewster's 00 the east and on the south by the public stre-'st als > a part of a tract ot land lying on the waters 01 Stephenson's creek, near the tillage of t uim s- ville, be-inn tie a a while oak corne , running S. 78, tV. 12, (J. 50, E. to ttake corner, thence ij. 35, K. 111 hams to j tvbiie oak c if er b* iog the 01 ieintd corner of a tract id laud granted to William Bailey, thence up tlieb auchto be beginning, containing eight ac es more nr less: al-o one other parcel ol laud lieginoing at a take corner near a W. O 3 X of \/illiain Hai ley’s old surtey; ru.mmg thence S. 55 W. C chain. 10 links to a corner stake, being the with the loner D. a little hip-hot in the right hip, with a little white in his fare, about four fc-t ii\c inches high, eight vears old, appraised to VJO. Hug o ROBERT E. MARTIN, c.i.c. OT1CE.—Will lie -old at the house of th- JAMES ALEXANDER. Alexandria.die. Madison county ; Aug. 27 -lo—^ AnJCTANT trrtfERAL’s Officc. f ' MilkJ^evillt, Geo. dug. HI, 1822. y r Z"3 HE followin'' is the order ol at rungemen' fqc, I tlie uihiohI couvcntion of the Fit hi, tJtafT . ui\- Pmy, and iion-commissioiied olbcers unJ reti-vs ol in-nuction in the 5th, 4th, and 3d divisions uik th- Milit'u ol die Sut-ol I .iuorgij, v iz : 1 men county, Monday Tuesday ami Wcdncsdav, 3thti SupU’Qibrr, L t ;»u l 2 s l Octol’cr. Jastiui* do. Tliur* by, Fiiday, uud Saturday, 3d, 4i)i, aiitl 5tli Uciuffcr. Newton do. Wcduescffiv, 9tli do. \Valton, do. Friday te Saturday, 11th, 12th, d<f Gwinnett, Mondny k I ursday, 14th, I'^th. tlT Hall, Thuixdav and Fridtiy,* 17th, 1 lit, tiq. JfatK'iHhain,Moiuby ic Tuc<day, 21. 22, -ll R.xbun, do. \Ycuncsdtiy, 23, dq, Franklin, Friday, Sat y. U Mon’v. 25,28, 2 5. ck*. Jacksoti, Wodnciday te Tlntrwdjxy, 31 Iq, Madi*on, Fri<lay ami Saturday,’ 1,2, *.ov. Elbert, Al» uhiy and Turmluy, 4,5, ilc\. l.mcoin. Fiiday and Sait.’ bv, 8. Iff ib. Wilki’H, Monday mid Tnc- ■ l.i., 11, 12, «l<|. O^leihorjH*. Wo(lu<’H»hy -v* Thursday, 1.3, If, do. Uiark, Ft iutiv and Saiardav, 15, 1G, ilo. Gri’cii, Mon/. TuPh’y. te \\ (Tv. 1°. W). 20, d,;. Thur*‘y. F;i.>. ^.ttur'y. 21,22, o. Vuinain, MoihIhv and Tiiosdxy, 25,21), do^ Baiduiu, Tinu^'lav and Frida\, 2.3 29-d-jV JOHN C, EAS IER, Adj. Gi n’l, * Augu*l 27 46 ■ Atl GREEN SB*OKO ; A CAP E M V LAND. i offer for ‘•alt* tint tractw he; c ! now livp, adjoin- ing tlii* place, boii^ bl purtol tha 3 HiO ;inv» trncL which wjxs recently th«* prepfoty ui i!tc Cini\r..Mty of Georgia, contaminu upwards o! 5»*0 nerr*, twee i 3 am) 14)0 of wliicli are cleared and tit for cultivation, with t'-aoHin^ and overetfr’a house-, xvcil It amed and spacious gin hou***, cabins < u»( u* latcd tor up \ arils of 50 neurons, with olin.r finilid' U .IN' Ausu*t U \ GHEEABLE to an order of the honorahh* ilic Court of Ordinary ol TwicL? county, will bo sold on the- first Tuesday in October nHlt. nt tin court-house in tliu town of Marion, the following tract* of land, viz: No. 82, and part of lot No. 83, Stc. 2. And It it further enacted, That sa (| officers, vhmti ers, uud run^c r, cavi-Uy, •r oilier persons, for the iofH of any nc(i*t»atry equipage ol said horse, or horses, or for any subscriber,on Fiiday the 2Gi)i of Fepicmhcr. i -s'- lr * 8 l ,j st in said ?r*rvice, or which were left in all the personal property of laindon Palmer, dec d ! possession f d the l/mtv i Stales; or «'f any otli- sold for the benefit of tho heirs and cn.ditor | cer thereof, shall hr allowed and paid the wdue Terms of sale made known on the day. ^ ! thereof; said claim? fo bo pauf of any m meys DA NIEL CULLMAN, adin. j j„ t R. Treasury, not others inn oppropriaUd : PI J*lor : ded, That, it any payment shall have been made to any edict r or soldier aforesaid, for the use and risk, alVr the death or uban- <|uosted to make imrocaiatc pa).ynl, anrt all innvc , do|lw , „,*,.„ hol 9ttcb , mlt f | );i || l, e ,| e . dueled from the vtdue thereof, unless said of- i Greene couhtj. A ug 10. APPLETON ROSSETER, R. II. L. BUCHANAN. Millcdtjrville, July 9 30—-tf.^ rjT'.VLM’V DOLLARS REM ARD.—, on I c'.sday nitflit July It*, a bay horse, about truN-u-j. out, live feet six inches high, n s>”all wh te xr in his foidiad and a small spot of white on Lis u -o, a white m ck on his throat occasioned by a ix>po, lx>tli hind feet r.bite h. if way up to his knee, li’ni ■» of a colhr on hi.- shoulder, and :i switch tuil, low til flesh. The above reuard will be civil to 3av one * ho wilt deliver tire hoi sc* and thief, and 1 L'it dollars for tho horse,by the subscriber. I'ETJJR FAfR. . Millcdtjevillc, July 23 41 tf ~A £ V COLLARS RlTTaRD —Rmaway from I >\| the suli.criber on Monday hist, a nc^ro in m O i.?; al Tiirl c, about IV* years of a»e, ai.out 5 lout high, stout in ide, black complexion, lins a pl*:a- *autcoim!eiianoe, had on a round jacket, took nil Ins clothe* with him. The above reward will l>e pi\cn to any person who will deliver him t<» un* in Jones count/, or to A. Dubom*:, Milicd'/evillc, or will confine him in «un jail m* that I set him. JAMES DELOSEY. July *3 41— :f Ct/TLL i' f sold in the town of Monticdlo, on V V tnc first fnesrhy in October next, a ci x tain LOT OF LASD (Yin£ | n the 13iix 1).strict of originally Baldwin, now Jasper ami No. 1. One lot of land in tli^ 9th Hi t. Monroe No. 75; fotith lo'ssold for the benefit of the heirs and credit oj s of Abner Roudcn, late of* Jasper, d« ceased. ;* July 30— ds. D \\ ID ROD DEN, admV. TLJYVliCE TO MECI1 VNICS—Scaled propo- .L ^1 s.ils will be received by the * uWriht r, for building an Aemiemy ia the town r»f Dublin, Lau- r* as county,until tiiethiid Monday in ScpU-uber l’y xt. The houv 1 ti* bo of wood, U» L et long by 2<i fed wide, two stories hi::h. first story 12 feet and the second 10 feet pitch, with an 8 foot entry in the **(:ati •* of « urli story, 12 wiudows below and 15 a- hove, glass to be 8 by 10. A more particular de scription of the plan uiav be had by applying to the subscriber in Dublin. Tilt* punvsafs must contain the nn«’ si ftho securities. Th° house to bo ihvo i.-ued by tin !. --t U C fcept ir.i.h The undertaker lo £ud ail mutuiu!^ JOHN Gt ' ^HN, Cli n. jj^id Irustccs. Dublin, July 04, ICCI E ” SltOt'Gil r in Clinii.n .lail. oiTTli’' WU •.M**'"; i a negro man wlios'ivs hixinaiiie isf3.A M. ai. hi -1 bkl, 5 foot 3 1 Ti* * Ik - 1—Ji, H- !*»ibr.glil tCtys he bylon^st • ( ol. ,Tohu Cole 4 t»i Al- J*,: 1Tl v-)r rMWlv. in Ac v»t<* ol V it-i«i.i,!-i\*.iii.vt «c made km"'*.i'in ill- ihv -f sal-. I DWIN II UU', AdT Jiilv ?.! r. do bonis non tdt» A Lfi persons havin'* I ^ Lewis Daniel, dot’d, s ill mal ■ against tlic them known propel 1\ l u'heiituvatrd within tlic time procribed by law. JONAS DANIEL. A im r. ' August 6 U 6t \\/Tl.L be mill onlhursday the 5th ol "h ,>i< m- 1 y her next, vi the hu * residence of Erokiel Daniel, deceii.-inl, of " i hinu" '« counts , all the person d property hr lon^ing to aid e i tte, sold for ihe benefit of tin* heirs under' ditors. 'I’imih- mad** known on the day i.f sale, uud to coutinue from day to d.iv until finished. EZEKIEL DANIEL, Ex’or. Ji»!yJ2 Geokoi More an county. ALLY came before mo Elishu Most.- . |y, and nficr heme duly sworn, sayelhon oath that he has b»st rr miv'aid i errtain note ol hand given by John Dingier and John Fo-ter jointly, made j livable to John f'owau, for t'vo hundred and 1 five dollars and thirty three rents, due the 25i!i of I o’cetuber, 18°2, with int»'ie‘i from the }’th < f De.e. last, sworn to ami subsoribtfd b* fore me this 2.3th Mav, 1 ELISHA MOSELV. ; \Vm. Pathicr, .t. p. I do h«*i ’Ey forwarn all persons from trading for j said note, and the aRsiuncrs from paying the name to any person but myself. L. MOSELV. | N OTICE.—Sealed proposals will be rec liar ford by tho Commissioners of the O di having demand* against said estate, are requested to bring them Ibrtvard properly attested within the time preset ibrd hv law. EDWIN 11 ART, Adm’r. de bonis non. Alienst 13 44 ■ ■ — ■ ■ Ct \ T the Iresidence of Lewie Dani l.dec \ . in I wigg-.connty, u ij be sold,on the 3d Tuesday in October nex», ail the personal eroperty of^hid of dee d, eon /’-xtiug of horses, cattle, In. liottsehohl and kitchen furniture,farming uternilv, with a nuin her of otliei articles tool’ lion , to iiu uijjii. Tciius of sale made known on the dav bv Auimsto td; JONAS DANIEL, Adm'r. BV THE PRESIDENT OF HIE UNITED STATES. Whereas the President the United Stale? ift authorised by law to cause land* fu be for sale: Therefore, L J \V!F. MONROE, President of the United States, do heuby declare nnc! make Irnov u that the p.ddic sales shall be held as follows, Viz: At the Land Office at Terre Haute, in Li li ana, on the lus' Monduy in July m xi, for the sale of [’own-ships 17 & 18, in ru°go 1, cast of th* Jo « nrcijial ni'Tidrui line 17 and 18, in rangt» 1 to 9, west do. At the Laud office at \ and :1m, *n llliimis, on the il.ird ' •ondry in July m xt, lor die rale k -'. Fowusiiip 11. 12, 13 and 14, n fuiiy* 9 1 and of » i?l Jl' Die 2d principal uu-ndiun lino 11, 1 J, 13, 14 and 15, in ramp s 3 and 4, <lo. i At the sail.c place, on the third Monday in ‘ ,,f August next, fdr the sale of Ijcc Navigation until Satftrdnv the 21stof Sep-1 Pownshipi 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, in ranges ,,, tember next, lor clearing out and removing all trm-1 b, und 8, cast of tlic 3i poraiv ob-trunions from the conliuence of the said i ^ principal meridian iiirn river with the Oconee tfi tlic line dividing Pulaski 11, in range 7, rlo. At the Land Office at Palestine, in Illinois, , ,x .• ’h» Vrum that ►Uin* ah.iui six yeai^ a m u. l v the name of Pri* ' . the owuer is re- icMcrit". come lunv:iid,|).*.»c I''"!’-"..-i! a >' c ’ ,r * s mid l ike luin away. J5 s*. JOIU 1 4. June 30 river wifh the Oconee to the line dividing Pulaski and Telfair counties, and making the same com* ’ pletrlv navigable at lowest water mark, when com* ^leti-ff to be examined and approved of by the t'oniniissionrrs or some fit nrirl proper person or r ictsons bv them appointed. ReHsuuablc time w ill ( le allowed to complete the saint*. Rond with ap- i proved veeurity will be required for the f lithlul com pletion of the contract. Payments will be made rn proportion os the work advances. JOHN WILCOX, 1 n JO*v WOOD. I 1 JOHN rLETCHER, ( S B. MEW BORN. iVj-O UCC.—AN ill be sold,on the ltith j»teinia r J.^l next, at the late residence of John Mandei -on, dec’d, of Wilkinson county, al! the perishable pro perty of said dec VI, consisting of 2 yoke work oxen, w aggon and v u , and many other artirh * too tr- ilii'u* to mention. Terms of sale made known ofl thrmiv. LF.WIS BOND. IN’r. Auu.d BUS ATI M ANDERSON, E on the first Monday in Auguot next, lor the •ale of Township 6, 7, 8 and 9, in ranges 0, 10, and 11, eu«t oi the 3d principal nieridian Iim 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, irx range 14, west of 2d do. 8 and 9 12 and 13, do At the same place, on the fir.v. Monday n September next, for the suit; of lowiwhip. 10, 11, lSa.-d 13, in rnnges 9,10, & j ■ r , 1)ftill> owlier ; anrl tl , e , a luL ot the art,, le, (lian line _ , I. _ 11.* r.,» .. nn . r iruna l..(t iii fici r, r»rs Jdi( show that he n • remount* < d, in v.htch caso tho deduction shall oaly tx- teud to the lime such ortictr or soldier served on foot : Atufprovided, (d o, Thai, if r.y pay* ‘liall have l»r,,, nivie to any ur nob dter, on ncc* tint' ft l.dbinr, am h pnyment s'.vall be d »u' led from 1 ■ ■#» value, oflimliurte or uc- cout> emeu’s : And provided further, That no claim shall hu allowed under the p'*«»\iaiotis of lh*s acJ, until vrnpt t evidence shall li *\c oer n received by the arc trting ofli”c*'S. I oi- the company to wbic.h jjio claminnts fh:» 11 b:*.v#x b ■- longed, show ing the number of horses loaf in said company, in manner n forego id* ’be time when iufiG an I !h« nuniu of the owner. Sr.c. 3. And he it further enacted, That i!ie ace/amlhig offff.'T o( fhe Tn nsurv Depart- urent, filiali audit und settle those claims under such rill* h and regul ituins as iiie President of the Uniled Slaton nny pr* s: ri e. PHILIP P. R \ RBOUR, Speaker of the House of Repn tout alive*. JOHN (i MlLAIH), P'osidenf ofthr Senate, pro temperc. \Vashing(on 9 May 4th. 1822 Approved—JA MES MONROE. T ii f. a sr it v D r!• a n t m f \ t, Third Auditor ( JJke, 1 /'* A/oy, Claimants timl**r the ( .regoing act, are here hv ii.Jifi. d, tlmt their claims are to be irans* ill;tted to his office # or Rfitllemrr't:—that no i -..nn ( an he allowed ’till the i vi calk d for by the last proviso in Ibe s od act shall I ( received at this offn-f.:— that, thf cvubini thus ea’lcd for, ia lo he c»nl uud in a roll of each company, MV' n to by the c inomndjug ■ lh "»•/ II (r. of, it nhve, or if dead, l > flienest surviv ing officer, and w hich nuts’ he accompanied by proof ofthi; value of each horse I *t: —that tu F.ii’-.’a: Gate a claim for any equipage, or for any gun, or guns lost, there will be n-quir< d iln* certificate of the .’icer, or surviving officer comua *! agthi- claimant at (lie time the L-ss wtr. su«tatned, proving *ucli loss, that it hap pened witlmu* any fanlt or negligence on tlu* standing corn l* of a lot h.rmeily belonging to plantation Imiumcj '1 lie situation hcieru d In out for advvel^n^ nlaco, is elevated aud beautiful, uud In s atxout a half mile from thin place, of v\hn li, .(x affords a comnuindnid view. A!v—Oun other tract, about 4 miles off, I) .»n the road to Lcxiu’.'ton, and foi met ly the props • of' NN m. Rliyms. TTio Irani contains 300 acres ; 21*0 of which are cleared, and under niovt excellent fencing, and uncouinionly well provided with good dwelling and pluulatuu houses. Terms i an Lu made ukcomuiodatiiig. M ATTHEWS WFr LS, Greensboro*, August 20 —3t. *Vutirc to Claimants under H e tale Frtnly until tin: f .Vftk Indians. % NTONVKNIENCE having occurred in oyend ,i instances, in cuiHequeDCf of tlic applic ts uo^ being ap| risedofthe shewingtliry vvouUl be roquiui ed to in ike ; in order lo ptetent like ocen •rc’iv eS in future, they wili be pleased lo observe the follows; ing naruliition*: NN here applicatioi! is mnide for payment through an Agent or Attorney, it i. reotiitvd, that the nuiluic. rity ofsueli agent or attorney be witnesned by a just tic*’ ol the Fence, or oilier judicial officer. NN here u claimant has d. ecusetl, his or her ”ye<^ itfor or administrator will bn re jnesti’d to prodneo It jnl evideneo of their executors hip or utlmi.iistrH- torship j hui should tluar be no executor or admin,-, i’lralor, due I. ct must be mnde appear. And ::1 o 11;" mu nib- i o! Util's well their iiuim moi-i In. rtitf «• I and •’,i audioi : v u «. ueh .o on*- of them or to tome other tr.iivi k’al. dr from their c■ ardlan if invj- nors,ii»ade in pr* -en* c ol • n u Jun.' ». ' - n.'! ; to receive and receipt for the amount lo which tli«y urc entitled. , In no case whern the claimant hat deceased, white oak 3 'A r tuning N. 49, \\ f . with Jam* s I w ill the heir.* be paid individually unless it should Wiliiamsou’fl latul, to n s‘td»c corne 1 , where it ! be impracticable, or attended with great ineonun- htrjhr« I < of a tract A'land, originally sur* i'U‘«, to pua urr k-k h authority and in seeh ca^ V. y. • far Rr.*c llnwurd. b.-iufr r |.art of , “ ,fc ^ 1,011 "j’’ V «*.i.l Irnr.t, ilieii<-€ ttl..n B rmd llowarti’H l-) Millclrovillr Aumwt. 19, lt'2." nn oak cor:u r, tlinre along llie or iginftl line un- i —, - - — : il it etrilii.ii the c.nt-r, Iim ^ TP™ iprl.ngton , iii . . " • Hams, iuid lo bar eU best qu i our. |u-t> In -sti.imtinn, «cret. more ; I.... ail ’,, for Sale l.y K. i It. A UOOU. \l".i (wo tliirils * : all dial ti... t or t.artfl ..I I — - - - * *•* li,* <l. *'iu..1c I" C'<u»fy, ri waters ti | —. ANIF.I. SIIIVK11 »*",'.f’tlii’*'"-univ,V^uiFlW ' vl " 1 , ' 11 ff 1 *?***" I JL/for. Bryan B*q. aro«n(UI»,i«3 j’ti ir. • 1 :\ » rt r > ed, adj ; b -injf J ‘Hies I ei * * I unci, I o.d, abtnit 4 leet ti niches higlv, w itii a w hite str «nk 'I ill nm 1 ’■ 11 *■-*.’fi and -tlifiis, containing nnt I on l.ur lace, a uatund tr,.tte.—(fj|»ruisfid to 10 I.nri'ri.l acres, mule or l-n. Alto two un.livid liars. NEILL MLNl’OE, c. t. c» Abi'iU.ui Ti ant liatn, thence N.35, W.5«hains i,! links to a stake 3 y. corner of house lot, tlit iice S 35, IT 3 chains, to a corner post on the side of the street, S. 55, W. 6 chains 34 links to a stake 3 'S. on the side of an alley near’s oil home, thence N. 311, \V 3 chains lo an "Id [tine stump 3 55 in the cdjje of nn old field, thence S. 5.5, \V. 3 chains 60 I nks to stake 3 H or old slump 3 X thence H. 35, E .1 chains 7U links to a shake 3 X nn the ed^e of the st«. u* hetwun N. Holley's and G. W, Siuith’s, thence soutiffi, W. 10 chains 31) links, to a dead 3 -5, near where the creek is ditched, thence up with the meanders of .aid crc. It, II) < Inins to W. O. 3 y. on tho 3. VV. l ank of said creek, tll-iico fimitli 3H, W. 3 > . li iim to VV. O 3 'y* of suit Lik. I* >’s tract, thence N 55, I. 40chains to a 3 X thcucti S. 35, I*.. 49 chains 50 links, totlie li-t-i lining s,ake i X, including one hundred and miiety-h nr acres, mure or less. Also one ot tier tract or arc-1 ul land in said county, nn the waters of Hiephcns’s creclr, ud juiti, / Wils-u’s land, hr'■ i mug ot u [- in* cor ner ami running fvhith 60, I.. J.5 ch. to a red oak, tlx nen *5. 70, VV, Uchs. 1" a pine, thence S. 00 K. 3G chs. -.o a st .he. tlicn. e N 7 5, I" 26 ch. tn a red oak, tl • n i N. 40 W. cl, t.< a pin-, thence N 5'h li. l g dig, to a dog wood, thence totlie I,eg lining conitr, containing one hundred and ten accs, more or less. Also one other t:act nr paged ot land, beginning nt a Jailor. *i 1 —i —' • 11, east ol id principal -ncri 10, tl, 12 and 13, in ranges 1J, 13 k. 14, Wes! of id . do. At the same place, on the 1st Monday in Oc tober nexi, icr the s.le of Townships 11 15, 10 and 17, in ranges 9, 10, (i 11, cast of 3d print ipai meridian line 14,15, 1G ami 17, in ranges 12, 13, a"d 14 wi at of 2d do. At the same place, on the first Monday in N'o- veinh * -at, lor tl„ sale of -TpN Dublin, 1 mrens Touii'y, will l*c •oal ooil.e I fir»t Tues.1 iv in Ortoh. i nest, all tlic real es- Wol'Jalm G.' Underwood, derhi. Terms made Vjiown on the dav ol sale. , W JOHN J. UNDERWOOD, Vdnn. Diil.lin, August lli _ 44 -nls. I*' 1 CvrrTmis Ol tier of i ir court of urdina- of Greene county, wail he sol-', to tho high- , ,h fiid.l-r, in *.ln tow n ,»l Ma-u--n iMoi \ .*i counts. : ,,tl,er not- t on tho fin>t Ttiesdiv in O-toh. r n-a'. a hotiso | )V James Gi* hpiiinvinir to tho estate of I hum as I sundry oth, , . a„y Other person hut lliis d, pnnent. t.-,!,-. TUU.itA3 t. ruainu, \umi. • A. II Cl August fi 1 '.'3* \ l"71LL 11 ; soldi< lFinUydu 2’itu Sent nh-r Vl next, at the. widow* iVt'Lendon's, (Putnam Tuni s County. TAnR^ONHLY appi rrtllwu.H nm, Abiuhmn I'll. 1 Ixa'nul. who litLi" July swnri', <1« , •‘•'•’ii vumI Haitliy th'K o» Frfflav ili«* I2ih of July, lo I ) i -1 »t rod moroccopt • b ,, i book, alor nrnrl apt. Nloort”*, on tlm pine* rid, *' in assies county^ in w hich Book there was about .If clollain in bills, and Krveral , _ . hdI' s of h iid. note for S 1<J0, tkii d 7th March, 18, 19, ar.u 20 in r>ng»* l'2, V Vance lo this d pom nt. Ona I’l ir for 12 oolla „ u ,.„ bv ^imiJ'1 D. Sjc.vatt, to John C!i ipprl, due ')ih of December, 1wk ,, k dam not rncolVeted, and 12 dollnin or thercabouU, given date not. rccolloctcd, tot;Hh*r tli vt can lie of no valm to or ariclcs los': -that fur h H 'un * r Kuna left in fbr: y - s' «si* n of the United StaU*, or of an ot- fji cr ilxi-rpof, lb* re will bo required tl*c teriifi r .t - of the■ officer of the Un ted States, under vvho'-e charge, or t/> wlv. m the s.;tn*» vvu?, or were left, or deliver..d, proving ‘he fac*., und t!, value of mu h ruii, or gum.: that every cl i e must bo nccompuoicd by a d p oi'ciou of Ike claimant, t.d u ' that he has not receiv' d f orr v j (sflict r, or a^e/xt of the United Si te?, „ . oo i 01 • n arv hs>rfic, or hor?et, cquippacc, eun l orgun‘* 1 roivnd.ij-s 18,19, 20 and 21, in ranges 9, JO, , ? ( . ; m8y , 1K>) j„ ( ,} tUt h „ „ n a ed third parts of one o'her hundred acres ol jai.d, tii ire orl'jss, I , in/; on the w att is of 8lf pheipon’s m i k, bo ,i,ded h; Anffy W dlitiin’s, Jrinc? I’er- relFs 4c Os hers Also one ntht r tfsurl or parcel, s tuate in 1 *i<l con .ty, cuntniniiu; one tlnrd part of two huodr*. d acre'*, mure or less, lying on Sb pbtn-» *ti « reek, r nunoniy known as part of the mill tract, adj imn^.laiii's 'Terr# II and others—all which said Sever A lois, trai ts or pn; :el« oi land was mortgaged ns aforesaid to s i nre the pavments of two notes of hand or single b M: V hearint; equal «late with - id morl- ir tge and due t*vo years after date thereof, one for the ; mount often thousand seven f.uudred dollars, the other for the sum of sixteen hundred and twelve dollars, and interest on sai l notes or land:—Whereupon, on motion of Cicero Molt, attorney fur ‘he petitioner, it is ord» red, that tin; principal, interest and cost now due on said montage, be months from this <bi e, otherwise the equity of J redemption in aud ‘o lhe said mortgaged pre mise*, will he irom thcncelorih idrtver barred A: foreclosed; and oilier pr* ceedings take place thereon, according to the statute in such case made ami provided—And it •• fur'her ordered, 41- August in \ 3 ASONIC SO l irK.— \t ii u vular meeting ;fl of Lodge Stith, No. 4, in Sparta, on thu l.Mli instuut, Thomas IJ Kenilalt wa* (amn.mav^y •xpe Ih’d from said L<*dje for conduct highly rc> prclicUbihlc and uiimaaonic. i’ublihiird hv order of die Lodrc. JOHN ABERCROMBIE, Wry. Lodge Suth, No.4, Aag. ld,.*>Ht v 2. August 19 45-i - 8r The editors of the Georgia Journal and *\iV. Monary arv hpeeially ic.ipitHiecl to give, ibin notice 3 i’.ivci tions in th«’ir papem, aniff all otht - i-d'ltxirg friendly to the Masouic L««;r*.tulion,throughout '.lid United States are respectfully solicited to g ve it u pluee in their papers. J. A. 011N II. WRIGHT inf inns his fritnls Nr.** Hit' jiultlic, that hr h < tn .m that writ /.nou n tfr. . i iitltly occupied by Samuel Taut, 27 miles fom Augusta, tn the rood hading to MiUuigi«i/J,\ Jle ... ' • 1 into #, ourt within two lve \fprtnUe, and ile.iyipfrn f iring rooms uithjirephicfj. . . - iheacco—•• *■* *'— J,1 ‘ J of Jjmiiiei. ■g-. ,■ - ■ - - Trolling, Trotlin, 'Trotlino.—Th- pre.-.t Trotting viukh which li.-is 1-tolv iroit.jd j n alui'ixi every ne wspaper fioni Wiiine lo Gi or- gia, remiinls us ol .Vlonsu ur Trouin. a that a o. y of this rule he published in on. 4 of (gn merchant, who having amassed a Imre 'he pu !i- gazett-s ol Ihis staL*, ut lean once- Imiune, took it into his head to trot Ihroupli -very m"nih until the tiincappoii tr dforpayiueni \ t | le tV0 rid. This however, lie was unable to 18 rio do ijfe Pvvorn to, and subsciibed brio Au-u.t, 1 IIAPPF.LL. Die, this 1 Hi ii of A>unt.*1par« of Hi- prnpm-ty bel..n ;ie,- to Art-mated' Demin Ml. id til. del'd, roii-i-U'T of, rank- and hogs, several good featlicr T.r-i-, liouholdaiidkinlicu fuiiiimrc, tarriniijuteii- ji’H, one nieo shot gun, Szc. Sze. He lll^sold !or thc* tjc-nvlit ot the lioiis and creditor* of sni.ldcc- ed. Twelve months. reditfor nil stuns over live dollai -, in. ill notes and approved .' entity. J ih 7,1 ids I.Oi ill- VRN. ndin’i*. I ” N Gwi.imu conn:*.*, nt the liou - of Deninse, Perl.erson, on tin lllh e'-in-uiber n-M, will he sold me |- i onal projwly or B ..* >> Porkeison, pon-isting oi s WI_n anil 4 l...r-. c.iltlc, liou- ♦ old funiit. ***. •*- v. 1 ’..mli - • «t d ■ l)l-MI'31iV TJUlhiJ-I':TVv Vdm’r. JOSEPH DAV, J. I r. All p-rsons are hereby cautioned a-aiusi n ..ling for file alKjVr.lescnned jmpers, and die makers of Slid notes ft..m paying tiw amount to any other per- MVl but pi . ■‘■'•f- Any infurtiiation < ancc-niins: the said pocket book, or cuotuts, will bo thankfully received. „ A* ’*■ ' • A*.i-r:o_ A tjTIC'lh S*'■■■ -are r- ht»nre of I me tVi). \ bam ioii. d-cr >-ed. in Ja«;.-r county, -.x i!I be sold on the lir=t hitu.dnv in October nexi, all tlm orison .1 proper", of said deeensrxl, consi-tine of , Cml-, IL- Il.iu ohold and K.tebcn far- ni'ur- . taa-.iiag ul-u-d*. with a number of oilier «r* tick- too tedious to mention. Tel ins '4sale nude known oitt::*: d ? AftUN IvjLJJAMfi, Ex'fir- and 11 cast .it 3d principal meridian Ini* 10,19, 20 anil 21, m ranges I i aud 14 «. -l ol 2d principal meridian line (in. 11, do. 17. 18, 19 and 20 10, tlo. At i.o L 'ld Uiliee for ih Nor'h n diltrl# bmir ana, : the M«n of Onackitu, on tbe nut Monday -n November t ex', for tl.e isle ol lowr.ibipi IS. I6, 17 J, 4 5. w. st ol th': nuri« ; iali tit <- ■ At the I.* ud Olliceat the 3. at r,.' Juvice i.f tbv • n . .1, Indep-nd-'-co. ill th- Arknr.v a t-rriltu ry, ( r lh-; *-.i'o .t su-Vi Isn-i. of the L'nii-:d Si-ua . ii - d in tho Til lo*. i describ'd town* ihipi .ad ran*'Ct, ami whicn h.n: been excluded • .a tin* loll-. -. of lhe lands ippr-iprialed I -.* ant* „l iiig .i-ri t k»r military sei vic.-a, viz i Via iii- ii. 4 Monday i-i Angust next, for the ,.le of inch ol the aftnvt t'.- scribed Is, ,i; m are si* - ua --'I in the I'-Uo-vait; townships and ran; -«, »h Townships 1 2 3 4 5/ 8 9 mel-0 in-.nge I ,ei»' ' tbe 5lii men liat li l*3 4 5 rr,dr. g ,do 1 t 3 4 5 f. 1 ( and 9 3 do l *J II) 11 li 1-1 nod 11 4 do 18 5 do 12.19131115 ISIOkrSD | westd-i On theh.V in September next, lor the . •• h ab-i«-dejcnbed In dt at are si- th- Iclj'- Iig tqfwhipa »jnl fjPftj: hv. .- l».t or any c«>m;'fii"*aiitn for the raun and Gy proof that the rlaimaul is 'lie idan'icul person who sustaiund the loss/ mi 1 - all ev idence, except the CM '.iftcatea of otticbera who at 'he '.in- "I giving 'hen atrt* in th- til lit ext J service of tho United States limit lit- sworn to before s-sma judge, juslice of tjiti psaos. nr other pcs - - duly authorized to udiu't-U'er d 19, in'ranges 1, C, oati.s, and of which nuvfi'y proof sliould uc- Coini.uoy the evido. ct- TETER HAGNEH, Au ditor. JuncIS -It >2t or served on tl.u niort), igor or his sp-ecial aj<-nt ; at six months p.evtt-JS to the tufte 'lie mo ney ia directed to he paid. Cicero IhU, Petitioner's AU*y. Taken from the ' iuuU a. Afmfie'.d I! Pni/nc, Cl’k. Clerk’s Qlijce, Sepi, ji, 1321. 50-ml2m . tOMETUlNG UKbiltixGLi.—An Atlo.ney •$ at l.stv, of rcIpt-Bla^l qn.-diticxtions, Wlnj accomplish tvjihout many metnmoiphoses, In .Norm.nidy, lie became Le Sieur Tro'tin- niie—Brittany hailed lumas L* Chevalier Knrtrutiin—Tassing over into Wain h B l- e - canio Sir Ap Trotin—England knew him |,y the appellation of Squire Trotin—In Scot- I mil, he v,*ai christened M’Ttottjn, ami in Ireland O’Ttottin—II-could not visit Hol- MittTAav & OswiutAr. Acestct, ) “ ll'ut/iin:;lon CVy, Jlhy 30, 182'* J C f jj'*Hl foregoins notice tr*m 'lie Third Audi I tor’s ()Hi-fi, rpeuirrs the docUfliet''«e"»s'i-. , tu-intr r|:.;.,is to lie to that «,ifir C ; ! ««•«*, and sundry other aritclvs too tedious to mcu. * , i ■ , i - - uuu. lc-rtus made known on th- cuv ol sa'- k the subscriber in tfintbring hi 11 *ei vices as agent . DAVID GRAHAM to the rlajnnnts, begs lc&yo to inform 'b-m that j Twiggs county. Aug. 27. tdi ' *]V 0 W iii Hancock jail, an African negro man by die iiaim- of Julm. 23 or 4 yours old, ft f-et 4 5 inches high, lmd an iron around hi- right wTshfj to wttlc himself Tfs a very" ho:d hy and 1 l"" 1 ! bimughis ears saluted with the ti'pqh-ui county, vU.i j-f '■ i-isy immeilnii- Iv get ( "Rllle ol > an lrottin Ciermany received i -its- -d x p.* stive u aouot y sflVirds, |-d> hint as the culolintted traveller Trottingherg ; vi'led he can . vtmoc a nil cap'-tal in tin. pur - Jrt Spain he was honored with liio title Z( vli.te of a hu ■'.Ufw . * idciice, may hear « ' jj ()u p,ottinez -In Italy with that of Sienot b». ? .«*..« ^ t.raoiiae, provided rfsale c»u be insde. W#" H'"-”'’ ri'"»"koff—alter other peregrin- /tins u S7—tf i stions aiitl variations, ha readied China, ''[VrOi lCi: —Will he sold oiTs.mjrthty' the iq.j, where be dtatl Trotlin fou-^s. « Trotlin \ of Oolober nest, at tlic late rosidouon of Cioo. PM(l.J—[VO%ly lomplltT. Si'K. giicy, d-ccascd, all tin: personal property of I —■ said doce.i .oil, coii'ivting of horse s cows, bogs, and a power of attorney to act for 'hew, may tn seat bv mail to h-m- He avails hiruse’f ol 'h-s c.c asin.i to rt pi it, that ail bu«inei«, --lie'herLf a land hr agency nnttire. Including Hie paym-nt ol taxes in th- different stal-s. c ntinu-s lo be t at. - 1* -1 with th.) si.m- aci 1 and pr- inptitude, a it i:;.i li i smce tins 9lh of J tme, ISti. .-li Jusi.tiA IliiCon. el : when takch, sat s he belongs to John Wilkinson ol black Swamp, South Carolina. The own-, is rt-iiucsted to prove property, pay dlisreev and take i,im away. JU',12 M SCOTT, Sheriff. A. report iws been circulated abroad that this place w*",9 sickly at thistitnu nf t|-,p vear. W« do not know how and from what smucu this i..port originated ; it.era has not been a single death since the beginning nf:he w'.irnt season. Never lias the town ofWashington been so healthy ; there is not a rase offerer at prasent The last death happened some time ago, it was occasionsdTvy habitual in t9xica*ion, and the nun died suddenly. lf\:thingtop <Vrvs