The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, October 21, 1823, Image 1

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<•* 4i (Tj^tfUE GEORf'.U JOURNAL i% ptihlolird weekly, at the corner of Wayne and Hancock Streets, -it Three Dollars |H?r aim. in ad- rance, or Four Dollars xx the end of the year. The paper will not Ik* tent to any person out of the State. until the subscription is paiu in advance, or satisfactory reference piven. Advertisements inserted at the usual rates. N. B. Sales of land and negroes, by Administra tors, Rjtecutors, or Guardians, are required, by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in tiie month, be tween the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the court house of the county in which the property is situate.—Notice of these sales must be given in a public gazette SIXTY days pre vious to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of personal property must he given n like manner, FOH.TY days previous to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of ail estate Must i>e published for FORTY days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinaiy for leave to sell land, must be publish ed for NINE MONTHS. All business of this kind continues to receive prompt attention at the office of the Georgia Jvur- yial. Baggins Twine. O NE Bale BAGGING TWINE just re ceivctl and for sale bv v JOHN T.' ROWLAND, Oijt 14—tf. Carter &. li* km's louipi n w \ B AOS COTTON \ J" J vv uited immedi ately, by FOARD b MALONE. Gt 31 llats, Boots, ami Shoes. iZVie Subscribers hare just receiv'd, ami offer for tide, at low prices, A CASES Gentlemen's Oval Crown H ATS * -y 2 do do Wide Brim do I do Wool do 21’ks Morocco and Calf Wellington BOOTS 1 do do do SHOES 2 do Ladies Morocco SLIPPERS and Walking SHOES 1 do do Denmark Satteen and Prunel la SHOES BURTON HEPBURN b CO. Sept 23 1 '%<> Country IVlercliaoU. r III IE subscriber lias received by the shi| | South-Boatou, from Liverpool, a bug*, assortment of F ALL ami V\ INTER Of his own selection, all of which lie offers lor sale on the most accommodating terms. AMONG THEM ARE, GRUNDY’S blue and white Plains Red and white Flannels^ Blankets Cl nils ; C t-Vnnt-res j \\ aistcoatin*; 1 Ios icy ; Boiubazetts; Union Stripes Cambrics ; Linens HARDWARE; CROCKERY, Isa-, tve, —ALSO— Best 42-inch Baltic Hem, COTTON BAG- C1XG. GEORGE BELCH, No. 3, Gibbons’ building. Savannah, Oct. 7. 12vv ‘ University or Ukokoia, ) Alliens, Octobor 7, 1623. ) In compliance wiih a resoluiion ol ilie Senatus Aca.lemicus of 11120, the Pres ident of the University of Georgia re quests (he Senators elect, for the next General Assembly, to make a report ol the state nntl condition, of the Aeatle lilies in tlie several counties which they represent. The report to be made to the Scnatns Acadeinicns, which will convcnejon the id Monday iu November next. By oitler. ASBURY HULL, Sec. U». Geo. O* Editors* of newspapers through out the state who are friendly to the in terests of literature, "ill please give (he above one or two insertions. A. II. VV \ RE HOUSE «\vu\ YVvAluvg Rusiuess. • | HIE undersigned informs his friends and *_ the public, that he has rented the Ware Houses at this place, and that they will imme diate!) be put in complete order for the recep tion of produce Every convenience will lie attached to them calculated to facilitate ilic tiansaction of buoiucss, and every accommo dation iu his power will be afforded to those who may favor him with their custom. lie will have too first rale netc Routs, carrying about four hundred bugs each, in readiness to start by the lath of November, which lie will nil during the boating season; and lie will make renaouable advances on cotton shipped bv them. JOHN T. ROWLAND. Milledgev ille, Sept 16 if. -—■■//) Commission Business. MACKENZIE V PONCE (ill. their services to Country Merchants Sill and Planters in the STORAGE and ~ ;| COMMISSION BUSINESS: their \\ are House at Augusta is now complete repair. Their customers may rely on ’heir constuut attention and best endeavors in making sales and purchases. A supply of Bag ging, Salt, Iron, Sugar, Coffee, i;c. will be kept at the Ware House for sale. Augusta, Sept. 0U THE undersigned, having rented an exten sive range of fire-proof Stores on Johnston's wharf iu Savannah, will devote their attention exclusively to Factorage and Commission Bu siness. They will be thankful to their friends and acquaintances iu the interior of Georgia and Soutli Carolina for consignments of Cot- i.n, forwarding Goods, tee. PONCfc te MACKENZIE. Savannah, Sept 30 2m .>2 C. KUL4KY CO. SAVANNAH, 4 R® now receiving their Fall supplies,con J. JL listing of a great variety of BRITISH, i*BENCH, INDIA, GERMAN, and AME RICAN AMOSO WHICH, ABE THE FOLLOWING : Black Canton Crapes ; Blk Nankin do Crape Roto* ; Black Sinclicws India Levantines; Flag Handkerchiefs Fancy Vestings ; Figured Silks Rich figured Ribbons ; Silk and Kid Gloves Dogskin do.; a great variety of Fancy Hdkfs. Figured Kaiinetts ; Super bine and blk Clothe Super blue and black (\issi meres Irish Linen and Diapers Red, white, and green Flannels Common and superfine Calicoes Steam Loom Shirting ; Brown do Domestic Plaids; Black and mist Saliuetts Caroline Pi.lids ; Point and DuOie Blankets Flushings and Bai/.es ; Cravats, ('anilines, tec. All of which are ottered for sale for cash or Approved paper. Savannah, Oct. 7. oiv 1 Colton B.-tsgiitg, <Sfc. B EST quality 42 inch Wide Baltic Hemp Cotton Bagging, received per ship Kiuiiy j ist arrived from Liveipool. •il.SO Assorted Iron, Crockery, Glass Ware, London Porter in quart and pint bottles, areoffeied for sale by the subscribers on ac commodating terms ; and by the ships South Boston and Uglethorjyi, now on their way from England, and expected iu all this month, they will receive their u-unl assortment of IVuollens uiul other Itnj (roods, Suitable for the present and approaching sea- Kolis, which with those now on hand, will make .. their slock very extensile and comolcle. ANDREW LOW m CO. Sax...pnah, Sept. 16 7w.*.J7 30 J.WUilMUODA Tl ON ANl) MAIL STAGE. 'J 11E subscriber hnv ing purt Imscd Mr. Knox’s contract from viilletlgeviHe to the ‘Creek Ageney, will run u stage txviec a xveek, regulaily. from Mil- lcdgexille, bv Clinton, to Macon 1 le pledges himself to afford every facility for the comfort and accommodation of passengers. 1 be stage will leave Milledgexille cxery Tuesday and fVaturday at 12 o’< lock, a. m. mid 1 arrive at Macon at 7o’clock, p. m. Leave Macon eve- ly Sunday and Thursday at 6 o'clock, a. m. xuularrixe at Millcdgexille at 6 o’clock, v. m. Jt.iU s of fare, leu cents per mile. R. 11. L. BUCHANAN. Oct. 11. if. 2 A Stagi-, Driver wanted. rglJJE subscriber wishes to employ a sober JL and honest man, xvlio understands the Jiidtiagemeut of horses, to driven mail stage. He will Wive liberal wages. Application must l)c made immediate!'!. K. H. 1. BUCHANAN. Oct. 14. tf 2 WARE-H0U8K And Commission Business THE subscribers renew the offer of their services in the Storage and g Commission business to their L ‘tends Hlj i'idthe public generally. Their iVove-Hottses ate in good order Ibr i in* reception and secui ity of Cotton and Goods, and they promise unremitting attention to all tut linens confided to tjieii care They hare for Sale on Consign went. 3 hlids and 20 biffs Sugar—43 bags Coffee 30 casks Cut Nails—70 casks Lime I hlids Onions—12 boxes Cheese Inverness and Kentucky Cotton Bagging ‘J bales 3-1 Brown Shirting—5 hlids Bacon On the River, anil expected hourly. . r >0 biffs Northern Gin 30 do do Knui 30 do No. 3 nexv Mnckarel 30 casks Cut Nails—I hlids Sugar A SLAUGHTER te C. LABUZAN. Sept 23 61 31 Tay hiring. Fill IE subscriber has again commenced the JL above bushiest* in Eatonton at his old atand near Hudson's corner. He teris thank- lal for p int favors, and hopes to merit a return of public patronage. CLOTHES shall be made neat, fashionable and cheap at my shop. A|r. Wm. Barnes will •attend to my business in my absence : he lias been instructed by me for seven years—is a ifood workman and worthy ot public confi dence. WILLIAM TOXEY. Oct 14 4t‘ 2 The (jrmi^lionr liaccs W l LL commence on Mnmlav die lClh day of November next, lire lor any nag in 4he United States. The Dt dnv, 3 mile heats, for a purse of S^ 10 * The 2d day, 2 mile heats, for a purse ol tf 200. The 3d day, lor the entrance and other sur plus moneys. Oct 11— It Notice. V LL persons nre licreby esntioned not to trad(! lord certain note of hand given hy (he ruln-ttriiiers to Win. Howaid, foi'^18 and 4 cents, dated :tl»t Januarv, 182d, and payable <UC 1st day ul January 1821, as it was given lot ii lot of corn bought of said Howard, but the aubscribers never received any part ol said torn, and therefore raunnl pay any part ol •said note unlea* compelled by lavv. WILLI \M DREW ,Or» 14^71 BVNN 1 jtuitl for S ilt-. -Jo.7ii, ill ilie 2d dist Henry county 1D9, 3ili do do 2:11, 3lli do <lo 33, 6:!i do do 1118, fill, do do 9), 7th do do 2;;*.), ffUi do do 38, lOili (lo .!>. fill, 12.1. .hi do 11)4, i ith .lo do 278, l.lth do do 280, I filli do do Id, TrIi do Monroe c«»iii!t\ 13(1, 3.1 do do 132, Sill do do IDS, Dili do do 20, 2d do Houston count* i j, 7.1. do do 183, 7i!i do do 238, l.llll (In do 142, Mill do do 97, Lalli do do in, lfilli do do 8, 7th do Fiivetu* county \>, Mil. do (lo 26, 7ili do Gwim.ettconniv 2.‘!9, fiili do Earlv couniv 303, 2fii)i do. <lo 17. fitli do Dooly comity ms, >q*|)1 to J \mf.s Buz MAN. E-(J. Ig.'V till;, >r the stifiscribc , who w ill Macon until the ot Nu\einljc*r ansun kiu JERLV. . 8cpy 1 fir F.DGARVS INN, ‘It the Sign of the Engle, Columbia, 5. C. THE public sue informed thnt the subscriber’s LARGE NEW jjl BRICK HOUSE is ready for the i ■ | reception of company. He can now accommodate those who may t all on him in superior style. His table xxill he spread with the best productions of the land, and his charges arcinuderate. ADAM EDGAR. Oct. 7. tf. 1 House of Entertainment. Big Corn, fat hogs,and long peas, Call in gentlemen, call in it you please; At the same place and on the same ground, Where Union, Equality, will always abound. There I can be found, til the old stand, Ready to attend to all gentlemen s command. The critic may laugh and perhaps replv, But 1 still live at home, and xvliat care I, Since there’s well competition, I’ll quit my rhymes, I’ll govern my price by Hie hardnes of times. SOME of my rooms being incom moded by smoke, from its beinit uu- | • |jt| der the house, I have removed my [ifflvl kitchen entirely apart from th«* dwelling in the back yard, xvher • finch evil cannot be. I am supplied xxith all the necessaries suitable to my business, that the country affords, and will lliafik my friends to give me a cull, and as ttie walk lias been ve ry mnddv heretofore in bad weather, I have gravelled it as far as iny neighbor Downer’s corner, where wo iutersert, aiftl lie has don* so from there to the public steps. Also, I wish to notify that the Bridge across Fishing creek, on the road from Holt’s ferry to town, is in complete order, so that my friends can get to my without having io go all rounutown to cross the creek. SAMUEL BUFFINGTON. Oct. 7. 3t !. Athens Hotel. THE subscriber takes this meth od to inform the public generally,and ft 1..HJ particularly persons Irani the low J'^Qj country, who may v isit the up coun try in pursuit of health or pleasure, that he will accommodate gentlemen and la dies, or families, with board bv the. day, xveek, or month, on easy terms. Nothing need be said in recommendation of Alliens, either in regard to the liealtliliilness of the place, sain bi tty of nimospheft', or agreeable and pleasant society; in all those particulars it stands pre eminent. v The following will lie the rates of charging viz. Man and Horse, per day, £1 73 “ lt “ per week, 1 30 u <( month, I 25 Single man, per day, 1 00 i( week, 3 00 il month, lu (HI Dinner, breakfast, supper, &.C-. 37 1-2 Lodging,- 12 1-2 11 oise, per day, 73 “ night, 50 11 month, 12 00 Children and servants, half price. Sept23 GEORGE HAYES. \Lj‘ The Editors of the Augusta Chronic le and Savannah Republican, are requested to give the above two insertion* a month, nnt»l the 1st July next, and forward their accounts to Athens. Land for Sale. f OT No. 12, iii the 1 I'll dist Monroje coun- ty—lot No. 133, in the 12tli dist Henry 'aunty—lot No. 3‘2'J, in the 20th dist Early couutv. Unquestionable titles will be made. Apply to NATHANIEL ASHLEY. 'i eitair co. ju'y 22 3m 'fci For Sale, V PLANTATION in the state of Missis sippi, situated on the Bavon f'ierre, two miles below tht; Giindstone ford, und five from the town ol''Gibson Port. It contains about 1 '.ISO acres, nearly the whole of fir&t rate quality, both for Cotton and Corn-*400 acres are cleared, and now under good fence and cultivation—a pasture of 500 acres is also inclosed. A person doiroun of farming in Cotton to large interest, would find this estate worth) of attention, as two-thirds of the laud is quite le vel, not subject to an overflow, and does no wash and wear out like most of the upland In the Mississippi state. Ii is exceeding!) xxell watered am! timbered, and lias produced 1600 lbs. clean cotton to each picker. It has on it a small new Dwelling Ilon^, verx superior Corn House ami Stables* a Cot ton Gin, a new Grist Mill, Corn Cracker and Smoke House, and Cabin* for Ot) nogioc most of them liatued and quite new. A good stock of Ho. -cs, Cattle, Hogs, and farming utensils, may be had with the planta tion, and if the purchaser should wish, from 20 to 30 negroes. Application to be made to DOUGLASS iw SORREL, Sax nnnnh; or GEORGE ROBERTSON, Sept 2—Cxv South wood Lodge, Natchez Notice. 1 AHE co-partnership of P. II. ROGERS CD. having some time .since div»o!wd and the parties about to leave the couttli), the note*, accounts, Uc. will be left at the slot John Nisbet of Eatonton, until the lit of Fe bruary, when fiiich'aa are then unpaid xxill he placed iu tiie hands of officer* to collect with out respect to persons. E itonton, Oct 7 eoullJ 2 X OW in the jail of Hancock county, a lie 2.^1 gro man about 40 years of age,* name ol SAN |)\ , who *nxs lie belone* to .Mr John Lange of Henry county, Geo. Tin t er is requested to come »uid prove Ins properly, and take it jtww. D-! 7 #. W. SCOTT. Sheriff BD A til) DG iJ till HE THE subscriber can accomnio- date ten or fifteen boarders during i ■ a j the approaching session of the Le- | R M J gisl itnre Her house stands im- hemkm* ncdiatcly opposite the Court-House on Wilkinson street, is entirelx new, large, airy and convenient. She. hopes to give entire s.i- tisf.iction to all who max favor her with theii ompanv. ELIZA AI.LEN. Oct. 1. tf. 1 Coffee House-. The subscriber resper tfully inform* liis liittnds, and the public generally, tint he lias made considerable im provements at the stand he occupies u tiie oast side of the Slate House—the houses are in complete repair, and the rooms in good order. Suppliesol the best liquors and w ines w ill be afforded to customers at the loxv- Mcinbtr* of the Legislature qf o- tltei gentlemen can be accommodated with sin gle rooms separate, or with large rooms in lobs, with fire-places in them. Having a tint within a mile of tpxvn, excellent pastur age for Imrs/Bb xx ill be afforded. A dry walk lied, from his door to tlio State House Square, xxill be made, to avoid the inconven ience which the red tuud peculiar to this place itlu-r a I for 11*. Every exertion will be made lo render those comfortable who max dl on him - He. pledges himself that a frailtv peculiar to lmnself shall not occur. JOHN DOWNER. Millcdgeville, Sept. 16 Uxv 50 Kariner^ Hotel. * fi Ml E subscriber foelsgratcful foi >■ fi the patronage heretofore rccei- | j Ji uj x^il from the nnblu. in his line. H» C Q 5 j has recently'hud his hou*c c.onsjd- *7ViXLtaierably altei ed for the comfort those who max favor hint with their company. His bar is well furnished, and his stahlrs not lied by anv in the up-country. He hopes, from ids alte •% on to thr comfort of bis guests, to receive a T. bora I share of public patronage. iM. D. HUSON. Milledgeville, June. 17 37 List of i Hi inclining in the Post Offer, at Mil- Udgcville on the lsf of Ocl. 1323. A—l Atkins. B—John G. bctl, Moselv Brenster, Richard A- Blount, Mark M Blown, Satmiel J. Bryan, 5, Uriah H. Bivins, M Caggy BUickwell, Sarah Brown, W illiam P. Brown, 'TlMHnas liarrou, Hector Bud, Samuel Beckham, olm brown, Williiim Biockman, John W. Bridges, Archi bald Barlow, Eli Bitmap, Daniel Bae. C—Daniel P. Culpepper, John J. Culpep per, Janies \V. Cotton, Cook, John Carter, Simon Carter, Isaiah Chapman, Jehu Calloway, William Castelloxvy, Stephens Cle ments, Robert M. Carter, 2, Ailing Coker, Jesse Cox, John (’at nochan. Phoebe Cadle. Tims Castleberry, Francis Catcbtags, Chapel G. Chandler) John Cain. D—Virlinda Davis, Joel Davis, Abner Da vis,,)——■*\V. L. Daniel, Francis B. Dickiu- st>n, William Duiisoo, 3, Ann Dent, James D)kes, John F. Dawson, John Dawson, 3, Daniel C. Davis. ^ E—Pilot II. Edwards, Andrew Elliott, .las Ellison. Jacob l'.tlxxat ds, Peter M Encjhering. F—\V Fiasi-r, Roling Faulkner, Jo seph L.-Fletchor, Mfti-tl Few. F* John M. Gary, Rhodam A. Greene, Samuel R. Gipson, Simeon M. Goodwin, John Goodwin, Gordon 4a.fverson, DaVul 1*. Gar- ratt, 2, R A. Golding, Geoige Gieer, Eleanor Golding, Samuel Greenlee. H—John M. Hal), Edward Hall, Rebecca Hudson, Edmond Horton, J no. Hatcher, Sam uel Ilix, W illinin C. Iltiniphrcys. J AUey Jack son, Absalom Joiner, Elijah Jewett, Archibald Jackson, Ambrose Joucs, Eli Johns, 2. W illinni Johnson. K—John King, Francis Kalchings. L Lttus Low, L— Loan, William Lis ter, John Lester, J. E. Lester, Richard Lingo, William J. Liewu. M—James McMurrav, George Micklejohn, Nuni'v Milborn, Bartlett 31’Crary, Daniel Massey, William .Mill*, Daniel Miflh-i, Good win My rick, Neal Mosey, John A. Miller, Eli zabeth Murphev, John .Miller, Chatb s Miller, Francis Mercier, John M'Dounld, Peter Mc- Eacheren, Eliza iM. Mchonc, Thomas Miller. James 11. Marlin, Robcit M’Ciinty, Susan Minor. N—A—-—L. Nichols,3, John Nenvs, Ma ry Nichols, Joseph D. Nichols, John M. Ncs- bit. P—John Pride. 2, James Perry, J. 1). Par ker, Samuel A. Pluniinei , Catharine Peac«-,2, George H. Patillo, 2, Jaim s Pendarry, Pey ton'I. Pitts, John Pitts, John Prise, Ann *J. Pace, Jesse Proctor, Jane Pointdcxter, Ashley Parker. Q—Silas 0. Quinn. Ii—J Keitl, John Rutherford, flituin Rees, William C. Redding, C anon Rogers, Risdou Rincs, William Robison, 4, Caihmiue Rhodes, \Y D. Ray, Rolling Kt-dding, John Ii Rcnfroe, A B. Ridley, W. R chard- son, James Rogcrson. S—Joint Sh. ip, Mary Smith, John R. Scott. Joseph h smith, Peter Sandcison, Lew a •mill), Jo in R. Smith, Jo*epii R. Sarsnett, John 5nei;d, John Stapler, John B. Spencei, William bcut lock, Sus .imali Simpson, Patrick Sheeham, Sherrod Siieflietd, \\i.liatn Stewart 1—James- Troup, Richard 'Terry, Kbjuh laiber. William ’i'errx, Henry C. Turner, J. M. Taylor, Thomas A. Trice, John Thoiuj)- son. I!—Jcruslia Fsher. \’—Levy Yollentino, James Vesey. W—W. B. W t ax , John Wilson, George f». Wheeler, John \Vilkison, William L, W ade, Alary Welsh, Richard Walker, James Wilson, 2, Eliza W eit her.George Wynn, W illis, Wood, John W .usem, W iHiam Wooilliel. Y—Tlioinas Yanants, Henry Yottgr. Persons wishing letters ftotn the above lift, w ill please a*k for advertised letters. THO. M. BRADFORD, P. M. Get. 7. 3t 1 A List of Letters Remaining in Ike Post-Office ot Madi 8on y Geo. on tJ.c 1st of Ociohtr, Iff 23 A—James Alexander, Nathan Aldridge, Win. Anglin, Mary Allen, Guaidian, Sterling Ammons, Wm. «.v. Stephen AnduM-n, Mat- tin xv Amheison B—James Butler, John Butler, RufusBrown, James Barcfiekl, John W. Bar knell, John Bat ton, Nathan Br>-sot, Btoxxn,Joi- dan Biooks, Jesse Brantley, 1 homes J. Bur ney, M.iry Bailvp 'ihomas Henri* ft, Jesse Beck, Silas Leavers, Elizabeth Buily, Win. Bailey, jun’r. (’—I>auc C-ullertsaco, John Cobnsxxoith 2 Jolni Canlcn 2, Jo»« *-h Carmichael, John Copeli* art. D—Epps Duke, f?,!as P. Dnf?-, 2. E—John Emer.'im, Daniel Evans, Henry Esteiliii, Augustus l. ulv. 1*—Joi.n S. Fall, W la. Farabae, Polly Far- niii 2, Win. FuIUt, Atlh.irF’ositr,ju:i r. Pe ter Faukiieiv , ti—Kichaid Gardner, Al. ton I!. Green, Beniamin Gri»b‘i, -'.tint s Grier 2, Rob. (b ti ll n, rheriby <«ax loid, Edward Gall in, M.ttthew Gilbert, John Uritltn, JamesGlap, James Gad- City-Ilotcl, Milledgeville. y . . TIIE subscribers have taken that % • lTn^ l, n‘‘ ;l,u ' commodious house, lately 7-a i ai occupied by Mr. McCombs, under *S| fill the name of the Golden Ball Tav- •i , n. Every attention will be given t make those who may favor them with their company, comfortable. ELAM ALEXANDER, Jan 21 W M. F. SCO TT. (rlolie ion. a THE suh-*ribcr has locatC'4 him- soil at Fe.'syth, in Monroe county, xvlieic !.«• intends keeping open a llou*p of Entertainment, and pledg es himsell every exertion will be used to ren tal* comfort to those who may faxot him xvitli a all. His house is situated at the south-w est corner of the village, where travellers xxill he thankfully received, lie hopes that his old customers who formerly called on him in Ea ton toil, will not forget him in Forsyth. Hi* stables are good ami well stored with proven der. SAMUEL DREWKY. Forsyth, Sept. 16 tf -50 Eu te rta in mtMi t. THE public are respectfully in formed that the subscriber i» now iu possession ol the pieniises formerly oc'ttpied by mr. I inlay Vanscevor, w ithin 4 miles of the Click Agency, on tin i .1 ul h ading from Fort Hawkins to Ala bama, and that every thing which the country a fiords is provided lor the ucomm'd it ton ol travellers. Ladies and fa luilies will be accom modated xvitli private roams, cheerful tires and good beds, and every attention will be paid to prwmote the comba t and convenience ol all who call. E. M. AMOS Craw ford co. Oct 7 4t-—2 Entertainment. * 11HE subscriber informs the public that in !_ l as opened a House in New Town foi the reception of transient company, lie pledg e* himself that all attention wili be paid to ihosuwhontn) favor him with their custom Apr 29—30 R Me COM Bij d > EOKCtlA, Fayette county — Asa Hulsey V Ji lolled before J ames McBride Esq I b i) horse \x ith a small boll on, a streak iu his foi e head, al»out 7 or 6 yrs old, and about I ) hand hi|»h—appraised to tf UK) bx John W liutiey and Druix StriKkUiui,24lh Jut e, IH23. 0 *7 ' * f ALIEN P04T, e i , Demsey Hughs, Jamot : , John ! I iglitow er, t »co • I Isdry, Joseph B. Iiarper T. P. Harm'll, Wm ilati H—\Vm lluglo Hill, James II m. L. I leatd, Amin os VV tu HollimaU) L son, Wm I lays. I—Ephraim & Lain Irwin. J—Demsev Johnston, W m Johnston, Geo. W . Jeter, EUjali Ii. .hum s, Aimer Jordan. K—Vincent Knkiaiul, John King, Kenuan Morrow. L—Elijah IjOvdjWm .M. Lnlutjore. M— Joseph AicDurmoiid, Janies Mitt bell Enoch Matthews, James Mtffkey,'I lioiuas H. Mitt hell, Sarah McKinney, John Mail omb, Wm Murray, Wiu W. .Moore, Lew is Miles, Jame* .\JcKnight, ("li.irity Moss. N —-Israel Nicholson, .\lilus C. Nisliet, ATai* thaS. Nisbet. O—Jacob Odum, Eliza Ezniore. P—-James Pattillo, Dudley Puplr*, Thomas Pour. John T. Simmons or Sterling L. Prich ard, I*ronard Parker, Roheil Ptaima, Rob. Putiick, W alter II. Patter 2, Edward 1 tie. R —Madison Reading Room. James R< a 2, Ntitltaiiiel Reynolds, Johnston Rey n<dd*, John Robinson, sen. Win Ita-s Jtffin Riehatd.-oti. Green Huberts, Littleton Rains, Jesse J. K .;m, Willis J. Jtann, N;uu V Robertson. S-—Allen Shilton, W ni Simmor.s, Elijah Sparks, Isaac SpanUsands, Bcuj.iuiin Strange j, Laurence Sniytii, Chailes il. Simmon.-, Wm B. Smelling, \N m. Suugth, W illis Suii.le- v.xnt, Ucmmi bhutfield, John SureII, Julius L. Kiniicr, Thomas Simmons, Win Stark, James Sewell, Palufiinl) Stallings, Asa Sessions, Da vid Spears, Gtor;u Sounder.-., Aaron Stratlier, Stmuel, Richard Shipp, 'J homas Sharp, Wm Stocks, James H. S^xear, Antirow B. St urges. 'J’-—Sarah Turner, Priscella'Terry, Alex ander G. Tyler, Tit imas Thonqwua, William Trimble, Henry V—John Vanl uidingbam. W—John Williams, nines Witcher. J unes Wade, J villa Winfrey. B ic N. Ware, lVytun Wade, Joseph Wdoitaid, *obn Walker. Win O. W agnon, W illis \v iffi.uns 3. James V* ade. Su*amiali Weiixet , Bcnj T. W atkins, W ilbx Waul, Isaac W illinnis. Michael Whatby. Oct 14 W M PORTER^ P> M. For Siilc., 'MM AT vuluiilZ- | r(i|.<rty un the Ocon. r I River, cuii.-Uliiij nf iiliuul WOOaero land, a toll biiil'/e, an excciiciil •('. ol Kr'el oiiUs, a Coorl saw null, sUiie-liiiu»e, aiyl otlici Imilil ill..,. Thu mills un.J l/ii'b"- were evti led l.j Jusepii Cno|ier, Ev|i Any |>r rwni wishing In lest funds in prmliu me pio|‘i.‘ily will do well (ii e.dl und view- (lie (in i.ii-i -, where ille lem.s (whirl, will lie liberal) will he m ole known l.y S \\» ruN or July W—tf.42 ,\. COOI’K.H. _ B ~ ROOGHT to iatl in S eauuii .... Ike d id ilist. j IK allies, lo wit. a fellow named Alirani t wirnsavs he belong, lo V alen- line .\a,h, Monroe notinu— a iiegio woman named Mary, ond her rhilil Martin., who s.i (hey belong to Matthew Mania of J.e[,i r c d lie uwneis may yet said negi ot s h\ i urnie nroyiui*, an ' eating ehergis. ' \VM, V \RMili, l> Stiff. A List t»f LotU’.rs Remaining in [J t( r Office at Clinton Jones county, Oct. 1, Iff23. A—John W . Amis, John Anglin, Richard Mien, Ira Abney, Thomas Ajplin, John 1 Anderson, John Avent. B John Bentley 3, Edmond Bunks, Rebec ca Bmgc, James Rennet jt. James Bynum, W in. Brown 2, 1. 4c T Bates, W m. Byid, Jo seph Bvi tics, Mie.tjah Blow, Fffkhanuli Biiggs, Amt's Larues Esq. .loplies Binney, Thus Bti/.c- more, Jilin L. Blackburn, Edxxaid Brow mug, John Bailey, John Btirgey, James Bosxvoitli Samuel Bolton, Jesse Brown, Stephen Beas ley, Mia’li. But khalter, I. 1. Beasley. C—John Clark, llouiy B Cone, John R Crockett, Kindred (bitter, David Crockett, Cannon Chance, Amos U . Chnnccy, nirs. Sa rah Cliappel, Lmlxxell (‘ollins, Win (’. Chan dler, Jolin ('tnib-v, Asa Chandler, Seth Cason, John Carding, Ileicult s <‘auell, Janies W Collin, mis. Cmhatiiie Collins, Samuel (’ook, Win Claik, miss Mary F. Claik, John Chaj pel. D—B. Davis, Jose Dun, Arthur Dillard 2, Mathew Dussen, Axeinm t Davis, John Dan iel, mis Nancy Dent 3, Giles Diivcr, John Dean, John Dumas, Daniel Duffey, mr De- lonn. i:—Elijali Etlirutae, mr*. Sarah Evans, Blakely Edins, Sion ralge, Wm. Kiiglish, Asa Eilnmfs, John Edwards. F Mrs. Marlha Freeman, Robert Frazer, Tyree Freeman, James S. Frietsoii, Wm Fer rell, Bennett Ferrell 2, mis. Nancy Farrell, Robe it WL Fort 2, Foi t 42 Hto vex 2, Enoch Freeman 2, John French, Lewis Freel, mis. Julia Ferrell. G—John M. Gray, cff.n Gipson, Wright Groom, Daniel Gunn 2, Solomon Groce, miss Sarah George, Gates, Abraham Gog- gans, John F. Goggains, Benin tl 11. Gates, Duncan Giigsby. H—Rev. George Hill 2, Gtoigo Harper, Ezekiel Hawkins, James Holt, miss Anna I Imp, TIiok T. Harrison, John IV llanimack, nils. Martha IT. Huge, John R. Hunt, (»reen B. I till, John Gudgeons b-. misa Nancy Hill- itiidjW in I biggins, mis. Minx iItiitleison,mrs. Mary F. Hill, Win I). II.II. * J—Win Jones2, W ilkins Jackson, mis. Jane Johnson, Henry W. Jernigau 3, Erastus W. Jones, NN in Johlison, Peter Jones, Tims J/illif, Thus Johnston, John Joues, Samuel F. Jones, Elias Joiner. K — Leiniah King, David Kennedy 2, Jere miah Kendle 2, Calvary S. Knight. John IL Kennedy. L—George Tailing Esq. tui-s Maria, John Loflm, John Low 2, Jacob Lew i* J, o- - him Leggett, George It. Lucas, Frederick Lucas, Jeremiah Lamar, Win l.oxxe, Banj.i , min Lowe. M—Jesse Muthexvs, Isaac Mathews 3, Geo Miller, John Milner, Hansom Martin, I)r Thus MeCoomes, Isaac Moreland, W m NleEarlami 2. Samuel Alt (lehee, Capt Morehoni, I-.iat MeCieliee, 'Thus MiddU brooks, tnrs. F.lizabetli Mims, mis. Elizabeth Mtophy. Jonah Mims, miss Mat ilia MoMillion, John MeKiuzie, J«,- *t ph McGee, A. II. MeFuiluii, Caleb Mou- erief. N—Joseph D. Nichols, Daniel N« van. P—LcxvisPlant 2, Neddx Pennelton, Sand. Philips, Noe) Pitts, Francis Piekitt, Henry Peebles, John Prater, Nicholas Patridge, miss Cteasy Pope. R -W in Ryaf.*, Dr. Josrph Rees, George R. Rerd,W m II Raiford,Reuben Rey Holds, John Rains, Jonathan Richaidson, Win Rey Holds, John G. Ramsey, George Reid, Thomas Reid. John Ruthin 2, Josiali Rogers Jert iniali Reeves. James Riley, lieniy R. Rogers, miss (’' thariRe Rif ks. 3 S—Frederuk Sims 2, Re uben E. Shuekle- foid, Daniel Smith 2, Jonathan, Reu ben Slaughter, George Stubbs, Betij T. Srnr- •y, Moses Stripling, Solomon Speir, I. L ^tokes, Brittain Sims, Elizabeth Sanders, W in Kim*. Richard Simmons, Eza kit 1 F. Smith, Clias W f . Smith 2, John Ssiiitl*-isoii, Iverson Smith, Joint Sltnvt oinli, Ib iilx n Slilvvell, Ed- iiml G- Sims, John Saveli. T—Mis. Sarah Taylor, Jolm Thomas 3, George Tnrrentine, Jolm 'Thompson, Josiah E. 'Jnompson, Jolm Tiekner 2. miss Lucy Thomas, inis* Fvclmeca 'l hrash, Win Thomas, Elisha 'Tarver, Jackson Titter. V—Eve11 VanBlurrum, George Vigal. W—Jacob W atts, tors E'UaOeth Wil- born, Nathaniel (•’. Wauuick 2, mis. Nancy Wibon, W in F. William-., Duel. Wealherby, u is. Sarah Willis, Jared Williams, Josiali N. W iLun, Role n Woodall, Thus Woollolk, Dr W alkei, (ire' u WamaeU. JOHN DIALLINGS, P. M. Per 11- St 2 Jielhlebcpi, Geo, O CTOlU.ll Ifllli, nt !) o’cloi-k, will enm- nic iiee die seini-aiimial < xaiuination of the young ladies attending this institution. Pa- icuts, gu.aidians, mu I the friend.*, of lilt i.uuit- in gene ral, are invited to atte nd, and by the fruits of past labors estimate our claims to pub lic patronage. For the satisfaction of some enquirers, we state the following as the order ot examination : Geography, Login, Cliemis- trv, IlytlioKtalics, Pnemtiatics, Optics, Elec tticity, Magncioiu, Criiieisin, English Gram mar, nml Aiilhmot'C. Examination in the Church if the weather be propitious. We ‘■hall be particularly gratified to see (lit* in&lruc- toi* of ail iitighboiing village?. 'The \\ inter session will eommenee on the «ctoud Monday in November next. R'-dueed pi ices o< tht last session continued. Rofeien- cch sis heretofore, and to the editors of the Georgia Journal* Sept .-to—t. I JAMES FINI6 AN, House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter, 5 EELS grateful to the v itr/t »*of Milledge M ville and its vieiiiily, foe the Itbeial i-n- eouragentt nt lie has received since his Kni- denee among them, and tenders his noi \ i. i t> in the above Inj- iness, iu v\ hieli lie i t-qit < iltii- ly solicits a eontinttilricf* of their patronage All orders left at the Cabinet Shop in Wayne street, next door bntone to the cm tier of I fun- cock street, will In-, thankfully received and promptly attended to. 5j" Wanted, an Apprentice to the above hu i it -•. 8c | i - 1 i i : Strayed or Stolen, ' FROM my |ilui)liilinn on iln * eonee i iver, some time* pant, m-tijffik a black marc Ml I.E, marked u with a sm;.II swallow folk on uXmJLi t o h car. An) person deliver ing lo r to me ki Midedgeville, »»i giving Mich inlor.nation tl,at 1 gctliei, sh ill I c well it- warded. KAM’L. lyLTFINGTON. Del i (• tf 2 A of Letters Remaining in the Post Office nt Monti- Cello on the \3t Oct. 1323. A—James A. Atchison,Riley D. Allen,Tho. masB. Aldredge, Starling Andrews. B Abner BartletieJ, Cooper Bennett, Win Batkci, Mosi-n Bailey, Andrew Boyd, James Beall, Aaron Brooks, John Boren, Andrew Bell, Silas Brook*, olm E. Bailey, Archibald Bruce, Robert C Beasley, Eaton Buss, John Buck, John Barnes, R. Biooiii,.!. W. Brantley, Joseph Bailey, Mrs. Margaret liraley, Mathew Buineside, John G. W . Brown, David I.Britt, Wiii. R. Buchanan. C—Geo. P. Chirk, David Cox, Jesse C raw- ford, Zachariuh Chase, Andrew Craig, Win. Chandler 2, Thus. Cameron, Henry Chandler, Mrs. Sarah Craw ford, John Collier, Jas. Car den, Robert Cochran, Aimer Clisq man, Cl.turn Coody 2, Miss Maiy Ann Craw find, *J humas Carroll, James Cook, John Coiley, Josepl Caiii|>bell J, Benjauiiu Ciopp, Miss Claiisso 31. Caiter. D Win. Davis,’Titos. Davis, Reuben Datt- kins, Benjimiii Daniels, Mirlmcl Duir, Lewis I. Dowdail, George B, Davis, Thomas Dean, Isaiah Durham, Miss Maty Davis, bulling Dupree, Sunburn Dennis. F.—Joshua Evans, Clias. Eagertoji 2, John Ei win, Buckner Eav cs. F—VVm. Freeman. Enoch Freeman. Jack* sen Fitzpatrick 2. I’lmrhs Follies, Edward Freeman, Niitlmn Fish 2, John Foyil 2, John M. Fowler. (i — Lieut. Win. Green, ohn Gibson, Lewis Gregory, James Gryhsuu, John Gross, Mrs. Maigari-t Garev. Patiiek H.Gardner, Nalhan- iel II . Greer, I nonius Grogan, Solomon Gross, John Gillstrap, W in. Gri som. H—Thomas Ilaniby, Henry II. Hill 2, W m. Harper,S. Hinton, Henry Hunt,Gideon Hau- kiiift, Lemuel Hat well 2, Peter llarris, Phillip Haneoi k, Sainnc-I Iictiii hiil. John Hurbcsun, (lark 11 am il, Tims M. llarris, Joshua Hern. Jane Howard, Allien C. Horton, Nancy Han cock, Isaac I Ictheox, 'Turner 11 tint, Jas. llase. J—Benonev Jones, Jes*e Jolly, W in. Jack- son, I Liii v \\ . .leukin*, Benjamin Johnson, Greene B. Jackson, Wiley Junes, Jus. John* K—Mrs. Elizabeth Kimbrough, Absalom Kenm tlay, T. I). King 3, Danii l Kern, Wilev Kiik. L .Ltmg-! Lowe, Win Linn, Jas. P. Lowe, Wm. Let*, Allen Lawkon, Edvvuul Lovejov, Mo>• s Le le.v. M — R.ehaid Minten, F.H,ward I! Mileliell, Wm. A. Martin, Elizaliclh Morgiu, Miss Re becca Moreland, Wm. Mills Ri.l.t rl Minten, Wm. **'. Mats, Alexander McKey, (iidCon v .s,J vines Miller. .Lillies A. Mc( lire, Jas • ore, J j*iah Mims, Wm. Moody, Win. Mine C, Mosii t Martin, George Mel'lellaiul, (iarland Maxre Charles Miller, Lolly Mayes, Win. iVleGiniy, Wm. MtC’oiimII, Mrs. Jane More John \\ Arthur. N—Jonathan Nichols, Martin Nall 2, Tra vis Nichols O—Sample Git, Allen Orr 2, George Os- Iuiui, Thus. Uncul, John E. (J/il, James Oglch- P—Mrs. Catherine Patterson, Wm. Peel, Sarah Powell, Archibald Pei kins, John Payne, Wm. II. Parioli 2, Stephen Pace 2. Aliiaimm Peniugton, W iii. ,\I. Pei iy, Robert Price, effti Pate, lleiny Pedrlv, Lewis Pearce, Gilbert Poe, Jame s P Poriis 2, (Jlffi^e Pule, Nathan Pax ue, Tutton L. PurJee, Josiah Parsons. R—Mrs Priscilla Ricliardsou, W. Richard son, Itaubf-ii M. Ramey, John Richards, \V. RU hards, Mis. Ann Rev, A. R. Reid, Green Rb vis-, Allen Reeves, 'illos Robinson, Wiley Reeves, Elijah Riehanlson. S—Lot Smith 2, Moses Shelby, Roht. San* sow 3, Wiu. Smith, Hugh B. Sc wait, Harris Samuels. Sylvaims Sevv;«rt, Mirajab Stinson, Sanun I Shy, Jeremiah Sampler, Mih. Eliza beth Srrtig"-, Gain id Spearman, John A. Shaw, Mi-« Judith Simpson, By t en Shell, Joe) Stansell, Jesse Stnnsdl, Jason Shiiigleton, Ne- nlea Strawhaun, W m. S. Strnvv hou, Daniel Stagn* i. (ieotge Speak, I tennis Sullivan, Tho mas Stamps 2, Robert Sumpkin. T—Jeremiah Thompson, John TeaMes, IY1 il ly Tatom, John Tlioinas, Miss Fanny 'Thomas, Fill Thurmond, Wm. Tuggle, .Miss Elizabeth Tindill, John Towns, Miss Fisint cs 'l iioums, Wnid H.Ttiinrr, Wiley Traylor. I —\\ m. T. I’uderwootl. W—Willis W hatley, John W’imms, Charles \N illiainson, Isaac \Yehion, Jesse \\ illianis, Hugh Wise 2, Elijah Whaley, John W ilihite 2, Ails WCod, ( hlfonl W oodruff. iMr*. l’ffiza- beth Whitmore, Mts. luxury Walker, Ste phen Venters, Mr*. Mary W'hue, J.-a W ood • ell, Jesse W i ight, St< pit, j) Webb, Riley Wel don, Saniu« I W'aits, 'J Iioiius W iikins, Ret ks Will kilt!, Joseph Wilson. PETER GK1NNELL, P. M. Od 7 : i 1 Caution. f‘I'M IIS is to forewarn till I'crsons from traff- ? ing for it certain promissoiy joini note, diawn by Samuel Dievtiv tititl Renjunin Sm final, for tf73 payable to John D.ivis, (kited some time in April, and due the 23th of De cember thereafter, as the consideration fin which il was given has failed, and we an determined not to pay it until cuui!M-lrd bv lavv. SAME EL DREWKY. Sept. 16 if—30 BEN.) SANFORD. A Ul, in r.»;.etf< fore in Caution. EL persons are hereby cautioned nntl forewarned from iri.-hpus-iiig on lot No. in the flh dist. of formcrlv IL nrv, now county—and thou* who have hereto- passed on still lot of land, h) cutting star i>, her fat» hind foot—no Strayed l-’ROM the ni intaljun wlicic- on James M. lay lor, tier’d. (ormeiL lived, 4 milesabove 11 art fi»r* I, a -mail bay mare, a- Lont <’* y-av* old, with a small and some w him about her tail ither marks recollected. It is likely ilint she will make for the Rock Bridge (tn Yellow River, as sh • wit- seen shortly alter about 5 miles abovi Marion, on the Clinton road. Any |M‘r-on who will deliver the above dc- rihetl mare to the Mibscrifn r or to Mr. A- HUM Brown of Hartford, slcdl icc* ive ten dol lars reward. JOHN I. TAYLOR. Qct. M. 4f- 2 Notice To fj.U Persons whom it may concern. WniEREAS. a nun by the name of Is \\ Gray sold no* a negro gill for tf.KY), an I I paid him all hut tf 147, for which lit* hold* a note on mi! for that amount *, and as that girl is entirely simple, and of no account to any ju rson, 1 w ish the said Isaac Gray to conic anil get hi» negro girl, ami pay no for the pro perty In* had ol tin*—Likewise, if Gray should off, r tl-e said note for sale, this is to forewarn every pert* n from purchasing the said note, as | do n<it intend paying it, or any part thereof. I am anxious for a recant, a* 1 < onxider my self entirely defrauded out ol what I paid tin* said Gray toward* the negro *rirl.—Tins from DirjvF.Y F< QTT. u C herokee. 0 2.7 n *. 1 ul hevv'mg of any limber or tindn mining any other trespass whatever, hv culling any rail, hoard, or shinglt-liee or Im i*s, or sapling, or any other growth whatever, are liei* hv fi/p!W,lined from moving the same., oi any part tin rt of, off horn the said premises, without special permission from the subscriber or his proper agent, iimlcr the penalty of the law in such eaacs made and provided. JAMES SHIVERS. Warrdtt oo Sept I 3m—W \ DMINflSTRATORS’ SALE—On Tut s- day tin- Ldthof Nov. next, will be sold at the late reside nee of Win Griffin dic’d, in Put nam county, all the perMiml pioperly of said di c’d, except the negroes, t ohm ling ol hor ses, oxen, cows, hog*, sheep, corn, fodder, household ami kiit hcn furnilure- sold fi>r the hem lit of the heirs ami crediting of said deed. 'Terms made known on the dav of sale. .IWIF.SM DUNN, { On 14 D \ V11> ROGERS, S Atlin'rs, V DMINIS'I RATRIX’S SALE-—Will be sold nt the late residence of John (.’utliff dee’d. iu Paiiiain county, on Tuesday the 25th of Noveinlitar next, all the perislialffe property belonging to said dee’d. consisting of house hold anti kitchen furniture, plantation ton's, stock of different kinds, among which is a ve ry fine qwmtitv of pork ; nl-o llie present crop of corn and fuddet, 4Lc. 'leutia made known on the (lay of sale. Oct \ I* ’ LLK’END \ rUTLlEF, Adm’x. I AXECl 'TORs’ SALE—Will b« sold in Clinton, Jones eouniy, on the tiisi Tues day in January next, a tract of land known bv No. 121, in the Dili ilGtnct originally Bald win now Jones enmity, la longing to the estate of Isliaiu S. Fannin, deceased. Terms made known on the dav ot vafi J AS \Y. F ANNIN,) E . Qet IV I.AZ. BATTLE, 1 O N the first Tuesday in January next, will be sold in the t< wii tff Laurent exilic (i w iuni'M county , lot No 2d), in the 7th district, of Gwinm it county , being the estate of \\ in D Kieliaid-on dee31. Oct 14 JOHN McLEA, Adui’r. P URSUANT to an order of the lion the Court ol Ordinary of Aloipan county, will be sold at the com t house in Early county on the first 'Tuesday iii Decenibci next, lot No 33, in tint IGtli (list of aid county, it being the ieai est »l»* of Janie-* MeNabb dee’d.—sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec'll Terms made know n on the day of sale. THUi BLUOmVORTHj Adm’r. 0..1 u . A nWIMSTRAlRIX-S 8ALu- Wi.i i.o Xm. *ok! on W ednefday the 2btb ol Novemhef i. t-M, ... the I a it. rrndciicc of Jolm ckrj 1 . j 0 " 11 “I i.atonlon, l.ei.vtcii .lie Iikuiv <.l It o clock A. m. and 4 o’dm k p. u. all (lid I’ 1 ;""'"' 1 ' 1 ,' l>ro,.triy at .aid dac’d. c.u.i.lina of j -ug« t|uaiiiuy ol fauenc.t |>ork. u Inrac nan.. ol hik'd, lioi'Kcs, cattle,(■■■<) aland 1800gal- '!****“"■• i "t(l lido; also tl„- Iioast - doid and Iv.u Iilii lurmlnre and plantation tool., I.U|(u quantity ol t oi n and fodder, and .nri- ous iitlici' articles; r.lso, ill Xe rented at tint V" 10 “)'>l Pint ” for tlio iioxt tear. d«- .«./ la "I"".na belonging lo shill . slate—the side lo,l,l " oe ,r »"' <l».v lo dn. till all aic sold, ii .t»» li inontjia credit will he ui.en lor nil s nils iner $10 ; small notes Kith npproudn- "t v ," 1 . 1 . 1,<! 1 «)""•«!, to hear interest line, in. date il mil punetunllv paid. -,i ,, • IN ’ ‘A t Hi I'f.ll’F. Adin’x. * 1 . • V.l* ~ J 4LJ.— |) ill he sold m,' •JLi Hie lust J H. sdaj in January next in tin- j. mn id Mmiticedo, Jasper . ..uni}-, a pan el of land, eiMitniunig l.d acres, more m less, wiih f n0 ‘ onpiouiucnls thereon, about 60 or 7') act ca cleat i d land, and goud orchards of and apple lieea, uilj.riiutig M. Uowell and ...h- ers nn Murder ereek-.,,so t.vo negiocr, sir. Ilnli aa Honin.iabout20 jeais old, and Cats. * a rm It, rears old—all sold as the properly o', Kai iami.. Al, f...,„ ot e dee d, for the henciii of me in ns and crodilois. 'Jenna made kumta on the da) of sale. On O VAA'CV THORNTON, Ex’iv 4 1 '".o l«le residence ol Jacob Clemenio Zl. dec'll, in J’ county, 'silt be sold on I- ridny tile —ill of November next, the person nl property ol sard dec d. consisting of horses, con s and calves, lings, roi n, iodder, h.ieselm rl And kiteln n furniture, and the negroes of said i'-lnlf will he hi red on that day, one of them a capital blacksmith,and the land made known on the day of sale. On H I’KYTUN CLEMENTS, AilmV. N OllCE—All persons in.lehte.I to the o - tale of Jacob Clnineuis dee'd. aie in- in make inimeilialo. payment, and all who have tleninads against said estate are hereby notified to |rr.'sen( the same properly utloHlcil vviiiiin the time preset ilictl hv lave ' Oct H REV TON CLEMENTS', Adm’r, OTIC la All persons i ml. bled to the os a- . late of J)r. Jolni 11. Mowltt d, late of iVto.a ran county der’d. arc roquesic.l o. call on mr Chatter Campbell, ol lb a tow u of Madison and nutka speedy payment ; and al! those who have elitma uga.iist said estate will hand til. ni ev er to mr. Campbell lor 'adjustment, he being hilly timliniised by rue lo pass receipts une make settlement... U NICHOLAS HOWARD, Adm r. £ ’ I.OItlilA, Oglethorpe county—Tukei up hv l\ ill. II. H .-aver, living in Capl I lioiniis I), (iiiliilli’s district, und posted Ire lore Mini Smith, Esq. on the 21st of Jnlv, bright hay fillev, supposed lo lie about 4yeni old next spring, her left hind foot vv bite, a sum .mr on her forehead, had on a small bell, allot I leet ti in. lies high, appraised iti ,?‘J0 Taken up hv Thomas It. Riv.vh, licmy i C.q.1. Join s' district, and ported before Josia .Ionian, Esq. on the dli.h Augu-l, a yellow hu hols.*, about o ha I J inche.. higli, mounted be foie, sway hack, star oil his forehead, snipe his nnso, belli hind feet wlirfe above the pas loin joint, shod all round, vety inuch rube. «I'll g.'qr, supposed to he !w a gig, dar! nmue ami tail, n ms slim I, supposed to be ahu. lJ years old, appraised al Taken up hy Tlinnms Nichols, • Imv limse 4 b et II inches high, 4 yeas old, some siuldlt spids on his left side, appiaiseu n. §60 brfoi. Woody Jiiflu, 1£«| on hit 2J.I At,id. Ih'.'J. O.. I f ISAAC CO I, hi Eft, cij[. hL”'i,K\ liAKtillOVE Sut Yen ' will please tuko notice tluet rti tins first Monday in November r.txt, applica'i it will be niud.i to Ilie lion the Jcferiur court o| I’ulham county, jilting tor erdu ury | ur- (io«.s, f.-r leave to diride the Sand* bel. ro;» ng to flic cvT Ie cf Win. Hargrove, dec'll. NAJIOU (JARS' 1 LL, WILEY tBEU' UO.'lfjE. Fntenton, .1 ilv ‘<9 4' 1 \\ ASHlNtiTON’S Dia.MTV. Mr. Nile*, in it lale number of his Re- Sisier, g,iu>( ilie following aneeriolc, tl- Itisirativi! i.f the riigiiiiy of manner which so etniiicntly chniaeteiizctl the illnsm- mu Washington: “The grinlunnn with whom Ise/veil my :>| ptenlicesiiip, in I'luladr Ipliia, kept a bni.k store, as well as a ptiming office, in Ills bouse nn M uktl stieet. tic would nut have more than two or three lads in the . ffite, and liberality allowed tis fine access (o I lie store fin ill. use of bit lit < kr. As 1 had a regular weekly tusk that I al ways petfoiitied, it was my practice i.> rise early in ifie snnnii. r seat tnvscli" al tbu frunt door, where I enjoyed tint fresh air, and generally icad iibout (lit hour, before lise res; of the family w erer stir ring, and when but few pets ns were tty be semi in the slicets. While oc cupied, \Vj»9HIN«TON often passed 111.? iii bis morning walk, and, from repeated ly seeing me ul tlio same place and llio same employ nicnl, frequently su med to give mo an encouraging look, if our eves happened to inert; lu which lr.( would sometimes and a kind mid of re- cognition. One fine mm uing, and just before the door 1 was siuirig nt, he was met hy two apparantlv genii, men, whom .a ilie first gfinci I put dowti fur foreign- eis, just arrived in I’hi.'n lolpliia. 'I’liey stared at him with rentalkal le eagernesf, making a full halt In exainim linn, spon taneously, as it seuiie.l to me, rai.-inp' tlcir Inis. Tie geneial tnado a slight bow, as lie passed ; they then rushed ea gerly up to me, and asked " what gentle man is ilia; !' :l I simply replied, ‘Wash- i4u'i*.n.” One of them said, “ I? e - 4 it is I In:' most majestic man tint 1 ever be held and they both rushed througli tbn market house, retracing tliejr steps, that they might meet and look at him again. Hy theii dress, manners, and dialect X thought (hat they were recently Rom London* Tennessee Bunks.—The 1st day of April next isibe time fide.l, by the Law o| the St ale of Tennessee, for the resump tion of Specie payments by the Banks in that Sine. Front what we see in tlio Nashville papers, are led lo con clude that the time will of necessity ho extended. Whatever efforts may hare been reduce to its proper limil the pnperroJcircnlation, it appeal* that die Hank at Knoxville alone lias been successful. The Banks are all piej are.! to pay their notes o a certain extent, bti{ not to rt .1. eui at once the mass til tin pa per which, it is supposed, would he at oih^i thrown in upon them. Under these cir cumstances, how would it answer tu au thorize them to redeem one half of their i otes, us presented, in specie,or its cqitiv. .•lent, and give lor the remainder a neiv description of notes, payable, v. on inter est, two years after date ? By tins expe dient, perhaps tho purposes of the wise law ol the State vvouJJ he substantia^ tmcmai lifted. A^yf.