The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, December 21, 1824, Image 1

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i A GREEABLY to nn order of the lion, tin* court of Ordinary of J taper cou tv, will lie sold in the town of Moiuicello,J i*per coun ty, on the lir*t Tuesday in January next, the »<*al estate of Eduard Walthall, deed. 202 1-2 ncies of land, more or less, lying on Heard's < reek,In the 18th dist. of originally Hidd'vin now Jasper county, known hy* No. J7I, well improved, adjoining Morgan, Peugh and oth ers ; 2004 acres of land, more or less, on Heard’s cyoek, in flic liilh dist, of originally L’aldwi igiow Jasper county, known l»y No 173, well improved, adjoining Morgan, Ed wards, Burks and others; 490 acres of land, more or less, lying in the 2d dist. of Wayne county, known by No 13b. Terms of sale ■w ill ho one third of the purchase money paid the 25th of December, 1825, thi) balance in iwo equal annual instalments. Titles will be executed when the last instalment is paid TUBMAN WALTHALL, Adni’r. November 9 A* \ \7 * be sold by-an order of the Interim %V court, at the court-house in Irw inton, Wilkinson county, on the first Tuesday in Kelmary next, half of lot No. 190, in the 25th district Wilkinson county. Sold ns the real estate of James Hall, dec’d. Terms made Known on the (lav of sale. WILSON McLEMORE, Adm r Per. 7 1# ti 1XECUTOK S SALE—Will be sold Ex’ors. Ide the Inferior couit of Putniim county, ^tll lie gohl at the towa of Eatonton, on the first Tuesday in Januaiy next, the real estate of Thomas Kendrick, dec’ll, consisting ol 130 acres of laud,about 4 miles below Eatonton on the. road to the Flat Bucks Sold for tilt benefit of the heirs of said dec’d. Terms, 12 months credit—Notes with approved security '\ til be required. SI^ON MOLT, ) S.ClUKL KENDRICK, SAdm’rs. JONATHAN KENDRICK, S “TV! OTICE—Agreeable to an order til the .l x honorable the court of Ordinary of Mor gan county, will be sold for cash, at Fayette •court-house, on the first Tuesday in January next, a lot of land, lying in said county, but originally Henry county, known by lot N o 225 and 4th district, drawn by William 11. Mitch- *21 orphan of Wm. Mitchell, tlec’d. JAMES C. COOK, Guardian. October 26. *VbMINf3TRAT6tt’!5 ■saLi.—urn ” /\_ sold at the court-house in the county ol Houston, on tile first Tuesday in January ui \i, one lot of land, known hy No. 303, in the I3tli district of Houston county. 1 he said laud sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors .of Elisha Earnt-H, dec’d. B ART LET 1 BARKER, ) Allm ’ IS WILI.IAM FAR.NF.l.L.J “* September 23 Vv i ILL be sold at the court house town of Milledgeville, on the first Tuesday in January next, within the usual hums of sale, 532 1-2 acres of land, belonging to the estate of Simon Holt,late of Baldwin county deceased, 7 miles above Milledgeville, adjoin ing lands of Chat lea Malone, Thomas Dyer, William Sanford, William C. Luster & Min*' Holt. On the premises are comfortable budd ings, and between 2 aud 300 acres ot op u 'jaadjfit for cultivation. This estate can be conveniently divided into two or more lent - mitts. Terms of sale, one third ol the pur chase money will be required oti the dav ol sale, the balance in two equal annual instal ments, with bond and approved security, and motigaec on the premises. * HINES HOLT, ? - ct 19. _ SIMON HOLT. S TVf O'flCE.—Wni be sold to tiie higltesi [.I der tit the la e residence of Jcjho Mr JviuDP Pope, der’d. of county, on tli fifteenth dny of December next, the idllowin properly, viz : all the stuck of horses, cattle hog*, sheep, one or two yoke of oxen and carl household, kitchen furniture, and plantation >»ln, together with a quantity of cotton wheat, and fodder ; also twelve or fourteen thousand pounds of fat pork, and various othe articles too tedious to enumerate. At the sain time aud place will be rented until the 25lli ol l)eceml»er 1R25, the plantation on which the deceased lived. The sate will continue from day to day untill all is sold. Terms will be .made know n ou the day by JOHN T POPE, ? . Al.EX. ODEN, S N. R. On die 21st ol the same month, will lie sold to the highest bidder, at the plantation of s nd dee.tasedin Monroe couuty, near l oin’s |\nd o.i Oc nui I gee river, a quantity of corn id fodder. Terms will be made known on Xliat day by Adm i’a. at the court house in the town of Madison, Mor eau county, a lot or pan cl of land Bing in the town of Madison, a part of the real estate ol Joel Guar, dec’d.—Said lot.hus on it a lanyard, which is in toleruhle pood repair, former known by McCartan’s tnnyard.—Terms made known on the dav of sale. ALEXANDER McALFIN, Ex’r. Dec. 7 [ N pursuance of a deed of trust from Nicho las Howard to John Bethuiie, for the. u«e of John J. Beatie, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, in the town of Greencsborough, the follow ing property, viz : One lot of land near the town of Gieenesho rough, with adwelli >g house thereon, adjoin ing Matthews and others, supposed to contain tour acres ; also one other lot, adjoining Mat thews and others, and the above lot. m fork of the roads, the o*Hi leading to Madison, the oilier to Gai ner’s ferrv, with two or three tin •finished Inick buildings thereon; also, on* lot of hiiifi on the road lending to Madi son, adjoining Sanford, Terrel and olhnrs,cnn turning ten acres ; also, the stock of goods, wares and merchandize, owned by said II ird, in the t >\vn of Greenesborough, supposed to be wo i ill # I GOO. To be sold in iiuiMian rlecd of trust. Terms of sale cash. JOHN BETHDNE, T.nsiee JVTOTirj.:—Wiil l)0 sold on the first Tin J x dav in March next, in the town of Mon- ticello, Jasper comity, agreeable to an orde of the honorable the Inferior court of said county, when sitting for ordinary purposes 202 1-2 acres of land, be the same more «»i , being the tract of land whereon Jacol Cleekler, dec’d. formerly live*!, with a consul’ cable improvement thereon, on the waters o! Little river, adjoining William Griiumrt and Also five negroes, viz: one fallow, one woman and three children. Sold ns the pro perly of Jacob Cleekler, dcc’d. for tlift bene fit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d Terms made known on the dav of sale. WILLIAM GR| MAIKT, ) . 11F.NRY CLECKLliH, \ December 7 \ (JR EE ABLE t. * on older ol i. * lionora . bio Inlerior couit of Twiggs county, when ailing for ordinary purposes, will be sold at the court-house door in Marion,Twiggs * tv, ou the fir-t Tuculny in March next, 100 of oak anti hickory land, being part of lot No 23, in the 25th (list formerly Wilkinson - Twiggs county Sold for tin? benefit ol heirs of Solomon Rouse, dec’d. Term made known on tin* tiny of sale. dec 14 M ARY ROUSE, Guardian. O N the first Tuesday in Match next, will 1 sold in the town of Eatonton, agreeable I ail order of the honorable Inferior Court * Putn.tin county, when sitting for ordinary pur uses, eight hundred and foity acres ol land belonging to the est.'te of Martha E Posey, *1 with good buildings, and about three Inintli acres of cleared land, all tit good tepnir ■ making a crop, situated in the fork ol Little river and Cedar creek, whereon John II IV scy, dec. formerly lived, about ten or two miles from Eatonton, and the same distar from Milledgevillo. Terms made known the day of sab XECU l OR’9 SALE—Will be sold on the fitst Tuesday in January next, at tin court-house in Montieello, Jasper county, be tween the usufil hours of sale, 5 negroes be* bulging to the estate of Wm. McDowell, deed. Joe a man, Isaac a man, Hannah a w oman, ami Tamer and her child. Sold to <e a division lietween the heirs. DANIEL Alt DOWELL ISAAC BAILEY, november jo N the first Tuesday in March next, the lb I lowing properly will bo sold at the cou.t- Itouse in Millcilgevillc, viz: Bill a negro man irpenter, Tom, Dan and Sam, nil excellent field hands And on the first Tuesday in Eel), next, 3 horses, 3 mules, and tint* roadwaggon sold for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors of the dec’d. Term a of sale cash* MARY ANN ROBINSON,adm ix Dec. I t lions Dec 12 JOS1AU FLOURNOY, adm’r. Ex’rs. JOHN T. POPE, ALEX. ODEN, Nov. 2, 1324 N OTICE-Agreeahlo to an ordei ol Ui Inferior court of Putnam county, sitiuig lor ordinary inn poses, will be sold in the town of N’ewuan, Pike county, on the first Tuesday in February next, lot No 225, in the 1st dist of Monroe’ now Pike county Sold for the benefit of the heirs of licitincey II. Jones tlec’d. Terms made known on the day ol *‘ 1 '’ V.If.F.V ABERCROMBIE, t . , . -ROBERT H. DIXON, ) november 10 '.VTOl ICE—Agreeable to an order ot tne .Is honorable the court of ordinary for Jones county, will be sold to |he highest bidder, at die cottrt-Jiotiso in .siid county, on th• * first Tuesday in Fcbuaiy m*xt, a lot of laml on Ca ny creek, adjoining John Jackson ;iihi others, the property of NN iunifred bitort, tier <L con taining 2051-2 acres, more or less, witii about thirty acres of cleared land ami some cabins thereon. The cleared land is under good fen ces and fit for cultivation. Persons de-iron.* of purchasing will do well U> call and ■rtselvcs. A credit until the 25th Dec. 1325, A>,- given, and small notes with approved s*Hm/itv wiil be required, Said Ian I sold lor tho benefit of tliu heirs cf said Wlnnifrud bhort, decM. by THOMAS ROSWELL, Agent nov 15 for Reuben Short, Advn’r. OTICE—will ho sold ill tho town of Ma- I vj lion, Twiggs county, on the first Toes- rUy in January next, lot No 260. in the 25th tint of said county, being the real estate ol Jolia McKemie, dec’ll, and sold agreeable to an order of the court ofOidi.iary of said coun tv JAMES McKEMlE. Adin’r. * nov 1G do bonis non. W ILL be soltl to the highest bidder on Wednesday the 15th .'ay of Decern- ber next, at the late residence of James Ht«- nliens dec'll, in Ja»per county, ilio residue ol Hie personal . slate ol said dee'd. conaiUillR chiclly of household and kitchen lurnituro ,fenU %er2 n ° W J0ilN C iu VER3, ExW O jAlie first Tocaday in January, will be sold in the town of Eatonton, Put.innt county, agreeable to an order of tin- Cmirt ol Ordinary of Putnam eonniy, all the teal estate of Ransom Swmney, decid, eonsistinfi oflwo lots of land lying tn said county , also at lit. same time and place, seven likely young H II.L be renlPil in the town of Madison oa the -It’i dav of January next, the plantation whereon Wm. Browning, dr formerly lived, on 1 nili.i i creek, with a good cotton gin, supposed to be 150 acres of ope l imb Also the negror* to be Idl ed m div. JOHN K. BROWNING, * ROBERT M. BROWNING, . Dec I 1 td3 V GREEABLE to nu older of court, will be void at the in (*rawlor county, o?i the first Tuesday in March lot No 72, in the 1st tli l of Hoiisten count i: being part of the real estate of John Todi late of J«m ksun county, dec’d. Terms made known oa the d ivof sale. WILLIAM TODD, Adm r. Dec 14 LUCINDA TODD, Adm\. J AUR^U ANT to An order of tho honorable 5 th.» Inferior court cf Baldwin couut\. w hen -Pting for ordinaly purposes, w ill be sold at the tnuri bouse in Washington county, tho first Tuesday in March nrxt, the following described tracts of land,being the real estate Samuel Greenlee, dot’d, to wit: One tract pine land on the Oconee liver, containing i more or less, situated in the s.iitl county of Washington ; one other tract adjoini Mathis, containing 220 acres ; and one othe tract on Blulf creek, containing 30 AihI will he soltl at the couit houi Stinson county, on the first Tuesday in Aptil n« xt, the following tloMcribe I fraction**,situate it ing and being in tie- 4th dist. \N ilkiusou, wit: fraction No. 13, containing 157 fraction No. 19, coniaimnj: t>7 acres, and frac lion 2<», ooutaining 93 acres—Tin* whole of which ii<: oil the Ucourx* river, and swamp l"a<!s. SoM for the benefit of the he and creditors of said Greenlee—Terms dav of htie. M. BROWN Doc. 14 AdmV. v. hh the will none W ILL l>o sold at the lato reaidei Ahcdnngo Wright, dec. on the 2 January next part of the personal properly said deceased, ron-ustiu * of horses, cattle sheep, hogs and goats ; also a waggo cart and oxen—likewise, corn and fodde seed cotton anti farming utensils. A Is ho hired at the same time, part ol the t of aaiil deceased. ’1 erms Glade known day of sale by ^ pnens, ut i the perse I rhiellyve | y 'X’enuAt >1 k. y x mry next, will be hired in the town ol Grccnshormigh, for the term of twelve months, about TWEN TY likely N EGRUEB, belonging to June and orgiann Cook, among which, London an llcnt blacksmith, ami Tom an excellent ■pe liter JOSIAH ROGERS, Gunrdian. Nov 20 II ^ GREEABLE to nn order of the lion, the \ court of Ordinary of Twiggs county will >ld on the first Tuesday in February next, at the court house in the town of Marion in I county, between the usual hours of sale, hree negro men belonging to the estate ol nines button, dee'd. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said dcc’d. Terms manic known the day of sale. EDWIN HART, Adin’r, Nov. 30 du tionis non. CTk/IIJy be sold at tim late residence oi W Reuben I)ejcrnatte, dec’ll in Putnam county, on the 22d January next, all the per- I property belonging to Thomas Dejer- natte, dec’d.consisting of corn, and one bet and furniture, one man’s saddle and bridle.— rins made known on the day. JOHN LOVE, ? . , . Drr 7 H AMl'I'.l. W U.KF.'t, \ AUm rh - i xecOtor's sale—iiv i!l lx; sold, at _’i the late reside.neo of Jewo G ( , x , dec’d Jasper county, on Saturday the 3th January xi, part of the personal property of said c’d to wit: two Valuable stud horses, with •liter horses, hogs, sheep and cattle, and otln tedious to aention. Terms mad known on the dav of sale. < TLLEN LOCKETT, > r , . FLDMIND JORDAN, J h ‘* °'"' S\U.\II COX, F.x'x. novembot 3t"—3 \ 1)M 1NI S I RATOii'S SAUr*^Vi!M,e . sold on the fiist Tuesday in January next the town of Forsyth, Monroe county, agree able to an order of the lion. Ii-ft-iinr court ol I county, when silling for Ordinary purpo , a negro man by the name of Simon, a fir rate blacksmith, belonging to the estate ofWn. let? d Sold for the benefit ».f die heirs ditors of said dec’d. A credit of 12 months will be given. JOHN STALLINGS, Adin’r. November 2 \ T the late residence of Chantall High tower, dec’ll, four miles below Eatonton, will be sold on Thursday the 6th dny of Janu ary next, a quantity of cort» and fmldf r, stock of all kinds, horses, one VMin rtf oxen and cart, household and kitchen furniture, and a quantity of corn fed pork, together with many other articles. Also, will be hired nt the same time and place, the negroes belonging to soul estate, consisting of men, women a id boys. Sab* to continue from ?dny to day until all is soltl.— Terms made known on t he dav of sale. JAMES HIGHTOWER, Adm’r. nov 23 fifi ids O N the fitst Tu sdiiy in January next, - w ill be sold at the court-house in the town of Milledgeville, two negroes, to wit: One ro fellow and negro woman, belonging to estate of William McCrary, dee'd. Soltl the benefit of (lie heirs and creditors, of aid dec'll. BARTLEY McCRABY, Jr. Adm’r. Nov. 23 Adm’rs. O N Tuesday tho 6tli day of January next, Will be ioltl in the town of Eatonton, the late residence ot John I. Smith, dee’d. all the Household and kitchen fernature, the slot k of hogs and cattle, a Horst* niut gigg, ami a horse cart, and a number of other arli- beionging to said estate, too tedious to noon. Also, will be soltl precisely nl 12 o'clock, fifteen Shares of Stock in the Bank of the Stale of Gefiigia. Sale to continue from day until all m sold. Terms made known on the tlay of sale. !3 IRBY HUDSON, Ntlm’r (Y NVedtiesnny the 15th of Decembc r, will lie sold at the late residence o w anson, dec’ll, in Greene county, al the fKTsonnl pr.tpeity belougine to the c«*aie • itl deceased, consisting of ail the. stock of M*s, hogs, cattle, sheep, 4ic. one yol n anil call, oorn, fodder, wheat, kic. plan itton tools and fanning utensil.—Also f blacksmith tools, household and kitchen fin niuii (*,&.«• with a number of articles too tedi ito mention. Terms of sale made known the day. The plantation will he rented ami the negroes hired for the ensuing year. WILLI \M GREER. ) . . HENRY L NYU KERSON, \ * au,r8 Oct 30 1321 T the late resitlcnce of George Cross, . dec.’tl. in Jasper county, wdl be sold on Friday the 14th January next, all iheperi-h- • property of vaio tlee’d. conMsti’tg of hor- , cows, sheep, hogs, corn and fodder, plan tation tools, and a number of articles too tc- lions to ni'-ntioii. Sale to continue from day day until all is sold. Terms made known the day of pale. RICHARD CROSS,) . . . nov ‘23 HAHUIH CROSS, i N Washington county, will be sol n don day flu* 3d day of January n**s.t at the Lit* idem:.*, of Lewis Cone, dcc’d. till the pe ■habit* property belonging to paid estate consisting t>l liorses, c .lile, hogs, corn am fodder, with many other articles too tedious'■ numerate. The sale to continue, if mu t - rv, from day to day until a 1 is sold. Term dw knot* u on the dnv of ,..dc. PH Fill!. V (’ONE, A.lm’x, november 23 $2 60* aTiV-T•<fSTtTvTTru s - \:.l—-R. jli;, \. sold at the late i**,.deuce of Ma y Wnl lace,dec\l. in Hancock countv, on Tm sday the 28th of December next, ail the penni property belonging to the estate ol said dec consisting of a'l the siot:!; of horses, mill hogs, cattle, sheep, fee. a yoke of oxen a quantity ol fattened pork, corn, fodtfi wheat, fee. plantation tools and farming uten sils; also, a lot of carpenter* ti tils, hotibe.liol mid kitchen In. iiiture, fee. w ith a number t other artieles too tedious to met li *n. i ic from tlay to day until all is sold - Terms of sale 12 months credit tor all sum over $5. The plantation will bo rented lor the on*' g year, and the nt noi s hin d it tin* miii time JAMEri A. MILLER, Adm r. October 19 A DMiNISTR \TOR'S S.U.K— gold on the first l uo»d:iy in J.iuuary net the town of ra.mdersvillc, WnMiington coin , pursuant to no ord« r of the lulotio i N the2<»ih Decern!)** the residence of Ji late of Morgan county, all the perishable pro peily of saiil tlec’d, consisting of household ml Kitchen furniture, all the hogs, horses, ows.and calves. Terms 12 months. PETER SI ROZIER, Adm’r. N *vomb-r 2 O '- N Saturday the laml lirst day of .Limmiy next I negroes, 27 in number, istiug ol men, boys, ami women ami children, In longing to the estate ot NYm Ellis ill be rented and hired out at Lonice U ildwin county, until i!»•• 25:li day .if Dec* her, 1325 Among said negroes is a good blacksmiih ami his tools. Terms made kn on the day of bit ing THO’.-* M ELLIS, aclni’rtem’ry f9th Nov fife—6t { \N Tuesday fhc 21st of December ne: Y y w i l be sold at tiie late residenec of Rn son) Swiuney,dec d, all the perishable propi ly of said deceased, consisting of horse q ho cows, ami one rail am) oxen, together w the household and kitchen furniture,plantation loo's of all kinds, the crop of coni and Ibddt* and a gin. Terms of sale made Know a day of sale. THO. B. GREENE, JOHN 3WINNEY, Nov. 2, 182 f Adni’rs U N lluirsdav the 30th December next * / will be hired for oim? year, at Madi Morgan county, the negroes belonging to John Burwell and Amiabellti Dawson. Bond and approved security wiil he required by R. \. BLOUNT, Guardian Dec 14 2t -|V|0 1 ICE—Will In* sold in the town ot .Mil J.1 ledgevillo on Monday the 3d of J next, a likely negro fellow who is a very good Carpenter, belonging to tho estate of Thom Smith, dee’d. S. Id for the benciit ol the heir and creditors. Nov U NANCY B. SMITH, Adm Deo 13 JAMES N. WRIGHT,ex’r trors, consisting of men,, (iris Mil child—sold fur the bcm-lit ofthe heirs ur.d cre- .litorsoU»hI deceased nni. nl «ale, on«- third to be paid in sixty days, the b.d ince 1- tnonths credit, w fcecurity i'll notes and approved •VHO. B. «UEKNI'.. i Mmn JOHN SWINNEY, $ November 2, 1824 O ’* > ihe first Tuesday i. March next will he sol.) at the court-house in tell, county, pursuant the 9th dist of forinerTy VVliitinsou now Telfair. Sold for the lorinerty ^ ||eirg allll creditors of Isaac -j order of tho court of Ordinary of said comity, a '.'''f 0 , J' ing in taid county, No " *>*e *n» fortne , benefit of the ^'“^RKDEIUCIC WILLIAMS, Adnt r. Dec. 7 — v “ ■ ouene-ru . : r 4 hll j re „ and tu neero wenches anu ine.r u " e * , °S.Ho«uhouTM years old, all belonmu, „o B ro fellow aM.uw > An , u . rli0 „ ,,„j tf nr . lo the estate gjjjj 1(ir ,|, e purpoee ol^ a..d estate, Term, made know n oj.thejDy of BA RL0W. Adni r k T the late rewideiir*- «il Rolmit H'-mij lull, late of Jackson county, dec’d. will be sold on the first Friday in February next, all the perHonal estate of said deed, consisting of hoises, cuttle, sheep, hogs, the crop of corn and fodder, farming iiiendU, household and kitchen furniture ami other articles too tedious to enumerate. Terms nude known on the day, an die sale to continue from day to day until ail is sold. J XME.4 SISSON, Adm’r. Dec 14 SARERY HEMPHILL, Atltn’x. * 4/ ILL be sold at tin* former i •• -'ul**nc<- ol *4 ? Moses Sutton, dec’d. on the 23th day of January next, ail the peri'»lr»b , e property belonging to the orphans oi said dec’d consist ing #»| household and kitchen furniture, and stock of various kouU, and other article» not mentioned. Terms mad** known on the day. ALLEN PURR* , Ex’or. D°c 14 ia right of his wife. W/ ILL be soltl on 1 liursday 20th January f | next, at tilt* plantation of Joali Tisan, late of Twiggs cou ty, dee’d. the remaining part of the perishable property of said dec d consisting of corn ami fodder, bugs, cattle, horses, household and kitchen (immure, pi; tation utensils, one halt ol u 40 saw gin, * yoke of steers and cait. Also the negroes to he hired at the same nine. Sale lo continue from day today until all is sold. OLIVER i ISON, Amr Dec 7 DM IN1STR AT OR S SALE—Mill ne . guidon die first Tuesday in January next, at the court house in the town ot Eatonton, Putnam couuly, nerxuant to an ortler of the Honorable the Interior court of saidcounty sit ing for ordinary purposes, 9^negroes to wit ; Kntliony, a young fellow a first rate black - with, Shed a young fellow, Tabby a woman, Siva a woman, Rachael a girl, Mima ugirl. Rose a girl, Lewis u b.»y, and Herbert a hoy. Sold for the benefit of the In irsand creditors ,f John 1 Smith,doc’d-—Terms made known a die dav of sale. 1RBV HUDSON. Adm r. Nov.q ( V N Kri.L.y .U«- 7.,. \ y w dl be * W ILL be sold to the highest bttld** Saturday the 1 Dili of December n*xi, all lie late residence of George Stephens, deed. Jasper county, all tin* perishable property «>l I deed, consisting of stock of horses, sheep, pants and hogs, household and kitchen furniture, plantation utensils,and oth- articles too tedious tn enumerate. 'I erms rile, 12 months credit will bo given tior all sums over five dollars, the puruliaser giving his note with approved sccmitv. STEPHEN SlF.lMlF.NS, WILLI \M STEPHENS, . November 9| I) MINI ST HA TO R fT"S "\LE—Will he l sold on the 21 si day of December nc .», the late residence of George Elliott, dec’d. ir the Factory, in Morgan county,8 negroes, (insisting of men, women, boys and girls, -lock of all kinds, corn, fodder, fee. household and kitchen furniture. Sale to continue trniiMtav day until all is sold. Terms made know ii on lid dav of utile. ROBERT 11 ELLIOTT, IOHN ELLIOT I , November 9 i Cardi \ntTsale—in co.d«.....ity m of the court of Ordinary ol nlnam countv, will be Mild at the cunt t.liumo the town * f Eatonton,oil the first Tuesday January next, two likely negroes, i fellow woman, belonging to the orphans of Ur- Cooper, dec’*!. T’welv ill bo given, ami approved required THOMAS COOPER, STEPHEN WESTON MILTON COOPER, November 9 winty. three Negroes belonging to 11. state of L ive i 11.lines of said county, dec’d viz : Jim a fellow abt ut sixty yenmuld, Fra woman sixty years old, ami Nancy .'i worn thirty years old—Sold for the benefit of t heirs and creditors of said deceased. T er >f sale made known on the dav NATHAN HA IS ES,’rs October 12. id*. YY Putin ol January ill be sold at the late residence of Dr Wm. IL Blown, late of Moigan couuly, dec all the personal property ol said dec’d sibling of household and kitchen furniture farming utensils, hoiscs, entile, lings and pm piniitity of medicine, with a well assorted library ol books, a quantitv of coni mil ind about 3 or 10,000 weight of seed cotton together widi sundiy other articles too tedi to enumerate. At the same time and place, the land will I rented and tho negroes lin ed, belonging to said estate, fortlieyear 1325. The sale to routine from day to day until all is sold, rented and red. Terms made known on lit* 1 dav, by Nov l -j MARY 1 LB RONS N/Ailin’: t N Thursday the Gtli day of January n i P will be sold at the residence of Klish; Allen, lato of Warren mu ty dec’ll, nil perishable property of said dec'll, except groes, viz : wheat, corn, fodder, oats, hor cows and calves, I yoke of work steers cart, pork, sows and pigs, 7 ».r 8000 pounds ol seed cotton, household and kite lieu furniture, plantation tools, and other articles too tedious to mention. The land will ho rented and the negroes hired at the same time. Terms will be made known on the dny. The sale will con tinue Irom day today until till is sold. GEORGE S. ALLEN, Adm r. Nov. IG i«L* u DM INISTR Al (JITS SALE—\N til be , V •soul »u. tho first Tuesday in Feltuary next, at the court-house in Gwinnett county the following uegroeg, to wit : Grilhn and To ney, two te-gro buy i belonging to the estate ol Robert Baber, tire.M and sold by order of the honorable court of Ordinary lor said county, for tin* benefit of the heirs ami creditors ol said dcc’d. To my made known on the day of sale. WlLLfAM GREEN, Adm r. nov. 16. v OTICE—All persons indebted lo the c- . jjtaleol NN dliain Carden, dec’d. ot Jas* ftWcounty, are requested to come forward and make payment immediately; and those liavia, demands against the estate will preseut the n dulv authenticated in terms of the law. J.vMF.ri B. GOOLSBY.; . , . J AMR J CARDEN, l A '* rs * NovemlnP 'I IT. bo soltl at of Batli-lud Dillard, in Washington county, * ml ay th* 27tli December next, all the pc I property of Nathan Dilhnd, dccM.e* isiin4 of lioii'Chold and kitchen furuil'ir horses, cat b*. ht»gs, pbiuiatioii tonls, one s of blacksuiifli’> tools, fee. fee. Stild for the in-lit of the heirs and creditors of said d* mis of sale made known ou die day. ha! to continue from dav to day until .ill i>s*»l I BATHSHLilA DILLaRIV Adm\ October 19 tds* \ I LL be sold ill lb«* lab* residence IL Walker n nr. tie county, 4 miles below Eatonton, on 1 the 3l)t!i December next, nil the p. ri-habli troperty In longing to Sflid estate, cons'iMin tolerable mini*-ions stock of nil kinds, Kid waggon and gear, one cotton marl mocio fat hogv^the crop «»f corn, f> tlder, vv nudoaU, aiul w cotton may ir main on hand together with household ami kitchen tin uitnrc plantation t )»fs, and a number ol »»llu i ai in too tedious to mention. S lie to con tin til- IV iy to day ti)) all issultl. Tmna maJo kno i ih« day. Also will l»e rente I at the same tinin and .ice, the plantation, or n part tin negroes con lasting of men, women, boys ami iris hired. Nov 9 TIK09. JOHNSTON, Adm’r W ILT, be sold at the late rcsidenc \\ iliiani Carden,deed in J. -per coun ty, on Thursday the 23d day of DcCcmhe next, all the peiishable property belonging the e-iate of Haul deed, consisting of lions* hold ami kitchen furniture, plantation too hogs, horses and rattle, a good yoke .of and cart, a good still, ami many other artieles ■ tedious to mention. \l>o w ill be hired it the same time and place, ; negroes belonging to said estate, for tin* m of six niomlis, and tho land whereon the deed. !iv etl, will be rented for one year. Tciins node known on the «l ivof sale, hale lo con tinue from day to dav until all is Mild. J AMES B. GOOLBBY,/ JAMES CARDEN, $ November 9 Adm’i • months credit security will be ? Testnmetilary iiiiarUians. \ OriCR—On the 1st dav of January next, will be let to tho highest bidder at BlounlSviilc, Jones rounty, the rent of all the lands belengmg to tin estate ol Jeremiah J 4 .,. mar, dec’d. idsolhe hire of d » uegioks ’! . v)UIK made known on the dav. Nuv. 30 JAMES LAMAR, Adm’r. \ Oll( E Will be sold at the |.it»- r*•.-i- denco^ of Isaac Moreland, in Futuum county, 3 miles above Eatonton, ou Thursday the lGtii December next, a quantity of corn • lid fodder, ootk, hogs, sow* and pigs, and tock of all ucsriiption, 13 or 20 head of hor cs and mules, two yoke of oxen and carts, gig, 3road waggons,one four wheel carriage, together w ith household and kitchen fiiruitin plantation tools, and a number of other arti cles too tedious to mention. Sale to continue Irom dny to day until all is sold. Terms mat known on the dnv. TURNER’ MORELAND, Y JOSEPH T Ml IRELAND*> Admr SAMUEL REID, S . October 26 |\J OI l(’E—\\ *i| tie sold at the late residence i. x of Nathan Berne**, decM. in Morgan county, on Thursday I3ili tlay of January n* x», all die ))**rsonal property belonging to tli** estate ol said dec’d. Terms made known ou the dav of sale. ABSALOM B MINES, ( LEU IT YOUNGBLOOD, ( M IRIN'; AM) KK.VIIMi Will bf , •’»"U in the town ol' Cireencsliori), oil J- n-,1'7 llie JM Drrrmlier ncxl,.U>ul 30 likn. t' - , Mi llir minor, of Jem lit-' ■? ,1, a >"’ n * wl">m is nn c.eel. 1:11 . -■mill, and u lolcrnljly unoil house ■■.ameutcr Also, on the same day and place, will Ins rented llio aoveral traets of l.nnd bc- nnuini-to too e.tme of .ei.ldee'd. lying in Hie V,"' 1 °* 1 Dcouno noil Apalncli.e Hirer.— rmes tlmt well known lioate mi ne liter wiU bn lined at tbe same lime. Terms made Known on tins dnv of sale JOHN CUNNINGHAM, - ,,m — Adin'r. anil Guardian. 1\OTICF.—All persons baviiig demand* J. 1 against tbo said estate of lloberl Uabee late III (.winueit coinilv, dee'd. are hue hr notilied to present litem attested nreoniing lt» law, and all [lersoe.indeliled to the said esiam are riupiested to tnabe immedinte imvmriii. " ! WILLIAM GREtTN,Adin'r. Ex-rs. Doer m !k Y MMINl-lTJAl uR "sA LE—U Jb ary next, ,11 Ogl- tliotp< plop N the lira'1’iich lav in January n**>t, lit) soil hy order of the Ini'ioraM** die fcrior court, of Putnam county, sitting for linary purposes, at the court house in th* town tF intonton, the m groes bclangmg to tho **s- ito of New toil Cooper, tlrr’*l Salt* tor th* 1 unfit of the licit h aiul creditors. The pur- a-'Crwill lie alh)W«**l twelve mouths credit giving approved Sec aril v Nov 9 M ARK A. COOPER, Ad N p'lrauan* e of an ord'*r tf t! horn mbit* court of Ordinary of Greene countv, will s >lil .1 ill** couit house of said county, on the first l u *<l iy in January n**\l, one negre woman naiu''*l Suvi.i, bylonging to Catliariiit (miiuir) ; al-eionc negro woman nani 1 Jitd *, hclonjing to Sarah Ann Watson (uii ,) lot the benefit of said minors, i*pt2l .10115) MRi’.C ER. Guardian. \ (.)TIC F.---”' ill In* mi! | .it 1 In* late 11 a ^ tic nee of Mary Wall act*, dec d. in If in ck co inly, on fuc^lay tli** 28ih tiny of !)*• inber iwxt, the re*’due of the personal pro -rty of William Wallace, late of said county c’d. cou-i'Uiiig of one ro.ul -*agg'i.i, a iium- r of mechanics tools, farming utensils, fee. mtschold and kitchen fiiruiiure, and oth. i ItulmtM to mention. Terms of -ml* 2 months credit for all sums over ft 1 ). JOHN RIVERS, Surviving Ex’or. octoboi 19 tds 2. OTIt’K---W1II lie tin* court lions* V 1.1 Baldwin countv, o.. the first Tuesday January next, between the usual hours o' It*, ill tiie negroes belonging to tbe estate ol B**nj. Trice,decM. R) in number, to wit: Di al) a worn m, Polly a woman, re ter a boy, at a gi. l, Beck a girl, Andrew n boy, Sp«-i - rr a boy, Kiss a girl, Perry u boy, and 8le- liqp a bov. Also, on the first Tuesday in Fchruary, hi s court house in Putnam county, n tiact or _unroof land, known by No. 239, originally Baldwin, on a credit until Christmas next. To sold by the Exoi ’h of said «l» , c , d. JESSE MORAN,) ~ WM. TRICE, S sold on the I9;li day of ill'* lions.* of Solomon JjVidg county, ail the puiMinul arxl « tl.V belonging to iJji* vstntoof miiti deed sisting of a stock of lings, entile, sheep nod hoist :;, mol a quantity ol pork, a quantity of cum and Ibdiler, th;-crop oi cotton, lioiKeiiohl and kitchen furniture, In .-ides a number ol other articles too tedious to mention. At the sonic time anil j)'ace. tho negroes w ill !>'* hired hii.I the pbintiiitv.u rented. A credit ol 12 months will be giv en, and bond with se curity required. JAMES BRIDGES. DWTD BRIDGES, November 89 Adm’r £ jL’RSU ANT to in ortler of the liouombte • the Inferior court of Greene comm, when Siting I'n-ordinary purposes, will be sob I ou the hi st Tuesday in Januaiy next, ot tin. court hntiHc in the town of Greenesborough. 20 negroes,to wit: P**tcr, Laani, Berkey and her child Mariali, Silvy n girl Humphcev. Ilnnnuh, Clnnry, Rose, Lidtlmti girl.Matild a pirl, Mallnda and her child Man, Em* line a gill, Henry a boy. Jacob, Peter, Harry, Lewis, and Matt an old man. Sold Ibr the beeiTit oi the heirs and r.r* ditors of Thom.<9 Grccr.jtin dec d Tciiiih made known on the day of sale Nov IG GEORGE HEARD, Adin’r ^ ^,N die second Monday in January next, * ,i will be leased for the term ol 12 inoiilIih hi t!o* premiees, that valuable tract of land l>p.U)iiging to the estate of Dudley Jones,deed situate in Baldwin county, immediately on the rmid lending from Slieflield's ferry to Clinton, within half a mile of Bulls' bridge; there is •out 200 acres of open land, well ntlapl* d to the cultivation ol corn and cotton. \t the same time and place, there will I.* irGgoud hands hired for the term ol 12 witlis, and also two negroes sold, and all the •ck In longing io said fur in together w*th the ■ining utensils. nov 23 CLARISS A JONES, F.x’x. oct 19 xx Olg. I LL be a>ld ui thi* couit house in Irwin ton, WilkiiHcn county, on tin* fn>t ritesdny hi .1 wiuary ut \t, :di the teal estate ol John Mamlerson, deed, consisting of linen separate tracts of land, on one cf which is a v mill And on the day following (Wednesday) will sold on the promises of -aid deed, all the personal propci ty belonging to wild * state, Bold agreeable to the la i wdl ol the said dec’d, LEWIS BOND. Ex’or. SU-\\NAI1 WHEELER, Ex’x. October 2G id*" V DY1INISTK VTOR’S SALE—Will In sold sit the com t-houso in Eatoiilon, on the lii't Tuesday in Jaim.arv n* xt, 3 negroo* it: one negro man named Sam, idiom 35 •* old, tin*I two negro women, about 40 sold, sold *s ih** properly of Wm Grilltn, I. (in* the benefit of the heirs and ru di- tori. Terms made known on the day ol sale Adm’rs. A T die I dec’d of Putnam county, 5 miles below Eatonton, on the road leading to Milledpeville, will be sold on Wednesday the 6th day ol January next, a quantity of corn and foildcr, and one 40 saw cotton gin. At the Mine time and place, will be hired for l2niond»H, 17 negroes, consisting of men. women, hoys and girls, and tho trai t of land whereon the said Mcl.ary formerly lived *•«♦. There is about 100 acres cleared land with an excellent peach orchard and goo* gin house, autl other buildings. Tciiusmud* kiftmu ou the day of sal**. JOHN W RIGHT,) . . , JI’.SSE I.ILTLE, \ A,,, " '»• \ 'A' l M '. rsu,,s bidebtcd to the estate of John /l Morris, Into ol Morgan Countv, dic’d- aic heicby requested to coin** forward anti muKc immedinte payment ; and thee* having • Li inis against said estate an. i eqnciui d tot prMiiiit *)■<•«» |in..|M,ilr niiilii uticniirf v. the time nirpt rihed bv law Griffith Campbell, Admr. novr tuber 23 4 IT, peist us lisvitig (ieniuiidri against 'I e • Vi tsuicol Winning Unit 0 f | rcn*illy llt-oil.Hl-u uM|iu sicil to | ln i,,| i|,, j n tally ultcmod wiiliiu the linn'|irt',inl|, v t :u/ and the.,, indebted to stud eMail'nre i «n,.»tl)f n-tjiioled to inakr mtntiditilr iiayuicut to [JAMti. M. IldLL, Adui'r. Nov ember FG f i EK-ONS iodebtul to the estate of E! Tm f Alien, lato ol Warren euunty, dic’d. ,.it» requested to make immediate payment, a.i 1 nil those tlmt have any demands agaimt *.n.dt*x. Mu to render in their acrounis ,|*dy uiutied* within ill*; time pi •* -ci ilieil b\ law GEORGE ». ALLEN, Adm’r. iil»- \ IT. person-* having demand* ngahi*t die estate of !) William |l Broun, J ,w of M rg-in county, tlecM. are requested to pm sent tnein legally attested within the provision of l iw, in iticli cases math- anil provttiml, anil II persons imlehtcd to wiitJ estate are request-* d i • make pnynicul w ithout delay to Nov 9 MARY 1). BROWN, Atlm’x. v lj Ol GE—All persons indebted to the cs- i t ito o 1 Phill: ' Brantlov.Sen Tate ol the county of Warren, Geo. ilechl. arc cqueetcil to make imyment on or belbrC the 25th Dec.* next ; ami nd pot sons having just demand* against the estate of said ilee’d. will do well render them in properly attested within tin*, time required bv law. Nov 9 DENNIS 1. RYAN, F< r. \ ii 1 tL’E-All perm ns who are indebted to the estate of Robot! Noilh, laic of Oglethorpe county, deed, an* requested to make inrmnliatc pay ment; mu! those who Imvo dttiins a'.amsi said estate are requested to pre§, lent them m terms of the law. _nnv 9_ ANTHONY NORTH, Aclm’r. \ LL persons having claims against the cs- t \ tnto of John I. oniilh, dec’d. Ute of Ea- •onton Pi.tunni county, arc rcqitcsiL-d to make known their demands widen the time prescri bed bylaw, ami those iiuJcbted l«> ynid eniata are notified suits w ill i^nmrdialelv be coins me need without disci iiniiuiion, uult-?3 pay ment* are made without delay. Nov 2 IRBY HUDSON, AdmY nov 22 .1 \ VII’.S M. DUNN, DAVID ROGER O Adn» rs. A 1 OTK'F—On tho 17th December next, will be sol*I at the late residence of Jes- ay, deed, in Jaf>pi*r county, near Mouti- c**llo, ill*) following property to wit . two hor ses, a large number of cattle, and a great num ber ol hog-;, together with the household .• n<l kitchen lurniturc, and plantation tools, and a good forty gallon siill, and a little waggon and ham-**.»4|U.*utity of corn tnd fodder, and the t rop v\ cott >u in the seed, and a number of articles !•»(> tedious to mention. to continue from day to dav until nil is sold. \ MU EL CLAY, ) . , . tc <-i t v * '“in rs. S l>MINMK\T(miS o\LE Agree:*. 4 ble lo an order of the honorable the court ol Ordinary of Twiggs county, will lo: wildat -house in the town of Marion, ill said county, on the fir'd l uesday in January nest, 18 iH i'no's. s iy, 5 i»* , n, t wonmn, 2 boys, an.) 7 small children, all sold ns the property of M illis Anderson, late of said county, dee’d Terms cash SAMUEL WILLIAMS, Adm’r. M t0l • ! !() life N the Sfltli of December m m, will lie soltl at the laic lesoh-nec of Laac Cow ii Gwinnett county, all the personal pro- peity belonging to the said tlcc’tl (uegrort. ex cepted.) Sal** to continue from day tu day linn! all is sold All persons having demands against raid es tate uic i eqm so *i lo lay them in as required by law, tho-m indebted to said estate take iniuicuiutc payment. AM DREW BOYD, Admr. nov 16 ANN CQWAN, Atlni’jt N O I ICE —Wi.l lo- ‘".Id i.-ii ili*- tii r.t 1 n<-'- t!;»y in Januaiy, 18*15, at .Madison, Mor an countv, Peggy a woman ftbonl 23 years |.J, Jerry 3 aud Charlotte I year old, all sold lor the benefit ofthe heirs and creditor* ol iniutiel Belcher, dec’d. nov IG _ JOHN BELCHER, Adm’r. 'GRF.EABLE to ■in «niter ot the Hon orable the court of Oidin.irv of Warren oitiity, will be sold at the Cross Roads, called Bak* rs ami Cocrofts, in said eoun'y, on Mon day thc27lh of l>cc*-in*)cr next, 2 negroes tt> wit: (iiibiud 2U years of ugc. mid baiuli 13or I t, the property of John Bailey, d**c'tl. bold fin the benefit of tlie hei;<* and creditor*.— Terms of sale cash. J A .iES BAILEY, Adm r. IG tds" N’.,’ THOMAS CLAY, S OTICE—\Vdl be wild i J. 1 22d d iy of Dec IV eduend.iy the xt, at tie- late oi' U illia.n Kelly, dee'd. ait the I property of mi I dee’d. consis ing of hogs, cni h', n u-adinld and kitciicu furniture, with many Ollier articles too tedious lo men tion. Terms made known oil the day of sale hy me Administratrix. BET HEM \ KELLY, Ad.n’x. Nov. 9 tit* T tin* lali* rr-micucc o( Jono C(»\mglo , dec oa the 14m Jumiary, 1325. will be :i quantity of corn and tod ler, horses, cat lie aud hoj^s, a waggon, and sundry oiiici am Clr-. Also, at tin* court-house in Washington county, on the lirst Tuesday m February i two negroes, being part of tho estate of said deceased. CT1LOE COVINGTON, ex’rx. JO.*N WEBB, J CHAHLEb FISHER,} cx rs ’ Nov 2G, 1321 9 the (list Tuesday in Feturuaiy next, ml v V he solo in tne town oi Lexington, Ogle ihorpq county,pursuant to an ordci of tiie lo terior court *»! said county, six negroes be longing tu the ettite of Robert North, latent s.(iu county, (.er.'d. bold for the benefit of tin* ,i,.,rs amt endiuirs <»l said dee’d. I *rms 4 *d sab* made k«*a r. on ttie day. Nov j AN IT uNY NORTH. \dm t r I TIXECFTOR’S.SALE—Will be sold at III** Inn* resid.-nceol Clavborn Maddox dec’ll, on W'eduesdti) the 15l!t Dccemticr next l<* negro"-*, men, women, and children, (m eluding tho noted Sunclio) ti good well luok* mules,one road waggon ami goer, one 40 saw cotton gin, 7 or 8,000 weight of pork, and sun dry ai tides id kitchen furniture, also two nut ts of luml, cm* containing 100acres more or the other 50 acres more or less. Tcpum— lit till the 2jlli December, 1326, small notes with good seem ily. CHARLES'D. STEWART, > f . , F.BENEZVTl TORRENCE, J l,x orp * . * i d'K—All person* having d- trands 1 A against the estate of JJin H. Walker, . late of Piitmini county, deed, are mice fe ted to reader them in apit cub.e to law ; and ill those iudehuAi to said cst.-.u , aro rmpicsu .1 .o conic fnrw ai d and make ilium diate pavuicni. Nov 9 THOB JOHNS l ON Adiu’r. W ’ I LL lie sold at the Into re Valence of Ro bert Baber,dee'd. in Gwinnett couuly on Saturday the first day of January next, all ofthe personal property belonging to the estate of said ilcc.'d. (uegitiCH excepted.) Terms made known cii the dav of sale, not. 16 WII.M.VM GUF.FN, A.lm'r, O N Wednesday tbe29ili day of Decnmbet next, will be sold ill the laic tevidence of Wingate llall deed, in Marion, Twiggs county, the perishable propeijy of said tlec’d. consisting ol two set* of excellent blacksmith* tools a good horse bridle and saddle, a first rat*- horse colt a year olu last spring, several head of cattle, the household ami kitchen fuinitut*- togetlict w ith i a< iou* other articles too tedious to mention. At the same time and place will be rente** fer the eiisiiing year the lot and improvement in said town belonging to tin* estate of - v ‘ deed, there is on the lot besides other improve ments, a huge blacksmiths shop, in which is a well ol excellent water and three brick forge- set up in the first *tvie, this property is Minuted in a m ighhorhood inferior to none in tin* p • ' of the stale for carrying on fhc blacksmiths business lo advantage and will be ollcred fm sale at farthest by the end of lilt- nest ve ir. I) ANIEL M. HALL, Adin’r. November R'» J>UBLICK SALE—On the IJil, day of I January next, will tic. sold ut public, out cry, all the personal property of Charles Eg- gerton, late of Jatper county, dec’d. consisting of a good stock of horses, cattle and hogs, two waggons ami harness, household and kitchen liinntuic, and all the farming utensils.together with a large crop cf cotton, corn and lodilcr. At the same tnue aid place, will be rented for the term of one year, the plantation of the said Charles Eggerton, deed, together with twenty negroes, con*-i-ting ol men, women and children. Terms will lie mado known on the dny of sale, ami tin sal** will (>c continued from day t«* dav until tlm whole ate disposed ol. MARY EGG FUTON, Adm’rx. JOHN MORELAND, ben’r. / K , . a IIF.NKV I.EDliK'U Klt, J A,lnl '*• NovciiiIm t 30 W ILL tie sold at tne late residence John Sturdivant, dcc’d of Puiuu county, ou the 12th day of January next, lot negroes, to wit; IMmbe a woman, Creasy girl about 13 or 20 years of age, Kmc hen hoy, and nn infant child , also corn and (odder, hot!»es, st yk «>| all desetiptions, one road wag gon, one ox cart ami yoke of oxen, sold (ot die henefit of tlx? heir* and creditors of said doc’il. agreeable to the Iasi will aud le of th*- said John Siurdivaul Thu negroes to be sold for cash, TURNER MORELAND,;. MAItlWF.LI. HASS, S orrt MAiiiijv ii. snjRinvi«-' OOT V i tiie corn (-house in Morgan county, will lie sold on the first Tuesday in February next,on** negro woman belonging to the cs talc of John Morris, dcc’d. Sold for the be nefit of the heir* and creditors of said duc'd. Terms made known ml the dav of sale, nov 93 GRIFFITH (' YMf'RKLL. Adm’r IVCT ICE Wilt be sold at Marion, on .L i Monday tilt* 3d of January next, all the personal property of James Slone ^ml Jns*-pl Nenland, both late of Twiggs county, dec d. cousisling of one marc, saddle and bridle, one silver watch, and a number of articles of clo thing. ROBERT CUMMINS, Adin’r. november 16 "TUKKEABLK to an ordei of the I bmu^ f\ able the court of Onllnary of Wnirrn county, will bo sold al the court house in W ar- rcntoii, in stiiil county, on the lirst Tuesday in January ut xi, 4 negroes, to wit: 9am a black smith 25 year* of age, Ferriba 16 or 17, Peg gy 22 or 23, and her child Jonathan 3 or 4, the property ol William Akins, dee'd. Sold lor the benefit of the hoi is ami creditor*. Terms of *idn cash. JOSEPH D MACPARLAND, £ A(llI1 * r . JA.MF.S BAII.F.V, J A,lmrs nov. IG O H(T;-.\7teeablo to sm order ofthe Ilonoi able the court of Ordinaly of the county of Pulaski, will be sold on tlm 27th day ol December next, all th** persona I pro. perly of the chtato of Moses Sutton, dcc’d.— Term* made known on the tiny of sale. 'Hie sale to take place at the plantation of said dee’d. Also a nrgro woman will be hired be longing to said estate. Nov. IG ALLEN PERRY, Ex’r. O N the second Saturday ill January next, will bo sold at the olantaiioiiof Mr*. Sa rah Coleman, deed. in Baldwin county, 4 ne groes, to wit : n negro fellow, one negro wo- •an and two children, said as the property oi aid deed, lor the benefit of the legatee* WILMS COLEMAN, Adm’r. k Novnr.ber J |»ntd-^*r6 OTICE—All persons bavin? (Jem.unis L\ ngaiiiHt the estate of John Booth, lain of Twlgg*. county, dee'd. arc requested lo I ting diem Cm ward legally authentic-at*'-d, within ilio lime prescribed bylaw; nLu those indidtcd to make pavineut. IIF.NRY BUNN, Ex’.*. Nov 9 _ fit" A LL persons indebted to tlr* estate of Lal James Park, deed, ait* requested to id ku Tiiiucdiate pav tncnl, and those lo v liotn the estate i* iiidehti-d are notified to prt -. nl tbesr acrnuniR properly authenticated within ik4 time limited bv law Thomas j park, Adm’r. N. B. The land belonging U, *j,id deed, will be rented on Salmdny the 1st Jauuuiy, nt li'u late residence. Nov. 30 Cl - - — GEORGIA* Uj hi, /Jrrtilenm (lROUGH Af. TUO(T % Governor aud Comm ;ru/er in Chi*! * * the At n' / tiw*/ A’ of tin* ihc Aii/itiii th.'rtof' WHEREAS 1 fi;tve received inG^rmotioa that WILLIAM BARBER ami ELIJAH BARBER, did on the 29th of Ocfobi-i ,n*t f commit an act ol lawless outlive and \n it nc* on the body of Churlts l>. O'Kelly f in ilul county of Gwinnett. Am! whereas, it i* represented to me tlmt llicsaid\Villi.ini Baibrrand Elijah Barb*r, had absconded of comealed theon-cUc* from ju-^ice, I have thought proper to issue tins my plodumotion hereby olL iing a reward (»f three hundred dollars lor ImjiIi, t»r one hundm/ und fifty for either, to any person or persons who may apprehend and them safely deliver into the custody of tho sheriff or Jailor ol the county aforesaid : And I do moreover charge a*.d require all ofiiccrs, noth civil ind military, vvitltin thi* state to he vigilant in ciidcavorirfr to a i-p relic ml the said William Bather surd Elijah Baiber, if to be found within this stale, hi) that the) may be hi ought to trial for thw with which they are clmiged. Given under nn hand and the great seal of the stale at tl.e >-tate boom- in Milletlg'e- vill*-, this 2*1 Decenibcr eighteen linii- drcil and tw entv four, and m th** forty* ninth year ofthe Anerirnn Inpcnd* ec*. G. M. TROUP. By the Governor. E. H a mi LToN, Seerftarij of State. .Vote—William Bui Ik i r b*ntt 23 years of ag**. i iir compter.ed f *.«rk hair, -• t* • 10 or 11 itches, high speaks last, fer Kljali Berber it *oine Miinfler and rather dacker coutpleoit p and about 19 or 20 veursof »gt*. Dec. 7 * 10 Alasoim- Notire. /ItHF. F**»tiv I of Si John thu Ev.ingtJUt I. will lit* celebrat'd on Monday the 2*7tk inst. by i lit* Biethreu of St.John's Lodge, No. 13, held in Marion, Twiggs county. Ti.undent brethren and brothers of oilier Lodges uto (or.JialJv invite*) t.> nttend. ROBERT L. PERRYMAN. December 11 2l 11 Twe nty Dollars ilt want. S TRAYED or stolen (Vo.n the subsenlietV stable, oa the uightol thoid inst.THREE *t)RSES—two dark sorrel match horn *, hav ing two white feet each aud ablaze in hi* 1st:*—the other a large bay, with the letter B on fit* left or right hit/, in/1 remdiected which, with a long tail. The nltovo rewaid will l o paid to any parson deli wring tlm horses in Milledgeville—or half to tho ukcr up, on in formation so that 1 may get thsm. T. B. HOWARD. Milledgeville, Doc 13 II — ——. Ten Dollars Reward tU'.WWAY IVi.ui ■ lie in)>* scribnr,living in Sandei-villc, on the 8tti Nov. Iasi a in gru (ellovv S.A.M, 22 year* of age, about 5 (eet 8 or V .iiche» high* rumarkal>ly stout Iju|Ii and wt-A lot UI-M4, ><ai k complexion, has walked soiuu at tlm hlitcksniithH' trade ; plays wt I on live life. Any person who will deliver said negro to me, or secure him in a > jail, shall rccetvo the almve reward 0" 1 '•( r»-1.. ■ • • •* ••(» paid. WM N.IJA«YGROVS; Dcoii >n