The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, August 09, 1825, Image 1

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BY C.VMAK & R \QL \ND, .iTATF. mi.VTF.RS KlXEDOCVIUil, TUIIDAY, AUG( 8T 9, W ff^THE GEORGIA JOURXAL U pxiMiJ, *tf *.cMr. it the corner of Wvyr* and lUoccck Streets, *t llirce nulla.** per ana. m ail vtnte, or Four Dollar* at the end «*t the year. I he pmp'-r v» 111 nit be *ent to :iu) »cr*on suft-ffhe Sr ate, un'il the lubtcriptton it paid ia »Junir,ur •iluffactury r* Terence firm. Adrertiwmevt* iiwerted at the mull ratn. N. n. S*l<-« of land and uegroei, by Adminiitra- tor*. K«eeutor»,or Ouardiaat, an* rruuired.b* law, lo he held on the ftrtt Tu**«fii)'iri the xm/„th, bc- t* wm the hour* of ten in the forenoon and thr* o in the afternoon, at the court Uouie of tin- comity in which the property »• vituate.—Notice of the**- tale* fruit lie riven in a public gazette SIX I Y days |»re- T«ou» to the day of tale. Notice of the »aW* uf pt rinnnl property mint he fitrn m like manner, FO&TY .’ay* prnnou* to the day ef tale. Sjlice to the debtors and creditors of an fitaie tr.uttbe publithed fur FOU1Y day*. Notice that application will he made to the Cotirt Vf Ordinal) ft.r leave to tell laud, mutt be publish- td fo. NINfc MONTHS. Pet tons interested ill thote advertisement* which arrpuUulml / unthty, will f*„J them in the /frw and Jvurih Cie .first paper in every msnfL All butintit of tint kind continue* to r**c*ive prompt atuutiuu atths.- office uf the Georgia J*vr- nel^k _ Hi Dakii f ^Pl’ItluCK is it c in lidatc fur Sienff ot ft .till v\ m comity, nt the ensuing llecl ton. * (p* \V« arc alilliuriMiJ to annonm:^, tlint I, vac 15, it a cnn.liilato 1 ilia office of Clark nf the 8opcii n C'.mrt ul" Jailer i-QUIuy, at the ciiAuin^ rkcliuu Iff Jutis Bo.iar.B i. a ranJUIate for 8he- i tt of Hancock county, at the tinning elec- nun. •lieoi^iicaiit* HKAD ciuAR.TF.R3. MillcdiltciUe, 17th July, 1S25. rpHE Cominanffoi in Chief having yes- .1. terd.iy received information from Gen eral Guinci, that tho Detachnmm of .Militia which waain a course of organization un- dor the authority of his rnauKitiuu of the ititll of June, will not bn called into service. (IriUrcil, That Major Goncral Wimber ly, Shorter amt Miller ho notified thereof without delay, that they may regulate their conduct accordingly. JJy flic Commander ill Chief. SEABORN JONES, i .lid-dr-ramp. UK UJ iJI.'tHTKKS, 7ih l»iv. ll. M. I ire,l ll II, Kirilin co id.l July, lflJJ. DIVISION ORUKKS. S tMUEL A WALKS, of Hahtraham county, ie hereby njioninled iliviiem in spector with the rank uf Lieut Colonel,to fill the vacancy occaiiuucil by the rwignatioi, ol Hiiminu Jonea, Al liir.u II. Holt, of Wal- ton county, and Jons \V. Hoori.K, ul Di li ilb comity. aiili*dt*'Caiuip, u» fill t4»cs \ »can- riesofS A Wile*promoted.;,ml .N L.|Uutcli km milord, and RICHARD YV* mf »*t Mali countv, division quartorm:i»tcr, w ith the rank of Major. Ordered. That they severally be obeyed and respected .iccoriliuclv. ANDREW MILLER, July sr> Major Gc iitiral, 7lll D»v. t». M. FOIl SALIi. I! tllRELS NOR l HERN GIN, 5 i) »0 d<* Rye VI i>i*h<y, ’fiO l»l*U. I! iltituore supeifine flour, 30 ti,**! bblv do. fl lituls. Si. Croix tfttgnr, to bbls. do. J6 do Lonf Sugar, ,‘K) do .Marker*.!, do mum* Turk, 60 <lu I*idi V Moor, 6 in ices Rice, It) It.i.i do. 1<A) c i-krt I.iulf*, 20 lihdn. Alol.o»***s, ;l do Jamaica Hum, 2 H dtai.dOi, , 2 do Co^ac H.and/, 40,000 lbs. Wends Iron, .1,000 C Votings. J /».) jli 1*. MouldsJ 1,600 lbs. Gerutstn Steely 2,o00 bushel* Sail, ijj pieces Hemp Bnsgiog. 1MUAN SPRINGS. VOLUME XVI^NO. d5 THE SUBSCRIBER ^TlLfa remain?.it the INOIA^I MINKKAL SPUING, so well Unuwu nsn^d.icc of health *3 mid pleusiirc, win*™ he has made eonsitlnrable improvements for thoarrrrpnon of< ompa* ny tin. Sf Kun I h** average number of persons for the IviNt senvon nas nbout eight IiuihIhhI, .1 lie tliiukt hr will be able to accommodate twelve hundred much better tlintt he <!u! the company last season. Fnun the great coiiveiiirure on nliirli his Kitchen is counti urted, it is ver\ convcninttlo the Dining Hoom, and built on the Mine plan ns those of the Saratoga and BallMoii Springs From the great addition he lists made on Ids House and Kitchen, together with his experience in business, will enable him to give general satisfaction to all that w»,l to* vor him witli their company, either for health or pleasure His Table* will be furnished with the best the country affords, and lits Bir with the best c f I. Minor * and Wine. Porter, Beer, Ale. 1 lis stables \viJJ be funtu>hed with the best of Forage, nn I an attentive Ostler. He ha*ul<o a large snpplv of the newest fashionable and best style of STAPLE hi FANC\ GOODB, and GKtiCKillK.fl of all kim.s He has also about FIFTY ’1 ENTS, which he wifi rent from twelve and .a half to twenty* five cruts pet dav, as in uualiiy. R-ITF.S OF FARE. Man, per Jay • • 2b laM^ing, ... S y *5 Longer than 10 days, I 00 Onkreu and Servants, half price. Dinner, • • • 0 60 Horae, per day, - . . 1 00 Supper or Breakfast, U J7 I - Longer thun lu day s, • . 0 76 JOEL DALEY. N B This Water has made very remarkable cures—Last season seven r.Mp sof Hhouma tn>m .iiulfivc ra«esof Gravel, which appeared to be fatal, were eunrelv cored L\ aiiemling tin.** Spiing, Had it has made sound men of u number that whip tiouhh d with tlie BieastamJ Liver Ctimplaint. and in lact it is excellent lot all diseases of n Billions naiuie,ns iiopernti s poivnfully as a diuretic. It wasd scovered last season, that bv (iruiking and washing will, the Water, it v\> uld carry aw.iv Fr*» kies. lac ; and out of the U0U that vis u d ilu . |. ( »t sununcr, there w i* not one case of the Fever, notwithstsinJiag the most of them had be* u subject to it academy lottery. SCHEME. 1 I’rizc of ji'J.OOO is $-2,000 2 Prizes of 1,000 is -J.flOO r.00 is 1,500 very fall Slav 17 lf- J. II lutliau Springs. \ FEMALE SCHOOL will be eskil.bslied . and kept up at this waiding place during the present summer Hoys under 10 vests ol age will bo admitted. The school w ill be un iler the r.areutid in.tuagenient ol MHS. M \H* TIN JOEL BALKY, j •. i n • • SI BILLS ON jXEAVVVOKK, In sum to suit purclinsera, for sale by WILLY vV BAXil.K. tf '2* L. BRONSON, ( I0N I IM7F.S to carry cm the Cabinet ami j Choir Making lluunus, in all its v n* aus brunch* 1!** has on lur'd a tinmbei of COTTON GINS at %jf2 a saw.-lie will take Gins upon any given plan, warranted 'jm’AI t j any in the Unit* d Slates All oidei« ihakfulfv received and promptly attended to Lexiegu n, Apnl 12 n— JH April 11 W\\im\1 am\ rv\U. ffMir, subscriber wishes to *> rcl'.jve m few g t*rm Mtd bushels of MERCHANTA BLE V.’IIF.-Vr, to bs delivered at C.uter's tills, for which he vviil pay a fair pri*c in Ca*h, nr will exchange a biithtl of pood Salt fur a busticl of good lean VerrtianMbtu Wheal. JOHN T. ROWLAND jiffy 5 g / w i j v HI *'HKI,S of Merchii.-itafih- | l M M f WIPE A I' wanted, lor which jl per budiel will be given ileb.ered nt my mills. W heat gr<*U’id at the shortest nnvlck and bolted in n line nr superfine Ho«li «•* •nit ci -!. mers My nulls will grind *130 bushels ol gi.iin each *1 • *y PETER J. WILLIAMS j Hint l, vUlt| Jam I4dt t IBM, i Hank of Parirn. R F.30LY’ED, that a reduction of |0 pn cent, he and is hereby required, on all p^perdueal ths cuithci Rank, mi o. before the 20tli day of November next, end t evert renewal theieafter, n similar reduction, until nine slnll laive aiununted to J0|K*r trnt Extruct fr*»m thu niimir** LBEN S. IIEES. GuL> uty 5 tIN !') ’ rUp ij u\nvv \ nev h\\\\> H ERETOFORE existing between mvvel* and M r s. Mitt ha E*. an* in the Clinton H '.V, It is li eii tfii day dissolved I»y mutual »*t. 'J iudt'Mrd t«» or li I'ing d* uiamis i a «aid 1'nucrt n arc requested to call upon Vfr. t’lni*i»»ph*ir iMiuer, at the Clinton Hotel who i** authorised to settle the same. JOHN C ARTER. Jllljr Util lo January I ft Jl. J. NICHOLS, L C -In tm ~ RLE*. NOlirilEKN GIN, d s# 76 do Philadelphia WhoU- / 10 id*. do do : irtod, 5 bills. Cherry Br.indyl 1 pipe Cognac do 1 do Holland Gin, 1 do Jamaica Rum, 2 p . cask* Modena \Yin«, 2 do Ten* ride do| 6 do Malaga do 16 libl* prime Poik, 10 do No 3, Marketvl 10 I-J Wd*. No 2 do 10 d*> I do 10 do Buckwheat Flour, 60 do lrt*h Potatoes,* J tierces Rice, 26 hbls. prime Sugar, t» do Lump do TO do Loaf do 25 bags prime Green Colicc, V do Pepper, 100 bids. Superfine Flour, 40 kegv Cut Nad*, a/smtud frout 4 to 20, Tl) do Flooring Brudi. .Hi) d.» English White Lead, JO Sp.imsii Brown, . .1 Mils Linseed Oil, I 2 do Spanish Whidng, 10 boxes -► by 10 Window (alas?, Ed do 10 by IS do ,j keg* Riehmoltd Tob.u co, M boxes Vi-Ilow* Soap, 10 do Mould Candles, 1 kiShot, assorted, 50,t)*)O !!is Swedes Iron, handsomely 300 «la licmian Steel, 4,000 «Io Engb-Ii Castings, n^irled, .',000 da bhenr Mould*, 2 crates Crockery,n soiled, p et * Cotton Bagging. For sale,uf r.l»v JOHN T. ROUT.ANH, Car lo- BotjJt /.’ '• g M tbdgeville, Jau 11 tf 1.» - New Drug KslaUHiiiuMit SOCT. B. A. WHITU I S now *-p meg and offer* wh at In* xtorn at the Po-*t- (llfice. Milled"*^ die, an extei ■ i\** fUMiiic.H Mt of /Jrwga, (hi. piiintx, /. lotujity Votnni .!/'*«/1 chics, F rfktntry, A t. •Jlii* assortment cotoprclirn I - all the ■t.ipl* articles in the drug line, and a < tio tc <d n thett, not usually touud, but in the iiihi cilici, or in Savannah anil Atigt been laid in with tho view,that th Irf'n well their custom should not be disap pointed, when •ending a* above, for any no d.- cine or meduusl preparation de-irable in «u e< tensive and aiihgltteiud »u . . ‘e J |,e mil* sciliter inumds keeping a tall and p-rniaumi supply in the above dcpartnimls - ol tending, os tar at practicable, article* •*••*> °l R*e best quality, aud selling them l«»r cash or approved |,a lTe confide** Vhe man «f tho bu*i* ne.s t. Dh. WILLIAM GHEEN, an* -~ promise that all ortlcrij deoiatch and accurac.% July PJ .VEW GDDDA. sta.vfoiw ft irr.v.v, U VVE un liin l a naff C*2* r »l ' meat *.l DRV GOODS, »f «vciy da. cripuon wlU-’d t . tlic It aon-Ato , Rrncrai a-norunent of P ile** Mtffirme,, ( fufk.r), Gk.-., Mum-, and II irdiiarf. Culler)-. Groce- tip., -j..cilery, Deer Skin*. »- • Uc - W.icHcaa . liadicn terr accoiumadaiina il l Wl. iy jq IinJwgW" ■*!! fn It has faroriny l\ « o\c - Yi\n A v u;'. I IHK public are rcxpertlully informed, tliat II0UK-BINDING in itx v.uioii<«bi-.turlt- cv, will be executed by the subscriber with iicafueKt aud dispatch. Also, a regular ;csortment of L* tigers, Day Books, Record Book*, Dockets, Memoran dum*. Note IVmks, AUunns, R-reipl Books, ami btaiioii.iiy of eveiy description. Rooks of any sir.c or form can be ruled or bound to any pattern EDWARD JOHNSON. Milledgevillc, Jun 11 THE PUBLIC. \ UR cautioned against trailing fur Nates sudlo •ignetl by my brother 1* T’ CALHOUN, as there is ii*u one given li tJien of Geoigia for n valuable coii»ideiaiion This publication h made m couseqoei sevf ral note* having n cenlly been olivred for •ate, it (he above descripiion J. a. c uHovy. Miltedgeville, July 1‘J .4—-3t NoricK \ I.L persons indebted to ilic firm of 7* _ roxiih t^’llkiion 4* Cq. either bv note ti account, are respectfully requested to make immediate payment to the subscriber, othe wise those indebted to (hem may - to rind their note« and accounts in an other hand* lor collection. L. ATKISON, survivor of T. A.xCo. Mu'- ' \ l, •, M '. I il 13. FACTORAGE. I ^ HE mil •rribvrs continue »o transact FAC' « lOlUGK COMMISSION BF.-I NESS |f( bWANNAII- All produce const'.' rd to tirein, will fie insured upaiast fir®,after goes into ttoie, wi*li«»ui any charge to tlicovv- Storage on Cotton will be 8 1*2 per bale foi the * t week, and fi cent* for e ach xueceedi g week ; but if it rent month 2.T oeots only w ill liecha'ged lor the month, and 12 1-2 cents far each succeeding mouth. T. BUTLER, U Co. October lfi cotf» —— I Hepburn & Prince n AVING taken Hogr.LT D. Hv.pbi'Rm , Into pwrtuervbip with them, thi r*»uiiiiii*‘ loisiiics* at the«r •»!•! ttaud. 13k l** ail 6ut* l, on-lrrthc firm nf Hepburn. Prints if Co. HENRY MEEhERV, CHARLES 1*1(1 Nt li, KOBE.RE 1) lii.FBURN. Ncw*Yurk, June 7. 3m—Jo Vl-.ivAw.ive u\uV U-utVcrj. HCPitUKN, I’lUNCB u Co. .VEir-1 vine, WE received l»v ibe li-t ariival*, and e cm Jo*or), >re mm opening an amoiameul «*t ROODS in their line, w hich they will sellatlow prices—among thiur are— Knives and Fork*, of every varic ty, D > Ivory, in sen, Pen. Pocki t, ‘2 M * >e S: spri'*.' back Knives, l( »gM»* celehr.iieil kniic*., r it. i* N. s-'i-»ors W* • ding Uoi andhraw Truce*, (* iff*« Mill*, Bell Metal K* tile, aud 6kil- let*, Mr fw<\ bio. II /’ Order* executed on the* most favorabln lorm*. jim* 7 * * 3oi—3f» $15,000 0,000 Ticket*, amounting to $15,000 NOT TWO BLANKS TO A PDIZE. The Drawing of the above Lottery will commence on the first day of December next, or a* soon thereafter as the side of Tickets will \v arrant. Rut Ten Days Drawing.•••The Prizts only to be J)ratrn. PRICE OF TICKETS $5 EACH All 1'i ui s doming from the commeiict menl, excepting one piixe ol $1,000. which will be put info ii»e wheel «»n ike morning of Tie tenth daydrawing. Ali p,. * * payable in JO days alter the compleiiuu of the drawing, ndyevl to filtcen prr cent dor ou »i BY THE COMMISSIONERS. CPI 1CKF.TS lor *:»le, m a gieat variety if number*, at tuo Com*.»v* iouti* Gillie in Saltin. YV. P. GRAHAM, Secretary. July 19,1826. I,,,-42 ACADEMY LOITERY. rilllF. Man: ,pr«ol JASPF.R AC ADEMY .1. LOriEHY, beg leave to infoiiii the publn , t.t cm.4* qu« „ee of me bin.,II P x luvii.g pit-vailed in the town of Mont,cello foi « »i„e time, the -alt. ol the T mkebt have be* n greatly', I i will th*-r, fore be impracti cable ;o comment'* tin drawing at tho time Coiitr-mplnird ^ lu.ttk * , h ppv in being uhle In s|..te that •• i- .is*.* ha* sui**uled, the sale of " •*. .. . ,1 so great linn they ti .tr- » ii * Lr.iwing mil take place Highest Prize -5,000 Dollars. 1'ltOl‘OSil.S For carrying Mult ot th t i.ued 3tatc« in the following Ikat ll ail*, will be ieor R<d at the lieu. Ill t J vt-ollii * , ’a tne *l) Ol \Y’.ifthiiigi«,u,ut.ltl tkg iktk day of O voter next, un liL>ive. IN GEORGIA* 119. From Creek Ageuc v y io f tllahastee, in Florida, oner .n two u» < k.-*, \C0tnt\~*. Leave Creek Agency, \ • ry ether Ehorfilny .it 0 <i m and at rive at T.tllSuj»tv oil Sunday by 10 a . * Leave rullalm**ee etcrv other Sunday, at 2 p rand arrive at Creek Agency ou a Wcdur»* d.i> by 6 p M 12 ). From Knoxville by Upson e. It. New- nan or Pike c. h aud Fayetteville to D. Knlb c. li 100 miles. Leave Knoxville every other Thursday nt G «x m and arrive at Dch.dbc. h. on Satatdov by II am. I.eavu DeKalh c. li. every other Saturday nt 2 p n and anive at Knoxville on Monduv h r.n- DR. FINLEY n ASr< turned and reunited the practice of hi; profniiui!. E re* mans Stove, Jones county,June 14 Law Notice. fTHLr. subftc.iibei has removed to an*lopen- 1 I’d X Law Office in the town cl Mnrou, and Will practice in tfie* ountietof Bibb, .Mon tve, Newton, Henry, Pike, Up-on, Ciawford, and Houston, of tho Flint; J.wper, Jonet, and WilkioHcn of tho Oakmulgre, and the Noitliet ii emiiitieH of die Southern < ircuitn. B. STRONG. .Tnnunrvll |;> THE CXiX£J ? £'02tf HOTEL 9 i I NOR thr future will be conduct* ,im I cd by the siilucriber*, und -i ,l,,? '< tnio anti firm of CakiT-II and ReKLT. Hit »''u >•> dui • ii hit ir 1 iinprovcin» , i,iH both in tl.e House and Staid*-, and being ireolved to npnrn no pain* to ple . c our cietti'iueib, hi fen cntdalrut of giving geo* d Halisl.ietioii and hope we *hal| tveeivu u libct at ftlutltt uf public p.itroiinge JOHN CARTER, LEVI KCKLY* July 19 3t 5200 Ticket.*, at:; >uuting to ^*2)5,000 ALL PRIZES p i\able in CASH, in ten d »y» att* r the completion cf tlm drawing, sub* eel to a dt.G mint ot 13 per cent. PRICE OF TICKETS $5 C.K ll it. rr.R yv. gagtiku, j JEREMIAH PEARSON, | JESSE i.OY \LL, ) - ELI GLOVER, N. C. I'OUFLL. ) ^ jun* 28 H will be executed with li A. W. Cum nth I don Warehouse. AIIE •uhscriHerv having f .ime.l \ r,.p#*x- ion nnd* r tho firm ot liTOVAkl. k FORD, n-pe, (tiitlv tender their senic^* to the public in the II tr< h n. c nnd Commission i/tfiiM#fi t in the City ol A tiuiia. Their Warehous* v and C h.*e Store*, tdua- teil on Jacks<*i, street, opftotitft Mrw#. >*«>■ v YYilli.iin*, and nc,» the Steam Boat YYliarl, have been c,( .-:ted lh*« Spiing,si* »-,tc,con>- tnochou* nn*l »\cll arranged f*.r tli** St^r.tce */ Cotton nnd li.reiein* .\ Foru anting ■ t G'c* , */v. 1 licit chaigex will be at ttie lowest custom ary ruU*« Ldici al advanc'r* will be made on Cotton consigned lo tli* rn. They promivc a prompt ami fiithful attco- lion l * all bti-iiness confided to them PLEASANT STOVALL, of Augotta, » WILLI IMP » ORD, • t Mon •. . XT P ^tovali. retur.ift hi** Miiccre «1»«• k* to thote who have hcrtlqfoic patronised ki*n Augusta, Juue 7 liitJuJiU'Wtl KDHAK'H INN, /ll the Sign of thr Eaelt,Columbia. R. C. Till*, public arc informed that i the Mil).. liber'* LARGE NEW jj i* • v BRICK HOUSE it ready for the reception of company. He < an i,ovv accommodate thosowlio may : ill on him in Minenor style. Hi* table w ill hr spicud v ith the l»e*t producuiona of the land a ad hi* charges tic moderate ADAM EDGAR Oct 7 tf 1 TALL VIIASSK HOTEL. WILLIAM HALLIiai<FM»l>li»li- d an Hotel at the city of Tadah.i"- ••e, in Middle Florida, w here gen ii 1 ‘men, ladies, and fnmilicft, w ni he Ohpiuldy eutertainrd. He propose* corn* .mcncing a hTAGI-5, to from HurtOml to Tallnh»i>»oe,nn the • ud Monday in cv« ty ,. nib, nnd to stm t from Tiilltilta«*n on the tiiit vlonii i) of every month, beginning with Aii^i.*t next. i'alkihosMU*, I'eb 1 A Orest Bargain. T IE subscriber, de-irou* of rcii* 14 from public busiuei*, ofl*,*> lor !«• ill* Well known e ATHENS HOTEL, lying on 0 main street, h»nd«omely situa* ?> il, ami commanding an esirnsive view of the surrounding com,lit; it is three store-* lughi co.itaint twenty-three lodging rooms, two Drawing loom*, ami a dining room sixty lect long, nil in exccllmt condition, with a lar/e, hen, ftinokr house, stobh «, Lc. 1 here 1* lik* W1.1 on the K*t,n house well (alculau df »r n store, and a c.kkI stand lor busines—-also n gin lion**'. Yvnli thr establishment maybe had ,f de-nf.I, beds, bedding, furniture, Lc J lie Mall Stage, running twice a vv. * k be* iw«*en thi-place and Washington, (Wilke#,) put* uti at the Hotel. Persons dispone,l to 1 mbark in'.he above bits,ansi, will hi,*1 it gready to tin ir intmcsl lr» «-.iil 0,1 il»** *i,l«scnbci, as the stand as a public bouse is ««iot ric r to any in tho place, and will be offered at a very reduced price, and indi'putable lilies given., ro* s vi k. HIS plantation, Lying within ten mde* d Athens, rnniaimrg lour hundred and lilt)-eight acre*, three hun dred acres of w hie Ii are cleared, well cuclo»ed, and in gi>od ord* r. GEORGE HAYES Athens, February 0 Cm—— U hull BALE, riAIIF well known and vahiable po»-*r ;*ionft I whereon John Heard, lute id .1 ope couutv, U* c’d. lived, coot lining 430 acres of lamf tn a body ,»•> goad as any in the couniy, > > which is a good comfortable frame dwliii; boiuc, 1 gout I hitching it nl3* , i nect«*ai> l-uil • 'mgs ; lUait litiscn *nf laud open in good or tii r for euliiv.itinn,a very good peach ttiqiple orchard, with «first rate steam distillery, f ons wishing to purrh tse would do well to Tie pri nts, s and judga for thcuiselvea A good bargain may be bail in t'an above prnpniy by making early umdication au<lgiH>d payments AN M3 HEARD, l x x. align*t 2 tl—* IV MAKE IUHTK TO BUY YOU* TICKETS IN'I IIE A'frs'iraffA Mftsovnc WwW YioUcvx Thr first drawing of this hinhlu approteJ Lottery, vcdlpo.iitircly take place or tic 15TH or Auaus? }% At which tune will coinnicncu thu distri- btuioii of the IblSowiu^ valuable presents 1 Prize of 80,000 Dolls. 1 Prize of 20.00U DolN. 4 Prizes of 10,000 Dolls. 4 Prizes of 5.000 Dolls. 5 Prizes of 1,000 Dolls. 1() Prizes of 500 Dolls. 50 Prizes of 100 Dolls. 500'J P izes of 10 Dolls. WHOLE TICKETS, £10 00 il VLVKS, S 00 UI AUTUIS, 3 -M) ElGHTIliS, 1 35 For oalt* in the greatest pos-dble variety of tiumborsi, by T. F. GRS2D?, Agent. Milled*crlilt, June 21, Ir'J.l roin AliimH by Chirkdmru*, Pciui- cox Mills and Lock' ridge to Lnwreuccvillc, 10 miles, oner a week. Leave Adieu* every Sunday affirm nnd arrive .it Lawrenceville the same day hv 7 p Levr Lawn nceville every Momlay ato i and arrive at Athens the same day hy 7 pn. NOTES. 1 The Po«t master Genet al may expedite the mails and alter th* times for arrival aud departure, at any time during the vuniiiiuance ol the amimet, he paying a.i adequate com pensution tor any extra expense that may he occasioned thereby. Alia he reserves the rain to abridge any contract made under tin.* nuvcritxrmeal u hen he thinl.k. it proper, ami to deduct front the compensation at the ratio paid under the contract lor Usftcniug the duties of t'ie i«,r. 2 k en mii.utes shall be nllowed for npeiiing and do-i lg'he mail, .,t all olficet where nn particular tiim- i* »,:< < ified. J. For every thirty min lies d* lay. (unnvolrl* able Accidents accepted,) in arriving after the time piexcriheil in ony contract, the itMitr.ic- lurshall fuiL it lire iSolhir* *, ami, if tlie delay continue until (lie departure of any depending .nail, whereby atrip is lout, a forfeiture cl double the uinoiitil allowed for^carryiug thc inail on - trip, shall bn incurred, uulcsx it shall be made to appear that the d. lay was occa sioned !»y un ivoidabh- accident, in wlm li cate the amount of pax for a trip will tin foi!**ited. 4. I** rsoii* m iking j-roj n-.ds ure mpiirid to state tin it pric *. I»x the year. Those xv|,o c. intr.irt will r c* ix'-iltcir pay rjnniierly— in i'ic n or th* of .viay, August, November aud Fcbruaiy, oai* wuslli after llie cxpiraiiou vl each rpiurtcr. 6. Nootln r tlnti a free wldre ptrsousliall lie employed to c arry thu mail. d. lv Is n- ifie proposer intends to convey j the mail in the body ol a stage carriage, lie i* dc*irrd to ;a.»H a in hi* proposal*; and the ' st ig«* rnustbe ofsiiHi ,ent s.xe, nidi's- ui'.ier- ' xvi-*- rxptetsed, to conveniently convey seven J prt-**egj»i-rs • 7. Every pro|>o-cr may offer in Itulnd, to j make improvement in tin* tianspoilaticn of • the mail, ri'*m the term* invited, either as to the mode of tiwnspoiting it, the sp**ed reijuited, or the f cipieor y ot tlie trips p**r week—which shall receive Jut* eonuitlrr rtion. I he number of the po*t root* shall Ire Ma ted in every bid, and the proposal must be »•-.,! rd and directed «o the General l'o»t*011ice and endorsed ** proposals " ‘itricl ultriitioii in it bu fiven in the endorse nieut, .n» it i . not i it' ildrd to bleak the seal of nix proposal, u.itd the lor rtci ixmg Inc's •h .1; li ixe , x|dred 8. Thr Pur tin oter General reserves himself the right ol dcaliring nny contract an rnd, xxhr-nexer one failure- hajipei,*, whir li anumniM to the Iuhh of a trip. 9 Tlu- dimaiicr* ntatrd ion such i I cn i uiiimuiiic.itcd lo tliin oIIut'i and noniv <*i them may he incorrect; On dm subject the contractor tnuxt iufoiiu Imusdl—tlir il* pan iii*-nt xv ill nut be aiisxx eiable lor any mistake Id No bid sliall Iru xxiilidruxvn h1i«t ilu- lino fv*r rn rixing Lids sli.ifl fmve expired, nnd nny prison relusc to t ike tin- eontrac t l.ftS bid, lie '.ball la. la id iiHpo.isible In tin Dejiatihieut lor the uillr, .*u« r In txvcmi In l#t**, :md tl at nt xxhicli the inntiaet shall or made. No t n bnG *11.ill be made kuowi, bri ne tin* |7diol October ') In* a — »«/ •ini-iit ol a x rintirnt! xvii’miii the rouse,it ol iIn I' (•« i.end sliall forleil it—,mil in all case* xxIn in i|*phration to mukn a ti « fer ii in »de t do- term* must l»r Inilx st tied. II Thr contracts are 11 be in oprintion on the tii-t day uf January next, and continue one year. JOHN M'LF.YN, Post nnistri (irntrid Gr.ft? nvt. PosT-Orricr., Hiohingtn.t tl/A, lu«6. 12l OI(l).NANf’E DI.FIICTMKNT. If is hing ton, Ith June, IU2.V S r.XLF.D p.apw*ah X*,|| hr tree.veil l,v ibis I)rp lit,nri,t (i *iil the Jlsl day uf .luiir m \t, for fn. nishiugthe l illnwmg('annou Ball vi;. . Seven llmuM d flxrTiumlici «ip»in-<bi Cannon Balls,to bu iMrhxercU at Full Deu«* AY hi. H. Ton-mice, Ksq. W ILL nuenil to the professional business of the subsrriber in Ins almrnrS. SEABORN JONES, July 2f» Attorney at Law. \ V / HERE AS theie exists murbdifTrtenct- v f ot upiiiimi as rcspi r|< the road laws regulating the county of U.VJwin, it is the opinion ot the Inferior court, that hum « dis* cretihu gi* en tln-in in the first section of tin- last road law for this county, either to keep raid roads, tic. m onlrr by letting or Idling persons, or to p,ii sue any other muse in re* laiion thereto, xvhif I, iiithmr opinion will |>r*t proomie the interest of the c* uutx, hr. that thev have the power lo order in ihs premises, and it i» hereby or,leir-d the Comtniwion- ers of the different distrirts do tficir tl *;y lyr the appointment of overseers, and manage the • lift* rent roads as under the old law, until funds can be acquired sufficient to carry the new faxv into effect ; nnd it is further ordered that ll,i» order he published in the papers of Mil ledgcxillc, for the information of the different Commissioners of roads, who it is licped will forth* itli do the required duty without further trouble. (Signed WM3 RUTHERFORD, J. L C. JAMES r III*MPHRIs,J I C. APPLETON, J I.C 11. G CRIITENDEN, J. I.C. H ALLEN, J I. C. jnlv 5 A orICE. J do twrchy forewarn all (lervins from tm* ding to, a paper wrth my SKiieunieiii give t i fanner Snell lor £70, due th**J 26th *>f l>e rri.dii r last and dated the winter or spring lore, a* the same was giver, on ronditious tin' have tailed and payment will iu4 be made en td compelled by law. > BENJAMIN S.0GLETRKE. Au£g»l 2 6; NOTICE. fill IF. subscriber will dispose ol hi* MILLS I in Montgomery county, •having a Giist and four Saw *, running, which last are calcu lated to turn out from 4 to 60(4) fret of lumber per day, which can hr rafted immediately into thu Ocniiilgcc river, with 000 acres of the best timbered pine land in that section ol thestat* As to terms of sate, they will be uindu en*>. l l,*-above property vv*s immerly that of E YV. Barker. Nix residence is near Midedge- I’dlo. JAMES BOYKIN. June 7 w3nv 31 ifj T'be Augusta CQit^Miutioiialist nml Sa vannah Georgian will puUisli the gbovo v\3m and forward their nreounislo this ollire. NOTICE. fTITF. Subscribers liviog in Morcan county, I .1 miles Smith of the ILgii Shoalsoe the Appalatrhie, take this method of tefoiniing tht ir I tie udi. and the puhli* ge hits I lx. tlu-t they have oil hand a i.cmhero* Patent! ottotiGin* and Carding Maliciue* xvlri h they x- ,|| iliqiinr • »f at tin* reduced prices id >’2 per ».>xx fr»r ('•.'.tan Gins and **..') for Cat ding Machines I lie .••:bM , rihem ixiil aim furnish ruuniiiL' gear of nnv th Hctiption xxi^ii thu Gilis, and old lints* carefully repaired. N R. 7 lie ahovr Gins nnd Canting M rhine* will Lc warranted to be of the best wind. ALEXANDER M BROWN, WILLIAM J. DAVIS. August t -in-—41 Slop tlmTinian. S TOLEN on the night of the l. r »th iii‘*f 2 bln, ro »W, one nearly ne\v A and thcullif n *1 (ptite halt worn, with metal button*, lb l.itt* of whirl, uic oxnl. Ilu- above coa were stolen fix ii man who i i|f*» loin •Tf John Wrlluinm, so,,it ImUl, about h led L mcliri logit and bflil liaii. He had oil when lie xx, nt ofT, a blue wf• i| f«! iound alejul coat at a pair i-f *li d* (.anialooUH, he is a rurpeiit bx trade and gem tally xxeat-i a white Ind reword ».f dollar* will le given lo ni pei it n xx It*• vx,l) apprehend the thief .toil del, cr him to the suleM-riber# in the tewu of I- •• ixth.or a reward ol § Uif ht- ii secured anvjail in tin* Stale. S\MUEL PAXTON, DANIEL GUAM. July 26 HO lo'r^T h ' " .. I,.,... -j ** ? he ‘ “ unuiiuhlt to, tl.e | J i. c »icf, whenever, in liwu'union, ihcuOr ol mwI. u ■* Sec. t. .ind U it tnaetti, (lie ...(.i-ciiun or.ur.nj, ul u, e •tint, -linll Le 1,,. | u ,,„. ttul, or Micl.oil.rr oliiirr u> o*te,. nr lue Stun- urj ut War iu.aj au».im | ur tlmt ni atul the fair, .hall he ui.ule umltr .u(h ial» W Oihil^lou A|ipn,»rd, Hatch 5,1CI£, AN All for the c ntinualion uf U:e Cutn- herlaud Kutd. Frit tvoct.a L’j u, t SttivtrauU 11.un tf lirr- Tt.rm„t„,i ,J U,t I'uit.d tiutn ./ Jumuu v. f ortfiiti. inn nip/rtl, That thwtuBl Ut lihe hut.- dtui amt (illy tliou.lrd dollar., uf nionnj. iu.t uthrrw.M! »,.piuj riated, he.aud the Mr... m ..err h». a|.|ir..j.iintrd for the purj.uit tl uio r • to, and tiiahiiij; a roar! tn in i[ t u nu uf ( ju h.". lo the .late ul Dhio, on ll r „,i,i l , u k ,.f tie Oho. llyi r,up|Kinte ihr lux , uf \\ h. < lit,.-, lu ll* : V -kmi-uni nn r. ni Zane.nlir, ir .nil .Ule | which .aid tun. ..f une hundred ai d fif. <y lliounnddollar.nhall Le riplanedi.un,I ||,» land re.rrved for Injmg out ana wakiii, load, uadet ihe direction vl Conerew. I, y ,1* IT oi.u ^“r" r,,r ,'.r*- «r«vf .i or Ohio, lnd,ana,I nnd MxK.uri, al* iMci'"' ° U * i ' 1 ' lh ' ortgi,,. Sec t. And l<t it fuvhrr rtutUtl, TIiM. for Iheanini.rhme «Fc..nit.h.hmeni or ll^ olj.rl, III* 1 rtkideni, »III, >|,e ndlire of the Seilau ! t h *7 °PEo,nf some fit permn am ihs Hipcim- tendentof said road, w I,o*# duly it .hall be, „ n * der the dm e tion ol the President, to diiid* thu same into sections of not mom than m, uiifes earl, ; to contract foruml pciHonalh m-* pertntond the opening nml making i!,r ' fcy ,.| rosd, ns Well ns to receive, disbunp, and faith fully ucroui t with the Tivnwty Ihr all sums of money by hnu received in viituc ol this Sec . .7, Atul be if farther enacted, That uis jujpeijf>femirj,( ulmjf not fit* iur**i. .ted dire, i lyor iitdnectl), in the avails, of am contiNc's so to Im made hy him is aforesaid Thru |,*- 'hull, helore lie enters upon the ei charge i t Tie •.utics . njoiiied by ill s act, execute bo, d lothe I luted elates with tenuity, to Ik- up- proved ol by the Secreiarv el the Jreafturt- conditioned for the fuiihful discharge ot h'.# duties picenlu-d by tins act : That he sl „|| hold his olfioc during the pleasure ot the p,r- ♦ddcnl, and sImiII receive at the i.h* of fifteen huudrt-il dollars per suiii.m lor Id* «ei tiers, during the lime lie may be eo>plo]eil in t ie dis* hargu of the duties ri qoireil by lliis net Eee. I Ana be if further enacted, That Die •* snleot of the Fnifed .State* l*c. and he is reby,AtiluOtizml and empowered to ap|teit*t * • ••*partial and judicioos fierson, not l*»»ae darn of i itlici of tho tiuleS lliinuth whi h the road, heii in after mentioii d, shall pm, o be a Commissioner ; nnd, in css* . f the i' t a* f ign ition,retusnl tom t, or any i isd iliiy . * x -ur!t Commi««i«,iter, to n|ipt'n,t anotlo * ut In - »A« .ol, wl. j >li.«lt Imc pow• ,, at eutdiiit* i v the pioviniotis of tin- ad, intitkd “An ihio* -.lutliniizu the appoinin t nt of t'. nm is to lay out tho road then in no otionri ,*• . nioxi d, May the l.ftctutii,one tiious'iud eiritt hundred and twenty, to complete the • -•poo and si,i vey lierc-tofoic eoii,meiH-r«| Uy virtue of (he prn%i%iuns td uid act, and (* a. tr,i«f the same to ih» |H'ini.inenl seat ol t. x erinnent ot the st.Do of Mi»*«iirt; the *iid • irui h, conform, in all r« spert*, to the un x s- lOitw *»« the sod i e rifed 10 I, cxecpl lh l it nk.ll y (lie m-tl ol Ooxe, nmciit oi ,l»>* m u * of 0^,10,1111111111, and Illinois, and tie it d (hmiuiis doner, and Die pi t on *-n»ploy • d und r him, sliall receive the sanii- , •aupen«..i.un 1 ii* tin ir servit *-i, rebpeciively, ns i* hIIoxxmI bv the iaid im it* d ml; PrucitU*i, lnArerer, Th I the said m ul shall (-•iinne'Dre at y^ancMxillr, u» Di. state «4 Ohio, him! tod- hay the t ilt'ieof, the »an> ol imi thousand doll a it .* lo ieby Hppropiiated,nut ol he DpploptIaI.gH made by ihe first mo lion «.f tf i* *. ( VYafthiliglol). Appiovi-d Mauh J, lb".6. T A KU'SI’V 6\v\sunvc UyvW UUcvj. frtllF. Board of Commibsioners Imm* the I. pleasure of aunoio>* ing to,he public,that li«.hi the I irge hales ot Tu kels up lo this time, and the increasing demand for them, they are tinkled definitely to fix a day lor the com- ,*»uceiiHM„ of the Lott, rx—and to give the u,*l positive a .is ura lice* of oh being i-x»ri**d fallv into effect. The first drawing wall PO lllVKLY fk- O); the 15(11 of August next. Persons wishing to advent'.,re ate ndvisedto purchase without delay »- . u .olx.iacc tn the iricu of 1 )• •*• t--,*» !,*«< t) probable, lh-alors :i Lottery TickM* it, tins anil other State*, xiil be sup|>!<« I on adv oitageous term* bv to , king apple *tion to t’.e Baud of CouiiuiftSioQ* uiftthtotich thru Secretary. J. S. BEERS. Hrritf T’i to tin lb :rd i>J Coens>4-19.101. jutic 2T Valuahle Projierty f«c Hale. IHE sm*. .eriber being .nixeitw Co move fo the We*-tein rouulty, ••(Tims lh** fidlow* 1114 property lor sale, viz. hi* IIOFM! and LOT in t!>e tov. n i f Mani»Mi, v.jur h has fixe ariT* of bvk g*mmi,1 Altai hed to if, makinc it very convi u • ut lor lot*, h ,% . The H«,uie i*. alxrgutxxo s' *ry, 3f* I, et in I’,out, aud of an I. fotni of IT t. M • nine, making three large room* beloxv and the same alum*, newly paint ed ami well finished lassie lor the comlort ol a family. Tin* i- one ot Die fin >| and |iuo*t p|« i-,.ii«f Mf' .ninihe lowiiol’ Mail,-mi), be* ill'* a xutlicn at l -'. inte •**un the public ft*pi.iri- toVout of the hustle a* . uniso of t»u* town, and cntiirly oulol danger of file There arc ill necessary aud convenient oat hoin-eson the lot. 1 abo offer for sale my F ARM,lying within two mile* ol town, roataieing about 300 acres, SIkvuI 3(>0 ot which is cleared land, and >• good order tor eropmg", tf,» Icnctiig all in good repair. There is a corutortable I) \«-ili..g House on tie* place, who aood out house* with a large tU feet Bar#, a Gin House with patent niuuing grer, v g-iod wheel bouse, aud many other co .veniofcces, w ith a* good X spring a* nny in Morgan county. There is itmiut 7 or H’JO bearing peach tree*, and about MX) well selected apple tree*, With a variety «»• uher fruit tieuu, such as |>earv, cherries^ Idu* •fumhs, quinni, Ate. Any person wishing n •urcliasu such property, wilt do well lo con** uid ex imme it, a* 1 aio determined lu oft* r i •n such terra* tlut the purchaser cannot tiro* null of thr price. Possessiou will be given u* Dio nioat’.i of Jauuarv, or sooner if re mired. J AMES C. FOUK. MaJtej", A* co July J$ 1 ’ Six thousand 21 p under Cannon Balls, to be delivered ut New•Orlaus '] hr ll dis are to be cast ill iron mnu ils, nml to lie delivered rot or before the tits! day ol Oc tober , I8<G They vxdl be inspected at the iiiaiiufacturip*, and at the ex|x*ii>e ul the Uni- led r i i ii*> ; bin they are to he delivered, at tin- places mentioned, at tfic cost and rwk ol ill** i Oi trai »oi s T he l'ro|MMaU ftliould he made separatclx for <* it h paict-l, nml should state the price per pint ml. Persons disposed lo offer pioposals will In* furnuhedjOiv.ippUraiioii, with the diineifion* of fire balls, aaJ the ri-giilations lor mspei Dug them. GEO. BOM FORD, Brevet C.d on Oidiianre Servir i». 7 r Printer* of the laws of the United States are den .-d to publish the forr*voing once a week lor fixe weeks, ar d to transmit to tin* !)• partinent, with tlitir ucrotim*, oin the paper* containing tfic advertisement. 1 > l \ AIV.\Y from tfiesu’.i. J rib* tin- f V April last, two i.c*roe*, on** almut 3.’ years the other 17 uld, both ii.amerl (Tl ARI.E3 ; the eldest one has be* i s-liot iu •if Die bullets arc perreivakb bis Itruuftl, nml lie n ;«!-*• shot tlirongh th* right leg, be i* about ft lev-1 ID im hen, and th*- oth* ibout b feet 6 ii*rlit • high. Anv per*un th. will apprehend said iii gioes und secure them in any jail in tlm state, r deliver llinm to the ilier in Morgan county, netir the old liue, shall be .-ea^on.ddy reuar«le*l JOHN firShKY * 10 il X may 17 AUrntiitn Meclinuics. rjiiiF. • JL s*)her, i ii!»*‘r xviilii * to employ n goo*l, ln*t r ioiis li.ane cur.iuiiler on inb of Considei able niagnjtude Ar-'dv fo JOHN Ni.VEB. B ihlwin rnnn,;.. Geo. Aog tl tf- — LV COTTON DINS, &c. r |7flK Sutisfuirirrs lake this methorf to in I form the public, that they manufacture and keep on hand for sale at their »hop in ( Simon, J.»n«-s Co. Cotton Gins with Blrel lni*u>, xxarruuted to any made in the Mate, which they offer on very accomuioda ting terms, and would invite those widling ti purchase, lo fnv<»r them with a call before they engage » l*ewliere. As the kubscrdiers prn|»*)se delivering tlw Gin* on ti tal, and *hould any <>f them not prove- good, ali stir Ir will be taken back at their own ex,*ea‘c. and if the purchaser wixliol they will replace the miiic, with another on the iLimn term- autd a good Gin is lurmdied. T hey also repair ('oitniiGinn in ihe li. ,i maun* r and on xhnrt notice—and have lor sale cast iron cog wheels for Gin i mining gear, winch fit' x offer in m U as they arc, or xx ill put them up »early for use. ANo \\ fieat Fans of superior qualify, will, wire riddles aud cast iron oog wlteeU—AI»o b'rri bora’s *n,,*r -ve*l Fast Iron Ploughs, from No* ID to U, xx till exl.a poinn. AI*o wru.i;l,t Iron Pl’iughs, marie on the most ap proved plan for turning over ground—Also ( ^rdia^ Mamin, s of a superior cpralify, for family use —, and low |M,»t Bed-leads, lan**y, wood seat and kitchen Chairs, with a general a»Mirtme„t id furniture. All kinds ol (iirnius 'loan aar«‘esl,(e to order. GIUSRULD U CLARK. June 7. J6—-tl- MEDICAL. D R T. GILDER'xLEEVE, respectfully informs the inhabitants of Clinton and i. x icinity, that having lately extablislied him self ti, the foiiner place, bu now offers hi* *er* vice* as., phj\ici.vt and surgeon, and he hope* tat by unrenuttrd attention to Sis business he mv merit a shore ol public patronage A general assortment of well selected Dings »n l M,rd,ein»- ’•:!! ei'«ttn ,,v !•*• kept on hand I Apr ip ^ T 27 \ivvNXft nt t\\e Y . fetulx-*. [ny .iuTTiofity) AN AFT to amend an Act, entitled “ An Act tn alter the I,mo of holding the Circuit uu* I Lit 114-1 Courts of the I'ut'ed Suites, for the Datfrirt of 9outh Farolina. Itr it enacted by the Senate and fl uiu nf )Lp. ntenljfuenj the Catted States t-J ./e.rricu ir* tVnfjrr*, attemhied, T hat front and aSiei tfie pa-*ing of if,is net, the Circuit Court Cr the Dim,id of South CaruUua, at Columbia, South Carolina, shall commune* on the foiiith Tuesday in Novcudier, nnniuliy, instead ol tl,,! il,,id Tuesday, as is now provided for by nn art approved the txveniy-litih of .May. oin- thousand eight humltcd and twenty*four. Sir. 2. .Ind U id further enacted, TTiat all ftuiu, action*, toil*, process *s, and other pro cuudmgs, which now are pemliug ,„ said Cir , uit Court, or xx liich now are, or nny hereaf ter Ixr commenced for, r»r returnable to, the said Circuit Court at Columbia, at thu time huielotore established, shall la rrmriiMblt* tg, heard, ttictl, and deteimiued in the said Cir cuit Court, al the time hereby fixed and es tablished* Washington ; Approve J, March J, 1C 26 AN ACT to change the time of holding the District Court ol the Caned States far the K•*Merit Distncl of L'^utsiana. Re it enactedK) the Senate and House c f /.’ p resent"to ts cj the United States of Amci «a tn Congress nssetnbltd, Thftt, the DiMr.ct Coutl of the United Btntrs for the Eaftfra Disliict of Louisiana, shall be annually hofili-n iu Die City of >’t-w Oilcans,on the serond Monday <>t D« readier, instead 0, the thi,«l .Ylondfiy ol November, us now pi*--serdied by law. Stic. 2. And U ItfurtIter enacted, Thai uil »utlx, irtinns, writs,processes, and other nru crcdings, which now art pending in »ai«l Dis trict f cuit, or xxhirli are, 01 may hereafter I,-, lor, or return.ible to the ►aid District Court, on the third Monday of No vember, w* heretofore established, shall bu re turnable t«, hoard, tried, ami proceeded with, in th« said District Court, in thr same manner ),s if (be time tor holding thereof had not teen ebaugud. Wavhtugton : Approved, March 3, AN ACT to outhouse the sals of unxer- virtable (Jrduauce, Arms, and Military Stores. Re it enacted by the Senate and House of hep- rcsentativfs of the United St alt % of .Imtrica in Co- g f- 9 Hid, That Ure IVefixicnt ot the AN AFT In ul • r the tr-rn* r.f d>« T)ine*t Court of the United Sutcs iu Hit llulciv Ififtliirt ol Y*i,i*.1*1.1 Rr if matt. t., ti t Stnn>e and flos s ef R,p, mentftire* *y th* l nfed Stat* 4 of Amir tea «V Congress a\:en Ud, T hai ti-. t, «*l 1 »» Dn-tuct Coui(,)*i ..i*d for tf.c U**t.r L.sfurt *.f Viigima, n r 1< 4*1 uf ibe liOix- ,u*W fixrd by f.iw, ahull be hoidfi ou ihe ill's and nt tie plat** heieir.aftir uten*ir<red. »*nine|e, it Si.,n»-inn, «•' tlir loM Monday* in Marrh ard Aii^ -t; ut W ythe Court lim*', un the f.isl M iutuy*in April and Srptrndur*, nt l^uxviv- lung, on the F, - I ivs a ter die firat Mondays 10 April and Beptcniber, tad at (Tarlu'kur^, on the tii st Moi.d iysof Juns ^nd Ndvembu, >u ear It year. Sec. 2. And be il further snorted. That r Vs rer.ognimnres, p*i»e* xs,amis ami proreei’ingv# «*f treaty kind, n hi ther of ciul «*r rrimrn >1 nature, commener d nr jk rnlinp iu chhfr t f said Courts, shall he returned to, p* , ornei|ed in. and duturuiini'd at. the'ornis her*Jn proxi<|, it f ir.ia the same n..inner as if the time of h-4 ding said Courts had m t In rn changed Washington Approved, Mureh 3, lfi‘26 AN ACT lo ntiilinrii.e the Injing out and opening of a | •il.lsc rood froe.i the St Ma rj s hixe.r^to the flay of Tampa, in thu tcu- nur> of Cbrnin. Re itri ic:,a bn the Senate end House •/s* r'sPntaiireaof the L’nU^l States if America ..1 ( .rifreu utsembUd, That the President *>f ths rnitril fiti.t* »be,at d he *, hereby, authtw fixed to cause to bu opcntJ,in J,u irirltory of ITcridu. a Public Ruad, commencing at thu Bay of 'Tampa, and, purgtw thu most Juret practicable route to Y\ antons* in Mid territory r and tliem e, jMirvi ng tin- most direct and prac ticable mute tp CoU-ram, ou the St Mary s river. See. 2 And /*• * further enacted, Thut tl-iu President l>e,niidhe i» lien-by, au'hovigud to employ the trc.ips of the Fuitrd States, tint J iu Florida, •• stM h mump •* ky Mf think pro|u-x, iu the completion, or assisting is* r enntpleliou i<f «aid road. Sec. J. A*ui be \l fuitiur enacted. That, fbt delr.txing thu expenses of opening said roud, ihe ftnis* of twelvu tl-.ouuuud dollars bu, and vnin* 1* t*ei* ky, appropriated, 19 be p:iid out of any mono in the Treasury not other* •f appropriated. Wash.r.^tou, March 3, IS16: Approved^ Arnold —By tho duoth of Gunurol Phil* bps, \x Iiq coujtimndcd the British in Yit- gfiija, tin-traitor Arnold was left in com mand there for mmo time. General La- yetto coinmsndcd the American forc«*u opposed to Intn. It bcranu-nucessury for Arnold to writi) to Lufayettu on sum# sub ject ront.eitod with tlicir operations, and % Hus snd several ^oldiurt was sunt with hi# loiter. Un learning dial the Utter was from Arnold, l.afuycite refused to opvn it, saying to the loldicrs who brought it, tint hu was willing to correspond w ith any honorable man of the whom British army, from a Gen eral to % private soldier, but with Arnold, who wan a trgttor nnd a dtsonorable man, lie could luve nothing to do. This informa tion carried back, etc&ud much conveiii* tioit a inoi»2 tlm Btitiah troops,ta the (lisadvran togo of Aruold, tlreir commander. Ilic common soldiers remarked, iliai he mux, bo a bad mau, whin the American Gen x tul would prefer corresponding w;tfi • tic of them, oven* presto tuldior, to him x?hy was a Genet al of an army In the British House of Cotmnors, My. Rrooglmm has given notice of his intention to bring m a bill for tl,*- foundation f a Uni*- xir«ity or College ,u tho ciiy of Londxj(i