The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, August 23, 1825, Image 4

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7 ft U ''ILL fi * sold ft 1**!* » .li-.l in >1*i Ir. Jg*»vi’|p Bn I Iwin r-mnlv* on the fit* in September next.Iretwrrn tin? usua* imi'in* ««l*,ilii» fallowing property, vix • (hw m'vo irin'an.d York, SI ycm-s old, tak -.i os the pr>perty of .Volin Suu-gra to sa tisfy a fi f.i in f*v*rof Stephen Gni'uii. One half arte lot «»uil improvftinritKtlirrron, known n« lot No .1, in square Vo 30, at tit** r >rn*r of Wnfnn and McIntosh Streets, levied o.i »h iIt*? p**»|w»rty of Jam*** Wil-w.ti to satisfy \ ft fi in favor of Jumra Sib* Calhoun. The follawittg negroes, Daniel, Rc bbin, l)«oi*», Freed i t, Peter, K mliiel, Willson, Ji rhinoatl, Harriot, imtah. Man Unit, Bill, Lu, B.»b, Polly, Amanda, Eli**, Silvan. Leity, *Vinnj,a*wl I 20 acres *nk at.d hirkory btiul, a'ljoi un 1 ; J-iillett, Pally aad others in Jtnhlwiit count., levied on as the property of Win. Minor, aiiniV of the c^fUte of Franco Smith deed, to satisfy a ft fa in favor of I*. F* J xi'.leil lor the use of the Bank of Darien, ai* linst the said Minor J properly pointed out l>v said Minor. .? a WORSH4M ®\ff O mdry W l LI. he sold it the eoert hn!^eville v J||||<hviit comity, on tie first Titrodiv in Oriober nest, between the if'Ual fkturv of safe, the tollowinc property,to wit: Five negroes, 4 -linHe*, Peter, Socky, Cltnr* loti and Abbey, 4 cows, 15 head of hog*, l> iron tftHimlcaak 1 ', I tin roaslftr, Impair andirons, I oil Rind, 7 lamps, l brass comJIcstir.ks, 13 pair situ'fcrs, 10 cot glass deranters, 13 dint decanters l ir*>rt bound keif*, I .Inputted su gar book, 1 large waiter, I small do | desk, I table, I Bjl r ;, 1 brass bound bucket, 5 'finishes, 9 com job iiikstamls, I state do. I backgammon hoard and table, I settee, I wheel barrow, 2 non wedgfs 2 large lantei ns, I d i for stable, 1 thoval and apode, 8 dinig tables, 1 ftotei xilo moulds, 6 3* 12 doaen Honp plates, i.i.l i dining do 5 dor.. cup #». 2 dozen cujis and * inner*, 8 bloc sugar dishes, 6 sauce tureens, 1 large, blue diah, 21 do 7 steak do 43 .<mi> tureens,G tea pots, It bowls, l dozen tumblers, 29 wine glass**, 9 milt nelleis, 7 pla- ted cast in, 4 bread baskets. 3 pitchers, 2 tea trays, l knife bon, 19 dozan knives and lurks, 1 siiver soupspoon, II silver spoon u, I 1-2 citi zen te t spoons, 2 mats, 7 pots, 2 ovens, 2 fry i.ig pans, 3irm bake pans, S tea kittles, 2 waul kill let, 3 spi ler*. 3 skillets, J wash tubs, l pads 23 bed* nnd furniture, 9 looking gimmes, 3 Urge. do. \ wash stands, 1 2 enmnon tables, 1 oval lea, do. 100 Windsor ch.nrs, I bureau and •Secretary, 1 maliogoity bedstead, I safe, I jwrir steely i»*.I •, I dearborn scale aud beam, taken as the property of Appleton Rosscterto satis fy a li fa mi tin? foreclosure of a mortgage in ll.or of Tomlinson Fort. Terms Cash. J. G. WORSH AM, Sh’ff. W ILL be sold on the first' Tuesday in September next, in tlio town of Mil- ledgcville, Baldwin county, within the usual h* 'it s ill site, the following property, to wii: One rifjgro girl Jeuuey, 10 years old, levied on as the properly of James Kinney to satisfy fi e fi I is i i favor of the Admistrators of Ja cob Mill *r, d .m-.M. against Mary Miller, Joshua Tu.n t and James Kinney; property polit ic I out by Milhoru Turner ; levied on and re- tuned to mu by Nnwbill Moore, coincable. All tli- interest of James Fiuigan in tc to 27 a i ?so( land, more or less, with the improve ments thereon, lung on the waters of Camp cie.'k within three miles of MiljedgevilJe. levi ed to satisfy one li fa iu favor of Abner iiam- mond. Terms cash. \VM. URIGG, D. Sh’ff. the first Tueaday in September next, n I be sold at the mm t-house in Morgan j between the lawful hours of sale, the following propel ty, to wit: I horse, levied on as the property of JefleiMin Lanier o satisfy afi fa in taiorol Samuel A. Gfier. 152 acres of land, more or less, No. not known, in (lie I9ih dist of originally Baldwin now Morgan county, adjoining the land* of Whaley, Gibson and ot' 1 is, levied on a* the property of John Mitchell to satisfy a fnvorof Augustus B. Longilrect and otlo r fi fas. Three negroes, Sue key about 3G years old, Filson a hoy about 9 years old, and Harriet about J years old, levied on as the property of Kdward Butler to satisfy two fi fas in favor ol Stratton u Earle and others vs said Butler. REUBEN MANN, Sh’fT. N the first Tuesday in Seplc liber next, will l>e sold nt the eonrl-house in Ma- diaon, county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One negro boy named Bill, about 13 years old, 225 asres of land, in the 20th dist of ori ginally Baldwin now Morgan county, on Hard- labor creek, adjoining Roberts, also 101 1-4 acres, adjoining Phillips and others, all levied he ortmerty of Archibald Coleman to _ a V. r. e.. ... . r .....i n^., _ W Jf.L be sold on the li September next, in tho tow Tuesday i of Co« gtou, Newton county, w itliin the usual hours of »»ale. the following property, to wit: One half of lot No 212, in the 1‘Jth district of formerly Baldwin now Newton eouniv, le vied on to satisfy a fii n favor of William Cow- den against Dav*id Johnson and Jerry Ca- uant endorser ; property pointed out l»y defen dant ; levy made and returned by a constable. One fractional lot No 2G4, in the first district of formerly Walton now Newton county, le vied on to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the state ol Georgia against Samuel Hanson Davtd Rogers hi* security ; propel ty pointed out by the. defendant. One fractional lot No 2-11, in the first district of formerly Walton now Newton county, leve ed on to satisfy a ft fa in favor of the state of Geoigm agaiust David Rogers and Samuel Hanson his security, properly pointed on I by lifendants. I). MORROW, Sir(f. w ILL be t-old at tnc court ho mm in the | \ GUERABTE to afl order of tho honors . . town of Monficello, Jasper county, on /l, ole Infe the first Tuesday in . eptember next, v» itlun the | when sitting for usual hours of sale, the following property, to of Irwin and Bryan.— satisfy a fi fa III fa Terms ensh. CARTER W. SPARKS, D S. VV ILL be sold on the first Tuesdny September next, at the cuuil-house .n the town of Monroe, Walton county, within the usual hours of sale, the following proper ty, to wit : One half of lot No. 7, in the 4th dist, of nid county, containing 426 acres, more or less, it being the half iliat kies broad side with No. ft. io Haul dist. whereon Peter Helton now lives, levied on as hi* property to satisfy a fi fa in favor of William Paluier; levy made and returned to me l»y a constable. One negro man about 45 years of age, le vied on a* the properly of Daac Mill to satisfy afi fa in favor ol Beall vh I .auc (Fill and NadiunC. Barnett. 130 acres of land, more or less, lying on the waters ot the Apoalaclii< > river, levied on a* the property of Watson Ellison to satisfy two ft fa*, one in favor of William Blair vs Watson IuIIUoii and Richard Ellison security on tli stay, tho other in favor of the state of Georgl vs Watson Ellison and RiuJinrd Ellison his se curity. JAMES LINDLEV, Sli’ff. W ILL I. town of Irwintotti Wilkinson county, on the first Tuesday in Sept, next, within tin? usual hours of rale, the? following projuu tv, viz : 185 acres land, more or less, in tlin 3d dist of »iidcounty, being part of lot No. IG2, lev ied on as the property of Joseph Cleutnioutt to snnsly a fi fit front a justices court in favor of Wtu. Corley vs said Clemmons J levied on a ul returned to me by a constable. 202 1*2 acres pine laud, more or less, the same being well imnmved whereon James Og* f>i»ru now Five* in said county, taken as the property of llto said James Ughuru, t • satisfy a li la from a jttsiices court in favor of Win. Matthews Sen. and other fi fas v* said James Oghot-u timl Jacob ; levied on Bud returned to me by a constable. 532 acres, more or loss, of swamp land, si tu un in tho 5th dhl Wilkinson county, bound ed on mm slds by the Oconee river, aud Ad joining the lauds of Bond and Sanford, sup* IhimuI to have ahum 213 acres cleared, about 1 JO of which i* in corn, the balance hi cotton, all very likely, levied on t* the properly of William Lewi* to satisfy a fi lit from Baldwin Inferior eottrt in favor of Littleton Atkinson said Lewis; property pointed out by the DANIEL plaintiff. W ILL be Seplem M. I1ALL, l> ». sold on the fir«t Tuesday in eplombur next, at the marke; hou.-a hi the town of Eaton ton, Putn tin county, with- hi the ustid hours ufsale, tlie following pro perty, to wit: 69 acres of laml, or more or loss, adjoining Lawrcne.o, \V hk| and others, it being one- fourth part of lot No 232, in the 3d district of oiinitially Baldwin now Putnam county, levied on ns tho properly of Apselm Evans to satislv u mortgage li fa in favor of Alfrud Iverson assignee v* said Evans; property pointed ou: in the mortgage: (bin lofgo pine i.ihie, I poplar safe, 1 pair brass suul-irons, nnd 1 do w a file irons, levied on as toe property of Susan Terry to satisfy a ti fa in favor of Welcome Allen vs Susan Ter- the first Tuesday in SeptenilMir next, O will he sold at the in the town of Monroe,Walton county, within th usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One lot of kind, No 1, in the 2d (list Walton county, containing 250 acres, more or less, levied on ah the property of William Wicker to satisfy two oxeculioiih issued from a justice? court in Washington county,one at the iusiancr of Robert J ‘ckn<m vs Wm. Wicker, the othei in favor of Solomon Rcckum \h Win Wickei levied on and returned to me by a cor.stabk?. One huiaII bay mare, levied on as the pro perty ol Jesse ^mith to suti-ly a fi fa in favor of J 'sepli J. Scott vs Jev>e Smith. J. II. ARNOLD, I>. Sh’fi*. O N the first Tuesday in Septembi-r nex will be sold in the town of Lawrenci viile,(iwinnettx:ininiy,between the usual hou of sale, the following property, to wit: Two lots of land in the 3th district of said county, Now 6 and 7, containing 250 acres each, levied on ax the property of Jasliu i Bal lurd to satisfy a fi fn in favor ol t'recd M Jen- uingH ; property pointed out by defeudaut. 40 acres of land, more or loss, being part of lot No 19, in the 6tli dist. whereon Thomas W Willia ntson now live*, well improved, levied on uu the property of said Thomas W. Wil liamson to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Nathaniel L.kSamuel Storgaa, undone in favoroftltd I iferior court of Gwinnett county and others. One negro man about 40 years of age by the name of Daniel, levied on as tho propc.t) of Willinui II 'Fait to Muiisfy a fi fain favor ol C'hurlet Gates; property pointed out by de fondant. kAILL be Hold on the first Tuesday Sept. ncxt,iuCovington,Newtoiu.ouft- ty, between (he usual hours of sale, the fol Kiw ing property, tovvit: One lot in sail in said town of Covington, No. 13, in siiuare A, well improved, whereon Chailes Banks now lives, levied on to satisfy sundry fi fas in favor of John S. I). Byium against James Byars and David Currel and other fi faH against said Jamen Byars; property pointed out by the defendant; levied on and returned to me by a constable. The interest of Henry Pennington in owe half of lot No. 309, in the first dist. of for ly Walton now Newton county, adjoining land of John Edgo nnd Knoler, levied on to satisfy an execution in favor of William Aske.w, bearer, against Henry Pennington; property pointed out by defendant ; levy made and i turned to mel>) a constable. LEMUEL WYNNE, l)_S W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Se|>t. next, at Habersham court house, within the usual hours of sule, the following property, to wit. 250 acres of land, more or less, lot No. 137, situate, I)ing and being ill the IGtli dist. of Habersham county, levied on as the property ol Jesse White, dec'll to satisfy sundry exe cutions in favor of John S. Hoy ! against Ma ry White, ndm’x. nnd Timothy Murry. Oue half acre of land, more or lens, i-ituate lying and being in the town of Clarksville known nnd designated in the pin town by No 2fi, levied on ns the property John Stover to satisfy nil execution in favor of Je remiah Wofford. 250 acres of laud, more or less, known by lo» No. 128, situate, lying and being, in the 2d dist Habersham county ; levied on as the pro porty of Burges Strickland, to satisfy cution in favor of Patrick Brown foi the use of Jinny Brown. 250 acres land, more or less, lot No. 119 rituate, lying and being in the 10th dist. I lab iTshani county ; levied on as the proper ly of Dm wry Jeffries to satisfy sundry execu lions in favor of Robert Stribling. One negro man named Joe, 30 years of nge. levied on as the property of Janies Ward to Hatislv sundry executions, 1 in favor of Sam «H A. Wales, nnd one in favor of Benjam Chatfain, and ulso an attachment levied t said negro in favor of Elijah Claik aeuinst the said Janies Ward. One b'ack man, levied on as the properly of William llasc to silisly an execution of Clemomli Quillisin against said William One road waggon levied an as the proper of George Lawieoce to satisfy a fi fa in lav of John II. Patrick for the use of Wile) Mitchell, One sorrel horie,levied on ns the property of Benjamin Jordan to satisfy a fi fain tavor of Crayton nnd Slone. One biiv mare, levied on as the property of Thomas Snow toaatisfy a fi fa in favor of the state of Georgia and others. Two lot* in the town of Lawrenceville, No 70 containing 16 acre* improved, and No 67 contaimnc one acre,-ievicd on a* the property of John li. Hammond to Kafmfy a fi fa in fa vor of the Mate of Georgia WM. NE9BIT, ait’fT. Kd- . biantgio man by the n.tnro of Isaac i >d °n a* tho property of ’oseph Uark< s iliftlV a (i ta in favor of Din id Thrash vi win Barker, J 'seph Barker t'si Goodrich Jones. The following negroes, viz. : Betty, Jerry, Fatty, liai, J ut**, Kli. a, Marear. Manah, Cm- tin, Alford, ilmwell, Rove, Raney, Mary, irah, Lue.v, Jinuev, Harnett, Ah xander, G >r X o, A Gy, Spencer, Reddick, La who,i, Ol l Ban. Bill m lolm, I s »rr«*l horse, ft mules, ft head of* cattle, I yoke of oxen, 15 head ol she. p, 5 lamb-*, GO head of ho/*, I road wag- g m and gear, 1 ox cart, 5 bushels of urn, and 300 -teres of'laud, more or loss, adjoining Rose, Lv »n and others, levied on ns the property ol WilliamS Morgan to aitDfy sundry Ii fas in fnvtrof Squire At Sillamm is I Wm. S. M.n g m, Samuel ('a.upheld ic Son and others vs s tul Wifi. S Morgan. On » new gigg, levied on B dock Bullock to satisfy tLvu. Barker vaaaid Bale t)ao negro bay by the n.i mi i. lit* property ol k.Iw a li ta in favor of Willian vs Beni William* and Edv 202 I-2 acres of land, \ now lives,adjoining Lynch an.I others, levied on a* the prone, ty of Asa Rowe to satisfy a ti ft m lavor oi John Nitltet vs said As i Rowe og » 1-2 acre* of I tnd, moro or h*sa wheienn, J„ltit R Muhono now lives, idj lining Smith a,»d others, levied on as the property i f John 21. M voohc to satisfy a li fa in favor of Skel ton rJapinr Co. vs John U Muhone. y W M. V \KN ER, SI,’IT. erty ol Hullo Burke Bark** WiUn Rowf lETWEHN tlie usual hours of sale, . J3 the first Tueutlav in Sept, next, jo* sold in the town of McDonough, Henry county, the following property, to wit : i02't-2 acres of Trad, situate in the 7th duo, of said county, and known by lot No. Kjb levied on as the property of Aaron Mo KiuVi.- to tatitfy aitidty fi fas in fnv u of In g«r*nl fu Ross ;'levy made and returned to mu by n ooiistablo. Ouc yoke of oxen n«d cart, taken a* the aroperty of Thomas Simmons to satisfy a fi fa f» favor of Earnest C. Wittick ; piupeity poin- t«.l »ut by vivid Simmons Due negro i;iri about 13 years of age, levied on »s the pr(Mierty of Guy W. Smith to saliv- vy 2 f\ fat in favor of Joseph Mo^s ; property pointed out by the defendant 25 acre* ol laiul. bo the same, mote or ' it being that imrtof lot No 207 whereon X>u'maiill faruiefltsiortditi t’.ieikldist. ien vy r m- ty ; levied on a« tlie pnrperty . lorn ^Cochran to *atihfy a fi fa til lavor wt t i He* Wilder; property l> »intedout by said *. ' t. J AS. VLETCHER f r the first Tuesday in September uext, will be aohl at the ('ourt-House in the town ol Lawrenceville. Gwinnett county, with in the usual hour* of sale, the following pro perty, to wit: ‘250 acres of land, being lot No 32, in the 5lhdistrict of Gwiiinnu county, levied the pioprrty of John Rutledge to satisfy a fi fa in favor of John Wingfield vs said Rutledg and Patrick Quartern,us; property pointed out by said Rutledge. 700 act es of land, aifjoining .Tames Clem ments, being the land »»hereon Robeit Phil lips now lives, levied on as the property of said Phillips to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Jnme* Wardlaw ; ptoperty pouited out by said Phil- iip-. 90 acres of land, more or less, adjoining P Knight, levied on as the property of William Sikes to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court in favor of Benjamin Fuller ; levied ou and re turned by ,i constable. 330 acres of land, more or less, ndjoinin Matty Thompson and Win Moore, one tow lot in Lawrenceville, with n larg* house ui finished, known as Bogan's lot, levied on u tli** property of Joseph Thompson to satisfy fill in favor of Saumul G Starr; property pointed out by said Thompson. Two cows aud calves, 10 head of ho; 2 leather beds, levied on ns the property of John Men born to satisfy a fi fa in Lavor of ALton ic Iiuithcns for the use of Lillleberrv Hurber. JAMES LOUGH RIDGE, D. Sli’fT W ILL be sold oil the first Tuesday i September next, at the court house i Marem, Twiggs county, within the usual hou 1 of sale, the following property, to wit: 23 tie res of had, more or less, No. n « known, in the 27i'-. rlistrict of formerly Wil kinson now 'Twiggs county, adjoining (ieorge Williams and others, levied on as the proper ty of William Mathews to satisfy two execu- lion* issued from a magistrate* court, oue in favor of .lames Southall vs William Mathews, imlthe other in favor of George Brown vs Willi tm Mathews and Joseph 'Tui ker ; levied on and returned to me by a constable. 101 1-4 acres of laud, more or l^s, No 36, in tho CSdi that, of formerly Wilkm«on now Twiggs county, levied on as the property of Jemima Edwards, executrix, to satisfy an ex- llester Averotl, adm’x. of the estate i-f Jere miah Averctt, dec’d ; levy nude and re turned to mo by a constable. 202 1-2 vcicaof oak and hickory land, No. 13, in the‘23th district of former 1 v \Y dkinson now Twiggs county, levied on as the pmportv <d John C. Johnson to a.di.-ly an execution i*> faovrol James Levan* vs. John V'. Jolinso:i. A negro boy about 1. ' ears old bv the name of Elbert, levied on as the property u f Daniel A. Philiipr to svtisly three executions in favoi of Henrv Sotoni.nis uidotheis. ROBER T HODGES, Sb’fT. Hale and Elijah England security. _ BENJAMIN F. THOMPSON, *h ff. O N the first wifi be sold at the f September next n Mont goniery county within the usual hours of sal the. following property, to wit: 630 acres of land, with the tenements there on, lying in Montgomery county, levied on a the property of Julia McEcluin, dt-c’d. los.i tisly his taxes for the year 1321. 2U0 .icres, more or less, pine land, taken a the property ol Burrell Calhojin losaii»fya execution in favor of Moses Daniel ; returue to hip by a constable 300 notes of land, and one oil er 200 acres, more or less, will) a grist mill and dwelling houses, levied on as the property Henry Cooper to satisfy sundry executions uvorof Needham McLendon, P. C Tempi and James Alston : iciurucd to me by stable. 1D0 acres pine Innd, with tlie tenements thereon, whereon Daniel Davies now lives, to satisfy a judgment issuiug from the Superior court. All the crop Vlonging to Ezekiel Bass,con sisting of corn, cotton, sugar cane and pota toes, lying on the laud on which Esau Bah* lived, to satisfy a judgement of the Superior court a* a defaulting juror for October lerm, 1824 JOHN TURNBULL, D. Sh’fi rt of Washing rdinary purposes Thomas F. Milam’s interest in 101 1-4 acres of laud, more or less, whereon. Henry Sanders now lives, adjoining William Askew nd Janies ('rocket, in the 13th district offor- marly Baldwin now Jasper county, levied on as the prope.ty of Thomas F. Milam to satisfy a fi fa issued from a magistrates couit in favor of William McCorkle vs Wiley Milam and Thomas F Milam ; property pointed out by ilauuifi*; levy made and returned by a consu me. One silver watch, levied on as the property of John Dubois, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Seth Nims bearer vs John Dubois Olio Jersey waggon, levied on as tho pro perty of Caleb C. Dibble to satisfy a fi la it favor of Levered Purdett vs Bates fc. Dibble. WM. H. PRITCHETT, ITS. VJ^ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep tember next, at the couit house in th of Monlicello, Jasper county, belweci itial hours of sale, tlie following propel ty, to wit: One negro girl named Harriet, levied on a the property of Abner Smith to satisfy sundry small executions issuing from a justice in favor of Lewis Sonar bearer vs said Abner Smith and Henry Head ; levy made and re turned to me by John Sparks, constable. MARTIN COCHRAN, Sh’ff. /*osfroxED a.iCe —“ w ILL be sold in the town of Monticell sold on the first Tuesday in Octol the court-1 rouse in the towu ol Sauderivilb*. in said county, all the real efttate of William Mills, d- c’d.* consisting of 200 nrres of pine land in said county, lying on the vvatcis o Kegg Creek, adjoining Morris, Malpass and others. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec'd. JAMES MILLS, Adm’r. JOHN E GARDNER, Adm’r. April 26 in right of his wife. ^ the first Tuesday in October next, vvHl be sold, pursuant to an order of tlie In ferior court of Houston, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, within the lawful hours at Per ry, in slid county, a tract of land, known as lot No. 14, in 5tn dist of said Qounty, it being the property of Thus. Butcher, deed, suhjec to the widow’s dower. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. WILLIAM SMITH, Adiu’r. july 26 * OSTHONED 9ALg—On the first T Jasper county, on the first Tuesday ir. September next, between the usual hours of sale, tho following property, to wit ; A negro man named Jack, about 60 years old, levied on a* th# ptoperty of Elizabeth Heard to satisfy two fi fas, one hi lavor of Samutl Murray vs Elizabeth Heard,the other in favor of Hannah Hunter, for the use of Thomas Wheeler vs Elizabeth Heard; pro- petty pointed out by George Moon. Three beds, bedsteads furniture, 2 trntiks, 1 lot of earthen ware, 1 lot of eastings, toge ther with sundry other small articles, levied on as the property of Cvriu White lo satisfy a fi fa in favor of William McCbrkle vs Cyrus While and Jacob McClendon NEWTON, D Sli’ff. \JL II/- be sold on the first Tuesday in \▼ Sept, next, at tlie Court House in Ear ly county, within the following property,' ual hours of salt*, the One negro woman by the name of Elly i of age, taken a about 30years of age, taken as the property of Wm. Neavs, satisfy an execution in tavorof Charles J. McDonald, and other fi fas against said Neavs. DAVID D. SMITH, Sh’ff. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday September next, at the court house in the town ol Grec-ncshoroiigh, Greene county, between the usual horns of ale, tire follow- mgj)ropwty,lo vv rt. Four negroes, Cyntha and Tom, Robert and Wyley, all nd three children, all levied on as lh< property of William Fitzpatrick to satisfy sun dry li fug issuing from a magistrates court in favor of Daniel .Mercer. Littleton Burk and others vs said Fitzpatrick. WILLIAM GREER, D. S O N the first 'Tuesday in September urexf, will lit? sold at the court-house in the town of Greeueshorough, Greene county, be tween the usual hours of H«\le, t!»e following property, to wit: line negro man by tlie name of Eduiond, about 36 or -10 years of age, levied on as tin property of Greene Andrews to satisfy a fi fa in lavor of Samuel Davis vs said Andrews NICHOLAS HOWARD, Sh’flf. O N the first Tuesday in Sept, next, will be sold at Hie court-house door, in the tozvn ol Lexington,Oglethorpe county,between the usual hours of sale, the following pro perty, to u it: One negro man by tlie name of Jonathan, about 20 years of age, lev ied on as the prope ty of Marquis D V. Beall, to satisfy an exe cution in favor of Charles V. Collier, vs. Ma ,uis D. K. Beall, issued on the foreclosure of a mortgage, ptoperty pointed out in mortgage tf fa. BRITTAIN STAMPS, I). S O N the first Tuesday in September n-xt will be Hold in the town of Dcoatur, l)e Kalh county, between the usual hours of tale the follow iug property, to wit : One lot of laiul, No 145, in t the 14th distiict originally Henry now De Kalb county, levied on as the property of William Netlmrlin to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Charles J. McDon ald ; levy made aud returned to me by a con stable. sorrel horse, taken as the property of William O. Wagnon lo satisfy afi fa in lavor of Luke Reid. JOHN PENDLEY, D Sh’fi O N the first Tuesdny in Septet will be sold at tlie court bouse the town of Decatur, I)e Kalb county between th lawful hours of sale, the Udlovving propert), to wit: Five acres of land, whereon John A. Hop kins lives, near Decatur, tolerable well im proved, it being part of lot No 6, in the 18th dist onginnlly Henry now l)e K ilt) enmity, evied on as the property of John A Donkins o satisfy a fi fa in favor of O U W. R* * re. 25 acres of land, more or less, it b- ing pan of k>t No 105, in the lfitli dist originally Hen ry now l)e Kalb roiintv, levied on as the pro perty of John l). Granger to satisfy a fi la in favor of J {c NV Grisham; levied on and re turned lo me l)V a couslable. George Harris, si. it N the first Tuesday in September next, * will be sold at tin? couit house in th town of Decatur, De Kalb con ritliin the I hoursof sale, the following property, to One lot of land, containing 260 nrres, in the ftlli dist originally Gwinnett now De Kal county, known by lot No 338, levied on as th property of Th omas King to satisfy a ti fa i in fnvorof Middleton Pool ; levy made air returned to me bv i constable. JAMES DIAMOND, D. 5. ept. ill be 20th o W ILL be September it* U! on the first Tuesday i. xtj in the town ot Clio- , Jane* county, within the ifeunl hours of kale, the following property, to wit : A negro girl by the name of Patience, nb wit 1') years old, levied on as the property of Tho- v.vas Higginbotham to satisfy sundry ti fas from ,iiutlice» court in favor of Weathers 4; Miller; levind •»« and returned lo uke by a court aide. A negro girl named Sarah, levied on as the property °* Drurv Spain to s»ti*fy * ji f., fa. or of Sumnniih Rose, adm’x. of Wonuley \ >*e, dec’ll »nd an attachment in favor ol Y'Miri VV. Alexander and other atta- lHnents *:v H t ihe said Drury Spain ; * dd on Mid tit- tnc inm«|iy ordor of the Inferior court ol f vvH,ntv. T. LFATNGS>1N, V. a N the first Tuesday it) Sep*, next, i\ ui be sold at tlie court-house in tin? town Marion, Twiggs county, within tho usual )urs of sale, the follow ing property, to wit: X negro man named George, levied on as * roper ly of James Sheppard to satisfy a li '*ii**d on the foreclosure of a mortgage in v ir of Cader Sawyer, vs Harmon Perry- in agent to James shcpp.wd; property pom- d out iu the mortgage fa. ROUT. HODGES, Sh’tT O N th-* fir*i Tuesday in September next, II be sold ut the court-house in Eman uel county, within the usual hou is of sale, the following property, to wit : Three rows im i > '*irlings, 500 acres of land King ou tlie Great Uuoopie river, known and distinguished by the Mill tract, and l’>0 acres oljoiaiug the ii* *'•*,! ken as the property o’ Reddin Met*, mini r. on the estate ol Willian Met*, dec’ll to satisfy one execution ; n fa v <.r of William Parker, a liu’r. on tlie estate of Vlexander Faircloth, dec’ll. 550 acre* of Innd, adjoining Wei. Price and Oliver*, taken \s> the property of Wdvin l>if»w to satisfy in r-xocution in fnvorof James H inn- ami otherslevied on ami returned to me In a constable. JOHN R. DANIEL, Slt lf. O N the first Tuesday in sold at the eiMirt-hou Bainbridge, Decatur county, within the usual hours of sale, the following prepertv, to wit: One lot of land, No. f.3, in the originally Early now Decatur, t » property of \Vm Pipkin to HUtisly lion in favor of the Suite. I, No ‘223, in tho lath dist. of lly Early now Der.uur, luknn as tlx property of Dune, m Mel.ane, to nalis!ysundij iv '*cutions obtained against him iti the Justice court by S Perry and others. A lot of land, No. 35, in the 19th dist. ori gin illv Early now Decatur, tak- n i- tho pro perty of S.umi«*i Freeman tosntisi . xe. u lion in favor of John McDovv»»ll, Kr. JOHN II. GUAY, bherifl*. A lot i <-pi. Ilin first Tticsi •«ujd ut tlm Co oi Miuilonl, Pulaski I'oiiim, bt'twoe al hour, of sale, tin- fol loo in:; proper 1 lot of lai^Us, - trtitik^ » boilr, fluir-.ovuiWias, 1 lot erorkny-ws of **la.s ware, - pots, 2 o.ous, 1 fri 1 lot of fitnnmit, 1 lilvor ivmrli, ti lioail of stock caillc, 1 si.ot gnu, 1 pair fire Itwl of nu. 1 (lie iImiv. moptrlV Ittied on io of Grttv IWG I lot i bcloil(;iii^ to 1 sfvi sit .mil ft l Gray 11. ti lor tlo <«li IUW favot of It. 11. B. lUKKKTi, Sli-ff. o p s\i. i: 1 9eptembc CORONER N the first f uesday rill be sokl Lithe tow n ol i.utouton, Put nam county, wltliin the u.'ual lion. >.d sal.-,tin follow ing pn perty, to wit B'-vty a woman .vlwuvt 1«'*, Patty a ojjl nbowt 14, Jerrv a boy alh.ut 10 nnnths old, | hoard, I*bureau, I de A. I bo *k case, 1 sortrl horse, 5 leather beds ami furniture, Ispimfij wheel and loom, 2 w.dnu* t.bbs, I dork, I Ut.jrn seriing chairs, aed the bouse aud kitch on furniture, not particularly n rued u« tin* mortgage, levied on as the property of \S n S. M»»rgae, t.) satisfy wv.i uorig ig>* fi fas in fa vor of Wui. Varner v>. NVn. S. ' lorgau ; pro perty pointed out by the phinn'f. ‘ANTHONY HOLLOW AY, Covoncr. W ILL be sold in Invinton, Wilkinson cointy, ou the first Tuesday in Sep- 13 WT day in September next, will be sold at the court house in Saudersville, Washington counfVj pursuant to leave obtained, a tract of lantl lying in Washington county, containing 291 acres, more or less, on Sand Hill creek adjoining Rutherford ; sold for the benefit of the heirs of Robert Barnett, dec’d. Wms. RUTHERFORD, Adm’r. SARAH BARNETT, Adm’x. July 26 A UREKAUI.Y to an order of tlie Itonora 1Y t OTICE—Will btvsoldtrt the late rc&i aS dence of Archibald G. Bilbo, deed. i»» Newton countv, on Satnidav the 17th of Sep tember next, tlie whole of the perishable pro perty, likewise the household nnd kitchen fur ilium-, together with other articles, belonging to said estate. Teims of sale made known on that day. CARY WOOD, l Adm’ra. SOLOMON GRAVES, august 2 jy OT1CE—U i sold at the late rest* . , dence of Adam Lawson, deceased, on Thursday the25th of August next, all the pe_ rishable property lielon mg to the estate of said dec’d. consisting of horses, hog: hold and kitchen furniture. Ami between the usual hours of sole on the first Tuesday in November next, will be sold at the court-house of Henry county, by order of tbe Inferior court, when sitting for ordinary purposes, the negroes belotigit g to the estate of Adant Lawson,dec’d Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said dec’d Terms*.mile known on the day of sule. jVily 19 DAVlft) LAWSON, Adm’r._ 1YJOTICE—Willbe oold' at file late resi- J.1 dence of Joseph Livingston, late of Lau rens county, dec <1. on Thursday the 25th day of August next, all the perishable property ol of said dec’d consisting ot household and kitchen furniture, stock of hogs, horses, cat tle and sheep, and sundry other articles too tedious to meutiou. Terms made known on the day. REUBEN UNDERWOOD, july 12 qualified Ex’or. r jpO Molly Hu<lHou,j5etijainin Cook and Eli |_ beth his wife, Benjamin Fleming ami Frances his wife, Bernard C. Heard and Ma ry his wife, William Hudson, Lucy Carter, John Cason, Edward Cason and William Cu- e hereby iiotifte.d that I shall pc n—Yon i . r . 1 it ion the honorable Superior court of Elbert nty, at the next September term oI said court, to appoint proper persons to assign and irt off dower to myself, tli« widow of John Beck, in nnd to a certain tract of laud in saief county, whereon tlie said Molly Hudson now lives, on Vann’s orcek, containing 200 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Thomas A Banks aud others. SARAH BECK, Widow of John Beck,dec'd. june 14 3m* 1 j^ r OTICE— 1 To Jesse Smith, Thomas Smith A ble the Inferior court of Ogletliorp county, will be sold at the court-holt9C door in Monroe couuty, on the first Tuesday in Octo ber next, one tract of land, containing 202 1-2 acres, Wing in the 3d district of Monroe coun ty, No 109. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate of Samuel Ration, dep'd. Terms on ihftBtv. SAMUEL TATTON, Adm'r. july 26 with the will annexed. O N the first Tuesday in October next, will he sold at the court-house in the tow it A GREEABLE to all order of the Inferior court of Newton oounty, when silting for ordinary purposes, will be sold at the court house door iu Henry county,on the firstTnes- lay in Septeml.'-r next, lot of land No. 182, in tlu* 3«l dist of Henry county, the real estate of Ephraim Daniel, dec’d. Sold for the be nefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d Terms made known on the day of sale. DAVID COWDEN, Adm’r. may 17 1710 J^T OTICE—Will be sold on the (list Tues day in November next, at'thfe courthouse in Marion, agreeable to an order of the hono rable court of ordinary, one lot of land, No 27, in tlie 23d dist of formerly Wilkinson now Twiggs county, it being the real estate of Cor- dy Sauls, dec’d. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate Terms made known on flit day of sale. aug 9 THE0PH1LUS SAULS, Adm’r 4 GREEABLE to the last will and testa- ment of the late John E Denson, dec’d. of Hancock county, will be sold in the town of Thouiaston, Uusou county, on the first Tuesday in Noveiaoer next, 202 1-2 acres of laud, known by lot No 221, in the 10th district formerly Monroe, now Upson county. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors cf said dec’d. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN N. DENSON, august 9 Av^ug Ex’or. O N the first Tuesday in November next, will be sold at tho conrt house in New ton county, a lot of land, No 231, in tire 10th district, formerly Henry now Newton county Sold as the property of Randall SlictfiHd, L te of Wayne county, deed, for the benefit of the heirs of said deed. BRYANT SHEFFIELD, Adm’r. june 7 o N the first Tuesday in January next, will be sold at the cuurt-honse m Milledge- lle, the house and lot on Jefferson street, lately occupied by Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis, de ceased. Sold in pursuance of tbe will of said dec d. for the benefit of the distributees. june 14 FIELDING LEWIS, Ex’or. mber next, within the usual hours of sale, ie following property, to wit: Four lots of land, to wit: No 125, 140, 19, 126, and 50 acres, pai l of lot No 151, part of them improved, lying in tlie 4tIi (list Wil kinson couuty, levied upon as the property of Benuyali King to satisfy a fi fa issued bom the Superior eoui ', on attachment, in tavor of Henry Johnsou. 101 1-4 acres pine land, No not known, ad joining Wm Ross and others, improved, levied on to satisfy a fi t.i issued It em a justices court in tavor ol Moitoti N. Burch against William Jenkins ; levied oil aud returned by a const.* blc. 273 aores of nine land, in the 4th district of said county, well improved, No not known, ad joining Underwood and others, whereon Ma ry Williams ami William Gilbert live, taken as their property to satiety a ft fn from ;he Su perior court in favor of Janies Neal against the said Williams aiu!|Gilbcrt; pointed out by A GREEABLE to leave obtained from the the honorable the Inferior court, sitting for ordinary purposes for Camden county,! shallon the first 1 ttesday in September next ex pose to public sale at the courthouse atJvfler- son, in said county, a lot of land in the 1 Oth dist. of Monroe county, No 91, for the benefit of the orphans of Levi Johns, dec’d. june 21 JOHN LEE, Guardian. the defendants JAMF.3 LINDSEY, Sh’fT. *,'» ILL l-e sold at the court-house in Jack- X 7 soiiviUe, Telfair county, on the first Tuesday in September next, within the usiial hem s of sale, the following property, to wit: 202 1-2 actes of land, more or less, known by No 286, in the 14th district ; also 202 1-2 u:res of 'and, niMe or less, known by No 287, in the I k it dist ol Tel', ir county, well inipro ted, whereon Hale Goldsmith now iivesJev ied on to satisfy an execution in favor of William Chisholm vs Nathaniel Statliain ; property pointed out by Hale Goldsmith ; levied on and returned to me hy Jos. Williams, constable. HUGH COOK, D. Sh’ff. POSTPONED S.1LE. W/ ^L he sold at the? court house in Mur ▼ V guu county, on the first Tuesday ii September next, between tho usual hou the b. Oue negro boy b; ten years old , lev. John Freeinan to John Van •Vagneii John Ft ng properly, to ' me of Randle, about ed on as the property of iaiisfy a fi fa in lavor of \s James B. Coppage and •neriy pointed out by said REUBEN MANN, Sii’ff O N the first Tu-sday in SejMentber next, will hr sold at tit? court-house in Carncs- viile, Franklin county, within the usual hours ol sale, ihi? following property, or so much thereof, as wiil satisfy the tax and cost for Utc year 182-4, to wit : 2<’-2 1-2 acres of pine laud, in the county of \N ilkinsun, Noand oisiriet unknown, retui ned lor the estate ot J. Glenn,deed, and drawn by said Glenn ; tax due 24i ents. J AMES QU1LLI AN, T. C. S I>U RSUANT to an order of the court o ordinary of Jasper county, will be sold at the court-house iu Early county, on tbe first Tuesday in October next, between the usual hours of sale, oue lot of laud, ly ing in 2d (list of said county. No 214—also one lot Ring in the 4th dist of said county, No 151, being part of the real estate of Richard Fol- ard, dec’d. Terms cash april 5 JAMES RAMSEY, Adm’r. Ill ILL be Kold at the court house in the Vf town of Greensboro’, Greene coun^, enthe first Tuesday in September next, 106 *cres of land, lying on the South fork ol Ogeelice, adjoining Joseph Riley and other*, it being the real estate of John D. Kerr, dec’d To he sold agreeable to (he order of the Infe- rvorcourt of said county, sitting for ordinary purposes, for the benefit of the heirs and creo- Itois. ABRAHAM PERKINS, AcmV. Jons l f tds*. ■ - -37 ) !N die fust Tuesday in November next, will be sold ut the court-house in the vn of Eatonton, Putnain county, two thirds ot a tract or parcel of Innd, know n and dis tinguished hy lot No 239 in the 14lh district originally Baldwin now Putnam county, ad- joi ing ihomaB and J vines H*xri and Esmond Tho said lot to be m Id for the bene fit of the heirs oi B *nj iniin 15 ice, doc’d. WILLI AM !’Rh E, f • may 31 _JESSE MOR\N, \ Administrator's Salt Postpontd t liN the Ills' Tuesday in Sept, next, will be . / sold .it the cotiil house in Moutieello, Ja-per count', the plantati n whereon Rich- »rd Pollard forme?I* lived ill said county,ruli ng 189 acres, 100 acres cleared Sold a t of the real estate of Richard Pollard, *d O .e half of the purchase money paid i Christinas; the oilier ball the Christimi ib?'i , small notes with *ecurity with u moil- ;^ge on the land june *21 JAMES RAMSEY, Adoi’r. ?* * ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep- 1 tember next, al the court-house in Mil- ledgeville, tho real estate of Mrs. Elizabeth L. Hines, dee d adjoining R. G. Crittenden aud others. To he sold, pursuant to an order of die Inferior court of Baldwin county, when ytting for ordinary purposes, for the benefit of the licit8. Ttnnsof Salt—One half of the purch money payable 25th Dec. 1826, and the ba lance ou die 25th Dec. thereafter. JOHN KEN NON,) . , . „ WM. TURNER, \ Al Also, at the same time and place, a house and lot in the town of Mllledgeville on Jeffer son street, now occupied by Isaac Harvey, Esq. belonging to the estate of John B. Hines dee d. Terms as above, june. 14 JOHN KF.NNON, Ex’r | \ N die first Tuesday in October be gold nt the cnurt-houKc in Irvvinton, pursuant to an order of the Inferior couit ot Wilkinson county, silting for ordinary purpo ses, a tract of land in said couuty, containing 202 1-2 acres, in the 4th district, it being the real estate of Stephen Gilmore, dec’d. AMBROSE MURPHY, Adtu’i july '3 . . m. the Justices of the Inferior conrt ol Crawford county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in October next in die town of Knoxville. 7 ne groes, viz: Viler, Charlotte, Pal, Temp, Nance, Phebe and Joe. Aud also on the first Tuesday in November next will bo sold in Decatur Dekalb county, one lot of land, No. 232, in the 14th dist for merly Henry county, it being the real estate of Joah Grubbs, late of said county dec'd. and sold (or tlie benefit o1 the heirs uiFcl creditors of said dec’d Terms made known ou the day of sale. BENJAMIN GRUBBS, Adm'r. July 26 OTICE -Will be sold on tbe first tuesdny November next at the court house loor in Heiny county, within lawful hours ol sale, 202 1-2 acres of land, known by lot num ber fifiv eight in the 11 tli district of said coun ty, granted to Allen Tookc, now deceased, and belonging to his estate, and sold according to the provisions of the last will of said Allen Tookc dec’d. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of his estate, on a twelve monthscred- it, notes aud good security will be requited. JAMES TOOKR, Aug 16 Adm’r. with the will annexed. N ATICK—Will be rented on the 22*1 day of September next, at rite late residence of Samuel Douglass, dec'd. of Morgan conn- ty, the whole of the plantation, containing about 300 acres, in good repair for cropping having attached good dwelling house and out houses Possession will be given the first day of January next. Terms made known on the day of renting. WILLIAM S. DOUGLASS, J Wf . g ROBERT DOUGLASS, augnst 16 ^ OTICE—Will be sold on Saturday the 7tli of September next, in Laut county, at tke plantation of Mathew Smith, dec’d all the personal property of »aid dec’d which has not yet been sola, consisting of household und kitchen furnitute, a cart and mtre with several other a-tides, august 9 EZEKIEL SMYTH, Adm’r. G the first Tuesday in October next, at the court house in the Towu of l .atonton, tt likely negro fellow belonging to the orphans of Ur- hau Cooper, dec d. Twelve mouths credit be given anil approved security requited. THOMAS COOPER, ) JN,> Guardians. STEPHEN WES I ON’ MILTON COOPKR, b ,-uiguM i no OTICE—Will be sold on Saturday, the t.7 10th of September next in the town of Clinton, Jones county, toll the personal pro perty of Beverly Mar»h, dec’d. consisting of complete set of cabinet work tools, a quantity ol lumber, wearing appatel, a valuable watch, ami many other articles loo tedious to men tion. Terms made known on the dav of sale August 2 JOHN JONES, Adm’r. of Hartford, Pulaski county, all the negroes belonging to tlie estate of Darcas cemeu, consisting of women and girls. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d. Terms made known on the day THOMAS JOHNSTON, Adui’r j'i'yis _ _ and Janies Smith, heirs of John Smith, dec’d living out of the state of Georgia, their agents, attornies, and all whom it may connern, are hereby notified that Milk. Smith of Wit"- kinson county and state of Georgia, widow of John Smith,dec’d. will make application by petition to tlie next Superior court to be licUE ut Wilkinson court-house, in and for said coun ty, on the 3d Monday in October next, to lay off aari assign her dower in the two separate I ts or squat es of land known and distinguish ed by No 138 and 137, in the 4th district of said county, and which of right belonged to John Smith, her husband, in his life time, ahd of which the said Milla now claims her *lower, kc< MILLA SMITH, Widow of John Smith, dec'd. Irwinton, Wilkinson co. July 26 EORGIA, Irwin county—Personal) ip** OTICE—Will be sold on the first Tues- ^ day in October next, at tlie court-house the town of Monlicello, Jasper county, with in the lawful hours of sale, the negroes belong ing to the estate of Hamilton Wilkinson, I »te of said county, dec'd. to be sold hy order of the Inferior court of said county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. Terms made known on the day. july 26 J. WILKINSON, > . , , S. WILKINSON J Admr3 - jj^N the first Tuesday in October nex^ will be sold at tlie court-house iu the town of Covington, Newton county, between the usual hours of t»ale, three negroes, a woman by the name of Grace, her daughter Eliza, and an infant. Sold as the properly of Dnniel Farr, lute of said county, deceased, Tor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dee d.— Terms made known on the day. july 26 JOHN FARR, Adm’r. ^^N Saturday the 27th August next, will be sold at the late residence of W Moore, dec’ll in Putnam county, a quantity of household and kitchen furniture, and ail the stock consisting of hois -s, hogs, cows, &ic together with many other articles. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors Terms of sale made known on the day july 12 THOMAS B ESPEY,) P , WILLIAM MOORE, \ Lxo r TV[‘OTICE—Will be sold at the bite resf- 11 dence off Thomas Hunt, dec’d. in Gwin nett county, on the fourth Saturday in August next ? all the personal property of said dec’d consisting of horses,cattle, sheep, hogs, farm ing implements, household furniture, &-C- &c. Terms made known oil the day of sale, july 19 ALMOND BRYAN, Adm’r. o N Saturday ihe ‘Zlili day nt'AuguBt next. will be .old nt the bouse of Stafford Wd lianiB, in Jones county, 4 sitting chairs, anil dome articles of pot ware, belonsttiK to tbe. e.- tale of James Smith, dec’d. To be sold for casli. ASA COX, Adui'r. July iu o N Friday the 2d day of September next will be sold at the house of John Gools by, Sr dec’d. late of Jasper county, tlie per sonal property of said dec’d. consisting of horses, cows and hogs, one good yoke of steers, household and kitrhen furniture, Uc Terms ntude known on the day of sale. PLEASANT GOOLSBY, Adm ly 12 with the will annexed TV OTICK—ft etwee n the usual hours of sale, _L x on the 1st Tuesday in Sept, next, will be sold at the court house of Upson county, by order of the Inferior court, when sitting for Ordinal y purposes, the uegroes belonging to the estate of Lucy Cook, ilccti. Sold for the l)Ciii^*t of the heirs and creditors. Terms made- known on the day of sab*. May 10^ JAMES WALKER, Adm’r. W ILL be sold on Thursday the 1st day o September next, at the late residence of Wm. Smith, deed, in Mudtsofl county _ peared before me David Callaway, who* being duly sworn saitli, that ho was possessed’ of two notes of hand given by Thomas Haynes,, of Hancock county, noth dated it) September last, about the. 2Ui day of said month ajfl/ell as this deponent recollects, one for fiIfiAluo the first day of November Inst, whu C^t»id! off and discharged ; the other (or £L r ^K the 20tli of December last, with a crW*/ l #!5on tlie same, which nolo6 are so lost hy this deponent, that they cannot be found DAVID CALLAWAY. Sworn ti> and subscribed before me, this 4th of July, 1825. JACOB YOUNG,j. i.c. To tike honorable the In ferior court of Iruin countu. The petition of David Callaway site we th, that the afore-mentioucd notes, described in the above affidavit, are so lost as they are set forth, and he prays this honorable court to es-. tnblisli copies of said lost notes, in lieu of the oiigiuals in teiuis of the law, copies of which are hereunto annexed And your petitioner will ever nrav, tic. DAVID CALLAWAY. copy of the notes. On or before the first day of November nezt r I promise lo pay David Callaway or bearer*. $ 100, for value received this 2isi Sept. J324. (Signed) T HAYNES. On or before tin* 20di day ol December next, I promise to pay Davul Callaway oi bearer*. £160, for value received, this 21st Sept. 1824. (Signed) T. HAYNfcni. Credit nil the last nolo—Received IBKln dollars in part. ^ On motion, ordered, that copies lie estab lished in lieu of said lost original notes, at the next lerm of this court, unless cause be shewn to tin? contrary, upon publication of the pro* ccedings according to law. A true extract from the minutes uf said court, July 4ih, 1825. WILLIAM SLONE,c. i. c. july 26 wtlJ 4-3 GEORGIA, Madison county. Clerk s office of the lnfei ior court, 30th March, 1825. J^N obedience to the laws of this state, for the government of free persons of color, the following person has caused his name to be registered in my office, and if no exceptions - are filed thereto, certificates will issue to him accordingly. John Russell, aged 23 years, a native of N_. Carolina, and 20 years an inhabitant of Geor- ia. and by occupation a blacksmith Aug 9 JOHN PHIPPS, Clk. OTICE AND CAUTION- Whereas Thomas Jones, the matt they call nty husband has abounded to evade justice, lie having violated the laws of the state, these nr^ therefore to caution all persons trading with him for any thing Ik*longing to my estate lor she has no property there; her Patience x jones. august 16 3l mark. A LL persons are hereby i . tradinp tlie personal property of sutd deod. consisting of different kinds of stock, household and kitchen furniture, plantation tools, &c. DAVID July 12 . wiV.LIAMSMri-H, ! A,ll "’ ,s ' LL those who are indebted to the estate \ 1 .LMl of William H Morrow, late of Ne county, dec’d. are requested to make imme diate payment, and nil those having demands against said estate are requested to present them iu terms of the law duly Authenticated. July 26 DAVID MORROW, Adm’r. \ LI. persons indebted lo the estate ol Leu- V is M. Lopor, dec’d. are requested ti emit* mediate payment ; nnd those having ands against said estate ate requested to •’ em in according to law. THOMAS JOHNSTON, Adm’r. july 26 A LLpei Mills indebted to the estate of Adam Lawson, late oi Henry county, dec’d. are requested to make immediate payments, nml those having demands against said estate are hereby notified to present them according to law. DA\ ID LAW SON, Adm’r iulv 19 % Li# persons indebted to the estate ol .lo rn. natban Rigby, dec’d. are hereby request ed to make immediate payment, and those that have any demands against said estate are re quested to ha''d them in agreeable to law or ihey will be barred. july 5 JONAS GRIFFIN, Adm’r. t*J OTlCE--The heirs and distributee snfihe i 1 estate of Litry Cook, dee d will hereby take notice that I shall apply to the court of Ordinary of Upson county, on the first Monday in September next, for an order to sell the ne groesof said estate. JAMES WALKER, Adm’r. May 10 IG A LL persons indebted to the estate of Ar- L chib.tld G. Bilbo, late of Newton county, dec’d. are requested to make payment.— Those having demands against said estate are hereby notified to present them law. CARY WOOD, SOLOMON GRAVES, n u g u u 2 according ho Adm i To the heirs of lien jajniv Trice, dec'd. yOU are hereby notifii d that I shall peti tion the Hon Superior court of Bald win county on the first Monday in October next to assign me my dower out of the half of a.square ot land, numbered 323, on the waters of Toblcrscretk, and now in my po-aiession PATIENCE JONES. June 7 3m 3C A LL persons eonccrned are hereby notifi ed that I sh \ll apply us the law directs, d that 1 sli ill for ao older to lay out mv dower of lot No. 94, in the 2d dist. ol Habersham cour#-y, it be ing tlift land belonging lo Joint Irwin, late of said county, dec’d. May 31 CATHARINE ERWIN. A LL persons are hereby cautioned against /V tra ‘ ' * ad ing for two Notes of Hand, one for 523 26ct». and the other tor 5*25, both dated the 17th June, and due th* 25dt December next, and given by the subsetihers jointly to Drury Clark. As the consideration for which they tycre given has Failed, and the notes were fraudulently obtaioed, we are determined not to pay litem unless compelled bv law BURTON FORTNER, JAMES FORTNER Decatur county, Aug 16 3i*——4$ TToticET 4 LL persons are cautioned from trading for two notes of hand given to Nathan Harper, both bearing date in and al>out 20th December, 1824, on< given fo. £100, payable 25th December, 18i5, the other^93 ftOcents. payable 25th December, 1826. The consider- tian for which said notes was given has en tirely failed, and I am determined not to p:?v them. NK&DHAM ROGERS. * j«ly 26 4t 43 :d against* g for a certain promissnry note yi- ve*i in a conti act the 3d Febunry last for 5175,- payable to John Carter 10?li of February next, inasmuch as the contract for which the note was given, has not been complied with, I am determined not to nay »t until com pelled by law. CALEBT<JMPKIN9. August 9 3t 55 i'vvwfum. A LL persons are cautioned against tres*. I passing, for any purpofe, on lot No 127, in the 14ih district originally Fayette, naw De Kalb county, as tlie law w ill be rigorously en forced against all w ho should thus offend WILSON BIRD.’ Shoals of Ogechec, Aug 16 6f 46 Caution. rpHIS is to caution all persons front trad-* 1 in ng lor a certain note of hand given by to A . T. Perry for 5180, dated 9th dav of •Iulv, 1825, and due 25th ifny of December, 1835. As the same was fraudulently obtained 1 determined not to pav it. ABNER DURHAM.. 3t 16 from me, I at august 1C To tiie Public. / \ N ihn 17jIi or lBlh ult. V Ynn unprincipled ankee scoundrel, who calls himself bv tlie name of ORAN CASTLE, came to nty house in this county, in company with u rebr peotable gentleman who some basin with m**, and imposed u piece of unsound p perty upon me, for which I gave him mv 111 payable on the 25lli December next, fur gl00' dated as above. I would camion the public not to have any thing to do with said note, e no doiilx lie will endeavor U> piactic.e another iraud upon some innocent iu«ui, wheu lie so well knows the said note was fVaii(luh_ h obtained; and he is also well assure I am determined uot to pay the same t JAMES COW/ Hillsboro*, Jasper enunty, Aug 9 duk M- Jti Ten Dollars Reward. 1U.NMVAY from (licsuh- scrilirr, living on tho OkcoHco fowl iontiiitR Irom MillortsovilU; to Sauuinitli, in I-'.nmnnol coun ty, on the 17th .Imho lost, mv noRro ntan DA'. IKI., iiottl nml »p|| ramie, yitllow cumploxinn, lias a sly ilown h.ok, whoa spoken to, about .afoot 4 itK-lie* IiiRlt, wore aivay a hlne skirled broad Ylollt eoai. I ant induced to believe lie !ms obtained , a pass front some unprincipled viltain. 1 ra-“* titer stippoae him to have made for Ri : -o' 1 Smith's of Twiggs county, or John S. On ) •• ol Laurens county. Any'petso- dojivetn 1 * the id nepro to mo, or coiilinine him so that I ot t !. 'V.'Vd, him again, shall receiin the allot and nil reasonable expenres paid SEABORN JOHNSON. mgusllfi “i Twenty Dollars Reward. RANAWAV Iront the sttlW sender ubMiiithrniiddleofA|tri* •"fi :? r * >"'i" l-v the name- ot JOHN, ahnttt M0 years old,. •> oet, C or 7 incites high, very tiara complected, rather slow of speech, IS likely and very sensible, and had on when he left me a jacket and pantaloons of homespun Idled tn tvttl, wool. Any person who will deliver said negro to me in Jones co. near f reeman a o d store, about 1ft m.le. from Mllledgeville, shall he eoinled to tlie above re ward, or i, 10, rt secured in jail so that 1 get h ""- , 1HOS. AlOUGHONa June 7 „—_ 36 NOTICE? T rE subset !hers Imngi, Morgan county, 3 miles South nl tbe Higli Slioalson die ftppalatrhte, take this method of tnformine tlietr Inends and the public generally, thatthev have on hand a number of Patent Cotton ain't and Carding Mahcmes which they will dispose of at the reduced prices of per saw f u r The subscribers will also furnish ruotnug'gT,, of anydeset.ption with the Gins, and oh? Sin, cart fjliy repaired. N. B. The above chines will be kind. Dins and Carding Ma- ranted to be of the" best. AEFAANDLR M. BROU N WILLIAMS D.WI8 •'