The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, September 06, 1825, Image 4

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xtw uiyuda. STA.YFOIth <y H'TJV.V, H AVE on hand a fri»*li and general assort* mc*nt of DRY IMJODS, of <*%ri) dot mplion suitrd t«• th- «» .sun— Also n general assortment of I’aifiil Visclitincs, Crockery, Gi »**, Some, ami Har I ware, Cutler), (Iroi r* ric*, S.uller), Derr Skins, for. for. which can hr had on very accommodating terms, juty 19 lintwflvv ■■—12 ilolton & Y\out. 1 . lit PIECES prim* COTTON II \CJ 1 \ M W GLNG, 42 incltrt wide, of the bc#l Until. Hemp, and Siot rli inauulactiirc. FLOUR of the best quality STANFORD fo WYNN. august 16. KOIl SALK. £?rk BARRELS NORTHERN GIN, it if 10 do Rye Whiskey, .y> hbls. Baltimore superfine flour, 30 li.itf libls do. b hluls. St. Croix Sugar, 40 bbU. do. 15 do Loaf Sugar, 30 tlo Mackerel, fk) do prime Pork, 50 do Irish Potatoes, b tierce# Rice, 10 half do. 100 casks Lime, £0 hhds. Viol.isscs, 3 do. Jamaica Rum, 2 pipes H'dl 'id Gin, 2 do Cognac Brandy, 10.000 I * hi. Swecd* tiou, 5.000 lbs. Castings. 2.500 lb- P Moulds, 1.500 lbs. Geiman Steel, 3.500 bushels Salt, 150 pieces klemp Bagging R. J. NICHOLS, k Co. January 18 if—10 WARE HOUSE And Comini sion Business, AUGUSTA. r I1HF. SubsetilnTM respectlul.y tendei their l thanks to their friends and the public f. r the liberal patronage they have received in the transaction of their first years business, and inform them that they will continue to trans act a Gene nil Factorage and Commission Busi ness at their old aland, near the whar* on Vic Iutoidistrict Theit Ware U use has la*en thoroughly repnired, and se\ .d # v aluable ad ditions made. 'I liotr means, as usual, me am pie to make liberal ml\am es oil pioduce Htor ed. The) will wwreha* for inch' planting friends Cotton Lamping,or any articles Older ed, at I he lowest prices HEARD k COOK. Augusta, Aug 34 tIN d7 WILLIAM //. HOAX'*. Commission Warehouse. AUQCSTA. VUE nbove is in complete order for ilie re _ ceiMiou ol Pioduce, and is in purl of the Citv whom the moil p.ut of the Cot ton is solu. The propi ictor pledges himself to attend p.irtuulai Iy to tho interest of his Country friend*, ami hit charges for the rustling sea son will be found to he at reduced latex fioiu those hitherto charged. Altlio' this Ware house is situated in thnt part of the town where the least danger enu be apprehended fiom fire, lie has made arrangements lor insurance at very fo w rates, should any of his customer a de sire to lie secured against all nsl*. of that na lure. * jaly 13 510 3.11 42 1 ACADEMY LOTTERY. r |lHE Man ig-rh oMASPER ACADEMY J. LOTTERY, beg leave to inform the public, that in consequence of ttie Small P*>x li.«%ing prevailed in the town of Monlicelio foi some lime, the sale of the Tickets have lie. n greatly retarded, i. will therefore be unpiacti- cable to commence the drawing at the time contemplated : but they are bappy in being nbn to state that since the disease has subsided the sale of Tickets lias been so great lha' the 1 flatter themselves the drawing will lake plac* in a lew niuiMbs. Highest Prifct* 3,000 Dollars IT Fra. SCHKV1E 1 Prize of $>3,000 is $3,600 1,000 is .>00 is 7 Prizes of 0 P.izex of 10 Prisos of 20 Prizes of 00 Prizes of 50 Prizes of 1000 Prizes of 100 is 60 it 20 is 10 is 5 is 7.000 4 500 1.000 ] ,000 1,000 500 8,000 New Drug Establishment. SOOT. B. A. WHITE T S HOW Ol I S now opening and oflVit fur sale at his store lit the Post lire, Mitledgevdle, » •’> assortment of Pi nts. Dyestuffs, Pjt s, Perfumery, tyc. Otliee, Milledgevdle, an exit sive assortmeui of Drugs, Oil* S|m Paints, Dyestuffs, Patent AfrUt ci/us This assortment comprehends all the staple articles in the drug line, and a variety of o tlmrs, not usually found, but in the northern c,ties, or in Savannah and Anemia. It lias been laid in with the view, that those favoring him with their custom should not he disari pointed, when sending as above, for any inedi cine or medical preparation desirable in an ex tensive and enlightened pratice The sub pcriher intends keeping a full and permanent supply in the above departments—of tending, as as practicable, articles only ol the best finality, and selling litem for cash or approved paper at very reduced prices. lie confides lip* management of the busi* ness to I)r WILLIAM GREEN, and can promise that oil orders, will be executed with despatch and xccuraty. 1» A. W. July 19 FACTORAGE. r HEsulirrnlier-routinuetotrnnvarl FAC- TOR AGE fo COMMISSION BUSl NF.SS is Savannah All produce consign ed to them, will he m ured against fit e.Hlo i it goes into store, without any charge to throw ner. Storage on Cotton will he 8 1-2 cent! per hnle for the fir*t week, and C cents lor each mo <*eedi g week ; hut if it remain* u month 26 rents only w ill he. charged for the month, and 12 1-2 cent- for each succeeding mouth T. BUTLER, k Co October 16 eolf——4 5200 Tickets, amounting to $20,000 ALL PRIZE.** payable m CASH, in ten days after the completion of the drawing, sub net to a discount ol 15 »vr rent PRICE OF TICKETS $5 EACH. PETER W. G \U 11 Eli, ) * J EHE.VII Ml PEARSON, | * JESSE LOY ALL, \ 2 ELI GLOVER, | I N. B POWELL. J - june 28 Commission Warehouse. I THE subscribers having formed a conex- ion under the firm ol sTOV ALL fo FORD,res|H*tlfullv tender tin ir Movie.:« tc the public in the Warehouse and Commi.-i-n /tusimss. in the City of Augusta. 1 heir Warehouses and Clone Stolen, k‘.Iii:i ted on Jackson street, opposite Mc*mk. Bine k Williams, and near he Steam Boat W I. il l have been erected this Bpiing, are safe,com mmlious and well arranged for the Morose of Cott>>n and Iii< > icing Forwarding of (lands Their charges will he ill the lowest custom nrvrates. Liberal advances will he made on Colton consigned to tlieiu. They promise a prompt and faithful alien tiun to all hush ess confided to ih< m PLEASANT STOVALL, of Augusta, WILLIAM I* FORD, of Montieello tTr P Spiv u.i. returns his sincere thanks to those who have heretofore patronised him Aiiuusln, June 7 I in3w 3m-\v'l Du. CHEsl.LV, II AVI v(i roturnml lioui th* vurtli, and delei mined to locale li.msell in this place, ofh ix Itis professional services to the itili-i- l.itnulM ol Milledgevdle audit-, virility. 11- iiiay he found at hisotfiee next dooi below Mr E. Jones, or by tnqiiu mg at Mrs Allen’s, op posite the August 23 3t- 47 notice. D URING the subscriber's absence to the North, Iiih business will he continued m- usual by Mr. JOHN KEIlIE'i,ui» able and experienced workman mid cutter. 1 J. KEISTER. Mdledgcville, Aug 16 3i — Pi Monies Vo Vivwwv. 1 ^1 ROM 1 to 2.000 DOLLARS to be loftned ; out, probably for a term of years, if the intereNt bo punctually paid. For further in* torinaiion apply at the Recorder Ollioe. august 16 It II WOTllti. T HOSE persons who have not settled their accounts with file subscriber for the year lflJf, are re.piested to do so witlioul fur* liter delay, or the payment will be coerced march 22 JOHN MILLER. Yittbimrevs Wanted. 11/ AN I'ED to lure immediately, 50 strong ^ V able hodie.l .Vlen, for which a liberal price will be give i. Enquire ol Alexander McGregor, John T Rowland, or oiic ol the suhsenher*. CRAWFORD k CARTER. Milledgevdle, Aug 9 6t- —15 BUSHELS of Mercliautalile WHEAT wanted, lor which I per bushel will be given delivered at my ills. YV heat ground ul the *liort*-si notice and bolted in a line or superfine cloth to suit customers. My mills w ill grind 350 bushels of grain each day. PETF.R J. WILLIAMS. Milledgevdle, June 14»ii, 1825 IVmk-VVimVvn!;. T HF. public ay rrspertlaUy informed, that BOOK-BINDING in its \arioiisbranrli- es, will be executed by the sulswnher with nearness and dispatch. Also, a regular iHsortment of Ledgera, Day D cks Record Books, Dockets, Memoian- dma*, Note Books, Albums, Receipt Books, xml Stationary of every description Rook* of any sire or form can be ruled or hound to any pattern EDWARD JOHNSON. M.lledgnville, Jan 11 ^ NOTICE. A LL person* indebted to the firm of 7'r- VV ron.iit, .itiisiU k‘Co. either by note or til . o.uit, are respectfully requrstd to make • miuediate payment U> the suWnher, other* wise tluisc indebted to them may calcul «tc to find their notes and accounts hi ail otlic.i hands lor collection. L A TKISON, survivor of T. A.kCo Milledgnville, M uch If- Attention mechanics* riAHE suhiM'iiber wishes to empl*) a goml, I sober, industiious boore carpenter oil mb of considerable magnitude Apply r» JOHN NEVES Baldwin count), Geo Aug i t! 14 HOLCOMBE’S T HE mulei-signed conduct tt»«* W \RE HOUSE, and transact tin* l DMMIS- SION BUSINESS, in ill itshrutichuu, under the Style of HULCOMHE V Hilt) THEE. at the old si.tml, >outli aide a.»d upp*T ruJ oi Broad Street Alt hi ini ness confided to their man g^nwiit will he promptly and property cx ecu ted. Ifieir (Imrge* will be eurli a* nr** customary. They solicit the .mention oftlieii acquHinunces anil the public ill then line ol business HENRY B. HOLCOMBE. GEORGE GRIMES HOLCOMBE, august 16 tf—*-16 11 cpli.irn At Prince WING taken Runner I), flumimp into partnership with llu-m, thev out inn.' biiHines* at their ..Id stand. 136 I Street, under the lirmnl llrnhmu /’»inre^ L'o HENRY IIEPBl R , GHARI.ES prim e, ROB UT D. HEPBURN Ncw«Yoik, June 7. 3m—36 \\avi\wave am\ Vvd\“T>;. IIEI’BUKN, 1*1.1 N' E *t Co. MIV YORK. H AVE received by the last arrivals, an •Mvo.,1. ii.uu*, o.d are now npu iug ;n xtensive nsMortmcnt of GOODS in thenTni. which they will sellat low prices—among then are— Knives nud Forks, of every variety, Do Ivory, in sets, Pen, Pocket. 2 blade, k spring hack Knivei Rogers' eelel.rated knives, ray.<os k seisnors Weeding Hoc*, light and heavy Traces, Coffee Mills, Bull Metal Kettles and Skil lets, kc k«*. kc. 0.T Orders executed on the most favorable terms. june 7 T25 3m—36 c ( I. BHONSOV. 10NT1MJES ti> v irry *.n iIm* Cabinet or Chair MnU,ire Pu russ, in ..II iN v:.i Otis 1 ra nc lie.- Hr Imi • n ha» d .. ibi of COTTON GINS at a >aw—He w make Gins upon any gi\*n plan, wnrianti •qn »l to any in the United State*. A!) orde tli.iklnllv received an I promptly attended to I ton, April IS ' II—*8 Dunk of Darien. SOLVED, that a reduction of JO p in benudis hereby required, on j paper due at me mother Bank, on or before the 26di day of November next, and at i leneual thereafter, n similar reduction, uni lie same shall have amounted to 30per cent. Extract Iroin the minute* EBEN. S. REES, Cashier July 6 tIN 10 B rought ip jail in dreaiw c.maty,» 2'Jth July hist, an African negro man by the name ol .ViO"iES, ahout .>0 tears of ag« who savs be belongs t.» Mixes Couch of .Li per county. The owner is requested to conn forward and co.nplv with ill • law .indt ikc him away. NICHOLAS HOWARD, Slrff august "0 Itanawny FROM the »nh*rrihcr on Wednesday la-I, a Inge yellow negromanVltEDERIC K Ite is ^■ imr dly known in the ad joining coiintir v.i* a fl Idler He was s**en in Sparta Fri day last It is believed he wil' go to Vug*: IR .nay h .vnn forged pass with him, a* lie « read and vvnte. A suitable reward will he given for hi* i prehension, and confinement hi any jai. in i •>1.110 so that I gel him .1 AMES CAMAK Milledgeville, August 28 fUj m O Molly Ifudsou, Benjamin Cook and Eh- belli Ins wife, lienjiunn Fleming and ranees Ins wife, Bernard C. Heard and M i* .v his wife, William Hudson, Lucy Carter, Xohn Casoo, Edward Cason and William Ca- •<hi—You are hereby notified that I shall pe tition tin* honorable Superior court •»» Elbert county, at the next September term of said court, to appoint propel perso-s to assign and -a-toft dower to myself, the widow of John Bvck, in and to a certain tract of land in said • uiniy, whereon the said Molly Hudson now iives, on Vann’s creek, coni lining 200 acres, -.ore or less, adjoining lands of Thomas A Banks aud others. SARAH BE< K, Widow of John Beck,dec d. juoe 14- • 3m” V OTK'E—To Jesse Smith. Thomas Smith and Jam*-* Smith, heir* of John Smith, *c"d livi. g out of the state of Georgia, their • nts. utiornics, and all wli- m it may concern, e h> r by notified ihat Milui Smith of Wil kinson county and Male of Georgia, widow ol I *» n Smith,dic’d will make application by K tin »n io the next Superior court to be held it W ilkintnn courf-l»ouM*,in and for s tid coun- in, on the 3d Monday in October next, to lay off and avi-fn her dower in the two separat. I is or *(| of land know n-<nd distiugu.hli- d by No 138 and 137, in the 4tli district of said ounty, md which ol right belonged to John ^nii'li, her husband, in Ins life time, and of Inch the said Mill* now claims her dow’ei ,&u: Mil.LA SMITH, Widow of John Smith, dec’d. Irwintnn, W Hkiuson c«>. July 26 L LLpeison* having demands against the * estate of James B Bryant, late ol the state of N. Carolina, dee’d arc requested to render within six weeks from tins date, otlioi W IM. be sold at the court hunt* in the I \\1 ILI. In- sul.l on llir tlrst Tucstlay in Oc ^town^of Greensboro, Greene county | ‘ ? r " vise I shall pay over to the legatees all the uoney in mv hamfs belonging to said estate. HENRY l\ 111 TAKER, a.ig.ict 23 1 dni r. tie li»»ni* non. A LL pe. sons indebted to the estate of Lew' L .‘jL is M. Lop r, dec'll are requested to hi ike inimediaie payment ; ami tlio-e li ning I*-aiands jg tinsi said e-Ptte are icqii. sied lo render them in acrordii g to law. THOtlAS JOHNS I ON, Adm’r jnl\ 16 on the first Tuesday in November next, the whole of the real estate of Jeremiah Eaily. d-cd. c insisting of the several tracts of Lind, lying in tho folk between the Oconee unit Appuhichie rivets, viz: the well improved plantation adjoining Dawson sfeiry and Math ews, containing 587 acres The planlatioi adjoining, known as the Jones’ plantation containing 230 acres The plantation also ad joining, immediately below on the river, known as the Hay’s nhintation containing 145 acres Also the celebrated plantation on the Appa- lachie river adjoining Greer, Martin, and oth ers known as the Davis plantation, coutainiug 230 acres To he sold pursuant to an order of the Infe rior court of Greene county when sitting for ordinary purposes for the benefit of the In irs aud creditors. Terms made known on the day. THOMAS WINSTON, } THOMAS BILLUPS, £ Adiu'rs JNO CUNNINGHAM,) August 30 O N the fir*t Tuesday in Nouunber next between the usual hour* of nale, will b sold at the court-house in the town of Eaton tonlou, Putnam county, pursuant to an order of the lionoinble Inferior court of said county, sitting for ordinary purposes, all tiie real estate of Joint!. Smith, dec il. vit : One loij with a store house thereon, in the town of Entonton, on Jefferson street, adjoin ing Rennet Crafton. One lot continuing 3 acres, more or less, with the improvements thereon, on Madison street, the present residence of Mrs. Smith. 168 acre* of land, mure or less, in Putnam county, with improvements thereon, whereon Zacheus Bart now live*, adjoining Josepli* Turner and others. 250 acres ol hind, more or less, in Gwinnett county, bong lot No 29, in the 5:li (list (if said county. All the above properly sold for die benefit of the heirs and cn dilors of said John I Smith, dec’d. Terms made known outlie day of mile IRBY HUDSON, Adui’r. august 30 \ OTl‘ E—All perrons indebted to tin** late of John Horton, late of *1 > • 11. agai I lien Adm rs. LAW. 1. (I C. LA MAH f TAS removed his ofli e to Wayne street * I ono door abut e me store til Messrs. Foard k Malone. iMilledgetllie, August 9 3l——33 Law Notice. r PHF, subscriber has removed to and open 1 rd a Law Office in the town of Macon, and will practice in thceountiexof Bibb, Mon roe, Newton, Henry, Pike, Upson, Crawford, and lloiiRton, of tin* Flint ; Jasper, Jones, and Wilkinson of the Oakniulgec, nnd the Northern counties of the Southern mu nils. CHRISTOPHER B. STRONG. Jnnoarvll 15 TALLVHAS8K IlUTKL. WILLIAM II \l,Llii«(-Mal<li:.|,- ed an Hotel at the ci.yol Tallahas see, in Middle Florida, when* gen tlemen, ladie.i, and luiiulic.--, w ill he hospitably entertained. lie proposes com- _ - mcacing a STAGE, to a tnan llailb . to Tallidiassee, on the sc coiid .Monday in eveiy month, nnd to start fiom Tallahasse on ll i* first Monday of every u.ontli, bcgiuniiig with August next Tallahassee, Feb 1 KDGAIPS INN. M the Sign off In KntrU, ('olumbia, S. C. THE ptihli.- are informed that the Mill-ruler' I \RGE NEW BRICK IIOUbE is ready for thr •ption of i oaipnny. He rail arrnnini'Hlate those who may »nperior style. Histable will he best productions of the land are moderate ADAM EDGAR Oct 7 if- 'Vke \kwders\gucd H HVI.NO ihPniM-ltr. in llir VVARK-HolISt \NM UF.NV.KAL COMMISSION BL'SINKSS, umjrt the firn. of Wm. Sims, Williams & Co. To commence 1st of October next, will be thankful for a share of public patronage. Their Stores are the sanm a* now in die occupancy of Wm Sime^r Williams, and w ill be ready in every respect for the receipt ol Pioduce nnd Yleichaudize They will he pre pared lo make liberal advance* to their cus tomers w hen required, and thru undivided at- tent ion wilt be devoted lo all bu^ucss entrust Vo their care WILLIAM SIMS, CHARLES D YA1LLIAMS, ABRAHAM M. WOOLLEY Vuguro.AuE 23 wim 47 NOTICE. 4 LL person* li »\ ugua--eiileilaerounis widi /Y Solom m II >;< , Meacham M llogi , E. • I. Rurriit C * and Bn.rut k 'l o h in., ut i< ip-ested to call on Mr. E. II. Ifiinitt, who done is auihoiised to settle (lie«am**. SOL. I If Hi E, E II. BCBRITT, S MEACHAM Clinton, June 15, 1325 Dr. S Me i ’ll ini. and lie .done, is fully au thorise lt,> transact fo. mo in the '-illenwnt of the above business, du ing nr. absence E H BCRRI' T. june 21 1 tint 1—38 A Dar^nin may •>(* had ! ! s ' HE siibscTiber offers lor sale,on tie most * ACC'MiiiNodatiug term* the valuabl L of I.and, No 46, in the lldiuist ol • lonme county ,on which there is a Grist Mill, and perhaps die shoal is inferiot to none for a Gear Mill ; from 12 to 13 or 20 tret lall can he had, and water plenty ; some cleared laud and other conveniences ; situate in a henltliy and fertile seetion of country, nnd promise* lair for great custom. Apply io JOHN TURNER, ne»r Tbnnin«tnn, niav 31 m3m Upson county, Geo 3J’ The Editor of the Leorgiti .Messenger trill publish the ohoi't ones a mouth for 3 month* and forward his account for payment J T XOIICR r HERE will be mdd a few town lots in the town of Zebul.m, on Tuesday die !3ih day of September next. Persons wishing to locjie themselves in a he i liv and handMinie- ly siUiated village, will do well to attend tin- sale. Terms as hereloloie. W V WHITE, ) JOHN M. t OCHRAN, , IHOS S RICHARDS, SJ.I.C JAMES C. HOLMES, I EYYI8 DANIEL, J August 3* -35 850 Reward. 1 77 SC APED from tin* Penitentiary on die i IOth instint, n Convict ci*|ed RCSSFL Ct1\ T ORD. 5 feet ID :u li. s high, 21 years old d ull hair, blue eyes, a farmer by occupa •ion II« wa* sent from Columbia county foi Larceny. The above reward will be given for Ids delivery at the Peni entinry, or a' any safe j.iil in the state *o that he ishmugli' back. P. J M ILLIAMS, P. K P. august Ifi Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN AW AY from the sub scriber nbouttlie middleof April la-t, a negio man by the imi- c of JOHN, about 20 years old, 5 I eel, 6 or 7 inches high, very dai k complected, rather *lowol speech, is likely aud very sensible, and had in when lie leli me a jacket and pantaloon* o' homespun filled in with wool. Any person w le> will deliver said negro to me in June* co. n >r Freeman’s old store, about 15 nide* from Milledgev ille, Miall be entitled to the above rr. ward, or $11), if secured in jail so that I get him. THUS. MOUGHON. Jane 7 tf 36 county, der’d. are ri quested fo make inline diate payment, and those hiving dem linsf said e*tafe are icq nested to piescui the law lecjuirc*. DAVID RYALS, Adm r aiiftfit 23 V LLuersoun having il* uiand* against tl estate ol Hugh V| . W barter, late ol Og! • horpe county, dee’d will present them only aliened vviiliiai m» tune prescribed by law and all ill >se indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. HELENA VlcWHORTER Adm’x august 23 A LL |icisons indebted to the estate of Ar cliib.tld G Bilbo, late of Newton county tb-e'd. are requested to make payment.— Those having tlemaud* against said estate hereby notified to present them according to law. CARY WOOD. SOLOMON GRAVES, aiiguat 2 TV O TICE—Will be .-o'd at the late r LI nenre of Archibald G Bilbo, dec d Nrwiou county, on Satin day the 17th of Se| ember .-vt, ihe whole of the perishable pro p»»rty, bk» wise the household and kitchen I itur'-, ti’i» r ther w ith other articles, belonging o s:iid estate Terms of sale made know that day* GARY WOOD, ) K#I . SOLOMON CiKAVF.8, S ‘ nttffust 2 N O’ilCfc—Will he sold on Saturday the 17th of September next, in Lauimi- county, at the plantation of Mathew Smith, dec’d all ill personal property of said der’d. which has not yet been sold, consisting of hoiurhold ami kitchen funiiiuio, a cart and mare withsevi rM other articles. ..ugnst9 EZEKIEL SMYTH, Adm’r. ( GUARDIAN’S SALE—Will he sold on X the first Tuesday in October next, at tin- court bouse in the Town of Kaionton, a likely negro fellow belonging to the orphans of Ur ban Cooper, dee d. Twelve months credit will be given and approved security requited. THOMAS COOPER, ) STEPII F.N WKS TON, \ Guardians. MILTON COOPER, ) august 2 UK) tuber next, at the market hou-e in fca- tonton, within the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing pioperty to wit: 101 I 4 acres of land, more oi less, where Mr Million now lives, adjoining Wynn a others, levied on ; s the property ot Daniel Rapely nnd YA'iHiani R Wraith, survivors, Lt to satisfy ;• fi fa i favor^ of Hugh Tnvhir and otlit rs,v* Daniel Rapely and William R. Smith, surv ivors, &tc. A negro woman named Silvev, levied on as the property ol James Mooie, to satisfy a fi f.* in favor ol Seaborn Jones, vs James Moore A negfti girl named Eliza, levied on us the properly of James McLeary, dec’d to satisly '•undry fi fas issuing from the Jusiiees court in tavor of Anderson Kendrick and others, vs the Aduiinisti.itore of James McLear), dec’d levied on and returned bv a con-table WM. VARNER, Sti ff V GRF.F. ABLE In an order of the honora ble Inferior court of Putnam ciuo.ty, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, in the town of Entonton. the land whereon I*:i.»c Morel,iniL dec d. Ibrnieily lived, alnmt 4 indes above Ealuninn, coutainiug 7 or 800 acr< s, well improved and in good repair, and the soil well calculated for the cultivation of corn, cotton and wheat, a high and healthy situation, with good out houses and stables, barns, and gin houses by water aud hones.— Terms of sale* known on Ihe day JOSEPH T MORELAND, TURNER MORELAND, ^ Adm Samuel keid, august 30 ® N the fit st Tuesday in October next, w ill /be sold at the court house in the tow Covington, Newton county, between the usual hour* of sale, the following property, to wit: 50 acres of land, more or less, being the East part of lot No. 123, in the 9lli di-t originally Henry now Newton county, levied on as the property of Luke .I. Lambert, tu satisfy a fi fa in Isvor of Larkin Shiver, for th» use of John Rusliin, vs. said Lambert, nlsoto satisfy one other fi la in favor of George M. Troup, Governor, tec. against the said Luke J. Lambert and Stewart Devane*, properly pointed out by said Lambert Five cow* and calves. 2 steers 3 years old 2 heifer* 2 yeaisold, 17 head of hogs, all lo vied on as the propertt of Calvin Teel nud Henry Teel, lo satisfy a fi fa in favor of G» orge M Troup, Governor, Aic. against suidt Teels and one other fi fa in favoi of George M Troup, Governor, foe again*! James Alia* Joseph Witcher and H( ary Teel, properly pointed out by Henry Teel. 202 l-2>aoresof lAml, more op less, situated, ly^ug ami In ing in Kith dist. of originally II ry, now Newton county, known by No 2 ( )0 levied on as lliu property ol William Smith, t satisfy a fi fa in fav<ir of John T Bendy, and one other fi fa in fa in favor of John T Bendy against Spires Smith. 202 1-2 acres of land, more or less, known by No. 115, in th* 16th (list of originally lieniy now Newton comity, levied on a- the properly of oh it B B Davis, \\ illiam l)i\is, nud Si moon Woodson, lo 3atisty a fi fa in favor of John and Joseph Gmtun, property pointed out by YVilliamson and Btorrs. I). MORROW, Sli’ff. Caul ion. A LL persons are emilioned against ires 1 V pas-ing, f>r any purpofi*. on lot No 127 • the I4tli district origin ally Fayette, uaw !)• ’ t.h county, as ihe law " il 1 be rigorously en forced against all who bhnuld thus offend. WILSON BIRD. Shoals of Ogerh' e, Atlfl 16 6t 16 A LL prisons arc hereby Ini warned not to traile for two Notes of Hand, given by me to Iimaa Howel, one for |lt6| due Doc. 25, 1825, the other loi ihe same umount due Dee 2.i, 1 It20, and both signed bv me and John It Nelson. The consideration for which notes weie given li.ivii g tailed, I shall not p.iv tlo’m. J AMES HARRIS. De Kalb county, Aug. 30 2» W EDRG1A, Ci.ukc county Lindsey » Y Slirats, of Capt. Herndon’s ilisiiict, tolled beiore Wade White, E-<| on ilie IlMi ol d.i-, moiilli, a bay marc, 10 or 11 years old. t eye out, branded on both shoulder* a< o Ihe leli l <p with the letter S, about 4 leei l» niche- 111} li ; apiiraised to .'jfbO, Aug .0, 182.* nug 30 KG BERT LIGON.c i c* ( 1 EOUGIA, Irwin county—Pemonaly np- I pr.ued beiore me David Callaway, w |u> bring duly sworn sdlli, that lie wasp -c. of two uotesof hand given l*\ Tliouias Hayne*, ol Hanrork county, notli d-ited in deptem* r las', about the 21 st da vol said uuuilli as well as this dei oueiit rerolfertx, one I i ^‘lOi'olui the first dav of November last, win. h is paid off and disrii irgcd , the other lor J5150, due the 20<li of December la-t, with i credit ol 515 -n the same, wlvrli notes are so lost by this de|K)uent, tliat thi*v caiinoi be ton ml DAVID CALLAW • Y Sworn to and subs* rit*eil before me, th s 4j of inly, 1825. JACOB YOUNG.j. 1 c To the honorable the /• r * wr court tf h win county. The petition of . avi.l Callaway xheweth that the afore mentioned noli *, described in the above «fli>lavit, are so lost ns they are set Ibr'li, ami lie prays this honorable court lo r- t iblisli ropusof said lost notes, in lieu of tlo (mgiiials in terms of the law, copies of whirl, are hereunto annexed And your petiiionci will ever pray, foe DAVID CALLAWAY. COPY Ot THK NOU S. On or before th* Hi si d iy of November next, f promise to pay David CxHnw iy or beam 5KN>. t ir v ihre received this *’Ui Se o 182r (Signed) T HAYNES. D . hi or. .r** the 20i|i .lav ol IJ. ceni'oT next. I iiMinise to pay David Calla v *v 01 bear* ' £150, foi value received, this 21st >«*pt. 182* ( > • I) V. M v\ NE8 ('redtl on die last note* Received fifteen*in p it. Oil monos, ordered, tliat copies be rslxb litdi d in lo 11 of said lost otiginal notes, at tin next term of iliis rmirl, mil* s- cause be 6liew n to the contrary , upon publication of the pn. reeding* uceording lo law. A tiue ex Han't from the minutes of san court, Julv 4th, 1825. WILLIAM SLONF. r. 1 c. julv 26 wilt 43 To the heirs ot ben jamin I'rir*, dte'd 1/^OU are hereby notifi* d that I s]m|| pen. JL non the Hon Superior court of Bald win county on the fi si Monday in Octooe ext to as-ign me my dower out ol the half ol a -qu ire ol land, nundiered 323, on the vvateis -it Voider* creek, and now *11 mv i>o<vessioii PATIENCE JONES. June 7 3m M V LL persous concerned are hereby notifi ed that I shall apply a* the law directs, f r an order to lay out my dower ol I it No **4, in the 2ddi-t oj Habersham county, it tie mg the laud belonging to John Irwin, l.ite ol said county, dec d. y iy 31 CATT1AR4NE ERWIN. O N Thursday the 13llidny of October next, will be sold at the plantation where John Kivinx, dec’d. formerly lived, in the county of tones, all the personal property belonging to the said dec’d. consisting of horses, cattle, nogs, sheep, one cart and oxen, household and kitchen furniture with additional articles too tedious to enumerate. Terms made known on the day of sale. ' STEPHEN BIVINS, Adm’r. august 30 iy O TICE Will be sold o.» Saturday, the N 10th of September next in the town of Clinton, Jones county, all the personal pro perly ul Beverly Marsh, dec’d. consisting of a complete set of cabinet woi k tools, a quantity of lumber, wearing nppmel, a valuable watch, and many oilier article* too tedious to me 11 - '.on. * made known 01 the day of sale. Angus* 2 JOHN JONES,'Adm’r O N ill- fir-t Tuesday in October next, will he sold at tho court-lion>e in the town of Hartford, Pulaski county, all Hie negroes belonging to the estate of Harms Packer,de- (eased, consisting of women «nd girts. Sold for 1 lie benefit of the lit irs and creditors of said dec'll. Terms made known 011 1 tie day l HOMAs JOHNSTON, AdmT July 26 . OTK ’E YA ill he sold on the first Tues- A day in October next, at ihe court-house •n tlo town of Montieello, lasper county, with in *o lawful hours of * do,the negt< es !>elong- ing <0 tin- estate o' amnion " ilkiuson, late ol ud county, dec’d. in be sold by order of Hi- Infeiior court of said county, when sitting for ordinniy purjHiscs, for he benefit of the •en» of s.nd estate Tetms ntude kin.wn on thedav. .! W!» KIN SON, julv 26. S. AVIkKIN^O >, • v (lie first Tue-dav in October next, will lie sold at the court-house in the town of Co ngton, Newton county, between the usual lit) -of sale, three negroes, a by the n * c of Grace, her daughter Eliza, and a inf nl. Sold as the property of Daniel Farr, late »f said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs a;i.l creditors of said dee d.— Terms made known on the diy. July 26 JOHN F ARR. Adm'r A dm’1 \ GRFE ABLE to an order from the Hon, the Justices of the Inferior court of Cr 1 • ford county, when sitting for Ordinary pur v s, will be sold on the first Tuesday 111 Oft be 1 next in the town of Knoxville, 7 ne gro ■*, viz : Vilel, Charlotte, Pai, Temp, Na 1 »•, Phelie and Joe A 1 »lso on the first Tuesday in November next i'l fie sold in Decatur Dekalb county, one lot o land, No. 232. in the 14th dist for- mer.y Henry county, it being the real estate of Juab Grubbs, late of said county dec’d. aud -old tor die benefit of the heirs and creditors ot -aid dec'd Terms made know n on the day of salit * BENJ AMIN GRUBBS, Adm’r. J ily 26 N OTICE—Will be tented on the 22d day *•1 September next, at the late residence of "anmel Uauglas-, dec’d. of Morgan conn, w, die whole of the plantation, containing aliou 00 acres, in good repair for cropping •living attached good dwelling house and out houses I’.aseMon will be given the first day • if 1.1 unary next. Terms made known on the day of renting. * WILLI AM S DOUGLASS,) x , . ROBt'.RT DOUGLASS, V "• an:art 16 \ N the tii^t Tuesday in November next, * willlie sold at the court house in New ton county, a lot of b.nd.No 231, in the 10th dist-ict,formerly Henry now Newton count). Sold as the property of Randall Sheffield, late I W ivne coiiuty, deed for ihe benefit of the heirs of said d* rd. BRYANT SHEFFIELD, Adm’r. june 7 1 PURSUANT to an order of the court of 1 on* i nary of Jasper county, willlie sold at the court-house in Early county, on the first Tuesday in October next, between the usual huirsof sale, one lot of land, lying 111 2d dist -f-lid county. No 214—also oue lot lying in the 4th dist of said county, No 151. being pirt of tiie real estate of Richard Pol- 'd. Terms cash eprii 5 JAMES RAMSEY, Adm’r. V GHEE ABLE to an order of the lionoia hie Inferior court of Putnam county, when sifting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, at the court-house door in the town of Forsyth, vl on roe county, all die Und lying and being in Monroe county, belonging lo Isaac More* land, dee d, containing several squares, and most of them with c.m-idernble Improvements, about 10 miles fr .m Forsyth. Persons vviMi- ing 10 view said land will cull on Joseph Moreland, vvh.> will give any information that may lie necessary. The lands in Monroe county are of the first quality generally, a d will be sold ,0 suit purchasers. Terms made known on the dav of sale. JOSEPH T MORELAND,; TURNER MORELAND, £ Adm’rs. SAMUEL REID, ) august 30 A GREE ABLE to an order ol the ho- ora* /\. ble the Inferior court of Laurens coun ty, will Ik* sold 011 the first Tun-day in No vemher next, at the court-house in the town of McDonough, Henry county, within the Udiinl h ull's of sale, lot No 195, in tin* 12th district of said county, as the property of Neadhain Bennifield, idiot. August80 B s. ORIFF1N, Gusrd'it \ gRKEABLK lo an order of the court o Ordinary of Jackson county, will be sold at the court-house of said county, on the first Tuesday in November next, a tract of land containing 70 acres, more or less, lying nu the Mulberry fork of the Oconee ; also two ne gro men. Sold as the property of John H. Skinner, dec'd. in ordci ton division among die heirs. Terms made known on the day of sale. EZEKIEL GREEN, Guardian, august 30 O N die first Tuesday in November next, will be sold lit the court house in tin (own of Entonton, Putnam county, tvvodiiid- of a tract or parcel of laud, known and di* tiuguished by lot No 239 in the I4tli disliii originally Baldwin now Putnnin county, ad- job ing Thomas and James Head and Edmond Oucule The said lot to lie sold for the bene fit of the heirs ot Benjamin Trice, dot'd. WILLIAM TRIGE.J , may 31 JK3tit: ,.IUR .IN, _ \ h ' 1 ' 4 UKEEAHLE to an order of the houora /\_ ble l iferior court of Washington enun'y when siltinR lor ordinary purposes, will be Boldon the first Tuesday in October next, die court house in the town ol Bandoikville, in said county, all the real estate of W ill Mills, dec’ll, toiihisting of 200 acres of pine land in said county, lying on the wate Kegg creek, adjoining Morris, Malpass others. Sold for die benefit of the heirs and creditors of sai't dec’d. JAMES MILLS, Adm’r. JOHN E GARDNER Adm’r. April 26 in right of Ins w ife O N the first 'Tuesday ill October next, wil be sold, purstmnfto an order of the In lerior court of Houston, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, within the lawful hours at Per ry, in said county, a viact ol known ;»• lot No. 14, i 5di dial of said con mv. it bein> the properiv "f Tho*. Butcher, deed, miljee to the widow’s dower Sold for the beueht of the heirs aud creditors. WILLIAM SMITH, Adm’r. j uly 26 * A GREEABLY to ail order of die lionorn f\ ble the lufi-rior court of Ogletlior|i« county, will be sold at the court-hou*e door ir Momoe county,on the fi.*t Tuesday hi Octo ber n**xt, on»* tract »>f land, containing 202 I-‘2 acres, lying in the 3d district of Monroe coun ty, No 109 Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the ertate of Sninael Patton, dec’d. Terms on the dav. SAMUEL PATTON, Adm r. julv 26 with the will annexed da; in November next, at the courthouse in Marion, agreeable to an order of the liono- rabi.» court of ordinary, one lot ot land, No. 27, in the 23d dist of formerly Wilkinson now Twiggs county, it being the real estate of Cor- dy Saul*, dec’d. Sola for the benefit «-f the heirs and creditor* of said estate Ter made known on the day of sale aug 9 THE8PHILUS SAULS, Adm r. A greeable to the ia*t win ami testa incut of the late John K Denson, dec’d of Hancock county, will be sold in the town of Thomaxfon, Upson county, on the first Tuesday in November next, 202 1-2 acres of land, known by lot No 221, in the 10th district formerly Monroe, now Upson countv. Sold for the benefit of the In irs and creditors of said dec’d. Terms made know" on die day of sale. JOHN N. DENSON, august 9 Acting Ex’or. O N the first Tuesday in January next, will lie sold at the court-house m Milledge ville, the house and lot on Jefferson street, lately occupied by Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis, de ceased Sold in pursuance of the will of said dec d. for the benefit of the distributees, june 14 FIELDING LEWIS, Ex’or. O N the first Tuesday in October next, will be sold at the court-house in Irvvinton, pursuant to an order of the Inferior court of Wilkinson county, sitting for ordinary purpo ses, a tract of land in said county, containing 202 1-2 acres, in ihe 4th district\ it being the real estate of Stephen Gilmore, dec’d. AMBROSE MURPHY, Adm'r. julv 19 jVT OTICE Will be sold on the first tuexday I 1 in November next at the court bouse door in Henry countv, within lawful hours ol sale, 202 1-2 acres or land, known by lot num ber fifi) eight in the 1 Ith district of said coun tv, granted to Allen Tooke, now* deceased, and belonging to his es'ate, nnd sold according to the provisions of the last will of said Allen Tooke dec’d. for the benefit of tin lie irs and creditors ol his estate, on a twelve monthscred- it, notes and good security w ill be lequiied Aug 16 securuv win ne lequi JAMES TOOKE, Adm’r. with the will annexed Il/ILL lie f | October ild oil the first Tuesday in text, in the town of Cov ington, Newton county, vviiliiu the usual hour do the following property, to wit: I acres of land, more or or less, being part of lot No. 41, in the 8th dist. oi originally Henry now Newton county ; levied on as the property of Janies White to satis y one fi (a in favoi oi* Larkin Phillips and other fi fas ngai"ti said VY line ; I**vy yi.ule and returned to me by a const.iiib*; pioperty pointed out by the plaintiff, Larkin Piiillips. LEMUEL WYNN, D. Sh’ff ¥ 1 7 ILI* be sold at the court house in Md- f f ledgeville, Baldwin * ounty,on the first Tuesday in Oc tuber next, Ik tween the usual hours of sale,the following property, lo wit: Five negroes, Charles, Peter, &ucky, ( hur- lott and Abbey, !• cows, 15 in .id of hogs, 4 iron bound casks, 1 tin roaster, 19 pair nndiions, 1 oil stand, 7 lamps, 4 brass condleslicks, 13 pair snuffer*, 10 cut glass decanters, 13 flint decanters 2 iron bound keg*, 1 Japaned su gar book, 1 large waiter, 1 small do. 1 desk, ] table, 1 glass, I brass bound bucket, 5 coat brushes, 9 common inkstands, 1 slate do. 1 backgammon board and table, I settee, 1 wheel bariovv, 2 irou wedges 2 large lanterns, 1 dolor stable, 1 shovel and spade, 8 dini g tables, 1 set candle mon'ds,6 ‘3-12 dozen soup plates, 5 3,12 dining do 6 do*, cup cups and -auccrs, 8 blue sugar dishes, 6 sauce tureens, I large blue dish, 21 do 7 steak do. 2 soup turret:*, 6 tea pots, 14 bowls, 4 dozen tumblers, 29 wine glasses, 9-idl sellets, 7 pla ted ca.dors, 4 bread baskets, 3 pitchers, 2 te a tiuys, 1 knile box, 19 dozen knives and forks, 1 silver soupspoon, 11 silver spoons, 1 1-2 do zen teaspoons, 2 mats, 7 pots,2 ovens,2 fry ing pans, 3 in u bake pans, 2 tea kittles, 2 vv aslt kittles, 2 spiders. 3skillets, 3 wash tubs, 1 p.iils Tl beds and furniture, 9 looking glasses, 3 large do. 4 wash stands, 12 common tables, l oval tea, do. 100 Wiudsor chairs, I bureau anti secretary, I maliogony bei lead, I rafe, l pair steelyards, I dc.uboiu scale and beam, lakeit ns the property of Appleton Rosseterlo satis fy a ft In on the foreclosure of a mortgage iu tavor of Tomlinson Fort. Terms Cn»>ii. i. g. W0R8HAM, Sh’ff. . O N the lii-t Tuesday in October next, will heboid at the court aouse in Milledge ville, between the iimiuI hours of sale, the fol lowing properly, to wit: All the interest of Boswell Y . Evan* in fo to one lot of land containing -02 1-2 acr< *, now 4 occupied by Mis.Smith aiul himself it bring the one lourtli part ol said land, levied oil to satisfy a li fa in lavorof Bo/.ier M Hiinghurst against tiie said Evans. property pointed out by die tl* fendaut One tract of laud known by No 194. 5tli dist. NY ilkiuson now Baldwin county, and one bay horse levied on as the proyerty of John H. Harvey t„ satisfy a (i fa in lavor of Hczeki.tb Tabor. Une lot in me town of Milledgeville contain ing one acre known hi the plan of said town by No. 4, in wiiiare 36, levied oil as the prop erty of David B Mite hell ta satisfy fi fas in fa vor of Church W imlxlowe, and others. POSTPONED SALE. Ten negroes, to wit: Easter a woman 33, Gyrus a blacksmith 35, James n man 25, Mar- gary a woman 20, Billy a man 19, Isaac 21, Jolin 25, lout 40, Ciurlcs 45, Isabel a woman 35 ; levied oil as the property of NY m. Lew is to satisfy fi las in favor of Joel Craw lord. Isaac Harvey and others, ngainst the said Lewis j properiv pointed out by the defendant NY 5*1 GRIGG, D Sli’ff / Y N the first Tuesday in October next, will '• .* be sold at the court house in the town of Greo.eslmrougli, Greene county, between the usual hour* of sale, the following property, to it: Three negroes, Harry n man about 45 years old, Mi'lv a woman, unci her child, and ail die undivided interest of NY m Akins in 2**0 acres ol laud, (being the one third part,) ndj imiug Jamrs K D-aniel nnd others, levied on as the properiv of NYm Akens to sitis y a fi fa in fa vor ol John L Moody vs said Akens The life lime interest ol Fliz >ln th Hough ton in one 150 acres of land, udjaini' g Tho mas Moseley and others, levied on to salisly a fi fi issuing iVmim a magistrates court i lav« i of 11 * nry L. NVilkcison vs said Elizabeth Houghton. WM. GREER, D S. lay ill October next, will i N die first l i o Ik* sold at ilie corn (-house in the town of Knoxville, Crawford county, within the lawful hours of sale, the following property, to wit : A negro boy by the name of An-tin, 3years old, levied on as die property of M.iiy Lovett. Ex’x of the estate of Richard Lovett, deed, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of John ('aselherry for the use of David Lovett; pioperty pointed out by Epliram Lovett One billiard table, balls and 2 stick*, levied on as die property of Natban John-on to sat isfy a fi fa in favor of the county ol Crawford, fo his tax due $50 ; levy made and returned to nie by Natliao Shcnrly, coi stable. 101 1-1 acres land, more, or less, it being the East half of lot No 160, in the 7th diot ol fur- lerly Houston now Crawford • ounty, taken as tin* property of Marlin Knlrhard to sail fy suudi v sni ill li la. ia I • \ mi «•! I ).iv irt H. Mill li- ell. JOHN WHlTTtNUTON, Sh’ff. O N the first Tuesday inOclolirt next, will be sold at the cQiirt-housn in the town 'J Monroe, NY'nlton county, within the usual hour* of - de, the follow im» pioperty, lo wit : One half of lot V>. 22, in the town of Mon roe, well nnpioved, also9 negroes, u/. lorn about 35, Alio a man about 25, Adam a man about 26 Jim a man about 40, N' d'.U a boy about 12, I sham :t boy about 9 or Id, Nice and Vice, two gills aim ut die nge of 1.5, and Mary i girl about 10 years old, levied on as the pro perty of >aiiiuel Jackson, to satb.y two fi fa*, one in favor of Hugh Taylor, vs Samuel Jack- son and John Jackson, and John Smith secu rity on appeal, John H Law, Gab> id A .Ylof- fell, Eb-el Mellon, and Thomas K. Mitchell security on stay, the other in tavor of Henry M NYnikm*, v -» bniiMcl .1 .. k-oii *, proper:) pointed oil) by Daniel Ranu-y Three negroes, t wit: Rom r woman about 35 vears old, and her twochih'ien, Ann a girl about 6 years old, and Edward a boy about 4 levied on as the property of John Camp t* 1 satisfy two fi fas m favor of NN clrome, Jnuit - D, and Jes-e Whipple ; property punned out by F. Merriwether, plalntnifiV attorney. 125acicsof land, more or lesa, well loved, it hemp all that part ol lot No. 8 the 3«1 di*» ol NY alton county, ly ing on south side of die Alcova river, adjoining Stto- zi**' fo otlims levied »in .ia die property of Jo si di S'**« art, to sat sfy a li la in I ivor ol Green NVilliains vt said Hp'warl and Abs ilnni H »p- - *n ; property pointed out by the delendunt Terms Cash J AMES LINDI.EY, Sh «. 4 V I LL lie sold on (h* first 'Tuesday hi Oc'o '* * her next, at die Court-house in the tow n of Monroe, Walton county, between the usual hours of sale, the f I'owing property, to wit : One sorrel horse, • •'I'- and saddle, 2 cue* and 4 billiard balls; all levied on as die pro perty ol William Crain to satisfy a fi fa in fa v *r ot William L. .Nluchca,vs wituuiu Cram and Josesli Lane. ‘i hree trunks, 5 rbaits, I bridle, 1 pair sad dle b«gs, and one gum of salt; levied the property of Wdtiam McAlpin to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Goodwin Miller and otlteis, vs Wm McAlpioJ. 11. ARNOLD, D. S. k I ILL be sold on the first Tuesday hi v ▼ October next, at the court horn Marion, Twiggs county, within the usual hour* of sale, the following property, to wit: A negro man about 50 years old, named l)nve, levied on as the property of Reuben Cloud lo satisfy two fi l:is,one in favor of H B Troutman, vs said Cloud, und die other ii favor of Thomas fo McCloud^ vs said Cloud and Win. Borland. One negio man named Mingo, about 30years old, levied on as the properly of Joseph Lane to satisfy executions ill tavor of Samuel NN il- li.inis vb Joseph Lane ; levcd on bv a consta ble. ROBER T HODGES, Sh fl O N the first Tuesday in October next. will be cold at the court house in the town of McDonough, county, between the usual hours oftsale, the following property, to wit • 202 1-2 acres of land, situate in the 11th di*- tnct of Henry county, and km wn by lot No 135, levied on as the property ol Lucy Nix to satisfy a fi fa in favor ol llarilv Blackwell vs Lurv Nix ; levy made and returned to nu bv a constable. JAS. FLETCHER, D S 111 . lie sold on the firstTuesday in Octo- * ▼ her next, at the court-house in Lex ington, Oglethorpe county, within the lawful hours ol sale, the following property, to wit One negro woman by the name of Mary all-nit 19 years old, levied on as the properly of Joseph Early,Ho satisfy a fi fa in favoi ol John Bradley, vs Stephen Hackney, Anslem L. Early, defendant, aud Joseph Early clsi- mem ; property pomlid out by Joseph Early. Conditions cosh. WM l.i MI'KIN Sh'rt. A LL those who are indebted to the estat* J.M- ol NYilluin H Morrow, late of Newton county, dec'd. arc requested to make imme diate payment, and all tho*e having dent.lini ng mist said e*lule are requested lo present them in terms o', the law dulv authenticated. 26 DAVID MORRONN, Adm’r. O N the tit at Tucitilay in October next, will be sold at; the c »urt*li o-c in Clinton Jones county, within the u*uai. ours of salft the f I lowing property, to wit: * 202 1 -2 acre* of land vv hereon Robert Brown now lives, ndjoining Julius . timer and otliet*. on the waters of Commissioner*creek, levieu on as the properly of -aid Robert Brown to satisfy n fi la in favor of Thomas Blow n. 100 acres of land whereon N'atlian Brad- dy, Sou now’ lives adjoining McLeroy and Dawkins, levied on as the property of Nathan Bi iddv, Inn to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Thompson Bird, Due negio man by the name of .Tacit,levied on as the pi »pcrty of Joseph Brandy, lo satis- Iy two fi las again.-t him in favor of Hen ry Rhodes, and one in favor of Amos John son, vs. Joseph Brandy, NN illiam Moreland, and Samuel C Atkin- n. CHARLES BVYNT, SITS’, i ». ILL In* ? Id on the first Tuesday in No- V v vemher next, m Clinton, Jones coun ty, within the listed hour*ol sale, the follow ing propeiIy i io wit : Dm* negro vvoiiian, Siicky, I sorrel mine l bay horse, I cow and call, 2 sows, 14 hogs, 2 beds and fund I tire*. I cupboard, I hide board, 8 chairs, 2 tables, I queuing wheel, pmr cards, 2 pots, 2 oven*, Ite., kettle. 1 vv .u i pail,2 sad iron*, I tub, 1 coffee null, coffee pm l chest, I trunk, I lot of rmrkeiy, l I t glavs wa.e,2 Kmk i»g glas*» *, all levied n. as ihe property of Charles ri«. to satisly a fi fa "•■ the foreclosure ot a mortgage in favor of NN ilbs llo«g. I mns cash CHARES BAYNE; | b ff lY'HT sold ;n the cou i-houiv in tlie- ▼ ▼ town ol Montii'i llo, J.i-per county,on the fust Tuchday in October next, within the usual hours oi sale, the lollow ing pteperty Two negroes, i of age and Joel a ed mi a.* the proj sati-ly a fi fa in Stephen llnckitev and Anil he d of Iioim* •v n tnnn about 30 years n ^7 years of agt,; Itvi* i of Anslem L. Early to »! John Bradley, vt. ’ * '' the proper- O fy ot Andrew Nutt to satisfy i fi l.i in favoi of Noiboili B Powell, vs. nud And’.w Nutt' pioperty pointed out by the de r endi»nt A MlVV lON, 1). Sh'ff. i t ! ues la in Nov r. next, will 1-1 at the cuurl-hout>e m the town of Mount dlo, Jasper c unty, bttweeu the u-ual lioui* ol sale, t!ie iollowoig proiierty, lo wit : Aki uu a man about 47, Bridgett a woman Abram a bov About 15, David a boy about II, Asa a boy about 7. Baker a boy 3 years old, and Bob, a boy ab i.i 3 months old, all levd on a- th« pioperty of Alexander Belamy io satisfy a mortgage fi fa hi favor of Tlio- Rivers; property pointed out in tho mortgage. M UHJN COCHRAN, Sh’ff. . N he first 1 uesd.iv in Ot.tober next, wljj \ / be sold at the Court-House in Irwin county, between the usual horns ol sale, tne following property, to-w it • On*- lot ol land in the 1 rrli (list Irwin coun- ty, No. 275, containing 490 acres, and one iei- *♦*) waggon, levied on a ; the property i Na thatiiel Newsom, to satis y i fi fa ia favor o J NN Kiigges ag.'iosi said Newsom. (>.n lot ol lai'i'inth** 10th dist. Irwin couu ty No 274, containing 490 acres, levied on a the properly ol John Coliron to satisfy « fit in favor ol James Hollingsworth against sa\. C loon One lot of land in the 13th dinrict I.R county, N ■ 12 containing 490 acres, levie"oa a* the property ol Heurv Dance to satisfy a l la in favor ol Simon Hadley against said Dance, One lot of land in the 10th district Irwin county. No 233, rontaiuing 490 acre.-*, and 50 head of hogs, levied on ns the property ol John .1. Underwood, adm'r. of John G. Un derwood, to satislv sundry ri fas in favor ot John Guy ton and others; property pointed out by the defendant. ~MMB3 ALLEN, , v I LL bo sold ou the first 1 iif«| il y i„ Oc- 1 1 loliet uext, unite court Imuse j„ j r . ' i' lk u SO r" 11 co ‘i ,,, >'> «* l »'*** »>e iisuh! linur* ol s,ile the lollow mg property to wit 50 »cr« .,f land more or lc, 4 ,Viv ian ol lotNo ^65. in the 3d dist said county, where on NY liliain Lindsey now lives, joining YY illiam Ross, taken .is the pioperty of NN illiam J t . n . kin* to satislv a fi la from a Justices comt in lavor of Morton N. Burch ; levied on and re . turned to me by a constable. 90 acres of hind, whereon Robert Knight now lives, being part of lot No. 203, in the 4 It <h*t sau county , taken as the property of said Knight, to satisfy two fi fas from a Justices court, one hi favor of ( ttinak fo Hines the other •« favor ct l ainuk fo Ragland, v ». iait | K.ughi , levied on ami tetuitied to me by a constable. 3 202 1-2 ncici of land, in the 1th dist. * a j ( | county, whereon Joshua Hawkins now live* “joining Hn ks, Passmore others, taken ns the prop, rtv of said Haw kins to satisfy R f, f a Irom a Justices court in favor of Tunnel Ha- dt-n, »». uid Hawkins ; levied on aud return* ed to mo by a constable. Godiny Lee’s interest in and to 202 I-* acirs nine laud, in the 3J dist.,aid couidv lie* in|> 3 hot tliemme nhcieon Klitabeth Vait. child lives,to be auld under the incnmhinnre I the widows dower, a, the pr. perty of the .V.'"' Ci-’-tfrey l.- e to satisfy a fi f., f avol „ f 1 B nnd U Rulnerford, vs. Godlrey Lee and Isaac Hall,security on appeal HAMEL M. HALL, D. Sh'ff. WJ IEI, lie sold on thefirst Tnrsday in o7- tol cr next, at the court house in ihe town ot Lawrenceville,(fwmnelt routitv will,! in the usu I hours ol sale, the lollowin'g ( i ro C ,e i t • land in“ the Gth ilist. of sai.I county, o 271, coutan in^ 2h'j acre. ■ |.. vied on a, the property of Thomas Snow to satislv a h la in tavor 11 Ellemandei arhin- ton, property P-'Uled out bv til' p'aiwtiS r v\ 11.LIAM ‘A'USBll',Sh'ff.