The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, September 20, 1825, Image 1

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i BY C.VUAK& RAGLAND, STATE PRINTERS. MILLEDGEVILLE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1S85. VOLUME XV).-NO 51 S 07»THli GEORGIA JOURNAL U f>ubli«h:il weekly, at the corner of Wayne and Hancock Streets at Three Dollars per ann. in ad vance, or Four Dollars at the end of the year. The paper will not beseut to any uerson out the Slate* until the subscription is paid in advance, or •atisfactory reference Riven. Advertisements inserted at the usual rates. N. I). Sales of land and negroes, by Adminiatra- s, F.&ectitors, or Guardians, are required, by law, be held ou the first Tuesday in the mouth, be tween the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the courthouse of the county in Which the property is situate.-Noticeot these sales must be eiven in a public gazette SIX I Y days pre vious to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of personal property must be Jven in Uke manner, FORTY days previous to the Notice to the debtors and creditors oTan estate ttust be published for FORTY days. Notiee that application will be made to the Court #f Ordinary for leave to sell land, must be publisb- «d for VINE MONTHS. .. . Versons Interested in those advertisements which are published monthly, will find them in the tint and fourth page of i\wfr»t paper in everj month. . All business of this kind couiumes to receive /prompt attention at thu office of the Georgia Jour nal, O’JOHN C. MANGH AM i*a candidal for Sheriff of Baldwin county, at the ensuing vJcctiAii O* Danif.l Boohi.ock is n caudidate for Sheriff of Baldwin county, at tne ensuing election. (nr We are requested to announce BART LEY MuCIURY, Jr Esq * candidate lor Receiver of Tax Returns for Baldwin county, tU the ensuing election. O* Wo aro authorised to announce, that Is vac Bulky, is a candtdute lor the otfico of Clerk of tlio Superior Court ot Jasper county, at tho ensuing election. Ujf* Jouh Bonner is a candidate for She riff of Hancock county, at the eusuiu* elec tion. 4icot2tto»n2t ITT VVe are authorized to announce Ben nett Crafton, an a candidate for the office of Clerk of tho Inferior Court of Putnam county at the ensuing election. NEW GOODS. WILEY aTbAXTEB.. o AVKjust received a part of their supply I of fall GOODS,consisting of fancy and staple articles. They respectfully solicit tiieii friends and the public to call mid see They will receive DARIEN .MONEY for Goods, until further notice. September 13 tf ■ ■■ -fiO DOCT. : —* 1: ® s* upa p.n ciue New Drug Establishment. DOCZ. B. A. WHITE S now opening and offers for ale at his store at the Posl- Otlice, Milledgeville, an exten sive assortment of Drugs, Oils, Points, Dvtslujfs, Valent Medi cines, Perfmnery, tipc. This assortment comprehends all the staple articles in the drug line, and a variety o! *»- liers, not usually found, but in the uorthci n lilies. or in Savannah and Augusta. It has been laid in with the view, that these favoring hiui with their custom should not bo disap pointed, when sending as above, for nuv medi cine or medical preparation dceiruble in an rut tensive and enlightened pr.itice The sub scriber intends keeping a full and permanent supply in the above departments—of veudh.g, as far as practicable, articles only of the best quality, and selling them for cash or approved paper at very reduced prices. tie confides the management of the busi ness to Dr. WILLIAM GREEN, uud can promise tlut all orders, will be executed with despatch aud accuracy. B A. W. July lU J UST received and for bar, 100 HIDES of Septembc ile by the vibscri- perior quality. R. J. NICHOLS, to Co. iu:5. WAKE IIOlTbE lml Commi sion Business, AUGUSTA. T HE Subscribers respectfully tendn their thanks to their friends and the public for the liberal patronage they have received in the transaction of their fir>t years business, and inform them that they will continue to Inter. t a General Factorage and Commission [iuti nts* at their old stand, near the wharf on Me Intoshstreet Their Ware-House Inis been thorough!) repaired, and several valuable ad ditions made. Their means, as usual, are am ple to make liberal advances on produce stor ed. They will purchase for their planting friends Cotton Bugging, or any articles order ed, at the lowest puces. HEARD to COOK. Augusta, Aug 23 tIN 17 WILLIAM IL EGAN'S Commission Warehouse. AUGUSTA. T HE above is in complete order for the re ception of Pioduce. and is in that part of the Citv where the most part of the Col ton is sold. The proprietor pledges himself to attend particularly to the interest of his ounlry friends, and his charges for the ensuing sea son will be found to be at reduced rates from those hitherto charged. Altlio' this Ware house is situated in that part of the town where the least danger can be apprehended from fire, lie lias made arrangements for insurance at very laic rates, should any of his ctialmiiera de sire to be secured against ail iikk of that w lure. julv 13 U10 Sni 12 Hepburn & Prim e H AVING taken Ronr.KT D. Hepburn into partnership with them, they wit. continue business at their n4ri stand, 138 Pearl Street, under the firm of Hepburn Prince tf’Co. HENRY HEPBURN CHARLES PRINCE, ROBERT D. HEPBURN. New-York, June 7. 3m—30 Rav Aware- avu\ CntlvYj. HEPBURN, PIUNi E 2* Co. NEW- YORK. H AVE received by the last arrivals, and have oil hau l, and m e now opening an extensive assortment of GOODS in their line, hich they will scllat low prices—among them K nives and Forks, of every variety, l)o Ivory, in sets, Pen, Pn< ket, 2 blade to spring back Knives, Rogers’ celebrated knives, rax 'fs to. scissors Weeding Hoes, light and heavy Traces, Coftbe Mills, Bell Motal kettles and oltil lets, tor. toe. to*. l£f* Orders executed on the most favorable terms. june 7 1(25 3m—3fi I HEAD QUARTERS, «, 3d Sept. 1825 J Tho tlo.itii of Brigulier Ueiioril .lolm \Vil- Oon Imvi.i, bu.ii znnuunccil lo the Coiuinoml- ei-in Chief— Ordered, Thattlie officers of the division in which be oouimnnded wear crape on the loft arm for thirty days, as a tewmiouy of respect to the memory of a brave, worthy and ruteiii gent man By the Cotnnvmder-iu-Chief, SEABORN JONES, Aid-da-Camtp. COU>Tl Y ACADEMIES N OTICE is hereby given that a distribution is ready to be made to each county, ol the funds in thn treasury, appropriated for Couuiy Academies, for the present year. Bv order ol tho Governor, Sept. 6/ E WOOD ScrW BUSHELS of Merchantable WllkAl* wanted, for which per bushel will be given delivered ai units. V\ heat ground at the shortest notice aud bolted in a lino or superfine elotli lo cusiouiett. tly mills will grind 330 bushels oi grain each day. PETER J WILLIAMS. Milledgeville, June 14th, ili-5. R**o\v-V»\uA\u$. I HIE public me. ruopedli 11/ into* mud, that KOOK-BINDING iu its vaiiou,br.tuc'u- ifs, will bn executed by the sub»cr*bcr with lea'ness and dispatch. Also, a regular ns>oitment of Ledgers, Day Books, Record Books, Doe-kci*, Memormi- Itints, Note Bonks, Albums, Receipt Books, and st.itionary of every description. Books of any sizoor form can be ruled or M.lltulgoviile, J;u. 11 NOTICE. y^LL persona indebtivl to the fir A Proclamation. GEORGIA—By hi* Eva-lieney GEORGE Jll THO UP, Governor and Comirumder in Chief of Oie Army and Navy of this Slate, and of the Militia thereof "U ± HKRE-vi l have received official in- \V formation, that on the 2d in t. a cer tain .MICHAEL WHATLEY, of Morgan count), did commit a murder upon the bod) oi Ouef H Yucnobloou of suid county, ami vvii rt-as it Ita* been represented to me that the said Michael Wnatley has lied from justice, I fiavn therefor® thought proper lo issue this iii> iiruclamatiou hereby offer mg nreuaidof lWO HUNDRED AND FlFiY DOLLARS to nuy person or pel-sons who may apprehend tin* wind Vlicu.iul Whatley, and hnti lately ildivei to the sireriff or jailor of the comity aforesaid, and 1 do moreover chaise nil officer a civil m.d luiliury, within tins State, to In* vigilant hi as- ifisiing to apprehtuid the said die haul What ley* that ho may l»e brought to trial fur the crime with wh«cu l»« is charged. Given rurder my hand and the great seal ol the State, at the State House in Mil ji$t1g<:\Ute, this tenth day ol Septembti ia the year of otu Lortl eighteen liuu* died aad twenty-five and of lilt* Inde pendence of the Uuiled States lie til ticth. U. M 1RUUP. By the Governor, Evlkauu Hamilton, Secretary of State. Noth—Michael W hatu v is od or 3V year- of Mge, about j leet IU or 11 inches nigh atrHig.ii made, of light red complexion, wut blue eyes, andliaps a huie occasion./vl) when fjjoaki ig. Sept 13 -l of Tc idet, Atkison fy Co. eitb — - .. recount, urn raspnctfully requested t > uinko immediate payment to tho subhcnber, other wise those indebted to them may calculate to find their notes and accounts in an ufficers hands for collection. L. ATKISON, survivor of T. A. to Co. Milledgeville, March 15 y HEAD qUAKl'ERa, EA3IEKN iifcr.AUV.MKNT, , MUUdgrvillc, Gu. i«,*. 12, 1825. ' ORDERS. TITHE ComimuiilmgGeneral uf the Depart- I. ineul publishes, tin Ihe Iiilunnaiiua .ind sovernment of all wlmni it may concern, llie Hth article ol the Treaty bettveen tho United Suits and Ctoeh Indians, bearing date Hie !2ih day of February of the pres nt year, tvlncli IS as follows “ AitT.d. Whereas the laid enrgraling par ty cantial prepare for i.nmediate removal, the United States stipulate lor ttteir protection egaiustllte encroachments, hostilities and rm- positions of the whites, anil of all others; Inti the period of removal shall not extend l y.iul the 1st day of beptemher, in the ya ciphteen hundred and nyenly-six. The ptrly designated in this article, as the « emigrulbig jetrly," is dcotned lo consist ol every Indian residing within the ceiled terri tory, embraced in the treaty. Measures ate Inker.,pursnant tootdersfrom the Department of War, to asoelain, at each village tvilhir the ceded terriioiy, the names ol the duel: and warriors, wilu the actual number ol men, women and children residing (herein prepar atory to a mealing to he held in the aaitl territory, Tor purposes connected with the tieaty on the 10th of November next. • Tho commanding olheers m the Creek .Na tion will a if nd every n ipnsile facility for the safe and speedy accomplishment ol tins duly ; and they will piotoct tho Indians agreeably to rhiT treaty. Inirudcin i d mischief makers L>nn.l among the Indians, will be arrested and mmed over to the civil authority, to lie pro ceded against according to law. Reports and oilier cummtmicnlirns bar Hie General w ill he addressed to hiui al Angasl i, MiUilotherwise directed. JJv of Maj. Gen. Games. E. U. W. BU l'LEK, Aid-dc-camp. " DANCING - 'school. Tl TR. LESLIE respectfully informs the La- I ¥ 1 dies and Gentlemen ol Milledgeville and it. vicinity, that lie feels very gralcliil fo. the iiatiomige lie received last term, and resnectfullv informs them that his School w Hgam commence on Kridnv .heMil .he A,men Hotel Persons feeltng disposed I encourage the above will plcat-e leave tin. Games with ill Hus.mprevious to that time Milledgeville, Sept. 13 g, so STEAM IK) A PS On the Oc mill gee Oconee. T RTIIE uiulcrsign^d have tire plcapuM* to an- A iiounce to luu Merclmuis ami Plamtis in tbit* nectiou of tne State, dial they sire pie pared to run a STEAM BOAT and FOUR rOVV BOATS, constantly from Savaunali in i.icon a id Milledg- vile, stopping at tji»- i ter- mediate iuudmgs Ibr the reception and delive ry of Produce and .Merchandise on Freight. The Stenui-Boat now ready, aud they contemplate starting ber on tin* first trip Iron* Savaunali on the fifteenth day of October nex», to be in Mhcou by the first day ol No vember ; when they will lie prepared to r«- ceivo Cotton on Freight to Saf tunah, direct. aitlmul the dclav ami inconvenience ol land ing suid relontliLg in Darien. T.icy will provide Hands, so that whoa tho state of the river will not admit of the Steam Boat a rproHchmg Maoon or Milledgeville, no unnecessary delay will detain tho low Boats. liituirancn, ou .Merchandize and Produce shipped by thi.* conveyance, will be provided for in a respectable and resp iriHible Office, and on lower ternu than «h now paid ou the Boats in operation, of which those disposed t«> cover their property from all hazards, may avail themselves. Cotton to be whipped by these Bants will bo received in Macon al tho customary ctorage uud vvii I be f r warded agreeable lo iiunruo nous, on very moderate !• rtns , nnd vvhei desired, Storage will be provided toi it in bu veiinnh, sulfjei't t«> the orders of Hie owner. Fr mi the convenience and despatc h to b< nlTiided by tins ariHiicem**nt, they ci.nfulentl; expect the onoouragoittunt ol the public. Fo toi ins utM)l> to. JOHN T. LAMAR, in Mmtm. (J. B LAMAR, in Savannah, The subscriber coatimmH to trammel th Factor ige and Commission Business, in 3.i vaniiah ; and tenders the most unrummi'ted attention to the interests of those w ho may fa \or him, with their badness. The Cash, w ill be advanced on shipments t iiih address, by application as above either n Macon ot Savannah. G. B LAMAR. September 13, fit - 50 R. U. TRE V WELL, U VS JUST RKCF.IVRD A large and General As sort me nt of •MV.DUjrfVL BDOKrS, V MONG tv b.nit tittt somn very valunhlt ANATOMICAL PLATES, nritouiiitt nied with directions, and Phyaiological, I*a ihological, and Surgical Observations, by J Linear, F. K S. E Colored alter natme. AI»*o, a large aud general aw*- rtiueni of Win tine and letter Paper, Hardware uiid Iron Mangers' Paper, Pea Pajier, c And aisi, a very general ami so il ns> ine/it of SCHOOL. BOOKS, ol every tit fr et i.'ilion, T'erresfutl and celestial London madoGloliex, of tho b. »,t and most approved 4met» anti di>- tioverh s, mado by Caiil. Cook Al*-o those o Capt. V'ancouwrou tlio North Wesi « oasts > America, and M Dc L-ifterouso ou the const! o Tajtiry, together with every other mi provRiucat col lei tod from various Navign.or a. d Travels to thepruseut time, with eorrec t jus and additions up to la y 2l. Surveyor's Corn passes and Chains ol th* best and »vunsifted; Mathematical 1 ourti rueuts of all qualities anil pricua ; Blank Bool • if evniy de.Ncriptiou auJ quality; Rieoi. Bookiofall sizes and qualities; Thcrmoine tnv, Penknives, Scissors Vioiens and Viole Bov*; and Strings, Drawing Taper, Indian Ink, Reeve’s and Sons Water Colors, also Osborn's supmfine American Water Cole warranted equal lo anv in the world; Cam els Hair Teunila and Vcivil S rulis, Carmine Saucers, Backg tinmen B anls of all «tzrs ami prices, Clicssiacu .vud Boards for ditto ; a new svslnm ol Modern Geography, cr a view ol ff)i* present stat* of tho world, by Sydney F. MtiHtc, A. M Acompanicl with an Atlas; [iounet Boards, Bucket Bocks, .Sl-vios and .SI tie Pencils. VVytire’s olh u lition Nolo Books, C*unters Scule, and Dividers Quarto Fame) UibleSy Bcvills’ Family Bible, fi vols. the late t Bv>>U)m Stereotype edition; Claike’s Com mentaries Any ol tlift above articles will b% sold on the very lowest terms. Ansu'stn, Sept 7 31——dfi ff r The Editors of thn Georgia Journal i Washington News, vtill please insert the above three times and forwuid their account* for pnyiuont, R- D- T. Law Notice. 1 1I1R subscriber bus removed lo and open ed a Law Office iu the town of Maoon, and will practice iii tl.acountiesof Bibb, Mon roe, Newton, llsnry, Pilte, Upson, Crnwlord, and Houston, of the Flint ; Jasper, Jour.**, and Wilkinson of the D» krmd^Be, and tlio Northern counties of the Fouthern riicuits. CHRISTOPHER H. STRONG. January 11 15 JAhPEiV ACADEMY LOTTERY. T IIE rsoTjASI'ER ACADEMY LOTTERY, beg le«vt to inform the public, th ft m consfqu«‘iire of the Small !*• s having prevailed in tho town of Monitorllo (oi •me lime, the Mile of the Tickets have been really ret irdcd, it will the re loro be imprncli- able tu eommeiine the drawing at th«* time contemplated : but they nr* happy in being able late that Mitre the di-ease lias subsided, the sale of Tickets has I men so great that they fl liter'hemm lv« s die drawing will take pkicu iu u few montlis. Highest Pii/.c. 8,000 Dollars. SCHEME. I Prize of $3,000 is $3,000 7 Prizes nt* *,000 is il Prizes uf f.'lO is 10 Prizes of 120 Prize, of 00 Prizes of 50 Prizes of lfiOQ Prize* of 6200 Tirltet*, nmnunting to $20,000 Ai.l. prU7.K5| .v.iiile in l A'II, in L days itt r tint cnui;ile'i<.n of iliu ilratvmg, su «ft tu H illseonsl of 13 II r rent. PRICE OF TICKETS $6 EACH. PETER n. GM'IIE ., .V.KE.V.IAll PEARbO.' ■IKSgE I.OYAI.L, ELI GLOVER, N. U. POWELL. june 53 Caution. V LL persons are cautioned against tres pn^ving, for any p-irpoft*, ou lot No 1 "Pi. n the Mill mstrtrt uriginallv Fayette, Ui*w l)e Kalb county, «;* the law wfll bu rigorously en- loired iicaitibt nil who should th*..a offend. WILSON BIRD. Bhnnls of Oacchec, Aug Ifi fit 4t> A 1*1* per* \ chase * C ( L. Dll ON SOS. 10NTINUES to cirry on the Cabinet and Chair Making fimintir, in all its vari ous liritnolies llo lew on Imwl a niimliet COTTO.N GINS at g~ a sax—He will mako Gins upon any Riven plan, wnrranliK 1 qnal in any in ihu Unin-il Plains. All orilers klnljy received and promptly attended to. Lexington, April 12 it—28 o\.vu\e wwvauv, id Milledgeville. Washington and Charleston STAGE OFFICE . UAL SHANNON respectfully M stS acquaints his friends nnd the pub- la i «[ lie, that he has purtlnscd Alt. V j | §9] O Parris interest in do* alruv lauMoaiwell kr*’wn establishment—that In housn bis tindmgono a tlio rough repuir, nnd at it will afford to bonrders and tr ivcllurs, n ception as comfortable as any other estab lishment in the Southern states l lie Globe is situated on Broad street, in the rv ceutre of the city, and offer* peculiar a l- Airtagcs to the plauicrs and uum ol biisinass. His Stable* are luinislmd with die best ol oveudnr, and with faithful anti attentive osl- rs Ho only sobcits from hi* friend* and flu kitic, that pioporiioii of patronage to which s alien. 10a to business and to the comfort ol is customers, m*y entitle him. Augusta, G«. August ti, 3m50 'Live YSvxAvvsigneA n HYING asvoriiu.l tlionwelvf* in WARE-IU USE \N P» GKNER AI COMMI^iON BUSINESS, under the fitc of YYin. Sims, AVilliams & Co. To rnnt-iii-iifo l.t of October next, will I. tnk ul for .» share of public paimimge. Their Stores ire the sa il** -is n w in rh ccrupnnry of ITm. Siuts\- li Uliams, and vv»l no ready iu every re-peel for tlio receipt ol Produce nnd Mcichnndize 1 hey will be pin pared to make liberal advances to their •ri when required, and their undividt t mtion w ill be devoted to all business entrust d to their care. WILLIAM SIMS, CM \RI.KS D WILLIAMS ABRAHAM M. WOOLSEY . August *, Aug 23 \v2nr — I f tlottow ftaggnvgtoYAouT. -* , . k PI EC E3 prime COTTON B AG 1 dp GlNO, 12 incite* wnlf. “I the he.' ffiltie Hemp, xiiilaeou It uutueucturc. V LOU K ol the hem . ... v .. v STANFORD U WYNN. august 16. DR. FINLEY H AS returned ami rcaumeil the practice o In. prole*.tull. Freeman* Store, Jones comity, Jud. t». HOLCOMBE’S "IM1E unrlersigned conduct the W ARP i. HOUSE, uud transact the COM MIS RUN BUSINESS, in all iuhraocho*, - the style of HOLCOMBE 4* BROTHER at the old staud, South Hid* and upper eud ol Broad Street. All busmen* confided to theii management will be promptly aud properly ex ecuted. Their ch.uge* will be such a-, n customary. They Kuucit attention of tin acquaintances and the public in their line ot Ousiues*. HENRY B. HOLCOMBE, GEORGE GRIMES HOLCOMBE august 16 11 - - —J WARE HOUSE Anil Commission Business t MlL subscribe19 continue the above lm lu ssat their Ware-House upper ond North side Broad of Hired, nnd will belhankl or the coau.iuaiice of the custom they ha Heretofore been favored with. Strict attr ion wUI be given to the interest of lho*i vv ..*ay favor them wtth business, nnd liberal r »anres made ou Cotton stored with them it red ROBERT MALONE, toC • I Augusta, September 7 RU60 £;piis:rr»xx» schesvib A'ywvkwA .Mftsouvc WvyVV liViUevNj 930,000 H.CCJIrnST PREZD, .Vott- Droving in Ihe city of Angvtia, under the snivriutendanct vf H. HALE. K It RI.ID. T. I. WRAY, A. SLAUGHTER, ^Commissioner*. W. W . IIOLT, I J. W. 1VII DE, I B. D THOMPSON,J TYve Secmvd Bvuxs\ng Wll.r. T4RF. PLlCf. on TilX or ostsbub. nnxT. All th** ('ipral Prizes are still undrawn, con* sequeotiy the \Vheel i- vary rich. s&uovjrj* 1 Prizo of :S30,(I00 ix $;W,0n0 \'u Eli L. LI. perwns arc hereby warned not to pur- or negotiato n cc-itnin l ond givuu . the subscriber lo Martin Piitcliurd fur ti- ilex to u huff of a certain lot of luud No. 127 Houston, now Crawford county, hh tho con sideration for widen uuid bond wns givou has failed by the refusal ot the said I*iitchard to nply with the commit which vv;u tl*e busii. of stud bond. RICHARD M. BEAVERS Onwford Co. Sept. 3, IH*5. jlp > (MICE All pervc.K indebted lo thu v solMcrilicr either by note or account are respertfidly requested to make immediate payment, otherwun- they may calculate to (iud ilrcir notes and accotinu in orticen* hnndu for collection. During my absence iuy busha 1 ** will be punctuiilly am uded to. CALEB TOMPKINS. N B. All persons having left watches witli lm subscriber during tho time he liven in Clinton und Month rib) that have not takeu them away nro renpcetfully requested lo .hi Mr. Win II. Cram*ol Monticciloandniyselt nt Clinton, within three monl'm, wlietw the witches can bu obtained by paying them pairs, olhei wist* they will be Mild. August 9 CALEB TOMPKINS. ' NOTICE. riTI E suKvritn-fs living in Mor^ntt cnnitty, J_ ;l in -• ntti nfilio llislt Shoal*o t the \|tpitliiicliio, lake tin* method of informing tlu-tr tint mititifznni-rnllT, llml they navu on liamt a r.iinto.-i-ol PatnntCottonGir.t amt (.'aiding Maht-itt- - « Iticn ilmv will tli.|to*t of at lit* rmltti-Btl tirico* of gl pit *aw fot ,n Gin. and «50 for C'.r Manliinck.* will xl*o fit . t t ninnt, ,y .l.-st-i iptinn with tltc Gins, amt o it Gin- I til tv rt-pit iitnl. N It Tint aliovo Gill* and Carding Mn ni-s will bo narnnlfd to be of tho beH nd. ALEXANDER M. RROWN, WILLIAM J DAVIS. Alianxt 2 5in -I I > u.v A W AY frinn the Rubsu-ibci nit the 2- It April last, tvn neittoes, ono nliniit 35 ns i ld. the oilier 17 old, both nainci liARI.ES ; iln-eldest one tin* been shot i t amt tlio bullet* are perceivable i is ht-f-axt, and tie is also shot tlirnnjili the ript; ft, lie is aliiml 6 fee 1 10 inrheu. and it Iliu lint fi feet 8 inehi * Itipli Anv |iei*oii tit" II apprehentl said lu proes nnd secuie ttn i any jail in this stale, r d- liter I In ni lo the li.c.ibei- in Morpnu, near the ol untlarv line, shall be reBsonuhiv ri e. uded JOHN HUbfF.Y may If f 10 ti—-d)3 Notice. ' A ILL be sold lo the hip lies! hi nler on ll v e 2;blof September next, at the cnur I anise iu Deeiilur. De Kalb count,, nqnnnti I TOW N I O': S T I ms known . e day of sale Fm- salubrity of air, imri eater and liealthlulues* of situation Dee r is unrivalled . v arv vdlape in the up conn t. JOSEPII MDRHIS. I I. WILLIAM COUMY.J.I.C. REUBEN CONF..J LC. pepieniliel 7 1 Prizn of 4 Prize* of 1 Prizes of 6 Prize* of 111 Prizn* of 50 Prizes of 100 Prize* of 5000 l’rizi* of 20.000 is 10.001 is 5.000 is 1.000 is 500 ia loo is 50 is 10 is 20,000 •10,000 20.000 5,0*13 6,000 5.1« Ml 5,000 r 50,000 $ I -0,000 TALL YIIASSE HD’rEL. VYTLLIAAl IIALLhiiscatalilislie cd an ll«»tcl at the 1 ity of Tatl.ih.iH- «ce, ill Middle Florida, where gen llcmcn, ladies, nnd Inuuliex, will be hospitably eutertained. Hn propoKTH com- tncucing a STAGE, to nil Iroui llartiord to rullnhussco,on these- cohd Monday iu over) month, and to start from Tullalrathe ou the first Monday of every month, beginning with ' llglMt uoxl. X dlnhasNCC, Feb 1 _ EDGAR’S INN, At the Sign of the Eagle, Columbia, S. C. . - TIIE public arc informed that the Huhsr.ribor’s LARGE NEW BRICK HOUSE is ready forfth. $ Sffiff! reception of company- lie ran now accommodate those who may allon him iii superior style. I! is table will le pn ad with the bi>«.t productions of the land mi hit* c liaigr>o are. moderate ADAM F.DGXR Oof 7 if 1 5175 Prizes, 1-J.-J5 Blanks, _ IS,000 TICKETS at TEN DOLLARS, Less than two and an half Wanks to a Prize The Prizes mil) to be Drawn. All the Prizia to lie floating from »he coin imMK«niHi»t except the following, whit I* vvil ItedopoHied iu the wheel at duiiuitn periotls ON THE FIRST DRAWING I pi mu of 10,W0 to I of 500 2*1 1 prize of 5,000 I of 1,000 to 1 of .500 3*1. 1 piizn of 10,000 Ni 1 of MK) hin 1 prize of 5,MM) bi 1 of I.Ofiftto 1 of 5'M) 5th. 1 tiui’* of 10,000 to 1 ol MtO fit!* I prize of 5,000 to 1 ol 1,000 to l of 500 7th. 1 pr zu of 10,MM to 1 nffi.ftOOto I « f -V« 1] h. I piizn of 20,000 .\t I of l,<00to t of 600 Oil*. I prize ol 30 000 to 1 of 1,000 to I uf 500 Ml Piizes payable thirty daynafter ‘he com lelion ot tun Drawing, subject »o a *le* of fifteen per cent.—if lint applied for twelve imntliH, to be corsitbred a donation Ihf funds of the M uonic Hall. 1'ICKE l S and SH VRKS may be yet had a great variety of numbers at the oiiginal price at ticeciv’s \.oUpv^ OtYvco. Mtt.i.r.iir. r.vmr. WHOLE TICKETS, $10 00 HALVES, 5 00 UUAKTKRS, # 50 Dm leu in. in v will In* rrr.ivi-d for l irknl Hj* Oril tsl -i I ii-krt* nnd Sit any |i*rt i f the United St ties, enclosing lit A Bari-ain may bo bad ! HE iubscriber offers for na|n accommori fting term?, the * the aloable f Laud, No 16, in the 11 th d county,on which there is a Grist Mill, perhaps the shoal is inferior to none f Gear Mill . from 12 lo 13 or 20 feet fall can had, and water plenty ; «mne cleared l and other convenienrm* ; situate in a healthy ind fertile section of country, and promise fair for great custom. Apply to JOHN TURNER, Rstr Thomnston, nr a v 31 inJm Upitop emrutv, (it* If)" 77k Editor of the Georgia M'sseng* wilt publish the ibm e onct a ra.n.t/i for 3 months ml forward his account far pan meat J T. bOH SALE, 1 7IIF. well known and valuable possession! whereon John Heard, lain of J *sp« xHiuty, dec’d. lived, containing 450 acre* of rad in a l*ody, ns good as any in th# county, *• tvhicli is a good rooifartable frame dvvelli louse, a good kindling to other necessary bu dugs ; ab nit 170 acres of land open in good <»• ler for cultivation, a veiy good peach at anp- »r* hard, with a first rate steam distillery. r«" m* wishing to purchase would do well to vie lie prennst s and judge lor tlremseives A go- targain mav lx* Irvd in the al*ove property t asking earl) applicatio t and eoo«l payments Cash, post p. attention, u (Ircssed to Septemb* II incel the same pi |>orsoiial application, if ad T F. GREEN. fTIHE subscribe I iu Montgonit and four Saws tin NOTICE. ilier will dispone of his MILL y county, having a Grist nup, will* h last are ealeu ui 4 t«i 6000 feet of lumber per day, which can be raftril immcdintely toto ihe Ocmulgee rivet, with ('00 acres of thebe timbered pine land in that section *>l the st;i Ax to terms of sale, they will be made e.a I lie above property was 'ormerly that ol W. Baiker. My residence i« m ar Milled? viH e . JAMES BOYKIN junn 7 , v 3m—31 Tj* The Augusta Constitnuonalibi and Sa vann.ili Georgian will publish the above uid forward their accounts to ibis office. august . iiicnuo ) and eoo*i paymen ANN1S HEARD, Ei'i tf— 'Feu Dullars Reward. S TRAYED Iron! the subscriber Oil the l in«t. in Milleilgovillc, a black HORSE v ry heavy built, short tliit k ne< k ami Htiou lets, about 4 feet 10 inches high, supposed .e 7 your- old, a l»u«*‘ sway backed. Frol ,,|y i,,. u ,ll make lor Tennessee, «« he w ormerly brought fr iii that state. The *bo fwardVill be given fi r the delivery of r. I u se to Th* oias >i0f»bs, near Clinton, Jon unity , or TIioums B Stubbs in Milledg r half the amount for iut n tnatio.i «*> that t him. TUUMA> STUBBS Ip desert bim, when with tho flarao spirit of th** war and tho sunm zeal of n^ubliranistn. ho I ins gallantly thrown himself between tlicir libortiofl, and that deadly blow which ws»*ks tlioir di stinction f As tlio Governor of the Slate, T presume no one will deny, not even that ruffian who justified tlio English in masn* roing, in cold blood, his countrymen at Dartmoor prison, thut it is tho first duly of Gov. Troun, to tnkocaro of the interest of Ilia own state, rnaugru the conflicting rights of the Union And the best method of testing tho correct ness of official conduct, iu to enquire what ought lie to have done tinder the existing relations between his own nnd the goncral government ? Take for exnniplo. oar mili tia claims: should he have said, you know how much our country suffered iw its early settlement, you know your ronvtitution re cognise* the principle of s' |f preservation, you know in addition to llsis, you iliicctod us to,you know tlio gen eral government is under the solemn obli gation to defray tho oxpenrcii, and you fur ther know our militia performed a faithful service ; wo do not demand compensation, though it is our right, hut wo humbly leave the inullar to your nrevt gracious swso of justice, if you “ see. muse,’* to pay uii any thing wo will wont thankfully receive it, if not, lot your righteous plemmrn b« done, nna wo will bn content. Aly God! Whose is that pale-fa cod, haru-liouit^yj, dasturd that could have subtmtted to such lungnuge.' Take anotlior exniuplo and imp pose for o moment, that tlio Govornor of an indapon-l *I«nt at.ite is seen approaching tho Prosidetit of the United States, with cup in hand nnd cringing to tlio earth, humbly beseochiog him to rocolluet that seme twenty three years ago, your Excellency's goveruuifctu itirchaaed of Georgia all her western landi or which, as yoo may Lb plenaej to rc- ncml/er, k|u j agreed to remove the Indians r**m without her present limits—nur rtale is new m great neod «>T her territory, our pcorde ar<* anxious to havo it, they aro un settled in their pi event condition, permanent improvements cannot be made without it, and the state is depriv ed of that weight and influence in the Union which is justly due her. Will it most ginciomJy plemu your Excellency to condescend to mako arriinge- nts to carry your own voluntary contract into execution, not however if it will put your government or your governments most hristian and benevolent allies, the Indians, to mi) inconvenience? It is our hnunden und * heerftff duty to wait your’s nnd their perfect pleasure, und whnlowrpious erper- imentf ) f>u may choose to make, on our lands, in the luce of your nncanrollrd fy»reo- ruent, and in violation rd our greatest inte- rests, surely we shall never be so wanting in tire most profound and lowly coiiho of du ly n*2 to mutter a single complaint. Is this tin* kind oCInngtingi* GovemorTroupsImuld have used ? It must be Mil or that wliicl he did use, for there are hut tlio two ways ATTIUUS No. V From the Athens Centintl TO THE PEOPLE OF GEORGIA. 11 But I am fearlul that I have lived to In y old fashioned fellow. P.-rha| ‘ Throe and twi 2 he considered un enemy mquerable attachment to ihe dei i uiau may, til those rcfmtd enhgl i, be deetuffd of.D fasiiiouki) If so oriented to be old fashioned ; f say, tho ai been when every pulse ol heart boat for Auu'ri* an liberty, and when th iiliusiasm I felt had a counterpart in the ho- ui of t veiy tine Anicri*’an. Rut suspicions ivir g-»n<} uhioad,auspicious ot my inicgiit). laib bet li publicly repnited that my pioft-s sious are not snseti *•. Three and twenty year* ago, was 1 *uppL.->cd lo ho.* traitor to uiv coun- in ? Tin n,I vva> said lo he a brand of *c- iition, because I ^u; parted thortglft« ol' Ami* rica " [Patrick Henry on the Fed Con There is nothing in public life, ho univer sally abhored as politic al inconsistency, and yet, in thut regard thero is nothing ho un steady ax human opinion. Considered as the chastity of politics*, it is often pursued itii the moat bitter execration, but, unliko that virtuo, in tho circle where it is »«» much rated, it cun sin mid livo. Thero is however, this distinction to ho made ; whole communities may ha inconsistent with im punity, hut individuals at their peril. No rnploy tho above language of Pat rick Henry with more propriety thr.n Gov ernor Troup. There cun ho no public ca rer where it would lie more upposito than lia. In all the great questions that havo gitated tho Counoih of Avneriaa, lm lias nvariably boen f*»und on tlio peoples id thorefore according to the axioms of ir government, on tlm right side. Wns he supposed to ho a traitor, when so ably defending tho rights of Georgia against the Yazoo speculators ? Or have the people forgotten that sorvice ? ty years ago. “ to fho union when so warmly sup|>ortiiig .Mr Jefferson’* administration, nnd contes ting the ground inch by inch, with the Fed- lists, who were striving with unexampled powers to obtain the mastery of this gov- rnnient Was ho rated as a mud-inan when standing by and encouraging Mr. Madison in those soul searching measures that shook the federal government to its deepest foundations, tried all its parts, dis closed .ill its weakness, und finully conduct ed it through a successful war against the combined forces of Northern Federalists nnd British veterans to its present proud and elevated character? If he had been a disorganize^ then was tho auspicious mo ment to gratify that passion, if he hud been n traitor, than he hud a brother in eve ry federalist, aud the North would have re- « rived him with open arms. If he had line ti a mad man, all New England was n bedlam and there they would have kindly ministered to bis dis* anu. No! then the re publican* ui kuovvh dged that he had an “ titwonqucruble attachment to tho dearest rights *d man,” then, they gratefully owned “ that every pulse ofhis heart beat tor Ame rican liberty, and his enthusiasm had a coun terpurtm tho hosotn of every true Ameri can. * it wae only thu Yozooswindlers and traitorous federalists that called him a flame of discord, a “ brand of sedition, and now that a recollection of those trying times. ind bit non trying services, is paaeini away, they are willing for purposes t«»o well undcistood, to renew these charges with th«? supor-lidded infamy of treason. And can it be possible thattlie same communit) who so generously supported him, winl* his services were an important to them, nnd «oduar to that very union In* is now said to unvc assaded, will huso inconsistent to to come at our rights—Now let a.iy man choose between them, and the moment he chooses tho course different from that of Governor Troup, he shall have a right to cemure und abuse him us much an lie plea ses,.Mid when u majority of tlio State shall he found with mmu* el that humble onst, 1 affirm, that Troup h unlit to bo their Go vernor. In itrt proper place I slinll offer one nu rc example, at present I shall return to the Indian Agent, nnd fiiHt enquire vvlrat ought to have been done 1110104- tiie circum stance* already shewn of his peculiar hos tility to tho interests of Georgia ? Should Governor Troup have remained quiet? Should he havo said nothing f Ought In) lo have permitted this individual to go on in Iiis own way, without a a ditary *tep to check Ion infamous conduct? I presume there is not an honest man in the state who will venture to say yes, tuy, 1 behove that Crowell's protectors themselves would hard ly dare to approve such a course. Thou wlmt ought tho Governor to liuvo dono?— 1 shall doubtless be arisweicd that he ought to have cumplumod to the gone- nciul government of his criminal acts, and then have laid the xume before his own Le gislature. This is precisely what was done, uud to which I shall herrnffer more fully advert. After the murder of .McIn tosh, Crowell finding ho had pushed affairs to a most frightful extremity, and had pro duced a c.risu perhaps fatal lo hi* ovvu pros pects, resolved Upon the 1 asperate experi ment of placing th*? whole blame upon tho shoulders of Governor Troup. To this end then, notwithstanding the murderers themselves had ropcattnily uvowed that McIntosh's death was in consequence of a certain law of tho nation, arid have lately seriously certified the fact in Crowells own vindication, yet tins meek nnd modest ‘‘ victim.” of Governor Troup’s “ persecu tion' lost no time in informing the Presi dent, that “ all the disturbance in the na tion," had originated in ihe desire of Gov ernor Troup to “survey” the Indian lunde. Now I siaiply ask, does any one believe it? Wheo wns uuch a thing ever thought j of, until it suddenly brok the Jlocratary of Wat to the what talk, in vvliat transaction with the in* I d ia ns have they one boliovu that son for the murd same lime indulge another secret motive for thu act. The thing is prepoHtu’ous if McIntosh died by vir! tion, surely none will be so simple as to be hove that the foroe and effect gf that law deponded entirely upon Governor Troups operations, if he asked the survey of the lands, McIntosh was to die, if he omitted it, then McIntosh should live I am willing to allow tho Indians as innc.h punotratioM a* any one, hut I do not believe thut even Ge neral Giunes with all boasted knowl edge of Indian character will admit that they cun see 90 fur into futurity ah to make ?awa npon such contingencies Yut strange to tall, ihe President lias believed it, aud ordered a oceantion of Governor Troups movements. Ho has takon the Himplo word of his own petty agent, steeped ns he is in ertmo until it wanui a name, in opposition to tho Htaicjucrt of (he Governor ol Georgia, to the reason of the oase, and the multiplied facts that are actually clamorous in ita refu tation. And ) et tlio Governor must keep lira temper—to bo sure, nccording to John Crowell, lio has boon tho author *>f n civil war among the Indians, be has boon the cause of tlio murder of one of Goorgia’s best friends, nnd tho Unions bravost war riors. He is purposely thwarted iu his measures, founded on the most righteous demands that ever had an exintenco, and all this, to ruin his political prospects nnd de prive him of his offico—and yet, ho must say nothing, he must hold his mouth, for if he dares to speak it will he tresaon. If there is any m in v^ho has born more tortured in feeling, misrepresented in conduct, or out raged in charaoter than Governor Troup, and Uni under it, bo alone, by thu force of contrast, can possibly approciute the extent of hur abuses. Before I proceed to show how tlio Gover nors complaints ugainst Crowell have boon treated, it will be proper here to examine the other nlledged ground for the murder of McIntosh. I think I have shewn Urat it win not in gon«e(jocnc4j of# fprrc retires? to survey llieir lands, nnd one, which tJmn'df granted, had not eve# boftisattempt* d t . t»o executed. The other, to wit, that it was it pursuance of a law of the nation, will ap pear if possible, still more fallacious. It# the first place I understand that this law ia not npon record, ia not even written, real# only upon uncertain tradition—-tho tiuiA when, and place where not made known. The Indiana and thoit agent when callofl on toslntw this l#w, o r to loll when, and ivheie it was made, deign to make no other reply, than that “ suck in the law/' But I will show conclusively that neither the lr.» di«ns nor Crowell believod there Hv.'ta noy rj( -h law. Did not the Indiana utako n treaty in tlio year IH2I, at the Jtuhaft springs? Who waa then killed fot thut treaty ? If there waa such a law how aloe# it happen that as late as July hist, nt K r o» kon Arrow, and in November following, Tolu Cat (Spiiugs, Walker, the Fub-apcnt tried lo make the Indians puss a law pre cisely to the earns effect, and succeeded in deed, in obtaining otie. which Crowell unu» quivocally informed tho United {Statu* Com* missionorM, vvna of no effort, being partial, informal and irregukir, was not binding up on tho notion ? If there was an exist ng law on tbesubioct, docs not every ono **’« that Walker's law was totally wnno* eMnry^ But how com os it, if there wai such n lowj und known to CruwolL, that os lute as tl»o full *jf 1H23, thie very just ami law ubidmg guutleiiicn could have prepared the Indian# for a reunion of I.hwIh to Georgia, as lie moH undoubtedly informed Col. Campbell nt Milledgeville r How does it bnupen that its the face of such a law, he could write from the Indian Springs in February last, tv the Pecrelary of War, “ the treaty bus not boon made in conformity w ith tiie iiiptfu®- lioNs of which I have been furnished, yet / think it car, Ic at no distant day. to th# * n- tire sat is fusion of th* goverumuat.'' D*»*fi he oppriso liis govermn* nt of etith u Jaw, ”*id thn! it is the only difficulty in tho wav ? Dock hr 01 thn nation even breathe itt*. o Commissioners «t the time of the treaty? Would tho Commissioners know it and * .li tre p tho unferturntn M* Intosli, be arc* xxa- r\ t** tlio murder of one of the bravest Chitfj of Muscogee, 0- I one oCflte Usrt friends of th** whites? Bu; furtlter, how dong it Imp- poo, under tlm un re verse*] a*fth ri y tin# I'ftv, the very murd*‘rf*ts of Mclmush m\ * ui Humbly with tho Bill powor*.t saying uit, or nny at this very treaty, f*»r widen tlmy has*; so wanlenly destroyed thut noble 1 hud f No! the truth is, there wan no such la\v f they wanted an excuse for tl*Mr hi rnj ouw- ragre, and this is one of their miserable shirts, eoinetimes they allcdgo one u »ng, und Loin* times another, nnd yet the gov* fo ment and its officers havo tho audacity t*» beliovu that tho oomniutiity ia so weak unsuspecting they can force down any thaq; however «l*surd, upon their cicdulit)— nei ther the nation, Crowell, Andrews, or Gaines bolieves it. If tho latter does, lie betrays a shortness of intc lle* t, r.r pkmucr cfmurals. rendering him an extremely unsafe depository oi' power, which is to be exert n* ed under any of the ordinary ruins of either cutimion honcAy or luodcrutu jud^- meut In rnlatioii(«i Crmvall, I stated that the Governor had mfoimcH Ins (iovernment, oF his utijnstitinhle opposition to tlio interest* uf Georgia, and had communicated to the Le gislature his unlive efforts to deh at thr tro#.- ty. The Prreidont uf the United Suite# sent on & Special Agent to inquire into his conduct, 01 whom 1 shall speak hereafter—» The Legislature, as admonished by duiv, determined to oxsmino into the ruiitn g which were likoly to deprive the people of their land, and why tins man Crowell should evince such hostility to their nndotibt* 1 right- Was there anything unr* asonuld# in this? A#tlic representatives of the peo ple, chosen to watch over and protect their privileges and immunities, und informed that this individual had exerted himself to* the utmost to prevent a treaty, nnd not ytt satisfied, was attempting by meant* the framlulont and disgraceful lo have it annul led, were they not Ixnmd by every prince* pie of reason and duty to have ihis nuift removed from an offico, offending so much power to injure their constituents? W'hut was their proper course ? The Legislature luu) ns much right to inquire into the con duct of Crowell, ns any individual; being a body composed of a number of member# did not take from them the right of inquiry. As a body they knew, uud every one must know they have the right to prefer charges, collect testimony and do whatever else is necessary to bring a United States officer to justice before tho proper tribunal; To lift# j end the Governor’s communication in rel-t* non to Crowell, was referred to the commit* too on the strife of the republic, pot howcf* er without being violently opposed—And here commenced u system of opposition tej f nnd abuse of the Gov ernor, connected n support nnd protection of Crow At, am*:* ampJed in any country—And who war# ihb !n£.g ever thought j protectors of this greatest enemy of Cecnr- *• from the letter of, ^ ia \ boldly nffiiui them to be Clark and hjy the uovein «• ? ' n j political friend*—Let any one look to tfi»> ration with tne very first step luken, to bring Crowell lit* r ver assorted it: >> iJl any I f ore goverument. Who opposed it/ they would avow one reu* Lft |lie pw>j ,le look at the vean nnd n;.v% Jer ol Me In tod 1, ami ut^the - Qn j jj 1C y w if| there unequivocally find, thus * * n# ' l,vn every ruau who voted to screen Crow ell vvaatho avowed personal and political frier “ of Clark—When the question caine btf* re th# oonitnitteo, every body who saw th«fi* c-oudua, would havo believed that they had bc#n employed as lawyers, and were acting in llut capacity to defoud this pour perwy ruled und hooevt Indian Agent. They made objections to evory measure that wu# propoeod, they threw every ohrtnrlA in tlrp wav of a fair investigation, they denied tho right of the Legislature to have any thing 1# do with Crowell, approved his rondure^ abused and oensurad the Governor, eitdea* vorud to brow-boat aud oinh.xrrasM innocent wituoesee who ware sw orn on th# oreuamji, in fino both in and out of doors ih. v wore *4 rrotly nugagud. with the aid of f’lwrk and Crowell, who wore frequently r-con closeted together, to defeat the views of the Legisla te! <*, and to wreec (he protending* from thoir scrutiny. And for all this conduct uf theirs, they nlledged the deceitful pretext that the Legislature had no jurisdiction over the c.n»o, they endeavored to confound the right of proseruiing Crowell with that i*t trifinf him—tin# last, the Lrgialatur© never claimed, they were not so ignorant of thefr privilege, aud in*i<Mtd Andrews and Clark well knew that they never contended for Kuoh a right, but they thought the people were fools euough to behove it, and they would Inure nothing unattempled ro protent Crovvoll, and thereby prostrate Troup. Tl«# Legislature well knew that if Clark, either as Governoi or as an individual, or both, could prefer chargee against Milchait to tl a Presideit of the United States, ami colleti- testimony by affidavit to support his rhar* gee, before the latter was called to a hear ing, they could do tho same in relation t# Crowell. And pray where ia tho different# in tho two cases ? Did Clark, before ho preferred bis charges, either summon or g# to Mitchell, and say here is a man whoa# affidavit I am about to take, you can hava the liberty of croea examining him ’» a# thvto any such thing an u cgoryuhiory pro?