The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, July 25, 1826, Image 3

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1 13 r « ti** Itv w* omsoevor they are con * »’ !, mi 1 though il !>«• i xi’rc-s «! by p<» r i- t'.ni or nunonMnuf-o, the voice roars sutfi ri*»iitly t<> terrify the most arbitrary ru 1« . s. .'.spirants t•» olfi. n may lortret the iu- t |J tercsts of the common people, those p„s* 'i sesseil of authority may Taitfii upon me op- « prossion of the weak ; hut when our iute-!| rents suffer, we are the Judges, nnd will u»*t * be Haggl'd to hold our pence, even though •n< h infringements hi* innde under the tin maculate administration of ail Adams If the general government tramples down our rights, and lev els the constitutional ramparts of our civil security, we have a right, > 1 it is our duty to assemble and mntk its con duct w ith the frowns of disapprobation.— V »r this purpose, we have, assembled, and to tins end by tfrits assembly, ’tis r, solved 1st. That we estimate the conduct of Ad •ms and bis co-adjir.*rs, touching *1 tv made by the U. States Commissioners in February, 1825, as violating one of the fundamental principles of our constitute Operating as oppress vo to me rights and interests of Georg.a, levelling t" the earth the only safe guard of Slate Right", and laying the foundation on which to Guild an arbitrary and despotic government. 2,1 That we view tho contract by some called the New Treaty ; as a high handed •assumption of Kxccutiv • Competency by which the character of the Coninris-uon- jB^rs aro wantonly assailed, the State of Geor- treated with contemptuous neglect and * the National funds needlessly squander o to/., benefit the Rod-slick Creeks and Knavish Cherokeea. ’.M That the thanks of this meeting be, and it is hereby tendered to every defender of State rights : and to all 001 public offt, era'^ who advocate with firmness the true inlc ©sts of Georgia 4 11 That we Imvo entire confidence in the wisdom, firmness, and patriotism, uf4 the Executive of this State, and (hat we\ icHI support him in all constitutional men- mej' Frecand Indtycndcnt States. Esto. IMtys—tho materials for a monument more opinion ia favyr instead of niMinsl certain them. The other, believing that Georgia, n*Fl yonieof the re*o!uti<vni pn««e,1, ihe Secretary durable than brass, lie all at tm * flirt Si ir in the East \\ hich so often Ira9.[ workman. J ho patriot, statesman bone, j Christian is gone :—There is^no tear ?> brain < n our councils Imtli s,t ; - shed at his exit. for the gratitude to 11 May cnoiu. h of its brightness remain on each for preserving him so long, and that b 1 >> r li a moment, has drank it lied it fell. • here i- 1 mo jur it a present occasion w bo will siniultan'cm «d\ In arm \v|) it I on about to utter. Unit lu , for by this vve sli ill most iiie with harmony of sentiment tli w ill j Had the horses and tlir chariot of fire de- ; t|,u m.i dot s ..„* u XRS, s vended to take up the p itriarrh, it might kwith the ganuiu* I» *nnrnts, J have been more wonderful but no more gin- ' ** 1 o preserve us from slavery yot. SEABORN JON! Chairman Com. Arran July 2.", 1820. The following is the reply of Gov Troci *0 the invitation of the Committee, to tic li\ei in Oration commemorative of the vir-1 thoughts, and the productions of bis vigor- IiimM.:« (ali'ilU and tho public srrviru ot | »»» pen. and trace bin. fro-.. 0» cradle to Jetl'erson. home res pet table ahvt ad Surely filial pi U Stines sink Into her native m-£ r, q>n,-. il to count- nil'll significHnre and should he forgotten. GreatS” j < ’?" m ,,M * nron-edii ** -onisir-*! ,/ ll„n M us G,„| ! Wh.1t r;in lillle Gmrrii do in the farit i.L'J' 1 " 1 . 1 "'' Mu 't>l u " ti<’f *M«I< oniitlpotcm p.> .r ». Ihc U S i> ■ «. . r ,ini,',. nrn!i‘iriionofn!i measures,Jscrp. And yet il we do nut stick to tl.>-AVic <Ii«tiiu;iihhe«l by th« i»»y (Tie •• \ity do w • ' * ’ ‘ 1 *■ * *" “ “* "Voder 1 fo tli° "Puttie. Ru r,| ■ „ a „„ , J . ■ I II 1. I- ' . I'l- II V. ”hi . f. , ’»* I'Mii h* ri. r en more Tious. But our feelings must not be iced at present In some future davit will 1 be hotter to recount his services and stun up his merits, to dwell upon his manly J11I- bottom of In: tvill dren of bis ( 9 ot i the grave Then fh« little bickerings which. How a politician’s path wdlhe f rgntten, has. soul glows of country hut wbatj sou!, laments that the chit ! n native \life .*re so widely] Imi one. half should raise tlieir', ,\( the other DU my .<t.itr n»y tnifti I feel for your sufferings 0.1 this j t*U yon impious *<oas bow long wd ; ' not violate II law s incli* mmI by- lur. pure t««fp wlmli cli. r.ut And shall we nut he con.lmnii / ^n»i-T." * f,rpr V v : J '* 1 1 ... , • i . r , , ». *uiitl H>iio «*.(.« ntuiift of ii mati ».( 1 1 as ii hi ra r I lie tarn is tuu\ ^ j:. . . iz •I 1 t I banged shocking fo r contimphlian One word, Mr Cliairmai and ! have dono--W|iiit I Ii The idea is toot) conclusion^ 1 I Ii it if hasty jtre advance Should t lie rea* •>f die N.-u Tr rilr.iogi 11 it 1b *tft 1. boa it* ^ h 1 idem 1 ioum' 1 g'Mal to the i-h.nd'ti‘i 1 made on ilmt ocnia-. n |Ih- t \* Itlllli l \\ tn-loii l|f <|n< , ,*s\il - - K anticipate the M0.1t pearetd'le uad&^vntue fl >; 1 4 id It (U g, l816. V l\ at acb.^v strife ■niimosiiies contentions, ami >otir party % good micahle results Should they 1 the thought of laboring for my country 4 Mill Mr. C.uihbert eiing h.-fi r. orulHi- uIiim.v «|> of huinnii r to loan. 1 nature /ill lie Mil ledger Hie, 19 th July, ri emkn —drilling hut hii earls .lefiei'Son, marie stronger by every 4 buried beneath the ponderous Wright of Ins Inn to tl.e hour of In, tI > tu „ [Go ind the little IVai which necessarily hi 1" ml pspf lie .toiu luce me to yield a willing obeclie invitation of this morning On any casion—the duties of ui\ office, unpefency to the task assigned iriaVy the ohligntioii to he present at! o idling commencement of Fianklm] oli ;c, vvoiihl have forhidclen il. As it is, if i pas-in 1 .’ 1 i ule shall escape me worth either! le ,nif 1 nice or the ir niemhi unce, I will have’ on non 10 regret that better rpialificalioiiH ; v<■ eeu ove.|i.< ked, and that my own tin- oitlm e s h d ♦••■**11 employed to spe »k ilie > is« s of a 111 in who 1 \n»g was ah 'C all ids* 1 , ami who now sleeping with Ills E 1 •ms can find neither pan**g\ric or panegyns 1 do iusiii e t>> virtues whit h made him iiihvi' - imahle heic, and which must assure 10 him; a licit iI.Ii• mam e promiseij the most favored; I the clnhlree • I men. Very respectfnil\ gentlemen. a m TRorr. ! 1“ S. Any tlft.v which m.»y he assigned by lie cumuiitlee will he .satisfactory n> me (i. M. T ■U of an indui her to v< ai u » \heady do the groans <d feverish suffering r-*s uiui from tin* into iiie in imtiins. The v. elkin of H *e- chot .1 v iili the sound ot >oiir tumult broils, suitly the Mmighty Buh i of Aa- Uoua wdl fro a \i\digf».uiil\ fiout Lis insult' r. file death or 021 S AUAU.I3. A meeting was held, bv the citizens of arliculars of Tlrrmus Jf fTerson JV •MMUN1C4TM) ] Diro at M'liunolh., fitly minutes past twelve, J'dv the 4th. Thomas Jefferson in the ^lth year of his age II h licallh had ; bet 11 unpaired by a too free use of the Hot*! Spring hath in ISIS. His indisposition had* steadily inci'.ased, until tho last s»x months,^ when it att uned a troublesome and alarm-ie ing vitdenee. giving him certain indications! ( fagiadual dm ay of health The is«ue3 of this he early foresaw. On the 5th June‘S he observed toji fi icin’, that he dntihted his^ weathering tho present summer Bv the/! 24th of June, his disorder and vvoaknc.-t^! having tern bed a distressing extent, Iic2 yielded to 'In* entrenties of his family andf saw Ins physician (Doctor Dunglessoti of^|', ihft University.) On this occasion a friend 6 having p ivate business with him, he warn “lum that “ them was no time to he lost,’ will ris favoured pet } <r-p r mI 10 stand all this, or the belter part and forsake your, s .< cl cle e unto h* ca .sv ol tli ] Bat sv'.o »sk tld" <pe - ion Al | >e of contention is throw 11 into' th' MKl.i) Xnd believe in-. I leu lunhin^ • h .7. ding t!.a: the • tarvrd i nrniveicirs 11 ev j seized ui Ii more avi its , t . tl • li of hi- ap-J P' tite t'aan tin- coidt'dious u a contents .-tj • o*. rgi.i h ( \e ilieir talo* s in the Oldi Treaty My soul sinks • iihm me and • V* ry diavvs h ck appalled at ilie dieau/ul on-fipifnces which must ciipik- !rom this aw-I I I ». of 1 ings. I tin would 1 retire toil [ever from scene - so shocking to « v try 1« < In*g |ol ilu soul if a sp 1 on earin • ould he loon j‘‘X nipt hocn the 1 Indhsotne visitationi I Bun , ion -on lik» the\ arc Jolted up< n u |xt cu t - turn ud win ilvev wiiling or nut w uiisi go into 1 hem. Notwithstanding re.iso, rhie i» rsonn might sup >« that if vve pi th r sucli sures necessary fertile furtherance of thc’J«Milh dgeville, at Lnfaijrttc Hull, on Friday- rights of 'his our beloved state 3fthe 21-a of July, (inst) for ilie purpose ol' 5th That the proceedings of this meet-*makiug appropriate arrangements 111 eonse- ing he signed by the Chairman, rounter-fcqn* nce of the mel iiu holy int«’llig»‘*irH of signed by the Secretary, and published in . ilu* death ol tho lion JOHN ADAMS, the Georgia Journal and Southern Recor-iiformer Fresidcnt of the United States— Dr i <ler % SIMON IIOET, Chairman. Hampton \V. IIill, Secretary. * »- ILMM -r 1.^ . Mutch a m lU M Curtis Ii was thei vms mill d to the Cha a|)|iointed . : errct ,rv. UcsoLctd, That a turn that “ theie was no time to ire tost, mio t <u tu< s» ^ and exploded the belief that he cmrld notjj Such being ilu-< hold out till the fourth ; that he had eulled-innuss’v.iy and s-pi phvsieian, and to gratify his fnniilyTt ,,,K ^ / ‘' v lou»/. peaks 1 [And ■If . :v would I’.dlow his piescriptions, (which he < hccrfiilly did) hut that it would prove un 'j availing; the machine had worn out nnd ••ould go on no longer. He retained, du ring his illnes and to tho moment of Irisj and death, the same serene, decisive and choc ful temper, which had marked hia life.- imittee5Speaking w ith his usual spirit and anima-^so uno whi of five be appointed to draw a preamble atull tion of the University, lie expressed lm*^tlie u a iwous sentiment of we the people a- head oluti ms expressive «>1 the feelings of thoi hope that the State would not now nbandon.® f l uarl,,rs ' I " u t r ( li 11 , 1 t dmre is • ' *it He sooke of the changes which lie fear* in thi* whole roMp-my inu F prcparei ed would he made in it; of his probHhle i ti'r ) 1,0 ™ l,at r, £ \ l 1,1 ni ,,,<r ^. wl ,, . r . r , . r .,’ • * . i % „jv*then! is soin in t ns well .tcnuai.-ted with tin ^noi'r.sdr .,s Rprtnr: of the .rrv.res ho had|„ ir , um „,,„ CM of lh , casP ., , , . vll |, rondorer] to Ins native State,&r. and l'’un-g rel . loUllll y i „„ „„„ lhe d ii we t mild kerj d (contention. No our a.;tagOiiist ui lost. rase reason nssmues lo-cg'o* i a voire in t to he mis- Is. Never lei it 1 « ii the 1 im-ti-enih part fa hao , diametric ally. Nothing v\,'l .ally prove inat we arc rigli i n-lsnaviug huisied our l ac rotiml it with a periin.u : '|W'in l in’ o mic-s well hecomi >g the real friend. •xi'd tie people, li w ill not \> e»» Ue pu ctnimed u the - o I - 'ini th injlnmah >y n .iuddeami r< • liich ■ h le rd red contain' Ami now, Mr. Chairman, should there he ms individual disposed to think - tins feel'!* (Tori uninteresting, or my ideas poorly dies- • I - io siirli | would say has iliis to d .illi ilu subject mailer ol the speech, can yo. - treusuie up the argument without criticisinu] hi uuiii'if r .iih 1 s-s le, or can you not hear a man syeak-—widiout running over i lyourmim' i> pi iv.ilc ( liiir;icler---and making couipai is-o » I 'en vx Ii.. t lie now says aid vvliit lie mi 1 ve said on gome lormer ocean oil F01 hame l (or shame l Dr slioiihj there l>f nnv one so nnchnritnhh 1 lo say, 11 iv speech is inconsistent) at »u tim on einnini' party s r le and eo trillion, and n .1 lew mol, cuts . (ler this exl-oiti c •»* tin < rv coms«* whi( h ' 1 aihe - animosities <k. hit• cun.' info jKirty strife and contention , raisinr "xanul it," . (' Midi let me ask vv I1.1t’Auk ul Ins tu do with the Did 01 New Tri-aty pi (Hliiccdie h. ’draw.) i.l hut « n.-imlivul, »i. lot- if,. , ,, ., he carried un.tuinioiiil) ; wli n in l«c ■. • .•> •.then, lot uiing u I .r<e part ol' (lie :«i> •. 1 >ed their (liiuppiulv.ition of die p ov,-ul .ii^b ing from the meitm*. Mm* dwn tm% pu-v ml- A 11fu) tj nl ilmt tpe, lu.oil. v hi l\ llir Mipprcuion of tru'h ill a pn.nt iu.»lf- unilei itaiuliiig of that prot-ctilnig . «'f>p» V. rn 111- • h d Sumpto froMMt’! etton 1 ZL Cnuntu. A few violent imdcoutfait^ iu Monv-a mo- *pem in infl tininr the wiimli of die people, muimont mm-Udigot ike viii/aavv of 1 tv* count) I. In* Ik* it on the IT1I1 of June in order 10 t.ik- into o' aider, tioi’i tile inteia u of Clt vv 11I1 tin- lute Iinliaii Tr< uty. N ri< roust til.n ta ot die rii.gleiulo 10 omw on 'fnend*. die nnelini- not" very large, • cnujuired vv.iU tt.oiutvmt population of that vmm-fl «1 hv two reiitlemen pre mnputvd vv.iU tl-.« iy. Iiwai ntceita .......... "ho can• fnllv cnuuti d h> hi! hy h r. l, nnd s«’ut aft.: *• hi. tlmt ut the must crowded moment, tlu-re wen et’oui mu In udi 1 d and aewniy persons in the m- leiol'U. I i-unieetingbi ingoinaniii «| Mamfii id Tor laiu-e. I -up took d'o lend, un-.l iutvodurvat aevt-val ve- »nlueeo *, pi eced* d hy a l-ng pruumble, ueieadnu' of Whull, k-oivvitlut,Hiding ns guilty intent, m,,i hell* r cHleulated to lull a tuimiliiinus sue hivt* p, than to artMi«e peoct-ful men into sediiion.- is i-'; nn-on- was followed b) a apeech ft’oin (lit •'inn- u* otleiii.m, the purpiut of which iv viol 1 ' 1 1 ii did not make a di ep imprea -'U : rUESDAV. JULY 25, 1826. nrP^RilO^ ii A'i)AM3. F.XFCUTIVE ’ *K f* ART M I NT GkO. ) Mil/edgeville, It\th duly, Rl-G ) li having pie,iscd Divun Prnvi.lene.e t > gr liter to tiis lathers our beloved coimtrymai Thomas .11:1 if.hson, first among p:*trmt phil is ipliers umi slatcsmeu, pre-eminent as< hduP8S, and next to Washington in atlVclions of his countrymen, it is reque at' all olficcrs, civil ami military, and ol citizens, a* n testimony of respect for the illus-u, triol.s de.uhjiiml is a badge of mourning for tho/‘> i ne » ln f f f' "vjvor ol afllictive dispensation and national her* ave meat, 10 wear cripn on the left arm for sixty one dd)M, corresponding t > the 1 umber o years ihrougli whirh, 1 various public trusts,l this occasion and repoit the same at a siihs« (jueiit meeting to he In-ld on Saiuroav the 22d ui"! at 4 o’clock 1* M. The f dlowmg genth’mon were appointed on the coni MU' e above alluded to, to wit: Dr C \ v 111 mi 'iso u, \\ Y llanscil, |]>q T F Green, E.-q Maj.W. l iipiett and Cant J. Mucin II. 1 Itesohrd, That the nie< ting adjourn un- .-til 8uluuiay at 4 o'clock. F M. L.vrvYirE Hall, \ Saturday, 4 o'clock, l\ M. ^ A meeting of tho citizens, convened an rding to previous arrangements, when the 3 following preamble and resolutions'were 1 ' submitted and adopted : The committee to whom was assign* d serving that ho was hr tie the melancholy duty of preparing a |>r gamble and resolutions expressive of mir grief for the loss of that Revolutionary Pa triot John Adams, in a feeble attempt to 1 pourtray the fi-clmgs ol tlieir lellovv citizen*,! beg leave to submit the following: 1 Within a few days wo are again railed to s Elho performance of a melancholy and irn mua.nt 1 .'.‘Ic.l nn.l nrfvisd n* (o hi. private j Upon being mmsonlly ill for a short time,# I10observed very cheerfully, 44 Well, Dor.-'l lor, a few hours more and the struggle will/ hr* over ’ When the Doctor entered tliolfj room in the morn ng of hi- last day', his* usual expression was “ Well, Doctor, you rce I am h* re yet.” He* disorder being; In eked nfrien | xpres-ed ho • o! amcn!-j oent. His answer ’.'as, ” that the pow mn Kt the tit nit-lit of nan lo the until itinttciiti\t‘ ilHiidinf- Cl.t* vti ) i--uipH>u(i :coni|)lidiiii(r ilu- o|»,.»t of the nv-«tinir. be... hr;*'of 1 hi- lout tits, »vliibiied ilie uwnnm of iv ftrocumi, ItloodUi 1 sty, mid sedition* mc-.inliRiy, 1 fit lor m axons, iliiit.tjyenii Httd spoiU.*' Tb«* pi incipiil mid only prue*i ul 1. io!u*inn, nnd in nhich nil th* rest (except wine votes of rhiiul-i, ^c.) wi re picfatorj, as in.roducrd, w.n in tli*- f..i. to tiik mi ions—extract, pati-d “ hid tan Springs, 11 th July. Ic26, 44 I fake this opportunity ot inhuming \ 011 {that the Indian 8prmgs are in high repute/ it this lime Tlio Water lias proved elleMu- al to all afihricd prisons who havo visited prings this .season, with tic exception; ol those who Were ulHinud with the Con umution and Dropsy in ns hitter stages. “ i arn confident tins water has never re rived its due merits, us respects its m* di* nl£ irtues There are a great cun obrse people hero at ibis time, say between 3 11 Hill, among whom mu Gov. Troup, Col.j^ lr» arly, Mi.j. Walk* r from Athens, Col 'oleiiian, Gen. Mitchell, Mr. 8olomon r iom- Mar.ori, and a iiunibi r of genteel! l will further iwld th 1 the iM iely is very good, and the fare » xcellen*.” 1.(tract of another letter from the same, dated July % 2'Jth, 182(5 “ Rhere are about four hundred persons here at tins time. The tents rue all full hut there is room in the public house, and the faro is very good. I believe there lsjj of complaint. There has been .2! inumber of persons who have roceiveifrQ _*reut benefit this season from the wa’crU Almost every poison that has visited the® spring fi r Hn ir In altii Jiuve been coiisidera hly heiiefitit-d. You are authorised to state that oo tin ding ■ n.-jujiiice io pub - I" of tf'C roti'Cy ’l l t for fn of a ciip, l»i*ge vv h• SPKCTA ion. ' |,,s »’> •' 1 fore teeth . if,large 1 - ^ahttut 40 y »vt'^gc. t- I I". I. .V |.r. ... fir- -tin. f 'Id* urn* woitkldo ih* ir 1 lish tlie above, JOHN iM’COY, CREED M. J NMNCW. HENRY BOB; t -• , MICAJ VI HIM - A.x, JOHN .F. HAV ET1, JUNE' I ' . BE A. I., HODE1 I K Id (»N HP, John c c .;e»e, j r MA I THEW CDCHf; \N. .'1 Georgia, Moiga,, (’*» —I, Eva. I \ , i\,v, do he ehv ceriifi dial I am personally mquui* - d nidi die above df-ei'ln o Dr Bvirton, -and have got d reasons to 11«-li#*ve the said Bur* at endeavored to p. tsuade a 1 egro b>>y of iee to go off vv 1111 iiini. EWEL McCOY. July Ubh, 131'G. r ; ,n, ' r - » 'V'sol.-glOth day oi Augtmf there will ho n ; in part wlml. he hc * (I : K ' 1 A r< a! niliulMT, ot the » ili/a-ns of nature were too much cxhatisted to he3Thc Unit' d State* FiiRt, however, Mr. Chairman, let what ir the ohj ct ol tins enquiry it is only neccss w itin our preamble uni re-ulution spe tk n An.’-j err "‘C (to some of the per*, s preben^nt least) not t > be mis ak< n. *-, my friends, in mentioning t ir back as l.'Jtti ; a lew wrrd«- ift .t that Fowmr, "'ii ds : * Kesoh-eri, I hat 1 1 all lawful n , will support the Executive! rman, let me a-1..Kin nli Uncjul mea.urcs in curt-} mg into . ffVclllie 1 wf * **tiug. To tliisjf**. 1 ihi» St t*. 1 V’l.oin- of laid ten itory," ni**nmn 1-; f 1 me tn reiilv #' " Ur, ' ,nr > ■" »|"i" d by the t reaty of the ImlooiB , itl , . ».aml ut, cb freaty hat been ai-KHilciNiucel county, nnd ent couniii (ler to CXJIIPSK lilt! [and New Treat v. STOLR.X’ BOM tlir- ru’me 1 die,, li\ iff* nrrr il.c Ocn- i nee and adj'iinieg Fills nod odu s, while « f iling, about an h* r aft»» ni d t „ , 'J hurR- hi y 1 Ik* ‘22(1 olt nBvY I'Of H’.. with a short wiu Ii I til, and a Hire white in hir, 1 m brad, o *- of In-1 *• fet t ims 1 ,ptii ticorly up to die • air, all a is !• *-t bl.n k, diem .1 ror.m tFi7.e, at Me an vvi-fi m..(le. *. her-tl reward ; p*, or take him up ■•ii that I gei him. IK HAUL VMNt.A l E. Vl i.' ! i«f>n Spring Po^t. Oflice. HE *drd' i*. a* *il olive if this 1 Tho * rut per I tin* * vpirisn II t tIn- C*ov« rn b ut « •»»*»•» ** ii it of the ni i^i id G • tl.( mp.n ( ■g-portant duty, the adoption ol ntcasurt 1 i’jffprcssivo of our grief nt the death of a rallied ” On a member of his family * I that the do - tor thought so, he listened vvi h evident 11 patiem e and said, 1 Do not imagine for moment that I fuel the snullest solirttndo^fj as to the result.’’ (Fug [his limcral, forhiddin ;he was answered hy Jong * re the occasion would require tlieir* observance. He asked with a smile, ‘ 4 D* illiut comp ■il hy th lain 1 t f vv IticIi the 1 r ol Georgia was to .ii must know aty Irie large Territory vvs I 1 nicr in rousidei 1 tide to l.uuls on di to he exiing. 1-I11 d j Is, die India moved there then as well e, now ) 0 giving directions for^j Tl . , , r , 1 n . 1 .1 I Ins is imp sum and‘-uhslance of vvliitvi*'. " P'""P "" ,l ; ' you 10 rr.ul >1.,. rowin' ! a lio ( .o ihat il would i ,, hisimv will » u . v,Vr..,.(- [the pustage of (Ik pit-sent, tm<| |>11 viotii to the n i ifiuliniM to ial,i- ufi Hi'in, a.-1 it of tin Tnin-uS ui,-, ti-iiM-pii [ulllnwllil ineiisii i cs*’ vv * lent. ink. 1 ri-mhitiun niter it was nit.odiiued t ai l 1(1 Clause tlitl nut express ill* inteuliiitH of the mir cRtlf i s, nn.l n.iifhi tu- I’m.^tit to a riTuhle iestiunit up ni ihi plans .,f||, Kmt|,.-h. . >. It was p clt neil tcjcve i .*■ fim an ub .lute, (lliipia du-il, IMI imiletl pad e, to siippuit’ . im in liny posnhieiour uwfuloi mil.«fie. winch< "light (I t* niiine to puriin, in s-i/. abrogate I I mity. d» y you think I fear to die ?” Expressing Itirn-Hmcnt. I stop pome light with regard I induced hn I. panics lo i i kilo oml mnn—Another of tho patriarch? •^<)1 the Revolution—tho last survivor, hut' Committee that phalanx of freemen, the f 1770, t*> prepare that sacred ustruincnt, the Dei birntmn of Itulepcti- 9—John Adams— • n mor ! il«-t o * bli’S-l the It jp- Seciiriiig] enjoy ( Ex cfactor ol 11»s i of human nature, iliustr tues, laying the sure It h i.y and Independcnc. | i:r.a of tile living g-’in lo tlieir poM * ity loresc hv ihems-'lv* s— And i' is ' O/J,-red, i hat (be II ill of Department he in rnourning li v"OI del of lb. G..VCI I). r, GEO. l^ CLAY I ON, Secretary. Executive Dfi* vrtm’knt, Gf<» l , MilledgeviUegiOth Jidy, I82G ) The painful task of announcing .tti* ialh the decease of Titos. J EF1EI130N, Ii ni scarce ly been performed, before init-lligcii«*« vva received of the death of John Adams, win wn$ destined, ns it hy sp cial order of Divim Provide .co, to sarv ivo bis illustrious eninpr e hut a few hours. The 4lh of July, 177(1, vva to them a day of glory ami run jw n—ils a. ni vers.iry of l.T JG, niinihered them wit li then fathers —Both were in the first rank of B *vo lilt ion.i ry patriots and statesmen, who m di, s.11:10 spirit n-serted the Indepen leuee ot di eounlry, and directed with united coum iFlIe progre-s nt the Revolution—each ( inul itui; the ot’i -r fi* oust 11 •> and firmness, and .1 • ver re -li ig from tlieir labors until the hhe:( ami i 11 (K p ’ii leuee they h * I proclaimed vv. firmly e*l iU!i-li d — and both vvero elected 1 .!>« lift "'ll- « W.»UI» lh« - I'l «r 11 free gMr. 1! lUuUwo, C»l.' Bo*, man ' M ’ '"""'■■'••■‘i: 11 b. a ri.mimltna w that of luH| 4 tried I on sue Ii! ; rcsolu-, civil and mdil try, amHo all ciiizei tintony *»f respect for the Revolutionary servi ces of the ven'*rahle John Ad vms, to vva crap ■ o . tin* Dft mm I'orihirty days—A .(lit is Ordered, I’liai the li *11 ol the Kxecuiiv. Deptrt «• it he hong in mourning. Bv order o» tin* Governor G m .O R. (’LAY .’’ON, Secy Thomas craTi’^xiaOiJ. The Committee of Arrangements take ^rcuf pleasire in announcing to tho public •that his FiXcelh-m y Governor Troup will deliver the Eulogy on our illustrious ami lamented fi. llow citizen I'llO.MAS JL1- FER SON. \Ve cannot withhold our thanks from llto Committee of Selection fior tlieir choice, and from Gov. Troup fur Ids asseni to the undivided request oftlint Committee \Ve c imiot doubt tlm whole community would have been almost equally undivided A more suitable choice could not have been made. His early and continued attach ment to Mr. Jefferson —his long and mate acquaintance, and his entire and thusiastio devotion to tho poli ical princi ples of that truly good man—that upright jTfeai and distinguished statesman—rendei him of all others, most desirable to pour forth the pr..iaes of him “ who was above all praise.’’ The Eulogium will he delivered in tin Baptist Church, in thisplaee, on S.iTUlh DAY the 29tli of this month, preceded by a prayer by the Rev’d. Mr Flournoy. The Committee respectfully request that the citizens do suspend all business on that <!av, ’till attur the hour of 4 o'clock I*. M. Cupt. William F. Scott, wilt act us Mar shall of the day A FiLccssion will be formed at Lafayrth Hall, precisely at 11 o’clock A .>1 by a signal gun* and proceed thence to the .Church, in the following order,to wit: 1. The Governor and Clergyman. / 2. Tht Chairmen of the Committees. ‘J. The Committees. V 4. The Intendant fy Members of Council. J f>. Tha Revolutionary Soldiers. ; 6. The Lafayette Falun tars, with rc- rersed arms, and muffled drums hinting. 7. The Citizens. Miriuto guns will be fired from 12 to I “. nl Shr**athcd 11is Iasi on gl-utows day, the jf our Freedom IL ,tlio earliest nnd ablest support mritry iu that awful strttggl jmen < souls ” I its hand was among tlte first lit tho [tahlishiiumt of our licedom,and he had the atisfactiuii of w ituessing the day of its ju-< hilce. lie is illustrious too t*»r having held’ the highest office in the gilt of a freo and Igreat nation—hut coiiscioiih that lang' twill but feebly express ovir feelings on urn occasion ; vve oiler the fbllowm itions: Hi solved, That we deeply lament tin at I* of that Patriot of lliu Revolution ■John Adams. Resolved, That ns tiihuteof respect fi» fisRevolutionary services, wo will weu rape on tho left arm for fifty days. Resold.!, Ttn t Dr. Wtlliamson, Dr B.>y mi, and Maj. T’rijdolt, ho a committee n vail on our distinguihlicd fellow-citizen.j v ho has been solicited to deliver an Kulr.d giutn on the immortal Jkffeufov, and in-i form him of the decease of his eminent compatriot John Adams lit soloed, That Cupt. Mitchdl, Mr. A M. Hohhv/r F. Green, Esq. O M. Curtis, and I. [, q. be a committee t<» co-operate vilii the committee chosen on Monday last, 1 i* make suitable arrangements, on the duv j m vvhirh the Eulogium is to bo pronounced Remind, That tho minutes of the meet-! ngs Unsigned by the Chairman and Serre ary and published in all tho gazettes ofthii f*IL\H MEACHAM, Chairman. O. M. ( ^URTIS, Secretary. elf pleased with the course and attentions^ of his physician, grattfu-d hy the affection-] •Ha soli- imdeof Ins family and servants, ho u t ro- u t louglit: he expressed no fuel i j inivv. p ' j or unlike the n oi idian of hiij De th stole not upon him in the dark ' III*!'amt* not unexpected. He beheld liisl |Hpproachcs and smiled upon his tcrroi.—! iTltus died 'Piiomas Jf.fferson ! ■ ■ t e* not ( KM’mtorj ctil.-if miller il J.V Cnilili. ri, Ksi| |0it* follow »iifcT is a Vi i y imngrt-ikt . tin ■pal |»uit» o liii a.^uuK-n . ||«- s ( - i.iiii nieaiui. t <m our |i.«ri w« i-.- ,,, t 'L 0 .ilu-r tin- polii y . | tin- I’r. o.lni . no. i-ekcluin ; he it nn.nli it tli«- u«i .nl» y 1 M aty hail lH-etM.nniie* <| an.I t l- \i-w I run « --tli the tonciincnte of a .mm n* >|m it> Milli dgf.vii.le, July IB, 1SQG. J Messrs. Cttnink ^ Ragland—In tho to-j tarks handed you fo i.-wiiril. • mal't r L (h * 1 i really the moving consithrati n* (.mu l will stake in rcputnii n* : on «•>,) where is the jnslii-e • f sll J, I In- It nut's us ul every turn that lates Iiiim lot.g in lIcctcii, and u (only ami siiamcf nlly vi-datud In • *eoi ' ia. Do you n t iun d.d, dr publication, iu yourjf i ought-- ' 'St papei, there was an error, which l <le-'j • t* i*d, that one sli fire to havo corrected. It is contained in* li< e lav tecr ive f: li(*se words ; 44 The time was when one ^ '' d.respectful attci it lea«t of these gentlemen agreed with mivj- 1 it political views. I have never changed^.' my ground, and yet I find them operating;* iolc-ntly against me. Had 1 followed tin iiiVh'. ver tho line and turned against my for ' ' friends, I venture o guess my eoiisistcn* uld not Itave been questioned by them Bull have the pleasure of saying that 1 f. bi ^'niont ver deserted inv political friends, howc-.^-cem i t;. r numerous those who have descred ni< .,. dvpe<idant oji the it it'/ of the I ;'lf is known to every one that a charge of ~extiti+uish Indian title to tout.-, u hanging iu politics, or turning against his"iudu-nrrer friends, is totally inapplicable) to ’. 'Ir. I/amur, hut this did not occur to me,5, iitll nfer the manuscript was scut to tlieAj [pre s You are aware that tho the manuscript applied t« both my ■ Jnists. After d occurred lo inn that it n*-jH, Hquired correction, I thought t » do it, on thcyF Sproof sheet, which 1 had th-stred to rev ise In doing this, you will observe that tin* first nenther of the sente ceonl v is altered, and he several succeeding alterations n individu th lo reduce to wtilmg all the roil 'ideaatiotts which op*-i-.te in a faih* ' lie p i. t of U< orgiu dice, she had long f.-lt h •df neglected and ovciluok'd Ly the gem [pivcrmuciit No lit ( flit • s or'foreign j puintnicnts (ell to her I t—Nay, i veu co trtott pi m'v p'.UtiKHS an! ataut. ti Was Iivms, vuvviqa ;u.U oppi extended towariF her The land 1 sonowed urn uy uu-iu. aii‘j a In ivv heart" under tins n* iinu iii V 4 . 1 ' 1 ! 1 «l ««>i. i«.. What was io he done? Mark it- - <'(*» E*‘* J 1 ’j*, * t c* V.'. , • td large quantities of useless fine t. niioi v.Jo d to th* Ntw ! the Unit d States vv Anted moiuy, whi kneu the land would b.iag — tlieiV debit ! 0 wiuid-rful remit of, tinielv C- * ’’ M, F had i In U StJ'es and Geoi '.ia n un n !\ fff, J**,,'fff honlii give up lo-r atiutbem amltV’iit. m friend l mi* (I Sia'i s : llifit u hen an o; po. tumty w »- .ti ll ..r .;«-ii^un r 1|„ New 1,1-1,1y 1>y \\ ilhh .•l>l>rupi lati.iiii, a in pt* nv<)ont}' a d >• »-d* rn li lends ill the Hoiut i.vii, voted ilie money nt-ceisury ; hestMtei! that it was ubsord lo ia« ii i.l an iiitvniiuii to nefraud tl.i.i viiilcntItivcctiVei hi»Hiiisi mrJEiTHv ■«fdnl« for tin* office ii.-'Uing dection t then (it ..III- S dlillfl’ll -Di. |O j ,c la-^| tniird to a.iipi et tli i.l ir c.lipii-l Owirffi 1 ; i:' ' St tho w Trt-ulV a» N* ,u 1 Union to (ieorgia, inn a it ii tc i that hi c • that pO.U* ell hpcotuing a h devoted to h Ui* im mm*!' ninth ' ik '-on ''Imli th*- luiu-i u li .1 .uhtlui—but Uni 1 .(«» ill tti*k iit qncslioiiabie* u licilici Utt U.r alien *1 to ii. any a.!\.iMia^< wlueli wont* i d unit, i tin- New ; linn wit i regnnlu it.iipHi'C) , it wnt t-c mill fin in a u.iicii it- ittpiiiitl lu. »iii vcj ing the lemtorj t.d o d * ><>Uiry, Oi iitt t u till \t y b« uiui.ii-uctd on He lirst ut sc|*u-iiih. ., (ouunut. ■"U" :h iulion of I ongn-s-, and n. ■si I do* politic shall decline I fin!v Uif -UU ES W | July 24, lj;n. mr We autli If. HOWARD, indtdalu f. ►•ntaiives of the nstiing election The mn I ura I fri. . ctw olfienetal Novvnnn*V ; •d Jam: s t ;imak, Esq (ui o an well kiman^ Inis plaei) having ii.idersunnl that a lew • sons on e t » i, Mile h.-sve made rein nki tip- uannei in which the late afi .it- ha-* ilk*,I, think |>fnprr to n,ak*' the l,»i- • wing sinieiiicni— l’„ prevent an unp casant uslrophe, and piompied hv the advice oi ’’ • denunuljfionj |(ri< cl to ill (.uni after two hnauccesBtitl i^f- •itN by di fin ent persons luol been already iiutit ) tin-) s'eped Im w ild nnd ufler much i ihor ami with a In.I lutowIcUge * I nil tin<*uni:.t m•< s Httcmhng the , use, which ihev deem necessary to dutnil, ingtlieaft houoiahk- to lioili parti. •the - . -- - ; tlini wnli i.-^upi o the houu.lary (h-*iKii.tlcd«4hin • lie New I rt-Hl), Until tin- line Ix-lat-t-ii our St j e*a)>nd . itw.uld l»v run it iww»t nminmv do' iln *' ,1 i i,-uty uli* i i tin ogmionol Mr. (iu i mvie dotiot- • 1 iHii and Hit-; f» *• e. ilie* wt Mr. l'<n »y tli and C'ol. latli.ull, t a* ilie* A "»u rot *-, .«ni nn, were imil.ubly »*. n• ttl liy il.o J* New 1*. aly, and I. out ilu* lelu . ul Jud<c It.i.nn ■ f p|u- ANOVIIt*jt CARD the lain 'fifVtculiy lietw Nevvn.iii ) to a) piiz.e thi J oi it!ifi of ilie above arm I. ii i|i.* last number ol tlitl ig' i tit. I tlv. died N to tin SvtuiU hi - ill, ai body ini^I. ui|)»ney nustructi" I'tivenient e II he .o„t to .li.-yi' 1 "'<•" ry M^atimcrt w\ prim among r.-nurk i,.3 a i n ,p le inilivl'lu i o * my amago«u„i ll .j Si......inder obligmi. t*. • Ge t die himlmg pow in receive a — wii v it il • .hi** m itt* i pit at yum t -I b(. t< > ta have doue a.I —and th vt w lenuvur B ev [•a ill) the furmal\mrt of (It doso,bu( hai api.l Rostov, July 0. DEATH OF JOHN ADAMS. John \d:un« is no more—hn departed this 1 Me on Tuosd iy af'.ernoon. The ang.-l of; h. ’.atlt seems to Ii ive been walking wirlt himj| <.r Homo months, hut was not permitted In OuinipotiMJc.e to call him away, until the fubilee of A■rican Liberty had fully ontfl, nnd not then, until his soul had been lire,,*,I with the loud acclamations of a i. -yous people for tho I ' -usings of tho day. fito trumpet had sounded through tho land' the morning holt th had hewn paid—the ' .ontido was past, and with tho dcsccn-j :ug run the good old patriarch departed oi j >■* journey to onjny tho ever.aHting rest pre-l •ared for those who n-e tlieir talents to th* 1 iccojitanoe of their Mnstet. Fifty year- .g»), John \daniH spoko freely and enfi ' lenlly within tho wall of Congress upm be independence) of Iuh country ; andsuel Ins boldness, eloquence and argument that the wavering wore fixed, the timid on ouragod, arid all w ere resolved to support t on the pledge of their f ortunes unit sa red honor. Itt this hour of terror am lisiress and darkness, his genius penetra cd the gloom, and rapt into future times ie foretold Uie coming glories ofhis ciun ry and—rare felicity ho was sufferer . witness at the extent of half an Inin ii**d years the verification of* his prophecy it has fullento the lot of hut few men, mum igo of the world, to have witnessed so many nappy « hanges as he lias. He lias seen tit* people of litis country pass through four nd multiply trorn two millions t. twelve—* 4 seen what were frontiers ona made midlands now," and numerous cub - blossom in tho wilderness around him, am throw a surplus population into the ranks of civilization on its match to the w Ho has lived twenty years beyond tlie v to preserve the grammar and e,»n>istency ’.F' j j | ,erl ^ f the paragraph neglected. This occur- ^ N( ,'' ''ci'nVm ed liy accident Being ueressiinlv absent V ,,,. j (when the proof sh(*rt was ready, and the ^ p rt ,. i,,.-.., time at vvliich it was to he return, ,! to tin j,i hreoate office approaching, a fi tend had read over £ and corrected the proof. I arrived only in [time to run hastily over it, arid made the al ieratinu opposite the first paragraph, with nut observing i*s insiiificicency , or trie total Jwnntof grammatical corrednes** produced by it. I cart nnv only regret, that 1 should ora moment havo appeared to make a j ,, Itargo so palpably unfounded, or that it . . *1 could h ive operated to iulli' t -in unjustqj uH . the •und on the feelings of unv m in £| t«' s H- T. FORT ,s r" 1 ■ehev - tm l *.i *• war, hound io d»* * I se to CO «Vjvl\ omimet, they are ioigi.t has no tight, nyavoru in the met hr. Iiovv dues .til this afiVt fteUa raHon ? Thus * iet iliiory of f '-e. igi.i like! • on,.* to the United Stale* t to uviliz lion and improve-; i Slates semis a couple o ■ treat lor thetr la nets*, am *. iliriu ,o a more distant qu tt li u opens, which term,n m a ’I r aty helwern tin 1 fit.!i mi and tit. Uni I ' t it> s (.ni mi i state if Georgia has no jt ) B« fori the ttn i' i > n. lit. not w iiliitumlitifr, " ‘f. |iro|*"»- ,1 by tut- lUioliiti "ii.,t i it: iIimi XL Crerk li.dli U tl.e ai'ciit ue) of tin m.' i, ilium li/it if* 'iTuumug tu cuv.'ui.e iu a *) <-a Hut •ubjci'l, it vtouid l» |>i, ttlcw Ufk» loi tliu I'Ctlltllot U|j <|;| oii.t,U to nvct'ituiii the "cm, ' ■’.ii. lit- tttid, Hint il on prop* s11u• 11.| Imve ii'nionto bu!i'-vt- tluii fl'idttiQ intcu.t ot Licufma.y Xiu.h taut tli*' count •inder i , oi.tid«-rat;o| l tl.e smallest rflii'icnty m anndilin ot the ( t - muiu d in ms is |t is i t i the pii'fiic .:.Ti ■ :;T! t h, to (lie V I) tliiii - ( louhling hut l ii was tlie production < i s io the p;iilies, is as uugci louiided Gen N't-vv min cat ion of il liimaeil w.ihotu t! nt ol any friend of Me ( .in facts ui.ending (lie all nr vv i re g olid witli the i.iU-ntr a (oil < n poh ic should deduce s'ioiih • <it - uuikt up us ok n vcnln t i ilcjnnl Mr. Ga.uaK anU his li lend:, ;»e an ti|'ini'Mi, n:»if cd, rme a. .1 vv ill eo him At i) ROtiLR l J ) R(i5 V, I. If.ue county ■ —VVhcreas Dai.ii I L'i.*«lie and Selur CovnJI apply for J- tiers of ttdin.n.Htrnlioii the estate ol 1 lie. Si hue of said cotlMV, deo'd. ire ihrrrfore to cite and admonuh alt ai\d sii.K'Onr, the l<iiidri-d and nfiaiid decesc aml a,>,)*..r ut my office withm the moe pifui il,* (| by law, shew eunie if any ll.ty can i!:| I ot I>t // .. India IV- p, letter Imt tr«ut> pi Inc iuvv ..I tli .mui,ii ouiNt h*»to(’Ointiiniio .al lu*ye l •. ti nut (1 ; ilmt |l l» ioeH’l*iof Hit- L'nio.t p* run i"tu u-nd ncj, *> uncertain uml t, )n ,iu . a i esort. »•« »ji,d, - »,ot lo.lirv. y Ihf t.'rr.lui J il- ,1 i ,1 (limy I ( Cl^« a by tl.e Gov* i limi t t ol the Uli 'ulh •ui v» %„r nod otfie 1 ' p* non nmkitiir sn. I would hi liable to a fine ot one thnutaud d< iaipritoiunei.t f.,r twelve moutli* ;• ilmt av Hie had uoau(boi)ty io lii.p. mo ** itli any ... *v ,wli> v.ii, lctti-rstboiUd not be mninted. Given under my hand, this 4th July, I32fl. \\ I LJ..I A f .vit LEGU, D c. c. o. ' E»»RGlA,Dt Kabcouety U’licrcns I I liz h- tli Ward apples for letters of •idfiiinistriitt u on the i stale of 'Mi. rm,»n Ward, Inlc o «* *i«l , ouutv, rl*-r.’c!. Th »e are tl.M Wore to (file and adt.mnith all nn.l singular, ilir kindred ai.d creditoia of’«a id d»c»v*- l»* and tippeiu ai my office wit', n the time |iri-kvi'.i)i d by aw, to «h< w caute in any they r.a*., i wtiy shid I* • t* r» «b..uln not be framed. Given * “ ‘ • teridin .deJni) tiaml, (tm Utn oi' July, la26. It v .tl. .... -u, I l,i rln i S . Ki ll*., , , . that if (lie (• v. iianlnr |» edgev, vie v In 11" No r nsvl end* d -B. o'clock oh that day, and tho hells tolled du-Bdinary bounds of human life. He rii.g tho time. Hbo .All—all arc inv ited to attend—And tho3l75 Revolutionary Soldiers are nnnto particular ly requested to do honor by their pres. the Dili of October, 171*5, graduated] commenced tho practice of the law ill, and continued t profession until dulously engs 4, when his reputa lw the memory of him. whom while living,Vtion for talents, independence and Ro they delighted lo consider with admiration^renergy, caused the public to demand lns *' r K 'fo the Editoisof |l*e rgi.i Jocrnnl, Riing unapprisral that a convention ol ho sovnrctgti pooph* of oui■ immediate vi inity foi th»- important purpose of « xpres [sing an opinion ona subject which of ul th»*rs most deeply and vitally , onrernx tlx resent well-being and future destinies of tins cointnouwRuith had hchn called ; ,nv .dicewasnot heard foror aganst the proce. lings sanctioned on t int hiparius occasion Inevitable absence attendant un un void., In demands of business uiifoitunateiv cmII-SQ d me from the place a short time pr* v mu- to the meeting—claiming hum m, tie- pe-gt ular and undemuhle tight of . verv Vme-^n lean citizen to give Utterance fcarh'sniy t..W< [1»»8 cogitations on the aflatisof his govern V v iiicnt as well as to animadvert freely on tlte'S 1 induct of public servants, selecle.l to pro Jlj -tdo over those affairs, uttd b.dicv mg us I Uof hat the time ; as aforesaid) he sheerest indifference, 1 herewith lei v oil the argument I most assuredly shouh uive mudu itad not inevitable absence pre . ented. W’ttli sentimants of the highest respect Hid esteem, i have the honor to he, ours, &c I'll \NC18R0Y M« I Al*. N. B I should not have ohtrudi *i t.,i , ■ rgument vvlm It I aiictmipclledio a. now I dge as above was not delivered on tin; o, 1 union of the Treaty meeting, had u -t v.nir kindness in publishing po*/humus ipeer hen of UMttular sort, sotuewhul» tided* Jeru d me. 1’. T’. .Me. Ch.iirm 1 uni was co ring to Genr- ; that •» tr* iy regularly made and ratifu tvvo po • ers, vv lin n afliu is the lights uf n e.||i w*-r, i iih,-'cgatcd, cat not he .-ct a.-id. li dicta \ i he*, sir, ftoin Lite very iv>v- ot xliingi, «• tn not in- so. hy air, th •*a y in «ki g p iwcr i admitted iu .ill gov: r .*• »i- i • lit* unlimited Da you ask me togiv r*ce i <K foe tin*. Instant * the cam olili vightv F tv 8 u\\t*«ant, tormcity the (»■ vt- ■ »r ol the f tin. tis t Uy ot New Anisic,do ..ovv the hue city ol New York ) Be now n, (li .1 whri, that rrn *\v ned w.)i i i«,t iv* ut st (In* hi*..u *if Ins Valiant Dated aim* it\t* w gt g of MatyUt .d s.juatte s *.ll t« t., h. had been ui <1 so m iso affairs, und heln-v mg iih I d- i lll t nnd place when tht se upimonsMl uu . > \) are expressed is a n tier »fH | , Unit, tl Si tftri-tl t*. ar t-«i the ■urvt-)or relying «>n tlie I'ropont-.l .m.l «-io out th*- ninitiit In prot* 1 who voted lor th 1* »innhoiii w >n : un .(u mm m.der an ob igation *«» *»l>. y tin on. —s . ( .4> tl |.ut it in Hie |.owei nt aiiniht-.' man to mvnl •- th* n the tpii t ami .Inn .-. <>l t.*asun nd inunic.i und ib* ii won (I t.»ilow Hit* in* lunc.iui alt.-, nattv. sub.aim n to Hit' p. uultii-kof tin* la.*, u. u tf*-ij, utc |>:uii^r into a 11vi. vvar in winch vie vouul .•nt.-! iv.ii tin iltglittwi li.'p'' of p.»»*ibl« tucacti in iiturh our iin«|iitstm'in»>.*.- guia ion,',l b, *h«f u cciUnfi d l-at nnd tu! jngation. I nd. d tlx ni* cun - that whes we dviluci fro nintnl*) to Ci i'f Gtorgi-i (winch is about ui tliii-tn Ui j 11 of tIn.t of lb* L’nitt-.l S-Htis) alt tin. who <'is'ipiiroved "I the course of polio) now prn-l uni nil iInn** who would be icstrainctl by iiiotivtf, or hy prudential calculatiom. or their f« uis 11 oui ciiK igiinf in sucli a war, not a hand In. ol iiit ii cou d ue tun ieu into 'lie field lo iiippoi tl he dci|M rate catuc: Hut not a single State was pit d o support ui; dial vve had not one ally t n^ug rath > me determined on u lit- prudent in ui mkeiupplicu r w itli the L'. ) i('strain m to Hie Mon-| esc Monartli»[ o'il ifrobabl.* HOST OFFICE, MilledgcviHe, July v t, I :2G . HE Cm ucsv,ile v\ ill arrive in ':ctn t- 4. ;H iliis office ii Monday, at fi o’clock F. 4. and will depirt on Tuesday, closing ..t ulf past 8 o’clock, A .M. THOMAS F. GREEN, I*. M. jn'v *5 Ten Dollars Reward. Tl I'NAWAY from the suitscribcr outlie i 1 Glli inst. t negro man hy tin* n un • ot JfjOKEY. years of age, 5 Imt 10 l-'2iutlie | ugh, thin v sa;,*, light built, dmk coniplecle.., (|tiinl eyed, has a dew a look vv li n ^pouen lo old is a very 6Ui ut, active fell,nv Any p r- ■on or persons delivering smd tome Mdledgi-ville, or lodg Hanco, k o »uniy—\Vh*-reas .ns applif■» .or h lo ra of n,'* *n de horns non, with iht-v.iHuu- tl .' *'6t. (•• of bartlt ti .* u t-, late of ; , dec (1. iticrriore to cite and adu.oimh, al. nnd heu.adrt-d itnti < .e.lilgra of sain *.* c*a»- 14 -»PI»h. at my ..flic*- within the time : pis - riU-d b) I im, u, shew Cat.»e, n art) the, can, J Wli s id Lct e.sol,ation »f. mil.t not (*e ^ granted ^ Given under my hand tbi» 2l«t ui'Joly, toJ6. J \ H.a 11 JUi't.;, c c o. EOfvGlA, Morgan enuaty——When.a John Mithry a| ,ili**s lor ict t-rs ot ml- niinistiaiion • n th es ate ol Grey M..i , v,’ fate of said (.unlit.. dr i.’o | 1 hem- are tin re-ore *o cite and adinmmh al: and •tngutar Uv KtmlveO unit urtlitmi .n «;,,«( <|. u a*ed, m l»e atld ttppbar a' inv alfiet- ivitbin nine presenhed by .aw, to sli Cl »e,, ny -hey can, nh, >.nd • ler* khoutd not bci.ruaud. Given under my uwii.l In* I i.h oi July. 182ft. *U.^. 5. El.sG, I/, c o. •mi enthusiasm ns tlm usRooiate of.their •'services ; and since that period Ins ins 1,1 r « ? ** 0,1 Je.l with Licit of his T'l' s "l*l" ,r ( ° r u.k i and devoted dis. 'qde of liberty, who with -eounlry, and i« a ktiown in some measure to 1*’j' a countenance lighted hy the tire of lieu- * nil. It would h** at thi.-j moment impossi- ^ ven, in thoughts that breathed and words hh* to give even a scanty chronicle l'i» iNm, (hat burned, announced to the ustomshed sevtces. I ins must tic loll to his biogrnpli- t ie.u world,that 44 That these, t wted Provinces t*r, who will have an ample field for his la- ij up Otii.ii.vut intxciiuiu* to fight unr bjittlti.— I u.t *1 wi li slat i.g, tha'as tie hc'.a H lob-T c ni* 'iiul*-»igftt ,.f any citizen, cr ofuii) L..d>| i?.i i *, lo * xpi'cn th. ir opinions, n u ■ i tubjtt ..■ic pot ii-s. having’ exprt ist-d im ow ii (viva v «- wnit'd throw nn impediment in the way - who might wi hio dpi ess dim * in th*' »ha| 1* p'LvuuUle u-d itkulut.uni which had Len.g upott d. An. Huthhi-rt vim fullowtd by Mr. Torrsnce, *« caul ; *h ii not mi .ci iilnud more di i hs l.illow. d by Mol d* t; > .digiiantly repel'ed H i' Nir. V ulbbvit[be did ;) lit ttuud in tiibstauce hut tins ui. tlie in.wt Uiiportnut uccutioli ler n • ub i. li.ittn.g that had o.ct'.red in our country nci tin 4ili da) ot Jui), 1776 ; that ai it wui gioi *- ...» i.i ... I .ihe s ,t th ( .line ro mitt the ()iaitti) i U» . iiv .idi tt.menv, to it would be glwvions n u> i.<■ • lurtii<( Hu oppi.-tsioiiof the govt, nun ut i if,.-1'iii.t-d b -i » i that In* wat ready to *h<ai'd. iiaisk. i ; ii- d.i'and that ** he never Kl, »o h l.k» tifch'n.g in hi* who <* life,” tlent “ h* fen e ,ki ln liMiig than rating und he coiuLludnd slui.l buciatgue b) vi< e, t personal abu**- of C'uihht rt, w ho mad* uoi(-p). It wusnotcei- :in th*- ,alter gentleman was lesliainvd ) promt ion ue* f.*.iu » ueaKH*g in a personal *•.*)' with Mr. li,.ward . or whether lusiu- itv di ..»* >i(iiii tin lutl, ll«at (he pm sowed j>. tlovvu.d we-u iiol shut with sufiicieali^ i* eh Un i! olijtcl. - ' * h« v .n wu« iak.n.allwho diiHppmv*dof7 lit ions,* nli i w Iroin Hi*- ..ivriiiig a.-v! ill. h ii, par tie j til in this .(•'•iv,• I lie ab » j'*b , so that I gel h ni sin .ii (I vv uli al. reasonaU it F liL'A.FHHEY Ji n i '1' the late resilience of Gilbert C Smiili u la ** of Newton, (h e’d will fie sold oi ’tid.i) the 1,'nJi of September next, nil tn M-isond elate of an id deed, coiisixiiug o> ini -»•*-, < attic, hogs larniing uten.-sils,». miI.I and kindien liirmtuic, nnd othei aitieit* in ledioua (o ineuinm. Jin* sale i«» coiitiii..* iiiii day to day until <1 is sold, i ei uimm.kJ viiov. n oil Ilie day ot bah*. july Zo IL LANE, AdinV. # LL |icrsoiip Ii,vinj demands ngainst tin V estate ol t«.lm-it G. Sitmli, latcol New «ui county, dc«’d. will r« ndei them tnace nd •ig lo law, and nl- persons indebted lo sail •ntate will mal e uuniedinte payment, or tlst ie* in;ty expect to foul th* ir note* or ut- mints in the hauds ol an atl< i *.ev. july Zj H- LANE, Adm’r. C’auiiou. BTIIE public are Iicm> >y cautioned agaiusi 3 trading for two proinit-sory notes, signeu >y the suh.-sCi lUor and mail' pay able to Micuav. ) F.jjinir, to wit : one for dutid hk| i * larch, I, at 41 «k*y^ EUIU.I county, Cleik *.u:ch 2^ vl ol t ie Inieri >r court ./ (*OM(e3 Lapt. Ros cdbdi l. toils htl. ,* Dav.u a. KaClowei, r.sq on tlie Sijtli J it ,,, a large ■tyjray, 0 or It) years old, with u biunli b. il ®ou , appmist ).» 8 Also, Eu-tiuud Stephens, ol (liesame (list. •*j:: I.?* Del re tlie sum.:, oi *• l».,y Mare, all lour W.)I lie, feel white, a./out lOyc-nraOid, 6 leci 2 Kuk h,.» tngh , ttppraifeou to ^05. |S Aim*, i ,'»•■n up andpoa* hvlure Alexnnucr £-McAlpin, Kvq. oil the 4 Ii , i jujj, (inst.) bv Is Georg*: W., oi t* s.-s’ ibio one bn.i l! kmiiii . Horse,siippo-.ed lo be .iboui 2yeaisolH, L J lo* t l J o, lu » ctics higli, u mu ,!le Kpnt on M'cacli bine ol In® bach, .* star t.. in** fun htad, usinaj nil round wneu taken up, trotsanu*-j Band appmist d to ^oo. fr* Aiso, taken up .uni posted before Ah xnn* AlcAlpl.i, •») Vv llUss ilUliU.OttlOU, lit i.i.J.1, ’i.zpnti k h s,... t. pi.u sin.«li iliiMiut son i d iare, uiiout 4 Uet li.gli, I^ y <..#s id, svviich tail, a Dtcmisii on htr right y , • i nainiu| pacer, and appraised to uiy fi, l*;«fi. t a III ii up and posted before Joaliui) E* kies, .-q. i.ii the iiiii J ut) (u,a i ) Ly Etlv. tuu -i,ol F-.pi Job.. \\ \\ aiket s U*bl • * sor* el i.Mir., ti- ul h\ uiu, 4 Ui t ‘J or 10 ■ chds logti, has oil a coiuuion mi* Iuam va il • in a leaiutr strep and tit*, with a Lucksuiu A.>o a mouse Ci.,oh«e iiwlllhs old, nil a sial >r ii ».d to ju.yzo JOHN W. FUR i Lit, t ( ' EORG1 A, Jnspi-r .county, Ch in' , Jl ol (lit) Intel lui cuUll, July o, l"-0 n ooedieime to the mwsoi m,> t,.« c, *, ..V. l ildieut ol lift* pets im I , oi * > (in awing per u s bay* i .Uei d th* •< ,l * , *i*ee •cl iu tny m?• co*r uiiutit 18 hi» loit ncau , ,.p* r ilm • lul- » Uni. aavnu-a I.H c- par v m about il«cM, ... « „ I. > •? ,-jle to s..i l Ml* Had O’Co.u.ei, alii..' Bia.IcbB * tHCU tin le.o W.ln .. tin m* | p. > Mill *, w »|.| p:i»»« d III' H »o.UOO"» l»«*' C'li.lirt* » | Hi** M.llf UallU l»| l.rni l*. I I Alllittlgfc P » k , < t 1 Itfi* I >llt 10 dll'III (>.""(.- Ii U,i; u Ih.1. .Hrnboutlit.«'. N| ||, U|ll| 4 r| . r , 1|t „ a of ,47 in S150 , IncBJ 8qni,, o.i.u.iel, 48 y * •(> *>iu, n •••. "-F-— * ••* •>'• , uf ui .1.1 ... jii..i-.ttntl iu dale .." ill" l,.ri..ei, ai.U i> .luu ll... £ur ..4..., u, •»"..)»» the (»tu*x s Jou* im- ut lit i tli ol June, i«m a riel 4 L*, cnilnT next, *1,1 not payable nt B ...k.— V Oulonw.u, u-t ye«.rs on > p loni brol.y • five llisi* i tolJ* Ul^t i .e uncling ut Hie J , page 330, I n*- duel'111*• *i not* » Having hem it dulr'.dy ol>, I am determined not In pay, tin ni , all p.-r*»oiis are llieicloro cautioucu against traU.iig u.r diem. v\ V \TT WII UL 'V i Newton county, July 6J A"——4J L . noil a III II I. .'.III.I V V ai u!i.»a, ^ U. Klgl.l, I i: j 4, r a j.- ‘) Laity e of bj oei upit* mil, 10; .< (., H'* a 'puis.* 1. A. Rtu Jc u. VAN ON, elk.