The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, January 21, 1828, Image 1

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« liY CAMAK & RAGLAND, STATE Sf V. S. PRINTERS.] MILLEDGEV1LLE, MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1828. WINDER un order of the Inferior court of Baldwin county, when siltin* lor or dinary purpose*, will be sold at the court-h nut in the town of Eatonton, Putnuin count.', on tin* first Tuesday in March next, the tol lowing tracts ol'lana Ix'Pnmlng to the estate of Jesse Snntord, deC’d. ti*: 10121-2 acres, more orles«, c *’ “ * “ 11 “ ’ * “ “ obo*. . lives, 170 i ^u- i-i tern, more or it-**, n »••■»» » — ••• tlie plan of tneJd Hist originally Baldwin now 11 tnan county, by the No. *‘172, and SO acres, more or loss, Ivins and being in the North corner ol lot No. J70, in the da dist. of originally Baldwin now Putnam coin*'*. a l ot the aforesaid laiuls, with the excel tion ul the fir*t ft act. art* adjoinin'.’ the plantation belonging to 'l ho- ujas O. Sanford, near (turner's ferry, on the Oconee rivi r; no»si‘ssioti w ill be given of the nloresaid lands on the 1st day of .January, lC-"», ut w hich t me one half of the purchase money w ill be required to be paid, and the balance 12 months thereafter. Bond with approved security w ill t>e required. THOM \M MOrolION, Ex’v. WINDER an order of the Inferior court of Elb« rt county, when rittine for ordina ry purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in April r dl BEVERLY Al.lJvN. Adm’r W ILL be sold at Rabun court- house, on the fir* Tuesday in February next, agreeable to un order of the Inferior court,ot I'ttt- tinmcountv, when sitting for ordinary purposes, one lot of hind, lying and being in the county ot Ramin, '•ontainiiig2 r »ducn «, more or less. Sold for the benefit wf the heiibund creditors of John Buckner, dee Xov 10 IJTY BUCKNER. Adn.’l WOT1CE.—Will be sold nt the il court-hon« •*ty, c -house in the town of Eatonton, I’uttmm the lit *t Tuesday in March i .Arthur Ilodwell.doc’d. about ldorl'2 mili« from Ea- touton. Mold for the benefit of the heir*. Terms ou the day. BE.VJ. JIL'fjSEY, Adm'r. dccemberlJ 1,0 W ILL be sold to tlie highest bidder, at Jacksimvillo, Telfair court-house, «>u the first Tuesday in February next, 202 1-2 acres of .land.the idtun* where Daniel Lnslie, sen’r. fonnerly liven. Also at the same time anti pluce, a negro f> How by the name of Jack. All sold us the property ot' Da rnel Laslie, Sr. dec'll, for the benefit of the hen s and creditors. SEL Wf fJOVALL, i A1 , , ov 23 DANIEL LAS LIE, Jr. ] AUm r * O N the first Tuesday in Fcbru nry next, will be sold at the court-house door, -In Madison, Morgan county, .00amsol’ land, lying on Sugar creek in said county, udjoining Clow ers fos ter. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, of Abijah Timmons dec’d. Terms made known on tin* w JOHN D. TIMMONS, ILL be sold at the court-house InUieTown of Sparta, Hancock county on. the first Tuesday in Fehnary n«-xt,GS acres of land being the interest that Henry C. Lane had in 4LV3 lines of land, belonging to the ostate of Henry A (tindrat, lying on Island ert ek, adjoining Sanford and others. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and »1. ditom of II. ('. Lane, dre'd. Term* on the day. Nov 19 SAMUEL BREEDLOVE, Ailm'r. O N the first Tuesday in Februft* ry next, will be sold in the town of Clinton. Jones count v, the bind belonging to the estate of Bird Driver,dec’d. in suul county, consisting ol aljout 1 >8 acres, more or less; sold for the benefit of the I rg a tees and ciTdilors of saW.dec’ll. Term* .wad*: '‘now n v* the day. i;LI7.AHETII DRIVER, Adni’x O N the 1st Tuesday in February next, I w ill sell, in Clinton, Jones county, (la* on n credit, till 25 December, ld?8, nil tlie land and ne groes in said county, belonging to the esutu of Tho mas A. Gordon, dee’d. ,, , Also in Coweta county,nt tlie plncc of bolding courts, on the first Tue-.i.iy in Mar. b. next, 1 lot of land be longing to said dec’d,' Nov 20 -12 for the use of tlie heirs of the dec’d. Terms made Know n un the day. #m ^^ ...... ^ JESSE TYE. SIMON Mono AN. NANCY I’YE. N OTICK—On the first Tuesday February next, will be snldnt the court-house door in the town of Lexington. Oglethorpe county, the tract of land w hereon John Greenwood died, con taining 1000 an es, more or less, the plantation in good repair i about one-third river low grounds, and about one-half in woods ; also bus ing a water gin and saw mill on the plantation and a large and commodious dwelling house and suitable out-HuiMing*. To be sold for the benefit of the heir* and creditors. Also, on the day follow ing. w ill be sold on the plan tation of said dec’d. about 25 likely young negroes, 1 waggon and homes*, and iihuit 14 likely horses ; also several assortments of plantation tools, corn, toddvr and pork, and n likely yoke of steers and cart. WM.Rft KENWOOD. ^ 1 ,. ln , r , dec 17 CALF:’ B. UR KENWOOD. S * Um r8 ’ WINDER an order of the Inferior WJ Court of Washington county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold at the court-house door in the county of Houston, on the first Tuesday in Fjiiuary next, all that tract or parcel of land in the Urn dist. Houston county, and knownas No. 2liW: sold as the projwrty of James Newman, dec’d. Terras of sale cash. JARED WOOD. Ex'r. Dyr. 17,1827. SARAH NEWMAN, Ex’x U NDER un order of the Inferior court of Walton county, w hen sitting for ordi nary purl loses, will be sold at the court-house in Thomas county, on the fir-t Tuesday in Murch next, hit No 21, in the lGth dlst. fonnerly Eury, now Thom as county, being the real e-iute of Thomas W. Gar- ret, Minor, dec’d. For the benefit of the legal repre sentatives of said dec’d. . „ Ufr. 17 ABN'F.R LEE, Guardian. 1 * N Jasper county, on Friday the first day of Fehnary next Jwill be sold, at the late residence of Janie* Sharp, di c’d, all the personal property, except negroes, consisting of cattle, house hold and kitchen fm niuue, farming utensils,oats, bid der Ac. belonging to said estute, on the same day the negroes of salcl estuto w ill be lured, und land renti d Terms made know i;onyhe_dny. ^ WINDER an order of the Inferior court of Monroe county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, at Forsyth four ne groes, Solomon, Abner and Adam, and Milly a wo rn sold as the property «.f Henry PyCj dec’d. Sold ITNDER an order of the Inferior U court of Putnam county, when sitting for ordin- ry purtHises, will be sold at the court house door, in lie town of Eatonton, Putnam county, on the hr.-t U <tlay in March next, 202 1-2 acres n| land lying n said county near Whitehead's bridge on Little Ri\ - r. It being thu land whereon Brittain Matthew* •v’d. formerly lived, and sold as the property ol ‘aid 11ittain Matthew’s lor the benefit ol the heirs and reditors of said dec’d. Term* made know n on the lay. WILEY ABERCROMBIE, Adm’r. dec. 20 _ B Y mutual consent of the lega- tees and for their benefit, will be sold on the ir«t Tuesday in February next, at the town i f M m- ih*. W alton county, before the court house door, the ( Wrt of land belonging to the estate of Thomas ■vue, dec'd. Containing 250 acres known by lot No. Jl. 3d district of Walton county. . RICHARD F. BRLLDtOAL, Admr. jriec.17 O N the first Tuesday in February next, will be sold to tlie highest bidder at Me >on« ugh, Henry couirty, a negro girl, about 12 years ild, part of the estate of Thomas Kendrick, dec’d. *old lor the purpose of an equal distribution betw een hetlegatccs of sold estate. Terms cash. * SIMON HOLT, > KAMI FL KENDRICK, > A.imTS ftec.9 JONATHAN KENDRICK, } I N Jasper county, at the late resi- dencc ol Isaac McClendon, dec’d. will be sold m the 2nd Saturday in February next, part of the irrsonai property of said dec’d. consisting of a *tock >f cattle and hog*, one cart, one ox, one or two good iVwrk hor«e(, one threshing machine and fun, some -om atwl IWkler, a quantity of new bacon, part of the household and kitchen furniture and plantation tools vnd many other articles toot«*Uious to mention. Al<o at tlie same time and place, will be hired for he ensuing rear a negro man and sonic land will be nntwl f»r llir rntuin, j.'iir. Tlir tcrn« of sole si ill be ft credit until the 25th Deeetnlier, 1828, with small n„,e, «n.l M?c”fcNDON, ) ^ .leril ALLEN M-CLFSDOM, j U NDER nn orilcr of the Inferior Courl of Bnlitnin countj, ss hen sitdn, for or- linurv purlioM S, w ill he sold on the lirsl Tuexlar In February next, nt the court-house m the town of Mil- I' dgevilU’, five Negroes belonging t<» the estate of •Martha G. Sanford,dec. Sold for a division among the heirs of said dec. A credit until the 1st day ol January 1829, will be given, and bond with approved "ikclU'^rT 1 ' TIIO'S. MOL OIION, AdmT. f INDER an order of tlie honora- J ble Inferior court, sshen tlttlnc (or ordlney purposes w ill be sold at the court home, in Cra w fi.rd- ville, Talliafrroeounty, on the first luestlay inteb- ruary next, between the u*ual hours ol sale, thejie- groes belonging to the estate, of Jeinuna Wilkinson ficc*d. Term* o I "ale made known on the day ol ale. CYRUS BILUNGSLEA, Adm’ bonis non. slec. 17 — O N Friday the ‘45th ot Junuary *ext, w ill be sold nt the late residence of Phi lip Wray, dec'd of Oglethorpe county, a small aswirt- anenlof nierchandl***, one s<A of Blacksmith tool*, and many olher article* too tetlieus to mention. T*■-"*“ n ,d, kM .no».hc^ n w , iuI)| drr. l^-• TIIOMA. UHAV, l r ' WINDER an ordir of the Inferior court of Wurren county, When sitting for or dinary parpaara, wtdlaoidbe *u the courthouse in Wur- renton, on the first ’I ue*du> in February, next, 3 iweroes, to wit: L**ter almut 22 years okt, and her 2 children, Allred about G, and Mary uImmh 2 years old. Credit will be given until the 25th Dec. ltf». nurcha sers giving notes und approved security. Mold for the benefit of the undersigned, and Edwin R. Andrews and Munclalbornc Andrews, intuurs of Warren An- GltEE.VULE to uu ortler of fM the Inferior Court ol Pulaski county, when itting for ordimiry purj»o»e., w id b«* sold on the first ruesdav in February m xt, at the couit-house in the ow n of Hartford, Pulaski county, om* negro woman, »> the name of Jinny, one saddle and bridle, one shot ran, and other articles too tedious to mention, belong nt to the estate of Irwin Kent, dec’d. Terms made inown on the day. JOHN BRADSU \W, Adrn’r «av w- w w ILL be sold on the first Tu» a day in February next, at the court house in tlie town of Mouticello, Jasper count?, within the law ltd hours of sale, apart of the belonging to tlu* estate of Josiali Flurnoy; sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec'd. A. NEWTON, A.ln T. “ “ FLURNOY, Adm’X. ILL be sold on the first Tucs- bruary next,at the court-house i P ERSONS indebted to the estate of Philip Wray, dee’d lute of Oglethorpe coun ty, are requested to make imme-dirte payment, and those having demand-against said estate, will render them in ugreciibU to law. T N. POULLAIN, 1 «. v dee. 1J-* THOMAS WRAY, 5 lxf>rs * C REDITORS of the estate of Thomas Thames, late of Ja-per county, dee’d. will present their claim* duly authenticated within the time nrescrihetl by law ; mid those indebted to said estate will make immediate iinyim-ni. dec 13 CARLTON (i. SMITH, Ex’or RBTORS to tlie estate of Dr William V Wood, late of Jone* county, dec's! either hy m»t**t»r op* n account, are In-i ehy notified to come foi want -etllc the same, or they may expert to find them in the bund- uf proper officer* l* r roer slot*. All tinvingdemands against *aitl dei’d will ren der them in term* ol the l.nv. uov 2U JAMES STALLIN'OS, Adm'r. EBTORS to the estate of Geo. bite qf Join** county, dec'd. are request ed to make immediate payment, uud tho-e lui'iug de mands ngniu«t the e-tate will render them in pvoper ly outhciiticuted within the time prescribed by law. W ISKM VN ROSS, I . , m , r . dec3—HG GEORGE W.ROSS ] A ,m **• C CREDITORS of the estate of ^ Ezekiel Causey, laic of Jefferson county, de- 0*11*1 d, are requested to j»re»ent their claims duly au- thenticnted within the tune prescribed by law ; and those inilebted to said dec’d. are required to pay the same without delay. 1SR\F.L CAUSEY, 1 dec 8 ALLEN CAUSEY, \ Allmri ’ D t'.BTORS to the estate of John Daniel, late of Hancock county, dec’d. are rc- que-ted to make payment without delay, and those linvim; demands ntruinst said estate are requested to pre-cut them wi D I) • preser.bcd by law. J A W F S L. DANIF.f Ex r|tlilRTY days after dute, uppli- JL ration will be made to the Inferior court of Put )ARAH SIMMONS, Adin’x. F OUR months after date, appli- cation w ill be matte to the Inferior court of Mm Kan county, when s'ttiiv* for onlinary purposes, lor leave to sell tli real estate of John Franklin, dec’d. lor the benefit uf the licit* - f vaidest. te. dec 6 FRANCES FB \ V KL!N. E'»v. P ERSO.NS having claims against the estate of David Sherri 11, late omGreene county, dec’ll, are requcuetl t«v present them legally attested w itliin tlu? time prescribed bv law. RICHARD ASH UK V, > 4 , . Nov 12 MIC.UAH BEDELL, J AUmr * I ^OUR months afterdate applicu tion will be made to the Inferior court of Jug >cr county, when sitting for ordinary purpo«e*, for [*aveto*ell atuirt of the real ——-*•**:"•— •• i’t Nov 12 F OUR mouths after date applica- tion w ill be inaile to the Inferior court of Warren muity, wheu jilting for onlinary purtxisex, for luivc j«ell the real estate uf Lewis Wright, lute of faid Otltfly, dec’d. NovT5 _ NANCY WRIGHT, Adro’r_ F OUR montlisnfterdatc applicu- tion will he made to the honorable Inferior cour of Taliaferro county, when sitting for ordinary pur- uses, fbr leave to sell the i t-al estaie of John bmitli, .te ot said cuunty, dec’d. Nov 12 WILLIAM 8MITII, Adm’r. F < tl ‘ nppliei the Infer! F tiiiic, apulicntion will bt: made for leave to sell two ne grovt belonging to the estate of said der’d. n is interested day by mutual consent. THE SUBSCRIBER wUl seil «A|| BALES OF COTTON WANT- WW XFXF ted. j. s. c. M.lleugeville, Dec 01—-it tion will be made to the honorabh the Inferior court of Washington county, whensittin for ordinary purpose*, for leave to sell the real estate Jesse Amer •n, Sr. late of said county, tier’d. Nov 12 NEWSOM TAUNTON, Adm’r. F OUR mouths after date nppli- cation will be made to the Interior court ol Putnam county, w hen sitting as a court of ordinary, for leave to sell tho realestnte of William Uox, dec’d. Nov 15 WM. W ILKINS, Adm’r. OUR months afterdate applicu- tion will t^"*ade to the Inferior court of Ta liaferro count', n sitting for ordinary purposes lor leave to sell the lands of Jemima W ilkinson, dec’d. for the benefit of tin* licit - and creditors. CYRUS BILUNGSLEA, AvImT dc bonis non. dec 17 I ^jXOUR months after date nppli- cation will be made to the Inferior court of Putnam county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sella part of the real estate of W innourn Odom, dec’d. Sold for the benefit of the* heirs thid I ^OUR months after date, nppli- cation will be made to the Inferior court of Morgun county, when sitting a* a com t ot Ordinary for leave to *eU the real estate of I-oac Venzy, dec’ll, who w as an orphan of Ezekiel Veazj, dec’d. situate lying and bcinjj in Morgan county. Abo i * tut... 1~ Ax.. ](>nvftO >ri. . nphan.— required to file their ob- JOHN VEAZF.Y. Guardian. jection-, il : 1 ^1 OUR months after date applicu- tion w ill be made to the Inferior court of Jas per county, when sitting for ordinary purpow-s, for have to sell to the real estate of Thomas Thames, lute of said county, dec’d. dec 1 f—w4m CARLTON G. SMITH. Kx’or. DR. OWENS, Dentist, main offers bis services to the citizens of thi* place—Hi* nfiire i* that torircrlv i " y c rpttE partnership hitherto exist. JL ing between the subscribers is dissolved this HOUSE, in the City of Savannah. FAIRCHILD. LYON L Co. respect' their friends uud the public in general U»l STAGE FROM MILLEDGHT- gfr VTLLE TO TALLAHSSSE.-—The public me in- lormetl that the un.-ei-lgned have conutienced run ning a line of STAGES from Milledg* vllb to Tal!al»a**e, via Mo- ion anil Hartford,once a week. Leaves .Milletlc v ilk- ,-\«n \V.*d- u**day morning at 8 o'clock, amt arrive* nt Tallaliidi-a-e on the »e\t Monday at 6 P. M. They can comfortablv ueeoiuiMu'.ate pa*- .«iu>i.ri UilltlU I't 0)1- TBSO tlie Heirs and Distributees of JL William Barton, late ot Morgan county, dec'd. You will please tuke notice, that I shall apply at the next Superior court ef Morgan county, on the first Monday in March 1928, for a writ of partition to as sign to me my dower. or that part of the real itale of said dec’d. to which I am entitled by the law-of this State, in such cases made and Provided—They arc* hereby notified to render their objection*, it any they have. LUCY BARTON, Widow dee 3 ot Win. Barton, dec’d. lj AW.—Oi.iver M. Curtiss res- U A pectfully informs the public that lie will prac tice Law'in Baldwin ami the adjacent counties—HU Offii e is on the court-house Square. dec ember 31 ^______ mfOUNT ZION ACADEMY— 4TJL This Institution will be again oj>eiied for the reception of Students on the first Monday in January next, under the wire of the lli-v. CAKLiLE P. BF- MaN. The TrnMei * have no hesitation in assuring tin- Public that tin- high literary standing of this A- cud.-my w ill be fully maintained under the Rcctoiship of Mr. firman. The health of this place for the present year has 1m en «neh as to challenge u competition w ith any o- ther section of our State. But two dt-alhs have oicur- riii within the year, one of w hich was produced hy old age, and the other from an infantile disease. Board In resjMTtable private families cun be ob tallied ou reasonable term*. Rate- of Tuition per Term, are ns follows Languages and the Sciences, 15 doll*. English Grammar, Arithmetic, Geogra phy anil under branches, lt> Spelling, Reading, Writing, Lc. 6 B aldwin county acad- EMY-—The regular terms of this InstPution will commence on Wednesday the 2d of January next* under the superintendence of MIL JOHN E. FIN LEY, a graduate of the College at Princeton, New- Jersey, who has laid charge of the Academy for the last six week*. te ion are They will be lierei Writing, Five Dollars per quarter. Arithmetic, English Grammar anil Geography, Six Dollars per quarter. Latin, Greek, Mathematics, Moral Philosophy, Rhe toric. 4tc. Seven Dollar* iM*r quarter, dec.31 TIIK COMMISSIONERS. NEW SADDLERY W ARE- ectfulljr informs they have Market Hquarewlu opened a Store in this City they have on hand and intend to keep constant ly foasu le a full supply ofSaddlef, Bridle*. Harnesses, Whi | s, Col lar* llogskin*. Morocpo, Skirting, Harness, and Bridle leather, Saddle Tree*. Worsted and Cotton Girth Wet»b Straining Webb, Polished Steel, Kra.s* anil Sil ver Plated Bitt‘ ami Stirrups,Coach andOig furniture, witliW general assortment of Saddlery. Ware, fcc.fcr. Merchants of the interior w ill find it to their advan tage to forw ai d their orders lor Saddlery to this place, the subs eribe'J bfingdclei u> sell "« < I'a Heston |»rie*rx, fea'iiinaa Rv'C, 13 -wro POST t»kF.CK DEPARTMENT. i Office of Mail Contrncts, Wa«hington City, Jan. I, Ift.'B. I P roposals, wilt i>c received ot tiie Post Office Department, until tip? 1st day of April next, for conveying tie* Mall from Coweta, Hi. by the countv sent ot Tioup. Mem wether. Ilarri*, Talliot. Ma*k»n and Mu-cogee to Fort Mitchell, once in two weeks. Also from Fort Mitchell to the county <cnt of I*,-, o.ire In two week*. The inail to travel at thernte of 4A miles . ach da>. The : •ixtract to lM*^in on the 10th of April next, amt r.mtiaui-d until the 31st of December, 1C3U. jan 11—tlA V. BA \DLF.Y. L ist of letters rcinniniuir in the Post Office M Zcbulon, Geo. onthe 30di December, 1 27. A—John Akin. B—John L. Beard 2, Caleb Rak. r, William Bn«tinn, D. Booth, Walter Hell, J. L. Bray, James llu*h, Samuel A. Ilailey, William Bird, Willi* W. Raker, John or Stephen Brow n, Nathan* ?t. a ■. C—Clerk Superior U-ourt Muscogee county, Henry Clinton, Clerk Superior rourt Troup eottntv, Jo«. Davis, Win Dmigherty 3. E—Renininiu Elliott, Absalom Echols, Teinjieruiice F.llis. F—Zaeuiirlah L. Fryer, Esq. Thomas A. Fox, Samuel Far mer, James Gray, Willson Gnthright. Ibalcrirk Gorden, William Ganiev, Zachariah Go.nlwin, John Grisham. II. «».('. Go-*. II—Robert Hudson, Edward Howard, James Hatley, John B. Holland 2, Jnm. * Herring, Wynt lle«u*r. J—Justices of the Inferior court Muscogee county. J.diu Johnson, 3. Il. nry .lersonMoor.*, Lemuel Merrel, Stephen MaIohp. Fuianuel Ma tin, Alexamier McRen, Mary Min.*, Jloderlrk Mar*ingn)e, W ILi J. Milner. O—William C. Osborn. P—D.*lila s. Porrot, Addison Petett, T. 1’crtes ?, I lin'on Purnell, Soloiiiou Pace.Jo*. Prnv. R—Janie* R. Robinson, John tlucl^er, John P»ei ’, Willi;,m Rai ney, David Rose. S—-Frederick IL .Stokes, Allen Simmons. Ephraim Sweet 3. T—John Thompson, John Tillery, A. W. ThompsoK, John n. Turner, \ —Mary Ann Varner. W—Hubbard Williams, Sarah V.Vstmorekinil, Jinkens Will-on, John Wad*V'<>tth, Samuel \Vin*lett, Ei.n- Wi.ulle.n*, Beiijai'iiu WilHi.m«on, Isaac B. Williamson, James Wicker, Ju*. Willie.d m. jan 11—Gt J. Bt'TTHH.I . 1’. M. A LIST OF LETTERS rcmfiitiing in tlu* Post Office nt Decatur, De Kalb county,on the t'nt of Jannnry, IP'.’ft, which, if not taken out before the fir-t ilny of April, will be *ent to the General Post Office n* dead letters. A—W illiam Avery, James Alborn 2, G. Anderson, Francis Argo, Charles Anderson, James Anderson. B—S. T. It iil.y2, LJ. Brndford, Nan. v lllnrkwell, John Blake, tame* Beall, Titos Beaty, It. Mrosehon, G. Baker, Ri. hard Barg.-, Iteiij. Brown, Burrell Blaektuon, Joshua Miooks, A. Bn-*, Juntos Blaekstocks, Elijah Bird, Janie* II. Beall, Frances Hi aty. (’—A. Cliamtler, W in. Cowen, Wesley ( os. Janie- S. Uorry, B. Chapmen, James Crnwlev, John W. Campbell, M. it Jane Ciiiet*- “ • * 7 r is well, Joh .... Dcfoor. Jam John De*h«Tier. E—Merill Emery, Zecb. F.lesnn. F—James W. Flow ers, John W. Fow ler 2, Jesse Fid. her 2 (t—J. V. George, James Goher, Thomas Grogan, W. R. Green wood, G. Grocan.John Gaddes. H—John Ilawkin*. Tho*. .\. Ilankin*. Willinm If -ard, Sarah G. Hankins, James W\ llnrhon 2, lames llaremu, Ezkl. liar, row 2, Ke/inh Holme*, Clm«. Harris, C. C. Ilickmou, Henry Hew e, Isaac Howell, William Hicks, Moses llornsby, Aiucs Heaton. J—IL F. Jones, Nathan Jourrtnn. K—J. II. Kirkpatrick, John Kirkly. L—Lemuel Leach 2, Charles Lively, T. II. Lnncar.ll. Logan, Jo seph 1*1 ml, Charles L'l'vver, Edward I ee. Nl—John M. Mnnn 2, S. McGrnd.v, W. A. Al’Cay, O. L. Morgan, Asa M’Cay, Janies Manguin, Afis- Nancy Mathew*, Aina**a May, Samuel Mahnlfy, Caroline W. Mathews, Samuel McCimli.** •», J«»hn Merkerson 2, Jes«e Mnv, R. G. MeDouaiil, Robert Meeord, Win. II. Melton, A. C. McDowell. N—S. Naramore, Harris S. Norman. I*— Dempsey Ferguson, Davis Prewett, Moses Powell, Nathaniel Pridgeon. R— James Russell 2, Lett. It. Itnode. Miss C. Robertson, Uuruos Reins,O. f|. Rnymon, Rev. N. Ramloll, Robert Oir. S—S. Shockley, Win. Nutlet, James Sims, A JC. Simons, Daniel Stephens, John Smith, Mr. Smith, John Steidiei 'Tu-illrv V. *rtipv»..r 9 \V 'IVrill ' 1—James Twillry, E. Turner 2, W. Tcrill, W in. A. Meadows, James Thompson, Isaac Tow ers. W—(t. Wagner, David White, W. Waldrick. Benin. Woodson, Jesse Wisdom. John Word, K. It. Weaver, Tor It. Ware, G. Wdli- f ir.l, James Willson, Stephen W llliams, Samuel D. White, W’esli / anuary 11—3t E. R. M. LE AN, T. M. Morgan . w ith marks as follows, black mane nud tad, r id shoes on before, almost entirely when under the saddle, inclined to ben little fOTK-E—The 'SulbscrilwTii Ii;iv:n«r <Ji.<j)o- ll sed of their Stock of Goods, are determined to close the buxine** of the concern us soon a* po*sible. All tho*" indebted to them by hook or note are request* d to make immedlHlc payment. Eatonton, Jan3—w2n» COOKE & \ A\ WAGENEN. %TOTlCE.—1 hi rcfiv forivnrn all per.-(inn ..M from trading for three certain notes of hnnd given l»v my self to J. J. McFarland, of Montgom.-rv can ly, two draw u for 25 dollars each, made payable to the said McFarland or bearer the •t day of January, I«2« ; the other for 25 dollars, made payable the first day of Marcli or April after, I cannot r. eolb- t w lileh. The consideration for which said note* w ere given hav ing lulled. I n determined not to pay them uules* conqu Bed bv law. DANIEL L. M< CRANIE. Jacksonville, Telfair conalv, January II—It I N the month of December, 1834, the date of the month not recollected, L. A. Gainer and Saudis Hu-h, both of the Stute of Georgia, Pula-ki couiitjr, made a note pavable TynrB^Stniycii oTstcilcii I'rom the t-uli- scriber, while hi Milledccvillc, on the nigh’ of the Gth Inst, large dark bay hor*r, shod all round, a scar in hi- forh.-ad, w it It e marks ot the collar, and trots very slu^glishlv, an.- t*"r- whuwill deliver him to the subscriber, ten pub* below Uj*. coupty, shall be litiendl}- rew arded, and -my inf.rmntiou lodg- ANDREW ELLIOTT. TRAYED OU STOLEN from the sub scribcr, on the night of the 28th December, 1027; (living in )imty,) a n eapj colored HORSE, about Oor 1<* years old, The said l .. believe tin.. • torwiirn nil per*on* lio L. A. GAINER. R ENTING—Willlx- rented to tin- liiu;lu-sl bidder, on Thursday 3l*t in*t. nt the ferry in # tbe r< serve nl McIntosh’s old stand, in Carrol county, uil the rest rve*. ii*rrie*.an«l proved fraction* belonging to the state of Georgia, l»i*u' ill tin* aid county of Carrol, and on Friday the bi t day ol Felnunry next, at said fery in Cow eta county, tin* like re*.re*, terries anil improved tractions in the said rountv of Coweta, jan I t JOHN THOM \S Sint* Com’ . 108TF0NED SALE.—On the first Tucs- day in February next, will be sold at the court house in the town of Madi*on, Morgan county,between theu-ual hours of sale, tlie following property, to Wit: •ix negroes, viz : Muekeyr abuut years old. Winner about 0 years old, Betty about 7 year* old, Jincy ubout •Id, ■'•• *- • y ears old, Charlotte ; old, levied upon as tin mortgage tl fa pi fr.voi e Jlo-'KU* In f-v..r of .bdu M. |». SI* MIKS, Mi’ll’. ItERIFF’S SALE—On the first Tuesday in MARCH next, will be *olil nt the court hou*e in tin* Blakely, Early county, between the usual hour* of sale, i 0 Inert. I on nr the proper . of Hun HI Orr '■ DAVID D. SMITH, I). Sh’ff. B ETWEEN the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday In February next, will be sold at the court house in the town of Decatur, DcKulb county, the follow ing pro perty, to wit: One sorrel stud horse, levied on ns the property of John Ware to satisfy a fi fa in favor of James Covvch ugaiu-t John Ware nod Thomas W’are security on the stay ; property pointed out by Tim as Ware. One house and lot in the town of Decatur, No 7, lev led on a* the property of James Anderson to satisfy sundry fi fas obtain, d in a justicosicourt in favor of Moses Powell, Indorsee a.-nin-lJns. Anderson and William Gresham indorser and others ; levy made and returned to me by a constable. One lot of land, No32, in the 15th di«t. of originally Henry now 'eKalb county, levied on as the property ot Augustus W. Flynt _.vl Nathaniel McCoy to satisfy a fi fa obtained in a justices rourt In favor of Aaron A. Cleelatid; levy made and returned to me by u constable. One traction or parcel of land in the I7th .list originally II: nry ..jw DeKalb county, levied on a* the property of Charles Yarn, r to satisfy a fifu In lavor of Jesse llaris agdn*t «ald Varner. . JOHN UitGWN, Deputy Sheriff. _ B ETWEEN the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, vv ill be sold before the court-house door, in the town of Decatur,) D.-Ka!h comity, the fol lowing property, to wit. Six negroes, to w it: Li levied on as tbe property ........ .... ... the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Flowers k Flowers v* It. Waller : property pointed out in said mortgage. JOHN BROWN, D. 8 u WINDER nn order of the ItifWinr court of 1/ WlWwin county, sitting as a court ofnrdiunry, will be -old ctatfcCilM rue-slay in M uoh ne-.t, at the court hou-ein N.-wton county, lot No 351, in the U:li dist of uriVluallv II* my now .Newton county. SoW fur the benefit of the heir-amt creditors of Frede rick nim*. dec’d. M YLES GIt F.EN K. \ . Vc jaunary 14 ^_R. <y. CRn n;NDEN, S A, ’ n ‘ 1S ’ ^^k/ILL be sold uti S^uturdity the 55d day w w ot February next, nt the late re*i* .*nce ol Obedience l.owe, dec’d. in Count), ail the p« ri fnifde j roperty of -aid dee’.'. '‘oiislsting ol liurses, caw s, ho *‘,-h .u*ub-d and kitchen lurnltu.r. far • ui. n-.l-, . urn, ladder, !.<*. fin- i*.- benefit uf the heir* aiul creditors. UK AN, Adm’r. ¥ II ji WE RIFE’S SALE.—Ou the first Tues- r-3 day In MARCH next, will be «nld at the court house in the town of Marion, Twiggs county, between the usual hour* of sale, i v follow ing property, to wit ■egroboy named Gilbert, 20 volumes of books, a Jerscv wag. gan, and a shot gun, all levied on as the property ot Abner Vcazey .o satisfy a fi fa issued on the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of John McBride ; property named in the mortgage fi fa. JAMES IMRRlftON, Sh’ff. kit /'ILLIh- nohluu Moiuluy Mfttli rluv of Ft-h- ruary next, nt tin* lm ■ ic-id.I.ce ol Reubln Tranum, in gan coumy. ui c’d. all the t . r -ha’. !•* pmjH ity of-aid bft.-o. , one vide of ), non and fodder. .Pin, hoii«chold ami ’*1. eoiisi*tiiix of h.n * •i»,»n»l cart, one * about title. It thou-. n furniture, und i - oth- r oi id.-- S dd for the honeAi of the o u - u on theday of mle. DAVID J P msr.vST to uu orilcr of tin- luftrior court of Twiggs rountv, when *dtlnzfuroidlnnry purpo ses, will be sold on tin- tir-t Tuesday in Mairh next, at lie- court- ho».-*e in the t vv a of P» rry, Houston cou’itv. lot N) 1/7, in the 12lh dlst of s.dil county. Sum a* the pr.-pcnv ol Jolui lleudcrson, de- c. B*.*tl,for the bint 11 ul the heir« and via odor*. V J.»*[ I Col mi i, when sitting for old nt the’tfotu t-hnii •• iiuhetovv uof .’ iluy in Fel luaiy n. xt.oue negro girl betw lltSMH 111 NDi r.SON, Adm’X. onh r of I lie tali r.or court of dinary purnos*«, vv ill be die lii -i mi 10 and iHyet tors of -aid dv ee s old. )ld for tin bt uelitnf tlie In i Terms mud. Unov n <>n tlie dnv. jan 7 J\M» S I). WIU.SON, A lin’r In .1 l,t of Ids vv ife. W llii, hn wohl on the first Tiusilny in Mat.hie it tli. ..nitlion-. in the town of Forsyth, Mm*rot* c.-ni'iv, hnlf of fit No It, in the5th i.i-trict of Monroe county. |n*i»i: t'.- F. i t 1 . i of *.»ld l«.t. A!*", in M.mti J .»p. r cou-it'. on the first Tin**tlay in Fe bruary u»*\t, >»i»e negro vii I named i) : lsi.,, nUout *'<ytitr*ofitge, nil belonging to tbe csfntc of Janies Wahl, dtv’d. Sold for the bene fit of live credilo.«, Yc. Conditions made know, on the day. iani.nv7 JAMES 1>. \V1 l.St)N, Adm'r. I N 31ou(iuclto, Juspcr county, w .ll lie sold on the Cum Tu«-il.«y in Marrh t> vt. two ildrt'-of a half *quare of land, where Witlia.n Hull ml, .1* c’d lived, atljoiulug land* of U. Reese, John Hill and other*. Sold foi tin benefit of tlie licirs of Win. Bullard, d* «,’d. Terms moot* known on the day. January 7 I X.MES ill LI. \H1 >. Guardian. R ENTING—On tlie fust Tucsdiiy in Fo- bruary next, will I-. rent' d for the present year, at the court-hoii-e ill Mi lie \ II", a lino.-.- m< I lot near tin* courthouse, and al*o the plantation vv hereon Obcdiv-n.v Low, the dec'd. lately re-id'il. Jinnary II _ J \M1^ DF.AN, Adm'r. I JVTUlt uiomlis ufti-r dute uppUcution will lie made to tin Inferior court of Baldwin county, when *it- ting for ordiu.-ry pu-po-c*, for leave to • Il tin- re il .* c iate of Obe dience, I/nve, dec'd. • J.VMES DEAN, Adm’r. January 11—w hu P ERSON'S indebted to the cstnte of Rcu- In-n Tranum lnt«*of Morgan county, dec'd. are requested to make immediate p,ivnirnt <*nd tho*c having demands against id i stntc to present them according toll J.i 1! n.OWRR, Adr**r. I j'OUlt months afu r dute application will be made to the Inferior court of Mm mu county, when sit ing (or ordinary purpo-* s lor leave to -i*ll the real citato of Reu ben Tranum lute of •■aid county, dec’d. January M • DAVID s (LOWER, Adm'r. I JVOUlt inoutlis uftcr date application will be made to tin- Inferior court of J i-por county, when sitting for ordimirymurpo*.--, lor leave to ». ll purt of the real estate of Burwell Gr. eiu*, di c’d. NANU Y GUT LNE, Adin’x. I jOI R nioatli.s after date uppliculiou will v> ill h«* mail- to the Inferior court ol Taliaferro county, when shiing for ordinary purpo****, for leave to*. II all the real «*»tat.* of Jam.-* Brvin,! .te of said county, dec'd. for the benefit of the la irs of sa'd dec’d. jnn7—w lin JOHN BRYAN, Adm’r. D EltTORS to tlie estate of Washington N. Dawson, late of Jones comity, dec’d. ore reque-ted to mnke ev.'ly payment, nr.l thoM* hav imr dcmaiul* against suid es t.ii r .»i!! t»re>ent them ir. terms of the law . j.:n 7~w tin NATHAN HREEDLOVE, Kx’or. pERSOKS indebted to the estate of Hugh M. T. Symonds.late of Morgan county,dec'd arc requested to make immetliat. pay ment, and those having demand* against said e-tate, arc requested to render them in prnp«*rly authenticated Nov 13 DAVID S. GLOWER, Ex .’r. C REDITORS of the estate of Bird Fer- fell, late of Hancock county, will present their claims du ly authenticated within the time prescribed by law; and those indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, tierfj JOHN FLETCHER. Kx’or, P ~ » estate of Burwcll Greene, late of Jasper county,dec'd. t» requested to render them in properly attested, and those iiwlebt.-d 1ERSON.S having demands ugninst the . , *.l to render tin'll to the estate we required to i jnuuitry 7 c immediate payment. W3IXCV olis-KNE. Ad.n'v OTICE Whereas my wife Elizabeth I me w itlioutany t' notify all persons ihnt 1 b tie _ any of her contract Marion, Go. Jan Jl—2t* IIEUDIS PUMPIIREY. ej C tAUTION.—l forwarn all persons from J trading for six proini««ory notes, given by me to Michael O’Conner of Savannah ; ns I have good teutons to believe that the said O’Conner has swindled me out of those notes, and am deter mined not to j.,.y them, unless bv law. Four of the pay uhle I day of N • ch, dated 12th December, 1827, and rafter ; the other two given for the ount each, v itli the same date, and Lovable aboi i.v.-mher, injP. URI vide, II.di comity, Jan.7, 1828—fit URIAH BARNETT. C '1 IH)lv(ilA, Madison county—'rolled bc- .W fore Wiiliain Adare, E*q. •) \\ Idtinii II. Adare, of Capt. Sander-’di*t. two .-tray II -:-*, . tie «nrrel, uj wards of 15 hands high, 7 or 3 yeurs old.’l oth tun.I feet v\ bite, some small saddle spot*, ids mam hangs the near sl.le, small white star in hi.* forehead, trot* and canter*. The other n *orrt! r.- .e, 12 or 13 years old, about 4 fret 8 inches high both hind t« •■. whit.-,a «t»r 111 hi* forehead, trots and canters, appraised bv John Mcl.« roy and Jae.ib Oo-*et. the solael to CO dollar*, and tlu u ..a to.V. dollar*, thi* »d. 1). c. It; 1. jan 14 SWHKL WILLIFORD, r. L C. C '1 LOIU.IA, Clar!' county.—Alt?u Moore, Jf of the 217ih district G. M. toll, d befon Dm iel Itamey, Esq. on tin* 3d iirt.u dark sorrel M ire.7 . r 8 yeats oi«l, with a star In her forehead : appraised to 10 dollar*, j.iunary 11 ROBERT LIGON, C. I. C. C '1 CORGI V, Tnllafi rro couqtv—-Tolled l»el"re me, Ro-.-r <2. I)'ckin*on, a ju*iiee of the peace for said county, of (’apt J. W. Tow -i ’district by Aril, tend Atkinson a bright bay lior«e, *upp.»*ed tr i •• eight or nine yrai* old, about Hi hand* hi-zh, nicked t il, r«">..ri no*.-, blind hi the light eye, in good order,and uj»pn»i*i'd » y \Vi'diam»on Birdui.d 1 Lun*- ford to ti*» or 7i» .1- liar* ; v i ). . -tray cam.- to the plant.iliou of .- dd Atkin-onationlihc fii-t i il-.-month. Dec Fiber 17, 1‘ 27. A true extract iVom the *i; •> bookot • ,id . ..imiy, ihi*‘2«tli Dec. I;: 27. HENRY Pfi It KINS, C. I.C. 1 KORGIA, C'owt tu C.’ouiity.—'rolled be* fo;e Nathaniel llnll, E-q. by Andrew Smit’.i. one bay horse, suj»|>o*cd to be (1 year* old la-l spring, no brands perc« ivable, trot* and racks, nboiu '> fe«-t high ; a|»prai*evl by David McWhor ter and Ez< Kiel .M» Whorl, r to be v orlh HO doll*. '28th Nov. 1827. ji»n_7 HENRY PYULETT, U.l.C. B rought to Bnhlwin county jail, oil the 8th in-t.a negro n ,.n by the name of It.-n, that states he P.-loti, - fo lilinm \t ay (or.tierly of Jeff-r*on county, (.ut states that lii* Jla*ter i* moving to t’raw find county, a chunky black fel low, about 5 toel ill incite* Id ;h, il year* old, very high cheek ottou pantaloon- - .ttinet coat,Jlnoait-clolhvast, says -is (’LAKK. Jailor. i hi* F Da 4CTORAGB & COMMISSION BU* SIN Ess.—Pll. R. YDNGF. ha- a*-oclated with him*elf .. 11 KM V YG.Nt'K, (oitlu of busiue-* in the Ji-.e in Dafi. ii, under tin* firm of Pll. II. YONGK k SON. N\ harv e« nod Store* are extendi en, Nov n C 'lURTIS BOLTON continuf s to transact ^ UOMMlSKHIN Rt nINF.SS nt New-Yqrk, and would be thankful fora share of the pa'r.mai'eof hi* friend- i:i Georgia— t’-ui-igimieuN tuny be forwarded.through Mr. ROUT. IIARER- ,'SIIAM Savannah—Advance*, if required^ inny al-o be arrnng- V vv-Yorh, Nov 23- ed with him. C - NO.Si MISSION BITS IN ESS—Tbo Siib- J *.-ri!»ev i.iV--r* i.ivservic. *to hi* friends, in tlie State of Geor gia, in the trail-action ol llu-in.--* on <’oninii»-loii, in the city of New-Ynrk, or in any other eapncitv, requiring tin- intervention of an ngent in thi* market. In thepiirrhase.or-al.-.ol'goo.'x.liepled- ges hi* most ardunu*ellbrts,and do. * not doubt hi* ability to give entire*nti*factloT*. GKORGE ROBERTSON. New York, Dec. 8, 1827 1 /• Letter* and order-, gian Savannah. < «treet, N. w Y a k, w ill » in m Mi; We km Mr. ROBF.K fsON .Up t paid) tluo i the hia and faithful \gei ■ hav n TluO 1.—The suliscriiit r having (.■siulilidu.-d il hiniw-lfiriS.ivnniinidi. for tl." purp'-'-of iran-ncting a gen eral coninii*«lo.i Ini-in.-*, "ll'er- l-.- *• rvie. * to hi* friend* in Au- gu*t«, nn.l in the ; -eoui try generally, lor the *ulc of produce, •iv ing and torwarding goods, and hojM**, by the iut -i f his etnjilo JOSEPH i REUF.itEM i> . WM. G \STO\, Savannah. WM. SIMS. WILLIAMS, k Co.) Nov. 22—vv 3m NDER an order of the Inferior court of Putnam county, when sitting for onlinary purpo«e«, will be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, at the court-house door In Eatonton, one negro girl by the name of Eady. Sold lor the benefit of the legatees of Wilson Swinny, dec'd. Terms mad* known on the day. GEORGE N. LANGFORD, Guardian, ianuarv 14 W tl.Lbc nolil on the first '1’ueHtluy in April next, at the court-house In the town of Greene*- borough. Green.* county, 3 negroes, viz : Ben a man. Sarah a wo man, and her child Cnroline. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Win. Fretwell. dec’d. it JAMES FRETW ELL, Ex'or. W ILL be sold on Saturday the 23d of Februarv next, at the plantation of Wm.C. Lesley, in Baldwin county, household and kitchen furniture, stock of all descriptions, corn, fodder, plantation tools, kc. kc. Terms—Cre dit until the 1st Decendier next, for all .sums of 1ft dollars and up wards, the jejrchas«.Tg»v»wg r mxil netCJ with «"proved security. MANSION HOUSE, Eatonton, Gu. The undcr*igned havin* purchased the entire Interest _ t<f Crafton k Beal, in the above establishment, have associated themselves under the firm of B« nl k Kiintu ough.— give general satisfaction to all who may favor them /ifftlif'lr Dec. 32—w3m VVVVERLY HALL, Muscogee Co. Tlie undersigned has completed a large ami con-forta- ble Imildinr.on the road h ading front Marshall’s Ferry .... Flint river tothe Falls of the Chattahoochee River, where tlie Sheriffs Sales anil other public business for the future will he trans acted. lie will keep supplies of Provision* and Giot cries for the accommodation of laud huutersand other traveller*. nov2f» ->w WM C. OSBORN. f VVII.L soil on the first Tucsduy in fV hrunrynext. at the rourt-liouse in Warrenton, to the higlu*«t bidder, lot No 17:», in the Mb «M*t. Trout* countv. One half the utrcha»e money will In-re«iuired I < hand, and II month* err4it for the balance. Titles made on the payuu-.d fi’itlt* vvtda. 4ccr T.jgMwmfirni mmrnmrn :■ . ■--'■-irit »■- 1 - 'J - '' 9 ;raBAiB9 AKTXCUOa, I'rom the Richmond Enquirer. 3IR. CLAY’S ADDRESS. Wc received hy last evening’s mail, from Mr. Clay, n pamphlet, “ printed by Peter Force” ut Washington, with the following title ; “ An address of Henry Clai/ to the Public, containing certain testimonials in ref utation of the charges against him made by General Andrew Jackson, touching the last Presidential Election." It consists of 6! pages—30 of which are from the pen of Mr. Clay; the other 31 arc thrown into an Ap. pctulix, embracing Documentary Evidence. —Mr. C. in a preliminary Memo, states it to have been his intention to have published this testimony, at an curlier period ; hut that “ unavoidable delay in the collection of it, lias retarded the execution of that inten tion." We deem it an act of justice to Mr. C. to submit the contents of this pamphlet before our renders ; and in the mean time must content ourselves with a very rapid synopsis. —Air. C. states, that having himself repea tedly und positively denied its truth, (rhe charge against hitn,)he “ thought it proper to resort to the testimony of those gentlemen from the 'Vest who had voted with me for Mr. Adams. Accordingly a friend of mine, Dr. VVuikins, ut my instance, addressed a circular t j those gentlemen during the last spring, inciting their attention to the. I'ai/- ctteville letter, and inquiring if there were any truth in its averments. And he has ob- tnmed from all of them but two, answers which are now presented to the public."—It is to be remarked that Mr. Watkins’circular, stating specifically the points to which they were requested to respond, is not given in the pamphlet—Mr. C. proceeds to give ex tracts from the Answers, (the whole of which ore published in ettenso in the Appendix.) viz : from Gen. McArthur, Gen. Vance, Gen. Beecher, Mr. Sloane, Mr. Wright, Mr. Vin ton, Mr. McLean, Mr. Whittlesey, Mr. Bart ley and Patterson, of Ohio—from Mr. Trim ble, F. Johnson, General Metcalf, Mr. Letcher, Buckner, uud Thompson of Ken- tielcy—from Mr. Scott of Mi'tmri—and Messrs. Gurley und Blent of Lousinnn. All of these deny nny knowledge or belief of any pioposition made by Mr. Clay or his friends to General Jackson or Ins friends ; many of them ; of any propositions from Mr. A. or his friends, to Mr. C. or his friends, anil indeed of any terms whatever being made as the conditions of their vote. Mr. C. then proceeds, in the 2d place, with comments on evidence (retailed in the Appendix) to show, that lie Imil made up his mind to vote against General Jackson or for Mr. Adams—This testimony is exhibited to show, that on various occasions and times, beginning in Kentucky ns early as about the 1st Oct. lS21, and continued in Hie city of Washington, down to the period when his determination to vote lor Mr. A. was gener ally known in Washington, lie “ uniformly ex pressed (bis conviction of Gen. J’s want of qualification, and (his) fixed resolution not to vote, for him, if (lie) were called upon to give a vote !”—The witnessess for the first period arc Dr. Drukc, Mr. I). Trimble, VV. R. Trimble, Col. Davidson, & J. J. Crit- t.-nden. Tho witnesses after I ii arrival at the city, are Mr. Johnston, Senator from Lou.siana, Mr. Bouligny the other Senator, the present Secretary of War, and Gen. Lafayette. lie next proceeds to show how long and how often Gen. J. hud made charges against him, previous to his conversation with Mr. Beverly:—this part of the pamphlet being intended to rehut that part of Gen. J’s. let ter, which says ‘‘the origin—the begining of this matter was nt my own house, and fire side. And finally he gives u history of the rela tions in which he bus stood to Gea. J. at different times—with the view of allowing that he has done nothing calculated to in duce Gen. J. to believe that he (Mr. C.) meant to support him for the Presidency. Oar readers, however, shall have a full op portunity of judging of all those devclope- meats for themselvi s. It was much to be wished, that tlicrj Imd been less appearance of special pleading in parts of this Investiga tion; and that the Circular of Dr. Watkins had nt once covered the whole ground; in terrogating «rich of the twenty-one Western Representatives thus: I)o you know or be lieve of any propositions made by or to Mr. Clay or any of his friends, or to Gen. Jack- son, by or to Mr. Adams, or any of their friends. This broad enquiry would have covered the whole gronnd at once, of any n- veriures at all made by Mr. Clay or to Mr. Clny by either of the enndifiates. But Mr. VVutkin’s pamphlet ns far ns we can gather the contents from the answers of his Corres pondents, does not go the whole. He ought to have taken in, not only propositions made l/i/ Clay's friends to Jackson’s nud “ condi tions made by Mr. C’s. friends to any per son” but propositions made by J/r. A's. friends to Mr. C's. Much envilting would thus have hern arrested. For the last four or five days, our town has been thronged with Indians. About 73ft Creeks a part of the McIntosh party, arrived in Tuscuinliiu on tlie 2.>tli inst. on their way to Arkansas, under the superiutendancc of Col. Brcnrly. General McIntosh, a son of the famous Chief of thnt inline, and who is now principal warrior of the tribe, is in com pany. The following statement we publish at his request : [Tuscumbia Patriot. On our wav to our location West of Migh ty river, we stuped and stationed ourselves at Ilnrpersvillc in the State of Alabama and. tarried there many weeks for some of the Emigrants toeome up, who were then behind. W e receive no hospitulitv from the citizens of that place, but were harassed with attach ments upon our property, and thrown in con fusion with fairs accounts. After we had taken up our line of March from Harpcrs- ville, at a late hour of the night, for our long i ournev, we were still disturbed by persons nving claim to property in our possession, Which had been obtained by us pioperlv :— [VOLUME XIX NO. 24. Hoping to march our people along pcucnbty* wc were troubled w ith Constables every five pules with false papers and we did not enjoy any peucc until we came down the Mountain; then we inarched along with peucc and har mony—passed through many villages, and arrived ut Tuscumbia, where we enctinipAl for a few duys, attending to take boats down the waters of the Tennessee, and so on to Mighty River. Here wc have remained seve ral days and have received all kind Of hosp'tality und good treatment. The citizens of Tuscumbia have treated us like brothers, and our old helpless women were furnished by the good women of tho I >wn with clothing. On Tuesday the 29th of Nov., tlie law of oar great Father above was explaining to us, and our people were glad to lieur it. As long ns our nation re mains upon the earth, we will recollect Tus can,ln.i. CHILLEY MclNTOSH. Tuscumbia, (Ala.) Nov. 30, 1827. THE JEFFERSON MANUSCRIPTS. I'rom the Virginian Advocate. AVc are authorized to slate, that the Pros pectus for the publication of the MSS of the late Thomas Jefferson, will lie offered for subscription next month, and that it is con templated to deliver the work to subscribers early next Summer. These papers were, for the most part, noted for publication, and arranged chronologically, by the author, du ring his life, mid then designated to the per son to whom they wore afterwards consigned at his death. They were miscellaneous in their charac ter, consisting of a memoir of himself, ter minating in the year 178ft, when he became Secretary of State to Gen. Washington, nml a voluminous correspondence frem 1779, to his death. All his letters will not, of course, be published. It is designed, how ever, only to omit those which relate to tho private affairs of himself or others, or the or dinary details of business, and to offer to the public nil, which in any manner, indicate his views, feelings and principles, in regard to subjects of general interest, whether mor nl or political. Wo believe thut, in thes.e papers, the Moralist, the Philosopher and the Politician, will find much to tunusc instruct, and interest him. We rejoice nt the prospect of an early publication of this work, because, amongst other reasons, of the vuried constructions at this time given to the opinions of Mr. Jeffer son, tending to induce the belief that he was not always consistent, The great political reformer will now speak for himself, in his own decisive energetic language, promulga ting bis own bold nnd incontrovertible doo trines. Wc do not expect that the propos ed publication will lie alike ngrccable to all. He who attempts to reform or enlighten mankind, must ever be opposed by ignorance, bigotry, and interested zeal; and while, in other countries, the Altar and the Throne form tlie rallying points ot opi#o.i t ion to ev ery innovation upon existing ubuses,—in HUB, the same motives operate scarcely lees effec tually without the aid of power or priesW craft. But, by the friends of human liberty, it will be duly appreciated and must emphat ically become the text book of republican ism. It is supposed thnt the work will comprise three octavo volumes, of about 500 pages cucli; and it will be ucoinpauicd by a portrait, of the author, and a fac simile of the Dec laration of Independence, as originally pre pared, of the subsequent alterations made liy the different members of the Committee. The Founder of Hamburg.—Whatever may have been the reverses ol fortune, or Utc errors and censures to which human frailty has subjected Mr. Shultz, it appears that dur ing the severest trials of his life, he has met with consolations, calculated to soften the bitterest portions of futc, and cheer the drea ry abode of the dungeon. We are informed that Capt. James Nel son, of Spencer county, Kentucky, on* of the Legatees of the estate of Walter Leigh, deceased, and late holding an interest in tho town of Hamburg, on the eve of his depar ture with his Lady to liis native country, pre sented Mr. Shultz, help re the prison with an elegant gelding, for his future use, in remem brance of the advice nud kindness, tendered him, accompanying this evidence of his grat itude, with some feeling und appropriate re marks, to which Mr. Shultz made a fkcling reply. We understand that business detained Capt. Nelson in this purt of the country a- bout two months, during which time, he al so gave his services to Mr. Shultz in prison. Wc arc also informed upon good authori ty, thnt a petition from Augusta, with the sig natures of hundreds of the most respectable citizens of that City has been presented to his Excellency for Mr. Shultz’ release, also several sums of money hove been sent him from that place, and that hundreds of dol lars huve been advanced for him, in the vil lage of Edgefield, without his asking or his knowledge ut the time, and from some infor mation wc hnve received, it is rendered pro bable that the Legislature is disposed to adopt some favorable measures for Hamburg. [Edg. Hive. The following Resolution has been adopt ed by the House of Representatives of the United States, ut the instance of Mr. LtiMF- kin of this Stute :— [Constitutionalist. On motion of Mr. LUMPKIN it was Resolved. Thut the Committee on Indian Alia ns. be instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing, by law, for the re moval of the vurious Tribes of Indians who are located within the States or Territories of the United States, to some eligible situa tion West of the River Mississippi. Who will wear corset boards note f An Iudiuiui paper states that a zealous elei^yman in the midst of his sennoti broke out thus—“ Mv dear sisli rs, I have no doubt but thnt there are corset hoards •• cough " this congregation, if collected together, to shingh a hen-roost