The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, February 09, 1829, Image 1

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MILLEDGETILtE, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1829. VOLUME XX.-NO. 2€L PHE GEORGIA JOURNAL kshetl twice a week durini; the session of the Legislature, kly for the reiiiaiiuler of the year, at the corner ot Wayne ■cock Streets, at THREE HOLLA US per auu. iu aiF r FOUR DOLLARS at the end of the year. ■per will not be sent to any person out ol the State, until cription money Is paid iu advance or saiistactory refereuce ^.wrtisement* inserted at the usual rates. , B. Sales of Laud and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors, guardians, are required, by law, to be held on the first Tues- of in the month, between the hours of ten in the torcnoon und three iu the afternoon, nt the court-house ol the county In which tnproperty is situate.—Notice of these sales must be given ma public gazette SIXTY days previous to the day of sale. Notice for the sale of Ucrsouul Property must be given in like Manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors ofun estate must be publish* ed for FORTY day*. iiti , . ..... Notice thut application will be madetotnc LourtofOrdinary for leave to sell lauJ, must be publisheii for FOUR MONTHS. Persons interested in those Advertisements which are published AVonthly, will And them in the lifst und fourth page of the first paper in every month. .•«..—« 1 .u«. li..j . nn «i n .in< •« — prompt uttention MAJOR JOHN MITCHELL is a candidate for Colonel of Baldwin county, to sup ply the vucancy occasioned by the resignation of Col. AY ORDINANCE, T O raise u Revenue for the support of the Corporation of the Town of Milledgeville, for the year ne thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, lfell ordained by the Inteudnnt and Conmiivsinuinof the town f Milledgeville, That for the purposrol raising a revenue to de ls, and pro sing fray the expellees'incldeiilal to the public reguTt s iding for such expenditures as may be necessary for the benefit ol said town,for the yenr eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, the following Taxes be, and they are hereby imposed,to wit: On all houses and *ots and unimproved lots, within the corpo rate limits of the town aforesaid, ntaxol eighteen cents on every hundred dollars value thereof, ns returned or assessed. On all Goods, Wares and Merchandize of every description, nine cents per hundred dollars valrn*. On all Attorneys, Physicians and Editors, n tax of three dollars each. , Onall white male persons above sixteen and under forty-five ▼ears of age, n tax ol one dollar and twenty-five cenls each, as a commutation fur road and street duty. On all white male persons between the ages of eighteen and sixty years, a tax of fifty cents each, as a commutation for patrol duty. On each male slave above sixteen and under forty-five years of uge,utax of one dollar twelve and a half cents, as a coni mutation for road and street labor. On all other slaves between the ages often and sixty years, a poll tax of twenty-eight cents each. • On all pleasure carriages, or carriages kept or used, or which inay lie kept or used, within the corporate limits of said town, for ravelling or the iraiispurtutiuu of persons, fifty-six and one-fourth ▼ :nts per wheel. Onall road waggons used within the corporate limits of said town, for the transportation o! burthens, twenty-eight cents per ** ' * — — said, , used i wheel, and oil all Je eighteen and threc-f ... On each blacksmiths’ forge, a tax of five dollars. On each free male and female person of color, and on rat h male and female slave living separate and apart from his or her owner or employer, between the ages of fifteen and sixty years, a tux ol sixteen dollars, who shall also comply with the forty-fifth and forty-sixth sections of an ordinance passed on the twenty-fourth of April, one thousand eight bundl ed und twenty eieht, entitled 41 An ordinance for the Internal government of the town of Mil ledgeville, revised undjndqpted by the Board of Commissioners." On each free male and female |»erson of color, over ten and un der fifteen years of age a tax of six dollars, and who shall also comply with the said forty-fifth and forty-sixth sections of the above cited ordinance. . On each billiard and bagatelle table a tax ofTifty dollars. On each tan-yard within the corporate limits ol said town, fif teen dollars. On each livery stable, in which tlie owner oruccupautmay keep lmrses on hire, or hors**s to be hired by the day or lunger or short er time, eight dollars. On every thousand bricks burned on the common, a tax oft wen- tv IVIlK iVltbin the corporate quantity than one quart. : dollar to the Secretary in ull cases which require license. Onall goods,wares andtnercliadize brought within the corpo rate limit- of the town of Milledgeville, at any time between the first day of January and the thirty-first of December of the present year, a tax of nine cents for every hundred dollar* value therrol, und should any person or persons bringing goods, w ares or mer chandize n* aforesaid.and fail to return them, and to pay the tax aforesaid, it shall lie the duty of the Marshal to proceed to assess agreeably to the fourteenth '* ‘ L “ " J: * NOTICE. P ERSONS indebted to the Subscriber, ar *. fuquested t° make immediate payment. He will be tounu at his old stand, now occupied by Mr. A. Du Hom e, iuuuury 5 u r>Au»*• II. COSVARD. 4 CLERK, wanted immediately, who can come well recommended, as 10 qualifications la tlie Mcr Canute Business, und ofgoud moral character.' ian»t-3i . STANFORD Is BUCKNER. TIMBER, LUMBER & FIRE-WOOD. O N Friday the 20th day of February next, the Inspectors of tlie Penitentiary will receive sealed pro- -a.. ... . ,.e 1 LUM the nri will l>< r.'Lao’’/ 01 !«" "' s,,l ‘iR ‘I'p Institution with TIMBER AND LfJM- IILit, for the present year. The proposals must express ces, delivered at Urn Penitentiary. Bond and security required fur the performance of the contract. The Timber ami Lumber will be submitted to the inspection of the Officers of the Institution, and none will be received unless it be of the quality and kind expressed in the contract. The'following is a statement of the Timber and Lumber to be I 1-1iuches •, from thick, If! feet long. 2000 feet (him, Birch or Maple Scantling,-! inches squar 0 to Id feet long. •1000 feet I'optor Plunk, 5-8 inch thick. 11 feet long, rough edge. 2000 feet Poplar Plank, 1 3-1 inches thick, 17 inches wide, and 15 feet long. 2000 feet young lough White Oak Plank, 21-2 iuches thick, and Id teething. 2 fords young tough Hickory. 50 Waggon Tongues. So do. Axletrees. SO do. Boulstcrs. 50 do llouiis. 4 Sills, 23f?etlong, and 10 by 11 inches square,) ... lon r 8 do. Iff do. 10 lo do. > ABlobfioI 1 do. 3J do. 9 ti do. 5 '"“r 1 »’ ine - 2 Post Oak Posts, 32 feet long, ti iuches square, to be left round 3 feet nt the larger end. Also such quantity n| Fire-Wood as may be needed for the year. By order of the Inspectors. jnn 10—41 U. IL L. Hrr.HA.NAX, Secretary. M ill-irons, inks a gudgeons. The siibscrllHT having reduced his prices for Mill Iron* very low, for the sake of ready money, and having been’ several times disappointed iu getting the money Ht all, alter faithful pro mises, ! he wishes to inform all persons w ho want such articles that he feels very thankful for their calls, but is determined to deliver his work only on the cash being paid before it is moved from the shop, as lit has suflered very severely by a contrary course, to the great prejudice of those who have turtushedtUe materials. I /' Those who have received work at |20 cents per pound, by E romising to pay ready cash, and have failed, may expect to pay > cents per pound, agreeable to my common rules. MMhitgovllle, Dec 10 I. T. CUSHING. PUBLIC LAND SALES. SALE OF REVERTED LANDS, .y c . I N compliance with an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, passed on the 22ddny of December, 1827, entitled “An Act to dispose of the residue ol lands heretofore reserved for the us. of the Stale," the Coiutuis- purchasers, also the Fractional i and Islands, not sold for want o State’s half of the laits of land c which have been sold und reverted t B OOK BINDING.—Tlie Subscriber has ltli which he w ill he able to execute all kinds of work, in a -tul substantial manner. The public may roly on having orders executed promptly. Blank Books will be kept on hand of every inscription; and will be also made to order, lor Cash only, on us mod terms as uluiiy other place in the State. EDWARD JOHNSON, Book-Binder. \|,c 3 ff ACCORDING to It Bye-Law adopted hy rtL 111" BOVRD OP PHYSICIANS OP GEORGIA, nt Until- late session, each member of the Board is required to forward to l* and residci eof e ery p« • forv i to w hou .ly after granting U, with the date of the same, In order that tfiey may lie recorded. Appli cants are reminded that they are ^uired lo write Theses, w hich arc to be handed tome, before,or ou the first day of the meeting of the Board. Those who wish their names entered as candidates, can have it done |»v sending no* their names, residence, and title of Thesis, and paying the postage ol their letters. Their exam inations will be conducted in the order they are set down. Those will not be lice, sed who are materially deficient in any of the seven branches of the science of Medicine, according to a bye- ‘ ** A. JONES, M. D. Dei gton.Ga. Jan ID—eo3m Lexft T O whom it may concern.—Gcorpo W Dillingham gives notice of his intention to close his con cern- in Jones sounty.—All persons indebted quested io make early payiuen will give his personal attenlioi ‘ his Store iu Clinton, lie v market prices. iithele: i applying to got ii hand on thefir-i the ordinance of the Thut nothing herein \ OTICE.—Lost a few days past, in the county of Oglethorpe, a Promissory* Note given hy Joel lean, of the county ol Oglethorpe, payable to me on the 25th ult. for 70 dollar*—I do furwamall persons from trailing for said note, juu ltf—luliiu AQUILLA GREER, hisx mark. tkiay of the „ Provided contained shall bo considered merchandize given inns being vent year, w hich have been or may be brought within the corpo rate limits of the town aforesaid, since thesnirl first day of Jan- uury and before the thirty-first of December next, and iiotFold at public auction. Atte R* ail and passed, 17th January, 132!). B. WASHINGTON^? FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, ifc. R ecently received at Dr. GREEN’S DRUG STORE, next the Post Office, a supply of PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS, OILS, PERFUMERY, DYE-STUFFS. FRESH MEDICINES,fee. Which with the Stock on hand, constitutes an extensive assort- ^TOLEX out of the stable of the subscri- ber, living in Wilkinson county, on the road leading from Milledgeville to Hartford, und about id miles from the tormer pluce, on Saturday night the loth instant, a small GKKY MARK, about 7 nr ti years old, about 4 feet 7 or8 inches high, k. heavy wit’ al—She ha3 a small dent just below her eyes, which Is very r< nrkablc ; a short switch tail, trots altogether. A reword of J •liars w ill be paid for the delivery of the Mare to me, or 20 do is for the mare..nd thief—and any information respecting h. ill be thankfully received hy letter ur otherwise directed to tt »st Office in Milledgeville. JOHN GANEY innu ii \ • U—3t* ent.—Asabi. Sulphate of Quinine, Tills,—Tincture,—Syrup, Wine and Solution ot do. Tiperi may be had D-narcot ised Laudanum, Croton Oil, Stoughton’*, Colombo, mL Capt. S. p. Breedlove Wyler Howe! •*’ Blanton Thos. Harrell Kxtractof do. All very superior article! Pressed CASTOR OIL. Irs—Also MILLEDGEVILLE HOOK STORE. F OR SALE at said Store, St. Valentine’ll Day, a new and capital w ork, by the author of Waverly. Also for delivery to subscribers, TIIE AMERICAN QUAR TERLY REVIEW,Gth No.or whole sets-*»4!E SOUTHERN REVIEW, and THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE, by Dr N.Chapinnn.kc. Ac. Subscriptions will be thankfully received to ihe above, and to the Franklin Journal or American Mechanics Magazine—tite Mir ror of the Patent Office—and the Conversation Lexicon or Popular Lnryelopiiedfu.ull Importantly valuable Works. jttly 14 lUriLLEDGEVILLE BOOK STORE— JLYJL For sale, as above, a general supply of BOOKS AND Rogers’ Silver, Steel, anti other Par 'STATIONARY. Among luabl Medicine, Science it Di’ A great variety of Bibles, Books, it Works of Dev Novel*, Poetry, Voyage Travels. Reboot Books, including Jlook generally KnAUh, Greek - partments of the Senunune; and ed iu the lle- ml l 1 Folders. Black and Red Ink k Ink Paw tier. Mathematical Instruments, it cases and single. Port Folios ami Pocket Books. Black Sand and Sami Boxes. Pounce and Boxes. Black und Red Sealing Wax. Office nntl other Wafers. Slates amt Slate Pencils. r Colors in Boxei for the umuseinentand instruc tion of children Jk young per sons. A large quantity of Writing and Letter Pa per It Blank Books. Quills, Block and lied Pencils. Crayons—Self-pointing Pencils. Silver Pencil Cases. Recently received tlie following popula und valuable Works: llorne’s Introductions the Stu dy of the Holy Scriptures. John’s do. the Old Testament, Sketches of Persia, l>eatb-Bed Scenes,by Dr. \V war- ton, Art of Living Long and Comfor tably, l.'de’s French Conk, l.tfo ol Lcdyurd, Columbus’ own Journal of his first Voyage, Washington In lunihiis, Tales of a Grand Father, by Waiter r Lady .Morgan’s piquant *nt - • • e o*li hci el, Urn ( s Life of Co ni isaud O’Fla- » * Flirtation,by Lady Campbell,Lc —ALSO— The Am. Quarterly Review, I The American Journal of tin *l'hc Southern Review, I Medical Sciences. Arrangements have been made, which will in future .secure t the ubscribers, in the up-country ; to these valuable periodicals, uti early and prompt recepthm ot them. And a large supply of FRESH GARDEN SELDS^Ire. Uc. Alsoan extensive* assortment nf Drugs, Medical Preparation* Patent Medicines,Oils, Paints, Dye-StuUs. Window -Glass, Spices and Perfumery—A constant supply of finest Winter Strained Lamp Oil—Fine Tobacco and Mackauoy and Scotch Snufl*. All of which will be sold nt very reasonable prices, for Cash ot atisfnetory paper. March 10 HEAD QUARTERS, GEORGIA. I Milledgeville, January 10,1829. O RDERS.—Tlie Review and Inspection of lUe Militia for the ynir HS9, by llerioionts and natm- •/ill lu'iftn on tlifr tirst Momlav in Anril nex ‘ f D tiy the first M« ••uartersthe uiuea The Aids of the C und report directly ice of the Mill! that the Review ii July following—They will >a ph . llei antic copies of their returns to DiviiioM Inspectors. The Returns must be full, accurate, and pre subordination marked, and nppropriaf“' s ol all grades, ami t m auder in Chief regrt for him to attend all tin* Rex iew »• Brigade will attend personally «> tlie Cooin the due execution of tin nder in Chief SANFORD, Aid-fle-Camp NEW ESTABLISHMENT. C A8II AND BARTER STORE—The undersigned have taken the Store House, lately occupied ),y Thos. II.Stubbs,uear the Presbyterian Mceting-Huuse, whert Vwcy are opeuing a fine assortment of Dnj Goods, Groceries f Crockery, fyc. which they will dispose of for Cash or Country Produce, at ex freinely y*w rates,am*, will give for Cotton, Wool, Hide.-, 'Fallow IIutter',!!*rd, EggA, Bees-Wax, Deer-Skins, Furs, Linneni. Cot fon (piper) ILigs, ami Grain gfnll kinds, the same prices, the diflVsrence of carriage excepted, w ould lie obtained for them jn Augusta or Savannah. They will he thunkfm ' -patroivige of a liberal public. Mill* dgeville, Dec 22 WEED k DEAN. H ATS AND CLOTHING.-r-A large assortment of Superior lint*,also a few Ladies and « Cloaks and Pantaloons, Vests, Ur. are just opened and ill be -old v ery low at the New Store of ilea »' I .v.D k t)l-.. OTICE—Tlie subscrilieiv Imviug di.-po- sed of thei -nods. closing tin? basin- sible. All t!io*e indebted t«» . „ , uro earnestly solicited t« out delay. of the . Me -r-. Har mil a ell V Foi S" edily, i-d and settle the*: 1ST OF LETTERS remaining in tl. I Post Office at TalUnttou. Talbu' county, on the 31s 1 lie Rev. Charles Fisher James Perryman William Rogers S. Martin Stroller Hay w ood Sherrod Wriglit Sherrod WM. McMURRAY, P M LAW NOTICES. I AW NOTICE.- A Practice Law in Copart Hie Chattahoochee Circuit, nnd ii and Upson, of the Flint. Their office is at _ county. 8. ARMSTRONG BAILEY. 29—en3m WILLIAM DOUGHERTY. -The iinilcrsi-'iH'd « 'ship in the counties compos! AW- Tlie subscribers linviuu associated •es in the practice of Law, under 1the firm of HAI LEY U GORDON, will attend regularly the Courts in the Chat tahoochee Circuit; also the Courts of Upson and Crnwlord in V Flint, mid Baker and Early in the Southern Circuit; nnd vvh executions are tube levied on land In the new purchase, w punctually attend the sheriffs sales ami collect the money. S. T. BAILEY, jan 12—mCm THoS. G. GORDON. L AW. Tlie Subscribers have united themselves in the Practiceof the Law. They will attend tin? Courts of the Ocmulgee, Twiggs of the Southern, anti Bibb Milledgeville, Jan 12 S TEWART FLOYD, Attorney at Law will practice in the several counties of the Ocmulgee Cir cuit.aud in the adjacent counties of tlie Western and Flint Cir nulls Madison, Morgan county, Jan 111—7t J OHN CRAWFORD Attorney at Law will practice In the counties of the Ocmulgee Circuit, an. i the adjoining counties of tlie Flint Circuit. ** :ello, Jan 19—9t L AW.—TIir undersigned Iwivinp ])enna- nently settled in Milledgeville, offers his services to the pub lic in the Practiceof the Law- Circuit, and adjacent comities, n 2C—It al Courts of the Ocuiul- JOSEPH T. WILLIAMS. L AW NOTICE—The undersigned have taken an office in the West end of lluson’s Inn, fronting In tny alisi Milledgeville, Jan 31—It D. B. MITCHE Sale of 144 Half Acre Loti within the town of Columbus. I N compliance with an act of the General Assembly of the State of Georgin, posssed on the 21 dny of December, 1827, entitled “An ;;ct to lay out a trading town, and dispose of tlie lands reserved for the use of the State, ik m em Falls on the Chattahoochee river, nnd to name the The Commissioners appointed under the provisions of said t. w ill offer for sale at public outcry, in the town of Columbus, coinmmeiicingou Momlay, 23/1 day of March next, all Ihe unsold lots in said Town Columbus, consisting of ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR. The Sale to continue from day til all are soil. One-fifth of the purchase money will be required in advance, the balance in four equal mutual instalments. - ELIAS BEALL. * K. I. DEG RAFFENREID, P. II. ALSTON, IGNATIUS A. FEW. Commissioners for bn lug off the town of Columbus, aiul the r- •rve at Coweta Fall*. !Cr Tlie Editors of tlie Charleston Courier, the Tuscalont hronicle, nnd of all the public gazettes in Georgia will insert io above advertisement weekly for sixty days, and forward their rcounls to meat Columbus for pay Sec VVlte. ^ yof February immediately IronUng L.MAl F I I h IIALL, and continue from dav to dav as herein after specified,the Fractional parts of Surveys,Reservations and Islands, which have rvvevted to the State by deiaull uf former "“""s of Surveys, Reservations, | ersat former sales, and the uued a* lihuduleutiy drawn, -- .... Ihe State,vix: On Monday the 16th of February, 1829, Fraction. No n.mi 31, o. ithc suu'. Imli „r i„t No u, in ilic nth district of Fuyette county ; and fractious No 115, 14«, 17ti, lbU, 185 and 186, in the 7th district, and Nos lo, 11, 29, 30, 49, 60, 70, 116, 141 ami H2,inthe8th di»tiici,ami 13.i, UK. 1J7, 1 ;u l.’x), 151. i 156, 100. 161 and 162,In the 14th district ol Ibrnierlv Fayette now De Kulh county, and No» 15 43, in the 1st district of Walton coun ty, aiul313and 314, in the 1st district formerly Wnltmi now New ton county, and 87, 88 mid 257, in the 3d district Wulton county,ami 52. 171, 330, 331, 311, 312, 313 and 311, iu the HU district, und the StnteNlmlf ol lots No 126. 150 nnd 221. in the 1st district ol Henry county,and the State’s hall of lot No 127, iu the 4lh district, ami the Slate’s hull' ol No 1C6, in the 5th district.- On Tuesday tbo 17tli, Fractions Nos 78, 121, 140, HF* 217, 260, 277, ‘279, 3K>, 372, 417, und 4.12, in the 9th dUtrict formerly Henry now New ton county, and Nos 400, 402, 403, 404, 423, 425, 423 ami 429, in the Mtb district formerly Ilenry now W niton county, und the State's ball of lot No 42,in the 12th district of Henry county, mid the State’s ball ot lot No 71, ill the 15th district,and fractions No* 234, ?d5, 309, 310, 333, 334, 335 and 356. in tlie Pith district formerly lleury now Newton county, and the State’s half of lot No SOI, in the Kit h district ot Henry county, und fractious 61. 127, 168, lt»9, 170, 171, 172, 21;, 231. 237, 238 and 239, in the 17th tlistrict formerly Ilenry now |)e Kalb countyi and Nos 179, 220, 3J‘J, 382 and 385 in the 18th district. On Wednesday tlie 18tb, The following Islands attached to Henrr county, Nos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19 20, 21 und 22, and Nos 49, 80 81, C2, 145and 146,in the 1st district of formerly Monroe now Pike county, and No«3, 4, 2oL27, in the tlh tli-t Montue.and I ruction 157, am! lot No 156, and fraction No ISO. in the 5th district, und the State’s half of lot* 156, 185 und 186, in the 6th district, and '.he State's half of lot No 2, in the 8th district formerly Monroe Pike county,and fractions Nos 270am! 271 in the 9th district Pike, and the State’s half of lot No 134, in the 1 Ith district roe, uml the State’s half of lot No 146, in the 12th district, and -tale’s half of lots Nos 10, 89, 110, 282, 302, SKI anil 3-12, in the 13th district, and fraction 322, in the same district, and fractions Nos. 273, 306, 319, 361 and 369, in the same district Monrue now Bibb county. On Thursday the 19th, Fractions Nos'Hl, MO, 107, 109, 110 and 115, in the Mth district of Monroe county, and the islands attached to Monroe eounty, Nos 26, 27, 38 and 39, and fractiuusNos 236, 237 ami *74, in the 16th district Monroe now Pike county, ami the islands attached to Bibb county. Nos 64 uml 65, and fractions Nos 100, 227, 268, 307 and 308, in the 1st district of Houston now Crawford count v, and Nos 271, 275 and 276, in the 4th district of Houston now Bibb comity, und Nos 2t)9, 210, 211, ‘2»1 aud ; 232. in the 5th district of Houston now Bibb county, and Nos 251, 252, 268, 269, 271, 272, 273 and 278, in the same district Houston county, and Nos 240 uml 254, in the 7ih district now Craw ford, nnd Nos 149, 147, 118, 149, 159, 151,152 and 171, in the 8lh district Houston county. Oil Friday the 20th, No* 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 116, 117, 113, 135, 137, 139 mid 1.56,in the llth district, and Nos 63, 64, 147, 149, 199, 231, 212. 243, 239, 240, 241, 212, 243, 261, 362 nnd 290, iu the 12ih dsitrict, and Nos 127. 168, 169, 210 and 211 in the 13th district,and Nos 319, 321, 322, 327, 333 and atl, In the 14th district,and Nos 183, 1LV, 191. 192, 196.230. 237 and 238, in the 15th district. ’ On Saturday the 21st, 31, 07. US, CJ, 70, 7S. 77. 177, 170, 179, Ira. 1C I nnd ISC, In the 16th district originally Houston, and No* 209, 214, 230, 235 am und 240, in the same district now Crnwlord county, and the islnmn attached to Houston eounty, Nos 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 04, 85 86. 87, 83, 89, DM, 92, 93. 91, ffeuml 98, ami linetinn No 177, and lo 179, and fractions Nos 215, 216, 218 and 219, iu the J t district o Dooly eounty,nnd fraction No 1. in the 2d district, fraction! Nos 5, 69, 96, 97, 93, 99, 169, 191, 132, 133, 13 J, 161 and 165, in U:« Uth district. On Monday the 23d, Nos ICO, 167, 193, 194, 195, 218, 219, 220, 221, 239, 210, 241, 212, 257, 258, 270, 271, 272, 278, 279, 280, 281, 2513 and 285, iu the saim district, ami Nos J, 2, 3, 4, ti, 7, 8, 11, 63, 76, 99. 91, 92, 93. Ill 130, 151 and 188, in the 9th district, nnd Nos 2. 3, 4 ami 257, iu th< 10th district, and Nos 262, 390 and 301 in the 12th district. On Tuesday the 24tli f 195, 196. 197, 198, 199, 229, 230, 248, 249, 252, 253, 254, 256omi256, tn the 15th district. On Wednesday the 25th, Nos 209, 239, 240, 241 and 242. in the lt)th district, nnd No304, in the 5tb district of Gwinnett county, mid lot No 19, uiul fraction* Nos 25, 40, 41, 42, 96, 218 and 217, in the 6th district, amt Nos 278 and 354, in the same district now De Kalb county, und Nos 1/7, 90, 181, 182, 223and 299,inlhe7th district Gwinnett county, nnd Nos 72, 74, 95, 115, 133, 134, 151, 166. 167, 179, 190, 191, 199, 208, 210, 223. 225, 22U and227, in the Ut district of Irwin vounty, and N< 64, 102, 103, 137, 138, 1G8, 169, 105, 19K, 218, 219, 217, 253 at 253, in the 2d district, and Nos 117 and 133, in the 4tli district. On Thursday the 20th, Nos 196, 197, 23-1, 261 and 316, in the 1st district of Early cou ty, nnd Nos 388, 389, 391. 398 nnd 401, in the 5th district, uml N... 149, 141. 174, 175, 176, J77, 178, 179, 184, 185, RiO, 259, 260 and 315. in the 8th district, and Nos 14, 67 nnd 411, in the 9th I'istrict, ami Nos 281, 282, 318, 319, 353, 351, 355, 356, 382, 395, 396, 397,405,496, 110,113, 411 and 415, in the 1 Ith district. On Friday the 27th, Nos 14. 30, 31, 65, 9G, 137, 150, 172, 174, 175, 176, 178, 297, 293, 299, 300, 395, 409. 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 117, 413. 422 and 421, in the 12th district, and Nos 113, 115, I hi, 187, 190, 245, 246, 370, 871, 372anu 873,in the Mth district,and Nos 164, 165, ICG, 192, 212, 213, 214, 215, 21Gaud 217, in the 15th district. On Saturday the 28th, Nos. 218, 229, 239, 240, 211, 243,263, 2G5. 2G7 and 292; in the district, and Nos 321, 353, 3Jl, 398 ami 393, lu the20th district.and Nos 81, 1**0, 196, 197. 19F, 199, 200. 227. 240. 241. 21?, 214, 216, 217, 250, 257, 261, 262, 270, 272, 299, 300, 335, 379 and 420. hi the 21rt district, and Nos383and 198, in the26th district,and Nos <01, 419, 448, 449 and 455, in the 28th district. On Monday the 2d day of March, Nos. 353, 401, 418. 429,*430, 431, 435 nnd 436,111 tlie 1st dist form erly Appling now Telfair county, and Nos 624, 625, 626, 027, 642, 641, 648, 631, 655, 656, 657, 659, 060, Cfll, tMiJandOtsi, 111 the 2d dis trict of Appling county, and Nos 25, 20, 27, 78, 79, 130, 131, R r 186, 291, 339, 3H1, 419. 449, 450, 438, 499, 500, .509 and 510, in tli 3d district,and Nos 459, 400,461, 462, 463 and 195, in the 4th dist On Tuesday tlie &1, Nos 496, 500, 601, 502, 503, 504. *517, 518, 519, 522, 623, 524, 520 and 527, in Ihe same district, amt Nos 300, 301, 519, 341, 312. 31 J, 345, 316. 317. 370, 571, 372, 373, 874, 375, 376, 377. 378, 385, 6'tOand 891, ill the9th district,and Nos 1.19, 50, 91,169, lEOarnt 181,iu the 8th district of llnll county, and Nos 1, 13, 25, 37, 48, 49, 59and 66, in the 9th district. On Wednesday the 4lh, Nos 67, 68, G9, 70, 02, 83, 81, 91. 93, 96, 99, 107, IIP, 111, ! 12,113, 115, 116, 117, 12), 128 and 135, and the State’s half of lot No 14- fraction No 176, in thesnme district, and the State’s half of lot.N- 48, ami fraction No 89, in the 10th district, and lot No lOt), in the 11th district,and Nos90,102 nnd 125, in the 1st district of Haber sham county, and lot* Nos lOnnd 100, in the 3.1 district, nnd lot No 10, and fractions Nos 121 128, 129,130,131, 132, 133 nnd 13,', In the 4th district, nnd Nos 1, 3,4,6, 7, 0,10,13 and 15, in the 6th dis trict. On Thursday the flth, Nos 16,17,18 and 2o,andlnt No 100, in the same district, nnd frac tions No*6,7,21. 38,39,40,42,45,46, 47nnd 48. nnd lots N ( ».« lo ami 100, in the tltli district, and fractions No* 10,30, 17H. 204, 205, 2otJ 207,208,209,210,211.212,224 and 225,in the loth district, and Not 21,104,152,168 nnd 171. in the llth district, mid Nos 37. 38,39, 72,106,136,138, 1C5,185,201, 205,215und 216, in the 12lhdisti -tt. On Friday the Citli, Nos24, 25,101,105,108,130,131,150,171,183.184,185. 193 nnd 19-1 in the 13th district, und lot No 10, in the 1st district nf Rahim coun ty, am! lot No 10, in the 2d district, and fractions, N.-s H, -pi 70, 77 and 78, in the 3d district, and Nos 12, 13, 37, 38, 39, 59, 60,70,77,79 and 30 in tin- 4th district,nnd lot No 10, nnd fractions Nos 11,12, 13 83, In the 5thdistrict, am! islands Nos 477 and 483. in the 2d (list, of Baldwin county, and fraction No 10, in the 3d district, uml Nos 21 and 60 in the 4th district, and fractior No 259 in the Ptli district, and No 252,in the lOtlidistrict,and No 196,in the 10th district,anti Nos 192, 243, 257 and 258, in the20th district. On Saturday the 7th, No* I, 2, 3. 25, 26 t CO. 61 nnd 301, in the M district nf Wilkinson county, and No 321, in the 2d district, and Nos timid 12, in the4th district,and Nos 185, 191 and 288, in theCthdistrict,and No-112, iu the 8th district, nnd Nos 286, 310 nnd 311, In the 17th district, uml No 243,in the 18th district, and No399, in the22d district, and No* 267and283, In the 23d district, and Nos 243, 214, 245 ami 246, in the 26th district,nnd letter* A mid B.nml Nos .’Hi, 110, 212, 417, 4.37nnd 438, in the 1st district of Wu) ne county, mid Nos 219, 250. 275, 276 nnd 282, in the 2d district, and Nos 224, 225, 261, 265 mid 266, in the 3d district. One-fifth of the purchase money will be required in hand, in specio or current bills, on any of the chartered Hank* of this State. J AMES WHITFIELD, TAVERNS. MANSION HOUSE, MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA. S U lid f “ r .upi-rior to .nf iu!irr In MIIUdit-TlUii occui.iiil an .1 -lie I.•tin'll Irani Ull- crntvti, w,» unwed far ,V cotnftm niliuii. nml p.rl**clly c.nn anii-m l itlm Sima UMsa.wliera all bUMiii',. i i-Intivi, la liimls I. Imn.artril. Krii-ml, anil Slma- f.y.',‘''-•‘■t-i'-lltltljIn,itoilta cull anil vxamllie tlie MANNIIIN 1(01 SB. ID \v f tRVI’S JlilljU.evHle.J.n.lSB. C.MWKIL ' . /-I : , ‘F U, ‘ ‘Messenger, Celtmihus Enquirer, Atheniah, Au gusta Chronicle, and Savannah Gcorgiau.ure ft quested to in.-ert the above weealy three month*. - • *• C.LM. UNITED SPATES HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. FIELDS KENNEDY, grateful for tlm liberal patronage he race! veil wblli- ninnnitiiif tbe , Kagle Tavern, and encouraged to hope for it* renew al, l.a* beenemnlm.d by its proprietor, us Agent, to superiniemi the »ho v ‘' sph' , .i!ul Lstabjlsbijient, and oilers his service* again, in . ...mum ..... fl '^wlRhoth iu tow n and country. The I Nil ED M A TLT HO 1 El. is situated near the centre of the city, on the spot where stood the old Globe Tavern, und ixtirv Proof. Its room* mid arrouiioodaliou* art* spurious and elegant, urn * furniture inti rely liable for such an establishments; ami w ill tie ready tar the reception of vhdtora, ou Ihe 8th Jtmua- Dec. 2C—3t ENTERTAINMENT U BOARD- 1NG llOI 'LE—The subscriber hav ing taken thatlargc anil COtninodioUR House on tbe corner of Walnut und -els,known a* the VKLL(*W HOUSE, resiactfully wi- licit* the patronage of her friend* and the public in general, thut cl *“ prepared t 0 entertain traveller* and ijirivute hoarder* in a cl manner. Having the assistance o! Mr. mid Mrs. Bivins, trncstly hope* to receive u share ot l utdie patronage, she ^ 7.°!. J ™ *“ ?r flurgt** will la* sufficiently reasonable to loculi the second time. There is a stable und hich is equal to any iu the MONTHLY NOTICES. M ORGAN Countv, Georgia Superior coup March Term, 18A.-Pri M iit bi, honor Judie Ki nan. .,,ni U, '^i f '! r . f'.'rl'c'o'uri'—Upon U-c petition of Ann Tnyb.r, Mating, that Davul J. K. It. Hutler, late of said eounty, heretofore, i«» wit: on the first day of October, in the year of our Lord 1823, executed her In* deed ot mortgage to a certain tract or parcel ot land, situate, I) mg nnd being in Morgan county and State ofGeor- * £ ’ 00 ’’. v ln< ds of Peter W nliou,Isaac M. walton, Aldus C. Nisla t, Douglas* Watson, Robert Taylor, I* runci* Cook and the w idow Smith, know n a* the plantation of »!».? ""HerTaylor, and now of the said David J. K. B. nuuer, bn the better sceuring the payment ofU5U0 dollars, for i l h v saW Anu 'lUiylor hi* four several pnMnlsvory notes lor 2375 dollars each, bearing even date w ith the ulmcsnid mortgage, am] payable one on the firat dav of October, ,55* u ‘‘r,?, n far#t ° r October, 1825; one the first of October, Ki . r! ll "’V ,l, V r ." n 1 lhr of October, 18H, and all beuring interest from the date thereof; a large portion of w Inch said sum or money ls t unpaid—It l* therefore, on motion of Baflnld ond i»l,i n-v , ! a i t ,ir ^ t l h f 2 r l , he pethmer, Ordered by the court, that the said I)a\ id J. E. R. Butler dt» pay into the Clerk’i office of the Hu ourt ol said county «»T Morgan the balance of raid debt, t, that reinuiusunpaid,* * ” principal and Intel costs, within twelvemonths fro orthe equity of .... .together witl> ullltW. this tune, or shew cause to the iption in and to said mortgaged im* hurml and forever foreclosed ; mortgagor nt least . eetedto la* paid or .. ..moth (or twelve iitonllisiuthe Georgia Jour- xuact from the mimite*. March :t, 182!!. JOHN W. PORTER, Clk. premises, will front thenceforth be barred n und that a copvof this rule be served on 1 six months before the time the nmnej is so march 17—ml 2m At neon, Jan. 26,- LTJCTNDA BIRD. THE SUBSCRIBER having inailf >midrrahlo alteration to bl« dwelling house, situntet —;—) the town of Sandertvlllo, Washington couuty, Gio on *he NofuitnUe «f the court-house square .with the-view of open mg a HOUS® OF ENTERTAINMENT, will have it in read! lor the rfreption of 'i' the2ntb Inst, and solicit* a' v ol publicjmiroimge. 1U.« will he such tot the country uflnrtis>»aud he natters Iuium’II lliat be u ill be able to givesulUtnc- lontoroeb n« may call, (aoptg) M, BltOWN. Jtek INDIAN QUEEN TAV ERN — [■■atm \Y. DILLARD, beg* leave to assure his JZSMMtL friends and the fiuldir, that lie in pretuired to accomuio late all visiter* nml travellers who may favor liin^w ith their coni ILsstaJiles are large nnd capacious, nod will be supplied ailh tlx* best tlie country aflbrd*. Ills situate ou the lower road leading on to Alabama near Dr. Inger«ols Ferry. Columbus, March, 17-tf GEORGE W. DILLARD. MANSION HOUSE, nt the cor- nerof the Court-House Square, and Mulberry Street, Macon, Georgia. BULLOCK U >iELLS have ngniti taken charge of this well t, (formerly under their carts) uml which the immediate nml particular superiuu-u- : »»... I. C- determined assiduity •mi Estaldi-htii- III I tit a re, r«p»« ipr Iiiuucu ref Mr. Wells-who hop. • the house, and attention to tho-e who may visit it, uud fruui ii past experience ns n Tavern-keeper, to merit and receive a inreol public putiouugc,nnd putxirularly from old friend* uud quuintauees and former customers august 25 COMMERCIAL "tttyf EL The subscriber very respectfully informs bis friends —.?ii^ 1 .. llj ' ? JL ulb i i c gcnenUly, that he ha* opened n HOUSE nF ENTER I ME'ME.NT.liir Tr.ivellerauud Boatdere.on Main street, in the midst ot tiieCotton market. Ills bou*Q is (urgeaud convenient, ond the best that the markt t aflorda will at airtimes In* in plenty. Thelat( > ut news from Fui cjm- is reccirud at every arrival,nnd the ejrrent prices from New York received weekly, besides different pam-in dully. D. J1ECKKT. Columbia, S. C. Dec 11—tf TcT'fmr Public.—Mrs. Jane KENDRICK U ALLFORD CLOl’TON, in connec tion with N. II. BEAL, have taken the house in Ha- the Mansion l!ou*f, hortuofore occupied by Beal a House of Entertaiotuent, situated on the East corner nf the public square, io the most ideujwt* part of the vil lage. From Mrs. Kendrick’s long experience in business, (both \n Eiitonton end Montircllo) she hope* tu shura a piotof the public patronage. deo l-4f GREENESBOROUGH, GEOR- s inducements which this establishment preseuu to Tra- vni<-i p, or to make it profession of extraordinary merit on the oc casion, us i* the manner of some. They are desirous that the pub lic should call and Judge for themtelvex ; and solicit a continun Mm a* »k»anmr patronage **i «W« Hews. In con—quencc of Ur pressure of the times, tbeir charges will be quite reasonable; and In conclusion, they pledge themselves to use every excrtiuu to render those who may call ui>on them comfortable. jan3i GILBERT L GRIMES. STEAM 6c POLE BOAT FREIGHTING LINE, between Macon Savannah and Charleston. The undersigned biu> procured a steam- — boat,(the North-Carolina) to run between , fiavannah nnd Charletdou, during the approaching boat ing season. The North Carolina is a staunch, good boat, has re cently undergone a thorough repair, and is excel led by few io speed. She w ill take freight to and from either place. From her ft of water, it is believed »bf will meet „ ail* ng Macon, site will bo met with such lighters ns difficulty iu getting up—fo that merchandise shipped by her will not be detained on the river, on uccount ot l>w water. —There Is no doubt that by this arrangement, the space ot time hertofore consumed in transporting merchandise between Bfacou nml those place* w ill be shortened at least one half—ami as no ex ertions will be spared to muke u Milo uud expedition* mode ot trusportatitin, it Is therefore hopeij aiul expectoii.Uiat tho-e desi rous of seeing so desirable un object effected, and particularly “ »se interested in the prosperity of Macon, w ill patronise tbi* drrtaking, The North Carolina will leave CiincJesum on her s agent in Charleston, and 3 John t. Rowland. V ALUABLE PROPERTY. A great Bargain.—The suhscrilier expecting to spend part of his time in the low country, olibrathe following valuable 1‘LANTA- TIONS lor sale engrnxl term*,or on a long lease for rent:— 12»)0 acres of land on the Appalachir Iliverfc filarheriy’* creek, in one body—about 200 acre* open land, and atiout 800 acres of the remainder good land for cultivation. On the premises there is a fine 4? saw gin carried by water, end about 5t)0 bushels of corn. The land i* situated about 10 milt * trout Monroe, Walton county, nnd 16 mile* from Athene—said to tie a* well watered by fine sprinfs, and as healthy a situation as auy lu Georgia. The premi •Id low for cash, negroes,or on n lung credit. AIm>25d acr« s ot land.4 miles from Covington, on the rond to Madison, about 1 1-2 miles from Jefferson Academy; tbe land lies well, and about 30 acres nf open land, In a floe neighborhood, a beautiful situation, and very free land to cultivate. Also 279 acres, in one mile of Covington, with a good grist nnd mill, nml n quantity ofline pine lumberr«dl very bandy to the c , pei) j H1(d . (hw p| iU . t . wclJ watfr . be very heulthy, and a beautiful illulwuys have ulna grinding mill,with from60to7o. . ed vv ith fine springs, and situation for a farm, and the mills and sawing they cun do. a long lease, that well known place,CEDAR SHOALS. on Yellow River, on the road from Covington which there is two grist and two saw mills, a 5f machine, store-house, smith-shop and tools, large ti ling house, -tables, and other out-buildings. .MMF.S WHITFIELD, ) EVANS MYUICK, I _ ROBERT W. CARNES, f JOHN MERCER, J ROBERT'w. i ^Lommisnouers. JOHN The Editors of the Constitutionalist, Savannah G« •inn Gazette, Macon Me««enger, and Athenian, will give the above •ight weekly insertions in their respective papers, commencing is early ns possible, unless otherwise, instructed by the Cominis- W ILL he .“old to the highest bidder, in the town of Milledgeville, immediately fronting Lufiiy- 99, lu 324, a id 32' Tanners' Fire Insurance if Loan Company, of New York, With a Capitol of $500,000, all paid in, C ONTINUE to take Risks ajrainst Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, Cotton, Lr. nt a moderate premium, by HENRY H. FIELD, Agent. Augusta, Geo. Dec. 18 DIRECTORS. James Tallmadgc, Wm. Osliorn, James Magee Aaron O. King, Frederick A. Tracy, Thomas Lorvl, Henry Fnrl-b, Bola rt M. Russell, John W. I.eavitt, James McBride, t John S. Crnry, Lewis Curtis, Jacob Corllos, George Griswold, Ta,1K tJ.Oalde. Wm. II. Harrisot Iteqj. Hailey, P UTNAM County, (»eorf;ia. Elitslia Perryman tolls liefore Jacob Thrash, Esq. a dark brow n mare mule,near ere out, uud a blemish in the other, -uppnscd to !*•• lu nr 12 year* old; appraised to 25 dollars by David Perryman and Sion Lee ; the hoot on the near fore foot is shedding ; tolled on the tath dnv cl Juuur.ry. t::-1. ‘in" ' w. WJLSON D.C. I. C. on the same day, EFAWEMATH-LAW'.S RESERVE, lying «»n Flint River, in the 16th district of originally Houston now Upson county,in sitchlotsor fractional part* of sur veys a- may be reported tons by the Surveyor who i* now making the survey. Also the following Island* in the Chattahoochee river No 3, in the Uth district of Hall county, nntl No 27. in the 8th dis trict of Muscogee county. The terms will he the same ms hereto fore published by the Comm JAMES WHITFIELD, EVANS MYRICK, THOS. N. GIBBS, JOHN MERCKIl, Commission for selling Fr tisement ugtil the day of -ale CARNES, r* of the Savannah Georgian, Constitutional; corgia Messenger, will insert the above ndv WTOTICE—The subscriber will pay cu«h, 1* for 25,000 weight of good mercantable HIDES, delivered to > in Eat livered to CHARLES ROOT. U CO. TXT OTICE—Lust or mislaid about the mid- 11 tile pf December, one Plat anti Grant, which erant call* for lot No 24J, in the third district ot Early county. All pcr&om are cautioned ngainst trading for such grant. Jasper county. Jan 31—it JESSE GOODE. WTOTIGE.—I forwarn all persons from tru 1 ^ ding f'»r a bond given by me to Seaborn Williams of Gwin nett county, for title- t>f a certain lot of land, lying iu the 3d dist of Coweta county, the precise amount of the bond 1 tnisremen ber. The bond was fraudulently obtained from me, and 1 am dt vnnined not to make titles, unless conjfielled by law. WILLIAM l\ JOHNSON. Mr .^ar. McDonough, ... gill, threshing rn.gooddwel- , . , ; , — - m — —re is 607 acres I in tlie tract, und the pine timber ou 1200, all onnveuientt lie miils. The grist mill* make from into 1200 bushels of grain •very yearly grinding. The Shoal on the River is said, hy good . udL’es.nrt tube inferior t-i any in all the Southern States, for any kirn} of machinery requiring w ater power, ami hy nature it is .tiy protected from all harm or danger by freshets; sof open land, in n good II the premise s aboi te for cultivation. Hither of the above premixe* * good terms, and if ou a long credit the pren tuld b * stand their red for the urity for payment. A h ast- would lie prefc •t oesenbod. 1 he suhscrilier has nlsosnine valiiahlelotiln McDonough, Her eounty, and 138, In the 7th dist nf said county, a fine lot ofiaml suit 2 miles from McDonough; with other valuable lot* ot land Coweta, Carroll, Troup, Muscogee, mid Lee counties, all til I'hirli will be *o!d as above. For further particulars apply at tu tLe Subscriber iu Savanuuh will be sohi ns ntmv tliir Shoal*, and after October John Boston at Cedar fihoul*, ept 22 SAMUEL J BRYAN. I f) EMALE EDUCATION—Tlio Scotts- borough Female Academy, under the superintendence of J2JKORGU, Tulinferro. county, Novem- ber adjourned Term, 1828— Present their honors Harmon Mercer, i ho*. Guest, Archibald Gresham and Henry B. Thomp son. sitting lor ordinary purpose*. , i '^| j?Ppi’oring to the court that WilHim Jnncs (now deceased) in nls life time, made uml executed his certain instrument in writing, being an obliga tion or agreement to make titles to William Little I of land, described in the copy uf tin* ppai rtuin tract .. .... •M iiurrm-nt hmta■wmwd (mnrhed A. nxhlbiiY) Thl. rttty that I William Jane* is to make title* to certain tract J of hind to William Little, when the raid Little pajso “ ■“*' * i the rate* of 40 dollars pe be paid beginning ... , . - ^ fordvllle, running a straight liuc with .said ltd r», , in water, tlieuee down to the branch near raid .Jam 's pind. hence to the upper purt of Manning’s acre lot, iu suit! Craw lord- ille—Witues* our hnnds this fourth dny of Jaxnar.v, 1(127. And it appearing to the satisfaction oft he court, the raid Win. Janes diet! without making title* to the same, and that the William IJt- t!e hits paid the full amount of the consideration mom > in raid ‘J. 1 *. 1 * 1 icrefore ordered by the court, that ihe'ekccutcrs of said Williaui Janes do make to the said William Little pood ami sufficient title* to said land, cud perform anti r'airy into tifect the snitl contract fully and completely, and this order shall be made absolute, first being advert fted in Home public gazette in thisfitate three inomlis, as required by law, iu such cu-t» made and prov fil ed, nnd no cause shewn to tin?contrary. A true extract from the minutes of • aid court this 10th dut of November, 1828. HENRY l'ERKINB, C. C. O. _ «»‘ceniln r l—ni3m M ORGAN Cotiiuy, Guorgiu Superior Collr'. September Term, 1828. COI’V NOTE—On or before the 25th dny of December next, 1 promise to nay John Harrl*nu or bearer twenty-live Dollar*, va lue received, October 1st, 1827. ....Sfi. „ WII.LtAM m.ACKBt'BN. GLORtilA. Morgan county—Personally came befbre me John uj ri-ou uml being sworu, (leposeth and raith be w*»* possessed of rtain promissory noto, of wbieh the above is u copy, aud thut EORGIA, Putnam county.—John Love ulmitrfiirBtiir on the estate ofThoma* O’Conner, decCu>ed, i^heaearc therefore to rite the kindred ntul creditor* of «UI dec d. to appear at my office within«fiitlme premril^d bi bV, »<* htivur causa, if any they have, h-i—- should ilot te f rnntt tl. • Glyen under my hand this bthJaiUMu Ib2D. ^ jau 2b—ni<ln*^ W. Wll.MQN, C. C. & UTIVA5( Coumy, Georgia-r—John B, M. Wilb wm, a«n|nLstrator on tbeosute of James Morph<y, n milies Inr l«;tler*ol uisinissiun iron told estate— . % Thi* 1* therefore to cite the kindred and creditor* of sild dec’Jk to appear at my office, within the time proarrilied by faw,to sh«fc* e, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted* ' enumtermy hand this 15|hday ttkAioveniber. 112*. 2)i—ituini. TII^O. W. HbEH, C. C. fk G EORGIA, Baldwin eounty.—Goodwin Myriek, executor of-the lost will add testament of Drury Jackson, doe'd. applies for letter*of dimlsffimlhtoltotfd totatr. ■Thi* is therefore to cite the kindred and creditors of Said der.'d. to appear at my office,within thetime prescribed hy la*t, tosLtw cause, it any they havi*, *vby said letters should not be granted. Given untler my baud this 5th day of January. taW. inn Ig-rnfm B. A. GREENE, C. C. O. Q EORGIA, Putuani county.—Mark A. W Cooper administrator on the estate of Kevton Cooper, •■nl; applies for letters of dfimiKlon— This is therefore to cite the kindred and creditors nf raid decNl. a be uml uppvorutmy office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, ft any they huve, why raid letters of dismission should not he gt anted* Given under my b|nd this22d day of Au^pxst, 1828. mi gust 30—in6m Til AD. h. RHES, C. C. Q lit* has lost the Swo thut it raunot be found. . , . . .. . JOHN H ARRISON, to aud Kuhscpibed befon* me tbi* 4t b 9eptemlt«r, 1828. JOHN C. REESE, J. V. Court, September Term, 1U28—Rule Nisi. . ■ - -— —urt.upou the afiklnvit , I'John Hairisou, tliot ho posse-wd a certain promuiory note of which the above i* “ true copy, and that the original hax been lost or mislaid- On tno- on, tl is ordered by ib« court, that tbi* rule in- published once n u»uth for .-lx month*, unit..- 1 s sufficient. ausebe shewn to thecon- '1**1 nt.thenext term of thU court, .copy fib . iu the ClvtVs of fice will be uigloi, • court, ut Sop- 1MTORGAN County, Georgin—— Superior •a-vJB. Court, September Term, 1829. COPY NOTE.—Ou the 25th December next, I promise to nag the Justices of the Inferior court of Morgan county, sixty dollars und forty-two ctnu, for value received, 4th of June, l8*/7. w JEREMIAH McCOY. GEORGIA. Morgan county—Thoma* S. King being duly «worn before mc.satlh, that the foregoing 1* in substance a true ropy of u note which was In his bnnd* a* Treasurer of Morgan couuty, on Jen-ndoli McCoy, aud that be ha* lost or mislaid the saaie so that be cannot now find it THOMAS H KING Sworn 16 and subscribedbcfiirn me this lrt of Septeailier, 1828. ^ JOHN W. POkTKMv6l«rk. MORGAN Superior Court, Septetnbci Term, 1828—Rule Nfid __ , to establish lost Note. II appeariug from Ui« affidavit of ThonuaS. Klox, that ha had in P'^eseion, as Treasurer ol Morgan county, a note on Jeremiah McC<»y lor lilky dollars and forty-two cent*, due 25th Dec. 1827, and that the raair. U lost or iqislahl—Whereupoo, it i* that a copy of lids nile hu published io oauof the gazettes pi tbi* btate ouce a month for *ix months. * k true extract from the minutes of the Put erinr eourCwt Sc! tember Term, 1828, tbi* 8th day of September, 1828. *ept 22-mOni JOUN-W, nDRTER, Clerk. M O KUAN County, Georgia —"Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purpose*. 2d day of December, WWW—t rt seuuhetr houor* Iraac VVuIkcr, NtUhuniel Allen, und Young Stokes. On the application of William KJne, administrator of Ly toon Benhaui, decrasetj, praying to bedisuussed from the further ad- niinUtration of raid estate; audit appearing to (he court, that be tuis fully aduunistrnrd said estate—Whereupon, it i« or.len t! that after sis month* publication of this rule in tbe Georgia Jour nnl. the said administrator w ill be dl*iiii*ietl.uiih *v . hum-skull hr shewn to the contrary, of which all persons concerned are desir ed to taka notice. A true extract from the minutes ol the court nf ordinary. De- -mber 3d. 1923. JOIJN W. PORTER, Clh. . C 2J.EOKGIA, Oglethorpe county. ftliut — HniiiJj, nd'nlnl'trator of John C. Smith, dee'tL upplits for letters of dismission from raid estate— This is therefore to cite tho kindred and creditors of said dec’d. to be and appear nt tny office within the time prerarlhetl by law. ta shew cause, il auy they have, why said letters of dlstnlMion should not be grained. Given under my hand this 26th Dec 1828. January5—tnOm ISAAC HARDEMAN, D. C. C O. Ualdwin county, Georgin-r—Riibcrl AJP McCombs nnd John Miller, adro’rs on theestideof Na thaniel Knnpp,dec’ll, and adm’rs. de bonis non on the e.*iutc ol KeymonC Knapp, de^U applies for letters of UisndcUra ft om said estates. This is therefore to cite the kindred and creditors nf raid dee’d. to appear at my office, w ithin the time prescribed by law, to shew •< tb ey have, w hv said letters should not be granted. Given n September 5—inGn , A. (iKKKNK, r e. o. O GLETHORPE County, Georgia—Mo- ses fitnliami, Exo'r. ot RicKinf Simmons, Ucc’d. applies for letters of dismission fnan said estate. This is therefore to cite the kindred and creditor* afraid dec'd. to be aud uppeur at my office within the lime prescribed by law to shew raise, if any they have, why said lefters should not be gear r my hand this Ith day of Sept. 1828. ISAAC lIARpAkWjy. D.C.'f7.Q. sept..y->intim EOfiGIA, Monroe county^—Wiflinm II. Pritchard, administrator on Ihe estate of Arthur Cot ton. late of uud county, dec’d. applies for letters of duunMort froth said estate. This is therefore tocitethe kindml nml creditors of said dee’d to appear at mv office within the time prescribed by law', to shew cause, if iitiv they have, why said letter* should not be grunted. Given under my hand this lOtb day ol Oct. Jf;28. octobar*A7—inOm ELIAS BEALL, C. r n G EORGIA, Lincoln county—In the 8u- Iierlor court of said county. Upon the application of liar- “ “ nt ol a copy of tbe la*t will id It being made appear t<a unei.t (Xrai.l Raraloll Ram- and testa met. said court, that the hist sey, has beru lost or ties stance, submitted to tht lust will und testament, und filed in tbe Ctfrll* Oflffe of raid ty ; on is therefore ordered hy the court,thut said lie estubluhed in lieu of the original, unle»s good chum-be shewn to the contrary, on the next term of this court , nod that this rule he published once u month, six month public gazette* uf this State. I certify the foregoing rule, a true copy from the minutes of said c PETER LAMAR, Clk. G EORGIA, Greene county—Court of Or (Unary, November Term, 1828.—Present David S. Terrel Rev. Dr. ROBERT C. IlllOWN will re-open in January next j where opportunity is afforded, for > acquire every branch of a solid, and polite Edu* Tin* location of this seminary, presents the much to be valued dossing-, of a healths', and retired situation. To meet the pres sure ol the times, nnd to ensure a permanency of arrangement he price of tuition, (incase tl..* pupil* are entered foru year,) i* educed much helow the usual rates, placing w ithiu the reacii of loderate circumstance*, the deligiit- —... il painting, tlie polite and " Il E'ln^uuge, U the ent of *clen "iS""' 11 on,pli-h. * ill not lie drawn wledge •I of Mu-lc ; while the solid branch? tlie power of thought lie obtained in the family l|lo the shrine of superficial*, blin d (al eighty - per y» ar) ran the principal,or in the iieiehlmrhond * pupils w ill be treated with parental tern art made to regulate their morals, so that He pauded W ith pi«>)»»“ Views Ilf time ; and reert health and improvement, ms—pupils entered fora year, may »f English Edeeation, the French lauu'uaee Colloquially and gramiiintnrally, Drawingjand Painting, Music, Ac. tor sixty English studies alone—Junior class, 29 dollar*—fienio paid in adva*rc, uud half ut the end for less time thau year, the following ut Dolls. In every case, half ol six mouth-. 11 pupil* ent* rate* of Tuitim.. Junior class jicr quarter, Senior cla«* per quarter, French rffiss per quarter, Minder las* per quarter, Drawing class per quarter, Reference may lie made to hi* F. vcelency John I’o •'"born Jones, Seaton Grantland, Esq. Dr. Saiiiuel li Parish Carter. December 22- “ 7 50 •rill, Col. ykin, Col. TOW O KG AN County, Georgia.—John M. 1» ■- J"ne*, nf Cnpt. Benrtl’s dist tolled before John llardr'an, K* bay horse, 15 or lOyears old, 5 feet high, Inith hind feet white up to the fetlock, a -mall star in his forehead, marked with . ear ; appraised by 11. Rousseau and Thomas Sw ift to 25 dollars this Mth Jan. 1829. f 26 WILLIAM BANDY, C. I. C. GEORGIA, Wuiren county.—Alfred G ra. W Pogue toll* liefore Daniel Dennis, Esq.’a sorrel mare almu 1.3 >e «r* old,creese fallen, shod before, marked w ith the sadrili nnd gear, n -tar in tlie forehead, about 4 feet 10 or II inches high trot* and canter'; upnrai.-e«l tu V»dollar*. January 27,1829. ;a;i i THOMAS GIBSON, C. I. C. . IU • - - - , ----•» Present David S. Terrell, Francis West ar'* *—■— 1 *»—»— William L W ters tif dismission tr< Atal Site rw nod B. Johnson, ex’or. of Wm. Fours, dec'd. un'plie f dismission from said estate. 1 letter Thi* lather o be and nppe cite the kindred and creditorsnf said dec’d. my tiffice, within the time prescribed by la uy they have why said letter* of dismissii t be granted mder my hand thi* 8th dar ol Nov. I^2B. ■niBin EHKNE7.KK TGRRFNCF. Clk the cumpkiiiiant* hill, at t he perfected b. * *’ 1 served person; ■"21EGRGIA, Washington county.—Solo- mnn R. Vickers, adminlatraiur on tlie estate of AVilUiuii Vickers, dec’d. applies for letters uf dfiiuMxkm dterefram— This is therefore to rite the Undrlpaad ef ad liars of said dec'd. to appear nt my office, within the time ptLscribef by Uiw,to*hew euuse, if uuy they huve. why said letter* should not be granted. Given under my hand this 1st dny of September. 1028. *ept 5—mCm FRANCIS T. TENNILl.K. tl. C. 0 f B ILL for Discovery, Relief and Inline. tiou. iu De Kulh Superior Court, Getober Term, 1828. William R. Anderson v* Chni lrs Bacon A Co._ .. rr jarlng to the court hr the ret ilrfeudiint* reside out of the the defemluutsappenr and answi next term of thi* court, am! that« - . tion once a month for three months, the defendant*. A true e> tract from the minute.*, GOth Dee. 1828. jau 5-mam • • DANIEL STONE, Clk. C}EORGIA,.De Kalb County.—Couft of Ordinary. January 1'erm, 1829-‘—*-Present their honor* George Clifton, Reulien Cqnr. and Jam* 1 .- Lemon, Esq*. UPON the petUiortnf W. Johnson nnd Coalman Smith, *ta* ting thut Oeunettsap’els, late of said cou*ity,4«'« , 'i. did in his life time, execute title* to o certain piece nr pager) of lnud, known as lot number 380,In thn Kith district ot origlnhllf II -nry now De Kulbcouuty, (said pctUion was accontoanlvd fiy said Itoud) aud It being further stated dial the said Sorrels departed this life w ithout having executed suld ihles, andthe*nki G.w, Jbhii*on and Coul- i inn Smith having petitioned this court lor aiuqfifi-r directing the administrator and administratrix ol said <Jec'd. tiiexecute title* to said lot of Und, incompLancc with said bond—(t A t Hive ft ire on dered, thut notice of this application lie given for three mouths la one of Ihe public gazettes of this State,und ut the firsturm of this ult- r the expiration uf said time the administrator of raid will Ik*directed to execute titfis in compliance with raid bond, nnd under the provisions of the statute, unless cause be shewn to tlie contrary. Extract from the minutes, 10th January. 1829. jan 26—uiflm C. MURPUEV, C. C. O. I N Sloreati Superior Court, September Term, 1828—Rule Nisi to Foreclose Mortgage. Htewart A liitrgruvc* vs. T “ Ttgngr in ami ton certain tract ov jmrcel of hind, situate,lying I tiring io the county of .5Iorgan aforesaid, uml Known and dis tinguished in the plan ol the gth district of originally Baldwin now Morgan county, by No02l,drawti by one Jesse Got, contain- lug 202 l-2ucres,furthe n ■ - incut of a certain proiuik atorcrald mortgage,execat . , . . C iiyuhle on the 10th tiny of July next thereafter to John Cunning- um or order, for the sum of 900 dollars, besides interest, which raid note is endorsed by the raid John Cunningham to Thona* “ ■ ’ *tas Brown to James Fittpatrick,) ) the said Stewart L Hargrave*. __ __ _ , J is therefore, on motion of William u. Daw son, ntrorory for petitioners, ordered ttn^t the said Bennett Fitzpatrick do pay into the £lerk*s office of the Superior court of the said coyqty ri. jp»jgtffi, firiltun six months from this lima, the amount of aaidiaiotois.sory note, principal and lnt‘re*t, together with all legal toMts^r ahew entuat to the contrary, or the equity ol redemption la und to raid mortgaged preaisoa will be thenceforth lamed and forever i'or<JfT ; and thut u copy ol this rule be see the mortaager or his specjaJ ugasit, at least three months tb» lime ttq-toapey so dircc^d to be paid, or that it puhli*he<l in one ortho public gazettes of this State oflec a month lor sit month.-'. • A true extract Iwun the nunate* ol the fiaperior court, HrBOO*' ber Term, 1828, tSL> 8th day ok September, 1821. pt 22 JOHN W. PORTER, Ok. MISCELLANEOUS. G eorgia, Stallings, Admi Monroe Stallings, Administrator on t) county. John’ of William Nunn, e the kiodrt-d uud creditor* of said dec’i o apjH-nr at my office within the time prescribed hy law, tn shot anse, if any they have, why said letter* should not be granted. Given under my liaud thi* 3d day of September, IS28. ‘ept. 15—mQm ELIAS IfEALL. C. C. O. EORGIA, Wilkinson county.—Elijah Hogan, administrator on the esinteof Griffin Hogan, dee’ll applies for letters of dismission on said estate— This istherefureui.citethe kindred und creviitorxaf said dec’d. to appear at my office uithin the time jirescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 12th day of December, 1H28. dec 18—riihm ALI'IIAl'S BEALL. C. C. O. G EORGIA,Pulaski county.—William n 1'oulan, adm’r.on the estate of Pettnwny Jlann, dec’d. applies lor letters of dismission Ironi said estate. Thi* l* therefore to cite the kindred agd creditor of said dec'd. to be and up pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to Shew euuse, it uny they have, why said letters of dismission should not lie granted. Given under my hand this 13th tlay of December, taiO. dee 13—-niton WESLEY YARBROUGH, C. C. G EORGIA, Greene county—Court of Or dinary, May Term, 1628—Present the bon. Thomas Stocks, james S. Park. William Cone, and Francis West. of Janie* Park, Sr. On the application ofThoiunsJ. Park,adm’ dm-’d. praving t«» be dismiss'd from the estate ol bis intestate—It 1* ordered, That told Thomas J. I'urk be dismissed fra late, alter six months publication of thi* order in the Georgin Journal, unless cause be .-hew n to tlie contrary, of which all con cerned are hereby notified. _ Extract from the minute*, sept 29—mliiu EKKNE/.ER TORRENCE. Clk. G .EORGIA, Hancock county—By an or dtroftbe Inferior court of said county, sitting for ordinary K n po*e*. undee tx hereby given to tlu* creditors ot Archibald IL •Ton, lute of *aj<l county, dec'd. alien to appear liefore said court within 12 mouth* from the dale hereof, and prove iheirilebisi , CTk. Oini Fscbvhti r Ftum tin-Ri'bn.oiui Ei quircr. COL LAURENS. • ' Interesting ba«u tbo pleasure of' l.iyinK In Cure our r.odors this morning u. Nkra- Ui.k uf Ibu gRlIanl usd generuuii lio»«« oflhelter- • uluiiu^—whieb may ivfrcsb our ruadeo after Die duft^niid ('utuJ sen tn which have eo recent-' ly trausitired. We ajj^iudebUid for this mesaoii-to '• Judge Johnson ofibi- General Court, w ho was a • friend and felluw-solditr of tile gallant Laurens.—' Laurens teas the son uf tbe distiDgui-hedAmerii-ao tvbu whs thrown into ;bo lower uf London—The sun vri-.a worthy of tbe sire. He is described, by t lofla who were acquainted with him, at te- ’ ali .iug the beau ideal ot the character of tbe Che* t valior Bayard— as a man wiUo utfeai and tenhout , reproach. '• V lu the uixth year of the ’war of Independence, theevdits uf the campaign bud been very 1 ad verse tu the American arma, and, ut (he close in _ 1780, tbe resources of the United State* were of extreme depression. General Liuculn. who qam- iriutuled in the Southern department, after u.'Urat Q and prtrtratlcd delenco of Charleston against the , nraiy And fleet under Sir Henry Clinton and , Admiral Aburtbuot, was competkd to capitulate, mid lo surrender his gallant garrison prisoners of war. Uy thia’suic.-s', uud (lie subsequent defeat of'Gen. GatVs.'at. Cnuidcn, the British foico Mined a cdbtrol in fie South, which threatened fhembfct ektirme und disastrous consequence. The main army, finder Gen. Washington, re'Wfced hy detachtincnta of the Southern States, vras-bad- ly clothed, irregularly provislnned,^jea without puy. The Magazines were f[Vipty, the treasury - i-.hausted, and the public"credit of no avsil. lo 'his alarming crisis of the national affairs, Gen. Wusliington convened a council uf his most con- fidrntiiil ofljeers ; a faithful and minute represeq- tation wqa" submitted to Congress jjnd it nst respecffolly suggestcdl i.u the must immediato means of relief, that a special minister should .be sent to France, to solicit a loan of money, and supplies of clothing and military stores, with a request, that a naval superiority might rendezvous ou tbe American cuast at tin appointed tiM, to enable the ComiDai.der-in'Cliief to undertake offensive operations aguinst tlie dispersed posts of the enemy. Congress acceded ta (he opinion^ of this interesting communication, and referred p 'he coopinalion of the Minister to General Wash*' ingtont Cdff Laurers n a| fully informed uf every circun,stance Infit could give furtherance lo the negotiation, and writing and speaking the French language with classical purity, he possessed, in an.' eminent degree, the power of i filtrating all its',.' objects. By the partiality of bis gttl&nt friend, ihe writer of this memoir was appointed Secreta ry to the mission. O.i the Oil |Fcbrnary, 1781. we .ailed from Bos ton, in the fripte Alliance, Capt. Barry, and ar- ritrd ut L’Onent in twentydays.—Pursuing with out delay, his route to Paris, Col. Laurens rutt the Maishal de Custers, minister of marine, llieit^, on ii visit to the -exports, nt Hennebonn, and, having announced himself to tlie Marshal, very politely ordered relays of horses, Io expe dite our jourqpy. On his arrival at Paris, Col. , • Laurens entered on his mission, with every ad vantage which distinction of character, grdent zeal of dispoeition, and lonsummate e.bdffy to de-' ' monstrate (lie reciprocal interests of America and France, in its successful accomplishtnant could confer. Having delivered bis credentials, and been graciously recej/cd at Court, raemor- . ' ials, explanatory of alUbe view s and objects ef.hj/r appointment, were yrreseutedato the Coat ee Vergennes, Minister of foreign relations, aud they were repeated arid enforced, by personal inter course, from the sixth of March, to the second of i May, when Col. Lauroua conceived, from Iho h, protracted state of the negotiation, I liar it was Ihe f policy of tlie Cabinet of France, by delaying the aid which he solicited, to exhaust lire power and resource’s of Britain ar.d America, and tu render . , Itoth-adbservent to her views. Under this imprea -ion/and a belief, that this was rather the policy ’ of the ministers, (ban the King, Col. Laurens de rided to prepare a memoriar, wMih riiouhl cor*