The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, February 23, 1829, Image 1

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BY CAH.1K & RAGLAND, 8 - * u.s. printers. MiLLEDGEVILLE, MOJfOAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1829. VOLUME XX.-KO. 28. THU GEOiWlA JOURNAL I* published twice h week during the session m the Lcgi*inturc, «:irt weekly for the remainder of the year, at the corner of Wayne usd Hancock Street^, at THREE DOLLARS per aim. in ad vance, or fr\>U II DOLLAR* at tne end of the year. The i'aper will not lie neat to any person out ot the Stntc, until the subscription money is paid iu advance orsutbinciory reference jive n. Advertisements inserted at the usual rotes. N. II. Sales of Land and Nugi ue.s.hy Administrators, Executors, or Gunrdlaut, are requl.ed, liy law, to he held on the lirst Tues day iutlie month, beta *en tin* hours of t-n hi the forenoon and ‘three in the afternoon, at the court-uuu .«• of the county in which the property is situate.—Notice of t.iese '.lies mint He given in lL‘ puldicgazette Sl.K i’Y days previous to tiiedaj ol sale. * Notice f »r the .sale of I' I'r ipei ly oiusl be given in like m inner, FORTV day* previous to thedny ol sale. Notice to Hie debtors and creditors of .an estate must lie publish ed for FORTY days. Notice itiatap'dication will he inndetntlie Courtof Ordinary for PUBLIC LAND SALES .... ..**11 land, must be published for FOUR MOfTliS. V Persons interested in tli«>*e Advertisements which are published Monthly, will find them in the In st and liiurih page ' i every niniith. f the lirM • prompt attention JOHN M. CARTER s ii camUiiutu for Mujor, lo sup- ply the vacancy occasioned hj the proiuotioi of MlU. .Wilch.ll. Fi.liru»ry 16 rnusiF mu \u:i>icixi:s, i\- R ECENTLY received at l)r. GREEN’S HltlJvl STORE, next the PostalJJre,a «ttp|ij>-of ext the Pc 'VI \ IK >W (i LASS, SRFlIJfKHY, Which with the Stock on ha Sulphate of Quinine, Pills,—Tincture,—Syrup, Win-* and Solution ot do. JUperine, , ul, < I). i Oil, ' Lfttula -Also Siou'ghtoii’*, Colomlai, uni Antibilious Hillers. Tonic and l)ye*llvp Wine, m additionalsupply ofunest Cold .inly M LAW NOTICES. nu: \mei MILLEDOE VILLE BOOK STORE. I aolt SALE nt siud Store, St. Valentine's 1 Duy, a new ami capital work, hv the iitthor of Waverly A 1*0 for delivery to sid TRULY RES IK'Y.Gili N REVIEW. .in : THE "1 r SCIENCE, by l>r N.L , !i»ip*! hubserlpliom tvlllh** tlmul.fatly the Frank;in I—:. u:tl or At. - ■ to ’ rorof the Patent H;hc— an.. I u»-( Kncyclopaedoa.nil Important!)' > [ILLEDGliVII.LE BOOK STOKE— M AN (»l AR- i!k M>r niKUN If \\ JOIJIIN \L OF MKDIUAL reived to :he above, and to rhanit * M .: i7ine— he Mir- .ers.uion Lexicon or Popular Me Work*. July 14 pply of BOOKS AMI ml Red Ink Ink Po JLYJH. For sale, as above, a general STAPIHNARY. Anno:; lb* Book* are tunnv ' * i lualile Standard work in Law, Medicine, Science ,\: Divinity. | A great variety nt Bibles, H viun j Books, Ai Works"!' Devotion. Nivel.s, Poetry, Voyage*, a.d Travels. | School Books, includin'* every Book generally u-ed i‘i lh*» ! English, Uretik and Lntm !}•■• j partiueolK «f the Se tilnarifs of this State. . _ , An entensive collect o > - j tion of children ii young per- I A large quantity of Writi.e? and Letter Paper St, Blank Book*. Quills, Black mu! lied Pencils, Ur iyons—Self-tiointing Pencil*. Si:- .*r Pencil Cose*. I Recently received ilio following popular and valuable Works: Horne’s Introduction to tint mu- I wohunlm-’ own Journal of his dy of the Holy Scriptures. | hr-l Voyn John’s do. the 011 Tesiameat, Sketches of Persia, Death-Bed Scenes,by Dr. AYh; r Colors in Boxes SALE OF REVERTED LANDS, f .\ compliance with nn Act of the General Assembly ot the State ol Georgia. passed on the 32d day ot '* '* dispose of the residue f " the Comini will offer fi. conuneiicing Monday the ISthdny of February next, immediately fronting LAFAYETTE II ALL, and continue from day to liny as herein utter specified,the F. notional parts of Surveys,Reservations and Islands, which have reverted to the State by ilefatilt of former purchasers, also the Fractional parts of Surveys, Reservations, and Islands, not sold for want of bidders nt former «alcs, and the State’s half of the Lois of laud condemned as Irauilulentlydrawu, which have been sold and reverted to die State, vit; On Monday the IGtli of February, 1821), Fractions No 11 aud 33, and the State’s hall of lot No 41, in the •i’lldistrict of Fayette county ; mid fractions No l ift, 14k, 176,180, ISO ami 186, in the 7th district, aud Nos 10, 11, 2b, 30, 45», ftO. 70, 116. 141 aud 142, in the Util district,and 135, 100, 137, 1411 130, 151, 156, 1 id». 101 and 102,in the 1 -ItIi district nt formerly Fayette now Do Kail) county, aud Nos lft 43, in the lit district of Walton coun ty, amUUJnnd 314, in the 1st district formerly Walton now New ton county, aud 87. 88nnU2ft7,in the 3d district Walton count v, nun ‘.2 171, 330, 331, 311, 312, 313 and dll, in the 4tli district, mid the Slate’s nail •** lots No 126. 150 and 221, in the 1st district of Henry < ount), and the State’s Imil of lot No 127, in the 4th district, and i lie State’s half of No 166, in the 5th district. On Tuesday the 17th, Fraction Nos 78, 124, 110, 190, 217, 20(1, 277, 279, 316, 372, 417, and •>32, in the Pth dlstrin formerly Henry now Newton county, and Nos mo. 402, 403, 401, 423, 425. 428 and 429, in the 9th district Idrmerly Henry now Walton county,and the State’s hall of lot No 4.’,in the 12th district of llenry county, and the State’s linli of lot No 71, In the lftih district, and fractions Nos 2«4, 28ft, 309, 810, 333, 334, 33ft and 306. in the 16th district formerly llenry notv Newton county, ami tin* State's halt ol lotNo304, iiv the Pith district of Henry county, and fractions R I, 127, 1(»8, 169, 170. 171, 172, 213. 231. 237, 233 and 2i3, in the 17th district formerly llenry now lie Kalb county, and Nos 179, 220, 339, 382 and30ftin the 18th district. On Wednesday the 18th, The follow mg Islands atiarhed to Ifenry county, Nos I, 2, 3, 4, ft, f. 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12. n, 14, 15, 10, 17, 19 20, 21 and 22, and Nos. 19, 8'i 81, 82, 14ftand 140,in the 1st district ol formerly Monroe now Pike county, iu»»l No*3. 4, 2ftk27, in the 4thdi*t Monroe, aud tractinn 1 !7. and lot No 136, and fraction No 199. in the Ath district, a .id the Smc'* half of I-ts 156, 185nnd 186, in the 6th district,and '.In* State’s half of lot No 2, in the 8th district formerly Monroe now 1’iko county, and fractions No* 270 and 2? 1 in the 9th district now Pike, and the SihI"’s half of lot No Iti4, iu the Ulli district Monroe, and the State's half of lot No 1 tfi, in the 12th district, and the Suite's half of lots Nos 16, 89, 110, 282, 302, 333 a ml 342, in the I’t.b district, mid fraction 322, in the same district, anil fractious v '. '273, 3%, 319, 3C1 and CG9, iu the same district .Monroe now (Lbb county. On Thursday the 19tli, Fractions Nos 91, 100, li*7, 109, 110and lift, in the llth district .»t Monroe county, mid the islands attached to Monroe county, N >* 26, 27, 88 and 39, nod fractions Nos 230, 237 and 272, In the 15th district Monroe now Pikecounty, and the islandsattaciied to Bihh ■ u.mty, Nos G4 mid GA, ami fractions Nos 1(H), 227, 20R, 307 and 308, ii ilic l*t district ol Houston nmv Crawford county, and Nos 274, 27ft and 27»% in the 4th district of Houston now Bibb couuty, find Vo* 2-w, 210, 211, 231 and 232 in the ftth district ot Houston now nj',b county, and Nos 2ftl, 252, 2G8, 2ti!l, 271, 272, 273 ami 278, in d.c sainedistrict Houston county, and Nos 240 and 254, in the ?th .li-irh't now Crawford,and Nos 146, 147, 118, 149, 150, 151,152and 171, in the 8ih district Houston county. On Friday the 20tli, No* !"9, 110, 111, 113, 111, 110, 117. 113, 135, 137, 138 and 156, in •. • illh .iMrlrt, and Nos 63, til, 117. 148, 139, 231, 232. 218, 239, 2Id, _'il, 212, 211, 261, 262 and 290, ill tin* 12tli dsitrict nnd Nos 127, t* a. 169, v:IO and 211 in the 13(h district,and Nos 319, 321. 322, 327 •31 :;v.l!134,iu the 14th district,and Nos 183, 190, 191, 192, 19G, 23G, 237 233, in the Iftth district. Oil Saturiluy tlie 21st, L AftV NOTICE.—The umlvrsigned will Practice Law in Copartnership in the counties composing the Chattahoochee Circuit, and in the counties of Fayette, IMkc and Upson, of the Flint. Their oflice is ai La Grange. Troup county. s. ARMSTRONG HAILEY, dec 29-co’lm WILLIAM DOUG II Fill V. L aw—Tho subsc :ifliers having as^iioiateil themselve* in the pmctl eof Law, undeMhe firm of BAI LEY At GORDON, will attend regularly the Corn t* in the * hat tahoochee Circuit; also the C.mri* of I pson limit t aw fold in the Flint, ami llakerand K.trly In the Southern Ciieuit; and when executions are to he levied on land in the nev. pure!i.i*e, will punctually attend the shei ills sales and collect t!ie nmiuy. Their Office is at Coluuihti*, Georgia , S. T. BULKY, jan 12—mGin TIL'S. G. GORDON. S TEWART Fl.OVI), tttorney at Law, will practice in the <evei.ll countie* ot the Ornmlree Cii * cult,nnd imlie adjacent cm.v.. «»f ihr \\f%u m and f’»r- ouits. . .,toi*nn, Moreau count) . Jan 19—Tt JOHN ORAW’FOKl) Attorn,:// at Law, nth w Montic.dlo, Jan 19- L aw notice—ih. iilKh'i'MirncI hm taken nn office in the West end of Huson'* Inn, froniing GreeueStreet. d. b. M1T( Hrl.L, A. it. KENAN. In my absence, any business for i.. • wl'l he im eivd hv A. II Kenan. D. B. MITCHELL. Milh-dcev’dlc.Ju’ 01—It TAVERNS. MANSION HOUSE, MiLLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA. THE und.’i^lgiM-d have engaged in husine** under the firm of CAllNF‘*\ MINER, and purchascil the old stand known as .Mr*. J ].i,iii*',imi It-iueock Street, wh m they dcsijrn l.i eiiing a llOl'SE OF Pi'll LIC ENTERTAINMENT. With very li m Imp.uve- to u.e lot,they are pleased toe. noimce- to their friends and the pu! ii. ge.legally, that their llouscand its situation has advan tage* tar superior to any other in Miliedgcviile occupied » s an I,:n. being i> tirid from the crowd, well arranged lor the comtort ol faml’ie*. nnd pertertly to the Stale House, where all business relative to lands Is transacted. Friends and Stran- ... • (•• resj-oi-liuily invited to cull and examine the MANSION iiot > (•'. W. W. CARNKM, .M ... tgeville,J;*n. 1R29. C. MINER. 11.7 Tire Macon Messenger, Columbus Enquirer, Athenian. Au* !trot . |e,and Savannah Grorgiun, are requesteii to insert Kly t lire Paper II ngintfH, W AW. The T^uliscrihcrsi Imve uiiiuhJ JLi themselves in the Practice of the l^tw They will attend the Courtsof theOcimilgce, Twiggs of the Southern, Bibb of the Flint Circuit. Any business confided to their management will receive prompt and faithful attention. Their Office is the one recently occupied hv Dr. Fort. R. II. L. Ml < II \NAN. MilledjevUJe.Jni? v ALPHON.vO DEL.'.I N 1JOTICE.. -Siiicv the 27th of Deeemlui . w l.ct, the subscribers have not practise! Law in coimecrlon. 'V.M. V. I.ANSEI l , Millcdr'\nie,r«bf., 1820. lUl.yiN I.. I!,M;l’lS. N. I». Their clients are informed tint then j n; i nsetu.. n will lie given lo the business they hr.d ii. i lmi li- pievii.i iu n t l u. \ I hey will continue for the preset.t to occupv the same oH'ce. 9— 4t i* „ AMES J. SC A itliOKlTUCflt, Aumi.f) ®.P at Law, Dublin, Georgia, will practicu hi il*e c„until > o the Southern Circuit,and M ilkir.vou «t the Ornmlgie. M» im imind, when not ansent onpmfessii.nal Imsmes*, at tl.i*• »!»».•« Gen. Warien. All bu*iilc*> confi.ieu to liis caie w ill receive e attention. fob Ih -at D It JOHN If SWIFT, oll'ors his 'pro- fesslonaiservices to the citizens of Covington and the of Co ni Father, by ,by Lady Campbell,tc Tales >Ya!tor Scott, Art o' Living Loniand Comfor-! La ly Murg ;u’* niquaiW satinica ta l,|y ( I N »vel, thcO’Brii;i)bam. O'Fla- File’s French Cook, I hertys, Life ol Ledyard, m so— U The Am. Quarterly Review, I The American Journal ol the The Southern Review, I Medical sciences. Arrangements have been made, which w dun future seenre t the ubscrihers, in the up-country, to these valuable jieriodiculs, au »KN-SKKDS-*... Also an extensive assortment «»l Drugs, .Medical 1 reparations, Patent Medicines, Oils, Pain;*. Dve-Stulls, Window-Glass, Spices and Perfumery—A constant su fy ol finest Winn r Strained Lamp OiW-Fhie T«»h»re«and M«nkai*oy anHRcine.h SiwitT. \11 of which will be sold at very reasuiiable prices, lor Cash or ntiifnctory paper. _ .March in HEAD QUARTERS, GEORGIA. MiUerfgcvillc, January 1(5,1825). O RDERS.—The Review ami Inspection of the Milithifor the year 1 hj Ileeinent. ami tlr.tta- lions, will begin on the flr*t Mondav In April next. The Major Geueinisor Cnmiiiandcra of Divisions will issue their orders to suit the ennv nieuce <d urn Militia within their respective commands, taftiug care t hat the R' , * , i".vs be '‘ompleu by the first Monday in Jiii> mil. Quarters tin* time and place F The Aids of the Comma...h and report directly to II» a I i Brigade Inspectors will i copies of their returns to Oit The Returns must be full, iu subordination marked, and j . tliscitdine enforced upon Ufficers der tnelr commands. The Commander in Chief regro Ihr him to attend all the Reviews. Brigade will attend personally nr-l tr ill Chief i mrtr a ni report m Head ill i-ounnence. isdstiitthe Reviews, , l precise—all acts of in ipropriutely '.antsheil, und regul.i • all grades, and upon men uu •crdei . that t will not be pract-cable The Generals of Division and tin* due execution of their By'the Conimanrie J. W. \. SANFORD, Aid-ile-Cnmo. M ill-irons!, inks &, gudgeons. The stthscrilier having reduced his prices for Mill Iron* very low, for the sake ol ready nnmey, and having been several 1111109 disappointed in getting the money at all, alter faitlitid pro- mne^.'br wishes to inform nil persons w ho w ant such article* Hun lie f. el* very thankful forilioir calls, but is determined to deliv 1,1s work only on the cash being paid before it is moved from i id,op. a* lie lias suffered very severely by a contrary course, to t vreat prejudice of those who have lurnished theluaterials. ^ 7V i’li ’sc who have received work at .20 cents per pound, by Vruiiti'inC 10 p*y r«*ly «■•»*•}.If-•••O*-'-‘P"* 1 "* l’ i,v •£) cert, pyrpfiu-^iiisri'i' 11 -*!.- 10 ;n i coimuo.irill s ...... , Mlll^.1 Jvill.-. Hft l' 1 ‘. , ' 1 ’I'i-lilf- OUK RINDING.—Tim Suliscriber litis jn«* f «rl»‘is. in his 1* y.ertUb •**'Wild* of The public tfifly Blank Books will be kepi description; and will be also „ mic to order, tor kood terms as atuny other place in Hie .St ••«••• , , EDvVAllD JGILNSON, Booh-Sli.jcr. ' JMllledgcrU'e. March3 _tf_ lWTOTICF,.—Lo.-it a Caw days past, in the 1^ county of Oglethorpe, a Promissory* Note given by Joel Heart, of the county ot Oglethorpe, for 70 do.lars—1 do I'urw. jan IU—inliut B Mitachci! to ItoU'ton county, Nos 77, 78, 79, 80, 81. 82, 83, 84, Eft. 36. f*7. 88, 83. 9s, 02, 93, 94, 9ft and 90, nnd fraction No 177, anil lot 170. and fractions Nos 2*3, 2IG, 213 and 219, in the 1st district ol I>m *iv c .mm.ami fraction No the 2d district, and fractious No* ft. 09. 90, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 132, 133, 131, 164 and 163, in the On Monday tho 23d, ios 106, 1G7, 183, l!M, 195, 218, 219, 220, 221, 239, 240, 241, 242, 257, 2ft3, 270, 271, 272, 278, 279, 200, 281, 283 and 285, in the sanit i:*trict, ami Nos 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, G3, 76, 90, 91, 92, 93, 111 130, Iftl and 183, in the 9th district, nnd Nos 2, 3, 4 nnd 257, in tbi 0th district, aud Nos 262, SOMnud 301 iu the 12th district. On Tuesday the 34th, Nos 221, 226, 254, 255. 256, 257, 301, 306, 307, 323, 824, S25, 341 MB, ‘150 nnd 357. in the 13th district, und Nos 2D, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 15. 36, 37 , 33 . 39. 92, 93, 144, 145, 146, 147, 119, 189nnd 190,aud lot 191, and tractions Nos 192 and 193, ami lot 194, and fractions Nos 19ft, 196, 1.47, 198, 199, 229, 230, 213, 24U, 252, 2ft3, 2M, 256and256, n the 15th district. On W'cdncsdny tha 25th, Nos 209, 259, 240, 241 nnd 242, in tbe 16th district, and No364, in the fttli district of Gwinnett county, and lot No 10, and Iractions Nos 25, 40, 41, 42, 96, 218 and 247, hi the 6th district, and No* 278 and 354, in the same district now De Kalb county, nnd Nos 97, 98 181, 182, 'J£3aml ‘299,inlhe7th district Gwinnett county, and No 72, 74, 95, lift, 133, 131, 151, 166, 167, 170, 190, 191, 199, 208, 218, 223, 22-5, 226 and 227, in the 1st district of Irwin vounty, aud No* 61, log, 103. 137, ISO, 160, 169, 195, 196, 218. 219, 237, 230, 252 and ”3, in the 2ddistrict, nnd Nos 117and 183, inthe 4th district. On Thursday the ‘26th, Nos 196, 197, 214, 264 and 316, in the 1st district of Early c tr, and Nos 328, 389, 394. 398 and 401, in the ftth district, and Nos 140, Ml, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 184, 185, 186, 259, 260 nnd 315. in the 8th district, and Nos 14, 67 nnd 411, in the 9th district, nnd Nos 281, ‘28‘2, 818, 319, 253, 354, 2Vi, 356, 382, 395, 396, 387,405,406, 110,-113, 411 and 415, in the 1 Ith district. Oil Friday the *27th, Nos 14. 30, 31, 55, 06, 137, 170. 172, 174, 175, 176, 173, 297, L. WO, 335, 409, 410 l 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 419, 122 and i the 251 li ratling for said note. \QFILL \ (J il, his \ mark. 4 CCORDING to n Byc-Lnw adopted by il iVIJOA.m ()(•• IMIYSICIANS Ol'- OKORGIA, M their talon .each tuetnber the Dean, the name and r< grant temporary license, i the Board. ran have it done h> * *ndi of Thesis, and paying th« ination* will tu* condU'’tt‘< will not be lice* sod w ho ar seven branches of ilio science u law of tin* Board. Lexington, Ga. Jan 19—eolm 1 In the etjoired to forward t . Hv deficient in any i dici’ie. according to i A. JONES, M. D. Dt C GEORGIA.—By his Excellency JOHN Jl" FORSYTH, Governor andV’ommnndcr in Chief of the A-nty and Nnvv of this Slate, and of the Militia thereof T A PROCLAMATION. "^WHEREAS the .Sheriff of Camden V * county has this day officially informed the Governor, that john McDonald, joiin Stafford, gkorge STAFFORD,and JAMES STAFFORD, charged with murder ing an Indian n mod Bill, jin Ware < m .:y, .. i I robbing liis camp, broke the tail of *aid emmtyot (’ i.iitlt ;i «m the niorning «*f the26th ult.—Now, in order that the snid person* may |„» afipre- hended anil brought to trial for the crime with which they .ire charred. I have thought pr >ner lo Issue this my Prorlainntion, hereby olTerim n iTwnnJ "i'ynnIi ni'MntKi) nnl.I. Mis. hit i»t , r*oii or persons w no s!i ill a,’pi*eh. nd a oil t • lit **' tli* m to the Sheriff or Jailor of Cairnleit <;o(tnfy, or ONE IJEN'DRED DOLLARS for cither »t th*ru—And I do nmreoter charge and require all officers, civil ami military in tin* Mate, to ntdnnJ us- ? jst in their apprehension tnd tleltvery a*aliiresnid. Given under mv hand, and the *t*iil <*l tin Ex* ctitiv(, at the State-House in Milledgevillc, this twelfth day ol Febru ary eighteen iiund.e l und twenty-nine, and inthe titty- .hiM year of .Uoaican Imleptmtenr^ p0IlsyTIJ By’b» Oo> rrnoi|. d , I AM | Lt on, Secretary of State. NOTE.—John McDonald is about 52, John Stafford 32, George Stafibrd about 30, and James Stafford about Sf IT/’ The Editor of the Floridian at 1 allauni the above llie’ : 1*21 ImIuVActVaiid^Nos'J W^’l 13^*l"!5T* 1ST* Vi'h 245 246] 970, 371, 372 And 373, in the 14thdlstric»,and Nos 161, 165, 166, 192, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216nnd 217,in the 15th district. On Saturday the 28th, Vo.*, 211, 221, 239, 249, 211, 213, 263, 265, 267 nnd 232; In the same strict, and Nos 821, 358, 391, 393 and 391, in the 29th district, nnd Nos 81, 120, J96, 197. 198, 199, 200, 227, 240, 211, 212, 241, 216, 247. 250, 257, 201, 262, 270, 272. 299, 300, 315, 379 at.d 420, in the 2l*t district, and Nos383nnd 408, in the26th district,nnd Nos 401, 440, 113, IJ9and 4.55, iu the 28th district. On Monday the 2d day of March, Nog 353, 401, 411, 429. 430, 431, 435 and 436, iu the l«t(list form • -ly Appling now Telfair county, nnd Nos 624 , 62ft, 620, 627, 642 Oil, 613, 654, 053, 656, 357, 659, 600, 661, 662nnd003, inthe2ildis- irirt of Appling county, and Nos 25, 26, 27, 78, 79, 190, 131, 18.3, H0, 2 )1, 339, 391, 41!). 449, 450, 498, 499, 500, 509 and 510, in the hi district, and Nos 459, 460, 461, 462, 463 nnd 495, in the 4th dist, On Tuesday the 3d, No* 496, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 517, 518, 519, 522, 523, 524, 526 and 527, in the same district, and Nos 300, 301, 339, 3-11, 342, 344 J45, 316, .947, 379, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 335, ST 891, in the9th district, and Nos 1, 19, 50, 94, 169, 130nnd 184, rtth district of Hall county, nnd Nos 1, 13, 2ft, 37, 43, 49, 59and 66, »n the Ol Ii district. On Wednesday the 4th, Nos G7, Cl, 69, 70, 32, 33, 84, 91, 93, 96, 99, 107, 110, 111, 112,113, lift, 116, 117, 121, 128nnd 135, and the State’s half of lot No 149, fraction No 176, in the same district, and the State’s half of lot No 18, ami fraction No 19, in the 10th district, nnd lot No 100. in the 11 tii district, nnd Nos DO, 102 nnd 125, Inthe 1st district ol Ilaher- •jfiam county,and lots Nos lOnud 100, in the 3d district, and lot yu in, hnd frnotions Nos 121 131,129,130, 131, 132, 133 and 134, in jbe-ftiidi'-lrict, pud Nos 1,9,1,6, 7, 8,10,13aud 15, iu tbe 5th dis- On Thitrttluy tin; fiih, . if, 17,1ft and 20, and lot No I00,ln the same di.*trici)BlUlfrac Nos 6,7,21. 33.39,40, 12,45,40, loo, in theCthdistrict, nnd fractions Nos 10,30, l<n, *04, *wo, 2o0, 207,201, ‘209,’210,211. 212,221 and 225,in the 10th district, nnd Nos 21, lot, 152, 161 and 174, in the llth district, and Nos 37, 38,39, 40, 72,100,136, 138, VJ5,135,204,205,215and 216, inthe 12thdistrict. On Friday the Cth, No*24, 25,104,105, 10R, 130,131,150, 174,183, 184, 185. 193 and 191, in the I.Jth district, and lot No 10, in the 1st district ot Rabun coun ty, anil lot No 10, in the 2d district, und fractions, Nos 8, 49 76, 77 111,178, in the 3d district, and N. s 12, 13, 37, 38, 39, 59,60,70,77,7!) and 80 inthe 4th district, and lot No 10, and fractions Nos 11, 12, 13 in the ftth district, and islands No* 477 and 483, in the 2d dist. . Baldwin county, and fraction No 10, in the 3d district, and Nos I aiuitiO in t tie 4(li district, and fraction No 259, in the 9th district, id No the 10th district,and No 196, in the 13th district, ami 'os 192, 213, 257 and 258, in the 20th district. On Saturday the 7th, Nos 1, 2, 3, 25, 26, 60, 61 ami 301, in the l*t di*trictof Wilkinson mnty, and Nu 321, in the 2d district, and Nos 6 nnd 12, in the 4th lislrirt, and Nos l&ft, 191 and 288, in the 6th district,and No412, in the 3th district, and Nos 286, 310 and 341, in the 17th district, and N» 243,in the 18th district, und No 399, in tiie22d district, nnd Nos 267 and 283, in the 2Ud district, and Nos 243, 244, 245 and 246, in the tli district,and letters A ami B. aud Nos 56, 116, 232, 417, 437and «;, in the 1st district of Wayne county, and Nos 249. 250, 275, 276 And 282. in the 2d district, und Nos 224, 225, 264, 2C5and266, in the 3d district. One-fifth of the purchase money will be required in hand, in snecie or current bills, on nny of the chartered Banks of this State. JAMES WHITFIELD, ] ROBKItT*W K *CARNE8, \ Commissioners. JOHN MERCER, J The Editors of tin* Constitutionalist, Savannah Georgian, Da- an Gazette, Macon Messenger, and Athenian, will give the above iglit weekly insertion* in their respective papers, commencing is possible, unless otherwise, instructed by the ConrniU- Surveyor-General's Office, Felt. !), 181!!) A LL persons addressing Letters to the Surveyor-Gi.m:ral,onthelMuincMO! lii. Office, mull pay ^Pereu'nrffisMnrtheic Orom. sent by Mail, by enclosinB the money, post pa III. will receive them promptly by return mail. The price for Grants In the last I-ottery is 2 dollars-the price on all Grants in the former Lotteries is 8 hollars—all Itiiht tiriuits, not exceeillni[MO arres, 1 ilollars and 2j cents—over Jlo "'parVonswimhav/notwhen out irantsfnr their land, and who may w ish Information, by .■...•l .ah.K X cents, post paid, shall - • reive a l'lat with a description of the land, the (l. ...ince it is sit teil from the site of public building* In the county, or front la piiitM of tile Ne w |»urcha*e. represent ing nil ‘he^dirtricG- ’ ter courses,counties, Le. t< i»ell and Randolph, will be of two dollars, feb 16—Im gethtr with the new counties of Camp lo, warded tonnv i>er*onon the receipt JOHN BETHI NK, Sur.Gcn EORGI A, Otflcthorpe county. Mi.d W Smith, ad’ninistrator »f John C. Smith,dec'd. applies letters of dismission from said estate— This is therefore to cite tin* kindred and creditors of said 4t to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law eaiisr, if any they have, w hy sal, letti rs ul ihsmi-sion si,.ml mahe«ranu»l. i; Given under,wha^th»»jth^D«am f 'anuaryj Sale of 114 Half Acre, finte icithin the town of Colunbus. I N compliance with mi net of the General Assembly of the Mtateof Georgia, pn**sed the 21 day ol December, 1827, entitled •rved for tin u«e ol t Coweta Falls on tlie Clmltnlioochee river hp I I —The Commissioner* appointed uimer tl-.e j " t public outcry, in the it Ndl , w 111 offer fo» mu- in |»huii* uniu v, u comnnnenelnc t>n Mominy, 23d day of alarelt next, all the unsolt tl Town Colunibus, consisting of ONE III NDBF I* AND FORTY-FOUR. The Sale tot ontlnue fromtlu\ to da» uu til all are sold. One-fifth nf the purchase money will be required in advance the balance in four equal annua! instalments. ELIAS BEALL, 11. L DEGUAFFE.NIIEID, »*. 11. ALSTON, IGNATIUS A. FF.ftV. Cntninissiotter* for laying off the town of Columbus, and ;Uc rt verve nt Coweta Fall*. Editors of the Charleston Courier, the Tuscaloosa Clironiele, nud of all the public gnzelit s iu Gt-ttii.ia will insert ‘ ' . .. days, and forward their ontli LAFAYETTE IIALL, IN MILLEDGEVILLK, Is now omipii'il bs ii TAVERN I.v JOIIN A JONfcS llOFSE OF ENTERTAINMENT. TRAVELLERS passing through Wntkirsvllle, Clnrk county, can be accommodated -no bcustt on moderate term*. Iu—fit ' ROBERT R. HARDEN To the J’loplc of Units ( cunty. MtfUKTAIN sprn"'r RK IKKAT, Uu . li, ISM. 7*ELLO\V-<TJ'l/E S—I got a glimpse of an nnotiy nninus Handbill ■ few day* since, containing ers charge* against me. nil ot w hich 1 declare to be false ami tin founded, and Ihey do not contain truth enough amongst them to make me the least angry, nor should I have replied to it, had it not been to gratify some ol my Iriends. 1st. I am charged w ii h Imvina drawn money to pay the guard of Lmlwcll Watts, and Hint I tailed lo do so. So tar from that I have paid out ol my own money about three hundred dollarsnnd nevei have received the first cent in remuneration. I drew mon ey. it 1* (rue,out of Bank, for the purposcof paying for rations; but I drew it on my own responsibility, which I pain at maturity. 2ml. (it making use ot McIntosh's money, and that he bud ro legal heirs, which is false. McIntosh hnd five wives nnn about tw enty five children, among whom were Chilly nnd Joiin ; these were grown, very smart, and had good education, and did all the business for their father tl, instead of making, was considerable loser hv Mclntnsh’sdentn. 3d. Ol being tlie bailor of F. G. Brown, which i* equally false w ith the rest. 1 never saw Mm, nor never knew there was such a man under the canopy of heaven, until 1 saw it published In tbe A bid) have known more of him • A ENTERTAINMENT & BOARD- ING HOl’»»K—The subscriber having taken that large • IcH. and commodious llmt*e i n tbe corner of M nltiut and ii streets,know » a* the Y KLLOW IIObsK, respectfully so licit* tin i»atronag»‘ ol her friend* and tbe public in general, that she i- pi« pared to *-uteitain travellers and jirivate bonvders in a I manner. Hav itig the assistance ol Mr. and Mr*, liivius, •articstly hopes to r«-t eive a share of public patronage, she /Lif t«- * JterseliCsrit her charges* wHl he sufficiently reasonable to aw:v a customer lo oali the s« «:oml time. There is a stable ami ni riage house attached to the lot, which is equal to pity in tlie pla-’e, whl, a good and experienced ostler LUCINDA BIRD. THE 8LB8CRIBER having niudi considerable i '.terntion to Id* dwelling house, situntei mi the town ol Sandersville, Wu>hinctou county. Geo tli side of the court-house square, witn the view ol open IngHllGt'sE OF ENTERTAINMI*. vT, will have il in rcadi fori he i eeejitloii ol Traveller*, by iln-^Mh inst. and solicits a -•tl public pationaue. Ili* fare will be such a* the country ds.nnil he liutlets liMUsell that he will be able lo give salisfac- ■'I'd, call. (septS) M. BROWN. INDIAN QUEEN TAVERN.-— GEORGE ftV. Dll.LAUD, begs leave to assure Ids (lit ndsaiul the public, that lie is prepared to acrommo s.icis and travellers who may favor Idm|with their com Hi**(altli>k arelnrgennd enpaefou*, nnd will he supplied «• Li-t tic country afford*. Ills situate on the lower ) Alabama near Dr. IngersoU Ferry lit t.,nuntbu*, Match, 17—tf JEORt rss-w. DILLARD. MANSION HOUSE, at the cor- r of tlie Court-House Square, and .Mulberry Street jilUfl Macon,G liFLLOCK k: XvEl.LS have again taken charge of this well kimwn Establishment, (formerly u — * —• — l - 1 - 1 w i i,in Inline, receive the iuuuedlat tb’ecc of >'r. V EI.I.S—vv ho hopes,from hisdetenniurd assiduitv to Lie l.i u*c t i.i;d nttenlionito those who may visit it, nnd from om old august 25 COMMERCIAL HOTEL. k ft!»rn * *nh ,r rther very resncctliilly informs his friends and the publ-cgmernlly, that he hnsopened a HOUSE OF ENTKRT A1N.MI NT, lor Travellersanu Hoarders,on Slain t, In the rnitlsl ol l he Cotton market. JI is house is largeaml ■I lent, nnd the 11 st that the n -*rkel nlfi rd* w ill nt nirtimes plenty. The latest news from Europe is receiv ed ai every Farmers' Fire Insurance £j* Loan Company, of New York, With a Capital of $;»00,000, all paiJ in, C ONTINUE to take Risks ii(;uiiist Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, Cotton, lie. at a moderate premium, by HENRY II. FIELD, Agent. Augusta, Geo. Dec. 18 DIRECTORS. James Ta'lntadgc, Wm. Osborn, James Magee Aaron O. King, Frederick A. Tracy, Thomas Lord, Henry Parish, John W. Leavitt, John 8. Crnry, Lewis Curtis, Jacob Corlie*, George Griswold, Jnntfi—wlrn Robert M. Russell, James McBride, | Thomas J. Oakley, ftVni. II. Harrison, Benj. Bailey, Roger Prout. JOIIN T. CHAMPLIN, President. JOIIN KING, Secretary. V ALUABLE PROPERTY. A (treat Bargain.—The subscriber expecting to spend part of his time in tlie low country, offers the following vnlunble I’LA.NTA- remnindcr good land for cultivation. On the nremisrs there fine42savv gin carried by water, and about 800 bushels ol corn, The land is situated about 10 milesfrom .Monroe. Walton county and I• miles from Athens—said to be as well watered by liii, spring*, and as healthy a situation ns nny In Georgia. The pi t uii ses will he sold low for cash, negroes, or on a long credit Al«o259 acres ot Innd,4 miles from Covington, on the rood to Madison, about l 1-2 milesfrom Jefferson Academy; thelaud li« well, nnd about 30 acres of open land, in a fine neighborhood, . beautiful situation, and very free land to cultivate. Also 270 acres, in one mile of Covington, with n good grist aim saw mill, and a quantity of fine pine lumber, all very lianuy to the mill, with from Uflto 70 acres of open Innd ; the place well untri ed with fine springs, and said to be very healthy, nnd a beautiful situation for a farm, und the mills w ill alw ays have what grinding and sawing they can do. Also, ou n long lease, thnt well known nlnce.CKD A F. SI to.\ I >m Yellow River, on the road from Covington to McDonough,, which there is two grist and two saw mills, a 50 saw gin, thrc*hii, • machine, store-house, smith-*bop urd tools, large hiirti.g/mdiiw ri ling house, stables, nnd other ouM u idings. There is 667 Here of land in the tract, and the pine timber on 1200, all convenient it the mills. The grist mills make from into 12(H) bushels of grab • v»ry yearly grinding. The Shoal on the River is said, by goot judges, not to he inferior to any in nil the Southern Stair*, lor air kind of machinery requiring waterpower, and by nature ili perfectly protected from all harm or danger by freshet-; a,.i there is on the premises nbout 109 acres of open Innd. in a mm slate for cultivation. Eitlierofthe above premises would on good tojms, nnd if on a long credit tlie premises to stand tin, own security lor payment. A lease would be preferred for th lastdescribed. The subscriber has also®<une valunblelotsin McDonough, Hen rv county, nnd IS8,in the 7th dist of-aid « ,,,a fine lot nJ'Jjin about 2 miles from McDonough ; with other valuable lot* of hr In Coweta, Carroll, Troup, Mu-coger, aud Lee mitutie*, all . which will be sold ns above. Fur further particulars apply n val, d the current prijcsfroi: diffi r* nt papfisdaUy. Dec 11—tt ‘•kly ’ ilumbln. i’o THE PUBLIC—Mus Jane kFADI’.ICK it ALLFORD CLOPTON, in connec tion with N. II. BEAL, lutve taken tlu- house in Ee- onton, kr.ownns the Mansion House, heretofore occupied by Beal i; kiiuhrmigh, ns a House of Entertainment, situated outlie East corner oi the public square, in the most pleasant part of the vil lage. From Mrs. Kendrick’s long experience in lmslnes.*.(hoth In Katonton and Monticello)shehoj)es tu share a partof the public patronage. dec 8—tt; handbill ; the writer (Brown) than I did. 4th. A letter directed to T. O. Cochran, to my care. Inmnnmorr acrnuninhleforthut.thnn if I hnd been Postmaster, L handed it out At the date olthai letter there was no Post Office nearer than Mon- ticello or Forsyth, and ail the letters to persons near the Springs, w ('redirected tomy care. Tl»al did not authorise me to openjthein, ) (U lay me liable lor the contents ofthose letters. There was noth ing at .hat time nileged against Cochran. Inti when I found he was dishonest, there was no man sought hnider to bring hint to justice than 1 did* All those charge* should necessarily have been enter ed on some record, and I challenge an invc*tigntion. The hand bill I hevievoto have been founded on political prejudice, which vvns unjust nnd wrong ; one of the greatest liberties w« have U to vote for vv horn we please, and no person ought to say “why do you ’—Nature has iu>l designed us all to see alike nnd it is right it should be so. I once (as It is termed) wa* a Clark man, but got wrong' * - -- ahvays open to conviction. convlncedl _ _ r ini tlit late war. (ireat Britain sent among the Creek nation, es, loaded with money, guns, nnd nmttnitiou. tomnhawks nnd scalping knives, who enticed the most influential Chiefs to come out and prophesy under the influence ol the Great Spirit, who put their meusurt Intu cxccutioo, and proved successful and orders were sent to Gen. William McIntosh, by little Prince and big Warrior to raise (he whole of the Warriors under his com mand, to take up arm nnd fight n gainst the United Stales. Mein* to*h raised his men accordingly, but Instead of joining the llriti-h, he (liken true republican,) marched Ills warrior* and joined the lin o, Gen. Jackson, and there was received nnd fought bravely. They wi realwav s putin front of the battle, 4 proved successful, fi lien the war was over, Gen. Jn' kson had a.I those prophets, ringleaders and instigators, of tin warputm death, amlwiotea Treaty, not ns other Treati** where there is stipulation, but sta ted ngrcenbleto the ('onstittitionofthe United Htntes and the arti cle* of warfare, I demand from you the whoh* Territory. The Constitution of the United States expressly says if any man either white or red take up arms nnd fight against the United State*, they nev er shall claim nor own soilagain within the I i nlted State*. This was a wi*e article in the Constitution to prevent Tories en grossing our landing points on the Hen-hoard, hut the treaty went on further to state, Whereas two thirds of the Creek nation have been hostile to the United States during the War, I there fore demand from then) the whole of their Territory,—but where as Gen. William Mc|nto*b. Olninetustnnngee, Yeholomlcco and their warriors, have been valiant Warriors, Il have fought brave ly in befall of the United States, | cede to them certain limits in cluding the present Creek nation. The Treaties of 1821 and 5 fron GMkiuulcet to Chattahoochie rivet s.— When the Treaty w as signed the hostiles expressed n great wish to hold a council with the friendly party, Mqlntnsh consented, ami In tlie council they expressed a great desire to reunite, McIntosh told) hem he could mu,but would consult the President ami Secretary at War. and it then* was no objection he bad none, ns they had been deluded by false prophets, lie went to Washington Citv, communicated their w ish to the President and Secretary of War nnd received for answer, 41 the laud that vv ms granted to you nt Fort Jackson, is your laud, aud never shall be taken aw ay from yon only by fair ml equitable Treaty through the United States nnd forn vnltia- Ideconsidernti.'n. Knowing ull these tacts 1 believed thetitleof tlie nation in the friendly party, and that the Treaty was fairly made. I found a number ol our party crying out fraud and treachery, and I thought il we got the land it would interest every citizen in Georgia, either directly or indirectly ; und whenever the interest u| the Mutccnme in contact with tha pnrty feelingit °bould v ied, and that every citizen in Grorgin ought to say to the General Government,the land is ours, the Treaty is ratified and bdeome the supreme Ihw of tliclaad, und we intend to hold it, “peneenblv ifwecanL forcibly ifvvc must.” it cannot say it in more plain and dbtinct language than to vote for Troup Governor, and under this view of the subject did I vote for TROUP. JOEL feb. 10—3t. fcL BAI.EY. LAWS OF TIIE IT. STATES. [nr AUTHORITY] iffli GREENESBOROUGIi, GEOR- 'J 1 A.—Tbe Subscribers have takeiyiossession of the Hotel, formerly occupied by Mr. ’Hio.*. W. Grimes. They deem it unneressarv to expatiate upon the inducements which this establishment presents to Tra vellers, or to make a profession of extraordinary merit on the oc casion, a* is the manner ot some. They are desirous that the pub lic should call nnd judge for themselves ; and solicit a conti don of tlie bu rner patronage of tlie House. In consequence o. ...„ pressure of tbe times, their charges will be quite reasonable; and, G 1EOHGIA, Taliaferro county—Lemuel % Melear,of Capt.Cobb’s district, tolls before m", Edward Junes, a justice of the peace in and lor said county, one chesnut •oriel horse,4years old next spring, with a blow in his lace, his left tore fool white, about 4 leet 9 or 10 inches high; appraised to !Y> dollars by Thomas Guest and Richard Anderson, this 2Jst day Of January, IH29. EDWARD JANES, J. P All extract from the stray book, this 28th day of Janunrv, 1829. feh!) HENRY PERKINS, G. I. C. 0.IJ AN COCK County, Georgia. —A large U aff mouse colored horse mule, 4 feet 11 inches high, 6 years old, «o'lc white spots near the witheis and n little white where the collar works, rubbed very much with gear, and valued nt 85 dollar*, was posted ns an estray on the 30lh day of lanuary last, beforeBepjamin F. Lat'.nu r. E< ..... county, februnry |i FfcOOLY County, Georgia.—Caleb Fair- B.y cloth of Capt Rowin’* dist. posted before Abel Akridge. K«q. enc bny horse, some inclined to be gray, about 13 hands ami anu a ball liigb.almut B'or 12 years old, some white oil his left fore foot ami left hind fom, n blaze In his forehead, some saddle sjait-; appraised lo-hi dollars. Ann one sorrel mare with fore white legs, a blaze in herfore head, about 4 sold In the spring, nlmut 13 hands and a half Cedar Shoals, and after October to tli Subscribe or John Boston nt Cedar Shoals, sept 22 SAMUEL J RRY C jl EORGIA, Wmren county—Alfred G. il Pogue ti lls before Daniel Dennis, Esq. n sorrel mare about 15 VI t.rsaltl.crcf sc tailed .shod betore, marked with tbe saddle , (I . '*ar, a *tin ni the tofebetnl, about 4 feet 10 or H indies high, im-;s and canters ; appiqised to25dollnt-8, January 27. 1829. THOMAS GIBSON, C. I. C. D 1a KALB County, Georgin. Hospy Mailer, of the 4'0;h dist G. M. posted before Meredith Collie) , l .sq. ope sorrel mure. 12 or 14 years old, 14 hand* high M ire to het forehead, white spot from her withers to her min, n scar on tlm near shoulder, supposed to he sw inney, shod la-lore, flux EUiP.i- ami tail: ‘—* »- * ... .... tiimn, to 40 dollar*, fell 16 r. MURPllEY, C. ILI, li^' sold to the highest bidder, in • town of Milledgeville, immediately fronting Lafay- Hall, on the Dili day of March next, the following Fractional is of Surveys,in the first district of Muscogee county, viz: |No*.16, 7. 8. 20, 2L 22^37,^38, 39, 52^53, 68,^7, 68, 83. 84, aft, 9'), lao, 115, 133, 26,5, « 220, 209, 290, 291, 298, 316, 317, 322, 323, 1, and 325. Also will be sold on the same day, E FA WE MATH-LAW’S RESERVE, lying on Flint River, in the 16th district of originally Houston now Upson county, in such lots or fractional ports of sur veys a* may be reported tons by the Surveyor who i* now making the survey. Also tbe following l*lnndsin the Chattahoochee river, No 3, in tne 9lhdistrict of Hall county, and No 27, in the 8th dis trict of Muscogee county. The terms will be the same as hereto- r,„o puhlUhciiUy EVANS MYRICK, TUGS. N. (41 BBS, JOIIN MERCER, R. W. CARNES. tisement until the day of «ale- STEAM & POLE BOAT the North-C,ii\''Mn«)toriinbe Macon,'Savannah and CharleVtOti. during the approaching host ing sea*on. 'I'lie North Carolina i* n stnunrh, good bout, has re cently undergone a thorough repair, and is excelled by few in speed. She w ill take freight to and from either place. From her construction ami easy draft ol water, it is believed she w ill meet with no difficulty in coming to Mncon whenever the river is at it* ordinary boatiin. height. When it is not iustich u state ns to ad mit of berreaching Macon,she will be met with such lighters a* will have no difficulty ingettinr up—so that merchandise shipped by her w ill not he detained on the river,on account of low water —There isno doubt thnt by this arrangement, the space ot time hertoforeconsumed in transporting merchandise between .Macon EORGIA, Tnttimll county—To Justice W William Tippins, greeting—Whereas on the 16th day of . ..... . the present instant, in the county aforesaid, I, the within named MikltiH I IM. LINE, between Macon, j Irwin Moore, did swear that I hnd just reasons to la-lievi- that Suvann-ili nnd Charleston. | John li. Smith had coininitled forgery b) signing one note ol hand The undersigned bus nrocured a stck-in,. i for tbe nmoui-t ol 39 dollars, nnd suit! note being dated 16th day ) I ot February, 1328, and I the snid Irwin, after meditating and hu- ving In en In cons.-ience hound to recollect the signing ot the same do lieieliy nuihori*e you to *et aside all proceedings, a* respects theense, ftss.iid Smith •* innocent in said crime forgery—There fore I pray the God of Heaven to forgive me, and also hescrccned myself from the trammels of the law In said case by Smith— Therefore to justify the innocent, I will confess my faults and pay and tlm ertions will lie spared to make a safe a ad expeditious mode trasportatinn, it is therefore hoped and expected, that tho*e den rous of seeing so desirable an object effected, ard particularly: bis mark tothewriltenlii*mmientnf w riling as wrote in the same those interested in the prosperity of Macon, will imtronise this’ without nn) compulsioirt.y Smithor nny other person or Reward you hII cost in said c Signed with mv own voluntary wil!,without any rewnrd orfen ontli ■ pdrt of *aid John ll.Smiibnr any oilier person, this J8th day of April, •»: M. IRWIN .ftlODllE his x mark. WM If. EDWARDS. JOHN SANDS. Sr. H* x marl. GEOR(»|Tattnall County—By George U. Tippins, a mi gistrate tor *nid county—personally came before me John Sands Sr. w ho aft i being duly sworn sailli he saw Irwin Moore sign undertaking, The North-Carolina wil* leave Charhutun on her first trip, aboutthe first November. 11. W. Conner, L*q. will agent in Charleston, und Messrs. Thomas Butler, k Co. ’ vanuah. Macon. September 4—tf JOHN T. ROWL/.ND. REWARD.— Itnnawuy fromtke i'lantation ot Aaron Tomlinson, deceased inthe county of Jefferson, about the Iftth of December last, ii Negro named DAVE, who belongs to the estate ol the said derensi Dave is n stout we', 'utilt young man, yellow complexion k bushy hair, and very im- tl cnt. and w«* the former rarringe driver of the deceased Mr.'* otnlinsou—In is pretty well known in Augu*ta nniLSavannnh, to one of vv liicli places, he is probably gone, und ll is supposed with forged free paper*. I will give the above reward for I he delivery of tbe Bov to np* nt Louisville,or will eive 20 Dnll-u s for •ecuring <rim in nnv fail in this State so that I can get him. ROCK •! L. GAMBLE. Louisville Jan26,—liu Adm’r.ol A. T' inUn*oii,dec I. tar ns this deponent know*, and that snid paper was read aid Moon-’* hearing JOHN SANDS, his x mark. Sworn to before me this 22d April, 1828. GEORGE U. TIPPINS, J.p, TATTNALL COUNTY—Ido hereby certify this is a true copy of the affidavit and original confession of Irwin Moore, this 2411) Inn feb ]6—!?t WILLIAM DURRKNCE, J. P. ^,7- (BTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, City k bushy of Raleigh.—In the Supreme Court, Dec. Term, A.D. 1828. KezdMi’ib Picket undoth Sqsnnnnti Johns and otliers. Susanna li Join** nod others, Kezannah Picke original bill. IIIOTICK—Tho suhscrihers l»uvit»*r dispo- sed of their Stock of (4uods, to Messrs. Harwell *« Fort,are desirous of closing the business of the concern, a* *peedily h* > os- sible. All those indebted to us whose notes and account* are now- due, are earnestly solicited to come forward and settle them with out delay. COOKE ii. COWLES. Eatonton, Jan 23—It Pickett, two of the defea t'd the limits of this State, e not represented by any ci ed that time be allowed intlii-i court—It is ... ah aodJeptha until the next tenn of this - (fiirt-rooni ii. the Unpitol in tin* (’ily, on the 2d , to except against the *nid report, or any Monday of Ju matter therein Colt I allied; und made, that tin* said report lie taken O N Tuesday the 10th ilny of March next, will be sold in the Town of Milledgeville, immediately fronting Lafayette Hall, the following square Lots : No*. 430. 431. 432. 4,'13. 434 . 435 -116. i;7. 438. 43'). 449. 441. 442. 4-13, 411. 445, -146, 417. 448, 449, 450, 151. 452, 453, 454, 4.Y), 4.56, 457, j.M 459. 460, 461, 462, 463, 461, 46.5. 466, fir?. 468. -It!). 470. 471. 17.’. 473. -171. 475, 176. 477. 473. aud 179, in the 13th district of Applin •i hv W are county, which numbers have not been advertise through mistake. ... , , . , 0 , The Editor* previously authorised to publish the Land Sales, • rcnucsied to publish tlie above until the day of sale. EVANS MYRIUK, \ JOHN MERCER. I THOS. F GIBBS. Commissioner JAMES WHITFIELD, r,*l, 16 n. \V. CARNES, 1 plum he then lusive upon the . rf , i said Ivaiiih and Jipthii. And it i* ordered that a copy of this UUK A i 1 Illh.-— 1 lie Commissioners I order Im? inserted three times successively inthe Star, anewspa- |M*r printed in this City, and also for three times successively in some new*paper printed at the seat of Government of the State of Georgia. Attest, JOHN L. HENDERSON, C. S. C. feb 16—3t of the Chattahoochee Navigation,above the Coweta Falls, ar*r«que*ted to meet at the Standing Peach Tree, on the Chatta hoochee, in DcKalb county, on Friday the27tli of March nest, by order of the Board. Punctual Attendance is expected, as arrange ments and preparations for working on the river tlie ensuing sea son are to bo made. JACOB R. BROOKS, Secretary. LIKELY YOUNG NEGRO FEL- 9W\W LOWS WANTED, from the age of 18 to 23years,tor which a fair will be given. The subscriber will rontiiuietopur- chase until the 10th April next. JAMES It. JONES. FlYnTT Subscribers hnviuz purchased the Jil entire STOCK of GOODS owned by Messrs. COOKE h COWLES, will continue to occupy the building in which the bu siness has been heretofore conducted.—The patronage of the friends and customers ol tie* former concern, and the public ge nerally, in respectfully solicited. They will keep on hand n 1%JOTICE. All persons lire hereby Cor- I v warned from trading for three notes of hand of t lie follow- ins description, to wil: two for 3)) dollar* each, and one for 21 dollars and 53cent*, *ignod by Julius Roback nnd John Fuirrlnth and given to the guardian ot (lie minors of James T. Thomas, dec'd. for that the consideration for which said notes were given has failed. Said notes were given on the 6th of January, 1829, nnd payable on the 25th December, 1829. feb 16—3t JULIUS ROBCTCK. easunable LEWIS P. HARWELL WILLIAM FORT. rOTICF.—The subscriber will puv oust I for 25,000 weight of good mercnntable HIDES,delivered t in C1IAJU.Z* BOOT. J. CO. &lc. all of which \ Eatonton. Feb 9—It WOTICE. My wifo Sabah luiviiijr l.-TN t M my bed nnd board without any just cause, ail persons are by torwarned front crediting her or contracting with her u n iy manner or harboring or boarding her on my account,as I an determined not to be bound la any manner on her account, feb P* ’ WILLIAM D.1RNALD. Town Lots for Sale in Talbotton, Talbot County. UHLL be offered for snle, on Thursday VV the J2th tiny of M.-irrli M'xt. the LoH rein.inii)K unwif. in *nid Town, consisting ol the most valuable front, corner a. hark lots, of different sizes Tbe town has been made permanei l y the last Legislature. Persons seeking their fortune would i well to attend the .-ales, as good bargain* can be hnd. One-elgh'. naid in advance, three annual instalment* on the latter. >N.) , Vj.I.C ft b 16-tJs M. W. PERRY, JOHN P. BLACKMON WRITE SIIERARD ICHAROD COX JOHN PRUT. Laics of the United States,passed at the Second Session of thi Twentieth Congress. [No 1 ] AN ACT mRUin£ nppropribnons for tin* support of Government, fur the firnt aunt ter of the year one ihciianiiH nflit litirulred nnd twenty ninn lie it anaetrd by the Senate and House of Repres- entatires of the United States of America in Congress assembled. Tint the following •uni* he, nnd the name an hereby, respectively, appropriated, for the nervice of (he first quarter of tho year one thousand tight hun dred and twenty nine j that into say : For romponHntion to the Senators and Members of the House of Representatives, their Officers, and Clerks, nnd for tho contingent expenses of both Houses of Congress, four hundred und sixty five thousand ninn hundred and ninoty eight dollars For expenses of the Library of Congress, including the salary nftho Library, four hundred and eighty-se ven dollars and fifty cents. For compensation to tlio President of the United States, six thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation to tlto Vice President of the Uni ted Slates, one thousand two hundred and fifty dol lars. For compensation to Tho Secretary of Slute, one thousand five bundled dollars For compensation to the Clerks in the Department of State, per act of twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred nnd eighteen, three tliousuud nine hun dred seventy five dollars. For compensation to Clerks in the said Department, per art of nccotid March, one thousand eight hun •l.ed and twenty seven, one thousand one hundred dollars For compensation to the messengers in the Dopart incut of State, including the messenger in the Paten Offico, in ful' of all allowances, three hundred and sixty-two dollats and fifty rents For compensation to one machinist in tho Patent Office, pet act of twenty-sixth May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty four, one hundred and sot entv five dollars. For the incidental and contingent expenses of the Department of State including 'he expenses of prin ting und distributing the laws, and for extra copying o«* papers, six thousuud seven hundred and twenty five dollars For compensation to the clerks in th** office of the Secretary of the Treasury, per net of twentieth April, me thousand eight hundred and eighteen, two thou- and six hundif-d dollars For compensation to n clerk in snid r fficc, per art of the twenty-sixth of May, one thousand eight hun dred und twenty-four, two hundred and eighty seven dollars fifty cents For compensation to clerk tn said office, per act of second of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, three hundred and fifty dollats For compensation to the messenger in said office, and assistant, in full of all allowance, two hundred and sixty two dollars fifty cents. For compensation to the First Comptroller of the Treasury,eight hundred and seventy-five dollars. For compensation to the clerks in 'he office of the First Comptroller, per act of twentieth of April, one thousand eight hundred nnd eighteen, four ihousnud four hundred and sixty-two dollars and fifty cents For additional compensation to one clerk per net of second of March, one thousand eight hundred aud twentv-soven, fifty dollars For compensation to messengers in snid office, in full of all allowances, two hundred and sixty-two dol lar** and fifty cents Fit compensation to the Second Comptroller, of the Treasury, seven hundred and fifty dollars For compensation lo the clerks in the office of tho Second Comptroller, per net of twentieth of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, two thou sand four bundled and twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents. For compensation to the messenger in said office in full of all allowances, one hundred and seventy- five dollars. For compensation lo the First Auditor of the Treasury,seven hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation to tho clerks in the oflice of the First Auditor of the Treasury, per act of twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, three thousand three hundred dollars. For compensation to the messenger in said office in full of all allowances, one hundred and seventy-five dollars. For compensation to the Second Auditor of the Treasury seven hundred and fifty dollars For compensation to the clerks in the offico of the I Second Auditor of tho Treasury, per act of twenti eth of April, one thousand eight hundred and eigh teen, four thousand and fifty dollars. For compensation to the messenger in said office, n full of all allowances, one hundred and seventy five dollars. % For compensation to tho Third Auditor of the Treasury, seven hundred aud fifty dollars. For compensation to the clerks in the office of the Third Auditor of the Treasury, per act of twentieth f April, oae thousand eight bundled and eighteen ftvo tno'itffad two hundred and twentv-five dollar**. For compensation to tho messenger in slid offifll. and assistant, in full of oil allowamss. two hundred and sixty-two dollars and fifty cents For compensation to the Fourth Auditor of tho Treasury, seven hundred und fifty dollars. For compensation to the clerks in the office of tho Fourth Auditor, per act of twentieth Apiil, one thou sand eight hundred and eigl-ipsn, three thousand seven hundred und sixty two dollars and fifty cents For rompensat.nn to clerks in esid office, per aot of second of March, one thousand eight hundrad ao4 twenty-seven, five hundred dollars For compensation to the messenger in said officOj^ in full of all allowances, cue hundred and seteidy- five dollars For compensation to tbe Fifth Auditor of tboTfta*- urv, ssven londrsdand fifty dollars. For compensation to the clerks in tho office of tho Fifth Auditor, per ar t of tha twentieth of April, o»o thousand eight hundred and eighteen, two thousand six hundred und twenty-fivodollars. For compensation to the clerks iu said * (Bee, pet net of twenty-sixth May, one thousand okU't hundud nnd twcmy-fiTur, nine hundred nnd tweoty five di b Inrs For additional salary of one clerk, per ar.i of at* corn! ol Mutch one thousand eight hundred and twin tv-seven, fifty dollars * For compensation lo the messenger io said' office^ in full of nil allowances, one hundred and seventy- five dollar* For compensation to the Treasurer of tha United Slates, seven hundred and fifty dollats For compensation to tho clerks in the office of the Ttcosuror of tho United States, juv act of twentieth c>f Apiil, one thousand right fmnoied and eighteen, one thousand tbicc hundttd and iwelvo dollars aed fifty cents For compensation lo the cleifcs in said office, pat act of tw enty-sixth of May, one th usnndHght hun dred and twenty-four, three hundred dollars. For compensation to the mess* nger in said office, in full of ull allowances, one hundred end seventy- five dollars. For compensation to tho Register of the Treasory, seven hundred and fifty dollars For compensation to the clerks iu the office of the Register ot tho Treasury, per act of twentieth of April* one thousand eight hundred nnd eighteen, fivo thou sand five hundred und eigh’.y-stten dollats and fifty coots. For additional saiury of four clerks, per act of se cond of March, one thousand eight hundred and twon* ty-seven, two bundled dollurs For compensation to messengers in said offico, in cluding the allowance for stamping ships’ registers id full of all allowances, iwo hundred and eighty sevsn dollars und fifty cents. Fot compensation to the Commissioner of tbe General Land Office, seven hundred and fifty dol{ lars For compensation to tho clerks in the office of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, per act of second of March one thousund eight hundred and twenty seven, four thousand eight hundred and sixty two dollats and fifty cents. For compensation to the mossengers, iu snid office, in full of ail allowances, two hundred end sixty-two dollars and fifty cents For compensation to the Secretary of the Commis sioners of tho Sinking Fund, sixty-two dollars end fifty cents. r or allowances to the person employed in tho trant- [ mitting passports and sea-lstters *, for expenses of translating foreign languages, to the office of the fie- cretnr) <> (the Treasury ; lor stationery, fuel, print ing, books, and all other incidental end comiugeBt expences in the Trcaeury Department, and the ester- ol office* therein ; including the expensee of adver tising notices in relation |o tbs reiiubiirseinsnt of csr* Inin portions of tho public debt, sevsn thousand five hundred end thirty-seven dollars and fifty cenai For allowances to the •upermtHndant and foot watchmen, employed for the security of (ha State and Treasury buildings, and for the repairs of two fire engines and buckets, four hundred aud •«?euty-fifR • dollars. For compensation to the Secretary of VFar, one thousand five hundred dollars For compensation to the elerka io the office of the Secretary of War, pti act of twemieih of April, onto-' thousand eight liundred|;ind eighteen, five ihousaud six hundred aud fifty dollurs: For ons clerk in ike fiareau of Indian Affairs, per act of second Murch, one 'Siueand eight hundred end twenty-seven, two bundled and fifty dollars For compensation to the nieawngersin said office, in full of all allowances, two hundred and eixiv-lwo dollars and fifty cents For contingent expenses of tbe office of the Se cretary of War, seven hundred and fifty dollars. For books, maps, end plans, for tbe War Depart ment, two hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation to the clerks in the offico of the Paymaster Goneral, per act of th* twentieth of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, nine hun dred and seventy fivo dollars For compensation to ih«- mesaengar in said office in full of all allowances one hundred end seventy-five v dollars For contingent rxpences of said office, seventy* five dollars For compensation to the clerks in the offico of tbe . Commissary General of Purohascs, per act of twenty sixth of May, one thousand eight hundred aud twenty-four, eight hundred aod seventy-five dol lars. For compensation to tbe messcoger in said office, • in full of all allowances, one hundred and twenty- fivi dollars For contingent expei ces of said office, two huD* dred and seven dollars and fifty r» nts For compensation to the clerks in th offico of tha Adjutant General, pet act of twentieth Apiil, one houwand eight hundred and eighteen, five hundred and thirty-seven dollars and tilt \ cents. For compensation to one clerk in said office, per act of second of March, one thousand eight hundred ’ and twenty-seven, two hundred dollurs. For contingent expenses of said office, two hun dred and fifty dollurs. For compensation Inthe clerks in the said office of . the Commissary General of Subsistence, per act of twenty-sixth of Ma ay, ono thousnid eight hundred and twenty-four five hundred and thirty seven dollars* and fifty cents For compensation to one clerk in tho said office, * per act of second of March, one thousand eight hun dred and twenty-seven, two hundred dollars For contingent expenses of said office, including printing advertisements, six hundred and fifty dol lars For compensation to tbe clerks in the office of tho Chief Engineer, per act of twenty sixth of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, fivo hundred and thirty-seven dollars «nd fifty cents For compensation to one clerk in said office, pet act of second March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, two hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said office, two 5uo dred and fifty dollurs. For compensation to the clerks in the Ordinanco offico, per act of twentieth of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, seven hundred and thirty seven dollars and fifty ccni9 For contingent expenses of said office, two hun dred dollats. For compensation to the clerk io the office of the Surgeon General, per act of the twenty sixth of May one thousand eight hundred and twenty fo ir, two’ hundred nd oighty seven dollars and fifty cents. For compensation to the clerks in the office of the Quartermaster General, five hundred and thirty-sev en dollars and fifty cents For contingent expenses or said offico, one hundred and fifty seven dollars. For compensation to the Secretary of the Navy, one thousand five hundred dollars 1 For compensation to the clerks in the office of the Secretary of the Navy, per act of tbe twentieth or April, one thousand eight hundred and eightoen, two thousand and fifty dollars. For compensation to the cleric in said offico, per act of twenty-sixth of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty four, two hundred and fifty dollars For compensation to tho clerk in said ofiice, per act of the second of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-sevon, two huodred and fifty 1 dollars .-am For compensation to the messenger in said office, in full of all allowances, two hundred and alxty-twh dollars apd fif^ cenff.