The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, July 12, 1836, Image 1

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I'llfi GEORGIA JOHUN4L, WILLIAin U.MOOKWELL, I published twice a week during tho tfesainn of the Lo »n tut uro, and weekly for the tern,under of ihoyc«ir,ut t corner of Wayne and lliuicock Shoots, m l HKbE DOLLARS |H*r iumiim, in advance, or FOUR DOL- vus at the end of the year. . The Pniwir will not bo sent to any person out of the .State, until the subscription itqpioy is paid in advance, or natinfadlory ruljireiic.i given. AI) V15Il’l'ISEwlKNTS inserted at the usnn! rates, jjj’ N. II. Sales of LAND, by Administrators Exo- . enters or (iuardiaiis, ure required, by luw, t" bo held on dir first Tuesday in the month, between the hours often in the forenoon and throe in the afternoon, at tint Court house, in tho comity in which the properly is situate.— Notice of these sales must be given in a public gazette Sl.Vi'V DAYS previous to tho day of sale. rfales of NEDROES must be at publi^ auction, on the first Tuesday of tho month, between the iikiuiI hours ol sale, at tho place of public sales in the county where the letters testamentary, of Administration or Ijutirdiutisliip, may have been granted, first giving »SfXTY DAYS un ties thereof, in ono of the public gazettes of this Stale, and at tho door of tho Court house, where such sums are to t*c held. , Notice for tho sale of Personal Property, mint bo given in like manner, KOItTY days pm iosn ;o tho day «»l sale. Notice lo the IMitor* utid <'.oj.i.ns of uii Estate must bo publirthed for FOKT1 tl?r *. Notice that npplicnlr n w lo made to the Court of •Ordinary for leave to sell J.AM), must bo published for FOUR'MONTHS. , ,, . Notice fur leave to sell NE(illOE»>, must ho publisltod tiii: intAivo SYSTEM or PENMANSHIP, OF DIFFERENT STYLES. FllilE SuliHciiber reapoctlullv informs the Ladies and .1 (icmlcmVn of Cleurpin, A l alia mu, Florida, South Carolina, North Cari/linn, and Virginia, that lie iuteuds visiting tho difVereiit villages, towns and cities, fur the purpose of teaching Penmanship, in ils various brum lies, vi/.: (jetihvl, Dniuuieiitul, Hound, do. Inverse, Ituliaii, do. Inverse, Sharp, do. Inverse, Sharp Italian, do In verse, Single Flowery, do Inverse, Double Flowerv. do. Inverse, Hieroglyphic, and Business IlnmW, will be taught oil even or odd Syinetry, mid as Im bus taught u great many Musses vilh great proficiency, lie Halters himself that he will'tnect with liberal patronage. Tui tion will Im put ns low ns can be afforded. Pa rents nmlguavui.Mis will do well to make arrangement* beforehand for their daughters and sous, to take thu MIMLLLANLOlAi. f 0 ‘ t FOl/lt MONTHS, any order ub.-uluto shall be j maiia thereon Uy the Court. * All business o( this kind continues to receive prompt attention ut the Ollieo of ilia ( A JOURNAL. lowing i jhi* iii. II I. A IV K s. rnilF.fiillmviii-nrouiiion?Ilio I1LANKS tlint nroki-|il , . . . 1 ciHUiitlyuiihaiKl, mill for win, ul tin, JOURNAL I *"?•"* tlu 'S'V'Vra 1 OFFICE 1 mlictmaiiH, Deelarutions, Bail Bondi, Dedinm* (for Interr.) J ary .SiiiinnoiMca. rtulipmiuui (S. &. 1. Court,) ClamtH—Aflld’ta. vV, Rond*, Do. Furtheo.uin,* lUm.l-t, Executions (S. I. L'uuit,) L\»u Kvccutions, Slwn ih’e Bill i of Suh» t Do. Deeds J tlHtico’s SlIUllllOlWCH, Do. E tarnations. Tux Colleotois do. | IlMll.H, Mortgages „ . * l.ieenvss to Retail, Uaak Oheaka The Arw Gvor;;i;i Justice. T t;»iT pubUhbod JL for Halo—Apply to TIhmiiim I’m Savuiumli J Tlioitmn Riehurds, Augusta) V\ iliia Lmupkiu, Athens; ui Brice $L nm. 17—If Sei. Fa*. forFd’nt. Draws, (iumuU, Letters of Administration, Do. Temporary, Do. T esiameni try, |)o. (jiuurdiaii-hip, Admini- tralor*s Bomla, Bonds of Adiu’is. with tho will annexed, (iimnliun’s Bonds, Warrant* of Appraisement, t: vceutoi .s, Admiui.strators, and llunrilliui'H l)e»*ils, Letter s of Dismission of Kx* e.utors, Do, of Admiiiistnitors, Do. ol t jiiurdiniis, Ri.rriuge Licenced. mas Richards, Angu-la: \> illiain ‘ lliu subscribers nt Millvtqivvillo.— i ii. A. (I KEENE, Schools in all instances will hi' conducted w itb the prill- , eiplen of politeness, and spectators cordially received. ( Ladies and 'rentb inen lltntarc in itnligemcireumstunccK, j sliullliavO the pleasure of receiving a eoifrso of Lessons 1 without any charge. Schools will be opened ul ihetol- | lowing placess Forsyth, July tho flth; (’ullodenstillo, j ’ ’ 1 Blth; Warm Springs, August ifitli; Hamilton,! it to other places us fust as poasi- I June lillli, l!J!!ti. WASHINGTON II. BROWN. J. W. LUMPKIN. N k v\ > a n, Cowota. (In. 1 Mr. 11, presen is tho t«* timouiaU as to lu*i eupucity. * We whose mum sure hereunto annexed, do ceitifS that 1 Mi. WuHbin; ton II. Brown,bus taught u writing School j in New nan, and we believe to ugieul advantage ; us such J we leeoiiimeml him to tli • public as u lino Seiibc, and > tme tbut call w rilo various bauds well calculated to ad* I vtiuce tin; youths ol our county in fine wriliu^. Ilos- pcitfully, this Ubth March, 1H3(1. | James M VW, Eamucl 11. Hutchs.jwi, [ John M. VViuwa', Enos Clear eland, John Roy, Thomas IF. l/nUrhinMou, I |l’/;i. J. C. Kcuncitay, John Goodman, li"l.7hvm C. Entwine, Amaiula liulchtnuon^ • Char Urn rf. ladnwon, Sarah S. livlchinioH, I i'.htnhcih Alston, L'.Uju .'V. Smith, Jone/ih V. Walker, Mai l/ Walker, James IF. Alston, Kttin-rl S. Iturck, Ira / Smith, John G. I'cnistoHj Jinn U. Iiinton, J. /. C*. Gt o. /*t liiccost, C. S. C. WWann It. Voiren, Thomas It, liobcnls, Jhieid Moseley, Jus, oh J. I’iusun, Maik A. Em m il, William J. McRae, b'.hcncicr Mr t\ ini, y, K in & IF. /V *•/*//, Thomas (). Carter, Benjamin Selby, From lh* A>*r- Yorker. TIIE CITY OF THE DEAD. ! »k'«p»u! Iliou'rl bosutifu), uy ol Ilu: U«tul! Wlu'ii Might u’tir 1*11 the »h*il»\ty earth, ifur aahlu wing* hath aorcad; A toiao I'roiii tli> old louib» cunica uoar, .lu«l tvliupHr* l*i id) heait, W'lirii nmiiiuici a iialx and IIohoih Iihvu That I, Uio, utiut depart. v A uit 1 wauld r^vt, aw cel city, Willi thoac wlto pa««otl nwsy. At tho time of auunmir songs und flowers .la Childhood’* annoy day ; 1 would rest beneath thy summer vinca, Or by Von uakou tree, Where the idght-vvinil'K breath could oul) tomes With it* w hitjicriiig uiclody. I would pab* inoa wiih naiohiiie, tN nh the Haiuuicr’b laughing train, Abtouug tloweiA'iom thubuuiiy oarlh Ere Autuiuu'* chilly reign; I would go when mld-t thy viao-clad dome*, Thu cuily ilowuife, That the laugldug auuxhtno long might re»t Upon my lowly hior. (Juntly, aw ect city ! gently, Tho •ilvcry moonhnunta full. Upon thy mm Ido iitonuiiiuiit*, A ad th> old itiud wall; And faintly ’neutli those Iicuium I trncu Homo name to memory dear, Ami thu spirit bleeper «Inaoer* nia. “Thioo uiUbt he writtuu hoiu'.” - Trend lightly! fill* tread lightly, Above tIiu uinrt dead! Crtibh not u vine nor tender fluwor I'.cuctttii thy angry trend; Itre.alhc not alow iti»cordant touu, I'poo llie night a iiul'n breiith, lloly, and pure, uinl Ide.t arethuy, \\ ho *lcep thu blcop ul* H'dlsbcrough, I’u. 1 ^liti. (IM,—.itrlli, fur wliioh mnny uion Mtrij rh;,t inn.le thuir reninlancu, at fir»t, more a .«h- fico life niiiUiiniti! lira*.-,,. jrrt «f ri.ri.ion than ahu m. Hut ci.niano ami Umj.irqHilt.—A lilllu wliirli, iu tit. linruU ul . paumtUiu. .uI'Iuia rackou uicoly 11^01, umiiy ilrnointi.u,..nil. u>lu,vu [imjiuwerul llllm b«r»; ih«y IukI tlmt ailbiu llivin which uo .lucuglu )>«!*•,itulhiMM. } .u,>.noritj( of'atrunglh co„M .uhduo-a s^uit luaolulcly ra.ulvej on fruuUum! Tlioy UnU uo Tin: kiss 1 in9. A NKtV SKIT IS IttLIUlO.S. I wcuitu cluir«'li last Suuiluv—uul tha rich- i ly cii.liioiird Trinity—uol Vie ^oryoun. Du- 1 uiic—not tlm rnsiiilioii. <Irani—iml llio iuceusu- I burning St l'ntrirW's. i a rut lua |>ri.atu latu- i ily church, vvhli li n.scmlilus iu a i>riv«to Imuie ui Nu—Sulli* an ktruut. on llio »amo imlcpt'U- ; drill |itiu( i|ilo 011 uliich Mr. I.ntnurrotto lins j croatctl liis I'liunrt'gation in llio lloivery. \t tuilt'pnsl ten 1 ontorml 11 galotvny—iiioiinlnl a | stair—oprnnl :i door, nmi Ibuint luysL’It iu u : siiiull licit 1 reeliiiiKiiiur room, divided into uvo pni'U, tvilli about u dur.eil of ladies, lieutly Ii'i hhcJ, sitting round 11 Inrgo inblo with Rroen ;lo;li, iu llio ii|)|it'i'cml of the room. 1 always mVselfTii t^io'iireseiicii'or'cidmwtV'l/uimut'sl tvi'tll 1 '*>' i -. , ! oru “ co u “‘ l . onimoV.ty, they d^ervo the ) ,u oy sutmft without rtserting” to deadly wcap- ! foiitlms on one side, or a moss rose on the : |»luu.Uu. ol uanMud. , , , ... | ons to repel llioir oggres.lou : other. arms, ammunition, or systom of u|i«raliou; uo iliseipliued lunious to force the enemy from his .long posiiioiis; uo Hoot lo preveut thu access of hostile squadrons: they rose as each uout’sscuse of duly i>rom|ilud, ami soiaetl such wcapous as lay willmi their roach; it might l>u .1 bludgeon, but it was wielded by an arm truolo its trust: it might ho a bout, but it was nruiod w ith coucuul- cd lire; it might bo u rock, but it worn 011 its |>reci|iitous courso with uucrriug aim; or it might ho the frugmont of u column, but like the pilkirs of (Juzu, it eruslioil tlio insulhri with the msultod. Few men of any ago or milieu have louder ami dis mid defend tills most injured und uufortunat#- people. -They nrc ncling 011 the force of public opinion; thu conviction, nud approbation of every liberal und iiilelligcut community.— Sinister motive, mny indeed cuter into tnoir conduct,—Jmt ineu are not migels; when tho grout Interests of liuiimn miture aro promoted wo should be satisfied nor be over curious iu searching fur the talent springs of a possibly selfish policy. Greece will ascend iu the seal# of nations; and the blessings of nil times await the men who Imre paved tho vrnydor her future exnltaliou and happiness. TIIE WHITE INDIANS. It is a fact, perhaps, not generally known, that tliers sloes exist Ml the far west, at least, tau small tribes or bauds of white people. Onn of these bunds is celled Mu» keys. They residw in Mexico, on the south west side of tho Rocky Mouutuius, uud between throe ami Rve hundred miles from Knutu h e, towards California, iu n valley whicli makes a deep notch into the nioua* tain, snn ondered by high and impervious ridges, nmi which cau only bo entered by a narrow pats from the suuth west. They are represented by iruppor* and hunter* of the west, kuowu to the w riter of this to he men of veracity, lu ho uu iuuocout and inolTen* sivo people, living by agriculture, and raising grout numbers uf liurscs und mules, hothofwbicn are used bv them for food. They cultivate maize, pumpkins, uud beaus iu considerable {ualitios. | achieved mere with tho sumo , ,| ,, 1 ' traded twuaiu of cnlurciug thoir purpose; aud I !* Tb cs0 people aro frotiuontly depredated upon do,I.,,in I'm upper end of the loom. Ij of , hj lx . pt . ol ,die. levelled uguiust thou, j ,, y lUuil . „ Br | lUo odghbors ; to which It is iu.vain lu accuse them of a w nut of thut j Nut fur distant frum thu Mnwkcys, and in . . u same range of country, reside anotl at the highestsucrifico and peril; thom«iuds es- j 0 f ( | l0smuo description, called Nubuchocs. A AroumnhelaM tt swerearnmKcdaboul«do*eul s l>i>ltwhichcau assort nod »i-iiut:iiu it dignity ' t|, 0 M,nc range of country, reside mio.heijhand Haky r.MII.Y JaCEwoI ... . II Iiltl I I,s/tb j it ils,, nmiiM- Mill m lliu flljiUO.tH.'tClItKO ami |K ill , iiiuu^i hum yi- | sa|U0 (J0^ C nt>tlOU, CUIICtl iHailHClIUOKa . !.' ^ . , , 1, v J I ,’ paused the cause who could have haduo tuouvs iption of either or those tribes will serve for m u * 0^ <•<»• .««»«•» MV ; UlU . P Tho have h C o« described to tho writer " /. ‘ <1 ; I tlm i nrlo mo t lives uud fortune* to the* is- | Uy two men iu whose voracity the fullest conft- w ulwti im ttperiuio.» de tin , uo u f u conlle l that could in no evunt confer ! l( ' l|cc ma y \ )0 placed; mid they »ny the men are i; 1 -- l*/.' *1 .1,^ Vi ;w H *uy ucrsoutvl ;uli;uituj;o. TUoirH-autof uuiou ( v ^ 0 eoimuiovi ^uuiuvo. with liigut fluxeu Imir, * ' V* ' 1 , , * . 'ih., K.tstii i wul liHntumiscd system of operation was more ■ ulu i IKht blue eves, nmi that their skill is of the r\1 X T Vl ‘ ! ,, . ! .rj , r r Sh.^«v tboir .u»f.rluu« .Lu ihrfr fault; U flowed more t ‘ mw , plicate wbitenos. Ono of my informant. e ! l$ iu * nu011 tl l< ’ inn i<lu^ I I from ti»o uiito\viutlm)»»i of thoir outward cotult-j w i lo «a\v tovott of thoso pooplo at buwla l’e m : U*:m any of spirit. They HUl. iudescribiug the Muwkcvs, says, “they >..t .111.01^ . <1 , 'f '1 ivoro liko it uiouutuiu lake couvuUively ugaiusl urt . much \\ hitcr■ ihuu tuo, its 1 am whiter than new s r 'rii k MllltMlRovlll*; ClotliiiiR Slofo. MSIIK.Siiliseiil7r.rb.,, pul reeeisud it Irrsli supply ol 1 OltV of sn|M>riur ipmlily, siolsbli f.,r III - prusunt uud uppniuuhiiig sensou. Ami lie Mdiv.l with «5*»t»«l \v»»rk>n»n to m»ka th«»i v»j» to oulv u• ticle-4 of CPiitlonieii’s wear, in the l» iiihuiut, ami uitHl IrtHliioiiiible hi vie. „ 1Ivt . .. , AUw,«i t^eueral iiHHortiiMjiil «»t Jtl's.AIIV AB A II I* CI.OJ'JIIVSJ, of viitimi.H i|tif» 1 IJ/- All the irorA- iiMr 'onlrd. N. 11* The sbovu mlirlc.s v.ill be suit! *s'r. v biw b.r Ussli. A. U. * All.. sprit aa—if f O Is I). rilllB Snbsi-riborhas no# '»> linml nmi mi-m's '•••,- 1 iug seniislioit snppls ol too.I I',III lur l-.o ' I biisu ulsu ski hand mid in"’.ul kreinnz, ml *'ssui . AYirfw, smd TimiivrsorSviitliiirs; iliu.'.lgc'.On. a-5 •: '* VAI1 CJkken vn.i.E, Meriwether Comity, (ioorgin. \Ye, wIiohc uniiicA me lirreunto nuncxcil, do ciTtlfv tlmt Mr. \Vu>himfton H. Brown luiKimifiht u Svliool ol l'eninniiBliip in our town, nud wo believe to u preut pro- j J'h'h iu v—Ah hucU we r« rumuipud him t«» the puhlic u* a I fine Seri la*, tuul oik* that can write vnrioiis liamla w*ll »at« -iileululcd to advance the youth uf our uountvy in fine ritimr. Reapcf ifnlly, A I Hr mu Winner, Ohuliah Warner % IF. II. Ector, I, . M. Adams, II. Johnson, Milton Holt, H. Ecasterston, Lyman Trumbull, William McGibony, Henry Hiel/a,, M till a m hue, Archibald l>. McDonald, Robert M,isli rs, J. Me Lester, Jane IK McCurdy, rtlai hue, l \YUli<nu D Tinsley^ Sarah Tinsley, oh Duiico Gibson T. Hill, Timothy Cord, James MeGibony, Isaac C. Dell, 'J’li,n. /:. Hardaway, James Moor, John l/odi/es, Mathew IK Ector, Olivia Jackson, Mary IK Masters, Eliza J. C. Hi own, Eenures i \ She/i/ivi d, Sarah M. Edwards, Frances V. Imic, Louisa M. Ames, Mary /’. I ynth. SPECIMENS OF A MODERN DICTIONARY, For the use. oj those who wish to understand the mean- i ing of things us u eU as words. | “ A noble Ntumlaid for liin^nngv ! to depend upon I tlic cnpiiec of every coxcomh, who, bceau>c worcla nrc the clothing of our thought*, cut* them out und J then he change* hix ilmw!"—[ The Tatter. ; Absurdity.—Any thing mlvtiucctl by our opponent*, contrary to our practice, or above our cninprulioti- sum. Accomjdishmtnls.— h\ women, all that can be sup plied hy the dancing-iiiaHtcr, niu*ic-niu»tt‘r, inan- lim-inukcr, and milliner, lu men, tying a cravat, talking iioiihciiho, playing at hilliardM, diesning like a groom, and driving like a coachman. Advice.—AlmoiiWlic only commodity which the world refuses to receive, although it may he had matin, with uu allowance to those who take a quan tity. Aidbiguiiy.— A quality deemed essentially l»eco>- einy in diplomatic w ritings, nets of parli; law proceeding umik, in Miitjne \\* the chihhen tht tttselvn, Ai ;he proper hour, the t hiol of the congre gation entered—u tall, good looking personage, lie un tied to the left, ami after bestowing a Vw* ou one of the prettiest girls present, (piety Inis ulwiiys a iiHturnl nurarlioii to prclf) laces,) took his si'll I nt the U|.per end ofthe table IU im- , „ lU ;;' u "jio.'A ,j w i, futuished to tho mediately stood up-veml u . h.i . ut ot the New ; J( , (u|ly v|Aiu , „ , licll ,h„ country precariously lestnmeut— nud ufteiwinds s.ud, U i nlfuisled. They wore, perhaps, premature ut its yitikliug houiidtuicM, and fall in luattv so|»e rate streams, iwsU'ud of one deep overwhelming torrent. If it had boon thoir dosiru. it wiu not in thoir power to coiicoutrato their forces, they had not the means of subsisting them iu that _ ! compact form: thjtr uuiy rosourco was iu a dc- lircllireit let us pra^” A very good prayer iv»s their first slop; loo hasty iu ralsiuglho stamiartl the coitsoqttertcc.—After th.s whs c used, ho J o- |' ( ^ wUo or fatal, had now gm. a sermon which was si oil aud .wca. I s k » the standard had bee., unfurled, the done, he rend a passage Iron, he new It Uunut, llel hw , U eeu cast iu the face of the enemy, luilhunzing the l.rcuking of I,ten.I -then ink- j A ^ „ UIUat allWo lho eousotiuouce! it w us authorizing the " breaking of bread ing tip tile slice of bread from before him, ho broke oIVu small piece—put it iulo Ids mouth— and linndud the reniaiiuler lo his left hand neigh bor. Tho slice then wont round the table ill lhi> way, each lire.iking oil'a small bit, us i! it had been n odding cake, till it reached lho Adminis tin tor, at the head of llie table. Another pray er—and another hymn. ut, and | The chief then took up the cup, which was | filled with wine—repeated a text olseriptur the darkest Indian iu the Creek nation j” and my iufurmaut w as of ;t> good a complexion as w hite utou gouorult) arc. A trapper ou one occusiou, in a wandering excursiou, arrive.1 at a villago of tho Maxvhcy.. Uo w as armed w ith a rifle, pair of pistols, kuifo uud tomahawk ; all of which wore imkiiswii to them, uud appeared to excite their wonder und surprise. After conversing some lime by signs; he fired ouo of his pistols; instaully the wholo group around him fell to lho earth, iu tho utmost consternation ; they entreated hint not to hurt them, aud showed iu various ways, that they thuuglit him a supernatural liciug. He saw vast .hilu/nit,.—The youth, ii.itingn, and inexperience t | 10 bislips tn.teil it—and thou baud ■ vise world, invested, by n strange, blunder, with ^ |0 (|i> r ; K |, t ll|llu J ......... e. ........... , f | , I If | lilt S III D III lit H, Hunt.*. H III ununu.f;*,t.v The * a n.m.l.or oorlificstut.bill , „ Vj w itehen.d, and every exploded lollv uud ““* j ty. iiltliutigli bis cxa.nplo bo still gravJly Tu.H«u'i>*'Ji L.l ihllshtncnl. rilil K *w ■ ■ •‘-T ifflji • « ill; iiitfi. Ml-ilM Iri. niH IIMU 1 iiio mii‘ui-•, that lio lii.-i • M.ii-i.t ed ..mmilsu lmiiifi (LuMn-iiU uf all Uuid q t«i orilcr, at <u old i'taml, known n% 1,11 ^ Millieiljgcvill« ClttEdUK YAO 1*1% I wlicra he |»:i8 now oil I mini ami ii»u»mU kn’pmj; an nx- t ** it -4 i v • * iisAortnioiit of C/ol'is, Cassi, teres, Soft nuts, \ esl- | ii'*, icc, of various color-*, mil very snperioi Also a meat variety of Tri*n.tiii»g8 by Bio |»M't i »*r qnnniity ; of a quality not lu Im Kurpasnud ..... .ilttu.s. I first scholars and writers of the country. v imrie- ion, »ii«i j- .j ^ in „| J» r «*pr»c»'i«.»- bt i ti. it riiiincd tn spare oi»xpciu*t» iu jti' udditboml inteip-t lo the W.vMi- Miiticm, lin:« cDKOgcd Bo* coneFponib •• line old »g«». Antiquity is llie young misriomit who nmHstt.Tvd prinuiicvK taken tu war, snciitU iitiannii liciuuE to idols, burnt tlicin in Suii'.liiiclil, us j <£ licritic* or witches, believed in astrology, Benionolo- I •>» llllUt). Kill wbu Xw\ tbu S'.IUIO, iiu longer ntlcbuiublu queitioa, or uu iudulgcut ' U mubora of Uumo* and mules about the villiage cboicu of evils; they hud no tucrcy or fuvgtvo- j (j ut / y.—May not those i»c«»|do be a remnant ttexs tu expect oven iu a roloutiug sul.utissiou; • 0 f ^ ius y «Uo iuhttbitod this couutry prior to tho and they had provided no refugo in disaster. ! — nic0 0 f Indians 1 the truces of whoso ’J'het had been goaded lo tbi» fearful moasuro j cities, fortificutinus, uud cultivated fields and by usuries of wrongs, that Hindu cudurauce a gurdeus, aro still to be seen throughout tuo due,air humilitaliou thuu defeat. Tiseir fields j whole westorucountry.—[H'altm fajitr. InU I oeu pluadured suecossivoly of llwir bar- | —— ves's • th'ir floeks &. herds driven oil'lu the stall. JJ Ao shull be Married )—lho I uunton, of ilsusiriuigor; thoir sous forced iutofureigu wavs; (Mas,.) Reporter tolls the story <>rjud.cial aud ii...;. .i.... iliu viciims of urivilodged i »• doubt null iudicious iiitcrferouco to proven! Uuir daughters utudo the victims of privilodged last ■ thoir tumpios and sl.riucs rendered desolate; and their religion scouted will, derision and ' the history ..lily.— dppiiiB it imnpiM*!«8nry tonmipx the McDoimuph. Juno UI,1830—‘Jt the wAH»n«T«i\ miruou, V WEEKLY .Miscellany of St ipiicc, YiI, Litcnitiira and iifWH, Iiii8 boon pilblialu'd oul? treaty moutliH, nl bus at pio.uMitu c.ireulttlifiii, cnMEbleria^ ibid hliort I pcriml, unnanilltilod in th«- knlory of me peiioili* nl 1 ,l,lri or l »• lV\w», Editor ; asti-u'ed by many oj the iiflt l tp.'l cil Cuttc M'd in obtain eurlv inVonualitni ol tlm limb- j is, l7z .•Is'cmfi.u.iii of g'nii.R s-noi'id sa.isl«.:lh.ii, , ii"l i, it a a HUara of public patroim^i*. A. v AIL. NOT1C i indebted t«» tbo Eiibsi \iotmlvto tin* prcAt'iil year i»ro4Cpqtic*«li\l to nettle with M. J. liber pi \ I.I. pm lilt* pru^fili via» »•««« ■, , . . Kl’N VN, FsAq. Attorney ut Law —be beinj? aiitborif cil in poll.*.-i tli * .i.*«*«nnt*» due np tolbrt let Janimry la-t. Dm O fn** on tin*. iJxHirl-boimo Square. a. ( • \ Mille-Ueville, April l‘J 1,000 nil.HIlEIsS SAliT I rtort .SALE at the la. nilinrr, nl 7fi cents pcrloisii* 1 eMcnoh.) »» qttftnti'.Um U; p-*rv\xn»w !«v u liNobrlfl upward*. M( H«>L.^A Dl.MLNCi. Millmlgexille, March ?5_ IlAlIAEIl* HOT EE. Oi* Ihf Sfjuttrt fronting the Market, and adjoin ing the Court House. fJIMK Subscriber iuimoiiuco' to ii in friends o ml the roniinodii Rush, wli • favor liitn with tb«*ir pa trot! lUat his beat cffnrtH idmll J>* Iiin table niiull at ml tinu-* b.» oj. tb« riiMi ft'.l nifottl J bia |Inr 'A it11 t • ■ • ItiH Vnh'ws. with mi abun lnu*eo. p » l#r ftitlll’ul (Di|pr»*. * From tin’ 8ii|M*rior skill uf bm this liuo of Ini'oii' - Iron bi-4 lidiise. nll'ords, lop.ethc to plea fu, he tlaltiMa Uimst to all llio iuo**t nitipl' in a HtfUllenmn nt* been Ihvoruhl roHinindc i lhirupc. wluisx*. U Uc eeisetl. lie bus ul ol > oilier i llie lo fmi:i-!i accounts of lho Creek Ur hoiiI cimipaiicii. Tbirt novel featnic ulnae giv« important iuteivst poudniiH will al i orcb’ ) bo 1*11,! r to furnish a greulo Buriahuve i ^iiued Ihf* enr ol the l . Sluice during flu* p'e- Itic paper a ill its columns. Correa- d hi Ciueiimuli uud Boston, variety of the latest iulol- 'i'o encourage native writers, audio procure hUerest- inif mutter for tb« Miukok, the Editor oftera tho follow- nip I’rizeH: Um, Hu.Nimv.t* Dot.i.Mm for the best late. (Ink lloium* Ihu.t.Aim for the best Foevt; Tube lijriiislied for the Washington MiHUouby the 1st of JrtiuiMiv, I »:*7. No ho but American writers cun be ciiudidoteH. Miiuuseripts lo he seni, hefort* that time, ueoof postage, directed to the Editor; the sward to be ■undo by ft lilterai v commiller on ilu* nionili following. I’ll,, name of the writer slomhl he iu a sealed note,with rule of any improve tors.” Ajic.—The author of the fall of man, necordintf to Dr. Adam Clarke, win* informs us that the tempter of our first parents w asiiii oiirang oiitaiig, iiotu ser pent. Ayi'ftitc.—A relihli hesttiwcd upon the poorer cliisnes that they mny like w hat they eat, while it is Bchloin enjoyed by tnerich although they may cat what they like. Argument.—With fools, passion, vociferation, or violence; with ministers, n majority ; with kui^s, the sword; tvilli men of sense, a wound reason. Bail.—Due nnimnl impnlcd upon ft book, in order to tm lure a Bcctmd for the uimiscmcut of a third. liar; The Indentinlincc of the—Like a ghost, a tiling Hindi talked of and seldom seen. Barrister.—One who sometimes makes bis gown a clonk forbrow-benting and putting down a witness, who but for this protection might occasionally knock down the barrister. Bed.—An article in w hich wo are born and ’ll HE S..l».crilH.r n | iH.H , ji.C|' .u hi. ln* ,iii'| i..iu utv k he articje, ur 1 -elleriiUv, mat l«- 1 >■- 1 '" “ I . ''“V “| „f the arlM-lu. No paper, will 1.8 grrwt^heVff!"*.**" I ::Kwm hei^.M^i" 1 "aimi^ l !:xhc^':, 8 ^ r.: ^ i'^haujS'!^;' “1,' r. ’ l ,. 1SAml illi tbo best d.*r, ttlletided *m\ 1 lull ino i isters m s which • tvilli ills iiueeusiiig cxcrlions It*Bud Uo will be able to render ntisftieiion. NVM. N. UA.MNER. Culumhla, <’• Sfpt. 30, IWB^ The FcMinle Academy O r.' vi;I.I.EIXIEV ILI.E, i.i.mlcr "I ".»• SWIFT nmi Miss SWIFT.—Tim cmmeuiary' ml 'll"" "'"I V'l-.i**. Ia.i!:hl h.v U,li-< Him ari'cminemlv qiial.lied tn i.i.lvm l... tlie lit,it. Omtirn uf their rr.j>.'Plivc clc|.»rlim',.t.. trth <*;| if Ily /he Commissioners of the m an> n u. ~ SAfltUEE ItSCKfl EEE AS rtMinivcil his Law till disposition of tin*. Editor. . . , Tilt Wa-iiinoton xMihuor is published « da v, at tlm Scut ofthe tleneml Government. There Dollars per niintitn, paynlde in «dvain'~ |) /* Ediior** of Exchange pape tin* above, uud the favor w ill be n june ‘JJ . . Sutnr- Tcrtns, it-quested to copy iproi’utcd. Elio bread tind witic, it will bo obsorvod, —. ... .... , .. .. . • . . u,i I ttioru. TUuy pumlofutl imltguaully the liuto isriJatsS: - - 1 '“- “ f uuil draw uig llioir liladon, mvo.u uovor to aliculh tlioit. ugait. ia llio couilitiou of l.ot.danioii nud .Lives. Wo, xvlio txportoucud noao ol llioir H ii.,u. • tlm vies A W. MUledgoilllo. fllaiol.lfil—u filEAi' S'ftA 9, flSTKli, MACIIA, ,iF.OJt<n I. llll.x F.^l'ibllslim.'.it is this I ’ll Hi the run* of Rh' iininti Evil, (tmil, Seiiilica or 11 errs, Salt mieiiin, HypbililiciV Meretni H Diuea-. eii, ticulnrlv 1 Icorsaud painful nlVe»*li«*ns of ill*! bnii'v-*, ceniled Tlirmil ni.d NoslriK L’lcrrs of every dear Fever Sores, and Internal Ah Scald Head, Sctirrev, Biles,( looni* pelia, Blolebe.., — f iim;* Flirnnie Falanli: lleadaelie. proceeding from an „. ri.ll tor; IV,in in llie Kkiiiimi I. and I»v«," pro- eeMiling frmit vitiivtio,.; tlV eiieusul the Liver; 1 hro.iie I,i.liiinnutli.ill uf the Kiilnevs, lerul i! 1 'f l!itV, eM',15,- e,l hv a lurphl aetion ol theveseeleut the kin. ti lesni- j ■ ulurlv viheavini.s in rennu.iiii.' the-e cnistitutiouF ( «h'n I. have hem. In"ken down by injiulieiou. trei.linent , or juvenile irrucnlariti, ' 1 * # ' " ' * t, i.iui .. Htnndii.g iirg.iment i.g«'.,.et ' •[ | 10 leader go, up and at,id, " Wcthnu nt U|.oii the “wisdom ol uur uuvim- | , un | h ; >U i s, let ns nevonlmg to tUu l.otil's »|i- poii.tim'i.t, greet par'll other xxitb the holy kiss of ('linnet ix.” This snid every person, mule aud fomnlo, nrrtmgfd uronud tho table, kissed each oilier left, men uud women— und men. It »in uot a moro dry l.uss of the cheek—hut u regular slonin-powur smack, dint struck home to tlio car most charmingly—-a roul uieeling of lips. 1 i.lmost »nid ilivolu.itarily—“ 1 wish I were n'imt for olio vIhj-, l>y par ticular desire—I should take my stand right ho- txvoeit those txxo pretty girls iu white fontbors uud It raided hair"— hoing only a heathen, 1 sat aud mourned among tlio children, boyoml the outer railing, as the ancestors olMtxjur Noah didl.y the river of Bnhyloli. After the kissing operation x\iH closvni, tlio w hole church fell to w ork und sung ji protty psalm of praise for the morcios vouelisufed i„ that le in which wo itru born amt | | ltfll | ceremony. It U roiuarknhlo llyU soiuo the l.nppie.t portion of our lives, und yet one ", h ..nm ipal coromoliios in ovory religion aro W Vr*6W-ScuTvnter onting. drinking, kissing, embracing, fit*. . Tim Dithop.—The oldv thing that gains hy a trm.sla- natural fmietiousul nature uro invested with a r ' divinity winch do hedge thorn lit lor relig.otts- liluybing,—A prarlirv least used by those who ] |, esK have moat occasion for it. Ilu oh.—A tiling fiiruitn-ly puj abide lo bo rcaiJ.fttol never rrml t« be wutuniilc. Bor, Opera—A alfibll ancbmwre wbvrcin the up per chiHHca iiHiU'iiiblc twice a week for llie pl«a»urc of licnring one nnotbar uml Hoeing the music. Bruin.—An antnjjrnphic.ul HuliHtauce wliieli, itc- rnnling to the* plirenolopiala writer. Ii is* own chiiiac- I ter upon tlio exterior of the skull iu legiblo bumps [ and boBBOft. Breath.—Air received into flu; lungs for tha pur- liistl'inj;, i\ (»e douht uul) judicious iiitcrferouco to proven! a marriage. Tho idea of iiicompotciicy to sup port theuisolvos, is ono of tho finest stroke* of political economy that wo have soeu What would ho done iu this part of tho couutry, should uu iucpiost of that nnturo ho held upon all “yro- po.1 ills ?” We copy the urticle t >> To Murry or mil tu Murry, Hint's the nutation.'’ •V Two of tho worshipful magistrates of thio county have boon engaged n couple of days m this town, iu trying lho i|uestioti whether a man grievances, amt ettu scarcely comprehend 1 ,u |l( , w(lln ' all 8 hou\d bo permitted to cuter into uuturo mi.I exteut ol thuir provoealious, imy I , ^ u anova Uu a „d rcHiiousihl estttto of inatrmio- perhaps iiuestioii lho policy ol thoir conduct;! Kvidonco was adduced ns to tho compe- xalk coldly nt thetr privileges: uud dilntoion tii11 J f u „. „ nr , lt . s l0 support themselves, and Merrini d I)»;n ' the I rerv d Firttub roiiii 'i'll! ijVOfl, Ll'VHi- elv «»f FdtuneouH AliVe- • tb»*m ■f'Wt’ enntrnl of Bio to roiiilcr com fortable vboic w bo imty •all mi Biel •:u J. wh.liams, JOHN D. UAMl.Y. n~r Tim .Stnnclftrd ut* Fnimi, Aujrnstii <’eiialitutmnal- Dt, Mfirmi Mniwon^er, and 4'-»lumbua Lri(|Uircr v*nl in tiienbuve weekly fix timed, fob 16—if A VIUinW. or Vtrffinia. flHTE hu iS.iii of this ilislinguislii'il "'ll “I Kir t linilc.s I |ms com nmi. "is Maud i.ul Ins rtal’h' iiliicc. Ilitiulhills arc olrciuly priuic.l,ui.»ill 1'vilwiriiiu- icl im fust n. no ihlc. F.very i.wilily amt '•iiiivcini iicp w ill be olTnrdoil Ills rustouicra, and the utmost attciilion w ill at nil times 1"' given. Millcdgevllle, I'Vh Hi—tl _ NOTICE. S TRAYED or Ptolcu from tlm ulautation of T hom JitckHon, in tho romitp «f WjlkiiiHnu, on the l »tb • *• • ** *» %!>M? ,| yearn old, both mud PANACEA, I, Scrofula or Ki»g’» | H0 nf B ,„„ki„g. w I (.ci., .Incipient bail-) I BB ,„ J)Cr . M<ls ,;._Scc Uruukemios., Ill h. allh, ami Vice. Cabbage.—See Tailor. Calf.—The. youtt£ John Bull. Cant.—Tin* rlinrarirri.Aiic of Modern England. Capers.—A remedy for boiled mutton mid low Hpiiita. Carhnnclr.—A fiery globule found m thf bottom »»! mines and the fare of drunkards. Chicane..—Her Lnw. Cuter.—Sec Cbampaignc, Amerienn. Coffin.—Tho rrndio in which our »cr<»»d cbild- (ii general Iltiiih, it is rcemn- j hood i« laid to sleep. | nil those ili8»*uses which uiise from impmitieH j Cottage.—Supposed to be llir abode of liitppuic the blood, or vitiation of live humont.ol'whatever uumo j n |j GXC cpt th kind. , . Some of the above complaints nmv require some tri fling assistant applications, which tbo eiieuni3tanc * • * fiento . w ill ilie’late ; but for u i-eiieml remedy or Fury , tore more the cause,'im. Lm»IAn'h I’analka will ... ntliv be found suflii ient. Taken iu proper doses, Tnfc Inoivn n r.\Jt\cr.A ope. rutcHas nil alternative and detergent; 11 ureticami laxative; mi antipasmodir iu propc r rally r. P.\X\CF. diaphoretic, di- ) anodyne; and x „ rw ,«MftHtoumcliie nndennm no'.,ogiie. (Jen- pressed, it iiicrcnsrs all tlm H.eretions and 1 know not tho namo of this new sect, Imt limy profess to reject nil I'rotcstnut.all < -'utlmlic illicit iocs mnl practices with ci|unl pci liuneity. They nvoxv then,selves to lie uctuatefl os tho early Christians wove l.eforoChristianity hocamo assticiiitcil with politics, states,non, emperors, kings, or worldly ambition. They deny Buy authority from heaven lo In,ild churches or ex pend money iu endow ing clergymen. Religion is a matter of domestic uso. Every mao’s hotiso ought to lie his church, as it is his castle—ovory mail,ought lo lie his ow n clergyman, ovory man, every head of it I' ily. lias a l ight to to lako tlio llil.le and form Ids own creed uud to construct his on ii ceremonies. Religion, according tu this sect, is not a monopoly, to he confined to ti par- licuh.r set of men culle'd clergy. They aro moro intruders upon the natural rights of society, and thoir conduct too froi|ue„tly show tho efi'ect of hud assnf iiilit'lt. For some time past, this iu ,| t .|, system of religious association ha I,ecu making groat progress mining us. It i •Miiug ahead like steam power. UU a return to who live in it. i original purity. In the first years of Christianity Dandy.—A f»»<d wlm is vain of living tbv Iiiylipurv I ^vvry irwiii’u linust: ns his clitircli. Mini jlin liotul of Bonin fushimmbk* tnylor, and ll.inks tbr wvulili of ‘ bis wnrdvnbc will conceal tins poverty of Ion Mens; , A. ,v tion-*, gives lone to the stomnch, nmi excites notion in flit* fjliiiulf 1 in a particular manner. I nun these priuci- ules its operations may bo understood. It is little moie Bian three years since tins pn pnrntion was nrciu nted to the public S Imt in tbiit sbo>t space ol tinie, some Immlvcds of persons uuibi bo fouml, who would solemn; declare tlmt they believed that thoir lives were saved b\ it, and in most cases after they baa Died manv ami imrliitps nil tli.; coiuinnn rcinclio. in vum.— Wluirvverit is known it is rapidly cm into u.-r, and ltd. -itV'irils the most mbstautial and convincing proof ol lie plantation oi l nomas j Wilkinson, on the )5tb of | " n . ()f ^ )0 p nnm . Pa is most conspicuous ill those lu,,, standing aiul.rvpliilitic und scrolulons an'ccliotia vv hi7], have di'licd nil nth.-r ivMicdies, and parti, ularlv m ilu,-"' eu-vs where mercury liaslu rn "' lavishly m» d as I,, cause distres-inc pains in the hone, nodes, incrcuriul ulcers, lieningcmi nt m' the digestive organs, &c. I liesu it i-omidctelv removes and in all cases u entirely era.h- ilirntes and I) mew'orv,re,.ovules (he eoustit.ilion, and leau s the pal„",l sound and well. I : ltliriuii'itismsandln I li ' rnlcd Sum 1 hront.ils liappy i". •* ur. not less apparent, piviuq almost immcdmtc re- ]„ . FOIt sf^.Y. Jiuiuary la-u, a HA Y MARE feet white, u siindi mark ol a saddle on the right side " her liuck, uliotit tlm size of'n sevenpene.', and alimit I I hands high. A reward ol $Li will he tin n to any pri sm,that will deliver the said inure m in ■■.living m "ini r'loaiy, or for advertising the aju'xJ KF^MP. FOR lAtzE, The Ilou*«‘ amt I N the town of Millndgeville, ut present occupied hv tho subseriber. The House is in good repair and "iit- flcioully largo for llio aceoiumoflatiotmi " ^ 'iitoel lunni\. Tlio lot is‘J10 feet square, v illi a kit.-hm i-M »«'; cotstuv UwiUliur-*. Vu% per-i.n^ mb! . Iinvc tfie propertv oil r •i*vomB».< t 'i :.i*. ' I lj bo nmilc to tbo subscriber,or fo <»*;n'*ri«i Mac fnyetto Hull. MAB\ A N.N i.DBL ^ nu „w,xs„. ( - ....... dec nbora firm, VI tliefruld stand,opposite (lie Brick 1 . nntl \%ill keep a eenerul iis-»orlu»eut u( Drugs, Mali- rplir. undersigned Polish National I'mmnitien in the clue., ‘ 1. United States, propose publishing an histnrienl at.- 1 Oil., oj , count of the Polish cnvigrylinn to llvciie t mle.l : tntes under live title of" The Vole.,,, the I mle.l ■'«.»/ .interim,” prefaced hy a short stale nt »t llie Ins tnryafihe Polish llevolutlon, and Ui he ureoiiipnii.ed «i itli Diitbcniie voucher^ connected ^ with the h m« m • ° the Fob's in tlii i eonntrv. Form in «vo. Subscription price $|, pnMibb; oil delivery only. The Cominiitco bcmir HCiisible of tbo mKaniaqo*,» - fired to tin* Fobs by a *.■■iilcmeni in But-1 laml,Ahc proreedn 0 | || M . wink, after delra^iint the “ *" though, like his long-cured brother in tlio Ii skin, he is betrayed ns soon ns he opens his mouth. Deludes.— Ad useless wagging of tongues where the noses have been n I ready counted. Dice.’—Plnvings which llie devil sets in motion when lie wants a new supply of knaves, beggars, nmi suicides. Ditch —A place in xvliicl) those w ho hove taken too much wine are apt to take a iiltlu water. Duly—Pi mine billy, n tax which wo tiny to the public excise and customs: morally, tin’ll wliieli wo m u very apt to exercise in our private customs. y.clw.—Tbo shadow of sound. I'.ditiou, third or fourth—See the title page of the first. r.oolism.—SnIToring tho privato / to be too iiiueli in tlie public eye. 1 f.VAotr.—That part of tho body w hich it is most j r) „ m ,tc dangerous to shake. liuthnsiimm.—Spiritual intoxienlion. f.’urt/.—The way in which we punish ourselves of the family the priests thereof. Whitt do parsons and priest* liy profession know touro lluiu «vu ? \Vc have lho Uiblo—can’t xvo road us x»ell as they ? Huch are the opinions of the nmmlde Kisskhs mid xve nro uot sure hut they are half rigid Would Air. I.utourctlu introduce this interesting ceremony of kissing into his family chart'll! N. Y. IUkai.d. growing extern of their commerce, lint n ualiou thut has honed for ages to tiltyoke never rises, with a di spuato inferiority of lorco against her oppressors, unless provoked to it hy u most crushing accumulation of niiuso. lho very fact of her rising under such fearful disndvniiln- ge»n evinces tiio viopth of hor wrongs, ami af finals ait earnest of nor final triumph over the disuirous aud degrading offocts of hor thraldom. llor present mleasof llhorty, though notsuifi- ciently chuvlenod and solicr, are yet fur from ho- ilijr tlm w ild and rockloss conception which mu- ny'siippoio. Hlio has not yet become sufficioot- ly tranipiUi/.od to discovor, with impressive dis tinctness, all the delicate liooriugs ot hor true iu- vercsts. Wo require too much of her, iu expect ing that sho will settle atouco into a calm and steady pursuit of those objects connected xvilh the gveutc- t amount of pttldic and private good. U o should roollect tho fiorco and despornto nu- lure of hor revolution: it was not a change coining calmly over tho surface of society, at'- «(teeting only tlio somnoiits of men ; it was great dosisivo conflict, involving principle, life, . sligioii, property, ovory thing doar upon earth —waged with uu unforgiving foo, and at perilous odds. Tho nation was eonvulsod to its coutro; tho very foundations of social order displaced; mid all Iiuuds, savo those which bound her lo a forlorn hopo, biokon up J’ho struggle is now over ; tlio Inittlo has boon fought I won : Imt tho intense excitement, winch tltrillod nud absorbed tho public mind, though some years lu.vo been elapsed has not yet en'ii'cly subsided. Mon have not as yut itn- oneoriiedly returnoil to llioir tpiitl tivnrmmus individual duties. 'I'lmy very imturully take Icop mnl jealous interest in the character and measures of llioir government; they cannot tol orate llio hloaoflteiugdepri voduf tho smallest por tion of tliatlibortv for which they have poured out thoir Mood like water. This will explain tliy cause of tho death of Cnphd'Istrius. They invited him to tlie government, ns a man of lihoral and oulightoued sentiments; they found him, with n few relieving exceptions, selfish auJ lousy of the parties to support themselves, nud also a., 11> tltc intellectual capacity of each. 1 he Justices nud the Counsel seemed utterly to dta- remember tho fact thut they could live upon |„vo—ns is proved in many novels, plays nud poeius. They accordingly decidetl that the par ties should not list allowotl to marry—though they could not proven, them from liviug— and thus two fond and ttffoclionntu hearts ure for ever to ho kopt us under tly tho stem decree of the law.” A fusty old bachelor who co,non uliuosteTer- y tiny to read tho marriages iu our cxchnuge ne pers, has been lookiuj* uml laughiug ut the other inquiry of tho loarned magistrates of Tauuton, viz. : The intrihe,uul capacity of the purttos, which lio says is sntisfactonily disproved l.y tho very act upon which they wero entering. Yet tlmt sumo bachelor always uituldi« u goodly iroi tion of the wedding cake w hieh ho Cuds on otU'tuhlo.—[V. S. Go:. CoiMf* of Consumption.—A lute number of tho Moral Reformer concludes uu excellent nrticlo on tho causes of consumption, «"h llio following recipe for taking the disease :— Recipe.—Van Individual is horn with a fochlo ji.iistinitum, it is easy to obtain the cousuinpttoi* h v th.i ago of lilt, if he xvill ntteuvl to tho follow ing rules ;—Let the person, while very young, lie kupt always iu hot rooms ; or it he occasion ally goes out let it be only w hen be is thinly clad. Lot him froqueut hall-rooms, theatres, &c., and go out of ihuni in lho tiiidJIo of night, thinly clad and without any additional clothing. Lc, much time ho spout iu confinement, either at home or at school rooms, ou Imd scuts aud tu IukI air. l.nt llio mind ho tasked early. Let him at six or eight years of ago become a pro digy for kitowlodgo. Instead of simple water tor ill ink, and milk and good vegetables tor food, give him as soon as you can get it down his throat, tea, cotluo and other exciting drinks, mid tho most stimulating and high-seasoned food. Take care to excite his mind, if you can, l>y em ulation, ambition, and other kindred motives— , , aud his body, uud tuiud both by uuholy passions tyrannical; ami were restless, till they h"” aM j | ea J him to destroy his vital force, hy v» rid themselves uf his misrule. This discontent c(ous ul|J ullHatur al indulgences. Take care to di<l uot arise maiuly from an impulieneeofW hole- h#ve ll(in »l e cp, both in w inter and summer ou some uulhmily ; it was uot the expression of a hot f t . a ,h et t, e j, ; and if these are uot qutto factious temper; it proceeded from a burning conviction that the feelings, wants aud interests ell.nt l.i Wit'. l’OWr.I.L, Acibxt, „p r i! 2| UiUedgnUle, Oeo. H. .A .». SIlimVKUn Dniggisls, HIJICOII, on. fBXIIC Siibgeribois (furiner imrtners uf J.llis, Hhut- a well ,t (*n.| Iinvc rcsuiueif tjirir business under the THE MODERN GREEKS. We extract the following description, from vi j, fjnii to Constantinople and Athens,” a late work, hy Rev. Waltkr Colton : The Greeks have preserved, through along series of unexampled disasters, many of tlmsu daring intellectual traits which distinguished their remote ancestors. The engines of depot- have been unable to break (low n llioir moun- obslruct their streams, or destroy the These uii-uli- ixm tains, , i proud tnmnncntx ot their genius, fnrjieing inferior to others. I Ji ue a, spirit-sliring objects, with utl their as«o Epicure.—One. w ho lives to cat instead of eating ! -Sending vagrant words bark to their | nations, lofty and tender, have been constantly before thorn, recalling the past, reproaching tho present, and filling the future with the anticipa ted triumphs of rallied patriotism and courage. They have not any period of their misfortunes, been utterly broken in pride, pur pose, and hopet the chain lias galled xxilhout subduing them; they have yielded to ils weight, Imt, over and anon their iiuVignnlioli Inis Hashed of the country were not consulted. That there aro evil minded tneii iu the nation, who prefer a state of anarchy to ono of repose, is undoubtedly true ; but this is not tho disposition of the great hotly of the people. They -want a popular, vigorous, and intelligent government, equal laws, and a freedom from oppression.— Theie blessings they are now beginning to re alize, under the mild and enlightened policy of Oiho; nor do 1 believe tlioy will long withhold from him their united and cordial suport. They are now in possession of their long-lost sufficient to destroy him, take active or poieou- ous medicine for overy trilling uilmeut. Jot ham Dobbs engaged in a certain town aa schoolmaster, und came recommended by hU minister. His agreement with the Committee was, that he should receive five hundred dollars u year, and if ho gave perfect satisfaction, lie should receive two hundred more. Of course, at the end of the time ht did not suit; (why should ho have done so, w hen it would have coat the town two hundred dollars ?) and lio was furnished with leave of absence, Jothatn could •walloxv any thing in reason, hut this xvas too nublirntiiHt, » ill Ik ,q>pliefl ID»rk River, tiutu of Hi uiii tit Buj t’oM I I lie* \l \ UT i N lios* IKN lx IFAVICZ, ITI.I X (iWINf/.KWHKI. " Hi;. CHARLES) KRAITsHR. New-York. Aiun'.M, if)?i loir i;lo.t,OK.orleil s(:cs, <v7"*x Wurc for .hop furniture, 1‘erfomeey, Fancy Aetiele*. L'cnx/u sol' etery description. oml Vnlnll .Up i- . . , r,.I neuter’s Pri pimitions.nliohis F.stoys on M” Trio'll, dim Dor Hoods, and Dye SI,.M's. at,. I a ■• of Mi>.'Jbv.w»«* Arlivb s, vvlu. I, tt.ey bavo i*il ti Im lc hu|»|»!> f»f, ftiul n»l»*n*l I* Bicir *r».c. ,, ......ilx it■ i»It‘iiiD )1, ho ns In: al»lc *»t all uuvs t*> • i’li;siciftiis, IMaiiti-rr aiul oilicrr, who J vi i i Ii «!u ir ciislom* , , j l„ tie pvi "vii'viuly eug'ievil m lln-l'iiMti. v . live subs, i ilu hen hnii; . ”' ! dor it woriliy il»c «.t • sit | | . ■ vv 111 . ,«'. I flic c'lllltl III l*'|U HID (Iulde)l.> klUr will H\RY> SIIOTWMI ui i.A^on. JAC-OlI SllurW,KI Is. to live. Etymology own (mrisii. Extempore.—A prcinrflilatcil im|irom|itn. Entiles..tlsofis.—(jiviughuman i»il«*llfclMolirn!e! in imitation of nature, who sometime* gives hiutc iiitnllcrtii to turn. Fare.—Tlm siScnf echo of the henrt. Faction.— Vt»y jinrly o»»t of power. si. a foots and tbo enprieu of cuxeomlis. ’ eltei'i.h sotno wild thoughts of her,loin, by lho Felicity. Tlm the lieart, wliieli isnl- waves of Salami*, and the graves ol Marathon ; wavs receding as wo advance towards it. } t|, cv coni,I not hut remember and mourn on the Fishery.—The agriculture of tlie sen. banks, of tlie l’eucus. mid tlio ambrosial steeps Fool.—Wliat a fop sees in the looking glass. | () f Parnassus; they could tint hut hrefllhe their foihlistiuH.—Tossing up for hves vvilbalox. Irurililllg vows among lho limilgleil relies of llioir friend, nnl-tlm- o ho w HI o il v..n ol o, , « |IV| ,. tll e iu-idted ir and follies in,'r"sp, r,,y. a„,l a.., : . y V n o,>b |,, s IIU:I01)ri „|, .ustnined, tuippl> I 1 iiihv taver 11|<* .M.i> «.n. Murt-li : rotf iiti n I«*x. ill i. ll von ofyuiir f.mhH mnl iiHhiat you with liin A Imiirt iu inlu'rnily. Block Sw um Frown.—Writing the coiifotsion of a hml passmn | inmi ti;’,*' with an eyebrow ! self-respr Ijamiiis.—Hce llcpgnr and Gastronomy.—The religion of tliosc wli" i God of llieir bi llies. Glory -.Sliming with plague, amt |„ .-i,l< u< fitniinn. die bon deslr.ivmg yours paitir,g aid. bm.-v m d sure' of tiaiisimitiiig yom name to poaiciiiy Athens, with tlie rieli inuinorialx of its storied ! had- To pacify him, they promised a rcconi splendor. '1 bese imperishable relics w ill t.e lo | mc ,„lation of good behaviour and first rate qua- tbcni a ora bond of union, afresh source of j bfientions as a schoolmaster, and of their perfect pride, patrietism, and «elf rcs[iect. For this I satisfaction with him. Jolham was satisfied witn rich gifi they arc in.lcliterl to the intervention of 1 t b 0 bargain, and the.rocominctitlation was giv- Eiigland mol France; whoso conduct in their —jotham saw that nil wns riglit, nud thw liberation is far from meriting those sentiments - r.«—«iiine. lio said— III of distrust xvilh which it is generally regarded It is natural that they should take a lively inter est in Greece; indeed wImt nation, that is not dund to every nobler impulse, can fail to do ill Tho monuments of hor irancendnnt genius nro in all lands; the story of her grandeur and grief,) squaring up to jhc Committee, ho said—■*' CU just thank ye for Uro hundred dollars, according to agreement, for Tie got your ctrhJicaU to it m my pocket'' The Committee were hoaton, and had to settle with Jotltau on his own terms. naki rights of human nature, her sacrifices nud suf ferings in defence of lho religion of her lathers. ; have been the eloquent theiuos of tldhiurist ! to eg'', that spirit, resolution, and at the licai lh, in the sauctuiny, ami in tho halls j I, wliieli finally hurst forthwith the | of legislation, it was these which stirred |iuh- avuiiging force of a dark her magnificence and dcssoUtiou, has reachod I DuilogMit”—‘‘Toni! every heart. Her resistance to tho rightful j miserably—miserably.” , - ciicrniicliinonl* of barbarism, her devotion tn the ] # Oli finely.'all that arc here. "Any out ot town. Iioxv d’ye do?”—Oh ■ llow’syonr family ?" * Yes, a II gone but myself."—Seating. I deeply cherished I liv: sympathy so warmly in her lielialt'; which • i xvrong. ! enlisted the humane ami enlightened statesmen i T| M ,y leuptlieii mind, lo die. than I of Europe in her favor; wliieli sunk the anna I lie the passive insli iiiot nis of trail 'iiiining ilns j uients of tho o|tpres,orii> the Oull or Nnvarmo; j - Furl0note Ituorr.rij.—An Eeslern paper state* tli.n a stage, with nil the bangugot-S.bit b tell tlirongli tlio near ('otciiii de Lne, i i.per f.iniida. last wiol.-i. recovered I, ul die aunkstbere were ncurlv *17,00 belonging n> tbc Mv.nooal t Uy U.iuk An Irislinian rocoinini'iulin^ < ’ xrL ‘ •*»»• Kiul tliui she would yivo milk yi'iir nti« i IL'iit tmlck nftrr yenr tin* h| v»U. eontim evl min , in of bmidugt. ami -l.atoe— it is these whirl, non sustain tha cabinets of , wid, calves : l '*™ '' r ”" *" "{J, Tlu v enroll„teivd liter oppiecsm, w itli n fore* England ami Framv. in their eflorts to cherish as sin mm.e (torn » «•« *•« “tt!/ "■'» »