The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, July 26, 1836, Image 3

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The .igunlHre is .om.nhat rotifw.ed and Mul led, thuHgli legible—imlictaliiig » Imud tremu- j„u. from debility. It i* cermiiilj lb« very but time be bad n pen in bis band. We tinder.titntl llint be left, ready fur the press, tu Which it will be fortlnvilb given, a re port of tiic proceedings of the Convention wblrb formed the Kedernl Constitution, taken at the time, with notes, &o.—anil a compendious histo ry of the evuots which led to the tall of that Con vention. 'ITto work t\ ill make two large octavo volumes, and ho published simultaneously in this country nod in F.ugland. It is hazarding little to say that no work of greater interest anti importance ever issued from the American press. Ilis correspondence and other writings will he published from time to time, and will rnnstillttc A massuf the must valuable political literature in the language. lie left, with the exception of legacies to the amount of thirteen thousand dollars, including one of $1500 to the University, another of 1st 1000 to the Colonization Society—the w hole I t| le "p" of his estate to Mrs. Madison, n ho is constitu tod sole oxecutrix.—[Ant. JnhlligevctT. each, oil* or toms teiidsrs. and a .tor* ship of com-1 whom no correct information call l*> gained and " e Iihvo no right under the circumstance, to make up any other conclusion than that they are all hostile. (Jen. Jessup has recently stated Q Ii O R G IA JOU II N A L. .UillcdKCVillc, July tIO, I S'dli. Mtcpiibliran .1'onii niition s. im.ii I., white, ro . eitKsioKs r. JO El A TV M3 8!, jVatl-V:i*l Uiiren lilectornl Ticket. Dr. AMItltlKSK ItAti It of ltild). Col. JOHN \V. C.\M I’itKI.I., of Masr-goe, Col. (UUSt)N Cl.A UK, of lloitrv, Col. HOWf’.l.l. COIt !». t f | lotis'nu, linn. georgi: it. hi «»f Oglethorpe, I,»f. THOM NS HAMILTON, #>f Cms, ('ll \K I .TON HINES. Esq. «.r Liberty. WILLIAM NV. HOLT, E.-q. of Kirl.uioi.d, u, v JESSE MERCER. • Wilkes. david Meriwether. ? -#.r Jasper, Hun. EZEKIEL \Vi M B!.11LV. of Tui-g-. i;©!\<aKi:SSS*>\AiL Tiv’KlM’. agreed upon, and to liu pot in u Mu tv of immediate preparation. Captain Thomas Ap C. Jones, an officer possess ing many high qualities for such a service, has hern appointed to the command ; and officers for thc^itli- er vessels will he immediately selected. Thu Macedonia tins Iicqii chosen instead of a sloop of war, on account of the increased accom modations slot will a (lord the scientific corps, a de- partmenttho Pre«idcitt has determined tdutll he com plete in its organization, including 1 lie ablest men that can he procured, so that 'nothing within the wholu rango ol every depai tmcnl of natural history and philosophy shall hr omitted. Not only on this account has tho frigate been selected, hut also for the purpose of a more extended protection of our w Imleuien mid traders ; and to impress on tho minds of the native s a just conception of our character, power, and policy. The frequent disturban ces niid m tosnerrs committed on our seaipon by the natives inhabiting the islands in those distant seas, make this measoie I ho dictum of Immunity. We understand also, that to J. N. Reynolds. Lsq. ident has given the appointment of Cm rex- j pondin'* Secretary to the expedition. Between tnis l^entlemaii and Captain Jones there is the most 1 friendly feeling nml liariiiouv of action. The cor- ! dialit v they .entertain for each other, wc trust, will •but, he believes the Creek War lias htit just lie- gan, that a large nitiuherof Indians \viio have from the cumimmremeut prufesseii tu he - friend ly have in fact been In,..tile niiil will somt slum their true color. ; wo think with Cell. J. nml hesitate not to ex|>ress *tmr H|,prehrusiniis tliat murli blood is yet tn lie shod, anti that tho tnn.l M vigorous ellurts on tho |>urt of the whites, ere 1 yet requisite tu bring this war tu a close push these Iniliaus off to the West. ■nil* creek tuSiitnrccpt the Indians if th*e should I not shrink fmtii t le ctuss. In ilia evening ahuiit H -’cluck , doings; hut they c! i i llalluw , pliitilmiun. mid j fur the mis deed', i«milit! .Mi. t oil * buildings mljowing those ot LoJ. | II. in tlauies. While olf the landing one of Col. Hallow's negro follows, who had been captured hy and had escaped from the Indians made iiis appear ance, nml reported that they were in number SO strong then buck of the negro houses—that a body of them had taken down both (he cast and west side ol the St. Johns, and meant to destroy nil the sci on -aid river, Lieut. J. l/Lngle s build- llm responsibility of their own I to grow still more mribrtwdn»her ,h partner npfWWirlf* littve no iticliiintinti to answer of the majority, to shield them I die ( from thuccosiiro mid perhaps more seriottnroii- I *^ IC sequences, which the honest ami intelligent of their ow n party in whose judgement they have justly relied.—| Concord Statesman. ECU’ A LIZ IN (i SAL A U IKS. Mr. Kendall proposes tu increase the salaries ol Uiu clerks in liri department, with a view of - ,IIV# VIV.II,* III Illxt,1.lit1lll||tlll, II Til,* Ol , are I V.p* 'Yv' C !* T ,V l,nr 'vt 'It‘Vi* l,,nlT ,w ' i ie i them equivalent to the salaries <»f other “" u i i w>*- ««»* •«. • The illusrogee ltfur*uuclercuuiiiiiiii<| of Schley, returned lust evening Iron, their trip to j q-| u . accounts from Black Creek are truly denlo- linker county. The Cadet (ittards w ill arrive to-day. We learn nothing of interest from the Bhte$, w ith this exception, I that a party of Indians passed through Thomas ' v comity on their to Florida ti lew days since. 1 wliieli party the white men of‘the county who j had organised themselves in a military eapaeity, 1 ^ encountered, and u sharp battle ensued. In this engagement nine Indians were killed and several wounded. Thisurcumstnuce furnUliCh another evidence of ti e fact, that the Indians Riflemen, and I ruble. Fifty-tiro died tlivr *s nml Hinri'lni'a. Tin nly dejilt , from .Mou- proposition : “ Every now ami then some additional bur den is imposed upon a particular clerk, or bur eau of clerks, which is made tho pretext for in- creanc of pay, ami that increase in turn becomes •re was\ JG reported sick at Fot t Dr« no, among i the argument fornu increase oftlm compensation i wen- 5 out of 7 oOiceex. uf others who judge themselves equally entitled ; j llo- return Capt. I nn\ s delael.ment fron. ;in ,i t| Hl s. hv leirUntinn- on.-tL.llv nnrtif ..- Im fell hv all. wheiher ciii/.c, or officer, who shall | f ,re daily getting olV t«» Kloiida. Can they no. i<>rliinutu it* to lie ctimtucU'il will, tliu expi-| |, 0 arrwletl ? Shall tiny ho |,emiiiu<l tu go. und in llurida take refuge until the w inteig cam paign shall commence there, and then fly hack to the (’reek Nation, and there keep up a har- rassiug w nrfai e on our border, (»od only knows I»«mv Jon» ! Lcl thoic it! cummaud sec to t'ii> matter. On ilo- return of Capt rotcetiijg the baggage wagons, ‘.?0ih inst. they saw number of Indian trails proceeding tow ards Jack sonville. Tho Indians encamped within A miles of tin- detachment. Tho schooner Motion, Wn t.i.v, waslonling at Jacks,»ii\ die, will* the iiiluihilants ami their baggage for Si. Mai vs. | ditiou.' 1H)NK ON EH. The Miners’ llccordcr of the lGth instant, ! vftys: ; “'fhc following is ii»« result of an election luioly { held in Murray county, for a Colonel and two ,M.»- ' jors. .Samuel' R. McCnmy. fm Col. (nuii-Bi-Imp) ; received n majori.y »*f-1‘2 votes over his opponent 1 Ahsolem Bishop; John Burk, for Major, (unii-Bisli- ■ op) 41 over Ivlward Smniou, (Bishop.) and James | liouglass, for Major. (auti-Bi»liop) 4J votes over ( Mr. t bits, ( Bi-hop.) , •• Well done M umiv County. go aliend, you know ! \ mi a in r in lit.” The Bi* lu*p dimml v is in vonr pow Her phyxieino observed her. On Ids asking ttuse, ami on being informed uc told her thul uuild stay but n short time* oiuirllt, and that hIio ought not to let her CHrildy thtt^j trouble ber. ^he replied—*• vi bo will see t«» my |»iopf»rly if I da mu f” ‘ The eye of l'ro\idenre is on it* . replied ibe physician. "Ab!” i e plied the old ludy, “ I bad a litlle mther have my eye on it. [iV. V. lUrmtd. Matiimoity. At the rnllegjnta churefi of .Wane.fie** ter, on Sunday, (lately.) 70 r.ioiples were united in matroimNy; ui.d on Monday 1G0 raiinles were li.d logctheHor better or ferworxs*; The following is die wholesale inode in which ti e business is des- patehed. I In* parti* x arc ermuged in couples of twelves; when the limrnrriv ex for slipping the ring! on the fingers ol tin* Iq'idex, diu word of t'otrtiiisnd' is given. Jind the bridegrooms are seen Imisily feef-^ ^ i"g in ilu ir pockets* f.*r the s\ ml,,4 of cndless’ttflcc- ; the women aie then requested to repent the. and thus, by li-gLInting partially, tir for particil- ! words of tho Minister, which they, “nothing loath,’* Inr persons, cases, or departments, w c keep up a 1 r ' ‘ constant race forc(|iiaHty <d'compensation which | ' ends in exorhitantlv liigli sala flic odd I u ' '"••inedh.te oh. d, fail lo do; then the men are requested to.f<»|- the example, and thi ir gallantry pronips them Thu clerjfy rler^y niHii can thus II.U lire cottHtttMtly nvcriakiii K t.ii.l imuitii; i-iu-li j ,l ".7i'" e f ! , l | ,l, "V' ’ ’ ! l ! ,,r V"‘ r ,, , 1 • n i bu following is said to have occurred lately in "luiiibfr until >on h ned she ri'putation of your roiinty, from the lo - hvretofoie cast upon it by lliu outingeoui rt of a lawless hullv." jn.ius c. Ai.roRn, of t> KDWMIfl j. BLACK, of Seriveti. WM/rr.U T. COI.OIM'.TT. of Muxeogeo Wll.l 1AM C. UWVHd.N. of (L-eene, W } Jil(’II ARI) W. IIABLRSII \M. -f llahci>!ium, t J ;): IN 11. linWARD.of IV.M-vin. JDSLIMI \V. J \CK.-ON. of tkam, THOMAS.BUTLl’.R K!.\'C. « f Hlvnn, LCHLNICS a. NKSBIT. of Morgan. ■Tla \ S.—The iMohilo (Jon of the L)th of July, says— “.Tim news from Texas, to-day ing. Reports nil from *•>' <:d to Wm ry man in Texas, | L'reittl II ogistcr, i tdr want «•< Mdt likely to iociea tahlv for the r r« L- t- rs ! a v i I exas, to-dnv. is more uneourH •ur in stating the Te.viati army lieu, and reeililting r.q idly. Lve- j s shouldering his i ille and monel- csistanee to the llireiitcued invii- in army is delayed, ii fs afliriued, ' nt supplies,—a «liflieult> whi> h is . ns limy adv mice, anil w <a ks It.v o- TUc Baldwin . Haldwiu llnsbjirs. coiumatfded by (’apt. Juki' 11. l». (».\rniKit, we understand, lia\’e been dis- * ( ! ■rhargetl, and nre on their march homeward, and may hu expected lie re to-day or to-morrow . ti We have uodo iht otir citizens x\ ill immediately 1 t | in ike the necessary arrangements for pnjing to t ii$ gallant hand, the ro-pccl wliieli their >crviccn so justly eutillo them to. AVldows mid \ We iinert in our paper of to-day, an net n ;ss- '■ ed hv the last (’otigress, granting half pay to w idow * nml orphans w hose hiishands or fathers have died of wounds received in tlm. militto) 1 service of the United States ; also tho ndver- j tMeinont ofMr. James L- ttdtrnrdx, (’ommissiou- | er of f > i*Usioi»s^ NVe do tills for the benefit ol j nil, but particularly for .hose who may not have access to one of tho “ j tiiiiliority" prims.— Such acts should be published in every new spa- , per in the Union, at the expense ol tie* gevern- in*-nt ; hut under the present proscriptive order of tilings they arc couf.uctl to proluildy ono in tw only, or less. We shall he amply compensated for 'iiir trouble, if hut one ol the poor widows o- orphans w hum tlie act coucci us, he hcnefit- t**.| hy our puldica.ion of it. ii pnblislied, disclosing th* 1 f,rt several dcuittd, tlmt there w as, ill the time when (.in. V»uxt< n lift tin* m my. eouxidcrnbh ilissati.-tin tii*u previiiiing mnnug tlu-m. But it \, ;ih uotwitli (bni. Houston, hut w iili President Bun l'«>i 1 imiie supposed ho.-nlity on his' part In the (i* iiJ. 'j'lie iiruiv is wan inly alia.died to Houston, ai.ti < lo have taken up his quarrel. '1 he latter, on , '• leave of llu ni. exhorted them, in manly ai d i aiTori’umatc terms, to xmothei their dis*alisfueti*'m. and hy exaet diseipline-ai.d perfect « bedieueu, lo j • t!i« iissc!\ c s to tlit: serv ice ol their counlrx. i The iliflicnh v would pi J .»blv be renewed on Wen- 1 end Houston sreturii—unless tho now rommam! -r- j i• hieI. L.v vi vit, gives w ay, as it was expected he weiibl do, to (J.*ii. lloiistmi. Theiiiij?res*.inii grow s, , that I’r• — i«I«• 111 Buicvkt wnnhl hi^sooii diiplared. By th hilext accounts from Tax.vs it is hinted that j under* a* strong guard to |:Vs u!hl!.*d, \ which we doubt, that lie w as to bu tried theie by a : ui'jiturv eounuiasiou umi shot. | f > or; eling of nf M* HK litUIIM MV/. rcspectnbl , to make suitable juuttv vt ( n, July 10, JHUG portion of llie e coiiveno.l al this place cuts lor Ranjjers.” a their return i; ti.u follow- m2 pi. t )n i Chi led to the Tlta President left Wn-diiugton for tho U mit^e, on tho 10:h inst. lie w as accompanied hr his private Secretary, M; j. Dou ilstm. The Vice-Pro^ident took hi* departure for New York on the Ivltli. .Bo 1m Rnitdo)|)b'if VbTH. The (jeuornl Court of \ irginia have afliriued the valfmty of the v mi us wills and eoilietls of this extraordiuuiy individual, running thrmigh tiic years intervening het w ecu LilB nipl IH-'II. The* testament hy thn^. cisibn eman- cipateis his slaves, now iiuiuheffig about 600, and for w hitdt die wills ttiako provision. It is said an appeal will he taken to the Court ol Ap* pftwU- UoftrrS K. XCpii!. A few vveekv xhtee wc published a rumor, w hjcli had ruaehed Augusta, that Jndg,e lleid mid family, on tlcdr way from Tail ih;is»ue to St. Augustinn, had been massacred by the Se- minoles. T!io following, wliieli we copy from the Augusta Chronicle, has relic veil our appre hensions, and will no doubt he gratifying to nH the friends of tint distinguished gentleman. NVe w i di him a speedy icAioraliou to health, ’i he Chronicle says,— *• \An with nineb d*mure that we are enabled to xfste, lint the upprehee-ioiiH which hnv«* been en tertained in tlii.. city tor some past, t"r the *'' , **iv <*t previous nolle. 1 prrpaiing h dinner for the “ I patriotic, corps of Volunteers, now I j.oin die Creek Campaign in Aiabti clings wei .* had. ion. Col. Van Lkovakd w as e .1 N. (». Cos i kk appointed Secretary. The 1 nf the meeting w a-* then stated in n few j appropriate reinai ks by C. Campbell, psq. which | were concluded with a tiioiinu fur a committc I ten gentlemen, to he k 1 general ananr.etnenl, to he chosen, the fir ■ Chairman, the next by the man chosen, and so on ; j w hicli motion was mi.inimouslv agieed to. and tin* ; follow ing gentlemen eiuMen. to w it — Win. Stallings, j Thus. Swift, Juo. Hai i is. (»uy Smith, Van Leonard, L. it. Burttwick, J. \Y. IL.nis, John McCoy, Mat* j 4■,vv IJesh r and C. (’junidi. II. Oil motion, the Chair then appointed ilia follow- j ingromini'tees—On ! , ’iuanre and iuvitation, Mesxis. J. 1). Swift. T. J Buriu v, I'elix iirvan, Cliarle* Allen, and Win. Woods. To select Orator for the occasion, J. 1). Swift. J. W. Harris, and L. B. B.wlwiek. On ’I’.vm.s, Win. Woods, (J. Poiiter, W. W. Morgan, L B. Cosiwick and Ii Lawrence. The rnimiiittee to xclcel an uralor, retired a few moments, and returned and reported that they had seleetril Capt. \. (i. Poster, who being present ac cepted the honor—on motion, it w as then imaiiimotia- Iv, ordered that tlo‘ proceedings of the meeting bo signed hv the Chairman and Secretary, and sent to tin* (ieorgia Journal and p. dcinl Union for publica tion. VAN Lf ON ARIL Chuiunuu. N. (L PosrKR, Secretary. From tin Ci.luii.tuu Fnyuinr, July THE ARMY —On Sarnnliiy last, the Regiment of drafted lufafitry , enmin.'iuded hy Col. llanlcitiati, was dischargt.d /mm seivieo, and have returned t-. j their friends and families. There was something in j the e.induct ol' ibis regiment, which i-oununitih <1 the re-pert of all ; tho gentlemanly deportment ol its officers, and tho willingness with which tin* men engaged, in w iialx.e v er service their coun try required, was surpassed by i ore of their c m- : tildes in arms. Every danger that presented il- self, they met with apparent delight, and had ll •• j fortunes of war flung th< m into the deadly breach, j wc hazard mailing in saying, they w ould have been | found as troublesome customer* as any in the mow d i NVe wish th m. as winy oSher man ought, U safe i e- | ! turn to their hum s. Tim Regiinf lit of C’avalry. commanded by Col. , Bxvli., hit* liven msb ri d up from below, und are now encamped near this place. We at v not inform ed when this portion of the Army w ill be dischaiged, ' probably rot until their term i f service expire* The command of Col. B. ha* been engaged dnrii g j the 11, in almost incessant service, and it is bill justice that hi* men should be disc harged as soon | ns prudence will pqnnil.—The l/iglicr povveis, liovv- ) . i ever, always control, and mu these, we have m i- . i I tlier iutliicnee or aulhority. 'i’he Imlcpeudeiit Balallion, under Maj. Ai ruttn i . 1 is vet below upon the river, at, Ttrouml and about ! , Port McCiearv. Whilst they remain in. sta- J , lion, there is hut little danger l ll tit tin* Indians will j I | escape tow ai ds PIoi ida, or commit depredations lur*. tlicr oil this side of the River with iiv*)>tinitv. If , j •.lieu* is to he any men fq htli.g. wc should lif e f. r i . | ti»’n Pattiilivn to mk»; u baud. TJieir blows will le j . apt to count, wherovei they fall. On day In lb re x estetday, Maj. HoXU\’>B ittaliou, j eoiisistiugof the N'ohiiileer companies of tho place, returned from their expedition to Baker.—The wm-. v they looked healthy, and black, and ragged, and smoked, was a caution. The hoys llint used, in the j piping times* of pence, to appear like the gentle . winds had never visited them too roughly, seemed upon their tenon, the very puiHonitieation of -iu - burnt and weather lieateu vetci ans. ilieii laces, their eh’ihcs, tlicir e.ostnmes. in slmit, their win le exter nal parajdiaimlia, bespoke the aiduoux soivuc ’in which they were engaged. NN’e lire aware that these men, togethi r with their immediate fellow-ci tizens, have been promiscuously charged w ith cow ardice, by a pmlimi of the woild.who have never seen the dangers that threatened the frontier, and what is worse than all, never came to meet and re pel that danger, hut w e feel assured, that thi ii eon- duct througiioiit the whole campaign, will redeem them at least from an imputation so foul and false. No portion of the army Inis performed more duty * . ; vvuciucr in me wnu woous oi .viaoanin. a rommntee oI , ttwain) , u f Cuiavvaheo. e very whcc.and. t i omnui • c o I j, tl j, lt r as far as those that w ent farthest, the fu -t hv the ! . i ,i... *• .i i ..u,... Judge Ihan iny tiiat it Tallahassee id family. • is unsafe . mile : the b-C ,-t|. Angnsliite, he cha wr llte Ru waunre Springs, w he detained hy indisposition.** I''* . stane.i Knoxville <irtifcV4?nlSow This re-Npeetalih} assemblage, peilmps the 1 innM so of any ever convened in the ^outhoni and Western States, foiiilmltd its l.tbor*, and adjourned .due dion the \Mh inst. Wo learn by cxtriiets from letters pnhli»hed in t!i- Savannah Hepuhlienn, flint upon th** arrival of the (ieorgia Delegation at Knoxville, they found that charters li.ul been already granted by : the States of Kcn’ncky, Tennessee, North and , South Carolina, limiting the road and company to those four Status, to the exclusion of Ccor- gi*. “ A very aide and clear report ol the trade and resource* of (ieorgia. was immediately, however, prepared hv n committee ; Messrs. S.. B. Packman, of Savannah ; R. Campbell, of Aug * " of Macon; and read m the C while it astoui lied the Western i ed them that it was decidedly' f« brins (ieorgia into the compact : of Mr. NVic.klilfc, of Iv-nm-kv. i resolved to lecommcml t«> tin* ‘ 1 amend the charters as to p<*i /*rom the Culuinbiin Herald, July ll). CREEK NVAR INCIDENTS. Col. RoekwellN eomnnnd have returned and hrought with them I’-J Indians, who were incleu- tifled as having been engaged in murders and oiiimleging on fhe fieorgia side ol the Cliutut- honehee. Col. R. pursued a*; far as Moiitgotne- rv. where they overtoil!; tho emigrating parly, 1 and secured these Indians, there were many : more present who mig*lit have boon imlcnii/ied 1 Inn the evidence of their guilt was not at hand. This we regret, we are surprised that individual* I’who have sulVered, and sullen d severely too. | from 1 udinn'depredatinus dm ing the late i xeile- ; m°nt should have beo so indiOVuent to their own infercst, and to the demandsof justice and the loud e ill of revenge, as not to have been on the spot and pointed out every savage scoundrel i to the tlis*' i who was present at the diflerent massaeruus, remain c liiirning, ect. They have now gone pass the swelling waters of the Mississippi nml in few days will In* securely planted on their own 1 soil, in yonder land where the suit makes his 1 evening couch,—numbers have no doubt gone away with the emigrating party who were pri vy to. or actually engaged in the most harhorous w ith more soldiridikc fortitude than this Rat* talioii. They Imve went where they were sent, bother in the w ild woods of Aliiluunn. or the dark I at all time*, licking the post of danger nml the field of glory. | Nor would wo hero pass over in ni)onre, Yoholo rtomc Tuxticnuggc tlnrjo, (Mansfield Torrance E#q.) j w ho, at the head of a line looking company friendly Indians, marched in with the Battali j These Indians < [ lion below, and 1 oration the whites. They are, properlyireated, of infinite service m hunting out , the hidden enemy. Let them then be encouraged, ! whilst they art as'they have .lone, for without them, ; hut little ran he done against a foe that slips from j his hiding place,does mischief nml slips back again, I so secret a* tu bu almost impureeivcd. II K Alt-lit AlvTKAS 1st ArUT Coltl'S, / Columbus, July ( 20. 1H;}(». ( Outlie Kith instant Col. Beall returned to e from Cliickasaliafchee, after having en countered ami routed, on the 2d inst tho fugitive Imin 1 of Imntile Indians he was ordered to pursue on the 2f> ult. Tilt hope had been indulged that he would have succeeded in engapi ing that party, a se cond time, hut its precipitate and continued flight bus rendered all t flort to overtake it unavailing. But. althong it has thus eflerted ill escape. I am fully ini- presseil tiiat no eensiirc can he attached to the con duct of that p'dlant ofiiccr, or t«» his etiunllv gallant command, NVhen. imleeil, it i* considered that the enemy luul already, previous to the a flair ofibe 21 inst., I'ncoinpasHcd hiinsejf in a deuso nml .-ccmingl v almost impenetrable swamp of covered with every species vorahlc to his concealment matter of surprise that In* si pose, than that the pursuit, und# i so nd verse, had not been almndn FltO.Vj Tllli MIMI'.K 8 RCCntVUKIl. DELL NR ATION OP PEACE, Hy tlu Cht ritkttn of Falky Town. On IViday July 1st, HBB, at lligliwassec Town House, Delegate* a>>uji»hhil from the princijml t.iw-mif Nq toboe and Jaquoheo Dis tricts,in the Cherokee Nalion ; comprising that p u t of the Nation Iv ing within the chartered mints oTNorth Cuiohnu,nml in Union county, (ieorgia. 'The niueting w nx* called for the purpose of taking into eons id ei at ion the propriety of tn a king a jmhlic declaration of the views and sentiment', of tho people, of their sveral vicinities on the suhjeet ol lNDl W IIOSTILITI EH which has rcceully excited so much alarm.—The* following was uuniiimouMy adopted. NViikiu:N\ e have learned with regret that Illinois of Indians Hostilities are producing inuih uxciiemetif among the citizen* of the U- nitoil Slate*, ami many persons unacquainted i with t!i • disiimilaritv of the condition and character of tho several Nations of Indians arc apt to confound I ho Cherokee* with other Tribes, less advanced in civilization, and lesa pacific in their habits ; by wliieli, tin influence i» exerted injurious to our pcopl •, mid calculated to excite unfriendly f»*idiii«;s in tho hrea-ats of our ! white In this u. Willi an earnest desire there fore, to allay excitement, and to cultivate those • friendly rehttion-. which have long subsisted he •tween u< stud the citizens of of the U. Slates, wo j make the f dlowiug representation. Our people have, hy llm favorable guidance j i of a kind providence, made considerable ad- ; j vancement in the arts of civilized life. They • ! have begun lo taste the swctUof bomv mul to | j eld ri>rll the charities of domestic nml social in tercourse. Dependance on thecliusefor a pro- j , eaiiotis sid - istaiice is no more know n among them, tin ir dwellings and their cultivated fields, I every w here, hear matks of industry. '1 In ir in terests ami preilclietiou* and institutions are al- oii the side of peace. Tlu-y have no military I | system nor military stipplicsof any doscriptiou. j 'i lieir ruliunee i*, not on the Sword. 'They have | inn eoimexion whatever with tho belligerent Tribes, ami to confound the Cherokees with them, i* altogether unjust; nml wc hope the ! Editors of papers will forbear to publish pieces w ritten by misinformed or thoughtless men, ten ding to excite unnecessary a I arm. With us the tomahawk and the 1 knife have been hurried for nearly half a century • and the love of w ar nml the practice of it have become obsolete. A luuuhcrofold men. indued, ; still live, w ho spilled their blood and saw their ! brothers fall in defence of their white breathren, | beside the present (’hief Magistrate of the Uni ted State* ; hut their voting mou, their youth, have never known w ar ; they have never utter ed the wnr-wlmop of the savage, nor heard the furious yell of tho haltlo-flcld, nor viewed the | pitiless carnage that daughter*,husbands, fathers I ami brother* ; make* widows and orphans, ami ^ wrings with hopeless agony, the Ik Other, and the fable of the; monkey who sal judgement upon tho cheese of the tw o cats be comes verified, lie bites from the part of one. and then from that of the oilier, until all is con sumed. Tim only difference here is, that* we, the People,’arc not biting, hut bitten; for, ac cording to this mode of legislating, wc may con sume the whole Treasury in the vainclVort to e- qunlizc salaries, by raising (lie low cr up to the even standard of those mlove. Rut this ia one of the new invention* to spend yoiirstii| In* re venue, and 1 suppose it is all* according to the •view* of the executive.**’—[Paulson's Adv. LXRlNtilNG ! The Delaware Journal says : "Tin* Lvpungmg ResuliiVmii ufCid. B»*nt*m. the In*! great hmtilMig nftlie administration, which lias been used »»•<a part) teat for thu last two years, mul b> rilling w liieli. Air. Ritchie icvolntioi’ucd N ngi- nia last spring, and placed Air. Rive* in* the Benuio. was^n emitted tu die on the table of the Scuato. “an wept, milumored and imsung.” Air. Rives perfor med hi- pAi t of tin* i oiitracl. by making a set sneerli in i*np|»oii of |)j,. blank line resolution of iJie N ngi- 1 nia Legiilutnrc. 'iMr. Lciuli* replied, in an iiiimii- sweralde nrgnniimt.aiid Mr. Riv-es lias since remai ned quiet. The liumlmg is dead. Air. Clay’s, ros* o,mion will remain on.tlm journals of tho Senate. | and he nceixed hy posterity as a sentence justly pronounced upon the grossest \ iolutimi of the Con stitution that w'as over committed by an American i 'he parish elmicli at AJauchcster: Two country bumpkins, alter ibe eurr ninny had hcfji said aver collides, rmiir hltihhcring to die enratc/comfdaiii- i‘‘K Bull lie “ had married them to the Wrong women,” “I eaiinot help that,” said the ciiftite, “ you iniis^. I settle that among ymirseL ttJ'—Etitfliuh pnytr. Ifrtnliitig ll/I nf the Uartmt tn t/ir Furt —A fSrrro.n ! |>I1|IIT .Intff!. iluii ilif Sclinli ol i’ersIn,lii order lo eivo a nrwfl et tin* advanrennmt of civilizati<m, i suddenly thrown open thn gates of his hnrcin and given tip ti e lihcrfy to all tin; female slaves that it eonlaiui d. All the great Mien of the einpirn fol- iowed the i <amp|e ; cud the inhabitants of 'IVhcrait j could srotrclj belie .«• their eyi s when they saw tho g tUs et the palace .pen fur the first time for theiin- lirtpp.v victims. Tb s new s eau-es an extraordinary sell" U.on lu re Mini all nvei the Last. It wmUIwiu ml in I’era that die Snltun would follow the exartv pie.—[ Ch. Futriot, sidei t. 'J'lie ‘idminishalinuprints since Mr. L"hth*s great speec h have not had a wind lo say good, had or ill* difi'>Teiit.gilnmt expunging. Were they conduced / Were they at length ashamed nfilmt infaiimus incus me ’ bu their silence wotdtl Irate it to be inferred; so it is charitable to hope and believe. It served the turn for which il w as invented. It revived de eaying illegianre (o the Greatest ami Best, Ittle- mou.-li.tted the degradation to w hiclt luim w urn .{!“’• /mm s»p vilify ln\J hMJug'm trie country. It served as a lever to force Afjmsrs. Tyler and Leigh out oflhe •Seuaie, nml to "iilnjiitute tw o more pliant putty in strument*: And Hie nlijeet effected, it was qiiietU I n <’*» Singular and midden death,-*The Louisville City Gazette of a late dan* s.iys— “ Mr. White, of tho finnof NV ooiljufl ami White, of this city, while ex amining ii heelii\t yr.-,frrd«V rnurning. was fctung temple hv a be,*, and irnnu iliafely expired.— * in the enjoyment of good health in tlio IL ih.* innrmn.'', mul • i Iniried in the evet A man ‘ down rn^t* has invented a new kind of hint king tor lent her, which has so brilliant a polish that n pair of slmej to wliieli it has been applied, gives ns niinli light in the evening as half a do ten common lamps! A Groggy Marriage.—At Townndn. Pa. Air. Jutt- ius W liters, aged 10, to Mrs. Rusiita Whiskey, aged w -b ’Phe very best receipt for grog—fresh water nml old whiskey.—f Pete mb. Const el. ill,,ing I ; di'i’pped ; thus proving thut its adv never Iione«alv thought it light or ueees.saty, and tiiat they had rcanrlcJ to it for purposes never avow ed and tot dl v «Ii -1»«• t from the o-ten-iiide object pro- l«m«e»|. Tin: late servile N ii ginia l.egi dalurc ought to feel self ahniuiiintum for sufl’ei ing its' lf to he made the tool nf Benton's sycophancy to' Jueksoti, and Van Buren a scheme of banishing independence from the Senate, and filling its seals with tho parti* zuiis of his Adriiini*4rMtinu. Ii i-i'au ev’nlenee liovvever of reluming patriotism and of decaying servility, dial with a Jackson ma jority in tin* Henatc, the expunging resolutions, in trinsically and intentionally infamous, could not In* I down in dial body hy the combined strength impudence, Jackson's wishes, and j Vuvi-'M iu-lau-lioi,,. ll<.'iici[iir«ui,l ili.-v » ill lin.l j i»l,‘ none so debas'd a-> to tipliobl tlieui. I liny and their author, aides and abettors, w ill share tho same doom.-L A’. II hi#. DU'.B —In fl'ii cite, mi the inorninir of tho IGlh iusr. (icii. IBM’I .BT Al G U.S’J’t BLaLL, aged al»ont 32 J't'aifl. . ’t. |U\ v ictim tou shattered constitution, oc casioned hv a long residence in nn nnlieulthy location, ond for the lu-t tlirce umntha (except in the early part of ii) was confine.I i.> hn« bed. lie hare ins alfiiction with Itiuteahiim .s ami resignation that became him as u Chris tian looking forward in lull hone ami confidence lo a re wind laid up in Heaven. lie joined the Methodist Church a little morn tliHii o yenr since, and hv his zeal in llie eanso of religion, nml devotion to bn ebrisliua Ju lies, gave evidence tlmt bis walk was with God. By bn death our city bus lost a most valued member, and the Stutc, one who has regarded mv a future ornament and n rising candidate for pnop’o favor. He had already been ill several jsnhlie Motions, ill all of which ho ac- (i nil tod himself w it It much credit. Ife was particularly (lisdiegni lied for hi" zeal ami energy at tho bar, and ro- gurdml u* having few equals in the State, nft a picador in criminal eases. A s a public speaker, Iiis talents w er® ju'ciiliur, ami of high order. As n writer, it becomes net us to speak of him. His connection with dun paper for two voms, Inn* left a frail record of .die snirit and zeal which he was wont to carry all his undertnkinrrt—and for truth uml hunostv of purpose, we tiiiM }•* without uno stain, “which dying, Sir : this phi Is of Itiolll- f 1 ers sisters, and ffiem's. By tv nr* wo have notliing to gain, hut every lively engaged in tin* expedi- 1 tiling to lose. Our wliolo population would re- 1 entitled to the favorable rmisid-1 .rjuui indications of hostilities, with a* much alarm 11 ‘ and as deep regret, as our white neighbours would. NY <• conclude hy iis»uiitig our friends that 1 whatovor griovaneos we may he destined to | suffer, we shnll never thpik of resorting to any ! other than pacific measures, to obtain redress, fcjlguoil on hclialf of tho meeting, SITUAdl, (i NLSATTEI1EE, ROMAN NOSE, (X.ANAYA alias PETEK. Population of the United Slat< s. in IriBB. The population of tlio United State*, at tho pre*’ •nt time, may ho approximately estimated Maine, the uorliie:istorniiu<ut, New Hampshire, South of Maine, N’eniionl, bm Jr ling Cnnutlu, AlaMsachnseiis* most densely people’ll, Klmde Island, with thu least territory, (/mniecticut, die most agrarian, tnilesine’ nf iimlergrow lb la ind retreat, it is I mid have are. ids of cruelty against our citizens—and why;,,otic No satisfactory information lias been communica ted respecting the direction of his relreal. Admon ished of their impending fate, hy the deleataud dis comfiture already experienced, they hav e nrnhnhly divided into small parlies, which has et,aided them it {tout Icivii g any vestige dint might lead every of llicii hiding place. *frd thus still main ronrealed in the eoverls of the swamp ; hicli, I am informed, is mure iliau twenty miles in vurv length, nod upwards of live miles in width. With the view ot ousting them from this situation, rein- foreements of troops. uiider*nflirers of great merit, have diflerent times, despatched to the as sistance of (’ol. Beall ; and, although they may not have accomplished that purpose, vet tin it> .conduct, throng It out the expedition, bespeaks for the < de ncc of sill field ; erved thai emiutei that ,'lioutd they have escaped the jured people ? for no ptlter reason than that there 1 spirit and alacrity, difficulties am. dang. I.ns I,rn. nrKlifienc«, iiye gn, f » ".T'ligmee, in I up.Hi die IniMlr her of ilavs, with . enii.m ; vv liic't, •mhers, e.ouvine- their interest to nd on the mn'inii van unnuiuintislv •ml States, so to eorgia to ptirtici- pate upon perfect term* ol eqnriity wiili other Siam's, a*, 1 to connect ii branch nf the Road at Knox ville.” This compromise with llte ('•eorgia Delegates it is said, appeared to satisfy nil parties und the groat undertaking will he commenced immedi ately. “By Mr. Thompson, dm Georgia Engineer’s re port, confirmed hy Col. Brisbane, die Lngineer of , S.-Carolina, it is estimated flint tin* cost of n single tract fiom Alliens t.i Knoxville. 20*> miles, would oolv average .ft**.500. nml that there was no single mile wliieli would exceed .j* 15,000; ibis route is by Clarksville, through Millet’s (Jap in Rabun, then dow n the little Touncssce to about 12 miles Imlow tho Smoky Mountains, then a toss thu country to Kimxv ille.” Surveying and Flrplocing Expedition to the Pa cific Ocean and-South Sens. The Washington (JhdxL furui-dies the follow ing information on this interesting subject — “ NVe leant that the President lin*‘.riven orders to have thu exploring vessels fitted out. with the least,lo delay. The appropriation made by (/«»n- gress was ample to ensure all the great ohjeets r<m- templaifd hy the expedition, and the Executive is determined *th it nothing «lial! he wanting to render (lie expedition in cverv respect worthy the charac ter and great roMitnerrial resources of the country. The frigate Macedonia, now undergoing thorough t• pairs at Norfolk, two brigs of two hundred tolls bringing these murderous and bloody savages to j justice, whether rcquRitions will be made on the i President of the. United States, for such culprits] as have escaped to the NVest, or not, wo cannot ’ ,« n ^—certain it ri that such a course w ould be correct, and we have no manner of doubt that if i an individual or individuals should come forward and promise to indentify, that tho President would say, go forward make out a clear case and you shall have the aggressor. Some thirty odd companies of Infantry from (Jen. Haudford’s command have been mustered out of service, and have taken up the welcome march for home. 1 The cavalry under the same command, will lie retained and posted its we stated in our Inst, ho- J tween this place and Roanoke on the hanks of the Chattahoochee, we are not a little suiprricd I and astonished however at the fact that w hilst j so large a force remains as a guard on tin; liver \ that the Indians should still continue to make' their escape and travel oif towards llurida; a gentleman of high respectability, w ho arrived from Irwinton on Sunday morning informed us tiiat a party of about Bt) Indians crossed the Lanahasse, a stream about Jr* miles to the cast- w nrtl of Pumpkin in Stewart County oil Satur day the 10th inst. bending tlicir way towards Florida ;—and reports from below are daily reaching us staling the fact that the Indians are constantly Kindling off to tlio Eastward! where 1 are our horsemen ? are they at their posts ? If ! Ml, w hy nut stop this Indian Emigration, w hich is taking altogether a w rong course ! ' With regard to the war being at an end, wc remain of the same opinion as expressed in our Editorial of last week,—we do not believe that i it lias reached its fiual con>uinntion. there nru ‘-•III 1 have the honor to he Very respectfully, Your most ob’t scrv ’t J. NV. A. SANFORD. Major GeuCrnl. Maj. Gen. Tho*. Jr« tr P, Cotn’ding Army of the. £nutli,Tu8kegcc, Ain. The Tai.i.aiiasskk, July Jf) The Summer Campaign.—Arraiigt-meiits nit- progress for no expedition to the NVIllihtconrhee, soon ns the requisite force can ho a»semhletl. will he commanded by General C'ai.i.. is to destroy the growing crops of the It thousand mounted men ftom Tennessee ed it) arrive here by the 25th instant, joinrdhv the regulars, nml the militia leers of Florida.—[ Ft or if) uni. Will Mottiu of those Jackson Editors, who, in their rage at tho passage of the deposito hill, ami its approval hy the Executive, have for u day nr tiro thrown olV the collar, he so good as to tell us how they feel. It must he a strange sensation. For seven years—seven long ones they ought to have been—have \hey never in one single instance, ventured to call in question a thought, tin opinion, or an act of their liege lord ami nriitor. They opeuly avowed their ;i unqualified submission, their willingness to do ii ! every behest of his, and we believe they could plished Itavo stood any other trial than this. Let him •irciim- j tell them to become nttMifiers, and at the word I n»tn;It ' they would all, a* they did once before, exclaim “nullification is thu rightful remedy.” Let him tell them tn cry out for the right.* of thu Slate*, and there would not ho a dissenting voice. Let hint tell them to call on Coitgrt ss to re-establish tin* Bank of the United States, stud it will he done willingly—or any thing, any thing hut this, giving aw ay, a* they considered if, so much ol the ** spoils.” Thi* i* not to he borne, and the) have torn ofl* their collar lor one or two weeks, to he afterward, put oil and drawn tighter than ever. This rebellion on the part of the collar gen try, is to let their future master know that they will obey him as they have obeyed Jackson, in every thing that does not tend to interfere with their possession of tho “spoils;” when it comes to that .they w ill rebel. . v Some of them tire evidently disposed to take i advantage of their new position and run out.— ! They wil have a saturnalia of a week, and tell | the old Ilero what they think of him and his ! depositc law. They Cell him very plainly that i it is “a cheat, a falsehood, a delusion, a pre text, it pretence, an imposition &c.” and his organ whripeis und says nothing. It no doubt 1 feels certain that it is only a temporary outbreak, to he followed hy increased devotion to w hoever may have the spoils at his dispo»:il. j, V. S. Felt graph. Aggregate of tlio N’ortlieasturu .Suites, 2.315,000 New York, the most populous, New Jersey, the thoroughfare State, PoiinsyIvaitin, llie'bnnkiiig State, * Debt wui o f 4h« narrowest State, Maryland, the water Statu, Aggregate of thu Middle Stated, 4.040,000 Virginia, the largest Stale, 1 .‘At>0.000 North (.’itrolitnt, the modest State. SU0.000 South Carolina, tho Palmetto Statu, 050,000 Georgia, the Soulbeastenimost Slate, 620,1/00 Aw legate of the Southern State*, 3.430,000 ()liio, the thrifty State, Kentucky, tlir bagging State, Indiana, the improving Statu, Illinois, the praric State, Michigan, thu lake Stale, Ali.SdoiiM, the NorthWuaMO'liiiinM, Aggregate of tho Western States, 'IViiiic-er, tlic* central Stale, Louisiana, the Smith westernmost, Alabama, the river State. AikausaH, the least populous Aggregate of the Southwestern Stales Drilriat of (.'oltmdda, Florida, with thu most cxten*ivocoast, Wisconsin Territory. 20,000 Oregon, or the I‘*ur West, 5,000 hint.” buried on ^utiirdny evening with military ho- j nors by the Macon Vulunti-urn, and a large concourse of citizens.—[Macon Messenger, Juty‘4\. | Nt his rusidvnrn in F.nrlv cuuntv, on the 5th j instant, Mr. JOHN M. II RI>ISO.\, itgud 2ti ' ears.— I)t J The deceased died of a wound received in the battle of l.d' ' Thie.kasuwliatehy Swamp, in Baker comity, on the 2d. The (L-eeused boro a npoth-H ehntuelur, in till relations r . .. . of society us brother, tather, Imsband and friend. Iln 1 had b.-ett nttaehed to tiin nriny throuirhotit all tho Indian disturbances, ami in every iiiHtuuce was tho foremost in iheltotirof buttle. Hi- undaunted brnvery, if not rash impruihni-Of in tlin hntllo of Chiekiminvhuirhy, cost hint his life. Hu wu* wonndml after the Indians' had been driven by a citato of but one! from the camp. [Columbus Sentinel, July 22. rCumimimeated. | DIED—In this pluee.oti Thursday evening last, Mr. JOSEPH A I’KIN’S, aged 2.T years, lie was u na tive oI Orange comity, V i|*trinin, hut for several years tin inhabitant of this Slate. Ho was benevolent—a sincere friend, and an lionest man. 300.000 330.000 7 oo jm 1 10,000 220.000 ed w it 3,310,000 I to thoplante noth: 13. S A.MI’EL C’LARKE, surviving partner of thu firm of 11. \'/J. llrynon, has taken into jmrtncrsliip Francis Mcl'cir A* Hubert //. f.airrciicc. 'I lie business will be continued at the old stand, under tlio firm of Clarke, JM C Tcir bf Co. oil thu sum • liberal terms as here tofore. Tho midprrignod will give his personul attention and solicit n e.qntiuunttcn of former favors. All dchts dim to, and elaitns uguitHl NV. & II. Urv son, will l>u duly settled hy the new firm. SAAJL'P.L CLARKE. WAtt93-~ilOi;SE . Iml Commission Btustnrss. riXHE Snhserihers inform their (liunds, and those of B tho firm of \V. 6t. II. [hat tlmv will conti- nitu the business under the fioni ol Churke, Ate Tvir Af Co. ut the Stores occupied by jp.»5c 11. ry son j all Cotton re,free of expense NVaro-houao moro ill. red Horn t mnku (1 be hiclt > safe itian any fuc-prool ^Vu^-liou jjiury I tic 50.000 50,000 ! liberal rates of Storage will b will butiiude on Cotton {ml I signed to as bv custom sioiis. 'I’he receM ing i|ml («{ continued ns lu;reioli'A‘ lion to business, will iTn long exioudoil to tli%lii a of \V. IL Br, . ... RIvE, MeTEIR&Co. Who have on hand, a( r for sala, on their usual ! of overv arliele ir Aggregato of the Territoilo It is n it to !i<! denied that much of flic time urc expect- occupied hy the sessions ol Congress has been lm will bo i iinprofifuhly spent, in the h(st two years, luit From tlir Charleston Altscury of the 23d inst. I,ATI'. IliOM ll.f)ltir)A—INDIAN DKI'RK- DATIONS ON TIIK ST. JOHNS. The schooner (irorgr. S' Mary, Capt. Wii.i.p.v, ar rived lieru yesterday from Jacksonville, (F. F.) hav ing made her passage in the extraordinary time of 24 hours from that place, and |H hours from the Bar. Wo are indebted to (’apt Willey for the following interesting information which was copied from the log hook of tlm U. ,S. Steamer Essayons, Captain Pki k, coasting along the Hi. Johns. Capt. Peck reports that on the morning of the 10th June, while in the St. Johns river, he dricoxchd a boat coming fiom Col. Hallow’s plantation on the West st le of the rft. Johns with him on board, wounded, also I>r. Simmons, unhurt, with a few tie- ! urees In a sliott tiiYin after, tlio dwellings of Col. Hallow and Dr. Himons were perceived to be in flames. Capt. Peek then rail over to George nnd . Lewis Fleimnmg’s plantation on tlm other hide of I the river, t*>.ik otT tiicirj families and negroes and proceeded on to Picolatn. On arriving there he re- •ciirrences to thu commanding while the torjes clniin n majority in ImtU branch es it is not ensy to see the propriety of the course <if the tory press, in charging till the delay »•» well ns the success ot every olmoxious measure upon the Whig minorities. . The minorities, small a* they are, unqcsiioiialdy have exerted a strong influence, and we trust a salutary one in the public councils; hut to charge upon them I and »li the success of the projects, or the idle npropria- | * n ' l * nmst disgiisting^attitude, tion of time or money w hich is altogether with-1 *’ r “* in the control of the majority, certainly pays no ! ’’ very flattering compliment to the intelligence, or,the. honesty of that majority. But, the truth is, the people and the local loaders of the party are heartily rick and tiled of the miserable ma noeuvring, and the trucliliugRuhservieucy which has marked the course of the majority during the whole course of the present administration, and their dissatisfaction is beginning to vent it self in a manner calculated to alarm the mana gers for the safety of tho party; and has thus made it necessary to shift the responsibility up on a minority, who, without the votes of the 125.000 | • Indians, 400.000 j The entire population within tlm limits of rhu U. Hiatus, Indians included, amounts, therefore,*to M i\- ' tec ii millions, six hundred iV eighty thousand souls. , [Augusta Sentinel. . A Pair of Presidents.—Upon its Iming,yestvrday, I iimiitinued, in the hearing nf our friend C if dibus, i that tlm President luul signed tho deposit bill, this } remark was made—• ^ cs, gi eat limn sec* great tilings i in the same light. President Santa Anna, w hen a i pi isnimr, after the detent nnd slaughter nf his army, says with much coolimtut—“ I hare concluded to re- j main a prisont r irith the many.”—So President J:tek- sun, observing that tlm depositc* hill passed both ; Houses of (’ongre«s l»v « majority of more than | I dure tonne, wlmrehy tlm veto was hti/tally vetoed. I concluded to give it Ii is sanction. I lo sinrendered i tn the force he ronld not resist.’ ’J'liere is point in 1 the comparison.—[ Lai#isrille Journal. Tcachuw h/ Diagram.—A lecturer on temperance was lud^mg foi lit at the ()< I ion, in Boston, a lew eve nings since, and in the midst of his harangue, took ^ I occasion tn remark that much was yet to lie done— 1 that w o could sec every day the brutal effects of in temperance. At this opportune moment, a drunken . fellow tell down stairs and nearly broke his neck, , and w as taken ofl’entirel v senseless. The uudience must have been wonderfully impressed hy so pine- i tic ii 1 and palpable an illustrutinn of the lecturer’s j subject—improved somewhat in tlm fashion .>f the lectures on tlm geological formation of tin- earth, or the motion of tlm heavenly bodies. Wc are nut j quite sure but all tlm lecturers on intemperance would do well to supply themselves with Hume in- .veti-rato toper, to get drunk before tlm nudience, j if bis antics; in order to place the matter | \ gentleman who went recently from Boston to Lowell, to deliver a ] ettire on some moral subject, condescended to c.x- fifv*n sot in his own person, and reeled to and fro in the pulpit in actual inebriation, while liohiincr the hihlc in In* hand for the purpose of using its s.* 4 . cred pages as authority in behalf of the Clnist'.an practices lie was inculcating !—[AT. Y. Cuur.Sf JCny. tlio City. Tho Liberal advances 'and all ( ’niton cou- 5obl tree of coiiiinis- nrdiug business will bS »po that a strict atten- ntiiiuaiifc of the priirtni- Julso u large assortment LIVE, Itiiinc on the same cxteuMtv®"^ fforo I * v NV. A’ IJ. Bryson, up Bugging, i (tsimhiirgs, 1 (’otton Osuubtirgs w Ihittgtng Twine, SiTfnr, .Molasses, 500 hugs prime Coflce, 100 Hit Grn-n and Whit® Java Ooflfee, 2(H) kegs Cut Nails, assorted, 5000 bushels clean l.ivcrjjool Suit, ().'»(! do do in good ordor 4 . 700 liliU. uHsortud Dumoitic l.iquuro, pipes Cognac Bridalv,,4thproof, 5 pipes pure Holland Gin, 2 iiluls. Jamaica Rum, 100 hills, niidqr. caaksof different kinds of Wine,' 10,(tOO lbs. Rock Halt, 10,tltp lbs. Castings, assorted, A large assortment of SHf)EH, of ov* ry descri ption. Also, a full assortmant of Smiths TSioU. Augusta, Jidy 2<) WilliitiMui XIieHK TILL be .sold mi the first Tuusdr f * n sEPTEM- BLK next,l)ct ween the usual p„ursof sale, ut tlio court-lionsp in tho town et IrwiMo* 4 Wilkinson county, w the town el lrwir,to* the following proper tv, to-wii ; ** J ’ One likely negro fellow by f lClmme of nbont 4,) years of age, levied oil as t 1 ,e properly of William JI Gallic) tosatisiy n ti In in | Aor 0 f j bo Ctmnnis*i«mcr* of Roads, Bridges,,vc. o| 1 |0 Inferior court of Wilkioso co»iuty. — - -’^ N 1 L MUUPIIEY, Sh’fl’. GFOKGI A, V.» jtlH Comity* W HEREAS ,| ,011ms Ilairoloii applies fur letters of ndmimst’a* otl ||, e estate of William IL John ston, lute nf su J ,-nmity, dec’ll. I In-sc are th ..velore to cite and ndaioaisli all nnd *in- gular the kt».M ! <rci { and creditors of s.iid deceased, to bo. nnd appear Inv 0 llic« w ithin tlio time prescribed by law,to *■* —* slioahl Civ l appear A , nv ollice within the ti mu prescribed by S to »•• jx%- cause, if any they have, why said letters mhUio.c bo granted. • tvecj under tny hand thi" E'th day of July, IR3C. JOHN iUrOORD, C. C. O. E /iOUGl A, BnldtviJi 4 oiui1y. W HEREAS Iverson*L. Harris npjilicj to to me fur letters of i»dinmi*truti#ni on the estate of Angus- | tin Harris, late of said comity, dweased. . This i" therefore to cite the kindred uml creditors of ftubjf dec’d. («• he and apnaiir at my office within the tiino pre# | scribed bv law, to shew cause, if uuy.tbey have, wky bull j b-tteis slieiiId not lie granted. * / J Given und r my hand this 21th dnv of JuU*. 183(5. / j j B. P. H fUBBH.'fi. C. il/ EORGIA, Twiggs County—Henry Irimleu tolls ■■■ W - ^ before me, John Lnin's,n Ju.'i; « fi r of trouble into another much better, altc appeared I tho 323d company district (», *•., one . arrcl Mure, finx S •n«.bl..d and ngimu-d. Bo ne a-Lad the m"'"> «nd lad- wnb a.aml «■ utshiar in lie, f..nliou.l, , i i ■ *' ** , with snmu.audqlo marks, about 4 (Two C inches hieb. h- ho rcpl.nd i—" I am now ahm.l I idling my | hml , r old , slu „, h e fo r \ .ppraiid h» Great Prim nee of Mind.—A short time sinc^, n sa rich old lady, who lived in Broadway uea.v C'iiaui- thoiit being called out of this world snuiiiu imiuu. --- ported the above — - - - , - , . riM natiou ffVJU J?00 to 20(K) Iudians v( plaec. who dtsuutchcd 20 men up miyonty arc utterly powerless. 1 lie N\ ln^s w ill e .. . , ......... ....... * ...j , nout . rears old, siHHi nctor' tmts shot t; appraisci e " f d"» world nuil know noe wlinl (o.lonl.out | N., r rtct 1-. Park.r ..nd io-.-pM? Andrew* lo « propellv’—nnd hy 111* livo .lie lind nconmillnl- Sih of March, 18'Jd, LVANS r J great Je«l of it in her |lme. She eoBliuticd l|(Mti <> - • “ “ — ■ . . I C- j.llj ■irtwr.