The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, August 09, 1836, Image 1

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vom.iii: wvii. XUIi ULOItUIA JODHUAL, WILL1A1H S. ROCKWEU, it published twice a week during the session of tlie Le gislature, and weekly for the remainder «*t the year, at me comer of Wayne and Hancock Streets, at i'llU 1,1. DOLLARS per animin, in advance, or FOLK HOL LARS ut the end of the year. I’lie paper will not be sent to any person out of tilt. State, until the subscription money is paid in tuhuncc. or satisfactory reference given. ADVERTISEMEN i’S inserted at the usual rntes. U* N. 1». Sales of LAM), hv Administrators, Exe cutors or Guardians, are required, bv law, to be held on tlie first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten iu the forenoon and three in the afternoon, ai the Court house, in the county in which the property is situate.— Notice of these sales must he given in a public gazette SIXTY DAYS previous to the day of sule. Sales of NUGROES must be at public auction, on the first Tuesday of the month, between the usual hours ol i •ale, at the plnce of public sales in the county where the j of tin* Ocinulgeo Circuit—in the countv of II letters testamentary, of Administration or Guardianship, j the Northern—Washington,of the .Middle—Twipes and may have been granted, first giving SIXTY DAYS no- j Laurens, of the Southern—and Houston, Mibb and Mon ti ce thereof, in one of the public gazettes of this Stute. roe, of the Flint Circuits—Also in the Federal Court, and at the door of the Court house, where such sales are I Their Oflicc is on the second floor ol the Miinsonic to be held. i Hall. SAMUEL ROCKWELL, Notice for the sale of Personal Property, must he given t M. J. KENAN. In like manner. FORT Y davs previous to* the day ol sale. (TT The Georgian und Republican, Savannah; 1 iSVfti*' /;p 14.1- MiLLEmaniuji. tu^day, august o, iiro. NIIiIIBER 51. ROCKWELL A KEXAK, Attorneys sit Un\\mmmMiliedgeeitte, Georgia,] H AYING united their professional interests, will at- I. tend to business entrusted to them in the counties | him uexakjeous. Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of published for FORTY days i instate must Notice that upplicati* •: will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell LAND, must ho published lor FOUR MONTHS. ,, , Notice for leave to sell NEGROES, must be published for FOUR MONTHS, before any order absolute shall he made thereon by the Court. All business of this kind continues to receive prompt attention at the Office of the GEORGIA JOl R.NAL. tinel and Constitutionalist, A iigu^tn, will each publish tbeabme lined times and forward their e.ecntints. July 19—tf B E, A Si S. flMlE following are among the PLANKS that are kept A constantly oil hand, and for sale, at the JOURNAL . Draws, Sci. Fas. for Fd Gamuts, Letters of Administratio Do. Temporary, Do. Testumeniary, Do. (imirdiuiialiip, villi the Administrator' Ronds of Artm’i will annexed, Gunnliun’- Ronds, Warrants of Appruisoiin-m, ' .... l'A,nm,r.., A.l'nii.iHtniinr.,; 1he ami Guardian's I)eiaU, Letters of Dismission of Ex- nuistantly ‘OFFICE: — indictments, Declarations, Rail Ronds, Dtfdimus (for Intorr,) J ury .Summonses, Subpoenas (S. & 1. Court,) Claims—Alfid’ls. iV, Ronds, Do. Forthcoming Ronds, Execution** (S. I. Couii,) Cost Executions, •ShcrilV's Rills of Sale, Do. Deals, J notice's Summonses, Do. Excouetions, Tax Colldctois do. Dieds, M irtgages, Li?en> cs to Retail, Ran a Choi ks Tlie jii w Justice. •« (ST published 5* for ile—Apph to Tiioiua» Purac, •t Savannah; Thomas Ki-n,-i «ls, Augu-un; William Lu.nnKin, Atlieus ; or llu subs idiers tti .Milled :e\ ii.e.— R.i.-e $1. R. A. GREENE, nov. 17—tf J. W. LUMPKIN. XKW Cloilfeitlg Stbl’iN •oived rnillE Snnseriher Idu just iveoived a iresli supply of | a of superior quulitv, suitable i fjr ill ? present ami approaching ■‘Caaqn. And lie is pc**- j psr*l wifi goo ! workmen to make iho.u up to order no 1 a tielos oi gmitl'Mieu's wear, ill li»e best manner, I III i*»l I'nHllinll ihie si; le. Ms.i, a g mi nal assortment ol UJjAIQY 3&AiiuE (’LO TJlii AG, of varioiin pi.(lilies, .■Jf 9 All the ten!: warranted. I N. R* The above nrli-d 'S will be XO'INl',. AMLKL CLARKE, snmving partner of the firm of H . t \»7/. /trysail, has taken into partnership Fraud* Me 7'rir ff Hubert //. Latcreure. The business will he continued at the old stand, under the firm of Clarke, Me I'eir A* Co cu the snme liberal terms as here tofore. The undersigned w ill ci*. e his personal attention j • and solicit o eontimtnnee of former favors. All debts j : due to, and claim* against W. A: H. Rr\ son. will !)>• duh settled by the new firm. SAMUEL CLARKE. WAKF.-ESO«'»I : . I mV ad Commission tit ns i Hess. i rilHE Subscribers inform their friends, and those of I 0 the firm of W. ik. II. Rry son, that they will conti- , uue the business under the li) in ol (7arkr, Me 'Veir ^ ('o. ! hi the Stores occupied hv \\ . II. Rr\son; all Colton • stored with us, will he insured from fire,free of expense to th" planter, which will muku our Ware-house more j safe than any fire-proof Ware-house iutheCit\. The J rates of Storage will he customary. Liberal advances I will he made on Colton and Produce, and nil Cotton con signed to us by customers, will be sold f ree of commis- l forwarding business w ill be ontinued us heretofore. We hope that a *ttict attcu- ! lion tobusin.’ss, will merit a continuum t* of the patron- j age, so long extended lo the firm of W. *.';. II. Rr\ son. CLARKE, McTElll teCo. . Who httv•• on ban l, and otfi i tbi ' liberal terms, the following, and tti of even article in the URttCISBY B.l 7* T a-:, which business they continue on the same oxtousivo gculc as conducted heretofore by W. & 11. Riyson. 10W) Pieces best Hemp Ragging, M) uo Osiiauurgs, 1.50 do Cotton Osuuburgs, 700 lbs. Hemp Ragging Twine, 110 Iflids. Sugar, prime Molasses, pi imo Colli e, Green and White JavuUoO'eo, Cut Nails, iiAsorted, Is clean Liverpool Salt, i large ■ UHUll! t sortmcut ! From the Hick, no ml Whig. SONG OF THE TEXAS VOLUNTEERS. Mnreli, inarch to t!ie re«cuo «»f Tcxhs! Luinar, the snA-hesrte.I.ex ret» ui: Like n cloud from the dark South tlio Mexicans coma. And their » rath thunder* Lud iu thu trumpet and drum. They mourn for their former defeating. They cur they w ill give ua a heuiiug t They say tliui «o caught them ut dinner before. But the day of our luck and their folly ia o’er. Their blood they w ill pour out like water, A red-rolling river of (laughter. To cleunse tin* ntuiii left when llnnr army did lice, And the great Santa Alina was caught iu a tree. But we heed uot the threat* nf the cowards { Our baud shall undaunted go forward*; l liduuiiled »i 'll meet them und b-at them agalu, Till they 11 y iu dumay hoiatue Toxiau pluiu. Tin truo that we belong uot to Te&a*: *Tii* true that our honor directi u* To mix not ia a w ar with u nutum allied By the bonds of u treat), of freedom uud pride. But tlie Moxit un still is a stranger s Much Yankee’s » brother in dHiigor :— Aemrs’d be the faith that would keep u« afar, While that brother is whelm’d by the Mexican war' Who heeds the si ght stain of ii story 1 Our lueed .shall bv acres of gloty ; l'Untiitioua ahull i ay tor the acorn of our fora. With sections of lun I where the siigar-cauu grows. And e'en tho'contempt may attend us. We lack not a tongue to dofoud Us; I.atnur tho b'uru’d t lassie our worthshall/rreebiiwf, And the sturui of his praise drown the murmur of shame. chief like thu classic Lmtiur. the renr.ul' tho pnrty; and riding hri.kly for- " aid cruveil nil ordiauci' of the Indy of Mirnu- doln. Ijipulitu put her non within ihut of her cuusins, mill rotiiniedtothusuloon; sheihrew her rich veil of Cyprus la» n over hei uliiniup; curls, uud drawing up her slight flguro to it. full height, stood in culm dignity nwniting tho entrance of the envoy, &ho waited not long. With many words of mock humility, uud ges tures of muck respect, tho messenger in formed her tlmt he cnnte front the pope, who proceeding to the coinjnust of Ferrara, required the shelter of Iter castle for his troops, und com- m Hided her, u< mi ohrdioiit daughter, to sur render it into hi. on it good keeping constantly uud forever. The countoss .lid not immediately answer willing to admit the possibility of defeut, gave way to a utuurnl feminine weakness ut Inst, and the count sought to rally her by nlterunto rctnqn- struuee and playful reproach. 'No.'she said, weeping bitterly, *uiy tears arc not coward tears; lon.e mo here to my fate. 1 fear not mull; with man 1 could struggle still and com bat; I how to the viewless destiny, which hits been about me with destroying iulhionce from ' childhood. My father's name stands high in the world’s esteem, yet I have over lived the orphan’s weary life. You, Alessandro, have never kuotrn defeat, until now you have come to my assis tance; and I. Imvo 1 uot been pining here iu my solitary state, nnd uuw at tile very moment when wealth and power would he valuable, my __ . possessions are wrested front me!—Leave me the impudent demand; site drew herself up iu a ' to my fate !' silent rage, while the rich blood uiautled over' The count lingered; lie drow Iter toward the cheek and brow, and her dark eyes fl.t,bed till j china vase, nnd agriiu demanded the boon of one I Jj p J, ce t | K ... | lilve gi owiFintu fictitious intp'or- ovnt tho mailed warrior cowered and trembled | rosebud, as a pledge, a token. Ippolila said, mitce. his sphere, feels a pride deserving that respect, and in imitating his dies, and his mnnuers, so far as his situation w ill permit. The only really republican, free, and easily accessible society in the world is seen at Paris ; and at the same time there is no society know n where there is so touch polish of manner, or such a concentration of in teilect; thus forcibly reading us Americans the lesson that if w e must imitate, no imitation should lie of Parisian und not of London notions. If the Battery was in Paris, all of intellect nnd wealth that there are on the right and left banks of the Seine would he on the ground every after noon and evening, with a beautiful intermingling of Parisian display, in the way of female ele- qance ; hut if it were ia Londnu, “ a gentle man" could not enter there unless lie saw Lord ■■ or Lady with their equipages. The Lnglislt folly is ours, nnd the health of the wenlthierclnsees suffer by it. while the “loaf ers" nod the people independent of fashion reap the profit. WHAT I’VE SEEN. I have seen persons more industriously enga ged npont the roucorus of their neighbour* than theirown, and prying iuto private affairs for the blackest purposes. 1 have seen men of high nnd exalted worth unjustly trodden beneath the iron heel of pub lic opinion, w Idle others with no intrinsic merit, rising on the title of fortune, nnd sailing on tho popular current of the day, until by dintof iinpu- beneatb thu glauce. I • No not now, Alessandro: it is not that you de Now on my truth, cousin,'she said at Inst serve it not, hut 1 refused you the token (lower calmly to Alessandro, 'un ahull he at n loss for | words sufilcieiitly courteous wherewith to ox- I’t ass our grateful acquiescence in the most hmu- | !de replies!, (iu to your master,' she eoninuiod, turning to the messenger, and resuming her wonted dignity , ‘tell him that I am a lady and j mistress of this lair domain, aud tlmt l w ill per- | ish o o a stick or astoue upon it shall he wrested I fn m me. even by the venerable hands of his I holiness himself.’ when I was rich and powerful, the mis'iress of these fair loads: ami will not give it you now— now tlmt 1 am driven forth a pcnnylcss exile; that were a poor reward for your generous ser vice. Alessandro, I will never he your bride, until I can bring you this fair castle as my dow- <Uir rates.,,.! . Lot UlO [HilTtUII i Uur watch-*uni- •» H) l.( 5000 I ms ilo (In i rile r 700 MjD. assorted Domestic Liquor*, 0 |)ij)08 Co ’IKU- Hlli.uly, -Iill piuot’i • > jMjiOH |MW’.* llulltltlU Gitl, 1<"> Mils. Mini qi. .• is Knot’ ilitVerent kiucD «f\\ i ,' IU lb*. Km k -fill, LADY OF MIKANDOLA. In tin* jear iCl S, tlu.* pope Julius tlie hccoihI, pret<*iiiliti;x tLtil tin.’ tluicliy of Ffrniru I'vlonucd i to tlu* poulificHtc, nttL’ui|)U*il to wrest it from its law lul sovereign, lie raised nn army iu tlie ! Roln^iic»e; and in order to pass into thcdiudiv, 1 !ly cunm first tii a little \ ill.t^u called St. Ueiix. ! between Concordia and Miratulola. 'i'ho di ke j on his siile, .uni the Urcnch who were with hitii. ' encamped at a spot called I'llospitalct, between ! two arms of the I'o, al»uut twi be miles from , Ferrtini, there th *) threw over a bridge of bn»H*. 1 Imvo seen persons w ith l»tit a small portiou of talent by intemperate partisan feelings nnd political intrigue, promoted to high and impor tant officers; and 1 have seen such ones inca pable of administering upon any abstruse | point. , 1 have seen stupidity seeking office, thereby | mnkinj; a splendid display of ignorance, highly distrusting to men of sound judgement* 1 have seen modest nnd iinpresumiug worth humbled in the dust, and uuworthiiiess exalted to the skies ; yen, even so, that the lust was first, nnd the first last. I have seen men who wore “all tilings to all men" and l have seen all men suspicious of them. I have seen affectation of religion covering tlu* lowest ciliiiiing nnd darkest intrigue, yen •* sometimes sugaring over tho devil himself.” 1 have seen men striving to exalt others whom they knew to In* unworthy, merely for the pur pose of depressing a political rival. 1 have seen men pul ou airs of redoubtable courage who would creep through an augerholo at the least show of resistance. I have seen a little animal so inflated with pride, as to lie almost frill to bursting. It resem- c of Id v.-rv lo a. c: v.\ 1L f »rd :JJ—If A be . * ’.n.-orlm nt ft' Also, u full ownr mci Ait-UHia, July ^6 ■'ll! of »•' L ol Muitlis T’o C* O Zs w. •‘“IM ! Hud intondi* keep- i of Gold Foil for Dentistry. 1 mid inle.iid ke :.)in uii uM.soil.acitl ot WlfJSt :?H'. it v.u ietv of e Milled . ,U !Ve iv 'T f|lllrJ Kubsc u i i. p.ildie, thut Ii * I G trmoiits ol tili klud-s to IlH tlio ;^vi23c wlicro lie 1ms now on inn tensive of C >' oilier pioec ,) ct . *>2—if A, C. VAIL, ilorin; JTNlttMiwla u , ni* friends and ts iroittiiienee.i omnuiiK' l a ring jrui r, al Itis old stand, known i und intends keeping nn '’X- ('.issi eeres, SaUiie /s, I Yw;- i.t l very - iporior (juulity .— :i n i• • by i!t ■ jii" * or y mll- lot lo be Hur.iuPRtfd iu t!»in or •h I ('utter from Clin le j ton, un 1 Imvi i.: hVtii i , d*to u 11tii eurl\ inforiontion of Llic fusu- i i.• | mi >■: eiv,.. ■ .i ■ i - •: -■ .i ‘lion,uud Aalldts n 4(i;iro of puldie tromY . A. C. VAIL. WOTICIi. \ LL persons indebted t<> the Huhscrilicr previouslv to lh«* picseut year are i •quculed to settle will) .M. J. KENAN, Esq. Attorney at Law —ho being authorised to •collect lie- accounts due U|> to tho 1st January last. Hi.s OTice ou the Court-house Square. A. C. VAiL. MUUfjgevillo, April W 4,01)0 ^4S/r NOR SALE ut the Rout Lauding, at 75 cmitspnr J!' el (rash,) in quunliUf Inmhel.s upward*. Miiliedgevilie, March L> bliPh- to «uit p'.irchns'Crs from live NICHOLS DEM1NG. .Vt'iv fliitcrj' SKaiPiles& t'jfis’t’ta^c Af^iL^'i’A, UKOSSOIA. f 1 : 1 ' 1 : " ui : i ; 1 ll<J * ,i ! "*» i having drawr. bar cou;h to t ; ha-, based the \V in and Lot, known us 1 Unruni’f, lute Mr. John Rees’, near the R la liters' Hotel, and littHuil those Rtipenor buildings coiislrwctt'd into StuhleH uud Carriage Houses—Ha.- on bund, and will keep, a general ussortmeul of CARRIAGES for sale of (lie latest iH-bioi'.s uud he-t finish. Hi* comicetion in this hiuiu It of hi^ bueiness is such, ns to induce him lo belii >e, lie can oiler greater iuduceunuitc to the purcha ser tliuiiany like cstablisbininitsnt the South, llis Sta bles are nil Dirt Stull a—triile, high and uiry ul a to any nuuiher of 11 r or shorter turn cr. kind usual I' tile terms. The ry justice to his v, each Horse, 1 . id Carriage* o ipoll wiudow, that she might enjoy tho evening hrcc/.e; ami the gentleman, having satisfied bis keen trav ellers appetite, began each of them lo grow rather sentimental, and to revert to the long past scenes of childhood, ns w «* were w ont to revert to them when immersed in the fevered dream; of middle Ido. With quivering lips and moistened eves, they talked of childish dn} dor pledge-* himself to do ’ liiin. w ptvlV \flTED. gou, and fin FOR Horses, \ sol i lor i ■d. ALE.— uid By. > fault. oriels,! well In- Pair extra fine Northern Carriage rs uid, of line blood, price jj-l JOU— u I wish r Dark Rut private the deceit, would iufullildy claim his ow n re ward for his powross, when he returned from luiud* high, 6 and 7 voari old, fine j i|| 0 rescue. Then they came to the stormier •. can be recommended lor inuitly j R -. g 0 j* V oulh—and there was along pause, for genilcniau who is going to , •’ . • . . ?. ' , , •11 iminodiuiely. > of nil sw eet memories the memory ol curly love lti hands high, o f.rnl B years old, I was the sweetest, d and gentle—und 1 Saddle Penny, young At aouud. ‘Ippolila, at least said the count. *1 little Al-o, two Raroiiches, 1 Ruggy, 1 Sulky and J Digs; j t j l0U; r|,t when' planting that young mossrose, ,11 |,uv«breuu«d resold for carl,. j n (1 „rish«s so Inxu, iai.lly in its rich China Ippolila kept her word, for hers was a proud spirit. She permitted her couseu to escort her 1 to the quiet convent, which she had in childhood | •Truly.' said the count, ( it seems that thin • inhabited a short time, aud there she remained j good lather Julius is lent here exprealy for my in perfect seclusion, while he went on his career I accommodation, to give me an opportunity of of glory. I rendering tho service you required. Trust me. At Inst n chauge came over tlio fortunes of J my cou*iH my words were no vain boasting; 1 j their love. Again tho ctutle of Mirnndolu was I will defend you aud the castle even to the laying • a scene of festivity; it had changed masters | down of life. Do you believe me, Indy ?’ hut what then ! The vassals of low degree— The eyes that bud so lately flashed indignant j ay! and oven tlio guests of lofty degree, could fire were now lull of tears, as Ippolita answer- ! raise the wine capon high, and quail’it n< lucr- ed : ‘The truth that has been tried by years, 1 rily to the health of Trivulzio, ns to that of Ju- iitust uot he doubted now : I do believe you, | lius. And Ippolila stood in herowu halls again. | ami accept you willing service in the same spirit mid in the sunny hour she redeemed the promise in which it is olYemled. Let us concert how we ' she had plighted, w hen the storm had gloomed i may best proceed.* the horizon of her life. | Tho count instantly sot down, nnd penned j The evening of the day on which Trivulzio ^ ' despatches to thedukeof Ferraro, Allouso first, > reconquered his daughter’s posscsMous, was held i .J woman too. and the French generals, at I'llospitalct. request- j u» a high festival. ’The old hulls were lighted \ have seen old women (and young ones too ing troop- ami arms. The preservation of Mi- up, tho bauquet was spread, light steps danced ; sometime*) running over tow n, from house over the marble floors and the music of merry j house, goasipping about young men and young laughter echoed joyfully through the dim corri- i | IM |j eH nm | their neighbour* about things w hich dors. j ts }f they had beeu better raised” they would Hut apart from the gay revellers, stood two ; |, nve known the propriety or impropriety of, ( who mingled neither in the dance nor song, hut | U!H | \ lx divers other ways clandestinely spitting ood night, w ithout fear and j w ho yet were the happiest inmates of Mirnudo- j their rattlesuaU In that night. At last, when twilight had dis- | lo S ntiatetho hellish persed her thousand sweet influences in the still air, wheu the pale form of tho crescent moon lighted up the very topmost branches of the old pine w uud, w Inch skirted the sleeping landscape, 'eter St. l'aul, that.since the hauhgty countess they stepped forth on to tho terrace whereon, would not surrender w illingly, lie would take a vear before, they had renewed together their her tow u uud castle by force, and instantly or- sweet recollections ol ibe hy-pnsssed; iliatter- dered his nephew, the Duke d’Lrbino, to pre- I race w hence they had first described the cloud pare himself to besiege Aliraudola on the mor- | w hich had dimmed, but liad nut blighted, the re newed happiness of their life. Again Alessan dro's hand was on tho moss-roue tree; nnd this time Ippolita permitted him to choose that hud from among its store of fragment treasures, which pleased his fancy most, aud when he had unde bis selection, she gathered the flower aud gave it to him. Let us not turn over another leaf of their lives. They are drufuniug again as they dreamed in earliest youth, of love and constancy and happi ness. Let the storm come, and let the tempest rave; they are blessed already beyond their Irl- low-mortals, inasmuch as they sleep again, though it bo hut a fancied security. raudolu interested A!fon*»> too much for him to refuse the request; ho picked out a hundred bravo w nrriursund with them w cut ns volunteers two French gentlemen, tho Sieursdo Monteheun | KU'u.iol. Hon* " iK ine llicy made In-quom j „ lld Jo cimm.-merle. At tliuir dei siitiire Iron; I sallies. * - Iii happened one e\otiing. t.iat n lady mi*l :i | xvitliont rcprutivli,* besought (hem to signalize ! sunburnt cavancr sat together in a loLy apart- I themselves, mid to comhat valiantly for the , nieul overlooking a lair, hIouo terrace, that he- , crv ice: bo escorted them himself to the ! tonged 1*> Mirawuola. I hey hud | g at0 , 0 f || le lown . | t was IL.yard. met that day aher a long parting, and the lady j [ t , nieatitiiue, Hope Julius swore by St. Tho morrow came, and ere tho evening drew on, tho besieged, though not more terrified n[ , . the Dope’s artillery than they had been tit his i —how they had chased together the fust Inner- | t i ireaUt wePe V et sorely gri-ved, for the gallant flies, mid hunted tor bury gilt* m the estrliest j C0Ullt Akhnaullro wus wounded, spring violent how tho lads, ague a> n wood . Alessautlro was able one® again to mount his nymph, had loved to climb steep rock ami hang- owl| <.| lurKL ,,.. ull( l overlook the defences, by (lie mg precipice, and to set up u miuuc cry ol ter- t i l0 lmio ol Doko d’Urtmio’A arrival. t\is pres- ror, on purpose to excite her >oung cousin to \ Qnc(3 infused new spirit into the hearts of the billow her; aud how ihegcutlemmi, loving the • |Vjr lie was as iinieli beloved for bis cour- little deceiver too inuch to bo very iudignaut at tesy ns respected for fiis militHry talents. Ou | JUIH 1 On thr Square fruntinir the Market, and adjoin ing the Court /louse. NIIK SuKerjlK.; ami(*tm' < H to bin friends and tlu* public getifiT llv, tlmt lie lias l*u»*«*d that large uud r.ouunodioilH estaldislnueiil iceeutly oei’.upifil by Jaiues Rush, where lie will be Icqiny to aecouuuodt U-all who mny favor him with tli-'ir patronage, unit assures them, that his host elTorla shall lie us.’d to please. His table shall at all times be supplied with the best the market afford ; bis R»r w idi the * m»i* e^l liquors ; and hia Stables, with an ahiuidunee of prmeuder, attended by faithful Ostlers. From tin* superior skill of his Mother "ml Sisters iu thin lino of business, from tin* ninny advantages which his house affords, together with his uMoviHinc exertions to please, lie flatters liiinsdf that he wdl he able lo reader to all the most ample satisiaction. VVM. N. IIAMNER. Columbians. (’. Sopt. 30,1035. Tltc Female Acjuleuay O F MILLEDGEVILM-:. i « nmler the charge of Mrs. SWIFT and Miss SWIFT.—Tim elmm*ntai\ branches of education and .Music, are taught hy these ladies, who nre eiiiiumitly (jindifu’d to instruct in tlu* va rious studies of their r<*sp" tive departments. fell 23—tf Hy the ('oii.uissiofier* of the Aeademy. Ei 5. BSOt’Ei.W1UL i. tS reniu)ud Iiih OlVic- lo tlu* Masonic Hull, over til** Store ot Cowlcu Jc VVerit. MtlU'dRevilte. Sluri'li'Jil—tf wliicli fiintrisltcs so nixunatniy in ns ricn oniua j woaticd of tlio u. n,< o xv n .» b. 4 V (’S', A, ; vlls0, l ' ua ' was cherisliiug the pliint tvhieli I loaciicroil town, I Kvil, Gout, Sciatica or Hip Gout, Incipient ('an-j was a slight shade ol rcptuucii in tiic eavafiei s all Ulieam, Hyi'liilitii Ai .Mt rcorial Din ascs, par- tollC. Illlt tho lady made no observation; so lie ndjinintul aflV'oifoo, ot tin- lio'ics. t 1* j continued:—‘ Why did you liriug it here, l[ipo- |it:i!—it lias tto business to lilooui in tlio castle t I- d 'soritiii' n, Klnlan, Rile* ticulurly ul eeriiti d Throat aiul Nostril Fever Sorc«, and Internal Aha* ex-ms, Fi lulus, Riles, j > 1.1*1 lb.Id. Seurvex, Riles, Chronic tSor.1, Ervm-1 of Mnaiidola. VN hy have you preserved it | dm pel in, Rloteheg, and everv vari.*ty of Cutaneous Artec-' through all these long years ?” Uni.; Cbnmit Catarrh: Headache, proceeding from an . The lady paused for a moment, and then rc- m ri.t Paia in ilia Stoma. It uud D. sprps;,, |m„- , |„. 1)U; ,|, t it ihitlter l.ectiuse it was the ceedius Iron, vitiation; Aubctiouanl tlio l.ivor; *diromn 1 I , " , ,• . . , , Iiifiainmatiouol' tlio Kidneys,nod xi’ii.-ml dobilitv.caiis- | only one ol my youtltlul troasuros that 1 oared pid «Ltion of tlievi-ssils of tlio skin. It is sio- for: and 1 watched over its preservation lorn ~ ! “ true womanly reason; lioeause it requires so ■ itm. u! i cnr0i j) 0 y UU Unow,'site continued, w ith tlio otlici 1 hand, the Duke d'L'rbino Intvitig rein forced the Pope, tlioir litiiiiliers united were four times as great us those of the besieged, so that it is quite uncertain w hich party would eventu ally have conquered, had not a now incident arisen, which effectually put a stop to tlio pro ceedings on hot!* sides. One morning, when the fair countess, sadly wearied of tlio noise aud confusion of thu lie- camo to join Iter brave cousin in the sslooti. and to ash how they went on, site w as surprised to behold terrace, and garden, and street covered »itil nature’s fairest uud must fragile vesture. 'Wo have been idle purJorce,' said Alessan- ' this last night, my fair cousin, aud I know venom upon private character dignity of their own ap petites. I Imvo soon enough of this wicked world, its acting nnd doing, to cause me to exclaim in the language of tlio old adage, that “all is uot gold that glistens." C’lPOLA. uulaily i liii orious whicli’liuvo U rn broken do or ju< voile in vealsritivR. H Cli-VTeiAB. PSOTBiJs, M A('() A, UFOS til A. miUS Establishment i*» now under the contnl of t .1 Subscribers, who plocljrc thanisnlvea to mi.lci coi forlnble those who inav cull on them. IT.TER J. WILLIAMS, JOHN D. RAMEY. .... (TT The Standard of Union, A’igu>ta Constitulionnl- i wluVh h; 1st, Sloe on Mcsacnicr, and (bilumbus Enquirer aeri the above weekly six timed, feb 16—tf utitiir tho i* i by injudicii cent ral terms, it in recoin* led in all those diseases which arise from impurities of the blood, or vitiation of the hutuors, of whatever nutm or >>ii *1 Smue of rite nhove complaint* tuny require some tri• fling nrsiHtnnt application**, which the circumstances n: ibc cum* will dictate; hut for a general remedy or 7 lira tor, to remote tin cause, I IIK Indian l ;en'*rnlly l.e found sufficient. Taken in proper doses, Thf. I.NW\n'.‘ rates im un alternative and detergent; urrtic and bixtilive; anantipaHinodic i in proper cases, as a stomachic andeinn erally expressed, il increases all tl: excretions, {jives l<me to the stomach, i in the glands in n particular manner. From these princi ple- its operations may he understood. i t is little more tluiu three, years since this preparation was presented to the public : hut in that short space of tilin', souk* hundreds of persons niijlit bn fomal, who would solemn^ declare that tln*y believed that their lives were saved by it, and in most oases utter they, bad tried many and nerlmps all tlu* common remedies in vuiu.— I \\ herever It is known it is rapidly coming into use, und : this affords the most substantial and convincing proof of its merits, | The value of the Ranueea is most conspicuous in those lone standing and syphilitic »:*-.! sciufuloun affections s Ran a . Ran vcfa ope diaphoretic, di al anodyne; and •nagogue. Gen secretions und id* not how long wo must teniHiii bo. All our works lire stopped ; but 1 for one cannot mourn over our respite. I Imvo been absent too long from you, Ippolita.* You look pale ami care worn, ami—holy saints! my cousin, there has been blood upon your brow.’ * Nothing, nothing,’ answered tho lady; 4 a 1 '»«* «' l<IuH1111,- co"c*;;"s< 1 css. which tnod to scr . Ut . h . Vestutday, « hen I step,,e.l forth say, .in not Hunt i keep the giIt: for the sake ol m( , |e , llu |, et B ,j gra ., e( | '' iy ,'„ ro . the giver-'.U. you know that it is al.rn.ut .... hcil ,|. uuU c'hiara. I sec has hound it hut care- mpos-ibloto ket*') niossrosos alive hi this coun- j |^. t tho AIVDICESW, «S’ Virginia. Til HE neuron of this distinguished si u (if Sir Charles .l bus commenced. His stand is nt his stable at this plnce. Handbills tnv already printed,& will be distribu ted an fast as possible. Every facility and convenience will he afforded his customers, und tho utmost attention will nt nil times be gi\ en. MillodgcN ill* , Ft !> 1—tf ' NOTICE, ~ CJTRAYED or stolen from the plantation of Thomas ^ Jackson, in the eoimtp of Wilkinson, on the 15th of January lust, u 77.1 )’ MAUI', I years old, both hind feet white, a small mark of a saddle on tho right side ol her hack, about the si/.i of a sevenpeiiee, and about 1 J IihiiiIm high. A reward of $15 will be given to any per son that will deliver the said mare to me, living in said i r.ountv, or for advertising the same, so that I cet her again. BENJ \MIN KE MR. " FOR 8AH3, Tltc tlotixp nnd S.ot, I N the town of Mill *lg villr, at present occupied hy the subscriber. The House is in uood repair nnd snf* fieiently large for the accommodation of a gentoal family . J The lot isiMOfmt s'p.arc, with a kitchen and other ne- | ecssarv huilditus. An v person wishing to purchase can , have the property nn reasonable terms. Application to i be made to the subscriber,or to (L tu'inl La- favette Hall. M ARY ANN RORERT^ON. 4—-t ! pbo.hpeu'ha try i l do not think tliero is any other save mint* in Lombardy.’ For a while after this speech, ippolita’aeloquence failed her. At last the said, * Do you remember the happy day, when you ctuue hack from your first battle, mid found the little neglected, uncared for. almost uuacknowledg'd child, whom you so often pet ted and soothed, grown almost to womanhood, aud ashamed—the iu^rate!—even to welcome you ?” ‘And do yon remember,’ said Count Alessan dro, ‘that evening, that last evening in the obi pine Do Hut it might have beeu fatal! and where w as I to have left you alone to front such danger?— D'Urhino shall ausw cr for this.’ Hut the lady replied, with her wonted geuer- osity of character: Nay Alessandro, do not he unjust. It was uu fault of tl*Urhino if my wo man's curiosity mastered my fine. Let liic oveut he what it will jou must not harm d'L’i- liino. Remember, you were friend*uud fellow- pages at the King of Frauce’s court, and we were all three, companion* iu childhood to gether. 1 will have another bandage fixed, aud wood? Let ine look oil this bracelet again. , .. . , you remember Imw I raved&stnnnecl, & insisted I d ." i uu llnl,l ° »'“• "'orlhy cousm, see that i tho men are properly employed < From the Huston Commercial Gazette. Tho follow ing hit at, “Fashion,” iu some of its most absurd forms, is made by FuiitorHrooks iu the Now York Express :— Fashion i» a fool sometimes, though at other times there is much sense in foshiou. English fashion is generally formal, silly and stupid, whereas French fashion commonly mingles sense w ith nonsense, iu a most agreeable way, aud comfort and health with elegance and ease. In Loudon for example, a man must live on the \Vestniiiibterside of Temple bar to he “ a gentle man.” He must never seal his letters w ith wa fers, but alw ays with wax, and send them hy the waiter too, mid not by the Fenny Host. He must never rap once at a door, for that is a sign of a servant, not twice, fop that is a sign of the Postman, but three times nt least, loud and strong, provided lie is to pass for “ agentleinan,” aud it would he the death of “a gentleman” to ring a bell, miles# in a very peculiar case. In Paris it makes no odds where you live, even ifit he iu the eighth story of a Parisian garret,out of w hich you must creep on hands and knees, pro vider! you appear iu public with a clean collar to your shirt, aud a pair of well made hoots tujd gloves. Ami as to going into society, so very «1 i Hi cull in England, so impossible, even for an Englishman, unless* his pedigree is good, it mat ters not iu Paris whose sou you are, or wbere- your taleuls are, provided von have t lie in, whether iu your head or your heels, or your fin gers nails, lor all is rewarded iu Paris according to its merit. So far then as we copy fashions from tlie English, we are as silly and as stupid i as they are. For example, our fashionable in ; New York fix upon the English notion of pecu- amused other- bar spots at fashionable ground. The Hattery. The Uev. Mr. N—, of New Haven, was ap pointed to preach before the association. Home circumstance# prevented his attendance. He therefore thought it expedient to w rite an apolo gy. While he w as thus engaged, a messenger informed him that his hull had grown very surly. Mr. N. immediately wrote ti few lines to the man w ho had his hull in pasturing, nnd by accident directed his letter to the association. It was opened hy the moderator, w hen to his utter usiouUlnucut. he read as follows—“You may lie up the old hull for the present, nnd when I can attend to it, l will come aud take care of him.” The reverend members were totally tioii-plusscd ; hut at length an idea was started and adopted as explanatory ; it w as this—that hy the old hull they must understand the devil, whom they were to secure till Air. N. could come aud take cure ofiiim. Measuring Corn.—Tlio following rule fhr ascer taining the quantity of shelled Corn, in a house of any dimensions,ia hy Win. Murray, Esq. of Houth Carolina, and was rend before llte St. John’s Colle ton Agricultural Society, nnd couinuinicntcd, by tbem for publication in die Southern Agriculturist. " Rule—Having previously levelled tlu* Corn in the bouse, so that il will bo of equal depth through out, ascertain tlu* length, breadth and depth of die hulk: multiply diese ditneniions together, and their products by 4 ; then cut ojj' our, figure from the right of this last product. This will give «o many bushels and decimal of a bushel of shelled Corn. If it be required to find the quantity of ear Corn, substitute 8 for 4, and rut oil’ one figure h.s before. Example—In a bulk of Corn in the enr, measur ing 1*J feet long, 11 feet broad nnd 0 feci deep, there will In* 31G bushels and 8 tenths of a luinht I of shell ed Corn, or 033 bushels and 0 tenths of ear Corn— 12 12 11 11 132 132 (> ti 702 792 4 B 3l(>’d c:mi The decimal 4 is used when the object is to find the quantity in shelled Corn, because tlmt decimal is the half of the decimal H and it requires two bush els of ear Corn lo make one of shelled Corn.—In using those rules a half bushel should he added for every hundred, that amount of error resulting from the substitution of the decimals.[—>Pendleton Mcs. A letter bearing the following inscription passed through the Maui h Chunk Rost Office last week : “ Mr. Name Forgot, Powder Maker, Neat Lchiglitou 1*. (). Lehigh Co. The Postmaster will please to forward this accord ing to his judgment.” The above reminds us of n letter that once went from this place, nddicsscd ns follows : H Per Mistur Jimmy M****, livin in the town of Nu York, in nstnit of the same name. If little Jimmy nint th.ire, | !e;i.*» Mister Pose Mn*j- • 11r hcnd this letter Connecticut where Menry T* mm »» 8 ' father lives.” [Augt Scutinel. one of the mo*t beautiful and healthiest spots the w orld, than which indeed there is none more ... , . beautiful, unless it be whut is called the Chiaja d all other remedies, and piuticuhirlv in como j„to your presence again ! you w ear the and six nights iu the besieged city. If they at Naples, the fashionables have altogether aban- <li.tre,,iiig'p^nsm'qH'hnuo^ncHip., 1 mirrurinl l.lacolew still I see.' could not harm Ulu enemy, neither could thu dotted to the "loafers,” a new word, hy the ulcere,deriingeinriii of the ilivewtive nretitiK.&e. These ' Nay, cousin .1 wear it hut as a penance.’ enemy Itsirm them. 1 hey had an abundance w ay, w hich we liudtu use here w ithout kiiowinq- it rmnpletelv removes mill in nil esses it entirely ernili- Allessnudro alfceteil not lo hear this remark, of provision-, and of excellent wine; and d"em- tltc exact mean inn: of it. Itohoken, a paradise of diente* unit the elici ts ut nn’rriirv.rnniivines „ ||( | continued : ing it a sad pity that nny portion of it should run a place, tlmt nn Kuropcan king would surely ’ A It! Ippolita. there was too much of wo- tho chance of falling into tho hands of the 1W abandon half bis dominions for is also bocom- iir.ieiMire not less Iipimrent, giving Iiliiiosiii.imodiuto re- man's wilfulness in that.’ and his followers, the rich men ol the place mg not quite enough wh et. How absurdly sil lier, run sin; nr '.\av nn cousin; and what will you call threw open their cellars, nnd let it How forth ly all this is, and how rendily is it lo he seen that W ■(-'. POWELL, Agf-xT’ that wilfulnes which would reply upon tho I abundantly. Then was Midi daucing! such cu- the “loafers" aronot half so silly tu the class P'Mthted word—which presisted, iu defiance of rousing! such singiug ! to keep themselves warm, that l.elicvo themselves the wisest of all ; for the a'j'Vii'l E (’tt.)i'.ls’ k OSiege. t |„, pi. M1 lty, todcmnhfl ocular demonstration V j At la’.t the besieged wore forced to confine them- •> loafers" know wlmtgood air is, aud take pains , rt's:i(isn' r./.o/if,/I. ^ ‘ Wolli Ippolita. there was much of error on | selves to tho upper apartments of their houses; to enjoy it. The Parisians, who iu truth ore, rpilc. ificnds nl^ibi^ln-n.ntu'j^,J J"h ; .j,|, ;n ,il I at least have suffered years of the snow was it. many places six feet iu depth ; (taking civilization in the worldly meaning of Lvtaste bite'nssi-timt'i'i i'-r. ilnrk.’ Institiitinn, i:cnr! anguish, in eoiisequcnce of ip You owe roe toil succeeded a hard frost; there was ice in tho term) tlio most civilized people of Europe, t’lilmuliii!, s. C. will nssi.-i in the l.iti riiiy nn,! Scicniiiic | some reparation. Come, Ippolita, let us forget the ditches round Miratulola, of two feet thick-j never make such foolish distinctions as these, it pm nn.hi,. Sir. J. I . w ns to linvc i.ssisiedin tin Mu-) ( | )6 p ns , t nm | give me one of those home-flow- ness; even the bullets could not irapres or break Tin. “loafers” don’t drive them out of the r 1 '!”,! nm'aI , ! U ri ,t n l, \! l ui.'| ,i r. n .i'i7iinbn , !fn l osli , ii| l .» , on»m-i er " i'* token of forgiveness,’ it- | Tnilleric, nor the Luxembourg. Beggars and e "l'.' -| '|, i^ e I, rrn- o’m.'Vi T tun lircn ii'nb- mi nccoimi ci i • Nay, uot that one, with scarcely ono streak The Pope’s artillery effected two wide breach- i l.caux anti belles nre thick on the Boulevard.— .01110 ib In y in tlio , mi punil' in c "bit tbc gentleman nf red peeping through its mossy leafing—that cs; so that the Indy and her counsellor began to The richer classes of people in this country must mill Indy n’smeil in n inrnici imi'n ■ The nnnibcr nl our n , rr gjfi (in |y fur the acquaintance of a day.’ think of capitulation. They knew that the Sicur learn that in order to improve the appearance or pupils, therefore, w iji he limited toslsiy, till further no- | The Indy did not remove her had from the de Clmumoiit was at Hoggin, with the rest of ( the condition of tho poorer, tltoy must in some In*tituti.>n , |iii«."nmTI.rgonc«iVi entire nn, I sv.teinnt- I l.ud she had herself chosen; she remembered tlu: French army, forty fyiug it, in the full expee- : ,| C grce mingld with them—at least in public pla- i.-i i rgnnir.iitinn. Our t'neiids nre invited to visit it m not nn |« t |, e planting of tho rose-tree, but she tation that Julius after reducing Miratulola, i ces. F.xclusivcncss only has the effect of urn- any time, ilnrins its exercises, from 5 A.M. tillSP. M. I reme[n | iere( | a eonvarsation held nt tlio time, would carry thither his arms. Julius,too, had j king the poorer classes lose all the pride of en- Tlicre will be a ncnitlilv cxnniinatinn nt the stii'lenis, , Alessandro had explained to her some an accesion of strength; some Spanish aud | deavoring to appear well and to behave well, berealu-ru.wbieh im fHnVe’n!'it invTto11 1 ? ' parts of a certain eastern language—the Ian- some Venetian troops joined him : so tho lady 1 There nre no blackguards iu the w orld equal to ANNA M. I. VTASTR, jn , i-uagn of flowers; so, although her Itnnil was Mirattdola. yielding lo the elements, rather tl those in and about London, nnd in ninny of tho 1.1’CIEN I.ATASTK. j 1 " nM i‘' ' ,fio bud she did not pluck it, but said with a , to the enemy, proposed to surrender on condi- English large towns; nnd tho poorer classes Sent: 'bWJuly 1 smile, • nay, Alessandro; if yon have suffered, so tion. that tho garrison and inhabitants should I there, even where clothes are so cheap, seem to i d.'.covered iu England hy a’recruiting tt n>a* have I You must do something else, ere you , pass forth uninjured. Julius anxious for re- have on their hacks the reluse of all tho old ’ foandl h, t when the recruits were -1J\ IlKSinK.Ni’i; t I.s pl,nc,w«il improvedfor • , reward; yon must rescue my castle venge, would not at first consent to this: hut clothes of the whole world. Tlio reason of this ! cf „r 0l h« Colonel .in tho evening thev }l ,h 'Vt;?^:Ti';;;: uL the siege, or from tho hcJecgr*- ,1-Frl.iuo m«li.»,cd r \ arranged the affair | i, chiefly, that the English gentry keep all on, r It ^ InZ’C ...Van fee, wide,!, two story ..pen pii/./., in front, ,ke. -„ m c notable service must he performed ere I thosatieraction ol all partus, lie remoinher-1 „nheir own ca-teso far from them, that the poor . , | C0IBC the standard in tlte morning. II fmislieil, will, nil neeer.ary oui buiblings com- cn n allow yon to l.o my cavalier." ed kindly Ins follow-page and Ins laughing little man loses all the pride of ipnkmg a good ap- I y nn p) ure n mnv appear now to he fit for • .... • *■’ i— -* 1 , ~* 1 “-^s"" —- In Paris, sorictv is morn r<*tti»KluMin . .» t V. i i_. t A grateful beggar.—“ You snved my lifr on ono oc- rnsion.” h.tid u beggar to a captain under wboui ho hud served. “Saved your life !” replied be, “ do you think that I atn a doctor 7” “ No,” answered the man ; “but I nerved under you in the hnttlo of ■— ; and when you ran away, \ followed.” A party of right Indies and gentlemen were mnde prisoners hy Major Kirby, of the RritiMi Army, for having rained tbc Amcriran flag on the time worn wnIN of Fort Erie, in which they were celebrating the 4th, by a pie.-nic dinner. The Major took them all prisoners, and marched them some two milc9, when he discharged them on their parole of honor. [ Constitutionalist. Pn 1 Losomt Politics.—-It is stated in Goldsmiths’s Animated Nature that men ore tal ler in the morning than they ore tit night. This pletr, United States, propose publishing nn historical «*ouni of do* Poli«it emigration to these Fnitcd Snues, nnder tlio title of “ The Poles in the Fnited State* of America," to be prefaced hv a short statement of the In torvof tho Polish Revolution, and to be accompuni >\ with authentic vouchers connected with tb< residence of tbs Rob's in this country. Form in 8vo. bubscriptiou ^Lpavnblo on delivery only. . . .... The. Committee h«ine sensible of tbc advantage* of- with two sum! ui’.U s«*ut«. Hi*' I mi.I whim fared to tiic Poles bv a settlement in this favored land, the ther nrin pan eL to ciit pure ha-ter**. I r»Mn a rcsiaencc ; proceed* of Rio work, after delraving the expenses of J of 27 s l know this place to Im un'isiially hoaltliv. pnh«ieaiKHi,Nv iR be applied in aid of the colony on the All tlu* above properl) is otic red at r. diced prices nnd Hock Rlv« r «tiue of Illinois. »p<»» liberal credits. L».nds in Ru«*cl or Harbour coun- MARTIN ROS1 F.NKIFAVIf'E, tt**s, in Alabama, would be taken at uur pricer., in pav- F FI I \ GWINCZFAVSKI. • meat. For further particulars njqdv tome on me P r( ’* DH.‘CHARLES KKAIT8IR. mDe*. REIJUEN C SHORTER. New.York, i'.ugust, 1*335. Monticello, Jasper county, June 21 eu*m well of pur** water, nnd the out lots | , .u e|| re pli C cl tlio count, stepping out on companion. Ippolita; so lie pleaded powerfully peuranr .1 lix. rnritw r a. AUo. ■ . . • <* ',.1, I.'. . .... I .... .. I ... I.i . ...! I. I .1 •. ■ ricty is more republican arc well \vaur din fprmEs.^ \ tf . rra( . c ; » pray heaven this trampling of with his uncle, uud won him over to his wish. | than it is in England, though tho government III,;,, 1>V() ,,, iicrt 1 if 1 !*i 1 villu:*, in C,,-iir.lo’r for fanning, ^ stutd- mill noise, as of ilistant tliumlor, may not j The holy father wo it hi not comlo.centl to enter ! nitteh less so, nml 1" , in Pari* we see all claMCs Id to*.-* - | ieto ^ en p C j.ii to your faircastlo or to your fairer , .Miratulola hy the gates, hut caused a bridge to ofmen, rich ami pom*, master andservaiw. iu tho ..lilnnre I , | 10 thrown over the opening in the walls, anti | Tuilleriei, breathing the ,nine nir, enjoying the The lailv raiscil her hnml to sliiet.l Iter eyes entered triumphantly thro'ttie breach. ! same blessing,, under the lame trees, ami in tlte from the beams <>f tho evening sun. l’re .cutiy On that name day, tlio lady nnd her compart- j tame pleasant walks. Ilencetbo very poorest tltc distinguished white plumes and shilling arms inns sat together, as tliuy thought, for the la.i time people in Paris have a civility and polish visible gleaming'’through the clouds of dust; a few in the room wherein they ha<l first met, The ; In no other country r " 1 the Presidency, lx ea ise he has only been mens- urail by tho ri eniiting oUtrer, Oejie.ra! Jackson ; butwlieu lie shall liu lirought hefore the Colo- uel, (the people) ho w ill bo found w .rating. more minutes, and one detached himself from ' countoss, whnx A mnekmg bird in New York having lately died . , without nnyJinnwn rmiaa. a phyaieian wna induced Tlio sorvant living nuen- m open it. and found that it bail bur,! a blood veaaet it had all nlnn£ beet; un- ay terms with and respected by hia mastar, in by violent singing !!—[Paelaae.