The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, January 17, 1837, Image 1

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TI1L «EOK«l4 j»vk.\ai„ WM.UAM S* ROCKWELL, l pu'.iti^ ivvich h week rturm; llio session of the L«- filature, ami weekly for the remainder of the year, at |ul , corner of Wayne no.I Hancock .Street*. at TI1UKB tt.R.LAKS per annum, in udmiice, or FOUR DOL LARS ai the end of tnc ycur. J’iie Paper will not bn sent to any person out of the Sl it'-* iiinil tho subscription money is paid in udvauce. or rat^foetory reference given. V!>VKit I’lS EM ENTS inserted nt the usual rate*. rj* M, 1L Sales of LAND, by Administrators*, Exp- tutors or Guardian*, nre required, by law, to he held on in. fjrrt Tuesday in the month, between the hours* often in tile forenoon find throe in the afternoon, nt the Court- u hi the county in which the property is situate.— >«»ti. e of the** sale* must he given in a public gar.ette Jtjxrv DA VS previous t«* the day of sale. of MIUilOES must be at public auction, on the fir-i ruestlay of the mouth, between the usual hours of it tlm place of public sales in the county where the Ij'.i us t ••‘t.Mi.Mitury, *»f Administration *»r Guardianship, (Jinv have boon granted, first pi v in*; SIXTY DAYS no- tire t!iereof, in one of the public gazettes of this State, n ,j,| at the door of tho Court-house, where such sale* lire ‘ id. \„tiee fisr tho sale of Personal Property, must he pi veil *,u like i.iauuor, FORTY davs previous to the day of sale. Notice to tho Debtors and Creditors of un Bstutc must bo published for FORTY days. Notier that application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary f«»r leave to sell LAND, must bo published for POUR‘MONTHS. Net ire lor leave to soil .NEfiROEd, must be published for POtm MONTHS, before any order absolute shall be «i • thereon by the Court. \|l business of this kind continues to receive prompt attention nt the Office of the GEORGIA JOURNAL. IE I. A \ it s. f pHE following are among the PLANKS that are kept I constantly on hand, and for vale, at tho JOURNAL OFFICE: — Indictments, prlanitions, J! ul lloml*, Itcbtniis (for Intcrr.) jury Sinuuimiaas, K.,Ujh««u* (S. Ai I. Court.) Claims— Vfltd’ts. dt. Bonds, Sri. Fas. for Fd’nt. Draws, Gamuts, Letters of Administration, Do. Temporary, Do. Testamentary, Do. Guardianship, Administrator's Komis, Komis of Adin'rtt. with the Exec ltion® (S. vVr. L Court,) (’tet Lxciuilionx, Slicrirt ’H Bill.* of Sale, (bn lLu*da» J usti **’» SunituotiscH, Do. Exocuetiona, Tux (’ol Ice tots do. Dic.D. tUrvW'-L Lie ‘Ill'll* 1" 'l^tltll, (’h»>»-ks will annexed, Guardian’s Bonds,. Wurrants of Appraisement, Executors, Administrators, nnd Guardian’* Deeds, Letters of Dismission of Ex ecutors, Do. of Adiuini*trutors, Do. of Guardian*, Marriage Licences. A. 82. 1JAtVSON, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 'Sl E'»*t Wctumpkn, Alalmmu. *-,*0—It I. A w. VOMTil XXVIII. niLLESCEVlUE, Tti'ESD.w, .MVI Aiil S7, ls:i7. mm first ‘.>1. ,Tus{ Received ] 71 ROM Philadelphia, ami lor sale nt the Store ol . GEORGIA ROOT At HON, Millcdsrvillr, G m. Sulphate of t luininc in Powder iu ot..* X half ounce botttlrs, Creosote (ji discovered ‘ Itowaml for Fever The I mli: Central Until,- of Georgia. C N pursuance of the 3 pioviding for tlie rr December 27, u:m. net of the VJd December, IRIM5, | a pioviding tor the renewal ol u<-co(,.nmdulion notes li.-cuitnt, ,1 bv ibis institution onto in twcLc months.'bis itr firir.A in v ,'i .1, . t , „ , , him uhiii. , ;,v mis ittsiitution once Ul twelve iinMtl is.Mils ,d for the euret * 1 ^™fter re,-, ive fur die, note* made ,d’s Tonic >!ixt ,r • , * •' ’ * i ‘i ,• p«\uM-300 dav* after .!«:»•, in-l, ,n! of ICO,ns lieretolorc. r ami V'tie. 1 " """ j Ali persona otfer,up i,w note* drawn at»W«1ayaa,ie r iiliaii'x i’nimcco. '."'".'r "'""'"r «••«* ll " l ‘ ll ."' Wwaim’s Punaeeii,fu fresh article.) Carponisr-H Mild Cntlwrli.- Pill*,* valuableMedicine lor Dyspepsia, constipation, \c. Carpenter’s Compound Fluid Extract of Kudin, « valuable Medicine for diseases of the bladder, kidneys, Carpenter’s Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, an invaluable preparation for Mereurinl und Syphillitic I>i*enses, Kliemnatisni, King’s Evil. Ac. Cnr Copui Carpenter’s Compound Fluid Extrnetof Pink Root,ri neat ami efficacious vermifuge for children.’s New London Antibilion* Fill*, (list boxes.) Castor Oil (best,) in pint and quart bottles. Calomel in bottles,one ounce in uk,unil wbieli were drawn at IHO dn\ s alter date, * iil he required to pay but 10 per cent, reduction, as hereto- lore, except where such notes may Ire past due and on* ttemlnl to: in whichcn*« >, the parties will he required to pay additional reduction at the into of 'JO pur cent, premium for the timo such notes n...y h.ive over. M hen notes which hc\e been discounted for 360 days alitill become dm*, the makers w ill he requited to pnv a reduction of 20 per cent, or one-filth p ut ,.f tho rum nrn Miter's ri.mi.minA 7.? < p ,i i , ‘"iu iaall v borrowed. All notes drawn at 360 dnvnat'ter Sfn. C 1 d ^ " a| anl,a ’ Cubebi 0,1,1 , dt*fe \y permitted to run St; I days, or .72 week* In conformity \% ith the requirements of n c,meatrred Resolution of the lute General Assembly nil notes and bill* due to the Central Dank and wbieli hu\c lain over unrenewed <*r unpaid for tho space ul three uiontlir, will be put in suit immediately. F.xtrae.l from the minutes, jaoU—dt K. A. GRKRNE Cnshirr. MIMELLAiMlors. Whvdnl a w Tl-i- inyrtlr THE KRIDE’S farenvell. l'Y mj: . hum yxs. to l«*tivn t!io vma Jalap in bottles, tw o ounces in each. Noidli - - llitz and Soduic Powders, a’Iio Welch Medicuinentuin. j a 8—mtf itoTtci:. V I.L porsons indebted t*. the suhserilier pi tlie * ’ • frill E Htibacribera have just received fill cnoes assort- \ Jm.Vic,' mMMmillsTluVin/l'VK'eV-f V'*- -*• c " 7 a ‘ ulcoon,r * '"“ le - onirrmi Ilw C„,irt-I...,ITO is,|,mrc ' f J1IIE undcr a itrned having moved to Mobile, will prne- I. tiee Law in nil the Courts of tho City, ami in the Supremo Court of the State. Ortioo on Royal Street, ii - irlv opposite Goodman’s House, il-c ‘J—.uitilini II. J. HARWELL. A NEW BOOK STORE* irlh C. A. ELLS having disposed of his interest in JiL the Kook Kusiness at Mucoti, has located him- > If in Jlilledgovillo, for the purpose of carrying on the Above hit*ine*.*. Doing truly thankful to his friend* in \ iri ».f parts of the State liir the liberal patronage here tofore bestowed on him, he hopes they will not, with tlie citizen* of this place, forget to call on him, opposite .Mr*. Godwin’s Tavern, nt the Sign of the hirgc Ledger, where may be found u large assortment of Law, Jlcdlcal, JliM'dlunooiis, and Sit'iiooi Rooks, (, School Apparatus, Dissected Map*, and Maps of all kinds, every article in the use of Drawing, Gold J’.io-rf un.I Bordering, Perforated Paper ami Cards for Ui-At-ts, and a general assortment of Fancy Articles, V: j:il Duxes, Accordions, Piano nit,I Miami Music, the i stipi liity of Knives, Steel Peris, Ever Pointed Pencils. roMiiiK- Saucers, India Indelible Ink, Pocket lb oksatto 1' i - . s of all kinds, Deed Dug*, large Work .V Dre*s llox- .•..(•eatlaiiicn’aSliiivingCimea Travelling Desk*, Ink, <(u;ils, Pnpar of nil kinds, Klank and Record Kooks, on i, in I and made loonier. Too Token, Girt, Violet and ll li:i ms Souvenir for 1037, just received, and all the ii -v Publication* und Reviews as Boon as they are issu ed from the press; (Deer’s Georgia Almanac for 1037, by liir crust or dozen. T«- n b-M * will lie allowed a liberal discount in furnish- i i: tlenr Schools, and gentlemen purchasing for their Liiirxiics, acc.iunuod ited oil the most icasonatd. terms. All ordors thankfully received uml promptly attended to. • e ... ID* The Auction Kusiness will lie conducted in this nlu-ebv C. A. El*LS. .Milledgeville, Oct 53 NEW BOOKS. 1 1’ST received, W-e .\xt<n in, liy Irviug; Ratline the ; Sheppard Lee; Merchant's (Jtcrk; Stories 1 of Ike Sea; Self- Condemned t Club Hoot;; Stnrart's Adanturcs in Capturing Morel; Horse Shoe Uobtn- son, SfC. for hale by t (7 A. ELLS, Sign of the Largo Ledger. Milledgeville, Dec.2 NEW BOOKS. f UST received. Roderick Random, illustrated by Crtiiksbauk: llumplirey (’linker, do. do., Tom Joii.'*, do. do.; Pniildings John Dull ami Brother Joint* tliHii, do., Tales of tin- Good Woman; Siunnc’s Melli* hunipe; Lafitte, the Pirate of the Gulf; Rambler in Mexico, hy Lntlnobe; the Poor Rich Man, mid the Rich Man; the Desultory Man: Giafar al Uurmeki; Herodotus, translated by Rev. W. Heine: Protestant Jesuitism; Bryant’s Poci»x; llieroglypliieal Bible,with tl^votional Pieces; Fairy Books lor 1U37, with many new trauslutiuns uml beautiful New Year’s Presents, lor sale at the sign of tho Isirgc Ledger, hy jin3 (’. A. ELLS. The w.ilKci’lhers IVOI'LI) inform their friend* and eu*toinen» that fT lii \v have (d.l lh**ir entire Mock of Dry Good*, Messr*. IWfl TON HA XSLLL, wiio w ill conti nue the biisincsH nt the aanio stand. The subscriber* feel grateful to their friend*, and mild tender them their wannest acknowledgment* for 11* liberal patron tgc extended to them, and hope the M Ji|' eiUMUtrugeinenl w ill be given to their HtteecHSor*. I’u those indebted to them, they will respectfully *nv, t'nt hiving an old and extra-dye business to settle,they upcllc.l to request their friend* to close nccouuta with them at noon a* possible. GEO. ROOT A: SON. Mill 'ilgev.lle, Jhii 10—2t The Subscriber* I FAMN’C i!ie Stock of Goods (ormerli * 1 owiiuiHiy Messrs. Hea, Root Sf ^on, will conttnne | husinest m the *tuud heretofore occupied bv those - ithMi ’ii, They will constantly Keep on hamlnnns- I'lrtuiPiitof Good.* suitable te tlie’ season, mid respect- J 'l.\ sedirit a share of public patronage, which they will tv ‘*r to merit bv attention to their business, and ue- ' |'i‘datimi to their eiistouiers. 'i'lte business will be ''e.n.i titd utidur the firm of Hin ton \ Hansetl. . WM It. BURTON, Millsjgevillo, Jnn 10—2t A. H. MANSELL. t ENIEBTAlNiliENTi r PSIl. sub*-rib. r would inform bis friend* and the l' ! » Ii , thru he ha* taken that well kuowu *taml,on , *'■-idim: from Milledseville to Macon, fifteen i j""* n,,n Millcdgeville. known as (’ox’s old Stand, in , • ’ '*' ,, Mi.|ty, wh're he is at ail time** ready to Beeom- j 1 •’•‘te tliu*e who niav call «ni him. This Staml i*holf j m i| ,w, "’J* Miiledgcville and .Macon, furninhing n ' ‘ rusting place for travellers. Since proprietors ; J,,'; 0 ?’ 1 . MU that route would do well to rail on him,he „ ,H idling tu make un arrangement in which nil * ii ' !,!h l 11 mutual convenience. • -b. JOHN 8H 4 R P* LOSSi: VAVEK.Y, THOM A S 7*0.Y, OEORiSlA. > crates edged Plate* 20 do do Twifficr* ^ 15 do do Muffin*, assorted sizes •hi do (7 (J Bowls, ull sizes 20 do dipt do do 30 do printed do do 20 do white glazed do 50 do limited d.i 20 do (due do plate* 20 do do tiddlers HI tie do mutlins, assorted 20 do dipt mugs, assorted size* 10 do painted teapots sugars,creatus 5 do printed do do do 20 do C C Ewers uml basons 20 do do chambers 3d do dishes, nssorted 20 do puinird teas 1 20 do (due printed tens 10 packages common tall tumblers 10 together do do do do do do •itli i do flint dotildc do do common cut do line do do common decanters, quarts and pints fine cut do do assortment of astral, mantle and ball hoops, plated, japanned and wood frame castors—all of which w ill he sold on the ino-t favorable term*. WEEDS & MORRELL. Savannah, Nov. 22.183C—2w3in. Safety, Expedition and Comfort. New Arj-miffement—Amrnst 15,1W3G. T 13 13 I» 8 S3 I> .Tff « A T, Or SonlU 53V.vtern • IItt(1 Fane, KOIl WASHINGTON CITV, \»ril.l. Ill-re ifter leave Millci! (i™. EVEUV vv OTIIE! . 1> \ Y, immediately after the arrival of the Mail from < oliunhii* ami Motil'icmei \ — Through to Washington t.ity in7 days IP hours, allowing M.LKI* . 1v til ie present year tire r< quested to eettle with ,11. J. v m a .. 1 ' • ttiiihoria* <*. to nuurv last, hi- A. (j. VAIL- Mil ledge ville, April 1 *’«w Tailnrinp- Es(:tblis!iin< i;f. '|*III. Subscriber respi-etfully int'oim* hi* lii end* and tin* public, that he b is commenced manufacturing Garment* of all kinds, to order, at his old Htuiid, known as the Millodgovillr Flortting Store, w here ho has now on lot off ami intends keeping an ex tensive assortment of Cloths, ('ossimeres, Snt/inrts, IV#/- tugs, Set. of vuriott* colors, m«l very superior quality.— Also a groat variety of Trimirings hy the piece or small er quantity ; of a quality not to be surpassed in this or I Ionve t »i»|oi ! wii Jinv pi.v 'd 1 lir.aitrli ninny ii j.iyou* hour, h-r.. iIibhIv. ,y gleam of Hr- olivo dinUo Hung ihnioVr fi.iiai and Imaer. ‘ r ' • t’eai n:al 1, by ^trnnm, by shore, la hoik, iupray, r. in vleru, If ivi! li.-i i, ns He iiiny Im no wore— Kuo! M,icr, 1st me weep I leave the**, dither! Eve’s bright moon Mi:*t nov. hi;lii nilinr f-< I, '»itlitli. i..•(lo-r—ft grape*, nml llio Ivre ilitlino ThJ h< n a irdatep a huu ni hIni^s voire, lo Mens thy chilli, Mother! I F ive then’—on tliybrca»t Pouring out joy ami no; I lotve ruumi t. .it ho’v |ituro of real V, |; . , , u .. . V v, I r . ■ Lips, that l.nir InMfl I .. x. .hvmrs.r 1 ■ es dial iliivoivnli-lird my sleep! Mill earth # iv e lov •• I i K .• inmrs ngun ? Sweet mother! let me tM.ep! I CO. or pelisse cloth, dungling from cncli sliutil j dor, or to exhibit tlicoiNidvoa tv itli a pair of fcatli- i *’ r pillows stuck upon cncli side of their graceful j figure*, and far Nurprtssing them in magnitude.— 1 he day of live feet high and six feet wide, in I gone, t\o trust, forever, and henceforward we hope to hoc the beautiful of our race resembling Romo what tnoro iu appearaoco the model in which nature formed them, and which French mil litters have so lung sneecded in keeping out of fashion. I he transition ha* been, ns usual in fashion able matters, somewhat violent; tho poet’s no tion of ‘line by degrees ami beautifully Jess,’ lias imt been thought of, hut where there tvaayeslcr- d iy a hale, there is to day a spcrmiciti caudle— the ton yards of last night are replaced this morn ing hy mine half ell, or perhaps a quarter. One Indy was a sufficient occupant, a week ago, for the seat of a moderate sii&ud carriage—now three may ride quito pleasantly iu company. Anns are nt a Ircmoud on* discount, compared with wliat they have been; and shoulders are like In dia-rubber halls with the uir let out through a pin hole. All thi* looks queer for sonic time yet, i l” 11 nftcr*r while our eyes will receive their right lour, ami then w» shall applaud the change most heartily. Nevertheless, wo beseech our lair ivudcr* not too suddenly to run into the otli- | or extreme and compress tlm arm entirely up I to the shoulder, as some have already done— | thereby piving themselves somewhat the resein- ! bianco ol the undressed dolls in the packages of I Hailly iV \\ aid—or like a gihlel pie—all wings and legs.—A’eu? i oil; Com. Adv. mimir. sill I 110111=* LVEUY NIGHT, .VIJKN TIIK I Pass 'rigors hy this Line BALTIMORE in 7 davs PHILADELPHIA 0 NEW YO.tK 8 “ 11 Fare to Washington City ? 15 75 only—7 rts. per mile. fl..r* Traveller* South of Millcdgcville, w isliinc to take tlii* Line, should be careful not to cuter to Augusta. Hays of tenting Al Wedge title for He A or\h : Aur.usr. 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31. M.l’TEM I1K.IC. 2, 1, G, C, It), 12, 11, JG, IH *20, 22, 21, 2G, o< row a, 2, 1, G, 3, 10, 12, 11. 1G, 13, 20, 22, 24, 2G, NoVKMUKK. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 2.5, 27, 29. km urn I, 30. , 30. other pla^w. Having un experipiicerf Cutter from Glmrlcston, nml having mranged t<* ohtmu early iiiforiiintii.n of the fash ions, lie fi i-ls confi<!< !itof giving general satisfaction.nod* a share of public patronage. A. C. VAIL. 18. & J. SliOTWELL, Dnigk’ists Mnroti, On. rHlHE Suhseribers (former partners of Ellis, Shot- I wylkV Co.) have resumed their bu*iin»s* under tho nbo- e firm, nt their old stand, opposite tho Brick Tavern, an i will keep u general assortment oDrugs, Medi ci i s, Surgical and Medical Instruments, Faints and L*'/#, of all hinds, Windoie Glass, assor t’ d sizes, Glass- M a ref or shop furniture. Her (ntnmj, Fancy Articles, Frushes of erery description. Hotanie and Fatent Me ii- nines, Carjhnb r's /'reparations, also his Fsnayson Ma teria Medico, Dye Woods, and Dye Ftnjl's, and a groat variety of Mi eellntieous Article*, which they have »»•- coived a large supply of, and intend keeping their stock I constantly replenished, sons to be able at nil times to supply Dealer.*, Physician*, Planters and others, who j may (nvor them with their custom. Intending to he permanently engaged in tlii* Inisine**. ^ the subscriber*, from tln ir long «>xpcrienre, hope to ren- ' dor it worthy the patronage of old and new customers.— 1 Ordershv letter will meet the mime attention a* if mad. in person. I1ARVY SIIOTWEI.L, ! J A GOB SIIOTWELL. ' Macon. March 3,193G—eolf t or tiii: Avgusta Chrnn i h i; Stale Hi flits' Sentinel. 1 rrOIE tmdei-igned, at present Editor «it* tli« Statk. j ■ Rio ii rs’ : i, having p’lnkased the • - -1:: I • - j im nt of the Ar«:: • r \ ('ttRoMn.r, intemi.* in iling the two papers, on the !ir*t of January, under the above title. ; From and utter that day, the. (’iiitoMci.t: A: ,<i:. ri>n. - will be puldi.'l'.ed daily, tcnii-wc.-kly, and weekly, tlinoii In nt the whole year. Yuiiqur eonsid. ration* Imve eon«pircd to induce a dai ly publication : omong which nmy be noticed a.* imirt important, tin* pi (wperousconiiiMoii of Augusta, itse« ; *,„. sive eoiiiiiiercial busiiie*.*, and the extraordinary mail tn- eilities enjoyed i v publisher* of newspapers. * Augusta ! ( is the fir.-1 point in tlie >'tate, at w liich all news ofimpoi- - 1 tiim -'. wlo liter eommereinl *>r polffiivil, i* received from I J N’i vv York, C’linrli .-Ion, ami ull other Citi *snud J*l'ite.» i;i | | liie Atlantic purlieu of tin* I nioii, imd from here ii I* « ir- | minted by mail*, diverging io different direction 4 , into' ! ovrrv part of the Ftati . To all persons, then, inteierted I in (lit-tiirr-nt new* of the day, as a | out from which it ' ii he derived at the earliest hon r , ami in the mo-t LETTlill FROM T. MOOD. To the Pu!il is litre of the Comic Amiml. Oinitlenicii—V on nsk nin fop nil nuiinunrc- nient of Tin: Comu- for 1 HOT; lint liutivien ourselves .1,1*1 llio post*—not tho forcij;ti post— I Imve liecn iiicditutin- n Munilesto. Politics tire uiidoulitmlly the stninliug orders of the times; l»ut ponililv the sliimlin^ or tiers uiny now signify those places who keep on their logs in the presence of ihc privileged or silling orders;—1 menu to any, tint polities are become, like iionifiiee'a tile iu tho llcnux •Stratagem, meat mi l drink, nml every tiling. We out politics in ivliiteluiit dinners, and <|mi!V nnd ains them nftenvnids, «iili hip, hip. lii, ami Hans. Wo ilttueo politics cast olT, change sides, and so alists call loudly for a new polities—e. white hats. Wo marry polities. | Ijvfm-c the conclusion of the frat act, allnnscun- nnd ilisscutera al the same time, Wo hapti/.c ' 1,1 i<»i> and uproar. with polities, or nt least call mimes. We ivtisli i Mnater Itnrke tlicu appenred in front of the our faces .villi polities, soap t\ rsue newspapers I evidmilly iloairous of addressing tllo no* —and warm otirselve, nt them, ill tho ,hope of j {In'iicc. 1*111 was driven olfliy kisses uml hmvl- chenp Durlinm coal. Wo even laupli and ^roan polities, and eon. li them, iu Commons; anil Mr. Blake, the Manager, then appeared, nnd doubtless they will lie introduced hy us into I order was restored. Ho said—“ It is evident sternutation, like a certain (xermnu patriot. ^’ :i * Master i’urko has incurred tlie displeasure From the IlhitMi Un ning Journal, Dec. 13. TlIF.ATiUCAL ROW. _ Our tlieatro u tisthc seouo of eousidernhlo ex. eitemeiit last cveniti-. Theiliflieiilty grew ou- of a detenu illation on tho part of the friends ot llaiiiel O’Oontu ll, to put down Master Burke, u hose I' other, ii bile iu Filmland, had written a violent letter upaiust that Reformer. i lie house was tolerably well filled when the |PW , , curtain rose. In thofirst srene of Romeo, Mas- a hands, I ,nr Htirlso was kindly received. In the second, anii-miiiisteri- i *Noro was u few hisses. These, as the play pro- We wear RW—ctl, increased ill mimhe-and in noise, until l.lamlamounted to forty-fiva milliuM «f. near tivcnty-fire million! of which wetw mod hy me army and navy. 900.000 franco ,0 l’*oin»ula in 1831; hi IMS I,/(H),(Mill franc, J and iu 1833, upward, foar 7 i rwmm ±. , ;“ Bbli * hi « “ Bank vrhfc a cap ital of 6,2(H),000 franco. The general recaipta or the island are made up of Of 2-3 per cast, duties on maritime commerre, 241*2 intarior eoutrihutinu*. 2 2-3 retained oa ecclesiastical rent,, 3 1-2 in different variable item. Tbn capital employed ic tbo various agieultwral and other pursuit, of tho island, may be mtimatad at about k,tT>fl[Y. for every individual iDhabitaat,or ,‘i,--IHI Iraues for overy individual of the free pop ulation. In Kti-lnnd it is nboHl 1,135 franc* for cnch individual, and in Fratice, 1,250 franc*. The net revenue of the island is seven per cent, on iho whole Huiount of capital, and tbo Ml produce is considered to be atioat one half of tbo gross produce. Tlm average general lax upon each inhabitant is 45 francs, or ncar75 franc* for each free inhabitant, while the local tax «* 20 franc, for the same class. The 700,000 inhabi tants of Cuba pay to tho State an annual tax of forty-five millions, nudtlie population of Hpain if assessed at the name rate would pay 700,000, 000 friincs ; and tho thirty-twn million* of France, w ould pay more than twice tb* sum they now do. Great improvements have beta made in the police regulation* of moit of the towns and cities of the island, and Havana, for merly «n notod fur its robberies and frequent as sassinations, has become ono of the most pea ceable and orderly cities of modern times, H iMi-wnrrtsie.—Of the number of young men w Im urc yenrly sent from college Into tho world, how few lire there who write even a tol erable hnnd. Tho silfy notion that it i* a mark of gmtiu* t<> write badly, is tlm cause ef many a younj; man’s spending hi, days ia idleness, wkw might otherwise make an industrious and atefal citizen. There i, do pursuit in life in which to write a^nod hand will not be found ef ase.— There are many in which lo write well is indis pensable to success. Even amongst those who come to the bar, we hnvo no doubt that the no tion to which we have adverted is often the causa of a failure to get business. In the commence ment of a'ydluiK lawyer’s career, n»y,kind of bu siness which will give him an opportunity of showing an necpiaimance wrtli his profession is desirable. To prepare document, with le gal skill is important; and to prepare them in n neat, accurate, nnd perspicuous, manner, is likewise very desirable. Ho who enu do both will have an advantage over him who can do only tho former, aud will, ia conse quence, Im more likely to get quickly into some kind of business. Alter obtaining one kiud of business, oilier* nre apt to follow. We make ihcso remarks in regard lo tho legal profession, | because a earnless luind-writing is more oftea found iliero thnu nuy were else. The other employments „f life would admit of similar il lustrations.—Itidimoml Courier. porijnii of the muliclKc. lie is utterly uuriiuseinus oflinvingdone wrong. Alov I in quire w Inn i; his nlTeiieo ? “ He must disavow tlie urulimcnts of his Fath er." aid a person in the Imxcs. " 11 is 1'atiler abused Daniel O'Connell,"said another. This increased l .o tumult, amid which Dr. Iturke. who w as in tlie front box, rose aud ;u- ’ ' nra staples of u nde and iiimiitfnc-1 templed to speak, but his voice, llinilgli n loud nnd iVAvicnltnvi! is quite distressed hv wui) could scarcely lie raised above the dill. \V 1 a 5 7 P It ta 15 |7 p, a) 2a !>J 57 on, at. ' tlcmlii-manner,thiseily ren, duly presents pre-emin ut ’ The ’your 1837, will coniincnco with January 2, (Jim.-' j ... hv , lK)th in llie citv in ‘ 'I'ilis bine, known at the North ... the South- Wcnten, the interior..fill. Slale.u oommcreiol paper nt.lids place /.for, leaves Washington t’iiv for .he Soul),, (via Tra- , J,”'':™' a'! '‘"‘l ""-'r ' T"' i dcrickslmrg, Vu.) on lie ...uir .lavs Imve staled. . ' be lw|.re« Mad arm. s In . 1 fair days Im... .W ; °* 1 1 FORD &(.’«» 1 or K, Im’iii;: I Ii it c* iJa\.-% in :i!ilici|iati(in ol ll»r onliimrv • Proprietors. (LJ* This is (lie short***! routf* brtwcpn Millfdcavillc xvlio cumiot sne-'/sC ithoul s:i)iu» ••Fr-r-r-* uwn." I'olitica arc purr of our Forci/u nml Doiuoh- t tic Cookcrv;—\vn nui-r with flifin, fry, himv, | Broil., nnd tin often fioil owr uitli tlicm; i we curry nn#l devil %\ itli th. m :—some p^rsoui ! cook » fine keltic of /i Jin itli ilu*»n. Turkey i< Inrdfd with politics, uml they arc jioltid iii 1 («icon*. P ture llicin. \Yo export suid ir.ipoii tlioin ; wo sow iicaril liim, howover, roitciutc tii« diaries a- thcin with corn, nml InrvoM ilicru wilh titlu s; (F(’oimell, ami dcuoiiucc tliosu uhoaliu- xvo spin with YIn*tit, linmnin* nt tlinu, forge | Sl ’d liin lioy, us cowards uml scoundrel 1 ), them, uml Breed I ulU with tlimi. UV |jvc in Thin rdded fuel to the (laino. •• Turnout the them, ami (lit* hy them. >Vo loud pisiols wi11« j I 'I'orv"—•• clear out old jliji ke"—** he h u politico, uml, in fool, cuu lianlly walk Gvolvo dis^niru to his country,” ,Vr. Sec. or (iftooii paces n ifhouf rlioui. Print to lifi* hr- | \ » I>r. Hurko’s nrexenre mit evidently one euti.” ol the (li->ordor, ho was induct'd to niih- di’Hiv, uml»*r mi cxpccluiioti that quiet would he restored.—Tlu*curtitiu rose aud Romeo nml .hi- lie appeared iu tF.o balcony scene ; hut they were u-ain assailed wiili hisie* and hootiu^s, iho discontent), in the interim, having nugiucn- ted tliuir iiiiinhcr*. Tho shouts came from the Pit. Boxes mol (Ltlliry The play proceeded for Milne time in dumb show, v lien the curtain t'om nil | nml \Va.*liiiigioii City—'I’ln^ iliflercnce of two day* i favor of the Lower route, is owing to the sleep allowed on this Lino. A u en*t 23—12m mail. Bv it, tdipsure received liV Editon the coioineivial citiesol'tlic All- nlic Mat. -, toni iniug i all tlie*most important m o.-, w liit-lH iUilic linldisltcdheic, j Mt least, t wo flay* in advance of tli» regular mail, effect of tlii* " ill he to render Northern newspaper* ot hut 1 little value lo mercantile men in tlii* State, while it in- j crease* the importance of paper* published lure. In addition lo all tin* importantcornmcieinl news, flic • fiuiO-Mc ia sV Sr.v riM t. will routnina Inrtrc qnnntitvof * quireil Sinn bus liven ■«i*ellaucou.« r, imtrurtinc.i..ieresli,.c.«,i;l j v,. r ,ilv—'y'/i. ri'/lirt Kesufreif, fliai uni Treasurer I, ■ ilescniuiiaiof p iuh »K lie riu llie _en.v i •" j!' Ibc lhsl the sub- ti^^ scnplhiii* Hy 0 t r |^ t ^w“ Ci-lnase. , f p." 1 }'" »* »»' fT f i hie unlucemeiit* tor every kimlol loirrrtising. ! In order to give nil new * received by thefExpre** Mail, ! j at the earliest hour, the Dnilv paper will l»e ptihliclied’l 1 Oglethorpe I niversiH. rplir. Agent of the Board having reported tlmt the i P. I’s. Sti-bii.-, S«v. *X Tr. NOl'lCL F N accordance with the foroeoimr rernlutlnn ef tie , 'ly k in the nfl* riirmi. Contmitlec, I will , nil on llio subscribers liir per I I ll'* ■-izeolthe Daily pnpc cent, "t ilieir siibseriplion. : < - ’:ii"Mci.i:,r.iiinii!ini!tseve net *J5 H. I‘. STUBBS, See, fe Tr.»■ l*. 1 " ” «7g]elhot'pe l uini-sit). mins i nstiliitioii w a* organised at tho late meeting | B of the Board of Trustees, bv (-renting the Office* of tin* Faculty, nnd tlie course* of Lecture*, and also ) appointing part of tlie Fneultv, ns follows. FAC/ LTV. j Rev. c. P. DEM AN, President nnd Prolessor of Nutu- tliocml ot the yent ral Philosonhy and Cliemintry. | E. A. NISBET, E*q., Vice-President and Professor of Bell.** L* ttre* aud Mental Philosophy. 1 Rev. C. W. HOWARD, L'!u<plain and'Prol’e^.-tir of M(i- r il Philo ttpliy and of (Jl»ri-tia- j cottttfs puillie. I'nilii s invite people to politics and people invite politics to parties. Wo travel w it it polities lo tin- con tment ill Its; \\ e »<> to sen xvithtlum, to vita const of lliseny. ami re turn to port with them, in Leith llarhour. Have not politics ‘.epaiatnl oitr two Clintn- hers, or, as the new poor laws (the very laws of hull-making Ireland) have dotiu with Knglnnd, divided them into unions l Hy tho .way. Hurry —not Ncwtov. n-hurry. hut Ni. w-llouso JLtrry-^ I fcB« (mJ Mr. Make came forward and addresx- is decidedly wrong in his dc-igii. A now stvle ! <-*d,tlie audience Aiihstantiiilly nt follows : is requisite for anew orilerof tilings: hut I shall i ” would he alKfetatifni to pretend ignorance perhaps suhmit a plan lor a new huihliiig, all d** 5 eatNe of this disorder. Dr. Burke, the party-walls, in my next frontispiece, j lather of this hoy, while in langlaml, wrote a Politics point pencils and steel pms : wo draw letter which is olVeiisive to a portion of the an them in caricatures, and paint them in pat ty*cu • diettce. Master Burke himself is innocent of lours, wilh predominant orange, green, am! trim i tliHt nnd every otli*.;• ollcnce. Itideid I may Idtie. Nor are wo w ithnnt muiiu Black .Masters. s:, > fto all the vices of manhood, this hoy We write politics, nnd review with them; hards | antranger. Will you, then, visit the alleged the innocent i»t- ! I "’- V i" " No, no, f the Midi • poetUe, nnd other w liters prose upon them ; they misconduct of the lather, upon they stand for A tlie salt, us well a*.x*ulioat y pep- j I'oy was the reply ot threo-fourths ill he that of tlm An llniniiH on each pie: Tin* Semi-Weekly pnjo'r will l e i* or.I on and Friday, in tlie morntii/, ami the Weekly Fridav morning. TERMS—Daily paper,Ten Doll vintce, Semi-Weekly paper, a* Imn iof ire, at fix ad\atice,or Si< at tl» • end of the veur, I Weekly paper, Three Dollars, ii Aegnef.i, Dee. 39, fl PThefl 11>illy ;• »> r ilia :ti! dux of Jiiiitmn . L> 17 per annum, in nil- | Dollar*, iu •r Four nt ! WILLIAM E. JONES. | will ho i-. 4 iied on Tee-dav \ per and vinegar. Farce* nre made of polities, ami, al;ta! tra^edisoof domestic iuteic-t; skei» - ton sermons are filled tin with them; mid nei ther novelists or hist iriatis can tell tales with out them. Philosophy has caught tho in fluenza—-the whole .Seven gagoft are rolled in one, aud Im is—Bias. Our very •idlngo* tench polities a litttle ^ longer, and our true schools and imfrco schools with so tuneh kindness. Ifo had never gi- I will do the sat,xe; primers will In* primed with intentional oiVcnee. to thalorany other nn- w ith them; Syntax will he mixed up with the dietico. .Malt Tax ; tho parts of speech w ill ho draw n Mr. John T. Mahor, from llio boxes, said, from parts of speeches: nnd the t itles of Kings, ” ^ our lather has ahu»ed O’Connell.” Lords, find Commons, will he tried hy tho Rule Mr* Peter (’. Doylo railed upon him to “ dif- Theoryof Compression applied to the Internal Con- st it nt ion of our Forth.—In note un the subject of the Compression of Hater, in the new edition of hist 1 Ele ment* <d Natural Philosophy,’ Professor Leslie lias thrown out some opinions which nre singularly cnl- minted to in rcs: nUention |»y thoir boldness ingenui ty and originality. He had lately mi in.strtiment ('i n Unieti’d hy .Mr, Adic, enpuhle of HUHttiinifi^ the force «f iilrecn jitiiht^plieroH, which indicates the rnmorcNsihiliiy of substances, both solid and fluid, j W id) this lm bus made various experiments, which ! serve ns a ground work to certain novel and curious I cniirhirtion.s as to the cuiiftituticii of the globe which i xyc are to notice. The power of internal gruvita- 1 ti»o upon any object i« directly a» iu distance from tin- ccntit—fittiire the density of bodies must vary yx eatly nccordmg to their depth under the surface.— Tho professor gives fnriiiulut for ntiii»Hpheric nir f ! water, and white marble. From thwwo lie infers, ; that uir would have the donisty of water nt tlm ! depth of 31 •) miles, ami the densityof quicksilver | at the do pill of 197 miles under tlm surface.— . II <t(< r, t.g xin, would Uc compressed into half it» I hulk at tlm depth of 03 miles, him] would have tin- density of quicksilver tit *«K&4 miles, Even muroic. itin oinprt*»>.ihh: as it seems on n superficial view, wdiijil have its density doubled at the depth of 2«*7 miles. Each siihstance has its distinct ratio of c«mi|ir« sildlity. It is more vapid in the case of wa ter that of Mini hie, and in the case of sir than ofei* tle*r. Water and uir would have the same density at .35 mile* of duptli, and water uml marble nt 173 miles—neglecting fractions.—At the depth of39G miles, or tho tenth part of the dintanco from tho stir face to the ccutre, umrldo would have 3 \ times its destiny at it* surface, water 4 j times, while air would have it* density inercascil loan enormous ex* Cent of 10I.RG0 billions of times. Ax ths centre, marble w ould he compressed 113 times water three million of times; and. with regard to air, the con densation would he inconceivable, tlm number re quired tn«xprc'**it being 704, with l(j0 ciphers an nexed. From these results, (minded on experiment, stem: -mrular propositions, the professor observes, are dt diifihlo respecting the internal structure of the globe. It follows, in the first place, that if the rutin* inneo is composed of such materials as ar« \ Milih* at the surface, the coinpVessiou of tlis part* witljin w ill nuioant so rapidly as we descend, that the mean density of the whole will fur exceed that «f fine times the density of WHter, w hich rs- snlts from the experiments of Mnskcline and Cav- eiulish. The globe must therefore he hollow or cavernous; ami to bring down the density to theta ertniued standard, the crust or shall on which we trend, most hear hut u small portion to the diameter fie .Mr. Bl»k(* then said that Master Butko wns (lcMrutiK of addressing tho audience. This wns resisted lorsotnoiime, hut order was finally res tored, when lie came forward and expressed his regret to find hiiu*e!f obnoxious to tho citizens of Mhauy where* lie had always been treated i of the. sphere. On the other hand, an absolute Rev. S. K. tAi.MAGE, I’rofeasor of An * for rCtilE S’ili*erih«'r oficr* f-t Mile tin: fo!!<m ing (junmi gitnges. 2 li * of Laud, lying ill the eo-nitir* of VV urc, Way m N. M. (’RAWi’ORD, Prufe-sor of Matliematu s uml ! and L'amiU-n, iu the ^* ol (...) i . Astmiiomy* » • t 15*(ihO Aitcj*, (N.»t \<*t filled.) Professor of Modern Languages '•»'« '»• d m tho couiity ol Laind-iu iiiuncdmtcly on tin .. •• •« Fiofe»*orof Geologv, Buiaiivund Min- M. Ilia Rivet; uml immi t 0 ..v. 4*5,00 Ac res. „ „ „ * Rt>, tor 1st the Midway Seminary ami .•Ituated in the comity of We^nc, I: .rr «l"« **I» ? »*» fl ‘ f ex-oflicio meinhcrof tin* Fncttlty • | St. Ilia Liver; nml »» “ “ v rinnnetent number of Tutor*. . 1HI,» 'A B'tt'! . ).--... ..... I • . * fl... 11 « t ■. ■ .1 t , •* I 11 M I I *' I I I I it ( t I III lit 1 ' I Provision hn |MjI. *'i!isrrilier having purclia*cd the niane Tavern, ! , , * *> aeciipieil |,y Mr. A. S. Bn <• lit, i* linn im* 1 Triber i- t ' '' 4 a .-Ilnr- m , v " r ,f * ronJi prt' aiuimuliitc Boarder* uml Trwellcrs. I’lie well aw arc ot tlie great complaint of the j ‘" l, DD’liitii,i,„ nt tlii* Ta\ern lor roinc time pint, l ot ' ' 1 . , • u |m nt,-iy e,||| tt poll him w ill in • t w itli | “caimiiichuio,, a* will he ►ali-lio lory. l!c*oli- * * public patronage,of " hi« h he will emit-m- . ... , t . hi* !ioii*c worthy, l»y an ample stock ol thc ; Pi*!***'* an,11?„. M| r i( t, ette'ntiou lo tlie w.mts anil istoui. . vi m f. jack? \ in. ' ; ■ To Attciivecrti. M j t it 5 II’H.I. HE I' Mil, nr tire lixr 'till i Hiin , • j m MtlJed.-eville, tor a,-appitwcd PI \Nof ' • 1 Mlm residenee «.i Use Uo« moi. I h d , . , ' ' *•» »»«• I«l*i*ul tu» hy 70, and thiee ^|. ,; . I .tIi : • • "t -Oil V to, tmlain till- Kioln-ll in I etliei “'l-m„l arn.t,cement* to he mi I'niale '• d 'J' 1 ! * lH« Sal -the whole ui,Idiot the l.mld i.q„t ! *''••‘lanee to be diviilid into Hall-, Draw in •- , > o»*»|’rootiis,,\r. "• f'r 1*1*1'i* 4 " 1 ft«M»ithe plan* fumWicil, will I •• mode i r u f Ull! 1 r,mr >« and the nhore *titu paid to t e n • X«|1- ,' v - J - "• "’KI.I.HOHN, Htr. Ci. l>rf: (’ n '**luicre'* X V( > N(iiic , >. J .)*. j ’ v —A ,#v It... Siit.-i'ritrer. ■ l.rfr Sr* !. <>• >))• i ** * B»e iiiifkt qoslity , «vht< lira ills • .1 , * r r' 1 ,,,h ' U nr «H*uts tli thr l*c»t maitiier .• id on ‘ ****- A. C. VAIL. them made hy tin* Boar^fortlie lie- * 1 liverv, Krnlititon«ly of a (’oiir^e of J.« > ion * «ni em it of a!••••. llie lollowing suiijccts viz : .Municipal, Civil ami Inter- > national Law, I*hysi«docy uml Anatomy. , n, ’ M I’hii t’.irncr Hli’eie of tin- I nivrrsity l.uilding t* « »!»•• ' ■ ; laid with suituhh* *»*h’iuniti *, uml na Addre** hv < ol. 1" ' .1. II. l.t’Mi’KIx. i* to h«* ddi'er-'d dinin': the Anmeil * : , nnd id 1 ■ i of H«| veil Prcshvte- | J*r«* rv, which i* t.i eoiwene nt Milh’dgi't ilk 1 , during tin hit- •»* * ter part of March, P*37. A *mn wiiieli, in I he opinion of tin* lh Ii them in takim? efliee-nt inensiir***. lie *uh*«:rihedto the Institution, and sever |,eon appointed, who are iii-lnu ted to nroimi energetic ciVoil> to «-;:in tIiv.* complete endow ini the I diversity. Tl.e e\ep i ‘I « of llio l.l-titlltioH me expected to of \\ t ly in ,r upon tie nrd, fully ju*ti- i* already been ul Atreiii* hn\e *arlv tin* The i pre***nt unit d»! tlie Bo.inl Im* been rr-tri-ted f r th- nr , ,.v s ststod, hv tlm w« t ot e- iil the File ill- T h? iihove lauds for th« mo t part, nre w* II - id I list«ly on tIi routi onienqdJt' ! Rail Road, from Jtriiuswirk !•» A ieola list. lands will l>esold In qu \ntltl?s tosnit pun It l’mlonl l -d 111ill he civ* ll. Applii Dill'll :• i ulo to iii • riber, I ( Gn. VV. MCHOO v. It. ■■ I’M let-ton 4th*-'. ami Pliiladelphin luquiier v the above advertisement two weekly in-, ilions •d.-iilv paper*,uml forward their net oiwila lotlu- I'-irp •viieiit. PI.A YIURN’ HOTEL. IIEKul r tin. If-uMit Me«ib very I ft.AN 11;;:.-' nn- emi'li.l"i>' t<» till " ■ !)•«•'' II v im«t nd n| !■ r of the 1 t of Thro Such i* tlie spirit of our .ige-tho tricks of Time’s clock are politic*. I should not womier. nil the heads in thcNuiiotial Portrait Gal lery inclined to WhigUtii or without a wig auioiig**t them;—•tiny, it would Mot a-toui-h me to so<* even the lady-liko Book of Beauty *’x- hihitiug its fa-iciiiatiug figures all drawn on ooc hide. It become- n s* ii(*mi tjursti io. then—Ought on? Tin: (’oMit: to Imve in barrel adnptml as a political organ; nnd should not its I’ditor, here j jfore sidy t nun i/-i'l:nu: heeomo n.tidrStnunl Must 1 take, like tlm rail-way engineers, a de rided line, or construct my literary passage*, like those blind tiMms wilh their wall-eves, that lend nowhere at nil ? Tut- Comic A*mmt. it elf shall answer tho question; and you will have a hint of toy de- go-*, when 1 tell you that they will comprise tempt cut* at such p’opid ir and unpopular subject a* fdlow:—Tlm (’oUi-ioti—The Peer*, uml their Treatment of Bills—(!lmrelt Revenue—■Coro ([acstion—I'uor Laws—Spain, its War and i;> Loin—RegisiratP m— inip.i-oonivni for Debt— Tho Fnpal Bull— Mttni' ipal Reform—’I'lte .lev. Bill—Rad Roads Hi ■ iiier-’ I nions—• C'ivil War—and VgricuJturnl ib • sure. As i«» the w riting. I *-li i'I 1:* *p my ow n eoiin-i l—wlmtlter i» will iuc'ino t*» # riglit or left, or lie’holt upright. Verchaiiee I may hivntfje my ««*iitiinctxtlike .nine .■.*nny w ind*, from nil (|U>irter> at ooee.— And this. Kent I c laim the soutinicnts of his fall) Master Burke replied, that he had taken no part in politics ; that he hid iii idler formed nor expre* id any political opinions; that his mind had been occupied w ith other studies *, that he w as too yoang to meddle w itli politic* : uml that he ought not to ho held accountable for the sen timents expressed hy others. ... Wilh t!n« many of tho discontents seemed to central ronrnvity Im satisfied, hut its others continued tho noise, llie play could not goon. At thi* point, the friends of .Muster Burke lost patience nt wluit they deemed tho injustice of I .s opponents, and went to work to rlenr the W..IIMJ.—Here, fora short time, tilings looked blue. A general fight seemed inevitnhlo. The leading di-content*, w ere seized, dragged from the box* *, mid out of th" Theatre. At this moment tho dUcontcuU in the Fit at- ale tho boxes, hut they w ere nil hir 'd hark. Having objected the loading dtscmi- I t'-uts fi'oni tlie Theatre, order was restored, and j the certain went np. Master Burke, on hi* re- j : u e,, w as received w itli six cheers and a I • '.oiling ni.nd of applause; alter which all] pnsM-d oft* quietly. void is iiiiuliniMiihle, for. to prevent tlm walls of th* central rnvern from being forced toysther by the eimrinooH prsMMtire they nre siilijrcted to, il most he filled with something, nnd that some thing must haven vast re pul *i vu power. NW r thcr« is bat one substance we are acquainted with which posMssestht neres*nry ela-lieitv, and that sulmtr.ocs it w hich when embodied, nonstitutus elemental hent nr fur.." (t is ' elicited from every substance hy per- cmMon,electrical agency, or rhernical affinity,’•ml r travelling tit a into wliieh exoeads hy 800,000 lime* the velocity with which air rushes into a vmcuuiii, it* electricity is sullteiently grout to hallnnce the citmu- litlive compression of the enveloping mass. 'VJf* are thus led. hy a clo*e train of induction, to Hitn* most important and striking conclusion. Tli* grest iTiitrstl concavity i« not tiiatdurk and drenrv ahyss which tl.e frni«*y of fioets Imve pictured. On th® eonlrnry, tlii* spacious internal vault most contain the purest inherent essence, light, in its utmost con- slate, shining with refulgence and overpowering splendor."—Scotsman, 1828.— [If this lie not ti.c most correct theory «»f the internal condi tion of otii planet, •> i* iniqucstionnhly the most sls- aim loiuatic which ha* been bwacbsd. J I'.rumination of a H tints*.—Judge—WJlnr i* your hiisim **, *rr ? Wl:»t do you follow for a lit*- \Vif.—N°t!iias pnrliriilart Judtro- You do not appear lo Im * man *f prop- ciii—bow do yon get yonr bn-ndt AVif—I NometinM'S K*> il «f Mr. llMSibart, tk. b«- ker. ir—a nd Vault'times—— Jii.I;"—ftl.qi.sir. I ml. rtlnnii iny quMlMDi. Hoi* .1. v"H MijijM.ri yoonM-lft 'A »—On r. «*liu.r. sir, in Itir ctny time; on o bej ' ill. ir llio.I ii. i:i: : : 1:1:>.i. lii dli THOM \.S II I. I :r. li(M)!). I.llllc . of (-lit... ipilllllill! Di-.iii of . olo. .V. I). |*. >TI llltft. J'lreret.-.n. , p*as:t.\e:«t^*3-s*. i f i-.-s.-.-it^. j t: t; r. m i a il tiEOi iii'vivmin 't. !J I. \ >' ' I ■■■ 1 ml (Ir. . Ul - I'.Mo* .v \ " I . iii. -lure ol I ! II il.l! -I - »•'" iiflrl I ituilirlnl i:h him, or u <.i ODK, AT Al < TION. . .. ion. i .1 Ciqiilol Sinrk ! r -nt i -.1, i-i fr* it nl lit 1! -It ^ lit' i. f \\ . the |;,.s III. J \ vll S It. II MI AN. I HULL TIB ,Jni tfiaut *up|il« «f *' ou hand Mil l mlcinJ V i, ' *' •«** • ' '' I.•»ill...N ’p'Vc, wiviiai. ' Ul '"’ 1 S*»* Ml" I AtljOHM, »|... k ll re , "" •’ 1 .*»•' I"l .. ••! I . HI | Mil.|| ' It “ '''■•i'.iillc, Aui.lo A. L. V \ll.. U o ». n. rpitt: i have nnd Toiiimtnoi' hrrtilrlH'^ i M.ll. ' »I i I*. (»*»• •■ ’ d 4. 1 . ••’I Hi; ATHIAIAN ■ minis iN.H i .ip 1 sr* »e p!*- -Ic l *'* r»-\*itn tU* i i;hints, tU«t s»r*H • meal* Id tssn mas* tt' pubii It. «».| inn nils keei I | Oil tor 1 ».ttel s>*« pmi', nil n*««#iin<‘ • m k. ml .1 Lv.lo the ss4*WI o* L S«l I ..Ml! ../.,lb. tb I i It....,! nt i>11 i pui • v. I.*. I ;tM.- Wiinj l><- itli IT) ( fill»(; flAtl). I. «ti"; M. ,,i At,-. i.i;«d>,io ll« .»|i. MIK.II-M! ....I I-.mnI r» I' liniton •• i«- tn-r; si • T.. v I .. 3 v lie- pun- ipsl nt tlisl I.elitulD . )• I-I Jmdnmi* nr'I. I KU U 11,1 AMD, Her. |l. T. —Dim Rarnnu do lx 8n* ii*- wnrl: on tin- p(»‘itie:il history mid re tli!,- fuihiv. iug (-.t.mate- of of t:..,t it! liid : —While* I 'ii f. nnlei, I ; I'rew I !*L.’; fine mates of color,) ••r:' -.lave,, ll.VR.vy -Total ;«>!.!*-!•. To ; m i!, -!av , * ! • :. M M t!;i i citiulicr uiny j , 1« 1 I, 1*G.m7.5 L i the Ib .i ia;' |»(i|»ulalion po>- , .sing a tran*n ..t i s : l» ;m s «,u il»»* island, iiihU* 1” in all a | ,;• uLif • c•:t of 7*i 1,.5‘i'J souL. , ’i’lte jvf.o'.ii . otle.C' tl iiltti the i-dlttid nitii'v i - V , h ' s-s soitiibo’i il gn-nt!y to it-, int«Tm«l j .•,-pefi'» ami to its toi'eigu trade. Thu direct mat i?it ii.i i.ilu-iis \. Lii li iu !*<2»» aiuoiiuted ul) t«» tlso \ d o? of 2.11 l»i.7B5 franca, wero in K .utd in I'.kljo more than twenty-five mil- •on. ’! he s alo of iluticM e«liildi-»!iptl ill the •dou\ have tended greatly to promote iu com- | ac.iial atLaucutumi'. Hit the produce of iho . ouii'r. i-\|Hirie«l beyond che sen, they nre only j wo p-r cent, uml tin- extritniUiitxry duty on d’t «• hn* bemi %upprc.M iL In Ir‘ V5, i)ic de ivi in the reunnies ne; i «*nry lo the support of bi.,". mmuitl amounted to 7,oBH,(M)0 frmirt; (mualtiisuf [ ni iw » year, nfiernnrd%, owing to iho fiuait I " *:'V •■«»«)■ • "1 .. (..r.M-n-to, I, iln r, itK-ac.,.J,. I MdmH.sus kiio-dV’Mowcthiii'A* mu-Ua uicimo, t t.vnsMHU, the sum «l thw ttficmtv* nutstuuUn^ lo \ knngnALsuOn s«c« i^sd ih® i > si, me w Ii a t n f, • .!»ing, as '•ut • wwd to say , in pern iv e iual L inuliituut that ha* viisl into e\ue»t»ion t >, iitlifidmu and iosinoral II ill pleuMiiu of ths* Itolo-s, in a t upon ui/lug .a four Veur«, Tlm hli:«:» f.s tin* I'axhiouahb* m»vr ilit! siidslcii nml diet l.eeitd' ( M ( d ainlc:.; t!m*o va*t Uiisi;htl f» ign w hich it hashee Lie** th ir lo.-aits, to tt sb vc*. ill the last tin p.>rv sdistmact ol i'elrueliio wn, not more iiniTU-oiinbh . w hich he iiiude tin* unhappy and tar*ing ('atfiariti* swear thut the pale nioou wns iii truth ••tin* l»lc**ed uni p.-tli.ip* it n ns iTurii b ru that the hint «»• borrow nl. Be that n% it iii iy, they nre gone, lor; and age. nml our bcih • are no longer co.iijr-llo.l to w ilk tlm itriet*, it* tlioush sitfiViitig tb jlltlM’C. %% ills J'tdgs*—1 do not sit hero to trifle. Ar® y*»o »n»«- clinm-? Wit—No M». j,„1m,—Whnt «rn you fhent Wit—A Frtsbytenan, Hir. An'b:»-—It you do not answer me, Iwilth®*»y®» taken care of, \\ it - I wonbI thank veor honor to d® it for lb® I time are so hard that I cannot mke cnr® niyaslf Jsubj®—You work around tlm wliuvvs, 1 tup* pose ? \V%t --No sir, you can’t get around thtm wMMmt a b.*at ttntl 1 don’t own one. Judge—I believe you ar® stt idle Yngahond. Wit—Your honor is very alow of b®lmf or y»* would have found that out iwfor®. J .»!•.•«•—W’imt do you kimw of tin cam Iwfcr* tin- rourl t W'l- NoiliMf. Sir. JiiitM - -Tlii-ii why Mn you .isnit «h»r» * VV I.—tir.miiMi I hum no chair Inti, in. (in atniut yonr buainaa*. I a.«H> lk»Saf,