Newspaper Page Text
^Jlti «BOa«IA JOIK.VAI,,
■»', «.•-»»* a \ | or the rdinaiader of the year, nt
“«"7 k rTtai'issf
:; i7Is wr •»«»“• 111 *‘i*“ cr ' « * OUR uo ‘-
tnrp-riO" oul of III!'
i :!,«,r!he «uaoy “ I»,J » «!-««,
• 1 -V\ l> Ml't'rtfil ol the tisunl run.
‘■“J-'V S vieieVl.ANI>. by Ad«initlr.lor,. Em-
i v , _ r I... are required, by lew, to be bold on
i •'* or l . L v the in nth, i*- t*«*eu the bourn ol ten
„-iir«i 1 I 1 *' • | llire< . ,n mo afternoon, at the Court-
• ""'nVe'-i.ui-tv >d wIII-' |.r..|. nv j. .UtuUt.-
ale* iiiu.l he t‘ n " >» « l ,ul,llc l“»« t
i v \ -» ;i - I" I* I" til Uy m l •
!* 1>k ' \vi;i;nlvS iiiunt b • . i c'l *'• suction, on die
' * - - between the mual Ilnur
i,In* Mulct im the cuuntv whore
\d uini-trntion or Gtiir.liniidiip,
nulrf.'r.t-t fIXTV lOVSttu-
ol tiie nublio gaaettr® ol tint State,
>2 "V,;,’joor uf the Ooun hoit*!, Where .uch ula. are
the,.leof PunMM-t Cr-.jiertv
- lav ol l .
t.,o piece ol p i
..tmtienury, *•'
M 'litKit 93
Osrleltiorpe lliiiverwitv.
rPlflK tit u ' 111 • • Mould lint in-' report d tlmt the re
B quire I *uni it.—ii --iilmeriuod to (L’lcd.urpc I ni
the i — Tkenfore ITivlred, That our Tiea-urer Im
autliorieed to eull in the liret instalment upon the nub'
■cription. By order of the Cnumiittee.
S. ROCKWELL, Chairman.
I*. It. Sterns See. Sc Tr.
nd Creditor* of a
ii At be civeu
day of sale. j
E*tute must |
ae|| LAND, muet be publiehed for
lc tve to eell itEunur.3, mu*t be published
, lay the Court.
OrJi-ftr* fut !«»•
^'i'ettr '-'e».e to Ml NEGROES.
foe KOt'l
. ||,i. kiti.l continue- to reeeive (
' Tu t teOlhce oftheOEOItlil.V JOURNAL.
•Itaiition ut • .
it i. a v K A-
ire among the BLANL .
tiist.iiilly nil hand, and fur wile, at the JOURNAL
InJi* t * 1
li e! ^ration*,
gall le»-»‘b
r Intvrr.)
'-Tl .c.
. t .„..Ciurt,)
j! lllid’le. fe Ron*!a,
I,, I'ortlieomiu ' KniuU,
|.\ iti i ia(S. &i 1. Court,)
K,en:r* "‘“* C| ^
|>«l. ' , ** ,a< *
I iii, Eaeeuelioua,
f ,,t:.dlectoiado.
Sei. Fas. for Fd’ut. Draws,
Lett" r* of Administration,
|lo. Temporary,
po. Tcaia ,,, * ,, '**. r y»
flu. Guardianship,
Administrator'a Ronds,
Rouda of Adm’rs. with the
will annexed,
(iunrdiun’ii Ronds,
Warrant* of Appraisement,
Executor*, AdiniiiiHtrator*,
uinl Guardian’* Deeds,
Letters of Diamia on of Ex
Do. of AduiiniAtratora,
I Jo. of Guardian*,
Marriage Licences.
I. v W -
rail"' u'lJerairned having moved to Mobile, will prn« -
f | V • I i-v in all ihr Court* of the City, mid in the
<■.' in - Co ill "« th* State. Oiiiee on Royal Street,
*“h. j. hawxu.
A .VKW isooai STOUU.
(• i-iLl.S hivinj di*|Mi*ed of In* interest in
11 V . |{ i to II i »in----a at Mai on, ha* located him
;.|. Mili.- li.-.iUo, ftir-liic- p.irpu-.- of l urrviu; on the
i | (J .|„.ma. R.-inc trulv tnaukful «<» Iii* Inend* in
In- St lie for the (oitronuyc here-
i,..towel ou him. In- hop,-- they will not. with
,.„f thi-place,fur,,t to callun him, omio-itc
V| t , |j,|,|»iu’. I'll, cm, lit tho -Sign of (lie hi rife Ledger,
'.licr.ouv Im I* lorfo oMottuteot of
j ,j. v , nyilicol, niMtfllniii-oilii. ami
cord a nee with tho loregoing rraolution tf the
'oinuiittee, I will rail on the aub*eriber* for *JU per
nt. of their Mubscriptiou.
net »a It. I*. STUBBS,See. fc
,Tii*tt Rrcfiird
I jlROM Philadt-lpliia, and for sale *t tlie Store of
\ UKOKt.K ROOT A SON, .Millrdyeville, Ceo.
Sulphate ol Quinine iu l*o»der iu one A half ounce
Creosote (pure) in rrnall Vial*, tl,»» be«t remedy yet
discovered for tlie enre of Tooth Ache, Ac.
Rowimd’rTonic Mixture,u*pccific mid lasting cure
for Fever and U ur.
The Indinn'* Panacea.
Swaim'r Paitn*-ca,(a Irerlt article.)
Carpenter’* Mild Cathartic Pill*, a valunhle Medicine
for Dy*jK*p*i«, conAtipntion, Ac.
Carpeiiier'NCoiiipouiid Fluid Extract of Uiieliu, a
valualdc Medicine Ibr discutc* of the bladder, kiduexs,
('»r|i'ntci'nl'.impound V'lnitl. Fxtrni-’ of Sarsnpnrilla,
an invaluable preparation for Mereuriul aiul'Sy jthillitic
Diaearea, Uiieumalirin, Kinz’* Evil. Ac.
t'urp -nter’* Compound of Sar*apurilla, Cubelis and
Carpenter** Compound Fluid Extractor Pink Root, a
neat mi l i-fTicaebin* vt-rnnluee for cbildr> n.’* New |guidon Anlibiliou* Pills, (d'-t boxes.)
Castor Oil (Im*sI.) in pint und ipiart boltlea.
Cn bull'd inboti' ounce in earh.
•lal.ip in bottle*, tw o ounce* in each.
Seidld/. and Sodaic Powder*.
The Welch Mcdicatiienluiii.
jan 3—mlf
liOt* a, Floi-cut-t- for Sale.
r lie second sale of Lots at the beautiful town of Flo-
I rence, Stewart, count), (la. will take place on
Mondnv, the 'Jtltli day of February next, a, which time
will lie offered Ilf)v or on* hundred desirable Lot*.—
Term* of sale made known on the day. Florence is si
tuate I on tlr hank* of the Cii.i.tulio.i.-I. e, *„ H .I mile* be
low Columbus, jin! b mil.'- above Ir* iiilou.
Any tiling in prai-'* of this scat it deemed
unnecessary. Hut those who wi-li to live on n South
ern River, enjoy good lierdih by drinking good water,
und making
jan 17—tds
I to appear on tl
Agent of tlie Company.
Comptroller (ienfral'ii Oltlrr, 11 . January 3d, 1l37.
rpo facilitate nud .'id llit-< In iiliuv ciaiins, the pay-
M ins,it of w!iit h i* provided lorhv tin- foregoing act,
(puiilislietl by order tit Iii- I’.xeelleiicy the Governor) the
Ibnu of the miMi-r roll,in count und Vt rtilicates, requir-
miieexecutedniid prescnlril to this Depurtuicnt, to
lie audited, under tin* provisions of said net,are publish
ed With it; printed blanks of which will la* forwarded
to those interested upon their application, (posi paiilj
ith directions where to forward liiem.
JOHN (J. PARK, Comp. (Jen.
Si liool Hooks,
(ilohf School Apparatus, Dissected Maps, nnd Maps
.0 nil ki ni*, t erv article in tin* u-e of Drawing, (*old
it, ,,-r i,j t ttorderiiig. Perforated Paper ami i aid- lor
i• i"., .ia I a gcicral u- tui.uent of Fancy Article-*,
Vi • ii Ii-* v * *. \ . or .lions Piano anti Mm no Mn«ic, the
, .'... ,| lives, St *«?l Pen-, F.v er Puiutrd P- icils,
•7 - .- r«, 1 I !| 1 I id liblc III’.. P'S ket Hook-and
v i - ails .1-, R cl Rn^ .largo Wnik A Dress lloX-
.. ti -niie ncii's ShavingCu-* •* A I r ivcllm* Desks, Ink,
(I .,,:- Pip rot nil kind*, lllaukand Record Rook*, ou
I,I I fi.itI • t.i order. The Token, Gift, \ inlet and
R.'h i-i is So ivenir for 1337, just received, mnl nil tht
uca I* I'liicatiousand Reviews ns soon a* they lire|
fglV-i-u t’i«* press; Greer'* Georgia Almanac for lt>37,by
,! "i i ii^rs whl ll'allowed n liberal di«rount infumish-
irt't'i ir School*, mill gentlemen purchasing for their
ico n 1-. luted on the moat reasonable terms.
'■ All „r I r, t-.t .n^r.tlly r.-cgi,.d .lid promptly attcmlod I 'jj ^ “
'flie \cm (ilcorgiii .luslirr.
J UST published A for sale—Apply to Tiinmo* Pur
Suvniniah; Tbomas Richards, Augusta: William
Luuipkiu, Alin o-, oi lot aubaciiut-rsnl Miii« nxeviiif.— |
Price $4. R. A. GKLLNL,
uov. 17—tf J. W. LUMPKIN.
“TBE )Tli0IAX.”
I^F,ll!i')XS holdiii' Subscription Papers to thi.- work, i
I. are requested to return them, without tl lev,to the {
Editors, that arrangement* may be iuiuicdiati iv made
to camoi.Micett* piiolicnlinii. nm I I
rOLE.N from th * Rack, iu Montieello, Jasper coun-
^ t), ou Saturday ni^lit the vHihot December U*t, a
aiuull chunky heav y built
„ , , oic.vv HOUSE.
lie had on n new vwldie nnd a very large blanket. I
will give ^.>0 lor tlie apprehension uf the thief and horse,
delivered to me in Jloutieello, or 1 will give ‘JO dollar*
reward for the horse, delivered to mein Monticrllo.
ClCOCIt Kit Y.
riNHE subscribers have just ret eived 50 crate* assort-
ft. ed Crockery, suitable for city and country trade.
33 crates edged Plate*
•0 do do Twi!)|cia
!•* do do Mullins, assorted aiaea
30 do C C Bow la,all si/.e*
‘JO do dipt do do
30 do prluted do do
JO do white glazed do *
50 do printed do
JO do blue do plate*
JO do do twilller*
10 do do muiftiifl, a*sorted
JO do dipt imtgs, assoi led site*
10 do painted teapot* augais, crenma
5 do printed do do do
JO do C C Ewers aud banous
J# do do ehmnber*
30 do di*!ic«, n»'orted
‘JO do painted tea*
20 do blue primed ten*
10 package* common tall tumblers
5 do do flint d'
5 do double do do
eomiiion cut
do fine
do common decanter*, quail* and pints
together with an assortment of astral, mantle nud linll
lamps, plated,'d and wood frame castors—all of
which will he sold oil the most favorable terms.
Savannah. Nov. 2J, If’.l'i—2w3ni.
i this ;
icit the same
uld also *av
him, either by note or n<-- j
i : thi* place shortly after |
Milledgeville, Oct 25
Tlie NubMcribci*
T IKSPECTI’I LL) inform* Iii* friends and the pub-
i, it.- that be li-n sol.l In* entire Mock of GOOD.** to
Gi.OilGE U. O’BIUKN, who will the bn-
v ness n* usual, after tho 1st of Februarv.
|’„e Subscriber tender* to those of In* fnends und
customers, bis sincere thank* for the lib ral patronage
ett 'inled to him. nud would rcspectmll
C l O'.irat '-nent for hi* *u. ce«-or.
to liiu*'* woo are indebted
count, fhnt lie intends I-
tlie I si of Eeb.aod I .
■n i mkr , fin.l ■riili-nwni. «• l.» will tlim pl«ce 'ill
„ uni. niter that tiro, in tlie linii'l. "I in At-
He tru-l- thm mil I'*’ n" **•
rnilv ,,r dl-niili-f«rti»ii nUnnilnn 111-' mill I lion ol In.
•crninil., n« lie Inn ,i»en f mil imlulgelK-e •ndun|ile
tiiuc Inf the liquidation «f them. y
Millcdgcville, Jan 17—tf
The Subscriber
U ESPECTFUI.LV informs hi* friend* nn<l the pub
lic iu general, that he intend* to continue the above
I mgr
business in all H* brandies, together vv ith the
TAILOltniH 153 SSNI>S.
All 1 will coiistaiitlv keep on Imii.l a gen'ral assortment
of Gentlemen *and Youth’* Apparel, C loths,
Ca**imeres, and Vesting-, lints. Root*, Hosiery. Ac. A
The subscriber intend-to rei
t!ir Spring, wlcn he will
of Ini-
suit able for tho
* liberal putronugc
vv In* Stock of tiood
• every article in hi* lino
on, mid hopes to receive
.... ..ns extend'd to hi* pre
decessor. ’ GEORGE E. O’BRIEN.
M11ledgevillJnn 17—tf
' wrt-af Biarsaiiw.
fpiIE Sub senior will ccmtuuio on hi* present bu*,-
J m-ss until the fii>t duv of February next, and will
•ell verv low for cash. A. C. \ AIL.
jnn 17
tteorffin Female Collcfe,
'S('OTrSll(JKO\ Oro.
O UR friend* and |.:itron* nre inform* d ’hat the exer
cise* ol thi* Institution were resumed on Mpiidav
lull in<«,—.1. /;. U .l Ti:ol N, A.ILnudMi** IIAh-
RIF. r Cle.i ft l<Ii «v • arrived, and Mi*. // /- s / L
i*d.ulv expected. Mr. W. recommended by the
Rev. Will. T.'V I.tlicr-. Mi*. D’l bv
Mr-. Nichols* Riddle nnd other* ; .Mi** U. i* a graduate
of Mrs. Williams’ S imiinrv at Trov ; nnd Mr. _L. I./
Turn, the Principal, beg* lea*
Wallace, Hr. M. il. lie Leon, Rev. Dr. Capers, < «du n-
bi*,S. (\ ; |)r. J R. Gorui-ni, Tnlhollnii. Geo.; Dr. J.
Biiw.'ii, Augusta , .Mai. J. II. Howard, John D. Howell,
i:«.|„ Ed. ('iir v, I*.- I., (’olunibii*. Geo.; ('ol. Samuel
Ris-kwi-ll, Mill- dvi!l- ; Col. F. C-nter, Uni. X • Him-
•HI, F.«q., I.. Duv. E-q..Sc ll-'.nfo’.A' .A
tlii* State, iii ccrl iiiM l«u mtv in-, I,>-~ :«i.. 1
expenditures, during tli" late Creek an.I Seminole emu-
paigu*, nnd to point ou; tin* lounerof doing tnemunc.
Hr if dutch ii hjf the &i natr ami //«»«<«»/ Hiprrs.-nUt•
tivenof thr Shift.-/ (irorgi.i, in emend a**t nf,fy met,
anil it in hereby maeLtl by tUe author ify of Ike tame.
That tiie several companies, or other iHHii.-s of less than
sixtv man, battalion-, or regiment* of the militia, which
were ordered out to defend the fmiitu r* of this Slate,
lit lio-tiliii * of the Cn < at -i tk minole
...MMJ oiumandiiig oliii er of such couipatiy,
I i; i < 1 .• -.1. i • 1 ’ ■ • 1 1 '
w ere or were not formed nnd volunteered for the imme
diate d« fence of the same, without such orders, nil of
whom were not muster. •! into the service of the United
States, shall lie entitled to receive the same compensa
tion lor their service*. «« though they had been regular
ly mustered into said service.
Sri. Jd. And hr it farther enaefcl, Tlint it shall be the
duty of each and every romiiiniuhng olncer of the sev
eral companies,or bodies ol im n, a- cion said, whether
commissioned, or brevetted. or appoint'd by the mem
ber.* thereof to llic rominan-l, uuder the e . igenciea of the
moment, to make out n tin-ter ridl of In- company or
bod v of men,containing the unii.i * und rank of the mem
ber* thereof; III'time of their netunl service: whether
infantry orc.iv:>lrv ; dav-of subsistunce
and forage for man and lior-e furm-hed by each, and
the quantity of" auiiiituiilion cxp* inb d by each, ill said
service; mid upoiit’ie |>i< -entnlion of such muster roll,
dulv eertifu'd, to liic Governor, bv ilie commandingofli-
cer of such ciu-ipanv, it sliall Is* In* duly to i«suc his
warrant ou tb I i. i-ury for the an...on, due said . inn-
panv. net online to the requisition* of the fir-t seetimi of
thi* act, an I full pay lor Inc ammunition, in I'uyor of the
officer cwniinniiding the
8sc.3d. ImH itfmrll rruart.-il. Tlmt all FiebI and
Staff Officer* slr.ll be paid at aud after the same rules
which similar officers arc paid in the service of the I
<i ,i .p,,(■ t'i • pi. nt:• 11.m of their uceounts, duly
certified, to the Governor.
Si, Ith. /.* it further matted, Tlint
mnnding officers of i oinpniii.'*, shall state upon their
muster roll*, what pnqa'iiv • t mm.I « oinpunv unv have
l.ot-n Inst ill battle, or in the iniiueuiate pursuit ol the
|ndims or wliil 1 employ ■ ' . ■ ' ■- >' i • . '
w itli a slat invent .*t tlie value, i ad the name of the own*
or: and shall tranamit.likewi-«', to the (iovei imr
f-timonv * t II V 1 irnis.1 to liim i
| u «« mi i v .. f. It shall I : Hi tv : tin (in
jur to pav for the same: Provided, that the )
* ill-:*
Certificate to he tinned by tlir Caph
Gr.oRniA, >
llr j, J County. S I certify, on hot
the j Roll of the militia
S n
i*a:o^s*cxTi s
A u frusta Chronicle iv State Hi flits' Sentinel.
milE under*iglied, al present Editor of lli< Stati.
I KliiHTi' Sf.vTiNKl., havuigpiirelinsedlbeesinh-
inentof the At oi *ta Chi.-.imci.i:, intends mating (lie
two paper-,ou tlie lirst of January, under the ahive title.
From and alt- rtlmt ilny, the t'liHoMi i.t A btvriM.L
will Im- p.itdi-ii.'d daily, veini-weekly, uu.l weekly,
throughout th.- w yeur.
V ui.oti* ron-ul. rainm* liavecon-pired to induce a dai
ly publication ; oiiioiu w hn li may I e notir. I a* most
i mporla nt, tin* |.ioj,e rou - cord it mu of A ugu-la. it* exten
sive eomiiiereinl liii-i:ie-*, mil tli e\tr lordm.rv mail tn-
eililiea rnjoveil l*y puldisiier • of ni-vv-papers. Augusta
the first point in l.'io State, ut which all news ofiuijmr-
liiKiiranrcIticnk of CotiimbtiK.
The loti# assumed by the (/oiivtitutimialiat nnd :
aevernl other of the presses of the Htnte, oil the |
subject of the recent transfer, Nicholas lliddle j
ttttd others, of n majority of tlm stock of thi* :
institution it act"ii», in our liundilejtidgenieiit. is |
not entirely ju»ificil by the nature of that trail.*- J
nctitffl. or the cooreqiicticcs likely to How from j
it. We shall premise in tl.e outset of tlieso re
marks, liiat we ;jc the f facial friend of no Hunk |
—the foe to tune. Conducted upon proper J
principles, and tinder proper restrictions, Hanks
are capable of exercising a salutary nud benefi
cial influence upon the hinducs* of a country, in
facilitating exchtnges and iiflording a safe and
convenient circulating imdiun. Whatever iu
ttituiiou can bett cfl’ccl these important ends,
without violating cither in its creation or its ac
tion, any of the fundamental principles of our
government, or endangering the rights of the
States, or the pee pic, certainly deserves the coun
tenance aud support of thu»e who ato to he the
recipients of tlie*.e benefits.
Divested of all the mystery which lint been
thrown around it. nud of all tlie terror inspired
in the Inisuiii of some, by the n-sorinlion of
names, the naked transaction is simply tins.—
Some four or five years ago. the Legislature of
this State chartered a Hank at Coluinhus with a , .. ..
r.piialof 3UH.IN,ililollan, with H.« prrvilcge «f P™f««' 1 '» 'I 1 * 1 " 1
i. i.,ikMI.tMMK mlnclili-hini: Im.nch- ’ " V "" m..l ,li,«.reH...z.uc
been ebaunting lequtetMMd funeral bymat Im
the last four yearn. They will swear and i«NT
that it ft dead; that the General kitted it witR
the veto—and yet if they bear Biddle's aaara
connected with any moeey traoMciiea, they wiM
uns wear it all, and swear that it ia ttill alive aed
kicking, and begin to call leatily on the ” Dial
crary” to aroute!
Our ueighbor of the Conatitotioflaritt aaya
that county meetiags should he called, and even
an extra sesMon.of the Legislature! For what
purpose ? We ahould like to he shown the ** v*
tilitarhn eui bono"! Would lie have the people
harangued about the Gene ml amt the “ monster,**
in order to raise a moh? Would he have the
Legislature attempt to annul thf* charter of the
Insurance Hank? To rixit it with the vengeance
of the agrarian doctrine of Dallas and IngmoU
and Fanny Wright! We ahould like to knew!
If the hank has done any thing to forfeit ita
charter, let it he tried and rondemoed according
to law ! If guilty and convicted, we shall oel
weep! [Chronicle tf SenlUKL
This institution has by a recent transfer of the
stock,become the property of the Stockholder*
of the United Hiatus Hank of Pennsylvania ; aed
will in future be conducted ia Columbua, and is
Augusta, Savannah and Macen, where Branch**
will be located, as an ageucy forth* saloofeh*ek*
and dealing in exchange generally for that
In noticing thi* tranqpeiioM the Editorcof th*
Mdledgeville Recorder nud Federal Uui*it ha**
expressed their decided disapprobation—th* ob
jections of the Recorder seem to he founded ex
clusively on the trespass which it makes Ifiaa
Htate Rights—Tenacious as we are of the i igkta
and sovereignty of the State*, waare unable t*
perceive auy infraction of either, by the Sale of
the Stock of a Hank, exclusively aud emphati
cally the property of individuals.
The Federal U nion however has alfortled it*
readers u truly “ raw head and UYoody hones”
sfory o r the consequences which wi!\ flow—and
\ ... v
l.'i'T co.iinieri'ial or political, i
• -I Imur, ami in lb<* mo*t i
thciilir manner,tin-citv < rrtaiuly presents pre-eminent I •* bV’«il riglit to
atlvnnt:i:es (>n \\ edtie-d:i\
i iimiitv. Imi'i in tii- Uitv ,
i '•!•»' . * io,u:iit-rria'p«}irr at tbi-|>ln. '
i.on r tlinnat uitv .itli.-r in tilt* I ,’io.i.
i • ! . i. ii: ir dai from New
■ i,i ■ i.- "i of t : - .*:ilimirv
bji-are r»-*-'-ive*l l»v E I.tors oulv, from all
Ii « of tl M
«n im,t new*, 1
increasing it to (Ml,000, nudestabli-liing Immch
e« whenever il deemed proper, indifferent parts j
of tht: State. The Bank goes into operation— j
emits hills, discounts paper and transacts busi
ness precisely as other institution of the same
character do. In procc-aof tunc, the # 8iockhol- !
decs ticcin it prudent to enlarge the hustine-s of j
the Hank, by increasing its capital stuck to the j
full extent authorised by the act of the Leris- i
laturo creating it. In nil this there is nothing j
extraordinary—nothing violative of the laws of j
land,—no aggression upon the right* of others.
Other Banks have done the same tiling—other
Hanks have increased their capital, and sold the
stock to the highest bidder, for the liuu fitol the
old Stockholders, for the hot premium tiny
could get. At this juncture, Nichdns Biddle
and hi* associates, citizens of Pennsylvania and
other States, step forward and ptirrknse all the
>b.iu > i*f iucrcascd stock of :!:c luxutaurc Hank,
pav'iig therefore, a bonus to the old Stockhold
ers ol 100,000 dollars. The old Stockholders
had a pcriecl right to sell—the ptirchaseis iutd
legal right to Imy. \\ Im can gainsay cither?
the Hank ol Augusta will
From the tone nnd spirit of the the article, w*
si,mild lie disposed to think it emanated from an
owner of Hank Stock in Georgia, w hose fears for
his individual profits were greatly excited; aud
consequently had tortured a prolifte imagination,
to array before his readers in vivid colors such
evil foreboding* for the future operation* of thi*
institution—Be this a* it may, be has di ingen
uously attempted to excite an unjust prejudie*
against this Hunk ; and is guilty either wilfully
or ignorantly nfdesigning to mi»lead the eonunoD
people—and in the successful termination of his
plitn>, tosiibj. it tho people to grrntcr frauds
than can possibly exist under iu prudent mail-
a!,*, nt public auction .*WMK) share* of
additional stock, and oil the next day, the Rail
Ko.nt Bank will offer, in the same manner, the
s;»mc amount! Would Nicholas Fuddle aud hi*
associates be debarred from bidding at cither of
Should he. through agents bnv
etVc -t ot tbi- will Im* t<
little * I 1.1 :I I II "l I II* St at-'. Willie
in • !'i< m • ' . : ; j- i .i lied licre
In niklili.ui to .ill the important ritfiuiirtrial new*, the
(’ll Rom, l • Si ins: , will .-(••il-.iu a large quantity oi
ii,i*i-«*||iini-ou* I'l.-it(<*r, i:i«lr„eti„7, intere-ting. and mini-
MU ; to e\ . I \ I -I X : . I'. I I'l II"-- «-lt\
or iii tin- enuntrv. |\- •• --bix a ••ir. iilation inlhi**,
and iii S.iutli Uaroliua, l.-ir lw\ond tb.-t t ier js.«-e**ed b\
unvotli' r paper nt tin- oiii-«* thelongest |»o*i-
ble iadn al* foe even I of sihtrtkin .
In order t«»-:iw all new re.-.-iv«-d b\ iliefExpre*sMail,
nt ,*i. eirbe«t I: - ir, th- Daily p.qi.*r will be published-t
o'rlock in the nft.-nioou.
The .izeottbe 1». ily paper willlte llmt «*fll«« Acct'STA
CunoMi i.i . eontniiiiii-' *;-\. a eoluuin* on eaeli page,
ehly paper will Ik* i*-tie<l i
and Friday, in the uinriiiii*', and the Weekly pape
Frid.-n iiioriiirig.
TER ild—Daily pajier, Ten Dollar* per anni.ui, ii
From the reffection we have heerr able r« "ive
the subject ; we cannot but view it a* oueol the
most fortunate occurrences, in the Blinking op
erations ol Georgia, w ho lieouUl hav* liwpiwned.
’I he Htate has already incorporated double us
much Hanking capital ns is necessary U> th*
trnnsat lion of her ordinary c< cjc a
tions. And without some institution which will
keep the local Banks io c heck, it requires hul
little forecast to discover the ruinous frauds w hich
would he practised in o\erios«es.
A not Iter im|Hiriant and at thi* tim# very de
sirable cousidernttou is ; that it w ill regulate and
equalize the rales of exchange between tha North
aud the Houtb—This is a subject in which every
mail iu the romiiitmity is interested, iu propor
tion to tlie amount of tiiereliandiy.e which he
eoiisumes—consequently, it is an object ol high
import w ith the consumer of goods, that the
rate s of exchange should be low : because in pro
portion to tlie rale of exchang. s which is paid
hy the merchant, in an vxrhanga of commodi
ties, in the same ratio is the consumer taxed.
To tlie merchant it is capital invested, and is a*
justly included in the cost of goods by him. a*
though charged in the original bills. E whang*
on the HoutUis now 2 to •! per cent dUcmiut.
and in some instances has ranged as high ns 5 to
ti a suite of things which has been produced
eil'l't'y i>i^ci.t - *i,~wlin iire ciiizens of that |.Im-c, i „Ca,iv«ly fcy'h. «.M .f a sre.lil abroad ;
"lot ilm Itmiirlie,nil. In iiiiiiin-i'il hy Dim-tori, which tonoreiijoy«l hvour oca) Bank,. 1 hat
.j , (, thf-M'sales : Ditonut tic, uiro.tgii .igi ms uov m
.*, W In.'li .•.•!, b- pulili llt .l lie,c, , n r . . , , . ,i.
,,|* |i,m i«« ui.iit. Tie the w hole amount of slock oltcred hy both
! r North* run w*p'ip.-r*oflnii I »i:.ks, w otild any man have a right to complain ? ;
‘ Msicli Batik offers the same amount of stock.
,o|.| by the Insurance Hank of Columbus, and
diotild lie pay a bonus to each of these Hanks
..f HMkOOd dollars for their additional stock,
rail I the old Stockholders of either complain!
Let those who object to the recent sale of the
stock of the Insurance Hank of Columbus, an
swer these question* iu the affirmative!
Hut what is the ruiisequenro of this transac
tion ? The consequence: i*. that Mr. Biddle aud
hi* copartners become Stockholders in that Hank
—the mother Hank nt Columbus will be manag-
ion* of tin- \< t. shall Tint cMCl
r«, and equipugt !*, uiul wuaoti
tin* soldier.
id the lo*** of hors-
.mi wearing n|»|'
ijinny of tbi* Slat.-, i-ouiiiiauilc.l
(iu the late ('reek or Seminole campaign, or in
the year exhibit*
for tin' perind therein
irof of! mentioned; tlmt tin* remarks opposite die',
! officer and soldier, an* accurate and just.
Given under iny hand, thin day of
Under the 3d section of the
Sc.iii-Weckly paper, a* heretofore,nt live Dollar*, in j
Oib mice,or Six a, the end ot the veur.
Weekly paper. Three Dollar*, in advance,or Four nt J
the end of the \cnt.
An gnats, Dec. 30,1830. 13.
H p Th" iir-t Dailv piper will Ik? Railed on Tuesday
th - ihldny of January, l;G7.
EORtil \, Elbrrt county.—Court of Ordinary, Jnn*
ft "unrv Term, R*37.
I're*c,it their Honor* Willinni A. Reck, Dillnrd llearn-
d*m, Thoim* J. I lenrd nnd Tho*. Johnston, J iialior*.
t»\ the npplicition of Ri-yerl) Allen, ex’or. of Rich-
nnl (Toliicrt, deccmcd—Abo ex’or. of Tlimn.i* Akin, | ol .„j Batik*
deceased—al*ondm'r. do boui* non, of TIioiii.ih Akin,
deceased—nud also nilm’r. of Jam:’* Arnold, deceased,
stati-n to the court, tint lie Im* finally administered nud
p.ii-1 not th.- r***'l« of the slid c-lnte-, nnd linns for let
ter* of di*mis*mii therefrom—whereupon, it i* ordered,
that »iv iiiouth* notice |.e riven ol thi* application in
the Georgia Journal, reqnirii," all |" r«ons to file llu ir
o'.j - ti.-. if ni iv they I -ve ssaiust the crantin* of the
s ioi-, «»:i or t” tore the fir-1 tr r o nf the court, n‘ler tlie
expiration of tlo* l.oi" uf..rr*»i,l. io delimit tin
rad, •
•de nnd prutidod—This tlili
tml he it further enacted. That hi* Excel- ,
ien v the (•oyerimr he' and lie is hereby required to pay j
l"i - i’".-' w-. l--««0 lilivn, rli.lli- j . .. , hrirr
ini ,1 st.o •. ii an -1 *oi tat i.m, ii ii.! otlur expenses m'« «'■•
' |v inclin' d iii i.iting up tlie public armies, which
I Imy e II cn co.-rie ted by tlie . ounmuidiuc officer oi
eotiipnnv, battabon, regiment, brigade
I the quartCMMA^Igf 11 r
, thei
entitle Field nnd
r i«w a certificate,
• rank and com-
tic* statute in siicli
January, 1B37.
A true oxtr.iei from the mintites of tli" Court ofOrdin-
nrvof Elbert comity, this IJth January. HJ37.
jan -Jf —III \V\I. IL NELMS, C. C. (».
DffHD cither of tin in tli.- ,
ie, eilli'T in the (’re. k or Seminoleeatnpu
r tlie (The rose i* iounti< - of tlii- Stale, . it her I t"'
fter lliev hay.* been nnistered into the srni. e ol t*i
, ; pro\ ided, that sneli p-iyo 11 not la
xed to their areoiiiit<., statin?
nV j maud,lh« w r.d • . nud li.-w ond
„v j ti, what Brigade they wen* attached, nnd t|?e certificate
|,v of their superior o!b sr, sli- yy mg that sudi service in the
im* i capacity and rank charged for, yya« performed hy them
-ii. I in h>" .Ini-ion or coomiand of the uniiti.iol tins State,
or' (m duplicate) will be required.
1F.ORGIA, RtI.Iyyiii t oniity.—Infer
: for ordinary piiq»o*e*
cilizni* of the several places of their lo
cution! Mr. Huhlle will have the right to J
vote for these Directors, and will lie entitled to
draw hisjust proportion of the profits ol the in- I
stitution !
Hut it i* objected that he hold* a sufficient
quantity *f stuck to control the Hank ! .Suppose
he has; if his control of it, i* a sufficient ground .
to justify a withdrawal of public confidence, let
that confidence lie withdrawn mid let the instilii- |
lion fall. Hut it ia again objected that he will f
use thi* Hank as mi iiislrutncul of the Uennayl- f
van ia Hank of the United Suites to distress our |
I thus oppress the people ! Thi*
we conceive to he entirely without the bounds of 1
probability—First because, liming paid it high |
bonus for the stock lie bold* in this bank, lie will j
scarcely attempt so in use the institution n* t« |
iini'ovciidi the very source from which be i* to j
reap iho profits to repay his enormous invest-|
id; und secondly, because lie lias vigilant j
the United State* Hank by this association, will
keep in cheek nnd prevent excessive issue* by
the local hanks, as well ns to equalise, redace,
nnd regulate the rales of exchange, are positions
w hich no man who value* bis character for ver
acity will denv- it* connexion with that
Hank •* n matter ol paramount importance ; and
should he devoutly wished for hy every man
who desires either a sound currency or to ho
protected from the too frequent fraud* of local
Huuka.—[Southern h’hig.
Ertruordweiry Phenomenon nnd extensive cater-
mity at Troy. *Y. Y.
F.xtrnei of r letterfrom »» friend to a member
of Emigres from fae Htate of New York.
Thot, Mo.miat Mohxixg.Ja.x. 1
“The lower part »»f oar eity im* become o
modern Pompeii. I.a-t evening, about seven
t'clock, the hill at the lower part of the ritv
slid down, covering up houses, bain*. Ac., with
iicmic*enough at hi* own door, who watch hi* I n „. nt uotneu ami children in them. It has env-
. u: .—-»•* j U |>every thin?: half way to they river, pa*«-
over Hixth, Fifth, and Fourth alreets to
iIkt i
ID I.E NISI.—Upon tlir *ppli«-n
tulifis, Executor .'ii the i'*lnt.- ..I J.
upon tin' npplici
-.1 tli«t tin’
..tile Tito fill lowing form of Hcrmint*
hall | dupliciitc) will be requir'd toll-'
* 1 hold clninis, the payment
• (in
nttcr tlie
• l Ml
.1 tl.
iplainr.l of onr i
m otli r Sell ...I in tbi* State,
iblisli tin’ following ■* ,,ur I
„• ptimi- nunII liaye ticca It.... ——— , r , • , •
. i ,v . ,! ... lb,11!,. , . pur. In- cl lor bytlioili -‘>"1 ol . I la
i;-i; pr«»'- ision* in the «■' -'i ; t «d hi.* rot bay • 1
. ,| ciiepcn--.lion tlicrejor, sb .11 be paid -it nm. j
«:xnir* rat'?* yvlii.disimilar .'Hieersnr.' paid for
ro* in the armies »f the United Htatrs. ^ |
. . bill. And he it i art her charted, Th;
v of the v.limit. * r*, b.»tli iu the Creek
i of Tlminna R.
* Rmioyy .<:<■. M.
•* Jolly, Exeeu.
i the e«tat.' of D.i> * Gill, .b'e’il. ainlili! that limy
are rea-lv to elo*e th-' neeouni* of their r.-»'s etiy.' mtes
tat.*-,nud praying Uu r* ot .lis.ui-s.oii th. r. lVoin;
I’i, -r-t-.r^ oi<1 -.•• I t.i it thi r lb' be publish-d onco a
It,until for six :u tilths, in one of the public gnre"
Mill.'.L'. ville, tint, all p:o
i- of this
10 per month, j
nentary brnmdtes,
llisliest umnehea.
Draw ing uu.l Painting.
Music, (Piano and Guitar, each
The heahli of till', place, the refinement it* »
tlie tiiiritvof the water ami tiie settled dcteriniimtion ol
tin? rriuripnt to render bin I tiwiitiitioti tiir Gtorgio, whnt
Dr. .Marks’ i« for South Carolina, give tin claim* on die ;
pAtruuage of our Southern bretbrrn.
ANNA K.^.A^l AS 11, ^ principals
i»n 21—,f
T« the Koutliri'ii PaWtc.
W E feel it a duty we owe to oitr*e|yc*, to inform onr;
friends of certain report* which are “ on the
ton.-ue* of every one,” that "onrr I cln r- iu Scolt«i'0-
fouili arc Aboluioi StWe me not the oulv leichcra j
in >'-ott»h<m»fieh, and tiio*e who know ii* would be the
Imi charge ut w itlt aitrlt hateful prineiple*—they ktm»-
"* ti be Southern men (nitiie* of Viiginin. but Geor
gian* by odopiitni) by birth, cdacation. and in i- eliug.
, , d reqcii. d medi'-id
•h could not obtain* .1 otherwip.’ than (.!.> i -ian- 'll" .."!«• 1 '/ 1 " ", 1 , 1 "T
l.’ji.-v the hereby no »n- •«! to pay silr. a-
Mn ltd • ae otml« for « «r\ m 1 I at i n >n i .1
li ni -in T of the yol.lM er* in lb" Greek rampsicn, who
, or w ,., v i,,,| ,|, i>| -red into the “cm..’ < I tin' l Int
el Stn, '*, nr WO.ind I ln«l. <ll prison-r-. I.- yy .'ll a*nll
; .
iii'nole eauipai.:,, either going »r rctarnmg from the
mme, yy h<> wen* unable to procure the services ol tlie
"'srl . 7th licit farther mark'd. That nil of ►aid compa
nies nnd ntl r bodies of lucn, who liiul to dflrnv their
’’ s! 1 ; 1 I'• / tie it f.n t'icr marled. Tint all pn> ment*
i \ i. s ( ’■ - ' ■’ ' : :.
I the U.
'.I St.
That w her
L. 1.' TASTE,
TIP Editor* who have published a previous ndvertivc-
""•nt of our*, will plea*.* di-catiiiui tlint mid in*, rt the
•laiye once a week lot (our wtvka.J
)m 21—4r I
For tl)«> ImSkmUmi <d Ike PaUtc*
U AVING recrntlv travelled the old Federal B*>ad ;
. rn-Mtig the Chattali.'.H h'*e R.y.-r oppo-ite l "'Jj
Mitchell nnd on bv wav of old Fort I*, try . Mnmlm . I
Bland on tli-* Stage Road.—I Male for the information
°f the public that I have nev -r seen tlie old Rond i»
l**lt-r condition—Ferric*, Bridges, fee.. Meat nothin* -
•'f lli»* diManc saved l*v person* travelling t'-waid* I
Montroni'-tv Ala. or into th-' t’irck Country In'low Co- j
l.tiiihim, which i* ecvernl m.!. * nearer.
Jan. Ifttlt 107.—Ct •
I l»c Ma.-oa \|e*fcMiger will inter! the nlmveone mon,
•ml forward the account to tlie offi.v of the Gcorri
, «!(,. \irl /,• it farther martc
l.y tl
coinjiaii', un I r Iii.' prov. -um; 5 "* *»” V 1 " M '"“
he ii.'rfonn-'d bv the next hie.•-*■-* ">• " r 1,1 '
Pr.'y id. d, the said officer may be deoil or r mow*l
t their rea.s.
, tiie tiovernor,
Awl he H further marled, ft hat i. II n.--'«mnti
.1 by lliet
Iroller General. « ho. iqm ' c»
tie**, iiii.I r a blienrl
mend the Name to l»* |*ai ^ icwsurv mr ti
ther.*u|Kin draw lii.i warrant .-ii n * . '
**' ", ' «||i. lad be it forlbi mart d, Tl at In- E- • •
I,.,,.; ihMi.; r.l.. "."1,1. . - Ir" !-.v «.r.!«.;.-•..
: ..I ii.- Ti.
^Hiouut paid und.'r l!u* a. t. hi. Ii ar* | r
tinder th* rub** aud regulatmii* of wi
a'ithori* '.l to re , »e*l i"U Itcpn *' nt
c) the
have due
I file tin ir ol-jcctiona (it
nf as id letters.
• n i county, October
P. King
the Court, that tb* «nid Diekoon P.
King.'re-id-'* U-*> .»nd Hi" limit* of tbi* Stii*-. Dr
t:i *r« lor* ord--red, on m.iti* ;•». -Slroni \ R ii!c ,
t.»r« lor Petitioner, t'.ml -■■ivi-••• l»c p. ri •
I), k«un P. Kin;, bv p item ol ih.- It
r11 Journal,one- a month lor Ihtee nm
next Mittine of thi*. n irt, ri'qoiring the
p *nr and answer to nai«l action, or lie
A tru ? copy from the Minute* uf said Court, October
I'Jlh, |1.3o.
nov 1— m3m
( 1 EOilG! \,*.\Tipling C.M,i,v.—Wlier» o* James Tili-
W m in, ad iiini tr .turn i the •••late ofjolm Ever* la,*'
of «ai I eonnty, d rc’d, appli ** for let,era of
• thT-f.ii
• to .
scribed bv
•d .lc
....... within the *h*w . nun, if any limy have, why
hmtl.l not lie granted.
Given uud*r inv baud thi" H-th dav of ()-,.
*et. IS—atd.ll
,,v.—wi, i
Iff usd ki.'
ot F. Brown, • a- -I, apply for letters oi
perlv a ehars
al a- t of C"
of th*'United Slat .
S»r. I Jill. Andie
r the po
ndci the
»tlict I-.hIv,
\(.U tltlOK*.
ffl **T r*ee, ,-d The (..'.»n,i, |,v Dying ; R-rFine t ,e
Reefer; Shenft ird h r ,* Merchant'* (V rh : St" i’ I
•[th- Son, Self. ('it -Inn irH ; ('Ink Paoh; Stctrart't
.Idaea/area Jn Captun.i • Mu ret; llonr Sk*w Kokhi-
fo*. for salt l>y C A. El l-S.
. Riga of the * Ledger.
ml l.quidete
■ of tlii* Slate, for b
i;; h " 'ue^BrnTwv.
pm,dmt iftkr Smalt.
t... Heretnlrr "It.
\\ 11.1.1 \M »CIILLY, Greener
Commit/. \ I mr iven, Mjrs, that
theforeg.iinc cone lai d Just. Thai tlie M- (nrtir'rt er trmrrMf tin i- in charred tor, Wcie
(fernithetl vt jM’lormr.t - lor li e u*e ol <•- M-
dorian lire lain / Creek or Srmthwte) ramp»ii:ii (*n the
('kervker t uvula*./ nnd that M> |>arl therrot,olbcr lD**»»
wha, i* • .edited t-.r, In- l«en |u<.<! by the United Stole*,
uy the Govrmtwem uf (ieortla.
Sworn to,and vidwciilNil Im lure me, tlii* dav of ,
(jRORota, l . . I
Candy. S I certify...»» limor, llist tb mresn-
‘ I ,n* arrouat m correct and jm.i. That ti e (ertteiet er
$rrriee»t therein charged Sir, ter r ai»obii. Iv nereaaurv,
and . oatracted for hy — —— and w. n ffmrnttked or
uc,formedi (at tho Uaeof ofG. M. umler
r } command, in tl e late ( Creek nr Semimtif
rimpaigu (in the Cherokee t'omnlit •.)
tei.M aodvj my band, thi* ua* uf Hm
This i • therefore to.-it' the kindred and
d v’d. to Ih* nud ep;K-.irnt
a -rihed by law,to shew «
i ranted.
liivcn under inv hand tbi* t'i dav «»l Dee. U ’ .
jan 3—warn * WM. B. BARTER, • * •
GEORGIA, TVillilnwoii CodiU/.
WHEREAS Marc .ft M,..*,.n ar-dGi—ii B. Ibu
i-,pb •tiim-' !fller-«ofndiiiini*tiatiu'i "Hi. Dung, ' I
tb • will annex4.1, on the ratals of Jame* .Malison, lat,- chttfleiTilj by
ot said e.iinitv, d ■ 'd.
Tliia i# then-lore io* ite the kindred A credit,
dvc'il. to lie mol appear al mV oflce e ilhin the
•erdie.l l-y < .'i-e,il any they have
Jetti r* ahould nut h g
(iivvu under my Ii
. ...y tnuvcmciit, tuprevent hi*transferring any
excessive quantity of Iris fuinU to the Insurnuce at any one ’pci io.l of time, uu.l we pre-
sum.' he wtrul.l scarcely riwk the safety ul hi**
own Hank at Phihnlelpltia for the poor nnd un
profitable purpose of cramping and crippling and
; mining our local I’auks, nnd with,hem I lie p» o
; pie, w ild NIC interested in or dependent upon
| them, lit one word, he will not have the power
! to do it. In tho third plnre, the Insurance
Hank tv ill be managed entirely hy Di.Tctom w ho
j nre citizens of the State, eqmilU n- much inter
ested iu the welfare and pm-perttv of the peo
ple, as the directors of other Banks. It i- said lie will cut off the profits of other Hank
If lie does this hy reducing the rate of interest,
: t li tl bringing exchange- upon tin* North once
more to par, w e humbly believe that he w ill matrix
nnd obtain the thunk* nf tiie
interested in no Hunks. j
Hut it i* again asserted tlint if he had applied |
to the State foam Branch of the Pennsylvania
|l:u,k of tiio United States, hi* npjdicntimi i
would have been promutly rejected. No doubt
of it, and very properly. W-j look upon that as
a very iliffi-rtut question. The Insurance Hank
will not he a Branch of the Pennsylvania Hank ,
of tin* 1. S., hut an independent Hank ot it».'ll
| —Being owned in part by the same atockhnld- I
i i-r* it may be made n no ilium lor effecting ex
changes between the North an.I fin,ith cxpctli- i
: tiously. Iiiiiformly and rln*:i| ly, nnd t!u* we pre- l
suttie is tho real object of the traiuaction—And ,
I licit it i* urged again that tho State w ill he
run with what i* term, d ”foreign capital’ !—
mission Gr iming this to he true $,*the argument is suicidal
Money here i* worth H per rent per annum, and
il th®’ citizens of other Htate* can send their
capital here and loan it out alt) per relit, a* yve
I letter* understand i* tho intention of the Insurance
Hank, we ask. w ill not yve be gainers Just two
per cent upon every dollar of such capital
may ho brought into th® Htate? Ho think *o
clearly. .... • ,
Tlint thi* transaction i? an invasion oryodn-
riott of the riglit* «»r sovereignty ot the Htate.
a* i* a**c, ted hv some prr»*es, or haw it ha* any
thing to do yyitli Htate Rights,
a Io»* to imagine'
Third street.
“ Never was there greater enuaternation. Th®
yvliol® city i* alive, and on the ap®t, yvith tltou-
sand* from other place*, diggingout the dead.—
They found eight dead bodies, and nmctteit
Itoraea, It i« impovUile tn say how many lives
are lost. I have just cotnc front the ap®t, and I
saw them th in dig out two little children, hiug
in a trundle Imd. sleeping tho vleep of death,
without a bruise tpou them, probably imiother-
•• Wlter® Fourth street was, the earth it nt
• | least »ixty feet high. Titer® were not many
house: near the spot, but what were are buried.
It is ct lc,dated that seven buildings, each oceu-
piml liy two or three families, are destroyed.—
mutiny who are wns a house upon the hill, which ha* not
beet, discovered.
•• | was aittitig iu my house, and I heard ft
rumbling ttoi.e, like distant thunder, and weat
to the door, and saw* a light iu rhe Houth, and a
cloud coming over the city, nud soou gravel fell
like hail. Hoou the bell* commenced ringing,
and I went te the spot immediately. The Wick*
Lilu w as carried a hundred rods aud wasee fire.
It gave light enough to see the horrible tied no
vel scene.
••To add to the dreadful «uldtme, the water
ennto foaming dow n the hill in a torrent. Il ia
now evident that the earth about here i® volca
nic, wi that tho water come* from the nioeetaine
'I mat of u*. The Kwntnpii that are Met filled up
w ith earth are filled yvith water. Il is ft melan
choly day with ua.”
M Pci ol, tut Mimatre de C’ultre®, has forbidden
die clergy to auy solemn masse® foe the soul uf
Clutrle* X.
The remains of Charles X. are to lie Interred ol
Naples. Tlie Court nf Vienna have gene into
iii.oirint'g for the ex-King.
Tb.* .!'•«« » of Charles X.. which brings King I^>e-
i- a *,ep nenrev to the ” legitimate” peeaee-
► i.'ii of 'be French throne, was about Wing made
nearer nppr.mch of Itie Majeaty.
lire utterly at
| P| | yye have no j
,H Hi. > l>.ve,wlijr ."«l | 1 ';',v, hci'n cro.f I I.) Ih<- f.l-e »i"l ,
liikrn iil"« ill": Mr. I!" ; "*" ■* ;
|i,unl i.> liiilil • lork in niiv "four ll.iiik*. lieriuiMi i
tin* State yyotild not allow him to liaye a brunch
of kit turn H, ,A* here! It i a very tlifferent I
thing, we opine, for I„im in bold *toek in a Hank
chat tered by our ow n State, nnd amenable to I
our oyy ti laws, from havinga brant bof a bank
cli i-lercd by aiiollmr Hint'' located within our
limit*, atol over which our law* could have little
or no control.
Much that ha* been said about tlii* tramactina,
NM doubt hat it® origin in ancient political antip-
■ihtca. There are some men among n« who
JA. A*V.'W, dec'.l. late ol Ja*|i«-r ron.ity, will pica-, ,1,,,'ldrr ru the b*rn mention of Nick Bidle’a
reidarlliem in frcally preven,... in the las, ••••» n They imagine him In bn the ghost ol the
^27!*^ J T*SKv T iTilirTila* '!‘ " »J muu.lfr", «»rr ,twM ,r,r. thr, h.v.
I. of* aid
^LL pcraoti* baiinc.•l*una ncnin*i tlieeatairolU
ii.i- * * « •» "I'fnmn hi iiw niijrpj.
not only t*» di* oilier b-giinnate Sovercigua sue
C.iurl* of Europe, but al*o to that mo»t faNtidiou®
claan who inhabit the Faubourg St. Germain, mme
of whom yy re understood to be only waiting a
plausible pretext for re-inhaling the ciwrtly air af
the Tuiileiie*. Tiie Duke d r Aiigouleme’having
renomi<*Mi| ll»e aucro*«iion to ih4 crown of Frauen
i i lHUO.the Dake.le Bor.l- anx onlj r*numr.!legally
between it nud King Lour. Philltpe, and the henhh
of the Duke Bordeaux in alttc.l te hr of a not are
which give* no bop® uf longevity. On this potat
of dut sureesMon there ii a nehtant in the railed
Hour 1 .on family. Tim Dutcheae d'Angoulcme eon*
tend* that tlie ronnefiaihin of the aneenwuou he her
lm»bviMJ w as uot Mfoling. aud that eoeeeqeenily he
i« Iziui* XIX., King ef Frauen. The Defeh*** de
Berry. "«i the •oaftMt, mniatehm that the ahdrna-
Charles X t and the reamtibMfon hf the
Duke d’Aitgaiil.*m», were IrrsvoeaMe t*te and that
her *.mU the legitimate Sovereign ef franee. hy
tlm atyle and title oif llenry L Wag off reran rad
Nay arm.