The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, January 31, 1837, Image 4

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SHERIFF’* SALES. satisfy u ti fail) fnvorof morgan ShrrifT Sales. O N the first Tufwlay in FEBRUARY next, will • sold nt the eourt house door in the town ol Mmli- Mor?:*u county, within the usual hours of sale,the low ng umperty, to wit: One bureau, nml a note of hand made naynble to aepttJ. Hull or bearer, for thirty-five dollars and i routs. payable 7th August 1B3*4, given bv John Walk' 1 *. levied one* the property of Joseph J. Hull f Richard S. Marks vp said II LEWIS GILUES. P. /-In WilkitiKon SIlcrilT SalrK. * O N the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, wil' ■old before the court-house door in the town «• wnkou, Wilkinson county, within the usual hours ofs the. following property, to w it: All of James ^ oiiug’s interest in and to eight liV negroes, to wit: Seal., Susan, Philip, Martini, ri. Jane, Kundol, anil Philip—levied on ns the piiqn-rt the said James Young, to satisfy sundry attachment >i in favor of C. & J. Beall. I^vy made mid reiurnei. ■ me hv a Constable 10i 1-4 acres of Pine Land in the 5th dist. of Wil’ son, nutnher not kuow’n, adjoining Lands of Braunti Cato—levied on as the property of Absalom Unniii ton, to satisfy an ntlnehmcnt fi fa in favor of Kdw Sills. Lew made and returned to me hv a Uoii«tnh ' SOLOMON II. Ml RPHV.Sli’i. Wilkftn«oii Nliorill Sale* W ILL Is* said on the first Tuesday in MAR*' next,between the tiPiinl hour*of snlc, ut three house in the town of irwinton, Wilkinson eutiniy, following pmjierty, to-wit: 101 1-4 acres of Inml, well improved, in the 4th d of WiM-in-on countv, nutnher not known, token as property of Zeddock l>\ Us to satisfy smithy li fa a it. vor of Nelly Vinson and others issued trom njitsti court, Nelly Vinson vs. Z. Dt k*; levy msde mill roll.' ed by a constable. 1L Ml RPIlEV.SU’tt AiniLMHTKATOirS SALES. FOUR 1B02HTII8 NOTICES. filO the Inferior court of Jasper county, wnen sittinp I for ordinary purposes, four mouths niter date, up plication will he*made for leave to sell Wade Wiggings' lutcrcrtin 177 acres of land, 1' ing in Jarper c« * itv. N. G. 8L A U<IHTKIt, Guardian j..n ‘J I for Wnde WiesiiiL’s, iii«aie* person. |/H>rU months after date application will he made to A the Inferior court of Balov mew nvmc 9 Musical InMriinM’iilM. and ITInnlc Mcrclinii(li«e, J UST received from Europe. A loranle at AT WILL’S MUSIC MAl.Ot>i%. (sign of the (Saturn Lyre,)jus\ received frotn agents in London and Pans, a very vuiuu hie assortment of Nnv Mitsif A !iln*iral InMrnmciits which together with mi extensive Mock on hand, etnbra- i large uii Hs^oitnieiit ol Music, Musical lustra inents, and .Musiciil Mer< hnnd^<>, iih emi be loiiiid in unv win count)',»lien .ittin, ...reUfolttnent in ill. I Hired filnlc. rcal • nd,,c ",*»■«*•»* «*•••<= EI.IZA CARNES, AdmVx. I jNOUR taantlii after dtttfy application will be made to ; the Inferior court of Baldwin county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the lauds be- i longing to llenry F. Covnt, minor. ,,i;v I’* HENllY F. HOOKER, Guardian. I ^lOf It motidis after dat*, application will he inode to the Interior court of Hancock countv, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to *«• || 3o5| acres of land, lying and being in said county of Hancock, ad joining Ingram mid Greeu. belonging to the estate ol ol I'hriliiiiM I.. I**.l .ton’ll of Thoitius L. Edwards, dcc'd. THOMAS C. miTTR, mov 15 HENRY MITCHELL, > Adm'i the last composi tions of eminent musters arranged for one flute—one and two flutes—flute mill piano forte—two flutes and piano forte—entire Operas for the flute—selections from Ros sini's Opel as for two flutes—Trios for three flutes, &< . Among the Muriml Instruments are the much admir ed Accordions of various sizos, Spanish Guitars of eve ry style mid pattern, varv ing in price froiu$(i to $100. French and German V iolins and Violctic-Uos ilu.-M Horns ami China Bells; Serpents uud Kevcd Bugles, Concert Trumpets and Horns. Lugs and Coses for Guitars, V'iolins, Flutes and Ac cordions, Cymbals, Bassoons,Triangles, Horns, Trumpets, liOIII.* Tuning Forks,Tuning Hammers, flouting •Steel Wire, Violin lions, Violin Bridges. TiVOIJR month.nflcr .fore Application will he nixie to | ^'noe, for VioIioh tiuim,,, .ml Violi Ho., I’ the Inferior court of T... mil count., when .itli.i* f" r Clonooet., Ul.oe. on I for orilinurr purl.o.ce, for Icate to .eli lire re.l erl.te ' infer Hour,In I m I iei e»,ni"l I ,-g,, for V:ol,n» 1 &c. of, Jov' e.lnleof county, detoMc,I,fortlichc! •V*' 1 '* 1 "" »ul»«nl«r t« cotrelttnlljr nefit of the heir, emit roditor.. re, omit* from In. nmiiufaclory t>«prnar 1‘tanolorla,, I r . kul'q unihv a i I miumlucturedexpre^r lv for his establishment, ofvonous " V * J.IMI.S I Hliltl, Aon, r. „ f Koh ..oml iMMl Moltog.i,}, with the lirnntl I ^OLR mouths uftrr date, application will be made to Action, Harp {Stop, Metallic Plates, cVe. embracing the the Inferior court of Jasper county, when sitting latest fashion of furniture with tablet uml hollow-eor- for oidiuarv purposes, for leave to sell tile real estate of William ’I . Wflhorn minor, for the I»cu4tit of said mi nor, of which ull persons interested will notice to file tli ir objections if they have nnv DANIEL McDOWELIa Guardian. Jnn. 5, 1837.—w4m Froti|ie«tus mf the Stntliertf Review* rpo he published at Washington, quarterly, in a». JL C vo. No. of ii*5 to 800 pages: price $5 per air until payable in advance. The place is chosen not mil; for its facilities of information, literary, uud politico, hot because it is that ot which the Southern States raj lot united upon the undertaking with the greatest ease and with the (great** <t freedom from Stutc or putt’ jealousies. (>f the matter, three fourths (say 225 p. p.) shall eon shi of regular Hetictrn, milking about IfO of 25 p each. These shall, as to literary works at least, retun ns a general rule, somewhat towards that older method now* almost forgotten, and give a regular Abttrnct o tGo book reviewed, if it he of any merit. In Politick and mmn Devotional Subject*, t fie re may bo a gieato. liberty of deviating into mere disquisition. lit this portion of the Review, there will be given, it each No. a paper historical of the Politics and genera, emit* of the «lux : to serve ns u J lint orient llcsritler Its exer utimi will always he committed to the sironges’ o.iiv : aim its purpose to gite a unity nml combs- t *ncy to ihe public doctrines of the Review, such hs (treat l%«i*tlicrn aad Swlhtr* DAILY ill AIL ICOLTE. T HE Petersburg Rail Komi Company inform thepub lie thut their Rond,extending Ironi Petersburg, \ a. to lilnkely, North Carolina, on Hie Roanoke, a distance of Wf miles, and constituting a part of the Great Daily Mail Route North and 5?outh, is now amply provided with superior Locomotives and Cars, to accommodate all the travel that mov idler. The Cars leuve each end of the Road dailv on the arrival of the respective Mails.— Travellers with their own equipages,can have their horses and carriages transported on this Rond with per fect safety nml convenience ; and thus pcrfoim in 5 or b hours, while resting their horses, n journey which would otherwise require twodavs to accomplish. The Blakely I Intel, at the .Southern termination of the Rail Road, bus been re-built of brick on an enlarged scale, and no pains will he spared to render its accom modation such as w ill give satisfaction to passengers und travellers generally. _ ... . . Besides the dailv line of Mail ( ouches from Blakely fin Ihe M.mb, via Knleigh, Fayetteville, &.»*• there is a line via Turtiuioitgli three times a week, connected with the Mail Lineal Fayetteville, and aLo a line from the an order of the inferior court of Bald county, when sitting for ordinary puniosc*, wil I sold st the’ court-house in ihe^ City of Mill* dgt-vi i county of Baldwin, on the first Tuesday iu April u* I llml part of The Real EMntt* of Jolin Msrler, dec’ll, known ns Mailer’s (forme Prosser’s Mills,) on Town creek together with the fa I appurfenimt. heiug nho*it 70(f0 n*res. Term** on i dav. Sold for the be nr lit of the heirs nml creditors. jow 10 ANN MAULER Adi^’x T TNDER *n order *»f the Inferior court of Mqr. i TJ coiintv, when sitting for orrliiiuiy purjioscs, w il i sold iu .Madisnn, on the first Tuesday in Minch next B'ht 1 PlaniiKioii whereon Burnell Russell, dec d. *«l said county, form I - |y lived, containttig(170 acres. Sold for the heuefitj f the heirs of said dec’ll. Terms made known an the i j / of sale. BENJAMIN T. HI Sri ELL, Adm’i. jnn 3 da boni* nun U NDER an order of the Inferiarcourt ofTnttn- I comity, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will * sold fill the firstTeesduy In February next, ill theco i house «fi»or of said coniuy, between the legal hoiiit i sate, All llie Pc*ii*li:il>le Property of the estate of Richard Wester, dee’ll, for the benefit f the heirs. Terms made known on dav of sale, dec 90 LI VENDA WASTER, A<1Wx. O N the first Tuesday in Martii next, will he sold l the door of the court-house in Raker county, Lot No. »MO, iu the 41th district o: Early originally, now Baker coi' • tv; sold ns the prsporty of Jeremiah Warren, late f Hancock county, doc'il. and hv an order of the Infci r court of said county, when sitting for ordinary purpos . JOHN G it A V BILL, f dec 6 JEririR G. I1IJTT.S, J ( .KM'It nontlis from date, npplicr.iion Will be made t*» ‘ V "'l ' . the Inferior court of Hancock|, when sitting ' p;?.,.,, i'orte Tun for ordinary purpose*, for leave to sell part of the real ' * estate of Joseph Roberts, late of said rnurty, dec'd. itcocii m imuerml , Ex’ors. d fronts, veneried legs and Grecian scrools. All of which arc wouraiiled to he made of such materials and so well seasoned us lo stolid the test of every climate, and cun he returned if any defect is found in theilistru- incuts. Frier from $150 to I'iiino sto**ls *»f vari ous patterns to correspond with I'ianos, of Rosewood, Mahogany, Ate. I'iuno covers of every variety of colors h fie so well effected in any other luaimer. |{ u j|R (m< j‘ U | Bclfield to Clarksville, Milton Danville. Another tri-wecklv line trout Blakely, passes through Wurmiton, Oxford,*&c. and connects u line to Salishu ry, N. C. * In tlie course of the season, a branch will l*e opened from the Fetershurg Rail Road at Bclfield, to Wilkins’ Ferry at Gaston on the Roanoke, from whence a Rail Road to cross the river by a bridge, is now about to be constructed to Raleigh. The Rail Ruud from Baltimore to Washington is now in operutioii,thence to l’otomac luudiug,the Une is con tinued by Mteam-boats, thence via Fredericksburg to Richmom!, a consideridde portion of the Iluil Rond is finished—nml the reninInder is iu n rapid course to com pletion. The line continues from Richmond to Peters burg, hv a Turnpike Rond—and thence by the Feters- btirg Rail Rond to lllnk«dv, as before mentioned, is the mv.’N and oni.v daily mail route between Boston and iSfavv-Orieans. april5—/in nov 15 BURC H M ROBER1T. JEriSF. M. ROBRRTH, I .KMjK months after date application will he n^de lo ' the Inferior Court of Hancock comity, when sit ting for orditiurv purpose*, for leave to sell a lot of nml, No 55, in the l7th district of originally Muscogee now Talbot county,belonging to the estate of John Roc,&r. ! dec’d. /.At’HARIAH ROE, Adm’r. ( nnv 15 OHLOE ROE, Adnrx* | L 10,JU mouths lifter dale, aiiplienfion will he made to ilwir the Inferior eourt of Baldw in county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the rcul estate of AUuh Steele, lute of mud countv, dcc’d. B. F. HTt BBS. nov. 22. A LI J AII STEELE, > Adm’i I .K)l’ll month'* afterdate, application will he innne to ^ the Inferior court of Fayette county, when sittin r for ordinary nur|iuses, for leave to sell the rcul estate of Godfrey Bd'dll, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. aopt27—w4„i JOHN D. riTLLL, Adm’r. B N OCR niontlH after date, application will he made to 1 the Inferior court of Jasper comity, when sitting rdiunry purposes, for leave to sell tin* laud uml ne- * belonging to flic cstnto of Chnrles Morgan, dec’d. groeaI ott Ll SARAH N. MORGAN, Admr’i : Ex INOUK monihsiifter date application will he made to I 1 the lnleriorcourt of Morgan county, w hen sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a negro Imy, Bur- well, belonging to the estate of Jane Woods, dec’d. of said county. All persona concerned will please take notice uud tile their objections, if any tlirv have, dec 10 WILLIAM WOODS, Adtn’r. I 7UM It mouths afterdate, application will he made to . fhe Inferior court of Tattnall county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell nil the real estate of James Joyce, deceased, jnn l»- ’ JAS. FERRY, Adm’r. •nths idler date application will he made to rioreiA it oi iSMdwni county, when sitting l.o ordinary p..<| u* 4, an h ave to noil lot of land No 1(9, in the 5th district of originally Lee comity, belonging to the orphans of Juno Foindcxtcr, dec’d. jan 10 JAS. SHEFFIELD, Guardian. fllU the Inferior eourt of Wilkinson county, when sit- A. ting foronliuary piirposes, application w ill he made, four months after date, lor leave to sell I lie negroes be longing lo the eslufe of John Nunn, dec’d. nopttfO—w4m JOHN BROOKS, Adm’r. V LL persona having demands against fhe eslatc of William Ragland, dcc'd. lute of Henry county requested to present lir who are iudeutei' I'ordiug to law ; nml those filed to said estate, lo come forward uud mukn iuimediute puvmeut. nov. 22. LEND EL RAGLAND, Acting Ex’r. A I.L persons hnviiigclaiiiisagainsttho estate of John .‘V Hamrick, doc'd. late of Upson county, will please render them in, legally proven, in terms of the luw, mid all persona indebted will make navmeiit. JOSEPH IIO’KSLEY, Adm’r. dec 13 NANCY HAMRICK. AdnFx. A LI. persona indebted to the estate of Samuel Tor rence, late of Warren county, deceased, are re quested make immediate pay meat, ami those having do- uniiidi* to render them iu properly attested within the time prescribed by law. jail 10—w4iii * SEPTIMUS TORRENCE,Adm’r. PROSPECTUS. county, wh'*ii fitting for ordinary purposes, will . said on ill*' ir-t Tuesday in Jlarcli iioxt, at the « uni House in Marion, Lot No. 11(1, Id the 27th distriet of Twiggs county. Sold ns t property of James Shearman, dec’d. for the benefit the heirs and creditors—Terms on the day. ELBERT BAYNES. * ) . , , dec B JOHN A. SHEAMMAN. \ Aum " O N the first Tuesday iu February next, will he s* to the highest ladder, ut the court-house in Pub kl county, 2(92 l*'J Arrest of Litntl, be the same more or less, known hv No. 113, in the 12 <1 iUriel of Ifou ton co'itnv, belonging to the estate B * ipr.i.ti lio/uin, deceased, and sold for the benefit (lie I; ii and creditor* of said <1 M oused. J UIKS LONG, / %.iin'i*., nu, 15—* F.I.ISIIA \VAIIK,| 11 J*NDElt nn order of the Inferior eourt of Ella 4 ) county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will sold at ihenourt-iiouse iu Lowndes county, oil the iii Tuesday in March next, A Lot of Lnudy No* 117 1 in the Kith district of Irwiii.ut the time of the drawin hut now Lowndes county. Also, ol the sumo time, will hn sold in the county* Earlv, at tlio c«*iiri housa of aunt comity, A L(M of Llilid, No. N7. in ihe Oth dUiriet of l'.urlv. All sold as the property > Barnard C. Hoard, late, of Filbert county,dec’d. for tl benefit of the hairs and creditors. Term* * nsh. dec 9 THOM \ S J. HE tRI). Adm’r. U NDER an order <*f the Inferior court of lioiixti county, when tilting for ordinary purposes, will l sold nt the court-house, iu F.nlwiitoii, on the first Tue. day in March next, a • *ry likely Voimtf N^-jro Womnn, and her two ehihlnm, l>e|oiigiar to the estate of Robe Fionmov, doc'd. Credit 1ft mouths, dec 27 J031AII FLOURNOY, Adm’r. j U NDER sb order of tho lulerior court of Warren com l tv, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sol at the court-house in said county, on the first Tucsdn, in April next, 100 Acrei of PIiip Land, nmn* or less, lying on the Hail Knud in said county.-, Hold us ihe property of Samuel B. Reddish, dec’ll. f< the benefit of the heirn and creditors. A field of* nhm. 10 acres, now routed, will be reserved for the use of tli. rontee this your. Terms—-credit until Christuius next with not* sum! good security. jan 24 E. BURSON, Adm’r. O N Tuesday the 14th dav of March next, will la* s*Tn\ at the late raaidenee of Jonathan Stnufoid, Hr. de- e«aaed,of Warnoi county, All flut Ppraoiml Pfopfrty of oaid dec/d. couanMing of horMos.hogs, entile, geese, household, and kitchen furniture, plantation tools. Ate. corn, (mldcr, mirk, weed cotton, nml the plantation to hr rented. Terms made known on tlieillv of sale. jaiiJJl ELISHA BURSON, Adm’r. FOIl SH E, fHHK HOUSE AND LOi', wkhull its apnorteunn- .1. ces, furniture, (ho.formerly occupied by Sirs. Jen kins,and more reooullv hv Wm. W.Cnvuea, ns a publiv* lionse, iu this place. The buildings have verv lately mi- i , , ... . . . il.r.i)ii(.|li. iiiii.l ihwuuxli rrj.iiipi .nil .llomlionx im.l .mprow-.m-nl- in .s.-,onco, Art. in... in *.m.l or4«r. un.l .«» „ \ n , c > ' l»r.. o I- .v« n..r nuinlier of boarders. There are several hits attached it, i (he premises. Alsu Furniture of every description no*' cessnry tor the business. This property will he sold up- j us a credit of 1,2 and 3 years, ami unquestionable titles made to (ho purchaser, aad immediate possession given. ; Any person disposed toeugage iu this business would do | wofltocnll ami examine the premises and make the pur chase ii in %o to opun the ho ?*e for the reception of Mem- ‘ hers and others, tho ensuing session of tin? Legi-hture, EI.IZA J. CAUNEri, Adm’x. Milledgevdle, August 3ft, 1836 lining Forks, Hainmers, A:c. Arc. In- j struinenfs of every d» scnjuii n tunoil, repaired,or puck- ; ed at short notice. (D* Fiirchasers will find it to their advantage to coll uml examine tin* above. PtutcK, ('/nriom lM, Obora, I'lnprali'ts, single nml dou ble. Delate P/uU k, Pieuloes, Ptjetr, Acc. R , ’ The sub- j scriher manufacture* the celebrated i'ocotcood I'/iitrt, ( with t lie ivory joint, silver mountings, kevs, Ac. Ac. ns used exclusively hv all tho principal Frolcaaois of tin* ( Ins irnment lhroiigh*uu ihe coonlrv. Also,euiistuutl> published hv thesuhscrihcrnllthcncvv j and fashidnahle .VIiimc, wlii* h, in addition lo hi« recent , larEe and increasing Catuloglie of ritnudard Music,— J I list nut ion Books,—Gamut ricnlcs, Ac. Arc. constitutes j the iiiosl vnliiuhlc assortment of Music in the country. FnrclwMcrs will find the countercoveri d with nil the newest msi most favorite Hongs and Ficces—also hooks 1 of the same hound for the convenience of persona leuv , ing the city. In addition to the assortment of Music, arc all the xa- ! rious workson the science and composition of Music,by j Barrows, Cm*1, Calculi, Mason, A c. The price of Mimic,as sold at this establishment, in o.< low (if not ciiciiper) as at the olio r shops about town. j Hetmtinrtcr, Music Dealers,aud Artists of the Frc.fVs ^ •ion, supplied on the most ica-onafilc tenns. Unlcisfrum j any part of the United Htatcs, or» Isewhere, attended to ! with the greatest care nml despatch, by addressing JOHKFH F. ATWII.L, Music rialoon, sign J of the Golden Lyre, 201 Broadway, j ncarrit. FuiiI’h Church. ! Now York, Feb. 23—wflm j d$;i(!ttioi'i>c iJikiverslty. | fllHIri lostitution was organised at the late meeting ; 1 of the Board of Trustees, by creating tho Offices 1 of the Faculty, uml the courses of Lectures, uml also appointing part ol tin* Fnciiltv, as follows. Ucv. C. F. REMAN, Fiesideut nml Frofcssor of Nutu- ■ ral Fliilosophy and t'licmistry. E. A. NIriBET, Esq., V ice-Frcsidcnl and Frofcssor of I Belles I.cttres and Mental Fliilosophy. ! Knv.C. W. HOWARD, Chaplain and Frofcssor of Mo- t ral i’liilosophy uud Evidciues of Uhri.-tia- : nitv. Rev. S. K. tALMAGE, Frofcssor of Ancient Lnn- j of MnthciuuticH uud lege, it was unanimously resolved to be expedient to make arrangements tu issue a monthly Literary Ma gazine, to he culled XHXl ATBUNZAir. The uuderni^iicd were appointed by the Hociety a coni- niittoe of |iut>li«.*«itioii and joint Ediiors of the work, un til tho next meeting of tho Society. We have no inter est ill tho work, except that w Inch vve lukc in the welfare of (lie country and the honor of the .State. We, of the South, have too long depended upon foreign narts for our Literature, and neglected our ow n talents. We shall ha weak so long as we think vve arc weak ; and depen dant until we make efforts to he independent. We hope all the friends of Literature iu the Stale, and especially lh<* Alumni of Franklin College, will putroui/.c the en terprise both hv word and deed. .State pride, the love of Literature, our interest iu the cuitse ol general Edu cation,all cull upon its to sustain uii enterprise so tic- ccssury to our improvement, am) the honor of theHtute. A. ri. CLAYTON, JAMES JACKSON, It. D. MOOKr.. WM. L. MITCHELL, C. F. McCAY, SAM’l.. F. FKE3SLEV; II. HULL. THE ATHENIAN shall issue monthly, on fine pa per, stitched ami co-ered in pamphlet form, and shall contain sixty -lour pages rov til octavo. Nothing deroga tory to religion, ofletisive to any denomination of Chris- tuns er of any political parly, shall appear iu the Athe nian. Its pages sh ill he honestly devoted to general Literature, the cause of Kdm atioti, the Review of new I Agriculture. Frice Five Dollars, per annum, pay- uhle on tho delivery of the first number. ilAll communication* will be directed (post pout) to the “ Editors of the Athenian.” Athens, August 4,1336. A ( Aim. T HE SIHIVEYOK-GENKKAI. find, it necc.r.nn’In! remind the public, thst the increased applications to him for the pi<siug and forwarding of GRANTS iu voleesati ntnuuiit of labor uml pecuniary respoii^ibilitv lie is disposed r»« longer to bear witliout ndeqiiMte re- miinerati<ni. In future, the usual Fee of One Dollar foi a single Grant, orFiftv* Cents each, for more than urn*, will oe required for such serviee—nnd to ensure atten tion, this must iuvnriably he remitted free of postage. MllltdgovUle. Jm 3—if, PLANTER»* HOTEL. fllllb Subs.-niter has leased MeGehee’s verv large a Brick Bail.ling, known as ihe PLANTERS’ ID- TEA.,of Mont '*« nerv, Ala. w hit h has fi» ell in sue* c««mI op-* rut von uud *r his m-vivn '»\M«t»nt fur live ln«t six mm.t’.v*. Tin* (bad is a commodious building,of exrellcrtnin- ■ terials andcxtmmdmarv si/e, »nd convenient!! situated , ■ear the Court House, Uml Office.nml Bank, nml imm— | diatelv «p|Mi*ue the* Fost Office, lie lias both the m> mim ( and disposition to eivr ample satisfaction. Mrs. WELL- I BORN, late of Lexin«:ton, Via. will aid in the superin- i teodance of the House. The Stnfife M are excellent nml t waU attended. He solicits a comiuunuee of natmunte. _ , H. HERBERT. Montgomery. V v;_»• j BORGIA, Wilkinson County.—George Bltiuhnlacr, T of Cap/. Blood worth's di*t ict, living t „. ur ||,, u ,pJ . Mul,-»■ ,, .U. k Creek, tolled before uie une -mall 1 mars Mali, witli soam white hair-on lo t shoulders,-up. ; (• •..•h » »r d an* by the collar and aupposed to »*e al M mi '** .» i* «dl; npprnised by Thomas Underwood uml Jy *vs Ldlard to $55, November 7, 1106. THOMAS SPENCE, J. F. A true extract from tho E-irnv llm*k. At 27 A R. WRIGHT. Clerk. TltOV HILL. 'IMIE undersigned informs liisfrieudsnnd those of the I Into firm of Cutler if Corntce/l, that he intends re- saining the W'arenonte Sf CommiumuK liutinrtn, ni the store next shove ihe oue recently occupied hv T. J. Chace.on the margin of East .Macon, know u as die tow u of Troy, lie funner inform* the public that lie has bought his Goods,vVc., ami having now on the way from New \ urk uml other pluces. Dry (rood* and (Sroeerie*, together making hi* stock complete, with-It w ill fa- sold low lor ready nay. He will be ready to receive Cotton eurlv in the fall, and he prepared to make advances, lie would particularly notice to his friends (he great advan tages his Warehouses have over those in the dense part of the city with regard to fire, they being detached from other buildings ami at a distance from any street or Une and well enclosed. II. B. (HITTER* ' une j'» — i** E \ T ERT AI \ 111; N T. gllllgcs. N. M. CRAWFORD, Frofe Astronomy. (Not yet filled,) Professor of Modern Languages | “ “ l’rofcs-or of Geology, Butunyjiml Min- , •ralogy. ” “ 4 * * Rector of the Midway Seminary nml ex-officio member ol the Faculty. ** ** “ A competent number of Tutors. Provision bus also been made by tho Board for the de livery, gratuitously of a Course uf Lectures on each of the following subjects, viz : .Municipal, Civil and Inter national Law, Physiology ami Anatomy. The Corner ritom* of the University building is to lie laid with suitable solemnities, ami tin Address hv Col. J. H. Lumpkin, is lo he delivered during the Annual Meeting,and under tho direction of Hopewell Presbyte ry, which is to convene at Miileiigeville, during tho lat* ter part ol .March, L»37. A mu in which, in the opinion of ihe Board, fully justi fies them iu taking efficient inensuicH, lias already been subscribed to the Institution, ami scveial Agent.-have boon appointed, who are instructed lo make prompt ami energetic efforts to secuio tho complete endowment of tho University. Tho exercises of the Institution ore expected lo com mence early in the year 1838. The action of the Boaid has been restricted for the present to the meastircH above stated, by the want ol I suitable eumliilntos lo fill up the vacancies in the Facul- j tv, as well as hv the want of adequate funds. It is their j design to create a I diversity, which shall ho of the | highest character—an ornament and a blessing to the | whole South. Their success in the iittniumcut of this , endeut upon the liberality of the 1 lit public. ontiniie to conduct the Midway I next year, assisted by Mr. AIkai’i, I as they may he ioiiml iieccssitry. I By ordei of tho Trustees, ii B. P. STUBBS, Secretary* FOR SILK, The Cl ohm' and Lot, j r N the town of Milledgeville, at present occupied by ! tlie subscriber. The House is in good repair and sui- I ficicutly large fur the accommodation ot a genteel family. J The lot is 21ft feci square, with a kitchen uml other ue- j ee-sarv buildings. Any pei*»on w ishitig to pan lui-ecui: have the property on reasonable terms. Application to J be made to the subscriber,or to General Mitchell,at La- ! layette IlaE. MARY ANN ROBERTSON, dee 4—t $100 ISLiV.lKIK I fVMYE above reward will he paid for the apprehension I of my man WILLIAM, sometimes called BILL BLACK. William left me about the 25ih December last; he is a verv bright mulatto, about 5 feet 10 im lies high, thick set,full faced, small redorraiherblmal-shol- teu eyes, ami straight yt llovv i-h hair. I have no doubt will elm ago lus name und try to pass himself for u white uitin, vv hiv'li ii*' may Iu* able to do unless to n < lose ol'•el ver. He was formerly (In'property of M. My ers,of this place, and travelled with him through the up-country last summer. The above n‘«l will be paid lor Ids ar rest, if bulged in a satejail so k get him, nut93—eoftwi Y. s. PICKARD NOTICE. S TRAYED or stolen from the plantation of Thoma** Ja« ksoti, in the coimtp of Wilkinson,on the 15th of | January lust, a Ii 1 L MAUI'., 4 your-old, both bind feet white, a small mark of a saddle oil tho right side of her hack, about the si/.eof u sevcnpence, and about 14 , hands high. A reward of $15 will be given to any per- { soil that vv ill deliver the said marc to me, living in said | 4'ounlv, or lor advertising tho same, so that I again. Occasional Uctrutpeclitc licrivtct w ill also he embo died in thi-* part of flic plan, with a v iew of favouring in a ci rtniu degree, the more curious studies; or lo revive tic 1 ktiowlcd'je of important hooks, forgotten iu the con fusion of modern l< artiing. Writers will he led of regular purpose, to give their papers, whenever the subject will permit, tho form of n M iiet; in order not only that they may tints i:fiord a more complete body of information, hut serve, also, to re-print apart, for popular circulation; n method that will ninth augment both the reputation uud (lie useful ness of flic Review. A body of MitecHanint—some 50 pages—will form the subordinate and more amusing pari of the Journal. Its contents will he somewhat various, but will, for the most part consist of short Literary Aulicet; /hhtio- irra/thiral articles; ucritiuil li-t of weft*publication*, I- n ieti and domestic; and general Literary Inlelti- In communications, the most compressed mode of writing Will he every where required. Papers in which the words do not hear a just prnportic n to the iiiforma- ti hi convey ed nr the elliact intended, w ill lie either reject ed, without scruple,or abridged, without mercy. To warrant this execution, the usual rrte of compen sation to writers will ho advanced to 2 dollars per print ed page; a price that will oiler fair remuneration total- < uls uml labor. For, in this sort of undertaking, vve know that, “adenitis iludiorum prtemiin, etiam studio per it urn." Of this Revival of a Review of the South, the pur nose is, to give once more to our region—now einiiieiit- iv needing it—nn Interpreter uml a Defender—the com limn Representative o! our Institutions and of the Mind itself amongst ti-. Such, in that great Congress of Opinion, where the fates of civilized nations me now so liirg* l v settled, we do not possess: and we have already hii fie red much lor it. it is time lo make ourselves un derstood nml respected there. The Journal which shall do this, must combine the general strength ol all who, in the .South, love their country, and are capable of do ing it until actual service. It must, then, he, not the < liainjiioii or tho propagandist of local opinions, hut the friend of nil that pursue the public good. Into the vul gar method* of Politics, dtdmsed by partisan rancour, «>r corrupted hv the interest, or overcome hv the popu lar pa--ion of the hour, it must not fall. From it, the pride of the Nullifier must receive un diminution, tho fidelity ,of the Unionist no reproach. It must he no vntitnge-groiind to either party; nor serve hut ns a com mon field, where they will only contend which shall most advance the cause of the South. To vindicate, then, our peculiar institutions: to repel with argument, lest presently wo ho forced to repel with arms, ail external interference with our domestic condi tion: against the wild rule of mere (')iniicc and Cor* i option, to uphold a Republican uud Federative, ns dis- fingiiislicd from a consolidating administration of the National affairs: from the disorders of the Central Go vernment—where Reform is hopeless, aud even useless, ’till yon have given yourselves stronger nml wiser local systems—to direct flic public view towards// home-poli• ry of the Staten,« npnlde, through itself, to confer upon oiir people those blessings of well-ordered Liberty which we expect in * niu from ihe Federal power: from the de lusions of Party politics abroad, to cull home the atten tion of our people to those arts by which the wise nml brave have often raiseil petty Mtales into noble and pros perous commonwealths: to attach men, if possible to their hirth-piuce, ami convert them from wandering, nnd selfish adventures, into citizens, the lovers of civiliza tion: to re-iuiimato public spirit, end give it pm pose, as well ns energy: to hold, over parties nml politicians, the tribunal «>f a public opinion far diflerent from thut idle nml corrupt oue, of which the Newspaper Press is the voice : for these purposes, to give diffusion through the laud, In sound aud well considered Public Doctrines, spreading with them Knowledge nml Taste, their natu ral allies—such will he the constant eflhrt of that litera ry* league,among the best talents of the country which lias been set oil foot, in tin* present undertaking! Of its Editorial task, it is not necessary that we speak ho minutely. It* general aim will, of course, he to guide the popular tarftc towards knowledge, mils best sources, ami Eloquent letters, iu their truest models. Its judge ments will, however, follow the literary merit only of cat'll author—not the nee blent of his temporary renown, nor that of hi- birth on this or the other side, of the Atlan tic. Towards the few good writers that, in America, the tl.'.irth of cultivation has vet permitted us to have, we -loill know Imvv to he respectful. But in Literature, as lately in Trade, vve shall insist that no man's had com modity he forc'd upon us, under no matter what patriot ic pretences; upon all that class of our writers, whose works, for want of every other merit, nttempt to make them *elv*’* one out out of the verv fact, that they are tad i'aiff/’sh, an iiuspariiiig war will be waged; norlo KBV AIM) 1)AU1£N jlbjXm: or r+icitrTS. Brig Amelia KtrottKi J. CM ACE, Master. “ Promiciin, Mr. MA THE I US, Master. New “ Burieth C. P. BUCK LEI, Master. “ “ Uiucon, A. BIBB I MS, Master. Sriir. D. IS. Ciaikts T. BAKER, Master. A LL good and substantial vesrcls, well calculated for the trade, with good accommodations for passen gers, ami experienced commanders. One of the vessels will lie always heat each end of the Line to receive freight, and w ill sail regularly once a week. Shippers by this line can efleet Insurance at five eights per cent and thev mav rely upon the vessels being regularly des patched. The subscribers are also agents lor several •Steamboats lo run rogulurry during the boating season ( between Darien, llavvkiusvillc, and Macon, uud arc in duced to believe that they cun give greut facilities in forwarding goods destined for the interior of the .Stale. DAWES vV. MITCHELL, Agents. Darien. Jim 2<>—19m !!6,UOO Miibscriliei'!*! I’lllLADLLPHIA JtllDIIDR. FBI HE splendid patronage awarded to the Philadelphia .1 Saturday Courier, induces the editots lo commence the piihliculio'n, under the nlicvetitle,of u quarto edition of their popular journal, soiling known us the lurgest Family Newspaper in the United States, with u list of near Twenty-six Thousand Subscribers, The new fea ture recently introduced of furnishing their readers with new hooks of the best literature of the. tiny, having prov ed so eminently successful, the plan will he continued. Six volumes of the celebrated writings of Captain Mur- ryatt, and sixty-five of Mr. Brook’s valuable Letters from Europe,have nlreudy been published without in terfering w ilhils news ami miscellaneous reading. The Courier is the largest and cheapest family newspaper ever issued in this country, containing articles in Lite rature, Science,and Arts; Internal improvement; Agri culture ; iu short every variety of topics usually intro duced into a public journal. Giving full accounts of sales, markets, ami news of the latest dates. It is published at the low price of $2. For this small sum subscribers get valuable and entertaining matter, each wotk enough to fill a common hook of 200 pages, and equal to52 volumes a year, and which is estimated to he read, weekly, by at least two hundred thonsund people, scattered in ufl parts of the country, from Maine to Florida, und from the sou hoard to the lakes. 'I'lie pa per lius been now so long established as to render it loo well known to require aiiextemled prospectus, the pub lishers, therefore, will do iio more than refer to the two loading daily political papers of opposite politics. The Fcniisylvani >n say s—“'i lie rintnrduy Courier is the lar gest,^ one ofthc best family newspapers ill the Union;” the other, the Inquirer uml Dailv Courier,says, “ it is the largest journal published in Fhila(!clnhiu,ai«d one of the very best in the United States.” The New York .Star says—“vve know of nothing more liberal on the part of the editors, and no means more efficacious to draw out the dormant talents of our country, than their unexam pled lihcraliii iu offering literary prizes.” 'Flic Albany Mercury of March loth,1836 snvs, “the Saturday ( oiiricr, i-decidedly the best Family Newspa per ever published m lib* oruuy other country’, and its Ml* oilier im.’ii'i lluiMon nf tin- inviicliiii nrmviif ' nj |.i;..c imeil l.y II..' |iulili.-,ir limy jujpe inline,.—till. ..lulled nf Innl nml illiirrato • * r, ’ ln '«>* vast. ir.:")i»,(in wIncli ox. ne.tny.> IMM.|.. r»e«-k! end w ill Iu* wholly dc Christian nml hcncvol VMr.lU.Mvx will Seminary , during the ami a<l liiiouul T dec oinpilr ehool hooks; a sort that drive out all sense oreloqm' bv poisoning the very fountains, where thev puss. Over these ami whatever else pernicious, the Northern Fress pmivs out upon us, a strict supervision must, for our very snf «y he maintained. I pon the literature of mere nmusement—Novels, Ver ve-. the Travels of ignorant nml impertinent people, nr tin* like: upon Anniversary Orations, Inaugural Discour- ce.-, and those volumes of Indigestion which pass for Fublic Speeches: upon the Biographies of*cancidates for the Presidency and of all other illustrious ami hero- icnl persons thut are still alive : upon Charity or Mission ary or Temperance or Auti-Mu-nuic He noons or Re ports: nml upon all Aweful Disclosures whatever, our current criticism nm-t proceed by notices justly pro portioned to the brevity of existent e enjoyed bv tliis lit- crarv grass, which flourishes greenly, in the’mnriiitig ami is cut down ami flung awav before the night. Life is , A . r ‘iT" 1 ".' “"T t,m >’. rol , iiii: , i ahj««i 'u.. Tokr«, ««u .wh.r;»/ »'i r ti! i."!inu 7 iV i 1 !'.■» ,V 'u'l i' ‘ ii." p1,‘t 1 s iuilm world A large iiunifier ot songs, poems, tales, oic, d in , . . ...... | competition for tho $.»ftft premiums, w ill add value nnd ( or.iinunicntioiis may Ih» niVHressed to the “American , interest to the succeeding nuud.ers, which will also he Literary C ompany,” ul Augustu Georgia,or at Washing- | enrichcti by n story from .Miss Hedgevv ick.nuthorof Hope tm l ity, D. C. Leslie, the Liuwoods, tkc. whoso talents have been so l*. ri. 'I’ho.-o who prefer it, by tlio payment of fifty justly and extensively appreciated, both at home and dollars, will ret * ive one share of the American Litcra- j uhronil. I Is contents are agreeuldv varied, uud each numiirrcom tains more really vaiunhfe ’reading matter’ Ilian is pub lished in a week iu any daily paper in the Union. Its mammoth dimensions enable its enterprising proeric tors, Messrs. Woomv vuu cVC'i.AUKt.of IMiiludcfphia, to re-puhlish in its columns, iu the course of a year, several of ihe most interesting new works that issue from the British press ; which cannot fail to give it u permuncut interest, and vender it worthy of preservation. To meet the wishes, therefore, of such ol their subscribers ns de sire to have their numbers bound, they have determined on issuing an edition of the Courier iii the quarto form, w hich will render it much more convenient for reading when it is hound iu u volume, ami thus greatly enhance its value.” 'I’llE QUARTO EDITION, under the title of the Philadki.piii v Minnou, will commence with the publi cation ol tin Pri/.o Talc,to vv hich vv as avvutded the prize of $100, writtt n hv .Miss Leslie, editor of the splendid witliout other l 'omp »iiv and the Southern Rev anre in lieu of div idem!. ILH UTTirjATEI R FKANCAI3. UHEli* FRENCH NEWSPAPER, with then- hove title, lias ichudclt*. This approved FAMILY NEWSPAPER is strictly neutral in religious uml political matters, and the un compromising opponent of ouuekerv of every kind. MAPS.— In addition to all ot which the publishers intend furnishing their patrons with a seriesofengraved Maps,embracing the twenty-five Htutes of the Union, cully been commenced in Bos- &<*• exhibiting the situation, &e. of rivers,towns,inoun,lakes, the sea hoard, internal improvements, as displayed in eannls, rail roads, &c. with other interest ing uud useful features, roads, distances, &c. forming a complete Atlas for general use nml information, hand somely executed, und each distinct man on a large qunr BENJAMIN KEMP. FBI HE subscriber vv 1 public, that h«‘ ha mid inform his friend* and the taken that well know n stand, oil Milledc'v‘lie to Macon, fifteen ... ,i ' . .rtiovvi. u-Cox's old Slultd, iu Jones count v, where lie is at all times ready to accom modate those who may call oil him. Thi* Stand is half way between Milledgeville and Maeou, furnishing a -••liable resting place tor travellers. Since proprietor* of lines on that route would do well in rati on him, he would In* willing to make hii arrangement iu which all parties would find s mutual convenient nilllMiii: TO LliT. W ILL he lei, in compliance w ilh an older of ihe In ferior Court of Luhlvvin coiintv, to the lowest bidder, nt the hour of 11 o’clock, on Tmst'ay tl.c 3!-t iuM.on the spot (about left yards above Hamiiiolid's Ford,! the erection of a Bridge across Fishing Cicek,on the three! road Imm Milledgeville to .Midway—the fume to he kept iu repair lor the trim ot tive yeais. Bond him! approved security will he required for a faithful lompli- sure with the contract. B. A. WHITE, > it. M. ORMK, >Couim'rs. jnn 10—3t B. F. ri l l BBS, ) ton, .M Flic proprietors of thi* paper invite the attention of the public to the enterprise which they have undertaken. They prtqio-c iti prov ide n weekly journal ill the French language, of nn instructive und attractive character, at a price mi low as to place il within the reach of all who may tic-ire to peruse it. While it will he s or dally adapted to the benefit of thine >until wlm are learning French iu our schools aud c tllegt it w ill he tin* aim of the Editor to make it like- w -c a source of information ami amusement to those w!i>* uny he thoroujli uunlcrsuf the language. Parent* and teacher*, it is supposed,cannot hut be gra tified by being enabled, at so small mi expense, to pro sent their children nnd pupils w ith a weekly sheet con taining matter of a character likely to excite their inter est, aud thus promote their initiation iu tiiat beautiful language which isso rich in its literary stores, nml is now, moreover, a passport through nearly all thecouii- ti ies of Europe. But a lew week* Imve elapsed since the first number d, and near two hundred subscribers have hand- to sheet, nt an expense which nothing lint tho splendid patronage which lor six y ears past hue been so generous ly extended in them could warrant. TL RMS.—The Philadelphia Saturday Courier is still continued i.i it- large form, ami lit the same price as heretofore,. 'Flic Philadelphia Mirror, being a Inigo quarto edition of the riiitiminy Courier, with its increas ed attractions, nml printed on the best line w bile paper ol ihe snnm size a* the New York Albion, will be put Ht precisely one half the price of thut valuable journal, \ jz; Three Dollars per iinnuiu, payable in advance (includ ing the Maps.) WOODWARD At CLARKE, n , Philadelphia. II j 1 lie paper will he sent iu exchange m such news papers as may oblige us by publishing the above adver tisement. j ii tie 7 -tl ii. tliei ulsi ed. Mnnv Mandatory notioos have c i A Till: WASliIXOTOX inilSHOR, W LLkl.y Mi-eellaiiy of Heicuce, Art, Literature CONDITIONS.— l.e Litterateur Francois will l»o n{ l‘'« , '“ , »>circulation, considering this short published every Saturday, (am! urruugcmonfn have becii i HI V 0 ' ' J' , , , .l.' an oF llie periotlit nl Dec. 27—U’. JOHN SHARP. ULOIli: TAVERN, Tiio.v.tsrn.\, r.r.oRoiA. f|3IIE su!tseril»cr having purahased the aboveTaverti, & lately vwvopted by Nlr A, S. Ilruut,i« now ore pared to uccoiiiiteHlale llosnlers uml 'Travellers. The sut*«cri0er is well aware of the great complaint tif the ; Ordei t o .aiv—Malillsw llog hal*.rv iii*, rixtuatri ‘I'avlor, a ju«tics of the |Mise« fir sat* co'imv, uudUapi. Ryriek's district, ft brie III hay Horse, s oiot fiur7 vsaw old, with a white streak down ■Isforek muI, tbs two hind teet white, and Ins left fore tent, two amall while spot, oath* right side of Iti- neck : •Mnuwtbv ThM».H.n.. liM .U 4„|,„ rr.-ft...I H.itiho... ihuul A fi*.i A tnrh .mini |wad*nl.r,.hud.1lr.unii—Tlii.Hi|lu>r J.nunrv IKI)i , SAMUKI. TAVUMgj. |T HlRS,/LOVI.KHM, u. Clk SiMlatious at this 'Tavern lor some lime pa-l, hut he trusts tlm-o who mav call upon him will uiecl with -neh a* cmiimodatiim as will he sali«l ti lory . lie soli cits a ahar>'of puhln patronage.of which lie will end-a- »or lo render luahouae worthy, by an ample slock of the toils | Ih*si supplies and the *lri test'altehlmii to the w anl- and Ift. %V J. NllOTUUJt, IlniKpisDv, Mat on.Gii, F13IIE Subscribers (former partners t*l Elli», Shot* JL well Jg. Uo.) have resumed llieir business under the aim c firm, :il their old Maud, opposite the Bn k Tuvcm, an .will keep a general assortment of Drag* Mr.n- ei . s. Surgical ami Medical Instrument*, t’aint* and 4 *'■*, of alt kinds, II indoir (i/ass,assortt d firm ti/ass- l* arc Jor shop furniture. Pci turnery, Fancy Artichs, Brushes of crery description, fiota me ami Potest M< it- oint s, C 'arpenter's Preparations, also his P.ssayt on Ma teria Mtdiea, Dye Woods, and Dye Stag's, hi m a great vsrietv of .Misce'lhuirotis Articles, which they lave re- ceived a large supply of, and intend keeping the r stm k constantly icplciii*hcd, so as to he able at nlli.ii supply Dealers, Physician*, Planters and others, •ii** v luvor iliciii with llieir custom. Iliteiiding l»» he pcriiisiiriitly engaged in tin* lu-i the »ub»i rilicrs.from thec lone experience, hop p del it wtirihv the patronage ot old and new • u-ittm letter will meet the -rnie attruiiou .* to coniimie it at least one year,) on a beautiful ii ii i. iu a clear ami bol I type, at the low price tif two do I- i i and fifty cents• year, or. it paid iu advance, tw o ilolbir* only,or six t op ies to one address for ten ilollnt* Huhst riptitm* in every iuslanco ID i The Editor D K v% I s, Pdiior; assisted by many of the I first scholars and writers of the country. ' ho I i person. HAIO \ JACOB? Macon, March 8, lfiJfi—roll SIIOTW F.I.L, DOTH L. coiofurls ol Ins ciisiouic J m 10— w4wiii3m WHS. F. JACKSON. \i;\v liaiiiis. J l’ST received, Ro.h in k Rcm'oin, illu*lriti tl l x CiuiksliNiik; lliiinpbrev Clinker, do. tb>., Tom Joi.« •. do. do., P.i'tl.liii ' J.>Im Hull ami ilrutlHfJi %/caunai I **“"'• ' io • •'! ll.s- Ur ...I WtHI Hill Ml 'L .will If I’,• hsilipe; loiiitle, ihe Pirate ol Ihe tn.ll; Ranhl t la fINHK suh« rdier* have as-m latetl tlirmsrivra in the Mexico,by l.albr«d**‘; llw Piwr Uicb Mi.ii.nh r, Rirb I Practice vt the l aw, nnd opened an otbee in La F »•** Man; the Van . x*» !i * al |lit*v Grniige.tiii. w iu rc on.-oi IhjiIi mav at all times In* found. Ilcrmlntu*, tfaiuialetl bv Ri v. \\ . Jb'ltM . I*r»i» »t nl j I’licv will attend promptly Iti anv hu*iiH*«a dial mav tie ' Jesuili-lii' Hrvout’s Poem-. lie rogi t pin* si BiLt w oh satruated lo llieir tare, in the • ountie* of Harris, Men- devotional Fierr* ; Fairy look' for I. . w.m maav { wrlhrr, Troup, llcsrd, and Coseia. new iiniislaiioiis sod U'uutilid New \ c ir’s Fr< a-nt*. vm I»1B ll.l.r. A. HI 1.1 , | aale al ihv nxnottho Laics InUur, bv jsa If-wihu JHHaHft k 119! L. 1 )•» 3 C. A IU ul Proprietor being determined to spare noex;»en-e in giving additional interest to ihe Wami- -'llRKoK.lin.niKiiped I lie . nrre.pondenec of n 1 ,;!<• i •immciHV ihe volume. Orders without the mo- i f rrnl, '' ,nu,u ‘“' v 111 Lnropc w hose letters frniii Faria have ncto in-ore nttcii'iou, should l» ’ post paid, and lie uo- ( been lavorably recnvetl. He bus nl-oeiigugctl thfeor- companied with agmul reference in one of the nrineiiiul r *^^Hpoiolein e ot on uflier i^ ini the service of the U.ritaiea cities. % s|H'ciiuen iiuudicr mu v be seen at this Ollice* j • ur *n^ u accounts of tlie ('net. II or, during the pro- Address \V. II. S. JORDAN, , sent campaign. This novel feature of tlie paper will Boston, Mass. nlu,, r eivc importuni interest t« ii- colnmiis. Coin s. j powwtift *jll *lw be cnnxvd it Cincinnati and Boston A Teacher Wanted. j \ifxlcZ ,u uruisl '“ gre,,terVQ,irl * v wf ll,c FI3IIK Trustees of the “ Meriwrther Comity Aradc- . Ttrennmrnpe native writers, nnd to procure interest- 3 my” wi-h to employ a IT. \CIIF.R fm thcensiiing I m » ' , l m . !U r ^ihhok, the Editor oiler* the follow- year, who i-compel, nl to in-lriict iu all the brnueht s ’ 11,2 * n/, ’ s: usually taught iu County Acudeuio Snli.f.i. i..r\ Ir*- 1 <lv,; 'I' Doi i ,n< f..r llip lir.l Talr, tuiionnd* of moral character, n* wi ll ns competeiiev to , / ,Nr .*L N i»iu i» D**i i vf?s for the b. poem ; ni-rni.-l.«ill I..' in-i«ii*.l 11,.. Sri I m j ; Tol.r funii.l.rd Hir llir W.iHl.vr.Tii. Mihhok tn tlir l.t r ■ 1 nt h 'rr. 1“'iiji.lniii: rutiilitioii, w i.l. c.rrv rt l "* J , I i-t*. Ntinr l.itt Atiirrirnu .. rtt. r. run l,r ■ it u . ..ti-i.l inrtr««.cl imml.rr til'imijmI. uiitlrr tlie : iwn|u.l« hr brli.rr tltuI in„r, mill trorhrt. irrr nl |., tliirrli .1 ■•> tlir I'.tltirr; tin- nnnrd In l.e ot (ireenvillr, Ims been as !!!,* • •* huerary counuittceon llie inontli followng other v illage u. Georgia, I he name of il,c writer should he in n sealed note, w itli ' <l» «r»irlr,„r CI I'liprn will t r - i . ii . . , . - - prize article: e|| ciitlcill|| prr-oiiul applit atioii Ik* qlhi i * w ill Ii -d -Iio* ed. A II tlie ai lit It s |u he at the II. Jt d I NSoS, riec’y II. Trusices. ‘ • • - MI*|S, W l.-lllUg i i • tha sabseribtr, r County Acini enieut. i ni die, fin. Nov I aottnahle. h n iiiiatioii, w ill please adilrr-s tif Meri- paktaerniiip. V J nco i. .ud nRNj.iviN * I II. I.M Ni M.IW.h.. jn< inir. lu.-.-.l mr rntimii- I Iirrrn II. if ,\nlk.. Mrli.lrr I i II .Inn • flit* undl*ui,llrd a )(m' Im-tnr.. will lirr. i' 1 ''' * M * 1 1 ' ‘1 iiinlri die dim nf Nktiltri*. II..II JAMK* M. NHAIIA.V Ml. ,d a '.i|ll,.J,n 1—If .Mu ■Of |i...Mrr,l made by n liitei u 'The name of the some mark corn 'ponding with a uniik rontaimng the name of the nrlit b . N opened but those Niton paining 11,. nth« rs xs ill I..- destioy ed. All tlie an tli spits it"" of the Editor. Tin vrtiiM.rox MiHittiR is published even Hattir- 'j S ‘ ' l Government. Tei • here Do/!.i t p r annum, pa\ able iii advat.i l r Lditorsnf Excbatige papers si< rrqt.r th* sbnxe, cm • tl vorwdlbt reeipvtu atrd ..... . • finst HAii: » .yirSRHK? XKRf2» r . Of Till! Ainericnii Literary Company, f J1I1K object nr ilii«Coni|.nii» i. In elefttetbcicnr,.! X ulundiuil nt literature in Ihe tniied Huie, hv • troduciuc into eomuiun ure, tn improved unifium of cleinriiUry lioukr, und rtinuilitiitig native t.lem i .eeuring to nulliorr the publiSier’u profit on oilier li.. school hooks. * n 'i'he pluii is, Ihe organization of a couiponv with ,„r ftcieiileupitnl in publish all hooka wrillen by'native Ihurs, which inuj be approved liy a eomuiilleo of nubl ’ eulion, cu the ri.k of ihe cmiipuny, who ahall nav lo the outhor nil profit on the sales, altar deductiur ih ptintei’acharjirsand ineidrntal * *o. It is proposed lo inunulucturo the pnper used iniwln. ing, ana thus save the expense of drying it for mail.,' putting it into bundles, transportation to market cm mission,interest and guaranties, equal al lean to’iw tv percent. wnwcn- ‘ A (water saving can be mad* by Ihe employment of lu.i - in composition. I his,,, iti, ,I, e profile»n peri, di. cals, reprints clometilury books, will secure to il . stcckhiuders a good div idcnd. u,e iiy requiring eachrirrk, foreman, paiier-moler, four nr.i man, proul-iender, nml ull olhers eonneelnl »ill, ,|.I advance, will be liquiduteil by a sinking fund ontifih ■ eiirnniRB, and hold subject to bo assigned to the sucer. sor ol each, upon condition that such sm ecsror shell U allowed to pay for it hy n deduction from Ids earn tugs, each person attached to llm Company becomes a stockholder, and, lo the extent of his stuck,'interested in the success of the institution. This feature will he ri. gtdl v enforced, and tn ease any one in the employment of the Company shall, for any cause, he dismissed or lent, its service, his stock will he assigned to his successor Agencies will be established in the large cities ulJ-. the l Ompnny's hooks ran always be had at the ’»h,,fo“ aa epnees. Booksellers nnd country merchants w|,„ sell hooks, now pay a profit to the paper maker .unit,*. t„ the printer,and » tftirdtothe pufliJhcra. T?m,eih„ sul,set'll,e stock m this Company will receive , the amount of the stock so .Ithserihed ; U l efng" stood that Ihe dividend on their stock, ’to the « B mou, Tf s.x per eent. per annum only, slmll he charged as inter est, and that all dividend above six percent, shall " aui li stockhqlilcra. The Company thus guarantee „ booksellers a dividend of six percent, per annum mil. a n tun nt of their stock, and tho nnner n.nkcr’s niofii ! printer s profit, anti the publisher s (uofit, over ami li- yoml their own profit ns booksellers. , Tl'oedyontago to the Company is, that all the stock- holders will he interested in gwiiing wt.rk for tlie Coin, ptmv h office, and that each stockholder will nlwn vs . ve a preference to the Company’s paperand the Coninnnv'* book* over those of other makers nml publishers. Kuril no arrangement with tlie booksellers will enable t|« Company,hy means of a circular addressed to theircor respondents, ct-Josing the report of their committee nf publication, to know how mnnv copies of any new book cun bo sold, nnd thus protect litem against nil loss | )V ascertaining in advance if n proposed work can be sold’* for if it cannot he sold, the Company w ill not print it.— Thus the interels of authors, publishers and bookseller* w ill he reconciled, by creating n community iu winch tlie rights of each will he secured, the public benefit led hy the introduction of a uniform series ot improved school books, and the South protec ted against tlie introduction of any mutter tending in the most remote degree to ns- snii our institutions und property. And when we lake into consideration the fuel that the.-e tfre now held against the prejudices of the world—that n society with more than five hundred auxiliary associations spiced over mu- ny ofthc States of this Union, with immense sums for tlie gratuitous distribution of tracts nnd pamphlets, have declared universal emancipation,remmihrMnc influence which curly impressions have on the matured mind, nil must see the importance of guarding ngninst the ndtnis- sion into our elementary hooks of any matter w Licit mar mislead the feeling or judgment. Inasmuch as the sale of si liool hooka is much greater, anil tin* value nml profit depends much more on tlie pub lisher, the (’ompany w ill divide the profit with the au thor or comtiilci tin all elementary books. Tltisarrangc- nient will pbi;c nil authors and compilers on the, fume footing ; ami inasmuch ns the Company will have no interest in the cony-right beyond u contract for the exclu sive right topuhlish until a better or improved book is produced by some other author, the Company will heal- wnva inviting, nml in fact nfl'erine u premium for better nml improved book*. As it now is, every nuthorcnronii ters ihe competition of publish ns who ikoct .py rielitsofrivul ht oka. This Con pnnv will I e an injar- t in I umpire, ready to place rat h new ctni rlit/r on tlie same loi>ling 11s the most faxored party. Its object be ing to publish the best bonk,and the pibfit being the san e on either, ihe preference will alwovs ic civm to tlmt vvliicit deserves it. ‘DUFF GREEN. Washington City, August 2d, 1836. PROSPECTUS - ” OF T1IE SOtTKFRN IYIEDKCAL Axrxi atmcicAz. scvr.KAX.. rum,i3Hi t; in augusta, ga. flAlIE the object of this work is to eonvov practicnl X and tiselttl information upon nil branches of the profession, nnd to give an early circulation, iu the South ern country, tu new fuels, and new modes of practice, whether of domestic or foreign origin. To accomplish these objects, the editors have engaged the services of many distinguished member* of the Profession tu contri bute original articles. They have the pledge of support from the other members of ihe Faculty of the Medical College of Georgia. 'They huve am pie rrsnurceb of do mestic und foreign information iu the periodicals of this country, Greut Britain, Germany, Fiance and Itulv, am) from private correspondence fiotn Faria. 'J be cditins forbear offering any cnusttlciaiiouH to si,civ (lie value of ii periodical which shall convey lo the Physicians ol Southern climates the experience of Southern practi tioners, a ltd spread belote liieiu the earlieM inlom alii u derived flout all quarters ol thescicntifc world, ed thut such n publication ns litis is dr sip tied to 1 c, bus long been esteemed u gteat deaidciatuni bv tlie profes sion. Having stated the faeililies nt their coimnnml, flier confidently assure themselves of the putiunnge ot the profession at the South. Indeed, the editors, undertaking this laborious duty with nocxpectationofindivduulemoltiment, hut piompied thereto by the desire of advancing the interests of a pro fession to which they ure devotetf, feel themselves enti tled to claim the support of the liberal and higluuimled of thut profession—not simply that of their individual subset iptions,hut of their contributions to the work.boll) of which they respectfully solicit: that there nmv bestia- tnined among us ti Journal that slmll ufloril opportuni ty to the tiiaiiy enlightened priii'iitionera throughout tho Kuutherri States of eoinmumcntin ,r the results of their oliaervution, which otherwise wou.d he lost to the pro fession nnd to Society. This Journal will lie issued monthly, in numbers con taining about 1*4 pages, Uvo. neatly executed, nt $5 per annum, payable on tlm delivery of*the second No. Ml ETON ANTONY, M. I). JOSEPH A. EVE, M. D. (FTSubscribers will please transmit their Caines aud places of residence to the editors, with all convenient desputrli; nutl friends holding subscription lists mere* quested to forward them us speedily us they convenient* l> cop. • jnne 14 TOE INDIAN'S PANACEA, I ^OR the cure tif Rheumatism, Scrofula or King’s Evil, Gout, Sciatica or Hip Gout, Incipient Cun- eep*, rialt Kiieutn, Syphilitic At Mercurial Diseases, par ticularly Ulcers and painful a flections of the Imncs, Ul cerated Throat and Nostrils, Ulcers of even descriptive, Fever Sores, and Internal Abscesses, Fistulas, Piles, Senld llcud, Sctirvey, liiles,Chronic Sore Eyes, Ervsi- |»elis, Blotches, aud every variety of Cutaneous Aliev* Bviu; Chronic Catarrh: Ucndaelie, proeeednig from an amd humor; Pit in in tlie Stomach ami Dcspepsia, pro- ercdtng from vitiation ; Aflectjonsof the Liver; Chronic Inflammation of the Kidney s.iitul general debility, cau§ cd hv u torpid action of the vesselsof the skin, ft is sin irtilnrlv t flu acious in renovating those constitutions which huvv been hn'!-.*n down by iniudieious ireutnieHt or juvenile iriei:ulatitii*s. In genera! terms, it is recom mended iu nil those diseases which arise from impurities ot the blood, or vitiation of the humors, ofwhatever name or kind. Some of the above complaints may require some tri fling assistant applications, which the circumstances of the cose will dictate; hut for a general remedy or Puri- fivator, to remote the cause, A'hk Indian’s Panacea will generally be found sufficient. 'Taken iu propet doses, Tub Indian’s Panacea ope rates us an nltertiaiivp ami detergent; a diaphoretic, di uretic nml InxutiVc ; an nutipasiiiodic* am! anody ne; ami in proper cases, ns a stomachic amlcmiiicnngoguc. Gen erally expressed, it increase* ull the secretions and excretions, gives tone to the stomach, and cxeites nc lion in the glnmls in a particular manner. Front these princi pies its operations may he understood. It is little more than three years since this preparation wus presented to the public: but ill thut short spate of time, some hundreds of persons might be found, who would Htdeintiy declare tlmt they believed that llieir lives were saved by it, nnd iu mm t cases after they had tried many and perhaps all the common remedies in vniti — W hero'crii is know n it is rapidly coming into use, nnd this uli'oitls the most substantial ami convincing proof of its merits. I he value of the Panacea is most conspicuous in those long siuudiiig and syphilitic nml scrofulous affections w liicli have defied nil other tetnedies, and particularly in those i uses where incit-tiry lias been so lavishly used s* to cause distressing pi.itis’in the hones nodes, mercnrinl ulcers,derange limit if die digestive organs, Ai . These il i oii-pletelv removes and iu all t ases it entirely vradi- diciites tin discuses nml the effects of mercury, renovates Hie constitution, and leaves tlie patient sound and well. In Rheumatism* uml iu Ulcerated Sore 'Thiost,its happy effect*are not less apparent, giving almost immedisie re- li®L rOH SAI.K HV \V. C. POWELL, Agfat. Pril 21 Milh dgrriltr, Gro. I • tills. >tcd tocopy I CNhJU I It A lil ftAlV Alloi lll*} X. f|| | <IIW ...Milhdcmllr, Grrreia, H AVINt* united llieir protrssioual mteic*ls, will tend lo liiisiiiess ruiritsled to liieiu in the counties of the Ofiiiiilgi c t'licuii—in die tonnlv ol Ham w k of tlie North* tn—\\ n-hiiigtoti, uf the Middle— 1 Twif f* and Laiiicus.of the Riiiiiherti—and lloiisti n. Bibb am! Men* ?»*•'. • f tin* Flint Uireiiite—AUo in the Fed* ral Umitt. 11.« ir Otoii t-on die st t ring ot the Man*oiii« II ’* HAMITL imm KV. 111. M. J. KEN \V (I F* Tb r Georgian *nd Rcpublit nn, risvi.tinsh ; tinrl amtUtiii«iitutii,ii«||»f ( Auffiisia, wdl rail* poMisb the shove three luiMsai.d foiwuid tl»t u act ttuitl*. Mltr !*• «t