The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, February 07, 1837, Image 4

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IHUUm SALES. POUB SORTUI NOTICES. flfcrrtF Sslfi* O N lb* tnt Tum<1»» rtBRl'ARY a«L«fll b* mU »l ih« bwn hoineioor in the towm.4 HUinoa, NMYuoMaty, within«»l bo«» * «*e,«taro|. *”o2f EEl^itoU w£of h.nd*M*payaUetn Jo- M|>hJ. Hull nr thirtv-Sve dollnn umI nlW rents, puynble 7tli 1834, Iieen b» Min ». Walker, le.ied.m a. ili. f •n|H-rty oT Joarph J. Mtistv • 6 Ik in favor of lltchnrd H. Mark* vs sswi Hall. ' LEWIS OfcAVEft. D. Wh ff. WUKIMn Skerftf ShIm. O N the first Trtwday in FEBRUARY nest, will !h* •old before (hecvnurt-honss dm* in the town e< * r * winton, Willfnpfcn comity, within the usual boorsol sal**, (be followfa*property, to wit: All of Jsies Youiif’s interest « andfo^tslit likelv negroes,to wit: Scaly, Susan, PhUip, Hsrtba, Saul, Jane, Randal, and Plnlis—levied on as the property iho said James Young,to satisfy sundry attach meat fi ms io favor of C. A J. Beall. Levy made and retaraed to me by a Constable 101 1-4 acres of Pine Land m the 5tk dist. of M ilkin- non, number «ot known, adjoining Lands of Bra nan and Cato—levied on as the property of Atonlmn Cssning- ton, to satisfy an attachment fi fu ill favor *if Edward Sills. Levy made nud retnrued to me by n Constable. SOU>MON B.’Ml ftPHV.SK’IT. Wilkinson SkfrilT Halr* W ILL be sold on the firm Tuesday in MARCH neat, between the assal hours of sale, at the court house in the town of Irwinkm, WUbinsoii county, Uio follow iug property, to-w it: ...... 101 1-4 acres of land, well improved, in the ton dijit. •of Wilkinson countv, number not known, taken as the property of Zeddnrk Dvkstn satisfy sundry fi fa* in fa* wor of Nolly Vinson and others ierued Irom n/aetices court,NeUy Vinson vs. Z. Dvks; levymMle^sndenturn- «d by * constable. _ jf. B. MuRPHEY, All C MdivaiUheriir W ILL be sold on the firtt Tuesday in MARCH neat, before the <rourt*hnuie door in the town of Ma dison, Morgan county, w ithin Uieosual hours «rf sale, the following property, to wit: One negro man by the name of Boiley, about Ml years ■ofnge, levied oil ns the property «t Edmund Taylor, Sr. to satisfy a fi fain larorof Edmund Alexander vs said Tnylor. (if) acres of land, more or less, lying on Indiaa creek, it being a past of the ith! estate of John Roberts, de ceased, levied on to satisfy afi fain favor of Drury Brewer vs said Robert*. _ LEWIS CRAVES, D. Rh’ff. f |IO the Inferior court of Jasper county, wneo sitting I. fur ordinary purposes, four months after date, np p lic.Mion will l>c made for leave to sell Wade Wiggings’ ii iterertinl77 acres of land. Iving in Jasper county. N. G. rtLACfiHTER, Guardian jan 24 for Wade Wigging*,insane person. I TOUR months afterdate application will lie made to 1 the Inferior court of Baldwin county, vv lien sitting t nr ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real and per- © mini ••►isle of William W.Carnes, tier'd. nov 89 ELIZA CARNES, Adin’rx. 1 NODR months after date, application will lie made ’ the Infcriorcourt of Baldwin county, when eitti for ordinary purposes, for * ...... longing to llenry F. Covin ,. sitting leave to sell the lands be- ovnc, minor. HENRY P. HOOKER, Guardian !WW MUSIC, Musical 1 lift! runtr him, aud Manic MncliniidiM*, J UHT received Iron. Europe, A tor sale at ATWILL’C MUSIC SALOON, (sign ol the Holden Lyre,)}us l received from agent* in Londou and Bans, a very vaiua ble assortment of New 11 ii sir & Mnsiral Instruments, which together with on extensive *tock on hand, enibrs - ces as large an n*-ortmeut of Music, Musical Instru - mem*, uud Musicul Merchandise, as can he lountl hi aii y establishment in the United Slates. Among the Music from London, arc the Inst compos i- lions of eminent master* arranged lor one (lute—one mi d two flutes—(lute ami piano forte—two flutes and pian o lorte—entire Opera* lor the flute—selections from Ko *- siiii’s Opera* lor two flute*—Trio* for three flute*, tot.. Among the Musicul Instruments ure tiro much admir ed Accordicns ot various sizes, Spanish Guitar* ol eve ry style ami pattern,varying in price from to $100. French and German V iolins and Violoncello* Buss Horns aiul China Bells ; Serpents aud Keyed • Bugles, Concert Trumpet* and Horn*, Bags and ('uses for Guitars, Violins, Flutes and Ac cordion*, Cymbals, Bassoons,Triangles, Horns, Trumpet*, Tuning Fork*, Tuning Hammer*, Hunting Horn*. [ Steel Wire, Violin Bow*, Violin Bridge*. String* for Violin*, Guitars, and Violiucellos, Reeds for Clarionet*, Chocs und Bassoon*. Finger Board*, Tail Pieces,and Fogs for Violins, toe. j In addition to tin* above, the subscriber i* constantly 1 receiving from hi* runnufactory Superior Piano Fortes, 1 manufactured express!) lor hi* establishment, of various 1 put tern* of Rosewood und Mahogany, with the Grand | F OUR mouth* after date, application will he made to Action, llurp Stop, Mciullic Plan*,toe. embracing the the Inferior court of Jasper county, when sitting latest fashion of turnilure with tablet und hollow-cor nered fronts, veneered legs and Grecian scrools. All of ! which are wiuiunlcd to he made of such material* and so well seosonrd ns to sfnnd the test of every tlimutc, ! and cun he returned il any delect i* lound in the instru- ; ineiitc. Frier from $lM)lo Fiauo stools of vari- ' on* patterns to correspond with Fianos, of Rosewood, Mahogany, Ac. Fiauo cover* of every variety of colors PRB9PECTV9 or THF. American Literary Company. I i^Ol R months after date, application will lie made to the Inferior court of Hancock county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell 3B5J acres of joining Ingram and Green belonging to the estate of of Thomas L. Edwards, dec’d. • nov 15 THOMAS C. BUTTS, HENRY MITCHELL, Adin’t I ijlOUR months after date application will lie made to the Inferior court of Tattnall county, w hen sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to aell the real estate of Janies Joyce, late of said cnunty,dc« eased, for the be nefit of the heir* and creditors, nov 15 JAMES PERRY, Adm’r. f IMIE ohji ct of thisCompnny is to elevate the general 1 standard of literatare hi the United States, by in ti educing into common use, au unproved uniform aeries ol ‘ elementary Itooks, ami stimulating native tnleitt, hy *r curing to authors t!.e publisher** profit on other thuu sc bool hooks. The plun is„ the organization of a company with suf- ge lent capital to piihlisli all hook* w ritten by native au- th or*, which may he approved hy a committee of publi co lion, ul the risk of tin- company, who shall pny over to the MUthorali profit on the sules, after deducting the pr jifei’schargesutid incidental expenses. (t is proposed to manufacture the paper used in print ing and tiius suve the expense of drying it lor market pu tting it into bundles, transportation to tunrhr-t, coin- mi Mioii.interest und guaranties, equal at Iraht to twcn ty percent. . i greater saving enn he made hy the employment of ho /* in eoiiipositioii. Till*, with the profits cal s, reprints, slid elementary hook*, will sc sto ekholtler* u good dividend. . iy requiring each clerk, loreman, paper-maker, jour neyinan, nrool-reader, mid all others conucetad with the Co-npnay , to hold a certain amount of stock proportion ed to their salary, which, when it has not been paid in advance, wili he liquidated hy a sinking fund outoftlicir earnings, and held subject It/bo assigned to the succes sor of each, upon condition that siicli successor shall he allowed to pay for it by a deduction from hia earn- i arli jHjrson uttnehe'd to tin; Company became* a [ Prfispetlns «f Ike Scutkcra Review. T ^O be published at Washington, quarterly* in an 8 vo. No. of 275 to 300 pages: pages: price fb per an num pay able in advance. 'Flic ptuce is chosen not only tor its facilities of information, literary , aud political, but because it is that at which the Monllicru States can be united upon the undertaking with the greatest ease, and with Uie (greatest freedom from State or party jealousies. Of the matter, three fourths (say 225 p. p.) shall con sist ot regular Jlerietrg, making al>out llO of 25 p. each. ’I nesc shall, ul to literary works at least, return os u genrral rule, somewhat towurds that older method, now utmost forgotten, and give a regular Abelract of the book reviewed, if it be of any merit. In Politic*, and upon Occnuioual Subject*, there may he a greater liberty of deviating into mere disquisition. la this portion of the Review, there will he given,.n cot Ii No. a porer historical of the Polities and gcnerul events ol the day: to serve as a lii*lortrnl ReguUr. ,. t its execution will always be committed to the strongest ure to the I hands only : and its purpose to give h unity mid consis tency to the public doctrines of the Review, such us can scarcely he so well allected in uuy other manner. Occasional Relroepeclive Jlevieir* will also be embo died in this part ot the plan, with u view of favouring ill a certain degree, the more curious studies; or to revive the knowledge of important hooks, loigottui in the con fusion of modern learning. Writers will .ie led of regular purpose, to give their papers, whenever tin* subject will permit, the form of a herie*; in order not only that they nmy thus aflhrd a pcrioi slot kholder, und, to the extent ot ^liis stock, interested itt more complete body of information, but serve, also, to AD.IIINIITRATOK’S SALE##. A OH El UREEASLY to an order of the Inferior oourt of i Slbert county, while sitting fornrdkary . vi11 he sold before the court-house door in Hamilton, Harris countv, on the first Tuesday in April next, Lot ol’ Laud No. 205, . in the 18th district of formerly Muscogee now Harris county,containing 202( acres, belonging to the estute I of Thoum* A. Bunks, dec’ll. Kte of Elbert comity.— Sold for the benefit of the heirs sum*, flcc’d. Term* cash. THOMAS JONHS, WILLIAM BAILEY, YOUNG L.G. HARRIS,. ITT The Columbus Enquirer wiN publish the shove till day of sale. ja *H the Inferior court of Jasper county, when sitting for oidmarv purposes, for leave to sell iht-rrnl estate of William T. vVellmrii minor, for the benefit of suit] mi nor, of which all persons interested will notice to file tlicir objections if thev have any DANIEL McDOWELL. Guardian. I Jan. 5. 1837.—w4m F OUR months from date, application will ho made to ! the Inferior court of Hancock county, when sitting 1 for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell part of the real cslute of Joseph Roberts, late of said < ounty* dec’d. BURCll M ROBERTS, I P% . nov IS JE.SKK M. KOIIKIITS, \ r,x ’ r NOUK months after date application will he niaile to ’ the Inferior Court of Hancock county, when sif ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a lot of land, No 55, in the tftli district of originally Muscogee now Valhot county,belonging to the estate of John Roe, Hr. dec’d. ZACHAKIAII ROE, Adm’r. nov 15 CI1I.OK ROE, Adm’x. S IOUR months after date, aoplication will he made to 1 the Infcriorcourt of Baldwin county, W’lien sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate ot A Kali Steele, late of soid county, dec’d. B. F. STUBBS, nov. 22. ABIJAII STEELE, the success of the iii -titulii gidly enforced, and in cute any the ('oiupaiiy shall, lor any cai il^ service, hi* *toc k will l,c ns? Agencies will he established iIip Compuiy’s I «I" price*. ’ Bookseller* ■ Adm’rs. i erms ci >Ex’o I.) |JNDERi order of the Inferior court of Futnain county, wlmn Hitting for ordinary -purpose*, will be sold4iii the firat Tuesday in April next, nt F.aUinton, A Womhii nnmrd illolly, for Iho purpo.o of ni.kinff n diviwon ninoni; thr noif. of Thou. Low. iIcc'A.; nl«o, . B.Rro woman, Itocky, bel.inini! to Win.Low orplmn of Tho.. Low. J» n ai R. MOSKI.Y, 0«nrfi«n. ’■INliKIt.n ordw ol ih. I.lonor tourl of Baldwin VJ ouunly, whon-oil line fur ordinary purpow., will lie Mid at Iko rourt-hoUM in the City uf .MiHriL'i villr, wonmyaf B.lilwiu, on the firM Tui:«l»y iu Aprii nc*l, that purl uf The Beni Ctnle of John M.rler, di'i 'il. known «« Mnrlor. (fnrniertv J-niener'. Mill.,) on Towni roek loRellier with ike lend, nppurlrtifint, Iwi.R iIhmiI 71)00 erre». 'I’cniMi on the dnv. Mold for tin, henefu of tho heir, end oraditor*. jant« ANN MAUI.Lit Adm'x. U NDER Ml nrler of the Inferior eourt of Morenn c.unlv, when .illinf for-ordinery pnraoaM, will bo ■old in Mudi.on, on the flr.l Tuewliy in March Tin- PlMlilntlon wlirreim Hornell Riim.II, dec d. of .aidcounty,fermor- Jv lived, cuul„iiiliiRli70jtrrci. Sold for the benefit of tbe heir, of .eid dec’ll. Term, inedc known on the day .if .,ilc. BENJAMIN T. ItUSSICU., Adin’t. litis _ . do bmii. non U NDER nn Ofder of the Inforiorcuurt of Tnttlinll coiinlv, when .iltiiiR fur ordinary purpueo, will lie ■old on the oral Tce.d.v .11 February next, M the court hiiiiae door of .aid comity, between the legal boura ol " ,l0 ’ All the PcrHthnhl* Prwrtjr . , of the estate of Rirbaril We.tcr, doc'd. for itlie beaelit or the heir.. Terra, made known oa il.v nf aale. ,|ee *0 I.DtilNI>A WES'I'F.K, Adni'x. O N the firat Tueaday in March next, will lie aold at ike dour of the Ctuirl-hmiec in Baker county, Lot Sto. ’JH9, in the lltb diatriel of F.arly originally, now Baker coun ty; aold a. the property «f Joreiniuh Wnrrcn. lute of Hancock county, dec'd. nnd liy an order of the fnfenor court of aaid county,wlictl ahtlnf for ordinary parpoar., JOHN OKAYHII.Io i F .’ 0 „ dae fl JBB8E O. BUTTS, \ or " - U NDER an aider of Ih. Inferinr court or I’utn.m county, when .itting for ordinary parpoar., will be aold on the firat Tueaday iu March next, at the t.ourt- noua. in Marion, f.tot Mo. 116, Indkn 97th iliatricl ol Twigg. county. Bold aa the property of Jaiuea Siiearinan, dec’d. for the benefit ul the heira aud eradilora—Term, on the day. ELHEKI’ HAVNES. J Adm’r. dec 8 JOHN A. rilfEAllM AN. | *dm rt. O N the drat Tueaday in February naxt, wiiM lie auld to the bigheat bidder, ut the court-huoae in I’ulaa- ki county, — _ 901 1-9 Arrea »f Lnntl, ke the aaine inner or leae, known by No. 11.x, m the 12th district nf lloustan county, bcloaeing to the eatato of Benjainin Rnrutn, decenaed, and antd for th. benefit ol the lieira nnd cmditure of aaid <t.eoaaad. JAM EB 1,ONO, nor 15—* ELISIIA WARE, Adin'ra. U NDER an ardor of the Inferior rmirt of F.lhert county, when aitting for ordinary purpoaee, w ill be enld atlhei'ourt-honae in Lnwndee county, on the liral Tueaday iu March next, A Lot of I.rind. Mto. lit an the 16th diatrict of Irwin, at the time <tf the drawing, but now Lowndoaiuiunly. .... Alto, at tho anuta time, will he aold in the county of Early, ml the court hoviae of entd county, A l.ol tof Land, Mto. ST, in the 6th diatrict ef Enrly. All aold a. the praperty ol Btrnnnl C. Heard,data of Elliert cou«ty,d«! , d. for the of tbe lirira-and creditore. Term. cmdi. dee9 THt»MAS J. HEARD, Adm’r. F OUR months aftmlntc, application will he mads to th ft Inferior court of Fayette county, when Hitting fur ordinary nurnonos, for leave to sell the real estate of Godfrey lietsill, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. -pl«7—w4m JOHN h. 8TBLL,AtlmV. 1 .10UR months after date, applieutimi will I .' made to ’ the Inferior court of Jusper county, when sitting for ordinary purpmieH, for leave to sell the land aud ne groes belonging to the estate nf ('baric* Morgan, dec’d. otlJ8 _ .SARAH N. MORGAN, Admr’x. I TIOUR months after date application will he made to ’ the Inferior court of Morgan county, when sitting for ordinary pnrpo*cs, for leave to sell a negro hoy, Bur- well, lielouging to the estate of June Woods, dec’d. of said county. All persona concerned will plcane take notice and file their objections, if any thev have, dec Ifi WILLIAM WOODS, Adm’r. I ^OUIl months after date application will ho made to . the Inferior court ot Baldwin county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of land No 10, in the 8th district of originally Leo county, belonging to the orphans of Jane Foindexter, dec’d. jail 10 JAS. .SHEFFIELD, Guardian. f JAO the Inferior court of Wilkinson county, when sit- A. ting for ordinary purposes, application w ill lie made, four mouth* after dale, for leuve to sell the negroes be longing to the estate of John Nnun, dec’d. sepr23—-w4ui JOHN BROOKS, Adin’r. A id. persons having claims against tho estate of John Hamrick, dot'd, late of Upsou county, will please Minder them iu, legally proven, in terms uf tho law, and all persons indebted will make payment. JOriEFII HORHLKY, Adin’r. dee 13 NANCY HAMRICK, Adm’x. A I.L persons indebted to the estate of Samuel Tor- im. re nee, lute of Wurren county, deceased, are re quested make Immediate payment, nnd those having de mands to render them in properly uttested within the time preMcrihed by law. j*,, io—w4m SEPTIMUS TORRENCE, Adin’r. A LL persons having claims against the estate of Win Askew, dec’d. Ule of Jusper county, will please render them ill legally proven, in terms »t the luw, mid all persons indebted will make imyineut without deluy. net 18—fit TANDY VV. KEY, Adm’r. and qutilities. Fiauo Forte Tuning Forks, Hammers, &.r. &c. Is*- struiiienls of every description tuned, repaired, or pack ed nt short notice. O' Purchasers will find it to their advantage to caJl and examine the above. L'luUn, ('larioml*, Oboe*, Flageolet*, single and doa ble, Octave Fluff*, Fica/oe*, Fijt*.\e. O The sub scriber manufactures the celebrated ('oeotcuod Finte*, with the ivory joint, silver iiiounliiii's, key*, toe. toe. as used exclusively by all tile principal Fiolessors of the Instrument throughout the country. Al*o, constant!) published b\ thcsnhserihernll the new nnd fashionable .Music, which, in addition to his recent large and increasing Cnlulogue ol standard Music,— Instruction Book*,—Gamut Scales, toe. toe. const ituU* • the most vuloahh assortment of Music in the countr) . Purchaser* will find the countercovrred witli nil the newest and most favorite Song* nud Pieces—ulso hooka . of the hhiiic hound lor tho convenience ol person* Insv j iug the city. In addition to the assortment of Music, are ull the in- 1 riou* works on the science nnd composition of Music Ji) | Burrows, Cutel,( a ah lilt, Mason, toe. The price of Alusk’, a* sold at this establishment* i« a* j low (if not cheaper) a - at the other shop* about town. Seminaries, Music Deulers.iind Artists of the Prufas i sion, supplied on the most reasonable term*. Order*from any putt of tin* I idled Stutcs, or clscwliere, utt••tidedto : wit it the greatest care nnd desputc.h, hv addressing | JOSEPH F. ATWILL, Music Sulooti, sign | of tlia Golden Ly rc, 201 Broad way*. 1 near.St. Paul's Cliurih. 1 New York, Feb.23—wflin dxlcllioi'pc IlliUTbilV. rjiHis i iistitiitiou was organised at the lutu in eeteng | .1 ol the Bouid of Trustees, b) creating the Oflii vs . of the Faculty, and the courses of Lectures, am I itl*o | appointing purl ot th<* Fuculty, us billows. Rev. C. F. REMAN, I resident and Frofessorof F’atis- i ral Philosophy and Chemistry. E. A. NISBET, Esq., \ ice-Fresident and Profess* »r ct j Bell’S Lett res nnd Mental Philosophy. | Ucv.C. W. IIOWAIUL Chaplain and Frotcswiruf.Mo ral Philosophy und Evidences of Chris tiu- j nit v. Rev. y. K. T.iLMAGE, Professor of Ancient Li. it- i N. M. CRAWFORD, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. (Not yet filled,) Professor of Modern Languages “ “ “ Frotessor of Geology, Botany and M in- I Tins feature will be ri- re-print apart, for popular circulation; a method that °iie in *l» r employ Uicntot 1 w j|j mucli augment botli the reputation and the usclul- sr, he dismissed or leave : lie8{ , ot t | |C Review. ^ igned to his succelsor. ^ body of Mitee/lani**—seine 50 pages—will form iu ic nrgi ci h s, u e t |, c ^uDorilinato and more amusing part of the Journal. himts who B«co„ will he some what vuiious, hut will, lor the l,,ll,,s ' vho — - : rjf Aotiee*; Ribtio- of »inr publication* ompnny will receive hooka to | ° J * literary lntelli the uiiio'inioi the stoek so subscribed , it being •mler-j j communications, the most compressed mode of Slo.,,1 Hint 11,0 l.e.r Kl... k. In the amount ol w . . w „ |lc cv , rl „’ hcre ri . (|llir .. d . cr a in wl.i.-h - |irr rent, per annum only, ahull he charged aa inter. , WHr|) , ll( .- ur „ , |l| !, l|M>rti „ n (ti „ info, - a,x percent, rlmll irpnr.l tj((n ,| lr elite, inunded. aill heeiihe, reject- uhridged. without mercy lilt' \yO:i,pi.II> h IIIMIRO I'llll III r l/t, IIIHI ttk lll«- to | II,, f .. j I J I ^| ... i ii 11 ■ M 1,11 In ,ne |,Mn,er, and u tl,,id inti,. puhlujl,era. U 0.0 / j du|n<! ’ ti nnd gcnera , ,„ t suhscrihe stock in tins (.omiianv will receive hooks to | ► * ® shall he charged as inter' and that nil dividend aim to s itch stockholders. The Company thus gueruut .. ... , . , - boo kscllcr* n dividend of six percent, per atitiutii on llie | ’ . , am unit »f llirir stock, and tlm paper maker’s profit, the ! 1 ° warrant this execution, tho usual rate ol compen- pri. iirr’s profit, aud the publisher’s profit, over and he- t‘> writers will ho advanced to 2 dollars per priut- y,| slieii’ovvti piofit a* booksellers. ‘‘‘I P«g<?*» « price thut will ofler fair remuneration total- ...iiauiagn ,0,1m Cumpany i», flint all ,hc alnck- I cnls and labor. For, in lliia anr, of undertaking, we hoi lers will he interested in gulfing work for the Corn- know that, “uilcmti* *tutliorum prasmxi*, ctiam *tudia pan >’a r,line,and llinlrai'l, amuklioldarwilliilwaya give perituru." a p *i*|i’rence to the Company’s pupernnd the Company’s Of this Revival of a Review of the South, the pur- boo ks over those of other makers and publishers. Such pose is, to j:ivo once more to our region—now eminent- an arrangement with the booksellers will enable the , ly needing il—nil Interpreter nnd n Defender—the coni Cm i.pan., by uieitns of a ci'cnlaraddressed to theircor j inon Representative ol our Institutiotis and of the Mind r *sj mud nisi enclosing the report of their committee of, itself amongst us. Such, in that great Congress of pul >li< ntion, tokuow how many copies of any new hook Opinion, where the fates of civilized nations ure now so can he sold, and thus protect them against ull loss Ivy largely settled, we do not possess: und we have nlreudy a»c 'rtuiiiing in advance if a proposed work can he sold ; su lie red much for it. It is time to make ourselves un to r if il cannot be sold.:In* Company will not print it.— derstoud and respected there. The Journal which shall Th is the iiitcret* of uutliors, publishers und booksellers do this, must combine the general strength ot ail who, wil l he reconciled, hv creating u community in which in the youth, love their country, aud are capable of do lin' right* of each will he secured, the public heneflttcd s iug it until actual service. It must, then, he, not the hy die introduction of a uniform aeries ol improved school champion or the propagandist of local opinions, but the boo Us, and the youth protected against the introduction ■ triend of all that pursue the public good. Into the vul- of hi) mutter tending in the most remote degree tons- gar method* of Folitics, debased hy partisan rancour, suit our institutions iiitd property. And w hen we. take or eoirupted by the interest, or overcome hy the popu- into consideration the fact that these ure now held nguinst . lar pus-ion of the hour, it must not full. From it, the the prejudices of the world—that a society w ith more prill.* of llie Nullifier must receive uo dimiuuti n, the tha, i five hundred auxiliary associations spread over ma- fidelity v of the I'uiciiist no reproach. It must be no nv «lithe ritatesof this Union, with immense sums for, vanlnge-uround to either party; nor serve but as a coni- the rrutiiitou* distribution ol tracts and pamphlets, have 1 nion field, where they will only contend which shull •dee! tired universal emancipation,remember the influence nio.-t iuIvuim e the cause of the youth, whiili early impressions have on the matured mind, all | To vindicate, then, our peculiar institutions: to repel intis t see the importance of guarding against the niltnis- with argument, lest presently we he forced to repel with sion into our elementary books ofuny mutter which may arms, all external interference w ith our domestic condi- niish ’ml tliefceliiig orjiidgment. > j lion: against the wild rule of mere Chance and Cor- l u i.’ inueh as tin* sale of sc liool hooks is much greater, j ruptiou, to uphold a Uepulilicnu und Federative, us dis- and the vulue and profit depends much more on the |iuh- tinguished from n consolidating adminlstratioii of the lislie.', the Company w ill divide the profit w ith the nu-I National ulTuirs: from the disorders of the Central Go- thor or compiler on all elementary hooks. Tliisnrrsnge§ 1 vermnent—wliere Reform is hopeless, and even useless, incut will pfuce all authors nnd compilers on the same j ’till you have given \ ourselves stronger and wiser local footing ; and inasmuch us the Company will have no system*—to direct tlie public view towurds ahume-poli- interest in the copy-right beyond a contract for the exclu- 1 ey </ the Stotts, • apal le, through itself, to cottier upon sive right to publish until u better or improved hook is , our people those blessings of well-ordered Liberty which produced by -• .. ... ..... wavs inviting some other author, the Company will heal- , we expect iu • uiu from the Federal power: from the de tain! in fact offering u premium for better . lusions of Party politics ubroiul, to call home the utten- [i Midwav Seminary nnd ember of the Faculty . umber of Tutors. hv tho Board for the de- e of Lectures on end . of :ipul, Civil and lot er- PROSPECTUS. A T the late meeting of the Alumni of Franklin Col lege, it was uniiiiiiooiisly resolved to he expedient to make arrangements to issue a monthly Literary Mu- guziuc, to he called VHS AXBSSnAZr. The undersigned were nppointod by the SiNriety a com mittee of piildicution and joint Editors of the work, un til the next meeting of the Society. We have no inter est in the work, except that which we take in the welfare of (lie country and the houor of the State. We, of the .South, have too long depended upon foreign purls tor our Literature,uml neglected our owu talents. VYeshall he weak so long us we think we arc weak ; and depen dant until we make efforts to lie independent. We hope all the friends of Literature in the State, and especially ilia Alumni of Franklin College, will patronise (lie en terprise both by word and deed, ytate pride, the love of Literature, our interest in the cause ot general Edu cation, all call upon u» sustain uu etiterprize no ne cessary to our improvement, und the honor of they tale. A. 8. CLAYTON, JAME.S JACKSON, R. IL MOOR*., WM. L. MITCHELL, C. F. MeCAY, HAM’L. F. FRESSLEY, 11. HULL. THE ATHENIAN shall issue monthly, on fine pa per, stitched and covered in pamphlet form, and shull contain sixty-lourjiages royal octavo. Nothing deroga tory to religion, offensive to any denomination of Chris tians, er of any political party, shall appeur iu the Athe- . . . . niaii. Its pages shall fie honestly devoted to general J 1 , 1 ' 1 ? Literature, the cause of Education, the Review ol new works, and notices of iniprovooieiits in Seienre, Art* aud Agriculture. Fries Five Dollars, per annum, pay able un the delivery of the fir*t tiuinhcr. O* All communications will he directed (po*t paid) to the “ Editors of the Atheuian." Athena, August 4,1836. ****** * Rector of tin ex-officio in “ “ “ A competent n Frovision hn* also been made livery, gratuitously of a Coursi the following subject*, viz : Mi natioiiul Law, Fhvaiology and Aim The Corner Stone of the Unit pretty”building is to be. laid with suitable solemnities, and uu Address by U ol. J. II. Lumpkin, is to he delivered during the Ann ual Meeting,and under the direction of llopcwcll Fresh) lo ry, which is to convene ut Millcdgcvillc, during the 1 ut ter part of March, 1837. A sum which, in the opinion of the Board, fully jut ti- fies them iu taking efficient measures, has already lie on subscribed to the institution, ami several Agents ha ve been appointed, w ho ure instructed to make prompt a tid energetic efforts to secure the complete endowment of the University. The exercises of the Institution are expected to cot n- mctice early in the year J838. 'Flic action of the Board ha* been restricted for t! ic present to the measures above stated, by the want of suitable candidates to till up the vacancies in the Facu 1- tv, a* well ashy the want of adequate fund*. Il is thr ir •fesigti to create a l Diversity, which shall be* of tl ic highest character— an ornament and a blessing to f) ic whole South. Their success in the attainment of th is end w ill he wholly dcncndcnl upon the liberality of tl ie Christian and benevolent public. "Mr. 11km in will continue to conduct the Midwi iv Seminary, during the next year, assisted hy Mr. Mu a d, and uddiiioiml Tutors, a* they limy he found tiecesgur... Hy ordei of the Trustees. dec 6 B. F* STI BBS, Secretary. FOR SALE, Tlie IIohm 1 nnd Lot, I N the town of Milleilgeville, at present occupied by the subscriber. The House i* in good repair and si ii- lieieutly large for the accommodation of a genteel famil ) . The lot ih 210 feet square, with a kitchen and other n e- coMsitry buildings. Any person w ishing lopurcliasec nn have the property on reasonable terms. Application to lie made to the subscriber,or to General Mitchell,at I. a- favette Hal:. MARY ANN ROBERTSON, dee 4 — t and improved honks. A sit now is, every niithorencoun ter* the competition of publishers who have the copy- rightsofrlvul books. This Company will he an impar tial umpire, ready to place each new couinctitcr on the same tooting a* the most favored party. Its object be ing to publish the best hook,aud the profit being the same 4in either, the preference will alwuy which dcM'rves it. Washington City, August 2d, 183C. PROSPECTUS OK THE NOITIIEKN iTIFDICAIi AZ?2> SURGICAL JOURNAL. PI BUSHED IN AUUUSTA, GA. FI Hi E the object of this work is to convey practical J- and use.ul information upon all branches of the profc* ion, and to give uu carl) circulation,ill the South ern country* to new- facts, und new inodes of practice, whether of domestic or foreign origin. To accomplish j each author—not the these objects, the editor* have engaged the services of -r i.:_ i .. U NDER an order of the lnferior*courl of Houston county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will l»e artld at tlie court-hotMft* in Eatonlun, on tbe first Tue»- 4ay iu Mareliaaxt.a very likely VotiiiR N«vr* Womnto, smd her two children, hel.mtiag to the estate «ff Robert Flournoy, dec’d. Credit 10 mouths, dec27 JOSIAH FLOURNOY, Adm’r. TENDER auard.woftTieTTifoiinrcourtof^'arren conn- . - „ 1#l . . , U ty wheu •itting for ordinary purposes, will lia aold • low for ready pay. Ha will lie ready to receive Cotton ie •eourt-hauee iu said county, on the firat Tuesday I early in the fall, and be prepared tomake advances, lie TROY IIIVJh riHIE undersigned informs his friends and those ofthe I Isle firm of Cutter Jr Cumtcell, that he intends re suming the H’are5a«*e Sf Co/nmi**ior. lluninr**, nt the store next above tlie one^ recently occupied bv T. j. Clince,ou tha margin of East Macon, known us the town of Troy. H© further inform* the public that lie has bought hi* Goods, toe., mud having now on the w av from New York amiother places, Dry flood* and flrocerir*, together making hie stock complete, which will hv sold -at the • iu April next. would particularly notice to his friends the greut advan tage* his Warehouses have over those in the dense part ■ oa ArrCR of Pint* Lnnd, t ages his Warehouses have over those in the dense ii •t l.'Tlvini an llie Kail I&.1I in ««»l r.unly.— i of the i-il* wilhrefarf to 4re,rtie» bein* d.t.che.1 fi * . .. • I. u..l.i:.L i... 1 I...ilil mtoa arirt ■■ ■ ■lalkni'. I mm um- .imk! a.. I, Sold oa iho property of Samuel II. Reddish, dec’d. for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors. A field of about 10 acres, now rented, will be reserved for the use ol tlie rcatee this year. Terms—credit antil Christaias next, with netes and good security. , , . E. BI RHON, Aitm r. JVN Tm>1.v tlw lilh il.v nf March next, will W tithe late residence of Jonathan Stanford, Sr. de- evaaed, of Warren roanty, All IS* rfrtomil Prtoferty of aaid dec’d. consiafiug of hovses, hogs, cuttle, geese, household, and kitchen furniU**, plantation taels, toe. corn, fodder, pork, seed cotton, tot. and the plantation to he rented. Teruia made known on theday of sale. j j^SM K1.I3HA BCK8QS, Aton’r. | FOR MALE, T HE lim’SK AND LOT, willi.ll it. .*ti«rtoiwn- f»«, furo«ur.,4tc.foroi»riToc«-u,>i«l liy Mr*. Jrn- ku.n.MiJ intirmrr.iiv by Win. W.C.rnea, .. . public ■ bnutot i«tbU*toc«. Th.boiUUui:.Im.c .cry lately un- alorgone the most thorough repairs and alterations, and ure now in good order, nnd ran dBcomuHidate a largt- TiMiMhmef I»oarders. There are several lots attached to the premises. Alto Furmtur* of every description ne- eeeaarv for the business. This property will he sold up on a credit #f 1,2 and 3 years, eud unquestionable titles made tuthe purebaeer,and tuwiedinii* possession Riven. Anv pereoa ilispuwed to engage in tins business would do j ■retire roll add alumina the premises and make the nur- choea in time le open the house far the reception of Mem- hetnomlulhafa.the eoaeingaea*ionof tlie Legislature. ELIZA J. CARNES, Adm’i. | IHIleigavWe. August3P. W3* PLASTERS* MOTEL. T HE Hubsx-riher has leased Me(Jabee’s ver* large thick Building.kuowu aatiie ItANTEIlft* HO- TEUaf Mantgamerv, Ala. which hue been in successful operation under has mam*© meal for the I art six months. Tbit Hotel is acumioodm— bmldinf,ofexcelletiluis- t ©rials aud extraordinary sir©, sad convenient!* situated aaar the Court 11 suss, (And ( mTh-c . and flank, and imme diately uppaaile the I'oattNIlci. lie lias both the means and dispoailiaa to gist ample satisfartion. Mrs. WELL- BORN. lore of Uxingren. Gs will aid in tlie super.n- tomdam*# of tlm Huuaa. The MiahW* %tT ©srcllrnt and i wall ut landed. He eolkita a roatinaaaro fdjmtrimage. other build ingfl and at n die tame Irom anv street or lane and well encTooed. II. h'. CUTTER. June 28—If . FIHIE sul.scriher would inform his friends and the E public, that lie has taken that w ell known stand, on tbe road lending from Milledgcville to Mncon, fifteen miles from Milledgciille, known as (’ox's old Stand, in Jones county, w here lie is nt all limes ready to accom modate those who may call on him. This Stand is half way between Milledgevilic and Mucon, furnishing n suitable resting place for traieller*. Stage proprietors of lines on (but route would do well to call on liim, lie would be willing to make nii arrangement in w hich all parties would find a mutual convenience. Dec. 27—tf. __ JOHN SHARP. GLOBi: TAVERN, THOMAS TON, flF.OROIA. T HE subscriber having pure has d the above Tavern, lately occupied hy Mr. A. S. Bryant, is now pro pared to accommodate Boarders und Traieller*. The siitiscriher i* well aware of the great complaint of the accommodation* at thi* Tavern for some time past, hut he trusts thoae who may call upon him will meet with •itch accommodation as will be satisfactory, lie soli- I Jfiig's, <1 „__. r cits a share of public patronage, of which he will enden- than, do., Tales of the Good Woman; ? ttlOO REWARD. FflHK above reward will lie paid for the atitirrhetisi on I of my man WILLIAM, sometimes culled Bll L BLACK. William left me about the 25th December last; he is n very bright mulatto, about 5 feet 10 im h c* high, thick set, i'llll faced, hiiirII red or rathe.*hlood-shc >t- ten eyes, and straight yellowish hair, i have no dou lit will change his nuine und try to pas* himself for n w hi to man, which he may In’ able to do miles* to n close ohse r- ver. He wn* formerly the property of M. Myers, of th is place, and travelled with him through the up-oountr v last summer. The above reward will be paid tor hi* at •• rest, if lodged in a safe jail so I get him. s„g23—eofim V. S. PICKARD NOTICE. S TRAYED or stolen from tlie plantation of Thonim Jackson, in the coutitp of Wilkinson, on the U»th o * January last, a llA 1 MARI', •! year* old, both him feet white, u small mark of a saddle on the right side oi * her hack,about the sir.eof a sovenpence, and uhotit I I hand* high. A reward of $15 will he given to any per- aonthnt will deliver the said mare to me, lie ing iu said cniinlv.orfor advertising the same, so ihut I get her again. BENJAMIN KEMP. II. & J. 8KOTWELL, Dr:iggiMs Miicon,Ua, FTHIE Subscriber* (former partners of Ellis, Shot - A. well to Co.) have resumed their business under tin a ho e firm, at theirvld stand, opposite tin- Brick Tnt cru . an., w ill keep a general assortment of Drags. MeUi fi.. s, Surgical a/.d Medical Instrument*, 1‘aintn am ‘ 1 U. of alt kind*. Window (i/a**, a**orted tizes, (Has* - H are for *hop furniture. Perfumery, Fancy Article*, Lru*be* of erery description, ftotauic t nd Paleni Mcdt • vine*. Carpenter'* Preparation*, al*o hi* F.**ay*un Ma • trria Mrdira, Dye 11 •><*/*, and Dye Stuff*, nnd n gren t varied of Miscellnneou* Articles, which they hate re • eeived a lurge supply of, nnd intend keeping their stud . cuustautly replenished, so as to he able ut ull limes i » supply Denier*, Fhtsicinus, Fluntcrs aud others, who may tutor them with their custom. Intending to he permanently engaged in tlii* h isines* , the suhsi libers, from their long experience, hope to ren - derit worthy the pntrouage of old uudnew customers.- - Orders by letter will uicct th* iu pen Mac JUS a I Ci Mb HARM SIIOTWKLL, JACOB SHOT WELL. Bh 8* 1836—roll NEW HOUKN. nu cited, Roderick Random, illustrated ikslinuk; Hiimphrcv Clinker, do. do., T ling* John Bull and lliotlicr Jo vor to render III* house worthy, hv un ample stock ofthe I best supplies and tbe atrictest ntteminn to the wants and comfort* of hiacustoinara. WMS. F. JACKSON, jnn 10—w4wtn3m fl OT l C E. FJHIF. aulMK-rihers have assoc iated thciu«elve* in the 1 Practice of tne Law, and ojieued an ^flice in l^i Gtange.Gn. where one or luith msv at ull times he found. They will attend promptly to any business that mnv lw* entrusted to their care, iu the touiitias of Harris, Meri wether, Troup, Heard, and Coweta. ORVII.I.E A. BULL, Jaa l>—w3m JEH8R L. Bil l.. AlftTfE. S<»I’'' I USI or mi.l.itl .. kirniiii.«nry nnl.,.i..n by i .|i|'r.i.r d In Th A I liomas llii'ophn. to Jesse llumpbrts, amount I at #175. Hanllu being rJ.Bfa 25, the amount due on the 2Mh of De. em ber next, dated some lime in AnguslUst. I herein for* warn s i person* Irom Hading for said note under penal ly of the law. This 15th Jauusrt. DCIT. JMi-Jl—IB JLHHE 111 Mi’ll Ml* - Mcl! i- huinpe; l.anttc, the Finite ol the Gull; Raiuhler iu Mexico, by l.nthrobe ; tbe »W Rich Mini, nu.‘ the Ri< I, l*iH»r Man; the Desultory M.* , i; Gin far ul Ihrmek i- llcrmlotus, liaiislslcd hy Rev. W. Heine; Protest© it Jesuitism; BryuutV I’oems; Hieroglyphieni Bible,wi ih devotions I Pieces ; Fairy Brnik* lot |IW, with mai \ new trsiislalionsnod la'autifiil New*’s Presents, i or sales! the sigiiof the l-arge Ltdgtr, h\ C. A. El .Li. . oaafty—Maitbt m Ha ■ i. U •nud Taylot, n jti-lice of the pe« ce tCspl. Myi n k’*di*tru t. n brig In k *y ut our,- % ears old. with a while streak do t'n li. the two hind lerl while and lit- left It .re lute spots on the light • ide ol hi- ne k : many disliuguisdied meinhcr*of the Profession bute original article*. They have the pledge of supjioi from the other members of the Facility of the Mcuicul College of Georgia. They huve ample resource** of do mestic and foreign information in the periodicals of this country, Grout Britain, Germany, France and Duly, and from private correspondence from Paris. The editors forbear offering any consideration* to show the value of a periodical which ©hull convey to tho Physicians ot Southern climates the experience of Southern practi tioners, and spreud before them tho earliest information derived from ull quarter* of the scientific world, persuad ed thut such a publication u* this is designed to be, ha* long been esteemed a great desiderutum hy tlie profes sion. Having stated the facilities at their command, they confidently assure themselves of the patronage of the profession ut the South. Indeed, the editors, undertaking ’his laborious dim wit lino cxpec tut ion ofmdivdtuil emolument, hnfprnmptc'd thereto liy tho desire ot advancing iho interests ot a pro- I fessiou to w Inch they are devoted, feel themselves enti tled to claim the support of the liberal nud higlmiiiuled ol that profession—not simply that of their individual subscriptions,hut of their contributions to the work,both of which they respectfully solicit; that there may he hiih- I mined among us u Journal tlmt shall Afford opportuni- j ty to the tunny enlightened practitioners throughout the i .Southern Slates of coiuiiiiiuiciitiin; the results of their ! observation, which otherwise would he lost to the pro- i fessiou and to Society. This Journal will lie issued monthly, in numbers con- ! milling uhout 64 pages, 8vo. neatly executed, at $5 per annum, puvahle on the delivery ol the second No. MILTON ANTONY, Al. D. I JOSEPH A. EVE, M. D. (Tr Subscribers will please transmit their names und | places of residence to the editors, with nil convenient despatch; and friends holding subscription lists ore re- J quested to forward them ns speedily as they conveuient- I I) can. June 14 ! THE JATUAN’S PANACEA, 1 IMlIt the cure of Uhomnotisin, Scrofula or King's j K Evil, Gout, Sciatic* or Hip Gout, Incipient U'hii- [ errs. Salt Ulieiuu, Syphilitic to Mercurial Diseases,par- • ticuluri) I leersuud painful nflections of the hones, til- ccroted Throat and Nostrils, Ulcers of every description. | Fever Sores, and Internal Abscesses, Fistulas, Files, I Scold llcnd, Scuney, lliies,Chronic Sore Eyes, Lr\si- I pelis, Blotches, and every variety ofCutaneousAlVec- tim;; riuuuie Uatarrh: Headuclie, proceeding from nn | acrid humor; Fain in the Stoimich and Dyspepsia, pro- I ceeding from vitiation^; Aflectmnsof the Liver; Clironu lutlainnuitioii of the Kidney s, ami general debility, cans | ed bv u torpid actionpf the vessel*of the skill, ft is sin j gulurly eflicacious in reuovtiling those constitutiujis which have been broken down hy iiijudiciou* treatment or juvenile irregularities. In gciicial terms, it is recoin- mended iu nil those diseases which arise from impurities of the blood, or vitiation ofthe humors,olWhatcverimme or kind. Some of the above complaints may require some tri» fling assistant applications, which the circumstances ot ilie ease w ill dictutc; hut for a general remedy or Puri- fieator, to remote the tause,Thu Indian's Panacea will generally he lound su flu lent. 'taken in piopei doses, The Indian's Panacea ope ratef. as uu aiteiiiuuve und detergent; u diaphoretic, di uretic ami laxative; nu uutipasiuudie and anodyne; and iu proper cases, as a stomachic atideiumcnogogue. Gen erallv expressed, it increases all the secretion* and excretions, give* tone to the stomach, and excites action in the glands iu a particular manlier. From thesepriuci pie- il» ope ration* may he understood. It i* little more thuu three years since this preparation w as prcM iitt d to the j uhlic : hut in that short space ot time, sonic hundreds of person* might he found, who would Milctnuy declare that they hclicicd that their live* were saved hv it, and in most cases after they Imd tried tunny him perhaps ull the common remedies’in vain — Wherever it i* known it i* rapidly ruining into use, and this Allotds the most suhstuutial aud convincing proof of its merits. 1 he value vif the 1‘antic e* it most conspicuous in those long stamiiug ami svpliilitic nud scndiilous nflections which have tidied ull other remedies, And particularly in those ruses where mereurv lias been so lavishly used as to cause distressing pains iu the lame* node*, lucreuriti! ulcer*, derangement of the digestive organs, toe. Then it completely remove* nud iu all rases it entirely erudi- ilicatiri thcdisesM's ami tlie etlrctsof iiiereury,renovates the ronstitutiou. Hnd leuvt s the patient sound and well. In Rheumatism* ami in I lecruteu More Throat,its hnppv •* (Ter in are not Ic** apparent, giving ulmost imuicdiutc ra tion of our people, to those arts hy which tl|A wise nud brave have often raised petty State* into noble und pros perous commonwealths: to attach men, if possible to their birth-place, aud convert them from wandering, and selfish adventures, into citizens, the lovers of civiliza tion : to rc-unimnte public spirit, nud give it purpose, as well ns energy: to hold, over parties nud politicians, the tribunal of u public opinion tur different from that idle and corrupt one, of which the Newspaper Frcss is tin* voice: for these purposes, to give diffusion through the land, to sound and well considered Public Doctrines, spreading with them Knowledge and Taste, their natu ral allies—such will bo the constant effort of that litera ry league,among the best talents of the country which bus been set on foot, in the present undertaking. Of its F.ditoriul tusk, it is uot necessary that we speak •o minutely. It* general aim will, of course, he to guide the populnrtaste towurds knowledge, in its hc.-l soon os. and Eloquent letters, in their trm m models. It* judge ment* will, however, follow the literary merit only ol lccidcnt of hi* temnorury renown, that of his birth on this or the other side of the A tlnii- lic contri- tic. Towards the few good writers that, in Am* tort I dearth of cultivation lins yet permitted us to have, wc shall know how to he respectful. But in Literature, ns lately in Trade, we shall insist that no man’s had com modity he forced upon iin, under uo mutter w hat patriot ic pretences; upon nil tlmt class of our writers, whose w orks, for wunt of every other merit, nttempt to make themselves one out out of the verv fact, that they are nut F.nvligh, an unspurring war will be waged; nor less upon that other great Division of the invading army ot Dnlness—the endless compilers of had nnd illiterate school hooks; a sort tlmt drive out all sense oreloqucnr e, by poisoning the very fountains, where thev pass. Over these und whutever else pernicious, the Northern Press pours out upon us, a strict supervision must, for our very safety he maintained. Upon the literature of mere amusement—Novels, Ver ses. the Travels of ignorant and impertinent people, oi thelikr: upon Anniversary ( rations, Discour ces, and tlmse volume* of indignation which paw foi Public Speeches: upon the Biographies of caneidntc* for the Presidency mid of all other illustrious nnd licro- innl persons that are still alive: upntiC’hnritv orM urv or Temperance or Arti-Masonic Sermons or Re ports: and upon all Aweful Disclosure* whatever, om current criticism must proceed hy notices justly pro portioned toihe brevity of existent© enjoyed hy thislit- eiary gras*, which flourishes greenly, in iho*morning nnd in onflow ii and flung away before the night. Lite is too short, Art too long, nud Learning grown too prolific for people to occupy themselves more than nn instant with bud books until they shall have rend ull tlie great ones iu the world. Communication* may he addressed to the “American Literary Couquuiv,” at Augusta Georgia,or ut Washing- ..... rs... ii«'* lief npril 21 NN. C. POWELL, Agent, Mit/edgrrille, flet ton City, D. C. P. S. Those who prefer it, hy the payment of fifU dollars, will receive one shnrn of the American Litera ry Company and the Southern Review, without other charge in lieu of dividend. LE LITTERATEITIt I RAH US. 4 CHEAP FRENCH NUNVSPAPER, with then- fALlwve title, Inis recently been commenced iu Bos- The proprietors of this paper inv ito the attention ot the public to the enterprise w inch they have undertuk They propose to provide a tceeUy journal in the French language, ot an instructive mid iitirnctivi el price so low as to place it within the rent n of ull who may desire to peruse it. While it will he specially adapted to the benefit ol those youth who arc learning French in our school colleges, it will he the aim of the Editor to make it like- wise a source ol information nud uinuscuicut to those w ho tuny he thorough masters of the language. Parents and teachers,it is supposed,cuunotbut begru- lifted hy being tumbled, at so small an expense, to p sent their children und pupil* with a weekly sheet c tabling matter of a character likely to excite their inf e*i, and tlm* promote their initiation in that beautiful language which isso rich in it* literary stores, und i* now, moreover, a passport through nearly all the conn tries of F.urope. Blit ti lew wee!.shave elapsed since the first nundin wu* issued, nnd near t w o hundred subsci ibere have hand ed ir. their name*. Many cummeudutorv notice* have nlsuheeu received. CONDITIONS.—/.e Litterateur Franeai* will he published every Saturday, (and arrangement* have been made to continue it at least one your,) on u beautiful tier, iu a clear mid hold type, nt the low price nf two dol lar* nud fifty cent* a veur, or, if paid in advance, tw dollar* only, nr six copies to one address for ten dollu received in advance. Subscriptions iu cvcrv instant must commence the volume. Order* without the nn ney, to insure attention, should lie post paid, ami he m cotnpaiiied with agotitl reference in one o! the principal cities. A specimen uuuiher may he seen at this Office Address NV. H. S. JORDAN, lloMton, Mat*, A. Tendin' VV anted. fllMF. Trustee J inv ” w ish t isnnllv taught lliiotuiil* ol lilt liMnirt.w'dll iilrrnhlv * of the •* Meriwether Countv Arade- 0 employ aTEAl’HER for the ensuing ipetcul to instruct iu all the branches 1 County Academic*. Satisfai t< rv t •*. ul elinrncter, iin well us competency Iti insisted upon. 'I he School i* at jire- erv flourishing condition, with every prospect ul number uf pupils under the 8 before in for snid count Horse, •bout • hia ibrehi fool, t 1 • s. ('hatqK’ll and John Crawl rd •lioul 5 lee! 6 Ilirhra high, nnd m |o«mI order, bImnI all rmitid—Tin* l"th of Janunrv, 1i, ‘ HAM! LI. TAYLOR, J. |>. A true rxtrnrt from the L-trev Root,, loth d v of J i\n. ; uary, HOT. IIENRN l.oYI.Lss. D. Clk . jsn 34-Ji C-0< h Vi ELL A EEI\A.\, I,I l.nw —Onrein, H AMM. ...>.■■'.1 ii.rir nil ml.r.n., Mill n|. I.'iiil In Im-ini •> i'llllii.lnl in lln'iii in ih. i*i,unlit'. «•*? • Cin uii-iu Ih. ul HaacockW I III.! Nortlii'rn—\V«.hint lull, ul ihu Miil.llv—'Twirf and I l.«ur»ii.,.il ih-—i„i,| lluii.inu,llihh .ml Mun- I roe, ot the Flint Cin n*—Afao ut the Federal Court. Their Orth c i* uu lit© second floor of the Man-oiiii HjII. SAMI IT. UlM KW KI.l , , M. J. KENAN. * ' Th. <i-'Tci.n .ml It.pulilio..,; H»||. i:)m! .lull' (n.n.i.. Mill , . h |iuhli,h I he "hiii- ihrr. linn , .ml Inin .ri] il.rtr .li nunt.. ■ ll¥l* II' 1.1 iomIh ul (irarnvill., ha. 1,—n i nlln<r ul hi ge iu (ieorgin, .s as reasonable, dilution, will please ntldross ty the "TriiritccM of Meri- it personal application be I'hc 1 it’HiiIi ot the \ ilfagt gt*Hl ns that, perhani, of un •ml Imi ird i un be h id onteri F* r-tiii*, w falling such u a h iw r t«* the •uhscnl « r, or wet r (bounty Acadt mv,” , . _ . iiiconvcuicnt. IL JOHNSON,Scc’v B'.'i’rustee#. Greenville, (3a. Nov 15 PARTNERSHIP. At S t;-Mt All IIKAI.I. mnl I1F.NJ AMIN i.l I), IDA Nlri.DS.h.vinc |,iir(-)n,>-il il,- rniirr in* l.ri'.lnt hietn ll.Jvrdmt \ \uihmt Mriirhrr, m III. s liir- i,l III- un4rrrixu.9, ill- fiu.iii... n ill hrir* , ull, r I.. . .mlui'icii Iiinlui I he li /,>«// ,y M. H. hiiaiia.n. , MitUdgeviMe, Jan l—if Safety, Expedition and Comfert. New Arrangement—Jan'rjr. 1, i 83? THE PIEHMOIVT, Cr South Western Jttail Line FOR WASHINGTON CITY, ’ W II.I, licrcnficr le.*e Millfiljre.ill., Om. EVPrv OTHER l)AV, iinmedialcly after Ihe arrival^- llie Mml from Culntubu. ami Mnnigunicrv— Tirourk i H’nikiugtuH Cily ini dnyt 19 honrt, ullowini EVtlir NIGHT, WHEN THE HOAD. WII.I. ADMIT. F I’n.s-nRer. by thin l.ine will r-och llALTIMORE in 7 ilnv. and 92 hour. PHII.ADF.LI’HIA 8 •• fi NEWVOKK 8 •' 14 » Fare to Wathington City A Iu 75 onty—7 ctt. per mil, CT Traveller. South of Millcilpcville, wi.hmr to i.!' thi. Line, nhuuld he carefol not lu color to August., * Day* // tearing MilledgeviUe for tie Aorih: JANGAItr. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 20 28 30 FEBIIt'AltV, ’ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, II, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 27 MARCH. ’ ' 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27. 29 it APRII., ’ **• 5, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 28 30 mat. * ’ ow * 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 21. 26 23 30 JUNE. ' ’ ' 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 ->9 JILT. ’ ' 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 27 "9 3| AUOl'ST. ' > * ' Jl * 2, 4, 0, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 30 SEPTEMBER. ' 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 55, 27 "9 OCTOBER. ’ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, II, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 31 November. 1 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 20, 28 30 IIECEMUER. ’ ' ' 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. 12, 14, 16, 18, 2(1, 22, 24, 2G, 28, 30. ^ 'The year 1838, will commence with January 1, \ilotb This l.ine, known at the North n. the South- Wen, n Dine, leaves Washington City for the Smith, (via Fts* dcrickslmrg, Vo.) on the siitne days ns above stated. PECK, WEL.LFORDA.Co. Proprietor,. cr This is the shortest route between Milledgerill. and Washington Citv—Tha difference of two days in favor m the Lower mute, is owing to tlie sleep allmi ed nn this-Line. ITT* ()[jirr at Ijnfayette Hall, anil one iloor South el H anliington llall, Alillcitgevitte,, Oa. Jauonty 31—7in; Circnt iVHi tlteni nud *»ullu-rn li’AliLT ill AIL R(1| TE. T I1E Petersburg Rail lU>ud Company inform the pub lit: tlmt their Road,extending Irom Petersburg, Vt. to Blakely, North Carolina, on the Roanoke, a disltmee of till miles, nnd constituting a purl of the Greut Doily Mail Route North uml South, is now amply provided with superior Locomotives and Cars, to accommodate »l| the travel tlmt nutv ofler. The Car* leuve each end wf the Roatltluily on the arrival of the rcttpeclive Aluils.— Travellers with their own equipages,can have their horses anti carriages transported on this Knud with per fect safety nnd convenience ; mid thus perform in 5or6 hour*, while resting their horses, a journey which would otherwise reauirc two days to accomplish. The Blakely hotel, ut the Southern termination ofthe Rail Road, has been re-built of brick on uii enlarged scale, iiitchioiiuiii* will ho spuretl to render its serum- itiotlatitm such a* will give satisfaction to passengcra and travellers generally. Besides the* dull) line of Mail Coaches from Blakely for the South, via Raleigh, Fayetteville, toe. there ink line via Turboiciurh three times n week, connected with the Mail Line ut Fayetteville, ami also a liue from the Kail Bond at Beliield to Clarksville, Milton to Danville. Auotlier tri-weoklv line from Blakely, pusses through AY a r re ii ton, Oxford, tfcc. uud connects u line to Salisbu ry, N. C. In the course of tlie season, u branch will he opened from the Petersburg Rail Road ut Beliield, to W ilkin*’ Ferrv ut Gaston on tlm Kouuoke, from whence u Kail Road to cross the river by a bridge, is now uhout to be constructed to Raleigh. The Rail Rtmtl from Baltimore to NYashington is new in operation, thence to Potomac landing, the line is con tinued hy Steuni-boni*, thence via Fredericksburg to Richmond, n considerable portion of the Rail Road is finished—and the remainder is iu a rapid course to com- I iletion. The line continue* from Richmond to Peters- iurg, hy a Turnpike Rond—and thence hy the Peters- burg Rail Road to Klakclv, a* before mentioned, is the main and only daily mail route between Boston nod Nevv-Orlcans. npril 5—7 m KJBW YORK AAR MARIES MjIJYE or m>.iciai:ts. Brig: Amelin Mrong. CIIACE, Mauler. “ Preiniuiii, Mr. MA THE \VB, Matter. New “ Dnrien, C. /’. DUCK LEY, Matter. “ 44 HI neon, A. DIB DINS, Matter. Sclir. D. R. CmiK*. T. BAKER, Matter. A LL good and substantia) vessel*, well ealt d far the trade, vv ith gtiotl uecoinmodatioiis for pusseu- gt if, and experienced commanders, (me ot the vessels will be always bo at each end of tho Line to receive freight, aud will sail regularly ouee a week. Shipper* by thi* liue ran ©fleet Insurance ut five eights per cent anil thev nutv rely upon the vessels being regularly des patched. The subscribers are ulso agent* for several Steamboats io run rceulurry during the limiting season between Darien, llawkiusville, nnd Mncon, and are in duced to believe lhat thev can give great facilities in forw arding goods destined for the interior ot the State. HAULS to MITCHELL, Agent*. Darien Jan ‘JO—1 Jm THE WASHINGTON MfBBOB* A NYEEKLY Miscellany of Science, Art, Literature and news, has been published only twenty montti*. and has at present a circulation, cousulering this short period, unpuralleled in the history of tlie periodical press. Rufus Dawes, Editor; a stinted by many t>J the first scholar* and writer* of the country. The Editor anti Proprietor being determined to spare noexpciiKC in giving udditioiml interest to the Wash ington Minium, ha* engaged the correspondence of» gentleman now iu Europe w hose letters Irt tii Parisliavr bet n favorably received. He has also engaged the cor respondence ol an officer ill the service ol the l r . State* to furnish accounts of the Creel.- 11 ar, during the pie- *« utranipaiuii. I hi* novel feature of the paper will alone give important iulcicM to it* coii.niiis. Corres pondent* will also he engaged at < 'iut iunaii ami Bcrtai), in order to furnish a greater variety ol the lutest intel ligence. To encourage native writers, nnd to procure interest ing matter for the Ml niton, the Editor offers the folio* • mg Prize*: One Hunokkd Dollar* for the best Tale, Onk Huniirkp Dollars for the host Poem; To he furnished for the NYashington Mirror by the 1st ol January, 18d7. None but American writer* can be candidates. Munuseript*to be sent, before thut tinie, iree of postage, directed to the Editor; the award t« be made liy a litterary committee on tlm month following- The iinme of the w riter should be in a sealed wot©,*iin some mark corresponding with a mark on tlie article, or containing the mime of the article. No papers wilM '* opened hut those accompany iug the prize article: other* will be destroyed. All the ai tides to be at the disposition of the Editor. Till'. VV ,\>Htng ion Mirror i*published every dav, at tho £eut ofthe General Government. Term*, Three Dollar* per uniiiim,puvahle iu advance. ID’ Editor* of Exchange papers are requested tocopy the above, uud the favor will be reciprocated. EOUG1A, W ilkinson County.—Whereas Cjf Vickers, administrator in rislit of Ufa wife, on the estate of VN iley Hopson, lute of said county, dec a. *P* plies tome for letters of dismission— . .. Thi* i- therefore to cite the kimlretl and creditor* of*»» dec’ll. In he and appear at mv tdlice within the time pre* crihetl bv law, ;o shew cause, if uuy they Imve, why s»i« letter* slitmltl not be grinned. Given under mv hutiil at office, Jnn.25th, 1837. jan 31—fan * JEREMIAH BEALL, c. ^o- G l'.OUt; 1A, 1 k-11 r y .•oTTrit\ —In til- Suf-riurCourt of saitl county, October Term, 1836. Nuncv King, Y »». S PETITION FOR DIVORCE. Dickson P, King, j „ It appearing to th-' Court, that the said Dickson !• Kin?, i e sides hey Olid the* of this Slate. Ill, therefore ordered,' on molioiiof Strong to Bailey, som'. 1 * (or* for Petit inner, that seme© be perfected«»» *"© MM Dieksoii F. King bv piihlieutioii of tin* Rol' 1 in th© gia Journal,om e a month for tlncc moiilbs. brftir*' th ii'xt sitting til thi*omit, requiring th© said Kingh’ "!'* p**ar and answer to said action, or be considered as t default. . A tru' copy from tin* Minute* of asitl Court, Octal* 10th, 1836. * ALEXANDER G. Ml 1UUN , Cl nov 1— m3m C T EOIIGIA, ApiUilV C.miu>.-\Mi-r. «- J" 11 "'* T' 1 ,!' W niaii, ndoiinisirntortm th.* estate of John L» ‘* r * of said county, dec'd, applies for letters of di*nii**»»* from ssitl ©state. . . These are therefor© to rile and admonish all and ' gulnr the kindred ami creditors of said deceased, t“ ami uppear nt mv office within the lim« |'rest ri6c« . law,to ©hew cause, if any they have, why saitl fat should not la* granted. .. <»tv*n uudci mv hand this D ili dsv ol Oft. P >' WILLI AM A. STL'IUFA.Vr, t. ot i. IU —Uilii.i