The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, February 14, 1837, Image 1

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TJ 1£ UEOUiJI l JOHK1VAL, Wll MAM S. ROCKWELL, twi< r a week during Die session nf the L«- ' i: " 1 ' ... | mi «*klv for tho remainder of the >ear, at a -Hancock Stroeu, at THREE FOUR DOL- 1» »] .1-\l^ s P , ‘ r t\K> l ‘u' ■*“ 1 4i)VKu n <j\rv D\vsn * v .„..i m:hr grit rue-lav $ t j,.. at the (»* hi advance, any person out of the it the duo old. lied nt tlie usual rules. I.AMI, liv AdaiinDtruiora, Rxe- | ; un, :.r • r'?"ir*J, by law, to be bold on . :.i. ; i tie* nrniiii, between tin: hour* of leu i,i mid three hi the afternoon, nl the Couit- mtyin wInch the property It situate.— I • n.ile« mutl he _'IV0U in a public ga/.ett- | nr-vitfua to tin* day of eale. ;<)RS mu l he at public am lion,on tli mouth, between the usual houi> ol i,f* j, itilie iilfn in the county where tin , v , .if A-l'M.ui*tratioit*or Guardianship, iiited, lirei giving SIXTV DAVS no- of the public (alettes of this Stn'e, the Court*house, where such sale* are vomit wviii. VII ttnOEVILLE, TCCNOAV. FEBttlAItY II. I*::?. mmi:i:i( m. O^lolhorjie Fuiver-ily. MMIIE Aioat of tli • It i.ii d Imti.u reported f„ r the -*il * of Personal Property.must be given . mer. FDUi’V dayapreyiou* Jo the day ol mile. 1 \ io the Debtors and Creditors of on Estate must ; y, f,*r K« HUT days. \ implication will be made to the Couit of ',Vv for lea(»• to .*ell UNI), ill t*t be published for V , l ,‘,«<-!l NEOROES, mu,tl>e piiMi.h.,1 pDUll MONTHS, Wfore any order absolute shall be ' . thereon bv the < ’ourt. , «ol ibis kind continue! to receive prompt , ;1 at tbeOfli. •• of the GEORGIA JOURNAL. quir. 1 VCrsitv — Therefor authorised to call •cription. ,8c I) *en sub-rrii ,1 toOeb-llloipc I hatred, Tli it n'ir Trc;^urcr lie the first iu<t ilmi-iit upon the sub* ord« rof th • (untie.*. 8. ROCKWELL, Chairman. .St Cr. r, rniir.followiu E oi i icj::- I 1 I- tu.*' »D, Rail llotldi (for Interr.) ,.. m (8. «.V 1. Court,) ,j —A:!id’t'. Ac Ilouds, Fortlico.niri? Itonds, ill iih (8. Jit. I. Court,) K\, Mills uf Hale, i.ttul, 1. A A ii S. rc .-nnoiig the BLANKS that arc kept s.iiid, and lor sal,*, at the JOURNAL Sci. Fa*, for Fd'ni. Draws, Gamuts, Letters of Administration, Do. Tetn|M»rary, I Testamentary, l)o. Guardianship, Aduiinistralor's Road -, Ronds if Adm'rs. with the will annexed, , Rornls, Warrants of Appraisement, Executors, Administrator.', it ml Guardian's Deeds, Letters uf Dismission of Ex* Do. of Administrators, Do. of Guardians, AO 1'HK. wnh the lorrguing resolution of the o imiittec, | w ill«.ill on the subscribers tor *0 per cent, of t!..*ir suli-eiiption. O* t - > U. I*. STI|BBS, Sec. A Tc.O.U, UiTeiirtl JJAllOM Piiilaih'ljiliia, mi l for -ale nt the Store of U- GEORGE lit MM* A SDN, MtlW^oiib*, Sulphate of ((unduein Powder in oue A io.lf ounce 1 botllb s, th. ‘o*i tt>* (pure) in small Vinls, th* best remedy yet (!;-imi ivi! fur tlie cure of Tooth Ache, Ac. Rowaud'sTonic Mixture,a Micciiic uud lasting cure for Fever and A true. : Tii ■ Indian’* Puiiuci n. >a lim’s Panacea.(a Iresli artHe.) Cirp liter’s .Mild C..:h irti(* Pill.*',u \ alualde Medicine j for lit spepsiii, con* tipat «.:i. Ac. : Car •.■tiler'sCompound Fluid Extract of Riiehu, n I valuable Mndiviuc lor di.-eases of the bladder, kidneys, dee. Carpenter's Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsapniilla, • 'lintaluibh* preparation lor .Mercurinl andSyphillitic hi m«in, Klieuumtism. King's Evil. Ac. Carpenter’s Compound of Sarsapurilln, Cubchs mid Copaiva. Carpenter’s Compound Fluid Extract of Pink Root, a j neat and cdicncious veriiiifuge for cbildrcu. *c’s Ncm London Aiiiilnlions |*ills, (il it boxes.) iflortlil (liest,) in pint mid quuit liolller. Coniptrolli'i' hntcriilN OfHrr« t tl,,* r «>- Mii.i miccvii ik, January 3d, 1B37. ^1^0fin iiitate Mini aid tho. «• liohlii g claims, the pay* ■ incut o| which is provid* <1 lor by the foregoing act. j (pulili<li>'.| by order ol In - Eu ailency tlie Governor) the . lonn of tin inur>t**i r«ll,a< iuoot ml certificates,rci|uir- cd to be oxcciili d nod prc. cutfd lo this Drpurlliicut, to I e audited, uuo r lb pro\i»ioi • I raid n l.v publish- ‘“I "itb it; piiuted l lauks of v*lii b will I * forwarded to thosi interested Upon v!i« ir apt'!i> alioii, fftoit ymitl,) w itii directions while lotunvard iheiu. JOHN Gl l’\KK, Camp. Gem. The T.'ioroti'jli Rrod SSotne .1 K A E2 , WILL aland the Is \ W • f a N! i b* nudersi ;ii'*d linviog moved to Mobile, will pr.u - 2 i, 1. iw in nil th** Courts of the City, and in th < . (*., nt nf th<* Suite. Oliicc on Royal Street, ' ‘ u uiioo-iie Goodman’s llouia*. a. j. ii.unvH.1.. \ NEW IliOUK STORE. H J ;L C- 1* EI.L8 havingdispo.s \| of his int r.-I in Vi i i* R • '» R i-ine-s at Macon, hi* hx-utid him* ;,1I ,, Millr l. r *vill.*, for tile of lurry ing on the .,,,,, (, i^i■) .. U .-in; truly ilinnkfnl to hi* IrieinL in i ,|,|nroo! tb • State for the liberal putronagi: hcre- , | n.i biwi, In* hop,** they will not, with , t , ' t n- p! i. lor^.-i to call on him, opposite Calomel iuliottlrs Jalap ill loitth-s.lM o S.ddhtz and Sodaic The Web Ii Mcdii ui ad. r . umh. t.ols ;ii Florence tin* si.-sle. ^IlJle s« rond sale of Lot* nt the hr no lit til tow u ol Flo* I ren« •*, St *wnrt, county, Ci.i. will take place on Mood i\. t :e rjiltiidav of Feornurv t.ext, iii which linn ivill Ii.* ull’ ri d fifty ’or one liuudn d d. sirabh* Lots.— .... I i •luted on th • hauka of the Clmttaliooehf e, U'J utiles be- i ow ('olunihus, and ti mile* above Irwniton. Any tiiitig in praise of tiii* Ix-autiful -eat i* deemed j inn •• .*'- try. Ruttlio^c who wi*b to live on u South- j I i Ri> 'r, enjoy good health by diiukin f good water, | imi nia!,in" iirmev, would do w ell to appear on tlie dnv. 11. W. JERMGAN, jan 17—id* Agent of tho Company. Mr*. I - fo I I 1 ll |.| •L’tinl the fjiigL Ledger. l iS uv, .llcilittitl, AIiM*«'II:ineoiis, and htdiool Rookti, , i (Ji.i'ii s. Seho'd \ooariit'i : Dr--'I ’’ ; I*... r and Hard ii.ig, P.-rforati'd I’iijm r and Card* lor! i* - a -.i|i| ,i g.-neial a-'ortiu 'lit of Fancy Articles, • "• , Mt t e Tac Aew Cooi’fjin .tnstiee. j DST published A fors:ih*—Applv to TIioiiih* Purse . ) S imi.i : il. J Thomas Riehaids, *Auju«t:»; Will, .in inipkin, Athens; or the subscriber*at Millcdgct ilie.— | rice $1. IL A. GREENE, nov. 17—if J. W. LUMPKIN. i thr lion-.* o! M *j. TUon. ford, three miles .North • and will be In t,i hit, - fice iKKmu tb on. he payment of /'hi ly / ex plies ; / nfj Holl.rt \ the fael is ns, crt ,m, il, • r *d ; and One Dv/fiir to bi- Good a i I ex tens , i return f„r what we receive, weoftl r Arab'saerfiieato | the po?die on more r.-asunable terms tlmu those of any | oilier hoi sc on the routine,it, u f |,,s grade. -i uoii mi J A short li-t of his winning colls arc subjoined, to gra te Sun- ] lifv those ol our I. ends w ho have not an opportunity of •" • *'«'»ll pm In Ii„ Turf Kcgii ui*l nice wlirre his culls were "* coutcndiii': nags : At Noifolk, for silver cup ; nutI m almost t winners, they w tli b, 1 led 11 by Arid i.i Fi lix, Iiv • I i| ■ in ,I three other*, ii I'.' lw o mile lie.'itMUi vil 'd fur M ire* f,,.,u n di.ilaiic'e, and fl with grain, if dim led. Ml possible , me will betaken Jo prevent ucridrun, but u» liability loru.iv that may liappeu. i In* proprietor eangratulata tl»«n,*olve- with having it iu liedr power to present thi* niirivull <l> ,!!ioii to loa public nt thi« interesting and favorn'!. p u .,1 m the a lustoyy ut the blood horse in the s« tu—.» p, rmd t ; i which tli* g.,\ i ,i| sjtri.'htly «• i-• ol darsk. Gallatin, I’ntom.t . Whip and An.b. w, i,,e «dieting admin.i n of a large portion of tl.,* < oimiiunity I*. r , i: nil,* brat*, best \i !'. :,tt,.ar |.. .ii .1 Same fall at Jn„- I n imitesj*j mi.l J miniiiaM bb seconds. N •' I lop<-, buy marc, ( Hry nut's) by A* • ’•'■* Ii at , beating two others. • v • I ill nt J in \. she moil the one mile h‘ ;C.' -I.,'n Walker,by Eclip-c. b lly.vqv , Tube Rose, by Arab, won rub, w ,i • t ill, «t i .* la a ,.l he, nu|< To the ■(muling th nv , f all lfi% I \IUR as a nia of tl, * • * ,, 1 P‘»r* I : Ins pit* exi|iii-itf Fell of! -Vi, cIm w -i t .e f.iur mile heats nt Tinmar um. <! . I r if J,s k. v Club Imisc, It*t It at four IijhIh, beet. • Oimtc Mr Ar. by ; Florida, by Cun* t nt.oii, anil Rai heh.r bv Tuekaba-. S|oine I. M, :»t I'elllicld, »|n> non the tbrrc odlr IipuM c; r t!■ Jo, k, y € 'Init purse, i D*0. at four beats, lo-nting a Cnnt. ..iii.,, ntnli.ib, rs. Fall Iii-L', Row titillcy,by Arab, won the Proprietor’s th- hctits,la'uiing with oasn Mr. White's l-li/.a Wulkcr by EclipM*, uud lailv Mill their IU*t I It It, bey 1 ii - til ,11,01 IO will, b ARAL S ; , . . ..| . i. w fael*. vv I., h w. think j id the leo-t jiosid.ility ol dout t, ■ dcil of Arab, sold for *J'AhI dollar*, | airer *iic vv n - io \. nr * old ; t ‘,i,|U.'M. f r a •; 1 ■, iit.-r silo bid broke down ; nod lorn loon I urn. Rcr*lie|i:i would have coiiiinau led any price | K >r wvviicr would hive asked, but all? died win ii goi-.g her *• <on,I IrailTiug. Sin* wii* th Might by h i trai i rs to be the I b tillin' ill-* world ever-p . !. . .' .intl, two | • Eliza Kirhev, | Iteeii refused; vsn* refn <\ fo* <b nernl Rronke. a tlie la t son ,.l Ret R.eia, ; mid Ml Ml himself sold I for £ o'Jihl,nud cannot lie bon lit at l'o* tim • for Ip? - than j u (l iable ilrit sum. Tli,*-' plain, sitn|ilc,.iu.l iitivuruisli. d | ' Ollier purpose than to show t:,e great v;,l:ie of ARAl.’S » In eonlirtiialioii of what li„- ! • < i. -aid. m .• w ill j p < I. \V. IL J,,| . w ho opim in in \‘j, Rapid, by Katie May i. by .-'it William. Spring iil.D, at Paris, Tpiiii., Colt Harp, mile heals, won by Co|. Harris* State Rights, beuting a Napoleon and otliPl*. Sam. Sprill;, lb llefrmitP, Handy Cup, best three ill 5, v»ou bv D,v i.iou, |.v \r-I.. I • Hliug’ u >ir Charles and a Motvdetir Tens..ii, ill five bents. Fall of UkU, at .New .Market, sweepstakes,for three Year* old, won by Rosetta Kendall, beating two Med* Il 1 * ! ■ in ill. S'.ntii ; ,,| \\ . .| |i- not heard of r.T*’Filly,|I. fir famed Rebecca Smith, now Retsey Rushl.iii-; who js «ti|| beating all ••oiii|K*litors, and win- nil'ft f"**di laurels in Mi--issij.pi, where she wusluktu, Jain tt, two and sold t,»J $l.’«UO, befoie she vv us three y enr* old' And T it of, it is j ol tie* ut.p u.dlelb ,1 me, es* of Tartar,by Aral*, who, iu le-1vaii(|ui.-lied vv :tti ea*e, nil lii* competitors, m>m_ v. '.o,:n wa* the eele'.•rated Robin llood, nt three • i, t s, m it b inn ii y olbets t could be mentioned. Tin* .ov bow ever, show * thill A rub's colts have contended ; 'it'div nod stir 'ci-t-Miily withilie eolta of the eele- iii d Imi . ■ in Ann ri< a. :.i all distances,from one to lf» -o-T lining the hit'll character of their diatiugnisli* i, Ever Pointed Pencils, | K lilor- id, Ink, P.*» k.*t Rooks and .Im e Work A Di sRox- s A Travelling Desks, Ink, . f all kinds, Itlank an ( Record IM. .L , «»:. | an I m i l * to order. Tift Token, Gift, \ mb l avl igims So ivenirfor 1837, just received, and all the , Puhlieiitioii* mid Rev iews as soou ns they are D-.i- , n the pres ’; Greer's Georgia Almanac for lft!l7,by •‘the vrfiii:\iA\ ► N'S holding Suhscriptioti I I her* will lie allowed a liberal discount in furnish i: ( I II-School--, and gentlemen poiehasing i irie*, accommodated on tin All orders thankfully .... ... . reasonable terms, ived and promptly attended ’ The Auction Business will he c onducted iu this C. A. ELLS. ' Millcdgevill*’, Get 2. r » — _ The Subscriber ] > KSPEC TFI LIA iiiforma his friends and the pub- i V lie that he his sold his entire Stock of GOODS to GLORGK F.. O’BRIEN, who will continue on the bu- in - ns usual, nfter llto 1st of February. I*,,.. Suhscnbur tender* to those of hi* friend* and m. . rs. In* ninreie than-* forth* liherul pntronage C\:. u\-.! to him. and would rc-pe, tfully «oli. itth.* same nent for Ilia an 1 • 11 • W ala* •p,who arc iud-bled to him, either by n«>t or a, - , ..’i o. t „it lie intends leaving tin* place shortly alter tl,.- I-i,,f F b.und expects they will now collie forward in ! .i, ike n tin il setlleinciit, '»* h*' will then place all „ ,r, . .... ac, omits after that time iu the bauds of an At- ; ,1. II tri-t- t iu re will be i... . ,, r ,1,.. *, i , sion attending the collection of his ,i. .i i.i.lulgciM e and ample t„u.' l„r the liquidation of the to this work. tinmt delay,to tin be iiniucdiutelv niiiilc nov 1 A N A<’T to proyide for the payment of Volunteers in State, in certain eases, lor services, loss and .!::••• I • i.' th. • . an 1 S miu I s cam- r •/ l'i .... . I.’. r- .-' if uj < or l’i a-id it is tu riby ranch d by t- • of tin, 'i'liat the sevcrul companies, or other i i In* >.| I s.-than sixtv man, battalions, or regiment.- of the militia, \vlii< h were ordered out to defend tin* Iniliti r- ol this .State, again«t the rreeut hoaliliti* - of the I 'i. <*k and Smninolc I I I . bv t : . ".'tv • ■ >•: " h coinpaiiv , ball . .. i I, or l r» i i -••!.• uttipaiiH a as were or vv• re not binned and volunteer! <1 f.»r tin* iniine- diata defence of tin* sain . without stu b orders, nil of whom were not mustered into the service of tin* Foiled St Itv - shall be entitled f> tec ive tin* I • lisa- lion tor their sr-rv ii. i- though tin y Ii > l 1 ■ n r« gular- Iv i A. C. VAIL. Mtlle.l.gcville, Jan 17—tf 'i’hc Subscriber ESPECTm.LV informs hi- friend* and the nub- » lie in, that he inteud* to continue tho above hu-iiK * in nil it* biaiu In t*.-* lb t " tl. tin* TAiLounu in And w ill eon imnlv k.-ep cn band n g.*n'ini assortn:. nt : I itb' H ■ i \pp - Ii 1 F . • inn-re*,nod \ • ting - , Hat - . L •< t Ilo-.ery , A'e. Ae. I'll-* sul.scrtb'T i' t' i.l-!•» r. n v In- Sto-k of f.ood- iii the Spting, when Ii • will receive every article m In-line •. *Jil. And hr tt further enacted, That it shall lie the dulv of cneli and every commanding oilie r of the sev« oral eotuptuii. s,or bodies of men, as aforesaid, whether com nissio ted, or brevetted. nr nppoiiit< d by the nteui- Ints thereof to Un* < mm a tut, under th e exigi in i*** of the mom *ut. t • make out a muster roll of hi* company or of iii -ii, containing the mime* and rank ol the mem ber-thereof; the time of their aclm.i service; whether infantry oreavalrv ; the numb-r ol .lav - of miI.-i taiice un.| i'.,i.i.' • for n.m . . ' i . - i ! tin* <| -; :i nt it v of Muiiouuiti.iu expend' 1 by each, iu said sen u*e; Hill upon tli * .ti.ei .»f such inii-t. r roll, ,| ,1 v , . • | •' I, ... | I ’ ' . 1 ’ I ’> .mil., <•!!;• ,*er'of - i h •• shall be hi* duty to i*.-ue llis w.irr r.t mu tin* Trea -’in • for tin* amount tine - id com- .rding to the reciui*ili«*i;« of the first section of i) loll pnv for the a.tiinunhu n. in favor of the Ifticcr commanding tin* same. >l . . 1. I . ; • *' h'.t !'•• M ' d Jf.ilV O.ii er* shall b. paid at and after the same rate* v hu ll similar " fieers ar* paid in the service of the I . ft it. -, upon the presentation ol their accounts, duly [crtili'-d. to tiie Governor. Si. . lth. Ili it fii Tl ' the . I • om- ninies, shall oil-, mpa ! lib stiilalde for the season, rul paironage 1 Imp' s wa* extended to hi* pro jiEORGL F.. O’BRIEN. ville, Jau 17—tf (•real Marinin*. rpllr. S,.'.>v,i!.,'r ..ill rniitinin’ on I.i- pr.on.1 }• ■ tie-- until tho tis -1 •! »y of F •ell V il. A. C. what prop.- I teen lost in battle, !»r in the Indian*, or while employed ii with a statement of tlo* v alue, .*r: a . 1 "• 1 ' uM om| a ill SOI clhei l' the los. id vain • of. he soldier. Ski . Oth. lud hr H forth such furtiisn to him of the D shall be tlie dlltv ol the (io* I'rov id.-.!, that the ptovis* extend hevoiid the loss ofhor*- agons, and wearing apparel ol Ucoi'gia Female < ollegc, SCOTTMKIKO', dev. O CR fri.'li.N nn.l MCT< Brr .1 II,:.! .1.0 rv-r- .... ..Ill ,|,u I.i-Iii.iii.m ...I ..-III...I i'll I;> It.'i ill.,.— t. Ii ir ITItOCS, A. 11. ami.Vli'* HMt IIIK1' <‘l. lltKI-i, Ii.ivi* urriv.-.l, I.n.i Mr- />*/■.’.-’ I‘l. i it-iilv <'\iii'i'|i'.!> Mr. W.!,.lb) im 1 K.'.. Wm. T. linintiev nn.l utlicr,. Mr. Mr-. Ni. hold* Biddle and others: Mi** F. of Mr-. Will,mis’ Seminary ut Troy ; and Mr. t '*>», the I'riueipal, 1. g* leave to i ter to I’rof. W ille, Dr. M. II. D. Leon, R.-v. Dr. Gapers, C I n.s.c. ; Dr. J.B. Gorman, Ti.lhottou, Geo.; i»r. J. - \u:u-t*t: Mai. J. IL Howard. John D. Ilowcll. ! ' L- p. Ed. Carey, L-q., i’olundiii*, Ge«».; Cid. San.itel ■■ - 1 ‘ * Il •• kvv IL Milled..-'.iii ; Col. F. Carter, Wm. \ . Han* , J'. l , ur ,1 ' ► I!. Esq., L. Day . Es.'.,SeotDhoro’,Ac.Ae. II tv in** I a rood tliut some have cotnplaiti.a. • • - * 1> mg higher thnu Ut auv other School in th w ‘ !i tveconcluded to est'ihlifti the following I ‘'I' in-portati >«l«• Tl.«• r •’x|ien«' i titling up tlie public mink** ;•!, • i (,-d by til! i oiuiiinudiiig c :t iliou, regiment, !.;i_ ..!•* or di ted, That Iii* Ex ,, el n do, icdn iiie. ektiow ledgeil to be • Bet Bo> ilJHC ""N the one h-iIT of Ret Rouiu e, it I'd y* Miugofor sltMM)—she wa* the I'litnol At.'il- 1 1 r • • t 1 I: Aiilnr, (the d im of Aruhj lu*r fir. t «•. !t,i N. vv i; tin* opportnnity (.fti-reil to the citirena of fin t. iron breeding from t!ii* noble horse. Tlmsoe wii . to iiupiovc tin ir sl-.rk knew their inteiei f. TIIOM \S (i. SANFORD, A Co, Felirnarv 7 n I'KOM'liCTIIS tiilbiu by Sir | ‘tint I Mdd ! w as tin* .1 ni J'/o’i/.ifa Chrnni'h iy State flight*' Sentinel. Poawric. from th, Uniltd Statu TtUgrafk. DOINGS IN CONOREB8. I» th* 8r.nAit.—Abolition Queillu* On y*"**^*7. Mr. Kent, from lh» Connili** on the DUtrict of Colambiii, presented to the Sen ate a memorial from th# Grnnd Juror* of Wash ington enmity. District of Columbia, complain- ingoftbe pciitiuont of vnrloiis individuals in llto uoo-slnveltoldiiif; Mttites, praying for the abolition or slavery in the District—setting forth the right of tho memorialist* tu their property under the constitution of the United States—tlie unlawful and dangerous character of these in- roudiarj petitions—and calling on congress to reject, or not receive them when presented. On the motion to print, n debate arose of some interest ns to the priutiugornii extra num ber of copies for distribution nmongp the people. Thi* proposition v.h« warmly oj»(>osed by Mess rs. iirovvn, of North Carolina, King, of Alsha- mo, Nile*. Wall, and Linn—and supported by Messrs. Calhoun, Kent, and Morris. Mr. Calhoun said that he tv as pleated to see that the memorial took the proper ground. These petitions ought to be arreste<i|* t once, and the only course to adopt wa* to rcUue to re el ive them. TIu* subject was of the highest importance, and no countenance ought to be givcu by Congress to the machinations of a bo dy of men, w ito seemed equally forgetful of the constitution und the right* and safety of it lar»e portion of the people. He deprecated the intro duction of these petitions ivheu they were first thrown before Congress, and considered it na imperative duty to arrest them ut oitco aud for ever, Mr. Wall, from Netv Jersey, deprecated, in the strongest terms, the grounds assumed by the memorial, and sustained by Mr. Calhoun. He thought the right of petition was a sacred right, mid that the abolitionists were entitled to be heard. For himself, lie showid always vote to receive them; and afterwards so iltliherate and fi t occnriling to the dictates of his judgment. He would not, therefore, so far countenance tlio memorial a* to vote for any extra copU*. Mr. Calhoun briefly replied, staling that tiie people of the District w ere, by the constitution, &s folly sccurred iu their rights as slaveholders, as any other citizens were to any other species of pro perty. This was, to his mind, as clear a* any proposition could he. Tlie abolitionist* petition ('otigicss to divest these individuals of their rights in this kind of properl). Had thnj any right to he heard in such n matter ? Upon what ground can such u right he defended ? On the other hand, the people of tlio District, whose rights were thus assailed, were entitled to hn heard—had the right to demand that Congress should not receive the petitions, and to spread their reasons before the public. Their property, their peace, anti their security, were put in jeo- P ll.. ..1 III!* ! *lllb- - v.- I it . 1 uniting the I partly by the agitations produced by these pell- mid uf a * > fitlii Im of B.*r-!i cklinziillv : *.l. Ret lb iib*. bv at Hires v. a wa* tli** fav.irit.* of tlio family. .**• 11• • n *v. r a li'lbli - bill om r,vv lien sliecoiit n.b .1 will. ll,.. 1, old Bet, tint I ".v,* - | *..»i „ a II,:. , .Mally ilie, b v \’ir,:iuiaii, !i r .iau-liter, I .-M before *lie wa* a \.*irobl. It *t Roitnr.'i* nl.* a two year«d.l Arch! * til 1 v, of m . !i •! ntv.underlb llHONirivA WfNTIVM. ini-wceklv, und weekly, co:i*pirt*d to iiiibtrr a dai- 'A. t.lbepr be M" ;r *ta,il*e\ten- iiit'V mail la* r*. Auitiiala •v.-„iM,jj)„r- iiml State* hi Mr. v-Vork .tob. *.*v mit."'ii -mb- ril.i poitltv A i liie, tinI ^ .Via w !i..|i I, ^V g uerallv larg. .In. vvh i|eof them ail.i, high price* ,1 T.i- ti their cost. Tl. *•• at tin* prevent >11 to the Aui.Ti.-ui j tint im In- ji. > ext - .xhi. lt I all.uai cilitiea i-iiji.vt .1 l.v piibli*ln r* of newapni ! i* the fir i |H.n.t iu the St .1. . :.t w Inch nil t.ii.i-e, vv lo t’icr cioiiiuprcial or political, i V w \ «irk. ('linrb -f. n. mi.t .,11 oth. i Fin . tb.- Atlantic portii ii ol |lii' I tiuin.und from here il i* cir- ; < ill it i bv m illdiver, ll, ‘ in ilitl'ervnt direi tioli*, into iv rv pail ol the State. To all pci*on*, tlieu, iutere*t.-d i • i,t : r • .III VV l.n Ii It ran be ib-nved ill the eailit *l hour,and in the n.o*t nil- t! ti* niaiiuer,ihii*city c. it.inly prc**utiv prc-cmiucnt •<l, n:j.| nbiio*t the ! To the enntilo community, Imth in theCilvand ii i nf tie State, a < oimoereia! paper at (hi* plner other iu the I nion • •* "•'Io *r ; i i- rfiirue imporlnnre Ilian 1 • I The ExpreiiH Mail anivc* Ii re in rmir tlnva from v w ui' .niii '■> i til.eaten. Vork,beiu? t!ir« «* day* in anticipation of the onlinarv I Rv .! lip an rcicivrdby E'lilor* only, from all I *oflli,-Atlantic Mate-, contniiiint! I WII Ll \M IL JOHNSON. vliieh. vv • r t. r, w here tereinl new a, the j ataiii a larre f|iitnititv of | i- wlliell will l,‘" _ whirhrnnbr publivhedhere, ,of tlieui not t'nT-.* at least, t" o ,luy« in a.Uan.T of the regular mail. The •I „1 I, Sir,,,, .'lor i elVo.-tol tin- will be tor* it, h*r Northern newapnpersof but , -I i.i | ro'.l ,,, lie- little value to mercantile m,*n iu tin* State, while it iu- lie -t'< ' \ i- ct‘ impotli,ne«* nf paper* puhli-liedh' 1 t',.t i,i* In Mitloiit« sll thei -ti.i .,i-! .*! r «• ;. 1 Cun-met • A Sr*» rm ' U o:t Malt, r. iu-!i ,i< Iiiil*, lilt*' even de*! liplionof r> >id< i*. vvlo'ther ill tliu city 1 ountry . Po>-. - -in. a , ir- ululi.ui in thi* State, oil ill Carolina, far Itevond that ever po--,-«,'d bv *f paper nl till* ( oftier-the strongest po.-i- . i.f nt - f.»r ev -tv kind of udverli*iu?. it, i * nil ii, w < received bv llie’Exprr.-* Mail, nli t !i<-ar, the Daily paper w ill be puldi*hed-‘I . i .'lth.* Daily paper will he that nfllie ArnUNTY -ol uni ii* on each Ji ./did, mid IN i la i-Wet klv I'M' v ill be lay FEU M S—Daily pep: Smiii*Weekly paper, i dv ii , , or Six rt tin* • W *.*Uv paper, Three It rod of thi '• !. J the Weekly pap. Tan Dnllnt* per annum, in nil heretofore, lit liv id of the Dollar-, Dollar .or Fot WILLI \M F.. JONES Certiorate to be signal by <) GeuRiiU, ) County. S I rerti Roll of the inilitia eon,pit (in the lot. ('reck - the Ckt rokt e Cnuntn *.j ,i tlie true state of -.,i.l comjtanv f mentioned ; that the remark* nppn- the eithi i 1 tlie t ' tb. I D’E-te by ■ a graduate oil! II- rithcr kec ci,untie* of I it i * State, ve been uiuniorrd into the i led. that *uch pav me,it I, \ i. ! pi .. !■"’ .'•I compel,-"lion tin r euieer and •obhei Under tlie Ikl t Slaft'Ortiet r* to r« Hlin. xrd to their :t mnml.the time wheu ordi red to what ilii. "I* the) were a of their superior ofti er, ah.-w rnpoeitv mid rank chureod fo in hi* divi-ioti or coiniiiau.1 c (in duplicate) will be require i of the net, to their pnv, thci it-, Matin.' thci , that thin Muster tale, comuiuuiled { rnw/niit’ll, or in entitle Field nml • own ••! rtilieate, ( i KOR .1 \. Fiber I > iii, I , nt th* ir Honor-■ Willi: lTI n J.ll it I in nut v.—(\ ol Ordinary, Ja Irak I,e - iv*—- tin !u and the eertilicato IIK that Midi M rv iee in the ■. vv.-,* perforined by them ' the llillltiu of this Stute, talioii vv liieb enniiot h * pulled do the .die of hi« r|o . hat lattly I,. I.le Tho follow ing fonn of aeroutii Ii ll iluplieale) will her. .|i«ir.-,l to lie * .*.1 in Iiy such a* hold claim-, the pay in. ed for by the oth ami otlnt like t I the : . of the l i Eh mentnry hranehca, lliehovi brandyetv, lb .win r a ml Painting. Lniiguagert, Mu-u*, (Piano and Guitar, each $I‘J per term. Jt) per month. 1 Iienldi of thi* place, the refinement of it* ..ii ,, • | • •' 1 I 'in' "I * ’ 1’iineipal to render hi* ln*titutti,ti Ibr Geoiiri'i, vyliat Li. M ok-’ \* fm Ii t'andii . ... '■ - I tin I't’r 'in.e of our So idiern ht> thren. A ViN A M* I A l'AS rC, 1 priori, I.. LA IAS lb, S l.nHI-if To Ilie Nouiht-rn S’liUlir. T. r.-.'l it a ,l,i:V we o vo to oumelve*. to inuirm «tir bi- ndi of certain report* which a Skc. bill, many of the volu , lUMistnn whid from ph v *i«'ian< > len.’v lit • Govern •d Slat 'Flint i I tlo it further e ,iiite, rn.lHilli in tlieCri, k nt.,1 >• . ' I k or wounded, and required iiuliinot be obtain, I otherwise i otmcde.l vv itli the iii n> v. bis I ' mill" •d t U. vl I or wounded litdi .11 pri*om r*, a* w ll n count* contracted by the yolunt* er* iu tin mnptiitrn, «itlier g«»ing «»r r< turning liotn a were unable to pro, nr.* the rvi< . .* „l • ■ 1 other bode * of nieti, who iuid «•* ddra' ,i>. . .ei tl, ir wav Ii" ue, ahull he paid and prcKcntcl, Iticli i* prov id- 1,oils of this net. Aholui., We ot tin eat her l>o- . . alio know n* would be the ;.'»/* with att< ll hateful pnin iph *~thev know ’ • Soutlieni men (unlive* of Virginia, but to or- 1 hy adoption) !•> birth, education. Editor* who ha 1 ", M! n * r '‘n'*, will plei '*'• •(' n week lor J'-iVI-lt I. M \ V.LATAST!.. puhliahetl a pr 'v uiu* -. Iv, rti*e* i * di«contiuue that and m«crtthe i r »!.Ui* lnr»rataUotiortho riiia,.. : I ] VVI.VI.J IV, „|, „.„,|| ,| I'.'.l I.I II.HMI ' ,, * r.,*,in^ th - t’liatt «!• dice River oppooil ’ I ort 1 M 11 ..Ml o i ! i v way ..foil lort I’m . to Mumford “ 1 "I «»n th» Sr. • R..aL—I rtite for tie information ' ' ' I'.ildi ;!,iit | have ne.rr *• mi the old Rond •*> .ft *f •• eal.tmi,—Eerri • ■*. Rri-Rea. Ac., to MV nolhing 1 diatau— navel hr jaroui* Iravdlitig toward* I • ■'. ' v Al • or ml » the C* k Country below Go- , 'kWIilcI r«t ■ iih * m ... i. , A FRIEND TO TiLVVELI.EIUL ; Unit *1 8t' t ■ | ,dbr ft further thi. act. tlntll I"' » . i ir - hrl be it feather • pir d bv the eo ifurthir metet, Tint all pn the ottice . r the be r'l'lf I ' itoltou,^ ^ I'm eg, inc ft" • "0"t t At articles nr rrrruer) th, miihrd nr j.rrjonn d) tor tie ,i ,4 i inliled for, Im* h t n p i*,, G.iVi',t,n>. nl "f ti. m.'i •. Gitru to,aud sub ril*. d !»• I rauliful dark bay JAMF.S J. I! VURI ON. A. Be, k, Dillard llearn- 'ii,,:. J,,Ini-ton, J italiec*. I rly All.'ti, cv’.ir, of Iti, h- I it. <!• • > -r.l—Umi ex’or. ol Tliont-i'! Akin, I .I-..- d.u’r. -!• b,mi* non, of Tl„m a- \kiit, xml« »tvd o'r. of Jnmoa Arnold, ,Ue, . 1 court, llmt lie Im* finally Bdmiiii*lor, , ,l and ' • t-ot tl. .,id r-tatc*, nnd ju.ty * for let- 1.1- "m then trout—-whereupon, it i* on', red, tilth a Moii-e I' i \ • ll ol tlii- nppliri.tinti ill ia Joumnl. reqiiiiimr ail p, r-on* to file th, ir iI miiv thev have a^niMM tin crantinc ol the r I!■ th* tir-t tern, ol tl oil, alter the .it th- tin ' a I'm. -aid. ill d fault tin n of, let- ov w ill In* c rallied ill earh • a« • in term* ol 1.1- a, ii • a ex made and prox ided—Thi* filli . 11 .i< t truu the i.: in nt 0 4 of the (’ourt of Old in- . .i . .only, thi T.’ih Jnnuniv, IJS17. „Hn ’ WM. 1’.. M l.MS, (?. C. O. 71 A, ttnldwin fomiiv.—Irtl'.'.ior Cmui -it* i r ordinary piiq,ot>(.:(, Novciohcr adjourn,M 'ertn, I. R! LE MSI.—Upon the application of TlmiMm B (i E cn tie- -Bartovy.dec’d. I Jolly, I I ,!., M. tatiii that tin y , „• t<» 1‘1't til »f ilie.r i , dive iiit, , n .1 pi tying |"itcrs of ilicuiieSMUl tin r, I mm; , f - or ! ■ ! i', >1 tin* rule b<* publi lied once n .•!, f.,r lx,,..mill . iu ,ui" of tin* pub'ie /ettf* ol | ,|" . i!le, that all jiatlie* • e,e dleev have due iceol tin- • ppli-.,1,1.!, nnd tile their objeclioW* (it ft . b tv.-) to tii, i- i.n; of xuid letter*. B. P, \\ a-liiiig!• i Tv itydav. t Tt MRS, TPk I ■ tlierefore lot ito the I by h n.l appe ,v,to mild not be oil, appl; t n d crrililor* of aniil ■ i e within I lie time pro- any they have, vxhy an id b .lav of Dec. 1B36. .... ,lw.. , WM. R. ffA’RI'F.B. t e. k 1 \t:n. ■ AHi: si RVE\‘*R-t.l NEKA!, ii nee IIrv to I n.l tie p i! lie, ?l... I the in, roH-d o J»pl !• ’* I i I torwnriliu .I „l»jtli r Git \> d no Io I lab, III |H’! l.-lllllllv *itbo ..Inn '.(—If. \ r i itst it m: IU I * I,Ml the be . refimed Htartia-r ktirdlv allcrw. i .loiirnrviiinn Farpenfor. y HO will PtivT-lmr of inmr^elot bmu'- v-I ’ > I ,u. will rc- • r e liberal tsago• for the cm ve , I'.ii.piire at thi- Ol'i* e. f i ;v 'j:",';- .it. I l ainpmpn t •* •* • ui thereof,other tlm . I V the L'llilt d Slat. R. 1 .wood and >'FENCE, J. 1*. : Sh‘ m;\\ u,uiki>. " !. The (star in, bv Irving; HaUinf the cut re I •-.> ‘Lin. I Lr • 1/ reh tut » ( I rk : Stories 1 h'-Coe! Clnh : Nlnrarft r ipimriitf March Horse Shot Kahtf and 1"| ..lal# j le, for l.i*.* »ia- ' A. F.EI.H. Sign of lltc Largt l^d^ci Speaker sf JO-i.l II D \ V, * I fm . of Ueprermtotiei ROBER T M. ECHoUi. ft 9flke Hrsah in; aerotitit ia correct an I pi«t. I I „ rp#« c*> therein * Imrred t >r, were •». ini! erwtracted for by ■ ■ *~~*" and preformed/ tor l)i3 u<Mf| T, that the for. t 11 the fart tf let u idttlcly l S'. \ - ,,*d to, Dcren,]. 'Jt— William scih lv, Gom n1. in tb** 1 m.paign fin the ('heroine t 'main •■/ Giviiu under my biad,tlua day ul re /finished or nf G. M. under (Creek or S i.nah / \ IL WRIGHT, Clerk. \oti* i:. . ihe R , 1 ii Moiuicrllo Jn-pereom r.l.i> tiitl.l tlm ‘.Hthof De. < mb#r la*t, tioH«r. w -a.ijle nn.l n v#ty Urr** blanket. Mp(iruli«*n*ion nf tin thief and Ir H<K*bu' k, and »« n'o to pr. but juxl l!»4l v*e m in Mo ■ U*, *c, delivered JO doll'll* I HMHi "Ho. FRANKLIN C mMFFO.N. I turn-.. (’ i„,„,. •» ought uoi to receive them. t»«- cmiso they had no right to legislate oil the sub ject, nml the abolitionists no right to ask that they should. Mr. Niles expressed himself opposed to prin ting tlie memorial at nil. Mr. Drown, of North Carolina, said tiiat ho •diotihl vote agnimst printing any extra copies. He thought such a coarse would hold out tho belief that Congress would legislate, iu Koine way on the subject. This, said lie, tvouId pro duce excitement and'agitatinn. lie wa* oppos ed to any eoiirac which would tend to ngitation on the subject, lie thought that the public mind, both at the North aud the South, whs iu a Iralthy state in regard to the question. He deprecated all measures which might lend to ex citement, and intimated that the meinorialints wished to excite ami agitate the public mind. Mr. Calhoun expressed his astonishment at the remarks of the Senator from North Caroli na. Who agitates this question ! The aboli tionist* or tlie slaveholders ? v Vho keeps up tho excitement ? When the rights of the slave holder me assailed, are they to ftit quiet ? Do they agnate the subject ? And does the Seua- tor mean to say that when tho fanatic* are or- I ganiziug and concentrating their forces and means over a large portion of tlie Union—w hen they have already succeeded in a great meas ure. in bringing the public mind under their con trol in many of the States—that the slaveholder shall not lie heard in defence of hi* property and fireside, lest it might agitate tho nub lie feelings? Are they to ho demiuurcd for defending them selves ? .Shall they he charged with a purpose of producing agitation ? !\lr King, of Alabama, followed in the con versation. nml took the same vicxv of tho sub ject. ami deprecated the di**ciuiuntion of the memorial among the people. Mr. Morris, of Ohio, said that the language of the memorial was eminently mild and respect ful. and he would lie glad if it *ould he placed in the hands of cvety freeman in tin* United States, lie would voto for printing the lurgest number that any gentleman might move. After some further remarks from Messrs. Kent and Wall, the vote was taken on the mo tion to print tiie ordinary number of copies for the use of members. On thi* question there w cro ft vo nays; Messrs. Niles, of Connecticut. Strange, of North Carolina, Buggies, of Maine. Page, of *W»r Hampshire, and Lilin, of Missouri. Noth.—The render will not fail to observe the direction which this subject is taking. The slaveholder i* to lie put under the ban—hi* ap peal. Io the reflecting and intelligent are not to he heard by the people. He is charged with a design to produce agitation, and this, too, by Southern Senators. Na), more, they vote that his petitions shall not even he printed, though hi- properly and peace and -nfeiv arc assailed. This K the mode in which Mr. Van llurcu pro poses to fulfill hi* promises in a late letter to a citizen nf Georgia. “ / think." snvs the letter, “ that I sec in these malign e fforts of the abolition- ists. and in reei nt results, the precursors of A MORI’. CLOSE AND CORDIAL UNION I mrrwT.u.N the old republicans I Ol Till. NORTH AND SOUTH, than has existed since Mr. Madison's dat/s !" Indeed! It Me-or*. Wall, Page, Buggies, &:o., he the “ old Republicans of the Sorth." ami Messrs. Linn, Brown. Strange, King, of Alabama, &e. t | he tlio “ old Rr publicans of the South," there is a great likelihood of " a close and cordial union" l.ctu i en them. But ut whose erjtense is this it- ii ion to he effected ? Let the stnlimunls and luitrs recorded above answer tho question. Wo till the people of the South that there is treachery among tin ir Representatives, and they had bet ter look to il in lime. Thrower# hero are more coveted than the #»»•;»(.)/ honors of a mere Rtprt- s ntativc. Let them look to it. Abolition—Progress in 1‘innsylvanh. \ || Anti Slavery Convention which ilia an- nonm ed, ix to lie lie well attended, in about to a rrilile at Harrisburg, the Metropolis ofPenti- «\Iv;«nia. For six months past, Pennsylvania In-been tho principle theatre of Abolition ex- tTtintiv and prasclytism hn« been rapid. Wa have before suggested that the character of her population was peculiarly fitted to tho reception of Abolition doctrines. Quakers aud Dunkarda arc uuttwrmw, and their religious predilection! repudiate slavery in any form. Unthinking, unregulated Democracy which regards the cou- stitution a* less sacred that the cox p’tpuli. order us cncroaechincut on natural liberty, and wealth nml intelligence a* •• Aristocracy ; M this licen- cent ions Dt itinerary apparently baa struck dee per root in Pciiiis)Iviiiiia than elsewhere, and uill, upon ihe wild and absurd theory of the •• quality «f universal mail, combine w ith religious (riiiatiri'in to urge the dangerous design* of tho cruftder* igainat Southern Right* and Peace. IN uu'\lv.tuia is about to lend on the Abolition- j.i,, rm,! wo now tell tiie Pvople of Virginia, that, •nve po**ihly. the UenrctcitFitive* from thu City of Philadelphia, the whole PuBnayvanta Deb jraiion iu the next C.mgre** w ill throw their weight into the oralc oi Abolition. Nothing ran he mote strange and unaccounta ble than lha torpor o' the Mouth uadar *jSt cir-