The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, September 05, 1837, Image 3

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THE JOURNAL. .Hillcdgeville. Sept. 5. 18:;?. FOR GOVERNOR, OEOKUK It. C41L.1113it. Tlie followin'. we copy from llic Simulant iff Union, ns extracted liy that print from Mr. Gil mer's tnes-ngo to iho I.cgisiuliiro iu ljs'ftl. In tlie memnee these sopniatc sentences constitute n part of one paragraph. Extracted by the Slumlord of Union from Mr. Oilmn'e Menage. Mr. fill.MER’S views no the l.nml Outcry system, nodliin opinion nf the virtue nf his felluw.ciiircus, ns enutninen in iiin incssugo to the Lcgislniure, iu Novem ber, I a.Ki. ‘• The emu olijcct to ho effected by the Stale, in the ujijiru niution of its iiuuln, Is the inercusc. nf its tmnolu- tiun, und the excitement of its peutile to I.NIM/STRY unit tlie nccninnlntinn of WEALTH. the l.tll I ERt system, which Inis hoen hitherto ailoptod, is believed to hart been hettcreolculntcd to ob tain these ends, than tlie disposition liv lTltLlC SALE. In tot unimpiovedcountry, wheree.ii itnl is scarce,in- I irresl high, mul every trade nnd eoinlnvtnent ilemnnil ' I.ADOIt sod WEALTH, the SliKlM.IS MONEY in ; possession of tlie PEOPLE, can he e.rpcutUd more me- i fr.thj by limn, iu improving the lands ami otherwise lidd ing to the riches of ihecotmlrv, than if drawn frum than, I to be placed in the UUBLK ■ TREASURY. ft liurt always bruit ton ml MORE DIFFICULT to j restrain IMt’ivOBLU. LXRENIMTL’RF.S arisingjrom •t 1* l LL i IlLASIRY , than to obtain th run fit the poie- rrs trhich below? to flir government, thr means which may , be really required for public purposes." “ It is reported, that there nre valuable gold mines in I the lands to bo disposed of. TIio public tnteicyf ru-qnirea i thut t!ie lots of land which contain gold, should he KX- EUPTllI) from distribution by LOTTERY. The spiiit of speculation, which the distribution of the lands by LOTTERY it calculated to excite, hits { always hern the it rentes t objection to tout k\ stem. The knowledge that the lands contained valuable I MINKS OF GOLD, would increase that spirit, to the ! most injurious extent. THE COMMl MTV would become bisrhlv excited by ilu! hope of acquiring GREAT YVEALTll WITH OUT LA IIOIL ^ TIio MORALS of the country would bo in danger of ; GORKI l*Tl().\\ fiotii the temptation which would ho I bold out, by LAW, to the commission of innumerable FRAUDS. \ Regular INDUSTRY nnd ECONOMY would for u < time, lie suspended by RESTLESS IDLENESS, and imaginary, us well as real and unnecessary expenditures. In most cases, even the successful owners of flic rich ! pri/.es would not be really benefitted. PRODIGALITY is the usual result ot' riches, suit• i denlu and easily obtained. •MINES are like tlie accumulation of the PEOPLE’S j MONEY in tht! public TREASURY’: tlie Govcmmatit j SHOULD manage them lor GENERAL, und not for I INDIVIDUAL advantage,** The following sentence, forming (he conclu sion of tlirs pnrngrnpli composed of ilio above dclaclied sentences, tlio Standard of Union did not tfnote in connection with the sentences im mediately preceding it. Wo challenge our co- temporary to aouex it to his quotations. Omitted to be extracted by the Standard of Union, from Mr. Gilmer’» Menage. “ If they .hautd prate Kxrl'KnixoLV PnoviTiin.E, tlie S I'ATE irould thereby hr K.Tun Eli to [p- REUEVE THE PEOPLE from TAXATION, IMPROVE At.I. I IIE ROADS, RENDER ITS RIVERS NAVIHA- RLE,and kxtksd the AI)VANTA<}F.S OF KOI’. C.l t'W.V to KVjiitv Cl,ASS of SOLTE'J'V.".fD I.I8T OF ERRATA. We have restored the omitted passages of Oov. Oiltner's message,in that portion which is so unfairly garhlctl ami copied hy the Standard of Union anti the Federal Union, in relation to the goltl mines. We hail Imped the shame of being compelled to acknowledge the perversion w hich such a method of quotation is calculated to make, would have deterred them from the commission of a similar offence. Wo find it our duty to correct again these quotations from tin: message in relation to the Indians. linoted by the Standard of Union and Federal Union, from ,Ur. Gilmer s mintage to the t.miniature iu I Sttn. “It is ilia- to OUR INDIAN PKOPI.E, that that provision of the law of eisliteen hundred nnd inenti- iiintt, should he REPEALED, which prevents INDI ANS, and tlie deseendants of Indians, from ht-itigeoin- petent \V IT,MESSES in the courts of the State, in eases where a WHITE .MAN is a patty. 'Pita present law exposes them, In CHEAT OPPRESSION, whilst its repeal would probably injure u« one.” The sentence immediately succeeding con- j tains tlie reason of the recommendation which its usual our cutempornries have omitted. Dare I they quote tlie whole paragraph. We give it' hcluw. Omitted ta he quoted by the Standard of Union and thr ! Federal Fount from Mr. (Ulmer n mennayv to the lx- ; tfistaiure in 1 h‘3U, fotloirintf immediately after the alone ! i/uotatiou. “ A r mir fs have been made to strip THEM or tlimit ! PROPERTY iiy D* COST It A C T«.££ ! because of the impassibility of defending their ritibts by tec testimony of those ulio atone can knots them.'' For instance, a suit might he commenced to | eject an Indian from his home, anil afurgtd deal \ produced as evidence that he had parted with | lii.s title: lint according to the law, whose re- pcal Air. Gilmer recommended, the Indian hail j not the poor privilege to deny on his oath that j lie hail never executed such a deed. To meet j cases of this description was tlie recommenda tion made. We challenge either or both of our : cutcmporuries to annex the sentence which com pletes the meaning, mul as we have quoted it. . The Standard has already attempted to correct one error, wo hope to see the attempt successful yet, Imt we would warn our cotemporary to be careful iu Ins quotations lest the ‘Lint of Errata' he somewhat longer than the • Rook' itself We have Witnessed with much intcres t, the spirited exertions lately made in thiscity nt. d its vicinity, to promote the interests of thr coni mil. mty generally, hy the introduction of n good stock of horses. It appears to he pretty geno- ,Y rm J cc ded that in order to iu*ure this desi- luhlo olijcct, a well regulated Turf is essentially •necessary. I lie efiorts lately niatlo in further- nnce of this matter have been so far sueccssl'ml. mio Club lately formed bad a meeting at f;Ue C ourse last Saturday, ami made choice of uUe following officers: JOHN WILLIAMS, F.sq. at. Rlt HARD M. ORME. 1st Viee-lVesideat ROBERT M'COMHS, 2,1 do. do. BENJ. 8. JORDAN, :|,| do. do. I ilAKLI'.e \\ . U'llOATE, Secretary. Wo were prevented front being present ou."- nway the lives and property of white men. If tats lie ft line inference, we admit it is n very se nnits objection ; and we will join with the standard in denouncing any man who is in fa vor of such gross injustice. I,ct - ns see then, Mow lllu test applies tu the Standard's own mends. In ld£,i,<5en. \\ atsnn voted against the pas sage of this La«v, and if the accusation of the .. milliard he true against Mr. is equnl- y true against Gen. Watson. Wo have uover le.nd jrom that print the slightest ground of complaint against the latter genUanmii, but on the contrary, have always considered that print anil its It lends as his very w arm supporters, un til it wits found he would not permit himself to j lie used by the Van Bunco party, to further their I ends. Notwithstanding his patriotic refusal to j the Van Buro!; l0 n "f P,c ‘ i,lc "‘« h » l*« ’* ! l’«arn from CmpeVciu judges' wh a towards dm « l r’ '7 r' openly cherish ! Were there, tiint the track has I,coil placed i t wha ihc r ..7 , ,el .' 0 . v ' ! ’ f,;el "'K* fricudslnp; excellent or.lcr, not surpassed hy any iu U e , r , '*«; we will not State, and that the accommodations are c n non' If ■’ ^ Ve have not heard /am de- I Indeed wo should look for no |e„ f tn .i. verv vocifcvm "i V ‘T- SiUIIC ‘Si"* A V .S cl ‘ ,llc > s0 ■ knowledge of the spiiit, activity, mid enierp cr\ vocileiously object to Mr. (iilmcr. I lie j of the proprietor. reason iff their silcuro ennnot he, that lie is not; — a public man, for lie was nominated on their 1 ELECTIONS. I Electoral ticket by this very party, and this Tennksski:.—At length we have returns nea - ‘ g cut oiiencc was not even whispered against; ly complete from the Tennessee election. Froi n ' H. i J-Vr ‘","7, .... ! " U ll,e ountics hut time, it seems that (Jovernc r , a K.n, n lull was again introduced into tho j Camion's majority over Armstrong, the Vn n | Legislature, excluding the testimony of Indians i Rurcn candidate is 18,GI9. Gen. Jackson t o Irani our Courts. At this period it passed into the contrary notwithstanding. Tennessee ha s, tile law. a copy of which we have given t.lmve. nobly spurned the dictation of the Ex-IVesidcnt . On a reference to the Journal of that session, ; we litul that ono of the representatives from the Ecn. MiRAnE.u i'». Lamar. Vice-President! county of Hancock, w as Thomas Haynes, Esq. ' "f Texas, arrived at this place ou .Sunday ou i \\ e lieg our renders to hear in mind, that the j h> s way to the .Scat of Government of that Ro- j standard of Union, declares that Mr. Gilmer public. would make these people, (meaning the Indinus) , witnesses, to swear aw uy the lives and property I Congress assembled at Washington yesterday.. : of the white men, because he on\y recommended " ° presume according to the lVoelaniatiou o f the repeal of the law, excluding their testimony ! •"•'• Vau Huron. where whito men were parties iu our Courts. | , . But in Id2(i, we find among those who opposed | 'J'he English Parliament was prorogued by the provisions of this very act, ami voted against ; ,llu Queen i» person on the 17th July. it on its fiual passage, Iteinre the House of Repre- j | sentatives, the name of Thomas IIaynfs of | From the Macon Messenger. Hancock. If the charge ho true therefore against 1 It will lie gratifying to our citizens, nnd the Abolition discussions. We docline publishing Ml Welistcrs remarks then, on the principle, • fiat it is not worth our w hile to help iho Aboli tionists to disseminate their doctrines. Rut if the Editor of the American w ill semi us a de- innn.tration of reasonable length, proving (hat Mr. Webster did not mean what wc hove attri buted to him. we will publish it w jlli pleasure, “ without note or conuncut." [Charleston Mercury. oi ir ( irii e the purulent expectoration amounted to pints di ily, with heme fever, dinrrhma, cold sweats, and en tire S pro8fmti«»n. I’lio trnntiueiit ii« the eilminifttrntioii of aii';4>m, • of crqipotiii untincntin^jltifes, combined with «hiii i nn- monien, given no n» to nnusenrte but not online t •)v to produce toll vmrijting; tlie usual dose f»ir iliit* pm pose is about linlfa grain amt five grain* <»f tin* rrppenivo ingredients, in a l♦'n•«p«H^||^ll^of water , In he t?\k«n at Hrst twice, nnd in tbc convalescent sta ges oinje a doy. In enses ofelirmiin bronebitis n gargle of the sol* Died at Philadelphia, on ^atnrdny morning, after phiite #»f c^ippei* alone is snperadded. In this la ttor s protraeted illness, General RiciurdC. Pakisii. of . win nf consumption, this treatment abmASt invn fin- r l"ridrt. ( My suspends the hectic symptoms in n few <lf ys, It is with much regret we notire (he premature ! a,,, l tha disease rapidly ndvames toils fionl run . deaih of this gentleman, who. while in flic command | l' 1 »d the none proper forms of rnnsimipt ton •f a regiment of volunteers iu Florida^ it w ill lie re* i treatment must In; intermitted frequently out l a- nol reted. had the tnisfortnno to kill in a frnrna one i r n ' M rettirnnd to; nnd whenever soreness of the of Ins officers, (!Mr. YV’ard.) We will not touch on J ; hest, or other symptons of iiillatnitnitorv action ex- this unpleasant theme, nut ran sayi if liir n* our i l^iitini'iit should he suspended \ as it it in nw n personal knowledge extends, flint Col. Parish the chronic state alune that the remedy is imlicn »ed was iu every respect a man of a high sense of lion- or useful thst state in w hich the condition of the or, of cotmnaiidiiig talents, rhivnlrous courage, and , gencial system n* HyinpHthetically involved Ih 1 - •d must tiO.ihlo and agrecnhle matmeis. There is | eoine« the morn prominent symptom, and the s Me tro douht the tnifoi litnnte inridnnt nl I tided to weigh- i cess nf the treatment depends chirllv on the lue 1 k- rd on his uiiiul; and in this instance, shiinniiig tlie t ••»up lliis sympathetic action of the diseased Iu eg, ettamplenf the world, Iff the evil “heinterred with , 0,1 t**^ro hcultliv tone of the stnniarh, and in- ins hones and the “good live after him.” j creasing its digestive powers, and likewise causi off, [JV. Y. Star. ! during nauseating action, a more active and heal hv — ■- ■ 1 circulation »*l blood through the lungs, its curat ivo .4 laic New Y’ork Herald contains the following t powers me more itiiuiciliatelv nttiihutahle tu tin *se ipeciilntinns To w hnf degree of faith thev nre on- j effects of its action.—Hut tiicnrv apftrt, the tit at- titled we do not pretend to any : ’ is presented ha-ed mi more than fen years ex- “HIGHLY IMPORTANT FROM WASH- i " Ci ' ' uv ” ,iv !‘ advantages, in the pro) »rr INGTON. 1 treatment of discasesnfmiico-puriilent and pnrftl* nit ” YY r have received intelligence, from YVa»liing- ! ** X yj * tornlion. .. .. ton of the highest importance. The President, mul ! . ,,n V'^ a » ,r , nfcs<, ! on ' w ) r * , '" 1 nr1v ,l ' ,M tlie majority of his cabinet, have at length fonnally ‘ the purr dutms of Immum .. shandoiied the ultra opinions of Ketidnil and Hlair. " I 1 ,* 1 1 IN cra-eil in tins eonntry in i * “It appears that during the last mni.tli, there have , '. 0 '> t> « , » , * , *‘ •'* P»“ a 'i»hle. I hiiyo little motive,,, ex. .... hec, inany cabinet consultations on the present state ! <il 1 " f ' VU "" ' ,hnt U ' U "" ' ! M ‘ of affairs. In these discussions. Mr. Poinsett was i con.-nmptmr, may hecmed.l ...t the great leader in favor of a ‘creJit system,’and "}* *™ w » n ** vi Pn-rtienl r.xpeiienre, and tlm . le- opposed to an exclusive metallic currency, or the I *1!?. mn,, ' : " r I ,,,hl,<% « means of saving life, in c m entire separation of the government amfgcm ral oi ,f " moHt •Miwrlrome h.k liiianers of the country. Mr. Forsyth gradually np- | I.DvN . ( . ( ItOPLK, M. I» |truxiinntctl to Mv. Poiiispit, mill 3lr. Atlnrncv : frill Btith-r al»n. in ftui.t ipifiifc nf le ttm from N. ‘ 1< ’ , , r, ' K "b'»t <ff8l. Miry’s Collfcn. Bnltititn tn. Ynrk. rinu |v tvnii nvi-r l.i tho wmin opiiiiini. Mr. Il "'* i'ti'Ivi'iI b rntmlifriff linlinn t tirit .itivs rnllr ft- Kfittlnll niu'tlc Hrfnuniitin|i|mi.itinti,nitil u.ftl nlltliv I ,d "V Htf Hrinitifir Tnivpllfr, Mr. Nif.nlb't. ntiin no ptnver of intrigtif, mul nf tli.itml ”»•• btoiixAiul ••ihrr Ititlinn trilini*. It will tm gri ti> tn fiighli'M the I’rrsidrntnni) hi. fiiliitifi frnm : ! >l "b’ 1,1 '!"• .frirml. nf llti. gnntlfinnti in Iftirti tl ml Mr. Gilmer, iiii equally true against Mr. Haynes; : l ,, '°P le “ftliis section of comttry generally, . for Mr. Ilnynes ACTUALLY VOTED A -) I* 0111 '® *bc following proceedings of a convcn- G A INST THE PASSAGE OF THE LAW ! i * i , on ofstocIchoUleiTt of the Monroe Kail-Rond. —(Sec Jour, of the II. of Rep. Ir20, p. 24(i. ! '1'lie work appears in a more favorable condition , We have heretofore eiiiiimeiiteil ou the na- i •i 1 " 11 ** generally supposctl, a ml the Bank in u ! ture of the toxtimony offeretl hy these opponents .Runtimi shortly to resume an equal stamliug of Mr. Gilmer. Wo Itnve shown they were in- i ilni<, jiR our other institutions. We expect to, tcrested witnesses, and we now .how that one of 1 P u * , )i»h tbe Engineer’s report next week, which , tlioni accortling to iiis own inference* is guilty ! exhibits a minute view of tlie condition of tile 1 he leave Fnrl Snriling for the Eli.I < immlh.— Guzellc. of tlie very same offence winch he so unjustly ! imputes to Ale, Gilmer. How would mcii evi- HDXROl’. RAIL ROAD AND BANKING deuce bo received liofnre a jury 1 (Our cotetu- COMPANY. I porary himself lias ‘calledus into court,' and lie l Macon, August 21st, 18:17. 1 must lie prepared la abide the isstio.) We put I *‘- v n ca ". "I - I,lu Board of Directors of the tlie question to himself therefore what reliance Monroe Kail-Road and Blinking Company, tile j would ho place on witnesses who were shown I Stockholders of this _ institution reprosemius tn ho directly interested in tho event iff the their position. For several weeks tUi* petite assert wits kept up. Mr. Dickerson and Mr. WmI,iliIIry looked .in, till nl length the intlei cave in Ins mlite- ■■■■ ■ — ■ _ • non in the pulley nf Mr. Pninsca, wlm is now die j Read.ftiim'ters, tieor.itl, r slister svtrit nf the raliitici, * ,. ... .... . . _ ’’ Mr. Van Boren said lie w.i. nlwsvs in fnvnr of > 0 E ’ K* *"*' ’ ? ’ e f r.tiiE ConnnttnJe “n-t." thus b. Vreqneeted bv ,he p ie at bclt l ins Hnfety b uud lie win in- jng cRinpaiffn in Florida, ngtiiiiRt the .Seminole |nd,a na. I!i ‘ - , , . I Two hundred men, iiccuHtoined to tlm m»o and of \V e near further, that instnintinna have been 1 bnruei*, ur*» required, who will proceed by water to V lo- von to Mr Kendall, tiint liereaftcr lie immt eouline | ridn, and ha then- ntoimi.-d, and tlie halaiiee of the In rer hi- nself tu Lin official duties, or ictdjrn. He ;•» no j " ilj he infantry. The whole nunihcr lhut may he cal led loi tger a uicmher nl the cabinet, and lii* iiiHnetier ‘ * or ** v«*t known, but m* tbeir rrrvirci* will be nee t**- „v er the • Globe* i* arrested forever. Mr. Sanford 1 °; lo,,rr ' Jj,.** * ,ro t ,rr " r ^ f New Yolk, is now tint editor nl* Unit print, I 11 ".‘ W " r I>* l'ori...oiU .lex. Warna IknirSalM. besoMst tbs coert-bonee isWumtN.Wu- -.-j—1t»a eoanty, on iho first Ta.sdsy in OCTttBER I «ty to Ule l * wfo ‘ ho “ re “f Ml*, tbefollowfag pro- On* nscro mu by th« ntms of Lonon, tbs property of Hill, to rsrt.fy til..dry (■ far.ens in fivor of Jobs ■■V I&fe Mi ' U P™P»''y pointed on* I-esthcr Trunk nnd ini rontenta, and one doth ™*<i two pair of pantalona*. and oae snwll BiMe; mid “ V 1 * P'citerty of Wiltinoi Y. Nelson, to saiisfy an at- a« ImjMoi rtturn.ble it. the Inferior court, in favor of Mad- ,Uuatlebufy ornl A.lan.s, (vs.) William Y. Nelson. Levy mode aud to nte hy a constable. WJL W. ANDERSON. Shjfi. Admiuiurutor’a Sale. W ILL ba sold forcssh, st tiie court-house la Henry county, on the first Tuesday in November next. Lot of Lit no N o. 163. in rhe 13th district in snid county, enntainine 802 1-3' acres, more or leer, it heiug part of the real estate of' Ifni. P.filcnrv.dec’d. __ sopib BEVERLY ALLEN. Adm’r. Admlnittfrator’s Snip. W ll.l. he .old ntllic court-house in Irwin county,, on the first Turadfly ia November next. One Lot of Land No. Mf, in the 6tb distrcT of Irwin cotmtv, beionxing to the es tate of Richard M. (.dber!, ilee’d. IVrtns mado known, oa the day of sste. A. FITZPATRICK, Adm’r. sepl , r > Arl milli tr ratiu ’a Sale. U Y virtue of an order grunted hy tile Ulterior ronrl of ’I’botiiss eoiiutv, * !r-rj sitting liir ortlinarv pur poses, will lie sold on thv first Tocsdny in Novcnilier next, witliiu tlie legal hunt ■ of sale, belnra t!m courl- liuu.w* tloor in Pultisbi I minty, BOO AtTekjif Land, n-ifipa nr !e <*, on the Oumulgeo : Ivor, fifter a mile* ! ulow Han fort!, nuinhera not known, it ! mhc af urt of tkertol eptn'o of. JoF?pll Dry an Hkcd. einiii .'or iho hrirftrf tin* heirn anti crcriflor* of aaitl tier’d. Tevnia ii:udc known uutlu dav of aale. SIlADR.lCIv ATKINSON, JOHN C. LKUYVNING, Repr . r > Adnftto with AtlniiMGfi n^eiN Kali*. B Y’ virtuoof an onh r ^rnntrd hy the Interior court of Thomas county, when sitting for ordinary por- I'tne-t, will he noM out he first Tntoolay in Decrinhcr wxtj within tin* legal hour* of wi>, bcl'oro the court* In-.iiM'iirwr in the town of Newton, Baker cou-ity,. O APien of* Land, No ILY, in the 7th district of or.gmally F.arYy now IY«* tornounty, it bein': n part of tlie real estate of Joarpli IJeyfiM, dee'd. S(»lil for the benefit of the heir* ami ere* iHnunof fn\ J eiJa'e. Terror made kitorvo on the. day of rule. 8HADK ACK A TKINSON, JOHN C. BltOYVsNl.NG, •o’pt C Aflm’rr. with the will annexed. \ LL {M'rt’ons indebted L the estate< f William Little, / m. late of Piittimn eouiKy, fie.cenred, are requested to iNuke iinmedinte payment, uii'l'llmse hnving demand* n<aiiist anid estate nrs required to prr'snt them in ternia - 1 * HOITKF'" * KRT L1TTLK, LI AVIS LtTTIK, Fx'ore. ie suit, j proportion of the stock, this day assembled j kuefis,’L.Vts'rc e very ■ J 1 } 'Heir hanking house in the city of Mncou. F.ntptircr,'hns :.L i.l i Tlm Frrt.iiJent nf thn enmnnnv in n bfift man. I thnn ;t ww , k, is the ctlilnr ol tl.ot print, and in ,| K , rr . ... »sequence ol tins new positinii m tl the vi ,,. s . hIh.1! I.c tie,.died from the Kegiineiitul orgnui l " 1 " Ily nckiiowletlgctl the utility ol die ; tinn, and lie composed of not mule tlmn one linndred nor stockholders unrepresented, ami of those who j may feel mi interest in thu advancement of tlii, work of internal improvement. On iiiotiim of A. H. Chappell,Esq. acommit- [ tec of five, consisting of A. II. Chappell, A. | Cochran, T. Matthews, Win. A. Blael, antlj. J. j Gresham, Esq. was appointed to examiiiu iis'o ! the affairs of the insiitutiun, mul repniT tu the j and one ol whom had been guilty of tlie same offence hy his own showing, which lie I ^’* 10 President of tho company in a brief loan brought forward against the defendant! Wo 1 u * r s'nled the purpose lor which the Ktockhol- I say and so will the people say, that if Mr. Gil- | 'Drs had been called together; and also submit- l country, tiler is hlumoablc for this reeoinuieiidatiini, his Ul . 1 *" tlio convention a pieeise statement of the : . ‘Tri.ero never was! such a re accusers are a thousand limes more culpable, as ; !l8 ’ ,ira nl ' Bank. The Engineer’s report was i i!"!1 I "h. , .. , .!I."" n!!'7 “ "T! they make an uccusatiun against him which is | 'I-eu read, shewing the amount of money nctu- equally true against themselves, to wit. ••//n y i ally disbursed in the graduation of the Boa,I, would permit an Indian to swtar aivay die lives \ 'ho number nf sections completed, and of tlioso and proptrty of white men." | which arc in progress anil expected to he finished At the commencement iff this article wo plac- I '’5' ’' ,l! l'* 1 ' 1 at January next; nnd also die pitt ed the ilirection Iiy tho Sinntlanl of Union to balde fiiinro cost of the grailualion and super- the people how to vole. Wc suppose, that ns j structure of the Rond. This report will hereaf- Ite stands within the predicament in which lie | ,er puhlixlted, lor the of the few would place tlie supporters of Mr. Gilmer, that he intends In vote for Mr. Gilmer himself! In deed according to that ‘direction’ we do not see how he can escape. It is there stated that j'those who are in favor of an Indian’s swear ing away tiie lives and property of a while man, will vote for the Nnllifier’s candidate, Gilmer; and have wo not shown, conclusively shown, that hy his own doctrine he is in favor of the ! meeting. sbiiio thing, (having voted against the passage: I he convention then adjourned until 4 n’clot :k. of the law to exclude an Indian's testimony i J o'clock. 1*. M. Irmn our courts) nail thereby bound to vote as | The convention met according to adjnnt'n- . ho himself inis directed ? The * Cattgory' (to I n,<M ". «»•> receiving the report of the co tn- | use a phrase of our learned representative) is i oiittec, the following resolutions recommend hy 1 indeed an unpleasant one, lint we do nut con- tItem were adopted with one exception, una ni- j reive ourselves in fault for impaling him on the | nnmsly. slake lie lias himself set up for others. It is not | .* Resolved, I hat no new discounts be mi ule : the first time that an individual has taken great i l,,| iil the discounted paper on nod by the Hi ink pains to prepare a trap for others anti eventual- I sh » tl 1,0 reduced hy payments to a less sum il mn ; ly been caught in il himself. Il is not the first ! -9-DD.GGG; and after iho disc,mute,I paper si all | time that deception has been iho victim of its i * ,e s *’ reduced, the whom amount ol disroti tits own cunning. ! shall not ho earned beyond the sum of i|200,<l HI, ' until otlierw iso ordered by the stockholders in. We have been applied to several times for in- ; formation relative to the charge of Federalism I I bat it is the policy ol the company to f or- , alleged against Gov. Schley. Presuming that 1 " llle cotiiplction oi iho Knud as rapidly as the Governor is willing to stand or fall bv | pusstble. mul widuhat view it is ordered tl mt j own declarations, wc furnish tlie following ex- ;l " mstalhncnt ol o per cent, on the whole ea pi-j tracts from his letter to Mr. C. Hols,of Han- >»' stock 1,0 l' n,,l 1 01 ' ,llc b''"* ,ll, . v r < > r ,,eCB "' '"«• | • ' 1 nuxt: nnd n luriher instiilliiicut of five per ce in. i cm iho first day of Fclimary next, making in tiie j whole 6fjH,£4U, to i»o raised by I lie two insti dl- : ments: 3. Resolved also, that tho work he I'Chiiii icd as early as praeticahle nil those Heetions of the j Lira: Id from GO l .SC Ilf.K) ' Slr/ter luyir. Hoi try, ^ K(>nd where it is now HtiMioiided ; mid , , , that tho llonr.1 of Direction lalle early - I “I never wng a l< hDLKALL’? I in tin' ml} 1 ,'41 Hon ot’ tbe term. bin ikiiiff Hynietn. 4 We cuunot liisjntine, with the. utte. of [ Ipaw tlum Rixty-eicht puvatu markable language. The * KiclitncMid j 'I’lie f*nminomlcr-iii-rhiof 1 lias ul«o tiRsumed the name tone, and in' month an entire change i invites die patrir »tic •u nion* give 11 lie ip* Gc» r^iatH to coiiic forwanl, nnd , t ,. 0 ing hanil to their fcllow-cltfenniiof Floridn. r x.f theadniinitftiftlioii party will pervade the whoio ! < * , « f ‘IDfi' 1 ’. «niintrv. * - , BOLLING tl. HOHiNSON, Aid-de-Camp . 1 • • , m \ ID’ The Standard nf Union, Federal Union, 1 .nil < bition nr opinions , Georgia Journal, at Milluilgeviilc; tbe Guorgia (’on *ii- i . ... . , the prMent. | tutionn|i-i,at Angm»i«; flic* Georgian, and flepiildic an,! Ian Iighr. Henntor benton, Amou Kendall andoih- I m Savannah ; theTcletranb, af Darien; nnd the Sei iti* er radicals, aro gone forever. The Government i.« J ncl, nt Uoluinhiia, will catli y.ive the ulioxe thru® ini cr* { mrw In tlio linnot of Mr. Rives, Mr. PcYinaett, mid 1 tlctim* gftpt&—■{» the friends of a credit system, founded on upcrin. | ” ’ * Fin ther pardculars anon, 3’'BKIj WOOEJ. O N Sntuoiay the I nth of September licit, Rt ci<^ o’clock A. !YI. will la* let to the lowest liiddcr, j tiiu State Houae, a contract for die use of 1 puidic ofticea, DKI folds of On.b \ llicl r ... ...... - - - - - ory H ootl, A: *iO Lordsiof Lightwoo tl* B. IL ROBINSON, Sec. Ex. Dcpi . miL' - iMt :50—2t A QUESTION ASKF.I) AND A NSW L It F.l) The following hi tide appeurs in tiie Fhiladdph United Stat< a’ Gazi tie : “ To Jnilge C no tier. “Some time since appeared in several of the newspapers, a statement said to have hern made hy you tu Alexander James Dallas, in the corrcc.tncsH of which he appeared to ncnuiesre, that a proposi tion had been tnmle in the tederal Uoiivrutiou, to engraft in the CoiiHtilulioii. a danse empowering ward, at tlie shorlCHt noli* Congress to ineorporatn a Bunk (or hunks) which Mops of tin* several Lotteries in this j*tntc, und oil of her had been rejected. As this assertion, if generally Duriimi nUt from thn several offices in tlm Stute Horn c. credited, can scarcely fail to have 11 decided iollu- The Subscribers being engaged ill die State Hoi ise, enr« on the decision of the ensuing Congress upon will enable them to despatr h ail business eutruslet I 10 the measures to he adopted to relieve tho country jhe h'ast d* la v or partiality, from its present fftstressiug .iumtiem, tlmmlit. ifvui- „ P ”T* ,C,' ""''’'brenuntcl »r rt- . . , .li t 1. .1 . . nrweil at the tvoiitral Lank—One Dollar for a aepa rate root, to be to the public satistuctio.,, be- ! Crnillt nil( | Fifty Cents for eael, additional one! Fo. yuml nil doubt nr roniri,versy. preparing muI fnrwnriling mill tloctinienls, lit. • 4 \ ou are therefore imperiously called upon bv dn- . compensation will he iu proportion to the time and la- tv to die pnldic, either to state tin* proposition voibn* I hoi-cmplovrd. The fnon*‘y for rencwol of notes, era nts. dm, if such a proposition was made, referring to the | fee»,iYe. iiumt iuvariahly he fonvarde<l in advance, page of the journal ; dr, if not, yon are equally call- • d*'* posluge onbusinesa must he paid in all chsps. <d* the luw sept . r >—wlm JAUliNRX HALIL. rsiIIF. Subscriber tondera !:»h thanks to his friends nnd I. d;e public genera!lv, (1« tii«* liiinal patronage they l.uvfii heretofore extended to him ; and hopes hy. the at tention of himself and faiuilv to merit a continuance of titair support. He hna dotddnd the sitte of his Dining Room, so as to he able to uccninnmdtftfl ueuriy twice as many at the firsttahie as he could nt tbo last session nf the Legislature, and added three more Rooiua to bis ea- labltRliment, which will enable him to supply Urge Rtinirv: tor large counties. He Inis also lidded largely f*» his Smblos, which will bo strictly attended to. Hh* faro fhall ha tne best tho country nfl<irrh> f and us nsaai. the terms moderate.— TRY I NCIX SAM AtiAIN, at Ids Old Stand. Hr wiH also toko a few monthly or v early Boarders ami l-'ninilirp, dating the s jiuud r. Hr also temU rs himself to the Legislature,as e eaudi- ilnto for CG.MPl’KOLLKK GKNKAAI., at the next r-tMtnn. DA ML. BUFFINGTON. Mill* decville, Aug. 29— ■JOHN YV. f.l/MPKlAVaiio of tho concern of LAND •F LUMPKIN & HAMMOND, having sold his entire ibtmrat in the store t * JAMBS T. LANE, one of tlm concent. The business will bereaftet be oui'duotod hy LANK & HAMMOND. MMledeevUle. June lUtil, 18H7. A a i>; A i Y. fllllK Subscribers will attend to tho Dixcouut t uid , Renewal of i\utuu nl the Central It auk—to tnk mg t out and forwarding grants—And will also he aide to for* eopicH of UixlrietM and 1 H 111 i cock, inquiring in regard to this matter. Wo think ourselves entitled Iiy the example of our cotemporaries in the opposition, to sprinkle it with a low capitals am) italics, by way of illus tration. oil upon to acknowledge your error. A. Y . /.. r.tJilora of papers, fiicmilv l«» tlie cause of truth, nre requested to copy die above for general informa tion.” The following extracts touch ami attsu cr the ques tion : “A power to grant charters of incorporation was proposed in the General Convention (of 17b7,) and rejected.”—[Mailiron's Speech of 1701. “It is known that the very power, now proposed as a mentis, was rejected tl- an end by the Conven tion which formed tlio Constitution. A proposition u na made in them to authorise Uougresa to open Canals, and an amendatory ono tu empower them to incorporate. Hut the whole was rejected ; nmi one of tin* reasons of the rejection urged in debate was, that they would then have a power to erect a Bank, which would render the great cities where their were prejudices run] jealousies on that subject adverse the reception of the Constitutimi*” [JeJJorson's OJjicinl Opinion in 171) I and Milbdpi •.Ule, s»*|ii 5—flt JOHN It. ANDFKSOl THOMAS ITLLUyi. ur ; efficient mensures fur the procurement of the because I 1 whole of tlie iron uecersary for tho coinpleti on Imliaii 'I’lvGimoiiy* “ Those who arc in favor of an Iiuliani swearing airay tic /ires and property of' a white nan, will rote for the AufliJUr's caiulidatc,GILMKU.*’—[Staxuaru ok Un iox. The above extract wc take as our text, ami propose to ofter a few observations upon it to our reader*. That nuy person is in favor of an Indian's swearing away the life and property of a white man, is a gratuitous assertion of our coicmporary : that Air. (iilmcr is iu favor of it, seems to be an inference of the Standard, found ed upon the fact, that \w neon me title it lo the Lc- ) gUlature, the repeal of the act, preventing tlie testimony of an Indian being received in our Courts. For tho sake of argument we are wil ling to admit for the present, the correctness of such an inference from the fact stated. Tho hUlory of this law we propose to furnish. In the year we believe, a law of this kind was introduced into the Legislature. At that time the hill to prevent the testimony of In dians from being received ns evidence against awhile man, wits lost in the House of Kepre- sentatives hy a small majority. Among those who voted against tho parage of the law was Gen. Watson, now of Muscogee, then, we be lieve, a representative from this county. When Gen. Watson was nominated by tho Van liureu j parly as uu Ktector, no objection was made to | him hy the Standard of Union; on tlie contrary he was warmly supported, and his declension of that station deeply regretted by this very print! j In the year the law was passed, and tw it i*. short we will copy it iu full* 41 AN AC I* 1.1 prevent the Uutimcny of htdhn* b dug j received in Courts of J •slice. lie tl enacted by the Svante and House of pr/n't'sen- j latives of the ."'fate of Ciroigta. it Hem ml Assembly j nut, audit is her, by e'naclrd by the authority nt ih.t same, 1 That from and alter tlie puawiig^ ol thin act, nu Indian, mul na deucemluul of uu Indian, not umlcrmunliHS the Liiglbh iam;nugc,sliall ho dram* d « compcicnt \*itnc»- j in any Court of J unlive, created hy tl:** Con titutiun an t Lawiof (hi* flltate.—[See Uatrsons Comp. „*1K.) The pruvi'wms of this act, modified *0 a% to include those Indians residing within the Creek ! and Cherokee Nation, were incorporated in tin* ael of extending the laws of this State 0 .er the lenitory occupied l»> tbe (’berukee In dians. An net was*uh»e«pieiitly pitted in •tuiiuiliug tiio laws of (lie Cbcrokees, in which were hUo embodied the proxisiotw of the a*’i of! • -‘v!«», excepting the casts where while persons , redding ill tlie Cherokee Nation weic parties to it t« uhjocted to Ylr. (Ulmer the Stuiular*!, • ti' a great oUVurc, that ho recommended the re- p* il of this part of the Law ewludiug tlio tes- | buioiiy of the Indians from our Court*: uml .%• " rtvd by the same print, which *«*ertinn t- re 1 lied by tSit* iVdcml I uion, that thci* lnre lie • - hi fiitur of pc. mining the liidiun* to •wcur* “I obtained the name of FEDKRALI wns opposed la tbo rcutriciivc svMt'in intro«luccd hv Mr. .1 F.FFKUSON , viz ^ embargo, non-intcrcourae, and non- impoitatiou acts, * 4 1 am and always have BEEN a FEDDR A LIST, in the proper acceptation of tho word, (i. e.) n friend t«» the Federal Constitution, and Federal Union, and therefore ! . . . . • .... .... c 1 I uererdenied, (and attir willJ BF.ING a FI'DF.KAL- ! " Illun the IlintU ol the Lily of Macon, uud «•. ib’I’.” j such urrnngernritts wiln tne Lily authorities us Will ourcoteinpnrary make this a part of bis ' to the right of way and laud for 11 depot,Ussli till Hook ? if not, w e shall insert it in an appendix. | he deemed expedient and just. of tho Bund : and that tint iron liars re*ti ng on wooden rails he adopted for the superstni e- | tnre. 4. Resolved, That tlio Hoard of Directors ’be I directed to cause the Kail Koad to he hroug lit Hrrnhirg the ll’awi —In the; of (li*- hue King of KrigIni d, t pomp, pohlishcd in the I. >i ccount of the. fiincrni uh all iis Mill*inm, m- 'hni J.ilm Kiiii «<t .1 ii- i. •... THE miEEEBMtiEVKHa; JOCIH > Cht B K MTS. k- \V^H.l. coiniiicnvr on 1 lit- second Tuesday in A'« * cm- . re ▼? her next—Tho follow ing thvuniouuL* ul o .nil, to | dm ^ I mu-. 1 FIRST DAY—-Mile hants, for Uoiti.—-a line Si. \er 1 I Pitch' r am! t 'up, worth $ 1 .Ml. SIJ’OND DA Y’—Jiidlc hanty, bvc fornll—Pio.-ct Jl.ll 1 THIRD DAY — 1 •• •• • •• bOtf] Fill UTII DAY-4 “ “ “ •• !H(I FI Fill DAY 1 Slurak't: and < omiiii*«iion. IPYHOMAS DAWSON Inv* taken for n term of year*.. .1 thut cnemivp Brick Fire Prrrof WARE-HOUSE, nml CLOSE STORKS, in tho City of Augusta.former ly oe.imniiul hv Mcmu. Alusgrote Sf Vtmtin,uui\ recent ly hy E. liusiin, Esq. lie will attend to any orders iu )iia line, and those who confide to him their bind* licsa, may rely with coufidenco 011 hie best exertions for thrirhiterubt. AnrarsTA, Aug. t5th, 1K37.—The undersigned: having Irtfu’d the Wun’-Hmiseat present occupied by him, to Gen. Thomas Dawson, wilt retire from the business af ter the first September next ; he solicits for Gen. D. the putvouage of his former cnslmners and friends,believing ll.nt all iMiMiieas coufidvd to his charge, will hr promptly attended to. EDWARD DUSTIN. Aiigii'ia, Autr. 29—fit PROPOSALS Far publishing by subset iptitm, a work to bt entitled FLOU1 GHOlitttlRNSI*. HIS will hu, both u Grammar and Dictionary o(T I Botany;-—presentinff, liret. Vegetable Physiology, und, second, h minute nnd nee 11 rule desetiption of every ploof yet discovered in Geor^ia y .togetlwr with Hs medi cinal or noxious properties—us Kii'ilifh name—its eni- blutn, language, Ac. Such n work is needed,at thus time, in our Southern Institution*. NV’e have no text Boole iii Botany, ealenlnted to rainier the science live. Such as we have, nre nothing more than doge, or a drv . &i*.. all t; mi lt: lenfe rhniild, I'oilio tl part of • •ilher n few diveounerYcd facts in P description of n few Lave**, r*H>t . fii: ioir P.’Oi'iife db’.’iisi- ridn r tlr 1 f• 1 -• 1 111 sijnii ;is pee Hildc. !••• iiellie'i iliiito ninths over pay pa trn’ This work will .t mmuini, • h pupil*, At tlio cltHC of thn investigation of tlie affairs Tin; A dm! mstratio.v judoi.d ut its pno- 1 iif the* company, ami after the adoption of the. eessio.ns. Less titan (i vearsitare, Mr. Ytin Bit* rnregoins resolutions, llte folloHittg rusnltit ion I to be , , A ugiista. Proprif hliM( up ml hv the Rule* ol Let ivetn II. F. Y UI NG bi i ITT Tho AuguataChronicle, Mneoi IiittiliiiH Herald, end Montgoincn Jourmil, the above until lh- races, and forward their the Gcorpin Journal Office for jinvineul. I ! --!• Iv Olh, we find tho bdiowing interestini; rerorrl "f tlie ceremony of “breaking the wnnd uud utter- wnrdh prneiniiiiiiig the style and title* ot tho deeeH*- od and present sovereigns;—[Phil. lay. “ The part nf the Service hrlbio the lntertneiit having hoen read hy tho Ke\. thu Ian of Windie r, nnd Dr. Crofts’ beaulilnt cut n in !»*•« n sun® by the choristers of Her Majesty’s (.’Impel Royal, ami uu iipi»ropriiite rti/uicm i'haunted, the l»<*wil Body was depotited in t 4 .c vault, and .Sir YVilbaoi Woods, CUvcneiewx, Deputy t«» Gnitei Friueipal King of Arms, ud\nnec»l to tlie mniiih of tho tomb, nml niter 1 , . breaking his w ami of oftiee, nnd diopping the frag- r A . kA , ... . . renin his famous inner to Sherrod Williams, w u* proposed hy Mr. I). baiifuiil, and tint■ .ni- j iiiimps into tho grave, pr**imum c.d the stylo nmi titles ; I!,./*!. 1 •* , 1 h> - 11 *.* rl’°‘ ,a ,,,e * ‘ * * u f H X III) SuliHcriber will attend to the receiving and I w arding bufiurs*, uu Iiim individunl necourii. has no « , onm-< tmu whutover with uuv of the line bouts from tlii* to Macon,and will in nil ra**e* deapi good■* by the first bout elferiLf, nnle-g ir.Mrurtt c for- f il first, tho nam< *0i tiie .‘lasso* and onh rs in the launcsn system, the inorhotl of annlysing fiowerr, and, jmvec*!' next, to the examining, eollei ting and armnging of them into an herluiium. A luce |*«»|- the seietivf being thus implti' tfd, ’•» him: t and iriP inercaee, uud urge the in 011 in I ,»i» nmi Icitli *r iiivvitigatioo. 4 -. ,V intend that war work '‘li:.! 1 . he. at 01 *r*, tt text book . » ». boob—r. pIcB-ini- < 1 n pi/rfi *n tor lvdi« * iu the bou doir und s'diMin—a m* lul fiieud and companion tor gen- tleirnmin their travels, their dnil.v rambles. Arc. Firud- lv, \b will bn enriched widi every species of information which cun rendar suck a work rnlortalntng andiostnju- live. VV’c sfidte'it tl;o rscientific gmtlen**u tliro'ighont ihe Etnlc, iu liiini.*hii.g rs uitii information ota’eruing thmtamr*. locality soil hnhits of plsuts in their immodinfr vicinity. information will hv gntefuilv atul pioperli nftlinmvhdgrd. ' ti d t«» net ns agents in reeriv- enrlv 1 _imJo ttao t»f tlio following; expression : ! mously mb:pled ; 44 ‘ I MNCF.nEi.v bfmevk thut the public funds can he i Rt solved, 1 hat tho stockholders contpoi .ing ns safely xxn conveniently THAN-on nr K!» fr..iu one j f lio promt meeting have bt*t*»i I idly satisfied , l»J jH>rtion of the Union to another—Unit foMrsTir K\- die examination w hicli they have made into the < itAxopeanheinf.tccEAsrct t.Ytuid c it! A» tY mim r-j n ff n bs* nnd interests of the company, that the n». and the currency at least nn sound, un*)i r the AA- ,. . . , ...... . 1 r • 1S/'L\H SYSTI'M of ST A TE I l.i .\KS. as these • eomhimii ot the institution |m one of uuqtiesiio nn- ohjeets could he uecoinpiisln (1 hv a iJank.’ ” j Ido solvency ft ltd ability to incut till its liuhilit es ; h is boeu the ac- i a,,t ^ lo r!nr } thfungh the impurtnnt worl < of of His lute Majesty ns fidlowat *• Thus it lintli plensed Almighty God to tukn out *»f this solitai y life onto his Divine mercy tin* late Mm! High. Most, aiai most Excellent Mini- nrel Willi •••! the Fourth, hy the Grace of G. d of the United Kmgdnm »d Great Britain nml Imbtiid, iij. Defemlei i.f die Faith, find Hovrreign of the patronage is respectfully n-ked fm FRANCIS It. SHACKLEFORI Parl*Hi Bapt.5—it If Tliis very 4 * rxiciing system" \ stem ol deposits Hanks ? , ... , • - -- ■ A true extract Irtnn the minute*. ktiowledged earse ot the present difficulties hy the Van Httren presses; and Guu. Jnekson de nounces these Hanks in unmeasured terms, as guilty of base Irtnchvry ami perfidy. Is Mr. Van Hu run convinced now that the* “ public funds mil ho as sc fity uml conveniently transmitted,” “domestic exchanges n> succzssfulhf itndfA effected” under the ns hy a National Hank ? Mark what rocotntiicu dutioii hii message to (’ongn -s will contain. Fr:lcr<iliNtn :un? Democracy# It is somewhat late in tho day to attemj t the task of theoretical instruction, in relation to the definitions of these term**, ol so frequent occur rence. They have become us familiar a* house hold words. Wo propo-o however, to refer ou.* readers to »o'iie practical illustration, of their meaning. The Van Horen party of tho l nilt-d State* claim to lot dtmorralsi Let ns sec how they found their claim : In '•*-!), or thereabouts, Mr. Van Huron their cut head and lender, was found voting with l tin I jrhtni and Kino, dis’mgiiixfied feder al that time in the New Y oi l; (\»uv# ntion. e Mr Kt is the IMTVS KIM*. ;>» notorious nt the South n« the advocate of ti»u Yti.a.uUii Rttl iclion. in the I oiled States Sm ote. So imicli for the head of the Van Huicu pa ly in the l VttodSUitcs. The \ an Hureii party in (Georgia, insist on the n'ltiiu rhiim ; t> too me d*i>u>rr! Governor S'd y. I he ackoow !e#lg« d lend* r ol t'lat party in Georgia, has avowed that lie wa« a federalist in the proper arecpiatioii of the wnnl. and declares hi* deierminaheii never lode hy So much lor the V,m lime 11 puitv of (M**»rgia. To he sore, iti* tt little awkward when the le.uh is of 11 party •'•ertotic thing mul »n thmg mar in ter 110) impruvcmciJt which they have unde rt.i- j 1 ken : and that tlm stoekhoiders fee) wnraoiied 1 healtl by tbe actual state of their affairs and the character and exteut of their resources, m a mi- cipntitiR that ihi! Hank will go on with suit j 1 einhiirrawrneitt, for the future, and that thu Rond „ i will, during tlm next year, he Nucce.ssfully c mu- Prartlcc ol Siirgery, Medk vi. Uollh.;. (ii.itMUMJ An gusto, Ft pi. 1,147. S AY I NG Ih’cii cinineuted with tiie Medical C«#l leyr ot Georgiti, un Pro/cttor if Surgery, during the •YIomI N’oldo Older of tin* Garter. King of Ilnnovcr, , bid live year*, nod desirous ol devoting my tiint* nu dm- nml Duke of lliunavvii k and Limeidiiirgh. Let a- j teniimi latiliuuiarlv to lliisdi parlinentot na prof# * itinn, CHiirli licit He preserve with long life, I Voiihl give nolic.e to thoaa i.vsiiUngAl u de-ltoee, that 111 honor, uud ail worldly liappiiM**,.. the { I’atients inpilnna Surrieulreivu *:MC«nhepr«>vi#k*iI with M"»i nmi Mont I'.si flli'iil 1‘riifr.,, mir ! - v ”’ 111 *’-’U .its.,« .mtil.cir rirrimwinnm; ■ ml , . .»• , i ,i ... t- | i* that iiceroe* left or setit lo mv cure, will be limn died r r V' \ ,.. 11 *'} M ’ Mi * . . ! will* cuotiotiiinal nndeoiiifortafd# qunrterM. I mted Kingdom of tirent Biunin nnd Ireb.od, , »m„. poor will at all tunes he mliniitrd into the II omi- hihI farwarda K Ilf | the 1 mi No'emlwr. leli I work w ill eontuiu from 5 to <00 puges «ctnvo, hy I „, (4 | lie fiiruislu'd ti/*ub}» •:il*erf«,inhonrds,ui |ap«rcepy. p of J It wil# he issued iluiiug the next winter, provided the number of *uhaerihrrM wurmnr tlie expeaiM'. All Editors tbrou"hont the Bouftieru Htetes, friendly tothe diffnsiou ol eeientititf kimwledife, wlm will itn#4*#t Itiiw ftoiiee, and forward a- a eurvof Jifir paper, will bo i utitled to one copy of the work. L. LA TASTE, Prinevpal (ieorgta Facia le College. Bcrrttrlioro’, Aug. b“J, 11)37. I DIE imderaivitcd haw widiilrhwii Iruia the concern ol Coombs ie Usughty, ilital.r truuyuetiug bowineae SxvNKiiah,mid that linu i* thia dav dt«.«ulv*d. Augusta, Aug l6,lflT#7. E. W. DOL’WRTY. Q: »• Tho Ftileral Union will copy tlie above nix times. Hire iCl—fit Vloern, D< fender of thn Faith, uml sovereign Mont N’ohlu Order «#f* the (jnrt#T. f tlie miuI < of lire Fh« ally, BUTLU SOLOMON, (\nliT. MR* 'VKUSTKlfS SlT/»:Ctl. Th" New York Uu# ieaa Iihshcm: ii-h eo.iy «if tin* Nibio Speech, with a line diinvn ronuo the 7 > i and .ib d it ion part, w ith a rerjuot t <* * • pu*i- li'h w ithont note or co'iinienvrathr i' title. H; piet pre. Jtt^ ulixti This* tt .lorditinry recjuc attack on our iiixii ut;unf, tin.I a igmiiH tlrfvtU’i* of our mm,iv eiive now ami thi-o an impel tiiwM me tlie Abolition p.ossis, in the way of line, with curiotta wonti cuih, and uu afro tm lie aim lit Slavery, opposite each liny of tbe tear tilling eomnmlitary on pmlanthio piiy YV* find the fidlowiug pubiirntton in the New York (’omiiiercial Adv#Tti>u:r: The late lnmei.t.*d ilonih of Dr BikIm* fr< M. tiint. f'#rin id’ cniortimptioii know ii ns ehrooie bi«»ia hills, ■ I'liiudly Mini m;.s me of ft doty tin* aiihaeiihti i#we» to hi- pi iff-.-siou nmi to ►oe’ieiy, «*f rmibiog l imwn n ; •ioiple form of tientno ut that has never failed him i in ro'ing this form of eoi'siiiiifttioii, #"» de-’inetiv•• ■ i #* the elenrul :viv%l li'.etnvv pivd’**#*.,»»m*; this tr»* it- 1 yi” 1 •qua! effienry in raturrhiil | hihi- I * ( Ini,which h nailer tla* prof#' and oi>eiated on graliiitoioly. BAI L F. EVE, M. I). IVilktilxnil Slterih N:ilf-s. O N the fir t Tii#f dav in OI’TOBIJR next,will be i ol< h< Ibre the uonit-koii 'u door in the town of li win ton, Y\ dkiii-aineomiiv, within the ufiml Iiouij# of sul# t!i«* foHuwiu* proprrtv, tu v< it: one land, with n * mull improrrinrfi ti 'ie ”7tli di filiiu'l (.1 piml < oni.iv, t'l.oi u r l it, Ij.n thorn, Ir ird I fiek.» Mav ahl.j r. # . If V el l • *. nml all i limn • from V linti- tr. a-d no the path*'! , John Stevi te , Jr. and »-d oi ns 'be i>ro|H*ily of S. G. It. It revv - ' i»tla#'hio' at li 11 in favor of Deoirl II irw« I irew. i,; -ued from u magulii#te’« court .find me lo b t'fuifltfble. SOt.MMON R. Yll’ppllY, SU’ T. i. * micit o •:•. \V lib. In iu pre ano'li. i. but U-< _ h wMj. faimiiar. Bo hehevr now In he Futufted with tic doin/« of ihrir own fr'eiltl*. "id Would’lit lliej vvitlioiif note or coiiiiiieut ?*' 1 to make “ notes ami ratiiiiientv cn of onr enemies. Hesides, extrart' il th** pub of ,Y1r. Wnhirn He tri als aholilioiu-in as a ••ii le/ious ft and opposes th#' tultoistiun ol *:*#:\as, ground that it would “iviend si..very t ltilrd States'*—tliHt is, give to ti e S p»ospv el of sevut iiy against the niu mpts Mm iiiotiints. T hi- is the on'v interpiviat'ou that can he mli.MiulU •••«( upon iw wor«i*. ile i citaiu!) did not mean that th< ndtiH*»inn ol Texas would * extend shivi 1.1 the wuiii—-it wc tihl only ehaiige tin* relative strength ♦ • the • lave hohiinjr *litie* of this i nion, and the otl>> efiee! upon the p#do*) «»f the eouu'i y, w wti'd he to rrshftin Cong •••» 'tom iioi.l ii tl #♦ ,*«o* i!i mid iiMiek!iig at il.c j mui| I * *1 tbe 1 t ii.u ftv •* pll l»!i*h j ihe prnefi- have hi •fare ronil irks, ft*. 1 iug ’ tki«* r.rt mi tl... n- I h' l»fe»#«ri# i* s ill#* pi# •#*«U'C* •■Miiiptio.', tiint • • s* # C„d t** v#*r. iii'ti »ei rmiAieg it ihat l»* I .. the | Apptiug WIiniflMiIes, ILL be a.,id on ilu* fir f Tuecdoy in OCTOI next, l#ctw#*en I 1 e usual hounot sale, beton -house door in Via town of Htdmeavdle, Ap| coeuty. the follow me pr qwrty, to w it : i *•.. ir #**t t#f ’nod.« ' : DMium #'."1 aei* *. mr#»r er bo w.ih. No 171, in lit > Jd dirtie r of Appling rot lev I mi ii- th#* property i f Jl#lm ’I bmme to »##ft ( LiM’diioii OMied tr< n u jo-tb’^s court m tuw>i #d . (’: n»:d»»\ vs- ii<! Thoioi'#* ; |»r*»j #*riv pejnl# d out l#« ii,«!f**ifi'; lev v ti.;..!»■ red M tmicd to 'ie* I \ 4 #-ot.«t:i DA Ml- t. S'llTlI, D. Mi IA# WilVviuMiti ( ouiiiy, Yftiifl»ima».| di;«m •d . i#*#l to b*-' v,|„ ^|,rv ,1 he • |>p ur at 1 fi m n r l«| r |c| tnu ot \V»I liuiti <*mliUtvti nt! ul ofilerwitld nth, any ih#y m« f*M 4 rinnied. V lotli.I flis ‘jOtli fi(iv ,,f A llfiisl, 13 0. b. Ext m. t. r. t>. • ti" Oui' ivLrntinit vv ill lie ww l»* to j t'ourt of Butnatti t oofttv, wia*o * tt»oc rpov*, for Irnvr Iu »• II ••#* lae*t ei I nr- to Uw ' stair ul WtiWm t klwi Lhler, It# til uf I'.' I«. ... an ! • #* Iilor*. BUY rUN IIOI r. Adi i’r. E. \V. D. SOUTH FAUOLKKA Female UoKei;i»(e Institufe. Ilnrltnmrlllc, fnmtr Columbia, 8. t'.j HIE ftillowiiip „n- iiiiiuiiK tho Olfiein of tlie In,,,', toto for tho faeuiiig l'cna, ccu-uuiucita; Ocu,b«» (dn, CCI7:— El.I \S HARKS. M. 1*. PrlDripul. JOHN F. WORCESTER, A. Al. hi, fmfrsnr of lii^uuf,'- nnd llie liatbciuelU!) u ll„ Burt In- otttulmo, Vi'rmonl* •Rot. IllMill A. HAWTHORNE. hr.C. ZIMMERMAN. JIAUV O. Al.l.EN. i’( |>ri"«oh( I'rinripal of tlio Fenal* Oo;jaiii„„i, nl il”' HHffi tfcliool, Itmhrxar, N. V. nnjrr the <liiiclionof I'mU••‘or lirur) . EI.lZ'UiRTH NICHOI SON, Wim lit»(»r, Va. EJIMA 0. IL4KER—willi A wivur.l TokcIicm in lb* Oriitttiieiidil ami t’liiuafv lli'iumiiitnlr. •TLitaiiimuml.Wmlinf ti.r Ku\. Mr. II. !, »••» rliin Ji'partinoul (n br aii|,f)itd. llwill boiU'.aS {uutioualy lo of 1V11. i. u u , 'ft—!*l . rimeSuWciirti, «Ul umllbi Courw uf tlio art I mlCunrtfieH oomiiimuij; lio CRcrokta cir-oii.— •| lir.r I.i’i.. L III CauaiUU'./ia. and all (laubwiMiat ba- •ou'— itiiru>l, 1 (u llmui «iff ■*• Bioaifly •••'•S'jJ I NhCKMOOO Al IRWIN. Ca—olio, A it "ii-I I—mill*' llCiit A lliL . B ALDWIN Uuiioiy, Georgia.—Inferior Foyrt, m* ting |.#r ordinary ptir|u)»e«, May Ttirni, 1«37. It npi#v.ii nc to the Court, that \ menu K. V ickera, in UK life time,mirred inio a hoiftltomftko title*toft trnctor lot ol land, ilewiihed in aaid hood us lot No 3tf, ill lb* I6|h «lisii m i oi ihe county uf llniialuii lo «nm James Berry, when ill# 4 plat and grout Hhould I r piTx nted, and il if# nur tothe Mini, tlmtth'* »md V vnreut Y. VUkrradr- I tlm blr lx*fart* exei utiug #*md tit'rr; ami it h»f« i,#r a|>p« 4 fi«iiDg lutlir court that thr said bond ksa hrf n iraiisf#*rr**i| to «•.>#> Nagal Guilin—It w mltlri II tk# Cimrl,ihiil this Kulak,' |iaMi.hrJ ,h ll„ (iaoraia Juur- ihii He the (him ta, Had that H«r4v r# llumpniry, M uiiuiMirnior ol ilie asista uf Y intent K. YkAar^aftfr A# ^xptruiioiv ol ikcMwiiili'.iaikr till** Ui til# aaid lot af land lolh« said .Nngal Gi c.ii, iu lorn* of tbrUo.vmUoo caus« liotlwwa to lltr eonlroif* ok.