The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, November 05, 1839, Image 2

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‘cijr MI LL KlHt K VIM.K: Tmviluv Morntiik'. iiiImt 5, I WHO. #■«»/. r«ri '< • i w. ui-.oiiui: n. tkoi i\ Tin: I.KGISLAT! UK. Th" l/»gi*latur** coiiv.micmI y»‘«*rnlay :ii th • 11 'jircson I itiv«* H ill and S -nati* Cli.tiuln'r, at 10 o\ lin k, A. M After taking the oath, both brailfhco proceeded to tin electioq ot‘ oflWrs. Roiikiit M. K« iioi.s Esq., of the rn'inty of Walton, win elected I’ren ilcnt of the S *natc With nit opposition, and 1)avt:> J. Hailuv, K*q.,of tin county of Butts, Secretary, with nit opposition. Komi, of Muscogrr, was e’ected Doorkeejier, and llooi.F.s.s of Utirmll, Mcpsonger. In the House of U rt present:i!ives, JosFru Day, Esq. of Jones county, was elected Speaker Without oppe t on, and Htukuis, Esq., of Muscogee, (’Jerk.— The vote was as follows: Sturgis, (Union) - • HO I <a Taste, (S. It) . - k| Blank, ... l The above is not to he considered a test ol the re!a. live strength of the in the legislature, as tin combined majority of both branches cannot exceed thir ty upon joint ballot. — Robinson, of Butts, was elected Messenger, and Martin, Doorkeeper. THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. The message of the (iovernor sjieaks for itself. Ev ery citizen of the State who roads this public document, we feel convinced, will rise from its jierusal gratified with a consciousness of the fact, that the Executive of our State has disclmreed his duty, whether the Legisla ture take heed to his r '•ommondations or otherwise. It is not our intention, (indeed we have the will but not the time) to jiroiiounce au eulogy upon, an 1 to notice the va rious jxisitions assuin ?d by Givcrnor Giluier in this, ha last annual message. The top cs are numerous, and iin jio.-aut as they are numerous. Our readers will do well to notice jiarticularly, the views and arguments of II Excellency u|hmi Silk Culture, the system of Education by common scliools,thcHUsj>eusioiiofH|H'rie paymeiitsby the Banks, the Free Banking Law,and the Western and Atlantic Railroad. In addition to these, our “Demo, cratic,** neighbors would do well to notice that part o| the Message, winch shows how the State of Georgia is treated with regard to the large sums of money advanced for the protertoiiiof our frontiers from the Creek and Se min do Indians. Probably they will enlighten us ujxm the subject at their leisure. We regret that circumstances have prevented us from giving our opinions of the t sage, more fully to our readers, than we arc at present enabled to do. We can only, in conclusion, say, tint it richly merits the careful perusal of every citizen ofGcor. gia without regard to their situation or coni.tion in life Be they rich, or poor; planters or merchants; of thin party or that jiarty, the message should he carefully read, and man slum hi read it far himsrf. J ‘The Governor's message, and the balance of the proceed mgs of the Macon Convention, occupy so large a js»rtio!i of our paper as toexclude our usual variety. We could not however have filled our jiajicrwuh more imjKir- tint matter. THE GEORGIA JEFFERSONIAN. We shall not fail to notice,/;/ * /< isur<\ the remark.^ of the Georgia Jeffersonian, (a Van Huron jiajior pub. I .shed at West Point, Troup County,) in relation to the course which the Georgia Journal thought jirojtor to suggest to the advocates of Mr. Fiournoy’s petition for a r-'peul of the license law. The conductor of that press, m h.s “editorial lucubrations” may go on to enlighlenUm readers noon this exciting topic, and to convince them “ against their trill" that lie is right, and that the “Jour*" is wrong, if he can. Wo shall, however, notice his remarks ere lie advances far in his argument, ami in doing so, endeavor to justify our jirescnt position. In the mean time, we would beg leave to tender to “The Georgia Jeff •rsoniati" a word of advice. Professedly phi lanthropic in its character, had it not better seek another mode of advancing the cause of temperance, than by urg ing the one which the people have so lately declared was inimical to them ! A genuine republican of the old school, we think would answer in the affirm itivc. What will a Union, Democratic, Van Huron republican say! MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA. The course of Lectures in this Institution has been jsiMpntied for two weeks. They will commence, as our readers will perceive, by the advertisement of the Exe. eutive Committee in our paper of to-day, on the Fourth Mondav of Novk.mijkh, instead of the second. We are pleased to perceive that, notwithstanding the severe atlliclious which have been experienced by our sister City, Augusta, the interests of tie* Medical College in that jilace, have not been neglected. Long before the commencement of the Lectures, w«» feel certa.u that the fever which has j.roved so fatal to the citizens of Augusta, will entirely cease its ravages, and that it will enjoy its usual health. We sine rely hojictliat nothing will retard the prosperity of the Institution. TO OUR STATE RIGHTS FRIENDS. I*i another part of * jiajier, under the above head, i. a:i e\ci Rent valedictory of the late editor of the Carrol- tori (Miss.) E i«|ii rer. A genu me Xullijitr, ho, ujxhi retiring from the Editorial chair, gives to his political associates excellent advice. If allowed to use the lan guage of a “ Mississi/f/n rintrerwe would exclaim in ajiprohition of the article alluded to, “THEM'S MV SENTIMENTS.” CHARLESTON MARKET. Tii**ro is no change lor the better m the asjioct of af fair.-. miico our jirovious rejiort, the causes which ojiera- ted to retard business then, still < sort a disastrous in fill mce ov n r the business of this week. Cotton.—We cannot rejsirt any improvement in the I 'pland market; on the contrary the article has continu ed its retrogadu inovenieiit lor soiua time, the decline h *mg 1*1 to 1-2 a cent o:i pn a v.oiis quotations. Tti" sales amounted to 2f>!M bi's as follows:—2 at 10 J|, 1(1 l.i; 111, II ; l'.M, II 1-| ; 175, II 1-2; 5.1, II ;U; 1101, 12; 1*4*1, 12 1-*; 271, Pi 1-4; 2iKi, 12 1-2; and b at 12B-*lc js r lb.— M> miry, "dud inxt, H \%tut;R(* Rail Road.—A train ol 04 ears, contain ing 500 bales Cotton, was brought down on the Rail R • id on Thursday last, hv the new L'tconiotivc Robert Y. IIijar. F°r a few we.*ks past, from 1500 to 2000 h 11 •> ol Cotton |s*r week have been brought down on the Road, and the Company are prepared to take at least double that quantity on IrciglT. Since writing the above, we learn that the train of y .-ter I »v consisted ol MO cars, loa !• ! wi’h upwards of CIO t bams ; and that a r» p.i>.tion l<*r empty cars was hi id«. iistlie iiumher employ - "*! ,n tie* tri!is|s rUtiou of up lr**ight, wasiiisuili' lentlo bringdown the ('ottouolfering. Wo are mtorm ,, d that tiie Couipaiiy have not availed t‘i awlvos ol the.r right to t.lvaiuv the rate of freight ‘•'i per c?. which tin charter allows them, although •a i nave almost tie • x 'lu-nv • control of truiisjmrtutinM hi i •iiM-queucc *»t the low state of the r.vers, We hope main to s *•■ the rich product ot ours »i' pour- m v from all quarters of the v.irrouu.lmg coutrry, aad | tii * • atFirdi.'ig rebel to th • | r *1* in m Is tliii Inw j l> i accuuri itmg on th< i;ier« .i.itil« < ojuma.i.ty, to an j • N’eii* h trdly ev« r l» *iore exj* i en d m th i» h .vtolorc ta rred c.ty.—(%n r at I f -rev. Tm Wav ru Hk»:\k Down lVss.-lt has) J i-t!v -4.1I, tint au in 1< ;* al*pr -s r Is on a firmer 1 - top sujiport than oi»e«*f i***•»• nr • h meter; .. id it 1 c-no'd d tlh ult t*. hr.- ik down such . prexs. I ■ • r. u w iv ill w h ch it c t.i h oo i >, h *Ae,. r. And li d • the i’ea l r Hi nk, !• * w rl. « i i h ■ a oiiijd r*!i* • 1 il. lira tel I dig of all • lit t ! \ By«iir* Itr T N . B) • ’till r • r I mg I • -j» l' ill purpose tit WY.t 'lg low *1 ! N . B v III N Bi' this -the ,e.r.t a 1 ar,» I... .r. f • I . r.lH'i* •'• lit hide »lut !»ec the hu«.'.' *«• ■*!, 'Ji • tor i« nut hi want of the I 111* - ninth.'* ► mB> PEWTERS iV MER(H\VTS' CON VE.N TtON Ti rstuv, Oct. SI I, Kt J. ^Convention met ngr.vably to adjournment, at 10 o’cha k. A. Mm Dr. lloxey,President hi the Chur. The Convent m i w as o ( h ihs1 by Prayer, by the R.*v. J. Davis, ol I.h? county, Ga. Th • m.nut< s ol yesterday were icid by the S-crct a id confirmed. A* the n'quest of the Committee of g|, it was moved by R ’V. J. Di\ s, of Ia*o county, Ga. that they lie al lowed until 12 o'clock, tii s day, to complete their Re port ; w Inch w as carrn I. 'I'li • follow ing gentlemen as Delegites reported them- selves to th • Convent >o i; Gkoiu.1*—Ruin Ai manly—Win. S. Wli tlield, E.lw’d II. Georg *. Jacob Watson. I)trim—It. G. Rogers. M tron—A. II. ChipjH;!l, E. D. Tracy, W. Poe, Ai.aba.Ma—Marengo county—II. M. Pearson. Isaac Cronin. Twei.vb o'clock.—Convention met. Hon. Thomas Butler K ng, Chairman of the Com mittee ol 21, submitted the follow ing REPORT. The Committee to whom w as referred the Resolut on instructing them to jireseut the subjects oil which the Convention was called upon to deliberate and act, h»*g leave to K *port: That alter the full exposition which is contained in the Cotton Circular adojited by th • Planters and Mer chants, at their Meeting in the city of New York, on the .ith of July last, they deem it in some degree super fluous, minutely to exjdani or to enlarge outlie points submitted to the (ampleot the Cotton growing States in that Document. W e have there tore convened for the puniosc of con sidering : l-it. Whether there bo any inherent defect in the mode and m inner of shijiping our great etajde under the existing system of advances, made by the Agents of the Foreign House, through whom it has hitherto been jinn- cipilly exported ! 2d. Whether, if the injurious tendency of the sys tem he demonstrable, there exists within ourselves any remedy! We will now, as succinctly as jmssiblc, proceed to the discussion ol these jHiiut It is well known that with the exceptions of the very inconsiderable jsirtion of the crop purchased under di rect orders for the spinners, and for Foreign account, the great bulk of our Cotton is shi|q>ed either hy tin Planter nr Merchant, or dealer, under advances madi hy the agents of Foreign houses. Th * mode in which this operation is conducted, is as follows; Usually, flc R inks in the Southern States nilva the money ill it moves forward the whole crop, (or in lyso.) mi letters of credit, as security. Tin* hills fomi- d • I upon these securities, are usually at (Ml days sight They are forwarded at once; but the Cotton being much more tardy in its movement, they frequently in i- ture before ils arrival; and the Cotton has to be forced upon the market , or the acceptor of the hill has to jdedge the Cotton to Brokers or 1) inkers, to raise the money to meet his acceptance. This may be done when money is jilenty, without d.lficulty; hut the mo. ineiit it becomes necessary for the holder of the Cot ton, or the Bank, to realize the Binds advanced then the Cotton must he sold, whether during a depres sed or favorable market. Whenever the Bank of En gland refuses to discount the Cotton receiver's hill upon h.s Broker, endorsed by his Banker, his Banker cannot give him any further means; because, pomlventurr the lluik of England has set her face against transac tions hi (‘otton. Then the Cotton must b • sold at any sacrifice to the spinners, who arc well adv.sed of the am >unt of oar staple thus ready for sacrifice, and the period when it must b.» forced upon the market. It moreover may happen that the bills which the parti* the Cotton h ivo received may be good, or good for nothing ; and what does the jdafiter and shijqier trust to, when he agrees to take these bills in return for the jiroduce of Ins industry ! lie trusts, first to the author; ty of the Agent to make the stipulated advance, and to draw the necessary bills on his |>nnei|>al. He trusts in th.* next |dare, to the inclination of the jiarties abroad —F.rst to accept the hills : and, trusts finally to the skii! and judgement of the foreign house, in th ' realiza tion ol the jirojierty, and to their ability and disposition to hold it until the most favorable moment for its The receiver of the Cotton risks nothing, hut the dif ference between the market value and the price advan ced, unless the latter is both extravagant and sjiecula- t .vc, (which one jiarty ought not to a.»k, nor the other to give,) this risk is trifling. We are entirely aware that it may be urged, that pro bably four-tilths of the jiroduce of the globe is circulat ed by the means of Bills of Exchange. It is just as cer tain that protested hills, drawn against shipments of Cot ton are seat back by thousands and hundreds of thousand* of dollars, hy every packet, whenever the market intern, jiorari'y or permanently depressed.—If the price is high enough to cover them, they are accepted, if not the re- verso inevitably follows. We think from this statement, it must be altogether obvious, that our great staple is without any |>rotci‘tiou whatsoever; to sav of th** fact, that it may sometimes he in the hands, and at the mercy of those whose interests and sympathies are with the buyers of the article, rather than with the shipjiers, or the pro ducers, in spite ol the exemption from tins imputation which is justly due* to some of the English houses, who have adhered totlie interests of theircorres|iondentd with great firmness and fidelity, amidst unexampled (lillk ul- ties. Indeed .t is altogether imjio.-sihle to conceive a sys tem of sale so utterly defenceless, lor an important ar ticle, which js'rforins sm h an essential office in regula- Ungtlie Exchanges and influencing the currency ot our country. We will now proceed to the second branch. 2d. Having thus demonstrated the injurious tenden cy of this system, the question arises whether tlie.r ex ists within ourselves any remedy? The avowed dr- s'gtis of this Convention being to devise some menus to jirotrct, in future, a most imjsirtant American interest, we pass at once to its consideration. It may not he out of place to advert to that derange ment in the monetary system of the United States, wh ch, in ISJ7, led to a susjiens.oii ol sjiecie jiaymciitr* throughout the American Re|iuhlic. At that tune our Britain a large commercial debt, rising«»',t of th*' excess in value ol the imports of the 'luted S atis, in their trade with England. To pay th s balance m Fjiecie, was impracticable.— An unu.- illy t i. nble season had given us a crop of tv l at 1 abundance in the cotton growing S a', i . To transmit tins j»r«*p* rfv to the country of our great htor, as last as possitilc, ns an evidence that th>* cit izens oil lie United States were neither wanting hi the ii'-‘ nor t lie disjMisitiofi to redeem all their obligations, tlieaul ot the Bank ug Institutions otth' a Union was in voked : and to guards jiart of the properly, so transmit, ted, through their instrumentality, from unnecessary r.lico in the market of coiisuiii|>tion, the agency ot Humphries and I) d.lle was established at L.verjsio!. The result of tbit agency, hi winding up the large crop of I*i*H, is conclusive proof of what may hi* done by consignees thoroughly devoted to American interests, subject to no necessity hy heavy advances, to glut the mark"! hy forcing ujmui it large stocks in constant aad disastrous succession. l i th s hriei outline, is embraced the whole head and front of the ofl'uice which has b\l to so much animated d.scussion, and Widespread denunciat or, hi the public jirints, of both countries. Whenever, however, a dis- pa sionate andd sinterested judgem 'lit shall he jironoun- ced U|xhi the m itives and objects ol th ise ed I h.s agency, that judgement will prove equally honor- able totiu*ir sagacity, and their patriotism; and to the gentlemen in Liverpool who conducted its n flairs—wlm are entitled to the abiding confidence ot our jieopk*, for the fidelity and Hrnm-ws with which they adhered to th • interests of their constituents. I might naturally have been exp vtr | that wh »n the cause.- which lia l led to the eskihl.i-hmeiit of tins agen cy t'»r t!i • dele ice of ojr great s .ijde had biftui remo..'.i, th • trade wo ild tall ha k iii'.j its cliatiuel.-, an I th it the jirotection furour iii’eriMt* would he ample, with th tu *aus at the commutd ot luais eugi/ed >u it. Noon**s ug!it to Jirece it this. 'I’ll • field Was o)» a to th ? en! 'rgr.h 'ol ah. N tetnbirrussm-u' •*rpr.*> tlir > a ii m i!i t nr do thep, til ' d sap* . h 11 )'|0|>oil«t< . 'OllIJM'litlOll ti ly, b • no I* ol . | 1 ».v tf, Rink ofE igl.rtfl in regard to ihrU^fon • r.«p oi t!i • | into| States. That |»irticuUr article Ire b • "• •< •*1 from all otic r ari d, s. a* the one which wa- lob • sold a* low rat -s m England, hectime food hid to be jmrclust l tmm other count men nt high rates, to sust.iitl her Jsuple. We are a wan* that tils position will b. - * vcliem *:itly dciu«*d. It is nevertheless, strictly • nil'. L"t any m m l >ok ov r a tih* ot E igl sh conimer- • 1 ‘ n ,, w -(* iper- t«*r the |iast eight ill > i*h * and see if lie can discover a iyjitln i arlicl • ol man b uidtsc or trade, m wli ch sji >.• ilatio i h is h " i s i eii'*rg -tically denounced, or relative to which s«* many comb nations have Imm*ii dev* 11•(Nil, calculated to jirev* nt its a fuirnnau- n*’rating, to the juoducer or uiijMirtci*. Is*t Inin review the prices current—the nit amongst ners—th** articles o.i th* 1 money hi irket—the stnt.stiCR ol the crop, an*l consu*iij*tion—the advance of the rates ofdiscoum by the Bink of England—and then let him say, it there is one word in them all whichdeprinnates a rso in the price of Sugar, UofTee, Saltjk'tre, Indigo nr Tea,*»r any other production, navo Cotton? I^*t him th.mi ho.iestly state h.s conviction, whether there Iris or has not been a c« mb.lied, extensive and most influential efl.irt to depreciate the value of the Cotton croji of the United Stall s! It we shall be III! 1 )’ flat'slied of the truth of these pro position*, there can remain no doubt of the justice, or the propriety of our adopt hi gsucli measures of self-jiro- tection as sh ill guard our interests nguiist such itiflu* en*'e- in future. Tin* question arises, what these measures shill he! Here We will take occasion to advert to the gross mis- rcjuvsciitation of the motives and objects, of thane who are resjsmsihle tor the callofths Convention. It lias been said, that it was nothing more or less than to get U|»a scheme for giving n speculative excitement to pn> res; to establish a periiianent monopoly ill the Cotton market, and to s • luce, by th * Unuptat on ol h gh jiroflts, the Hanks from the sjihere of th ur leg.limit*' business to turn merchants; and thus derange the whole com merce of the country. ’These allegitions are utterly untrue. In the first place we avow tint nothing would he more injurious to that great desideratum, steadiness in the |»riceof our tajile, than any teni|N)rary and undue exciteni nit in the market, whilst the charge oftnonojsily, when the whole crop is ojieii to the coni|Mt t:on of the whole world, is equally unfounded. It will he perceived, in the se- quelthat so far from desiring to force or seduce, the Banks into th** risks of commercial adventures, that we do not jirojiose to them to do any thing more than |)*>rl'orm their usual function of lending money with an augin*'iite«l security/ In one word, we jirojxMc tint th* Banks of the Southern Slates should commence forth* with t<» nnkea lvuic"s on *C on t!i • pledge, in ,i Jiract icald • form q/ tln* tnnhrial itself; with the person* al s 'curity of the persons taking the advance. We are aware that one ol th*' strong object ions urged totli.s sell ill** was,lhe medium of Dost Notes, through wh * hit was j*r«qosed that these advances should be paid. Since the nil of th.s Convention, and the period Us o' asseinhly, th • Biliks generally, with few exceptions, h iv- su-pended specie jiaym 'ills through nit the Middle and Soul hern States, mid which is likely, in s|»ite ol the strong ell*»rts by the links in New-York, to sustain a redemption of th'*ir notes ill com, will become universal, until the country can recover from the great mid unpre cedented embarrassments into which it is thrown. It therefore becomes needless to discuss the Post Note system, and to show that in small sums, and with a certain fund for their redemption at maturity, they might be made equivalent to the best inland exchange; or or- dinary note circulation. The crisis is certainly propi* lions to a fair test of the efficacy of the experiment ol ourstaple through th s instruinmitality of our Bulks, as the jirocess of cxchiiigiug their notes lor good sterling h.lls is, to them, uli.|U"stionaldy a measure, not only of au essential safety, but of sound policy. We are very lar from saying, that s«» signal a calamity as the iuter- rujition of payment* in coin by otir Banks, is* to lie regard ed with any other feelings than those ol profound regret; but we apprehend that this suspension h is resulted from a manifest and unavoi inble necessity. The truth is, th.* late resumption was |iremature. Our country had not recovered from the jirostr.ition of 1 <17, and thejires- cut crisis Ins been jirocipitated upon i.s by the short har vest of tin* last autumn in Great Britain, and consequent rise in tin* rate of interest by the Bank of England which rendered Amenem securities utterly unavaiiable—de preciated the value of the < 'olton crop of last year—and entailed ujioii our shijq>ers the necessity of meeting enormous reclamations. The enquiry therefore arises, whether we cannot use our great staple, as them *ans of resuscitating our 11 inks, of enabling them to replenish their vaults w ith tin* pre cious metals, and thereby fortify themselves for rosuiii|>- tion, w hilst they shall subserve the inijMirtaut pur|siseof protecting the great Cotton growing interest ol the country. We think we can. We have not at the South the mines of Mexico or Pe ru, hut wo have growing on the surface of our fertile plains a staple of equal value, at infinitely a less cost of jiroductiou, and without any exjiensive process of jilicated alcli* my of easy convertibility intothe precious metals. Shall vve in the jirocess of this exchange allow others to reap the benefits of this conversion; at a mo ment too when our Banks require a reflux ot bullion m- t »tii * rcoders,or its equivalent in foreign exchange, in or der that, at no distant day, they may redeem their faith with the jiuhlic ! It the Hanks in the Southern States, advanced on the whole Cotton crop of our country, it is quite obvious that they would, through the foreign ex changes hav* what would he equiv ilent to a sujiply annu ally, of eighty millions of the |>r*vu>us metals. ’The ex changes ol the* Union would in tins event, be centralized at the South, and something done towards the accom- |dislmi**nt of tha» great des.di ratuui of S*»iithi'rn hojie and aspirai ion—a ducct trade. Aid we have iio liesit it ion in saying that w.» believe if th ■ Banks ot the Smith com ' forward proiiqitly and generally, and make advances, at site rates, to resjsm- sible parties,on our crop, that th** mast shtjfrndausly Ln. rficiii' change wall heeffi*cted in the currency, traiiennd exchanges of our section of the Union that h is ever been intimated, li nt tins moment when they want the siij)- |wrt of our great staple mo. 1 *!, they should embrace the jirojiitious co.ijuncture, whenever resumjitioii of specie jinyiimuts should becoinuieiiced, hy general accord, they would Hot o.ily he i i.i state torv.gorousresumption, but ‘midit.oiiof imjiregnahle str.'iigth, under the sys- xcli.ingiiig in a greater or less degree, eighty million* of th ar currency tor eighty millions ot foreign domest'C excliange. For with ill" former it is alto gether obvious—they could have the means of draw • l it ot bullio i they |»lea*. ■! from Eurojs*,after seli- iflicicn'Jsum to meet the iiiluud exchanges ol tic couu'ry. W,tilth • • mini.test an I multiplied bless.ngs b**lor< »-■, vve invite the cordial co.i.airrence of th * S lUthern Biliks, Planters .old Cotton M«*rch m!s, ill the measures wear*' about t*i» uhin.t. We are aware, however, we should not 'jHTiorm our duty, or very inadaquitcly in«*et jiuhlic expectation, if we did m»t |«oint out j*ractically, the in*hL* hy which the desirable objects are to bo aci'oiu. jd.wbed. First.—It is nropo* -d a» all the jiriucijial shipping |mits oft ho cotton slates, that |«irnos, wbetli'T planters, cotton merchants «*r factors, sh mid apply toth** Biliks for sudi an advance on th*: cotton they hold, as may be in conformity with the current rat's and he mutually agreeable to th * jiarties. In every c is" where the Bank conceives the advance asked l*.r is bsiliigh, it is quite c mijietent t"r th • institution making th.' advance, to re quire in add.tom, ail the security iucid "tit to an ord na ry discounted note. If would bo altogether impractica ble fortius Convention to tixtli«- standard ot what would or would n*i*. he a sab* rate of advance; asth s, ofc.oumu m.wt d*'|N‘iid oil th" t! ictmting *]ii"*tions ot j*r*Nluc*ioii aii*l co isUliiptimi—the Iirs» influen* *' I by the vicissitude* of the seasons in our own country ; an I the last, hy the .-’at" *»t trail" abroad. 'This must of emirs •, he •••ft to th" * mud d scr 'tun ol th" Bulk* liiemsuiv«*s. By r*** q. nring this security a ; home, the spir.t ol reckless sp**. "ulati* ii would b** repressed; and th" *1 s citrous eiubar- r. isiiie'i'* «*i U'ic alt *d, t > a vast am mat, a verted. 'The pirty ii|>|*lyiug far tie* advance must |*ro- *1 jee the ware-hoii •• r •«• • pt and|stli* y «»t insurance,du- Iv > s gu '-1 to 1 1 1 • II ink ; or lull ol Ia-liiig, ii th" cotton is on th" eve of siiqim tut ahr m I. 'Til ' B ink, as its e j i . it nit, after clnrgin ' the uit*‘i**st and allowing the «»T* u**em « xcba.ig • take* the sterling lull ot tie* sliqi- |»er a’ *.x 111 iiith/-, a?i*l ad.aiic- - its own notes, ami by in i!ual agr m* a iit, it is arrang' d i*»vvii.< hoi tic h »us«*s to luh*i« aM' i tjqNi.uted ill Eur**|s lo h«*l«i these con- -Ig lUK'H'.i- til" COttOII I* l*» I*" S;|;|,|M ,|, With Uil CXpIlf.t III"!I. •111. I Uil I.TM m.l-.iy, .1.« II> Il ■ Ii.'l.l Mr » \ in iiiiliH Iriiin if.-l l.ili'.irnli. ': ti' r..-! <.f.I. |.i.i lit it ulwyb 11 i.^iry, t.i m-iur.. ■, as well L o.i.- *,•„’.i, «•!. *• i igeoiit, s He. it the** h are received hvtlie I •I|irile i*,i|iji!y „||||.. • Uil!.. Ill III” n'.r.... tli.M Hi.- r. . mi I tii .1! ill/ ■ III- nil tr i II, j 1 I'll' '■ ’|>". !’ 1 If' t". tli.'ir vn' lluuli. in «!..• r.iuXioi: '.tt, :t m an I *b:|»p *12 J* , » r ’^, "i *»r.l *r tla it tic *• h Ils may !»•• ail at*, w.t n"s |.» * * • *1 hy tu • 'iijqsr, th it t!t" *\ch*ng" in iy be n**g'»- K ild, III - lllll.lV' i Kn;l ill h i *1 that hy th • bp- «\‘ii r" olutions an* • p.ojMihe t*» *.i L i. "II tie t *»iis o th"ir bu<»*»e>s. Y*» ir f '«..umitt«*e m is d*mi * th • rejsirt made to this (' hiv miiion h. G«*n. 11 uoiltmi, ui *»!*<<l,.MIC.• t*»th*'lil tructi«*i.-oi th \ w Y-*ri; moiling, which devolviNl on linn the jirovuire *»f arra .-mg with sundry Eurojican bouses totak* tlie cmisigniie utr, and wh ch his been referred tovour Comm it f**", ire of *»ji u- ion, tint th* Convent inn ha I better make no designa te) i m tie'll »!is**«*; b i» simply l» Migg.-st the above r*- t**r. nc**, liowvwr entirely satisliedthey may he w ch the man.,' r hi which ties g<'iitl»-man jcrtoruifd this duty mid ot th " undoiiht 'tl resp *ct:ihi|ity of the houses wtih w hom he coiilerriNl. Tiiihulv.—'That in the City of New York then should h.» ail Agency established for oieh So u hern whinjnn/ |w»rt, lobe ajijMViite*! by the ConiuiittevH and Ranksnf said |N>rts, whose duty it should be to sell sin h Cott* a* may In* slopp 'd t » New York; and such cxclnnge : may g«» to that place lor negotiation. Fourtiilv.—‘’That a Delegate fn mi each of th*'Com- lilittees of the Severn 1 Cotton Markets, lice's on ill' l**t day of August, of each year, in the City ol New York to confer w ith the New York Agencies,* and tod' Vis* midi measures as may more effectually promote the ob jects of this Convention. ’This is the sum nnd substance of the plan which we propose lor the protection ofourgreat sta|ile, and the re- nuscitat uni of our currency. In Us detail* there is uei- tier cmii|)licntion nor invstcry. Its oliject is to borrow the money *m our staiile at hour, and not abroad* nm 1 thus to place it hey*m«i th* 1 reach of sacrifice, w henever the Bank ol England may either, from v, ise councils, or nil unfounded |ianic« r.nse the rate ot interest. We dis claim th*'stupid charge ot hostility t nheminul. ('luring iiiteres's of England, I* r the man,test reason, they con stitute our best customer. We must, moreover, lie allowed to enter our protest against the unfounded allegation, that vve desire to fix by an absolute edict, th** j»nee ol ('ottigi. We aim at no object so absurd and unattainable. We know that the great law «>. sii|)ply an I deiiiiiiiil must, after all, reg ulate |irice. But it i* a Icgit.HM'e object of trade, bv wise provisions, to guard against gin’s m the market anil unfounded panics often the result of unworthy and j.-of- hgite combinations. Wo have rejioatedlv seen the most false and unblushing st iteiuents of the jirobable a iioiint ol the Cot'on cr*»p of the U. States, for the |)iir|)ose of de|iressing its value. Last year it was asserted that tin* |*rodu<'tioii would he 2,(MK),tMm hales, in th - face of u product of l,B5'.MN)B ; and m, th •** of n drought of uuex impled intensity th.s season, it is affirm 'd with eipiiil truth, that that of the present year would reach 2.*{(Hmkni hags, wliicli, hi no event, can exce«'daii av**r- ugo (Mi**. Noorticleof agriculture and commerce in the whole c vilized world is expos.>*l to such accumula tion of *11 tigers, as otir great stajile. E/eu th it pestilent drug of oriental luxury, the exjiulsion of whi *h has r**- cently convulsed a in ghty to its centre, seems less an object of hostile combination among those at least, who purchase it, although it disjienses madness nnd death, than a staple which gives toman Ins most healthful raiment: an I which rivals th*' fleece of the Jamb in its softness, and the miraculous result of the in dustry ul the s,ik worm in the fineness and beauty of its fibre. We desire im monopoly. If th'* agent* of foreign houses are willing to give a higher rd** ot advance than the B iliks, let tin ill take With tin* Cotton 1 he r>k of such adventures. All that vve wish is, tojdace a jx>rtion at least of th" (’ itton crop b *yon<l tii * reach ol coercive sales, under the death warrant of a (Ml day hill, that has run to maturity. We wish, moreover, to place at least a jiortMMi of the cr«»j>, beyond the blighting influence of those theories of finance, which although they may have om unted from the highly resjiectable parlor of the Bank of England, are not to lie found in th** philosojdiy of Smith or Ricardo, winch have struck in the last summer, n blighting, not only on the American trade, but have jirostrated one of the greatest brandies of tic gigantie industry of the British Eoipire ; under the vain and absurd hojie of stojqvng during an obviously unfa vourable state of trade and a deficient harvest, that stream of gold winch was as cert tin to flow out of Eng land, ns the father of our western waters is t«> roll his current t** the ocean. Those men in their genera tion, have indeed doneth *ir worst—they hive jirostrit* I American interest, an I all t!i»* inter 'sts in th country connected with our own, hut the fat il tid* s ..'ill ft iw* on. An 1 if our B inks desire th it a jsirtioii *4 this tUrcani shall he lavished on our own short's, let them turn to our great stapU, u hicli, und r a judicimis course of trade, will coiiiin ind the jirecious metals from every quarter of the globe. To our associates in nti iinjmrtant branch of our in.Ins. Irv, th" Cotton Planters (»f the country, we would ad- «lress a voice of 8yni|>athy and warning—we would tell the liusle by which the |iro«lu<'t ol theircaji.tal nnd skill is dis|M>s*'d of j i the great market ol its con- MUni|»t ion, is enough to break do\\ u 'the most v.iludd* «<ta|)l«', next to the stalTof life, God Iris given to man. They must not rest satisfied with the uncertain calcu lations of the jinsiiift ol u crop liable t*» he cut short al most to th*’ last m uncut of its gathering, hy th* tildes of th** season. Whether *t be a large or u small one, a judicious system for offering it lor sal" in the great foreign markets ol its consumption, is equally the part of jmlicy and Wisdom. The fad is not t«» heconc* al- ed, in sjnte of the dejiressed state of trade m England, if the American houses in L»vor| I had h"M th.s year, the stock of Cotton which was consigned to Hmoiilmer- and Biddle alone, during the I tsl ; from ten *•* fifteen millions of dollars red ions would hav e Is • o saved to the country ; we should have had an elP'diVe ba la nc wheel in giving steadiness to the market. Tin* cont.n g.on of a disgraceful panic would have been *ii|>j>r< ss**d ; and soin just re.'at.on pn served hi'tween even a <luii.ii- islied consumpt on and a cr**p of u.."...iu ded s!:«)rtn"cs. 'The jirisliidioii ol oarstajil • tr ;id* so dosoly on the nieasun* of consumption, tint of all the articles of com- nierce, it req;iir«'s tin* lit in ist can* m its sil" ; yet p**r- haps it rece.v*'s the least. NY«• ought to refl 'd, whit would I) • the extent of the cal.unity which would h* fall our country, if it vwr.'to hrcik down ton (suit which would not cover the eo*t of iirodtii tioii. F*»r l*» tin* iiji- l.iuds of th" South, it is our only remunerating jiroduct. An efficient scheme of protection, for a lew years, will make all s if". 'Th • us" of ('ottnii. as a fabric of human runii nit, is ju.-l jKMii'tratnig the Enq* re, ami before many years, vve shall have in the boundless regions of th • North **f Europe, a class of consumer* more numerous than those of the Britain. With th 'se reflections on tic |in*<t, nnd anticipations of th** future, vv*' submit, with tin* R 'port, the billowing Kesoiut.on* t*»r the adoption of th*' Convention : R -oh/v/, 'That the gentlemen who is-ued th*' Circu lar, dated 5th Juiy, in New York, winch has caused the inettingof th.s Convention; are entitled to fin? thinks of every citizen, who is interested in the cultivation, or export, of th** great staple of th • South. R> o'tnb That this ('(invention entirely concurs in th*’ opinion expressed in said ('ircnlar, that owing to the circumstances under which the Cotton crop is usually sent to market, the price ot the art el", is not lett to be regulated, by tin* fair and natural influences of the law of Mipply ami I. m mil. R'-alird, As the opinion of this Convention, that a remedy tor til*' evil, is ell*'Clive of its object, as it is mmp! in its character, Will he 1 uimliiithe recoinmen- datni.n*; th*Circular, “tint the Cotton of our country, shall not lie sent to market, accompanied hv a loll of Exchange, winch must coerce its sale, at n fixed date, win ever may be the state of the market. RfS'duJy That the Cotton INanters ami American Sh jtjM i*, ui tii • South* ru Port*, !*•• earnestly requested to concur in the measures recommended by th.s ('oiiveii- tion, by vvliidi they may !».• certa.u ot having th nr cot- ion held, ami not forced on the m irket at a ruinous sa crifice. Rar W»n'gamerm Ala.—Jess** Tavlor, John John Scott, ’I h«*s. S. Mays, 11. It.Id), fcsqs. 7'mv/iA*».•/», t//.— John M irrast, A. Battle, Fsl- muinl Prince. II ird ii Perkins, ItoliL Jameson, Esq*. F>>r C lutnhus, Wi»>.—Judge Andrew Bibb, Creo. II. Young, Judge J. Moore. Tims. McGee, Maj. Biuit. F"f \arch 2, \li*tt.—N. Ware, Gen. (.4 u it mail, John Ro h. Judge ’Thatcher, Mr. Di green. Ff Vickshuri', lfiaa.—Judge Lane, Mr. McNeil, Dr. B. Harr s. I a- ’Fn'.'iihtutsee, Ft.—Jesse Co* , E*lw ird Bradford, J- II. T. l/orriio r. A. M. Gatlin,Samuel Reed. F"' S. Joxrjiiis, Fa.—T. B. Howard, Ed. J. Harden, Park S*ree\ W . Smith, Dr. Doffin. F 1/. . . I /O. NV. Porter, B. Wood, Hi- run Noiir- •, D. Goldstein, W. G. Raney. R salad, the forego-tig CiMiiliiittees be sjK*cinl- v r* <|ti*'*t«'d to carry into effi'et th*- confided to ’hem oi th** above Rejiort, an I th it they communicate to tin* Ci n'ral* ", at Mohile, what they have done in the j>r, that the same may be announced in the public journals of the respective States. Revfhrd % That th** said Committee he requested to supply all vucniicies win bodies. Resnlud) 'That the 1111.k Districts in the Cotton Star legates to the “ (*• •?**in ?rcc! Macon, (i i. in Mav next, to u |iur|M)Hcof taking ..:■»» «• insult i theirresjiectivc u 1 y .* n.l Counties ami ..*• r* quested to semi De- C*iiiv* uti'’u,” to meet in nte w .ili that body, for the ■ration the currency *»l the «itton Trade, by w Inch to essentially be pro- ouiitry ami the int' ia sts «*t il the Direct 'Trade with Enia.ji nioted. On motion ot E A. N;sbet, the Convention adjourn- e«l until I o'clock. Font o'ei.iM k.—Convention mot agreeably to adjourn ment; President in the Chair. On Motion of E. A. Nisbet, Gen. Josejdi Thomas, of Burk" county, uml Col. A. II. Kenan, of Mdledgeville, were invited to take scats in the Convention. C. C. Mills,of Alabama, moved tint the Kcjxirt nnd R 'solutions of the Committee »»f 21, bo adojited by th.s Convention; which was carried. The follow ing was olfered by the Hon. Thomas But ler King, and carried: Whereas, in the vv .se d.spensations of Divine l'rovi- •letice, tb" Southern nnd S *uth-Western States have been deprived ol one of their brightest ornaments, and most d Mtingin.dicd statesmen, in the death of the late Gen. ROBERT Y. 1IAYNE; nnd that it is due to our selves, to pay a proper tribute of grateful respect totlie memory ol those who hive devoted their energies and talents in sustaining '.lie interest and |ir*iuioting the |*ros- perilv ot our country—he it, therefore, Resulted) That the Convent ion ex|)r*'ss its deep sense of the loss the whole Southern and South-Western (sir- tion of tlie Union has sustained in the death of Gen. I lavii". RiM.Ind) That the members of ties Convention will wear crape on the left arm, lor tb** space ol BO day> is a t*)k*'ii of r«'s|iect for 1 In* memory of our late distin guished friend and fellow-citizen, whose loss vve so deep ly deplore. On motion of John Lamar of Macon, Gn. R' sn/i cdy That the Committee of 21 be charged with the duty of having th" proceedings, &c. of tins Conve n tion jiulilished, and that 1,000 copies be printed. < hi motion of John Lunar, Rrsalinl, 'That the thanks of th s meeting be j)rr- seiited to the President and Secretaries, for the ability and courtesy with which they have |M?rformed their du ties. On motion of C. C. Mills, of Alabama, Rt soliCil, That th s Convention do now adjourn, tine lie. The Convention adjourned. Tilt 18. 1IOXEY, Pres’t. C. A. IltoniNs, j U. J. Hi llock, ( Secret ari* > tint min. (,’. Bon i )n lit* 1 Will iiiHi., I»\ It till! MUM. K**l|.,ot Mu. on. Hr. A. II. n.'wHlcii.ofJ.* icibiic• 'llM iii*»i.. bv ill*' Rev. Dr. ('I* 1 Amdiikwn, ol Ciitiiniii comity, i«* Mi- i'li!* mi Jnuir* Itiouirr, Ki**|., «*l Itublw I.Oiel j. riMM'll-, J 'Oi > J.IM ikCvtiihim: B., dan^liter o DlllltV • t •••**. OOITVABV. Dim*, ul Vtoiii.Miinrn, AU.. on Siindnv Ldb ult., Mm. SA It VII I Al I'. (Widow ol III. Ii.l.**- rimrUi* Tml.ol CUi borne. A In ,) oi llic <>H«I venr of bn itjir. In llie denlli ol tin* •*—1 limibl** liolv , Nuclei) ill** lost one of il* |)im'Sl mill ill*** 0- t il iii* , iiiIm , m i hii'I lier liuiiilv a kind mid (•llbclioimle ioIhIhc A*, lln* wilier let U incupiibke ..I -peukiiit: ol to r ooiiiv viriti i III III'-I Ill'll l*'l IUH, lie will 11**1 nllrnipl ll, toil wroulil IClliill k lllOt -lie bad eiolv iillio In d l.**r**e|l In llie 1'ie-bj lerinu I hurt'll,Mild iived mill di**«l h Iiiis r||*i-liiiii Slit* wnm rnti-cioiiN lo llie In-t ol Iter nppro.i* Iiiiib di-aoliiiiou. Mid i , »|irc»« , d tier* **«'lf perfectly willriiR lo obey III.* will of the Lord, wIiomi (-he Mild | she w ns eoiltUb'lit would leceive lie I, took lem *d In** reiutixe-nnd fiieiid**, mid -Imrllv iilier expired. Tims tins |iu—ed otT one, wlm-e like, nil wlmkiiew lie- wilt readily iiduol, cauiiirl be eusili lioirul. Bui uiuut-l llie deep sorrow w hi* b au ulUietioo of ild- kind iiiiihI ueee—nrilv eau-e. there i u euli-idntioli m llie Lelu l ol her Irieud-. llisl tliouHi they Inn lo-linti* wb*we ewrv m tiuu u-ive video..a b* r beii*|* oil*’ c llie |iur«‘H| ul ivouii'ii, yrl her -quilt had wiiifed io* ibulil lo a more enncroiul world,—mid ilml 'bout'll :In*v bad lusl n drur I'ouip'iuiuu, our Saviour loid eulled loworsfiij) el llo* Tfoii oil. , wli.i-c creulo.l if vii- while iiiuoii^ u-.wuslo merit ll iiie-liiiMble and Lterua! T- VV . Him, ill |li'- |d-'-e, on 'Tm-dav niisllt, llie -Mill oil., VI IlKItlil VA I’lKID i:. wile Ol the lie*. Itcd.lick IVn e.iul till year ot In r npe. In lire -|oii*c Iiiiiu **l tile, -lie soiichi mill li'toul llie eoiKolulioiM **f Relision, ami moled her-* (lie MeibodifI Lpi-copal (.'Inin li, ol wliicli slie liied mid died mi neceptoblo nieinber. Ilrbig of mi exeeedoijrly «l«'lie» * i ou-lilull"ii t ami Is om often llo* sulijer l of inxuilbld (till lion-,-In wat deburr** I mum of llie privilcces nud coinbrrl- u Iik Ii fl ov from eoinMinl * ommiiiii.*nlioii will llio neople ol (J.hI,— let,she wn- -elduili willmul I Inti joy wliicli im derived from -erret -piriiual iiilerrouiM' wall ib*' Creator. At lu-r lu-l dim'--, altliuii^li Hiiriouiided w lib iioieli of world* Iv eat*', -!iC -e* lie d to lia< •• |*»M blglil «if euitlllv guo*l, and looked only to tloil reeoiu|)ei,i*e of reward, wliirh swaiiN (lie Initlil'ii) in Cloi-V Je-us. Oil the dav pievinu-, and oit uielil ol lu-r dsulli, -lie expressed lo In. nd- mol llie Moo-ler who v i-bed her, no nowaii-rnic iiilhe Saviour, and a—ure*l iIk-iii ttuil tdl wu-well, AIm.iiI '• o’eliM'k, il beeiitiU) Mpiuirrnt lo nil around iliul lie Imho »ii. uieh al bmsf. 'Tb* 1 utlli* ie*l mid lieiirl*hroki'U I'ami ly -urrouilded I be ill lier eourli, mill ill anxious and umuruliil *•«• wiiielied il,. * ..inul-iit llouws of oxjiiiiue unlorc ill 12, wbeii, ubilcn beloved daucbier wa- bailonc her I 1*1* -, and weepiiii; m'ImIiv*'-and fiieuds were olVeto c up llieir |MMi*-Mlo <io«l, her happy -pint look ll- llif*lit lo icmIiii-oI i tgh I i iiudiaiid, three d.iueblei-mid three -on-, n brother I-. ii in I iiuiiii'rous oilier lebilive- uimoii llie beieavouieul— motow noli*- III .*-•• willmul boj*e, beiux coulideiit llml m uol dead, bill sleepdll." AN INAI GI RAMON IIAM. i III SON’S HOTEL, mi VV El INKS- I. L. II VRRI'SS, ) v- J. \V. A. S VNEORH, s C. W.CIIO V I L, | ii imow.v > J. It. A MU'. KM f.\, J 2 v. 6, IKIli. ft .J. HORN'. | VV.S. Iiork WELL, ' M. J. KK.NA.V, VV .VIS. It I T I IKK FORI;, VV. J. NV. NAPIER. t> ll R tahi l) Tint the Banks in th" Southern States In* invited to concur in a goicral system ol ailvuncingoii the <*r*»p, as the only certain means m rej»lein-liing their sto* k of s|i"t*ie, and of jdacing their circulation oil a round Ins s. RsnltrJ) 'That th" Coiiimittr es a* Moli.lenu l New <, hi- roqu >ted toe ill a meeting *»! th • Director- «*l Ih • B inks, I*, inters, FjcLts, ail I American Colton Sliqip t-, hi th"ir re-pertive cities, a* an early day m Novi iuli.'r next, tint 'll*' pr*N'eed.iigs«»! Ih.a Convention mav lie I.* *1 iD-iote th* io. Rea,! ■ i, 'That th" following gentlemen *1» coa-titnv th*' Stand ng (’.»mni.ti* , * , H : /'„ \ u Orlmn L Mi Ih ml in, John Minium, 8. Pi ter*, \. McG. h. i , D. McGolliii, and Jim. 11 igau, Esq-. tW Ilabile^ II. B. Gn itlinii y, Win. II. R ibcrtxon, C. C. L.ogdom, John IL li:*M ker, tie.*. S. Game.*, 'Tims. E. Tail, Thus. J. Hu*I* r, B. A. F.aitan , J dm Mayrant, J. S. D**o, F..*uklio i . II .ir*J, 1 *j*. Far S nannah—4i. II. Lunar, Ed. Pidellord. J**-. II. Burroughs, Win. P.»tteison, H. E. S' 1*--, Char. II »ri- r .Ige, E«qs. F rl irh .»'<#//, ,S*. f \ J< Im R*doii'*si, 10*1*1. Marlin, 1C slii. ( . I .ii—, J dm K iko.i'ii* k, 11 ** rv (iour*', Jus. o,::-.j. /• i ... .. > f WmJ II npt ... NN WilUcc, It So a . v, J. G»l» i. l.*q-. Far ihujni r, N. I IL orv Shiilo, Ivlw »rd D Is I i..Lo M r-lwil U Hibith, II . I. if* h. . tin.- M*r« d Cmnn* "if. Pai «. \\ L. . r. P. li»"os- h. J P Km. W /• .itlr, Iio Hr. I t J. J- NN lor-, L "p). \lt - lt Of. -ilt \ CUq.t J < . J (., M N H o* h. * • ‘ . I. II .. • .). NN ... B J »" I * 11 NViu. II 11 'j II > * \N Sulli. ii r.t/siui. NOTRi; I HAVE (hi- .lavsold iu» entire BREEDLOVE\V DliKICV, who and eunliuui' llie busine—. Milb d-.-evdl-, .Not. I, IlCft. ti (I (1/ The Mdledfievill* papers will jvut.liwll llio above four limes. JAS. T. LANE. INOIKK. riXIIE uuder-ienedwould re-tieelfully intoriu Itieir friends I mol llie public ircuer»illy, o.«i ibry hair pm. Iio-eilof Mr. JVVlt'.S T. i.VM., IioSum k "» <*ow|»v, mid mlend replen* 1-I11112 il ininiedmlely. D* l* nuiioiic. by sin* I ulh'litiou lo bu-oie-v, loplea-e all, lliey bo|H! to ree.ov.' a Idu'ral -Iinre ol |**- pulumnce. Milb'diiei ille, N [| /’All il**' pspfi , 1.1 mo. u Millrdfei ille will publi-h the above DIEBM At ( OM.lihi: Ol* l-KOICOIA. I GIF. eiMiiiu' (’ours** of Lecture- in llie* liMtimiion will ibe F* )l It I II MONDAV OF NOV EM- ( .'.'.ill in-1 . i.i-ten.l ol Ibe -tu I MondNV. The MSUI.I full Co* I I.. • lure- will I-* delivered. 'Hie •llie-olllie* **l llb-leli irs, A < . will l*e per- .ruM il I.i Dr. .l**-rrn A. i>r, who lut* been M|.|H#mied by ,, ,, ' J < «mm mil lot). 1 W. Or ' -•.uni \" " mi vi. v'. lor fciilr. V\ (I 1. u smIlank Cm • r ll 1.,. ‘u i I 1 1 •• *■ DI « I MID*.It I uin liniMlrcfl uml s.xty m ri s ‘la ml, la ... v\ . VI, 1, ly I Mill*, oil llie Op. - 1* D- I.Mlmier, (iillmuy I Well llopioietl. 1 In tweli. iiioulb- llier* - Ii.inr I.s - 1 l*v JoLI. I'll \ W Fold. ii :n . ID \J AMIN I III. • ■ In >| ,| .1 ..I I '* . « t«.l*ri .»/*/y. will (•%• pUced i.i ANN VI AIM ER. VIHOINIA -TATE ISTTESV, I'or Ik- h-n-,1 of Ik. *r.4r- mv. I.'l— lar IH*. r. .1 Mr. Minin., V.^M -.I.rJ.;,.'«•!* IS*. RHII.I.IAST MBKHK. CAPITAL PRICE , I prise of |in.«« [ I prior •>( #1.71* R.WMI 5.neo 4.00# ‘2.a* g,00fl 25 prises of I 25 do 5W** 2R do list do 210 n 1 p d*: r 1 . I do 5 prizes of lie. 75 Number I .otters—13 Draw* Baibas Tickets only $!•— Halves$5, Quarters 2J. VftrvfiMftn Dttfry* For the benefit of lb- T»wa «f Wlwwlin :. Class No. 4. for IWR. Alexandria, Va.on Sstarvhy, Nor. 2H, I8’.W nail 1.1 vst icwtRl. CAN T A I, $4n,fHH). $12,000 5JR4Q 3.000 2.1.00 l ,.'4m 5 prises of 5 ilo • 40 do $1.2.0 ijnn 6110 70 Number I Uiery—14 Draws R-ib.ia. Ticket- only $|0—llalvsa$5—Uuarters $2 oO. |5 Drawn Number*, LOTITHT AVTNORIZKf) ST THE RTATE OF WAIIYL4»D, Toerm tw Town Unit nud other t*uil.linc- in thsrllv i.fBn'fi- Iimre. 4’la— No. IV, f**r 10.19. To lie positively drawn In ibe eMy of Baltimnpe on Wcdue-day, Nmraiber 27, IlSUf, under ibe -upsi’inlendonec ofennimiesloners. 'Hie holder of Hie (’sjHial will receive ami r.i im sch» mr. C A 1* IT A L S3a,295. I prixekf - - /lOiiSl I ynmO ■ • I ,1., . - [.~4 MW of - l. ( "H I ,1 fcnCOf SO da - • '- HI Id,,.-- :l,fl(HI|S(l db - - • !H0 1 do - • - '.’..'HHI SO Hi. - -00 I du 2d«0 | 00 .!» - • I* 1 A,. I.O—T. -. Ticket,u«4v *1(1—— Quarter. 50. HTATF. OF VIRGINIA ■lirliuiond tridrmr L«Uery. rin.Hn Nn. 7, lor 183D. To be drawn nt Aloxandrui, Viw «vo Snmsday, Nov. 30, 1B3U. Capirwk $30,1)00. I prise of - - $|0,*mo» f 4ft prisaraf • i llo . . - 5.0*10 :d) dr. - • • £5 I 3/itMI I on .t» - - • •I"* lilo . - - 3,327 63 do • l** 0 . . . 3,000 1 hr. he. 75 Number Lottery—12 Drawn Hallo*-. Ticket* only $10, Halve- $5— Quarters 2 50. I do Certificate* of |iai‘kncrs of 25 whole ticket* Do ik) 25 bn If do Du *k» quarter do For Ticket* and -linn*-, or f ’rvntir**e» ul Packnp aboie -idtudid Lotteries, nddress D. S. <i UFdiORY h Co , Manncer*. Wasliineton City, D. f* Drawinc* sent iuamrdiatcly after lliey are over to nil w order ns idiote. RAILROAD WARE-HOUSE, AllRUMTA* UEOBOIA. $!30 ill. 1| D'ANTIUNAG & HILL, —Commission .flrrehmitlt, I N FORM their friend- mid lie* public, lb*4 they have b«*« u n d -1*11 «re,“ ot P»* ir po*l," ready tu uUcud to *uch bn* *• ners us Im- lie ii or nun tie roMiuilte’d lu-dwis diarpe. I>• v tion "* the Ini• litul di-eb.'iri*** ••* **ur duty k— alone in.lur, d * - In Miller ibe |i*‘nls of m Iriiiliiful ih-e«-e, -urrh a* lieier lies u-iied -Hire ils exi-ten* e-|ieri!s whisk an pern nil ry ronsiderulimi euuld indm • u«i**ii*k. NVe aMhapi*v,liowe-- er. to ununnis'e t*» our * ouii»ri friend* an evident al -l. in* ut of t |i«- di-ensc ; mid wc cuuhdciillv iripeel it to een-e * - in • r«* I», on llie ii|i|iiourh of frost, win* Ii. i** ike ordinary rutirse of t* o —en —oils, HUM lie nt band. NVe -half l*e tlmuklul t**r a rmi/i i wince, and are rerv soli* it**us f**r an tserrntr %»> pntrnieuie, WM.M. D’AYI IENAC. JOHN III. L. Angu*tn,N«r. 5, 1830, 6 ■■'Actoic/%<■!'! and cwmnissto.x lil'sixc:—. -nvannnli. XVII.I.IAK ftKCAX ( ‘NtlVTINI ‘E* 4 *w trnn-«ct FACTOR AGE AND Ct V! j MI*»-»I«»N 111 MINES?* in SmvhuiiiiH,and trndeis In- r vices III In- (rieail- uml tin: public pcnerolU , willi llie a- • •• nn*-*- lbut rvn \ flint will t.e uuule lo pioiuwte the iliterc-1* **t tliu-e conlidinic busine»a to him. Hi* personal utteiiiiou wdlLe civen t« the *xle **l <> lw<i ......,l,l....I It. I.l.n ; III... ll. tW purcliu-. ol ,up|.li«. cr Pbml* r«* u»e. (I t'All Cotton sent M the Cential Ratlmad, to Im rini*ii'i»* iii*ui.-Iiould be plain!* marked with the Planter'- unim ; ml Dioiibl ai'i'iuitpauierl with mitltn imlrucllou- In tin* i.t al the depot,-lulint! "* wbnniil i- eon-iprn*‘*l in Rnvannnli. S.iv ami ill, Nov. 5, 11533. 0 3l-[/»V* < r 'd | JOU.V M. 4 WONRN. Forfar umf Ccmmissicn KBXCHA1TT. SAVANNAH. i:—li. IL t.UMIt. Sisrttatnh ; A. BU’l.l N , .tiEO.F. PIERCE. JUuttM. f* Jt* BOYIPR HOTKf., /.V I IIAKI.HSTnS, Sfrt-'TH-CAROLINA. THE uml-rsigaed, fonnarly «f the 4.’linil«'ite Hotel, Nm il»-t nrnliOM.Iskr-pleasure in annoiiueint to hi- liirud- nnd the travelling cuuinmnily, iliul lie will open llie lloiel (ki pi by llie tile Maj.Norris) on ike c* i- uer ol Kinj: and (••orgr -Ireet-. about tlic fno "• peceui 1 D-r uaxt. With In- experience and the uudivnUd altcutiuu which Ik* will i»ive, b* flatter- Iiiiiu elf llinf tlmsa wlio favour idui w sib llieir piitrnnnL'e. will be -nli-licd and feel atld at bnuii'. ‘To | ** • dtiee tlie-e * fleet- uoelTiirls will be -pared. The llou-ei- now umlercoiiu ii tlior«iUghn*|mir which will make it nrr-eut u* in* « Uiff ieiii ujqicurauce, J- D. BON l>. Nov. 5,11132. fl It—[('lairU-Mtu* Mari t. y J KI reticle lo W ilMiiftou Jail- A Nf'.'iiRO .MAN. who ei*M* liluisclf JCE, •out twenty —even year* of age, dark con- pl-xion,five 'eel i ijjIaI ur i«u iuube* liicli, am' lie bi lm.^s !• hiflAMIL F.Vvn*, at tell I'otintjr, A tuba out, cigliteeu inile-bel* ** Culuuibiis, (seuniia. The owner is icqueai i to come lonvard,prove propcrlv, pay charre*. “0*1 t*iur bon maimv. \V.M. COOPER, Jailer Of NVilkiicsouconniy, (icoi^in. Irwinton, Ot 1.30th, 18IQ. b tf .%<luiiiil%lralor*a huff* W II E be -old on llie first Tuesday in JANUARY n*" ul llie Coori liOMi-e door in Die town of lewinam, W kin-on eniinty, iIm* tolb.w m* tract- orpaireU of Loud, ly i*.jr the third district of-.iid county, on the Oeone* rimer nnd Cmc lliissioil* r- • reek, beluuijlUX lo llivenlxlM wf Jamb Boon, Ini . nf-aid county ,det eu-ed, lur the hem-lit of the heirs nud ciedi * Im-, in wii: ‘Three liuitdri'il nudfhrtv-tbrae ; Three buudred and thirty- two; three hundii'd and twu ; three hundred mol one; three liundrcd miieletU—uil ndj|iiuili)( ill ihe tiiilil di-tricl ol - id i Oet. g*!lb, I WU.LI A M F. BOON'.AduTr. Id* /%«Kitiini*ilttitar*ft Nnlt*. O N ‘I'urMlay, the tenth dav ofDecember next, will bo -old at the Inte re-idfiM-e of €. b ibom VVaR, of Ciduud.ia coiiii- ly. dei'caso*!, nil the persona! property oC*aid $eieas«-d. fou* sisliue ot lloliSES, I|(M»S, anil CATTLE, Miwweliold and Litelien Furniture Piniitatiou Tool-. Ac., Cotlou, C*mw amt FiMlder, Wlirnt iiimI I lut-. Neiirm -lured and plmilMlhiu rented. J*ule loeimliuue fsoin dav to dav uiilil all i- sold. Terms El.LSIlA 11UUSON, Adm'r. Ort.’Jdth, HsW. C ids Ext'iiilor'i hnlv. I T N'DI.fl no or dei of ibe Hwuo-«hiv rhe laA-riwr Court of ibe / cminiv id Putnam, when -itlinfr lo* ordiuory pur| oaeo, will l*e -old al llie Court bouse iu ibu town ol Ealonloii, on llie fu-1 Tuesday m JAM ARY ucai, witbiw vh* usual hours of ELEVEN *»R TWELVE NEC ROES, beiny men, wunieo, Ion-Mill cirl'-.I.elwnciaK (•* llie * -lufr oi Isainli Fnvcr, dc- ceased, and -uld for tbv I ri.cfitidkjf heir-slid rivdlttie. Terms id -j|c uode know ll on lf»e dnv. EUMORE CALLOWAY, Ex’r. October 21.ih, Ib3«).G id- Evt'cttiar'i hnlr. O N WiM!nva«luy, tlieeichtaeiillidnv ofDeeeoiber next, will t.e -old at the Isle rc-idi'iiccol l-ainli Fster, decca-ed. m I'iIiimiim *•mil v. nil the pcrialiablc pnqiofty lar limit uijt to llie esiMle ol-Mid de< es-ed, cousi«tinj( ol lloisen, Mule-, Cnllte, >lie* p. I’otk ami Stock lion*. Coin, Fodder, one Itoly -aw < ’ollnu tin, mul * one rmid Wa^uo nud llamas*. F-r *•*(>'. I l*'usil~, one s«'l !Un* kfiuitli Turvla. II* usrholtl ami Kiiilieu I- III Hillin',\e. Sale It) coiiltawu Immi day to dsv till all is -old. I anus on iin- d«i. ELMORE CAl.LOWAY.Kx r. Oet. “Uih. nun*. h ids RCOIKilA, Iirevue C onuIy. J n the hupeiuor cot ur, bep'I'EMBEU term, IB3!». ) A Hill fcr Krl.. ( .ltd I'l- l itvhi i« W. Davixi sodPi.K4* f cover/. • A*T C. Jirxivi. ) It app* mui« to the Court, tiial l'leasaul C. Jeukai*. one «f lb*'•!• I. ihUiii- to-aid Hill, r«* • jrs william the i,uiVl- **l — ol Stale, ii is lb. ii Ion ordered,that Ike »»iii detrndnul d*. ap|n*i and iiiiswer lioa i *Mii|dall‘4nis' Rill, an of kalvM* lb* fh-i •>•*» ol ibi ur vt it no ol »*s' t’ourl, to ka koldett a* (be aeci od ftli.o- dav to Mali h II at. And il IS (oidiei urdnvd, (ksl -fiver t.i -miiI role U pe ri, f. d by adtrilwiaf tiki* aw*» v m 0|i* *•! lb* pullin' v'*<*'•" •, ol (In- Stair.wore • AuoalU lol h»ui n • Ml s % L lure in*' M'.ii li t in nt (li*• i *ooi L \ llio* . illst I lii.tti Ibe Uimulev wl sasl CoWtt Ml t*t | ll Uibr V •J!*, Ibis .f.iU d-> o|Oi it.l i l. IU U. 1*1 Ol't'M I' I III lo VINCES I' HANFORD.CIW. If t* ll if % illlllll. \N il t X l .DI U X *-|-| t K. , u . - ^wincywwasxs |.« Us> lie * 'mill lio.i-f* door ht Clu.(off, June* «* wM) # w ii litas l hr * s-l bout- ut sale, Ptkl Or MM OF LAND No IM. tu the *t»ib*tuiiw| oIUwimiIv U-I.'WIM, U..W jour* twwitly. Ulou*i*| Iu Iio vs. fair t I Juo. lliMM-.Islt ul »miJ i vrlh J* • • smJ • imitN iDh I S*4, ii wan Is it. $ (4*