The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, June 13, 1843, Image 4

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PUBLIC SALKS. Pufianm SNerlll’# Sale. W ill l«r nolil m the Court-house in the town ofEntoutnn Bodmincounty, or. the firm I uesday in JULY «wi\t. beiwten the u-ual hour* of sale the following property, n* wit: Onn negro slave n*m.*d Daniel, about 2-> yearn old. levied on an the property ot Felix T. Sample to an liefy a li U from ihe lotenor Court in favor of Wiloy, Lane At Co. vs F. T. Sample mi.I others vs said Sample. Two lot- in the town of Kan. .ton. No-*. 3 and 4, in squnr. letter II, w it!i improveme.,;. titrreon ; levied on as the proper ty ot J II oh I). Mi’ll . a or, to satisfy a ti fa from the Superior Court in f.v •> ..i i uoiMns lla r rett vm J. I). Hightower. M v . t.t. W. r. s \ M WON Sherifl'. T\ti|{K« * hr* rillttaU'K. X Vlli. l.e! on the lirst I uesday in JI’I.Y next V V he i ore tho Court-house dour in the town of Marion,in To igg*» county, w ithiu the usual hours of sale,the following ■iropeni,to wit: t .Homan's interest in lot of land No 91 in tlie QH <li«t. .»•'oii’.nallv Wilkin-on nmv I’w igc" ountv, to satisfy two ti .. i*--tied fio.ii u Justice* Court liel.l at tho Mouse ot James Pcur*on«, in Cnpt Hollingsworths' Mist, in said aoutity 4’. Uhi 1.. It.>01 I pointed ii r of Joutithnn Ilowd. hi, soil one in favor ol Kali Ishmuel lira Irani, and I. i hv Jon rtliaii Uowdcu. Lev ■ mstalde, Mo-i llii llolllUII I n, vs. Mo . tho name of Nathan, about H* *if age. lev iI on us the property* ofTli.tnias Tailor, to six sm til .i lus.issued from a Justice’s Co pain iii-t.tJ M. of said county; two in far vs. Thom is I’, Thomas J. Gardner. Campbell. on.' in favor of J«.shun Jessop, v Juni.,i.ue i i favor of J. I*. Lord. & Co., v Ju* ..o.i • i rlavur of Asaph Mall, vs. The nud one in fivor ol Zilpiia Miaou, vs. Thu ami Seaborne J. Cainpliell. Lew mi !e uml returned to inobv n constable. T. It. DENSON, D. SU’IV. M a v 3C; I r. 13. 36 Tolfalr Sheriff Sale* \T TILL he .will before the Court-house dfloi in the town ol v\ J it ...oiville, I county, on lira first Tuesday in JULY ue\:, between the legal lio’uis of eale, the inllmviiif property to w it: f> rt of ihe U.fci cr tti r of J. Alarnn, and Sfdli'iine J. .Th mtas Tailor, , Thntuas Tailor, tas Tailor Juiir., UFOKGIA, lVnvton County. W II Kit 11 AS Thomas Finch ami Zachurinh D. McClain apply for letters of Administration on tho rstateof riroma* alcClaih, lute of said count v, deceased : 1 here are therefore to cite nllund singular Ihe kindred and ri editor* of raid den used, to be nod appear at my oilier w it ii in the time prescribed by law, to show causo, i' any they have whv said letters tdiould not he grunted. Given mulei my bund at oilier, the 41It dav of Alov, 1013. 3”' 3t W.M. I). LUCKIE.c. c. o. BOROIA« ’i'uuis <'0111113. W r II Klir.A.S Wnslev King, (Snurrlian of Wiley Yonntr- hlood. Martha Yoittighlnod and Josep.h Youngblood applies to tne for letters of dismission from said Guardian- ship. Tltcsrnre therefore to rite all andsintrnlar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he nud appeur at my office within the timo tireacrihcd by low, to show cause,ilatiy , why 1 (•iven unde 1 1 23 tint .1 letters should not hr-granted, iv hood at office, this f»ll. dav • f April, 13-13, LEWIS SOLOMON,c. c o. (•I'fHSNI I, IVilhiuson coinify. | I being i.-prosHuted m me by Martin D Simpson Executor "I the lu* t Will ui .1 ferlament 1 i.l c.'iintv d> , ‘-i-ii-ed that he hasftillv . Jong to he di'i hnrged from said Ext Tlo’se nro l lie left, re to cite nod ndnio Me. , mi-.’. ' ’’ACti'r I at Simpson l> tutorship- ish all conreincd ne prescribed hv I I Mart in D. Simpson hip n« aforesaid t hi- 71I1 i I I S It. IUIFOP.I),('.(’. (). JULY prop Mill »It .in* and one Shingling Machine,levied on as the pet tv ol Kinuelli. .McLennan to *aii«fv a ti ia from tlieSn- • -i C. uit of said count v. in favorofN. 1L & II. Weed, vs. & A. C.M< Lsunnu & ( . JACOIl FUSS I LL.SheiitT. luv C3,Miff. 36 Fosipoiift! Siirrifl Salt*. he In re »he Court-house door in the town ot ille, App'iug county, on the fust Tuesday in i:hin tiie usual limns ofsule, tlicfollowing W/Ti.Uicsoii > V 11 v it: I (No. 53*2.) five hundred and eighty-two, ly ing in t ie second district ol' said C'uinly, containing lour hun.lred ,.ii.i ninety acres, lev ied on ns the property of M il-op I3u a I \ii I Timothy It. Kingsbury, nod Dmicnu Johns.m, security. on r-t.iy of execution in fav or ofAu-ten Smith, vs. W. Dixit" and T. It. Kiugsnury and Duiumii .loliuaoii. Lev y made and returned to me by a Constable. Alto r.t the same time mid place will he sold, one lot of l.i 11 I ly mg in the second district of sni.l countv, No. -13. le vied 0:1 a- the property of Morgan Drown, to suti-fy an ex- ecuts.'ii j--ued from S\ ashiugton county. at u Justices Coutt. hell in a I for the 97 district, G. M. in favor of the firm ol A. I*, i'e.icock and <i. (». Itoalrite. Properly pointed util by the I'! May 31, 1813. JOS Ill’ll TILLMAN, Sh’ff. W W (»uai'di;ur» Salt . i on tile first Tu-.lav in JUNK Mouse dim, in 11 1 mi lion, II |*JS, in the second di Ma old 1 the property ol LEWELLlfc MOK .’AN, G tardian. 11 the 27th District of y, the place whereon Win. Wi w i:. tit Mii’.'r.»<•*. mulatto l»oy about 20year* of - 1 ■:'» wuntan about 43 years ol •»*?.', one negro woman .•hud : O n *.i*' d. "It 11 _ year* ubb : 1 -,»|d ir ilp* lieiielit of t!ie heirs r.u l creditors of said IVrim ir.uJe known cu th** *i»iv of sale. IK \ PECK, Adm’r. I 19th, 1313. 29_ Atltiiitiislr.'ttor’k Salt*. 1.1. lie sold 011 th.* first I'tieadav in January*. 1311.the II id Mud negroes In longing to t .** estate of John Green, J * .v 1 • . o.iotv, deceased, I this twelve month* i nve. 1SRALL tiKAiili, Adm’r. i lb 1818. ' 89 Sale. IF. ’.U’l.Y to an older of tho Honorable the Inferior u 1 .\ -w ton county, while sitting a* a Com t of Or w 1'i -old 01 ill-* fust Tnosd iy in July next,before III 1 ms • dnt-r in Covington, .Newton county, ■ 1 r f.ur III) olr -I nud thin- one, in the sixteenth 1 0; oi i-;iiptlly Henry, now Newton county ,n« the pro- »l's ithun Tally, deceased, for '.lie heiiefit of the licit s of said deceased, ns mi the il 1 v ofsule. WILI.IA M TALLY, Adm’r. « mty, April 1st,I I L 88 wdl (xEOliGU, Tt’lfair Couiily. U * HKUI'.VSH H. Hamilton, Administrator on the estate of John I'itif, deceased, opplias to me fur lettrrs ol Di"inission on the same. These are tlierel'oreto rite ami ndmonisli -ill and singular the kindred nud creditorsof said deceased to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law,to show cause,il a..y they have, whv suid letters should notlo crauteil. JAMES II. McCAl.L 1 ....... March 9otli,2313. 2fi joiira xv. it Aim ix, Co m miss on M c re Ii i« n 1, S.U a n n a it, Geo. U f II.L continue ju hu-im ss at his old Stand, No. I 5, Itav sirett. Strict at lent ion will he given to the selling of Colton ami other piodure. Orders for liagg mg fa'iiilv supplies,dec. will he piompiiv executed. J uly 18,1841. 41 If JOSCPEI \V A SU COTTON FACTOR AMI Commission illor<rlimit, A tig. 8,1849. 43 tl 8IV \ N N AII, Oa. LnFnyctto llnii. TIN 11F. undersigned lias taken this well known estnhli«h* I inent nml reapedfiiliy solicit*a continuance of the pa* trounce of the funner friends oft lie Home, and the public gen erally. CHARLES F.. 1IAYNE8. Milledgpxill®,January 11,1848. u* ti Fenil(‘iMi»ry, Oeoi'fiin. N 'OTIHE Misrsln given, that all mnnufurtiiiPil artic les at the |*i nitentiaiy, will be sold at the lowest c ash i turv- for all IJoihI* inmle by the State of Georgia pavnldo at thirty veins. The bonds will be received at the value o sixty cents in the duller. CH WILLS II. NELSON, I'tincinal Keeper. will be received at liar Irnm article* made at the l'eniten* Jan. 17. Id jf C BB JJ.f J» TVII.OIIIICU USTABI.ISiniK.XT. ivnulil IT- THE ANNUAL FAIR W OF THE PLANTERS’ CLUB OF HANCOCK, II.Ljnke plnccjit SPAItTA.onFri<l:i}’, the ftdiloy of IN O V 4* III III! r, 1N13, on Which Tl a v all crop*, ■ lock,and arliclo*, that may be olVciod for Premium- 1 , or Honors, will bo examined by the Committees appointed for that purpose ; and on the nextdav,Saturday,the Committee will report, the public exhibition of slot k and article* will be made, ami an Address delivered before tho Club. Premium* awarded on the following articles For the best Acre of Corn, 2d best do. (hEv>R(*S V, Wilitiiison Comity. \\! HERE VS Thninn-v Hooks and t'lnrles Hooks npp!i« s v 7 to me f»r letters of Admitiisiiaiioti on the estate of John Mo. Us loth o' Miid countv deceased. I Ii. m* are,th ■r«'lore, to cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred cr--ditors of said deceased,to lie and appear at in> office within tm* lime prescribed by an\ they have, whv said letters should not be grunted. Giv°u under mv bund, at office, this l?ih Mav,l843. 80 AUG. n. II Ml t)!(|). r. r. n. GROBGIA, Newton County*, TOlItN HIGGS.of tire nloresnid county, tolls hefi • t Kennedy II. iilake, a justice of the pence ' mrrel dapple grav Hoi comity tail m.d long and for naiu , w ith a switch * indos hit:li, • appraiser* to be. three years old. No other i i.ran.Is. Appraised by George Diicl'.im.iu and to he worth tvveutv-live dollars, this Muv 11 ill, K. II. DI.AKEJ. P. .•! front the Estrav Rnok.Mnv -5th, Ib’-H. ' WM. D.Ll U’KIE.e. I.e. lute i NiHiccto Dohloi’s iisitl Pictlilors. I L those mih tiled to the estate of Isniu: Antiev, i. I) •lviiih cm.nty, deceased, lire i< quired to make te payment ; and those having d< iiiuiuls against said e* -,-ue lequired to tender an rice j not of their demands ac ding to the prov isioos ol the law in such eases pmv id. d. JOHN W. STEWART, Ex i. lav 1,1843. 32 fit GLOUG1A, Ay IlKUEA.** AV l',\<*r lit ur’s M i i rib, 10-13. Rile. ihrvnre of the widow's ne thet-oiirt-liouse dom in Newton, linker it Tnesin v in J nne next, agreeably to an rr Court t»f llanoc:!< county, when sitting 1,817 and the 9*1 district, nml lot No. t ol'urijinnlly F..irl/,now IS.ikercounty,Inv ite oi l) iriu-t Gilbert,deerased,and also the rest of the dower. jwii on th» dav. WM, HARDWICK, Executor. 2-1 i:\<*<*.ulorN Ssili*. A (iRKKADl.V to mi order of the Honorable the Inferior ;1 (' in of DeKilh co-inty, while sitting for ordittirv putpo-ee, will h" sold on th* lirst Tuesday in AUGUST next, ti in: the Coui t house door in Ilee.ntur, in said county, within ’Ii • legal hours of -oilc, the following property, belong* in : to t’l • .-tale ol Isaac A u trey, bite of said county, deceas ed. ui ■-•- it: Puit of lots of laud No. 1)6 and 95, ill" same being twenty five nci- 9, limit* or less, lying in the 15th dial, of originally Henry, but n iw DeKulli county j also, lot No. 21, in the Kith dist... • -it tilling2H21 acres, more or less; also, lot No. 91, in III-* I » t d -t. containing 4021 ueres, mure or less; also,lot No. 130. • i ili>* loth dial., coulainiug 20*21 acres, more or less;— u'.l «.l's ill lots of Ian I lying in naid county of DeKalh , Attlm .am * ton 1 * and place, will be sold the following ne groes, In-longiug to su'd estate, to wit : Peter, a bov about |G y ear < i.f uge ; Lot,a girl uhnut 14 year* of ugc; ami Nelly, a wum ii alrmit fifty years of age. Teim* made known ou tL*e dav of sale. JGll.N W. S 1’EW ART, Ex'r. May 1, 1943. 32 Convt of Oi'tliiiiny, Hay '9'crm, IM 1:5. •»rn J. t'lack lets petiiionrd this Court, i terms of the law, to direct IK nrr A. Harper, admin- is'rntor of the e«taie of \\ ill in in G. Harper, lute ol Cass eon it ly. ib ci-:i«cd, to make titles to him for the south half of lot of land number one hundred nml eighty-two,in the eleventh tlis- Kiel of originally Henry, now Ncv. ton comity, necording to n l.-m.l nr obligation entered into by the said William G. Har per, ileecn-ril, in his lifetime, vvith one James lloldige, and w liieb bond ha- been nisigncd by tlie said lloldige to tin* sniii fe. abom J. Cluck, who is now the holder tlmvof. It is tlo-irfore ordered by the Court, that nil persons inter • -tc-d do tile and make known their objec lions to the granting till* npplicnlioti oftiiesuid Seaborn J. Clark, ihiiiv tbev have or know, vv it bin three inonths after the puhlieulion of this or der. Vud ii i* further ordered liy the Court,that this older he |iohlis!ied for three tnoiitlis in a public gazette, in lei ms ol (lie To i4) V I'litniers of Georgia* ^1 penny e.ircd in tuo pence earned. riilir. suhseiiher i* now ofiVring to the Farmers of (ieorgiu fi '’Aliiii'sxx i’oiiifht-iron Plough Mock/ invented by Messrs. Skrokn J. Ac Mabsiiai.l iMim.-,oi < *. lehlmliiiii county, Mississippi, nml pntei.ted by them. Th Plough in every respect is the most desiruble Plough, Slock evi l oil red to r. planting community. 11 coinbiiir* durability with convenience—it will Inst a grant many years without r< pair or expense, and will admit of every 'variety olPloitg hues, (three tooth burrow excepted J with perfect couveiiiem* nud facility—it is not heavier than the ordinary wooden stock, yet fir stronger, and being so very simple in iis construction, that any Idiicksmiili in the country can muk* them. Sniiipleplotmlis mnv hescen and hied at .Mr. Dense's Shop in Milledeeville—ns Mr.Martin's shop in Sparta, and at Mr. F. II. Ib-llings|eu’s in Washington, Wilkes county. Let the Farmer cxnmiuu the plough,ami he will purchase tne right to i tlicr He thscrihcr propose* to sell county tights on the i tnodatiug terms. All cominiiiiienlinits on this suhjerl, post paid, mldrcs- me at Milledgeville, or W'nrliington, Wilkes county icet with immediate uttention, D. I. BARN EH, Agent for N. J. A* .1/. Mi mi .83.18-11. I I if Gki()K(«l \, fiiiKiln' Cottuly. JOS IA II SUGGS toll* heft light chc-nut sorrel mate, six with a little whit a in her forehead, with n on each side of her buck saddle mai k«. Apprai Hodges to -ixtv dollars. THOMAS DAM EL. .1. P. A true extract from theE°trny Book this Man Ii 2hth. 1 <513. 23 521 LEWIS J. RAMSEY. Clk 1C. 1 4> t T CS .110.\TIIS utter dat* .uppli alion will he made i i • Honoralde the Inferior Court of Wilkinson county .lie 'bi.ii*: f-»r ordinary purposes, lor leave lo soil rim inter t of W ireebir.d'-eeased in lot of laud No. 17o, in the tb i *ii. t ofCnrroll countv. SARAH WHEELER, Adm rx. Muv 2, 1813. 22 THE CHEAPEST YET! rilllE undersigned,having lately returned from New York. ! where lie lias purr.bused a large and well selected stock ■ i Fancy and Staple Dry t.'oods, which lie i* now offering at a hiiiuII advance fiom 1'tl'Si 4’osl as the season is advancing. To the members, atul those who may attend tin* June Con volitions, ho would most n*spec|fully say, that lie i< prepared t>> Punish them with goods IO pci' CO Ilf. !«*ss Ilian they c..n he pureli is. (| this side of N-*w York, He tines not pretrial to hold out tl(F idea t lint he can sell ns much lorone dollar, Ceuttal money,a* he can sell fur $1,25 spot ie funds; hut this much he w ill '-nv, that ho cun sell moi'C for OII<‘ dol- Ixil* than can he had from any merchant in Millcdgeville, or the sign of the New York Dry Goods Storo. ami THE SUBSCRIBER sprct'idlv inform Ids p Hie public generally, thiil pon d to rlinke up G C t) H m (»It’s 4' I of It i Cl^ in ilia neatest and most fushininhh* style, nml nt prices to correspond with tin* times, lie will warrant hi- wnrk to he done i qual lo any ill the State; and lie finders biins> lf fioiu a practical ktiowlei'-e of tl--* lutsi- li'*ss, to lie aide to give s .ti«*l rctioii to all who nnv entrust riicir work » to his cure, lie hopes by nuieui'i- «*ritn shareo<public iiatrouuge. LUTHER SW ANK. i-lr-!-_'- v ille, April 5'h. 1 ! 13 . 23 • 8tit . I 3d,4th, nud 5th best do. •* " best Acre of Wheat, “ 2d best do. * • “ “ 3d, 4th and 5th best do. " '* best Acre of Cats, *• " 2d best do. “ “ 3d,-lilt and 5th best rlo. “ “ best Acre of Sweet Potatoes, “ “ 2d best <Ji». “ “ 3d, Ith and 5th best do. .< •• Acre ofTurnips, • •* " 2d best do. “ “ 3d,4th and 5th best do. “ “ best Acre of Cotton, “ “ 2d best do. “ “ 3d, 4th nml 5th host do. Competitor** for Pn*iniitir. • '-n C» *; give the modna opernudn of i-uliurt. For the best Stallion of 4 years ami u “ ** 2d host do. do. Uu. “ '* 3d, Ith and 5th best d ». do. “ “ best 3 year old Coll or Fitly. “ “ 2d best do. do.' “ “ 3d. 4th nud 5th be«t do. “ “ best 2year old (full or Filly. “ *‘ 2iIIh*si do. do.’ “ “ 3d, 4th and 5th best do. “ *• best sucking Colt or r.ily. “ “ 2d l.efit rio. du. “ “ 3d,-1th and 5th best do. In-ut Brood Mine, v $5 no 3 (III Hoiiois. $ CONSTITIOUTN. 2d hr do. do. ■ition to biiHiners SUPPOSED THIEF. 4 >1 AN railing hims ‘fWALKEK. called nt the slolde of 1\ the subscriber in tliis city, on Thursday, Hie lltli in- stunt,ami hired a liotae, wliieli lie roi'e iiwav, The horse H a bav, about 10 years old, S5J hands llislt, and pneessinooth- iy w hen pacing .-low—no u-aiks recollect! d except suddl-* mark*. \V8tkcr, it a'young man, apparently about 22 or 83 yesrsof age, medium heigot ami stout—was gciiicejlv dress ed, nml sniii lie wished to ride about twenty-five miles fruit tlie citv,am! would iclttriiou the dav following; hut ii- lit* has not vet made his appearance, I am disposed to suspect he bail no intention to return. Any information respecting Inin or the horse, will be thankfully received und suitably rewarded. Augusta. Aug. 16th N. BALl.lNGALL. CHOICE S MOTEL. juf^L OOf.ID3-.?¥ RAM., Daiilomga (lA. r¥N IMS old nml well know n rstablishnient is continued un- I. der tin* mamiceiiM tit ol the widow o| the lute M it. Joh.v t'iion - r.,ns Proprietress; who, fiom ln*r LONG EXPi.KI- EN’i’E mi this bii**ini*'s. llallt-is herself w ith the nfisislumreo u competent BAR-lvEEPEIt, to beenalderl to give go era satisfaction to all, who may patronize her HOUSE. Her T.v hi k, as heretofore, vv ill la* furnished w ith tin* bent the coun try nfilmle,urnl no pains vv ill he soared to render both regular and linnsient boardeiseoudoroi. Ie. She returns her grntclul neknowleilgemetcs to the former Ciistomerv of tins Hotel, and respectfully solic its ii r< ntinuanee of that piilronage so lilrer- nlly bestowed on tlii- 11 uii-'e, under oilier and more cheerful cireiimstiinces,ilinu that now overshadowh it. llor price* will he regulated according to the iiioney,and the liurditm January 5, 1813. Tcnclier* \ TEACHER who i* thoroughly competent to give in- . struetion in nil tin* brunche* o*f an English eilueution usually taught ill our A end'* tides, is in want of a si t tin i ion. Terms. $30 per month, nml board. Address,post paid, to X. X. Georgia Journal Office. Nov. H. C tf 3d, Ith and 5th befit .lu. best Bull, 2.1 best do. 3d, 4th and 5th lies*, do. hi it 2 year old Bull, ••2d best do. 3 I, 4'i!> and 5ih best .1 ». be*t Milch Cow, i d best do. 3.1, ltli and 5th best .1,. I.est 2year old lleiler, 2d best do. do. 3d, li'n ami 5th her t do. best Tup, 2d best itu. 3d, 4th ami 5th best do. $:» on 3 0(1 Honors $4 01) 2 00 lonor*. •V- o . $5 1)0 2 Of. Honor*. $3 no 2 I'O Honors. I? "ti 1 00 Honor*. 1*3 (tO 2 00 Honors. $2 00 1 ou II.I 11 I 0(. - • $2 00 1 00 • • • Honor*. - - - • $3 00 . - - • 2 00 * • • Honors. - - - $3 00 2 00 - - - Honors, ilolwn years old, in pro etited by NOTICE. r OST or mislaid, n FroitliSSOI’y J Arebilmld Dav is, mad.* p.vyablo to the Snnscrioer, or tin* twenty-j) ;J, d.iy of Dei■mrilusr, (wrillen in Jig- tires, 251 eighteen hut .lie.I nml forty-three, for the sum ol't.vo Ifindrerl and eighty-five dollars, and dated 23.1 Sept. 1811.— All person* are irq>iei-ti*.| not to trade lor sni.l note, nml i re maker noticed not lo puv the sume to nnv one except the sub seriber. W ILLlAM T. W INN. Eiitoutou,Putnam couiily, Nov. 15,1012 7 it D <" Powder tnav helouud at (lie Drug .Stores .»t l)r. LI I’TJ.E ii Milledeeville and IIAliVLY SIIOTW ELL in Ma.-.m Prt«:e 90 cent* per box. 23 jt “ “ best E' *• “ 2.1 best do. *‘ *• 3.i, -1 tli uud5t!i best do. “ “ best Boar, “ “ ‘2.1 best do. ** “ 3.1, 4th and 5th best do. “ •* 2.1 best do. “ *• 3.1,4th nml 5tli best do. " “ heaviest fat llog, from < portion to age, - - $2 00 “ “ 2.1 heaviest do. do. do. 1 00 “ “ 3.1,4th und 5th heaviest do. do. do. Honors. *• “ heaviest Pig, agreeably to age,from C to 12 mouths old,' .... $2 00 •- “ 2d lieav ies| do. do. ... 1 00 “ “ 3d,4th and 5th heaviest do. do. • Honor*. “ “ best piece of 10 Homespun for Gentlemen’s ' wear, ... $3 (HI “ “ 2.1 best do. do. do. ... 2 00 “ “ 3.1,4tli and 5th best do. do, do. Honors. “ “ best Counterpane, .... $3 00 “ “ 2d best do. 2 00 “ “ 3<l, 4th and 5tli IrcBt do. - - _ • Honors. “ “ best piece, of 10 Domestic Silk. $5( 0 “ *• 2d best do. do. do. 3 00 " “ 3.1,4th und 5th best do. do. do. Honors. '• '* best article of N'egioClothing, - $ “ “ 2.1 best do. rlo. - * 1 0U “ “ 3.1, 4tli and 5th best do. ... Honors, “ " beat urticleof Negro Blanketing,cotton orvvool, $2 0" “ “ 2.1 best do. do. do. 1 00 “ " 3.1,4th nnd best do. do. Honors. The Club will award liberal Premium* nnd Honors on articles w liicli tnny bo manufactured by Ladies oflered for rxliildtioii; such as Needle Worked Capes, Caps, Work Pockets,Stockings, Gloves, Aic.—in tact, every article that may be scut by tlicin. TUTTLE II. AUDAS, Secretary. Sparta, (in. March 14, 1843. 25 m8in A limilod (.»|b!iin (lit 1 pi'siflic’c of Law. milE undersigned will pnutise Law in connexion onlv in J the counties oI' Baldwin, Jones, Jasper, Putnam, li tn cork, nml Washington. IVERSON L. HARRIS will practice a* heretofore in the 1 2000 Circuit Court of the United Staten—n* also in the Superior < 100 Co nils nl the counties of W ilkinson. I aureus, Tw iggs, Pulai kiand Bibb. IVERSON L. HARRIS. Feb. 1,1848. 20 if SEATON' G. DAY. 9 <} 1 $ SI*RI.\(. AIM) SinilRIt AUrAII? KSCSXVZJS AT TREANOR’S! J UST received and now opening at TREANOU’S, u fur ther supply of S2»riistf stud S mil hit r Dry Goods which makes Ins nssorlmeiit the best to be lotind in tlie place. The Goods received consist in part of the following, viz— GO pH rich printed Muslin* nml Law ns, fiom 37 1-2 rofiJ 1-2. 50 “ Scotch Gingh.ims, from 37 1-2 to 50. pring and Summer (7alicoe*, nt cts up. WILIJAM II. PEGG, Aliorney an«l Counsellor al Law, KNOXVILLHi Crawford Co. .(la. AlllriiHinesseutrubti'd to his cure w il I be prnmptlvatir n- de.l to. 35 if SAMUEL llAIiL* ATTORNEY AT LAAV, Knoxville, Crawford Comity, Wll.t. 1'KACTlSK IN TIIK COUNTIKS OF Crawfnrd, //-no/i, JInuston t Talbot, Marion, and Macon. June21,1812. 39 if call r ol G< the I liter Plea Don’t forget May 23,1813. I jMKTC Tl OATHS -rfier n.'ide to the houorithle lire I will lie j honorable the Inferior Court of Twiggs eounty, when silting for or.liuury purposes,for Dave to sell the laud ui.d tiegrois ofJolm Green. I.te of said county, do- cea*od. ISRAEL GRAGG, Adin'r. A pul 18,1843. 29 J jiOUII OTOWTHS after date, triplication will be made to tho Honorable the Inferior Court of Crawford ount v, when sitting for ordinary purpose*, for leave to sell . 123, iu the 2l)th district of formerly M laud, \ county,—drawn bv Nancy Hill, "widow, . liiue* dist. Mold tithe property of Jumes Ja*p W. Hill,minor. LEW ELLIN MORGAN. Guardian. Crawford county. Fab. 5, 1843. 98 F OUR RIOlTVlXfl oflar date, appHcatlott will he m.i'll* to the Honorable tho Inferior Court ofNewtou countv,while sitting as u Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the hud and negroes Ii.-longing to the e.stato of Samuel Thompson, late of said county.deceased. JOHN J*. THOMPSON, Adminh-trator. Mur lr 6,1813. 21 ty, whd • sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to half oflnt of bind No. 2TJ, in the 30th district of originally Lee, now S.iiutercminty, as the property of Mary A cue Elizu- nbetlr Shepherd, a minor. WILEY B. SHEPHERD,Guardian. Wilkin«on county, March7th, 1843. 23 1 7701 R MONT1IN after date, application will I made to the Honornhle the Inferior Court of Newt*... county, when sitting ns n Court of Ordinary, for leave to eoll tiro real estate of Levi Manning deei-nse. I. GETHKO MANNING, Adin’r. March 23.1813. 26 4m Huy 2, lk|3. OPENING THIS DAY A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF GOODS FOIl GFXTI.EMEVS WEAR—nuh as ^1 P. Blk, and Coloured Or* De Tea. Sup. Light Single Milled Ca-simeies. Ginghams. Shepherd’s PluiJ. White Linen Drills. Sniped do. do, 3 1 and 4-4 Brown French Linen*. Sintril Plni.l (Jinehnin*. .Marseilles Vcvtmgs. Cottoundei A LS(J % f> cases nud bales 3-1 bleached und bro And i* daily expecting In nddition to the ahove, we are also expecting n lnrg< r-toek of Boot* and Shoes, which will lie disposed of ns low r the lowest. (LFCciiti’al Rank nt Pur. ™ tf JOHN TKEANOR, Adm’h Kentucky Jean*- Homespun,5c. p. yd perurrivul n still further supply ex pee tin mde to the Honorable the I nferior Court ol Twiggs county , vvlien sitting for ordinary purpose*,for leave to srl| (lie Iiiii.I and negroei belonging to the eitate of Jacob Hariis deceased. IRA PECK, Adin'r. March 27th, 1843. GEORGIA, Newton <'0111117. To the Superior Court of mid County. rpilE Petition of James W. Muppin. show.-ih that John 1 M- Mnppin. on the Ith January, 1813, made hi* certain deed of in rrignge tu your petitioner on m tract of land lying in said ( uuniv, but originally in Henry county, being in the sixteenth district of said county, being nuni .er one hundred •ml sever.t % -nine, containing two hundred two and « half neres to secure the payment ofa promissory note for one hundred and seventv-f.iur dollars,due at ten day* after date, henring date fiiirtlr January, eiehteen hundred and forty-three, •ml *0 deserihed in the mortgage, hut liy etmr dated nml written eighteen hundred and forty-two; und it further ap pearing, that there ia now due on said note the sum of one null.Ire.I and sixty-two dollar* exclusive of interest., therefore.ordered,ill it the *aid John M. Mnppin do pay into tho Clerk's office of thin Court, the amount of oriu cipal and interest duo thereon, on or before first day of the next lenn of thiat'oiirt.Biid in the evei.t of failure to do so, the equity of redemption, in and tn said mortgaged premises, be Imicefi rill linrrcd and lorecloKed, and that aetrvice of thir. rule he perfected hv publication lit the Gkokoia Journal in the terma of the law. JAS. A. MERIWETHER. Pltffir. Atty. True extract from the minutes of the Superior Court, ol Newton county, March Term, 1813. 51 ru 4 in REUBEN RAN8QM,Clerk. Crockery* JUST received a large lot of Crockery Ware.rhean. •) May 16. 33 tf * 811 AllAi GENTLEMEN'S SUMMER GOODS, Comprising a complete assortment of the best un.l latest styles CHEAP AT May 9. 32 if BOOTS AND SHOES, RECEIVED AT WHICH ARE OFFERED LOW. May 23.1013. 31 11 T IHillcilRcvillr Ointilc IMrIi Srliool. |X11 E srcimd term of ibis In-titnlmii w ill c. in,i ' , . .m the fust Monday of June, under the aiiperiutendeiiee of the former in»-ir.i. :ore, in the building opposite the Coiirt-hnuse. Tire term will end on the 20th of October. A In* been engaged to instruct the French language, who will gi\e Ie* son*, at stated times, in French readings and pronunciation, during the term. Also, m French Needle Wink and l.m- broidery. Mr, J*( K(.)N continues tu give lessons in Music to auv who may desire it. The instruction and discipline will |,e similar to that of the High Schools at the North. AII the I.ranches ..full Awtideillic education will be thoroughly and systematically taught. TE SMS or IXS TRUC T/OX. Common Branches, : : : $i:>y Higher Brunches, Latin,dtc. : i20 > In advance. French l.ancmice. : : • $|(»y French Needle Work hii.I Embroidery, flft. For 'fill (her pirli.-nlars respecting the 8ihool, application to be made to the Subscriber. Millcdgeville, Msy 22,1843. F . A . N I8B E 'B’, Afloruvy su Law, 7,1841. 11 tf MACON Georgia. WlliLSA^ W. PAINE, ATTORNEYAT LAW. 4.'<‘or^ia. WILLIAM SB. ROBINSON mid DANIEL W. IVIILLER* H ‘ WING formed a copartnership in the practice of the . Law, will attend tlie Superior Courts of the several counties ol the Houthwe-terii Circuit; of Tnlhot, Marion and Stewart, of the Chutinlmo. hep; Houston and Crawford, ol the Flint; and I'ulaski und Twig?*, of the Southern. Their ol*» fle® i* at Lanier, Macon county, G®. 47 tf BROWN A SHOCKLEY. Attorney* til L;i\v- \T JII.1. practice in the variottHCOitntics of the Southwn -t- v V ertr Circuit. 11.rustoii. L'psott, Crnwlo .1, I’ike, iMonr^o and l’.'it's; of the Flint ('irei:it,and Itav iug formed a e.ipnrlnc r- ship with a Legal Geutleinnti in Snvannnh, are prepared to attend to cates in Banknititcy fur those who wish to avail themselves of the bctiulit of the act. WILLIAM BROWN, WINFREY L. SHOCKLEY". Office nt Vienna, Dooly county,Georgia. Jan. lat, 1843. * 15 if DR. JOIIY II. W RK*IIT, DENTIST, INFORMS his friend-that he has removed tn Macon, hut I will visit Millcdgeville oc. nsionnlly, when he will he hap py to attend to all professional calls. ’ 15 tf GENERAL AGENCY. T HE undersigned renews the offer of his services to his friends and the public, in the transaction of a (,’ E .VERA I. AGENCY in this place, lie will attend to the renewal of nil Notes, Arc. that may lie entrusted to his care in the Central Bank, for the customary fee of One Dollar forenrli renew al; also, to the taking out and forwarding Grants, for Fifty Cknts each. O* Letter* enclosing money and Notes (post paid) w ill meet with proniptuttention. JOHN R. ANDERSON. Milb-d ;r v ille. Jan. 96,1840. IH tf Rroiitflit to Jail, ON the 30th 111st, a negro hoy who says hi* name is Adam. And lielong* to .Mr: Hamilton Tripp, ot Roaiif.rt, S C\, and that he run away from .Mr. (i. \V. Owen’s Limitation, in Camden county, on the23diu*t. Said hovi* about 18 or 19 years of age, 5 feet 6i inches high, dark tomnlcxinn, and full face, wnh *n iron oneucli leg. The owner is requested to call, und prove proneri v,pay churget« id take him away. __ L. W. II ARRIS, A. J. »*k, <»n’.. Aug. 31st. Ill|2. Notice. \ UOUT the first of Novemlier Inst, a Mr. Oquin,1 . to Mr. Smith Treasurer at .Milledgeville, by mail, a five dollar bill, to (rant n lot of land, but received for answer from Mr. Smith llinl the letter uu* received, hut not tho monev ; from which it would seem there is a thievish on the route from this place lo the I.inner, who has access to the mails ai:.I w hohreak the seals of such letters nslic may suspect to have money in them *nd purloins their eiuiterns. J. GRAHAM, r. M. Il.dmesville, 4th Dec. 1812. IS’ofiro. T OST nr mislaid, one K k i*oillit*9iory Hiote, given bv J .lames Lain,made p<r\ah «• to the Subscriber or hearer, hv the t went v - li It 11 day* of December, eighteen hundred nml foriy-three.for (lie *11111 of me liiindrr.l dollurs, and .Isle.I the I4tli of Jniiuury, 18 It). All per.ons are requested Idr sai note, nml the iunk'*r m>ti!ied not to puv said note to anv oho except to the Sub*.1 .her. L. J. SIMMONS. Grooversv ille, Tin min* rn. May 19. 1843. 35 |3i Rich Furniture do. from C| to 20 100 4 Blue ami Copperas Stripes, nt 12 1 2. 70 “ Blue ’1 willed Jeans, very low. 20!) •• (’niton Yullev Cassimeics.fiom fj to 1 B£. 300 “ Drills, from II to 12 1-2. Cotton mid Linen Osnahurgs, from I2f to 18j. 7000 yds. 3.4 und 4-1 Brown Homespuns, from fi to i L 5000 “ Blcucltcd do. at nil price*. 30 pa. York Mills’ do: very low. 5000 yd*. Bed Ticking, from 12J in 25. Furniture Checks from 12 l-2tolfi. Apron Checks, from 10 to 18J. Domestic (iinghan.H fron I3t.»20. 500 doz. t’lark’s.Spool Thread,onlv 62 1-2 per doz, A superior nriido of Cotton Urnhrellas. w huiebone frame $ I (. Susp.-i,tiers from 12 1-2 up. 3nO doz. black nnd white Cotton Hose, at ail price*. 2t)0 “ slate and mixed rlo do f»0 “ Gent’s brown and mixed half do ul ISj. A superior article of Silk hall Muse. Blin k Raw Silk Hone,only $1,00. Striped Ladies' Elastic, 25*to 37 1-2. Black Silk Glove*, 50 to75. Hrinr.e Albert do. 50. 100 doz. white Cotton Gluvt*«, only li 12 per pair. Gent's coloured Kid Gloves, cheap. Ladies’ nic-nie Gloves and .Mils, 25 to f,2 1-2. Embroidered pic-nic Glove*, 62 I -9. Lillies' Reticules, only 60, French Needle Work'd Cnllais, 75 to $2,50. French Needle Work’d Capes, <ml\ $1,00. Cap Kihlmns. to 12 1-2. Coloured Lessee,only 62 1-2 per yd. (?oloured Crapes, 62 1-2 to 75. 5-4 black and w hite Fillet Nett, $1,00 to $1,12 1-9. Blum nml i-igured Bohhiricls, 31 to DO. English Thread Lxces, 12 1-2 to $1,25. l.ysle'I hren.l do. 2 to 12 1-2. Ri l. Light Silks, very low. Superior Pongees, very cheap. Gent’s Light Summer Cravats,37 12 to 50. Gent’s Satin Stocks, $1,00. Blaek Mationn Cravat*, $1,26 to $2,25. Superior Spittnlfield Pocket Handker. Iiiefs, from l>2 1-2 up* Black und him* block Bmubaxini-s. $i 60 to $2,50. •I"" p«. Cotton Pocket^n iiiefs aid (’raviits, 12 1-2. 150 doz. Servant’* llnndk. relii-ls, 25 to 37 1-2. 60 llis. W hile skeinThivn.1, (12 l 2 per Ib. 75 do/.. Linen Cnrnbrick lluiulkerchicfs, 18 3-4 to 62 1-2. Superi r Hem Stiched do 76 to $1,26 Embroidered Cnuibricks, 60 Ladies Plaid and Figured Silk Cravats, 50 to 62 1-2. Black and Colored Skein Siik* nml Twist, Brocade Coat Button*, 62 1-2 to $1,00. Superior Bln. k Silk Serge. $1,00 to 1,25; Superior I-1 Linens, 37 1-2 to $1,25. Superior Linen Lnwn* at all prices. Bro. H*llnmls,18j to37 |.y. Bird's eye and Scotrh Diupers, 18J toC2 1-2. Doylies and Napkin*. Linen Slmeting*, 37 1-2 to $1,25. CunvuHs Paddings and Buckrams. Furniture Dimitie*. Ferfring nml Fuiuiture Binding*. Tuck and Side Combs. Pina,Tapes, Thread*.and Cotton Bull*. Paper Cambric* ami Solicias, 50 doz Palm Leal Huts, 10j to 76. Superior Ingrain Carpeting-*, 37 I -2 to $1,25. 5-1 Matting, 62 1-2. ALSO. ^ A splendid assortment of Drawer Good*, auch us Jaconets Cambric*, Mull Swiss N'hii*ooUa, Book nnd Luce Striped MiiRliiis, Marseilles Skirts, Gr.. 11 Braige.&c. —togetli with a great many other* too oumeiou* to mention. 'Lire undersigned would say that tha above lot will be <| po.-ed of at AMOIlKIlilltfly Eo\V PrlCOS, and pi licuiurlv soli, its all iI.obc m wiiiiI .1 Good Bnrgnins to give liim a cull before purchasing clscw here. 1'leusc cull uii.l ex amine. Central Fund* still rrcoivrd nt Far* JOHN TREANOK, Adin’r. 31 if AN ACT to alter and change tlm third nml *eventli section* of the first article of th« Constitution., the third section of the first niticle of tlie Constitu tion of this Slate declares, that the Semite shall be elec ted bienni'illv,on tlie lirst Monday in November,until mucIi.Imv of election lie altered bv law ; and shall bo composed «*f ono member from each i.ounly. to be chosen by tire electors thereof: . , . . And \\ iikrf.ab, tlm seventh •e*.tion r.f tho first article of the I’ of this Slate declares, flint the House ofKcp- rcsci.iatives rhnll l.o composed of in. mbers_ from all tho counties which now are, or hereafter may be included with in this Stale,according to their reap, . nvo numbers of fico white peisun*, and including three-liiilr* of nil the peoj le of color; the n* tun! enmr* 1 ation shall lie mad** within two vein.-, and witliin every subseqiteuc term of seven years t her.*u It er, nt such time and in such muoiiera* this conven- ti-in ruiiy direct. Each county containing three thousand per-.m*, agreeably to the foregoing plan of enumeration, Hiiall be Cl.titled to two member*; seven thousand, to threw member* j ami twelve thousand In four member*; but each countv s I ui! I have nl least one and hot tiiorothanlourmem- be rs . th - 1 .';>i« sen talipes *hlil I be . Iioseit uunimliv in tho lir-t M.nidiix in N.nember,until such day ofeleclion be al tered h> |.,.\. I 1.t l Ihe miiiuh ration shrill lie mad *, the several counties sltnli he « milled to the follow iug nmnlnr **l renrcsentaiive*, respectively. Camden, two; Glvnn, two; Libeity, three; .Melnlosli,two;; (’h'lilh.iin, l.oir; Klii’igham.two; Scriveu, two; ^lotiigom- erv, tv o; B.trke, tiire.* , Bu b.h, one; Jefferson, three; Lincoln, two; Kiln-ti, three; Jackson, two; Richmond, three; Wilkes, in.i; t’olmnlii, three; Warren, liner*; \N nsliiiigiou, lhr«e; Hnneock,four; Grcdie, three; Ogle thorpe, tlnec ; and Franklin, two. Ami U it..itcv**, the s iid recited seetion* requireolterutiun— to the r nil, the.1 foie, that said section* mnv be ultered: Ski t hi.n I. Hr it enacted by the Si note nnd House of He- prr<«•;.tn!irex nj the State of (it-orgin. in General Assembly on /, anil il is lien by enacted by Ihe authority 0/ tlie same, That it* so.hi ci> rhis bill shall hr passed, agreeably Ur the require ment* ol the Constitution,the following shall be adopted in lieu of the section* above recited, to wit: in lien of the third section ol the first article of the Constitution aforesaid, the .Senate cluill I e electedbieniliully oil the fust Mon.lav in Oc- luhe 1, and shall consist of forty-seven mrtnber*, nnd shall ha composed member from each senatorial district, which district shall he composed of two contiguous counties, not in- .*111.11111: the county with the largest r« presentative pentila- Hon, which *linll ’constitute a separate district; which dis tricts shall la* arranged and organized hv the General Assem bly, nt tin* Mission when this shall be arfopltd, rin.l il any new county shall be herenfter formed, il sltull be nnnexed lo one of the'di* rictsfrom which it was taken; and thul in lieu of the sevei (I. . lion»I the first article of the Coiistitulion. the following shall be adopted: the House of Representative* shall lie e. u.po«ed of one hundred nnd thirty members; entli county shull have one Representative, am) no county rhull Iinvo mere t'.i.n two Representatives; tliirly-sevcn counties linvinc the greatest population, counting n'l lien while per sons, and lhr< .••lil'ili*of tlie pcojilc of color, shall have two Repre-ar.tiitivc* ; the said apportionment sh'ill he made hy tin* Gene ml Assembly, at the session at which this section shall he adopt, d as nil alteration of the Constitution, hy tin act to be introduced alter the rdoplioti thereof, nml a new ap portionment shall be made at the session next after each fu ture enumeration of the inhabitants of this .Slate, trade under the Constitution und law s theteof, hut at no otlici time. WILLIAM B. WOFFORl), Speaker of the House of Representatives. ROBT. M. ECHOLS, President of the Senate. Assented to. 27th December, 1*12. CHARLES J. McDUNALD, Governor, AN ACT to alter tlie third section of the fourth article of the Constitution of this Stute, so far as to iiutliniize the people to elect the General Militia officers of this 8tatr. HEcrioN 1. He it enacltdhy the Senate and Houseaf Re- prt sentntiees of the State of Georgia, in GeneraI Assembly met, and if is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That fr. m and immediately ufter tins a. t shall have passed menu fortuity with the Constitution of this .State, it simll ami may he lawful lor all Major Generals, and Brigadier General*, to lie elected hv the people of the respective Divisions or Brig ades, and n)t persons subject to do militia duty .shall be entitb-d to vote lor tlie same, only. SKc. 2. And be it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That all luwsand parts of laws,.militating against'this ac, bo au.Llkc same are hereby repealed. WILLIAM B. WOFFORD, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ROBT. M. ECHOLS, President of the Senate. Assented to, 20' It December, 1842. CHARLES J. McDONALD, Governor. AN ACT to be entitled nn net to amend the first section of the third article of tho Constitution of this Slate. \Ym hi \>, the above section ftim.ngst other thing* provides that in els.** of joint obligors, or joint promisor*, residing in different couuti* *, thestiir may la- brought in either cotiu. ty, and a ropy of tho petition mid process, nerved ou the party re-id!ng out of the county, in which the suit may be commcnccd'shnll lie deemed sufficient service under such rules nml r. gulatiun® us toe Legislature have or may di rect : Ami \Viikhk.v.s, by the existing laws of this State,the maker and incomers of promissory miles, residing in the same county , ma v h. sued tngeth. r in tin* same action, but vv hen they reside in different counticB, i. Inis been ruled by the courts, that they cannot lie joined upon the ground that they arc not joint ohfigurs, nor joint pioini*«ois, in the sense and meaning of the above recited clause nf the Constitution,and I lie refoi c in such cases, parlies are compelled to firing sep arate action* at n great inerca*e of costs and expenses both to the plaintiffs and defeml.ints : Ann Wiiki.ka*-, the said lust section of the third article re- qiiitec uliiei diiieiit : lie it enacted hy the Senate and House of Ucprcsentaticts of the State of th orpin, in General Assembly met, and it is hi reb) enaehdhy the authority of the same, f l,al so soon ns this net » hall li .ve pasod agreeably to tin* requisitions of llie Coiistitulion. the following shall fbim a part of tlm said first section ol'tlie thiid article nt the Constitution of this Stale, audio he inserted tin rein iiumrd'.ilcly ufter the clause above recited to wit: And in case of a maker and indorser, or in- dor.-er* ofjirwiiii — uy note* resid ing in different counties in this State, the same may be rued in the county where the mil ker resides,uiirl a copy of the petitimi and process seived ou the indorser*, residing nut ol the count v,in which the suit inny be commenced, shall he deemed sufficient ser vice under ib • sume rule* and regulations ns the Legislature have, or may direct in the case ol joint obligor* nnd joint pro- WILLIAM B. WOFFORD. Speaker of the House of Representatives. ROBERT M. ECHOLS. President of the Senate, Assented to, December, *28, Its 12. CHARLES J. McDonald, Governor. 28 2fit . iic 01 Healing , hc g , - In harmony with the Law. of Nature, and th. n lion nj Man. ‘ Cm "<iu 11 EALTH is th* poor mini's wealth and tlm . bliss. To a nun laluirinr nmta. .1:.. r,c l> m*i l a ( o a nun laboring under disp'use ^h- 6 ^ little bitter than a dreary solitude, 11 dir-erlc-g w « * or M|| |V. R Inillil. Il.,lia nl>Aa...l 1 " CtiIII,.. I by 110 variety, a joy less scene cneereil fit- an-. '"I i" - hod,, like „ ' ’“ .*«•«; geon, tuny re**t m its vulnc, but it hut. I.^i , ts ' . du*. the uffiicte.l then come and be healed, let n.< 0 „ p ,u "*••* Ut •iccii so long diseased am) tried *0 nut nv ^1^,1-;^' * ll, »i no hope of my being cured.—Despond riot, \ lhrr « ii ■•stored to health, for it is neriniulv true, |j, n| j,, >et fc, .1 on earth remedies for all the nialadien fl f - V ,*■ Pk- i> difference bow many years you have I,sen V rat iiome, stage or type,your diseasn mat 1...1: .« "• ? r bi bv li.ivv maily phy sicinu* treated, wlial name, stage or type,your disease may be ilil'"^ 0 ' - <r ^ ' I- not i.piy Ims battled dealli in a iliousniul furmn, and disei,’ C' *1"* erv agginvntinu, quickly removing the ii.u*t duibift Te ’ dangerous tineas* sand lestoring thousands n k 1 l ^ could not find rclir fnuy where else. \Vh\ limn | P# *U| itate, Ruffering under u disease; wfiv not seek at J f ' n * er ^ f »* dy cure, where it tuny lie funnd for a'few dollar* »ei * sines* and the enjoy menl nf life instead oflileedinr ir" starving nnd swallowing poisons nil you me liulf J f*'^ B,rr *yg, Milledgeville, Mnv 2. NEW SPRING &, SUMMER GOODS, Received al BUilonloo, mHE Subscriber would most respectfullv inlorm the citi- 1 zona »i Eatontou, and Butiuini couiity In general, that hr hnsj'ist received his Spring and Summer eupplv of FlIlK'V *"i,lMa|>l(* Dry <iio<Mls, which b® will dirpot 99’if 11 the place ; plcu . all nnd examine. JOHN TRKa.NoR. .YOO |im. Gro M ANUFAG BERED m tl. t'ottmr raised in B Kdwi BZPNone of vour Dvrd Horn M«v 16. 31 tf . •Nankeen. enter <»t' tli* 8u |l»95|»ar WAIHINOTQ1V HALL. II .iron. <*eorK:iia. THE Riibseriherha*agnm taken this E*tnl>li*h- inent, v'here he will always be happy to attend to the -all* of his old customers, and the travelling public generally. 1. May 3ft. 1843. S. LANIER. 35 3.11 Bonrding Ekoiisr. TlIK Subirriher intends keeping a PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, and will entertain trav eller* at a very mnderatu rate, lit* dwelling • is near Jarratt’s Spring. I6HAM BROOKS. Milled(tTill®i March 14,1813, 24 mOui B <*eiM t r»l Agcncj, AT MILLEDGEVILLE. GA. i nil net of the General Assembly of tlm State of Geor gia, |in«*e.I on the 28lh dav of December, 1842, the 2d suction of said Act provides w that the fortunate drawer* in the Land Lottery nf 1821, embracing tin* (.utilities of original ly Dooly, Housinu,Monroe, IK my and Fayette ; and tlm lortunaled'RwerH in the Land Lottery of 1827, embracing tin* counties of L* .*, Muscogee, Troup,Coweta nud (’nrrull; and the furtunate drawers fn the Laud Lottery of 1832, embracing the counties of originally Cherokee, but now Cherokee, For ay tli .Cobb, Cass, Lumpkin,Gilmer, Murray,Walker .Baubl ing, Da.le, ('Imttnngn, Union, and Floy d, him 11 take out tliuir Grants on or before tin* first day of July, 1843, or the same shall be considered us reverted to the .Stute. Tho operation of this act does not apply to lands drawn hy orphans until twelve mouth*utter the youngent one shall have attained the a {Jo of 21 years.’’ Tho 6th section provide*“ that from and imindintely after tire parango of this net, any person apply iug lo take out any grant in the abuvo described comities, shall take an oath (Inn he is tlm proper owner of sni.l lot, or the lawful ugciitof the owner thereof, and shall produce a power of attorney fiom tlm (iwnrrof sni.l lot, properly attested,"Ate. (Ef* The undersigned, believing that there arc a large por tion ol the fortunate drawers in tlie above Lotteries, who am not disposed to undergo the fntigtm und expense of u jour ney to hii.I from the .Seat of Government, Ibr the sole purpose of taking out tlicjrGrunt*, lias been induced to nficr his ser- vices to the public ns a Genekal Aoknt to Gkant Lots in the abuvo Lotteries : also, to attend to tlie Renewal ol Notes in tlie Central Bank,nnd to liimirdi information con cerning t’N OK ANTED Oft KEVEKT» I> I.OTS. ’I'll, follow ing at a the prices ol Gua.n rs m tlie several Lot. tcrius, to wit: For the Lottery of 1821, $5 00 For the Lottery of 1827, 5 00 I'ortlir Lottery of 1832, (I.and Lots) 5 00 For tlm Lottery of 1832, (Gold Lot*) 2 50 Ilis fee* will be—foreacli Grant,50 cent*—for each renew al of Note*. #0 cents—lor information concerning ungruntrd or reverted kii*,25ccut*. Central Bunk funds,or tlie notes of specie paving BnnKs onlv, will lm received lor amount* due tlm State. Tlm change hill* of tin* City Council nf Millcdgeville; orol tlm Central Bank, will lie remixed inpayment of my lee* Er* Bostaoe in every insrance to be paid, and the nere* anry aim.nut cm lused. in older to meet with due uttention. Tonrorurca Grant, on affidavit is required of the owner, gUHninit), administrator,ar legal representative of the owner, or u! judgment creditors—show ing lliut he or limy are such owner or j 11 dgrti'Hit creditor of the nv* m*r, which affidavit must he. filed at the Surveyor General's office,before tlm Grant cqii All business entrusted to my carr, will he fulfil',illy and prumptlv attended to.—Address THOMAS M. COOK, Milled per ille. Ga. IHUedgevIIIm P»b. 81,1843. 98 8m NEW SPRING GOODS IN KATONTON. N 'OW oprning at the sign of the Nr w* Dry Goods Store, one of III- largest *locks of S|»riil); llinl ^>11111- lll«*r <iOO(ls ever offered in Esiouton. Tire tioods have all been purchased in New York nml Boston nt the p-e-mt low (iriee*, wltica will etinhle u* to sell them lower 1I11111 ever. Purchaser* may d.*peml upon Buignin* worthy their atten tion. We a Do offer n large slrw k of Slio<*«, Fur, Silk and Cn^imrro llatv, with a good tthtfortuif lit of Balm Leaf Good*. Don’t forget the plate. Sign of “New Ditv Goods Stour.." E. W. BANCROFT. Lalnnton. April 4,1643. 27 if liiuv Noil CO* (|AIIE stihsrribsr Ira* resumril the Bracticc of ilic Law . Ol- X fict* near Hull <k. Alexander's. MANSFIELD TORRAMT.. Columbus, May 3,1843 31 Jut «-,ll limner nr inlcr cnrrv }on will, n l.rnkrn con.iiiu,!* luilm.rlv grove,nr mil, monv person, render III'.. eroMo limn deolli inelf.—In oddilii.n m nil n,j, " l0 ? ""“I- every*iv'ovf " • VO "'“" n “ ,h1 > ou S'e.lly' i„j^ (TT 'i he afflicted that cannot conveniently nrml„ : eon will plenso.end Hie .ympiom.of llie'r dL.2 , ln *" ling to l)r. Tliuiime, who will prepare medicine. ," lh direeliona, Hull will lienl nod vure ll.r.ii orilieir di,e»,!, non, wi,lung lonlocn lhem,el,„ or ,erv,mu, under lm"' mediate can of Or. I lioum,, will I.e liimi.lied will,.I.,* nl.lo room,, nnd every neceunrv niienlinn for llei,.“.? recovery nod welfare. I o e.I.bli.h beyond conlr.dieiM eupt nor e Hi nicy of my medicine und manner ol lrc.iin»“j!" cnee, o every grade, n llmimnmi cerlificule, migl,i eidl, ’ plncod l.elore llm public. Only n few are nelecied n • 1 llinl nre well known nil over Hie Uuiled tiirn,, nnd’«nW leelil.v lo nnvlliiiig not mrjclly irue. .Medicine cn,i I,e2 , nnv pa.I of Ihe United Stale, hv, pri nie 1 ,, fnrprefernblu. nf.Medicine for Ornvel „| | b " lor u11 oilier dieeaeea will I.e from *5 lo fail. occor lL ,1 «cr.vjeuio in « w.n u .?i“* F It O .11 J. B.IUliLC, Id.© A POSITIVE CUKE FOU TIIE GRAVEL. For ...nnnily aake will Kditnra of u,» rpnprra plea,, ,1,. the following a few ineerlmna in ll.eir pnpm, il,„, ,|,„ '. li, l.-d with llinl dreadful diaenae.OALCUU'i, ufSTonmil: bladder, may know where lo go fora cerlnin ci„«, “* ,! kn,,wl * t° “il rpsper lob la physicians that ihr re ,, I.oil,mg known lo the faculty ihnt con Ge depended unon f* Iml mo.l painful nnd lorinenlmg ol'nll disco,e,. In "hoi become i.niicl. d will. Grovel, which gradual" grew from kl! worse lill Mi l. During this period I IrirdnflTl" nfivery phvnicinn in my rcuch llinl professed to know thing about the diaeaac. I went lo Mobile nnd plncrd sell oudnr ihe iminedinie core of of ihe meet cminenl for ... that it will ensily be perceived that evrrv thing known to the facully wu. foijly tried except on opr'.fi ) ben • r 1 "■'“"""I "■ llie |„| ... ,-pmr, for the dmense hud now become nn bud u* u ennlfk wiihoiit prodiiciog,. In aimaiioS,“ heard nl Dr. li. It. I homos, tieur Mtmlgomerv, nnd wrutr'ia nm Mint il he could cure me Willi certainly, w send the M,J. icme, but il llieic wne the leubl doubt rv.pecling llie cur. tn attempt to do any Ihing fur roe, fur I Va. wailing fnr' fi violence of the dmenee lo eeneen lillle, llinl 1 might vi,|i»„ V nrk lo have an operatinn performed. Dr. Thoiua, L» nrescripunu by mail.alalmg Hint it would relieve me in SI lumrs. lli a,nfil,clf,l couaideredn gro,. m, u ||i T|,M J could cure mr in ‘Jd hour, of n disease of 2d year, ,1m,, ;.. which lm Hied nil llie imdicul windoni of llm fnculiv llmt |!m been heaped together fiir four thousand year, oppelred m ml the very essence of qunckery. llm a drowning man .7 enlch nt atrnw a—n person in grout agony will ewnllow ,n, Ihrog I conmienced using hi,simple,hninile,, medicine ui y aatoniahing In loll, but llie truth mini c'omt ' '*‘ v grant joy, I wa^perler tlv relieved ol e *r IStiionilis hincf th( ••I as any iun •ruly ve in 24 hours, ry symptom of the disansei ... cure wn* performed,and I feel a* free from G living. I do carnesrlv recommend all persons afllicted njih Gravel, to appeal to Dr. Thomas fur a 1 Montgomery, April,4th 1842. J* B. EARLE. I take great pleasure in matin? to the public that Dr R R I homos relieved mv little son 12 mouths old of (travel i D ’**i home. He disch'irged perlmp, llie lores, i atone that am I nine Irom ii clnlil ol llinl nge. Hi, remedv for the gravel peur. 111 be every thing llinl be premier., und oiueh inorrlhii could lm reasonably expected. JAMES K. PINKSTON May 16,1842. r , n n Montgomery Co., June 24, 1840. Dr. B. R. Thomas—Dear Sir:—When I wrote to tout, conic and see me, or send some medicine, I had been laboring under n disease of the stomach and bowels nlmut eight months ami had been taking calotupls ami blue pill* lor lour nioiitb*, which hud so reduced and finally personated me, that I could scarcely widkalmui the house,* without ever benefiting nn the least, nr relieving tlie disease. In four or five davs sltrr 1 commenced taking your medicine the disease wnsclirrkrd, nml I continued to Mreantlirn and mend even dn\. ft oniiear- t’d t‘» act as a tonic, never in the slightest degree' making ue sick, 1 have continued in mend ever since. I make tlrin■tatc- mcit with the hope that other afflicted per-nns inn\ lx- benefit- ed by applying to you. GKKL.V WOOD. Macon Co., Jun. Feeling it n duty owed to the afflicted of A la.,! stun* tlm my servant Jack was afflicted with a severe infii.ii.iiimnolihe stomach nnd bowels. Ho was attended hy a ph\Mciannl great eminence, until hi* life was despaired of, Ins nhvsiciin »t»»tine that he was incurable—Dr. llmwell next cx’mninfd him,anil several time* slated that lie could not be cured,and that lie would certainly die in a few days. Feeling it n »vd>i ty to do nil in my power to save my *ervn*t, a* n luxi resort,I carried him to Dr.Thomas of Columbus, wlm examined him very closely, anil said lie was truly in a rlangerou* situmion Km ilml In* could In* cured in six weerkn. I Irlt mv bov with him, confident that lie could not survive many rlnvs: Lot mv great astoiiisliment, and greater suiisfartion, 1 received b iter from Dr. Thomas in lour weeks, stating (hut Jack Ml perfectly restored. lie now eujnv* the best uMunlili. ZERO FIT ZBATHICK. Perry Coounlv, Ala., Jun* 24,1042. I take great pleasure in stating lo'the public, thot I)i R. Thomas, ha* relieved me of a liver disease of ninny y» standing alter a niiinherof phy sicinns hud laildd m do it.'/ lie cured in my family a bail ease of serofulu or King’s 15,1 and one oi the worst cases of palsy I ever have seen. 1340, I bad in niyfamily thirty-live case* of fever, several them were Congestive of the very worst form, all nf which *ooii got well under his treatment. At the sume time mlar physician* in my neighborhood lost many, nml son than hall’of llieir patients with Congestive fever, wliils llr TTioinn* lust only one patient during the sickly xeirson, wind luis given me the givalett possible faith in hi* skill and •* lem of practice. J. R. C. POOL. From the Hon. Win. Dawson, United aSlatrs Senator fto* (•eorgiu. Washington City, Jan.22,183P. Having find the pleasure of llm acquaintance of Dr. B Thomn* for a number of year* I take great pleasure in rm on.mending him to all to wlmrn I may be known, as n gentle man of correct habits and good moral character, and funic* ui expressing my confidence in hi* skill us* pliysirm knowing as | do, that lie hn* performed many exitnnVdinirr cures of disease, which had entirely baffled the skill ol oiher physicians. Wm.C. DAWSON From the Ifon. Wilson Lumpkin, United Slates !■*?u*ur from Georgia. As Dr. H. R. Thomas has determined to remove lo AU* abainn, 1 take great p ensure in saying, that I have been po Minully acquainted with him for many years, during wb.rk lime lie lm* been a practicing plivsicinn, and upon lion of his medical skill hy Win. I*. Graham, one oft..... hers of the Medical Board of Georgia, il was readily adniilt'4 h • had required valuable knowledge unknown to tb» faculty. I feel it a duty lu say, that lie is respsetrd and e»* teemed asn Bhy sirian of cliaracler and a citizen of high mor* al worth I recommend him to tlie hightesl terms wTeu *ff be inuy travel,as a man In whom confidence may heplo<ed. WILSON LUMPKIN Washington City, Jan. 22, . We, tho undersigned, were well aenuainir-d with Dr. U.R Thumu* during his residence near Nashville, Teiui., where lie removed in 1826. U e take great pledsurr in saying tl* 1 Dr. T’houins siiHtained no irreproachable character, and ti be is w orthy of all confidence. EPHRAIM IL FOSTER FELIX GRUNDY. UARUAIiVS I.\ DRY HOOD! NO »’ OPENING, !TOO r<tk,pi|dc«' SpriiiR A Summrr Cio< C ONr'ISTI NO of .very dccriplton of Dry (i(jmlit I wliioli linvebecn recenily piircltii.oil in Nnw Vorl 11 o.ton, nt tin. low..I |inp.ili|p price.. We ere emiblrd fer the Lirpe.r .tuck ol Good, ill tlii. aectibll of country atlower jirice. for • d . nlral Jlonry nl Par! Pit-use cull and .ee ut the .icu of the “New Dry Good. Si' E. VV. BANCUOf Mil ledger ill., A pril (lit, 18(3; 27 tl ORB AT EXCITEMENT! MORE AT SHAHAN’S! CUEAPEUTIIAN ANY YET OFFEBS® The assortment is extensive and complete* IL/*Bargains giveuand warranted. ..... May 9. 32 tf JA.S. II. 8HAIM3 MAIL AKRANGE.1I£!«T»* NORTHERN MAIL Duo daily at 7j A M.—Closes daily nt 12 SI. COLUMBUS nnd MACON MAIL Due daily at 1 P. M — Closesdaily at 8 A. M* SA\ ANNAI1 MAIL Close* Daily, (Saturday excepted) at 6 1‘. SI- PIEDMONT MAIL Due Tue*dav, T huisiluv and Saturday, at 5 A- “>• Close* ” - “ II A- Al- IIAWK1NSVILLE MAIL Due Tuesday and Friday at Ib A. SI. Clone* “ •• at 12 SI• COVINGTON MAIL _ .. Due Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, •* j Clone* riienday/l’liorsdiiy and Saturday at 6,v.* .VIONTICKLI.O .ml STANFOKDVII.I.K I"/', 1 , 1 '., Due Wednenduy at 5 I*. SI.—('lose* Monday at 8 * • RAMAH MAIL to .. line Wcdnendav—Closes Wednesday *t I - *' * .. E. DAGGETT. P* * Mill, deev ill. Bust-Office. ) May 12, 1313. S