The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, March 19, 1844, Image 4

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TUI’. ANNUAL PAIR OP TUB PLANTERS’ CLUB OF HANCOCK, tl III. ill..- nt Spuria.' ▼ T I s; iml . minim mid honors will In' aw udi r Ill >b I ... I • ..I up I III l corn, do see mul best, do tllil.l do dii fourth nml fifth—ILmiois. ,I.| j, •-! . I UUllll 0 do second do «!'» do third do do ^ - do foitith mid lifth— IIohoih. day mid Snlurdn v, llio . In’ll tho following pro* cttp.vnluo $10 i |)i*i<l acre of vMtonf vii I in*, do hi*i*o,id !»«»•*f, u pri” do ihinl do <1 do fourth mid lilili —I do b.«. of folio V:\ltlO upland, u silvo .••il vc id hest,n premium ol do third do do * do fourth and lilili — Honors, do nom of Out«, u proiitittiii of do HO -Olid lo st, do do tliiid, lourlh and fifth—IIohoih do host non* of Siv. i Rotators, u premium of do flHiond h(*Ht, do do do third, loui111 nml fifth — Honor*. do best nor• ofTu11: |ih,ii pifiuiiiin of do second best do do third, fourth mid fifth—II..huh. Hv nruli* nlthe (’lull,competitors for premium* will*he required to ui'e tin* modus Humility and quality of oiuiiiiio appli land reported ou, eouluiued a lull h measured. For the best .lurk, n premium of do second lies! do do lu'Ht G. oiiiiu rained .Mole opriandi ol *il, mid evidrm •ic, mid crop i,l li ill hi id best do bent '1 nil* Colt, do second hent, do best Stallion of do second l» do third, for do best 3 y.*,n . Id Coil, or do second best, do third,fourth mul fifth h do bent 8 ' ear old Colt, oi do second bent, do do tliiul, tom th mid lilili b do hrht hr I Man.*, witln or upwurds, do 'nt— Uooi'tH. Filly, do •St— Honors. ..It, do id la do It—Uo I k, Feb. fi. ID hi mills. For Right. For a sot of ir’.ii p head worku $10 $1 10 eluding the right, ml irons, including the tight, the em ploy er finding four good h'liids, too to ho curpriilris and do llio’hauling.&c. ^ J When tin* timber in ready on the spot, i: will he $2 ft lens. 8'W) Fern Mill complete, $D.>0 I'nviiient to ho niail" vv lien tl.c mill i in t omplete operation. Letter* In meal llliH plan* w ill toeei* e ntteiltion. jOWTIIAiM NOKCIIO.SS, I’-, ten tee. Mi Hedge vi lie, Nov. *8, 11! Id. 9 If (ffrlHi'lils for the above Mills, and all necessary information, can be obtained by application to J i .... ( * . M .It. .1.. SUV.HIVVS' S \|,FS. I’uDiam A|»i’il SliorilPs Suit's. W ||,|. In* sold before the ('nurt-hoiise door ill F.atontnn 1'iiltiani rouiily, on the l»*kt Tuesday in AI’RII- next, within the legal hours of sule,the following properly, In oil: , thin lot of Drugs and Medicines, levied on tin dm proprrtv of Simeon Fuller, jr. to satisfy ii (i l i in lavor of .Simeon Ful ler, soil, vs Simeon Fuller, jr. Propel I \ pn'.inril Mil in suid li. tn. J.UIIto W. M A I’NN,.Sheriff. Jan.35,1844. 18 tils I* tit until ttiril N SaloK 11,1, be sold ou the first Tuesday ill A l‘l; 11. next, h« i',hi> the Com I-house door in F.atoiituii. Pulliam couii* ns i*f sale, tho follow ing properly, to H IX, w 11hiIII In* h (lne sorrel Dorse and one r.ic piopeitv of Gnlni*’l llariDmi, i< \t iliiM C. ,shi. Idn vs Sinnon In ID Plopci in point' il out h> d< f< ‘ * W. T. S i Ilor.-i*; levied on a- (In i. jr. aim t ialuiel I lai i isou \M.BONDS, I). Sheriff. 88 Ids Feb, 37,1 IL CiM\t |‘oi’<3 April SlttTiU % Nub s. \ % r ll.l. b" *m!d on Hi.* I'u Puesd.iy in APRIL next.he- i v lore lin*Coiii'i-li mis • dour in the town of Knowille, roinitv, within I lie usual limns ol sale, lint follow- 1"' id. Ao. 2 » ■ tit si D. n , b i-li < ,*d In..ii VS. I llOl en.iii ire or less, mas Lilli.*. I.Kile. Propeily pointed oiici.ially M i* pi Opel I I Ilf Th lure,ihe l 1 .at tho ml lately d Oft 3 uo ‘2 lift 3 00 iJohn D out hi delei.duu i tin* lot ol land. .No. Iin the sixth District of or iu inn 11 y (ImiHton now Craw foul county, eoui.ii< iug 802 j acres, more or li*-s ; levied on ns tin* pi opert v ol\\ i I limn Harper to satis* fi one li. la. i-«m*d from a .1 ii-tiro's Court in lhe.532d District (! .M. in favoriii II hthoii Rogers vs \\ illiam Harper. Levy made and returned to me bv it «• on-*to!.I*». JAMES REEL \ND, Sheriff. February 37,1811. 83 fils t* raw lord PoMposmmI Shiwifl's Stiles, 4% II.I. lip solil I.n tho firm riii...iln\ ill Al'llll. Ill'll. III.- ♦ ? lor* the i'on11 b uis * door in tin* lomi ol' Knoxville. my. u it liiu the usual Ilnurs of sale, the follow ing ARMIMSTICA I OKS’ WALDS. A DN a S B ST CC A TO 5*5 S A fii BO. Siv 'Blio iimuhI Two DO ibihIiimI aitil Thir ty-1 VJ Acres Of I.AAIMuModlli- Wt^RTH ^corgiiii UNDER mi order Iriuii the lionoralde Inferior Court ni Ri.'luiioiid countv , when sitting for or- dinar) put poses, will be sold ou the first Tuesday hi M A V next, lor the heiielii ol' I lie heirs nml i ieil- iiors of the crinio ul Paul I' ll/.iiuiitiuio,deceased desi ril.eil liiuds, belonging to tlnii csime. Ilaker county, 3dJi acres, 3d district, III" l oiou in A i the Maker eouniv. AI the eouri-hi ee hi., <1071 acres, 13th district, •• “ *• D Mil v. 3ll*31 “ Dili “ “ “ “ Uaiiilulpli. 8ft “ 71It “ “ " “ •Slimier, I 'It'i '• Lull “ " “ " “ 117 HI “ ‘J.’.ili “ “ “ “ ‘ I".') “ 8'Hli Terms—nun foil 11 Ii cash, the halaiice on the I .-1 January nexf.upproifd i.oies and mortgage on the properly. The linker and .‘ ; uiuti r iraels have, rou-i Liable improve., incuts—mid the lands me nl'Mi|.erior iiualilv. UOIIKRT F. IM)!•’,, > WILLI \Al J. F.VFm I Adm’rs. (il'MRHK W. CRAW FORD, ) Augusta, M-treli 18,1311. 81 Gtw (Li "I lie Charleston M. renry, .Savannah R* public an, Albany ('ouiier, tie irgia Journal and Fideiai I oiou, .Macon .Mes«eii get and t'oIuiiiImih i iiiituicr, u ill give lie* above iidverli***** iiicni six in i ku iimci lions, mid lorn aid their uecouiils to (lie \ . In niirnuielti & Sentinel for payment. A il 55i i ni si »;i nix's S:il<*. \ (I It F.I. A MI \ ' o mi order ul the llmioriiblet lie! nferior Court of Wilkinson eon illy, while sitting Inroidiimry purpoMs .m ill he sold mi the first Tuesday in APMll, next, i.e In i r the ('on rl-house door in Frank I in, 11 nml eon n tv, u i th in the legal hours ol mlr, I lie inien si ol Sum’I \N In eh r. Into iifWilkiiisou,deceased, m lot of Inml No. 175,in the lltli dis trict of said county — it being one lilili pan. CITATIONS. UUORillA, Ihihhvia County. U /'11 FILL AS Joint (i. Park applies to me for letters ol Aduiiuistruttuu ou llio eslute of Mis. Catharine Vun- volkiughuig, lute of said county, deceased: These are,therefore, to cite mid admonish nil and singular llm kindled and creditors of said deceased, to ho mul appeur .il my uliii ii iviihiu ihe time prescribed by law, to show cuuse, it any «*-Mrt, why said leticis should mil he granted. (iiven under my hand at olliee, this l3ihduv ol March, 13 U 31 5t JOHN W. W. SNFAD.c.c.o. <ii;OlH>ilA« ELilduiu C ounty. W llbllFAS Hugh lvnox applies to me for letters of Ad* iniiiisiraliuiirre buuia nan on the astute ol Alexander (ireen, lute of said eonuty, deceased : I hese arc,therefore, to cite and admonish nllaml singular the kindred mid creditors of said deceased, to lie ami appear ul my otfica iviihiu Ihe time iirescrihed hy show canno. il any they have, why said leiirra should not he grutited. (iiven under inv luiml ut nliire. this I8ih d-iv of,DIM. 8 lot JOHN W W. a IN FAD, c, c. o. UKOlluiAi Decatur Comity* \ \r II FRFA.S Daniel .Mi In ii is applies to me for tellers of \ V Adiiiinistiatiiin on tIns estutu of John tale ol said t'Otiiily, deceased : Tlirse nri! tlicii'l'ore to cilc and admonish nil nml singul"i the kindled ami creditors el raid deen-red. to i-e and appear ul my office within the time prescribed hv law losli il !\ 51 the Inn e ii h' said Id lei s should not he granted, hand nt ofiii e. this fiih da v • f Miucli. I «M I. JOHN P. DICKFN.SON, t. i o. i pro Fill Ul l.-l llio irth-i i ford . 5 Oft 8 tit) - -"il Disiriet i.furiuimill.i II levied on as the properly oi l ewis ! -Ji one li. li. is-ned I'ioiii ('laulonl Supejior or ol i >> oi e \V. Tompkins i s. I.ewii l)avis—unit I i 1 1• ■ i i'k ol .1 .-lines A 'I i!lei-, u lio prei io:i> 1 v put- i imi. nml failed to euiiinli will, the m.s oVmiI**. 1 lie : III u Oil ill li > Ul J >■ III v , aliui | 81 yea is old, ; llu- properly ol I. >'is Dm is in salmly one li fa 2 Oft 2 ftft 3 Oft 1 00 3 Ut) do third, fourth and tilth In do best Mull, .... now do seroudhest^ • * " " do tbiid. fourill* -and lilili best—Honors, do best 2 year old Mull, - * • SOI) do second* best d<» * - • 1 Ul) do third,fourth and fifth best—Humus, do Cow producing the Inr. est quantity of without regard to blood, do second best, do do do third best, do do do fourth and fifth best—Honors, do best milch Cow, • do second host, do third, lourtl; and fifth host—Honors, do best 2 year old UeitVr, do second’host, - * do third,fourth and fifth best—Honors, do best Pop, do second best, - * do third, fourth and fifth best—Honors, do best Five, do second host, - do third, lourlh mid fifth best—Honors, do best ilunr, do second best, * * do third, fourth und fifth best—Honors, do best Sow, do second best, : : do third, fourth mul tilth best—Honors, do heaviest fut Hug, from 1 to 2 y t ars old, in propor tion to age, : : : do second best, ’ : • do third, fourth and fifth best—Honors, do licni i l Pig, agreeably to age, I cm C to 18 mos. old, : : : do second best, : • • do third,fourth and fifth best—Honors. t do Li-1 piece of 3 y arils Humspuii, for gentleman h wear, • • * do second best, : : ; do third, fourth nml fifth best—Honors, do best Counterpane, • : do second best, : : do third,fourth ami liiih best—llonors. do bostpieee Iftyardu Dotiierlic fciilk, t do second best, • : do third, fourth and frill best—llonors. do best urticle Negro Clothing, . • * do second best, • • • 1 00 do third, fourth nml fifth best — Honors, do best article ut Negro Mlanketiug, ot Cotton or Wool, . . . • do second best, . • . 1 00 do third, fourth nml fifth best Honors. Tho Club has set apmt leu dollars, to be awarded by their Committees to articles mauiilaciured by L>-dies, not eiiumein ted in their pr* inimn li t, such as Capes, Collars, Capes Pockets, Muskets, or anv fane v articles made by a Liulv. ' ii’m.F H. ALDA^.Mc’ry. Sparta, Jan. 23 1311. 10 ' ra*: \ a tiTS't sa inT :~ 1 f\C\ C\C\C\ wanted immediately fur the XUUjUUU use ul Ini- Institution, and a large quantity ol Scan llilli;*, mill square; hew I, Tim- | M .| V, to be ol best pitch pine, mid delit cred immcdiutely ,lor which cash or barter will be paid. Persons desirous of i-titcriug into contracts will ptcscitt themselves immediately. , AMNFR HAMMOND,Inspector. Milledgcvillc,January L DDL FI il PESKtTENTU HIT. N OW on hand, u number of two burse.lour Irnrse, mul six horse wagons. Hacks and heavy Coaches, Curiiugt-e, Barouches, and Jerseys, m-iliogonv .Side-board-*, Mureaua, Tables, Wardrobes, M-'d-t.-mls, high and low post, plane and curved; Sptuniuc-ivhei-l*,Cooper’sNN'nre,('bestsol all kinds, (Hastings, uinoiig which are a lew stoves; Shoes, Moots, and Brogans,Tin Ware of all kinds, mid a good many oilier arti cles. All of which will be sold at tlm lowest pric s lor cash. Job Work of all kinds executed with neatness, fidelity nml despatch. Repairing ami Tailoring, &.c. Rock, (ituiiiie, and Alurhle Cutting executed in any shape desired. If is prepared to make any quantity of russet Shoes, for persons furnishing tho leather at 35 i cuts per pair—Hu mess, or any other artielns for those tin ui.-diiiig materials. The public, generally are requested lo give u« a call; and Bee if wc will not give tln'iii good baigaiusmid good nuik- A. W. IlF DDLS (J, Principal Keeper. Jan. 0th. 16 if IN'iiitt'iilianft Feb. 51b, IS 11. SB SIPS*:*: E8 3 IP iv* I! C 1ASII or Baktkk will be paid t »r IIIDF.>.ok i vekv iik- j scripTtotr, st'tTAULE run UKi.NO ta.vnkd, delivered ut this Institution. The highest murket price w ill be given in cash, and advan tageous prices in barter. N. M. Persons ut a di-tane.o, who des' ’ Hides, w ill please open a eoiiiiiniiiicntiun of the Peniiciiiiury. or with t ii• - niidcr-ign A. W. KFDDLNt-i,i’riucipal Kci per. ' IJ. I’.m.k- A. I" l«w, end irser. Property . -MM Ml the d"-I'-ml.lilts. JA MFS MLI'.I. \.ND, Slu iiiV CrftMfotd April MfiftilFs W/'ll.l. Ill sold on the fust Tuesday in APRIL ne v * fore i ">* Cmirt-Iiouhi- ilunr in the tun n of Kuo I Crawford conn y, n i! Lin the ukuiiI lion i s of sale, the toll piopei ty , to i a Ttiv. ni, Smldt’s,' ic’. al pi npm ly of l -1 u l (’h i Mipiu T.i olio: id comity, for 11 s of land, Nos . li fa • issued bv tin* i x 111 D d part li fis issued from u-r of ('bnptii'iti 1'ii.pcity pointed (.'liamplnii. Alsu, jtlfi] tier ned the mills tb- «My 11 onston, now Craufoid petty of Fredci ick Hartley tosmist'y sun Craufoid Supeiiormid lnfciior Courts i Ro.-s A: Co. ami other* is said II ..tic out bv one of the altornei s. FW i:i.L WFMM, D. Shcriir. February 27 i, 184*1 22 ids April Mterill ’s Sjele. \T 711.1. be sold until.* liiHtTnesd.»i in APRIL next,before \ V the (’ourt-liousc door in the town of I lolmesi ille, Ap pling comity, u ithin the usual hours of sale, the following property, t>» wir. f said third Disti To l!io PhniK i's of <.coi;;l;t, A penny is hen pence enrmtl. TIT HE subscriber is noiv n lie ring to tin- Fa i un-rs of (2 corgi a JL 'MlimVs UT'oii^hl-iron Mock,” invented by Messrs. SkiioKN J. .A Maiisiiai.i, Miu -,ol ()c* lelibaliau county,MissibHipoi, and patented by them. This Plough in evety respect in tin* most desirable Plough, Stock everofl'ered to t. pluming community ■ 11 combine* .1 mobility with convenience—it will last a great many years without re- C uir or expense, and will admit ofeiery variety nlpioitgh ue.s, (three tooth burrowexeepleal,) with perfect e.ouveuiem e mid facility—it is not heavier than the ordinary w onden >toek, yet far stronger, and being so very simple i n it.- construction, that any blacksmith in the country can tntiki them. Bamplepiouglis ninybcseen ail’d tiied at Mr. Dense's Shop in Milltidgevillt—uh Mr.Martin's shop in Spuria, nnd at Mr. F. II. Mellingslea’s in Washington, Wilkes comity. I nt the Farmer examine the plough,und lie will juircliasc jne rigln to Use them. 'J’liesubscriber proposes lo (wdlcounty tights on the most accommodating terms. ITT All communications on this subject, post paid.nddrCH aed to me at IMilledgoville, or Washington, Wilkes county will meet with immediate attention, M. L MARNES, Axcnljor »N\ J. A* M- Mima Pec.28,1841. II ii IVciv Boohs Novels Ac. TUST RFC'IVFD. *• Tlx- Tvndurcdy an ll.Mnii. nl Ro- • J uiuncc, bv ihe author of “7V/c I'ntn/ia/V iVe; A inn, by Frederica )■ - mcr; “Mnpie nnd Mesinrrinna story ol llm I8th century; “7 t/e nnd public, su rires of Henry Cfny\— ' The's IFi/e,” by Mrs. (Jure. The I'residenl's Daughter," AMO "THE MV.STFMII.S (»F PARIS," A Novel by l'ugcne. Sue. Nakativk Ttuvitx and ai.vpmurks in Ti.xab — CoUHN Hinton; M\m*v\v. or “the adni.tnrrs of ii (ireen Horn in I’owu ami C.-mitry’’. Si.KKt'-UiDMt, or ‘•The Old Moy in the ()mnil.u«;” A i t. i-mn’s III'■TORY', Irniii the eoniiHCtieemeiit of the Reiolulinu to tin* restoration ot' llm Bourbons. 'I'm: «.r John ('. (’ai.holx; I’iik Tivin Brotiikrb; THE WORKS of Lord Myim. c«.n.pb tc. la- get her with u mtmbei of other valuable publications which can be pit rein s< d at Al. F. EoWARH’S Store. I*af^nf improved liorse-power.Saw-mill. rilllFRF uie several of ibis kind of Mill now ,n opHiiition I und they meet the approhiilion of all who see them. (.'er- tilicateflof genileiiieti who have lh< in weir published in tho Journal of the 31st of Oct. and 7ih of Nov. iust. Wanted to engagfl sevtfral workmen to build the ubove the Dili district of formerh llenrv, ne. of Luke, of W illi, .is iIn* propei """ OllIlK .-ll| • W illiam ling Property lot of bind. No. 331. lying i county, eotiiiii.ting four Inn. In d and ninety .u.n mme or |'*-s, well improved; levied on as the properly of Henry TutcliMone, to sati-ly an execution i.-sued from Appling >u- perior I'ourt in favor of John Comas vs said Tutchstmic.— Property pointed out l»y the plaint ill'. Also, one lot of laud, No. 333. ly ing in the third District of said county, well improved,eonlaiiiim! four bundled and nine tv ucivda more or less; levied on as tlm property •. t Henry 'ruti.listone, to satisfy two executions issued Irom a J :i-lice's Court of the 113d Di-trict (1. AL in favor of Ahruh.aiu Stiick- land vs said Henry Tutchstonc, Levy mude and returned to me by a constable. JOSEPH TILLMAN. Sheriff. Fab. 8ft. DDL 21 tdit Wilkinson April Slii iiH ’s Salt s. W r ILL be sold hefiue tin* ('ouit-liotise door in the town of Irw iutoii, Wilkinson county, on the liitit I'm-sduv in A P R11 m*xt, w itliiu the usual bums of sale, the follow ing property, to wit: One lot of laud, containing 208$ acres, more or less, Ivina in the tliiid District of Wilkinson county, adjoining binds ol Pcy Um Clay and Wiight Knowles, well improved; levied on as llie property of (.'unison Sanders, to satisfy an execution i •'sued from the Superior Coni t of Wilkinson county, in lavor ol Robert If. Ladd, I.enier, vs. Con Ison Sanders. Property pointed out bv plaintiff's attorney. One-half ot a house and lot, containing one acre, more or less, whereon rvtmutd J. Mush now lives, well improved; levied onus the property of Augustus It. Maiford, to satisfy an execution issued from the Sup. i ior Court in lav or of Washington Ingram vs. Samuel J. Mush, Samuel Men 11, Tims. N. Beall, nnd Aug. M. Ruifnrd, securities for said Mush. Property pointed out by said Ingram. One lot of latid.conlniuing2U2$ acres, more or less, No. 15ft, in the 87th District of W ilkiusou emintv ; levied on ns the piopeitv of A. Stevens, tosatisly sundry li. las. issued from a Justice's Court of suid county in favor of Sampson West vs. A. Stevens. L. vy mudt. and icluincd to me Hv u constable. One thousand acres of laud, more nr less known as the Moml Plantation, formerly belonging to Lewis Moml.novv m tin* pos-cssjon ot llaiper'Puckerlevied on ns the pioncr'v of W illiam F. Moml, to satisfy twoli. las. i-sued from the .Su perior Court ol W ilkiusou county, in favor of James J • Dryun and others vs. W m. F. Bond. Five hundred acres of laud, more or less, known ns the Miles Place, now in the posses.-ion of William Johns; levied on as die property of W illiam 1-*. Moml, to satisfy an execu tion issued Irom the Superior Court < fsaid ei-unty, in lavorof W illiam T. Hnokius vs Win. F. Moml. Properly pointed out bv Joseph Moml. W. \V. ME ALL. SberitT. February 27tli, 181L 28 ids Dull* April MiftiiH’sSalc. % l/ r l LI. lie sold on tin* first I’uesday in APRIL next, be- v V fore the Court-house door in tile town of Jackson, Mutts eouni v, vv itliiu the legal hours of sale, the follow ing projiortv to wit : The South Inlfof the Lot of Land, No. 5, in the 1 lili di*« • riel i f form-tly Alomoe, now Mutts county, eontaining DM] j acies.more or b-.-s, adjoining Nolen and others ; levied ou as I the properly ol Robert P. (’ol null, to satisfy snndrv .1 nsli. e’.v ('(.ml li fa.- in lavorof John ■** haiiinm vs Robert P. Cob and R. A!eGrady. Levy made by u Constable, and returned ’Lot of Land No. 1 u vv Molts county. i about 8li years old ; levied • iteiiory to satisfy two fi. fits, fii'or_of Comeli is Aikinsun pointed out by p 1 aiutill'. Fill </ neres'of Lainl.olf of tin* North side of Lot No. 30. in lln* -Mil Di-trn i of origiunllv Al.oiroe, now Mutts eouniv ; I. vi- d on as the proper!\ of l b .mas Mcnid-m to satisfy vnrioji- ii las Irom a .1 u.-iice’s l.’ourl in lavor ol Young R Norris amt •die I, vs as Meardmi and William F. Alapn. Lew m.ole bv a Constable,mid returiie I to me. IIIR CM IL DOSS. Sh rift. February 27lh, DU f oo |,D Bulls Alorl^si^c* |m>s((m>ii<*<1 SlK'i ill ’s *;»!<*. I LL be sold mi the first Tuesday in M A next, befiiretlie ('om t-hoiiM* door in the town ol Jackson, Mutts com.iv, w it bin (lie u sum I limns of sale, tbc following propeitv to w ii : Lot ol Land, No. Do. in the 3d distm i of h.nmrlv Monroe, now Mints county ; levied on ns tin* piopeitv ot W iilmni vie- Flliniiey to satisfy a Morlg i; c fi. fa. Irom Mutts Superior Court in favor ol Harriet MeLend in, Administratrix of Will iam Aid,cndaii,di erased.'h William MeUlianev. Properly pointed out in said li fa. Levy m id-bv (i.C. AleMichae),bir- iiiei D. SlierilV, and returned to me. Wnyisc April Hi(TiUS^itli*> VA/H-L lx'soi l In lore tin* Cnwit-lioiisn l our ill W’n\ ne ' * comity, on Hie first T ne-day in A PR I L next, wiibiu tbe leg 11 I mills ol -ale. III" folio v ill” propel tv , to wit; Twelve Net* roes, viz : Men, Slrlh, Isaac, M-pln-ii. Aimer. Nat, I'oin, .Seley, Sarah Fmeliue, Matilda, and Cuddy Al so, the follow tug articles, the sib'nf vv Hit L w ii< postpom d from the first Tnesdny in Februaiy to the first Tuesdiiv in A pri I, v i/.I wo «’aits,one M.hogauy Pubic, our Aluhoganv Sideboard, ono Secretary, 94 Mnoks, and two Clock) ; levied on as tbe property ofJames Al ay. to satisfy mi execution i-su- ed Iioiii tin- .superior Coin! of (il.viin coiiniv, in lavor of tbe Bank of Dniieu. Piopeitv p -iuteil out bv Defendant. RICHARD R. Al. RATCLIFF, Sheriff. February 87lh, Mil I, oy ids Wiii’o \pril 8licrifr*s Sales. t VII.I. lie sold on the fir-1 Tuesday in APRIL next,he- > f foie the (amri-lioiisedoor in the town of’, Ware eouniv, within ihe usual hoitis of sale, the following proper ty , t • w it: ()ue lot of laud, mini, rr not known, but known as (lie Doiiglieity place. coiitn .iiing four Inuoin d and uim tv acres, luoie "|- less, in tbr twelfth Di-triei ol oiiginally Appling, now W me eonuty, well impioveh; b vied on a* the niup. itv of James Doiiglieity , to sali.-lv one li fu i-med fioni the Supe- I ior ('nml of said coiiiiiy in In'or of Joint Register, for lliu use of James A. Sweat, 's James Dougherty. Property pointed out l.y Jumes A. Sweat. .MILES J. HUFST, Dep. Sheriff. F« l», 27, 1844. 22 t !- Telfair May §li<*rlfr*ii Sale# W l I L l.n sold before lli"Coiii I boil-e door in (hi* tow n of Jacksonville, I ell’aii county, on tin* first Tue-dav in .MAY next, witliiii (be legal lion i m of sale, the following propei t v, to w it : ()m* lot of land, containing 4 ( d0 acres, moie or less, No. 83, in the first Di-trict of originally A upline, Telfair count'. levied oil as till* piopeitv of Joseph J. Walton, to snli-y a li fa i — ued bv tbe Tax (’olleetor ot Appling county, lo satisfy his taxes im the year DM3. WILLIAM FU IS. Slid iff. March 13.1844 81 td« M ilkiusou “IktRI ’n SsiIcm. mill: Sheriff’s Sales of WILKINSON COI N I V will, m I future,he advertised in the (il'.OR‘»l l JOL'R.N VI. Te i mude know u ( 1st. DDL i the da •SARAH WIIFFI.FR, Adm’x. AdiiiiiifsirtHok's Sale. V OREEAMI.Y to an order of the lloiiorablethe Inferior Court of Telfair enmity," ill lie sold on tbc first Tues day in .MAY next, at the Court-house door in the town ol Jackson' ille, Telfair county , within tins usual hours of sule, the fidlovving propeitv : A negro bov named George iibout ten years old, nnd Han nah about ten v eais obi; two town lots, Nos. 81 and 31. in tile town of Jat k.-oiiv ille, w i 111 a good store bouse liuiiting the public sijiiaie, and a comloitabl <U JEOIC<»l.4* fl>c«*:»liir Fount> . W ' HI’.RFAS Henry Ailine applies to me for It itersnf Ail- ministration or the estate of Alaiiali 11. Fveretl, late of 1 vivid county .deceased; and also. Cor letters of Adminisliuliuti I ile honia non, on the estate nf’Jnlin (Eveiett, dceensi d : ’Plies** are therefore to cite ami admonish all and singular tbe kiniln d and creditnis ot said dec eased, to ho nnd appear at my olliee wit Inn the tune prescribed by l.i'v, to sliovv cause, if any they have why,said IvUors shouUl nol be g ranted. Given iiudcrtm band at olliee, this full dav of March, 1311 81 51 JOHN P. DICKFNBON.c. c*. o. COIJIt MONTHS NOTICES. I /O (I It lIONTIIS.flerilnlP.'ippllcoliim will l*c made ’ ititnu li.iiiaraliloiliH Inlorii.r Ouurlol' Ur.»ford«o | i | i- ly, when -iittiug as a (biuri of Ordinary,for leave to sell tvyo lots oflanii, known by N'». 150 in ilia 3 fd Ditf. ul formerly Lee, now .Stewart county, and No. 13ft in the 33d Dim. ul fiirinarly Lee, now Alystogee o..unty; one. lot in the town of Know ide,the dwelling ol Airs. Amos; one lot in said place whereon George ,S Koniiody riuitles; one lot, in said place, of 4 acres, more or leas, known uh the Jail lot; and one lot ul Negruen—nil tube. Hold mm tho propeitv of F. M. Animq de ceased. DAVID LOCKHART, AdiiiiniBtrnt .r. ADELINE AMOS, Adininietrulrix. Crawfordco. 12th I * h. I81L ?;Ol IC iTIO.A TIIS aftcrdalc.application w ill be made jF to toe llonoruble tbe Inferior Com t of Haneui.k county, while mting for oidniary ptirpoHcn, for leave to Bell a negro mu it by the name of Prince, belonging to my children, to be Hold for limit benefit. BUR WELL M ROWIN', Guardian. Jan. 8, DDL Di I 'Ol li JIOATlfirs after date, application will be 1/ made to the lionoralde the 1 nferiot Court oI Newton county ,while sitting as a < ’ourlof <Irdinnrv for leaveto sell the leal cat ate of Jumes HumphrinH, late of said county, de ceased. CHARLES LUCAS, Ailm’r. Jan. 1st. DDL [wdl] 15 I7i Oil It MONTHS nl c» -I no application will be made .1 tu tin- IDmotalde Inferior court oi Wilkiiinoii co . w hile fitting for nrduiarv purpoHes,for leave to sell the real estate of Alary Atm Smith, lute of \\ ilkiusou Co., dec'd. ANDERSON INGRAM, Adm’r. MARY SAll I’ll, Admr’x. Dee. 11 tli, D! 13. 12 4m BOOK & JOB PRINTM or all flescriittiow/, Neatly and Promptly JExecntri. At 'Jill! @®©irgna iToinims-ll. QL z®, Iml si- Luw «is at any Olliee in ait- Viaie, PF.BSOXa llESIIlOUS, T11EREFU1.E, OF II,'.VIM; ll,IN ItD HOOKS, I CARDS. l’.VM I’I I CRTS, 1IAM)-IHI,LS ni.ANKS, I IIUUKE-IJILLS, Oil JOII WORK OF A.\ Y KIM), O'evs in; accommodatf.ii *r mi; al((ilu'[,T no; 1C1: 1( ^| At Oi<- Ocorgtn Journal Office. M \ IS. fl/OAS 1 ) FROM MILLEDGEVILLE TO MADISON A ILL leave Al il ledger ille repul ,.| w Tuesdays, Tlmi>d.i\H nml s.,„' • uiorimig. l" (H'.ORGI A, Occiilnf 4’oiikLly. * fur lettcra of tut’etd .Manila Rogers, late of i the cite cut of the •end, deceased. Te Feb. 7, 1811. of tin* late W m. Me ade know non the day. C AlcKAF, Administrator. 20 ids the kindrrd and creditoiH ol'.- my olliee w itliiu the time p ifatiy they h ive, why said lei Im* giaiiii d. (jiveii under mv hand at • and adim-nisli all and singular Till deceased In Im* Olid appear at escribed by law, lu show cause, ers of Admiui.-liuliuti should not this 21st dav of Feb. DDL JOHN P. DICKINSON, \ GRFFA MI.Y t . \ Court oi l’,'If,ii n Jl NE n st, b, fi lai Adtninbdii'utov’s Salt*. order of Hie Honorable the Inferior nnty. will be sold mi the liryt Tn. s.lay tin*Court bouse door in I’roupv ille, in the usual hours of-ale. the follow - 4xRuOBStnlAy Telfair County. \ V/I1ERE\S Jriii MeC vit. applies to me for letter* of \Y Administration on the estate of David Mi Cull, deccas- the Kindred and id admonish v,tIn i No 171, in the ftih di Ifti)acres ; lot No. 318,i eontaining pill aeres. creditors of \>'m. Alcl.e ill • dav. Feb. 7th, 1814. Id' I.C ii the ft 111 disti id ol Low i.dcs co .Sold Im the benefit of the lu-in nl, deceased. Terms made know C. iMeR A E, Administrut 80 tils CtATR.lti . niAcoN, iir.uur.iA. T11 E subscriber liav iag become tin’ J'ropiietor <d (bia "ell known eslaldislimeut, I os port fully so- a i 0-Sh li-iis the patronage of the public. 'Pin* house has heeu entirely cleansed and renovated; the rooms replenished " ith clean beds and suitable fuiniture. and the w hole into i ior of tin* cs tn hi is'line u t adapted to the comfort of his guests. I Imt the dome.-’lie economy of the House will be such as to gratify tin* most lasii.ltious, he has but to iulorui the public, iloii be lias engaged as general Sup rintoiidenis, UAL SHIVERS, J iinr. and LADY,* whose rn.ecr ns .Mana gers of a Tun in in Sparta, for nine years, has < ommended him to the favorable notice of the travelling publie WAI G. l’ilOMAS. September 10. The undersigned having disposed of hi* proprietor-hip in tin* Central I Intel, to .Mr. \\ . (J. Thomas, from bis know ledge of him, und the wnl known capacity of Al r. and .Mis. Shiv ns, in the management of a PhIPTm House, can with eoufmeuee, leeiunui'-nd tlo* Central Hotel to the pratroi.rgc ol hi-* friends and the puhlu . F. SIAIS. •September 10. 23 If WM. A. DE4LL*8 I’ i re - 1* !• « « f IV a i- e Is o n s r, ♦ 4 (u|'nQi Bil l,U) .STREET. •UHMSMiZb Aunfs |-v, G v. September | t |:; i:i. r | A11F siibsr riher, grateful for the patronage lieietufoio ic- ■ reived, iiitoiu.- hi- friends and the public g.-ueraliv, tint lie still con'iniie.s at Ins old stand, on Broad stieet, ami will devote bis p us-m il attention lo the storage ami sab* of ('ottoit receiv ing and forw aiding (Joods. and tbe trausactimi of a 4Jeaici*iil I'iiclorjRje si ml Com mis>aon ISti vim*ss. Liberal advances made mi rotton in store. Messrs. J. Robson Sc Co. w ill continue heretofore to net as bis agents at Aladi-im, and w hen desired will make ud- vances,mi cotton consigned to Him per Rail Road. 47 If WM. A. BEALL. HAMILTON, HARDEMAN & CO., _ OBaH \>i«l ticui'ml CoamtiKsion Alirniinis, July 20. 1843. [43 ly I SAVANNAH, Oeo. AISAOI/B) & 4'aiAT9EtS0ES», Cuiimiissiim .11 vrt'liaiits. SAVANNAH, G\., ^ IU*. undersigned having nssoeiated themselves under the firmol Arnold (V 4 Ii tins Hi *rs, tender tin it r- Viees to ill- public in tin* traus'ietioii nl a F X/:u Al. COM MI s SIO.X III SIX i: ,N N. ftiul lni|.e, li\ snii t lillctitiur; in Itu.ine.., lo nieril imltumiL'i; nml givegi'iieml nulimiiciiuii. JOHN FRKIl. .11!NOI.II, ,, „ WM. IID.MlV CIM.MIIl'.RS. Oft. 1,i .Ei. i ,r W. II. Cl MILLSj <’ o in iii i s s i » n II «■ i' c )■ a n ,. w 1 up to |U0 acres ’nuns irom KM) to 800 acre do iVi'lll 8I'ft to 31:0 do do from 3110 to 400 do III (Ml do John (J. Tji'VLAn, MiHciIguville. J Feb.8",uil. Bv lit method will be sen: purebascr. All letters ofinq of the sum hero specified, a copy oftuo by mail or in any mode proposed by the st lie post paid. A BBFTT &. CO., B.iltiinore. Proprietors of the Patent right for the iSoutheiu nnd West- i| j* I’lie publisher of my newspapers wlioisfollowiiigagri- ell I tin ii I pursuits, by giving our tul'ertiseinent insertion to the amount of a single method ol'any extent w hu ll |,e ni.iy want and sending to us u copy of cadi number containing it, shall have for bid own exclusive us* *a cony ofthe method remitted lo him bv mail or otherwise as In* may order. A, tc Co. August 23,1843. tf 4!) IL/' I’lie patrons of the Ainerienii Farmer nnd others will nnvw their orders for tights and diiections for using the above process, supplied H\ eitelosing the cash, post paid. to. 8. SANDS; Choice Oi'iiRit nnd ii<**ii<*iii<*^. tf I'll I’. Mili-ei iber is now receiv ing, in addition “ lo Iii*' present stock,an exieoaive and wcl welect ed iissoi till* nt < I ' lioiro DiiU’s, )lnlj(*iii(*s l*(*rriiiii(»ry, Piiiuh, Oils \\lire*, Talent Jlcdidncs mul rvi iv u tide u-oally kept by DruggistsamlApotbeea- lies, w bi.-li h«* offers lor sale at Hie Augusta and Savanuuli pi ices, lie w ill warrant every aiticle to be of u suporioiqiial- tty. I'hy sirinn«, Merchnnts,and Plnnlevs are invited tneall nml •ixuinine lor tlirins' Iv«*« before going elsrwheie, either nt his Drug Stoic in Milled"'-' ille. or ill Augusta two doors below tin* Eagle aud Phoenix Until. STEWART BFGGS. H i' A Fresh supply ofticliuilie Pat'-lil Medicines, for sale at BFGGS’ Drug Store, Mil ledge ville, Nov. 7. _ 0 if ok. join ci. wmoiiT, JU'.NTIST, I NFORMS his fiends that he has removed lo Mncon, but . will v i-ii MilledgevilleoccnsiKually wt.t'U lie will be hap py to attend to all profes dmial enlls. 15 tf BLpSi 411' \ i.i. KINDI lur talc at this OJjice. 81 51 •i ibrd by I d U-HerH should m ’ hand ul oilier, this Ith dav of JOHN F. Ale It A l* II nml siiigu il, to file at i objections i'a OPR AS OA'T II S niter date, application will be le to tbc llonoruble the Inferior ('our! of Craw lord count v, w hen -* i 11 mg as a Com t ol ordina r\ for I rave to s»*ll Two Lots o< Land. Numbers 81 nml 2, iii the 8d Districtol Houston now ('raw foul County, (w iih the exception of a »mul| portion of Lot Nil. 1), b longing to.( Hammock) as tbc prop* city of Wm. Hammoek, dec-used of said count v. TOLBERT I). HAMMOCK,* ) . . nl , r HANSEL W. HAMMOCK, S Crawford i at fii i tbc i mur- tidoyi Wedm* . . r.. s.fiu* nl .Milli'clscvillo In i-alKnr.. I In; Hurry "Iny ll„n-n.k. ,.1 l.y li. M,n,!., ; u „,| son by apply ing at Mrs.( nmpbdi's Hotel. The travelling public are assured Hi it no pains or cxpen*« w ill be " anting on tbc purl of llio proprietor lo give pci, Pri i satisfaction. N. Il AUKlN.i. Ttio Milb’dgeville papers and llie^lMadison AJitcelhiny wm L'OI'H after date application will be made I. to the Honorable the luleiior Conn of Wilkinson county while silling l« r ordinary purposes, for leave lo tell a negro man by tlie name of lticliniuml; ns the pioperiy of Christo pher C. Simmons. •SAMUEL IJFALL, Guatdinn’. I rw inton, Fell. 1st, 1811. 19 301 CE after dale, application w ill he . made to the honorable the Inferior Court ofFutnnm county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, fori cut c to s *11 Feb. Hlule of W illiam D. Col JOHN C. MASON, Adiu'rdc boni 7th. 1311. P:(t8C44S.%, 'B'oiisiir ( (HHiiy. V \71IFRFAS Malemn N. MeRm* applies To me for letters \ V -I Adtuinistration on the esiiilo of Kinueib .Mi Lcnuiin, lb fell -id. 'I Iii- is tliereforolo notify all andsingular tlic kindredand creditors o l said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law ,to show cause,ilany they liuve, why said letters should not be granted. Giv • u tidcr ni v band ul oilier, ibis 4th At nub, DM I. 2 i -I .K >1 IN F. McR A F. O. c EOllOIAt Telfair County* \ \ / III .Ili-iAS Wm.Williams applies to me fur lettersof Ad 1 V ministration ou tbc estate i f Kiiint-in .McLennan, late u|' county , di ceased. Tiiis is therefore lo notify all and singular the kindred and creditors ofsuid deceased, to be and appear ut my olliee within the time prescribed by law ,to show cause,il any they have, why said biters should not be grant' -it. (iiven under mv band ut olliee Hus 3d l-’cb.. 1841. 8l5i * JOHN tMcLFAN,C. C.O. GEORGIA* Telfnir Con my. U J11 Fit F A S Archibald .Mr Kin lion, A dm in is tin to run the estate of Alls. Cbrisiian Finlay .-on, late ol said conn ty,deceased, applies to me for letters ol Dismission oil tin* same : Tln-sc arc t here fore to cilc aud admonish al I and i in gu lur the kindred and c led i torso! said deceased to bo an Happen i at m; o'liee within the t imeprescribed by law .to show an \ t hey have , why said letters should no tin granted. Given unde i my liuml a t olliee, this 3fttL da\ ol'Oet. 1843 6 Cm J MIES II. JVIcCALil i». c. o. o. W\ EM CBE'.’V, V 4MK Ml IN S iO\ U ,’11.1.continue in business nt his old Stand, No 185 Bov street. * s tiii i attention will In* ginui to the selling ol (’uttoii and other produce. Orders for bagging family supplier .«S: c . w ill lie piom| tly ext cute d. July 18,1841, j | if 'fl'k'it* [touiincr ’Lmtm* .IlHhod^ \\ 7H K H tear ln*s bow to make \-e get a Ido man me without 1 Y Hie aid of in e slot k, in irom 15 to 30 dav s, bv ncmir.-e of humid fcrmeuti.tii u set into action at a cost (ioui’50 els. or $ 1. A ml also to make compost in a fete tiny*. A ml how lo make a rich f itali/.ing liquid eull-’d ’’purin, having the strength without the acrid qualities of urine. W itli tin* view oi gradmiting the cost, tothc quantity of land ujiun wliieli it ni-iy In* dcsiicd to use the method, the follow- ing ale ol piii cs b is been adopted, viz :] For g*nd**ii-*»t anv extenl £d ftft Fur (lillOBHHA* IVillviiixoit 4 oiiufy. •1%’IIFRFAS Hall, (iinirdiau for tbe orphans of » 4 V\ illiam A. Hall di een-ed, applies to me for letters tf di •mission Iron* said Giiaidiiuisliip. These an*, tbeielme to cite ami mliuoni-b all concerned to tile their objections iu my olliee, if any they have, why suid letters should not be granted (iiven under my baud at olliee, this titli day of November, 1813. aid;, b. raiford,r.c* o. (iFOaHHA, Wilkinson Coiinly. U J II FRFA.S Anderson lngiani und Alary Smith, now Alary Vickers, Administrators on the estate of A lien Smith, late ofsuid county, deceased, apply to me for letters v»t distiiis-imi ftumsaid Administration, These are then foie to i it- ni.d admoiii-li all concerned to show cause, ii any they liuve, wiiliin tin time preseriliud bv vhy said letters of dismission should not lie granted. nmlct otliet 1*2 tim DDL (HiOBHiilA, >c*\Yloii County. U / 11 FRF\S Simeon Duneaii applies to me for lettersof Administration ou tin* estate of Willis Duncan late of said i onnty, de< eased *. These are therefore to cite, and ndmonisliall and singu lar the kindred aud ereditors ol said deceased .to heaudap- pear at m v olliee within the t ime prescribed bv In" to show cause,it any they have, why said letter) should no tin* grunt ed ider my hand ut office, this 19th day of Feb. WM, IT LUCKIE. c.c.o. Sn|H*ii»r CmtH ol B'.iUlwiti County, s/:rri:Miu:u tiuim, isib. IRBY HUDSON, 4 vs • A* ( J./j MSI for foreclosure. THOMAS MOSELEY. ) Filin'. lVtitiou nl l rby 11 udsi n.our of tho Guardians of Dn* I vid M'iiiU,u Lunatic nfl'iitnain enmity, shewctli that Thomas Mnselv, of the countv of Greene, auil Stale of Gt*or gin. on lln* Mill day ofOeiolmr, eiglileen hundred ami forty- tw n, made and deliv cred bis i ertuin deed nf Alortgnge, wliore- hy.fot llio bettor securing tbe pay incut of a promissory note made on the eleventh day of October, eighteen hundred und (nrty-twn, payable ou <:r before tho sixteenth day of October m xt alter the date of said note, tn Irby 11 iidsnn, guardian as ulmesiiid, or hear- r, lor the sum nt tw n thousand two hundred ami sixty -nine dollarsN filtynim* cents, for value received—ihe stud Thomas Moseley mortgaged unto the said Irby Hudson, guardian as afoiesaid, bis heirs and assigns, all tliat tract or pan el nf land situate, ly ing, and being in the county nf Raid- win and Stale atnrisaid, eoulaitiiiig twelve (intuited acres, moie «»r less, and adjidniug lauds of Giuiet, Hill and Hum ph iies,with all tbe rights, mcinlx is and appurtenances to tlu- saine in any w i-e uppertaiiiiug nr belonging. Ai.d your peti tioner fut-tiier shows that the principal and interest on said ptomi-*'nrv note is yet unpaid. \ our petuinner therefore pray s tin*.I a Rule Nisi he granted, requiring the said Thomas Al nri 1 y to liny intu tins (.’ourt, on or before the next Term, tie principal and interest due on said prnmissorv note, or for ever ln-e bis equity nf redemption iu and to said mortgaged premise . Ami vour "ctiiimn-v "ill ever prav, Ne. wingfifld *v. Gordon, •Sept. 2Gllt, told. Whereupon it is ordered by tin nselv dn p iy tin* prim’iput and i- h.’ln * the Mo- equity nt' redemption in tbe er burred and fnreelost d ; sen ed on the said Tliotmo published in one of the public mouth fur four mouths lief A true No I’ctiiioner's Attorney 9. nrt. that the said Tiiotnas est due oil said prouiis- '• rm of this Court, or that bis mottgaged premises be forev- lint a copy of this rule lie eley ill terms of the law, or a/.eties of this State once a e next Term of this Court, i the ininutes of Baldw iu SuperiorCourt, Aujtcc lo IH'Htoi s si it cl ( iTdilors. V I.I. persmiH having demands against the estate of James Noble, late ol Telfair count'.deceased, will pb use pre sent them iu terms of law ; and those indebted to said estate will please settle them immediately, or they " ill find llioir ac counts in (lie hands of an A ttm tiov. ELIJAH WELLS, Adm’r. Telfair county, Feb. 10th, 1844. 22 Gt Notice to Boblots atul Creditors. \ I.L persons indebted to tin* estate ot David B. Hill, lute ol . Baldwin enmity,deeen-ed, me hereby required to make iniim diate pay meut; and huv ing demands against said estate, are n f|iiin il to present them duly authenticated within the lime prescribed bv luw. ELI G. HILL, l . . , T. A.UODW IX. \ rs - MATILDA 11.LI.. A«!ii'"x. Mart'llISlh.lBO. IM fii TO .IIAC'SIINJ^TS AND MANUFACTURERS. I OSIN IUM.VKTV i< preparing for Ihe I’icss n coin- • I plete, eouipiehensivn system nf Colton-sniiiuiiig, from No. 5 to -lUft, under the four following heads, vi/.: 1st. .Hill Hearing, &'c. Revolution of Shafts, per minute. Revolution Beater at Biuwing Machine, |>er minute. Revidutioti of .Main (Jy liuder of Carding Engine pur minute Kevulution of Counter Shaft, per ininute. 'ill. .Hixing Cottons. Obsci VUtlOllP. ltd. .llac/iincri/. ObservtiliniiH uml rules for Working, Speeds, &e, \\ iilow und particulars. Blowing Machine *• Lap Maebine “ ('aiding Engine und Observations. Speed* inteimediate, and total Draughts. I’urtii iilnrs of a ('aiding Engine. Drawing Frame,Speeds, intermediate and total Draughts. I’ailienlars of Drawing 1'iaine. Slilting Frame. Roving Frame, Observations on Fine and ('oarse. Thnotb-s, and Observations nil Goer’s Patent Throstle. Hand Al tile. Hand Mule and Self Acting .contrasted. Hank, m proportion of bank, in each and every operation, from the Spinning to the Lap .Machine. Loss in working Cotton. Table ol M iltipliers, lor ascertaining the loss in any given length or weight. W heels inquired to produce any given Draught. *Ye. Rules and examples for changing light to heavy Gcuriug, or heavy to light. Picks, per inch for any given fabric. Table.,1 Reeds. Are. Pniiicultirs of a Power-Loom, with observations on the Eng lish Patent Sizing Machine. till, itimarks on Cotton .Sitinning. JOHN HAGAKTYlins been raised to the business from a very early age. and lias lor many yeurs supeiintended some of tbe principal Factories iu Europe, aud lias visited all the Cotton Factories and Mat hineSImps at the North. The work w ill be tlm production ofpiactical experience, ob servation, conversation for mutual information, und good calculation. (irevnviHc, »V. C. t March, 12,1814. 21 2t (LT’Tlic Augusta Chronicle A Sentinel, Milledgcvillc Jour nal, Charleston Courier, Columbia Carolimiu, Raleigh Reg ister, uml Salisbury Watt liinuti, will give the above two inser tions each, and forwartl their accounts to this Olliee for pay ment.— t Seer nr ill c Mountaineer. BOOKS! IIOOliM !! Just Received, and as Cheap as one could ask, Ihe following publications, viz. rp 11 F Life of Jack of tho-AIill. J 'i’lie (•ruinhlcr. The (’lay Minstrels. Mysteries of Paris. House Keeping made easy. The Complete Cook. French without a Master. Ladies Science of Etiquette. Joe Conwell’s Life—a Comedian. 11 eland, Dublin,the Shutioii, Limerick, Cork and the Kil kenny Races. Arabella Stewart. Hi story of tin* Jews. Milford l.ovel. The Jewel. Whig Almanac, life of John Randolph, Every Day Life, by Mrs. Hit nice. Matilda—by Eugene Enc. Therese Duonquero. Life of Andrew Jackson. Life of Henry Clay. Life ut John C.Calhoun. These works have been printed upon the cheapest plan, nnd can he hnd for about ouc*i*ighlh the price of sueli public,i- ti .ns a few years since. M. F. EDWARDS. Mill. <! ev ille, March p*. u-l tf I.of of I.siikI For SijiU*. T Ol No. 9ii8, in tbe lUtli di-ti let of Paulding countv, ran X-i he pnreliased low for cash, by application at tliisoHiee Jan. 23, 1811. 17 tf In Hancock Superior ( Pkesknt, His Honor, ( Robert S. Sayre, Compin') air/, Ocloher Term, lsl.’l, • vtt.NKTT Andrews, J udgo. B. I Sv Iv aim- Walker an Irby 11 mlsoii, Admn j ) in Equity. this t the deb iiduut James B. Kccsc resides out of llii- Stale—It is (h'tlerrd. That said defendnnt appear and answer the alle gation*. of Complainant’s bill iu lour iiioullis,nr that the bill he taken ns confessed by him; and dial a copy ol this order published in t|ie Georgia Journal, once a mouth, for four niiths ; this t, A true extract from ihe minutes oflluncock SuperiorCourt this Mill day of October, 181». 18 iu4m * TUTTLE 11. ADDAS, Clerk. 4* IORGIA, \\ 11 Li si vo si <oi(llty. COURT or ()RI)1\ARY. January Term, IS 11. Present—Their Honors Sam 1 . Beall, Jesse Peacock, J lhro Dean, James Jl. Fountain, Merrick Etheridge, 'Justices. \%7*1IERE.\S Charles 11. Rnnders petitions this Court in f ▼ teims ( f the law te direct Alartlin Cliamhers, Adminis- trulrix on the estate of I lenry ('handlers, late ofsuid county, deceased, to make tiilc-s to him, the said Sar ders, to lot of laud No. 88i), in the 9i h disti i,-t nl Newton rotintv. according toil bond oroldigaiinn entered into by the suid Henry ('liumbers, dece ised. in hi.- life time, w illi the nloiesaid ( luirlrs II. San ders; " liieli Imiid lia- •••*<*ii a-sig ue I h v said Cliamhers to said Sanders, w ho is now the holder thereof. It is therefore uiderril by the Court, that all parsons inter ested do file or make km.w u tli**ir "hjcrtiniis, (ifany they have) in the office ofthe Cleik ol the Couii ol Ouliiinry ol Wilkin son eouniv, to the grunting of the application of the said Cliailes IL Sunders witliiii three mouths after the pushing this older. A ml it is further ordered hv the ('ourt, that this order he published for thine moinlis iu one of the public enxnttesiii this Slate in trims * f the law in •licit e.-i-o made and provided. A true extract from the minutes of Court, as of record iu mv office, this 4th January, DDL 16 8tu * AUQ.B.RAIFORD, Clerk Telftoir Sheriff's sui<*s. rp HE puldieation of llm Sheriff’s Sales of TI'LEWR I Countv " ill be continued in the GEOlUil \ JOUUWL. Mutch 18, It'll. 81 WM. ELLIS,Sh. riff. NOTICE. T IIFRI-.BA forewarn all persons from trading or trafficking J. 'villi u.y wile I'u lacy, as she has loft my hod and butt ru, and will not return. I will not ho liable far any of her con tracts or transactions iu any shape w liile absent. ’ JOHN Al. JONES. I pson county, 14th Feb. 1844, 22 Ot Dr.X.n. "LLCII, Dclllist, All!.I.KD(JR VILLE, tin. r JLSI'M II I 1.1,1 infuniiH llie cili/t'ii. ul 1lilln'I|,pville *' Alemhers ot the l.i gislatiirc, and visjioia to the citv dm ing tlm session, Hint he is piepared to nit* im! to tile duties of bis pmfassion, nnd ninv at all i ours of the dav he seen at the store of Air. Edwards. His terms will he liberal. Oct.31, 1843. 5 «f '■’lie riiilofokt'ii, or “1-Vnisilc Friend.” i III-, efficacy of this remedy iu correcting and removing those derangements to which the Fe in il- system,in every condition, is so tie uliuilv liable,renders it well Worthy ot* tho attention of tho l.ttdics. The I'liilotokcn is strictly ii vegetable remedy, prepared from roots, that act in unison with nature; and its happy ct- lects are host attested by the warm roiuiiieiiduiion ol living witnesses—those who have given ii a lair tiial, ami v bo speak ir.mi experience. To the pale cheek und languid eve, it brings the bloom of Imaltli; to the restless nights and vv ea- lismne d vs oft lie nervous and debilitated, and to tbe • uffei- ing, anxiety, and danger, fi * qm-ntly attendant upon tin* lives v>t ceitain t brines sure relit t. coniforl and protteiiou; and to those who are pining iu drenrv loneli ness unblessed with offspring, the use of this ri rnedv .judging from the joyful experience of others, in such cu«es juo- niises the most encouraging hopes. For particulars, see pamphlets, to be bad gratis. Q J* Suid at 1,51) per bottle, by S. BFGGS, Milledgeville. and at the principal Drug Stores* in Augusia, Sav annuli, nnd niwu-l.'Bton. 50 if topi. 12. A liiiiil«*«l ro|>ai iii(>i*s|iip in the ihik - „ lice of Lnw. rp II I*, undersigned vv ill prur lise Law in connexion only in I the counties ol Baldw iu, Jones, Jasper, I'litiiutu, Jluu- eoi-lc, ami Washingion. IVERSON L. HARRIS will praetice as iiprefofbre in the ('irruil (’ourtof the United Sluteg—as also iu the Superior Courts nl tlie counties of Wilkinson,I aurens.Tw iggs.l’iihis ki and Bihli. IVERSON I.. II ARRIS, Fob. 1,1849. 90 If BEATON Q. DAY. Sii|M*rioi* I'oolh Powdffi D OCTOR JNO. II. WRIGHTS White nnd Rose Tooth Row derm iv In- found at the Drug Stores of Dr. LITTLE in Milled** evil le .. ml H A U V F Y SilO’l WELL, in Mai on. Brice 90 cents per box. 83 tf rpilF Subscriber bus now commenced receiving hisS rpiiF. S 1 siipp . New-A ork and Boston Aluiki ts vv j|h i supply of Goods. They liuve h 5ft be sold at Ins usual low pl'in s. 30 pieces Bombazine, 2ft *‘ Foulard Silk, 10 “ Striped Fg’d do. G2J a 5 “ Fig’ddo. f>7 4 a 1,85 1 1(1 “ Blk(irode Nap, 87j a 1,0) 5 “ IV tlo l.oie, 1,00 a I.E.’j 5 “ White Watered do. l,ftl) 3 “ “ Satin 1,00 a 1,85 50 “ FrenchUnnibricka J 0 - and Alu.-lins, y *” * ‘ 2 2ft “ Aloiirning do do 2/ u 50 1-: a 11st on Ginghams, 50 cents per yard. Che Muslin do Check do Blk and White do i Furniture Dimity, i Clu ck Uombriek, i I'luin do i. Jac Cnmhric Aloslin!*, I Striped Swiss Muslins, Swiss do f Mull . do Nausook, Eng. Calicoes, American 1'riuts, Irish Linens, Long Lawn, Linen Camhrick, Bleached Long Cloth, 8 i l-l Brown Homespun, \) i (>8j i 183 ; 37j , 50 i 2,00 i 3 1 A pro do do i Cheeks, er’s Snipes, Bed Ticking, 12* i 18$ 371 “ 5ft •« 37 j •* 1,85 ' 1.50 • 1,85 « 181 « 1.00 1 1,00 • 18). ' 12* “ 50 '• Blue Dulls uml Alex- icon Alixtures, 20 a 25 “ « Thread and Lisle Lace. Camhrick and S"iss Trimminri Silk mid Kid Gloves.Luce nnd Silk Aliits, Minis eye Diaper Russia and English dn., Fuuty lidkfs., Silk .SliuvvIs* Fancy Silk 'J'ies, &c.,«Scc. 13. W. BA.MROI T, Milledgcvillc, March 12,1844. 81 tf READY MADE "IT AND GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORE, “ l r p Stairs, 11 Next Door to the Post Office. $20 III) n $-2*?,<10 CiiHsimerc i'nnts, Salt int’t do 200 pairs Linen do. 800 l.i hell Coats and Coatees 50 “ Hunting Coats, 25(liiighum do do (damaged) 200 Light und Dark Vests, 5ft : do 50 Silk Blk nml coloured Kid Gloves, Silk mid Linen do Satin and Bombazine Stocks, Satin, Silk ao«l Gingham Ties, Bv run Collars, Shirts, Linen Drills, Drap de Fie, Napoli big. Cloths and CaHsinieres, Fine B Milledgcvillc, March 12,1814. Jii.nn a 16,(0 «; (Mi a t>,00 2.50 n 3,50 1.25 a 3,50 8,UU a 3,50 3,50 1,25 1,00 a 3.00 3,511 a 5,00 3,50 a 4,00 37 a 1.50 1.00 a 2,00 31 n 37 1 .IM) a 2,50 on ('loth, French and aver lints, *Vc. Ac. Ate. F. SV. BANCROFT. 24 tf LOOK AT THIS BEFORE VOU GO FURTHER!. Just Itcciviu^, BY A, di I. LEON, V IM he Branch Depot of the New-York Dry Goods and Clothing Store, a fine assortment of nml Siimm<*r Dry Goods, suitable for Ladies aud Gentlemen, consisting of Cnlicoei, I*» im* of all descriptions, Cloths, Flint v Cashmeres, u large stock of REA b V MADE l. LO Jill Mi. (JEXVLEMEA'S HOOTS SHOES, HATS, CAPS, LADIES' SHOES, i$*e. all ofvvhich w ill be s<dd at t)ie lowest cash prices. One of the firm being in New York all the. time,tbe Good* received at the Branch Depot tire selected with care mill upon the must favorable terms; consequently we can sell iis pood, ii* lino, as durable ami as cheap, it not ci!KA) , Y:lt, (foods th in can he iuirchus*d at anv other establishment ul the South. All that "cask is,for Ladies and Gentlemen to call nml exumine for themselves. It will cost them nothing, und w e shall In* glad to see them. N. B. Clothing cutout with nentness and despatch,at the BRA yen DEPOT, A EXT DOOR TO THE STATE BANK. A)illedgeville, Feb. 13,1844. 20 Gt NEW SPRING GOODS! AT H'ceaiioi''’*. rplIK iiMili-rKinmd lins Tills Day commenced receiv- Ui» Spi-iiiB Stuck of Fimr.y nnd Mn- l>IDry 4-ooHs, direct from New York, wliieli lie will dispose of on more liberal forms limn anv house iliis side of Now York. Dj rieti§c to esill and rxnminc* Milletlgaville, March 12, 1844. IBIIN TDEAA’OKs 84 If Special Division Orders. HEAD QUARTERS, 3d Div. C. M. ? . Milledgeville, March 11, 1044. ) N Flection will he held on the 5th dav of A pi il next, at the Company Room of the “.Metropolitan Greys/’aflach- oil to siiid Uivision, (or First nnd Second Lieutenants, und Ensign—First l.ieutennnt, S. 'J*. Beecher, promoted—Second Lie ii tenant, F. II. Sanford, and J. II. Brown, Fmsi>u> resign ed. The Flection vv ill he superintended hv John R. Anderson, John W. L. Daniel, and John J .Mitchell.* By cotiiinaiid of .Major General J. W. A.Svnfi rd. 21 4t NA THAN AlcGFHFF, Aid-de-camp. JOHN LrSTEPHENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ilmuiltuu, Harris County, (ieo. Nov. Uth 1848. 7 52t WM. SA NFORD NORMAIY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, " iilthoiirvillo, l.ilx'i ty roiiuti , (■••oi' Offers his I’rojessional services tu the R'd.hc. U.'L-.ia,nm. ii if " IM.l ltl G. DAVIES, A TTOJCN El ATI.A", CutlilM'rt, IC n ,kli eon ii l y, (Oi. W-II.L PliACTItfR IN XIIK COUUTS OF THK COUNTIF* or Ramtutph, Ihrulur, Sumter, Ice, Kurty, aud Ilaker Ihudy, Maa.n, of the Huuthwestern, amt Stewart, of the Chattahoochee Circuit. IXAll business confided to Jiini shall meet with th® most nrompl attention. Iunr '2, 1842. " m . VV . I» A I N 1!. ATTORNKV AT l.A VV. Jacks. Nrn.Li:, Telfair County, G®. July 1.1.18(3, if M II.EIA'I Ii. I)F(jRAFI'ENRIMl). ATTOltNEY AT LAW. nittkoly, Early Comity. Oco. Ui.mii .M r... — lion. Seaborn Jonts, ll n. II • I ■ t/nite, Hun. A. htrson, lion. Joseph Stur^i., John Schley und llrnru I, Denning, Eton. J.n.a, b ‘ II If