The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, November 05, 1844, Image 4

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uniRjrirr v * \ fiiM. Witkluion Shci tlf ’iNnli*. W II.I lw sold on tin drat Tumi!*; in DECEMBER next HI UioOour -hmi«e door m the town of Itwinlun, \\’i|. k.ivson county, within lli« usual hour* of m.e, ihu following property ,|o wit: Threw hundrnd ucree ol land tutor or less, know u ne tlm Pnitiw pUee, lyinu iu tl»»* twenty third District of Wilkinson « oaaly, omoUrr it-t known, adjoining lamia ol Anderson In* gram und others, one waggon uni li tunas nnd one grev mule, snvrn stacks of fodder, one hundred and lilt \ bushels ol t orn, more or I***, twenty Iteiol of lings ; -ill Im led on os th • proper ty of Joseph B. Paine,In e.Uisly o-a- exetoiion issued from I ho Hupwrior Omit t of said county in fivorufJeliu Duverson vs. Joseph li. l*u i lie. Two bombed two and a linlfaeres of laud well improved, lyini in the third distriel ol Wilkin-mu, adjoining lauds ol .Mu* rv llieks mil otheis, whereon Alexander Pasmoi* now lives; levied nu us the property »f Alexander Pasmore, to satisfy on * Kfii'ilion in favor ul ^Italian, lieull vV lie) Holds ; issued from ills Superior rouil of saol eonutv. Til re* hundred acres of Pine I.uml, well improved, lying ill lit* twenty- third district of Wilkinson number not known, ud- Joining lain!* of \h»al«m Jordan and others, known ns (he Jo* sepl* Kales place, levied on ms the propel t\ of Joseph Itules to satisfy tin execution in favor of John I'. W tight, issued from the Superior Court ol snnl county vs Joseph Itules. Also,at the same time and place • one lulfol u house nnd lot in the town of Irw-iuimi, cutiitiitiiog one ttcie, more or less wall improved, whereon ftamuH J. Kush now lives; levied on as the property of A"gu-*tus Id. Kniford, to saiisK .. 1 fi tu issued from Justice Court in favor of Mary llieks vs Samuel J. Husband Augustus I! Kaiford, security. Levy made uml returned to me by a Constable. Alao, at the same time and plaee ; 101J acres «f pine laud well improved, lying in the third district of Wilkinson county, number mu Known, whereon Daniel Skiprrmav lives, levied on as the property of Daniel Skiper, to satisfy four fi fas issu ed from a J u*>tice Court, in favor of Samuel lieull and others, vs Daniel Skiper and Thomas Jackson, security, now control!* ed hy the security, l.evy made uml returned to me by 11 Can* ■table. Also, at the sum* time nud place; 2021 acres of pine laud, lying iu the twenty sixth district, number not know n, where- on Daniel Spearse formerly lived, levied mi as the pinpcitv of Lewis Spearso to «atisfv sundry fl fas in favor of Shulimi Henll ami Keynoids and others’, issued irom th * Superior Court of s li t enmity, vs Lewis dpourso. Property pointed out bv Plaintiff* Attorney. At the same time and nlnce; 202J acres pine land, whereon John Kemp now lives, lying in the third Distiict, number not known, adj doing land of John Evers ami others, levied on as the properly of John Kemp to satisfy one execution in favor of Richard Rue, casual Ej’.otnr and John Kemp tenant in pos session. WALTER W. BEALL, Sheriff. October 29,1811. 5 ids October 2d, 18I I. S. I>. M I’ll PI IV, I). She. iff. id lifty Iristmls One liundr. d on as II10 pinperty of oh.iJu'i nued from (.Viwfnd I life s ior * *« Irving, pro,.ei jy pomte.d out by • l '• lieu \ v it'd •n Ocf.-jj, i j;t. tils EWELL WKM it, I). W tMwfonl Sheriil' Sal*’*. I? ILL he sold bi-turn tlm I'utirl-li cue door in the low n of K i ixviile, Crawford countv, 011 tlm first I'm-day in MOVE d1 IKK next, within the usual Inins of sale, ilia fid- lowing properly, to wit: One h 1:1 of J) acres of Laud, together with It»1 f the gri*t mill which stands on said :)0 acres of iuml; tilsn, 20 acres of land, on wliie'.i B«uj. IL II ito iiAn now lives; all of sai l Ian.I a p n tot \ ». tild, hi i?i* litli district of originally I In-iumi, now Cr iw l .nl, all levied 011 us tile property ol It It. Itatemaii to satisfy four :i ms from a justice's court ol Crawford comi ty In favor of 11. It I'rnai n in. vs. II It. Ilatom an, and lluidv Kav. Property polotH l out by said llaiei id returned to October 1,131 J. stable JAMli.S BRKLA.\l>,Slic,ur. I td*. tPiaufiml BK»c« .Ylorlguift; ^Jicrifl rt;tlrs. m %/i .1. he sold ou tlm first tnesduv 111 DECK M v v 'i'*vt, 0 -loro tUtt Cuurl-h »t*se door i , tho town .1 Knox* .vile. Cnwf.ird county, within tlm n .m nniia oi ...e, dm following property,to wit: Bight negroes named, Ahrniu. a man .Vi years ol 1, Mmii.n woinuu -lil ye.ns ol I. Lean ler, u liny id v can old, Peggy, a g;rl 11 1 vcui■ old. lutIt 1 utv,it buy 8 years old, Ciearo, .i boy *) years old, Juno, a girl 1 years old, llainnh, a cul otto yi-ar .old, all I vi. d on as 1 • property of E. \V. Dennis; to satisfy one tnurignje rt.fa.i i favor of l-a u- Dennis, vs. C. W. Den nis. Prope iv p.iiuteii out in said ii fa. l ids __ 1 JAMBS BEELANP,Sheriff* JluiltifOnioi'y hhvviil Sail's. W ILL he sold before the Court-hoiisedoor at M t. Vernon M :'io.iierv Comity,011 tlm hist Tuesday in NOV* E M HP. I next, within tlm usual hours uf sale tlm follow iug 4»roi»citv, to w it: Two lots of pine laud, lying in tie 11 th District, nnd known by No. 5J * mi <1 containing two hundred, two nnd n Itulfncre* ,each, ly ntg on 11. ■* . iters ol Alligator ere.k; also, tlm crop grawmg 011 s lid J mil;—l.-vied on as the properly of John Me Hue, t 1 suli.-tv one ti. 1.1. issued front a J notice's Court, held u. i'»,j t. Clark’s liisf., in favor of 11 «* 111 v ftrarlmrougli, vs. Joint McRae nod \\ illiam Joyce; properly pointed out hv Will nun Jo\ce. Levy made uml returned tu urn hv a hail ill’. J. M. IVALL,'Sheriff. () •!.,!,. 1 1, l,i 11. | Telfair November HlaerifPa suh*. W ILL he sold mi ilm firm 'I'liestlay in November next, be fore the Cnurt-Uiiiisp door in the town of Jacksonville, Telfair county.within the lcgul hours ol sale, the following property, to wit: Lot of land No. 185, in the seventh District of oiigiuslly Wilkinson, now Teilnir cnuutv, levied on ns the propci 1 v til Wafliingtou Rogers, to satisfy a ti fa in favor ol D. McMil lan and L. (julhruili vs said Rogers. Levy made and returned to me hv constable. ARCH’D McDUFFIE, Dept.Sir iiff. Hept. 3,1844, 60 Toiflilr llOvenber Slieria'*s suit*. \\? II.Lbtf sobl on tlm lirsi Tuesday iuNOVKMHKK next, v v h d't.ra the Courl-hoiiMO dnoi iu the town ol JiicUkoii* ville, Tciluii county, «it biu tbe legal boui»ol »alc,lli** fol lowing property , til wit ; A tlftgru iiiuii iitiiiiod Mases, levied 011 tu satisfy vix small executions iu favor of Hiram Roberts, b -Hier,v n . W ashing* tun Kogors. itiid KcmuJli McLennan, endorser. Luts nfluiud Nos. I'JJ, Ihl.aud a nari ot 2d?, 20 «rie». of said lot in the uoithea*t corner ofsuiii Jut excepted, No. 2'Jb, containing 20JJ acres each; also, two fractious, No. H’9 and 190. ecu I ait.: 11 g 20(1 acie^, all I \ iug in the 7th District oforig- inully Wilki.iMii , now Tdluir con .1 ; a.I levied 011 as tlm pmi'iiiy ol i'eter M< trtltur, to s-40 ty iw«> li fun ivsoed from m Jusiice's I’miii in fa/ur ut IJnaiu Kohcris vs Slcpliui lluh bard,no I Peter Me \ rtliur, aeeurity. All levied mi nud returned to nmliv 0 ron«t«lils. ARCH ill \LD McDUFFIE, I) Sheriff. HnpUnihii 9, IB44« SI t *ij4m* Oeoambor •b9iiir , 9 suit*. W/II.L*. -sol I on the lir-t I Ue*f|«> ill DrrKMUMi next, at \ V the Cto'irr-hniiMc d.mi 4ii the town ol Jacksonville, Tel fair rienilv, ** Idiio «b<' le/al hour*, ul svle.tim fdluwing prup- W4t « . to w ii • Ou-’ b'a.-k li«»rse.four veors* old. levied »11 ns the property *»f J.dtll I I ■ 11*11"». tn satisfy various execuliuus Iron l Jllsticn's Court of the «Phh t»isi <•. fivurol loliu Muuney ami ngainst said Fletcher and Daniel MeCrainn. Propeity pnin- (rd nut by Win. Hfudstill.Juit. AIU’II'D McDL’FI- IL, Deputy Hlienff., IHM. 4 e AfM\ SlllWLS of every variety nffeinl for coal at 1,UUU BANCUOIT’S. lilltilvcLillrCkt '*0, 1*44 r o Butts December 8herir« Snle. %\II.L bo sold uu Urn Aral Tu satiny In DKCKMRK.R v T next, before (lie Court-house door to tlm Town ol Jackson, Butts county, within the legal hour* of ante, the following property, to wit : The Oast half ot lot ol Land No. eevanlytwo in th« fourth District ol originally Monroe now Butts county, levied on us the properly of Andrew Tenant, to antialy sundry ti fna from a Justices Court of said county in favor of W'tllium F. iMnpp Te and otliers,vs. said Amliew Tenant. Levied on nud relumed i tic by John II. Moure, constable, Oi.t. 39,1844. ' O. H. P. McCLENDKN, D.Blierift A«lmlnlsli*iktor*H 8nle. W ILL bu aold, ut ton residence ol liis subscriber, in New tun county, ou Tuesday, the 1'Jlli duy of November next,tlm perisbubie property belonging to the estate of Zac* clivus A. Middlebrooks aud consist mg of one burao, cattle, houMehold mad kitch iu furniture, 4cc. Tarma made known oa tlm day. ZEliE MlDDLEBROUK, Adtnr. October I. 1844. 1 ids. Administrator’* Sale* A OllEEAUf.k to uu mcei ol the iluuoiable the Inferior Court ofNew tun county, when sitting aa a Court ol Urdiunry, will bo aold ill the town of Covington, in said coun ty, before the Court House dour, ou the Hist Tuesday iu No vember next, the lot of laud wimreon Nimrod sMiepiiard lived at the time of his death, joining lauds of Bit Uoiiueil amt oth ers,iu said county. riold lor tlm benefit ol the hctiMuid cied- itora. Terina on the day ol sale. JUSBPH HOLL1NU8WGBTH, Adm’r. FRANCES rSHi.PH.-iRD, Adiu’x. New ton county, August 27ih, 1044. 49 td Bud* Foilpomul Slicrill’s Kale. W ILL he sold on tlm first Tuesday in December next, be fore the Court-house door in tlm town of Jackson, It nils County, within the usual hours of sale, the following proper ty, to w it: Lot of laud No. 5, in the second District of originally Hen- i v,now Ituitscounty; ulso. lot oMuml number eight,v-two,in ilm third District ol originally Monroe, now Butts county ; levied on ■»• the propeity of Thomas Foster, to satisfy one d la from Hulls Inferior Court iu fuvor of John 11. Lowe Thomas Foster. Also, the east half of lot of land number seventeen, and the west half'll hit of hind number eighteen, it lid the north half of ill,, other li«i If of said lot number eighteen, making in all two hitmiicd an.t fitly ueies, ami lying in said county of Butts ; levied on ms ihe propeity uf Vi'lvcnton Thuxton, to ratisfy a ! ii l.i from Butts Superior Court ill favor of William F. Mupp J uctu ol land round it. Tho land given to Cluyton academy, . Tclvei.toii Thuxion, Samuel W.Tbuxtou, and (jroeu C. j nud tlm privileges aold ua tho property of Win. Cleuvelutid, Executor's sale. W ILL be sold at the Court house, iu tlm town of Knox ville, Crawford county, on the first Tuesduy in DE CEMBER next, by au order of (lie honorable lufertoiir court ol Kuid county, when aiding as a Court oi Ordmury, three hun dred three aud three quuner ucrea (3U3 1} of laud, No. lo2, 1st disi. formerly Houston, now Crawfotd ; south Imi; No. KH •” the same dial., with two reserves, the Cm house and otic Wilkinson O^rember slii'i ifl ’s .Sale. W ILL ho sold ha fore the Court-house door iu the town of lr v i'ltun, Wilkinson county, on the first Tue«dav in DECKMHER next, within the usual hoursofsnle, tlm luf lowing proper!v to wit, One ol u k in ire mi I colt, and one bay mare about seven years old, I »i ’ l ou a- the property Colson Sanders to satisfy one execution in favor of lloheit \v. Lad vs Col-<.n Sanders, iistted f u u Hi • Superior Court of said couniv. Property pointed h - iid b inders. S. 1$. ML'RPII V, Sheriff. Oct 3. 2 » isi:>.r» » m bVilkieist»ii Bcccmlicr ^iicriffS Sales, \\nLL he. sold at the Court house dmu in the town of lr- VV wiiitnn,i"i thefir-'t Timed.i y in DE‘’E ‘1 ItER next be tween the usual hour.* of -ale, the following properly, to wit: Five, him Ii' «l acres .., mine or ms-s, m u improved where.ui \ u: si- A. (’tillms, now occupies, ly iug in the third district t vVilkinsm c-nmiv, n im'icr nut k'iuwii, adjoining lands of di-i.-ii P udk. lillis I Ian ill. uml olio rs ; one negro boy J ini, u'.ioul ‘J vears of age, one buy named .'him. age 6 years, on - t» *y ehiid iI *:iiy. G months old, one. negro mail named Gilbert. 28 years of ago, one negro woman, named Fan- nvnbuiii -*'i »i-jis ofng '.one negio woinuu named Sin .li ahoui I'j years of age; 2*i l»e-ul of hogs, one yoke of oxen* and cart, one sorrel h .r e. 7 or ll y ears old, one brown ox, one hla< k row, 200 huslids of uunt more or less, fifiren ihousauna pounds of sned »olton, more or less, eight or ten lliotisami pounds oL«*eed enttun, inure or less iu the patch, om lot ol plantation tools, an I o m grind stone; ail levied upon ns the property of Augustus A. Cullins, to satisfy ouu execution iu favor ol Or.m Davis, A iminisiralnr, ami Nancy Pittumii, ad ministratrix, oi Bin kuer Piitmnu, deceased. v t 'nllius, Beall and Bush, issue,! fount the Superior Court ol raid county ; returnable »•» \prtl court, 1315; properly pointed out hy Green B. Buiny, tmf l*iiln:i Ui*C(‘iii1k*t Nhei'ilTS Snlf*ti. W ILL In sold, on the first Tuesday in DRCRM BBK next, before the court Imiisn door, in the town td Eatotilou, Putnam count v. tlm following property, to ivii: Sixty acres )an I adjoining Alf.ud and otheis, levied on as the propeity of Jon.itli.m 'Thomas to sutibfy a li la on tin* fine- closure' of a mortgngo in fuvor of Simon Holt, assignee vs. Jonathan Thomas. One. fine hlonded Slallnu (Iliurer) levied on as tho piopeily of TIios.G . S uii'n-d tu satisfy u d •• • • of tlm iperior t ’owi t iu f ivor of Join Tartar,ad.uinistra'. of John C Good tier’d vs Til M.O. :f JAS. V. M A PPIN, Sheriff. November 29, 1841* 5 tils Putnam DecemberSlierilF’NSalt's. W ILL bn sold ou ill-first Pit-sdav In DECK M BBR next before tlic Cmirt Iioumu door, in the town of Batontoii, Putnam county,tlte fidlo'viug wit: One negro man named Davit! ah.oil G| years old, one yoke oxen, one ox carl, I head stock caille,one grey horse, one hay mare,levied on as the propmiy of John ll.iwk to satisfyti ti fa in favor d't'.ttiinrin>‘ Patrick, if John Hawk, nud Henry Morion, udiiiiiii- tratur of Win. NX iilinius, dee’.', 209 acres land ndj lining John II. t*lark ai d other*, 1-15 do adjoining M. Kendrick ami others, 7'JJ do ndjoining K< l»«*rt Young aud others, levied ou as th.* property ofl*. J. Mollins tusitisfv two !i fas one from Julies 1 uteri r Court in favor of Thus Moiigliou vs P easant J Mullins nml D.uid l.estei, oue fr«*ni P'llnum Inferior Court in lav or of Jacob Ketuhiu* and ntlinr* v.» Jas. Dismekes and 1*. J. Mullins. 202 1-2 acres Imi I adj iuiog Lott Hearn mil others, levied on as the property of Alfred Franklin in sn'i-fv a mortgage fi fa in favor oi Robert iLihv and *se-ib iru Re ol \ s \ Hied Ti auk* liu W.T. .SAMMONS. D. .Sheriff. Oct.29,1811. Olds. Crskw;\>j\l OfCCiiitier slicrill’s fiaitvs. . ^ ILL u • sold before the Court lioiise tlo r i.t I.. ■ town > V of Ku ixville, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next within the usual hours of sole, the loiiuwing proju'riy, to wit; Thuxion. I dcu’d. ‘j'criun on the dn O. II. P. M’CLENDON, Dep. Sheriff. Oct.22, DHL 4 tils i ABSALOM C. ULEAVBLAND, j October 1,1814. Ware November Sheriff’** bales. 1 ——— \T7ll.L be sold before the Court-house door in the town of \ V Wuresboro’, Ware county, on the first 'Tuesday iu NO VEMBER next, w ithin the usual bouts of sale tho following property, to wit t One lilt nf laud. No. 518 iu the filth district of originally Ap pling now Ware county, with a small improvement oil aaid lot, containing four hundred and ninety acres, more or less; levied on as ilm property of Jam# s Waiters to satisfy Iwofi fas issued Irom a Justicea’ Court id the 451 district of said county, one in favor of William Mellnaig vs. said Warfare, the other in favor of George Rick vs. suit! Wurtere; Levy made and returned to me bv a constable .MILES J. GUEST, Sheriff. October 15,1811. day. WASHINGTON C. CLEAVELAND, J , *1 I.' A VIC.I A Ml ; Lx 1 £2xecii(oi'»’ bale. / to uu mdur of the Inlerii . kitisou county, while sitting fur ordinary purp.i* be cold before the Uouit-liuusn uiior iu the town m l.wmtuii, on tiie fit at Tuesday iu November next, Hie laud liehni^mg in ilia estate of Richard Whitaker, lute ol said county, iteceus- ed. Terms made known on the duy. NATHANIEL WHi TAKER, J - ru IIUUSO.N, 5 l-Xf-LUlnr.. WUkiuioii county,ctept. t!, IBU. 60 iDXIftlim lOliS* SALES. Atliiiinislraloi 'k Ktilr. fTMIKH AX' O K l> It ii ol ilu- rutile Interior i./ Court ol Telfair County, will bi* sold before the Court House door in the town of Jacksonville, 'Telfair county on the First Tuesday in January next, within the usual hours of sale the following properly to wit: Lots of laud No’s Gl,GO, 58, and 21, in the 7th District of originally Wilkinson now Telfair Countv lying on tlm Oc- niulgee River,including the residence and plantation of Ar thur Bland deceased. A Ihu, before the Court House door in the 'Town of Canton Cbetokee County, Lot No. GOB, IGili diftrict and 2d section; imi Lot No. 298', 17th district and 1st station of Cherokee County. t . . _ . . Also Iu fore the Couit House dour lit the Town of Dalilun- egn Lumpkin county, Lot No395,4tli District and 1st section of originally Cherokee now Lumpkin county. Also, before the Court House door in the town of Clarkes- ville, Habersham county, Lot No. 54, lltli distinl of Huber- sliniii County. A Iso, before the Court House door in the town of Holmes- ville Appling County, Lot No. 18G, 6th district of Appling County. , Also before the Court House door in the town of Ml. \ it- vitiioii Montgomery County, Lot No.7, in the town of Ml. Vernon Montgomery County. Sold ns the properly of Arthur Bland deceased. 'Terms made known on tlm dnv of sale. J. C. CLEMENTS,; . , . 1). B.CBEECil. 5 ' um ri id. to tlm lionoiahle luterioi Court ol Newton county wuii.t sitting lor ordiuuiy purposes, lor leave to m-Ii a neg’iw im.u Bob, hclougiug to the eslutc ol’Xiicheus A ■ MnliLelit ooks if. i .1. aol.l for the benefit of (lie buiis ami cr ilitoii. ot -aiil iti i < as ed. ZERE MIDJLBIhiuoK) Aile.'i. October 1,1841. I I n sittiug for ordinary purposes, for leuve to »•* 11 all tin nul es tate aud purt of Mm negro's hulungiug tu m*: rslnle ut John Ingram, Ueceasril. WM. INGRAM, . UU.SJ \ Srpt. 34,181-1. 53 Ol U ,OA A lls ullci ilii.c, apptjcult' ii will be 4 made to tlm Huiiorahlc the luleii.ii i.ourt ot Tuluskl county when sitting lor ordinary purpose-!, f »r leave tu sell a part ol tlm Negruos belonging to me ertaieol Bilwaid Burch, sen, dteeased. EDWARD A. BURCH, Administrator. Iluwkinsville, August 1 Gth,1014. 43 dale, application will be feiior Court of Wilkinson County, while - ill in «* lor ordinary purposes, for leuve to sell the real cnlaio belonging to Ihce.tutcof l.fujuuiili Bxuni.lute ol said couniv, dcccueud, JAME* E.\UM, Jr. Adiu’r. August 12th 1844. 47 29, 1811,-5—Id ilicutiou will be i'utuain county , e to sell all ihu i Bradley, late ol L'OI R MONTHS utter d.-m L mad!.' to tin* Honorable Imeriort’o w lieu sitting for ordinary purposes, In lunds b‘longing to the estate of Eli/ Sitid county,deceased. ’ II. W. SANFORD, Adm’r. AdinlnUtMitor's fale. i Putoam ooumy, Augu.i 8, Ibu. -m W II.I BB SOLO an ibe First Tnestlay in Jmimrv m-xt 1 j .upj; it iio.vrii:- ultc-t date,appii«atioii will nn agrceuhlo to an oideruftlm Inferior Court ol twiges JL 1 unde to tne Houoruhle the lufei ior Court ot l:a!**wir: (bounty, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, the LAND and County, while sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell \EG|{()Es5 belonging to the estate of Dorolhv Rhodes, hit* | the real and personal property belonging i of TwitTiM county Deceased. Terms made known on the ! exuud< ,|,i v . * IRA PECK, Admr. October 29ili, IBM- 5 td 1 county ,iIiti'i^i d. 11 (J (all K.N’DX, A.i.niiiisli.iior J tily I Gth, 1811. W Adiiiinistrutor’s Sale. MIX bo sold tin lilt- firm Tui-wlny in Juiitmrj- next,to tlm highest hidiler, at Court house in Jaeksunvilli* r;ifnirC^»7u.'.'’X«:M7l<»,'l'n.«Hl 158, being iu ,|,e j IMin «hn Ifith l)..lrb t, Can. em,„l A -„lx„, Bill Uislrit-i • f I'elf.iir c.iuuly. Tba plantuliuii i» in good | 4*1 Ojatrict, t om.v th nonnty, it being tbn proparty I’,timing ordei Tho nliove pioporty b'cloncii.g to tho .-tinto | ot tile orphan, ol Vi.iLnn. Vivkrra.dccci.; d Ol juim sitH*Uiilt,,.oid tor llio purpose ol po,iiiglus , 11A lilt tt. 1 > ii-tvl-.i th bis,and tor distribution among the lieiis. I cmis on the duy of snIu. ZllJlA 2>J UD5 I JLL, Adin’r Jucksonv iRc,Octob> ZliUA 2»J'UD&TILL, i 0, UML 9.1844. ABNER 11 SON. Adin’i \V ilkm iipjiiicuiiou will In Adniinisintfot'S Salt*. W ILL ho sold »t the t mm lionsedooi in the town of Mm oil Twiggs cottnly, w iihin the usual hours of sale, < tho first I uesd i;. i I . Ilf’K next, one hundred,one in a riuiirlcrnci i : ; : - m’lt-j not ..... , ly mi; ir J,'’* *’ s 0! I in.' Wllknmnn,nmv I wl^en L itiiida to Ilia Inf the place w here tin* uccea*. *1 toruin lv live.!, adjoining in,ids , Hiding tm ordinary purpose, t.u leave to sell the land and i „f Isrui'l Gragg uml nihi rs. Solti as ibo piop.ny ol Susan- grucs belonging tn the estate ol Joiiu Kellies, .Sr., late ol NV il- uah Jolinson, late of said county dec’ll. Sold lor the benefit ol kiusou county, dev the heirs und creditois of said dec’ll. ^ Oct. 1,1311. JOSIAI1 MUltTHY, Adm’r, tdri uaedo .MARTHA KETTLES, Acini* WII.I.lAM GARRAI T JAMBS H. MILLS, Adm’rs. 37 \V \<ltninj«*l Tit tor's /ILLbesnld before the Couit House door in tlm town of Knoxville, on th - first Tuesday iu D-cemher next, wiiitin the usual hours ol’ sale, according to an order of the Inferior Com ■ ol said countv ; the following prupnty, to wit: One dwelling house and lot whereon Mrs. Amos now lives, also, a huge aud eoiemodi uis store house a«T)oiniiig the said dwelling; one lot of Ionr aerea. more or less, known! as the old Jail lot, uml one lot uml improvements when*.hi G.’inge S. Rem dy now lives ; nil of said lot-Hing and hu ng in the Town oVKnoxville in said county* Also, at the huiiiii lime and place, one negro man by tlm mime of Tin .ier, aged tliuiit 3d years, one negro woman, Ma- iia'i, ab iitt twenty-live yens old; one negro girl .Matilda, ; about eight years old; one negro boy 'Turner, alioiii five yeai Dili* Negrti eliild, Susan, about eight mouths old ; roe Negro woman J udy, about forty y ears old ; one negro git I \ iimy , a twill f turle. n \ >*111 • old ; one boy Sum, about eight y cat - oh'; ' •md in- negro triii llenrieita, about live yen's oul; all sold in* tho propeity oftli.i Estate of Elijah M. Amos, dec’ll. 'Tenn iu idc known on the duv. D.\Vll> LOUKHAR'T, AcIiiiV. ADELINE AMOS, Adm’ix Oclobor 1, 1844, I idii AtlmiiiiMnitoi’s GIIEEABLV to an order ufiln 1 Honorable Inferior Com t : Minty, while silting us u Court ul t)nhn irv will he sold mi the first'Tuesday in November next beluic the Cuml Ilo'tse dour in Lee county, one lot ol himl < uiiliiiuiiig ■ two limulried two mid a half uert s, more or less, know n by lot No. I I, in the twcllili district, orginnllv Leo comity’, gr inleil t«» William D. Cole, deceased,and sold ns the proper ty of said deceased for a distribution amongst tho legatees of said deeeitecd. JOHN C. SI.\»SO.N,.\(|iii’r. Putnam county, 4ug*2ttli 1844. 48 td ] Admin slmtor's Suit'. V GIIEEABLV to auorderof the Honorable tin) Inferior . Court of Baldwin county, when sitting us a Court ol or dinary, will l.e sold belore the Court House door, ill tho Cily of .Mideilgevilio, iu said county, uu the first I iiesday in De cember next, within tho legal nonrn of naif, the following pro* pel tv to wit: ; 0\I1 LOT IN lUIi.LliDUEVILLK, fronting on Wuyno Street, udj diiinc Mrs. Nancy Jones on the North, and Dr. G. Edward-* on tho South; uu which there two 101100101110,0110 of which is now occupied hy James j cd. July 2. I ML LMi: U MONTHS h i I' 10 the honor.ifit: Inlerio Unit'" **- n t'onrt of Ordiii'ir • cion,mg Hi iIn - .•smie of I eoutny .leci'dxcil. J. C. CLEMENTS, J l>. B. CREECH, j i date wil Coin t of i'.'lfair i o . , lor leave lo sell tin •muetli McLennan, In M. N. MeR AE, ; D. II. CREECH, j ' Adtn'r: V GIl Ml of t u smug lot mdin iiy | ilegiotts helling in;; I enmity, Jic« d. alter dale applieiitiim wi! our I of Wilkin-on eouniv, w loi h’live to si II nil the land i.te of Willi uu Smith, late t f J N MES ROSS, A dm Kt’o:i£h( to .1HM, li » ilitoii, NV ilkius'iii viimilv, Gn. gro Ih f‘i«: hi- IL. e ns old, d'llk cn uplf v Hi look, whi'U spoken lo. o a r mi hy ih • mum o • g hi Tiki » oill.ty. (,u. . B M Mil’ll V, J.< A Is Negro wom:iii nsimod Arr)’, about G7 years old, sold as the property of Alexander G I ate of Baldw iu county, deceased, for the oenelii of the I said deceased. Teriiis made known ou the day of sale. HUGH KNOX, Administrator. Sept.2Bit, 1811. 52—id Do Bonis non. Ailiiituistraitor’s Sale. U /ILl. ho sold on Thursday lho 14i'» day of November next, at the late residence ol Joel Hoover, late of Wil kinson count v, deceased,w ithin the usual hours of sale, all the perishable propeity belonging to said estate ; coiisisiing ol’ou ii, liul ler, codon,Iioihch,lings, cuttle,sheep, house l»*dd and kitchen furniture, and variuus other articles now too te- niion. Sale lo eoi lintte from dnv to duy until , n*. ll.A flutl fit .11 III * ' V' propci ly , pus cu Sept. 9,1844* Just Kecrivc’d, flu* rtilluwinu W () 11 K s ! H arters peaic’s TI Sepl. 24, 1311. ole known on thedav of sale. JOHN HOOVER. ; v 11 EMIV HOOVER,} v<1 iniiilstrtitor’v Halt*. I a GREEABLV to auorderof tho lluumiilde the Inferioi .\ iJomt of Wilkinson county, when silling fur ordinary 1 purposes, will he sold before the Court House door, in tin 1 > tow n of Irwiiitnu, on the first Tuesday in January next, the r negroes belonging to the estate of’Benjamin Bxuin, lute u! I saiil couiiiy, dcceam'd, i Terms utudu kuuwn on the ilnv of snle. J vMES EXUM, Jr., Adm’r. Wjlkiusoii county, August 20ib, 1814. 47 A R TERS illuminated and Ni w TicI«ii,i| Ii,*• I.- , ^uo’'e* ilh fourteen hnijilri.d Engravings.hv li. >t> if NV. NNciriiud 11. NV’. Ilowet; 'The l’ictUM* Galh*y i*f ilic N» - w* ■lit nf iha* heirso " :, d Old NN oild ; llalian und German without a iimMt i,l"Uiid- ed on i!h* IL h>*iiMiiiian meiliod ; (.iibbon’s decline and do'yn- hi oflhn Romiiii Empire: Tin* Lady at llomr.oi Leavesfr<im the every day Book, hv INI is. Fleetwood; Cecilmi How-aid or the voting Laily w ho imd finished her Euueatiou, hy T. ri. Arthur: An imj . *. Tresented to the Conscience olthrChiis- Han I * ml'r. hy in. Reveieii.l (.’ai'snr Nlalan. D. D. ; The hi id* of Tan Edwnid ail incident of ilm Revidiilion, Bilit» a d by (i. IL Ziehcr; Rii’hlieu iu Lou* or the youth oft'lmrlch 1st; An iiistoriral ('»»medy in iwo Aets.hyBcnjamin .V; Voimg, N. Iv.; ’The .N»-vv monthly .Mirror of Liiei'/itori'nml the fine Arts ; Tl»a Ladie-’ N* w Nuiionul Maga/im*, Edited hy Jolm luma'i, Juuo Numbers ; 'I !.** Minor lihi i v i notaining (Mates ot tlm latest li ions 'or the I 'idles; Life of Andrew Jackson, civil ami military, with illnsiiatioiis, hy Amo* Kendall, Eh|-; Life und public .-cri ices of Henry Clay , (.rough: dow n lo tlm i vt arlMtl ; Luuix'T. Klip-tcin’s Toll glut, hii introduction to the study of modern language*. ’The work is n perfect guide ! lo those u|io wish to Hinds she different languages I vol ume of tin Toly glut is emn; I ud in six uumbcn>; The Cur rency; Tno Tiirifi'nml Cap uil hv J iiuiiiR; iiso, some pieces of tho latest and must popular stvle of NI u>ie, lor sale at M. E. EDWARD’S Store. Alillcdgetiilf, Cieo. ! June 23d, 1311. 33 it AfluiiiiisfrntorN Sale. i ITT 11.1. be sold before the Coiirl-liuiifte door iu the town of N V Irwiutuu,Wilkinson eoiiuiy. between tlm usuul bour- ' of sale, uu the first Tuesday in January next, j All I Ik* lauds of William Smith, late of said cnuntv,dn- ; eea«od, wben'iiii the said Smith lived at the timoot his death, .villi III.: wiil<iw*.ilow..r cxi-ppiril. ! (SLOUGUt WillilllSOII Coilllly. A Iso, six negroes, belonging to said eala*e. All aold lor the n ».«.'*» i accsmn ..r .r.« *i benefit ol the hejrs andcreiliiurs ol said deceased. .1 N VIES ROSS, Adm’i Wilkinson county. October II, 1344. 4 ids and Istnc Goodman to Iweuiv-five ilul- Gtli January. 1844. ALLEN CAR\!AN, J. T. Extract Ti om ilia miuntes i<f Court, U« t.3d, 1844. 2 3t AUG. B RAIFORD, C. I. C. Adiniiiivfr:ttoi's Sale, W/II.L be sold on Friduv.liin Dili day <»l November next t ▼ within the usual Immim o* snle, at the late residence of B ujamin Exum, Jeci aHeil.all the perislinhlc propei ty l.e longing to the nrtale of s .id deceased, consisting of Corn, Foihh'r, Huim's, Hogs, Catile, Mi«*ep, Housciiold nnd Kitchen FoHiitui". in.I \ ii i • i • .-• i'" rr hi tides now too tedious to men- Jon* Ssle in continue Irom *1av to ilnv until all is sold. ’Terms made known on the day nf siilej .1 NN1ES EXUM, Jr . Adin’r. Wilkinson countv, August 2fllh.l844* 47 Adaihliktnilor'K Sale. 1X711.1. Im sold mi the first Tuesday ill November next, \ V w ithin the usual Iuiiim «if sale, agreeably to an order of the Iiifu* ior Cuurl of Crawford cnunly, while sitting for ordi nal v purposes, before die Court-hunse door in C’ruwfoid couniv. two lots of Iuml. numbers nine ami twemy-fuiir, ill the : second District of formerly lloneinn. now Crawford county, known as llamuiack’s Grove, (eirepl a small por ion of lot ' number nine,belonging tu Simeon liaiumHck. mid one half; Here of land where ilie grave yard is.^ Sold as the nruiierty ; orwilli.m,ilrct-uriI, of ««id .ounly, fu. ilie b.-no- , .r in ' K „„ VII .,. Ki t’ro» Tutd will fi, -i>™. STKlLlI no,., with .pproved «.«H.y. due.1*. ' BUILDINGS, MERCHANDIZE, HOUSE- d.jr . . . j, 1M| ; r. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, C.lPiTAJL *300,000. man NKW.VOIIK CONTRAHUTIONSHir FIRU INSLR NiNCE CO.MTANY having esiMblished unngen- TOI BERT I). HAMMACK.J*. , M ANSEL W. IIAMM ACK, > A 1,1 r "' Crgw-ford eonntv, August 88.1844 . 49 |.J Ku,. HOLD FURNITURE, v dn.criuliun of*,*|*lnM In., or d«ni«,» hy FRANCH H. MI.'RDOO’K, A.enl. lllr, .fillir II. IMI. 87 If ,Vi!J\V F+lLtL, GOODS, AT SHAHAW’S. T HE tindnreigned In vine just returned from tbe North, is now prepared to offer his customer* and old friends ■ large i"fJP" ply of JP Alils and WlMTCftf DttV UOODS t ttpAcet to tail the timet and no mistake. lUceittug lUm week: DRY UOODS. 2000 Negro Blankets,suii’r quality. 300 p’rs Bed “ 500 pieces Culico; new ami ricii paterns, 110 •* Mas. DeLtiius; cheap aud rich, 22 " (’ashmerc decease; 50 to G21 por yard, Susans, Alspaccos nud Bombaxine, 4 p’s tic’<1 Rcumotia (new article) ladies dress, 20 n’s Silks , richest uml latest sty los, 4 p’s Black Tedeloie and gro. de awiss, Worsted binding, Ribbons. Hooks and eyea, Buttons, pins mid Ncniiles. nml cot. cord, Swiss Juckonet and Mull muslins, Gent and Ladies gloves, wool do. 100 p’s Satinets, from 37 to f l 50, 50 '* Kent. Jeans 37 to 75 Black and fancy Cesemere, 1 to $ 1yd, 100 p’s negro cloth: pluid linsey mid Tennessee plains, A proti checks and Tickings 10 tu 20 cts. yd. 50 p’s White, red, scarlet mid green ilauucls, 5 Tuuding, buckram,and serge, 6 duz. White nnd black silk hose, 50 •* cotton 10 lo 37 |vr. Filk, worsted and camel linir shaw ls, 50 ilu7.. Gent, silk li'imik’f*. Faney und black eravuts, Sioe.ks ot all kinds, I case umbrellas, Fine Toot!i, dressing an! poek»*t combs, Ladies foUrii Brushes, Shaving and tooth bru**li»' 8, 300 p's 5 l brown homespun, 200 •• bleached 400 - luown '• 3, 5 to 10 cts. yM. «83<»F.S A ♦. E> BOOTS. 2000 pahs Negro 'slu es, f,n0 •* do vnj tup'rarticle, 800 '• Kip do f I gotnl ailich', 300 20 b.,x 100 p’ do “ Gent cult sir. •• Roy li kin a s gent, coif boots “ wutfli proi :♦»« Ladies Kid ai Misses do i • s 75 to td peg’ll, II VTS AND CAPS. uses Gent, Beaver lints. “ •• Broad Iu im, 4*1 50 l«» $3 v i 11 tie h ild lower than ever offered before usvlvcs. 50 doz. black wool doJ CUv.Tolk uml Ole Bull raps, 200 cloth and fur caps, UONNETS. 1 case flurenen plait bonnets, 2 “ line straw do I “ fancy silk do 1 “ velvet do 1 •* flomnee braid do Great variety of Gowers, 3tc. &c. ElAtU) WARE. 30 doz. knives and forks, 50 to 1 50 |0 Gent, pocket knives, 12 “ Tad locks, G “ plated and knob do 500 cut Tacks, Shears, scissors, table and tea spoons, Humi-suws, hammers, filos.&c., &c. CROCKERT WARE. 500 SetsUnpa nml Saucere, 25, 200 do/.. Times, 25, 50 Sets china cups nnd saucers, 50 doz. “ plates. 20 “ Bowls, of *ill sizes, 20 “ Titclmrs, “ “ 10 “ Dishes, 5 dor.* deep do. 75 41 Tumblers, ol all kinds, Bowls aud Titelicre, Toilcttuitd swing glasses. WOODDiK WARE. 2 Nests Tuba 3 doz Tails und buckets, 3 Nests buckets, 0 doz. Brooms, Whists, brushes, 5tc. &c. SADDLES, 111RIDI.ES, Ac. 2 doz. Gent Saddles, 1 *• Ladies do Martingales,Swingle*,Gerthe, Whips, Saddlebags, Trunks ic. Ac, |)KK^. iflEDICJII¥ES, &c. Castor Oil, B’ts Drops, Tarugoric, Laudanum,Snufl.Uinna moil, Nut meg, Ginger, Spice, Pepper, Copperas, Indigo, Per fumery, Cologne, &c. Ac this market <>«TATI«M9. Ilie kin.irml and ol 'Jd di ill, vffie., -Illlin the lMnepr.«„b„l |,, | uw ll Ili»> Have, why l.uer. Miuul/,,,., h’ e ,„'V'»« Oivcu under my Imud ut offi, ., ihm 3'Jlh ■80. JOHN U. W. "ke/d yr* l .ny luey but. why Mid l.uer. .hunlJ Uiveu under my Imud eloKc.ihi. 3'Jlh ,1,y™?^' ^Oe'loh.r l 9t ,„ 1814. U ' W ’ ^ ^ iMy friends are. respectffilly JA1TIES as. ^BIAIIAA. MiiledgeiUU, Ocl. l>/» 1" WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION IWSIAESS, i ^«»4'IC AION MJS.Ma u r d iti* nppiit atiun will he mude to fix** iiomiruhlu the Interior Cum t of Baldwin county, w hile sitting as n Court of Utdmury, for leave to sell lot of lot No. Juno 18th. 1844. ?.’!{ JION'I'fil '-i d.i t«-, iifijilicarion \\ ill lx ti! the Inferior Cu.m ol Laurens county, wb**n silting for li all the iiiiid l.thingii.g lo Juno dtli* 1844. 1 5oirull ll \ IIS s after duly application wiTTlm . nia.le to the I lotion.!»le the Inferior Court of Twiggs county, w bile sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell tin* hind belonging to «J»o cslnlo nf^usiinnali Johnson, late of raid countv, deceased* JOSl.NlI MUItPIIEV,Adm’i. Juno 20tli 1844. 89 I aoi ii ilo viVifN alter dale, application will ne K mad.' lo the ho,loralile Inferior Court of Telfair county, while silling iis ii (hunt of Ordinary, for leave lo si ll tin* no* belonging to tlo* estate of Aitiiur Bland, late ol suit! HKO.II> HTKK12T* AUGUSTA, GA. TIN HE undersigned, ilimikful li.r the patronage heretofore I. received, respectfully informs hi** friends mid the public* generally, that he still I’o’iiliunes the Ware House ami 1'n.M mission Business,at his old -laml on Broad street (long known ns Rees Sc Beall’s ) nud w ill give strict personal attention to all business entrusted lo bis cure. Liberal advances made ou Colton. His commission for selling cotton is reduced, from this date, to 25 coins per hale. WM. A. BEALL Sept 17,1844. 51 8m GHEliV E R & IS E AL1/, FACTORS > Alia Commission Mcrclisinls, i^o. 7-1, Buy Street. savannah. C. A. (JHEIN KH. W. A. Beam.. SI if Snj.,. 17. J. WASHBURN & WILDER, ccraairssxorf ii i: Aiil’USI 0, 1 '-14. € it A i\ T S , SAVANNAH. Ga. 15 3m HAMILTON, HARDEMAN &10. j WII.I, CONTINUE THEj FACTORAGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS in this city, mid wiR as hitherto devote their jiersminl atten tion to the sale of Cotton, filling of orders,nud receiving and forwarding nf goods with th-spnluh. EVERARD HAMILTON. ) 'THOMAS HARDEMAN, > Copartners. CHARLES F. HAMILTON, ) Savannah,3rd July,U»’4-l. HOW A K D A Si 3TtUItlOlD, CO'HIISSIOiV HI I. lit: IIA NTH, Apaln.-liirola, Fin. mllE mHlprfigiiPillin.ii.pili ii imimiliiiruuimei c-nUrner. 1. n) Cmnmi—i«n himiui-t-P i.t A|u.Iiic1mi'oIi.. Ilu’ oimuiiif! ht'o^nn, will eivpIhriTueiHuiiul utmuiinu to nil Ininim nw umli .Incl to ilir.ii cur,'. T. II. IIOW Mil), A.«. RUTHERFORD. May 88,1811, 35 i! NOVEMBER SPLENDID LOTTERIES. |— •920,000 910,000 On S<r tilau, tlir ]\\‘h Xo.nnber, 1814, the STLE1NDIB ALTX4NDRIA LOTTERY, ClilHs No. 40 l..r 1844. Will le drawn in Ai« xandr n, l). C. 78 Xnmltrr holier - i Drawn Ballots. tlo 1 itri/.o o,' I 5>ri'/.e 4»f Uil-! l .lo 20.00*; 50 (Its 1,000 I .lo lO.OBG a bo d» 500 1 4*0 5,000 IRO <1o 200 1 4ll» 1,000 vV . See Ate. Ti«-kot. fl-. 1 -ILllve* tjl-.i- Q.atiei $3—F.igli* is, 1 50. 1 -irtificaies )f Paekages ot -.Mi Whole I'tekeiso Iv $lfiO Do *l<! Sfillnlf do 80 Do do 2t» < pm it or do 40 Do do 26 Eighths do 20 GEORGIA, YYilKiiiMMt C'oiuily. MOSES t». SUT TON tolls before me, Aller> Carman, n Justice of the Pence in nil J for said county, one spotted Horn*I liurno, nine or ten y ears old uuxt Soring. Appraised hy John IL i 1 dollars ! ali:\lm)ri l l o r rnitv. CL.HS Nil. II, hr 1844. Tolu drawn .t Ah*.\isulrin, on Saturday, Nov. 2M, IM4. j PHIZES! : I prize of S2LODO I | |>riy.«* of $3,000 I <lo 10, OO I I <10 Of 2,200 I do 1,000 | IO do Of 14,000 &t*. i:c. &c. 00 nuiiihcr Ijoiltny* 1*J drawn ballots. | Tickets 810 — 11*i —CAnartor* 8*2 50. J Certificate ol ii Tuckugt ol 22 \> hole Tickets $110 Do du 22 half do 55 ■ tlo 22 quarter do 27 50 30,000 Dollars ! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY. Class No. 4*J, for 1844. t -ail< I mixed Cloth. Plaid f'HHHin.cies ,4 lutest stvle.’’ Plain ami Fancy th.. Valentin nml Satin Vestings. Plaid Velvet, do ‘‘very rich.” ALSO, READY MADE CLOTHING. Valencia Vests,50 eeutneuch. * Mi do ilu do Coals, f 12 a $IU ;r Frocks, Tweed Sticks. Flushing Sacks, Cloaks. &c &c. &c. Clothes iniule at llio the rhorlertt notice, anil warrant, d t fit. ('lilting done. Milledgi ville, Sept.21. U. W. BANCROFT. If ES J ACKSON of Ilie 32'Jth District (». M. tolls hefoie me, Bryant Ohnnnu, a Justice of the Peace in ami fur said couniv, one mouse colored mare mule w ith a knot oil the right side of her Imad, supposed to br> fifteen years old. Appraised b» Alexander Herstoii mid Joseph J. Chuuhill lo leu dullaiw,Sept.30th. BIN. BRYANT OR AN AN, J. P. A tine e.opv of the minutes of Court, Oct. 3d, 1844. a 3t ’ APO. 08 RAIFORD,CM.C. PETVITE1VT1ARY! 1 fYAH ®H I NOliEit wonted immediately for the- L U’ljUUU use of t hi- Institution,amla large quantifv of Sr.’llltlillR*, SllCClill|r«, and *qunn> hewn 11111- Im*I’S, to he ol best pitch pine, and delivered immediately ,for w hich cash or barter will he paid. Persons desirous of entering into contracts willpiesrnt themseUc^immediately. ABNER IIAMMOND,Inspector. Milh dgevilie lanunrv I, Ill-LL 14 if Trulinm Bremer, timisl. To bo drawn at Alexandria. I). C., on Saturday, Nov ! now I by the la 30, ls44, SiPLEIVDJD PRIZES! 1 prize of ^RO.tiOtf 1 <lo 12,000 I do 0,000 1 «io R,*TOO Tickets $10--Halve Certificates of package 1 prize of 1 do 1 do Sec. & c. A. c. $5 Qitaitere f 1 60. ol 25 whole tickets |13U 25 half tickets 65 25 quarter tickets 32 50 joi iienricli Sit Kings, iHto Aulic Counsellor of tho Gtuml j Duke ol Butlcn. Arc. Sec. iraiislali'd from tho German by Jackson. Arthur's Lady’s Magazine, Campbell's Forei oreigti uziue, or aeieci oiisceMuiiy ol European I Art. Tho Columbian Lady ’amid Ueuilemau't Magazine. Gundy’s Magazine and Lndv’s Uuok. The l.a- N ut tonal Magazine. The Lady’s Musical Library, Ail- variety jguni No. Also, No. G, of the Pictoiial Bible, with ,oloilier iiitciesting works. A T M. E. EDWARDS’S STORE Orders for'Tickets nnd Sbnrrsnml Certificates ol Packages August 2ft, 1814. 47 if iu the above Brilliant Schemes, will lie promptly intended to and as soon as the draw iug is over an urcouiit of it will be for winded to all who order from os. Address— J* G. GRK.ORY. A To., Managers Washington city, d. c. Oct. 29,1844. fp. vioki: \i;\v \v«kk§! U OSF. IFAl.BRKT.I.y n. I*. R. Jain.., Kw, i Toi , ofOnr's. hy Charles Lvou, author of Henry Lorreguer ; Charles O’Malley, dec.; Fnii v Legemis or the South of Ire- land, by'T. Crolton Croker. a new edition; the Martyr Wife, a Domestic Romance, by the uu'uor of Elwood, tbe Banker, or Like Father Like Son; Amy lleihert, by a Lady—Edited by the Rev. W. Sewell, K. 1). The Life nml public services of tbn lion. James Knox Polk, with a compendium of hie Speeches.ou Nation’s public mea sures; also, a sketch of the Life of the lion. George M. Dallas, published hy N. Hickman; Life and Speeches of Henry Clay, vol., &e., 2, by Greeley and MeKirallr, Major Jones’s Court ship, wi h illustrations, by Hurley; July Nos. of tbe Colutn bin n l.adys’aud Gentlemens’.Magazine more oft lie Macaiinee W tltUt'kFKV, ! IIISA & UU88 WARE. ■l.B. (iLEASON Inform* hi. nunirroii. friend, in tirmgin, ,1ml h« ha. RESUMED liis former business and solicits their patronage. He w ill, iu time for the lull business, open a first rale slock, imported expressly lor bis trade, which he pledges himself to sell um low or lower, thun any house in the trade,—in this, or nn^r other markci. Country merchants visitingCharleston ore respectfully invi tea to examine his stuck. If he does not sell to them he will at least huve the salislaction of showing his goods. A . 10« McetinRwfitrrci, (ipposile Charleston lintel,sign Big pitcher. Cli*rlg»!fn>, Ainuwg. i:it W ILLIAM K. DoGKAITEXKIEI) ATTORNEY AT LAW, Blalccly, Dnrly County, Geo. Referen('E8 — //oft. Seaborn Jones, Hon. W.T. Coh of Shukesprate, with a vnrietv of other new works of llio duv A. Iverson,Hon. Joseph Sturgis, John Schley, for mImi K. M. EDWAKD Utorr. ' Henry L Denning Ksqrs, Milledgeville, July 9, 1H44. II If Noilee to Debtors mid Creditors* A LL Persons indebted to the estate of Susannah Johnson, late of Twiggs county,dec’d., ate requested to make im mediate nayments, nnd those having olaiine against the same, will render them in duly auliienticared in terms of the law. J03MI) MURPIIY, Adm’r. Oetnber 1,1844. | * 11 tf T U t S T DECEIVED, the First ^ud Hrcuud Nos. of the »/ Wandering Jew. bv Eugene Hue. Also, other popular works of the dnv from the varioue popular presses of New York, receiving constantly as fast as they are published, and Ihoae fond of reading can obtain such works aa tbev choose •o raad, at M. E. KDWARDB’b htOUE. GEORGIA y Baldwin County. 1\ IIKRbAS William Y. llanseU applies foi f 1 Administration ou the t-.iaie ol bVuald M M? er * ®l luie of said coiiiitv,necv«8(:(i: ‘ * d,tu oualii These rru, tliereiure, to cue and udmonish all sad *i . the kindred and creditors . f bind deceased. | 0 b."i * ul *' si my office, within the time prescribed bv Uw ." Pl ^ c«"ee, H uuy they have, why said huu ra should nJu ° ,h(i ’ Given under my hand at office, this lull, dm oi JL 4 ! »• W. aiVKAU,., UEOUUiA, Itiil,turn Count,'. i ty' t!liR*<AO Mur, MIlil.iKff JUJ Juure.U, W| . . * * , U " J liMCUtUI Mil III.. I..1UIB Wini... u. ,u "‘ u I'lie.eui.-Ilier.forrtocllc uu.l Hiliiioiii,| la ii „ i • ilitkiuilrutluiiUuroditor,ol8uiiiiiec,a8|.(itu be ui in, ulliciu iviiliiiiilitttiiue|ireacrib.(lt,\ low i 0 !. "'Pi*' uu , I ne, liiivc,»h,»uiill«ue, f ,|,i..ild not ilivoii under m.v iiaml . luBici-, till. 4il. ."» miiiii JOI1IN W. tv. B.NEAU , CidOUUO, Baldwin Couiiiy^ —1 \ V Ailioiiii.iioloron 11,*....,. f f Nic.Indus D. 1 rcuuor,deeeaeeu.upplics i„ n 1 tui's of dismission from said AdiiiiitiMUaiu„i; n,e, ‘»rl 11|. w arc llierol'ure lo tile nud ddiiioiii,| l all md .i.. Iliu kindnid nnd crcdilor. ol mid d.tcuicd io J"* 11 uppeur ui in, oliioo williin the lime lirctoril.’cd b. i * * hU Miod" 8e ’" “" y ,h '’ y hnvc > l * h J’ s “ iu letter. .Iiooluij 1 liivfir under in, Imud at office, till. IGili d BJ of Andi n w •••«•“ JUIUN W. W . SftKAIlS New York Cily Advertisement. PRINT WAREHOUSE IN NEW YORK. supply the city Sc interior trnde bv tiie piece or package, Xo. 44 CEDAR STREET, (NEAR WIU.IAM-ST.) L EE Sc BREWS TER give notice to Dealers iu Dry Goods that they liuve removed their WARK-HOU8K for PRIN TED CALICOES EXCL US1V ELY, from Pearl to 44 Cedar Street. By cuitfining their attention lo PRINTS ONLl ,L. Sc B are enabled to exhibit an assortment far surpassing anv ever before offered in America—nnd to sell at prices ns low, und (iknkkally t.ovvRK, than those whose attention is divided among u large variety ol articles. The Stock consist’s ofskvkkal thousand patterns and CULOKS, KMliltACINO KVKHY VARIETY OK AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRINTS in market—many styles of irhich are got up exclusively far their uten sah s.aml Cantu thad elsewhere,except in second Iannis. Dealers iu Prints wui find it lor their interest lo examine this stock before making their purchases—they will have tbn udvautugc ot Inaruiiig the lowest market price, ami compar ing all the desirable sty les iu market sidi hy side. Catalogues of pi ices, corrected with every vaiiulion of the market,ure placed iu the hands of buyers. Oct. 8, 1844. 2 if GLOIDrIA, Bllltluill Coilllly. W ll.KRfc.As France. Ruddy, Ad ol Ishuui Reddy, deceits* d, applies lo me lor uj t j[ disiiiissiuu Iioiii said Adiuiiiislruiiuii i Here ur**, Uieieioic, lo cue unu uumoiiish all unit *; n . the kindred and creditors ol said deceased tu be and ' at my oJice within the time presented b> iuw,torhow il uuy they have, why said letters should' not beeuait/ 1 G iven under my huod ut office, Una bOili duv . i a- ,.i „ ^ niGni JOHN VV, NV . aftRMl A • ijillOUCilA, Bntduiu Couiiiy. - W HLRh,ia John ft. ftieplious, uuii,ini»irator on |L late ol Allen B. 8lepbcns , dtct amJ, uuunu l0 «! letters ol dismission Irom said Aduuuibirutioii; '* I hesc ure,therelore,to cite and udiuoiiiali ul laodaiue the kindred aud creditors ol suid deceased, tu be auu n, ut my office w ithin the time prescribed by luw.tysbosc il uuy they liuvc, why suid letteis slmuld not be rru * Given under mv bund uloliice.lliis lbib duv olJuiv 42 n.Giii JOHN W. W. SNEAD, c q \ JUST RECEIVED, A A£W SIPPLY O V ONFALL AND WINTER DRY GOODSl^o rilllE iimlersigiied would respectfully once muie inform X the citizens of Millcdgeville, Baldwin and the adjoining counties that he is now receiving n large supply of Full uud Winter Goods, which he will he uhl** to sell an cheap, if not cheaper than uuy other store in Milledgcville, or tbe inte rior of Georgin. The Goods consist in part of tbe following articles, viz: Black and hiuc black lloinbazines, do. Alpaccus, •Silk v.urn i'liiisaits, Affghun ftatius nnd Cbungeuule Indiunti ('loth—a new article (or Ladies’ dresses Mourning(Tiuchuuis, Silks, und ftutius, Plsui ’Tartar Damask, Cashtuere and Fancy Set Shawls, Furniture und Fancy ('ulicoes.4-4 Motiruingco- A large supply ol Lysle Luce,Footing and Edgings, Blue, Black and llluclilui U Broadcloths, Black, Bliielilnck and lancy ('assinicres, with a variety ol other artic es too iiiiiiierous to mention. JOHN TREANOR. N. IL All persims pn chasing Dry (ioods would find it to their interest to cull und examine his Goodshefore purchasing elsewhere. Please call at the sign ot the New York Dry Goods ftlore. J.T* iMilledgcviilc, Sepl. 17, 1844. 51 if HOD’E'M «Y MIEOUM. Just received nnd are now Opening at '1’It C \ lxtrpo lot of Bo.tlfct Ai S, OFS t.f the fir.l fj.taliiy; •iIa... ii I .it tie .tipply of Nt-uro Itroffmis iin.l ! ii Itssrts, .. Iti. It Im will (tell at greatly redoeedprices. J. I UK.V NOR. illp, Srpt. 17,18*4. 51 It' .1. o.(SitFOOBl & *:o. Ilnniiiicrt CLOTHS, £0,000 Dollars ! ! ! CASSIMERIiS & VESTINGS. 7 I | Y i l l’, Black Broad Cloth. JI J) Fine blue do do iVIitV TALL COO US. 4 LARGE und extensive stock of I>ry 4-OoHs now /m. opening ut limit roRS: 500 piecca-l-l BruwuunJ iilcucio'd Homespuns. 500 “ l •• 300 “ Kerseve, 500 •• Linde}*. GOO “ Prints Irom fij to 183 cts. 500 Dufftl Blankets. 500 Twilled Jo. I lie Subscriber is now receiving tlm largest stock of Goods cvei betoru ufiered ui this market, which lie will be happy to show io liu friends um! eusloiucis who will give him n cull, . tMI , B. W. BANCROFT. Milledgcville,Sept. 17,1814. 40 u araw works. ] Uft’T RECEIVED, Ainli Neil,or 'limes of Old, u Ro* hy (». P. R. James, Esq. 'Tlm 11. Family, or Axel ami Anna, uud other‘Tales, by Frederick ‘ d by Mnrv Howelt. 'The Gramllalher, a Mi-s Ellen Pickering. 'J'bc Autobiography GSiORGIA* Decalur Couiiiy* U HERfcAS Alexander W. Sneed applies tome Im lets of Administration on the estate of Margaret S dece.used : Thus*! arc,therefore, to cite uud udinoiiish all anil lii'r the kiudied and creditors ol said deceased, tu lie uud tn at my oiliLo within tlm time prescribed bv iaw',tualiow il'aiiy exist, why suid letteis slmuld nut begrauied. (iiveti under 'my huod nt oil'.. . Inti JDtli ui October 12- 5 5t JOH.v T. DiCKENaOAi.c.c. GIlOltGlA, Oeculiir Coiini). * X HE RE A ft Caroline V\ liaiey.upplies to me for letteri of f ▼ Aduiinistrutioii ou ilie estate ol Duuiel M. \\ built la* ol said county, deceased : These arc therefore to cite uud udmoniMi nil and linrulv the kindred ami creditors of suid dm-uml. to te nj appeal ui myoUice within the lima pi escribed bv law.ioditf cause, if uuy they Imve,why said letters should tiolbsgnuird, Given muter my huod ut otliie, tins i5tii duv ui >«-rteiub« 1814. JOHN P. IMCKEN'&UN.c.c.fl, 1 October 1, 1844. GEORGIA, Becjiliii' t oiiniy. . n HEKE.vft Alary A. \\ illiums and William Peabcdy i v Adniinislrutrix uud Adiumislrulor uu I lie eilukol .'>1*. uel W illiums, late of iuid county deceased upply to mefcrkf> ler* of Dituoisr-iuii Irom said Ai.iiiiiiiatiutioii. These ure. iherelore to cite and uclnii.iiisli all and singular, the kindred mid creditors ol suid dcceused io be and upptarst my office within (fu, time prescribed by luw, tu show uwt, il any they have, why suid letters ol liisuiiseiuu should Mt be grunieil. Given under my hand ut office thisCtiidayufMay,1844* 33 uiGui JOHN P. IUL'KE.\2»0.\,c.c.o. GEORGIA, M ilkiiiHOii C ouiiiy. y y HERE Aft Moses ft. Weal und Allied Itranluun, A4* > V miiiistruiors on the Estate of John W ise, apply lo lor letters ol dismission from suid AdininUlinlioii: These are,therefore, to cite uud udinunisli all couceroedle he uud appear ut my office, within the time prescribe*!byUv, toshow cause,il any they liuve, why suid lettersdisnriMery should not be grunted. Given under my bund nt office, this 1st .Sepl. 1844. AUGU8TU8 IL RA1F0KD,Clerk. October 1,1844. 1 uitim GEORGIA, Wilkinson CJoiiniy. VV liEREAft Wiliium J. ftJiinbolsleruppJiMloniefofltl* Y v tors of Adiiiiuisliuiioii ou the esiuleot Oeurgeftbioboi- star, lute ol said cooitiy, decease*!: These ure tlieie oretocile. und udinoaisli nil singularibe kindred and creditors of said d* ceased, to be uml appear at otlii e within the lime prescribed by iaw lo sliuw cause if u; they Imve why suid udmiuistiatiun should nul be g■ anted. Given under uiv Imud ut office, ibis 17ili ftepi. lb4L A. IL KAlrOKD, C. €.0. f^ept. 17,184 1. ^ Gi.ORGUJiitipcrUoiiuiy* t *. liEREAft Lew in L. Lune, uud William M. JobMM, \ V apply to me fur U tiers id Atiniiiiisliuliaii uu III®Mill* oi John Johnson, late ol suid couuty, ueeeused : 1 lies*: me, ih, |c*l*•!**, lo citd uml nilliioliisll nil slid «ingoU: the Kindred und creditors ot suid deceased, lo l»e and appear*1 toy office within the time picsciihed by law, io shew t*ues,i| any they have, w hy said letters should not be gruulfdlow applicants. , iiiveu under mv Imud at office, in Muniictrllo, ibis 27ib«J offteptember, 1844. ftAMLEL II. YAUNLK.tTtri* Oi tebai l, 1844. __ JJJ Georgia, Telfnftr Conniy. W Hi. REA8 Alexander T.,Dop*un applies to m<*forl«- Ids ol Adiniiiistnilioii *»u III*- esliue id AlahulaK**- iug, lain ol suid county, deceased: , . These me iherelore, lo cite tt ml udmonisliull it nil ringowr* kiiidri'duiid ciedil**ihof said dre*-ur« cl. t*. I*e uml i PT'* i,r *:*- ollit c w ithiu ill tlm*-pioseiibc *J by law, tosln** faa*e»i» . they hate, why suid leltc^is sl.oulil not he gioitl**ii. * liven under mv huod ut office, Inis oi ft«( te®*" 1841. ' JNO. F. AIcKAM'C.** October 1, 1844. IlfGI A* I Cllilir ( Olllll}* ...»for Itt- lll'.RtAa Wu.iuii. s>iiiil.-till,Jr .u|'|tlt , '» t" ter.ol Atliiiiiiiitirtiiioii un ilu- «t.« ui \t tlti-tusi— still. Sen., lute oi suid couniv, dec-emeu : , ...l, These ure,t betelore,t octie oml mlumnisli all am * * the kiudied a ud creditois ol »ain ileti used t° f' 1 al ty office with... the time pre.tM.bc.: by 1^“^ ll tt II fi Ut <1 111 f I' till GEORGIA, Mothltfoitu'i') Count)* . \y liEREAft llt.Nhv vv mt 11 n Esq- V > letters ol Administiutmn on the cstste Nash, late of said cnimiv, di tens* d : frP J.s Tli.-su t,r“j tlirr. nut nnd ndit.oi.ii-ll "H ‘“ nc "T,, .liotv C„un,-.,lu„v tltev It.vr, tin- timeprfKi*'*" law, w hy said l«'ll* is shoulil not lie , ,oij Given under mv ksiid ut office, this 1 bill Ui hwrr FAllUtllAKD McKAL,«.«••• October 29tIt, IC44. 5—5t *>E()lMltA,X«nl|ioiu(!i'] < j,, % \ liEREAft Norman units ami AI mi k * I*" P . ,.m v f me tor letters ol Dismission on the ertaw Giltirt, luto ol suid county,deceased. ,ij«iiiflfc These are iherelore toeitc und udmonisb all » • ‘ jj- the kindred nud creditor* of said ili'cefl^ed,t ^ pear ut my office within lit** lime presciibed by 1 ’ cause il any they have, why suid leilcisslioulcluaiwri m. Given undcr ’my hand ut office, tbi* Gth «[“)'V.V-.U. 61 (im I-AMU HARD ,J : oeohom, New tun county- . n ga U ; man.,»s it..«i.i i it.iii|i«n. MOil i intni-.li1.1ion „„ iliu t-.tul. ut Stimuli ■ j of sai*i comity, deceased : . . «, .m! ’These are, therefoie, to cite and adim msh jd I In* kindred and creditois of said J’ s> I my office within the tin. • pr-scnhcd «•> l»*w»k . uuy they liuve, why Mild letters sheul«J >'* 1 |' e f. lW ( Given Dtnley mv bund, ul office, «La', 0 ,- /• 6-9- 51 :.| - WAI. 1*. LV* KO. c _—• (iCOKOIA, > Couil of«^*S*| l J[l 1 Ai-wton Couiiiy.) Sc>iac'iiibt-‘> , v“ti'" f W III'.IIKaS Inuun r>. .Rltlilifl.lo..l.«,Oli»iu | <“ .j, plums ol ftpots'oid Pierce, eppli«* ,or e mission Irom saul tiusidiuosliip: M wn ,i#t*‘ i he so are,theiclore, to cite und adnienisliP not* esierl to he uiid appear at my office, w nbm the n 1 by luw, to show cuusr,il any they iiuvc, *'') disinifcsioii should not lie granted. rviral- Given under inf baud,at office, this 9th day 0 'J l’.u- 51 Gt UM. iMAUKIfc^^ UEOIIUU, I Court of Kt-wiun county. $ S»‘|»*einb*-r * ,, b . W HKKfciAa Jm-t Cull) i A d,I. Ku.nt.uuli'I tlifry,I.K- t.i .,idcoum>i * * cii.iiiiiiiin i lurry, r “— * plies forleiters ol Distuissmu Irom said estate - ^ ^0 These ure, liieretore, tu cili smf ednana*i> ^j,pprst* the kindred ami creditors of suid deceased, to , my office, within the time prescribed by la^* . i, wU ld •«* ■* uuy they bare, why suid I, tier* of dutuiMi gi anted. ., . , • „ , Given under my band, at office. lln»9ib 51 6m \v *1. U. — UllVURU, Twlliifcrro Counlf- #||ll( j, J Ull.N RHODKK. t.l'lltn Ctilil Viut/l* 1 ! i, e, n JtiHlict ul lit., i» nt'd M -• , ,»J iitan*. feft. «-l«-*-t- l" 1 , 1 "'* luiJl) "*2 w.lvw ur lil' rent. old. Flw t»» llW ).tt!*!? .1 ittllw uiitle on lilt. Itftt IlinU l««l- 11 i,llr ui- 1 -'*!—. tm joint ol lit. «uioo foul; tltrn- ft*” . it,. |rit Innk .tolwrullier.: «l.o, « »l"it- i"»a j u fc-*:JS .uppo.rd to he bv liuiu«» A l*,’ r "* . ! '. nul.i. uud lUdrtt Hl.odu. .« !.«• kl.-sON. J i ul Oolubrr, 1814. W ILI.IAM I*. 1 '!',f c ^r-®" Kii.mci iron. <l,o FJ.Iru, Rook » 1 l»‘ u " . giu, Or-loher 3rd, IM*. ,. sLF Y B HldT0#,C.*'.