The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, November 12, 1844, Image 4

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wnn, y Mta, |Im area *1 had nan n Icm. known ak the [ in tbo twootjr thin) Dinrict of Wlllinion t kacwa, adjoining landa of Aoderaki lo- Jd* wegglB ««d harness *ml fine g reyjntile* Mfffn nt«cM®riodilVf,ene hundred and fifty bushels uftcoru, mum or tans, twenty bead of bega; all levied no as ihn pfiupai* te of Joseph II. PamMeettisiy ouuexecution inuMl frolu tho HMptfinr.Court of ftnpt county ia favor of Jehu Daversou vs. JuMpItH. Paine. Two bandied two and a half acres of land woll Improved, IrtHf hi tbe third district »t Wilkinson, adjoining lauds of Ala* r\ llioks aud others, whereon Alexander I'asmor* uow lives j levied on ne the property of Alexander Patmore, lo satisfy on i ■tawNtiou in favor of Hhahan, Heall A Reynolds ; issued from the Reporter court of eaid county. Throe hundred acres of Pine litnd, well improved, lying iu the twenty third district of Wilkinson, number not kuowu. ad- joining tanda of Absalom Jordan and others, known na the Jo seph Rales place, levied on ae the property of Joseph Rales to satisfy an execution in favor of John T. Wright, issued •PM the Superior Court of anid county ve Joseph Itales. Alee*et flawsame time and place • sue half ora house and lot In the town of Irwin tun, containing one acre, more or less well improved, whereon Lemuel J. Hush now lives; levied ones the property of Aognetas H. Retford, to satisfy on > 11 fa ieeued from Justiee Coart in favor of Mary Hicka vs tinniuel i. Bush and Augustus IS. Raiford, aeeunty. Levy made and returned lo me by a Conatable. Also,at the tame lima and place; 101 f acres of pine land wall improved, lying ia the third district of Wilkinson county, •umber not known, whereon Daniel Skips r now lives, levied on an the property of Daniel Skiper, to satisfy four fi fus issu ed firom a J uatice Court, in favor of Samuel Beall and others, ts Daniel Sklper and Thomas Jackson, security, now controll ed hj^the security. Levy madeaod returned to me bysa Con- Alto, at the same time aad place; 2021 acres of pine land, tying in the twenty sixth district, number not known, where on Daniel tipearse formerly lived, levied on ns the property of Lowis 2Jpears# to satisfy sundry fi fas in favor of tilinlian Beell and Reynolds aud others, issued irom the Superior Court of eaid eounty, vs Lewis tipearee. Property pointed out by Plaintiffs Attorney. At the same time and p lace; 202| acres pine land, n hereon John Kemp now lives, lying in the third District, number not known, adjoining land of John Evers and others, levied on an the property of John Kcinp to satisfy one execution in favor of Richard Itoe, casual Injector nnd^Jiilin Kemp^nunt in poa* October 29,1844. Wilkinson December slierilf’s Kale. W ILL be sold before the Court-house door in the town of|r*‘int<m, Wilkinson county, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next,'within the usual hoursofsale, the fol lowing property to wit, One black mare aad colt, and one bay marc about seven years old, levied on an the property Colson Sanders to satisfy one execution in lavor of Robert NV. Lad vs Colson Sanders, issued from the Superior Court of said county. Property pointed hv said Sanders. S. B. MURPilV, Slier iff. Oct 2. 29, 1845.5 td# Wilklusoii December Slierill's Kales, W ILL be sold at the Court house door in the town of lr- winton,on the drat Tuesday in DECK VI HER next, be tween the usual hours of sale, tlieVollowiug property, to wit: Five hundred acres of liuiil, mote or less, well improved whereon Augustus A. Collins, now occupies, lying iu the third district of Wilkinson county, number not known, adjoining land.-nif .'lic'ijah Poulk, Ellis Harrill.and others; one negro boy J no, about 9 years of age, one Imy named Sain, age 6 years, oue boy child Henry. G months old, one negro man Aatued Gilbert,28 years of age, one negro woman, named Fan ny about 2G years of age, one negro woman named Surah ubout 19 years of age; 26 head of bogs, one yokeofoxens and curt, one sorrel horse, 7 or 8 years old, one brown ox, one black cow, 2U0 bushels of eorn more or less, fifteen thousanus pounds of seed cotton, more or less, eight or ten thousand pounds of seed cotton, tunro or less iu ilm patch, one lot ol plantation tools, and one grind stone; nil levied upon us the property of Augustus A. ('tilline, to satisfy one execution in favor at Oran Davis, Administrator, and .Mtiicy Pittman, ad ministratrix, of Buckner Pittman, deceased, vs.UuJIins. Beall aud Bush, issued fuotn the Superior Court of said county; returnable to April court, 1845; property pointed out by Green II. Iluruy, indorser. S. If. MIJRPHY, l>. Sheriff. October 26,1844. 5 tds Wilkiiisou if!origugc SheriII’s Salts W sold on tint lirst Tuesday in JANUAlt \ next, within the usual hours ofsnle, before (he Court Ik use door In Irwiutun, Wilkiuson eounty, the following piopciiv, eo wit: One negro man named Hilbert, u woman named tinrnli, n woman named Fan, a ho« named Sam, and a boy named Jim; levied on as the propeity of Aug. A. Cullens to satisfy a mortgage li fa issued out of the Superior Court of Twiggs county in favor of Miller, Ripley & Cu. Property pointed out in mortgage. S. B. MLB PI IKY, D.SITffi Nov. 5,1844. «> Wilkinson January siienfli ’* Knits W ILL be sold before the Couri-liomm dour ii. Irwiutoii. Wilkinson county, on the first Tuesd.iy in J AN LAKY next, within the usual hours u( sale, the following property, lo wit: One mouse colored imile.ahout four years old; one rollon gin and five stacks of fodder; levied on as iho property of Aug. A. Cullens, to satisfy u ii fu issued out ofthu Superior Cnuil of Midcounty in favor of Orun Davie nnu Nancy Pittman, Ad ministrator and Administratrix on ihe estate ol Buckner Pitt man, deceased, vs. Cullens, Benll and Bush. Property point- .«•.»! out by Green 11. Burney,endorser. W. W. BEALL, Sheriff Nov. 5,1844. 5 _ !* lit ii it ill December Sheriff's Miles. W ild, lie sold,on the first Tuesday iu DECEMBERnext, before the court house door, iu the town of Eulouion, Putnam countv. the following property , to wit : Sixty acres land adjoining Alfind mid others, levied on as the property oi Jonathan Thomas to satisfy a li lit on tint fore- closure of a mortgage in favor of tiiimm Holt, assignee vs. Jonathan Thomas. One fine blooded stnllnn (Ibnrer) levied on as the properly ofTlios.G. Su it lord to satisfy a decree of the Superior Court in f.tvor of Job » Farrar,udmiiiisimlorol Jolm C. Hood dec’d vs Tlios-O. Sanford. JAS. W. MaPPIN, Sheriff November 29,1841. 5 tds Piituii nT December Slierill's Kales. W ILL be sold on th- first Tuesday in DEC E \l BEK next before the Court house door, in the town of Eutontou, Putnam county,the following property,to wit: OA negro man unified David about 64 years old, one yoke oxen, one oxcart,4 head stock cattle,one grey horse, one buy uiare, levied on us the property of John Hawk to stilish it fi lit in favor of Catharine Patrick, vs John I Inwk, uud Henry Morion, administrator of Win. Williams, dacM. 26.) acres laud adjoining John 11. ('lurk and otheVs, 145 do adjniuing M. Kendrick uud others, 792 do adjoining Robert Young and others,levied on as the .iroperty ol'P. J. Mullins to salisfv two fi fas one front Jones Inferior Court in favor of Thus Motiglton vs Pleasant J Mullins and David Lester, one from Putnam Inferior Court in favor of Jacob Keichins and others vs Jne. Dismokes und P. J. Mullins. 202 1-2 acres land adjoining Lott Hearn and others, levied on as the property of Alfred Franklin to satisfy u mortgage ii fa in favor ot Robert Roby and Seaborn Read vs Alfred Frank lin W. T. SAMMONS, D. Sheriff Oct, 29,1844.5 tds. Crawfoid December Klierill’s Sales. \m/ ILL be sold before the Court House door iu the town Y v of Knoxville, onthe first Tuesday in DECEMBER next within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One hundred and fifty bushels of corn more or less, levied on as Ihe properly of Ohadiah Irving, lo satisfy one fi fa is sued from Crawford Inferior Court, Buttle ami Allen vs said Irving,property pointed out b£ Plaintiff's Attorney. 5 tds EWELL WEBB, D. Sheriff October 30,1844. J AM ES li EEL AND, Sh’ff Wi Crawford Dec. Mortgage Klierill Kales. W ILL be sold on the lirst J'uesduv iu DECEMBER next, before the Court-house door in the town of Knox- vita, Crawford county, within the usuul hours of sale, the following property,to wit: Eight negroes named, Abram, a man 55 years old, Muiia.n woman 40years old, Leaoder, u boy 13 years old, Peggy, u girl 10 years old, Anthony, a boy 8 years old, Cicero, u boy 6 years old, Jane, a girl 4 years old, Hunntth, a girl one year old, all levied on as the property of E. \V. Dennis; to satisfy one mortgage favor of Isaac Dennis, vs. K. W. Den- •is. Property pointed out in said fi fn. I tds JAMES BEELAND, Sheriff Cruwford December Slierill'» Kali*. \\/ ILL be sold before the Court house dour, in the town of v v Knoxville,on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, iwifliin the.uaual hours of sale. One lot of Uud, containing 202} acres more or less, it being No. 161, and lving iu the 6th District ol originally Houston, now Crawfora county; levied on to satisfy one ti fa from Mm- .eogee Superior court, in favor of Henry IS. Hand vs. Thomas J. Hand—property pointed out by Henry Nowell. Administrator's Kale. W ILL bo Mid on the 13th of December next, at the late residence of William Mtudstiil, deceased, the following wit t Eight bead of Horaea, a lot of stock and meat Hogs, one lot ofBhaep,alotofCorn and Fodder, Fanning Utensils, House hold and Kitchen Furniture, and other articles too tedious to meotion, The Plantation is to be reuted for the next year* aud a negro woman to hire. Terms uinde known on the day. WILLIAM STUDS TILL, Adin’r. Telfair county,Oct.28th, 1844. 6 tds Administrator a* Sale. W ILL he sold ou Friday and Saturday, the 20th and 21st ol December next, withiu the usual hours of salo, at the late reeidence of Doctor William P. Graham, deceased, such of the perishnble property of the deceased as may be in Newton county,consisting of slock of medicines, shop furni ture, Urge and valuable medical library^ household and kitchen furniture. Aud at the plantation, within three miles of Covington, Corn, Fodder, Oats, Horses, Cows, Hogs, Plantation Tools, dec. FRANCES GRAHAM. Administratrix. IVERSON L. GRAVES, Administrator. Newton county, October 29th, 1844. 6 tds Administrator's Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of Wil kiuson county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sold on the first Tuesday in January next, within the usual hours of sale, before tlie Court-house door in the town of Irwintou, in said county, THE LAND AND NEGROES belonging to the estate of John Kettles, lute of said comity, deceased. 'Terms made known on the day of sale. MARTHA KETTLES, Administratrix. WILLIAM GARRATT, ) A . . . JAMES H. MILLS, J Adm r». \Vilkin*on county, Oct. 26th, 1844. 6 tds •JBIT’ . ... _. r r -*..ors of>aid deceased, to he »nd appear at thy office, withiu the time prescribed by low, to shew cause If any they have, why said Utters should not be granted. Given under my hand at oftica,this 29th day of October 1844. JOHN W. W. BNEAD.c.c.o. October 10th, 1814. 5—5t GEOHGIA* Baldwin County. 41’HERE AS William Y. Hausell applies foi letters of ▼ f Administration on the estate of Donald M. McDonald, late of said counts, deceased : These ere, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kiodred and creditors of said deceased, to be end appear at my office, withiu the time prescribed by law, to show cause, II any they have, why said letters should nut be granted. Uiveu under my baud at office, this l&th day of Oct. 1844. 4 5t JOHN W. W. fcjNEAD, c. o. o. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. • >•/ HERE A S Mary Whituker und James C. Whitaker, Lx- TV ecutrix and Executoi on the estate of William Whita ker, deceased, xpply lo ine for letters of dismission from said Executorship: Thescarethereforetocite and aduiooishallandiinguUr thekindredandcreditorsofsaiddeceasedto be andappearat sliov any they have,why saidlettersshould notbeg ranted. Given underiuv hand atoffice. this 4ih day of June, 1844. 36m6m JOHN W. VV. SNEAD, c.c.o. i h« Ad minis! rators' Kale. GHEE A BEY to no order of the Honorable Inferior Court V i_ of Telfair cotintv, will be sold on the first Tuesday in I th° kindred and credit* January next, before'the Court house door in tha town of , wy P^wnUedh^ Jaw, tor how cm GEOKGIAi Baldwin €ouniy. W HEREAS John S. Stephens, adminiMrutoi tatt of A lieu B. Stephens , deccaseii, npplu letters of dismission from said Administration: These are,thercfore,to cite und udmonish a I lnmUingulnr the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he uud appeur at iny office within the time prescribed by luw.toshow enuse, ii any they have, why said iettera should not be grunted. Given under mv hand at office, tliin Kith day olJulv. 1814. 42 ni6m JOHN W. W. SNE \D, c c.o. GEORGIA) Pulliam cOiinly. AA7I1ERKAS Williem Ingram applies for lelters of Ad- v v ministration ou the estate of Richurd P. lngruiu, lute ofouid county, deceased: These are, tlieruiorc, to cite and admonish all und aingulnr tlio kindred aud creditors of said dec, lined to he nod appeur ksohville, in said county, within the legal hours of sale, the following land, to wit: Lotsnuinher three hundred (30ft.) one liundrrJ and thirty- eight (138.) and three hundred and seventy-three (373.) in the first District of originally Appling, now Telfair county, con taining 491) acres, more or less, lying oti the east side of the Ocintilgee river, and on the Blnckshear road, with a store house, dwelling, and other out-houses, about twenty acres cleured land—ull in a very good situation for cultivation.— Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Kenneth Mc Lennan, late of said county, deceased. Perms of sale made known on tho day. D.’ B. CKEECII, j Administrator.. Telfair county,Oct. 26th, 1844. 6 tds if any they have, why snidlnttcrb should not be grouted. Given under my baud at cilice, this 1st day rfNuv, 1844. 6 5t W.D. CARTER, c.c.o. GEORGIA) D(*€silur County . ■ IIL'Ui.' tu a *, i Administratrix uud Administrator■ «»it flic eslatc of Main- uol Williams, late of said couuty deceased app|\in mr lor let ters of Dismission from said Administration. Those are therefore to cite and udmonbli all and singular, the kindred and creditors ufsaid docenenl to he and appear M my office within the time prescribed by luw. lo show cause, ifony they have, why suid letters ol Dismicriou shuuld not be granted. Given under my baud at office this (itti day of Mav,lti4i. 33 inUm JOHN P. DICKENSON, c . c. o. Admiiilslrator's Kale. U NDER AN ORDER of the honornblo Inferior Court of Telfair County, will he sold before the Court House door in the town of Jacksonville, Telfair county on tho First Tuesday in January next, within the usual hours of sale the following property to wit: Lots of loud No’s 61,60, 58, and 21, in the 7th District of originally Wilkinson now Telfair County King on the Oc- tmilgee River,including the residence and pin illation of Ar thur Bland deceased. Also, before tho Court House door in the Town of Canton Cherokee County,Lot No.ffiMi, 16th district and 2d section ; ami Lot No. 298, I7lh district and 1st section of Clierokeo I GEOBlsIA' D liktiisoil Lotllll) . Cuiiutv. j y V/ HLRr.Ab Muses ti. Weal uud Allied Branham, Ad- Also iu-furc the Court House door in the Town of Dalilon- , ^ * V ininistrutorH on the Estate of John Wise, apply to me egn Lumpkin county, Lot No 395,4th District and 1st section of originally Cherokee now Lumpkin county. A Iso, before the Court House door in the town of Clarkes- ville, llaber.shnincouiity,Lot No. 54, lltli district of llubo- sham County. A Iso, before the Court House door in lire town of Holmes- ville Appling County, Lot No. 186, fitli district of Appling County. Also before the Court House door in the town of Ml. Ver- vernon Montgomery County, Lot No. 7, in the town of Mr. Vernon Montgomery County. Sold at the property of Arthur Bland deeea-ed. Terms made known on tho dav of sale. J. C. CLEMENTS,? . , . D. R.CREECH. S Ad cl, 29,1«11,—5—111 Administrator's Kale. W ILl BE SOLD on the First Tuesday in January next agreeable to an outer of tho Inferior’Court of Twiggs Countv, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, the I.AND and NEGROES belonging to the estate of Dorothy Rhodes, lat- of 'Twiggs couuty Deceased. Terms made known on the dav. IRA PECK, Adtnr. October 29111, 1814. 5 td be und appeur to show cause, should nut he - Given under October 1,1841. id Administration: refine, to rite aud admotii-h all concerned to my office, within the time preset died by law I uny they have, why said letters disiuissorv anted. ly bund nt office, this 1m Sept. 1C44. US TLS B. RAIFORD, Cleik. 1 ni6iu of Jan GEORGIA, Montgomery County. W IIEKEAti 11 kn ttY \Vtm»tkn Esq. applies to i lelters of Administration on tho Nusli, late ofa.iid county, deceased : These are, lliercline,to cite, und admonish all concerned, to show cause,il utiv they have, within the time presetibvd by law, why said letteia Should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 18ih October 1841. FARUUHARD Me It A E, c. c. o. October 29th, 1644. 5—5l GLOIRK.A, Hi<>itt^oHilary 4'onniy. ilEREAD Norman tinlis unu Mark Plumps upply t motor lelters of Dismission on the t-Mute ol Align >Y Gillis, lute of s These are therefore toette the kindred and creditors pear at my office within the cause il'nnv thev have, wh v a liuud ut A<liuiiii<lrator'« Kale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January next,to the , the kituli highest bidder, at the Court house in Jucksonvillo, 1 pear at n Telfair County, Lots No. 95, 109, 111 , and 136, being iu tho cause il'ni 8th District of Telfair county. The plantation is in good Given t farming order. 'The above property belonging to the estate 51 Cm of John titudetill, deceased, sold lor the purpose of pnyiiighis ! debts, and fur distribution umongthe heirs. Terms on‘the day IA 1'01C4«IA, ? <OIU'( oiOrditinry, of stile. /.l HI a JSTUDSTILL, Adin’r. j Noutoii 4'oimty. s September Tt*l*lll, 1814. Jacksonville,October8, 1844. 2 | llblUia.-s Joel Colly, Administrator on the estate ol FARUUHARD Me It A E, C. C. O. usanuuh’Tillery, late of said counly , d« ceuscd, up- plies forlctters of Disuussmn from said estate : These tire, theietore, to cite and admonish all am) singular tuui creditors of suid deceased, to lie nml uppenrnt „ itliiu the lime nrescrilied by law, to show cuiise, il ,lying in ; any they have, why said I Iters of dismission should not bo Atlmiiiisii'atorVs Kate. W ILL be sold ut the Court-house door in ihe town ofMnri ou Twiggs county, within the usual hours ofsnle, on ■ the kind tho first I uenduyin DECEM BER next, nun hundred, one nml j my offic n (|uarier acres of Lund off of lot number not known, lying in J nnv the* ilie26.ii district td*originally Wilkinson, now Tvyiggs comity. : gianted' the place whore tlio deceased formerly lived, adjoining lands Given undo of Isruel Gragg and Olliers. Stahl us the property ol Susan- 51 6ni noli Johnson lute of said county dec’d. Sold lor Iho benefit of j the heirs and creditors of suid dec’d. TT'OVrR MON 'fi* IIK after dute application vv ill he inuib JGSIAH MURPHY, Adni’r. ! A to the lumurable luvrior Court of Newton comity while Oct. 1,1844. 1 tds silling lor ordinary purposes, for leu nv hand, at office, this Dili dav of.Sept. 1844. wm.d.luOkie, c.c.o. Boh, belonging to the estate of j£nchnus A. Middielirooks de Sold fin the benefit of the heirs and cr« ditors ol said ilece ZKRE MIDDLEBRGOK •>. Ado.*i Uctoher I, 151 J. 1 4m dwelling; one lot of lour acres, more or less, known j J u,e nod part ol the as the old Jail lot, and one lot and improvements whereon j Ingram, deceased. George S« Kenedy now lives; all of said lots lying aud be- ng in the Town of Knoxville in suid couuty. Also, at the same time and place, one negro mao by tbe name ol Turner, aged about 30 years, one negro woman*, Mn- riuh, ubout twenty-five years old; one uegro girl Matilda, about eight years old; one negro hoy Turner,about five y ear one Negro child, tiiiBan, about eight months old ; mo Negro woman Judy, about forty years old ; one negro girl Viney, a- bout fourteen yours old ;ono boy Sam, ubout eightyeurs old; md one negro girl Henrietta, about five years old : all sold a- lie property of tha Estutc of Elijah M. Amos, dec’d. ‘Terms undo known on the dav. DAVID LOCKI1 HIT, Adni’r. ADELINE AMOS, Adm’rx October 1, 1844• J tds Tfilfklr Deeember Iliorlff's Sale. WTILL be sold on the first ‘Tuesday iu Dbcembkk next, nt W the Court-house door in Ihe town of Jacksonville, ‘Tel fair county, within the legal hours of sale, the following prop- artv,to wit t One black horse, tour years old, levied on as tho property of John Fletcher, to satisfy various executions from a Justice’s .Court of the 340tk Diet. G. favor of John Mooney uud •gainst said Ftotcher and Daniel MeCrainn. Property poin- ted out by Win. Htudslill.jun. ARCH’D McDUFFIE, Deputy Sheriff. Oct.22,1844.4 tds Butt* December Sheriff 's Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Court-house door in tho Town ot Jackson, Butts county, within the legal hours of salo, the following property, to wit t The east half of lot of I.and No. a«v«nty-(wo inllie fourth Diftirim of originally Monroe now Butte county, levied on so »t It* property of Andrew Teiaot, to satisfy sundty fi f"e ho in a Justices Court of said county in favor of Williiun I-*. Alapp and others,vs. fluid Andrew Tenant. Levied on uud relumed lo me hy John II. Mooio.e instable. 0.1.29,1844. 5 CsH P. MiCLENDEN.D.tSheiiff^ Butt* Pottponetl Slierftll** Sale. f I LI. ho sold on the first Tuesday in December next, be fore tho Court-house door ill the town of Jackson, Bulla Oonnly, within tlio iihiiuI hours of sale, the following proper- «y,to wit.: Lot of Isud No. 3,in the second District of originally lieu- rv.unw RiiMscouuty; also, lot oflsnd number eighty-two,in jhe third Di«tticC ol oiiginully M«nr.Mi, now flult-. couuty: h-iied on n* the property of ‘Thomas Foster, to tut inly .ms n fi. trorn Untie Interior lAouri id fsycu’ ot John It. Low# v% V’hmnns Foster. A Do, the east half of lot oflsnd number seventeen, and (lie m hull »»f l,.t of Und number eighteen, aiul the north half of /he other bull* of S4i<l lot osuffer eighteen, making iu all two hundred >n.l fifty unes, sad lying in said county of Butts; levied ou na the property of Yekrninn ‘Tlinat. n. to satisfy a ti Iu Opm Bulls superior Court in favor ol William F. Maptv as. Yrlv*nion Tlmxiou, Samuel W. Tbuxton, aad Green C. ’rUuxton. O, II. P. M’CLENDGM. Oap. Skariff. Oej.W.iaiL 4 IJ* county when Hilling tin part of the «\ eg runs lull bcu,deceased. EDW ARD \. BURCII, Ado I In wkiusvilb’, August Ifiih.ISJlL F out MON I SI* to Hie llonorah ' dal. uppi Atlinlii strator's Kale. A GREEABLY to all order of tlio Honorable the Inferior* Court of Baldwin county, when eitiingun a Court of or- i dinarv, will be sold before tho Court House door, in tho City of Millcdgeville, in said county, on the tint Tuesday iu Dc- 1 ember next, withiu the Ingul lioura ofnule, the following pro perty to wit: ONE LOT IN H1ILLEDGEY1LLE, fronting on Wayne Street,adjoining Mrs. Nancy Jouea on the North,and Dr. G. Edwurds on the South; ou which there are two tenements, one of which is now occupied by James Duncan. Alsou j Negro womnn named Aggy, , tin u brio v.d-c il.e t luteof Lenja August l2lh 1614. late of Baldwiu county,deceased, for the uenetit of the heirs u land, No. 158 said deceased. Terms made known on the day ofsale. 53*j t in (lie 2d Kept. 24th, 1844. 52 Atlniftiiaslralor’s Sale. \\ ILl, he sold on Thursduy (lie 14tli day of November v y next, at (lie lute residence ol Joel Honvor, late ofWil- kinson countv, deceused,witliin the usual hours of sale, all the perishable property belonging to said estate ; consisting ofco'ii, fodder, rollon, horses, hogs, cattle,sheep, house hold and kitchen film it u dions lo mention, ull is sold. Term Sept. 24, 1841. , and various other articles now too te- Suln to cot I lime, from day to duy until ale. HENRY HOOVER, j AtliuliilKirutor'* Kule. V GKEEA BL Y to aiiordurof lhe Honorable the Inferior .Court of Wilkinson county, when sitting for ordinary, purposes, will be sold before the Court House* door, in tlio town of Irwiutoii, on tho first Tuesday in January next, tho negroes belonging to the. estate of Benjamin Exiim, luteof said .•.unity, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMES EXUM, Jr.,Adm’r. Wilkinson county, August 20th, 1844. 47 Adininiwtrutor'* Sale. W ILl. he sold before the Court-house door in the town of Irwintou, Wilkinson county, between the usual hours of nule. on the first Tuesday in January next, All the lauds of Willinm Smith, late of raid county, do- cea nod, whereon the said Smith lived at the lime of his death, with iho widow’s dower excepted. A Do, six urgroos, belonging to said estate. All sold for the benefit of the neirs and creditors of sni.l deceased. JAMES ROSS, Adin’r. Wilkiuson county. October 11, UH L 4 tds Executor*' Sule* W/ ILL be sold ou Wednesday, the Kith dav of December ▼ V n-xt, at the Die residence ol Jr.iues Exiim, fate of Wilkinson county, deceased, all the peiisluihb* properly be longing to said estate, consisting of Corn and FodderCot ton, Hontthold and Kitchen Furniture, and Stock of all kind$. A Iso, the. Lund rented and (lie Negroes hired. Sale to continue from day to day, until all Teuus made known on the day ol sale. JAMES ROSS, JOHN G. K. HOGAN, Wilkinson eounty,Oct. 29th, 1844. i sold. j Executors. 6 ids Executor's Kale. W ILL be sold at the Court house, in the town of Knox ville, Crawford county, on the first Tuesday iu DE CEMBER uext.hy an order of the honorable Inferiour court of said county, when siding as a Court of Ordinary, three hun dred three and three quarter acres (303 >) of land. No. 152, 1st dial, formerly Houston, now Crawford ; south half No. 131 in the sains diet., with (wo reserves, the Gin house and one sore oflsnd round it. The land given to Clayton academy* and the privileges sold ns tbs property of Wm. Cleaveland, dac’d. Terms on the dav. WASHINGTON C. CLEAVELAND,) ABSALOM C. CLEAVELAND, J OeMb*r I, IM4. 1 M. I pair Kip Biogan 500 do do nt $1 BOOTS. Gents* N. I*, water proof Boots - i Calf sewed do Mu ’ tlii. do ,10,1) Boys’ sewed, Mini pugged do Gents’ fine Cif. sewed Brogans do do pegged do do vulval .Slips Boys’ and youths’ Brogans, (n?i ALSf, « kid Slips.(nxsorted) do and Morocco welts, Black F. «. ti, J. welts, do do set Herls, Kill Brogans, Cull’ do colored morocco Sido Ties, uo Fancy Gaiters, do Kid French Tins, at 50 cts. E. ALEXANDER 6c Co. MiltadgevilU, Oct. 1st, 1814. 2 tf I.adiei do Aj! Jsl i rmtdkahm i GEORGIA* Decutiir Eounty. W HEREAS Alexander W. tiuced applies lo me for let (era ot AdminRuaium ou the estate of Mniguret tiapp, deceased : These are,therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be uud appear at my office within the time prescribed by law,to show cuusu ifony exist, why suid letters should not be granted. Given under my baud ut office,this 19th olOctobcr, 1844. 5 5t JOHN 1*. DICKENSON,c.c.o. A «1 in in i*t rii Co r’s Sale. W ILl. be sold before the Court House dour in the town of Knoxville, on the first Tuesday in Dncenitibr next, within tho usual hours of sale, according to aii order of the • Inferior Courtofsaid county ; the following property, to wit: One dwelling house and lot whereon Mrs. Amos now lives, | ..... . , a large and commodious store house ndjoining (lie said ; forordmury purposes, lor leave to sell all tin* • * * * *.''* ***.*i i*.**-» - belonging to the ( OUlt .MONTH K after date, application will be made to the Iuferior Court of Butuum couuty, when iilinu r “ 1 “ " 1 J 1 DRY GOODS. 2000 Negro Blankets,sup’r quality. 300 p’rs Bed “ “ 500pieces Calico; new and rieh pnterns, 100 M Mob. DeLaina; cheap and rich, 23 11 Cashmere decosse; 50 to 621 P er yard, tiussns, AUpaccos aud Boinhaxiue, 4 p's fig’d Roumelia (new article) ladies dress, 20 n’s Milks; richest and latest styles, 4 p’s Black Pedeloie and gro. de swisa. Worsted binding. Ribbons, Hooks and eyes, Buttons, pins and Needles, and cot. cord,j Swiss Jackonet and Mull muslins, Geut and Ladiesgloves, wool do. 100 p’s Satinets, worn 37 to $1 50, 50 “ Kent. Jeans 37 to 75 Black and fancy Casemere, 1 to $3yd, 100 p’s negro cloth: plaid linsey and Tennessee pluil Apron checks and Tickings 10 to 20 cts. yd. 54l p’s White, red, scarlet and greou flauneU, 1 Padding, buckram,and s^rge, 6 doz. White and black silk hose, 50 u cotton 10 to 37 pr. Silk, worsted and camel hair shaw ls, 50 doz. Geut. silk liatuikT*. Fancy and black cravats, Stocks of all kinds, 1 case umbrellas, Fine Tooth, dressing an.I pocket combs, Ladies toilet! Brushes, Shaving and tooth brushes, 300 p’s 4-4 brown homespun, 200 •• blenched 4UU , B) cts SIIOKS A.\U BOOTS. 2000 pairs Negro shoes, 500 do rtic/e, 300 “ Kip do $1 good in 200 *• do very good, 100 “ Gent cnlfshocH $1 75, 300 “ Bovs kip and cnlf'shoes 75 to $1 2 cases geut. calf boots $5 50, 2 “ ** water proof do and peg'd, 20 boxes Ladies Kid aud Gaiter shoes 75 to $1 100 p’rs Misses do do 50 to 74 HITS till) CAP* . ImlR n. $1 50 m $3 50 doz. black wool do. Cl.*,Polk zod OloHullc«pz, aOUclvlIiziid furc»|i», BONNETS. I caao Soronco ploilbonnoi., 3 “ fin. »ir«>* do I « fancy mlk du I •• velvet do 1 “ florence braid do Great variety of flowers, 5tc. flic. HARD WARE. 30 doz. knives and forks, 50 to 1 50 10 M Gent, pocket knives, 12 “ Pad locks, 6 “ plated and knob do 500 cut Tacke, Shears, scissors, table and tea spoons, Hand-saws,hammers, files, d&c., flee. CROCKERY WARE. 500 SetsCupA and Saucers, 25, 200 doz. Plates, 25, 50 Sets china cups and saucers,; 50 doz. u plates, 20 “ Bowls, of all sizes, 20 “ Pitchnrs, M “ 10 “ Dishes, 5 doz. deep do. 75 " Tumblers, of all ktuds. Bowls and Pitchers, Toilett and swing glasses. WOODEN WAKE. 2 Nests Tubs 3 doz. Pails and buckets, 3 Nests buckets, 6 doz. Brouma, Whists, brushes, fltc. flic. SADDLED, URIDLES, Ac. 2 doi. Gent. Muddles, 1 *• Ladies do 6 '1 Bridles, , Martingales,tiersingles.Gerlhs, Whips, Saddlebags, Trunks fl&c. flt-c, DRUftS. MEDICINES, Ac. Castor Oil, B’ts Drops, Paregoric, LainJannm, tintiff, Cinna men, Nutmeg, Ginger, tipice, Pepper,Copperas, Indigo,Per fumery, Cologne, fltc. fltc. rr All „f th, ubitvii iiriiolo, will he .old lower Ilian over offered before in tliie market. My ere reepeclfully invi- ed to ciiU and ezauiiue fur lliom.vlvc,. JAMES II. SIIAHAN. 1 tf ed. 4 udmonish all and singular said deceased, to bcunil up- ic prescribed by law , to show ieiterssboiild not be grunted. 6tli day of tii pt., 1844. Milledgeiillt, Oct. 1 st, 1844. WARE-HOUSE”AND" COMMISSION DIISIAESS, BKOAD STBKET. AUGUSTA, GA f|UIE iiinb rsigm'd, tliniikliil ftr tin; pntrunugi; iieretufore J. received, respectfully informs hi-* friends and the public geiiHrally, that lie still continues the Ware House and Com mission Hi’mnkss, nt his old stand on Broad street (long known st Al Brail’s ) und will give strict personal attention to ill business entrusted lo his can*. Liberal advances made on Colton. His commission for selling «utnm is reduced, from this dale,to 35 cool, per WM . A. BEALL. gepl. 17,1841. bi 2m ~ ftiUElAEK A BEALL, FACTORS I And Commission mcrclinnts, rto. TS, Bay Street, Savannah. C.A. Gkeinkk, \V. A. Bfali..-11 "Sop'- ” J. WASHBURN & WILDER, conxaxssxorr ME ICC II ANTS, SAVANNAH, Ga. August G, 1844. 45 3m HAMILTON, HARDEMAN & CO. | WILL CONTINUE THlij FACTORAGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS in this city, and will as hitherto devote their personal atten tion to the salo of Cotton, filling of orders, and receiving and forwarding of goods with despatch. EVERAUI) HAMILTON, > THOMAS HARDEMAN, > Copartners. LTON, ) CHARLES F. HA.MIl/ Savanna it, 3rd July, 1844. 41 Cm HO WARD A KITH liKlOlil), COMMISSION Jtl nitCIIANTS, Apalacliicola, Fla. rnilE uniifirpigneiilinvinR iIi-Il-i limit-ii In Lin.lmt-iicr n timer- jL til Cimiiiii!*flioll liuvilie,. nt A pnlucllicold, I lie dinning ndiniii. will ffivetlinirperniiiiiil attention to nil lineim-en confi iledlo tlieircare. T. B.IIOW4HD, New York City Adverlisemenl. PRINT WAREHOUSE IN NEW YORK. To supply the city interior trade by the piece or package. No. 44 CEDAR STREET, (NEAR WILUAM-8T.) L EE fle BREWSTER give notice to Dealers in Dry Goods that thev have removed tlieir WARE-HOUSE for PRIN TED C A LlCOES EXCI. USIVELY, from Pearl to 44 Cedar Street. By confining tlieir attention to PRINTS ONL) ,L. flz. B are enabled to exhibit an assortment far surpassing any ever before offered in America—and to sell st prices ns low, uud Gi.NtR.w.i.V lower, than tho3c whose utieuiion is divided among a large variety of articles. ‘The Stock consists of several thousand patterns and COLORS, EMBRACING EVERY VARIETY OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRINTS in market—many styles oj which are got up exclusively/or their cn sales,and cannot he had eisetchere, except in second hamis. Dealers iu Prints will find it for tlieir interest to examine this slock before making tlieir purchases—they will have the advantage ot learning the lowest market price, and compar ing all the desiruble styles in market eicb; by side. Catalogues of prices, corrected with every variation of tbe market,are placed iu the hands of buyers. Oct. 8,1814. 2 if TIIIS DAY RECEIVED A YEW SUPPLY OF RICH DRESS GOODS! BANCROFT'S C ASHMERE De Eco.-se. Cashmerette, Crape De l.nine. Aluuidin Dc Lame. Alapaccas. Bombazines, &c. &.c< Si c. Utilledgeville, Oct. 29 1844. A ll fekmons are hereby warned sguinst trading fora Note given by metoJno. Lurkey. or bearer, for twenty-five dollnrs, as I uni determined not lo pay said Note, unless compelled by luw. SAMUEL DOWNING. Jacksonville, Oct. 25tb, 1844. The rightful owner of lot No. 322, iu the 8th District of old Wilkinson, now Telfair,enn gel the worth of said lot by pre* senting suitable titles to the subscriber. l/’Orit .UOVJ US after dale, application «%ill be L made to tin- Honorable Inferior Court ol Tufnuin county, when silting for ordiiiHi v purposes, for leave to si ll nil the lands belonging iu llir/csiale ol* L‘iii,ubill> Brudlcy, luto of said county,deceased. B. W. SANFORD,Atlm'r. Puinsm county, August 8, |84l. 46 j L^OUR *11OMHS tiller date application will be made , __ ,, ,, , . ^ I Jc lo the hoiiurublc the inferior Court of Baldwiu comity, about 67 yoars old, sold as the property of Alexander Greeu wli'-le sitting ua a Court of Ordinary, lot leuvc to sell loi ut iUiu the loth District, Ctisacodilty—also, lot No. 2d Dialiiet, Foi tty til county’, it batng llir pKipi-rtv ol the orpliaua ol \‘iutrul Vickers,dec rit-ed. HARRIE T VICKERS. Gunidian. June 18ih. 1844. :<R I conic III ON TIIS after date , ipplicatior. willi.e 1 made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Baldwin County, while Hilling for ordinary purposes, Ini leave to sell the reul and personal property belonging to the estate of Al exander Green, lute ot rind county,decruhrd. HUGH KNOX, Administrator d* bonis non. July IGth, 1844. U JUST RECDIVED AT THE NEW BOOT & SHOO STORE, ,4 LARGE Lot of thick black and Russet Broguus furNc- lY groCH. IDDO pair Kip Biognns NOVEMBER SPLENDID LOTTERIES. .1.0.0 It llG OllVft ( O. IUnnai;ei's 40,4100 Dollnrs ! ! ! $20,000 $10,000 On Salntilin/, Ihe 1 (>■'/; Nocemher, 1944, the KI'LLNUII) Al.FXAKDHIA LUTTEUV, Class No. -10 fur 1844. Will 1)0 drawn in Alexandria, D. C. 78 Number fjotleri/—IS Drawn lialtuts. ORAM) FRIZES. 1 1*1 !'/.<• or ,40,000 I I prize Ol' I <l<> -20,000 50 do 1,000 1 do 10,000 | IOO do ,400 !l do »»0 do dOO ! 1 do 4,000 I See. Sic. Sic 1 Tickets $12 -Halves $G—Quarters $3—Eighths, I 50, Cirtificntes of Fackogcsof2H Whole Tickets only flfiO Du do 26 Hair do 80 20 Quarter do 46 26 Eighths do 20 25,000 Dollars ! A LUX INDIil i I.OTTFHV, Class No. 41, lur lb44. To bo drawn ot Alnxindria, D. C., on Saturday, Nov 23, 1814. PHIZES! I prize of $‘23,000 I ■ prize of $4,01)0 I do 10,<i0ft 1 do of 2,1100 I do 4,0001 lO do of *2,000 Sic. Sic. Sic. f!6 number Lntteiy, 12 drawn ballm*. Ticheie SI0 —Hzlvpg ijii—Quarter. @2 50. Ortificnte ol h l’miknge of 32 \\ hole Ticket. illO Do do 33 hull' do 55 Do do 33qnnrlor do 37 50 30,000 Dollars ! ALCXANDIUA LOTTE1IV. Class No. 42. for 1844. Tube drawn al Alexandria. I). C., on Saturday, Nov. 30, 1844, SVX.SK DID PRIZES! Just Jteceived, the following WORKS! H ARPERS illuminated and New Pictorial Bible; Shake- penre’s Play with fourteen hundred Encravings, bv H. VV. Weir and H.VV.Ilownt; The Picture Gailey of tlieNew and Old World ; Italian and German without a master,found ed on the Robertsonian method ; Gibbon's decline and down- fa ofthe Roman Empire: The Lady al Home,or Leuves from the every day Book, by Mrs. Fleetwood; Cecilett Howard or the young Lady who bail finished her Education, hy T. S. Arthur; An inquiry Presented to the Conscience ofthe Chris tian reader, by the Reverend Caesar Mulnn, I). D.: The bride of Fort Edward, au incident of tlio Revolution, Edited by G. B. Zicber; Richlieit in Love or tho youth ofCharles 1st; An Historical Comedy in two Art*, by Benjamin At Young, N. K.; The New uiontlily Mirror ofLitornture nnd the fine Arts ; Tho Ladies' New National .Magazine, Edited by John luintin, Juno Numbers; The Mirror library conlaining’Plutos of the latest Stylo of Fanliious for ilie Ladies ; Life of Andrew Jackson, civil nml military, with illustrations, hy Amos Kendall, Esq.; Life uud public services of Henry Cloy, brought down to the year 18*1; Louis T. KlipsteiiTa'Polyglnt, no introduction to the study uf modern languages. The work is a perfect guide to those who wish to study she different languages. 1 vol ume of tlio Polyglot is completed in six numbers; ‘The Cur rency; ‘The Tariff and Capital by Junius; also, some pieces uf thu latest uud most popular stylo of .Music, fur sale at 6 June 23d, 1844. M. E. EDWARD’S Store. Millcdgecille, Geo. 38 if ^ pm COMMISSION MERCHANTS ™ J. W. RABUN, ^ VAN ^ A d GEo, f R. I* PULTON. Juzz 45,1844. JOHN L. STEPHEN^" attorney at law ’ -UO*-, Unrria 7 All Hit Nov. 14/A 1849 I. prize of #30,000 1 do 19,000 1 do 0,000 1 do 3,300 1 prize of 3,*2*27 I do 3,000 1 do 3,000 Sic. he. he. Tick*., $11*— $5 Quniteri* I 55. Cerlilicalea of paukagea ul'35 whole ticket, $13f) Uo du 35 G5 do do 35 quarter ticket, 33 50 Ordar.fur Tickete end Slinre,end Certificate* ofBHckitcc in tbe ehovc Brilliant dehttme*. will he promptly attended to and n, ,uon it. the drawing i, over an account of it will be fnrwurded to nil tvhu order front tie. Addre.e— J. G. Gltl'GORV.ftCo., lUuuagert WABHINGTON CITY, D. C. Oct. 29,1844. fp. PENITENTIARY! 1 HO nnn mMN©LEK wanted immediately for the 1 U'JjVJUU use of thi- Institution, and a large quantity of Kcaiuliii|;s, KliectiuRS, and square hei» u Tim bers* to be of beM pitch pine, and delivered immediately,for which cash or barter will be puid. Persons desirous of entering into contractu willpieRent tliemHe.lvcsimmcdistely. ABNER HAMMOND,Inspector. Milledgeville Isnuary 1, 1844. 14 tf ~ Nnwwoasi. J UST RECEIVED, Arrali Neil, or Times of Old, a Ro mance by G. P. U. James, Esq. ‘The II. Family, or Tralinnan, Axel and Anna, ami other‘Tales, by Frederick Bremer, translated by Mory Howell. ‘Tlio Grandfather, u novel h\ the 1st** Miss Ellen Pickering. The Atiiohiogrnpliy ol Hcnricli SlcllingR, lato Aulie Counsellor of the Grand Duka of Buden,flee. fltc. translated from (lie German by L. Jackson. Arthur’s Lady’s .Magazine, Campbell's Foreign Semi MnntliK Magazine,’or Select Miscellany of European Literature uud Art. The Columbian Lady's and Goutlcniju's Maguzme. Goody’s Moguziue and Lady’s Book. The La dy’s National Mucazine. The Lady’s Musical Library, An- gust No. Also, N .6, ( .fdm Pictorial Bible, with a vaiiety uiullioi interesting vvoiks. AT M. E. EDWARDS’S STORE. August 20, 1814. 47 if prospectus AMERICAN 11E VIP dr I A Whiff Journal of Foliiici,Literature, Art JLiJ'’J It having been determined lo eet.hli.1. . «7*Wl| Literary Monthly Review, to be conducted , o Po,i lle*l M | York hy GEORGE H. COLTON, E,o „" ', b ' e "*efC| permanent mainlenenee of Wnio prm’cinl.. - AI nient of Ahkr.caz literature: 1 " lei ea4 f The iinuereigiied, Whig member, of the T Congre,,, irom severe! section, of the Uni,.. •"'MWl lion of Ihn gtenl importance of ettch a work t. ,ln c<I * Mi 4nzl ly epnroveoflhe de.ign,nnd urgeit upon ihe w? l, **t-l Republic for their effective and unwi,e r !„ believe it to bn most atronglv deniaitded b* *tl interest# ofthe country : and the anne.l ,/ /T®. P^*Hh»1 having these internets most #i heart. And for Ik. ^ , Md| feci confidence in it, political cottrae, e,.urinL"- k,,, »**l given, that the continual eaaiatanen of le.di„. 11 —4,1 Whig Party has been secured, and that full in tha viewt amiabilities ofthe Edit,," "i* "Si, MEMBERS OF I HE SENATE WiUic P.Mangum. N. C. Presidents George Evuns, Mattie. J J. J. Crittenden, Kentucky. J. Macpherson Berrien, Georgia. James F. Simmons, Rhode Island. James Alfred Pearce, Maryland. Richard H. Bayard, Delaware. J, IV. Huntington, Connecticut. Samuel S. Phelps, Vermont. Alexander Barrow. Louisiana, J. 7’. Morehead, Kentucky. W. C. Rives, Virginia. William Woodbrtdge, Michigan. Ephraim H. Foster, Tennessee. VV. L. Dayton, New. Jersey. John Henderson, Mississippi MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE. Garrett Dams, Kentucky. Charles Hudson, Massachusetts. George VV. Summers, Virginia. Samuel T. Vinton, Ohio. John White, Kentucky. Daniel P. King, Massachusetts. K. Rayner, North Carolina. George B. Rodney, Delaware. S C. Sample, liidiana. FH Morse, Maine. Milton Brown, Tennessee. Washington Hunt, New- York. Henry Y. Cranston, Rhode Island. Charles M. Reed, Pennsylvania. Joint J. Harden, Illinois. C. II Carroll, New- York. James Delict, Alabama. Wiinam A Moseley, New. Fork, Robert C. Schenck* Ohio, Alexander II. Stephens, Georgia. J. Phillips Plucnix, Newt York City. Earnestly approving of the plan of such a national omi.1 long needed nnd ot manifest importance, the und«rairi3l agree to contribute for its pages, from tune lo time.Nucbcuall inutiicatinnR as may hereqmsito to net forth and dnfend fat" doctrines held by the united Whig Party ofthe Uuiun. ™ George P. Marsh, of Vermont. D. D. Barnard, of Philadelphia. E. Joy Morris, Philadelphia. T. L Clingman, of North Carolina. John Macpherson Berrien, of Ga. Robert C. Winthrop, of Boston. Thomas Butler King, of Georgia. Hamilton Fish, of New. York City, J. P. Kennedy, of Baltimore. J. Collamen, of Vermont. John J. Hardin, of Illinois. VV. S. Archer, of Virginia Bufus Choate, of Massachusetts. Alexander H. Stephens, Ga. The reasons leading to the design of ihis Review art mm and obvious. There lias long been, and, it is (eared, will be, ti faction la the Republic,assuming popular forms, but led on li/drs* goalies,against tbe true interents of the couutiy. Uaderesab guidance they have already inflicted many in/iiriea on ibekre* 1 dy of the Commonwealth—have crippled our comment, I reduced our manufactures,diminished our revenue, diaaipafe* I ed our treasure,deranged our currency, dishonored onr defats* I depreciated our nchools, corrupted popular auffrag*, yd I strengthened Executive power, diminished the hard eanuaCi I of the laborer, nnd placed a disustroua check on the whad I course ol internal improvements. I In addition to these injuries, they are promulgating or(h* I iug countenance lo the most dangerous doclrisea: Ikd I In v should have no vitality or force upart from the popular I will ; that legislation is to be no more stable than '.arty poor-1 er; tliut contracts and covenants of to-day insy be set aaifl) I by u change of tnojoritieu to.morrow ; that the solemn arid I of judicature, nnd tlie tribunals of justice, are to bn direedf I controlled by the populace ; that change, in a word, it pn* I gross, aud ihe antiquity ofan institution hardly cumpaliil I w ith its ultility ; tlmt crime is rather to be pitied thau par I lulled; that companies, corporations, and institutions oflMI | ing, are monopolies to be warred ngainsl; and that iu «rej l transition of Government, to the victors belong the rpofaj I witli many other Jacobinical opinions, from which* if #ul*fre I to gain ground, we can look tor nothing but the conuptiat ] of our inornli>,tliH(!egradtt!i»n of our liberties and (he ulnar" ruin of the Commonwealth. The party styling themselves the Democratic, and •wf* ] ing superiority of literary taste and accomplishuiesixd established, ami fur some lime supported, a Review, die guislied lor ability, but devotedly mniutuininj; many of lb pernicious doctrine#, wliitathe conservative minds ufllirto try, lur more numerous nml more powerful,have had iioafflj 1 ofthe kind through which to ulter their penliiuenia, w I spreiid u healthier influence through the community. I Besides tlmse considerations, it is evident to ull that Jw I literature domunds place on a higher basis tliun lulliurtu it■■■ I occupied,and the character of the nation a more honnraw I dnfenco against foreign malignity nnd arrogance. It i* ujj* l we should free ourselves from literary dependence, ad 1 flood of trash inundating tlio couulry with iioslility of r.itrepi I w ith the dignity tliut belongs to a great und pio#perou» fW I pie. ^ I it is thought not inexpedient,Uierefore.toestablishI or Review, which, discarding all sectional sad I fluence, shall aim to defend tlie greuiaud irue interest" g I Republic; toliarimmize,in a kindlier scquaint«ec#sWJj»,w I diflerHiit sections of the country; to set forth more elsarffw I inexhaustible resources of our territoiv; lo elevate tbs n| Mjf I at th* people; to withstand pusillanimity ol home and tnoire I lies uhrond; to promote American science, aiiddifliiMlbieM* I out the land a higher order of taste iu letters nnd the an*' I Above all, it is, under God,the design of this Review HD f down and demolish,by whatever weapons of reason orrM*w I the specious theories and doctrines assiduously eoWd Ure I the people by Jacobin demagogues,and unpnnclplre» d* P I sionary, organs of the press—holding forth in their placf • I only stale principles—liberty undei Iswj mofieasjnI destroy ing, protection to every thing establisheswortej*^! ’ anal honour. u a 'Tills periodical will be published in the city °* WILLIAM K. HcGUAFK JLflKIED ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hlakely, Early Coiiniy, Geo. Reference*—lim. Seaborn Jones, Hon. W.T. Col. ijuitt, Hon. A. Iverson,lion. Joseph Sturgis, Joint Schley, and Henry L Bcnning Esqrs. AiiuhcI l*al a iu f i believed that this periodica rus-r RErEIVEI), tit. Pirzt Vh Bocuud’5io./of t*ho lional honour. 'This periodical will be published in the city of to be culled “The American Monthly Reyiew, and Literary.” -1 The price of tbe Magazine will be F»ye DoLLAri* JJj I lo be puid on receiving tbe first or the second tiuDihefim^ I option of the subscriber: Single numbers fifty ceair ^ I It was the original design, for reasons of p' rn “Sf?J5 mice, that tins periodical should not commenc*. ti»I tier the Tresideniial eli cliou. That subscribers, sw* ^ I may see,as many may desire,wlml they are called if*" I Biiliscribe for, and tliut three or four articles, of e I casf and weight in the crisis of the limes, may be ip"* ^ I fore the people previous lo an election of so great I Jununry number will appear early iu October, -.i«f|t| Each’number, containing from one hundred sad t«^|l ona hundred and thirty two pages, printed in doubt* on fine paper, will consist of a leading political wrtteta* . ^ I variety of lit iury miscrllany, in history, biography, crofl^x fiction, poetry, statistics, science end the nits. J All The first number will couluin o eketcli of the m* character of Mr. Frelinghnyscn,with a fine poriraib>c** ied also by an engraved bust of Henry Clay ; an VI condor third number afterwurds will present • souk* disliugiiiHlied mail of the Republic, extern™.I highest style of ihn art, together withan earnest Bad « ^| biography, winch may stand as e part ofthe histoij®** I lion. L^dl In addition to the Congressional nnmesubutf, • ■ writers, both political auu literary, from all section*, . knowledged to be among the ablest in tho c0,,, . ,liu ^!!j - pp- 1 been secured aa pernmnout contributors; nnd it 1*®°** believed that this periodical will be inferior to no otner Bioiiglit to Juil* AT lrwintnn, Wilkinson comity, Ga. a Ne gro Boy who says bis numo is Hurrel, about Hcventcen years old, dark complexion, long fare and down look, when spoken to. Ilesuye Iim belongs to n n*so by the name of Willintn Knight, living iu Tike county,Ga. The owner or owners are requested lo couie forward,prove property, pay charges and take him away. 8.B. MURPHY, Jailer. Hept, 9,1844.21 tf FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, CJtFMTJU, 0900.000. rpHF. NEW-YORK CONTRABU'TIONHHIP FIRE I. INSURANCE COMPANY having established an agen cy in Knoivillr, Crawford county, wilt insure BUILDINGS, MERCHANDIZE, HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE, and every description of property, against loss or damage by fire. FRANCI4 H? HURDOCK. Agent. Knoxville, June II. 1fl|4. 37 tf MOItl? NEW WORKS! R OSE D'ALBRET,hy 0.1*. R. K.q ; Tom Burk of Our*#, hy (-harles l.voti* author ofHeury Lorrcgucr ; Charles O'Malley, flic ; Fairy Legends or the South of Ire land, by T.Crotton Croker, a new edition; tbe Alartyr Wife, s Domestic Koinanco, by Ilia author of Elwood, the Bunker, or Like FatlmrLike tiou; Amy Herbert, by a Lady—Edited by the Rev. \V. Sewell, B. I). The Life end public services of the Hon. James Knox Polk, with a cnmpendiuin of bis Speech*#,on Notion's public mea sures; also, h sketch of the Life of the Hon. George M. Dallas, published by N. Hickman; Life and Speeches of Henry Clay, vol., Six., 2, by Greeley and AlcEfrath; Major Jones’s Court ship. •i'h illuetratious, by Durley; July Nos. of theCoInro- Mon Ladys’soil Uentlemeus’ .Maritaine mere ofthe Magazines »f Shakespeare, with a variety or other new worka ofthe day or sale at E.M. EDWARD'S Store: MiPedgaville, July 9,1844. 41 tf A< NMIce to Debtors un«l CroSitor*. LL Persona indebted to lire estate of Susannah Johnson: rm. late of Twiggs county, dec’d., ate requested lo make im- nediale payments, end tlmse having e.lnima against the same, will render them in duly autbeeiknted in tt “ ‘ October 1,1844. lermeef the lew. JdjNVfatf MURPIIY, Adm’r, Wandering Jew, bv Eugeuc tine. Also, other populur works oftbe dav fnun llic various popular presses of New York, receiving cniistantly ms Imhi as they arc published, nud (huse loud uf reading cuu obiaiueuch worka an they choose reed, al M. F.. F.DWAKDH's HTOKE. the rcislly ‘•J! kdOVfl I ill AIL AUIUNGEMENT. Northern and Augusta Mail, via Warren ton, DUB Daily nt 10 A M. | CLOtBI Daily al 0 A.M. Macon and Columbus Mail. DUB Dully (Sunday excepted)#! I# A.M CLOSBBDsily *• 9 •• r 19 M. Savannah Mail. r( Monday excepted) nt •III (Saturday •• )#i Eat onion Mail, O L<*» E 8 "•'***» 1 wd Frlde:j aIT , M Monti cello Mail. f M DUK Thursdayand Sunday atS P. M. CLOSES Monday anil Thursday at SF.M. Florida Mail. CLOSES Monday .Wednesday aad Friday at II A.M* Hawkintville Mail. Georgia li. Coliun, associated, however, e«pi polilicelilepartinent, with other gentlemen of mows mg and attainments. That no person may hesitate in tha metier sf assurance is unreservedly giveu dietsrrnng*roeid««» to put the permanent appearance el this Rent* contingency* Nzw VozK.J*~ yj (D-lt UezniMlI, rf.qti6M*d oftv.r/ oo. »tllnij»j^ IzrMtcd io iltiz dozign, lo obttin oz th. bitok ,**■ " *rozp*dnzoomznvoiibKrib.nt. I* «•. , 'f," . paper, with their pl.coz of, lo lit. W" York. . . Th.l tlii, may bo entrrad iulo tba more rzodtly b iki, Boeirlir.Cloy Clot... 4k,.. lit. follotviz, , ‘^- fc z tre off.rmlVivo conic, for $90; TUnatz’ the ainouMi to bcmntil.d in tiiircni Nen-io^ •ay mrua bceomlaf roopoooiblo (ortourcopi**. a fifth*. - P.rzouviollM-count ry,r»mitlio£th»zmr. nil caa ibe work ky nail, Mroufly oavolopM, -J By law, rcmhloacM for all periodk.l. mt •- 1 ! tapoaaa, by awiila* (beat ia tu. pfaaaaea, of All eominunkctinn. lob* fridrc-c-d.yorf ( tar.O, II, rollon.