The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, February 04, 1845, Image 4

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Sa il ms* M i -111 fStXi l Sheriff* Sale. •4M door hi Eatoolo*. MMky he March Mm, (Stork. ttMtVl v*«re old | It*, llki'ng * bou 125 yea re 'll, eodl.eaaru., lU «f NathaoM invorof Hr nry orty phi Mad oat ' JAS.W.MAPnN.Slwriir. 13 lAMlfMekfeerll'iiMic. re elm Coovt-treoee hoar in Bnlontnn, r.H tlH (ml Teeedty in March nail, a of an la, tba Mtbwlni property, m wit: •lot Oaana, Harry, Alloa, Mary, Nat- /UWhmiTHaorMla, Jo* Rich, Ifjf foil, Hal, Harriet, and Jqhiixm: alto, an, urio,Kit UM Mark; Mika, a gray Horae: I Orera; one harooek and harnaaa, one road — cart and oainti all Inalad on aa the * toaetfafVeandry nanrtgaaa A (aa lihaaddd^ IIAHIIONB.O. Bheriir. AUrah •hertra Mile*. a tba drat Tacadarhi MARCH nail l-koaaa daor in the town at Katonton, ' taring properly, to aril: i or fare. 40 hand ofetoek bega, aioto I at nook cattle; (aaiadoa aalha properly ,« utlafy • mortgage i fa in favor of II. W. Clark. I and lo: in lha toara of Katonton, where™ Mr,, lie now live#; leviod on aa lha properly of 'ate anilely a an ia far or of Uriah Bryant vt iiha ofiaad adjoining P. J. Muliiaa aad mh alba property ol John H. Clarke, to aatUry t fetor of J. C. MoReyaolda aad olhera va • t*. IMS. JAB. W. MAPPIN, Sheriff. 19 Ida mat Alareh Bketlff’i Stale. ’ told before lha Goort-bnana door it. Ealnnton. aiaain rotate, aa the (rat Ttoeday in MARCH Blheuetal hour. ol aaia, the following properly, Iiakaaeafland, aaoro or leak, adjoining Wm. Whitfield, *; levied on a. the property of Samuel Walker In I lain fnrornfH. W. Court and othera va eaid fWil illlnll) 1 Bitfield, 8«u rity. W/r. SAMMONS, D. Sheriff; 19 rds April morigafc Sheriff s Salr. ■•Id before the Court-house door in tire town Putnam county, on the first Tuesday within the usual hours of sale, the follow- Jtt- aery, Preston, John, Burton,George, 8am, Mary, Francis, Dick, Pemhrook, Allen, Hul- I ini | A lifeline, Georgia-Ann, Dig Mary, sy, Alice, Silsy, Rachel, Sohieski, Alex AuftRWxa; one roao mare, one hay mare, one . ^ ne goffe j horee, seven mules, one road , one yoke of oxen, one cart, one cotton i property of John II. Wallace to satisfy ftfoa ip favorer Joel Walker, Richard W. Mr Bastion and others vs John II. Wallace. •ut4nooidJifMS, " IAS. W. MAPPIN. Sheriff’. » 19 Pariponed BheriH *• Sale. Sidd before the Court-house door in the town of illet Crawfmd county, on the ffrst Tuesday in ’ next, within the legal hours ofsule, the follow- » witf ' girl about two yearn old, by the name of Chany *aa the property of E. W. Dennis to satisfy -'-luperinr Coart ia favor of Koberl«on I. Uanuia. Property poiutod out by JAMES BEELAND,Sheriff. - 14 iWfora peiiraarr Sherur’a Sales. bo *'»id before the Court Houao door in tlio town Aita.dle, uti.ihe irat‘Cneadoy in FEBItUAUY non tiauoJ kotira of aulo. tnc following property, to wit: of land, Containing two huudrad two and one-half atom or teu.numher one hundred and rigluy-nine, in rOlatrisI oaarigiaaily Houaton, now Crawford coun- iperty of Higdon Powell to .aii.fy one porter Court in favur of H. B Trout- , cumainlnr <05 acre., more or leee. in the oriflnallyllouaton, now Cratvford forty .ia, and two hundred and thirty-five ; "V an* d r» from Crawford Superior Court in ttlmoavoMarkC. Portia and John Perry, ruporiy al John Perry. , e and a fourth aerra ofland, being onobalf •5", in the aecoiid Diatrict of originally lluualon, ■ -mr Tjr-r Htfdeoouly! leriedouaa the property of Murk C. AaMa. loaatiafy uue li fu from Crawlord Superior Co in in fcaaadf.Bt. jkTrntttiuau va Mark C. Partin and John Perry. iMwIrwf land, from##tiateon,containing 202J acrea, mure '•r Iceo,and 606 acre., more or laaa, !u the .eventIt Diatrict, nut kntiwd—Ifeoiaa aa the place whereon Daniel aw |iv«a; all levied an to anilely one fi fa from Craw- riot Coart In favor of David Lockhart,adniini.truer, na Ainoa, adniinutralrix on the eolale of E. M. Amoa, "-“lauWNtiwtoi.. Properly pointed out by Daniel jMaof laud,.put»l'«r. fourteen and fifteen, and half of #5 containing in ilia whole SIIO acrea, more or loaa, } n ikDretrictoforiginally Hou.tnn, now Crawford cnuii- daa to aaliafy one fi fa from Crawlord Superior favor of Jetlrro William, va Michael llartlev and ik Hartley. Property pointed out by Jlichael Hirt liny acre, ofland with Ilia mill, thereon,and eigli- nlr being n part of lot No. 196, in tlmaiilh Diatrict By Hntfeton, now' Crawlord county j levied on aa I property of Benjamin B. Unteninn lo antiary one li fa from awtvrd Interior Court in Ikvor of Joaav L. linker va 11. ii. U^d Robert Bay Property pointed « "“"EWELL WEBB, D.Sheriff. JPopJMM*.M nwhri mortgage Nhcrir'a sale. Iia aold on the firat Tueaday in MARCH .ontore trie Conn houao door in the town of Knox, -trd oonnty, within lha uaual hours of sale, tho — wit: y bj lit, nnme of David, about sixteen yenra if kit of land, number five, In lit* 14th Diatrict of ally Maaroa, now liana county, ly ing on Big Saudy VatkjoMaf laada of Smith, Nolen and othara) levied on a* the property ef Robert P. Coleman te eat t at} a mufti aga fi At Asm Uinta Superior Cyan in Ikvor of Chart,, Bailey.— Property paiatad out la aaid I Ik. ' mfSLmsm wtoe county, oa Tueaday, day oMHarek Mat, Unfladlowlag property ta wit; One horee, into Jaraay kxgna. one rllver watch, a I.. oloihiog, and a lot of dry good,. Sold aa tba ptopony of “ * *‘ L fdty.doo—« iao deaf la tho lown tba lltb ItM at old Haiti Kelly, late of saldeuo Term, Ml' O. H. P. MoCi.ENDON,D. Sheriff. 17 Ida ‘(•party poiatad ialM nnrek Mkarlft Sale. ILL be Mild an Ilia firat Tneadny in MARCH neat, . . before tireCoiiit-bouaa door in the lowu of Jackson, Balta county, within the legal hour, of sale, lit# following wits Fire hundred ami alxtv-tU acres of land, ndjnlnmg the laada ofChnrioa Hailey and Nolee | levied on aa the propar ty of Thomas J. Carson to aali.fy two fi fas hisuad from Bulla JapariorCourt in favorof Crawlord ll.Orevr va Thomas J. J. Caraon, and one in favor ol Eldrldge G. Cuhineaa va Thus. J. Caraon. Phrperty pointed out by aaitl Cara-in. II. H. DOSS, Sheriff. Jan. 88,1846. 18 tda w tbs day uf ** , 'i',, C „ ARD qvRNE, ) Ata , II. O. TRRANOIt, Nawton ceuety, January aiat,l848. [will] It A4»MMntMr<« Bale. A GREEABLY tea. order of lha Honorable Ilia lafrrior Court oflpinrena county, wbaa aitting aa aCoart of Or dinary, will lie sold In the town of Dublin, in sold conuly, bo- firm the Cbnrt-houeo door, on thn firat Tueaday In Fehraary neat, between tire netial hour, of .ale, all of the lamia behtug- log 10 the estate ofMoaea Tiaon, late of said county, doceaa ad. Sold filf lha beuafit al balra ahd creditors. 'Irrmaun (be day of sale. ABNEIl TISON, Adm'r. Novambor 8th, 1B4L .,7 Ida AMmlnl•lr«ttor• , *nle. U NDER anorder of the lloaorable Inferior Court ofTal- fair uounty, will ba aold before the Coot t-lioiiae door In the town of Jaokean.illo,Telfair county, on the firm Tueaday •stats *f Sarah J. _ all aadalagaUr. . I* be aad appears! _ law. ta show Mima, WllklM^n Febraffrf Sheriff;* Sales. W ILL bvaoltl «t iht Courihonv® door in il»« town of Ir- «riulon t on ihv firat Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, be tween the uaual houre of »nle, the following nroperty f to wit t One lot of land, containing two hundred two and n half nofta, more or lean, well Improved, lying iu tho third Dial. No. not koowA. whereon John Kemp now livva; levied oa aa the property of aald Kemp to aatUiy a fi fa iaened from tile Supe rior Court in favor or John Doe, on the demiee of lhouiaa White et at. va Richard Roe, ctauai ejector, and John Kemp, tenant in poeoeaaion. 90*21 acres of pine land, well improved, lying In the twenty aeveath Diatrtot, whereou Rutrvll Maples now lives, and one J oke ofateernand cart: levied on ta the property of Burrell leplee, to natiafy a fi fa issued out of the Superior Court, in faror ofl.u.c Hawaii v.aaid D . 8h „, lfr . Pec. 31,1844, ^ WilklBMn March SlierUT’a Sale* W ILL be aold before the Court-house door In the town of Irwinton, Wilkinson county, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Four head of horses, one Jersey wngon, one ox cart, twenty head of hogs, eight head of sheep, two cows and r.alvea, and household and kitchen furniture of every description; levied on as the property of William Brewner to satisfy a moitgage fi fa issued from the Inferior Court in favor of Isaac Newell vs sold Brewner. Property pointed out in said fi fa. W. W. BEALL, Sheriff. Dec. 31,1844. 14 In March next, within the usual hours of sulo, the following proper!r. to wit t Bob, a negroman about tltirtv years old; and Jaok,an old negro man. Bob is a valuable hand on e plantation, a tolerable good plantation blacksmith aud wheel* * known on the day of sale. '.NTS,} , jh, j; -right Tot ms made known oa tho day of sale. fill EN TS, j Dae. 31, 1844. J.C.CLEb D. B. CREECH, Adtn'rs. Ida F our months after date application made to the Honomhfe the Inferior Cm ill be tourt of Putnam cmmTy, while litlliia lor ordinary purposes, for leuve loaell a negro girl named alary, belonging to the calcic of Jones Wynn, deceased. Dee. 8,1844. HANNAH WYNN, Exec tut. II WllklUBon March Sheriff’it Sale. KiuBuii cuuniy, wimm me usual nours ui sale, me proper tv, to wit: One lot of land, well improved,containing 202| ac or less, whereon Nathl. Myrick how lives, lying in District,No. not known; levied on ns the propers at the Court-house door in the town of Irwinton, Wil kinson county, within the usual hours of sale, the following >rty,to_ “ " acres, more in the '26th property of said Myrick to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the Ceutral Bank of Geor gia vs Nathl. Myrick anti Israel Fountain. One lot of land lying iu the 2tiih District, containing 2021 acrea, more or less, whereon William Jones now lives; levied on as the property of snid Jones to satisfy r fi fa in favor of Wiley, Lane Sc Co. va William Jones, and Bamuel Beall, security. One lot ofland, well improved lying in the 27th District, whereon William Ryoi now lives; levied on as tie property of Wm. Rynl to aatisfy three fi fas issued from the Buperior Court of said county in favor of the Central Bank of Georgia and others va said tiyol. Ouo tot ofland ly inf in the 4th District, No. nor known Passmore now lives; levied on whereon Alexander ol said Passmore to satisf* fi fa in favor of Slia- property nau, Beall & Reynolds vs said Passmore. One lot of land containing 202| acres,more or less,lying in the third District, whereon Benjamin Kemp now lives; ulso, one bay mare about three years old, one stud colt about three years hundred bushels of corn, more or less.and two stacks oflbdder; all levied on as the property of Renjumin Keinp to satisfy a fi fa issued out of the Inferior Court ol said county ia favor ol Win E.Carswell vs said Kemp. Properly pointed out by attorney. Five hundred meres of land, more or less, well improved, whereou William Barlow now lives, lying in the 26ili Dis trict, No. not known; levied on ne the property of said Barlow to satisfy a fi tin issued from the Inferior Court in favor of C. & J. Beall, and one from the Bt Central Bank of Georgia va atid P OUIt MONTHS after date, application will he made to the honorable Inferior Court of Newton county, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell as much of the real estate of William P. Grahuin, deceased, as lies in the county of jNewton ; and also, for leave to sell some of the negroes belonging to said estate. FRANCES GRAHAM, Adin'x; IVERSON L. GRAVES,Adm’r. Deo.2,1344. 11 1.101/ft MONTHS after date application will be made ff 1 to the honorable the Inferior Court of Telfair county, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the real estate of Win. Sludatill. sen. late of said county, deceas ed. WM. STUDS TILL,jr. Adm’r. Telfair county, Nov. 17,1844. K1UIIR MONTHS after date application will be ff/ made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Wilkin son county, while sitting foi ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the laud and negroes belonging to the estate of Benja min Exura.late of said coun'y, deceased. WILLIAM A. HALL, * DANIEL E. COLLINS, Wilkinson county,Nov.5th, 1844. ; Adtn’rs. 7 J TtOUfft MONTHS after date application wilt be mudn . to the honorable Inferior Court or Newton county wliilo fitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell n oegro mini Bob, belonging to the estute of JZucheu* A. M iddle.brooks .deed. Sold for the benefit of tin’ heirs aud creditors of said decerns ed. ZERE MIDDLED ROOKS, Adm’r. October 1,1844. 1 4m L OTIt MONTHS after date, application will he 1* made tothe Inferior Court of Piiinnin comity, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real es tate and part of the Ingram, deceased. Sept. 24,1844. negroes belonging to tbe estute of Johu WM. INGRAM, / BENJ. INGRAM, \ dp J. Best!, and one from the Superior Court in favor of the “ " * Barlow, and James Johnson, sscuriiy* One hundred acres of land, more or less, lying in the 26th Diatrict,whereon James and William Cherry now live; levi ed on to aatisfy sundry fi fss issued from a Justice’s Court in fetor of C.dr. J. Beall vs said James and William Cherry.— Levv made and returned by a constable. 1011 acres of land, well improved, No. not known, lying in the filth District, whereon Anna Carr lives; levied on to sat isfy a fi fa issued from a Justice's Court in favor of James M. Hall vs said Anna Carr and Btnmnen Carr,security. One voke of oxen and cart, one grey mare d y**ars old, one roan filly 3 years old, and onobr.g ol cotton; levied on as the property of John Striplin to satiety a fi fa issued from the Su perior Court of saidcouuty in favor of Miller, Ripley dt Co. vesaid Striplin. One lot ofland, containing 202J acrea, more or leae, where on John K. Whaley formerly lived, adjoining lands of Nancy Pittman and others; levied on as the property of Michael Pickle to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Wiley Miller va said Pickle. Two nerro bovs by the names of Daniel and Lewis—Dan iel about 19, and Lewis about 15 years of age: levied on as the properly of Francis I*. Crutchfield to satisfy two fi fns— one in favor of Wiu. E.Carswell and one in favor of the Cen tral Bank of Georgia vs said Crutchfield. One grey mure about eight years old; levied on as the property of Jamea Seals to miitly a 6 fa in favor of the Cen treI Bank of Georgia vs said Seals. Two lots of land lying in th« fourth and twenty-third dis tricts, Nos. 205 aud 45. Wilkinson county; levied on us the properly of James E. Buchanan to satisfy a fi In issued out ol the Superior Court of Jusnur county in favor of John Hobson, survivor, dtc. vs suid Buchanan. WALTER W. BEALL, Sheriff. Jan. 28,1845.18 tds Montgomery Februnry Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court-house door in Mt. Vernon Montgomery county, on the first Tuesday in FKB RUARY iiext,wjihin tbe usual hours of sale .the following property,to wit: Five hundred acres of pine land, more or less,including the improvement whereon John Curies formerly • lived in said sountv, on the waters of Pendleton Creek; levied on as the property of John Curies to satisfy one fi fa issued from the Justice’s Court in the 51st Company Dist. G. favor of Malcoiu McIntyre vs John Curies. Levy made and returned ionic by a Constable. SOLO WON R. WILLIAM SON, Depty.Shff. Dtc. 24,1844. Iff Montgomery March Sheriff’s Sales. W ILL ho sold before the Court-house door at Ml. Verm Montgomery County,/hi the first Tueaday in March naxt, within the usual hours of sale, the following proper ty, to wit: Two hundred and fifty acres of pine land, more or less, in cluding the residsnee whereon Thomas Dorley now lives;— «tbe property ofJ s mes' A, Prosserlosalisfv . acroa *» f ,noro or ineluding the resi- je fi fa from Crawford Inferior Court in favor of J- l,,,,u5t whereon William Derley now lives; ull levied on as unlock vs James A. Prosser. Property pointed out he * “ ■stwwt , v ' r die Superior Court or said county R«e, 'Treasurer of the Poor School Fund of „ flinty vs Thomas Ilarley, James J. Calhoun and John Phillips. Property pointed out by Plaintiff. Also, three hundred acrea of pine land, more or less, inclu- ling the premises whereou John Mosley formerly lived, on fTIOUlt MONTHS after date, application willbe V made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of PiMnnm County, while sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leuve to sell the negroes belonging to the estate of Richard P. Ingram, deceased. Bf th* Administrator. Dec. 2,1844. ll-(whc) F Ot/R MONTHSafterdutP, application wilt he made to the Inferior Court of Decatur coiiutv, when silting for ordinary purposes, fur leave to sell lot of land No. 326. iu the 20th district ol originally Early, but now Dwcatur coun ty,belonging to the heirs of.Sterling Hines, deceased, for th© purpose of making a division amongst the heirs of said t 1 *- ceased. THOMAS HINES, Executor, December 4th, 1844.II Notice to Deblors and Creditors. A LL persons holding demauda against the estate of Hugh Kelly, late of Newton county, deceased, are hereby re quired to present them in terms of the law; and those indebted to said estate are requested to come forward and inuke pay ment. RICHARD BYRNE,; A . m .„ fl.D. TKEANOR. Newton county, January 21st, 1845.[wdlj 18 fit Notice t’> Debtors and Creditors. A LL perilous indebted to the estate of Isaiah Wheeler, late of Baldwin county, deceased, are requested tomuke im mediate payment; and all to whom said estate is indebted, are hereby notified to present their claims, duly authenticated, within the lime prescribed by law. DELILAH WIIEELER, Adm’r- Dec.24th, 1844.13 6t Notice to Debtors and Creditors. JAMES BEELAND, Sheriff. ?)<SMW«I1»VS Peitponed Sheriff’, gale, I before.the Court house door, ! the town o I he property of Thomas Darlev to satisfy one fi la issued from die Superior Court of anid county in favor ofFarquhard Mc- all persona having demands aguinst said estate, to present them to the Subscriber, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law. JOHN C v MASON, Administrator Putnnin county, Dec. 24, 1844. de bonis non. GEORGIA, ? Court of Ordinary- Newton County. S September Term, 1844. W HEREAS Joel Colly, Administrator on the estate ol Susannah Tillery, lute of said county, deceased, ap plies for letter* of Dismission from suid estate : These are, tlierelore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of suid deceased, to he and appear ut my office, within the lime prescribed by law, to show cause, il any they have, why B»id I tiers of dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 9th dav of Sept. 1844. 51 6m WM.D.LUOKIE.C.C.U. GEORGIA, Telfair County. W HEREAS Joel Johnson applies to me for letters o Administration outhc estate ofMnrgnict Auu Johnson, late ol snid county, deceased : These are liters‘ore to cite and admonish allatid singulnf the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear nt my office within the lime prescribed by law to show cause if any they have, why snid letteis should not he granted. (siven under iny hand at office this 7il» day of Dec,, 1844. 12 51 JNO. F. McllAK, C. C. (), GEORGIA* Appling Comity* W HEREAS John Williunis applies to ine for letters ol Administration on the estate of Jurdun Leggett,late ol said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite nnd admonish al 1 and singulai the kindred and creditors of said deceased, lojir ind appear at my office within the time prescribed hv law.u show cause, ii uny they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under uiy hand at office, this 16th day of Dec. 1844. 14 51 MALUOItf JOHNSON, c. c. o. Drought lo Jail* no (fan (t.t in iuliuH Mx'l'I *»<> eeniHeton Cr««k t le.ietlI on"., the p'romtrly of 1 rm* — v. i*'——• r x li ftt in f.vor ol tho offienr. of I jvirvro of pal*, tho following prnpnrly, to wit. IxM, Mo. ID, in the 8r.t District nf originally f Crow ford cqunty; l.vitul nun. the property ol ikinXup to ..tiify on. 8 f. from llihli Interior *01 Wm.J.D. Smiley v» Janie. It. Mi.Clinurry U.xki.MMl. Property painted out by aai'rl JAUES DEKLAND,Sli'fT. .18 Id. n»rig8|c PtMponeil Sale. ■old on tho6r«t Tite—I.y in FEBitU A It Y next, it tho Coiirt-hniixa door in the loan nf Jnckiun, 1*7. within the logoi hour, of ml., tho fnllnwinc • id wit t 1 nf land. No. 17ft, in dm 3d Di.trirt offoraierly Mon- tuit. count,; levied on »the properlv ofWillitnn ’*«*&• “’•rifxgo 8 fn from Butt. Superior of Harriot dfaCTotidt gxgo nmrrom Butt. Superior . oi. of Wil- dtwonMHt, V. Willi.,. MeElh.ney. Proper s favor of Harriet AleC 1lMiM,ddaa«siM v va reiiiiam McKitianey. I'ropcr loot In Mill 8 fn. Lnyuwdeby O.C. McMichxel, . Sheriff, and returned to „» thin 18th No.. 1844. 7 _ r M. II. DOSS, Sheriff. . Ho., W,|84*. » id. , 1*118 Fehrsao 8b«rini snlc. IXm.L bo Mid on the 6r*l Tooml.y in FF.UIIUARY , bdfrtd tho Coort-hoo.e door in the Town ol « coonly, within lb# legal hour, of auto, thn lam Manly, number not known, I thirty acre*, adjoining land, of lui-fon *. lit# diMeny of Ah.b • from t Jwitr, Coon of Mid 1 Thrower, Admini.trittr.ron thn rcp«.ed, *o Cri.piu, 4 An and returned lo mo by . Je. 17,ln the dih Diatrict of origin.)- t Built curtaly, eaoixiuln, one hundred e*r,e, toil (tit i, tlio property of John H. Mo«ro to i e J notiee'e Conn of enid county In fetor of t4god—fOeeM S.Onrr ..JohnHMonre, O H.P. WtriXUNinSN, D.Hherlff. cnsr’ftafe. Mddey It dMU MSI, kkifwiibBwn he an jAi tin a mU 1 ’Imnsnt T. Mcsluv to satisfy the Superior Court (for coats duel vs John Mosley, principal, ’Icmsnt T. Mosley and Thoinss Mosley, securities. Proper* it by DefHodnnt, SOLOMON R. WILLIAMSON, D, Sheriff. January 28,1845. 18 Telfteir February Sheriff’* Sale. W ILL he sold before the Court-house door in the town of Jacksonville,'Telfair county, on the first Tucsduy m February next, within the legal hours of sale, (Its follow- ng property, to wit: One hundred and sixty head of stock cattle, more or less, and one yoke of oxen; levied on entile property of John Fletcher, lo satisfy s fi fu from the Superior Court ia favor of Zscliariali Sludstdl vs John Fletcher mid James L. Fletcher. Also, one lot of land, No. 91, in the Bill District of origin ally Wilkinson, now 'Telfaircounty ; levied on as the proper ty of Leonidas Wiley, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa. from Telfair Superior Court, ia favor of Titomas N. Guyton vs Leonidas Wiley. Property pointed out in said mortgage. One loiof lend. No. 328, in the 7th District of originalU Wilkinson, now Telfair county; levied on as the property nf lolin Wingfield to satisfy s fi fa from a Justice’s Court iu Grasnsj' favur of Thomas Crawford vs John Wing- ~ ‘ * * plaintiff. William ellis. sheriff. Diotrict, South Carolina, year* olage, light complex high,and weignsabout 165 lbs. Bill is abum *u year* ui nge, 3 feet 8 or 10 inuho* high, very black, and weighs about 160 lbs. 'The owner is requested to cnipuf- * u - * * * them away. JOSHUA P Jau. 21, 1845. K, jr., J 17 31 Telfair February Sheriff's Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday In February next, at Iks Court-house door In (he town of Jacksonville, Tel feireoaflt|r, within (be legs! hours of sale, the following prop* Brought to Jail* AT Irwinton, Wilkinson cc ) gro Boy who says his name is seventeen years old, dark oompirxiun, iuug face and down look, when spoken to. He sayi he belongs to n man by the name of Williun Knight, fiv ing in Pike county,Ga. The owner or owners are requestedio come forward, provt property - pay ohxrg*. xnd Uk. ^ Sept. 9,1844. lf Bronfelit to Jail,. IN Sp.rlx, Ijaticock county, x Negro men, win ‘ ley purohxxed him of M. G. H*rri.,of this oountv ) Ittet winter. The owner ie requeued lo comply /“'* ,he '* W - a,Ml "^8:VakSwICK. Jailor. tSporle, Nov. 19th,1844. » Ooeeorrel mere end eott.onepxirofnxri wheel. ,on* Into eouopl.nte; xlio.otit lot of land, In th. 7ih Diatrict of Te) ^ireuunty, number not known, llm pl.oe wharunn John A. Powell live*; levied on a. the property of Allen B. Pewoll In xalieiy n 8 ft from •JiliIm'* Court in fovoi of M. N. Mclte# It D. B. Creech,xduilnlelr.tori on tho oetxteof K. McLen oen.donexMd. Alro,oneiotoi lend. No. 188,in tho 7lb Dietnol of Telfair uounty; levied none the property of Wnehinglon Hognra >o •ntUrfy ui f* from * Juelloo'eCourt In hror of D.lleDuOe. Property pointed out by defendant. All leriod on ead retnrnud to me by « oouetehl*. AROIl’D McDUFFIE,Dept.Blteriff. Jar 4, ISM. • la T Ir of nxrt wlteel., one lot of all the Ungmnied Leode of tho Cherokee Pumhv.e. DEOItOlA, RaMwIaCtaair* COURT OF ORDINARY, January Term, 1843 \T/IIKREAB, o* th* thlrtora’h day of Oclohor. 1848. W Maaakll /.Smithaxaculed hia cartain writing oUliga- lory th David G.Gibaou, thorehy uhligiog himaelf to make 6- ties loMliiGibMS to • certain trad lit lam) described in said Bond—snd whereat asid Bond has been leeally trnwffiird to Mra. Ann Marh»r,wlio has filed her application, together with said Rond, praying that tire Etecuiora and hxenutrixof said Mansell J. Smith ba required te execute tu her goud and eufficiniii titles to aald laodt— It hi, therefore, Ordeint.TUil a Rule Nisi l»e groot4*il re quiring Mid Executors sml Executrix to etmw ca«i*e, wittilu the time prescribed by lew, why snid prayer should not be grnmetl i—And It is further Oidertd, That said little be pub lished, for the apace of three aiuuilt»,iu one uf tlw gdl-lte# ol Mitiedgevillo. A true extract from the minutes,this 18th day of January, 1845. 17 13t JOHN W. W. SNKAD.c. c. o. GEORGIA, BttlSwin CoMilt*. COURT OF ORDINARY, January Term. 1845. TT appearing to tbe Court by lire repreaomntlon of John B. J. Pouudo. Administrator ou the eatsreol Exekicl Harris, deceased, that he. has fully administered on said estate, auu lie having made application for letters of Dismission tVom said Administration: It is, therefore, Ordered, that the Clerk ol this Court do issue n citation, requiring all person* concerned, tu show ciiuee, if Ally they have,on or before the fiist Monday in September next, why eaid lettere should not issue; end that sigd citation be published iu one of the guxeite* of this State, lor the apace of eix month*. , ,, A true extract from tbe minutes, this I8thday ©rjnnusry, 1845. 17 2fit JOHN W. W- SNEAD, c. c. o. GEORGIA. Baldwin County. * w, IIEIIEAS Hugh Knox, Adininiilrelor de fteuia xea on VV the eelute uf Alexander Greco, dcccaeetl, nppiiea to in. for letter, of diatniaaiuti frou* .aid Adminiatration! These ere, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor, or aaid deceueed lo Ire and appear at i»v office within lire time prcacriiioi! by lew, to allow cauae, if any they huve, why aaidleilnra alioold not ha granted. Given under tuv band ut office, this 17th day of Dec, 1844* 12 mfini ‘ JOHN W. W. 8NEAI*. c. c. o. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. ■ «/ HEItEAS Mra. Jane Mitchell, Executrix on tbe estate VV of William 8. Mitchell,decreed, appliei to uie forlet- teraof Dian,ias'ton from aaid Execuiurehip: Theae are, ihercfnre, to cila ami udmooiahoM audaiogular, tire kindred and creditors of aaid deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the timepreacribed by law, to shew cauae if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand nt office, tins 3d day of Dec. 1844. 10 m6m JOHN W. W. 8NEAD.C.C.O. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. H/HEREAS Julio S. Stephens, administrator on the ea- YV tale of Alien B. Stepheus , deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration: These are, therefore ,to cite aud udmonislt allnnd.ttngular the kindred and creditors ol said deceased, to be and appear at mv office within the timepreacribed by law,toahowcauae, il any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under mv hand ut office, this lftth day ol July, 1844. 42 ntfitn JOHN W. W. SNEAD, c. c.o. GI.OfttGftAv Wilkinson County* \T7HEREAS Mury Hicks, Guardian for the orphan* of \ V Abner Hicks,applies tome lor letters of dismission from ssid Guardianship : , These are, therefore, to cite arid ndniontsh all concerned to come forward within the time prescribed hy law, end show cuuse, if any they have, why suid letters ol dismission should Givcn*under my bond, at office, this 10th day of Jan. 1845. 17 et AUG. B. RAIFOKD, C.C.O. GEORGIA, Wilkiusou County. VSTHEREAri Mary Hicka, Administratrix on the estate of V ▼ Abner J. Hicks, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration : , These are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil nnd singular the kindred and creditors of ssid deceased, to be and appear at my office within the lime prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why snid letters should not he granted. Given under my hand,at office, this 10th day of Jau. 1845. 17 mfiin AUG. B. RAIFORD, C.C.O. GEO KGI A, Wilkinson County. AVHEREAS John Smith applies to n»e for letters of Ad- vv ministration on the estate of Wiley Rutland, late of said county, deceaseu: .... , . » 'i iiese ere, therefore, to cite and admonish ull anu singular, the kindred and creditors i.f snid deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the lime prescri' d by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not ho granted. Given under my hand, al office, this 18th day of Dec. 1844: 13 5t A. B. RAIFORD,c. c.o. GEOIftGIAf Wilkftnton County* %*/ HEREAS James Taylor,Guardian for the orphans of If Thomas Taylor,deceased,upnlies to me for letters of dismission from the Gtiardiauship of Thomas and Ardelissa Taylor, two of said Wards: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons inter ested to be and appear at uiy office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause,if any they have, why said letters ol dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 1st day of January, 1845. 15 m6in AUG. IL RAIFORD, c.c.o. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. YS7HEKEAS William C. Parker, Adminiatralur on the W estate of Matthew Underwood, applies to me for lei- ! ters of dismission from suid Administration: 1 Thcs« are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular , 'he kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be end n**pear at my office within the lime prescribed bv law, to show cuuse, if any they have, why suid letters should not be gr a!!on undent,y hand ol office, this 5th day of Nov., 1844. 7 ntfitn AUG. B. RAIFORD. Clark. GEORGIA* Wilkinson Uounty. i \Wf HEREAS Samuel Sanders, Ageul for Claibourne B. I v T Sundors, as Administrator ou the estate ol Murtlin ' Banders, applies to me for letters of dismission from said ; Administration,ns Agent aforesaid: These nre,t he.refore,t ocite and admonish allandsingular the kindred and creditor# of said deceased ,to he andapnear "nt mv office withiii the time prescribed by law, to snow ! cause, if any they have,why said letters should notbegranted < Giveu under uiy hand at office this 5th day ol'Nuv , 1844. j 7 mtfin AUG.IL RAIFORD. Clerk. • GEORGIA, Wilkinson Uounty* i VT7HKREA3 Moses S. West and Alfred Branham, Ad- | VV ministrators on the Estate of Jithu Wise, apply to me ; for letters of dismission from snid Administration: j These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned to • be and appoarat my office, within the lime prescribed by law ! to show cause, iftuty they have, why suid letters disnussory not begrAiited. Given under my hand nt office, this 1st Sept. 1814. | AUGUSTUS IL RAIFOKD, Clnk. ; October 1,1844. 1 t»6»n * GEORGIA* Wilkinson Uounfy* | \T7'IIEREAS John Smith applies lo ine for letters of Ad W iiiiiiislratioii oil the estate of Caroline E. S. Munson, late of said county, deceased: • . . , • These nre therefore to cite anil admonish all and singulai the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo uml appeur at my office within the time prescribed bv law, to ebon cause, ifuuy they have,why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, this 7 * Ii day of Jan- 1845. IU 5 t AUG. B. RAIFOKD, Clerk. GEORGIA, nioiitKomery Count}’. «*7'UEUEA8 Norman (lillii anti Mark I'ltillipa apply to V V me )dr lattara of Di.mi..iou ou tire c.lato of Angn. . Gillia, lata of aaid county.deceored. Tire*, are therefore tocitu and udinoni.h all and atngular .tire kindred and creditorn uf .aid deceased,to tie end np- > near at my office within tlin time prescribed by law,to elrow » cauae if any titey have, wlty anid Iciteraidiould not he grdnted. j Given under my hand n"t office, lltia liili duy of riepl.,1844. 516m FAllQUHAKD McllAE, 47. C.O. GEORGIA, Decalur County. ffiffi/IIEKEAB Thomaa F. Marlin applioa to nto for letter. W of Administration ou tlie eiluteufJohottuaaeB, lateol •eid county, deeeeaed: . , ,, , , v , Tlioae ere,therefore, tocite nnd ndntonieh nil nnd lingular the kindred nnd creditora of aaid deeeeaed, (o Ire end eppeer el my office within the time preeorihedhy lew.toohnw couae, 1 ifony exiet, why anid lettere ehould not be granted. Given under my hind at office tltia lal dav of January, 1845. 15 6, JOHN F. DICKENSON, c.o. o. TVTOTICE.—The public ii hereby noliBed, Ihet 8*hxh JN Waluxok. iny wife, haa nhendoned my hod and bunrd ,r two month* lest peat, and they are forewarned from cred ting her upon ray aceount, aa 1 *'!'V, ’l"!'l?"” of nor cnnlracte. WILLIAM WALLACE. Dee. 17, 1844. #• •mind In freight aad passage C isnriliiid in tlin Act of 1843, uad, except la cases ol war or Thi-purchaser shall gift sqnal privileges sod facilities Mi mi me IUil Road and theGoorgia Rail Road Cmnpa* in ill,* transferorimssengers and properly, anil any dis- ltk _ G MBAH 'mrISF . , ^ . Ibrtt .tteritloo ,o PRINTM (imVT Tbe Block emulate of xi.xnxi. THotnxau linno.. coLoie,xuoi.nxo xrxwv v.mxTt or —"Ut) AMERICAN AND FuillilCiN i’KIN'TB its *sfff*,sss wsMis* sss ffsciraere. rxet pi m treuttd • Ibis stock before making their purehaRes— they* wih advantage ol learning (he low**, imrksi hw «M i t’i rs, the granting of free tickets to agents of either bruin: t read, tho at ILng of what is railed a through ticket to passen gers, or for property, or otli. i w ire, vliall subject the putchse or to suit in every instance,by the injured nartv.nm! on legal proof thereof thn minimum einounl ofliquldateddnniagea shall !.« $160. U. ’The purchase* shall organise and continue on said Road, separate and distinct from snid branch romli*, the necessary engines, cars and officers, and regulate the arrival aud depar ture of the passenger cat or cars by the contract with the General Post Office Department for the transportation of the United States Mail. 9. The State shall hove a lien ou the Read and Ita appur- tenancea for the faithful pel forma lice of each and every sti pulation hereby made by the purchaser, concerning the pay ment of money,anil completion and equipment of the Road, and iu case of any breach thereof, the Executive of the Btate may forthwith luke poaacosion and coutrol of said lioad and its appurtunancea. 10. When the purchaser, or purchasers, shall have per formed the 2d and 3d specification*,hereinbefore stated, lie or they may forthwith lake possession of the Rail Rond and ita appurtenances, and enioy all the right* and privilege*thereof, which now belong to the State. By orderof theGovernor. JOHN H. STEELE, S. E. D. Dec. 17. 12 tf CTTlie Constitutionalist, and Chronicle Sc Sentinel of Au gusta, and the Republican and Georgian of Savannah, will publish the above once a week until day of sale. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT* GA.j Milledgkvillk, 30th December, 1844. $ I N pursuance of the provisions of an Act assented to 27th December, 1843, entitled “An Act to provide for tho Edu cation of the Poor” It ie Ordered that the funds set apart for aucli purpose ho distributed lo such Counties as have made returns to this Department, on nud after the lit day of January next. The distributive share of each county will be paid to any person presenting a certified copy of an order of the Inferior Court authorizing aucli payment. By the Governor. J.U. HORNE, 8. E.D. A PROCLAMATION. STATE OF GEORGIA. Bf GEORGE IK. CRA WFORD, Goatnorojraid State. RATIONS xml Sutton, likei mxn, tire xubjret to the viclati- 'at.lofu.* of I'fire. cmirciM with -vorj . m.rk*l..rr i.l.c.ti to lb. hand, of buyer.. ' Pot. 8,1841. a tf NEW FALL STYLES, FANCY AND STAPLE SILKS WILLIAMS, RANKIN & PENNIMAN ’ No. 02 WILLIAM STREET. ' CORNER OF CEOAU STREET mw xoxx. W OULD c.ll th. .iteotianol Dealer, to their ten..,, ■ive xml full anortetl Btoek of } * ,1,lh FALL STAPLE AND FANCY COOT'S. which have been blughl al the lait Auni„ u l,at,, ' al eti far below the cott of importation, aiul trhirh thn off al a email adtance,fnr cash or approxrt! n"„. " Their .look will bo fouml lo eom;> ri»e errrt article iu v.riely of prion out) ot.lo; am) they .elicit tic carefcl.o!/ lion • t buyer.,mu.fled that it regard, both, they era , tho .trongc.l iinluceioenta. Thoir.ic.orliiiriii of " CASHMKRBS. CRAPES & MUSLIN DE L.MNES comprtxe. new end elegant pattern, of all quulitieiudl.^- .tyl.ijelH, ” CASHMERE AND BROCIIF. SHAWLS Long xod square; KabyIn.dame.k and plaid Woollen F-k, Bhxwt.; Thibet black and colored do.; Mualin de I .a ine alaia Mliu kordorecl xnd embroidered do.; .Iao, ' BONNET AND CAP RIBBONS, in great variety,it prearnt low rate,; witln general atun. ntenl offtlilinery Gottila; alau, PLAID, PLAIN COLORS St BLACK AI.PACCAS Cotton and -ilk warp, a very extenaive na.i.rlinent; l,.re‘t|*| with all the various at vies ofDREsifi! C.< Lscb Good* While Goods,Liuen Oumbrirs and Cami.jic Handkerchief*' lie.Ac. In DRESS GOODS they can shown great range of styles, in Rich Printed Cssh- mere d’E< oeee, of the lal» et Paris patterns; 1 ie*sns, Crape De Luines, Muslin Do Laiu<>8 of Paris styles, never before offered. Alpsccns, Bombasines, Black cud Blue Silk,low and hirh priced. 6 SILKS—Cameleon-Brocade Silks : Cameleon Broesde Striped Silka ; Plain and Satin Striped llelleuieunfs ; Blsck and Blue Dleck Satin Striped and Brocade figured Siiki* Satin Striped GroaGrames; Black ami Blue Bluck (iro*d* Swisa. Italian Luatrings; Gros de Kbeime; Grosd'Afriuuea* Black and Blue Black Satins. Also, 1 ’ MILINEKV GOODS in every variety, comprising Bonnet Silks end Satins of so. tirely new styles, Bonnet and Cap Ribbons,rich Fall patteror new designs Bonnet Velvets, plain colors, Bluck and Bias Black, fig'd shaded plaid : cut and uncut. LACES. tudesof joy and grief, alwayesad—th The afflictions that humble, ere ADDISON C. SCOTT, "yyeirw* " chase (hem by grautitvg* Term* $1 per copy.—L«»Ueral de ductions to tlioae taking a quantity. Editors giving this (wo Insertiona, and forwarding • paper to the office if the Cherokee Advocate, will have » sent them.18 8t Dm. 31 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, CtiFiniA rplIE NF.W-YORK CONTRABUTIONHIIIP FIRE 1 INSURANCE COMPANY havingett.hll.heil.nag.n- ey la K»o»riu*,Cr.wford o.ut.ty, will inaura BUILDINGS, MERCHANDIZE, HOVSE- BOID weNtTOMB, •varyJeeoriptieK VARIETY STOKE glOWER has just received, and lin< eccmnmmlaling tenna, at his Store in the state lleuk A ■ibi'initti'iiat,”* — " , . Brick Building, e greet variety aud general aaaortment of GOODS .emulating of Taney, TatlilonabU and Staple sxt aoosa, Glaes aad Crockery Ware. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, MEDICINES AND DYE STUFFS. 4ad a* anorlmtel GROCERIES, ,£«' blessiuge that enliven, often neglected moni tors. As patience ami humility must wait on the one, so should gratitude attend the other. Happy is that land whose people can so opply ilie“uaes of adversity ” and proeperily,aa to be ever mindful of the just relation between the Creative and created power, and steadily imitate, bv their actions, that standard of morality whose authority and hope ia Heaven.— In accordance with these views and an approved custom, I, GEORGE WALKER CRAWFORD. Governor of the State ofGeorgia, have deemed it proper to issue this, my Procla mation, and appoint THURSDAY, the 13th day of Frbiuaiy next, as a dav of THANKSGIVING and PftAYEK, and request that all religious denominations in tho Slate will, on that day, meet at their usual places of worship, and suppli cate the Great Ruler of the Universe that His blessings may be continued upon our beloved laud. Given under my hand and the seal of the Executive De partment. at the Capitol iu* Milledgeviile, this first day of Juunary, 1845. GEORGE W.CRAWFORD. By the Governor: S. J. Andkrsoh, S, E. D. 13 p*Thn several nt-wspapers in this State are requested to give the above Proclamation one insertion before the day above specified. __ A PROCLAMATION. STATE OF GEOKC1A. By GEORGE W. CRA WFORD, Governor of said State- £_£AVING received official information of the escape of one cape WILLIAM MON MAN, ol Wilkes county, jail ol Lincoln county, where he was imprisoned on a charge ol murder committed on the body of one Walter Searles, in said county of I .incoin r I have thought proper to issue this, my Proclamation, here by offering a reward of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS to any person or persons who tnny apppreheud and deliver said MONMAN to the Sheriff or Jailor of Lincoln county. And I do moreover charge and require ell otficera, civil and military, in this Slute, to be vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend said fugitive, in order that he maybe brought lo trial for the offence with which he stands charged. Given under my hand and tlin Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Milledgeviile, this 4th day of January, 1845, end of the Independence of the United States the sixty-ninth. GEORGE W. CRAWFORD. By the Governor: N.C. Baiinett, Secretary of State. DESCRIPTION. Monmait is about 5 feet 10 inches high, stout made, dark hair, blue eyes, with a small scar near the left, and about 45 years of age.13 3t ASHURST & DIOillATARI, ATTOKNILS AT CAW, Eatonton, Oa., Will practise in all Ihe Counlies of Ike Ocmulgcc Circuit, Doc.17. 19 If Just Received, the following WORKS! H ARPF.RS illuminated and New Pictorial Bible; Shake- pcaro’s Plays, with fourteen hundred Encravings,by It. W. Weir and H.VV. Ilowct; Tho Picture Galley of the New und Old World ; Italian and German without a master.found ed on the Uobeilsoninu method ; Gibbon's decline end down- fa oftlie Roman Empire: The Lady at Home, or Leaves from the every day Book, by Mrs. Fleetwood; Cecilea Howard or the young Lady who mid fiuinhtid her Education, hy T. S. Arthur; An inquiry Presented to the Conscience oftlie Chris tian render, by the Reverend Caesar Mulan, D. I).: The bride of Fort Kdwnid,nn incident oftlie Revolution, Edited by G. B. Zieber; Kichliou in Love or the youth ofChnrle.H 1st; An Historical Comedy in two Acts,by Benjamin Ac Young,N. R.; The New monthly Mirror of l.iloruture nnd the fine Arts; The Ladies’ New National Muguxine, Edited hy John Inman, June Numbers; The Mirror library containing Plates ol the latest Style of Fashions lor the Ladies; Life of Andrew Jackson, civil and military, with illustrations, by Amos Kendall, Esq ; Life aud public services of Henry Clay, brought down to the yearlBlH ; Louis T. Klipatoiu’s'Polvglut, an introduction to the study of modern languages. The work ia a perfect guide to those* who wish to smdv she different languages. I vol ume of llm Polyglot is completed in six numbers; The Cur- reury; The Tariff and Capital hv Junius; also, some pieces of tho latest and most popular stvle of Music, for sale al ALE. EDWARD’S 8t< June 23d, 1844. JXJST RECEIVED, the Animat iytit 9 1814. First mid Second Nos. of the _ Wumlering Jew, hv Eugene Sue. Also, other popular works oftlie da> from the various popular presses of New York, receiving constantly as last as they tire published, and those fond of reading cun obtain such works as llirv choose to read, at M. E. KDWAKDH’o 8'1'ORE. ffBW WORKS. J UST RECEIVED, Arrali Neil, or Times of Old, a Ro mance by G. P. R. James. Keq. The II. Family, or Traltniinn, Axel nud Anna, amt other Tnlea, hy Frederitk Bremer, tram* In led hy Mary Mo welt. The Grandfalhrr, a novel hv the late Alias Ellen Pickering. The Autobiography ofHenriuh Stclliugs, Into Aulin Counsellor of the Grand Duke of linden,foe. tVc. translated from the Gorman by L. Jackson. Arthur's Lady’s Alugnxiuo, Campbell’* Foreign Semi Monthly Magazine, or Select AlisreMuny of European Litcrfelure noil Art. The Columbian Lady’aand Gentleman’s Alagoxiue. Goody’s Magnuino and Ladv’s llook. The La dy’s National Alagaaino. The Ludy’s Musical Library, Au gust No. Also, No. 6, ofthe Pictorial Bible, with a varioty ofothor interesting works. AT AL E. EDWARDS’S STORE. August 20, 1844. 47 tf MORE NRW WORKS! R OSE IVAl.nilET.liyG.P. R. Jxmeo, Ktq ; Tom RurH of Our'*, hy Vkerlte, author ofHem, l.omcuor ; Cbtrl.i U’Molloy. 4u>.t Fatty Legem), or lha South of Ire land, by T.Crotlon Umber, x now million; ill. Martyr Wife, k Dome.tin Romano., hy tltoau’.ltor of Elwoud, lit. Ilxnhor, or Lib. F.lherLike Hon; Amy Horkort, by A Lilly—Edit.d by tho Itov. W., B. D. Th. Life oud public ..rvicM of lb. Hon.Jxmea KooiFolb, with x compondiuin of hi* Hpoeoli.x,on Nxiion’x public max* turoe; *lxo, t .ketch of th. I.ilh of th. Hus. George M. Ihlha. publi.krdhy N. Hirkmxn; Life end S pom: ho. of ll.ory Clay, ,ol„ dee:. 8, by Greeloy and McKIrtlb: hUjor Jowre’i Oaurt- •hip, with iilaotrwriom, by Dorley; July No*, of lh* July t.lftll. 4ft If Cap Laces in great variety, of new and elrgant patterns 4 ['rimming Laces and Lace edgings, black and white; Silk, Lisle, Guipure, Mechin, Brussels, foe, Thread Laces and Edgings, French, German nnd Escluli. SHAWLS. Rich Cashmere and Brnche Long end square Shawls; Thibet Muslin De Inline,Kubyle, Plaid, \\ oollt-n, Nett, &c. dec. SILK SHAWLS—Dark Cameleon, Satin Striped, figured dec. GLOVES AND MITTS, fn every variety, for Gentlemen, Ladies, and Misses, of Kidd oithe most annroved manufacture. Buch, Merino, Woollen, Silk, Laco, Filet, Egyptian, ludia Rubber, Sic. Their stock will be found to comprise a full n«portment of all rlia various amall items needed, and they invite the inten tion of Buyeis, wittithe fullest confidence that they can aop* ply averv want in their line. Nov. 5,1844. 6 WILLIAM K. DcGRAFFEKKlED ATTORNEY AT LAW, Blakely* Early Uounty* Geo. Rsferencea—lion. Seaborn Jones, Hon. W.T.Cola quid, Hon. A. Iverson,lion. Joseph Sturgis, John Schley, and Henry L. Henning Esqrs, Jan.2, 14 tf GRAND SCHEMES!! J. O. axxsoxv 4l CO., Manager*. ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Ula»« No. 7. for 1845, To bo drawn nt Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday the 15lh of Februnry. 1845. CAPITALS. 1 Prize or... 1 do 1 do 1 do t do 1 do 1 do AO prize* of • SO do 60 do *80,000 19,000 6,000 3,300 3,9*7 :',ooo *.300 4,il00 300 400 Tickets 810— Hnlven $5—Qunrtern 1 - 50. CertiBcatunof 1’nckngen of 95 Whole Ticket, *130 Do do 25 Hnlf dn 65 Do do 25 Quarter do 32 50 #40,000! #T5,000! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, ClaeaNo. 8, for 1845, To be drawn in Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday, th* 22d of February.1845. IBipfiMaanaft IPirEsss. ^ 1 Splendid Prize of. I do. do i-MW® 1 Prineof. 1 du j;;! ftftprixen of 1 ’999 Lowest prixe 6lc. 6lc. dtc. Tickets only $10— Halves $5—Quarters |2 Certificates of Packages of 23 Wliolo Tickets fljo Do do 25 Half do « Do do 25 Quarter do grand scheme. #40,000! #13,000!! To be drawn In Alexandria, D.O.. on Satuiday, tbe !<> « March, 1845. SPLENDID CAPITALS. "isiihsaasi ..Maao^^aao Do,,.,.: SO Prize* of 1,000 dollnrs! OO of 3001 60 of 400! &c. Ac. Tic kola #10— Halve. #5—Quartern $2 50. Certificate, ul l’ackxgea of 26 whole Tickela #146. Do do 2ft Half do 70. Do , du 26 Quarter an ItT*Order, for Tiofcota and Sliareaand CortiScaten ofrac agea in the nbove Uplendirl Lolterica will receive Ilia iirempt sttcution, nntlsii olficinl account of each drawing tminriiialcly after it i* over tooll who order from ua—•* J. U. (JHEOOltV * Co., Klnnnserit 18 3t* WAZIIINUTON CITV. »• °1. MAIL ABWAKOEMENT. Northern and Augusta Mail, ria Warrento*' >UB Daily at If A. Mr- I C W»»«* »■»»•»• *•"* Macon and Columbus Mail. DUK Detljld'inUa, aicepta0)atle A.* CLOf KStlatl, •• IS M. Savannah Mail. DUZ Dally(Moailayaxeapteft) at »•*•*•* UMI8K* dalll (Xatarilay •• lot ttU. Eatonton Mau. DU* Morula,.Wrdnrerlaron* FrldajaG r.M. VLUSKS ‘' 44 " *1 ■!•••• Manlitcllo Mail. DUH Tbar.Oafand landar at( P. M. ClUttl Mondaraod Tkuraday alir.M. Rlarid* Mail. S ,Wkd*#ada,aadrrlday at U4 - CLOSKI Mawdor .Wadoaada.aad Mail.