The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, August 26, 1845, Image 4

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r«H« umattr HcrMT’i iHlei, tirtLt, fcnnoM Mm Ih.-Cnurl him.. door in Ealmilon. VV rnliwi««uu*l7,mtho tire, TiMMluy iu SEPTEM UK it nott, within Ilia l.g.l Buur. of ..lo, ilia lullowi mwly it> wit: ISM Mm. of l.nj.inont or lo», a.ljoining tint Undo of John AoiapUo anti utliora on ilia witter* ol tin tidy oraoK, with a aaw aad (rim mill ou mid laud; levied on as ilia properly of Mu,- rtttw Parley, lo aatiefy a ti tU in In mi «f If. It, sMeplioun mid other 4 (Wa va Mntlliew Parley,and Jmuen stitihli., aeeuiily on « •eras of Innd, morn or less, leviotl on ts the properly •f Allred Fiankliu, adjoining Him Uml* of Wiley Jourdan auu •Omni,Imhiic Ou* place wheroou Richard G. Ward now lives, to •iilisfv a H fa from Folium I Court, in favor of Win. va Rich ml U, Ward rind Allrod Franklin. Five bed*. hed'teudi and furuitnrc, 12 split bottom clmirs, 1 lnA**s clock, l bureau, 2 pine Uhies, ‘J pine dre** tabled, 1 lot bad cover* and ooiiuierii.tiina, 3 puir lire dog*. 1 lot bed qfbllta, | children’* bedstead, and I crib ; nil levied Oil an the (irojHiriv of John II, Clark, to satisfy a li fn issued from Put* Mill Superior Court in favor of J. M. & W. Adams va auid John II. Clark. W. T. aSAMMONS, D. -Sheriff. July *9,1815. 41 »■»* (VOOUiea Of jiik, 4 I ins, ountT, 40 iu*. nugui, 1 ■iimii paraa, l writing desk, I Juck plane, 1 fore plane, ft tilers, I log Minin, I pr. scales and weights, I or Ik*, bacon, to Ihs. naila, I loom ; petitioner's inter Wilkinson September bliurill’s Salt's. W ILL he Hold ou ih« lirat Tuesday in 8KFTEMBKR neat, at tlioCourtdiouso door in the town of (rwiutou, Wilkinson county, within the usual hours of *u*e, the fol lowing property,io wit; Oun Negro man Messer, and ono negro woman Roso.buth vary old; two head of horses, 50 head ol stock hogs, more or less; 8 head of atuck tattle,2 cows and calves, I yoke of oxen •lid cart, IU head of sheep, 1 coiton gin and running gear, 4 T Ploughs and 2 Sweeper* do, 2 shovel do, 4 pr Plough Cenr, 4,ainglatrees,l man’s suddla.l side saddle, I Dutch fau(wlimii). I svtus blade. 1 cradle, l ring and staple for os yoke, 2 club •tea, 1 broad uxe, I bandsaw, I dr. knife, I grindstone, 2 weeding lioea, 7 stone jars, 10 glass do, l emu 11 lot of tin, I •mail lot of medicine, 10 gallons ot gin, 3 empty barrels I lot amply boxes, 5 gallons molasses. 8 to Id bushels salt, 2-iburh- «ls of wheat, more or less; 20 bushels of corn, 51)0 lb •*. of foddor, ti bolt lea of ink, 2* 1b*. Coffee, 20 lbs. sugar, I small lot of cop* k, I Juck plane, 1 fore plane, f» straw turn- • * • * bur, 200 1 interest in grow ing crop on tho premises whereon he now lives ; I cotton umbrella, 0110 crudle, one looking-glass, one brass dock, ono pine talilo, one nine slahli, one small pine table, three feather bads and bedding, I hair trunk, I pine chest, 1* com • inon chairs, I lot table furnlfuro, viz. castors, plates, knives and forks, spoons, Ate.; cooking utensils, pots, ovens, skillets, Ac.; t lot cooper's ware, tubs, pails, piggins, toe ; l iron wedge, 1 chop axe, I Bible, Testament, and hymn hook. 1 Gum's family medicine, I small lot of school and other mis- csllaueutis bonks,2 slates, I pr andirons, 1 pr sad irons, I raw hide, I pr c iltun cards, I pr wool do , 2 spinning wheels, 2 candle stick*, *2 hrnflJS, 1 whee. barrow, I shotgun, I pistol, 1 pine cup lu rid, l pr sin *lyards, 1 razor, h x, toe., I pocket knife and pencil; all levied upon to satisfy sundry fi lasiu fa vor of Derinot Dempmy and others vs Win. B. Smith—render- cdup to tlu Inferior Go'tel for the benefit of his creditors. iv a 1 •I’l.’ii vv n July 2d, 1815. Wilkinson September Sheriff* Sales. W tl.L be sold before the Court-house door in tho town of Irwinton, Wilkinson county, on the first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, witliiu the legal hours of sale, the following property,to wit: One lot of land, containing two hundred two and a ball acres, in ire nr less, lying in the. 31 district of Wilkinson co wi ly ; levied on ns the property of John Gibson, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of William K. Carswell vs said Gibson. Also, 011a half acre, more ot leas, shouted on the northwest corner of the lot whereon A. A.Cullens form tIv lived, levied on 10 satisfy sundry fi fits issued out of a Justice's Conn in favor of Elijah Hales vs Martha Craft and C. Tlnip. July 26, 1345. S. U. MURPHY, O. SITff. 4 I Wart 1 Shpttfinhurhlimirs hale* W ILL he sold before tilts Court-house door in the town of Wareboro', Ware county, on the iir*t Tuesday in 8F.rrF.MBEU. next, within the usual hours ol sale, ilia following property, to wii: The interest of Jshcz Dowling in one brown bay horse ; also, one hay mare; levied ou as the prop ’rty of Jahcz Dow • ling to satisfy one fi la issued from Lowndes Inferior Court in favor of Austin Smith vs Murk Addison and .lain z Dowling. Also, lot of land Mo. I 13, in the ninth di-*tii t of originally Appling, now Wars county; levied on us the property of hlcGiutv Cason to satisfy two ti lus issued from a Justice’s Court in the 45l*t District of said county, in favor of B. Brewervm McUintyCason. Levied ou and returned tome by a constable. MILES J. GUEST,Sheriff. July 7th, 1845. 43 J\. Court of Baldwin county, sitting for ordinary purposes. #ill be sold before the Court-house door in the City of Mil- ledgeville.on the first Tuesday iu October next, br-rween th legal hours of sale, tlte lauds belonging to (lie estate of Horn lio Barksdale, late of said comity,duceu-ed. 'J'crms ou the day oI'shIh. MARY BARKSDALE, Adm’x. Juty 8th, 1345. [jwwk] 41 AitiiiiiifisIrulor’K Saht. I N purauanee of an order of the Honorable the Superior Court of the County of Richmond, will be sold ou the first Tuesday in September next, before tbo Court Imose door iu the town of Irwinton, Wilkinson county, between the usual hours of sale, eight negroes, viz: Henry, a man ubout 36 yeurs old , Hudson a man about 31 years old ; Syl,a man about 32 years old: Lewis, about ‘-’8 years old; 11 amp, u man about 30 years old; Squin, a m in about 40 years of age; Ferry, u smith, about 26 years old; and Ellen, n woman about 27 years old; and also, one road wagon ami teem of mules. Hold as the property of Eybort It. Beall, lute of Richmond county, tluceusad. Terms cash. JF.R’U. BEALL,? ... W a II 1/ t I 1 f A0111 TF. July II til, 1015. W. A. BEALL. •13 ids W 1 CITATIONS' tiUOKOIA, Baldwin Conmly. Inferior Court, tilling for Ordinary purposes, July Term, 1845. I T appearing to the Court by tho representation of Mrs. Elisabeth Washington, Executrix ou the Estate of Hub- cat II. Washington, deceased,that ilia said Executrix hatful Iv udiiiiniuioreu 011 said Citato, and wiahss to lie dismissed t lin rc fro 111: It is therefore, on motion, ordered. Tint the Clerk of this Court do issue a citation requiting ull persons concerned, to Fliewcuusn, if any they have, on or heforo the second itL.u day in January next, why said dismission should not be gruu led—and that said citation be published according lo legal re quirement. A true extract from the minutes, this 7 th dnv of July , 1845. 41 HltftU JOHN \\. W. SINE 4D, c. C.«». GEORGIA, Itnlclwlii Count)'. W II I'. ICE AH Robert H. Mcichuni, Executor on the es- tivtoof Angeliun Meucham, deceased,applies to me for lettera of dismission hum said Executorship : These arethereloreto citvund udiuonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to oe and appearnt my office within the time prescribed liv law.toiliow cause,if any they have,why Raid letters should not be granted. Given uudertiiv hand uioliice,tliis I Itb day «l'^.March,1845. 21 India John W. W. SNEAD, c.c.o, GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. W HE REA'S Henry Endy applies to me for letters 01 Administration on 1 ties t-etulc uf Jtdm Ki.dy. Ifttf suid county, deceased: These are tlierel'ore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and eieditots of .aid deceased, to ho and appear at my ollice within the time prescribed by law, to allow cause, if any they have, why .-.aid letters should nut be gruutrd. Given underun baud at ofiiee.this 30th day ofJulv, 1845 46 ftt A UG. ILRAI FOR l>. 13i*rk_._ GEORGI A, W ilkinson County. I1EKEA8 David Hini'b and John Hinilli, Adiniuistia v T tors on the estuie ol \S in. Smith, upply to me lor let- ters of Dismission from said estate . These ere,therefore, to cite and admonish all ami singular; the kindred and erediiois <1 said deceased, to be and appear ut my office, witliiu the time prescribed b> law, In show cause, il any they have.w h v said letters should nut lie grunted. Given nndci my IiuiiiJ, at oilin', this 7th ilav of April, 1815. 99 iiiGiii A. B. RAIFORD,f. C.O, GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. kV DEKEAS Jacob Freeman, Administrator on the es- \V late of Jrieitduh Allen, lute of said county, deceased, applies to me for luttcis ol disn.lsaiow from suid Admiiiiatru lion : ‘i’licse are, therefore, to cite and admonish aP nnd singulai the kindred iiik! creditors of said decesscd, to hr uni appearnt my office witliiu the lime prescribed bv iuw,tc xliow cause, il any they have, why suid letters should not be granted. iivmi under inv hand at office, this Ifiihdav ol May, 1845. AUG. B RAIFOKD, Clerk. 34 mbm GEORGIA, OiM ittiir County. W HEUEA.s James V. Freeman, Administrator on the estate ul Tliumns Freeman, deeenst*d, upplies to for letters of dismission I10111 said Adiuiiiistrutiou : These a re, there fore .to cite and admonish a 11 ti mi - iugul nr the kindred and creditors of said deceased ,lo bo sml appeal n; my ollice within 1 be time prescribed l»v law,tosliowcuuse i tuny they have, why suid letters should not be granted. Given under iiiv hamltii ollii c,tbis 4lh dav of Alarcli 1845. 94 6m JuHiN F, IJICKEN8QN, c. c, o, GEORGS 4, Dccntiir County. k%MIEREVH lliMiy Ailine, Executor of Elias Fullcti ? ▼ deceased appl es to u.n lor leiters of Dismi-t-ion from said Exveutoiship: These urc,tin 1 •fore, t(.cite and adinoinsli nil and singular the kindred and ciediiors ol h:i:i! be ami appear ut uiy otiii.e within iln pieei libcdby lau ,toshow cuuse, ifanv oxi.-t,» by said letins should not be granted. Given undci nn band at office tliis2i! dnv of April, 1845. 28 6m JOHN P. DICKENSON, 1 . c. o. ra?m.e sumbu *».“ ou oouuiv, whil« lining lot ordinary purpotMt* lor lonvn to sell the realestutl*of llnton Price, Inleu! anld eminly, dec d. JACOB FREEMAN, Administrator. May I7tli, 1815. ^ I^IOI) U MOHfVilSaOardnte.tippliriiiinii will be made r to the Inferior Cnurt of Baldwin county, w hen ail ting for ordinary purposes, fur leave to sell a negro boy, unmod Abram,belonging to the estate of Isaiah Wheeler, deceased. July 22d, I Hi.5. DEULAIl WHEELER, Adm'x, KUNA WAV, FROM the Subscriber, living near Jackson,Bulls comity, Ga. 1111 Hiiuduy t veiling, the 3d lust, my negro Imy MOHE. Ho is of dark complexion,rath er slender built, about six leel high uud weighs about 110 pounds. From cir- ciiuistuiicea which l have got in posse* sion since Huid|lioy Icli, I am induced to bdieve that tie mny have been decoyed off by soma white man. If so, a liberal reward willbe given lor llie iliiuf, with prool suflii ieut tocoii- vtcl him; and any information ol said negMi will be thankful ly received,and alt expenses that may accrue will be paid. ; JOHN B. HARK NESS. A uc. 12,1815. 46 3t nuiuo.t, srBivuB STAGE NOTICE. UrouRlit to Juil* IN Irwiuton, Wilkinson eottn’y, oil the 22d day uf.luilP, 184 i, one black negro tel low by il.r milnn of Mono., nUoiii l.-.-i - iocl.i:. ni^n, (.In. k ■-<uiiplpxi«ti, wliul. «i- III in tiuiii, win, 110 ollii'r iiini lm .ei’ii, wlio .ii.vs ho liplimg. to tii’ii II,million, oflUWilcIlim llt’liil, A luli.lim. rill! oivnor i. n qiip.ii il to ooine ftirwnnl, |iron pro|Mn» pay tilinl^e, ntol lukellilll atvoy. JtL The. Nearest, Cheapest, and Best Route from Aug us la, (Jeo., to the Italian Springs. f | X11 IS old und well knowu'rontH having been induced ton ft Hack line, will run the ensuing summer, commencing the first day of June, from Madison-— Leaving Madison 011 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, alter the arrival of tho Curs from Augusta .passing l»y Whitfield’*, .Vomicello, and arrive nt two o’clock, F. ill. Returning, leave the Springs on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sntnrdty, at half past 5 o’clock, A. M>, passing through <lie nbov« named places, and arrive at Mutfisnn at three o’clock, I*. M. where they will never fail to connect with the downwurd train ol cats for Au gusta. Travellers may rely upon good horses and coaches, ami good nccnmmndullftiiS in every form. Wr hope by gnud and close aitentioii to sliarc a pint of the public patronage. Disiauca. forty-three miles. Fare f L00. C. W. BIUGG8 CO. Daniel A.Tuckeii, Agent, Madison. ■M n v 13, 1815. 33 tf T HE Annual Cotwip nf l.pulnrp. in thi. In.l.titMun w.ll onmnirnt p nn thn .ppuikI Munttoy iu Ni>«.tnl<«r n«*l. «P«n ""ASUaSli^irfe’.ioai.BRodk.'a.-D. f,:sr,L u .Va’,h.hck,on, m . ... Physiology -J AME8 MOI'LI’RIE. M. IL .Materia Medics—HENRY R I* 1108 I ,!M. D. Obstetrics—'IMlfJM A8 G. PRIOLEU/, M. D. Ghernistrv-U.U. SflEPAItH.M D. „ Iteinoiistrntor—S I*. JUl.l IN KA\ ENEL, M. U- Clinienl inslnielion will bodelivend ut the. Marine llot pttal, Alina House and College Hospital. Good Boarding can be obtained at from three and hair to fin 1 ilnlliirit per ni’nk. . , Slpeuiineuii in Nniurnl lli.lnrv will Iip iliiinUfnll, ppp.i.ed. HENRY It. CIlOslT, I.piipi. Aujliut >B|H, 1818. _ «—8l‘ J. H AtUllil KA A WII.Diai. sr W A K 1TI S P RIALS. Thk State of Georgia, deservedly elehrsted for the fertility of its soil, the richness und abundance ol its eralorrs, its stupendouscntarueis and beautiful mountain scenery, cun also boast the most vuiiiuolu mineral fouutaiiiH 011 the luce nf the Globe. 'I’his is no vain boasting; a distinguished gentlemen, one June 2. r ilh. 184 ). 40 If ;whc l as travelled cxtansively iu foreign lands, assures us, j that, while in England and ou the Continent, lie visited lli« . most celebrated watering places, that ho saw not oneou which AT Irwinlmi.H illtiiiBon cuuntv, (ipmgin. n I Nnlme hud lit’en no pr.iifigal nflierRili.,.., llm.e he«iuw c d on iii’sro man, whii ««y« hi. inline i- AN I HONY, j tho W.rniSpiingsii! Mpriwillii-r imnnly.tii’uiyiiu i.ttJTOUS A N II (9©3Staaia;lfisS®iLi ME®n , ®]kajiit>3 s SAV ANN All, Ol. JOSEPH WASIIIH UN, JOHN II. WILDER. Aug. 12. T5,000 Dolinrs! 46 20 j #25,000! #15,000!! ALEXANDRIA LOTT Kill', Fnr Internal Improvement in llie Dint, of Columh Cliiaa A, for IH45, ’ I Tnlm druvvnin Alnnndiiu. I).C., nn Sutuidav, lb. K.i , Septi niber, ld45. •' ^ ,k " f j J. G. GREG OUT & CO., Al!mn K p r ,. RKILLIAMT SCHEME M. Ki-oiiltIiC lo Jail* Iiventy-fivc years of age, live lert six eight inches high, inlhet yellow eo|nplexu> and snya lie belongs to a man living in Dronj ciMiuly, N.C.,by the name of Sandy Cheek The owner or owners are requested to coine forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him «»«» July 13th, MH5 This truly wonderful natural ctirimntv ami delightful Sum ....a....-, nier reireut is sjimiti'd 011 u spur of 1 lie Pine .Mountain, thirty- Orange f six miles north ol the city ol Columbus. A fountain, gushing I forth, per minute, fourteen hundred riiIIii \Y GLOR(»!A. l*u(n;nifi Coniiiy. * IIEKEAS John .Vlasuii, A.liuinistrator ou the estate of Wm.D. Cole,applies lomuloi letters ol Dismission from said estate : Tnesc me,therefore, to cite and ndmonisb all concerned to be and appearnt my ofiice, within the time prescribed by law tos'no'V cause,il any they have, why suid lettersdismisaory should not be grunted. Given under my bund at oilier,this 20th dav ofMureb,1845. 26 6111H WM. B. CARTER. C. C. O. llroilKlit to JuiL V I’ Irwiuton, Wilkinson county. Georgia, o negro man, who says bis name is GEORGE, about twenty-two 1 ears old, rather yellow complexion, five leet six or eight inches high, end .'ays lie belongs to John t arter, ol Lolum* bus Georgia. The owner or owners are requested to come forwurd, prove pioneitv. puv ebaices,and take him away. 1 1 8. B. MURPIIY, Jailor. July 14th, 1345. 43^f Bnniplit to Jail) THIS day. a negro man who says his name, is FRANK.and tlmi he belongs to Jesse Beck, of IJcnry county. Gu. Said negro is of light com plexion, about five feel ten inches high, speaks quick when spoken lo. Tim ow ner is n qnested to come forward, prove properly, pay charges, an J. lake llilli uwuv. T. A. BRANNON, Sheriff. bc co., July 9, 1345. 42 mlVin or It GEORGIA, INcwloii t'oiinty. COURT OU ORDINARY, May Term, 1845. I N appearing to the Court, that John P. Thompson, Ail* miuistrnior mi the estate of Samuel Thompson, deceased, ban fully administered suid estate, and lie having minle uppli cuiion for letters uf dismission from suid administration ; I t is, therefore, ordered, that the Clerk of this court do issue a citation, requiring all persons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, on or bclore (lie due publication of ibis cita tion, why said letters should not issue, uud (hut thiscitation lie published in terms of the law. A true extract from the minutes, Mav 8th. 1845. 33 nit'll) WM. 1). LLC’KlE.r.c. o. Itrciight to Jail, V NEGRO MAN, who soys his name is Henry Shepherd, end 1 hi*v lie belong* to Win. Burgis, of Pike county, AI- mIu ms. Suid uegio is about tliiily-five years old, ubout livo b-i 1 ten inches high, of dark complexion. Also, a negro wo man m like complexion, ulioiit I It illy-s i v years c Id, who say n sin- is 1 lie wile of Henry, aud that slm belongs in the fuiiio gent Irina 11. The owner is requested to come forw a ul, comply with tlie luw , aud take theniuwny. T, BRANNON, Sh’ff of Mii-ieoFee eountv. Colitudius, J uly 90,1845* 45 mlOniOrtf* Aoticc lo Bpbloiti and ('tcditoi’s. A LI. persons indebted lo the estate of Jesse .M. Spmi. ee /V deceased, are tequesied to make piiy o t cni,nni! those ha* iug < luinis uguinsi said estate, to present them in leim8oft( ( > luw. CHARLES L. RIDLEY, Adm’r. Ilillshoro’, I Ot li J uly, 1845. soil water of90° Temperature, in indeed a rare curiosity. Its virtue, however, ol curing diseases, which have defied the skill of the 1 must eminent Physicians,seems Htilinmio wonderful. 1 The ingredients of the water, as ascertained by accurate ! analysis, are—quaniitv one wine pint, or 28,875 cubic inches i —specific gravity 0,998—distilled water being 1,006. Gask.s j —Carbonic acid 2 cubic inebes—.Sulphvm-tt of Hydro I gen,a trace.—Solid contents: ('utlnoiuto of Lime, 1 grain— i Carbonate ol Iron, 3 5 grams—Carbonate of .Magnesia, 10.69. I The temperature ol the water, W inter rind Siiiiiiiicr,90 de- i grecs. I The ceitificAtes of Judge Stocks of CS roc tie, Mr. Carey ol I Columbus, and others, who have, experieui ed itshenelieial ef- ! feels, and the opinions of such Physicians us Boswell und , IloXey, should sutisly the most Hkeplicui of its healing pro- j ! parties. I As u resort lor him who already enjoys the blessing of ! health, and who chooses, timing the sultry Hummer mouths, 1 to lay uside tho d itiesof his avocation*, to travel iu scaichof j pleasure, in a healthier and cooler clime, there are lull lew j places in America, where he can find cooler tm« zof, more pic- 1 turesque miiontuiuscenery, a gieater diversity ol amnst nent-j 1 or more refined sm.iety, and not one wiiere be can mj-y the luxury ul warm bathing to such perfection as ut this luvored spot. J The Mibscribein Imvim* become the exclusive proprietors me perni.iiiently located here; they beg leuve to ussuro those who may honor* them with a visit, that all their energies will j be directed to anticipate the tastes and combo l ot then guests. Thu Hotel is open during the whole year. A Post Office j (mail tri-wveUly) 1 * established here—aud a large assortment wf goods kept. Him e. last season, extensive improvements j have been made, and the whole, place presents a new mid ! beautiful appearance. Passengers from Alabama, Madison ' or Grilfin, will nn-ct with no delay, as hacks a e always in | readiness r.I Grcouev ille to carry them to the Hpiiug tri-weekly lino ul Htii; NEW FIRE-PROOF WARE-HOUSE, .llacon. Geo. TH E undersigned Imv ing erected a I’lr.K WAHE-Hol'sl£,nilumled ut the heud of Cotton Avenue, tenders his services 10 his tiiends and the public generally, for the sto rage of Cotton and Metebundize, and the transaction of UoilltlliSHiOII IlUsilU SH in all its branches.pledging himself to use every exertion lo promote the interehls of, und render satisfaction to, those who iuuy confide huKitiess to his charge. 'i’lto storage und vale ol (.'niton will In* under the direction uud control of.Mr. JOHN JONES, who has long been known in the Ware bouse business, aud will give particular uitenlion to the sale ol Uoiinn und the filling ot oidersfor goods. Libeia 1 advances will be made on (’otiuii iu store or to lie shipped. BAGGING, ROPE, AND TWINE, together with uny other articles, will be. furnished custuincis ut flic lowest iniuket piier. N. IL Stnrugc und ruuiiuissloiih at custoninrv rates. JERRY COWLES. Macon,24th June,1845. 39 26t " FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ~ c.ipit.Hj $:soo,ooo. fpHF. NEW-YORK (’ONTRABUTIONSIIIF FIRE 1. INSUR ANt’E COMPANY having establitdied an agon- cv in Knoxvim.k,Crawford countv,williusure ' BlllLUlMiS, MEIICUASDIZE, HOUSE HOLD mi.\1TU RE, I every description of property, against loss or damage by Grand Capital Piizc of $175,000 ,i~I~..,i:.i II-:— . r Sl.7,000 ift,ooo 1 Splendid Pi 1 ditto 1 ditto 1 Prize of id. non 9.000 8.000 7.000 6,600 6,600 4.000 2,847 2,610 2.666 1,750 1,560 1,060 51.11 400 ®J*i*0* V*.o*o I5,0*« lU.Oou >.000 0.000 C.llUb 5-fHK* IJHiU 2^17 1 lajiui •lj.000 30.000 50,'(H 50.000 ti.i '• »... 16.25(1 « “ ion : «» 65 “ ui, f'.«00 : 70 : m " ; ’.1,900 4,Ib5 " ^0 27,040 •* S ‘ >79,4641 * «»IdJOt) 32,396 Prizes—Amounting to * j lO| |nt 78 NUMBER LOTTERY-13 Dnmn B „i™ W l»'l« 1 *“k*’l. $20—11.1*.* $10— C:iiiirifr«*5_l’i.,| ll t OtlincHImuf Piickiigc uf20 VVImlo. ' i.!’ !’° <l“ *(! Htilvr-s. rz “ J ’•* 0° 20 UmI, id, Jj. Uo 0" 26 Jj'J. [LTOrilfirs fur Tirkei. nn,! am! Crnifiniir, ages in the above .Maomficknt Mikaik, will * Apnlnclilcoln, Fin., J„l,, 1849. 'I’llr. I w ill eoutiniic to trsu*aci u (GENERAL 1 COMMISSION l; LSI NESS at APALACHICOLA, it oner the linn of HiiiVAini a BerTin:i{i'oai]>. irrThev have also determined to establish a COM.MIS- SlO.N HOI SE r.t NEW-ORLEANS, the enduing season, where one of'the firm will nlwnvs be found. Tlimi personal • will be given to all business with which the attention, ami diutely uftei it is over to all J. G. GKIlGOllT & to 47 -I o. ; .,or.pi>n.»»vmriysEI . III nil U’1.1. order from tig. Addiers, from Columbus here during the ! entrusted. I iie usual ndvunccs will be made upongoods ! in Moie or l niton consigned to tliei- \V« ■Njirtugs, .Mm 20. l« 15 R. vV 42 6t GEORGI A, Telfair ( oituiy. l\rHERE.\S John McLean, Administrator on the estate V V ol Allen McLean, deceased,applies to me lur letters of Dismission from the same : These ure, therefore, to citeaud admonish all and singular the kindred undcreditnrs of suid deceased,to he and appearut iny office, vvnhin the time prescribed by law, to show cause,il any they have, w hy said 1 tiers of dismission should not be granted. Given under mv band, at office, this 3d dav of June. 1045. 37 mOm JNO F. McliAE.C. C.O. Ail •linislrators’ SnU>, A GREEABLY to an order of the llonoruble Interior Court of Bnldwin county, silting for ordinary purposes, will be •old before ilia Courthouse door in thw citv ol Milledgc- ville, on the first Tuesday iu October next, witliiu tho legal hours ol safe, -ill the Lauds belonging l i tin* estate of Mo- •hac!i Rogers, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Tuims made known on the. dav of Bale. VVILKY f. lUKIBRS. 7 IIEZEICI.UI 1KK.KKS, \ il, " nrB ’ July 22d,1845. 43|jw\vsJ Ailiuiaiistkatoi's dale. A GREEABLY to an order of the Honnruhln the Infr.rior Court of Telfair county, when sitting for ordinary pur- |)uses, will he sold before the Court house door in the town of Jacksonville, Telfair countv, on the first Tuesday iu October next, within the legal hours of sale, the following land, lo wit: Lots Nos. two hundred nnd eighty-five, two hundred and eighty-six,threfe hundred nnd twenty four, und 1811 of lot No. ihr-e hundred and, including - City, nil in the seventh District of originally Wilkinson, now Tetteir county. Sold for the benefit of the licit und credi tors. Terms of sale made known on the day. M. N. Me It A E, Adm’r. Lumber City, Telfair county, August 1, 1845. 46 tda Administrator's Male, A GREEA IU.Y to an order of the Houoruhle the Inferior /V (bunt, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will besold before Um Court-house door in the town of Dahlonegn, Lump kin comity, on tit-, fitst Tuesday in October next, within the legal hoursof^ale.two forty aero lots of luiid. iu said county, No. 123 in the I5tli District, 1st Section, und No. 200 in the 4»h District, 1st Section. Sol 1 for tlm benefit of the ereditois of George Shinlmlser, deceased. Terms made know on the dav of sale. W. J. HIIINHOLSER, Adm’r. August 1,1845. 46 tds Execntor’fi Sale. V GREEM1LY to nit order of the Inferior Court of Wil- kiiiimii county, white silling for ordinary purposes, will b** eold on 1 fiiFt Tuesday in November next, witliiu the usual hours of .sale, he fire tlm Court limit* • door in Irwiuton /me. htni'irod eleveu and one fourth lines of laud, iis a purl of jot number txoJiuudred nnd tweniv -nin»»; also,forty acres of land, as a pan of naid lot number 229; also, twenty-eight Acres uf land, us part of bit number two hundred and twenty- Itiiife, HlsG.oue hundred and fifty uud one hull'acres, No. 228, whereon ItenjaiiiiuStiilJi* lived at llie ti no of hi* d« nth Al so, one tel of land, Ain. 219,1'ouniiniug oin- hundred one and xuie-fnurih acres j all jit the f.inrtb disirii-t of Wilkinson r.ounty, belonging to the estate of Beuj. Stubbs, lam of sail county, deeeus. «|. Also. vu thrJirst Tuesday in JWenihrr next before the 4'ourt-limise door in tho eminly of Lowndes, ouc-third of lot nf land No- 456,couiajniu® 490 uuaa, helongiog f» siikl estate ofBen). Stubbs,dec'd. All sold for the benefit of the heirs and <‘i»ditorE iff said .! ceased. Terms made known mi the dav m ».tie. WILLIAM *C. PARKER. Ex’r. Aug. ftt 1 !, 1015. 46 t.N Exeni or’s Mali*. r lLf. lift sold ut the late lesideue.e of Beiij'imin Siuldis, deceased, oq Saluiduy, the 2f>th day of September next, I It a remaining part uf ib«? ce/jslmble property ol said es- laie.eonsixtiug of various aitirlpe now too tedious to iiientimi. Sale lo continue until ull U sold. Tenus made known on the duv of tule. WILI4AM C. PARKER, F.x’r. Wilkinson eminiy, Aug. 5, 1815. 46 Itte LANl) AND NILUf FOR SAI.i:. 'TXBCETOKb’ SALE -WILL li-nuld in Tnltea J Ti (’minty lit the Court House iu Talhotlon, on tbo li* *-« Tnesdav in OO’I’OBEK next, agrieubly lo provisinne in the will of Peter Dennis, decenaed, tlm following parcels of LmJ, eititaled in the 23d. District of origiimlly !Mnsrogee. nmv l’u|. bntConntv,viz: 1611 ncr«e,purl of lot No. 22. Lots No.23. Nn. 21, No. 43, No 45. nnd No. 66, eio h emiiiiining 2621 aeiesj I 13 pares, part of lot No. <6 : tjo* ^ovo lend Jving ou I uy.ey i Tree k, four and n bull miles from Talbot u.n. and Wo. 45 him « first rate griRt and saw mill, a pin lioufe, libicksmi'li shop, .and a wood shop, '/’lie niivilege of the water will be reserv ed for the mills. Ms i, 177 lien s nf laud, purl* iff lots No. 53 and 83, one n.tvd a hull miles from Talbottuii, with ucomi {finable dwolliiig.n eoml gin Iwusc nnd screw. I0I4 acres, part of lot No. It'6.^1* the I4(li District of Talbot comity; one U'.lf of I'o wn lot No. I in squaru Bill the town of Talbottou. 'IVrma— one. third paid wlien poaseasbui in given, and the gemaiiiiog two-thirds pxvabln one and two tears tliereoftflr. Notes with approved Mcurjtv v- ill be reqoiied. Too above tend will be sold for the purpose of effecting a division with the Legatees of said Peter Dennis. Poivoasioii given on the twentv fifth tier ember next. JACOB DENNIS ) , I'ETER R.OKNMS \ r * 'I'ilbnt county, AuyuM 15 I1H5. 17 iiIh WILIilAII K' DrGIIAI I’IINHIED ATTORNEY at law, Blnkclf, Eprly County,Geo. RtrRRlNCi.—Hon. Otaborn Jonei.Hon. W.T.Col /}n\It, Hon. A. henon.Ilon.Joteph Sturgit, John Schley, jnd Henry f 4 . Henning Eton * Tib 14 «f GEORGIA, Jus|M*i' Coilllly* To the. Honorable the Justins nj the In/e>ior Court ul said county, siltingJor ordinary purposes, at Mny Term, 1845. rnilE petition of Seaborn liuvvk slievvetli l but he is the le- L gnl transferree of u certain bond lor titles to land, here tofore, made and delivered by Watson Miuw, in his lifetime, to John Spearman—that the consideration money has been paid —that the Raid Watson Sliuw Ims departed ibis life, and that Leroy M- Willson, of said county, is his administrator—that annexed is n copy of suid bond—that your petitioner pruvs (bat llie Raid administrator be directed by this Com t to make titles to the lands ill mid bond mentioned, accoiding to the siutute in such case made nnd provided. JOSHUA HILL, Petitioner’s .Attorney. [copy b .nd.] GEORGIAKnow all men by thene presents, that I, Jasper county, k Wat rod Shaw, am held and firmly bound to ) John Spearman, iu the penal sum ol one hundred uud tlmty dollars, for the true performance of which 1 bind myself, my heirs nnd assigns, fiimly by these piesents. The condition of the above bond or obligation is such, that whereas the said WutHou Shaw I'.uth this day, iu and lor the consideration of sixty dollars, bargained und sold a certuin truct or parcel ol land, lying and being eiiuaie in tbo sixteer. ^ District, number (3(3) three hundred and forty-three, a'.u fourth section of origiimlly Cherokee, containing forty ucres, more or less, having such shape and marks as will uppear by re faience to u plat of tlm same. Now, if the said Watson Sfiliaw ehull make to the said John Spearman a good and law ful title to said land, then the above to he null uud void,other* w isc to remuiti in full force nnd virtue in law. WATSON SHAW.[!..§.] This 14th day of Jan. 1340. Upon hearing the foregoing petition, it is ordered by the Court, tb it the auid Leroy M. Willson, adinV, Rhowcauaeat tlic next November Term of tliiR Court, why ho flliould not make sui'l title prayed for,ami that this proceeding lie helore then published for three month* in oun of the public gazettes of thin Stale, und in the public places of the county, to wit, •• the Court house. A tiue extract from the miniitos of Jasper County Court of OrdinaryMav Term, 1815. ’ S11A DR AC II J- McMlCHAEL, C. C. O. July 29,1845. 41 I3i I, A XV. • rill IE undernigned wj I regularly attend tin* Supciicrf A Courts iu the follow ing eountie*, viz: Morgan, Wilkinson, Greene, Hancock, Putnam, Jones, Baldwin, Jasper ami Bilb, JAS. A. MERIWETHER. E.itonton, 2-ltli March, 1845. 26 nm4t TIIDODOSKIS B. BAVIBS, V T T « ll su: y a T I. A vv, MII.LEOai■:YILLE, Gi. June 84lli, 1816. 39 n A8HUK8T & DIOMAVAKI, ATTOIIMEK AT LAW, I'alotitou. Ci„ Will practise in all the Counties of the Oanu/gee Circuit. Dm. 17. Iv? tf 4ai:i:i\i:ic & beiUj, FACTORS And (.’oiiiiniiSKioii TI**r< lmii(^. No. 72, Dsiy Slreci, Savttmiiih. C. A. (, W. A.Bkai.i.. 51 if Kept. 17. Thomas Bailie, Propnnnder of the'] Appeal in Warren V'ill of Elizabeth Place lien, dcc'd., j Superior Court vn. ]»from the decision of Sarah Persons, and ) n | the Court nf Lucy Buddie, { u " J Ordinary. I T being repre.’-ntrd to this Court that William Battle re sides in Shelby county, State of Tennessee, that Edwin D. Whiteheud, and Rebecca Whitehead, his wife, reside in Green county, State uf Alabama, that the above stated case is nost pending in this Court f ir trial—It is ou motion ordered, that the said William Buttle, Edwin l> Whitehead nnd Re- beeen Whitohend show name, mi or before the first day of the next Trim of inis Court, why said will should not he proven i.i a itemn fmm ; i.nd lbnt u copy of tills rule be served on said partioi* by publication iu one of (lie. public gazettes of this .xatouucea iiimcli for four mouths; and it is further ordered that b paper emitiiiiiiiig said publication be deposited in tin Po.-tOinee to the add re-.s of William Buttle, Portcrsville Hiitou county, and to F.dwi.i D. \\ bitehend und Rebecca W biielieutl. :«> llie (bmrt-bmisi iu Green county, Alubnma,al leys! 36 days before said (.'unit, Q ftORGlA, / ('ink's Office Superior Court of said Warren manly. ^ County. 1, Jiiii.w’R J'ilcber. (Berk ol the Superior Couit of said eoiiu- hi 1. i.yam-itin 11, .x llie above is a tioecopv ot unorigi nal order taken uud rutoro-d upon (he minutes of said Court. of llie Faux-*, Hi45—this, the 2lsl clay of Wlim: ^FLPlII St *(PKIAGS, McritU'IlKT CoiiiiIg G;i. I This delightful Watering I’luce is now open I *" r the season,under the must flutieriiic auspices, j ■ ■ v Eft lliivti.g now, I'eymid all question, and hv the. uni - ! UnUSa t» d tCftlimmiy of the hundreds w ho have tested the viitucsof the While Sulphur,secured for the eslablislmient a degree of confidence uud favor unparalleled in the history ol any other watering place so recently ottered to tlm public pa- I nonage. The proprietor has been encouraged lo make con- I sidertible improvements since the last season, upon the build- ; ings and pleasure, grounds Htincbed to the place. He has ■ also erected a commodious nnd comfortable Bathing House— lie has engaged the sei vices of experienced and a. commudiit KNIGHTS OF THE HORSE SHOE: A Traditionary Talc of the EoiktMtellat (■entry of the Old Dominion. By the author of the "Cavaliers of Virginia,'' tf-c, <f>\ C lHARLES YANCEY bus tin* pleasure of informing tin* J Southern public, that lm wilt testm from bis Press its West WeiumpKa, Ala. in a tew weeks, tlm above named Nov el, by n di«iinRuislird author residing in tin* State of Georgia* THE KNIGHTS OF THE HORSE SHOE will be is sued in Pamphlet form, 2 vote. 125 pages, or more each.— Price 75 cte. per single copy- 9 copies ter $•'»; 20 copies for $16. CHARLES YANCEY, Wetumpku, Ala. Aug- 5, 45 if "\I OTIrE,—The following persons, or, if dead, their re- 11 prexcntalivcs, may hear ot something to their advantage, by application at the ollice ol the Charleston Courier, viz :— Catharine Alexander. Ex. (A. D. 1792); Daniel Atwood, (1796); Altwell Ishabod, (l861); Sarah Butler, (1764); John Bull, (1797); Joseph Brevard,(1866); Hugh Beilinae,( I860); John I! row ii lee, (1794); Andrew Bask inn, (1792) ; Rebecca Bumpfield. (1792); Elizabeth Bunch, (1795); Elias Ball,(1737); Victorine G. Boisgerurd. (1811); Crawford Davidson, (1795); Christian;) Dauliuz, or Dauliug, (1801 j; Jiminii Dickinson, adm’r of James Gilchrist, (1811); John Darn II, (1709; Marv Gregory, (1311); L*<aac Holmes, Kx’i of James Stauvarne, (1792);’Thomas llorrv, Ex’r ni E. I lariy, (17:)::); John Bee Holims. in trust for Ifarriel Ed wards. (1793); Archibald Har vey, (I7D *)• William lion, (1863); Ann l.limti I Ingot,(1802); Nulhanicl Hcywaid, (1906); Edw. Lowndes, (1801); l-uuc Legare, (I7U2); Lim^ton »V. Dixon, (>796); Samuel Lining, Ex'orol R. Gucrard,(13l3); Jtim-s Louudi-e, (1861); JolniP. Marlin end ILA. Murkb-y,li r Robt. Martin, (1794); John C. Mtu tin, (1791); John Elias Moore, (1812); John Nichit, (1796); James Povas, London, (179’*); Win. Price, (1797): Esther P*escoit,(l797); John Price. (1795), lloht. Scott, (1792); Wm. Stephen, (1796); James Smith, in trstht. (1793); Love .Stone, (1801); IMerSmith,adm’or of Jno. II. Smith, (14104); Frances Simmons, in ti list fur the estate of Jolm Holmes, (1866); R• • bt. Smith,(IHI2); Thomas Turner, (1791); Mary Tucker, (1795); Williams (1801); James Warrington, (1723); Wakefield.sen. (1799); Thus. Young,(1807); Mar*' Bowman, (1617); Rev. Michl. Crosby, (1817): J. B. Campbell, in trust, (1818 ; Suiul. Davenport, (1817); Cliristophei De Gmttenreidl, (1825); Rev. Edw. Ellington,(1800);Episcopal Church,(1316); Goo. F Elliott,(1318): F. to. E. Fiuiee, (1326); James Gur r vey,(l79J); Miss Snruli Gueritid, of Beaufort, (18! 5); R it hard 11 uiRon. (1861); Wm. llort, Ex’or Jane Feail, (1798); W m. Hurt, Ex'or \V m Dun lap, (1798); Alary l.incli Horry, (1811); John Johiroon, uf'J6ih District, (1793); Win. Jentier At Co, (1018); Col. Win King. (1616), .tames Moore of Georgia, [1792); State Cincinnati Society of Georgia; Rev. Thus. II. Price.[!0l7J. Susannah Rivers,'[1735]; Lynch Roberts,[1792]; Dr. James Stuart, [1818]; Murgaret Torre, Ex’x of Solan, f13181; Niarde, Grannie to Co. [1792]; Elizabeth Williams, 1792J; Biid, Savage to Bird; John J. Pringle; Natlil. Rim- ’ Xllie Ollguuru l r » iwvn Ul r aim i I'mru nil" imii inu'jii i . g munageiH and agents, ami his servants will bo obliging illustrations ot the und attentive, so that no inducement shall be wanting to se-1 &c ‘ ,,nuv " cure the patronage of the public. To the .-trutiger, who has uever tested the v irtues of the ' chrvetal fountains and balmy nlmosjdieie of this pleasant re-! is only necessary to say, that these Springs me loca ted iu tlm midst of tho most delightful and hcullhlnl region of our State, a lew miles north of the Fine Mountain, and only nine miles southeast ol Greenville, through which place a dai ly lino of stages, connecting with the principal lines of the Union, is now in operation. J The proprietor flatters himself that this is the only estab lishment iu the whole Mouth where the visitor can beaccom- I iinnlated with nn equal variety of waters. Here vye have the purest freestone fountains, the strong and the mild chalybe ate, und the. white sulphur, surpassing in purity, and in the distribution of its elements, unv hitherto known. ' But besides this we liuve a country ulrouiidiug ill scenery romantic and beautiful, and are surrounded by a population unsurpiii-8ed for intelligence and mural worth by that of unv j other farming district in llie KtHte. From these advantages ) we nmy safely expect to druw all that may be required lo I * gratify the intellectual, moral or physical appetites of our vis itors, and neither expense, solicitude nor ett’ort ou the port of the proprietor, shall lie vvuntingto render ibis wuteiiug place j unpopular for its accommodations as it already is uiiiiyallcd | for llie gifts ofa beneficent Providence. ffj’A line of stages willbe run three times a week, by Col onel Lee,from Columbus, \ in Hamilton,to tin: W hite .Sulphur ! Springs. j 'I’lie Ball Room will be opened every evening, nnd will be 1 pro*, ided with the very best music tlm country uffords. W ALKER DUNCAN. Meriwetherco.,Muy 21,1815. • N. B. The proprietor vv ill add, that whilst striv ing to salin ity visitors it) liis minerals uud utter:lien, lie will uIso try to I satisfy them iu i.hurges. 37 tf SI»KI.\G. THE Subscribers most respectfully inform the public that they have recently repaired nnd fitted iu a superior manner the large and comuiodi- • lion l ut the Indiun Spring, formerly occupi ed >iv II. Dillon, and during the last summer hv If. W’. Collier. There are so many living witnesses who can hear testimony !• the wondrrful benefits derived front the use of these wa t tcrs.tlmt it is useless to speak of them here. • They assure ull vv ho ure disposed to visit them, that no of- .'foils shall bn spared to provide ull such luxuries as will tend * to their enjoyment and comfort; and to attoid them nil such f means of amusement as will enuhlc then) to drive' dull cure ) away," uud pass their time in pleasure. strictly I prohibit! il. A Daily Line of Splendid four horse Couches run* from this {.-place to Forsyth, leaving the latter pluce on the an iv a I of the ••.Cars from Macon. DILLON & COLLIER. GEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT,) Milledgevillo, Nov. 2, 1839. \ ■. Analysis <*/ the Water of (he Indian Sin ing, Bulls County, Georgia: ' QuntUity, one pint (wine treasure) or 28,875 cubic inches. Preliminaries fur a correct analysis of this Spring. Barometer, 29.54 inches' remperntnta of the atmosphere, 68 Jeg. Farenheit. I’ftniperuture ofthe Wuler, - 46 do. do. Specific giHV ity 1,11*2. that of distilled water bring 1,060. GASES. Azotic Gas, • 0,156 cl. ic inches. ; Carbonic Acid Gas, - - 1,660 do. Sulphur* lied II v drogen. • 3,5 do. ’ ' SALINE CONTENTS. Carbonate of Magnesia, - - 1.982 grains. Sulphate of Magnesia, • • 71,528 do. Sulphate of Lime, • • 7,152 do. Sulphate of Potush, - • 3,115 do. Total of Saline Contents, 84,077 ’. JOHN UUGGLES GOTTING, Stale. Geologist of Georgia. Mnv27. 35 if THACKER B. HOWARD. ■> 7 »' a Pol.i'll us s. n i: i n i:lu'oni). 1‘UOSPECT rs Hr. IIavih Cntil'KK, llp.iilf-nt I’Iivniciun um! Stipuriuicn- ilnii of [lie I.mimic, Mini mill Epilcjilic Asj linn oftlic fjimc uf Ui uigw, iii’iir Millcclgcvillf, l!iu cunt of'Govciiimcnl.nro. pore, publishing by subscription, u l'ciioiiicnl lo bccntiilcil 'I'li,’ Juuriiiil of Insanity, Idiot , and l!|>il(’l»sy, fin the Georgia .l^w institution, \n, the cure, protect ion and cure ut persons tnburiug under these afflicting mental and jihysirnl maladies. This work to he printed on good paper, with legible type, in pamphlet fuim, qunrlerlv, und to coo-prise forty eight pa- .» an*L ,j, e ,; rMl uniele u j which w ill einbract ception of Insanity and Epilepsy, their causes, toe., drawn irom the Bible and New 'i’estumunt. 2d. The existence and progress of Insanity in dittereiit con n I lies in ull ages to llie present time. 3d. The plans or bv stems of moral ami physical treat menl for its amelioration and cure, comprising the earliest erection of Asv Inms, &.r., with their progressive improve ments in all countries t«. the piesent date. 4th. Illustidlioiis of tlm disciepnncies in susceptibiliiy to Insanity, ill civilized nnd suvage life, ami the |»l.iloHop|iy ol causes. Under this bead will be contrasted (lie dittoeuce in the susceptibility, to I nsunily, between our slaves uml Not them free negroes, bused upon correct statistics. 5lli. Correct aud laillifi<I itetnite and description# of the nialunclmly lioniicidee uml suicides commiiud bv Lunatics in society upon 1 heir friends and themselves, w bile roaming at large; lour of the latter of which have taken pluce in the higher, litciury ami pious walks of life iu Geoigia, in three uwiuth?. 6th The inhequeiu y of these, fatal accidents iu Asylums contrasted with the above. 7th. Correct histories of trials in our and other Stale Courts, fot the commission ol, and utlcmpts to commit homicide by insane persons; comprising Um testimony, counsel, charge by the judges to the juries, hud verdict ol acquittal or conviction. Under this depurtmcnl much valuable, medical jurisprudential matter may b:; anticipated to the legal profession, from the varied and extensive reports otlegul unu medical gentlemen, produced works ol which onv nation niielii be proud. Wa i.iini r.ti.iinr j It... .I finniM i«..,nn = art already rivaling old Europe in every depart ii.edtt fimri- lion, save only in that of literature. Even in this, an iinlf|n n- dent assertion ot thought und feeling Ims eoimucnccd, wl.iilt (lie American position uud character demand, and uiecali u- luted to develope. Men here sliiud to t nelt other in nrov ami advanced rebuious. Any expressions that shall be true to j conditions, must give our literature new uml original loriim— It w ill uceoidingly he one ol the cheiislird objecia cl i ut Mugn/.ine, to foster, by ull the means iu oiw power,ever) iiu- mtrihtitors to this Journal, (some of which ure alreudv ... hand) from other Stales. 8th. Extracts from some or nil of the Reports of the Lu natic Asylums of Europe uml the United States,compiisiag their cost,entire management, moral uud physical. This lust drpuituient is to comprise a detuited description fbut slmrij ot the law originating our Institution lot the in satie, the Idiot and Epileptic; apimmridtious, location, pur- ofbuildings.Hi/.e, finish; first reception of patients, progressive iucre ise, managemant; luws, rules and regulu- | pulse ol native uud original gcuiu lions; general treatment ol patients—moral and uicdiculpmcli descriptions of our patients' insanity, idiocy and epilepsy, and prodromic, predtspptient, or associate physical disease's, with their ages, sexes, social condition, coiporeul mulconfor- malioas, deformities, mental imbecilities und fatuities, us limy he deemed of interest to patrons, vv ith our cures of eases—in ull eases suppressing the names of patients— details of hud eases, cures, toe., toe., up to the present year. These are now in possession. 9tl». Occasional coses of Lunatics trunsfened from .Stnto ? the literature, us to defend the In. Fiisons or Penitentiaries to Asylums, including some Irom I tminber of able, contributors w ill f I* R O P O S A L S I’l. Mishina j„ Savannah a Mm Uy Periodica], BE CALLED TI1E SOUTHERN HI8TOKICA], A.M> LITERARY MAGAZINE. "PROSPKC'FLa." fpUE originators of this work believe that tlm field ferine- X rary exertion und influence, in our eoiinti v, is unv duv I growing wider uud wider; and they are willing to orci.i v „t least a jmition ol llie ground,which seems to invite UI.oihVin I lm duet object w Inch tliev liuve in view, is to aid in vindtia- I ting tor thu Moutliorn States that literary position which, it ii believed, tliev me qualified to ussume. 'J liny design aim, tImuigli ibis eliaiiurl, to (mint out the rrsources mid ilrfe-ud the interests ol the ,*<oiilli,to represent with tiuib the cliaiac- ter and condition ol tlm people, uml to (nmisli increased area- .-ion for intellectual c-flort. With ibct-e views, tliev liuve 1 siuighi to indisi in llie undertaking the best is lent ul the. a licit) 1 .Soutli; and they terl, that they can nppcul with soine cotili deuce to their lellow citizens tor support uml co-opeiation. ‘I'be work will be ,S rutbern — it will lm the organ nfnrrc* (mu ; but in no nuirow spirit of hostility to any poition ol our I country. Jiibtice and candour towards all, will govem in 1 course; und it will steadily pursue tho sacred uims of’liutli.l There is need,especially in llii* dav ol cheap lileralnie,for 1 stern ami discriminating criticism. Manliness and originsltiv I oltbongbl—as well us sound morals—me in danger ul bcitif crushed under the muss ol trasliv orcorrupi piibiieulions, both lureign und iloiuestic, with wliich thepicss terms. 'J Jim ci.lll loudly for some during and independent censor, who wi'tl Iny f outlie lush ol severe but just cnticism, "without fear «t n,-1 vor,” and who will cuuid the in teres Is ol liteiuture a^ ] those influences of the publishing houses of the country width I through magazine aud newspaper putting, confer so muuv ] lalse reputations un worthlessvulutues, ami corropt tbr very I sources of u well regulated and wholrsotue public upinkii.-~ j We therefore avow at the outtei, that we intend to deal with j these authors, publishers and books, with a scveiit) only lim ited by out abilities, und a proper regard for tlie couriericsdue i to an enlightened conminnuy. We know and feel that our literature is )uung. andliillicrlo but too imitative. Nevertheb-HS that veiy vouth bus its nil vantages uud w e sbull endeavor to give tlo i’n full play, liy t u- , couraging fresh uud vigorous exhibitions nf the mind id our own country. 'J hut this is pre-eminently the land of originnl thought.o Patent (Ifllce, out vvoikslmpa, our fields uml our rivcrHutua- «la tit I y illustrate. In tlm Fine Arts, American genius lion While nothing of u sectarian or partisan character will hr admitted into our puges, we shall hy uo uicuns flu ink Imm | discussing religious nnd political topics. 'I he> invoht the highest iutciesis of mun, und uipieseiit,iuorcibuii at any past period, attract the serious atteution of all reflecting ininilH. The interest which the Mouth lias in the etticimv nml character oftlic Army und Navy, will claim for bo*!, in j •» prominent place in our columns. Oui Ni.v.m m,U JiiIiIuiv Officers have often sliowu that tliev are us compel, nt in nduiu or of their * i i,t, i ; and t I I.i ir nnik* our own Penitentiary. ,. M1 . IV , B Hhb. and last. The Report of our own Institution for tho NiEORGlA ’IiLSTOhTua'l HOUIL’I Y w'ilTrogulariyi'ub* the lust of November, designed, and wc . tish much of its must iuterestine material—mniiins at'itsd*>* Guerin. Joinpun^ 1 tf at tlm Apiil * Apt il, 18-15. JAMES PILCHER,Clk. S. O. to.c twj Jasper county. white sitting: for Orolinary purpuses. for leave i.o sell ti.»*Uml aud negroes bolougin# to •he».*i'tatf of Jessw M. Spence/, lute of said countv, dreeas* 3. (’ll \ RLE j L RIDLEY, Adm’r. Ilillshoro’,Julvlfltb, 104A 42 __ wB I tic I 4 ^OIlH .11 ONiTIIS after duln, application will lie made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of W il- kinson county, when sitting fnr ordinary purposes for leave to snll the land and negroes belonging to tbs estnloof James King.lato of said countv, deceased. JAMES KINNEY, Ex’r. April 19th,1845. 31 pOUIl MONTHS after date application will be ft 1 made to tlm Honorable the Interior Court of Wilkinson county,while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land* belonging tn the estate of Benjamin Stubbs, lute ot aaid count v,deceasd. WILLIAM O. PAJMtEB, F.xrcotor. May 3!ai, 1045. V { .lOftJH 110,\THN uttci ditto, tpplicui..... „ . .. . ... ^ niitlelo the Honorable i he 1 tiierigil.'.onrt ot Wilkii.nou | ' ‘ ?!. 1 1 ® J Go..uiy,wlji;,* sitting for oidinu/v purposes, mr leuvrio sell »6eMcv.uj/l and 'Intro*, the laud nnd negroes helinigbig to Ute estuie of James Exuiu. late nf said countv, dcct-UH-d. JAMES ROSS. ) r . J.G.IL HOGAN. r* xrH * Jalv Tilt. 1845. 42 FURNITURE AND HOUSE CARPENTRY. R OBER T D. HALL (successor of IF. Lord.) has con stantly on hand, makes to order, und repairs nil kinds ef Furniture. All kind* of HOUSE CARPENTRY done in the best manner, and low. All kinds of Paint** can be bad ready for use. Glass cut r«> any size, and G lazing done. ; Also, Glass for Picture frames, Xe. of various sizes; Hard- | ware Trimmings for Furniture, toe., and Mahogany and • Black W alnut Draw Knobs, toe. ’ ) Ladies will please call ut Mr. Newell’s Store, where they ■ w ill be conducted into'.be Simp and cat) see the Furniture. ( Millodgeville, Jmta 10,1815, 87 tf J A CARD. TT is deemed bv the TruMees ni t! fl*'«itL*ni Physician to J. the l.isiltiitimi, piomotive of tlm brat interests of the in- mates limt ii" v i-it.os be nduiiitrd before 3 o'clock, A. .M.,be tween IU and 2, nod after 5 F M.j ami w itl.iu tbore Imurson- iati or b.v Ins " ritteu pet mil to except under per uliar circmiistan- h. D.COOPER, Res. Plivs. &, Superint. A ug. 12.14U5. 47 if Mcnctla F. Graham j Li he! far Divorce in Telfair w. / Xujrritr Cnurt, May Term, Daniel *S. Graham 1 1345. I* T appeal iu.'to the Court front the reimo of tin* Sheriff, 1. that the DetVnd till is imt to lm found in the comity of Tel fair; audit being also repret^nled, that the suid defendant re- Hides out of tlte Mate of Georgia i It is, on motion, Ordered, tliut henppear uud file liisausweruu «*r before the Tlimsdny after the foul'll Muudoy in October next, or hr considered in default; und tout servino of Ibis rule, be perfected by a monthly publication in one public gazette of tbit State, fur three mouths before the next Trim of (Ids t’niirt. WILLIAM W. PAINE, .Uavlst. 1845. Ailoioevpro petitioner. The above is a true extract from the Minutes uf Telfair Superior Cam t, Mav 3d. 1815. 34 m3m 4 SO. F- Herk. NEW STOCK OF WATCHES, JEWELRY CHILEBY, •17^ Flsiilodl Y-m3T0 AND FANCY GOODS, .It LOWER M 9 R!CJES than Huy hare ever been offered for in id corgi a. /‘'I K. WKN YWOlkTIly formerly in liie cmplov vy« of Mr. Childs of Milleihrtvvilte, (as Wnlcli-muker,) ha’s 1 recently returned from New-York, with a fun* stock of • Watches, Jewelry, M’lnlecl M arc, J CONSISTING OK Superior Gold and Silver Lever Watches, Gold Fob, Guard and Ladies Neck Chain*, Gold,Silver, ami Steel Spectacles, Gobi und Silver Pencils, Ladies’ an I Geiitb-ineu’s Breast Pitta, Finger Rings and Ear King.*, Gobi Buttons,Studs nnd (Jbain Slidos, Thimble*, Ladies’ Fine Gold nnd Hair Bracelet*, Jet Combs, Hair Pins and Head Ornaments, tor. Roger’s Superior Feu sml Pocket Knives, Razor's and Scissors, Fine Plated Castors, Cake Basket* and Candle Sticks Briitania Ware, Fancy Goods. &c.&c. Jcc. Embracing almost every article usually kept in lii* line, ALL yfwhich i* EN TIRELY NEW and of the most fashionable *tyU nnd qualify, ami will be sold at prices winch cauuot ■ ail to suit pnrcbusciH. WiUchcti .'Hid JOWClrV of every description re- /.tired ut the snorte-t nuticn. All watches repaired or Mold will ' e w urranted t*» keep good time tor one year or thocssh l-Tumlcd. Watciies *ent from any part of llie country will i■•enive llie stime attention, and be repaired ou as reasonable k i uis as though the owner were present. C. 1C. WENT WORTH, Watch Maker and Jeweler, store adjoining that of Mr. Geo. .4. Kimberly, Mulberry Street, MA ('OW, Gto. 51 scon,Jan.7,1845. 15 if " ~>/a1UP81 Utipfi 1! 7 T f-S T received a splendid ns-ortmeiit ril Cornelius to Co’s. Patent Lard Lamps, which will be sold a* low os thev can is boii'.'litin (bn State. OTIS CHILDS. July 23. IC4 3. 41 if nreselll year up to nope destined, to fill a higher niche in tlm temple of pbilan- Ibropy, ami gild with brighter tints and more indellible im press the pugr. of future history than uny in the wot id. i lie published Repuitr ol flu* lust yeui’s supeiintendence as Rc-id-iit I’liysi* tuu by tbu propi ietor of this Journnl, having met with genetal success in awakening the public mind on this subject, not only in our own State, but iu several of tbo other Slates which ure. destitute of u similar institution, ns evinced by frequent letters, soliciting more of our repoits for distribution, induce tin proprietor to offer this wuik (o tlm public through the u-uul chumiel of a prospector* or suli- scription list v.bich will be widely circulated throughout tlm United States.particularly tlm South and West. Gentlemen and holies (for it is expected the fair sex will take a deep intercut in ibis Immune, enterprise, us hlmubl it succeed well,tlm proprietor pledges himself to appropriates libei ul share of the proceeds to tlm support of the destitute c hi I ill eti of pauper lunatics, idiots and epileptics^ chtuiuing subscriber s ahull be entitled ton full «opy of tlm work trans mitted to their nearest Font Office, for every five responsible subscribers forwarded (o the proprietor free v/ pustnitc. bv the rtr.-i of August, or ns early thereafter us prut ttculiku lueve- ry instance one-ha tf the Mibsniption money must be remitted in advance to llie publisherjree of postage, on the urrivul of the first number of the work at the subscribers nearest Post Office. It should he recollected that postage is/// uch redact d under the new law. No subscription lor less than six months, nnd should the work cease before that time, tic* monev shall be refunded Irom the lime ol cessation. It is sanguitiely un- licipated this Journal will exist colemporuneouoly with, in- cr**ase in interest, and be repleniHlod with iiilcicsiing und v 1 , i ,,n . 1 H ,m,,!or * P tlr ipassu with tlm radiaiii.g charily nnd diflusmg popularity ul the Institution. 'This iMagnzme will also be the menu, iliroutli l.icliibe GEORGIA HIS TORIOAL HOCIL’iY will irgularly |iul lish much »f its most interesting material—purtii.iis nt it*tl» niestic und foieign correspondence,coiiiniunicaiioiis,Itciurr, »#*nd oilier papers w hich may posKesu a general value. Wc believe loo that out position line peculiar ndvantogo. tieorgiu lies neuresitlm centre ol tlm honibern Sintra, oud vims possesses superior opportunities foi cr-tin:ulit>g fonikcia tipioion, und giving a true expression lo Mint hern interests. ' The work will be published by W Thokne Williams on I'tta first day of every nionlli, beginning io October next, The price will be Fire Hollars per annum, puv able .« «•'* ♦anee. Agents will be ullowcd u libeiul cMiiiuisi-iviii •"’« i lieir ettnvts to ol>tuin subscribers me respectfully tndivited.— le ITT Editors desirous ol exchanging will j ! VrjspeclUH. ere insert tl»i« 31 tf A ft'OU NAM;. FORTY Acre Lot, No, 611, iu the 18tli Dir trier. 2d Hi cl ion. of Cobh county. The above lut w ill lm sold on |***sonib!etftrm» iifn-Jrati opplirarion at ibis Office, , Way 5,1845. 39 ti TERMS. This vvoik will hr furiiislied through the Post Office to sub scribers at TWO DoLLAUS AM) FIFTY CENTS per aiiutim, puvu- bh* onk HALF in advam f, to lie remitted to the piopiietor by agents (lire of poMnge^ on the reception of tlm fli nt number, iMMireance* of vvliicb must lm furiiislied tlm proprietor upon return of subscription lints by tlm (list ol August. The fust number will be te^tied fly the flirt of November next. Millkdglvili.e, June. 1815. 9.J* Editor* of Nivv-pupeis, Journal*, Feiiodicats, Ate., in- sel ling ibis, or an appropriate notice ol the proposed w ork, to ! the amount of its value, shall receive a copy ’ JVew York City Advertisement. PRINT WAREHOUSE IN NEW YORK. To supply the city & interior trade bv the piece or pock*!*# Ao. 44 CEDAR STREET, (NEAU william-ft.) I EE to BREWSTER give notice iu Healer* in Dry Gow* J tliut tliev have removed their WAKK-HOt^EfurTlBW’ • flillUAUOOKS KXC1 USIVEI.V.fruni IV.ili.M l™' .Street. By couflning their attention lo MUMS ONLY fit I! are enabled lo exhibit an assort menl fur sups**injf ,,1 J r *#ver bclore offered in America—and to sell ul pi leva •* V' w . und GENERALLY LOWER, than iliuse whose alteiiliui) i« divided lanmng u large variety ol article*. I lm Stock consists of several thousand fatiesniaK* .foI.oRS, EMBRACING EVERY Vs l< IE IV *> I AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRIN'IS | iu market—many styles uj which are got up cxclusxcflylor tha oun salts,aud cannot be bad elsewhere, exci pi iu second host' i Dealers in Prints will find it for ilic-ir interest lo rxsnii"' 1 tliis slock be foie making their purchases—they w ill U* r '“f • sdvuntaee o! learning the lowest market price, and con»P“ r * 4 ing all the desirable sty leu in market «*»d- hv side. Catalogues of piices. collected wah every vuriulwB® D Of til# .Hilling tin; |.rii111ii*I.»r u iViVj.~r iiieir pu'ncr"liia iuiarkoi.aie placed iu llie huudsol buiriK. aine. ° • Oct. 8, 1841. -» 6 A I'lSOOLAJlvriO.Y. STATU or GUOUUIA. tty 01.0RGB II . CHA II Ftt/{L), Governoroj.nid Ftnte N AVIMi ri’c.iyp.l ii.r.iriiinlii.n lliata uiur.l. r n» cr.mnni. t.’il nil Hu-1 bill dnv III Jmif l»«i, in iliurouiiiy i.fMiirrnv pofreu nt A mi nmv lUxTsn.livWAI.I.AOE II. I'AKK iv!n, Imt* find linmjn.u.’., I Imv. tlintlght prim.’, In is.nnlhi.,' • Iiriiclunniiinii, udering n r.wur.l ul Onk HbMinni; *nu n v Uuu.inn, lo ni.j perniin, or |iri.on., who nmv nnnre- 1 ttin Ulin.IA' . .. I. -I ' r F heud sml deliver sum Ingitive, to the Sheriff, or Jeilor, of Murinv ruuiiiy. Ann I do nibr.ov.rchafgcnuil require all uDicnr..civil .nd 1 'C; 1 '*"*,cndciivuring .n .ppr.licnd Um mid I'AKK. in iird.i tliut lm muy ho mod lin llm tllnun will) which he stiiuds charged. (Jiveu under my hand and the seal of tlm Executive J)e purl 111 cm. .1 lin, Cniiiinliu Ilillcdgovilio, (hi. 7lh duv ol July, A. I). 1815. GEORGE VV.CRAVVFURD, By the (iov f-rnor: N. U. BARNE T T.Secr’v ol 8ti*te. I) ESC RIF TION. Tlte .old PARK i- obuut 34 y-.r. uld; w«jg|„ joj „ r |’ jn lli-; ih five fori, J or 9 inches high, dink complexion* verv daik Imir. his mouth nnd nose geitetalh rail, mnl tlm l utcr ‘urge and sharp; sloop shouldered; speaks quick, null s« much so at limes, that hrU hard to lm understood; imvliittn u i -ci » - ' his forehead, ruuniug LAW SCHOOL AT aFgUSTaT * rpHE subscriber's Lecturta will lx* resumed on Mom's, I the 20th of October. woncty, A ttf ott 9,1845. WM. TIUCY GOULD. 45 Id. UKD NOTICE. 4 T W ILL stteed fliithfully nnd promptly to taking out* 1 * ! ft forwarding Flats und Grants to auv revertedlalorl°“ I *»f luud in tlm Sjute. for h fee uf $1. I will shuU^ 011 4 Fluts and Gruuts of lands taken up ou head rights, sn<JC fr iitied Copy Fluts nnd Grants for u Ice of 50cents such. 4 ’The money must he enclosed tree «>t poslagv,muUiu«UW^’ ' tu insure attention. Lists of ungrunted land will befurnisbrd. if dcsir*d- F. M- COMF1 OL Milledgeville.SOth July, 1845. M HAiTAttUANQElQENT. Northern Mail. But Daily, (exceptMuuduy,) at 10 a It. Closes Daily , “ at 9| a. m. Savannah Maxi. Due daily, (r xcept Mondui.) at 3 r. m. Closes daily, •' atbr. m. Macon and Columbus Mail} Dvr. daily.(except Mui.duy,) ut 3 r. s:. Closes daily, ** ut 81*, n. Eat onion Moil. Due Moruluv, Wcdi'Cadav aud Frida* sl7 f U. Closes “ ’ 44 44 a t8 f,n. Monticclh Mail. DU 1CTkarsdaysndSunitajall P- St. CLOSES 1Moi.m,) luitTbinda) aitf.Ma llawkmsvillc Mail, Closes Monday and Thursday ol 8 f. M. Florida Moil. Clo»«. Mned.jr, M-rlnc.J.^.rd Ml O