The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, September 30, 1845, Image 4

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«: it 1 AVION*. dgflUflf C VWJiMi Unity‘ la* ,«•» lytni in | fond. of nn u Ik* *«<wy«a fa i« foturol Wm. 0. Htlvbrr, CBIBT. I No. not known, whcroun ........ on u> »»tl.fy » ft fo in fo- controlled by John Unrdnar, levy .•nCoonfobto. , ,,, it, hood of Sbnop, lift) lt«d of rt.two bo Horace, one sorrel Colli »««t (bird District, No. not known, ad- niol Sklppor; oil UTi.doB.i th. prop ^.0. |o MVMfy a ft fa In favor ol the J us- fitehAdotCoiitl ond othon, iwin.d out of lb. au|i.- MrtJSjJOotioly, r. Tho.. J«o)<».i. jTt »f Uod lyin* in th.flftl. DLirioi No. tM, known —i a.n«dl Ot.ol.oth* Uow.r Int.w.tuf lot wlioroon A I- H, Hi, Poindoow now lion*, in th. fiftli Uiwrlot j lotrtod SuTwiilify . «f. In f.*or of K. K. llt»«t ** w > s - mSu! inu *d ont of tk. Inferior Court of Baldwin County. MKW,tMu.a out WALTER W. BEALl,, Shetifl. 8wrt0iBb.rUt.IM>. Crawford October Sheriff’* »«*«• , wm, I1.Lb..old bafbro th.Oourt-hiiu,. door, in Hie town oi W iutozrilioiOit tho dirt in OCTOBER ■..»•, within th. u.u»lho«r« following property, to wit r . Two lot. of land, ntltobor., on. hundred and fort,..lx, an. on. hundred and fuily-*»»«n. ooowining two hundred and In acre,, mure or loo., both to thofourtacitth IliBtrict ol oi i/t * ia.llr Humia. now Crawford; levied on .. the properly ■>. -Oratory J. Turner, to aatiafy on. 6 fa from Crawford Superior Court,in faror of llte Central Bauk of Georgia ».. Eiihrniin W.Uonnia.John Denaie,Thouiaa Crutchfield and U.J. I ur- P 0 ' 0lt '* b / A MEs“ EELAiNlLrfherilT. Aug. SO, 1845. < 9 Ball* October Sheriff’*’ 8«»l«. W ILL he .old on th. firet in OL TOIIER ne> , > before the Court-houe. door in th. town of J.ekaoi, Butta county, witbiu ill® legal hour® of sale, tli® following ’ uSTIondrod ind nlnety-li*. .ere. or land, more or laae, it balna a Bart of lot No. 818, in th. 8th Oi.tnct of ori,molly Henry, now Butts county, adjoining Nathau C. Willmmsoii autl olUera ; levied on as the properly of I bonus Wilson I» satisfy afi la issued from a Justice's Court in favor of Jesse T. Hunt! vs lltomss Wilson. Property pointed out l»v Jesse T. Gann. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. g.wwum d if II IHUM < inr Inferior Court, sMt^/hrOr | fr* r y purposes, July I T appearing to the Com Elizabeth Washington, -otiVt b, on,K«* iaaM|«b ,184a. bjr the representation of Mrs* aeeutris on tbs Ketata of Hob* ..that theaaid Bxeoutrix hatful- said Batata, and wishes tu b6 dismissed Jt is therefore, on motion, ordered. That the Clerk of tins Court do issue u citation requiting all persons concerned, to shew cause, if any they have, on or before tho aocoud Mm dny in January next, why said dismission should not bn gran led—and tlmi said citation be published according to legal re* ^ A true extinct from tho minutes, tills 7 tb day of July, 1045, 41 iiiUm JOHN W. W. WINK AH, c.c iaaa^iBsygg»ig dm* .MOfUnenia af bII good. In Ibotr raapMIe* UEOIIUIA, U a HI will County. W HERE Ad Kohorl It. M.icliatn, hlnuntor nn tho Into of Angelina Al.iioham, dunuawil.appllc. lo in. fot foll.r. ufilleml.aTuu Irani Mill Exscnlorahiu I TlMUHt.reiliareforetD nil.anil nil nndeingul't ill. kindled and cr.dliur. ut daocnacd. lo ha unit .pp.srnliiiyollicewilhnHh.liiM. preecriheil h» Uw.loehow,if.ov they* .eid Given tinder in v linnet utoffies,this 11th dny oi .March, 18,5. 31 infiin JOHN W. W. dNEAl), c.c.o. .ppliciiiinn will li. . mud* to iho Ilnnor.hlo Inferior Courl of Wilkinson ..tunly, while fitting for ordinary purpo.«*,fnr !«»»• lo .ell ill. lend (c iirgriim belongiug fo Hie Mini, of John Esdy, >r. iul. oieaiduuunly. drc.Md. . I1F.NRY EAl>Y, Adminietr.ior. Repl. 5th.4815 M F OUR MONTHS »ft«r .pplfc.lion will bn mu lie to tile Hoitortthlo Inferior Court of Ilectureouii- tv, whi n silting for ordinary Biirpo..., forlnnv. to .ell tli. ret,I oelulo ul Ulmrlo. Gnrlier, l.le of rotd county,deers,ed. JEREMiAll TA TE, Adniitiisir.tur. Sept. 9,1815. 51) pm] yOVa nOXTH* «ftor, good. U ——,—. 4h*> ofcr for .ofoon th. nml Country who lute, berstofnre hen in lb. h«bb of visiting other uwrk«t., would find h in iholr interest lo ex amine rbtn. which ifbrd. e. many fkallili*. for commerce as .nv atbsr in tho country. The fooilitioo for gelling her. ira great, end the ol transportation now so low .a to offer quite an inducement In lliom residing in lb. neighboring dIsles. DRY OOODS. Tmomendt tf- ArtwlU, . No. 1, Hayne itmt Wiley, Bank* Co. . , •• 3, " " Keltey &■ Deal, . , 11 3, — ,3* f. S. SI Kniftn. OEOKCHAiWilkinson Coimiy. 7 HBHBAS) Henry Bady applies to me Aibniuiatration on the estate of John Einly, Into ol said oouuty, deceased: » The.* ore therefore to cite end admonish nil nnd singular Iho kindred end creditors of said deceused, lit he end uppesr nl my office within lb. time pr..cribod bv law. to •howcause,tr.iiy limy have, why .alii letters .hoitlu out lie * Given underlay hand ut office, this 30th duy ofJuly,l815. 46 j t AUG. II. RAIKORD. (?lerk GEORGIA, Wilkinson Uoillity. ill IIEREArt llnvid Suil'h and John Sinilli, Admiiiislrn 11 tor. on tho .suite of Wm. Smith, apply to me lor let- lers of Hismission from said c.lnle . Tlieso cro,therefore, to cite nnd edmouislt nil and singular, the kindred ami eredilors nf said deceused, to ho and iipne.r st my allies, within the time prescribed liy luw, to show cause, ifsny limy have, why said letters should nulbe grained. Given uudermy liand, ol office, this 7ih dev of April, 1845. 29 miim A. B. RAIFORU.c. c.o. Bept. 1,1845. Telfair October' Sberifl ’» Sale. f ILL he sold before the Cour* house door in ihc town n^Ut. of land, adioining the lands of Arehnhnld MnKin non, decossed, und 25 iieuil ot Mock cattle; levied on as the OCTOBER next, within the usual hour, of sale, Ihe following t properly of Jamca W, Raw I ini Jonathan Studstill, vs Jas W. Rawlins and Wm. H. Williams* A negro girl named Louisa of yellow complexion, to antisiy a mortgaio fi fa issued from the Inferior Court in favor ul'Si* mon Wooten vs Stephen Hubbard. A negro boy named Bob, 19 years old, dark complexion, le vied on lo satisfy a mortgage film issued from the lufer.o* Courl iu orol Aaron Brandy, for the use of Benjamin tiiii- man vs Stephen Hubbard. 1 WILLIAM ELLIS, Sheriff. Ang. 26,1845. 48 ontffomery October Slicriir’s Sales. ILL be sold befoi 9 sold before theCourt-liouttU door in Ml. Vernon „ . Montgomery couuty,on tho first Tuesday in OCTO BERnext, within the usual hours of Hule.the followii. ** r O*neiiegro boy by the name of Toney, about thirty yea* v old, five hundred acres of pine laud, more or lone, including the Improvements whereon Thomas MobIuv now lives, tu • hundred acres of pine Und, more or Icrn inclutiiii Ihe improvements whereon James Cooner now live* all of said lauds lying in the filly-first Company District, (i. il‘» of said county; all of said property levied on as the propen * of Clemnnl T. Mosley, Brantiey Mosley, dr. nnd Thoms 1 Mosley, to satisfy one fi fa issued from the Superior Court • • aaid county, in tavor of.Samuel Miller vs. said Mosley’s pui. of said property pointed out by plaintiff, and the Imlunce h» defendant. ...... J. M. WALL, Sheriff. Aug. 27th 1845.49 Telfair October Slierial’s Sale. W ILL he sold before the Court-house door in tho to\* of Jacksonville, Telfair county, on the first Tuesdi*» in OCTOBER next, within the legal hours of sale, the fo' lowing property, to wit i One hit of laud adjoining the lauds of Wm. Swnine ni , Archibald McKinnon, in the8thdistrict of originally Wilkiu- son now Telfair county, No. not known ; Icviod on us the pr. ♦ party of Henry J. Campbell to autisfy various ti fua, from i Justices court of the 338th district, G. >1 , in favor of Wiley Fletcher. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Property pointed out by uefendnnt GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. W HEREAS Jacob Freeman, Administrator on the es tate of Jeremiah Allcu, late of said county, deceased, applies to me fur letters of dismission from said Admimstra U These are, therefore, fo cite end admotitsb al* nnd singular the kindred und creditors of said deceased, to be ind appear at my ofiicu within the time prescribed by law,tu show cause, il miy they have, why aaid letters should not lie granted. Given uudermy hand at office, this !5ihday of May, 1845. 34 mtiin AUG. B. KAIFORD, Clerk. GEORGIA, Decatnr Comity. W HEKEA.S James V. Freeman, Administrntor on the estate of Thomas Freeman, deceased, applies to »ne for letters of dismission from said Administration : These are,therefore,tociteandadmonish allnudsingulsr the kindred and creditors of said deceased,to be aqd appear t mv office within the time prescribed by law, toshowcause any they have, why saidletters shoQld not be grnnted. Given under m> hand ot office, this 4th dnv of March 1845. 24 6m JOHN F. DICKENSON, c. q. o. F OUIt MOWTHb efw*: . . made to the honorable I life nor Courl ot Jasper county while sitting for Ordinary purposes, fur leave to sell the laud uml negroes belonging to the estate of Jesse M. Spencer, lofe of said county, deceused. .« , CHARLES L. RIDLEV, Adtn’r. Hillaboro', July 10th, 1845.48 Gilliland* <J* Howell, pplieatioti will Lo ] Hyatt, MeBvrney <f* Co. nOUU MONTHS alter date. r«totli.Honor»lil.tli«lnforiorL_ County,while sitting fomrilin.ry, (or leuvoto »«ll the luiid and negroes belonging to the estate of James Exuin. late of said count v, deceused. ^ JAMES ROKS, J.G.R. IIOOAN, ^ xnl - July 7th, 1845, ■ .AOUIC MONTHS after dote .i.plicotinn will b* r madotothe Honorable the Inferior Court of Wilkinson county .while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to the landa belonging totheestate of il‘“‘ u *'* “ “* said county, deceasd May 31st, 1845. enjamin Stubbs, late of WILLIAM C. PARKER, Executor. TjfiOUK MONTHS after lisle applicuiion will bo i* iiindo lo the* the Inferior Court of Wilkin* on county, while Billing foi ordinary purpose., for leave to sell Iho reale.tute of Briton Price, laleof .aid county, dee d. JACOB FREEMAN, Administrator. May 17tl., 1845. 35 I 7IOUHMONTHS.ft.rdat., application will be made . to tins Inferior Courl of Baldwin county, when aittinfi for ordinary purpose., for leave to aell a negro hoy. nuinod A brain, belunpinc to tke eatate of Isaiah Wheeler, deceased. July 22(1,11145? DEI.11.AH WHEELER, Adin’x. Notice to Debtors nnd Creditor*. A LL persons bovine demand, opsins! Ihe esinie of Wil liam lirown, lale of Wilkiueon county,decimeed, are requeated to render them in terms of the law; and Ihoae in- debit'd to Ihe palate oro requested to make immediate pay ment to iho subscriber. NIMROD BUIIK, Executor. September 1st, 18-15.59 6t BADDZ.mV. Harral, Hare if- Co. ; No. 4, Hayne itreet SHOES. D. F. Fleming, , , No. 2, Hayne ilrert H. Stoddard <(■ Wood, . " 13, “ “ J. 8. Beach, ; , “ 10, • “ L, M. <jp B. IV. Force if- Co. “ 18, " “ aXLOCBRZES. S. S. Farrar, . . No, 22, Hayne itreet, HATS, CATS, Ac. F. D. Fanning if- Co- , No. 6, Hayne street Rankin, Sproulli if- Co. . “ 16, " “ DAVOS AND MEDICXWBS. Haviland, Harral if- Allen, No. 11, Hayne Itreet. P. Af. Cohen 4- Co. , •• 19, « HAADWAAD. IMortnn if- Courtney, , No. 8, Hayne itreet. lloosevelt if- Barker, , “ 17, 11 •* CAOCKXAY. Cf. S. H, Cameron tf- Co. Nn. 21, Hayne street Broum if- Stone, . “14, “ *• H. B. Gleason, . Meeting etreel, opposite Charleston Hotel. BOXY WETS AXD STRAW GOODS. Dewing if- Thayer, . . Meeting street. BOOKS. STATIONARY. Ac. McCarter <fr Allen, Meeting street—near Charleston Hotel. Charleston, Hepl. 9, 1845. 50 8t Jen, a, THLO»a«lV8 n. UAVUiP ATTORNEY AT La* J.nns 24lh, 1845. 5 0,000 ! GEORGIA, Dectuur County. W HEREAS Henry Arline, Executor of EIiqh Pullen deceased applies tome for letters of Diemiaaion from said Executorabip: . , , . These are .therefore, to cite nnd admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ofaaid be and appear at my office within the limo prescribed by law.toahow cause, ifnny exist, why aaid letters should not he granted. (tiven under my band at office this ihi duy of April, 1845. 28 6m JOHN 1». DICKENSON, c.c.o. GEOHGIAy Putnam Compy. llEREAS John C. Mason, Administrator on the estate v v of Win. D. Colo,applies tome fo» letterso( Dismission from said estate: # These arc,therefore, to cito and admonish all concerned to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by luw toshow cause,if any they have, why said letters dismissory should not he granted. Given under my hnud at office, this 20th dnv of March, 1845. 26 6mU WM. B. CARTER. C. C. O. GEORGIA, Newton County* COURT OF ORDINARY, May Term, 1845. I N appeariug to the Court, that John P. Thompson, Ad ministrator on the estate of Samuel Thompson, deceased, has fully administered said estate, and he having made appli cation lor letters of dismission from said administration ! It is,therefore, ordered, that the Clerk of this court do issue a citation, requiring ull persons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, on or bdore the due publication of this cita tion, why said letters should not issue, and that thiscitaiion i»e published in terms of the law* A true extract from tho minutes. May 8th, 1845. 33 mom WM. D. LUCK IE, c.e. o. Aug. 23,1845. WILLIAM ELLIS, Hhoriff. Administrator's Males \\] ILL he sold at the late residence of John Eady, sr.d . if ceased, on Tuesday, the 21 st day of October next, all the perishable property belonging to the estate of said tie* ceased,consisting of horses, hogs, cattle, sheep, plantatio I toola,household and kitchen furniture, nnd many other nrt»■ cles now too tedious to mention, {sale lo continue (rom du • to day until all is sold. Terms made known on the duv o' sale. HENRV EADY, Administrntor. Wilkinson county, Sept. 5th 1845. 50 tils Eiecutor’s Sale* A GREEABLY loan order of tho Inferior Court of Wi!« kinson county, while sitting for ordinary’ purposes, will be sold before the Court-house door in Irwinton, Wilkinson county, on the first Tueaday in J ununi y next, between the usual hours o( sale, the (and and one negro belonging to the es« late of James King, deceased. Bold Tor the benefit of thuf heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the duy of sale. JAMES KINNY, E xecutor. Septomber 1st, 1845. 50 tds ‘ Administratrix's bitle. A GREEABLY to ail order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Baldwin county, sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold before the Court-nouso door in the City of Mil* ledgftvilte.nn the first Tuesday in October next, between tli legal hoursuf sale, tbs lauds belonging to the estate of Horn tio Barksdale, late of said couuty,deceaecd. Terms ou the day ofsale. MARY BARKSDALE, Adm’x. Jqly 8lh, 1845. [jwwb] 41 GEOKOIA, Telfair County* W HEREAS John McLean, Administrator on tho estate ol Allen McLean, deceased,applies to me forlette Dismission from the same: These are, therefore,tor.ilennd admnnishall and singular the kindred undcreditors of said deceased, to he ami appeal at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause,if any they have, why said letters of dismission should not be g rn nted« Given uudermy hand, at office, this 3d day of June, 1845. 37 ,„6m J NO F. McRAE, C. C. O. Administrators' Sale* A GREEABLY to an order of the lionorablo Inferior Courl of Baldwin county, sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold before the Courthouse door in the city of Milledge. ville,on the first Tuesday in October next, within the legal hours of sale, all the Lauds belonging to the estate of Me* ahsch Rogers, deceased. Hold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the dav of sale. WILEY F. ROGERS. ) HEZEKIAH ROGERS, \ * dm rs * July 22d,1845. 43Hjww*| Administrator'^ Sale. A GREEABLY loan order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Telfair county, when sitting far ordinary pur poses, will be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Jacksonville, Telfair county, on the first Tuesday in October uext, within the legal hours of sule, the following land, to wit: Lots Nos. two hundred and eighty-five, two hundred and eighty-six,three hundred and twenty-four, and 184V ?rre*«»f lot No. three hundred and twenty .nine, including ’ City, all in the soventh District of originally Wilkinson, now Telfair county. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and credi tors. Terms ofsale made known on the duy. M. N. McRAE, Adm’r. (.amber City,Telfair county, August 1,1845. 46 ids ' Ad min Mini tor’s Sale. A greeably to an order of tho Honorable the Inferior Court, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Dalilouega, Lump kin county, on the first Tuesday in October next, within the legal hoursofsale.lwo forty acre lots of laud, in said county, No. 123 in the 15th District, 1st Section, and No. 200 in tlie 4th District, 1st Section. Hold for tho benefit of the creditors of George Shiuholeer, deceased. Terms made know on the 4*y of sale. W. J. SHINHOLSER. Adm’r. Auyqstl, 1845*46 tds A GHEEA il ktllHOU C Executor’s Sale. SABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of Wil- r i county, while sifting for ordinary purposes, will ba sold on the first Tuesday in November next, within the usual hours of sale, before the Court-housi door in Irwinton one hundred eleven and oue*fourth acres of laud, as a part of lot number two hundred and twenty-nine; also, forty acres of land, as a part of said lot number 229; also, twenty-eight acres of Und,as part of lot number two hundred and twenty- nine, also, one hundred and fifty and one half acres, No. 228, whereon Benjamin Stubbs lived at the time of his death- Ai nu,one lot of land, No. 219, containing one hundred one and one-fourth acres; all in the fourth district of Wilkinson county, b< longing to the estate of Benj. Hlubhs, late of said county, deceased. Also, on the Mrtl Tuetday in December next, before the ^ourt-house door in the cot of land No. 456, containing of Men). Htubbs.dec'd. AH sold for the benefit of Ihe heirs etui creditors of laid de ceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. WILLIAM C. PARKER, Ex’r. Ang. fab, 1845. 46 tds 4?ourt-houee door in the county of Lowndes, one-third of lot l 490 acres, belonging to said estate A4mlaMr»t6r*b Sale* A GREE A BEY to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Courl of the County of Burke, while sittinr for ordiuary purposes, and in accordance with the will of Holding Berber, deceased, will be sold before (he Court-house door in Camp- beIIton, Campbell county ,on the first Tuesday in November tract of land known aa number 74, lu the 7ih District •fenfinelly Carroll, now Campbell county. Bold for divis ion among the belra of the lata Holding Baiber, deceased. Terms on the day. P. B. CONNELLY, Administrator Attffust26, 1845. with the will annexed Adnlnlilralor’i Sale* A greeably to an order oftbe Honorable Inferior Com t of Jasper County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, >la before the Court-house door in Monticello.on the thin the legal hours of sale, to the rstate of Jesse M. la. Administrator. 52 tds Bap!. 29th, 1845. CHARLES L. RIDl y of si >LEY, W „. AffMlNl«Mil«r’* Sale. ILL ha sold on the$7lh day of November next, at the late resilience of issue M. Spencer, in Jasper county. Oe.the perishable propetfy of said deceased, consisting ot Horsea/Catlle, Hugs. Cam and Fodder, Ac. Ac. Taint* on th# day. CHARLES L. RIDLEY, Administrator. Saptember 20th,1845. 52 Ida GEORGIA, B»anl€liiiR County. W HEREAS Daniel K. Witcher applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of David Perry, lute of Tennessee, decensed: These are,therefore,to cite and admonish all nnd singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and uppea nt my office within the time prescribed by law,torhow cause Tnny they have, why saidletters should not be grnnted. Given undermv hand at office, this 20th August, 1845, 49 5t E. THOMPSON, C. C. O. GEORGIA, Decatur C omity W HEREAS Thomas Whigham, Administrator on the estate of William Whigham, late ol suid county, de c.ensod, applies for letters of DiBiniosion from said Adminis tration: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all andslngular, the kindred and creditors of said deceused, to he aud appear at mv office, within the time prescribed by shew cause f nuy they have, why said letters should not bo granted* Given under my hand nj office, this 2i^da^of Sept., 1845. Pulliam Superior Court. I N consequence of the sickness of Ill's Honor JUDGE DAWSON, the regular Term of this Court stands ad journed to the Fourth Monday in November next; of which Jurors, Witnesses, und all other persona interested will take duo notice, and give their attendance accordingly. By order ol the Judge. JAMES NICHOLSON, Clerk. Entouton, Bept. 15,1845. 52 3t Caution* A LL persons nro cautioned against trading for a note made bv me to Duncan Mims, foi $70. I do nut recollect the date of eaid note, but it is the only one ol the sort 1 ever gnve, and 1 am determined not to pay the sums, unless compelled bylaw. ARCHIBALD MIMS. Jacksonville,Ga. Sept. 10th, 1845. 52 tf FURNITURE AND HOUSE CARFENTRY. BERT D. II ALL (successor of II . l.onlj hoe \ litmd, makes to order all kinds staully Furniture. ... All kinds of HOUSE CARPENTRY done in the best manner,and row. All kinds of Paints ran be had ready fur use, Glnsscutto any sixe, ami (lluzing done. Also, Glass lor Picture frames, dec. of various sixes; Hard ware Trimmings for Furniture, &c., nnd Mahogany and Black Walnut Druw Knobs, 6lc. I.adieu will pleusc call nt Mr. Newell’s Store, where they will he conducted into the Shop and can bee the Furniture. Milledgeville, June 10, 1845. 37 tf A CARD. I T is deemed by the Trustees and Resident Physician to (he Institution, promotive of the best interests of the in mates that no visitors be admitted before 8 o'clock, A. M.,be tween 12 and 2, nnd nfter 5PM.; und within those hoursou- ly in company with tho Physician or by his written permit to the Steward and Matron, except under peculiar circumstan ces. D. COOPER, Res. Phys. &, Superint. Aug. 12,1845. 47 tf Kuufi«*rsvitlc Telescope for sale* 11/ 18IHNG to engage in a business which will afford me V v more f/c/t'eoexercipe, than that of conducting a news paper. 1 offer for sale the 7'e/esrope establishment, with nil its anpnrtenanees— subscription books, advertising patronBge, &C.&C. J in* paper has been established nearly five je'.ira, and for tho lust three years lias paid a profit of over one thousand ilol lars clear of ail expenses: and is now in n prosperous condi tion, having us largo an advertising patronage, us any country pupor published in the State. 1 have no other reason (or wishing to retire from the busi ness than the one given uhove.' That it is essentially neces sary for my boAHy welfare, that 1 should abandon a business so sedentary ill its nature, must be apparent to every one who is personally acquainted with me; and 1 therefore offer the es tablishment nt a reduced price, and on u credit till 1st olJ un itary, 1047. Any genllemanwishing to purchase, nnd having any doubts os to the profits of the concern, is invited to call at the office, and examine my books. 5(1 5l A. G. WARE. JOHN P. DICK SON, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Jasper County* To the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of said couuty, *ittingJor ordinary ptirposes, ai May Term, 1845. rpHE petition of Seaborn Hawk shewed) that he is the le- JL gal transferree of a certain hood for titles to land, here tofore made nnd delivered by Watson Shaw, in his lifetime, to John .Spearman—that the consideration money has been paid —that the said Watson Shaw has departed this life, and that Leroy M. Willson, of said countv, is his administrator—that annexed is n copy of suid bond—that your petitioner prays that thesnid administrator be directed by this Court to make itles to the lauds in Siid bond mentioned, according to the statute in such case made and provided. JOSHUA IIILL, Petitioner’s Attorney. [copy bind.] GEORGIA,') Know all men by those nresents, that I, Jasper county, y Watson Shaw, am held and fii 3 John Spearman, ly bound to the penal sum of one hundred and thirty dollar*, for the true performance of which I bind m>self,my heir* nnd assigns, firmly by these presents. The condition ortho above hood or obligation is such, that whereas the said Watson Shaw hath this day, ill and for the consideration of sixiv dollars, bargained unit sold a certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being situate in the sixteen s District, number (343) three hundred and forty-three, a .u fourth section of originally Cherokee, cor,mining foity acres, more or less, having such shape and murks as will appear by feieucc to u nlat of the same. Now, if the said Watson Shaw shall make to the said John SpenrniQii a good nnd Inw- ful title to said land, then the above to be null and void,other wise to remain in full force and virtue in law. WATHON 3IIAW. [l. s.] Thin 14th day of Jan. 1340. I transfer the within bond to Seaborn Hawk—18th March 1840. JOHN SHEARMAN. Upon hearing tho foregoing petition, it is ordered by the Court, that theaaid Leroy M. Willson, adin’r. show cause at the next November Term of this Court, why lie should not make said title prayed for,nnd that this proceeding tie before then published for throe months in one of the public gazettes of this State, und in the public places of the county, to wit,** the Court house. A trun extract from the minutes of Jasper County Court of Ordinary,May Term, 1845. TO PRINTERS, Type Foundry Ac Primer's Fiirnisliiiiir Warehouse* fllHE Subscribers have opened a new Type Foundry in 1 the City of New York, where they ntc'reudy to supply orders to any extent,for any kind of Job or Fancy Type, Ink, Pannr, Cases, Gulleys, Brass Rule, STEEL COLUMN RULE, C« inposing Sticks, Chases, and every ni tic*le for a Printing Office. The Type, which arc cast in new moulds, from an entirely new set of, with deep counters, are warranted to be unsurpassed by any, nnd will be sold at prices to suit the times. All the type funiishad by us is “hand cost.’* Printing Presses furnished, and also Steam Engines of the most approved patterns. Composition Rollers cost for Printers; Editors of newspapers, who will buy three times ns much type ns their hills nmounl to, mny give the above six months insertion in their papers, and send their papers containing it to the Subscribers. COCKCROFT & OVEREND. .Sept. 9. 50 fiin 68 A nn .Street, New York. flu MEDICAL COLLEGE OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. T HE Annual Course nf Lectures in ibis Institution will commence on the second Monday in November next, upon the follow ing brnnehee: Anatomy by—J. E. HORLBROOK, M. D. Surecry—E. GEDDINGS, M. D. Institutes and Practice—8. II. DICKSON, M. I). Physiology—JAMES MOULTRIE, M. 1). Materia Medina—HENRY R. FROST.M. D. Obstetrics—THOMAS G. PRIOLEAU, M. I). Chemistry— C.U. SIIEPARI), M.D. Deinoiistrutor—ST. JULIAN RAVENEL, M. D. Clinical instruction will be delivered at tho Miiiiuc Hos pital, Alins House and College Hospital. Good Boarding can he obtained at from three and half to four dollars per week. Specimens in Natural History will he thnnkfullv received. HENRY R. FROST, Dean. August 12th, 1845. 46—Rt. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, CatPlTatE, $300,000. rpHE NEW-YORK CONTRABUTIONSHIP FIRE J_ INSURANCE COMPANY having established an agen cy in Knoxvii.i.k,Crawford county .willinsure BUILDINGS, MERCHANDIZE, HOUSE HOLD FUR MTURE, and every description of property, against loss or damage by fire. FRANCIS II. MURDOCK, Agent. Knoxville, June 11, 1644. 37 tf July 29,1845. SH A DRAGII J. McMICIIAEL, C. C. O. 44 I3t LAND AND MILLS FOR SALE. E xecutors’ sale —will bn sold in Tnibot i County at the Comt House in Talhotton, on the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, ngrreahly to provisions in the will of Peter Dennis, deceased, the following parcels of land, situated in the 23d. District of originally Muscugen. now Tal bot County, viz: I0| j acrrr.nnrt of lot No. 22. Lots No.23. No. 24, No. 43, No 45, and No. 60, each containing 2021 ncret-; 148 acres, part of lot No.‘46 : the above fund lying on I nxey Creek, four and n hulfmiie* from TulbiMtoii, and No. 45 has n first rate grist and saw mill, a gin house, blacksmith shop, and a wood shop. The privilege of the w uter will he reserv ed for the mills. AIh », 177 acres of luiul, parts of lots No. 53 and 85, one and o half miles firem Talhotton, with a com fortable dwellings good giu house and screw. 101 j acres, part of lot No. 160, in the 14th District of Talbot county; one naif of Town lot No I ill suitor# Din the town nf Talhotton. Terms—one third paid wlien posse'.aioii is piven, and tbs remaining two-thirds payable one and two yeara thereafter. Notes with approved security will be required. 'I'he above Inml will ba sold for the purpose of effecting a division with the Legatrca of said Peter Dennis. Possession given ou tha twenty fifth December •.ext. JACOB DENNIS > .... PETEK E DENNIS \ r " Talbot couuty, August 15. 1845. 47ids KNIGHTS OF THE HORSE SHOE: A Trndttlouary Talc of (lie Cocked-lint Geutry of (be Old Domlulon. By the author of the "Cavaliers if Virginia," ifc. ifc. C IlAltl.KS YANCEY liutli* nice.err of informing tin Homliarn nnblki, tli.l h. will U.uo from hi. Frr>. in Wool W.ium|iK., Ala. in & few work., ilia abov. namnl Nn,- *hbv . ilinliuaui.iit'd author roriiiinc in ibn Ml.I* of (i.nrgi.- THE KNIuHTsi OF THE HOUSE SHOE will hr is- ■und is F.nqihl.l form, 9 «ol>. 199 na,.., nr mors rnrh.— Pric. 75 CU. nor .in«l. row- 9 conn*. f.,r $5; 90 copir. for (10, CHARLES YANCEY, W.lompkn, Alt. Aug, I. IS (f LAW. T HE undersigned wifi regularly attend the Superior Courts in the following counties, viz : . Morgan, Wilkinson, Greene, Hancock, Tatuum, Jones, Raid win, Jasper and Rihb. J AS. A. MEIUWETIIER. Eatnnton,21 tli March, 1845. 26 sm4t I please publish tha abovadirea raootha, tod X couolatome. Marthaeville, DtKalb eo., Ga., Aog. 26. I Ala.) Whig forward their J.C.8. 48 131 LOOK AT THIS. Subsequent to issuing the first notion in rela tion to the CHARLESTON HOTEL, by one of the undersigned, a co-partnership linn been form ed between him nnd J. Blakely Smith, of New nan, Geo. 'Che concern w ill he conducted under thu firm ol BOYD & SMITH. They lake great pleusure in informing their friends and tho public, that they have engaged the ser vices nfL. H. Butterfield, fur many ycurs at the Charleston Hotel, and J. M. Hurst, for many years at the Planter's Ho tel ; men of the highest qualifications and agreeable man ners—well known as such throughout the country. J. D. BOYD, J. BLAKELY SMITH Charleston, Sept. 10,1845. 51 5t tion Mi! NEW FIRE-PROOF WARE-HOUSE, Jtlacou, Geo. THE undersigned having erected a Fikk Proof Ware-house,situated at the head of Cotton Avenue, tenders his services to his friends ond the public generally, for the sto rage of Cotton nnd Merchandize, and the transaction of Commission Dlisincss in all its branches, pledging himself to use every exertion to promote the interests ot, and render satisfaction to, those who may confide business to his charge. 7 'I’he storage and sale of Cotton will ho under the direction nnd control ofMr. JOHN JONES, who bus long been known in Ihe Ware house business, and will give particular attention to the sale ofCotton und the filling of orders for goods. Liberal advances will be made on Cotton in store or shipped. BAGGING, HOPE, AND TWINE. together with any other articles, will bn furnished customers at the lowest maiket price, N. B. Storage and Commissions nt customary rates, at JERRY COWLES. Macon, 24th June, 1845. 39 26t J. WASHBURN & WILDER, SAVANNAH, GA. JOSEPH WASHliURN, JOHN K. WILDER. Aug. 13. 46 36 tub: splendid ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, (.’lass B, for 1845, To he drawn ul Alexandria, D. O. on Saturday October 11,. 1845. 78 NUMBER LOTTERY—18.Urttum Ballots. BRILLIANT SCHEME. . LAMPS! LAmUSIj ~~~ usn trcKt.rd . .plemlid ...urloifm „f C 0 rn.||„ L n . I .t.ul L.ri) l.nmpn, which will ha.uM " ,tl C *’ ha'bought in th* State. OTISVll mL*" 44 tf U8 - &c. (50,900 95,000' 10,000 6,000 3,677 1,000 500 400 &c. 1 Grand Capital of 1 Splendid prize or 1 Prize oi 1 Do. 1 Do. 40 Prizes of SO Do. 90 Do. &e. Ticket. tjilS—ITal. Ccrti6catcsorPuckugcs(lf36 whole Ticket., (180 00 Do do 36 Half do 90 00 I to do 26 Quarter do 45 00 Do do 26 Eighth do 22 50 Ej-Orrier. for 'Picket* nnd Phare and Certificates ol Pack ages in the ahovn 5Ur.KtKicr.BT Shehim will receive pronq attention, nod an account of llte Drawing will bo sent iminr dialely nfter it i. over to all who mny order from os. Aditrert J. G.GREGORY A Co., Manager*. 50 H Waahinglnn City. D. h. S SO—Quartern *3 75— I 87) NEW STOCK OF WATCHES, JEWELRY cutlery;® AND rAXffOY GOODS, •£< XOWEMt PRICES than they hat ever been o/Tcrcd for In tieorgia. /I K. VVENTWOKTH, formerly in the ample V^. of Mr. Childs of .Milledgeville, (ua Watch-maker,) lu recenllv returned from New-Yurk, will,« fine stock of Watches, Jewelry, Plated Ware, dee. At CONSISTING OF—— Superior Gold and .Silver Lever Watches, Gold Fob, Guard and Ladies Neck Choius, Gold, Silver, and Steel Spectacles, Gold nud Silver Pencils, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Breast Pins, Finger Rings and Ear Rings, Gold Buttons,Studs and Chain Slides, Thimbles, Ladies' Fine Gold and Iluir Bracelets, Jet Combs, Hair Pins and Hend Ornaments,&c. Roger’s Superior Pen and Pocket Knives, Razor’s und Scissors, Fine Plated Castors, Cake Baskets nnd Caudle Stick, Brittunia Ware, Fancy Goods. &c. Embracing almost every article usually kept in bis line, AI.' of which is ENTIRELY NEW and of the most fashionab- style and best quality, and will bo sold at prices which canw fail to suit purchasers. Watches and Jewelry of every description re paired nt the shortest notice. All Watches repaired or sol will be warranted to keep good lime fur one year or the cup refunded. Watches sent from any part of the country wi. receive the same attention, und be repaired onus reasonable terms as though the otoncr were present. C. K. WENTWORTH, Watch Maker and Jeweler, store adjoining that of Mr. Gee A. Kimberly, Mulberry Street, MACON, Geo. Mncon,Jan.7, 1845. 15 tf ASHURST Sc DlODlATARI, ATTORNJJES AT LAW, Ealonton, Gn., Will practise in all the Counties of ihe Ocmulgee Circuit. Doc.17. 12tf PROSPECTUS llr. CooKKit, Ite.ldent Pht.iei.. ■„«. . dent of tho l.unolin, Idiot and Epil.i.lie AKvIuinaru I 1 **' For the Georgia state imUtutiou, /., the cure nrote.u Jy\&™ZiT ri ‘ g ' ndcr Tl,i. work to ho printed on good paper, will, leeiM.,-. ipamphlet form, quarterly.and In eui',,„j,e f oH ! W, r« in each number, the fir.t article nl which will. c/*" luetrationa of the inception ofin.unity and Enilen.. n!? jiieen, 4cc.,drawn from tha Bibls.nd NewTa.iainen, 2d. The exiaience und progress of iu.aaii, j„ countries in all ages to the present tune. 3d. The plans or systems of mural end pr,„ c ., mem for ns ainnliurniian nud cure, comprising r erection of Asylum., fitc., with their procrMsi.. 1.5" *•' ineuts in all countries to the present date. "npro,,. ■till. Illustration, nf the discrepancies in .u.e.*,iK:iL Insanity, in civiliaed and aavsee life, and the nhffiSw'!* l0 , causes. Under thia head will bn conlrn.ted tha diff«£!? ? thesusceiuibilily,to Insanity,between ourslavesaodNoni" 1 free negroes, Lured upon correct et.ll.iic., *«uwti 5th. Correct oud foithful details and descripiinu nfik. mnlanclioly homicides anil suicides coinniitied bv I unit J ** society upon their friends and themselves. *i.rL • large; four ofth. of which p|, c , ?n‘ ?h'r. literary and pious walks or life j„ Oeoigi., fo figj 6ih Tho infrequency of these fatal Occident, in A»l.. contrasted with tueabove. 7|||. Correct liislurirauftrialain our and utlicr StutsConM for the commission of, and sitampu to commit honricidsb' insane persons; comprising the tesiimonv,counsel clism)’ Ihe judges in iho juris., nnd verdict of aconitlal or ’rmJSv!! Under ihis departinent much valuuhle nicdicaljiirirpnfoenSi matter tuny be anticipated lo the legal profession, f,oh, varied and extensive reports ofgal nnd modical gomlrinrT cuntributore to this Journal, (.nine of which aiash!' ’ hand) from other State*. • '* Util. Extracts front eoine or all of the Reports nf the I untie Asylum, of Europe *nd the United Stales,cumnri,i'rr their oust, emir, luanugeinrui, moral and physical. 1 s Tliis lust department is lo comprire a detailed dr.crir.iim flint simrtj of the law originstiug oar Instiiuiian for ths 1„ sene,tho Idiot nnd Epileptic; appropriation., luculion , luh chase, cost of building.,sir.e, finish; first reception c> f p e' i n i. progrosBive incre isa, innnngetunm; law., rule, ond' reielu.' tion.; generul Ireotmelit olpslienta— tnoiul and tiiedictl ‘i, c k descriptions of our pulieuiB' insanity, idiocy and cpilaair and prodromic, predispunent, or associate pliyeic.l ilireswA with their uges. sexes, social condition, corporeal tii.lccnfor, illations, deformities, mental imbecilities nnd fatuities, umar be deemed of internet lo patron., with our cure, nf cam—in all cases suppressing the names of puiients— detail, affos cases, cures, &c., dec., up lo the present year. Tlirreir. now in possession. 9th. Uccu.imiul eneee of Lunatics trsii.lerred from Stain nr I’enitenliarion to Asylums, including ton,a fan MADISOIV & IADIAA SPRIARS STAGE NOTICE. MEDICAL CAKE. D OCTOR FAWCETT, ofl9U, Fnllon street, New York Mcinher of the Royal College of Surgeons, of London uml Edinburgh, nod Graduate of the Jefferson Medicul Col lege of Philadelphia; also, author of a work embracing the following subjects, viz .‘—Matrimony, Impotencv und Sterili ty, nnotninically, physiologically, and medically explained, with a comprehensive expoaition oftbe nature and modern treatment of Syphilis, Secondary Symptoms, Gonorrlucu, Gleet, Strictures, Nocturnal Emissions, and all tbo conse quences arising from self-pollution. Doctor Fawcett contin ues bis private consultations on the abovementioned diseases, at bis long established office, 196 Fulton struet, where the mORt aggravated forms ol all affections of the generative or gans will yield to his mode of treatment, without rostraint in die.tor exercise, nnd without mercury. Even when the pro creative energies b come torpid or paralyzed, from excessive indulgence, or from masturbation, he will be able to restore the parts to health and vigor. Persons at a distance, enclos ing $ I, can liu vo a copy of the work. All letters must he post paid,and directed to Dr. If. Faw« celt, 196 Fulton street, New York. Aug. 26. 48 f>m FIFTY DOLLAIK8 REWARD. S TOLEN from the Huhecriher, iu Campbell county, Ga., on llm 15th of August inat, a negro hoy about twelve yea is old, by the name nf KAFE, belonging to Thomas Pitta,and hired by tiro Subscriber this year, dark complected, large front teeth, large chili, opeaka quick when spoken to, well grown to his age. A bio, stolen the at me night, by cutting a hole iu my trunk, some twenty five or thirty dollars. The above reward will for the negro and thief, fudg ed in my safe jail; or forty dollar® for the thief, with suffic ient proof to convict him} or tea dollar* for the cold hoy, lodged iu any aefe jail. J.C. SILVBY. ErTba Columbus Enquirer and Wetmopka [Ala.} Whi| will plena® pi * ** ‘ WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION IHJSIRfESS. T HE undersigned, E. W. Doughty, (of the fate firm of Dye &l Doughty,) \Vin. A. Beall, und Joseph M. Rob erts, (survivor of the firm of Clarke fo Roberts,) have entered into connifnersbip under ihe firm of DOUGHTY, BEALL fo ROBERTS, tor llm transaction of the Warehouse and General Commission Business. They have taken tbeexten sive nud commodious Fireproof Warehouse, on Jackson afreet,occupied for several years post by Clarke fo Roberts, where they me prepared to serve their friends and customers ill the stoiuge and sale of Cotton and other produce. Tlieir personal attention will be strictly devoted tu the interest ol their customers in nil biisinehs entrusted to them. The central location oftiieir Warehouse, being in the im mediate vicinity of the principal Hotefa, Banks und Grocery Stores, nnd on the street leading to the Railroad Depot, pre sents superior advantages in point of convenience to planters visiting the city. Their charges will conform to the customary rates of this city. Liberal advances will bn made on cotton in store. DOUGHTY, BEALL fo ROBERTS. Augusta, July 10,1845. 50 9t UREIAER & BEALL, FACTORS | And Commission Merchants, No. 73, Day Street, savannah. C. A. Grkinkr, W. A. Beall. 81 tf Sept. 17. R A B U Y & FULTOY, PW COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J SAVANNAH. GEO. trusted to their euro. Orders for Bagging, family sup plies, &c M will be promptly executed at the lowest prices. July 29,1815. 49 8t mis. Apnlncliicolit, Fla., July, 1845. rpHE undersigned will continue lo traiipact a GENERAL I COMMISSION BUSINESS at APALACHICOLA, under the firm of HOWARD A UIITHERFOliD. HT'They have also determined to ratuhlish a COMMIS SION HOUSE at NEW ORLEANS, the ensuing season, where une of the firm will always be found. Their personal attention will he given to nil business with which they mav be entrusted. Tlie usual advances w ill be made upon goods in store or Colton coiieigiint to tlieni. THACKER B. HOWARD. 47 tf ADOLPHUS S. RU I'llEKFORD. New York City Advertisement. PRINT WAREHOUSE IN NEW YORK. To supply the city fo interior trade by the piece or package I\o. 44CEDA11 STREET, (NEAR YVILLIAM-8T.) L EE fo BREWSTER give notice to Dealers in Dry Good. that they have removed their WARE-HOUSE for PRIN TED CALICOES EXCL USIVELY, from Pear! to 44 Cedar Street. By confining their attention lo PRINTS ONLY ,L fo II are enabled (o exhibit an assortment far surpassing any ever before olleied in America—nud to sell nl prices as luw and generally LowEit, than those whose u U cut ion is divided among a farce variety ol articles. The Stock consists of several thousand patterns am Colors, EMBRACING EVERY VARIETY OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRINTS ill market—many sty/ex oj which are got up cxc/usiecly/or then own salt s .and cannot be had elseu here, txet pt in second hands. Deulers iu Prints will find it for their interest to examine this stock before making their purchases—they will have tha advantage ot learning the lowest market nrice, and compar ing all tne desirable styles in market aide my side. Catalogues of prices, coi reeled with every variation of Ihe market,ore placed in the Inuida of buyers. Oct. 8,1844. 2 tf A PROCLAMATION. STATE OF GEOUGIA. Uy GEORGE W. CRA WFORD, Governor oj said State H AVING received information that a murder was commit ted on the 1st day of August, iu the county of Lowndes, noon the body of Samuel Maulden, bv DAVID W. KING, who has fled fromjuslice, I have thought proper to issue this, my proclamation, offering a reward of One Hundred Dol lars, to ativ person, or peisoes, who may apprehend and deliver said fugitive, to tlie Sheriff, or Jailor, of l.owndee county. And I do moreover charge and require all officers, civil and military,to be vigilaut in endeavoring: to apprehend the aaid KING, in order tint he may be tried for the offence with which he atands charged. tiiveu under my hand and tha treat seal of the 8tata, at the Capitol In Milledgevilfa, this 15th day ofBep- teuiber, A, D. 1845. GEORGE W.CRAWFORD. By the Governor! N. C. BARNETT.Secr'volState. DESCRIPTION. The eaid KING ie about 23 years of sge, thin vfangs, swarthy compfaaiaa.blus eyes, dark hair, has a down look, and is about 6 feat high, 51 It The Nearest, Cheapest, and Best Route from Avgua* to, Geo., to the Indian Springs. rilHIS old and well known route having been reduced to a X Hiick line, will run the ensuing summer, commencing the first dnv of June, from Madieou—Leaving Madison on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, nfter the arrivul of the Cars from Augusta,passing by Whitfield’s, Monticello, nnd arrive nt two o’cIock, P. Ai. Returning, leave the Springs on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at half past 5 o’clock, A. AI., pussing through the nbovt imined place*, nnd arrive at Alndison at three o’clock, P. AI. where they will never fail to connect with the downward train of cars for Au gusta. Travellers may rely > upon good horses and coaches, and good iiccommodatioriB in every form. We hope by good slid close attention to share a part of the public patronage. Distance, forty-three miles. Fare 84.00. C. NV. BRIGGS fo CO. Daniel A.Tucker, Agent, Alndison. May 13,1845. 33 tf Brought to Juflt IN Irw inton, Wilkinson county, on the 22d day of June, 1845, one black negro fellow by* the name of Moses, about 5 feet 2 inches high, black complexion, whole teeth in front, with o other marks seen, who says lie belongs tu leu Hamilton, of Oewitclice Bend, Aiabuina* 'I'he owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and tuke him away. S.B. MURPHY, Jailor. June 25th. 1845. 40 tf M. ISroiitflit to Jail* AT Irwinton, Wilkinson county, Georgia, a negro man, who says his name is ANTHONY, about twenty-five years of age, five feet six of eight inches high,* rather yellow complexion, and says lie belongs to a man living in Orange couuty, N.C.,by the name of Sundy Check. The owner or owners are requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away. ' ti. U. AiUKPflY. Jailor. July 13th,1815. 43 tt M Brought to Jallt. A T Irwinton, Wilkinson countv, Geoigie, a negro mao, who says his name is GEORGE, about iweiity-two vears old, rather yellow complexion, five feet six or eight inches high, and says he belongs to John Carter, of Colum bus Georgia. The owner or owners are rrnuasled to come forward, prove property, pay chorges, and take him nwny. S.B. MURPHY. Jailor. July )4tb, 1845. 43 tf Brought to Jail 9 'PHIS day, a negro man who says his name fa FRANK,and thnt he belongs to Jesse Beck, of Henry county,Ga. Said negro is of light com plexion, about five feet ten inches high, speaks quick when snoken to. The owner is requested lo come forward, prove property, pay charges, anJ take him away. h T. A. BRANNON, Sheriff. 1 uscogee co., July 9, 1845. 42 mI2in ortf LAW SCHOOL AT AUGUSTA* HE subscriber’s Lectures will be resumed on Monday, WM. TRACY GOULD. 45 td. T the 20th of October. t uguat c> , 1845. (V. \P a MUI.*— I’bo following pirsoue. or, if dead, their re- IN p resent a lives, may hear of something to their advantage, bv application at the office ol the Charleston Courier, viz :— Catharine Alexander, Ex. (A. D. 1792); Daniel Atwood, (1796); Attwell Isbabod,(I8UI); Sarah Butler,(1764); John Hull, (1797); Joseph Brevard,(180(1); Hugh Beibune,(l800); John Brownlee, (1794); Andrew Baskins, (1792); Rebeccr B.miplield, (1792); Elizabeth Bunch, (1795); Elias Ball,(HOT,, Vuioi ineG. Boisgerard, (1811); Craw ford Davidson, (1795), Cliristiuna Daubuz, or Daubug, (1801 j; Josiuh Dickinson, adm’r of Jnines Gilchrist, (1811); John Darrell, (1709; Alnrv Gregory, (1811); Isaac Holmes, Ex’r of Jnnies Stanyarne, (1792); Thomas Horry, Ex’r of E. Horry, (1798); John Bee Holmes,in trust for Harriet Edwards,(1798); Archibald Har vey, (1793)' William liort,(lU03); Aim Elliott Huger,(1802,: Nathaniel Heyward, (1806); Edw. Lowndes, {J80J); Ixaun Legare, (1792); Langston fo Dixon, (1796); Samuel Lining, Ex’orof It. Guerard,(1813); James Low ndes, (1801); John P. Alartiu and II. A. Alarklcy,for Robt. Alartiu, (1794); John O, Muiiin,(1794); John Elius Moore,(1812); John Nichit, (1796); James Povas, London, (1795); W IU. Frio*. (1797); Ember P-c'seott,(1797); John Price, (1795); llobt. Scott, (1792); Wm. Stephen, (1796); James Smith, in trust, (1793); l.ove Stour, (1801); PetcrSmith,udiu'or of Jno. II. Smith, (1804); Frances Simmons, in (rust for (he estate of John Holmes, (1866); llobt. Smith, (1812); Thomas Turner, (1794); Mary Tucker, (1795); Ri bt. Williams (1861); James Warrington, (1798); Jobe Wakefield,sen. (1/99); Tiros. Young,(1807); Mar* Bowman. (1817); Rev. Alichl.Crosbv«(IUI7); J. B. Campbell, in trust, (1818); Senrl. Davenport, (1817); <“rristoplier lieGraffenreidt, (1825); Rev. Edw. Ellington, (1800); Episcopal Church,(1816): Geo. P. Elliott,(1818)’ F. fo E. Fence, (1826): James Gar £taiWi_ D Niards, Grannie fo Co. f 1792]; Elizabeth Williams, Bird, Savage A Bird; John J. Pringle; NslhJ. Hus- [18181; um sell, intrust for Charleston Insured ice Company, heirs of Gao 1 A FORTY Aar. .*^Un‘’tli. I8tb Ofotrict, U 8ectloa,of Cobb county. The above lot will be eold ou MmmHjmm, by immediate application at tkfo Office. May 6,1645. 32 tf * our own Penitentiary. " * ° mv ' uv 10th. and last. The Report of our own Institution for tho f iresent year up to the first of November, designed, sad wi tope destined, to fill a higher uiclie in the temple ofphilis. thiopy, ond gild with brighter tints and more iadellibfa iui- press the page of future history than any in the world. Tho published Reports of the last yeat's superintendence aa Reridcnt Physician by the proprietor of this Journal, hevinr met with general success in awakening the public mind os this subject, not only in ovr own State, but in several of ffo, other States which are destitute of a similar institution,aa evinced by frequent letters, soliciting more of our reportafor distribution, induce the proprietor to offer this work to tha public through the usual chunnol of a prospectus or sub scription list which will be widely circulated ihrourhouttbo United States,particularly the Sooth and West. Gentlemen and ludies (Tor it is expected the fair tax will take a deep interest in this humane enterprise, as should it succeed well,the proprietor pledges himself to approprlatta liberal share of the proceeds to the etipport of the destitute children of pauper lunatics, idiots and epileptics) cbtilling subscribers shall be entitled to a full oopy of the work Irani* milted to their nearest Rost Office, for every Jive responses subscribers forwarded lo tho proprietor free of pottage,by tfa first of A uguat, or ns early tnereafteras practicable. ineVa* ry instance onedia/f the subscription money must be remittal in advance to the publisher,free qf postage, on ibe arrivals! the first number of die work at the subscribers nearest Feu Office. It should be recollected that postage inmuchredvcti under the new law. No subscription for less than sixmonfo, and should the work cease before that time, the money shell be refunded from the time of cessation* It la sanguinelv a* ticipatud this Journal will exist cotemporaneously crease in interest, and he replenished with inlet eating ad valuable matter, pari passu with the radiating charity lid diffusing popularity of the Institution, TERMS. This work will be furnished through the Post Office to sub scriber* at two dollars and fifty cbnts per annum, paya ble onkiialf in advance, to be remitted to the proprietor by agents (free of poatagej on the reception of the firat numbar, eesureunces of which must be furnished the proprietor upoi return of subscription lists by the first ol August. The first number will be issued by the first of November next. Milledgeville, June. 1845. O* Editors of Newspapers, Journals, Periodicals, Ac., la* serting this, or an appropriate notice ol the proposed work,to tho amount of its value, shall receive a copy of the workoa ding the proprietor a copy of their paper containing tba some. PROPOSALS For Publishing in Savannah a Monthly Periodic4 TO BE CALLED THE SOUTHERN HISTORICAL AND LITERARY MAGAZINE. PROSPECTUS. riMIE originators of this work believe that the field forlite- A rarv exertion aud influence, in our coimtiy, is rvrry day growing* wider nnd wider; und they are willing to occupy at leust a portion ut thn ground, which seems to invite labourer*. Thu chief object which they have in view, is to aid in vindica ting for the Southern States that literary position Which, it fa believed, they are qualified to assume. They design ahe. through thischunuel, to point out ihe resources ana defoad the interests of (he .South, to represent witii4rufli the charac ter nnd condition of the people, and to furnish increased occa sion for intellectual effort. With these views, they ban sought to enlist in the undertaking the brat talent oftbe whole douth; und they feel, that they can appeal with somecoa* dem o to their fellow citizens for support and co-operalfal. The work will be B juthern—it will be the organ of a m non ; but in no narrow spirit of hostility to any portion of out country. Justice and candour towards all, wil! goveri in course; und il will steadily pursue the sacred aims ofTrsiL There is need,especially in thfa day ofclieap literature*lot stern and discriminating criticism. Manliness and origfaf ufthoitght—as well aa sound morals—are in danger of bj crushed under the mass of trash v or corrupt publications, I foreign aud domestic, with which the press teems. YJrtf loudly for some daring and independent censor, who will lay on the fash of severe but just criticism, 4 * without fear or ft- vor,” and who will guard the interests of literature •#•'!**} those influences of the publishing houses of the country wkkb through inngaziue and newspaper puffing, confer aontasy false reputations on worthless volumes, ond coriupt the very sources of a well regulated and wholesome, public opinKB.-- We therefore avow ai the outset, dial we intend fa deal these authors, publishers and books, widi a severity onlynu 1 * ited by curabilities, and a proper regard for the courle*fa«dN to an enlightened community. . We know and feel that our literature is young, sndbiwru but too imitutive. Nevertheless that very youth baa »»• vantages-and we shall endeavor to give them full play* bJ f B* couraging fresh and vigorous exhibitions of Iben n n oicit own country. . That this is pre-eminently the land of orifinal ipoi-glM« I’nteul Office, our wnikshons,our fields and ourrivnaavt' • dandy dlut-iral*. lu the Fine Arts, Atnericsn f«'itwj>« produced works of which any nation might be pituj*; uro already rivalingold Europe in every departmestwjjjp tion, save only in tliut of literature. Even in this, bd isespi; dent assertion of thought and feeliug has commenced,nsws die American position and character demand, •udireeat**' fated to dbveiope. Men here stand to eai h oilier issewapi advanced relations. Aliy expressions that shall bc true teisre* conditions, must give uui literature new and origins! mmr' It will accordingly he one ul the cherished object* Magazine, to foster, by all the means in our power,tveiy t^ pulse ol native und original genius. .tilfa While nothing of a sectarian or partisan characterwr w admitted into our pages, ire shall by no inf* 1 "* ftf discussing religious and political topics. Jhryin*®'”’ highest interests of matt, end at present, inure than »t t*^r w period, attract the serious attention of all reflecting min®*. The interest which the South has in the efficiency character oft he Army and Navy, willcluim for both earn®" prominent place in our cofumna. Our Naval tad mot C Bikers have often ahown that they are as compete®* . the literature, aa to defend the honor of their country » • number of able contributors will be secured from !"***. ^ This Magazine will also be ihe medium through wnre^ > GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY will lish much of its most interesting material—portions meaiic and foieign correspondence,ci*muiunfaai»on*»^ M " and other papers which may possess a general vainm^^ We believe too that out po»ilion baa peculiar Georgia lies nearest the centre ot the thus possesses superior opportunities for esiliwetwg opinion, ond giving a true expression to voulbnfitfalj^" ^ The work will be published by W. I jOTRaffwlUj* Ihe first day of every month, beginning in Odolrcr »«* • . The price will he Fits Dollars per annum, pay*®" ^ vance. Agents will bu allowed a liberal their efforts to obtain subscribers oro respectfully e® 1 Returns to be made by thofivsl of August. Bavannsk, May 1,1645, laaeft ** tnrEditor* desirous of exchanging will CT Editors Prospectus. LAND NUXHJK. 1 WIU. attend f.illtfolly .ml jitoaptl/ lo 1 .‘ILTifo. for«.rdi»K Plat, .in) Okajit. to .n. »•«•«£,,,* of IaimI in tit. Stttn, for I tWcffl. r” «r Pl.t, nnd Ur. at. of fond, uk.n «a ho‘4’V**l" '“K*u^rMt'rd fond will t>« ^Tiri^ Mill.d,.*ill.|2tft5 July, IMS. 44 "* L