The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, October 07, 1845, Image 4

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$““!W iESS ktooo.Mjr,.. lh. Iml kourtefrat., NLiniato. INil 4A Dbtriol. Ira Stella. ■-I Iran** 'V—Jura Ik* lUfcrlra to Oelobra Mil, *hhl> **» Au*ural.lM>. •nd N«. »th »f tfracraifltora mad* know on ibo W. J. BHIMHOLSER. Adm'r. 46 Id* txsmbj mm4i Tana. ■mmLSSmnM Um,tn !■; Hoim, dm norrol cull, !S?CSZS!l7tacialko lkiid Dhiri«l,No.m>i known,i.l- BouStkoIbWIoTltnolol SklppWJ *M loatad »■ •»Pf°n «mt^TkJ*S$jMlnoo 10 raniafy »I ft •« fo»etullhft J ... 22L2(ha UMwOwl nod Mkon, terarral out of lh. Hnpw ■ww TLilun. tMMd omafto. Infrrlor Court of Baldwin County WALTER W.BEALL, Sheriff. —to"* 1 .**!. **1iR*Ml Holdbhfor. th. Couri-hoii.e door in Iho town VV of Es teuton, Putnam county, on tho fir.1 I UNOVEMBER Mil, within tho u.unl hour, of onle, ilia ^Tsrotoralirah.lowo of Eaton ton, Not. 3 »nd 4, in .ottnrn lonar H. whoroon J.oob 0. Hi.htownr l.tely lived : ai«u n asfca^vj&Tt^?.—w Soptornber 30,1843. 1 'crawford N.vcakcr Rheriff’. »■!*»• ijlJjLL t># told befbre tha Coort-bouae door in the town ft W Knoxville,Crawford county, on the Brat I ueaday in NOVEMBER nail, within tho ueuel hour, ofaale.lheful- ^ggyAZjL 1 end four hundred bushel. of corr; ■orror loaai lavled a* •• the property of Jam*a E. »iaite» iTSlWySSd fi fa from CfawlCrd^operior Court in favor c Abraham Moore va Jam** E. Sluter. Properly pointed oul hjTUeodorick W.Mon^.E^^ ^ topi 30, IMS. !. UHElTuexf within (ha uaual houra of aale f (he following property, to wit" Two lota of laad, number*, one hundred and forty-six, an i ona bundled and foity-aeven. containing (wo hundred an fit* acrea, more or lea*,both In tbe fourteenth District oioii^. malty Muacogee now Crawford; levied on a* the property • • Gregory J. Tomer, to aatiafy one fi fa from Crawford Supcrii Court,in favor of the Central Bank of Georgia vs. Ephraii W. Dennis,John Dennis,Thomas Crutchfield and G.J. Tui Mr, Property pointed out by Thoman Crutchfield * . A ilVkl lien A M I k BxM«*r*i Bale. A GREEABLY loan order of tho Inferior Conrt of W II; kineon count,, while titling for ordinary purposes, will ba acid on the fir*t Tuesday in November next, within tbs uaual hours ofaa^e,before the Court-houso door in Irwinton oae hundred eleven and one fourth acres of land, a* a part of lot number two hundred and twenty-nine; al*o,forty acrea of land, a* a part of said lot number 229; also, twenty-eight •Ciea of land,as part of lot number two hundred and twenty- nine. el*o, one hundred anil fifty and one halfacr**, No. 22B, whereon Benjamin Stubbs lived at the lime of hit death Al so,one lot of land, No. 219, containing one hundred one and one-fourth acre*; nil tu tho fourth district! of Wilkinson County, belonging to the estate of Bcnj. Stubbs, late of sum county, deceased. , , , . Also, on Ike Jirst Tuesday in December nexl, before the Court-hniiso door in the county of Lownden, one-third «f lot of land No. 456, containing 490 acres, belonging to said estate of Beni. Stubbs, dec’d. . , .... All sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ol said de ceased. Terms made known oti the day of sale. WILLIAM C. PARKER, Ea*r. Aug. 5th, 1815.<6 <«>■ iw» nonpar. Inferior Otwt, silling for Ordinary ptirptnes, July I T upeeHe* to to. Court by Ike mpneenteiloa ef Mm. ElSeielh WohlMton, Excutri. •« lira E.t.1. of Rob*, ail B. WeshiMlon. dea.ssefflhat th.tald Bx.euiricM.ful. Ijr .dmtaiatorad on ..Id Errata, ind wl Jim io bo diranUiftti It i. therefor.,on motion, ordered. That the Clerk of toil Conn do Imiw 0 oitntion r.quli in, .11 pereont, lo «h.w mum, If.n, they h.v., on or b.for« tho Mound Mon- d.y in January neat, why di.inir.iou aliould not be pen led—.ml th.i laid uil.tion be published accordion tolegol re* quirenient. • A true extiact from the minutes. this 7th day of July, 1845b 41 iniim JOHN \V. W. BNEAD, *. c.o. Au,. 30,1845. j ABIES BEELAND, Sheriff. 49 BMttt Octwbrr gheritt’a sale. Ill ILL bo Mid oo tho fir.t Tuesday in OCTOBER next. VV fbofora the Court-houM door in tho town uf Jackin- , Butt.c.unty, within 111. legal houraof eale, the follow'! , property,to wit: ' One hundred and ninety.(ire aeree of land, more or I roe i being • perl of lot No. 318, in th. 8ih District of originoll Henry, now Bnitecounty, adjoining Narlinn C. VVilliunm end other.; levied on a. the property of Thomas Wilson i satisfy afi la ieaued frotoa Juanca'a Court in favor ol Jrsv T. (Juno va Thomas Wilaon. Properly pointed out byja«r> T, Guna. Levy made and mturned to me by a constable. H. II. DOSS, Hherilf. Sept. 1,1845.49ud» Telfair October Nherifl's Sale. W ILL be Mid before the Court-house door in the tow ofjankaoaville, Telfair county,on the Brat Tuesday i' OCTOBER neat, within the uaual houra of eale, the followin, property, to wit: Two lota of land, adjoining the lands of Archabald McKin MO, deceased, and 35 head ol .took cattle; levied on as th property of James W, Rawlins, to satisfy a B fa in favor . Jooathan Studelill, ve Jae W. Kawline and Win. H. William A negro girl named LoniM or yellow complexion, to sntiai, a mortgage fi fa ieaued from the Inferior Court in favor ofSr ■non Wooten ve Stephen Hubbard- A negro boy named Bob, 19 yearn old, dark complexion, le Tied oo to aatiafy a mortgage B fa issued from the Infer!., Court io favor ol Aaron Brandy, for the use of Benjamin Gin man ve Stephen Hubbard. Aug. 36.1845. W1LLMM ELLIS, Bhariff, „,*!. ““'Someryeounty.on the Brat Tuesday in OCTO- ur.It next, within Ilia uaual houra of aale.ine followinu property,to wit: One negro boy by :he name of Toney, about year* old, five hundred scree of pine land, more or le re, including tho improvement* whereon Thomas Mosley now lives, two hundred acre* of pine land, mure or less including tho improvoments whereon James Cooner now lives all of said lands lying in the Blty-firsl Company District, G. M. of .aid county; all of said property levied on as the property of Clement T. Mosley, Bran I ley Moaley, Sr. end Thomas Mosley, lo satisfy one li fa issued from the Superior Court of Mid county, in favor ofSamuel Miller ve. said Mosley’e part of Mid property pointed out by plaintiff, and the balance hy defendant. Z. J. M. WALL. Sheriff. Aug. 3flh 1845. 49 Montgomery November Sherlfl ’a Sales. W LL bo sold before the Couri*houae door at M t. Vernon, Montgomery County,on tho Bret Tuesday in NOVEM BER nail, within the ueunl hours of sale, the following property to wit: Two fractional lota of land, lying on the water, nf the Oc<>. dm River, and known by the following Numbers, 316 and3ir —all lying in the 11th District of formerly Wilkinson, m.w Montgomery county ; levied on ee the property of William satisfy one fi K iaouerl from a Justicc’s Court, held in the 393d District in Mid county,in favor ol Hugh McNatt vasald Joyce. Property pointed nut by defendant. Levy made and returned lo me by a bailiff. _ „ J. M.W ALL, Sheriff. 8apt.30y.1845. 1 W Telfair Oc tober Nherlfi’i sale. ILL b*sold beforotbo Court-house door in thetown of Jacksonville,Telfair county, on the BretTuesi',y in OCTOBER next, within the legal houraof sale, the fol lowing proparty, to wit: Ono lot of land adjoining th* lands of Wm. Swains and Archibald McKinnon,inthe8thdiatrict of originally Wilkin- mo now Tolfair county,No. not known; levied on as the pro perty of Henry J. Campbell to satisfy various fi fas, from a JuatieM court of the 338th di.lrict, G. M.,in favor of Wiley Fletcher. Levy made end returned to me hy a Constable. Property pointed out by defendant. . WILLIAM ELLIS, Sheriff. Ang. 83,1845. 49 .. r a- AMminlfctrator’B Bale. “ ILL bo cold by-en order ol the Inferior Court of Telfn'r Si“il9'l2!!.!, h **“1 T“e* ,1 »3' hi December next, lot No. •a*In the7th District andSdeeclion of originally Cherokee now Murray eouuiy. ■ ’ 1 TelfiI5'couwL» ll u , i *, n J »"nary J ncKxonvjiie, tod Noe IMudlw^t!!* bnown ee the McAllieter plsce, sa.?g-ig!!S*. 16T - ■» to too 9th District of eeid ciuiitv- too 7th Dfoufor °u° f ,h * wU '‘< > dower; end No. «* jaoraold? -lnU of ** , d'ounly,e-^d . negro worn- <5 - » Bold ee the property of V .... ••“'/t deceeeed, for th r tlliwu,till xr, late of eald Mid ueceased, 'i'§r .,a Ihmefit of the heirs end creditors of _ „ , . me made known on the days of Hie. Tellelrcou- WM. STUDSTII.L,jr. Adm'r. nty, September 34th, 184i>.1 AMmlnlktrntor’s Male, i ILL ba aold at tha lata residence of John Eady, AdiiilnUtrntor’b Bale. A GREEABEV loan order of th* Honorable the Inferior Cuurl of the County of Burke, while silting for ordinary purpone*, and in accordance with th* will of Holding Barber, deceased, will be mild before the Court-hou*e door in Camp- bellton, Campbell county,on (he first Tueaday in November next,one tract of Innd known as number74, in the 7th District of originally Carroll, now Cnmnbtl! county. Sold for divis ion among tha hairs of the late Holding Barber, deceased. Terms on the day. P. B. CONNELLY, Administrator August 26, 1845. with the will annexed Administrator's Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable Inferior Court of Jasper County, when sitting for. ordinary purposes, will be sold before (lie Court-house door in Monticello.on the first Tuesday in January next,within (he legal hour* of sole, the lands and negroi's belonging to the estate of Jesse *1. Spencer, deceased. Te.rms on the day of sale. CHARLES L. RIDLEY, Administrator. OEOIIGIA, Baldwin County. W HEREAS Robert U. Alutclinni, Executor on the er late of AugelineMescham, deceased,applies to me f< * letter* of dismission from said Executorship : These arethereforeto cite and admonish all andsingul* the kindred and creditors of Raid deceased, to be an \ appear ai my office within the time prescribed hy lnw,t»sho cause, if any they have,why said letters should nothegrontei . Given undermv blind aioffice,this 11 th day ol March, 184f. »1 m 6ni JOHN W. W. SNEAD, c.c.o. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. W liEKBAo Henry Eudy applies to me for letters i. Administration on ;j;e estate of John Eady, late if said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be an ! appear at my office within (lie time ore cribed by law, l snowcause,if any they have, why said letters should not I granted. Given undermy haad at office,this 30th day ofJuly, 184 46 5t AUG. B. KAIFOKD. Clerk. GEORGIA. Wilkinson County. W HEREAS David Smith and John Smith, Administr* tors on the estateof Wm.Smith,apply to me for let ters of Dismission from nt id estate. These ere,therefore, to «ite nnd admonish all and singula', the kindred and creditors ol said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed hy law, to slioi cause, if any they have, why stid letter*should not be granin Given under my hand, at office, this 7th dov of April, 184 A. B. RAlFOKD.c. c.o. 29 m6m LAN It AND MILLS FOR SALE. r'XEClTTOItfe' SALE.—WILL be sold in Talbot Jlj County at the Court House in Talbotton, on the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, agreeably to provisions in the will of Peter Dennis, deceased, the following parcels of land, situated in the 23d. District of originally Muscugee, now Tal bot County,vis: 101J acres,part of lot No. 22. Lots No.23. No. 24, No. 43, No- 45, mid No. GO,each containing 202} acres; 148 acres, part of lot No. 46 ; the above land lying on I uzey Creek, four and a half miles from Tulbotton, line No. 45 has a first rate grist and saw mill, a gin house, blacksmith shop, and a wood shop. The privilege of the water will he reserv ed for the mills. A Is.*, 177 acres of land, parts of lots No. 53 and 85, one nnd a half miles from Talbotton, with a com fortable dwelling, a pood gin house and screw. 1014 acres, part of lot No. 160, in the 14th District of Talbot county; one naif of Town lot No. I in square Bin the town of Taih’otton; Terms-—one third paid when possession is given, mid the remaining two-thirds payable one and two years thereafter. Notes witii approved security will he required. The above liiml will be sold for the purpose of effecting a division with IheLegutees of said Peter Dennis. Possession given on the twenty-fifth December next. JACOB DF.NN1S ) PETER E. DENNIS. \ bx r * TflUwt county, August 15.1845. 47 tds Valuable Plantation for Sale. T HE subscribers hold for sale, a Plantation in the upp^r part of the 15th district, Sumpter county, adjoining nlr. Josiuh Me rule h ins and others, containing 1316 acres.—Also 475 acres in the same countv,28th district, well timbered pine land ; with a saw mill, oil Mill creek, convenient to the tim- hpr. Also, a plantation in the 3d District of Baker county containing 2600 acres, a very superior tract of land combining fertility, good water,healthiness. All these places have im provements upon them. Persons disnosed to treat lor these lands ore remiested to address the unoersigned personally, or hy letter at Augusta, and those in the neighborhood, are re ferred to Maj. John Cowart, of Americus, or Mr. Josiah Scrutchinsjof the same county. ROBERT F. POE, > adm’r*. of the e*. WILLIAM J. EVE, > late of Paul File- GEO. W. CRAWFORD, Jsimmaus, dec’d- Sept 23,1845 &3—lilt, tCT The Federal Union, Georgia Journal, Savannah Re publican, Albany Patriot, and Columbus Times, will copy until the 1st ol December. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. W HEREAS Jacob Freeman, Administrator on the e . late of Jeremiah Allen, lute of said county, de^nst i, applies to tne for letters of dismission from said Admhiiatr * These are, therefore, to cite nnd admonish al 1 and singul c the kindred and creditors of said deceased, lo be ind appear r« my office within the time prescribed by law, it jIioivcause f anv they have, whv said letters should not he granted. Given undermy uand at office, this 15th dav of May, 1845i 34 »»6ro AUG. B. KAIFOKD, clerk. GEORGIA* Decatur County. W HEREA>S James V. Freeman, Administrator on tin estate of Thomas Freeman, deceased, applies to na for letters of demission from said Administration: These are,therefore.tociteandadmonish nllandsinguh r the kindred and creditors of said deceased,to be hd4 appe r at my office within (lie time prescribed bv law,toshowcaii* • i any they have, why saidietiers should not be granted Given undermy bund at office, this 4th dav ol March J84 j 24 b,n JOHN P. DJCKEAaSON, c. c. o. GEORGIA* Decatur County. W HEREAS Henry Arline, Executor of Elias Pull#*) deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission fre <i said Executoiship : These arc .therefore, loeire nnd admonish nil nnd singul r the kindred und creditors ol said deceased,to he and uppe at my office within thctiinc p; escribed hy law.toshow caus* ifany exist,why said let.era should uot begranted. Given under my hand at office this 2d day of'April. 1845. 20 6m JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. c. o. GEORGIA' Fuiiiriii County. 4ATHEREAS John C. Mason, Adiniuistrutoron the c«ts ft of Wm.D. Cole, applies tome fo» letters of Dismissim front nB »‘*te i 'These are,therefore, tn cite and admonish all ccncprnfd to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by hi to show cause,if any they have, why said letters dismissorv should not begranted. Given under my hand at office.this 20th dav ofMarch,184 . 26 Gmf WM. B. CARTER, C. C. O. Coroner's Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Irwinton, Wilkinson county, on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property,to wit: OAE GREY HORSE. SADDLE and JIR1DLE; levied on as the property of Levi Simpson, to satisfy one fi fu issued from the Interior Court of said county in favor of Wal ter VV. Beall, Sheriff, for the use of William E. Carswell and others. RICHARD WALTERS, Coroner. Sept. 30,1845. j Valuable IMantntion for Sale. Bte, J «" and RICH COTTON UBGir l^^-^NTA I ION for Bale. It lift, in Crawford v oitnry, thirty two miles from Macon, ten from f "W Knoxville, and three from Culloden, a liealiliv **mm*mm, village, wline there Is always good niulo and female Schools. The Plantation contains Eighteen Hundred and Fifty acres of land, all first nnd second quality oak nnd hickory, and post oak land, well watered, with seven hundred acres cleared, the balance woodland. The improvements are excellent, and nearly new, being mostly made within the last five years, with a yard ami garden hardly equalled in Middle Georgia for the excellence nnd variety of its flowers, shrub bery and fruits. From the great drought, the crop is not equal to the laud, but is much better than an average crop of the country. A bargain maybe had, and time inpayments made to suit purchasers. .SAMUEL RUTHERFORD. Crawford county, Ga., Sept. 30,1845. tCPThe Augusta Chronicle & Sentinel will please copy four times, weekly. 1 4t ill he made Ikitisoti county, ■ OUR MONTHS after date application X 1 to the honorable the J nferior Court of Wilki while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estateof Alien Smith, late of said county,deceased. JAMES VICKERS, Administrator. Sept. 11,1845.51 ]?OUR UlONTIIS afterdate, application will he JL made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Wilkinson county, whilesitiiug for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the lend Sc negroes belonging to the estate of John Eady, sr. late ofsaid county, decea,T“^ # S«pt.5ili, 4845. HENRY EADY, Admi'u'!' U * U>r ‘ GEORGIA* Newton County. COURT OF ORDINARY, May Term, 1845. I N appearing to the Court, that John P. Thompson. A f miniairator on the estnte of Samuel Thompson, decease' has fully administered said estate, and he having made appli cation Ibr letters of dismission from said administration : It is,therefore, ordered, that the Clerk of this court do issn • a citation, requiring all persons concerned, to show cause, * any they have, nil or before the due publication of this cil' tion, whv said letters should not issue, and tlmt thiseitath be published in terms of the law, A true extract from the minutes, Msv 8th, 1845. 33 mom WM. D\ LUCKIE, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Telfair County. W HEREAS John McLean, Administrator on the estst> ol Allen McLean, deceased, applies to me for letters <f Dismission from the same : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singul** the kindredandcreditors of said deceased, to he and appears) Office, within tho lime prescribed hv law, to show cause. any they have, why said letters of dismission should not b granted. Given undermy hand, nt office, this 3d dav of June, IC45. 37 m6m JNO F. McRAE, C. C. O. GEORGIA. Paulding CounTy^ • W HEREAS. Daniel K. Witcher npnlm* to me fnr l-4t.. a of Administration on the estate of David Perry, luted' Tennessee, deceased: Theseare, therefore, to cite nnd admonish all nnd singulfl the kindred nnd creditors of said deceased to he and appeal at tny office within the time prescribed by law,tosliow cause, if any they have, why snidleltors should'not hegrnnled. Given undermy hand at office, this 20th A ueust, 1845. 49 5t E. THOMPSON, O. C. O. GEORGIA, Dccalur County. i W HEREAS Thomas Whighsm, Administrator on th** estate of William Whigham, late of said county, da» censed, applies for letters of llismissiou from said Adminis tration : 'These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singula c. the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and uppei i at my office, within the time prescribed hy law, to shew cam-* if any they hnve, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, this 2d day of Sept., 1845. 50 Gm JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. c. u. 50 mad^iafter date application will be when ** riooorable Inferior Court of Decaturcoiin- Rests* U ,,,p ^ or ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the .6 of Charles Garner, late of said county, deceased. JEREMIAH TATE, Administrator. Sept. 9, 1845.50[jpi>] # V. ceased, on Tuesday, the 21st day of October nest, all the perishable property belonging to (lie enate of said de- eMted'Oeneistiac of horses, hogs, cattle, sheep, plantation tools,household sod kitchen furniture, and many other arti cles now too tedious to mention. Sale to continue from day to day until all lo sold. Terms made known on the day of HENRY EADY, Administrator. Wilkinson county, Sept. 6th 1845. 50 ids ExecMtor’s Mule. A G REE ABLY to on order of the Inferior Court of Wil- A. kioeon county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will Im a«lJ Irafftra tka I'mirl.liAitu iiiuiP Ilk I rwlnlnn VVilUinidll L xM>LJR MONTH* after dute, application will he 1 made to tha honorable Inferior Court of Jasper county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land und negroes belonging to the estate of Jesse M. Spencer, late of said county, dece.ibcd. CHARLES L. RIDLEY, Adm’r. Hillsboro’, July 10.h, 1845.42 be sold before the Court-house aoor in Irwinton, Wilkinson coutoty,on tho first Tuesday In January next, between the •tonal hours of sals, the lend and one negro belonging to the e*- tale of Jassos Kin| heirs and creditors Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMES KINNY, Executor. jseamuiurn. ^.d. ASMinl.tratrl*’* Male. A GREEABI.Y to an order of tin Honorable the I nferior XX. Court of Baldwin countr.aittinx for ordinary purposne, will b« sold bftfora th* Courtdionao door in tba City of Mil- lod(«viU*-oa III* Brat Tueaday io October next, between lh lag.l houraof mIo, Ibo land* belonging to Ilia e.iala of Horn • ilo Barfcadale.lato of said connty.decsated. Terra* oo too day of aula. MARY BARKSDALE, Adin'x. July 8ih, 1843. [jww.j 41 P OI H iUONTIIS alter date.application willbe madeto the Honorable t he lufenorCourt ol W’ilkitiHon County,while sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leaveto sell the land and negroes belonging lo the estateof James Exuln, late of said county, deceased. JAMES ROSS, ? P .. ra J.G.R. HOGAN, $ b * r8 - July 7th, 1845. 42 nOVR M4INTII8 aft«^r date application will be F madeto the Honorable the Inferior Court of Wilkinson county,while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave ( the lands belonging tothommite of Benjamin Slublis, I said county, deceasd. May 31st, 1845. GEORGIA' Telfair County. W HEREAS Duncan Mims applies to me for letters rf Administration on the estate of David Mima, late it said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singulai*- the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased lo be and uppear-. 1 my office within the time prescribed hy law. to show caut-i ifanv they have,why said letters should not he granted. Uiveu undermy bund, at office,thhHGth day;of Sept., 184.1 1 5t JNO. t-. AictiAtt*, c. c. u. fTIOlJR I7IONT1I8 after date application will be F made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Wilkin- on county, while sitting foi ordinary purposes, lor leave to r.ell the real estate of Briton Price, late of said county, dec'd. May 17th, 1815. JACOB ruucMAfV. Administrator. m. to the Inferior Court of Baldwin county, when ailtmglor ' ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a negro hoy, named • Abram,belonging to the estate of Isaiah Wheeler, deceased. July 22d, 1845. DELILAH WHEELER, Adm’x. A4miaUtratorfl' Sale. A 4JREEABLY to an order of the Honorable Inferior Court 2\. of Baldwin county,sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold before tho Conrt-housa door in tha city of Milledge- villa,oo tba first Tuesday in October next, within the legal hours ol sale, all lha Land# belonging to the aetata of Me- . /art clear of all expenses: and is now in a provperaus rondi- •bach Roger*, deceased. Bold for the benefit of the lieiraand 4 . non, having as large an advertising patronage, as any country —-»».— paper published in the Htste. I have no other reason lor wishing to retire from the bus! noss than the one given above; That it is essentially neces sary for my bodity welfare, that 1 aliould abandon a Business so sedentary in its nature, must he apparent to every one who SaiHftersvillc Telescope for sale. i Wf 1HH1N(i to engage in a business which will afford me ' ▼▼ more active erei*e, that) that of conducting a news- * paper,I offier for sale the TV/esrope establishment, with all its j appurtenances—subscription books, advertising patronage, kc.kc. 1 The paper has been established nearly five years, nnd for ' the last three years has paid a profit of over one thousand dol tare clear of all expenses: and is nowin a prosperaus eondf GEORGIA* Jasper County. To the Honorable the Jim licet of the Inferior Court of sot i county, titlingJor ordinary jntrpotet, at May Term, 184- a T HE petition of tienhorn Hawk sheweth that he is the lr» gal transferee of a certain bond for titles to land, here'i lofore made nnd delivered hy Watson Slmw, in his lifetime, t-N John Spearman—thatthe consideration money has heenpni.’ —that the suid Watson Shaw has departed this life, and the Leroy M. Willson, of said comity, is his administrator—tin- annexed is a copy of said bond—tlmt your petitioner prn\ that (lie suid adminislraior be directed by this Court to msk lilies to the lauds in Slid bond mentioned, according to th s ututu iu such case made and provided. JOSHUA HILL, Petitioner’s Attorney. [copy bond.} GEORGIAKnow all men by these presents, that !« Janper county. ^ Wulsou Shaw, am held and firmly hound I — ———} John Spearman, in the penal sum ol on hundred and thirty dollars, lor the true performance of whic I bind myself, my heira and assigns, firmly hy these preseiii*. ’The condition of the above t»ond or obligation is such, tin whereas the said Watson Shaw hall) this day, in and for tl consideration of sixty dollars, bargained and sold a certain tract or parcel ol lunt), lying and being situate in the sixteen * District,number (343) three hundred and forty-three, n.« fourth section of originally Cherokee, containing forty acn*7, more or less, having such shape and marks us will appear h reference to h nlut of the same. Now, if the said Watso Shaw shall make lo the said John Hpearman a good nnd la» ful title to said land, then the above to be null and void,othei- wise lo remain in fulTforce nnd virtue in Iaw. WATdON SHAW.fL.s.] This 14th day nf Jan. 1340. I Iran afar tl>«# within LomJ in Reahnrn Hawk—18th March 1840. JOHN SPEARMAN. Upon hearing the foregoiner petition, it is ordered by tho Court, that thesnid Leroy M. Willson, adm’r, show causes' the next November Term of this Court, why he should m make said title prayed fnr,and that this proceeding he hcloM then published lor three months in ono of the public gazette- of this State, and in the public places of the county, to wit, * the Court house. A true extract from the minutes of Jasper County Court o I Ordinary,May Term, 1845. 8HADKACH J. McMICHAEL, C. C.O. July 29,1845. 44 13t Term* mad* known on the day of sal*. % WILEY F. ROGERS. \ HEZEKIAH KOGER8, { Adm m Jn»r33d,1843. 43fl,»ww.J ~ AtailMUtrator’. Sale. ' A GREEABI.Y tout order of the Honorable th. Inferior Oaurt .f Telfair oo.nty, when .itllng for ordinary pur- pour., will b. Mid before th. Court hou»* door in the town of JnehMurillr, Tolfair county, on tho Brat Tu.mI.v in 0*lob.r Mil, witol* Iho l.x.l hour, of train, th. folto-ia. iwMf.lowitt Loti Km. twohaodrad ud sifhty-Bro, two hundred sod i. personally acquainted will: me; end 1 therefore nfleriheei. i.bli.hment .1 a reduced price, and on • credit till let ofj.n u.ry, 1847. Any gantlemanwisbinfi to purchase,and bavin* .ny donht. .. to the profit, of the concern, iiinrited to cell et the office, end examine my books. 80 fit A.G.WARE. tom. Terra, of eel. mad. know, on tho day. M. N. McRAE, Adm’r. IrarahraCily.TelMr M.ety, Auri.t 1,1*48. 46 td. llffl.L b. .old SMCSSTfi Noverairar .ext,st th. VV 1st. M.B prater, in Jasper eountr, a*.to. perieheble propraty uf ee>d dMueed, eoDeieii*, of Kora.., uHtto, floie. Core .ltd Poddor^c, Ate. Tram on to. toy. CHARLES L. RIDLEY, AdraMraraior. to,t.rah.r 38th, IB4JL ^ _ 88 W. KNIGHTS OF THE HORSE SHOE: A Traditionary Tale of the Coekcd-IVat Gentry of the Old Dominion. By the author of the ••Cavaliert of Virginia," <fc. <f-c. /^HIARLKH YANCEY has th* pleasure of informing the V doutharn nubile, that ha will iaaaa from his Press in Wast WciumpkR, Ala. In a faw weeks, tha above named Nov- N, btra distinguinbed author rosiding la th* Htste of Georgia. i r TIIE KNIGUTH OF THE IIOR8E HHOE will b* is- aod In Pamphlat form, 9 vol*. 125 page a, or more each.-— ’rice 75 cts. par singla copy— 9eoptaa?nr fi5; 20 copies for 10. GHARLK8 YANCEY, Watumpka, Ala. Aug. R 45 if TO PRINTERS. Type Foundry A Prlnier'n Furnishing Wnrehouse. 1 MIE Subscriber* have opened a new Typo Foundry h the City of New York, where they are ready to supply orders to any extent,for any kind of Job or Fancy Type, Ink. Psner, Case*, Galleys, Bras* Rule, STEEL COLUMN RULE, Composing Slicks, Chases, nnd every article for h Printing Office. The Ty oe, which nr* cast in new moulds, from an entirely new set oi matrizes, with deep counter*, are warranted to ba tinsurpas. ed by any, and will he aold nt price* to suit tha times. All the type furnished bv us is ••hand cast.” Printing Presses furnished, and also Steam Engines of tha most approved patterns. Composition Rollers cast for Printers: Editors of newspapers, who will buy three times as much type as their bills amount to. may give the above sis month* insertion in their papers, and send their papers containing il to tba Subscribers. COCKCROFT fit. OVEREND. Sept. 9. 50 6m 68 Ann Street, New York. Puinsun Superior Court* I N consequence of the sickness of His Honor JUDuE DAWSON, the regular Term of this Court stands ad journed tn the Fourth Monday in November next; of which Jurors, Witnesses, and all other persons interested will taka dua notice, and give thair aiieqdaoce accordingly. By ordarol tha Judga. , ... fUCHOIJJON, Clerk. Eaton!*., topi. IS, 1848. SQ 3, it. iM VecntTf.—Rn. Johii L Ifuufo.. frofo»Mr .f Spra ( *t5» *o«w« •ffKto. fotoU r D.I*rtm.i4•■nbrMM.Uih. branch*, wu.lljr taught I. Thestocic.l HehooU ofih.lrai Faculty.—Rev. Job. Dace. D. D., Pra.iton:; Rev, P. H. Mall, A. M h Prof, of Languages; B. O. A- M-» Prof, of Chemistry and Natural Pliiloaophy ; 8-P- Sanford, A. M' Professor of Mathematics; Rev. S. G. Millycr, A. Profoeaor (elect) of Bellas Lettrae. The course or studtee in the College i* as full as iu any kindred ioatitution In the South. ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT. Rev. Thomas D. Martin, A. B., Principal. The Students in this Department are prepared for College under the direction of the Faculty. EXPENSES. . Tutlion,in the CollsgiatM Department, $35 for the scholas tic year; imho Preparatory Department.$‘J5;in the Theologi cal Depart moot, free. Board from 7 to $8 per month. Washing, Room rent,ficc., about$2,00 per month. The first session commences on the 2d Wednesday in Au* gust, and closes on the 30th of November. The 2nd ecs.ion begin* on the !5lh of January, nnd closes with the Commencement Exercises on the 2d Weanesday in For the course of studies in the several departments, iu de tail, refer to the Christian Index, orspply to one of the Pro- r.s. IW Ol OO.. Kiafiftn. Q3* The Chronicle and Sentinel.nnd Constitutionalist, Au gusts; the Whig and Banner, Alliens, the Southern Recorder and Journal, MilledgeyiHe; the Republican and Georgian, Savannah, and the Enquirer ami Thumb, Cc'iiiiubits, are re quested to publish the above once a month for five months, and forward their accounts for settlement to the Treasurer, Thomas J. Burnev, Madison. Sept. 30th 1845. 1 m5m AUGUSTA. AND IWACON, (1*1(1 Madison) STAGE FUTILE. The Nearest, Cheapest, and only Route beticeen these two important points, now in operation, that runt directly through without delay upon the road. L EAVING Madison on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings, after the arrival of the Cars from Augusta, pi ssingby Eatonton,Clopton’a Mills, Blountsville, Clinton, and arrive at Macon at 7 o’clock, P. M., where we intersect the line for Tallahassee, and a daily line of Four Horse Post Coaches for Columbus. RETURNING, Leave Macon on Tueaday, Thursday, and Saturday at 2 o’clock, A. M., passing through the above named plm-ra.nnd arriving ot Madison at 3} o’clock, P. HI,, where we will never fail to connect with the downward train of Cart for A ugusta. We also run a line to Mtllrdgeville and Monticello for Milledgeville. Leave Madison on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings,after tho arrival of the cars Irom Augusta, panning through Eatonton, nnd arrive at Milledgeville at 5 o'clock, P. M. where we will connect with o daily line of four horse Conches for Savannah and Macou. Returning, leave Milledgeville on Tuesday, Thursday and Sa‘ .irdnv, nt 3 o’clock, A. M., passing by Eutonton, and rive at Madison at 3| o’clock,I*. M. For Monticello, leave Madison on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, after the arrival of the chts from Augus- la, passing hy Whitfield’*, nnd arrive at Monticello at 1 o clock, P.M. Returning, leave Monticello, on Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday,at 8} o’clock, A. At., and arrive at Madison at 3| o’clock, P. M. Travellers may rely upon good horses and coaches, and sober and steady, and careful driver*. We hope, bv good and close attention to share a part of the public patronage. CJ. .H, CAMPBELL, Agent, Madison. ST.L'NIER, “ Alncon. wm. aooLNBYf “ N. HAWKINS, “ Milledgeville. Col. BRYAN, “ Eatonton. HAWKINS fit BIUGGS, Proprietors. Sept. 30, 1845. l jf Caution. A LL persons are cautioned against trading for a note made XIl bv mo to Duncan Mims, foi $70. I do not recollect the date of said note, but it is the onl v one of tho sort I ever gave, and I am determined not to pay the same, unless compelled ... « « ARCHIBALD MIMS. Jacksonville,Ga. Sept. 10th, 1845. 52 tf FURNITURE AND HOUSE CARPENTRY. R OBERT D. HALL (tuccettor of IF. Lord,} has con stantly on hand, make3 to order, nnd repairs all kinds of Furniture. All kinds of HOUSE CARPENTRY done in the best manner, and low. All kinds of Paints can be had ready for use, Glosscutto any size, and Glazing done. Also, Glass for Picture fromes, ficc. of various sizes; Ilnrd- wure Fnmmings for Furniture, ficc., and Mahogany and Black Walnut Draw Knobs, ficc. Ladies will please call at Mr. Newell’s 8tore, where they "H be conducted into the Shop and can see the Furniture. Milledgeville, June 10, 1845. 37 if A CARD. I T 'a deemed by the Trustees and Resident Physician to *. h " :!.v I'P.v.vxRf wsvimr .r/j 'ir 0 tlJFg v/ x*: AT" «i5- tween 12 and 2, and after 5 P. M.; and within those hourson- Iv in company with the Phvsicisn or by bis written permit to the .Steward und Alatron, except under peculiar circutustau- **• D. COOPER, Res. l'hys. fie Huporint. Ang. 12,1845. 47 tf MEDICAL COLLEGE OF THE STATE „ or SOUTH CAROLINA. HIE Annual Court-e of Lectures in this Institution will . commence on the secoud Monday in November next, upon the following branches: Anatomy by—J. E. HORLBROOK, AI. D. Surgery—E. GEDDINGS, M.D. Institutes and Practice—8. H. DICKSON, M. D. Physiology—jaaies Moultrie, m. d. Materia Medicn—HENRY R. FROST.AI. D. Obstetrics—THOMAS G. PRIOLEAU, AI. D. Chemistry—C.U. SHEPARD. M.D. Demonstrator—Sl\ JULIAN RAVENEL, M. D. Clinical instruction will he delivered at the Aiarine Hos pital, Alms House and College Hospital. Good Boarding can he obtuined at from three and half to four dollars per week. Specimens in Natural History will he thankfully received. irt HENRY R. FROST, Dean. August 12th, 1845. 46—8t. Nolice to Debtors nnd Creditors. A LL persons tiuving demands against the estnte of Wil liam Brown, late of Wilkinson county,deceased, are requested to render them in terms of the law; and those in ment to the subscriber. September 1st, 1845. requested to make immediate pay- FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. C.11‘1 T.MIa $300,000. milE NEW-YOKK CONTKAUUTIONSHIP FIRE 1 INSURANCE COMPANY liavingeBtahlishedaiiagen- cy in Knoxville,Crawford county.willinsurc BUILDINGS, MERCHANDIZE, HOUSE HOLD FUR MTU RE, and evervdescription of property, aguinst loss or damage by * NCIS II. AIURDOCK. Agent. Kn il lo, J11 ii FRANCIS • 11,1614. 37 tf MEDICAL CARE. D OCTOR FAWCETT, ofl9G, Fulton street, New York Aleinher of the Royal College of Surgeons, of London and Edinburgh, and Graduate of the Jefferson Meriieul Col lege of Philadelphia; also, author of n work embracing the following subjects, viz ;—Matrimony, Impotency nnd Sterili ty, aiialomicully, ph>sinlogiciilly, and medically explained, with a comprehensive exposition’of the nature, and modern treatment of Syphilis, Secondary Symptoms, Gonnrrhccn, Gleet, Stricture's, Nocturnal Emis.-mii*, nnd nil the emme- qumteca arising limn self pollution. Doctor Fawcett contin ues his privute consultations on the nboveineniioned diseases, at his long established office, 196 Fulton street, where lh* mo«t aggravated forms ot all affections of the generative or* gaus will yield to his inode of treutment, without restraint in dietor exercise,and without mercury. Eveu when the pro creative energies become toroid nr paralyzed, from excessive indulgence, or from masturbation, he will be able to restore the parts to health and vigor. Persons at a distance, enclos ing $ I, can have a copy of the work. All letters must he post paid,and directed to Dr. II. Faw cett, 196 Fulton street,Now York. Aug-26. 48 fun A PROCLAMATION* STATE OF GEORGIA. By GEORGE W.CRA WFORD, Governor of taid State H AVING receiveil information that a murder was commit ted on the 1st day of August, in the countv of Lownde*, upon the body of Hamukl Maui.dF.N, bv DAVfD W. KING, who has fled fromjustu e, I hnve thought proper to issue this, my proclamation, offering 11 reward of One HUNDRED Dol lars, to any person, or persons, who may apprehend nnd deliver said fugitive, to the Sheriff, or Jailor, of Lowndes county. And I do moreoverchnrgesnd require all officers, civil and military,to be vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the said KING, in order that lie may be tried for the offence with which lie stands charged. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at the Capitol in Milledgeville, this 15th day of Hep tninker, A. D.1845. GEORGE W.CRAWFORD. By the Governor: N. C. BARNETT, Secr’v of State. DESCRIPTION. The said KING i* about 23 years of • go, thin visage, swarthy complexion,blue eyes, dark hair, has a down look, aud is about 6 fast high. 61 3t FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. S TOLEN from the Subscriber, in Campbell county, Ga., on the 15th of August lost, a negro boy about iwejve years old, by the name of ‘ ~~ ‘ ‘ RAFE, belonging to Thomas Pitts, sod . fiber this year, dark complected, large front teeth, large chin, spooks quick whfn spoken to, well grown to his age. Also, stolen the asms night, by cutting s hole in my trunk, some twfr.iy five or thirty dollar*. The above reword ttiil be given for the negroond thief, lodg ed in any safe }nii j or forty dollore for the thief, with suffic ient pr»jof to convict him; nr ten dollars for the s«id hoy, I'-iiged in ony safe jail. J.C. HILVEY. HTTbo Columbus Enquirer nnd Wotumpko fAlo.) Whig will pie**" publish the above three months, nod forward thair aceottRtotomo. J.O.0. Martbosvilis, DoKolb eo., Go., Aug. Sfi. 4< lit hired by the Subscriber this year, dork complected, largi 'Ol THE SPLENDID ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class li, for 1845, To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday October II,. 1845. 78 NUMBER LOTTERY—1* Drawn Ballot* BRILLIANT SCHEME. 1 flrnnd Cnpllml or *30.000 1 Splendid prize of 98,600 1 Prize ot 10,000 1 Do. 0,000 1 Do. 8.8TT so Prizes of i ,ooo SO Do. SOO SO Do. 4«» &<-. &c. io. Ticket. $1S—Ifni... T SO-au»rwra *3 78- KiRlitft*! S»J Certific.tex of of 26 wltole Tickets, $180 00 Ds ilo S6 Half do 90 00 Do do 26 (lu.rter do 45 00 Do do 26Kigtl0i do 50 dj 5 Order, for Ticket, and Slinrea and Certificates of Pact, ages io the above Magnificent Shkmks will receive proin; attention end an uccoout of tUe Draw ing will be sent imm di.ielv after it ia over lo nit wlio may order from ua. Addre. «.,<• «.«hcuohv * SfShlSCTf.TK-c. NEW STOCK OF WATCHES, JEWELRY — cutlery; AND FAIVOY GOODS/ »lf I. OWE Ml PRICES than they Hax * ever teen offered for in Georgia. C K. WENTWORTH, formerly in (he entplr • of Mr. Childs of Milledgeville, (as Watchmaker,) b« . recently returned from New-York, with a fine slock of Watches, Jewelry, Plated Ware. An. A* • — CONSISTING QF— Superior Gold nnd Silver Lever Watches, Gold Fob, Guard and Ladies Neck Chains, Gold, Silver, and Steel Spectaoles, Gold and Silver Pencils, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Breast Pins, Finger Ring* nnd Ear Kings, Gold Buttons.Studs and t liain Glides,Thimbles, Ladies’ Fine Gold und Huir Bracelets, Jet Combs, Hair Pins and Head Ornaments, ficc. Roger’s Superior Pen and Pocket Knives, Knzor’n and Scissors, Fine Plated Castors, Cake Baskets and Candle Stick Brittania Ware, Fancy Goods, ficc.fitc. ficc. Embracing almost every article usually kept in his line, Aid . of which is ENTIRELY NEW and of the mott fanhional• i style und best quality, and will be sold at prices winch cant- 1 fail to suit pnrehasers. Watches nnd Jewelry of every description f" • paired at the shortest notice. All Watches repaired or so will he warranted to keep good time for one year or the cat refunded. Watches Bent from any port of the country wi. • receive tha tame attention, and be repaired on at reatonab- > term* at though the owner were pretent. C. K. WENTWORTH, Watch Maker and Jeweler, tlore adjoining that of Mr. Get » A. Kimberly, Mulberry Street,MACON, Geo. Macon, jAn. 7, 1845.15 tf WILLJAM K. DcGRAFFENRIED ATTORNEY AT LAW, Blakely, Early County, Geo. Refer ences—/fbn. Seaborn Junes,lion. W.T.Co’ quin, Hon. A. Iverson, Hon. Joseph Sturgis, JohnSchle., and Henry L. Benning Esqrs. Jan.2, 14 tf Broiitfli t to Jnllt ^ IN Irwiuton, Wilkinson county, on the 33s- du, v of June, 1845, one black negro fellow tn the .*inme of Moses, about 5 feet 2 inches higi black complexion, whole tei th in front, with noothef marks seen, who says he belongs tu Gen Hn uiilton, of Oswitchee Bend, Alahuin«| Tho owner is request* d to come forward, prove proper!* 1 p.y eharg.8and rakehim ^ MURpHy> Jailor . June 2Rih. 1845. 40 If A It rough t to Jail. gm . neiram.B.wh'j^Kimfift'W’Jlrri'Yl'BW^ DU about tweutv-fi ve years of age, five feet six or e ‘8 l,t inches big b, rather yellow complexion, ^/ and says be helm ’gs to a man living in Grange unmMmAOk county, N. C., by the name nf Sundy Cheek. The owneror owners are reque. vied to coine forward, prov* property, pay charges, and take h. ’m July 13th,1815. £>*. B. AiURPHY, Jailor. 43 tf Brought to .Tull' A T Irwinton, Wilkinson county, Georgia, a negro man, who says his name is GEOR GE, about twenty-two years old, rather yellow complexion, five feet six oreigUf inches high, and says ho belongs to Jo bn Carter, of Colum bus Georgia- The owner or owners are reouefled to coma forward, prove properly, pay charges, ano’ Hike him away. * v S.t. MURPHY, Jailor. July 14tb, 1845. 43 tf Brought to Jail,' THIS day, a negro man who *ays his name i* FRANK.and that hn belongs to Jesse Beck, o* Henry county, Ga. Said negro is of light com plexion, about five feet ten inches high, speaks t quick when spoken to. The owner it' requested to I temfi forward, prove property, pay i'Jiarges, anJ take hitn away. b T. A. BRANNON, Sheriff. luscogee co., July 9,1845. 42 ml2nXorif It roilK>it to Jflil. O N the 14th inst. a negro lellow by the name of P.^ELIXs about twenty one years old, of yellow complexim L abou" five feet six inches high, w ho says he belongs to Genera '1 Reu ben C. Hliorter, of Eufnula Ala. 1. A. BRANNON, Sh’ff. of Muscogee Coun ty. Columbus, Hept. 24th 1845, I—mI2mori *’• ATWHIUEMTulf* 1 ’ Will pracUa in all itTSSES'tfS:' toe.,r. Cireui, /lh ‘ 19 If . „ PROSPECTUS’ ' Dr. David Coorm, Re.idem l'h..ici,„ .„d ■ torn of (he l.unaiie, Idle: .ml Bpileptie Amlmn of Gear,h, M.r fiflktomillCS* of Go«rau„‘ 1 8 '*" po.e. pubtielimfi by nbrnrlpiian, • P.rfodir.l m beS,!"?' VO. J.nrnnl .r I....,.,, u,. c , physical Maladies. mntat This work lo be primed on eood neper, win, , in p.n.pbim form, qn.n.rU, .ml .0 VompiiT, «. in each number, lira firm .nicle of wl.ieii noui illurir.lioo. »l ih. tnceplioD aflne.niiv und Knilen.. '*.": e ‘;.f‘°" <1 V ,wn WW. and SawTutaufeu' ,h *' r «d. I he exlfllenen end progrex, „f | 0Mlli ,, ‘‘'j- eountr,ee ,n nil ages in Ihe prevent time. muerenl 3d. Tit. piunv or ej'Hienie of viohai. .„d fhjsicai for rt. emelmr.iim, end cure, coinpri.ine the..,'' erection of A.ylnme, tie., with their proereevive i, " nrnril. in nil countrie. 1. the preeem dale. ""prere. 4th. lUuetr.tiou. of the ditcrep.xcies in .UKeniilM,'. Insanity, in civilised .nd life, .nd the pl'ffl', lj ' '? enurare. Under tlii. heed will be coutraeted the j ? ( Inaa.ity,betweenour.lavee»«d«SSL" free negroee, based upon eorrect elatistica. 'infra 5ih. Correct end l.itlilol derails and descriptions „r, k melancholy homicides end .uiridee commiitccl bv , in society upon their friends end themselves, while * el lerge; four uf lire latter of which have taken olar^-'lc® higher, literary end piuua of life in Georxia in ti, " months. s 1 “ ntf * 6th. The infrequency of theeo feral accidents in contrasted will, the above. yratus 7th. Correct liistoriea in our end other State c n n„ fnr the commitsion of, and atlentpia to commit homicLt.l’’ insane persuns: comprising the leaiintnn v, counsel chare. V Ihe judges to the juries, and verdicl of acquittal or'caurKi ' Under this department rnurli v.iu.ble medicsIjurisDru^n,' i mailer nmy be anlicipnled lo tire legal profession from it," varied end extensive reports of legal end medicnl ten,hJ„ cnniributors to th). Journ.l, (some of’ Irend) from other ttlalre. *<Jyt» 8th. Extracts from some or ell of the Reports of the I „ netic Asylums ol Europe end Ihe United Hlelee, their coat,entire immHgerneiit, morut and phyaicnl P ® This lest department is to comprise a detailed Cbift short; of lire lew originating our Institution fo, ,hj la" sane, ihe Idiot .ltd Lpilepltc; .ppropriatiorts, location V" ' chase, cost of buildings,tiro, finish; first reception of natier progressive,; laws, rules end reral. lions; general tremnienl olpmienls-murol.nd descriplliilih of our ponenra' insenitv, idiocy nnd et ’ end prodromic, predisponenl, .-r "ssutiuic physical oisfsV.V with their nges. sexes, social condition, corpore.l ninlcunfh ’ malione, deformities, rnenltl imbeciliriee and fatoiiir, he deemed ofinteresl tn patrons, with our cures ol esses ■ all cases suppressing tire names or pnlienls-dctnils of7.1 cases, cures, Ate., Ate., lip to the preseut year. These«7 now in noasession. v a,w 9th. Occ.eionul ease, of Lunatics trunelennl f Iclni -j,.,. I’rieona or Penitentiaries to Asylums, including some hn , onr own Penitentiarv. 11 IO1I1. und last. '1 lie Report of our men Institution for thn preseni yeurop 10 the first of November, designed and hope destined, to fill n higher niche in the temple of nltilia! lloopy, and gild with brighter tints and more indellihle iui. press the nageof folure history than any in the world The published Reports of the lust year's superb trndeneais Resident Physician hy (lie propricinr of this Journal, hnvine met with general success in awakening the public misd an tins subject, not only in oor own tiime, but in several of ihe oilier grates which uru destitute of a similar institution is evinced by frequent letters, euliciliog more of our repom'for distribution, induce the proprietor to offer this work to the public through the usual channel of . prospectus or sub scription list which will be widely circuleled lliruuehouithe United titnles.parlicularly the Eoutli and West. 6 Gentlemen nnd ladies ffor it ia expected the fair sex will teke a deep interest in this humane enterprise, as should it succeed well,the proprietor pledgee himacll to app, 0 priitcs liberal share of the proceeds lo the support ol the destitute children of pauper lunatics, idiots and epileptics; obtaining subneribers shall be entitled to. full «opy of lire work mats milled to their nearest Post Office, fur every five resp.uiihlt subscribers forwarded lo Ihe proprietor fret of postage by tha first of August, or as early thereafter us practicable! la tte- ry instance one-half 1 lie subscription money must be renitied in advance, to the pulili her free of postage, on the arrival of lire first number of (Ire work et the subscribers nearest Poll Office. Its ould be recollected ihmponnge it much rsdurtj under the new few. No subscription for less thuu sixmoilhs and should the work cease before that time, Ihe money skull be refunded from the time of ceeselion. It ie sanguinely an ticipated tliia Journal will exist colemporeneouBiy with,in crease in interest, aud he replenished with inleiesiine and valuable motter, pari passu with the radiating charity ind diffusing popularity ol the ,'nstituiion. TE l»S. This work will be furnished through the Pont Office to sub scribers at two FIFTH cknts per annum, para ble ONE-HALF in advanck, to he remitted In iheprnprielor by agents (tree or postage; on the reception of the first number, assurcances of which must be furnished the proprietor upon return uf subscription lists by the first ol Augnst. The lira: number will be issued by the first of November Deal. 1M1LLEDOEV11.LK, June,1645. O’ Editors of Newspapers, Journals, Periodicals, Ace. in serting tliis, or on appropriate notice ol the proposed work, to the amount of its value, shall leceive . copy of Ihe work on sending the proprietor a copy of their paper containing the New York Cily Advertisement. PRINT WAREHOUSE IN NEW YORK. To supply the city & interior trade bv thepirce or packaf« J\o. 44 CEDAll STREET, (NEAR WILLIAN-6T.) L EE Ac BREWSTER give notico to Dealera in Dry Good" that they have removed ilieir WARE-HOUSE for l’RIN TED CALICOES EXCL USIVELY, from Pearl lo 44 Ced« Street. By confining ilieir attention to PRINTS ONLY ,1. Ac li-are enabled to exhibit an eatsorimeiil far Mi>rpah«in£ an., ever before offered in America—-and to t>el! at puce* aa Ion aud a kn kkali.Y lower, than those whose attention is divide mong a large variety oi articles. The Stock consists nfSKVKRAL THOUSAND PATTERNS AN t COLOUR, embracing every variety of AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRINTS in market—many styles of which aregotup exclutivetyfor thru own salts,and cannot be had elsewhere, except in second hands. Dealer* in Prints will find it for their interest to examiiK thi* Block before making ilieir purchase*—they will have th advantage oilearning the lowest market price, aud compar ing nil the desirable style* in inorkel Hide ay aide. Catalogues of piices. corrected with every vai ialion of lire market,are placed iu ilia handaof buyers. Oct. 8,1841.2 tf N otice. —Tha following person*, or, if dead, their re presentatives, may hear ot something to their advantage, by application at the office ol the Charleston Courier, vis :•* Catharine Alexander, Ex. (A. D. 1792); Daniel Atwon4, (1796); Attweli Ishabod,(1801); Harali Butler, (1764); J«** Bull, (1797); Joseph Brevard,(18(H)); Hugh Beiiiun*,( 1800); John Bniwulee, (1794); Andrew Bank in*, (1792); Rebecca Bampfield, (1792); Elizabeth Bunch, (1795); Elin* Ball,(1797k Victorina G. Boiagerard (1811); Crawford Davidson, (1795); Chri.-tians Daubuz, or Daubug, (1801 ): Josinb Dickinson, adm’r of James liiifhfl**? (1811); J^ohn Darrell, (1709; Mar* Gregory, (1811); Isaac Holmes, E*'l of James Htanyarne, (1792); Thomas Horry, Ex’r of E. Horry, (1798); John Bet Holme*,in irnat for Harriet Edward*,(1798); ArchiV^ld Hnr* vey.(l793)’ William Hurt, (1803); Ann Elliott Huger, (1802); Nathaniel Heyward, (1806); Edw. Lownde*, (IWl): I*aao Legare, (1792); Langston Ai Dixon, (i796); gumuel Li’uinf, Ex'orofR. Guerard,(t8l3); Jainea Lowndes, (1801); Joh.nP. i Martin and B- A. Markley,for Robt. Martin, (1794); John C. ) Marlin, (1794); John Elias Moore. (1812); John Nichit, (1796); Jamea Pov is. London, (179.^); Wm. Price, (1797); Esther Prescott,(i797|; John Price, (1795); Robt. Meott, (1792); Win. ' Stephen, (1796); Jainea Smith, in trust, (1793); Love Btone, i (1801); Pcier&miih.adiu’ororJno.H. Smith, (1804); Frances j Simmon*,in trust (or the estate of John Holmes, (ltM*6); Robt. . Smith, (1812); Thomas Turner, (1794); Mary Tucker, (1795); , n . PROPOSALS For Publishing in Savannah a Monthly Periodical\ TO BE CALLED Tilft oUbitiLiuit uioxortioai* AND LITERARY MACAZINE. PROSPECTUS. T HE originators ot ibis work believe that the field forlile* rary exertion and influence, in our country, ia everyday growing wider and wider; and they are willing to occupy at least a portion of the ground, which seems to invite lahouim. The chief object which tiiey have io view, is to aid in vindica ting lor the Southern States that literary position which, il if believed, they are qualified lo assume. They design alao. through this clianuel, to point oul the resources nna defend the interestaul the South,io represent with truth the chanc ier and condition of the people, and to furnish increased occa sion for intellectual effort. With these views, they ban sought lo enlist in the uudertaking the beat talent of the whole douili; and they feel, that they can appeal w ith some confi dence to their fellow citizen* tor support and co-operation- The work will be Southern—it will be the organ of a sec- Bou ; but in no nai row spirit of hostility to any portion of our country. Justice and candour towards all, will govern iu course ; and il will steadily pursue the sacred aims of Truth. There ia need, especially in this day of cheap literature, for stern and discriminating criticism. Manliness and orifinaltiy oftliouglit—ns well as sound morals—are iu danger of being crushed under the mass of trashy or corrupt publications, both foreign and domestic, with which the press teem*. They call loudly for some daring and independent rensor, who will lay On the lush of severe but just criticism, “without fear or fa vor,” and who will guard the interests of literature against lliove influence* of the publishing houses of thecountry which through magazine and newspaper puffing, confer so many false reputations on worthless volumes, and coriupt the very sources of a well regulated and wholeaome public opinion.— We therefore avow ai the outset, that we intend io deal with these authors, publishers end hooks, with a severity only lim ited by ourahililiea, and a proper regard for the couriesier due to an enlightened community. t We know and feel that our literature is young, and hitherto hut too imitative. Nevertheless thut veiy youth hss its ad- vantages and we shall endeavor to give thein full play, by en couraging fresh and vigorous exhibitions of the mind of our own country. That ihisiapre-oniiiieiitly the land of original thought, our Patent Office, our workshops,our fields and our river* abun dantly illustrate. In the Fine Arts, American genius !'"■ produced works of which any nation might he proad. Wa a»*e already rivaling old Europe in every department of iom • lion i suve only in that of literature. Even in this, an indepre* dent a*seriion of thought and feeling lias commenced, which the American position and character demand, and are calcu lated! tu develope. Men here aland to tacit other in new sad adva need relation*. Any expressions that shall be true to tl condi tions, must give our literature new and original forn.- — It wil) accordingly he one ot the cherished object* nt <ret Magazine, to foster, by all the means in our power,-i.») im pulse ol u.Mivc and original genius. While uotjiiiig of a sectarian or partisan chan «'•« will ba admitted into our page*, we shall by no means si... h ft®* dUcussing religious and political topics. They iuvol'c ibe highest interests of man, and at present,tnorelhan at any )'■•* period, attract the serious attention of all reflecting mind-. The interest which the South has in the efficiency » n<1 character olthe Army and Navy, willcluim for both aenievaa prominent place in our roluinns. Our Naval and Military Officers have often shown that they are aa competent to adora the literature, aa to defend the honor of their country; and * number of able contributora will be secured from their r»o*a Tliii* Magazine will also he the medium through wliicbthe GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY will regularly pub lish much of its most interesting material—portion* of it* do mestic and foreign correspondence, cnmmuuicatioDi,lecU.r*<» and other popera which may possess a general value. We believe too tlmt out po. ition haa peculiar advantage. Georgia lies nearest th* centre ol the boulhern Slates, are thus possesses superior opportunities for estimating southern opinion, and giving a true expression lo southern interrat*. The work will he published hy W. Thohne W H.LIAM o® the first day of every month, beginning in October next, The price willbe Fire Dollars per annum, payable vance. Agent* will he allowed a liberal coiiiiniHHoni au® their efforts lo obtain subscribers are respectfully solicited.— Returns to be made by the first of August. Bnvannah, May 1,1845. . (LTEditors desirous ot exchanging will please insert this Prospectus. 34 tf Robt. Williams. (1881); James Warrington, (1798); John Wakefield,aeu. (1799); Tbos. Young, 1817) ; Rev. Michl.Crosby,(1817); J 1818) ; 8aml. Davenport, (1817 ht hrii B.Campbell,in trust, Htopber De Grnflenreidt, 1825); Rev.Edw. Elitnfton,(l8001;EpUconnl Church,(1RIC); ' u I*. Elliott,(1818); F. At E. Fance, (1890); Jamea Gar vey, (1792); MiaaSarab Guarani, of Beaufort, (I $25})Richard l !! e reT,|iuni; i*ii»■ naran uutnini,oi oovuiuii,\ioiui.fouaiu Hutson, (1801); Win. Horti Ex'or Jana Pearl,(1798); Wm. f Horl, Ex’or Win. Dunlap, (1798); Mary Line li Horry, |18l 1 ft . John Johnson, of9€ih IMatrict, (1793); Wm.Jeuner fc Co, . (1818k Col. Wm. King, (1810), James Moore of Georgia, I 117921: State Cincinnati Society of Georgia; Rev. Thos. H. : Price,(1817), Buaannali Kivere,[17851 Lynch Roberta,(1792); ’ Dr. Jaaies Htuan, (1818); Margaret Torre, Kx'x of Solan, . (18161; Niarda, Grannie 4 Co. (1792V; Klizabath WilUrms, 1 (1792); Bird, Bavag* fo Bird; Jtfoo J. PriagU; Natlil. Rut- , anil, in treat for Cbarlaaton resurancaCompaav. keireofGao. MAIL. AHHANGFJHFAT. Northern Mail. Doe Daily, (except Bunday,) at 10 a. m. Closes Daily, “ at 9) a.m. Savannah Mail• Due daily, (i acept Monday.) at 3 r. m. Closes daily, ** at 8p.m. Macon and Columbu* Mat If Due daily, (except Sunday,) at S p. M. Close* daily. “ at 8 r. m. Eatonton Mail. Du. Mondav. WeduMd.j audFridej, .if r.u. Clous “ “ » atlr.M. Montiullc Mail. DBKTkarsdayaatftaadai att P.M. C LOtR » Ma»W*> a»U TbavaUw) •« f .M % Ilawksnsoilie Mail. C LOS Li Morul.jr aud *r 8 r. a. Florida Mail. CL.m Hoad.;,