The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, October 14, 1845, Image 4

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•okMjr, M (M Ini Twnlay I* I** «ul kaara * ‘ . i *f aala, iIm > laHat H. J »k*rMK> ( *aai^IfMlrtlawM* la?afy <, |ijtf J1 aUw™ an B. IVaahlairloa. d«ce«t»d,lhat lh»aaM Ei«nlrl« ha* fill- tm'lMI*, nn lilaTui af Kdionad Rail, torw.rl; •* aakf lot j la- \ It on Mid EaUta, aad wlalica la ba dlmilmd |M«I aalhaprapanjr of Jacob l>. Hi.lilow.r, lo Mll.fy a 6 iliarafmm t S la ft.ur uf TV**. n Jacob I> HI|Muw*r ‘ » ***!*•• ''I Inferior Court, Htth^/BrOrMuuryfurpout, July V ¥T appaarlnf la lliaCaurl b* iba npnaauuilnn of Mn. I Elllabath Waaklnfloa, rxaeuirli on ilia EalaiaoT Hah- ail B. IVaahlaaloa. daoaaaad.lbat Ihtnid EiMitlrl* hatful- Sapiainbar !R>, 1845. JAMBA W.MAPPIN, Shariff. I li ia tliaialbra, on inolioa. ordand, Thai iha OJarfc nf ilila \ foiiri dn iauue a cliailnn najuuing all |»>t»on. oonccrnml, in ahew unit.., il any lliay liaaa. on or lial'irn ilia arciind lion —— . _ i j -■ ———. t day in January naal, why aaid diainiaaiuii aliuuld nnl lir frail wrtrt ln»vemb«r HUcrll’l Milled. | i* ( |—and dial aaid ultatiou ba published sccurdlli, tu It'S it l to- l.l. ha anMhafora iha Cuurt-liuunodoor in Ih.tuwu ol qulmu.ut. Kabatilto'Onwf'ird ooonly, on lh« frai l haadny ln • 1 a iruoealiaci rnuulha uiinulea,lliln 7th dn* »r July, IM5. .a ..... iL.r.i 4| a ,Bm JOHN W. W. BNEAD.i) c.o. RMIIKH toil, within lln uaual huura olaalc.iliofol ia win bualiala of corn. awlnf aiuiianr.ia win Sifbi atacka Of h»dd«r -*ml four hundred aavaarlaaa; laatod on aa ilia proparty of Jamaa E. Klaimr. laaaliafyon Ih from Craa Abraham Maw aa J on-. F.. Hlallcr fcpThaaduriek IV.Mumlhrl.En) UBOItGIA, Newtou County. { C0VRT OF OUI>I *' ARY - *""• 184 ?'- Property pointed out l, • lint John I*. Thompson, Ad- Sept 80,1815. _ iniiiirtiralor on lli« estate of 8iiihi**I Thompson,deceased, ha* fully administered said estate, and hr liaving mode uppli cuiion lor letter* of dismission from mid adminiatraiion: It is,therefore, ordered, llml lire Clrrk of this com! do issue nanrr November ShorlH’a Mill's. * ucimlU.rrquirin* all ... rwinaroiicrriird, In .how .•auae. If . . a knu...inn,.iMi VaiHnn. • «hv i lir v liu ve, oil or before I he d ue p u bliea lion ol this cita- LL ba iuld baforalha Goarl.bouaadoor a M, ju „, w |, v .„,d Icit-r. ahoiil.l not and Hint ihisoillthm I aa mum W»l. U. LliCKIK.c.0.0. w property to wit: Two ’fractional lota of land, lying on the water* of the On • followi I " MO ftivsr, ami known by thr —•II lying in tha Hilt PUtr Montgomery county ; levied on i llowinf Nu nibers, 316 uni! 317 ! criiiU'l i Tt'lfttir CvilVtlY —all lylt>B *-W. llUi^WHo. of b—riy-WillMf-?w) IIBKBAA John M.-l.r-n., ! \\7 lIKKI'aA.S John A!«• I.cmii, Aduiiiiirtrator « A y . °! ,u, ‘ ^Thraa'aio^Vlirratorn.tuGlIrand ..l.nohlahall and . uy “" J I ,ho,r. .old da,,.,,...l.l„ hr. iaad- and relumed to tna by a bailiff. J.M.W A l.l., Sheriff. Tel fair November ShcrlflS Sale *«oldin Jacksonville, Telfair county, on the first I . n> 111 yV Tuaailaj in NOVKJIUER next, within the legal hours k ti^OKGIA, Willtilltfon fi'Olinly singular Ihn kiuilicd auderrditors of said decrased,to hr mill npprnrn t Inv office, within the time preKcribnl liy Inw, to show cuu*e,il any they Jmve, why said Irtters of diriuisiiioii should not br grnuti'da Given under my bund, nt oilier, thin 3d dnv nf Junr, 11545. U7 iu6in J NO l\ Melt A F., C. C. O. j GFOIIdlA, U II \\7|ieRFAS jucol efaale, the following property, to wit? I , One lot of land, the lot on which llcdeu Hnw lens, Sni„ j \\ bnnerlv lived; levied on ns the properly of Rrdrn Raw lens, | deceased. l*» aatidfy sundry fi fat from a Justice a Court, in J [M I'"; * or of klaIroiu N. Me Rue. Properly levied on and return- f am ■ i,.. Mmby.tnw.blr- W , LUAM ELL|Si J hindrad nnd r bror ad 8«pl.3». 1815. Administrator's Male. W HX hr mold by nn order of the Inferior Court of *1 elfnir county, on the first Tiiesdny in December next, lot Mo. aa in lli«7lb llialricl «ud dd Moli-rn of originally Clieroksr, WOW Murray county. Alao ,on the fimt 'rorsdav in January next, wt Jm ksuuville, Telfuir countv, lot No. Unknown as the McA Hi* t*r place, and Noa. l6f> aiHl lf>7,nll in tha 9th District nf raid county, with the inrunihcrunce of the widow’s dower ; ami Ih* 7ih District oj* said county, and a negro woinui h Krrrinan, Adiniuistrntor fin the ea> hum of Jcremhili Allen, lute ufanid county, deceased, to me for Icttcis of disii-iMMion fioui said Aduiiuistrn refiirr, to cite nnd admonish al 1 nud singular ^ rrditora of said decenml, to hr vud appear nt toy office within the. lime prescribed l»y rliow cause, if •liy they have, win Haiti letters should not he grunted. (tiven under my hand ut office, this I.'mIi dnv ol Mny, 1845. 34 uifiiti AUG. 11. HAIPOUP, Clerk. GCOKOIA, l*uiiI<liiiK County. ’ 1IFRFA8 William Adair appliei ' Sold at* the property of William Studstill, er. Into of said county, deeensed, for the benefit of the heir* ami creditors of aaid deceased. Terms made known on tlm days olmile, WM. STUDS I Adm’r. • Telfair county, September 24th, 1845. Administrator's «nl«, 11/ ILfa ItH sold al the lute residence of John Eudv, ar.d •• ▼ ? ceased, on Tiiesdxy, the 21st dnv of October next, all tha perishable property belonging to tho eninte of suid de* caased,consisting of horses, liogs, cattle, sheep, plantation tools,household nnd kitchen furniture, and many other arti- eles now loo tedious to mention. Sale to continue irom day to dnr until dll is sold. Terms made known on the d«v of •ale.* IIKNRV KADY, Administrator. Wilkinson county, Sept. 5th 1845. 50 ids for letters of ut the estate of Allen IIil said county, deceased J These are, thereloie. to cite nnd admonish nil nnd singular the kindred uml creditors of suid deceased, to be and appear 50 j si my office, within the time prescribed hv low,to show cause, ( if any they have, why said letters should not be grained. Given under my liuud, at office, this ‘Jf»th flav ol Sept, 1845. 2 uiGtu E. THOMPSON,O. C. O. ) GCORUIA, UtM'ntiir Couuty. \\TIIKKEAS Thomas Wliighaui, Administrator on the | I f estate of William Whigham, lute ol suid county, de- t ceased, applies for letters of Dismissiou from suid Adminis- ] tralion * These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ull umlslngulnr, ' the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be uml appear ! at my office, within the time prescribed hv law, to shew causa J if any they have, whv said letters should not be granted, i Given under my hand at office, this 2d day of Sept., 1845. I 50 Gm ** JOHN P. DICKFNSON, Executor's bnlts / to an order of the Infei . kinsoii countv, while silling for ordinary purpn * ’ • - * ** * * * vlntoii, \V vill b# sohl before the Gourt*house door in Irwinton, Wilkinson county,on the first Tuesday in January next, between the usuni’hoiirs of sale, the laud and one negro belonging to there* late of Juntos King, deceased. Sold lor the benefit of the hairs and creditors. Terms made known on the dav of sale. JA.MFd KINNY, Executor. Septomhrr 1st, 1815. 50 ids Administrator’* Mole. W he sold on Ihe27ili day of November next, nt tho lute residence of .'esse M. Speneor, in Jasper county, Ga. the perishable propci ty of said deers*e«l, consisting of Horses, Cattle, Hogs. Corn and Fodder, & •. Arc. Terms ou the dnv. CHARLES L. RIDLLY,Adminisirutur. September 20th. 1845. 52 td« Executor’s Sale. A GREEABLY toanorderof the Interior Court of Wil kinson comity, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will ba sold on the first Tuesday in November next, w ithin tho usual hours ofsule, bef oe tho Conrt-hmia? door in Irwinton one hundred eleven and one fourth nrres of Iambus n part of lot number two hundred and tweuty-niuo; nlso, forty acres of I iml, ns n part of raid lot mimhnr 22U; also, twenty-eight acres of land,as pnrt of lot number two hundred and twenty- nine, also, one hundrml and fifty and one half acres, No. 2JH, whereon llenjnmiu Stubbs lived at the time uf his death Al- so.oueht of laud, No. 219, containing one hundred one uml one fourth acres ; all in the fourth district of Wilkinson county, holunging to the estate of lieiij. Siiubbs, lute of s.ii l county, diTPHMMl. Alto, on /hr fir nt Tnetdny in December next before the Court-house door ip the cmiutv of Lowndes, one-third of lot of Ir.nil No. 4*)G, containing 490 acres, belonging to said estute of Pe uj Smiths,dec’d. All sold for the benefit of the heirs nnd creditors of said de ceased. Terms made know a ou the dav of sale. WILLIAM C. PARKER, Ex’r. Aug 5th, 1815. 4G tils iiI.OlMtilA, Telfair Uoiinly. W HEREAS Duncan Mims applies to mo for letters uf Administration ou tha estuto of Dutid Mims, late of ssid county,deceased: 'These are therefore to cite nnd ndmonish all and singular, the kindred nnd creditors ofsaid deceased In be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. to show' cause, |f nnv they have,why said letters should not be granted. Given under my baud, at uffice, this I tit Ii dav of Sept., 1845. I 5t JN(>. F. McR'AK, c. c. o. I^NOIJIC IRON TUB afterdate, application v Administrator’* halts GKEEABKY to an order of the Honorable the Inferior / L Court ofthfl Cr •* i».—1.~ u unity of Burke, while silting for onlinarv purposes, nml in accordance with the will of Holding Buihcr, deceased, will ho sold before the Court house door in Camp- 1 * n bflltoii, Campbell county,oil the first Tuesday in November ' ["}*}* 8 ‘" (l ln next,one tract of land known us number 74, in the 7th District ol oiiginully Carroll, now Cuinnhell county. Sold for divis ion among the heirs uf the lute Holding Barber, deceased. Terms on the day. P. B. CONNELLY, Administrator August 2fi, 1815. with the will min»«ed . .. ill he mad** to the Inferior Court of Baldwin county, w lieu sitting for dinary purposes, for leave to sell a negro hoy. tiained Abrain.befou&ing to the estate of Isaiah Wheeler, deceased. Ju!y 22*1,1815. DELILAH WHEELEIt, Adm’x. ii COlfGI A, Jasper County. To the Honorable the Justices oj the Inferior Court uf said county, sittingJor ordinary purposes, at May Term, 1845. rpilE petition of Senhorn Hawk shewctli that he is tlie le- X gal trunslerree of a certain bond for titles to land, here tofore made and delivered bv Watson Shaw, in his lifetime, to John Spearman— the consideration money bus been paid —that the said Wotaon Shaw has departed this life, and that Leroy 51. Willson, of said county, is his administrator— that niiuexcd is u copy ol said bund—that your petitioner prays that the suid administrator he directed by this Court to make titles to the lauds in mid bond mentioned, according to the statute ill such case made and provided. JOSHUA HILL, Petitioner’s Attorney. [copy BjKD.J GEORGIA,} Know all men by these nresonts, that 1, Jasper county. ^ Watson Sliuw, am held and firmly bound to — jJohn Spearman, in the penal elWu of one hundred and tinny dollars, fur the true performance nf which I bind in) self, my heirs and assigns, fit mly liy these presents. The condition of the ubovahoml or obffgutiou is such, that whereas the said Watson Shavv hath this day, in and lor the consideration of sixty dollars, bargained anil sold n certain tract or parcel uf laud, lying and being situate in the sixteen“* District, number (313) three hundred and forty-three, n fourth section of originally Cherokee, containing furiy acres, more or less, having sindi'slmpc and marks as will upnrar by reference In a plat of thu saute. Now, if the said Watson Shaw sliull make lo the said John Spearman u good and la STAGE NOTICli. The Nearest, Cheapen, and wily Route between these two important points, now in of/era! ion, that runs directly through without delay upon the ritad. L EAVING Madison uii Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings, nOer the arrival of the Curs from Aiikiisin, passing liy Eutnulon, Clnptoii’s Mills, Bluiinlsville, Clinton, und arrive st Macon at7o'clock, P. Al.. eliere we iulrrtecl the line lor Tallahassee, and a daily line of Four Horse Port Conches lin Columbus. RETURNING. Leave Macon on Tuesday, Thursday, uml Saturday al 2 o'clock, A. M., passing through tlm shove named places,and arriving at Madison nt 3| o'clock, P. M., where we will never fail to connect with the dowuwaid train of Cars for Augusta. We ulso rim a line to Millrdgeviltc nml Monlirello for Millcdgeville. Leave Madison nu Monday, Wednesday and Friday iitoming*.after the arrival of the enrs Irom Augusta, passing through Ratontoo, and arrive nt Milledgoviile al ;< o'clock, P. M. where we will connect with ii daily line of four horse Conches fur Savannah and Mm tin. Rrturninif, leave Milledgcville on Tuesday, Thursday find Hattirdnv, at 3 o'clock, A. Al., passing bv Kntouioii, and ar rive nt Madison nt 3} o'clock,P. M. For Mniiticello, leave Madison on Monduy, Wednesday, nod Friday morning, after the arrival.oftheenrs from Aligns- tu, missing by Wintfield’s, nnd arrive at IWouiicelln ut l o’clock, P. M. Returning, leave Mniiticello, ou Tuesday, Thursday nud Saturday,at 8[ o'clock, A. M., uml arrive at Madison at 31 o'clock, P. Al. Travellers may relv upon good horses and couches, and sober and steady, nnd careful drivers. We hope, by good uud close attention tu slinre a part of the public pulronnge. C. II. CAMPBELL, Agent, Madison. ST. l.ANIKR, M Alneon. WAl. GOOLSBY, •• Mniiticello N. IIAWKINS, « Millcdgeville. Col. BRYAN, “ Eatonton. HAWKINS Sc BRIGGS, Proprietors. Sept. 30, 1845. Mf “FURNITURE AND HOUSE CARPENTRY. hand, makes to order, ami repairs ull kinds of best stoutly Furniture. All kinds of HOUSE CARPENTRY done in tli manner, and low. All kinds ol Paints can he hud ready for use. Glasscutto any size, and Gla/.iug done. Also, Glass lor Picture frumea,iVc. of various sizes; Hard- warn Trimmings lor Furniture, &c., nud Mulmguny and i rmimingu Black Walnut Druvv Knobs, Ladies will please call at Air. New will lie conducted into the Shop and i Millcdgeville, June 10, 1U15. IPs Store, where they n see the Furniture. 37 if V, A PARI). deemed hv the Trustees nnd Resident Physician to the Institution, promotive of tlm Lest interests of the in mates that no visitors he admitted before 8 o'clock, A. M.,be tween 12 nud 2, and after 5 P M.; ami within those Imursoii- ly in company with the PlivsiciHii or by Ins written peiniit to llioSlcwuid umi Mulrmi, except under peculiur circumstan ces. D.COOPER, Res. Pliys. & Snperlnt. A tig. 12,1815. 47 tf Nolicc lo Debtor* snitl 4're«litor*. V LI. persons having demands against the estate i f Wil limn Drown, late of \\ ilkiiiMiu county,deceased, are requested in render them in terms of the law; nnd those in debted to the estate ure n quested tu muke imiucd ute pay ment to the subsetiber. NIMROD BURK, Executor. September lilt 1815. 50 fit FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, C.irtT.SE, $300,000, rrWIR NEW.YORK CONTRABUTIONSHIP FIRE 1 INSURANCE COMPANY having established niiageu- ay in Knoxville,Crawford county.wininsuru BUILDINGS. MERC HANDIZE, HOUSE HOLD FUR MTU RE, and evervdescription of proper!v, against loss or damage l»v fire. FRANCIS il. MURDOCK, Ageut. ’ Knoxville,June II, 1644. 37 tf W K Coroner’* »»le. riLL he suid before the Court-house door in the lownof n, iVilkinsou county, outlie first Tuesday iu NOVEMBER next, within the legal hours of sulo, the following nropertv,to wit: ONE UREY HORSE. SADDLE and BRIDLE; levied oil US the property «»f Levi diinpsou, to satisfy one fi fa issued from the loleiior Court ofsaid county in luvor of Wal ler W. Ueull, Sheriff, for tits use of Wil limn E. Carswell uud bilmre RICHARD WALTERS, Coroner. Sept. 30, 1845. I » Valuable Plantation lor Male. T HE r uii sc libers bold for sale, a Plantation in ilia upper part of the I5tli district, Sumpter countv, adjoining Mr. Josiuh Scrulcliius and others, containing till Ii acres.—Also 475 acres in the same county,28lli district, well timbered pine land; with a saw mill, on Mill creek, convenient to the tim ber. Also, a plantation iu thu 3d Disliict of linker i-mituiuius 2000 acres, a very superior tract of land combining fertility, good water,hnulthinesR. AII these places have im provements upon them. Persons disponed to tient tor tliesa lands are requested to address the undersigned personally,or It) letter ut Augusta, and those in the ueighborliOiMl, are re ferred to Alsj. John Cowart, of Americus, or Mr. Jusiuh Scrulcliius,ol tlm same county. ROBERT F. POE, ) adm'rs. of the ca- WILLIAM J. EVE f me of Paul Fit/.- GEO. W. CRAWFORD, y simmuus, dec’d - Sept 23, 1845 53— Du. (LT The Federal Union, Georgia Journul, Savannah lie- puhticuii, Alhuuv Patriot, am) Columbus Times, will copy , then the above tube null uml void,other- lull force and virtue in law. WATSON SllA W.[l. s.l This Milt day of Jan. 1840. I transfer the within bond to Seuhnrn llnwk—llllli iMnich 1810. JOHN SPEARMAN. Upon hearing the foregoing petition, it is ordered by tlm Court, that the said Leroy Al.'Willson, iwlm'r, show cause at the next November Term of this Court, why lie should nut make said title pr.ived for,and that this proceeding be before . then published lor three months in one of the public gn/.elltfs* ' uf this State, ami in the public places of the county, to w it, * f the Court Imuse. A ti ue exlruct from the minutes of Jasper County Couitol Ordinary,May Term, 1845. SHADRACH J. McMICilAEL, C. C.O. J nlv 29,1815. 44 13t until the Ih ol December. Valuable i’lantaiioa Tor Sale. I offer Nil excellent nml RICH COTTON PLANTATION fur sale. It lies in Cruwfmd County, thirty two milesfio.u Macon, ten I'lom Knoxville, uud three from Ciillodcu. a liculthv . village, where there is ulwnys good mala and female Schools. The Plnuinliou contains Eighteen Hundred and Fifty acres of laud,all first mid second qnnliiv oak and hickory,and post oak laud, well watered, with seven hundred acres cleared, the balunce woodland. The improvements sre excellent, uud nearly new, being mostlv made within the last five years, with a yard und garde* hardly equalled in Middle Georgia for tha excelltMice and variety of its flowers, shrub bery and fruits. From the greut drought, tlm crop ' equal to the land,but is much belter than an average MERGER INIVEIDilTl rpilE University comprises u Theological, Collegiate and 1 Academical Department. THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT. Faculty.—Rev. John L. Pagg, D. D., PiulVssur of Sys tematic Theology; Rev. J. L. Reynolds, A. M., Professor of .... . Biblical Literature; Rev. N. M. Cruw ford, A M., Professor nty I (elect) of Ecclesiastical History. * Tho course oi studies iu this Department embraces ull the branches usually taught in Theological Schools of the first order, including Hebrew and, if desired, Chaldee COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. Faculty.—Rev. John I. Dagg, I). I)., President; Rev, P. H. Mell, A. M., Prof, of Languaucs; B. O. Peirce, A. M.. P/of of Chemistry und Nuturul Philosophy ; 8. P. Sanford, A. M ., Professor of Mathematics; Rev. 8.0. llillver,A. M .. Professor (elect) of Belles Lefties. Tlm course nl simlies iu tlm College is us full as iu any kindred institution in tlm 8nulli. ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT Rev. Thomas 1). Martin, A. U., Principal. The .Students in this Department are prepared for College under the direction ofllie Faculty. EXPENSES. j Tuition,in tlm Collegiate Depaitment, $35 fiir tlm scholus- f tic year; in the Preparatory Dcpui tmcnt.$25', in the Tlieologi- ! cul Department,,/#'(*•. j Board from? to $8 per month. Wushing, Room rent, Jtc., ' almiii $2,00 per mull til. | The first session commences on tlm 2d Wednesday in All- 1 gust, and doses on the 30th of November. I T'lm2nd session begins oil the 15th of Jaiiunty, and closes j with the Commencement Exercises oil the 2d Wednesday * HIEDIC.4E PARE. - Yoik inlmr ofllie Royal College of Surgeons, of Lomh... and Edinburgh, nud Graduate of the Jefferson Medical Col lege of Philadelphia; also, niithor of a woik embracing tlm following subjects. \ iz Matrimony, Impotence end 8t« rili- ty, iiiiulomii iill), jditsinlogically, and medically explained, w ith u couiprclicnsive exposition of Hie nature uml modern at of 8) pliilis, Secondary Symptoms, Gonorrliwu, Gleet, Htricturcs, Nocturnal Emissions, ami all the conse quences atising front sclf-pidUitimi. Doctor Fawcett cumin- s his private consiiliatioiis oil the nhovenientioiicd diseases, his long established office, 1UG Fulton street, where tlm most aggravated forma of all affections of the generative or gans will yield to his mode of tieotmeiil, without restraint in diet or exercise, and without mercury. Even when the pro* creative energies become torpid or purnlyxed, from excessive indulgence, or from mastiirbutiou. lie will he able lo reMoru the parts to health and vigor. Persons al u distance,em los ing $1, cuu have a copy of the work. All letters most he post puid.uml directed tu Dr. If. Fow. ecu, IDG Fulton street, New York. Aug 2«. 48 fm FIFTY IMH I ARS REWARD. O I OLE.N from the Subscriber, in Campbell county, Go., on the 15th of August insl, a negro hoy almiii twelve yeius idd.hv the nntnc of RAFK, heluneing to 'Thomas Pitts, nnd hired by the Suhseiiher this year, dark complected, large t teeth, Inige chin, speaks quick when spoken to, well grown to his age. Also, stolen the same night, hv cutting a hole in my trunk, some twenty five or tliiity dollars. The above reward will he gLen for the negronnd thief, lodg ed iu any safe jail . or forty dolluis for the thief, with suffic ient proof to convict him; or ten dollurs for the said hut, lodged iu any safe jail. J.C.SILVEY.’ lEPTha Oolumhn* Enquirer ami Wetumpka [Ala.] Whig will please publish tho above three months, and forward their ut counts to me. J.C. 8. Mnrthnsville, DeK-ilh co., f»n., Ang. 2G. 48 13t llrouRlit in Jail, N Irwinton, Wilkinson county, on the 22d lay of June.4845, one black negro fellow t-v heiinme of Moses, about 5 feet 2 inches high, 4nck complexion, whole teeth in front, with no liter niarkssecn, who snvs he belongs toGcii. Iami linn, of Oswitchee Beml, Alahainn. The owner is requested Income forward, prove property, pay charges,und take him away. 8. B: MURPHY, Jailor. June 25th, 1815. 43 if M iL ' J" For the course of studies iu the several departments, in de- ill, ruler to tlm Cliristiun Index,orupply to one of the Pro- thecouutrv. A bargain may be had, uml time inpayments f gusts; the Whig and D f i ID* The Chronicle and Hcntinrl.nml Coiistituliniinlist, Au- made to suit purchsaei z SAMUEL RUTHERFORD. Ciswford county,Ga , Kept. 30,1U-15. , Alliens, the .Southern Recorder and Journul, Millcdgeville; the Republican uml Georgian, } Siivaiinah, and the Enquirer ami Times, Columbint, ure re- ested to publish the above once a nnmih for fiv* *' • CTThe Augusts CUtontcle AlSuviioI will please copy , nnd forward their accounts for aettlvincnt to the Treasurer four times, weekly. 1 /iOUIC NltNlH* alter datenpplicuimn to the honorable the luferior Court uf Wilki I 4t Tlimnaa J. Burnev, Madisou. Sept. 30th 1815. 1 m5in f WilkiciMoncounty, wliile sitting for ordinary purpnars, for Iruvc to spN the real estate ot Allen Smith,Intnof said county .ilr.ceaaed. JAMES VICKERS, Administrator. Hept. I*, 1845. 51 TO 1>I«I VIJEltS. Type Foundry A Printer'* Finn!fell hr * Warehouse, i FIMIE Snbsciihers have opened a uewTvpe l'oumlry in I the City oi New York, where they uicuudv to supply MONTHS after date, application will he ■ orders to any extent, for any kind of Job or Fancy Type, Ink, muds to tha Honorable Inferior Court of Wilkinson i t*«per. Cases, Gulleys, Brass Rule, S TEEL COLUMN c ittuty, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell RULE, Composing Sticks, Chases, and every article for a the laud St uegroea belonging to the estate of John Eudy, t late ol aaid conuly. deceased. HENRY EADY, Administrator. Sept. 5ih, 4845. 50 l^OFIt JYIONTH54 after date application will he J7 made lo the Honorable Inferior Court ol Decatiircoim- ly, when silling for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Charles Garner, lute ol said county, deceased. JEREMIAH TATE, Administrator. Sept. 9,1815. 6o [jrn] TJIOOK KKONTftlN after date, applicaii^u will be f made to the honorable Inferior Court of Jasper comity, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging in the estate of Jesse M. Spencer, late of «ai%l countv, deceased. CHARLES L. RIDLEY, Adiu'r. Hillsboro', July Iffili, 1845. 42 : |/IO(J it 7|ONTII& alter dale.application will be I TIin Type, which I new set of matrixes, with droti counters,are warranted unsurpassed by any, nml will he sold ut prices to suit the j times. All tlm type furnished hv us is ‘•hand cast.'* 1’iiiiting 1'iesses furnished, nmf also Steam Engines of the I most approved patterns. I Couiimsiiiuii Rollers cast for Printers. J Editors of newspapers, who « ill loy tinea times as much J type os their bills amount to, may give the above six month i insertion in their papers, ami semi their papers containing i | to the Subscriber * cost in new moulds, from nn entirely 'Rroiairlit to Jail, AT Irwinton, NX ilkimmu countv, Georgia, n ecru man, who says his name is ANTHONY, hoot twentt -live years ofnge, fiv8 six nr igbt inches high,* rather yellow complexion, ml says tie belongs to a man living in Orange ouuly, N.C.,hy tlic name of Sandy Cheek. 'The owner or owners are request* d to cume forwurd, pro\o property, puy churgcs, end tube him away. S. 11. AillKlMIY, Jailor. July iaiii,ims. i.i ti KroiiKln i« Jail, ii, Wilkinson county. Georgia, n negro man, his mime is GEORGE, mIioiiI twenty-two er yellow complexion, live l<et six or eight id says lie belongs to John ('utter, ol Coluui- The owner nr ow ners are requested to como property, pnv tliuigcs, and take him away. S. IL MURPHY. Jailor. A'Ur:; 1 ;; •S old, mill es high, a boa Georgia, lot ward, prov* July Nth, 1845. 43 If tako him away, co., July 9, 1845 SO ffnt COCKCROFT St OVF.RENI). G8 Ann street, New York. Sept. 9. KNIGHTS OF THE HORSE SHOE: A ’fl'raililionury Till.- of Oil- Ocnlry of the Olil Oomiuioii. ■M.dVto Ih^ 1 It. I a f. r i u r C u 11 r l oTw 1 ikVi .sun I By iheaulliur t.f the “Cncaliert nf Virginia," «{-c. tf*. 1 ..11 I /-lllARLEd YANCEY liu. lh. plpu.ur. «f iiifurtuiiiB ill. County,wliile .inli>, fururtltniry purpu..., lor ill. Und .nd n.,ro.. b«ioi((i.( lu ill. r.l.te ui J.uif. K> late of BMd county, deceased. JAMES KOSS. > P , liOUAN, r 4 * , ‘ Jttiv 7tli. 1S4A. 42 I. A \V. T HE undersigned wi'l regularly attend the Superior Courts in tire following counties, via: Morgan, Wilkinson, Greene, Hancock, Putnam, Jones, Baldwin, Jasper and Bibb, JAB. A. MERIWETHER. Eatonton,94th March, 1845. 26 am4t j 0 Southern public, th..t lin witf issue from his Prei j West Wfllumpka, Ala. iu a fow weeks, the above named Nnv- i el, hv a distinguished author leriding in the Si M |e nl Georgia. THE KNIGH TS OF THE HORSE SHOE will he is- j sued in Pamphlet form, 2 vols. 125 pages, nr more each.— ' Price 75 els. per single copv—9 copies for $5; 20 copies for * $10. CHARI.ES YANCEY, Weiumpka, Ala. Aur- 5. 45 if Ciiiitlon. A LI. persons a re cautioned against trading for a note made by me to Duncan Mims, foi $70. 1 do not recollect the date oiaaid unte, but it ia ilia only one ol (lie sort I ever gave, •ad I am determined not to pay the tame, unlesa compelled fy law. AKClIlbALD MIMS. Jacksonville,Go. Sept. 10th, 1845. 52 tf LegIIre, (1792); Langston & Dix Ex'orof K.,(1813); Jn Ma aud flumpleie aasoMmcuts of all gmnla in iheL reapurfld*) tinea, which they offer foraaleuu the most ac'-ommoqiitiug (arms. ' y Country merchants who have heretofore l»een in the lmliit if visiting other market", would find it to lliblr Interest to ex» inline llna, which affmds aa inuuy facilities fur couitoerce aa anr other in the country. The facilities fur gelling hero are great, and the rntgs of transportation now so low us tu offer quite au i liosc residing iu thu neighboring Sluice. P&Y GOODS. Townsends 4’ Arnold, . No. 1, Ilayue street, Wiley, Banks if> Co. . , •* B, '* '* Kelsey d’ Beat, • , '• 5, “ " Gillilands 4 Howell, . . - 7. “ " Hyatt. Me Burney 4* Co. • " 9, “ “ BADDLXlllV. CHEAP SIDE1 JVetr Goods Arriving Dally. OdfiABI- 1 SO Hilda.conalilliK ufprlio. Hi.Crni. .I’orl S KI«o, M.rcovtidu, .nd N.w—12IKI Iba ilnuhlx r»- (lnad l.oaf. for aala by WKIGIIT U (JTET80N. ^SuFFBC—lOO b«C-. nmonf wlilcli may ha fiiund liaal •a la IlFFEI.—100 b.^ra, umonjr wliluh may ha hinnu nhl Uov«niiiienl, Jam, Kio.l-nlm, and Si Dmninpu. Par by WltlOHT fc B'I'BtMON■ ^lAIVAl, I’LO*JIf^-A.npcrhir arlitl.—uc«d. bill n Harral, Hare ijj- Cu, SHOES 0. F. Fleming, , , //. N'lehlanl VVood, , J. N. Beach, L. M. 4- 0. IV. Force 4- Cn. An. 4, Umjne street. C lAStlil.liS—2.i Imiaa 8perm, 20 bDi.aAdain.ntln., j 40 liui.a Hull &. ston’a* Pur an la by • WltlliHT it STETSON. WRIGHT he STETSON. Par anln hv Ao. 2. Hayne street. •• IS, “ “ 1«, • .. » O&OOE&XBB. S. S. Farrar, . . Ao, 22, Hayne street BATS, CAPS, Ac. F. 0. Fanning Co . Ao, II, Hayne street. Itankin, Sprnulls 4- Co. . “ HI, " “ BRITOS AND MEDICimJS. Hoi,laud, Harral *Y Allen, Ao. II, llaynestreet, F. M. Cohen cf- Co. . •• 10, “ HARDWARE. Morton Courtney, , Ao. 8, Hayne street. Roosevelt Barker, , "17, CROCHHRT. (J S. if- II, Cameron 4' Co. .Y<>. 21. Hayne street. \ Brown 4* Stone, . “ 14, " *• //. B. Gleason, . Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel. BOITNSTS AND STRAW GOODS. Dewing 4* Thayer. . . Meeting street. BOOHS, STATION ART, 6lc. McCarter 4* Allen, Meeting street—near Charleston Hotel. Charleston, Sept. 9, 1845. 50 8t NEW STOCK OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, JS ClTLEIIl! ^ ’ IFIatsdl waff® gHOES—IhOO prof Kip llniirnu.. MOEASSEa—Non M At:kekel-No.i i Pur aula by O’ -'-lirhing 2 paunda hi tlm yard. , WRIGHT hi STETSON. | B AL.E HOPE ASD V WINE—24null, ol Rape, 20U Ih.ofTwina. For auln hv WRIGHT hi STETSON. B AOOIIKO—so piocc^ i Fur ante hy rp4>BACCO-A few boxes of superior Gold LenfGen- X tlemoii’s Tubucco. For sale hy XVRIGHT St STF/TSON. rpEA-Imp* *rial,Gunpowder, IIvson and Black. Forsule 1 by WltlGHT St STETSON. 4 XES—10 duEon superior cast steel. For s« /% XVRIGHT St SI c iROCklillY iuld UMsXSS XVARL-i largo assortment. For sale hy XVRIGHT St STETSON. AND FANCY GOODS/ off FsOWJEU M 9 JRMCJES than ihty hare crcr been oITcrctl for in Georgia. i 1 K. 4Y ENT WOHT11, formerly in the emple V.'. of Mr. Childs of Milledgcvillc, (us XVulch n.aker,) In recently returned from New-York, with a linn stock of Watches, Jewelry, Flated Ware, Ac.dc. of Supeiior Gold and Silver Lever Watches, Gold Fob, Guard nml Ladies Neck Cltaiuv, Gold,Silver ami .Steel Spectacles, Gold and Silver Pencils, Ladies* nod Gentlemen's Breast Pius, Finger Rings ami Ear Rings, Gold Buttons. Studs uml Chain Slides, Thimbles, Ladies’ Fine Gold and Hair Bracelets, Jet ('oinbs, Hair Pina ami Head Ornumeiits, Jtc. Roger's Superior Pen and Pocket Knit es, RuEoi's and Scissors, V ink Pi. at Kir r.i&ToKfl, Cake Baskets end Candle Sticks Brittuiiia Ware,Fancy Goods. See. Sic. Sic. Embracing hIiiiiiM evert article usually kept in his line, ALL of which is ENTIRELY NEW nml of the most fashionable style uml best quo tity, and tt ill he sold at price»t which cannot fail to suit jinrehusers. Wsitclic* Sind Jewelry of every description re paired ut the shortest notice. All XX’ntches repaired will he warranted to keep good lime lor one tear or thecush refunded. XX'utehee sent fiom any part of the country will receive the same attention, and lie repaired on os reasonable terms ns though the owner were present. C. K. WENTWORTH, Watch Maker and Jeweler, store adjoining that of Mr. lies. A. Kimberly, Mulberry Street, MAC ON, Geo. Macon, J an. 7, 1815. 15 tf uOOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS! I! Cheaper than Ever! rpilE subscriber, willing to co-operate t»iih other trades iu .1. endeavoring to induce Merchutils to procuie their sup- plies ofsincks in this city, begs leave lo inform tin* public generally, ami the country trudo puriicnlnrly, that lie bus re cently mude large uddilituiH to his stock of Sehool aii«l Miscellaneous Book*, Stationary, Ac. nml is now prepared for, (nnd promises to do,) supplying every article in ltit line, al the lowest Ctrirlestun wholesale price. Merchants,Teachers, and Buyers generally, are requested lu hear this iu mind,before going to Charleston, or elsewhere. Oil AS. E. GRENVILLE, No. 214, Broad-street, A few doors below the Globe ami U. S. Hotel Angustn, Sept. 30, 1815. 1 fit / (OOLFRS and DIEASIIKES —nllnrgv riH.orl ; mani. Furnuleliy WRIGII'I' hi STETSON. INDOW-UEASS^ixTo luxla Jkr.. « ""P« rior arliele.— Fur rule by WRIGHT 4cSTE TSON- l/.ltTORY 'I'll K MAI* —of all numbers. For sub l 1 by WRIGHT Sc STETSON. O SN ABFIC4*S—a superior article. For sule bv /. WltlGHT St STETSON. H B EU-COKDS, Shoe Thread nud Snd I- i roils—all »u|mrii ' I'VLHS, ana I-IM III.T- r rub* hy WRIGHT i STETSON. pADLOEKS, OI III BEETS, IIAMnEHS~, 1 ami F1L.ES. FuiS.trIiv WRIGHT & STETSON. B ICOAD and SliiiiKliiitf Ilairlicls. FnrMin by WRIGHT & STETSON. S IIEEI’ Kill: tltN, Curry Combs, Spittles and Sliovcls. Fo S TOCK MICKS and Window S|irin»s. Fm Male by WRIGHT & STETSON. nUFFI!E.nil.L». vv Fryinn-l'uns. Fa Wallte Irons, and 8tile hv WRIGHT Sl STETSON. iUniiurry ami I'aiu-y Goods, AT WHOLESALE ONLY! rn IIF. .ulmeribnrhnvjunt opened no rxtenaive nH.nrlnmnt of A oil varieties of Riiltoas, Combs, l'iiiR, Needles, llaaks < law | Itlle CIIAS. E. GRENVILLE, No. 2-14 Itrimd strret, A few doors below the Gluhaand U.S. Hotel. Augu<ts,Sept.aU,l8-tb 1 St L etter i>ai>ei< — A li in* iirticle. For unle by WRIGHT & STETSON. C OT TO 19 €Altl>S and IMou^li Lines.— For Sale by XX RIGHT «.V 8TfiT80N« OWBI'II mid Nliot, Percattioo Cap*. White XVuhIi Brudlica, Sami Paper and muny oilier articles, all of which will be wold LOWER than nt unv other limine in this XVRIGHT AND STE I SON. Milledgcvillo, Sept.98, 1845. 52 tf CiIo*li€*ii Hiitter and Lhccsc. %M/’E mIiuII receive about the 20lhof October, a large lot of If Butter, Clieeae, and Iriah Potutoea. WillGIIT& STETSON. September 23,1845. 62 it CKIIVi:it,V BEALL, FACTORS I And Commission IKcrr.lianls, Ao. 72, liny Silrrot, Savannah. C. A. Ghiinir, AV. A.Beali.. SI tf Sept, 17. KABilN A FULTON, MWU COMMISSION MERCHANTS, M SAVANNAH. GEO. plies. & LOOK AT THUS. JSB& Snhscquent to iapuine the firnr notice in rein- IsiB^ lion to lliapHARLES’JON HOTEL, hy on ■ lalM undctnigned,u co-paitncrehip ban been form I.. < ;l between him and J. Blakely Smith, of New nun. Geo. The concern will he conducted under the firm < IlOYD ik SMITH. They luke gn at pleasure in informing their lii*-iids uml the imhlic, tlmt they have engnged tha »er- vicen of L. H. Butterfield, for many yrurn »t the ('horlrsion Hotel, nuil J. M. Iluist, for many years at the PIuuici'h lie |«*I ; men ol the highest qualification* and agreeuldr muu iipim—well known us *uch lltroiighout the country. J. I). BOYD, J. BLAKELY SMITH. Charleston, Sept. 10, 1815, 51 fit trusted to their care. Orders for Bugging, lutnily sup- * ill be promptly executed ut the lowest prices. 39,1845. * 49 8t mis. £-Jf! mBBLi MAVTOKS AND HAVANNAkli ii4. JOSEPH WASHBURN, JOHN U. WILDER. Aug. 12. • 4(i 20 Brought to Jail, Tills day, a uegro man who nays his is FRANK.and that he belongs to Jrene Beck, «.f y county,Ga. Said negro is of light com- ou, uliuut five feet ten inches liigli, speaks i when snokcii to. The owner is requested to ‘ ' properly, puy chargee, unJ NEW FIRE-PROOF WARE-HOUSE, Ala con, Uco. THE undersigned having erected n Ft Proof Wahk-HOI'sk,situated at the head of Cotton Avenue, leaders his services to his friends ond the public generally, for the sto rage of Cotton nml Meichnudixe, ami the transaction of CoillllliNidoll Bll*ill€*H* iu nil its branches,pledging himself to use every exertion to promote the interests of, nnd render satisfiiciion to, llinge who may confide business to his charge. The storage uud xnle of Colton will be under the direction nud control of Mr. JOHN JONES, who has long been known in the Ware house business, and will give particular attention to the sale ofCottou uud the filling ol ordersfor goods. Liberal udvauccs will be made on Cotton iu store or to be hipped. BAGGI1VB, ROPE, AND T\VI!\L, together with any other articles, will he furnished customers at the lowoat mmk« t price. N. B. Storage ami Commissions nt customary rates. JERRY COWLES. Macon, 2lib June,1845. 39 26t A|»alnclticoln, F!n>, July, 1845. rilHF. undersigned \\ ill T. A. BRANNON, Sheriff. 42 ml2iu or If Brought fo Jail. O N the 1-ltli insl. n negro lelluw b> the name of PIIELIX, about twenty one years old, of yellow complexion, about five feet six inches high, who soys lie belongs to General Reu ben C. Shorter, of Eufaula Alu. T. A. BRANNON, Sli'fl*. of Muscogee County. Columbus, Sept. 24tli 1815, I—ml2ii»orif. N OTICE.-The following persons, or, if dead, their re- pic»eiilnlives, may hear ut something to their udvantnee, by applicaiiou ut the office uf the Charleston Courier, viz. Cntiiariiie Alexunder, Ex. (A. D. 1792); Daniel Atwood, (17911); A It well I*dmhod,(lb0l); Sarah Butler, (I7t.4); John Bull, (1797); Joseph Brevard,(1800); Hugh lleihune.t 1800X; John Brownlee, (1794); Andrew Baskins, (1792); Rehe* c « plield, (I«92); Elixabeih Bunch, (1795); Elias Hall,(1787); Victorina G. Boisgernrd, (1811); Crnufiird Davidson, (179.5); Christiana Daubux, nr Daubug, (l»3)| Josiuli Dickinson, •idin'r of James Gilchrist, (1811); John Dnrrell, (1709; Mnrv Gregory, (IBM); Isaac Holmes, Ex'r of James Stauvarue, (1792); Tliomas Horry, Ex'r of E. Horry, (1798); John Ba* Iloliio H.ii, trust for llnrriel Edwuids,(|'?98); Archibald Har vey,(1791)' XV'illiam llmt, (1803); Ann Elliott linger,(1002); Niilhuuiel Hevward, (180b); Edw. Lowndes, (1801)- Iauue , (1796); Samuel l utin ', ■Lottudis, (1801); JoliuP. i snd II A. Miukley,for Robt. Martin, (1794); John (’. Marlin,(1794); John Elias Moore, (1812); John Nichil, (1796); James Poyus. Lon don, (1795); Win. Price, (1797); Esther P'e».cott,(l797); John Price, (1795); Robt. Spoil, (1792); XVm. Stephen, (I79f'); James Mmitli. in trust, (1793); l.ove Stuiir, (I HOI); Peter Smith,ndui'nr of Jiio. 11. Smith, (1804); Frances Simmons, in trust for the estate of John Hoimrs, (IbnC); 1,'oht. Smith,(1812,; Thomas Turner, (1791); Miuv Tucker, (1795); Ki bt. Williams (IHfll); James XVairingiun, (1798); Joint XVakeficld.seii. (1799/; Tims. Young,(1807); Marv Bowman, (1817); Key. Micl.l. Crosby, (18171: J. IS. Campbell, in trust, (1818j; Sauil. Davenport,(1817); ( lirislopher DeGraflfenreidl. (1825); Rev. Edw. Ellmgiun,(IH00); Episcopal (7liurch,(ltll6); Goo. I*. Elliott,(1818): F. & E. Fnuce, (1820); James Gar- vey, (1792); M i*h Sarah Guerard, ofileaiil'urt, (1815); Ri< hurd Hutson. (1801); Win. Ilort, Ex'ur Jano Peart, (1798); XVm. Ilort, Ex'or Win. Dunlop,(1798); IXIsry Lincli Horry. (1811); John Johnson, of96th District. (1793): Win. Jenuar St Co. (181 HI; Col. Wm. King. (1816). James Moore of Georgia, (1792]: State Cinciuunti Society of Georgia: Rev. Thus. II. Price,[1817], Susannah Rivets,[l786];Lynch Roberts,[1792]; Dr. James Htusrt, [1818]; Margaret 'l one, Ex’x nl Solan, [1818]; Niarde. Grunnie St Co. [1792]; Elizabeth Williams, 11792]; Riid, Savage St Bird; John J. Pringle; Nathl. Rue- sell, in trust tor Charleston I usuiamfe Company, heire of Geo. Guerin. 4l tf nrsixuss. flxllE undersigned, E. XV. Doughty, (of the lute lit ft Dye Sc Doughty.) XVm. A. Beall', and Joseph M. Rob- erls, (survivor of the firm of Clarke *V Kobe its,) liuve. entered into copartneisliip under the film of 1)()UGHTY, BEALL «V. ROBERTS, for die translation of the Warehouse uml General Commission Business. They have uken llieexten sivH nml commodious Hreprotf Warehouse, on Jackson x/nr/.uccitpied for several years past liy Clarke St Rid*erls, where they me prrpnicd to serve their friends nnd customers in the Ktninsc nnd sale of Colton mid other produce. Theii personal ulteiitioii will be strictly devoted to the interest of tlirir customers in all hiiainevs entrusted to tlieui. 'I Ins central location of*heir XX arelmtise, being in tlie im mediate vicinity of tbc piiuripn) Hotels, Banks and Grocery Stores,and ou ilie street lending to tho Rnilioud Depi t, pre sents superior advmituges ia point of convenience to planters visiting tlie city. Their charges will conform to the customary rates of this 1 city. Liberal advances will he made on rotton in store. DOUGHTY, BEALL St ROBERTS. •X ue iisin, J l.l % Hf. lo 15. 60 Ol New Yoik Cily Advertisement. PRINT WAREHOUSE IN N12W YullK. To supply the city St interior tiude by the piece or puckug* I No. 44 CEDAR STREET, XVILI IAM-ST.) L EE Si BREWSTER give uotico to Dealers in Dry Goods that thev have removed tlieii XVARE-IIOU^E foi PRIN TED CALICOES EXIT LSIVELY, from P* ml to 44 Cedar Street. By confining their ullruliou tu PRINTS ONLY At B are enulded to exhibit nu assortment fm surjiasiiug any ever In* fore offered iu America—nnd to sell ut pricra ns low uml LowKK, than tliose w bosealtculiou is divided iinong a large variety ol articles. I be Stock cousiaiaoi VKVXKAi. thousand pattkkns am CoLoRn, FMIlliAClNb KVFHV Y«lilkit OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRINTS :n market—many styles oj which are got up r.t e/usirrty/or then own salts.and cuMiatl le had 11st where,exet pi in secondhand*. Dealers iu Prints will find it for their internal to examine this atock before making their purchases— they v* ill huvu the advantage ut learning tbo loweat market price, and compar ing nil the desiruble styles in mmkt-l sid? ky side. Catalogues of pricee. collected with every vutiulion of the market,are placed in the hnuds of buyers. Oct. 0, 1844.8 tf ASHUKST X IHOIIATAICI, ATTOHNIEN AT I.AW, Cnionioii, On., Will practise in al! the Counties of the Ocmulgre Circuit. Dee. IT. 12 If ( COMMISSION IIUSINESS nt Al’Al.AL'IUCOLA, iiio'ivAici* x riithfiu oud. (TTTIioy Imve oUo tlrlcrininr-d in a COMMIS SION HOUSE nt NEW ORLEANS, the anmting nomuo, w linre^ unit of the firm will ttlwtiyn lit 1 f'u u nil, Tlieii p.munnl miniition will b«rivpii In nil b' with which ihuv mnv he eiiirtmtctl. 'I lie u.uul ntlvance. will lie mu.In ii|n>Mguod« i.tore i r Cotton con.ittneil t THACKER B. HOW A IU». ADOLPHUS S. KU I'HF.KFOIII). K. DiiGIIAFFEKIIILU ATTORNEY AT LAW. Illnkdly, CuiTy County,Ci«-o. Refehencea—Hon. ffeubnrn Jones,/Ion. W.T.Col quilt, Hon. A. Iverson,lion.Joseph Sturgii, John Schley. ! nnd Henry L. Benninu ICsqrs. i i. „ n - nt ...5 perttnl, U «f (' Tlte j UW MIIIOOI, AT AUGUSTA TMII E subscriber h Eectuies w ill be resumed on Monduy. tlm on.I. nf i •. * the 20th of October August 2,1845. WM. TRACY GOUED 45 id. Sept. 29,1845. RlOllglll to Jail, ^ .XT Summerville, Chattooga connntv, Georgia,on tho 22nd of September, 1815, n Nrgio man who says his mime ia JOE, ahum fifty-five veart uf age, six feet one or two inches high, yellow complexion, uml says lie belongs to a man by the name of Berry Strange, living in Macon county, Alabama- Thrown cd to ctiuo* forttuid, prove j cluirgcs and tike him away GEORGE XV. CLEMMONS, Jailor 2 tf I OR A KHl I Y Acre Lot, No. Cl), in the loth District, 2d Section,of Cobb county. The above lot will |>e suldon reasonable terms, by immediate application at this Office. XI qy fi. 1845. 32 if U I»ua S r«Vlllo Tclrtcopit for tfnlc. I LiIIINI. t.l 1-lltHlttin u,r.. wliit-l, will utr.mi tup more netiee exercise, than dial of conducting a news- puper.l offer lor sule the 7*e/csre/*eeatahlishment, with all its uppiirteuaucea—aubstripiiuu books, advenisiug pulioimge, Uc.St c. The paper baa been eatablisbed nearly five years,and for the last throe vears lias paid a pruat ofover one thousand dtl tars clour of all expenses • uud is now iu a pin.person condi- lion, having aa lar^u an udvertiaiug patrouuge, as any c.uuutry paper published in the Stste. 1 have iio olliar reason lor wishing to retire from the hitsi ness IIiuii Ilia one given above; That it U essentiullv necea- sary for my bodily welfare, that 1 should abaudon a business so sedentary in its nature, must he apparent to every one who ia personally acquainted with ma; and 1 therefore offer the es tablishment at a reducedprtes,and ou * ertdit nil lat otJan- uary, 1847. Any gentleman wishing to purchase, and having any dmil.ta as to the profits of the concern, is invited to call at the office i and examine my books. - ' “S' ' A.G.WAKE. TBS^SSttXSSaSlSffi amdl DRY GOODS wiUblr for til. MMOO, b.(. Imw l» inAirnt hi. frirnd. the public generally, that lie is dclermiurd tu oell themclJJ? and nl prices to nmt tlm limes. They consist iu nan «,f.i P ’ following articles,vis: u,! Kerseys,from 121 to 871 cents. Satinets •• 37J in $1,00. Culicoos, •• fitoOScts. 124 cents Calicoes for 10 cents. Negro Blankets, from 75 cents to $1,00. Crape d’Cosse, crossed striped Cashmere, London dn Cloth of Gold, A mbre Cashmere. Stripe I'nrisiun. Rich Camelion Silks, Stripe do. Black Gro de Swiss, Areaudia Ginghams, Twilled Ginghams, SaimRtripnand I'lain Black Aln.rr. Black and Coloured Kid Gloves,I^mg Arm Mils ^ ft * French Artificial flowers and Wreaths, Hiinw, Leghorn, Velvet nnd Silk Bonnet*, Rich Bonnet und Cap Ribbons, Velvet Neck do. FOli GEN1I*EH1EN'8 HEAR, Fine French Blnck Cloths, lljnck and Fancy Cassimeres, Rich Velvet Vestings, Silk nnd Satin do. Black Satin and Silk Scarfs and Cravats, Fur and Beaver Hals, IV-vtona Cloth and Fine Fur Caps. also A large supply of Ladies and Gentlemen',, * <& gHa©®s of the latest style und beat quality, together I with inanv oilier articles too numerous to mention’. 6 JOHN TREANOR. Milledgeville, Oct. 7,1845. 2 4i - NEW ARRIVAL! OF CLOTHING Of the Cheapest and L,atest l\lSMIiO.XS ! ill. I. LEOIV, of Hew York, M OST respectfully informs the citizens of IMillodgeville and ilH vicinity,and also nil who intend visiting Mil- ledgevillc this winter, that he hasjust arrived,and is opening Finest Assortment of Itcndy-mude (DILOTMUH© ever brought to this market, consisting of Dress, Frock, Over, Surtout, ond Pelto Coats, Tlie new style of Sacks, of suporior goods, Pantaloon* and Vests, of every variety and style, Clonks ol all sizes, nud of superior muterinl, * Shirts and Drawers, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Ate. See. Clines St Uiihrc'llns, ALL of which will bn sold CHEAPER than ever lias been sold here. For the evidence that what 1 say is true, i I.RT EVERY BODY CALL AT MY STORE V NEXT DOOII TO THE OLD STATE BANK, AND JUDGE FOR THEMSELVES! CUTTING OF GARMENTS, Neatly executed, with despatc h, and ut the shortest notice. Milledgeville, Sept. 80,1848. 1 if HsiffJry OHaj THE Subscriber respectfully informs Member* k of the Legislature that he has maJe everv preparn- | lion for their comfort and convenience. His charges vill he moderate. "Members” cun have Rooms ri>. _ :nr» d by Letter addressed to the Subscriber at Milledgeville. ROBT. McCOMIl. October 1st, 1845. 2 3t M%Ms EEatkol, BY 1IEECIIEB X BKIMVIt, IUILLBDGEYILLE, H.L he amply supplied for the accommodation of Members of llie Legislature, and trannient visitors dur ing the Fall and Winter The rooms are large and will be ar ranged for the comfort nnd convenience of llieir guests. Tlm table will not be surpassed by any in the city in tlm wav of i Hiihstuut in Is or luxuries of tlm season. Charges mod erate as any Hotel in Mil/rdgevitle. A sliaro of the publia patronage is respectfully usked lot. Members und other periona can have rooms secured hy let ter addressed lo the proprietors. Milledgeville, .Sept. 29lh,1845. 1 is4t HOARDING. THE Subscriber will Board Members aqd Trail- Ipiilm sieut persons during the setting of the Legislature [■■ittfl PETER J. WILLIAMS. October 7, 1845. 2 if PKOPO8AL8 ~ For Publishing in Savannah a Monthly Periodical, TO BK CALLKD TIIE SOUTHERN HISTORICAL AND LITERARY MAGAZINE. PROSPECTUS. miiE originators of this work believe that tlie field for lilt* X rury exertion and influence, iifoor country, ia every day growing'wider nml wider; ami they are willing to occupy at least u portion ol the ground, which seems to invite lohomers. Tho chief object ** liich they have in view, is to uid iu vindica ting for the Son them Suites that literary position which, it is believed, they me quulified lo assume. They design also, through this chuuuel, to point out tlm resources uml defend the iuterestaof the .South,to represent with truth the charac ter and condition of tlm people, and to luruisU iuciensrd occa sion lor intnlhclunl effort. With lh«*a views, they Imve sought to enlist in the undertaking the best talent ofllie ttlinlo -South; and they feel, that they can appeal with nune confi dence to llieir Icllow citizens lor support and co-upciniiyn. The work will be Southern—it will he the organ of s' its- Hun ; hut ia no nuirow spirit of hostility to any portion of < hk country* Justice and candour towards all, wil 1 govern i » course ; uad it will steadily pursue the sacred > * I 'I ruiSi. There is need, especially in this day of cheap liteti turr, Ins stern and discriminating criticism. Mnnlii • •• - «.i.i.gimdliy ofthouglit—us well as sound moral*—are ii. . cor ol I • ii K crushed under the mass uf trashy or corrupt publications, bout foreign and domestic, with which the press teems. ‘J ht-y end loudly for some during and independent censor, who will lay ou the lush of severe but just criticism, “without fear or tu- vor," and who will guaid the interests ol literuture against those influences ofllie publishing housesoflherounlry which through uiaguziue and newspaper puffing, confer so wasy false reputations on woithless volumes, and conupt the very sources of a well regulated and wholesome public opinLti.— We therefore avow at the outset, that we iiiteiul to ileal with these authors, publishers uud hooks, w ith a seventy only lim ited by our abilities, and a proper regard for the courtei-iri dus to uu enlightened coiuinuiiity. We know nud feel that our literuture is young, and liiihnto button imitative. Nevertheless that very youth bus vantages and we shall endeavor to give tin n full plnv, lyi s* couragiug licsli uud vigorous exhibitions ui il • mind ol oar That tliis'ispre eminently the land of nrigiual thought.««r Patent Office, our wmksboiis^jur fields and uur riv« is abun dantly illustiate. Iu the Fiuc Arts, American genius has, produced works of which any nation might he proud. XX v aro already rivaling old Euiope iu every depnilii.ciil * fili*«t- lion, save only iu thut uf literature. Kveu iu this, au imh pru dent assertion ol thought and feeling lias commenced, wi i'll the American position and character demand, ami are cult n* luted to develope. Mcu here stand to * ach other in new and advanced relnlioiiK. Auy exprevaions that alinll bu true lo these conditions, iiiiisi give our literature new und original forms — It will ntcordiugly be one of (lie cherished objects ol our Magazine, to foster, by nil the means in our power,every im* pulse ofiiutive nud original genius. XX bile nothing of a sectarian or partisan chnracin will ba a admitted into our pages, we shall by no means sluink from 9 discussing religious uud political topica. They involve th" iuteiests of iiiNii, nud ut(>ieseut,inoreihau ut any past ttUrac.Uhe tu-rious attenuott of ali reflet ting minds, interest which tlm South has in the efficiency and I character ofllie Aimy uud Nuvy, will claim for belli services! prominent place in our columns. Out Naval and Militaiy I Officers huve often show ii that they arc as compel* lit lo ndoia < the literature, aa to deli-ud the honor of llieir country; sad • number of able couiiibutois will be secured from their raubs This Magazine will ulso he the medium thiough which lb* GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY will regularly pub lish much of its most mieiesiiug material—poitmns ol itsdu- mesiic nud foreign correspondence,comiiiiiiiii aiioiil,lectures, I and other papers which may possess a general value. ) XX’e believe too that out position has peculiar advantages. • Gaorciu lies ucareHt the o utre ol the houiliern .Stales, and ' tlitiH possesses superior opportunities for eaiimaling soaiheru opinion, uud giving a true t-xpression to Loot hem inieresli. The w«»rk will be published by W.Tkoknk \\ ili.iami on s request- f t j |# , p |f# , ,| nv „f ev«:r> monlli, begiuiHiig iu Octobei next, ropertv, pay J he plica will br Eire Dollars per annum, payable in ad vance. Agents will be allowed a librrul couiiiiisHoit, and ( .heir efforts to obluiu subscribers ore respectfully solicited/— Returns lo be made bv the first of August. , S..vuuiiuh,.XIoy 1,1645. ffj*Ed*lors desirous ol oxcliuugiiig will please inserf ibis J'rurpectu*. 34 tf transact a GENERAL MAIL AKb AXM .lll .M . Northern Mail. Due Daily, (except 3 nud ay,) sl 10 a. M. Closes Duily, •* at 9) a m. Savannah Matt, l>UF daily, (« xcepl Mouday.) at 3 r. M. Closes daily, •* at 8 r.M. Macon and Columlut Mail Dux daily,(except .Sunday,) al 3 r. m. Cloaks daily, •* ' at8 r.M* Eatonton Mail. Due Monday, Wednesday and Friday al 7 r.M. Closks •• •• •• atttr.M. Monticello Mail. DU RTltarsdsiaaiJ Sunday ail r.M. CL04P.S Modus) sn.l .Hutvktnstille Mail. Closks Monday and Thursday at 8 r. M. Florida Mail. Closks Monday, Wrdueaday and Friday at 8 I.M. E. DAGUEjT, P- M.