The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, October 21, 1845, Image 4

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m * Tuaxla ir four buujroU of corn, James E. Blatter lwj»n»|»rt/ of James k*. Hlatter, Mtiftnl Superior Court in furor of SiHlillv. Propany poinird oul f/HinW BEELAND, SIm iUT. : »o i 'U* iwer Sheriff *• suite*. <Mjr,oh Iho AralTuoftloyin NOVKM- I uauol hours cf sslo, iho lolluwliif t of |*nL lying oo Iho motors nf iho Or ■>■ l by iho follow! M by lbs rallowiiig numbers, jiii aud.JI7 . i 1)1-trial offoioMrly Wilkinson, n.w r; lot Moo SB Ibe property of William l ft fa issued from a Jualico’a Court, hold ■Iris t.iu said county, in favor ot Hugh McNatl DM _ r _ out by defrndunt. Levy me by i bailiff. J.M. WALL, Sheriff. Wove other Sheriff’s Sole# in JnokaoDviUe, Telfair county, on the first tfOVKMBER next, within the legal hours the following pmprrty, to wit ? often4, tlM lot on whioh lleden Raw lens, Sen., i lUwlen |f lived; levied on ae the properly of R«d*n K 4, td eetfifV atindry fi Ibe from h Justice’s Court, ir ffffpi #t tfeleom N. MeKee. Property levied on and return f ‘ WILLIAM ELLIS, ahorilT. _ U. Aff mlt»t*trs%tor’» Sale. *1X7 ILL heeold by an order of the Inferior Court of Telfair VV county, on the first Tuesday in December next, lot No. Sfltn the 7tb District and 3d section of originally Cherokee, '• new Surrey county on the firm Tuesday Id January next, at Jacksonville, No. 113, known as the McAllister place, 67, nil in the 9th District of said county , with (ho Incumbernnce of the widow's dower; and No. 59 - iHWtb ^District of mhJ county, and e negro woman 45 i ■ 51) _ ab the property of William Studslill, sr. lute of said county, deceased, for thn benefit of the heirs and creditors of acid accessed* Terms made known on the days of snle. WM. STUDS I ILL.jr. Adiu’r. •• TcHnircounty, September 24th, 1845. 1 W Administrator’s Kale, ILL be Cold at the late residence of John Eadr, sr.d •- ceased, oa Tuesday, the Slat day of October next, all v v liQBimu, vu lusMii/.iiio.iai unj ui umuuoi iicii, ««11 the perishable property belonging to iho estate of fluid ile- - J » consisting of horses, nogs, cattle, sheep, plantation tonic, 11 a use hold and kitchen furniture, ond many other arti cles now too tedious to mention. Bale to continue from duv to day until ell is sold. Terms made* known on the dev uT •ate. HENRY EADY, Administrstor. Wilkinson county, Sept. 5th 1845. 50 ids Executor’s Kale. GHEBABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of Wil . kiiieon county, while aiding for ordinary porno told before the Court-house door in Irwinton, W be aold before the Court-house door in Irwinton, Wilkinson jr, on the first Tuesday in January next, between the late of Jemee King, deceased. Bold Tor the benefit of the U*lre end crtdilors. Terras made known on the day of sale. JAMES KINiSY, Executor. Sepfnmlter let, 1845. 50 tds Administrator’s Salt*. A greeably to an order oft Its Honorable Inferior Court of Jasper County, when silling for ordinary purposes, will In sold before the Court-house door in Monticello, on the firfl Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours of sole, the lends and negroes belonging to the estate of Jesse M. Spencer, deceased. Terms on the dav of sale. CHARLES L. RIDLEY, Administrator. Oct. 14th, 1845. 3 td* Administrator’s Snle. VMy ILL be sold oti tne 27th day of November next, at the ▼ T late residence of Jesse M. Spencer, in Jusper county. Gc.the perishable propetty of said deceased, consisting of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Corn and Fodder, Slc. die. Terms . Ibe day. CH ARLES L. RIDLEY,Adminintralor. September 90th, 1845. 52 tds . Executor’s Sale. A GREEABLY loan order of the Interior Court of Wil kinson county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, within the usual hours ofsele, before the Court house door in Irwinton oue hundred eleven and oue fourth acres of luud, as a unit of lot number two hundred and twenty-nine; also, fortj^ucres of land, as a part of said lot number 229; also, twenty-eight ectee of laod,ee part of lot number two hundred and twenty- nine, also, one bundled and fifty and one halfacre's, No. 228, whereon Benjamin Stubbs lived nl tbs time of bis death Al- *0,01)0 Lt of lend. No. 219, containing one hundred one and one-fourth ceres ; all in tire fourth district of Wilkinson county, belonging to the estate olUenj. Stubbs, late of said county, d*c*a*»d. Also, on the first Tuesday in December next, before the Court-house door in the county of Lowndes, one-third of lot of land No. 456, containing 490 acres, belonging to said estute uTHeiij Stubbs, dec’d. All sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. william c. barker, Ex’r. Aug 5th, 1815. 46 tds A<linl«iist»*ulor’h Sale. A GKEEABbY to mi ohler ol the Honorable the Inferior IX Court of lire Cooufy of Burke, while siiiimr for ordinary purporos, and In accordance With the will of Holding Barber, dect-iiseil, w di he sold ii»'fiire the Court house dour in Camp- hciltuo,Campbell cmit.ty,on thu fuel Tuesdu} In November next,oue liact ot laud known us number 74, in the 7th District of originally Carroll, n.w Campbell county. Sold for divia- ipueniiMfg the ItHtrs uftlm late Holding Barber, deceased. Terms oo the day. I*. B. CONNELLY, Adminirtrator ‘ August 26, 1815. with thu will murexed L Coroner’s Male. he sold before the Court-house door in the town of l r JJ*nton, VVilkiuson county, outlie first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, the following properly;to wit: OAD GREY HOUSE. SADDLE and ft R IDLE t lavish on ae the property ofLfcvi Simpson, to satisfy one fi lu issued froth tlie Inlerior Court ufsniil county in favor of Wal ter VV. Beall,Sheriff, forth* net ofVVlllinm B. Carswell and others. RICHARD WALTERS, Coroner. He.>1.30,1815. Valuable Plnutaiiois for Sale. T HE subscribers hold for sale, a Plantation io the upper pari of tire 15th district, Sumpter county, adjoining Air, Jhsiali Scrtitehins and others,containing >316 acres.—Also 475 acres iu the same oountv,28tli district, well timbered pine land; with a sew mill, on Mill creek, c.meeni'-nt m the tim ber. AUo, a plantation in thu 3d District of Huker county enfiteininc WOO acres, a very superior trad of land combining hhiess *’ * * * * fertility, good water,liealthu Al. these places have ini- ally,,, lenris are reatieeied t by letter ul Augurta, ami thus* in the neighborhood, forred to Msj. John Cowart, of A meric us, or Mr. Joviuh Mcfutchiu*,oitlm same countv. ROBERT F. ROE. YaduiVs. of the ea WILLIAM J. EVE } tats of Paul Fit/.- GEO. W. CRAWFORD, )-immons, dec’d Retft 20, 1845 53—H r. KJ*'I'bs Pedetrel Dnion, Georgia Journal, Savannah lie- pubMcun, Albeuv Patriot, end Columbus Timer, will copy until the 1st of December. 9 female Sc he Valuable Plantation for Pnle. I offer an excellent and RICH COTTON PLANTATION for sulo. It lies in Cruwfotd County, thirty two miles from Macon, ten from Knoxville, and thr< I three from Cutloden, a healthy fillege, where there is ulways good male atul Schools. The Plantaliou contains Eighteen Hundred ■n4 fifty acres of land, all first and second quality oak and hickory, and post oak loud, well wxteied, with sevnu hundred a err* chaied, the balance woodland. 'The improvements are excellent, end nearly new, being mostly made'within the last five years, with a yard and garden hard! liv equalled in Middle Gtargia (of tba aiceltauce and variety of its fiowera, shrub. ' " * equal to the land,but is much better than an average crop of tkf suootry. A bargain maybe bad, and tiinu inpayments ioms to full purchasers. SAMUEL RUTHERFORD. Crawford eounty.G CTThe Augusta four llmea, weekly*. yford county,Ga,, Sent. SO, 1845 nlcle Sc Sentinel will please copy 1 4t nUlill MONTHS after dele application v Mr lo iha honorable the laf * fl , 11 ■ s slllbentade - J the honorable the I uferior Court of Wilkiusoncouuty, wh»U eiftieg for ordinary purposes, for leave to eell the reul etaleiul Alien Smith, late of said oooruy.deceaaed. JAMES VICKERS, Administrator. Sept. Ill 1845. 51 ■CMHJH MONTHS after date, application will he V made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Wilkinson mKHL -v -x.- — oeety. while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the laud fit negroes belonging to the estate of John Ently, •<. lete o7 said county. deceased. * IIENRY EADY, Administrator. 1x10(1H NKONTIIM after date application will be MT raaduto the Hpnorabh • - * - JL made to tlte Honorable Interior Court ot Dct.alurcooo- fy, wllen silting for ordinary nurposes. for leave to sell the real estate olCharlestjftrnrr.laie of sard coonly, deceased. dBSTfc lift JBULM4AH TATli, AdiuiniMrutur. 5U[jyu] I StONTIIM after list*, application will t>« Inf.rior Court of Jaspercoumy. ffer Ordinary parpowm, for Irnv. to soil thal.iiil J .O(ror.b.lott(io( lath.s.t.1. tflim M. Hponcor, I.:. CHARLES L. RIDLEr, AJm’r. MHMtoro 1 ,JtrtplOrk, IMS. 4S s'lt.r d,t*.,.tilio*llon willb« loth. I.AnorCoiirtot Wllklttioii ..rptt..., tor to.vo to got) tosMut. oflin*. Eiiia. otyUVIM.. MZSSShi""' IH.ttwnton.0* toottoX «rMW. IMCtoAofthl. Court da Imo* ■ elt.tion rwtllltoc oil Amm ooheotood, lu »h«w tiuit, lf.»y UMykOTo. ot, or k4Br« tM Moottd Mutt- day in i.BUtry Mil. why .old tli.iniwon slio.ld not b. (ran too—and that ..Id citation be published .Curding lo lr(.l re- qttlrovMOt. A front tbit ininolao.lhl. 7lh do* of July, IBtS. «l uiiltti JOHN W. W. BNKAIt, c.c.o. UEOKOO, Newton County. COURT OF ORDINARY. Mou Term. 184fi. N appearing to the Court, that John P. Thompson, A Tf •aii* ^•rtlierx “7 ettpply u ICK. The Nearest. Cheapen, ami only Remit betveen then lioo important points, mm in operation, that runs diroetbj “rfC d»HF ,11,1100 midis, in tin origltborin, i for ,eiiiii, b»ro ar« ,ml, and the rate, of irnneponatlon now so low dk in odier quit, so iiiiluernieot In la, sfprtoM Rt.Ctoto .ftm ‘ ski. r. ROM. OR! GOODS Nkalfls hr Ihl WlSfla kan Ia.m •* ? tea. Ihrougk without delay upon the rtml ING Madison on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I t _ m.- _ T ..... luiuiniraloron Ilia estate of Samuel i hompscu.decensinl, has fully adininifttrred suid estate, aud he having made sppti r.nvmu nisaison on Monday, Wednesday, and rtiday l Mornings, after lbs arrival of the Cars from Aukiisih. •sing by Eatouton, Clupinn’s Mills. Blohotaville, Cliatnii, I arrive at Mauou at 7 o’ulock, P. M., where we intersect cation lor letters of diamiasion from said administration t It I*, therefore, ordered, that the Cferkof this court do issue Sciieiiun. requiring all persons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, on or before the due publication of this cita tion, why sum! letters should not issue, end that tliisoitaliou vimuHii iuv tminmiiuM. RETURNING. Leave Macon on Tuesday, 'Thursday, and Saturday at S o’clock, A. M., passing through the above named places, a ml arriving at Madison at 3| o'clock, P. M„ where we will never fail to connect with thu downwind train , SIT OOOSS. Towntemls «f- Arnold. No. 1, Jlayne elrtcl. Wiley, Banks (j 1 Co. . i “ 8, " Kelsey dp Deas, , , . “ 6, •* UiUiUmds i|- Howell, . . - 7. “ Hyatt, Me Burney tf- Co. , “9, “ sabbiaxw. K—100 l»t». ainnn, *l,lcb may I* found ba.l C old QANAI. FI.OlIH—A^l.inwinr.etlcl. but I For*su!c by WltlUllr A 8TETJON. trial in be .pprrui.ted ANULbb-4' Imizs. Siwrot, ilU ko.M Adanmutiur, 'orenlebr Wit Hi III' A STETSON. liiltowiii, arlicl.., via t Ker.eya.fruttt 1*2& to 371 rout. Sal Met. “ 37|l» ftJBtl, CalhMua, “ 6 lo3ft ole. Ill) cent. Calicut, for 10 cants. Negro IIUukaM, (rum 75 cut. to (1,00, dotortuliwd to Mil lli.„,7k.'"" • Vboy cnltaial i„ f,, M ;OA 1* llll.l AT A BCII-M) bn«» of Cnlg«t.’.m«b». gar u,mu Hartal, Hare 4- Co. SHOBS. No. 4, Jlayne street. s KO A.KS—lO.Utllkof Superior brands. For tale by WRIGHT Sc HTETSON. he publiahed in terms of the law* A true uxtruct from the minutes, May Bill, 1845. 33 mom WM. D. LLUKIE.C.o. o. of Gars for Augusta. Wo also run s line to Millrdgeville and Monticello for Milh'dgeville. Leave Madison oo Monday, Wednesday sod D. F. Fleming, ■ fi, S'oddard cjp Wood % GEORGIA, Tel Til ir County. W HEREAS John McLean, Administrator on the estate of Allen McLean, deceased,applies to me foriettem of Disniission from the same: 'These are, lhrreiore,tocitc*nd admonish all and singular the kindred mid creditors nf said deceased,to be and sppearat my >, within tbs lime prescribed by law, to show causo.if they have, why laid I a tiers of dismission should not be granted. Given under iny hand, at office, this 3d dnv of June, 1845. 37 luGm JNO F. McRAE. C. C. O. GEORGIA, Wilkinson Couuty. W HEREAS Jacob Freeman, Administrator on the es tate of Jeremiah Allen, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from suid Aduiiniatru These are, therefore, to cite and admonish al 1 and singular the kindred and crcdilora of suid deceased, to be ind sppearat my office within the time prescribed by law, it show cause, il uii.v they have, whv said letters should not be granted. . Ui - - — Given under tuy baud at office, this I5ihday of May, 1845. i»6m AUG. B. KAIFORD, Clerk. GEORGIA, Paulding County ii Adair upplies to the estate of Allen Hilburn, late of Administration said county, deceased 'These are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil and singulur the kindred end creditors of an id deceased, to be and appear If un'y they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, tit office, this 26th dav of Sept, 1845. S nifiin E. THOMPSON,C.C.O. GEORGIA, Decatur County. W HEREAS Thomas Whighom, Administrator cn the ORtuteof William Whipham, luto of suid county, de ceased, applies for letters of Dismissiuu from said Adminis tration : 'These are, therefore, tn cite and admonish all andslugular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, lo bo and appeur at uiy office, within the time prescribed bv law,to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should mil he granted. Given under my hand at office, thin 2d dav of Sept., 1845. 50 6m JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. c. o. GLORGIAa Telfair County. W HEREAS Duncan Mims applies to me for letters of Administration oil the estute of David Mims, late of said county,deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of suid deceased to be and appear at mv office within the lime iirescrilied by law. to show cause, if any they have,why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 16th dav of Sept., 1845. 1 5t JNO. F. Mclt'AK, c. c. o. . GEORGIA, Decatur County. W HEREAS Nathaniel H. Hicks, Administrator on tin estate of William Brown, deceased, applies to iih for letters of dismission from said Administration: These are,therefore,tocitcandadmonish all and singular ihekindrea and creditors of said deceased,to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law.toshowcauae, iluoy they have, why saidletters should not be granted. Given under m\ hand at office, this 3d dav of Octeber,l845. s 6tu JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. c. o. Friday mornings,after the arrival of the cara from Augusta, ” " " * Tile at pasniiig through Eatontnn, and arrive at Milfodj govt’ll 5 o’clock, I' | J. 8. Beach, . P. M. where we will connect with a daily line of four liortc Coaches for Havuunsli and Mncon. Returning, leave Milledgeville on Tuesday, Thursday and Haturduv, at 3 o'clock, A. M., passing by Katoniun, and or- ive nl .Madison at 3J o'clock,P. M. For Monticello, leave Mudison on Monday, Wednesday, nd Friday morning, after the arrival of the cars from A up os- No. 2, Hayne street, •• 13, “ « “ 10, • 18, “ ■ g 'HOES—1600 prof Kip Brogans. ) WRIGHT A. ST la,passing by Whitfield's, and arrive at Monticello at I o'clock, P. M. Rtlurninf', leave Monticello, _ ,on 'Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,at 81 o'clock, A. M. f and arrive at Madison at 3j o'clock, P. M. Travellers may relv upon good horses and coaches, and sober and steady, and careful drivers. We hope, by pood and close attention to share a part of the public patronise. O.H, CASlPBELL, Agent, Hludisnn. ST. LANIER. •• Macon. WM. GOOLSBY, " Monticello N. HAWKINS, “ Millrdgeville. Col. BRYAN, “ Entontou. HAWKINS di BRIGGS, Proprietors. Sept. 30, 1845. 1 tf FURNITURE AND HOUSE CARPENTRY. R OBERT D. HALL (successor of W. LordJ baa con stantly on baud, makes to older, and repairs ull kinds of Furnituro. All kinds nf HOUSE CARPENTRY done iu the licut manner,and low. All kinds of Puintscan be bad ready for use. Glass cut to any size, and Glazing done. L, M. tjr B. VV. Force «f- Co. *» | OBOOBB.XBB S. S. Farrar. . . No, 22, Hayne street. BATS, OATS, 4lc. I F. D. Fanning «f- Co . No. 6, Hayne street, i Ranlm, Sproulls <}• Co. . “ 10, “ “ BXLTJCrS ASTB MBBXOXXraS. Haviland, Harral Allen, No. 11, Hayne street. ' P. M. Cohen cf- Co. . •• 19, •• “ HARBWAHX. Morton ,f- Courtney, , No. 8, llayne street. Rooseicll if- Barker, . » 17, •• « CROCKS A V. O. S. cf- IT, Cameron cf- Co. No. 21, Hayne street. Brown cf- Slum, . “ 14, “ - H. B. Gleason, . Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel. BONNETS AND STRAW GTOOBS. Dewing cf- Thayer, . . Meeting street. . BOORS, STATIONARY, Ac. McCarter cf- Allen, Meeting street—near Charleston f Hotel. CharlcMon, Sppt. 9,1045. 5(1 81 »T WIUGH T 6l BTETSC jyj*ACI£EKEE— No. I andI 2>|n a whole and _b«lf bsrrels For sale by WKIGHT& STETSON. CJ ALT—350 tacks, Urge size. Far sale by » WIUGHT A STETSON. rCwT'T^: nu ™:’ f "Vuli NEW STOCK of watches, jewelry, lack Walnut Draw Knobs, Ac. 5: c-. E1ITLI! RV ^ 1 Ladies will please call at Mr. Newell’s Store, where tli»v • _ i ? qq ware Black p Ladies will please coll ut Mr. Newell’s Store, where they will ho conducted into the Shop and can sec the Furnitme. Milledgeville, June 10, 1845. 37 if , ,, , A CARD* T I is deemed by the Trustees and Resident Physician to -L the Institution, promolive of the best interests of the in mates that no vieitois be admitted before 8 o'clock, A. M.,be tween 12 and 2, and after 5PM.; and within those liourson Iv in company with the Phvsician or by bis written permit to the Steward and Matron, except under peculiar circi.iiiHtnu- C0M * 1).COOPER, Res. Phys. Sc Supci iot. Aug. 12,1315. 47 if WSHT© AND FANCY GOODS, •fit JiOlf*£K M*HICJES than they have ever been offered, for in Georgia• /I K. WENTWOKTII, formerly in the emp of Mr. Childs of Miliedgeyille, (as Wutcli nmker.Jhas Notice to Debtors suid Creditors. £LL persons having demandH against the eniiite of Wit- liani Brown, Iste of Wilkinson county,deceased. ..... requested to render them in terms of the luw ; and those ir»- dehtf-d to the estate uro nquehlcd to make imiucd-ule pay ment to the Hubsciibcr. September 1st, 1845. NIMROD BURK, Exr rotor. 5ti fit n „HJEDICAL cake. 0.9 TOR FAWCETT, of 196, Fulton strict, New York Member of the Koval College of Surgeons, of London and Edinburgh, and Graduate of the Jefferson Medical Col lege of Philadelphia; also, author of a wotk embracing thn following subjects, viz .’—Matrimony, Impotent* v anti Sterili ty, anatnmically, physiologically, und medically explained, with a comprehensive exposition of the nuture and modern treatment of Syphilis, Secondary Symplnins, Gonnrrhuui, Gleet, Strictures, Nocturnal Eibissiuns, and all the Loose- I^OtJIfi IfIO!YTIIS afterdate,application will he made l’ to thu Inferior Court of Baldwin county, wli lien sitting for ordinary nurposes, for leuve lo sell a negro boy, uained Abr«*in,belonging to the esftte of Isaiah Wheeler, deceased. July tttd, 1845. DELILAH WHRELEB, Adm’x. GEORGIA, Jnspcr County* To the Honorable, the Justices of the lufetior Court of said county, sittingJor ordinaly purposes, at May Term, 1845. T HE petition of Seaborn linwk shewed) that he is the le gal transferee of a cerluin bond for lilies to land, here tofore made and delivered hy Watson Shaw, in his lifetime, to John SpearniHD—that the consideration money has been paid —that the suid Watson Shaw has departed this life, and that Leroy M .Willson, of suid countv, is his iidmiuiMrator— that annexed is a copy of said bond—that your petitioner pravs that theauid administrator be directed hy this Court lo niaku titles to thu lands in Slid bond mentioned, according to the statute iu such case made und provided. JOSHUA HILL, Petitioner’s Attorney. [copy bond.] GEORGIA,1 Know all men l>v'these presents, that I, Jasper county.^ Wulson Shaw, riii held and firmly hound to *^ John Spearman, in the penal sum ol oue hundred and thirty dollars, for the true performs I hind myself,my heirs and assigns, firmly by tlies&presents. 'The condition of the above bond or obligation is such, that whereas the said Watson Slmw hath this day, it) and for the consideration of sixty dollars, bargained anil sold a certain tract nr parcel of lund, lying and being situate in the sixteen *' District, number (3t3) three hundred und forty-three, a .u fourth section of originally Cherokee, containing forty acres, more or less, having such'shnpe and marks as will appear by refeience to u plat of the same. Now, if the suid W'utson Slinw ahull make lo the said John Spearman a good and law ful title to said land, then the above to be null and void,other- w ise to remain iu full force ond virtue in law. WATSON $11AW\[l. s.] This 14th day of Jun. 1310. I transfer the withiu bund lo $euborn Hawk—18th Murch 1840. JOHN SPEARMAN. Upon hearing the foregoing petition, it i* ordered by the Court, (hut the said Leroy M. Willson, udm’r, show cause at the next November Term of lilts Court, why he should not ake r id title prayed for,and that this proceeding lie helor for tlireo inotitlis in one ol the public gazettes then published for three months in one n*l the pub ol tins State, and iu thv public places of the county, to the Court house. A true extract from the minutes of Jusper County Court ol Ordinary, May Term,1815. 8HADRACH J. McMICHAEL, C. C. O. July 29.1815. 44 13t and IT1EKCEH UNIVERSITY. a ^HE Uuiveisit.v comprises a Theologicul, Cullegiati . Academical Department. THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT. Faculty.—Rev. John L. Pugg, D. LL, Professor of Sys tematic 'Theology ; Rev. J. L. Reynolds, A. M., Professor of Biblicul Literature; Krv. N. M. Craw fold, A M., Professor (elect) ol Ecclesiastical History. 'The course ot studies io this Department embraces all the 11v taught in Thcolugicul Schools of the first * * ,| if (In.' Cl. I.liluo order, including Hebrew and, if desiied, Chaldee. C( ILLEGIATE DEPA R’TM ENT. Faculty.—Rev. John I. Pugg. I>. 1>., President; Rev, P. II. Mell, A. IM , Prof, of Luiigungex; B. O. Peirce, A. M., Prof, of Chemistry and Natural Philosophv ; 8. P. Sanford, A. M., Professor of Mathematics; Rev. 8.G. Hillyer, A. M .. Professor (elect) of Belles Letires. The course of studies io the College is as full as iu any kindred institution in the South. ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT. Rev. Thomas P Martin, A. B., Principal. The Students in thu Department are prepen d for College i Faculty. nnder the direction of the EXPENSES. Tuition,in the Collegiate Department, $35 for the scholas tic yqar; in the Preparatory Department. $'J5; iu iho Theologi cal Department, free. Board from 7 to $8 per month. W'niliing, Room rent,iSic., uhont$2,00 per month. The first session commences on the 2d Wednesday in Au gust, und doses on the 30th of November. 'The2nd session begins oil the 15th of January, and clones itli the Commencement Exercises on the 2d Weonesday iu July the course of studies in the several departments, in de tail, refer to the Chritliun Index,orupply to oue of the Pro- O* The Chmniclcand Sentinel.and Constitutionalist, Au gusts; the Whig and Banner, Athens, the Southern Recorder und Journal, Milledgeville; the Republican and Georgian, Savnnnnh, and the Enquirer and Times, Coluiubiui, their accounts fur settlement to the Treasurer, Thomas J. Burnev, Madison. Sept. 30tli 1815. 1 m5m TO PKI*TERS. Type Foundry A. Priuicr*H Furnish ug Wr __ iirclioiiseL FIMIE Subscribers have opened a new Type Foundry in I the City of.New York, where they aro ready lo supply orders to any extent,for auv kind of Johor Fancy Type. Ink, Paper. Cases, Gulleys, Bruns Rule, STEEL COLUMN RULE, Composing Siicks, Chases, and every article for s Printing Office. 'The 'Type, which are cast in new inouldn, from an entirely new set of matrixes, with deco counters,are warranted to he unsurpassed hy uny, and will be sold st prices to suit the times. All the type furnished bv us is “bund cast.’ 4 Printing Presses furnished, nod also Steam Engines ofthe most approved patterns. Composition Rollers cast for Printers. Editors of newspapers, who will buy three times as much type as their bills amount to, may give the above six months insertion iu their papers, and send their papers containing it to the Subscribers. COCKCROFT M OVF.RENIK Sept. 9. 50 6m 68 Ann Street, New York. quences arising from self-pollution. Doctor Fawceit contin ues his private consiilinlioos on the abovemeiitioneddi-icnses, at his long established office, 196 Fulton street, w here thw most aggravated forms ol all ulfcctions of the generative or- cans will yield to his mode of treatment, without re.-tmint in diet or exercise, and without mercury. Even when the pro creative energies become torpid or paralyzed, from oxccu»ittf indulgence, or from masturbation, lie will ho able to resime the parts lo henlih und vigor. Persons at a distance, enclos ing fl.can have a copy of the work. Alllcttcrs must be post paid,and directed to Dr. 11. Faw cett, 196 Fulton siren, New Yoik. Aug. 26. 48 fitn recently returned from New-Y ork, with n fine stock of Watches, Jewelry, Flaled W are, Av,Ac, — CONSISTING OK Superior Gobi and Silver Lover Watches, Gold Fob, Guard and Ladies Neck Chains, Gold,Silver and Steel Spectacles, Gold and Silver Pencils, Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Breast Pins, Finger Kings und Ear Kings, Gold Huttons. Studs and Chain Slides,Thimbles, Ladies’ Fine Gold and Hair Bracelets, Jet Combs, lluir Pius and Head Ornaments, Jcc. Roger’s Supciinr Pen uud Pocket Knives, Razor’s uud Scissors, I* ink Plated Castors, Cake Baskets and Candle Sticks 1*i ittunia Ware, Fancy Goods. &c.&c. «Lc Embracing ulmost every article usually kept in bis line, ALL jf which is ENTIRELY NEW and of the most fashionable style uud best quality, and will be 6old al prices which cannot , r ail to suit purchasers. Wlllclics lllld Jewelry of every description re paired ut the snorted notice. All Watches repaired or sold refunded. Watches sent from any port of tbe country will receive the same attention, and be repaired on ns reasonable terms as though the owner iccre present. C. K. WENTWORTH, Watch Maker and Jeweler. store adjoining that of Mr. Geo. A. Kimberly. Mulberry Street, M A CON, Geo. Macuu, Jan. 7, 1845. 15 tf S FIFTV no LI. A US REWARD. 1 GLEN trnm the Subscriber, in Campbell county, Ga., on the 15th of August inst, u negro hoy about twelve years old, by the name of RAFE, belonging ’to ‘Tliontus Pitts,and hired by the Subscriber this year, dark complected, large front teeth, large chin, speaks quick when spoken to, well grown to his ago. A Iso, stolen the same night, hy cutting u bole iu my trunk, some twenty five or thirty dollars. The above reward will be gi» eo for tbe negronnd thief, lodg ed many safe jail; or forty dollars for the thief, with soffic- ient proof to convict him; or ten dollars for the suid boy, lodged in any sale jail. J.C.SU.VEY. ILPThe Columbus Enquirer and Wetuinpka [Al.i ] Whig will please publish the above three months, und loro nrd their accounts to me. J c.g. Marllinsville, DeKulb co., Ga., Aug. 26. 48 I3t iliOOKS! BOOKS!! HOOKS!!! Cheaper (Imn Ever! T HE subscriber, willing to co-operate with oilier trades in endeavoring lo induce Mercliants to procure llieir sup plies of stocks in this city, begs leave to inform tlm public generally, and the country trade particularly, that he has re cently made large additions to his slock of School and Miscellaneous Books, Stationary, &c. and is now prepared lor, (and proiuivcH to do,) supplying every article in his line, at the lowest Charleston, wholesale price. Merchants,Teachers, and Buyers generally, are requested io bear thisin miud, before going to Charleston, or elsewhere. CllAS. E. GRENVILLE, No. 244, Broad-street, A few doors below the Globe and U. S. Hotel. Augusta, Sept. 30,1815. 1 5t Brought to Jail, IN Irwinton, Wilkinson county, on the 22d day of June. 1845, one black negro follow bv me of Mostts,about 5 feci 2 inches high, complexion, whole teeth iu from with no other marks seen, who save he belongs to Gen. Hamilton,of OswitcheaBend, Alabama. The owner is requested to come forward, prove properly, M inadui l jlIliliiH ry and Fancy Goods, LE ONLV pay charges,and take him June 25th, 1845. AT WHOLESALE ONLY! T HE subscriber has just opened an extensive assortment of a °f Buttons, Combs, Pins, Needles, Hooks At Eyes, Suspenders, &c. f tee., Atr., particularly suited for city nr country trade, which lie offeis at wholesale only, at very low prices. CIIAS. E. GRENVILLE, No. 244 Broad street, A few doors below the Globe ond U.S. Hotel Augusta, Sept. 30,1845 i Al Brought to Jail, AT Iruniton, Wilkinson county, Gcnrgin, it negro man, who says his name is ANTHONY, about twenty-five years of age, five feet six or glit inches high, rather yellow complexion, belongs to a man living in Orungo 111*1 8 uuty, N.O.,l»y the nnine of Sandy Ch« ... Tho owner or owners ate irquestcd to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and lukn him away. • S. B. MURPHY, Jailor. Julv 13th, 1815. 43 t! II rouglit to Jail, V T Irwinton, Wilkinson county Georgin, >t nrgro tnon, who suys his nnme is GEORGE, about twenty-two years old, rather yellow complexion, five lect hx oi oigt.t indies high,and snys lie belongs to Joint Carter, of Colinn- LOOK AT THIS. Subsequent to issuing the first notico in rela- luBBff ,,on 10 the CHARLESTON HOTEL, by one of IlftH ,ll . e ,,,l “ er8 »? ne d.® co-partnership has been form LiiMlrr\»ed between him and J. Blakely Smith, of New ,,n,, *Ueo. The concern will be conducted under the firm oi . IOVD&. SMITH. They take great pleasure in informing their friends and the public, that they have enguged the ser- viceHufL. H. Butterfield, for many years at tin* Charleston Hotel, and J. M. Horst, for many years at the Planter’s Ho- , tel ; men of tho highest qualifications and agreeable man lieis—well known us such throughout the country. J. I). BOYl), , J. BLAKELY SMITH. Charleston,Sept. 10,1845. 5| 5t bua Georgia. 'J he foi vvurd, pro July 14th, 1845. rled to ' J. WASEIIlUltlY & WIIJU K, Brought to Jail, 'THIS day, u negro mail who savo bis nnine is FRANK,and that lie belongs to Jesse Berk, of Henry county.Gn. Said negro is of light com plexion, about five feet ten inches high, speaks l quick when spoken to. The owner is requested to /come forward, prove properly, pay charge \ au I take him uwuy. _k T. A. BRANNON. Sheriff, cogee co.,July 9, 1315. 42 ml.’niorit l.iCTOUS AND SAVANNAH, GA. JOSEPH WASHBURN, JOHN 1C. WILDER. Aug. 12. 46 26 WARlillOI.SC COMMISSION Brought to Darien Jail, the 2d dny of Mnv last, a Negro man sluve, who ys his name is JAMES,and that he belongs to John llary, of Bulks county, mid that ho ran away about the 15ih of April. Suid hoy is about five feet five or six inches high, dark completed; his buck well tmuked with the whip. JOHN SMITH, Jailor m'i. c. Oct. 7. 3 4l IT!HE undersign*d, E. W. Doughty, (of the late, firm of . Brought to Jail. O N the 14th inst.ancgio follow bv the. name of PHELIX, abou t twenty one years old, of yellow complexion, shout five feet six inches high, w ho snys he belongs to General Reu ben C. Shorter, of Kufuulu Ala. T. A. BRANNON, Sh’ff. of Muscogee Countv. Columbus, Sept. 24th 1815, I— ii)l2«uortf. rsonx. or, if dead, their re presentatives. muy hear oi'Votneihiug to their advantage, by application at the office ol the Charleston Courier, viz :— Catharine Alexander, Ex. (A. D. 1792); Daniel Atwood, i» John r Bump Vii torine G. Boisgerurd, (1811); Crnwford'Davidsoii, (1795)* (•hristiann Daubuz, or iVruliug, (IbOl j; Josiali Dickiniun^ sdm’r of James Gilchrist, (1811); John Darrell, (1709; Mm r Gregory, (1811); Isaac Holmes, Ex’r of James Stunyarite. (1792); 'Thomas lioiry, Ex’r ol E. Horry, (I791J); John Boo Holmes,in trust for Harriet Edwards,(i'798); Archibald lltti- vey.(179iJ)' William Hort,(l803); Ann Elliott linger,(1802 ■ Nathaniel Heyward, (1806); Edw. Lowndes, (1601); Isaac Legs re, (1792); Langston At Dixon, (1796); Samuel Linin/ V Ex’orof It. Guerard,(l8l3); James Lowndes, (1801); John I*. Martin and B-A. Mark ley, for Robt. Martin, (1794); John C.. n?no. iki ooim. iu-i.:. /,-»«. , Camion. LL persons* re cautioned against trading fora note made bv ms to Duivcan Mims, foi $70. I do not recollect the date of said note, but it ia the onlv one ol the sort 1 ever gave. the aame, unless compelled and J am determined not to pay hylaw, Jacksonville, Qa. Sept. 10th, 1145. Mine, unless competle ARCHIBALD M1M8. 5. M tf WM.TXAOT OOOLD. Aufotlf, IMS. Old. Martin, (1794); John Elias Moore, (1812); John Niclnt, (179) )- Janies t'ovas. London, (1795); Win. Price, (1797); Erth-T l’-o.cotl t (l797);Julm Pricf, (1795); Robt. Sell, (1799); Win. Stephen, (1796); James Smith, in trust, (1793); Love Sion „ (I'tiOl); PeterSmith.adm’or of Jon. H. Smith, (1604); Franc* w .Simmons, in trust for the estate of John Holmes, (lUbG); Rob*. Smith,(1812); ThomaaTuiner, (1794); Mary Tucker, (1795); U« bt. Williams. (16*91)-. James Warrington, (1798); John Wakefield,sen. (17991; Tims. Young,(1807); Marv Bowman, (1817); Rev. Miclil. Crosb.v, (1817): J. U. Campbell, in truoi, (1818;; Sami. Davenport, (1817); ( hriatopber IfoGruffenrcidi, (1825); Rev.Edw. Ellington,U800);Episcopal Cliurcb,(l8l6); Geo. I*. Elliott,(1818); F. At E. Fanes, (1820); James Gnr vey,(l792); Mies Sarah Guersrd,of Ueaufoit,(1815); Richard Hutaou, (1801); Win. Hort, Ex’or Jane Peart,(1798); Win. Hurt, Ex’or W in. Dunlap,(1798): Mary Lincii Horry, 1)811); John Johnson. of96ih District, (1793): Win. Jeuncr Ai Co, 1818); Col. Win King, (1816); James Moore of Georgia, i9ooi. *»——Ciucienat* Society of Georgia: Rev. Thus. II. Susannah Ki vernal 785]; Lynch ILiberta, [ 1799]; tuart, [18181; Margaret Torre, Ex’* of Solan. 18181; Niarde, Grannie i Co. [1792]; Elhcabeth Williams, 1792]; Bird, Savage A llird; John J. Pringle; fypilil. Rue- wr «"D, mlruM for Ch.rle.lon Au.ur.naaCompany, h-ir.ofGru. UMria. 41 If i FORTY A I8ih Dl.lrkt, Id %. SmHlM.arCabbaMaiy. Tlm .tow. lot will to. Mid pa Hm*WI<DjviM,b; lamrdulc .ppUMdM atthieOOIcw. > ife Dooghly.) Win. A. Beall, und Joseph M. Rob •oris, (survivor of the firm of Clnike At Roberts.) have entered . ntocopartnership under the firm of DOUGHTY, BEALL St ROBERTS, for tire transaction of the Warehouse and general Commission Business. Tlrev have taken theexten live and commodious h ire proof Warehouse, on Jackson itreet,occupied fiir several \enr* past hy Clsrke At Roberts, vhere they are prepared lo servo their (rienda end customers i it the stoiucn and sulo of Cotton and other produce. 'Their jcrsoual ulteiii ion will he strictly devoted Is the iiilereat of t In ir cusimuriH iu nil busiuere entiusted 10 them. ’The central location oftheir Warehouse, licing iu the im- nediat*) vicinity of the principal Hotels, Banks ami Grocery Stores,und on ilm street leading to the Railroad Depot, pre sents superior iidvuntnges in point of convenience to planters visiting the. city. Theirchaiges will conform to the customary rales of this city. Liberal advances will l»s made on cotton in store. DOUGHTY, BEALL & ROBERT Augusta, July 10,1815. 5(i 9t ! FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, *.«'//.//> $300,000. rpilE NEW-YORK CONTRAUUTTONNHIP FIRE 1 INSURANCE COMPANY liavingeatublishmlnuagen- cy in Kkoxvili.k,Crawford county.willinsure BUILDINGS, MERCHANDIZE, HOUSE HOLD FURMTURE, and evervdescriptiun of property, against loss or dnmag* by fire. FRANCIS 11. MURDOCK. Agent. Knoxville,June 11, 1614. 37 tf KNIGHTS OF THE HORSE SHOE: AND T VV lb. ufTwin... Car ..lo by n A LE ROPE AND TWINE—25 coil, of R« t « 13 900 lb. mrciiT, -10 tons of Sweed and English, Cast and German For sale by WRIGHT Ac STETSON. rjpOBACCO—A lewjioxsaof superior Gold Leaf Gen tlemen’s Tobacco. For s T EA—Imperial,Gunpowder, IIveonnod Black. Forsalo by WRIGHT Ac STETSON. WRIGHT Ac STETSON. 4 XES—10 dozen superior cost steel. For sale by iV WRIGHT Ac STETSON. QHOCKEHV mill GEA8S WAHfciJarge uasorlinent. For sale by WRIGHT Ac STETSON. sale by WIUGHT Ac STETSON. WmE SIFTERS —of 111 I Hi?.-,. For sal, by TT WRIGHT &. STETSON- C OOLERS and ITIEASiritES-.ll arge assort ment. For snle by WRIGHT Ac STETSON. rior article.—For sale by WRIGHT Ac STETSON* YY«UTE LEAD -Exirn and No. 1. Fur snle by WIUGHT &l STETSON. O SNAREKCS-B.up.rinr arliiite. For snle bv WRIGHT & STETSON. JZNIVF.S and FOLKS, and POCKET- IV KNIVES. Fur..leby WIUGHT At STETSON. PADLOCKS. GOIBLET8, IIAIUI7IEHS, L mid F1EES. Fcrs.l, bv w Right stetson. B ROAD uud SliliiRlInu Ilnicliclq. F^rTnl. by WIUGHT & STETSON. gllEEP a SIIEAHS, CurryCombs, Spades 1 und Shovels. S TOCK LOCKS and Window Spi-Iiiks Foi .nl. by WIUGHT & STETSON. sen.* f Frying-Puns. Fc Wnltlc Irons, und - ..I, bv WRIGHT & STETSON. WRIGHT & STETSON. C OTTON CARDS, und Plough Lincs.- For Sale by WRIGHT & STETSON. P OWDER Ulld Shot, I'arcua.ioii Rapa, While Wash, Snnrt Toiler ond _ iper and many mher article., all of which will be euld LOWER than nt any uilier hnuee in litis WRIGHT AND STETSON. Milledgeville, Sepl; 29,1845. 52 If Coshen Butter nud Cheese. W E aliall receive abnut the 20ih nf Octuher, a large lut nf Duller, Cheeae,and Irish I’utntnea. WUIGHT*. STETSON. September 23, IP45. £2 if OttEINElt & BEALL, FACTORS And Commission Rlerclinnts, No. 7‘J, Buy Street, Snvniinuli. Sept. 17. KABIIIV & FULTON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH. GEO. trusted to their care. Orders for Bagging, family sup plies, Acc., w ill bo promptly executed ut the lowest price*. July 29,1845. Aa °- — 49 8t mis. NEW FIRE-PROOF WARE-HOUSE, .11 aeon, Geo. THE undersigned having erected a Fire- Pboof Ware-house,eifuufed at the head of Colton Avenue, tenders Itis services to his friends and the public generally, for the sto- rag« of Cotton and Merchandize, and tho transaction of Commission Business in all its brunches,pledging himself to use every exertion to promote the interests of, and render satisfaction to, those who may tn~K\ JBHitm 1 confide business lo his clmrge. The storage uud sale of Coll storage und sale of Colton will be under ihe direction and control ofAlr. JOHN JONE8, who has long been known m the Ware house business, nud will give particular attention to the sale ofCottonnnd the filling ol orders for goods. Liberal advances will be made on Cotton in store or to be hipped. BAGGING, HOPE, AND TWIN 12, together with any other articles, will he furnished customers ut the lowest niaiket price. N. B. Storage and Commissions st customary rates. xt 04. , ,oi £ JERKY COWLES. Mncon, 24th June, 1845. 39 26t T .,l. .Apnlachleoln.FJn., July, 1845. lib undersigned will continue to transact u GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS at APALACHICOLA, under the firm of IIOWAUB Sc. RUTlIF.BFOItB. SION llOU&E ai NEW ORLEANS, ihe en.uing Neu.mi, "”e of Iho firm will alwaya be found. Thfifper.nn.ll willbog've" in oil with which tlmy mov led. I lie usual advances will be made upon goods where attention be entrusted. in store or Cotton consigned to tliem. ’ll ACKER B. HOWARD. ADOI-PHUtf 8. HUrilKItFOIlD. WILLIAM K. DcGKAFFEKKIED ATTORNEY AT LAW. Blnkvly, Early Comity,Oco. Reference.—/fon. Seaborn Junes,Hon. W'.T.Col quill, Hun. A. Icerson,lion. Joseph Sturgis, John Schleu. and Henry L. Henning Esi/rs. ’ 'I’Ll' it it New York City Advertisement. PRINT WAREHOUSE IN NEW YORK. ujiply the city & interior trudo by tlm piece or package No. 44 CEDAR STREliT, (NEAR WILLIAM-8T.) L EE ii. miEWSTEK give nuiiro in llvalrr. in Dry Gnmli ihut Ihev r-ninved llieir W A IIEHOOE fnr I'll IN- 1 El> CAI.1COES EXC1 USIVEI.Y, from Fe.rl in 44 Ceil.r “ By condning llieir allrmiou 10 PRINTS OWL, 4, Street. At B are enabled to exhibit d in America—-and to* seli at pi ltd acKKRALLY LowLK, lliao llioso whose attention is divided among a lurge variety ol article s. Slock consists nfsKVKHAl A Triiditftonnry Talc of the Cot*keU»IKnl Gentry of the Old Dominion By the author 0/the “Cavaliers of Virginia," <f*. <f*c. 1HARLES YANCEY lias the pleasure of informing the Southern public, that ha will Issue from his Prraa in al, bv a distiuguishsd author residiac in tits Stats of Georgia. THE KNIGHTS OK THE HOUSE SHOE will bs is sued ia Pamphlet form, 3 vole. 125 pages, or more each.— DJo. 91 ft...,' V .41. un I.. Prica 75 elo. iror aintla copy— 9 enpi.o for $5; 20 copioafur • 10. CHARLES YANCEY. W, Aag. 5. cluinpka, Ala, inpkl LAW. T HE undaraigoad wi.l rrgiilariy Ilia Courta in the following eouaiiaa, vi(: t Morgan, Wilkinson, Urm/w, Sup. rior Ealoaion, 94ih March, IMS. Jasper and BUM). ■ jas; a. mkriwetiie*. 'Ibe CoLMRS, kiirhacik AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRINTS in m.rhfl manyatyletojtehlch artgolup excl,sit,l,/er Urn own sa/es,aud camnat be had elsewhere, cxetpt iu second bonds. Dealers iu Prims will find it for ilmr interest to examine this stock before making llu ir puicbasea—they vvill bare ilia advantage otlaoniing the lnwe«t market pries, and compar ing ail the desirable siy isa in market side by side. • Catalogues of prices entree led with every vuiiation of tba market,are rdaced ia tba baudsofbuyvra. Oct. 8, 1841. ' 2 if Breaght to JTnll r AT SumiMrvilla, Chattooga couantv. Oct.rgi.,.n tU. 22i.daf 8.pteW.lSi5 •| ^2il wUo W# ii Jon, about fiAy-flvg years W in, six bsisaa •r two iucUas Uigw, yellow cMAt/Uxitfs. ^VVi&SSZEtS. ®'PL 22,1245. ■jy* * -rxv Stnpa Parutuu. Kinlt Latnrljon Silk., Slripado. Black Gni .la Swiaa, Arrandia Uingliatna, Twilled Ginghaiua, Satin Strip# and Plain Black At»- lllttck aud Coloured Kid Cloven,Long AnnMiia * P ' M '' iranch Artlflcial flnwaraand YVreatha, ’ Sltaw. Leghorn, Velvet and Silk Bonnet., Rich Bonnet and Cap Kibbona, Velvet Neck do. ... FOR tJEIJILEMEJI’S WEAR. Fin. h rench Black Cloth., Black nod Faucy Casaimeree, Rich Velvet Vesting., Silk and Sulin tin* Black Satin and Silk 8carfii and Cravats, Fur and Benver Hats, Peytona Cloth und Fine Fur Caps* fffS A 1*80 IlJ A l *m ,U, ’ |,l a ° f L — of tho latent atyle and beat quality, with many other articles too numerous to mention. Millflgaviila, Oct. 7,1943. J ° HN ‘ K ^ A j 5, R> NEW ARRIVAL! CLOTHING Of the Cheapest and Latest l\i SUM OJYS t M M. I. LEON, of New York. OST re.pect fully inform, tha cililena of Milled,,,i|L and it* vicinity,and alao all who intend vinitinc Bit letlgeville thia winter, tliat he haajaat arrived,and ia opening Finest Assortment of Ready>inniin (DMTIEIIIH© ever brought to this market, consisting 0 f Dress, Frock, Over, Surtoul,and Pello Coals, The new style nf Sacks, of superior goods, Pantaloons and Vests, of every variety and style, Clunks ol ull sizes, and of superior material, 3 ' Shi. ills and Drawers, -Rei Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Acc. Acc. Poor Canes AcUuhrellns, ALL of which will he .old CHEAPER than an, ho. In,, sold here. Fur tho evidence that what 1 say is trur LET EVERY BODY CALL AT MY STORE NEXT DOOR TO THE OLD STATE BANK, AND JUDGE FOR THEMSELVES! CUTTING OF GAIUILIVTS, Neatly exncutcd, with daapatvh, and at the ahottral noticr. Millt’dgf ville, Srpt. 90,1B45. I if BROGANS!!! LARGE lot of Neffro short rpf-pivAtl ot 11 ia A'ff ll’ KfiCh'P 4 vn I just received at the NE W^RGOTLAND N/iOL’ STORE. All persons ptircliaiing i;,j H article will d > well to give us * cill,u we are determined tu sell CHEAP. E. ALEXANDER Ac CO. Milledgeville, Oct. 14,1845. 3 tf GlKANfD LODGE OF GEORGIA. rnHF* grand JL Lodge of Geor gia will comroeocs its AnnualCoinnii- nicalinn at ih« Mi> sonic Hall in the ci ty of Milledgevillt, of Novemu The olheers, here, and renreacD- lativesof subordin ate Lodges will gin their alteodauce lit tU« a a anal a* .if I II ***c|^ t the hour of 10 A. M. of that day. By order of the M. W. G. M. JOHN 8. WRIGHT. Sec’y. October 14,1845* 3 2t O 3 .Masonic Signal, Madison, will copy. PROPOSALS For Publishing in Savannah a Monthly Periodical, TO BK CALLED THE SOUTHERN HISTORICAL LITERARY MAGAZINE. PROSPECTUS. T HE originators of thia work believe that the field forliie- rnry exertion and influence, in our country, is everyday f [row ing w ider and wider; ond they ore willing to occupy at east a " cast a poilion of the ground, which seems to invite laliouiera. l ire chief object which they have io view, is to uid in vindica- t—•— So U ‘“ “ uu ting for the Southern Stales that literary position which, it b believed, they ere qualified to assume. They detiinaho. through thischanuel, to point oul the resouices and defend the interests of the South,to represent with truth the charac ter and condition of tlreneople, aud to furnish increased occa- ual effort. With these views, they ha»# for intcllectu , , sought to enlist in the undertaking the beat tulcni of tli. wliol. South; nud they feel, that they can appeal with rumr coofi* deuce to tlreir fellow citizens for support and co-operoiinn. The wotk will be Southern—it will be the organ rtf a sec tion ; but in no narrow spirit of hostility to any portion of our country. Juetico and candour towards til, wil! gorero in* course ; und it will steadily pursue tbe sacred ain't sf Truth. There is need,especially in this dav of rlin-p hi ..:i «•,for •tern and discriminating criticism. Manli noi.p'iialtiy ol thought—aa well as sound moral.—arc n. tii tiger 11' * crushed under the mass of trashy orcorrunt irutilicotioiia, bo.n A 1 1.1 _.1.L || ... V .* •Ikaa aall foreign and domestic, with w hich lire press teems. ’J hey oil loudly fur aiitiie daring and independent censor, who will lay on tire lash of Revere but just criticiain, "without fcarorta- vor,” and who will gourd the interests of litc-rntuie against tlio*e influences of the publishing houses of the country »hict through magazine and newspaper puffing, confer to tnaay false reputations on worthless volumes, and corrupt the very sources of a well regulated aud wholesome public opinion-— We therefore avow at the outset, that we intend to deal With these authors, publishers and books, with a severity only lim ited by our abilities, and a proper regard for the courietieadua to an enlightened community. Wo know and feel Ihut our literature is young, and hitherto but too imitative. Nevertheless that very youth Ims it* ed vantages und we shall endeavor lo give them full play, b) , u * cournging fresh ond vigorous exhibitions of ti • ‘’“‘“d o , ' iUr own country. Thul this*is pre-eminently tlte land of original thought.our I'atent Office, our wmkslmns.our fields aud our rims shun- dantly illuMrnte. In the Fipe Arts, American genius hs* produced works of which uny nation miglii be pinsd; “* are already rivaling old Euiope in every d<-|ini titieiit • finvei- lion, suve only in that uf litcAiture. Even in this, an indePfS* dent assnrtiun of thought and feeling has commerced,* ‘» fh tire American position and character demand, nnd.aiecilru- luteti to develops. Men here stand to inch other in Ilfs' aou udvaticed relations. Any expressions that shall l»u true fo thus* conditions, must give our literature new and original A rms 11 will ac cordingly be one of ll»e cherished objrcia«Mt Magazine, to foster, hy all tire meaus iu our power,every im pulse of native uud ongiual genius. ... u W hile nothing of a sectarian or partisan cbarorici '**•,* admitted into our pages, ne shall by no mrsna shrink from discussing religious aud political topics. TheyiovoM *#• bigliesl ioiereuta of man, and utpiesent.nioretban at any period, attract tbe reiiooa atteniion of all reflecting tninda* The interest which the Suuih has in tire eftit ieney character of lire Anny and Navy, w ill c.lniin for both eer*icM« prominent place iu our culuums. Our Nu a I end MilW Officers have often shown tliat they are us coinpetent l» dots of their ciuniry} lire literuture, as to defend the honor o, um, n /.• . number of able conti ibutors will bu secured from their rtO” This .M.igaxme will also be the medium through *bicnia GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY will regularly I*J"* lisb much of its most interesting material—portion* old*** niestic and foreign correapondciicf.cemmunusliuni.leCta’* » and other papers which way possess u general value. We believe too that out position baa peculiar advantages Georgia lies nearest llis centre ol Ihe Southern thus possesses superior opportunities for estiinsiisg souikers opinion, and giving a (rue expression lo southern iuierraiw- The work will be published by W.Tmobmc WilliaB*® 0 the first day of every inonlli, beginning in October next, The price will be/’ire Dollars per auuuni, payable vance. Agents will bo allowed a liberal comniisrio** llteir efforts lo obtain subscribers are respectfully suln »* eflr " lteuirn* to^be made b^tjn first of August onvuiinao.iviay 1,1040. . . ,i.u (L>*Editors desirous ol exchanging will please m*en »***■ Pretomclu*. * 1 34 If III AIL AURAAGEIQBM - Northern Mail. Dux Daily, (except Sunday,) at 10 a. M- Closks Daily, “ at 9j A.M. Savannah Mail• Dux daily, (except Monday.) at 3 r. m. Closes daily, at8r. at. Macon and Columbus Mail Dt/X daily, (except Sunday,) at 3 F. *• Close* daily, 44 all r. m. Eaton!on Mail• Due Manday, Wedneaday aodFriday ai7p.M. Closes »• •« •• a* Monticello Mail. C'lnu M0*4.7 an4Than(a, at » M> Florida Mail. Cunt. Monday, \Yr4a«a4aj a*4 FrWafat t f- , E. DAtiUElT, S- «•