The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, November 04, 1845, Image 4

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' - " - ~ 11. Mell, A. M-, Prof. of Languages; H. O. Peirce, A. fit., Prof, of Chemistry ami Natural Philosophy; H. P. tfaoford, A. M-, Professor of Me thematic*; He*. tf.GL Hillyor, A. Al,., rtmUer iUerlf»* Sales. ■eilto Court-lio«i»* door in (lie Iowa of (rd oouuty, 0*1 the first Tuomlay ia aeVi, viibiN the u«utl liouro of tale, the fol« efftrJdlr an! four hundred bushels of corn, iviud <»u •• Ihe properly of Jhium E. Blatter, ffi firUin Cmwlonl Superior Courl hi fatror of l yi Jimea B. SUlter. Properly pointed out .ttottiroh.iSii* JAMES BEELAND, Bin riff- Vf November Sherifl ’• Sale*. *** * “ Vernon _ ^ 5M- ihin the usual hour* of tale, the following OEORQftAf Newton comity. COURT OF ORDINARY, May Term* 1845. I N appearing to the Court, that John P. Thompson, Ad- minintrator on thermal* of tfatnu«d Thompson, deceuseq, It in,llierefore, ordered, Ittal tlte Uiem nr tins court no man® a citation, requiring *11 persons concerned, to allow eaqae, if any they have, on or before the duo publication of this cita tion, why autd letter* should not isdue, and that thisnitatiou •e published in terms of the law* A trne extract from the minute*, May Dili, 1843. 3J mem WM. I>. LUCKIK, c.c. Q. iu any 3W J — III bufurttba Court-house door ut Mi. Ventoi tery County ,o« the AraiTueeday in NOV EM ihin tho uautl hour* of aale, the fullowmi lioual tota of land, lying on the watera of the Oc.o- tfhoowVbr ihefoUpwIng Nunthera, 310 and 317 fc the llcti ’nMrict of formerly Wilkinson, n w 1 county : levied on ee the properly of \\ illiaui “V cue 6 fa isaued front a Justice’*Court,held Irfct in said county, in favor ol Hugh McNutt Property pointed out by defendant. Levy Wrn.d to m.ljy .bailiff. ^ ||iWALL Sller|fn M, IMS. MM VMIMr Ifoyenbcr Sheriff's Snlc. SHre£Li<l&il in i.ack»ou»ill., Telfair county, on the first GEORGIA, Tolfnlr County. W IIEHBAS John McLean, Administrator on the estate ol Alien McLean, deceased,applies to me forletters of DiMnilaaion fmm the esnie : . These are, ther*»»or*,t«piteanfl admonifhall and singular ill* kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear nl mv office, within the time prescribed by law, to show any they have, why **id u||fpvf distuiesion should not be * Given under my hand, at office, this 3d de v of June, 1845. 37 infitn JNO F. Melt A B, C. C. O. ' JLL lieeold h?an order q?Uie Inferior Suurl of Telfair ▼V county, on the first 'Tuesday |ti December next, lot No. fftt jit the 7th District and 3d section of originally Cherokee, pow Murray county. , Also,on the find Tuesday in January next, tfelfhir county, lot No. 113, known as the ft at Jacksonville, McAllister piece, pad Noe. 166 and 107, nil in the 9th District of said county With the incumberance of the widow’* dower; and No. 38 in |1|« 7th District of said county, and a negro women 43 or oO »•» S’ as the property of William Stnijeilll, »r. Into of said county, d*«aed, for the fienefit of the heir* and creditors of fidd deceewd. Turin* made^knowrijim die days of mile. Telfair county, September 21th, 1845. Atliittniftlrn tor’s Salt*. A GREEABLY to an order ofthe Honorable Inferior Court of Jasper County, when silling for ordinary purposes, will be sold before die Court-house door in Monticello. on the prst Tuesday iu February uexLvyilliiu the legal hours of sale, (he land* and negroes belonging lo the estate of Jesse Ai. Spencer, deceased. Terms on the dav of suIp. \ CHARLK.3 L. RIDLEV, Administrator. Oct. 14th, 1845. 3 tdv Attminlttrnior'H Snlc. W ILL be sold on the 27th day of November next, at the lute residence of-’esse M. Spencer, in Jasper county, Ga.the perishable property of said depeafcd, consisting of Moreas, Cattle, Hogs, Corn and Fodder, fee. Ac. Terms on tbs dnv. CHARLES L. lUHLEY,Adminislrntor. September 20th. 1845.52 tds Ikccntor’s Mule. A GREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of Wil kinson county, while Milting for qrdmary purposes, will fteaold before the Court-house door in Irwiuton, WUkinson (Bounty,on the first Tuesday in January next, between the usual'hours of sale, thb (and and one negro belonging to the cs- fbla of James King, deceased. .Sold tor the benefit of the beira and chditbrs. Tent)* made known on the day ol sale. JAM ES KtNNY, Executor. Seplotuber 1st, 1845. 50 tdw Executor's Sulc. A GREEABLY tonnnrUei'nf (he Interior Court of Wil kinson codiity, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will {MFeold on the fir*t Tuesday m November next, within the panel hours of sale, before the Court-hous.i door in Irwiuton one hundred eleven and one-fourth acres of land,ns a part of lot number two'hundred and twenty-nine; also, forty acres of land, aa a part ofsaid lot number 22$; also, twenty-eight acies of land, as part of lot number two hundred and twenty- ' nine, also, one hundred and fifty and one half acres, No. 228, Whereon Benjamin -Stnbh* liyed the lime of hi* death A I- im,onel?t of land, No. 219, containing one hundred one and pne-fburth acres ; all in the fourth district of Wilkinsou pounty, belonging to the estate of Benj. Stubbs, late of said county, dpcPu*Ml. OEOItOIAv Wilkinson County. W HEREAS Jacob Freeman, Administrator on the es- late of Jeremiah Allen, late of said county, deceased, tppliee to me fur letters of disillusion from said Administra lion : These ore, therefore, to cite and admonish al 1 and singular the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, to hr xml appear at my office within the time prescribed by lo\v,l». jIiow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given undfrmy hand at office, this 13th dav of May, 1845, 34 m6m AUG. II RAIFORD, Clerk. Professor (atmi) of Belfea Lettres. The course ol studies iu the College la a* full kindred instilutiou in the South* academical department. Rev. Thomas D Martin, A. R. t Principal. Tho Students in this^Uejiartineiit are prepared for College Tuition,ttt llieuollrfgtiitd department, $4 > tor ttie scnois.v- tiu voar; inilie Trepnratory Department. $25; in the Theologi cal Department, free. Board from7 to $8 per month. Washing, Room rent, fee., ■bom $2,00 per month. The first session commences on the 2d Wednesday in Au gust, and closes on the 30th of November. The 2ml session begins on the !5|h of January, and closes with the Commencement Exercises on the 2d Wednesday in nlv. For the course of studies in the several departments, in de tail, refer to the Christian Index,ornpply to one of tho Pro fessors. [Jjp 'The Chronicle and Sentinel.and Constitutionalist, An- giiktit; the Whig and Banner, Athens, the Southern Recorder and Journal, MiUedgevilie; the Republican end Georgian, Savannah, and the Enquirer and Times, Columbus, nre re quested to publish the above once a mouth for five months* and forward their accounts for aeitleinent to the Treasurer, Thomas J. Burnev, Madison. Sept. 30th 1845. 1 niSni iltttneiffjai wnton anoru* as inlay issimws wV aoy other ■** lha country. , v ; f . „ . . . The fioilhiea for getting here are ffreat, and lha.rotes of rransportailoB now so low as lo offer quite an indueffnieui to those residing in the neighboring States. GEORGIA, Pnuldfng County W HEREAS William Adair applies to in Administration o id county, deceased ; fi for letters of the estate' of Alien llilburn, late of These are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil end f * di * ‘ gtilar the kindred nud creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the tinie prescribed bv law,to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 2bth duy of Sept, 1845. 2 m6m E. THOMPSON,C.C. O. GLORGIA, Occutur County. W HERE AS George W. Bruton applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of Eplialy Alcbrift late of suidcobniy, dccauaed ; These are .therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred und creditors ofsaid deceased, to he and appear at my office within thetinte prescribedby law.toshowcauae, ifanv exist,why suid letters should not be granted. Giveu under my hand at office fills 20lh day of Oct., 1846. 5 6m JOHN P. DICKENSON, c.c.o. At*o, oh theJirit Tuesday fit December next, before the f!otirt-house d.lor’ln iho county of Lowndes, one-third of lot of land No. 456, containing 490 acres, belonging to suid estate of Benj 8tubbv. dec’d. Ail bold for the benefit of the heira end creditor* of said de ceased, Terms made known on the day of safe. Aug 5th, 1815. A Administrator’ll Sale* GREEABBV to an prderof (lie tlooqrahfo the Inferior Court of the Cquntv of llurke, while sitting for ordinary rturpoMes, and jn accordance with the wilt of Holding Burber, Ueernsori, will lie sold before tho Court house door in Camp- tTie first Tuesday in November fe>ext,one true! of land known as number 74, in the 7th District of originally Carroll, now Campbell county. Sold for divis- ^nnampiig the heira of the late Holding Barber, deceased. Terirts on tlieday. P. B. CONNELLY, Administrator August 26, 1815. with the will annexed Coroner's Sale. J bnfure flie Court-liouae of (rwinton, Wilkinson county, oil Ihn first 'Tuesday tnuECEMBER next, between the usual hour* of sale, the following property,to wit: One Jersey Waggon; levied on as the property of Levi tMrop*on,to satisfy onefi fa,from the Inferior Court of said - ““ll " .JBenll, Miter- s Attorney. , Coroner. Oct. 17th 1845. GEORGIA. Decatur Couuty, W HEREAS Thomas Whigham, Administrotor ou estate of William Whigham, late of said county, de ceaped, applies lor letters of Dismission from said Adminis (ration! ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ These are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil and singular, the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, to be and appear at my office,' within the time prescribed bv law, to shew cause if any they bayo, why suid letters should not be granted. Given under myliand nt office, this 2d day of Sept., I84u 50 6m JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. p. (», GEORGIA, Tc|fair County. W HEREAS Duncan Mims applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of Duviij Ali ns, late of said county, deceased : These are therefore io cite and adiiiouisii all and singular, the kindred end creditors ofsaid deceased lo be und appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, ifanv they have, why said letters should not be grunted. Given under my hand, at office, thin 16th da \ of Se|U..I845 5t JNO. F. McKAE, c. c. BUT OOOPS. Tnwnttndt Armhi, . No. 1, Ihyne street. Wiley, Hanks «§• Co. . . *• 3, •• r Kelsey * Deos, . . . •• 0, Hill,lands <f- J/owell, . . 7. “ Ilyall.McBurney Co. . " 9, " OMtU. I. III. el- Hartal, Hare Co. ; SHOPS P. f, Fleming. , H. Uluddard Wood, , J. S. Beach, ; L. M. cj- B. W. Fm ce Co. No, 4, Ihyne street. AUGUSTA/ AUTD illACOA, (l*t« Jliadlson) STAGE NOTICE. The Nearest, Cheapest* and only Route between these tin i important points, now in alteration, that runs directly through without delay vnon the mad L EAVING Madison on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings, offer the arrival oV the Curs from Aucuata., passing by Eutonton, Clopton’s Mills, Blountsvjlle, Clinton, und urrivo at Macon at 7 o’clock, I*. M., where we inf* incut il»e line for Tallulinpsee, nnda daily line of Four Horse Post Conches for Cnbiinhu*. RETURNING. Leave Macon on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 2 o'clock, A. M., passing through the ulmvo named places,und arriving at Madison at 3| o'clock, I*. M., where we will never fail to connect with the downward trnbi of Cars for Augusta. \Ve also run a line to Milledgeville and Mpnticello for Milledgeville. Leave Madison on Monday, Wednesday niul Friday mornings,after the urrivai of tho cars from Augusta, passing through Eutonton, and arrive at MJIIodgevillc ut 5 o’clock, P. M. where we will connect with a daily lino of four horse CowheH for Savannah and Macon. Returning, leave Milledgeville on 'Tuesday, Thursday niwl Saturdav, at 3 o'clock, A. M., passing by F.utonton, and nth rive at Madison at 31 o'clock.P. M. For Monticello, leave Madison on Monday, Wednesday , and Friday morning, after the arrival of the cars from Angus- ta.nnssing by Whitfield’s, and arrive at Monticello m I o’clock, P. M. Returning, leave Monticello,'on Tuesday•, 'Thursday and Saturday,at 8j o’clock, A. M., and •rrivo.xil Madison al 31 o'clock, P. M. 'Travellers may rely upon good horses und coaches, and sober and steady, and careful drivers. We hope, by good and closu attention to pIihio u purl of the public patromicc. C. H, CAMPBELL, Agent, NlmiiHon. ST. LANIER , “ Macon. WM. GOOLSBY, “ Monticello N. HAWKINS, “ Milledgeville. Col. 1311YAN, " Eatouton. HAWKINS Ac BRIGGS, Proprietors. Sept. 30, 1845. I tf No. 2, Ihyne street. , 3t .. .. ** U», • - 18. *• OXLOOBBXB*. S. S. Farrar, . . No, 22, Ihyne street HATS, OATS, Sc. F. D. Fanning Co. . No. 0, Ihyne street llankin, Sproults Co. . “ 16, “ “ DRUGS AXTB MBBX0XHB8. Hay,land, Harral djr Allen, No. It, Ihyne street. 1‘. M. Cohen cj- Co. , “ 19, “ “ HARD WARD. Morton <$• Courtney, . No. 8, Ihyne street. Itoosevell 4' Barker, . “ 17, “ " CROCSERT. a S. II. Cameron 4 - Co. No 21, Hay lie slreel Brown 4' fllone, . “ 14, “ - II. B. Gleason, . Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel. BOXffXfDTS AMD STRAW OOODB. Dewing <f- Thayer, . . Meeting street. BOOHS. STATION ART. Ac. McCarter 4" Allen, Meeting street—near Charleston Hotel. Chnrle.lon, 9,1845. 50 8t GGOKGU, Dccnlnr County. W IIKKKAS NHtlmniel H. AdminiRtrulor on tlm estate of brown, decen.nd, ilpplfee Iu nte fur tntler. ufdi.mia^ifin frum anitl Adinini.tmlinn : ' Theau ure,tlinrerure,tu(tiieandndinoniali ell and singular liiakindren and ureditura of .aid deuuoaed ,to lie niul appear at my iitlice within the time prescribed by Inw.toalioweuuae, it any they have, wjjy said letters aliuulil not be grafted, (liven under mv band at nfliee, this -hi dav nf OrteberJOdb. a Cm ’ JOHN P. DICKB.NSON, c. c. o. 1 .10U1C NON'I'll* afterdate, upiilieatiim will be made . to thu Inferior Court of Ualdwin county, wlieii silting for ordinary nurpoaea, for leave tp'sell a negro boy. named Abram,belonging to the estate of Isaieh Wheeler, decenaed. July 994,1845; DKI.II.AH WHEELClt, Adm’x. county,while Bitting tur ordinary purpdaea, for leave tosdll alt the land, and negroea' belonging to ilie eelule of Henry Juice, late of said county, deceased. 51II.ES J. GUEST, Admr. SARAH JUICE. Adinr'x. Aug. 15th, 1845. ■ .toe It .MONTHS alter dole, application will lie U madeto the Honorable the Inferiorl onrtof Wilkinoon Cotiuly,while sitting fur ordinary purposes, (or leave to sell the laud and negroes belonging (o the estate of James Exutn. iateof said contitv, deceased. JAMES KOSS, J.Cf.ll. HOGAN, \ "• July 7th, 1845. 42 1 .1 011 It 1HONTU8 alter date applies tionwlllbp made . lo the honorabla tho Inferior Court of Wilkiuponcouniy, while nitting for ordinary purpoprp, for leave to »el 1 the reul estate of Alien .Smith, bite of said coiiniy,dflc*a«cd. JAMES VICK.KltS, AdminiPtrator. Sept. 11,1845.5F 9irapson,io saiiniy onen m.rrom inn iniermr t^oi county vp.ssid Siiuppon, iu favor of Walter \\ . Bf Iff. tod others. Proper!v pointed out by plaintiffs RICHARD WATTERS,C TTCTILL ha sold before tfie Coqrt-lumso iloor in the town of VV Irwlnton, Wilkinson countv, on the first Tuesday in ROVEMBBR next, within the tegul houra of sale, the fallowing property,to wit: ^ ONE GREY HORSE. SADDLE and BRIDLEi levied 00 as the properly of Levi Simpson, to Batiafy one fi la Issued from the Inlsriof 'Court ofsaid county in fsvor of Wil ier \V. Beall, Sheriff, for ills nee of William E. Carswell slid •tbers. RICHARD WALTERS, Coroner. 38,1845.I yifluftble Plantation for Sale. T HE fttbsciiber« hold for sale, a Plantation in the tipner pert of theI5lh district, Sumpter county, adjoining Mr. MemJ) Scrutchins and others,cooiaining I3lb acres.—Also iW acres Id the same countv.28tli district, well timbered pine mid | wfth a saw mill, on Mill creek, convenient to the tim ber. ' Also, a plantation in the 3d District of Baker county itaining 2600 acies, a very superior tract of land combining’ 'lily, food water,healthiness. All these places have im- rentnnl* upon them. Persona disposed lo treat for these I* are requested to address the undersigned personally,or letter at Augusta, and those ip the neighborhood, are re- to Mai. John Cowart, of Americas, or Mr. Josiali bias, of the same county. * ROBERT F. POE, )adm’rs.of the es- WILLIAM J. EVE, f late of Paul Fits- GEO. W. CRAWFORD, J eimmona, dec’d Beni *3, 1846 53-1111. Cr i b* Federal Union, Georgia Journal, 8avannnh Re- •obBean, Albany Patriot, and Columbus Times, will copy until the 1st of Decs S3 GEORGIA, Jfispci* Comity. To the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court oj said county, sittingfor ordinary purposes, ai May Term, 1645. T HE petition of Seaborn Hawk aheweth that lie is the le gal iraosferree of a certain bond for title* to land , here tofore made and delivered by Watson isbaw, in his lifetime, to John dpearmuu—t)iat the consideration money hu* been paid —that the said Wat non Shaw has departed this life, and that Leroy M. Willson, of said Countv, i* his ndmini-lrator—that annexed is a copy of said bond—that your ‘petitioner pravs that the said sfbn’inistrator be directed by this Court to make titles to the lauds' in said bund mentioned, according to the statute in such case inude und provided. JOSHUA MILL, Petitioner’s Attorney. [COP* B’NP.] ’ GEORGIAKnow all men by these, presents, that I, Jnnper county. £ Wntson 8haw, am held and firmly bound to ‘ jJnlin 8pe«riqfji, in tjie penal sum of one hundred and thirty dollars, for ilie true pcflorinimpe of ^hicb I hind m>aelf,iqy heirJi and assigns, firmly by these presents. The condition of the above bond or obligation is Riich,thut whereas the said Watson Shaw hath this day, in end lor the consideration of sixty dollars, bargained and sold a certain tract nr parcel of land, lying and being situate in the sixteen *' District, number (343) three hundred and forty-three, a‘,u fourth section of originally Cherokee, containing forty acres, more or less, having such’shape and marks as will appear by refeience to a nlut of the aaine. Now, R the said Watson Hhaw shall make to the said John Hpearman a good and law ful title to said laud, then the shove to be null and void.olher- • wise to remuin in full force apd virtue in law. WATriQN S!IAW.(l. s.] This 141h day of Jan. 1840. I transfer the within bond to Seaborn llawk—18th March 1840. JOHN SPEARMAN. Upon hearing the foregoing petition, it is orderefi by the Court, that the said Leroy M. Willson, adin’r. show cause at the next November Term of this Court, why lie should not make Raid title prayed for,and that (hi* proceeding be before then published Tor three months in one of the public gaxettes of tlii* Stale, and in the public places of the couuty, lo wit, •* the Courl nouse. A true extract from the minutes of Jasper County Court of Ordinary,May Term, 1845. SHADRACH J. McMICHAEL, C. C. O. July 29,184^V.44 I3t tuber. Valuable Plnmntion for Snlc. I offer *n excellent and RICH COTTON PLANTATION for sale. It lies in Crawfo.d County, thirty two miles fio.m Macon, ten from Knoxville, aisd three from Culloden. s healthy village, where there is always good male and ftipal* Schools. 'The Plantntiou contain* Eighteen Hundred flyscre# of land,all first and second quality oak and ^Vfaud post oak land, well watered, with seven hundred ^..jfclenred, the balance woodland. The improvements are and nearly new, being mostly made within the fast Ava years, with a yard sod garden hardly equalled in Middle »bs excellence and variety of ite flowers, shrub- Jwly and fruits. From the great drought, the crop ia not •tml,t« tilt land,but is much better than an average crop of JHfiplitUry, A bargain maybe had, and time inpayments M* suit purchasers. SAMUEL RUTHERFORD. TO PRINTERS* Type Foundry & Printer’s Furnishing; Warehouse. '■M1E Subscribers have opehad a new Type Foundry in I the City of New York, where they are rt*adj; lo supply orders to any extent,for any kind of Johor Fancy Type, Ink, Pnnar, Cases, Gulleys, Rule, 8TEEL COLUMN RULE, Composing tsiickp, Chase*, und eyery article for a Printing Office. The Tyne, which (tf* in tiefv moulds, from an entirely new set nl matrixes, witli deep counters, are warranted to be unsurpassed by any, and will be sold st priem* to suit the limn*. All tho type furuivbed bv u*is "bund cast.'* Printing Presses furnished, and also Steam Engines of the most approved patterns. Composition Rollers cast for Printers, Editors of newspapers, who will buy three limes as much type aa their bills amount to, may give the. above sis inontha insertion ill their papers, and send their papers containing it to the Subscribers. COCKCROFT Al OVER END. Bept.9. 50 Cm lid Ann Mmet, New York. Au^iinta Chronicle Ac Sentinel will please copy • FURNITURE AND HOUSE CARPENTRY. OIIEIIT I). HAEI. (successor of IF. Lord,) ha« co«. lx ai.ulljr on liand, inaka. lo order, and rc|iuira all kinda of M. Riiaa <n n •oMM’.whila.l VOOS HOW VMS after dala, application will b. A mSUO 4. lb. Honorable Inferior Court of SVilkinaon •hlie. for ordinary purpoaea, fur laave to aell ,ro«a, to the eatat. of John Eail/, ... said counts, deceased. , HENRY EAHY, Adminiatrator. ■fx-a«v.w»w HVTIIS after date epplietlioo will he llonorabla Inferior Courl of Decatur conn- for ordinary, forieere to .ell the . Garner, 1*1* ef aaid county,deeeeaed. JEREMIAH TATE, Admintcinlor. SI tsru] Wli after data, application will bs In Inferior Court of Jsspsr county, r pnrpoooc, far lonvo to soli thliM tbsoouto of Jtsos M. ffponcor, Into CHARLES L. RIDLEY, Adtn'r. Hiltsbom', Jsly lOtb, 1845. 42 Furniture.' Ail kinds of HOUSE CARPENTRY done in the best manner, and t.»w. All kinds of Paints can be had ready for uae. Glass cut to anv aise, and G lasing dons. Also, Glass for Picture frames, fee. of various sixes; Hard ware Trimming* for Furniture, fee., ami Mahogany and Black Walnut Draw Knobs, fee. Ladies will please cell at Mr. Newell's Store, where they will he conducted into the Shop and can see the Furniture. Milledgeville, June 10, 1845. 37 if I A CARD. T la deemed by the Trustees end Resident Physician to the Institution; promotiva of the boot interests of lb* lo- in alee that no visiloro be admitted before 8 o'clock, A. M., be tween If end 9, end sAsr 5PM.; end within these bo nre on ly In company with tho Pbreioian nr by bie written permit to tho Btewerd and Matron, oaoept nnder peculiar cireumsian etc. D. COOPER, “ ’ Aug. It, 1845. , Res. Phys. fe Supsriat iperint. 47 tf FIFTY DOLLAKNREWARD. l'OLEN from tho Subscriber, in CHinphell count} , < the 15lh of August inst, n negro boy about twelve xenr* old, by dm name of RAFE, belonging to Thomas Pin*, und lilted by dm Subscriber this year, dark complected, large, front teeth, large chin, speaks quick when spoken to, well grown to liis age. Also, Htolen die same night, by cutdog a. hole in my trunk, Home twenty five or thirty dollars The above reward will he giirii for dio negroand tldef, lodg ed in any BHfe jail. or forty dollars for tin- tjijef. will) suffic ient proof to convict him; or ten dollars for the paid hey, lodged in any safe jail. J.C.SILVKY. D3*The Columbus Enquirer and NVetutn| * NEW STOCK OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, — cutlery; ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Ulus* C, for 1845, To be drawn at Alexandria, D. (J. on Saturday . N tveniherjfi, 1845. Hrillinnt Scheme. *90.000! *20,000 1 *10,000! *9,000! *3,4)00! *2,893! 90 of 1,4*4)0 lOO Do. 900 .3 .. Do. 300 Sic. &c. &c. 78 NUMBER LOTTERY—13 Drawn Ballots. Tickel**12—ll.l*e. *0—Qo.rleni *3-Ei,:liili« *1 90. Certiiiuate* ol Packages of 26 whole'Ticket*, ff I (ill 00 Do do 26 Half do 80 00 Do do 26 Quarter no 40 00 Do do 26 Eighth do 20 00 ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY. Cl..** 44, fur 1845, To be druwnin Alexandra.D.C., on .Saturday, dm 22d of November, 1845. S C H E M E. 30,000 Dollar. 1 10,000 Dollar. I 6,000 Dollars 1 5 000 Dollar. 1 4,«»o Dollars! 3.000 Dollars ! 2,900 Dollars! 2,120 Dollars ! 2,000 Dollars! 35 PRIZES or 1,000 DOUAXI11 20 of 400. fee. fee. 75 NUMBER LOTTED Y—14 Drawn Ballots. Tickets $10—Halves $5—Quarters $2,50, Kelli *? of November next. The Ofleer., lee*. Iiere, tod rrpre„ n . I.tmwef iubnrdia. «ie Lodge, will ,i„ .(lend.rue by the hourof lOo'clk. , , A. M. of that dav. Ili order of the M. W. G. M. y JOHN 8. WRIGHT.Sec’y. October 14, 1845. 3 2t 7 Hy*.Masonic Hfgnal,Madison, will copy. ~ IFiiisobosius n. dXvii;*, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MII.LEDGEVILLE, Go. June 24th, 1845. 39 tf ^SHfBST A MOMATARlT^ ATTORNSEN AT LAW, Eatouton, Ga., Will practise in all the Counties of the Ocmulgee Circuit. Dec. 17. 12 tf LAW rnllE undersigned will regularly attend the Superior J. Courts in the following counties, vix: Morgan, Wilkinson, Greene* Hancock* Dulnam* Jones* Baldwin* Jasper and Bibb. JAS. A. MERIWETHER. Estonian, 24th March, 1845. 2(J omit WILLIAM K. DCGKAFFENUIED ATTORNEY AT LAW, Blakely, Early County,Geo. Refehences—Hon. Seaborn Julies,Hon. W.T.Col, quilt* lion. A. Iverson,Hon. Joseph Sturgis* John Schlry* and Henry L. Benning Esqrs. Jun.2, 14 tf AND FANCY GOODS, •li IfOIT^B M*ItiCM2S than they hare ever been offered for in Georgia* C \ Ke WENTWORTH, formerly in the employ /• of Mr. Childs of Milledgeville, (as NVaich-muker,) has recently returned from New-York, with a fine stock of Watches, Jewelry, Fluted Ware, fet .fec, CONSISTING OF Superior Gold nud Silver Lever Wafcheg, Gold Fob, Guard nud Ladies Neck Chain*, Gold,Silver and Steal Spectacles, Gold and Silver Pencils, Ladies’ und Gentlemen’s Breast Pins, Finger King* and Ear Kings, Gobi Buttons. .Stud* und Chain Slides,Thimble*, Ladies' Fine Gold and Hair Bracelets, Jot Combs, Hair Pins am) Head Ornaments,fee. Roger’s Supnrior Pen and Pocket Knives, Razor’* and Scissors, t* ink Plated Castors, Cake Baskets nnd Candle Sticks llrittania Ware, Fancy Goods, fee.'fee. feci Embracing nlmost every article usually kept in hi* liue t ALl of which is ENTIRELY NE\V and of the most fashionable style and best quality,a mi will be sold at prices'Which cannot fail to suit purchasers. Watches mill Jewelry of every descri paired at the shortest notice. All Watches repaired or sold wilj he warranted to ke.ep good lime lor one veur'or the cash refunded. Watches sent from Htiy part of the country will receive the same attention, and be repaired on as reasonable terms as though the owner were present. C. K. WENTWORTH, Watch Maher and Jeweler, store adjoining that of Mr. Geo. A. Kimberly, Mulberry Street,MACON* Geo. Macon,Jan.7, 1845. ' 15 tf will please publish the above three counts lo me. Morthasville, DeKnlb co., Ga., Aug. 2G. ml Wetumpka [Ala ] Whig d mouths, and loro aid their J C.Sm 48 I3t CONTINUES to be open for the reception of Members of the Legislature and transient visitois. Promising to spare no pains to render c nml'orta • ,hie nil who may call,tlio proprietor hopes to re- • al simreoflhu public patronage. Milledgeville, Oct 21, 1815. 4 tf ItOAKUIiYK. TH F, Subscriber will Board Members at.d Tran sient personsTluriiig the. setting of the Leghlatnre PETER J. WILLIAMS. October 7. 1845. 2 if ItroiiRlit to Jail, IN Itn iiiton, Wilkinson County, on the 2vM dny of June. 1845, one black ne^ro fellow by me of Moses, about 5 feet 2 incite* high, black complexion, whole teeth in front, with no other marks seen, who sn vs Im belongs to Gen. ilton.of Osi\ itcliee Bend, A labanoi. 'Tim owner is requested Co come fornurd, prove property, pay charges,and take him a June 25th, 1845. M it Brougiil to Jail, A T Irwiuioii, Wilkinson county, Georgia, a negro man, who says his name is ANl'HON\, about twenty-live years ol uge, five Ie« t six or right inches high, rather yellow complexion, and says he belongs to a mail living in Orange county, N.C.,by the unine of Sandy Cheek. rquested to come forward, prove WAREHOUSE A COMMISSION mr husuvess. rililE undersigned, E. W. Doughty, (qf the Into firm of JL Dye fe Doughty,) Wm. A. Beall, and Joseph M. Rob erts, (survivor of the firm of Clarke & Roberts,) have entered into copartnership under tho firm of DOUGHTY, BEAL!, fe ROBERTS, /or llm transaction of the Warehouse nnd General Commission Business. They Iihvo take.n tlm exten sive and commodious fireproof Warehouse, on Jackson street.occupied for several year* past by Clarke fe Roberts, where they ate prepared to eerve their friends and customers in dm sroiage and sale of Cotton and other produce. Their persons! attention will he strictly devoted to the interest of I hr ir customers in nil busiimrs entrusted to them. _ The central locution oftlmir Waielioune, being in the im mediate vicinity of tlm piincipal Hotels, Banks und Grocery Stores,unit on iim street lending to (he Railroad Depot, pre sents sujmrior advantages iu point of convenience to planters visiting'tlm cilv. 'Tlmircharges will conform to die customary rates of this city. Liberal advances wjllbo made on cotton in! store. DOUGHTY, BEALL & ROBERTS. Augusta, July 10,1815. • 60 9t J. WA«linU»A & WILDER, property, pay charges, and tuke hi Jnlv 13th,1815. s. b. Murphy, jailor. 43 If SAVANNAH, GA. JOSEPH WASIIUURN, JOHN H. WILDER. Allg. 12. 4b 2b ll l'Olltflll «> .lull, A T Irwiuton, Wilkinson county, Georgia, a negro man, who say* his name is GEORGE, about twenty-two t ears old, rather yellow complexion, /ite /eel six or eight inches high, nnd says Im belongs to John Carter, of Colum bus Georgia. The owner or ou ners are requested lo cornu j forward, prove properly, pat charges, ami lake him awn' tf. U. MURPHY, Jail*. July Mill, 1045. 43 If NEW FIRE-PROOF WARE-HOUSE, .Wacon, Geo. THE undersigned having erected n Fire- Proof VVAnE-Hot'sfc,situated at tlm hf-tffi of Colton Avenue, lenders bis services lo his friends and the public generally, for the sto rage of Cotton and Merchandize, ami / cotne fn take him atvuy.' ogee co., July 9. 1846* i ..ottsaclion o f Commission Business n 'j brunches, pledging himself to Use every exertion to the interests of, and render nut info cl ion to, those tv * confide business to his charge. Ttie storage and sale of Cotton wilt be under tlm direction mid control of Mr. JOHN JONES, who lias long been known ' in dm Ware house business, and will give particular attention hr sale nfCortonattd the tilling at orders for goods. ..iberal advances will be made on Cotton in store or to Im .nokun to.^ptn oworr i« requested li. J d, ,,rn.o proper.,■, p.y cl.argiv.auJ I ROPE, AND TWINE together with any other articles, will bo furnished customers ut the lowest mat hrt price. N. B. Storage and Commissions nt BioiiRlit lo .lull, THIS day, n negro man who says his name is FRANK,und that Im In-long* lo Jesse Beck, of Henry county.Gn. Said negro is of light com plexion, uboiit five frelieii inches high, speaks j k quick w lien spoken to.^p.e owner is requested ‘ T. A. BRANNON, Sherifl*. vlio Brought to Diuicn Juil, O N the 2d day ol .May U»t, a Negio man slave his name is J AMF/tf,and that he belongs to John 11 of Burke county, und that lie ran uway about lire 15ih of April. Snid troy i* about fiv« f.*et five or six inches high, dark completed; Iris back well tnaiked with the whip. JOHN SMITH, Jailor m’i.c. Oct. 7. 3 4t Brought lo Jail. con, 21th June, 1815. KARlin A FULTON, 1 M,*!*. their undivide.l mieniion lo all biiMn... bout twenty one year* old, of yellow complexion, about five feet six inches high, who says lie belongs lo General Reu ben C. Shorter, ofEufaiiln Ala. T. A. BRANNON, SITfl*. of Muscogee County. Columbus, Sept. 24lli 1815, I— inlSixortf. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH. GEO. N iotice.-i 'lie following persons, or, il dead, their ic- I preseninlives, may bear ol something lo their advantage, bv application at the office ol the Charleston Courier, viz :— Uetliaritie Alexander. Ex. (A. 1). 1792); Daniel Atwood. (17%); Allwell I*habod,(l80l); Soruli Butler,(1764); Joins Bull, (1797); Joseph Brevard,(1800); Hugh Betlmne,(181)11). John Brownlee, (1794); Andrew Baskin*, (1792); Ueben n Bampfield. (1792); Elizabeth Bunch, (1795); Elia* 11x11,(1797); ViclorineG. Boisgerard,(1811); Crawford Davidson, (1795); Christinmi Dauhuz, or hauhug, (IhUl ;; Josiah Dickinson, sdin’r of James (ljlclirist, (1811); John Darrell, (1709; Mnrv Gregory, (1811); Ihouc Holmes, Ex’r of James tffsnyxriie, (1792); ’Thomas llorrv,Ex’r of E. Horry, (1798); John Bee Holmes,in trust for Harriet Edward*,(1798); Archibald H ir- vey,(179.1)' William Hort, 11803); Ann Elliott Huger,(I84)2fc Nathaniel Heyward, (1806); Edw. Lowndes, (1 BO I); lai.uc l.cgnre, (1792); Langston fe Dixon, (1796); tfartiuel Lini: r, Ex’orol li. Guerar<i.(i8I3); Jam** i.owndes, (1801); John P. Martin and B. A. Murkley.for Robt. Martin, (1794); John t?. n Eliaa Moore, (1812); John Niolut, (179 ■); siher usied lo tlmir care. Orders for Bagging, Inmily sup 1 plies, fee., will he promptly executed at tlm lowest prices. Jl>| y 29,1845. * __ 49 8l mis. Apnlueliicolu, Fin-, July* 1N45. T IIE nndeisigned will continue to transact a GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS at APALACHICOLA under (lie firm of HOWARD X KUTHEKFOJiD. 0T7*Thev have also determined to estnbiish a COMMIS SION HOUSE at NEW ORLEANS, the ensuing eenson, where otic of (lie firm will always be found. Their personal attention will be given to all business with which tlmv mav be entrusted. Tim usual advance* will lie made upon goods in More or Cotton consigned to them. Thacker b. Howard. 47tf ADOLPI1U8 tf* RUTHERFORD. Martin, (1794); John I .... James l’ovus, London, (1795); Wm. Price, (1797); “— ,(179 4,r * U III. I IILD, (1131 j, CeBlIir* , (1795); Robt. Scott, (1792); Wm. itn. in trust, (1793); Love Stone r Smith,(1804); Frauceu tatfl ofJolin Holmes,(I81'G) tier, (1791); Mary Tucker, U< ht. Williams. (1801); James Waningt'on, (1798); Wakefield,aen. (1799); Thus. Young,(1807); Mary Bo (1817); Rev. Miehl. Crosby,(1817): J. B. Campbell, iu (1818); Sami. Duvennort,(1817); t Inintopher DeGrn/lV Prescott,(1797); John Price, Stephen, (1796); James Smitl (1801); Peter Smith, ad m’or of J i Simmons,m trust for the estate ofJolin Holmes,(1866); llol>t» Smith,(1812)/ 'ThomusTurner, (1791); Mary Tucker, (1795); Ui bt. Williuina (1801): James Warrington, (1793); John ... . - •• • l “ %r ••—Bowman, , iu trust, Graflenreidt, ((801); Win. Hort, Ex’or Jane Peart,(B Hurt, Ex'or Win. Hunlap,(l798): Mary l.inch Hurry,jlSI 1); John Johnson, of 9fi»h District, (1793),• VVm.Jenner fe Ci», (18181; Col. Win King, (1816), James Moore of Georgia, [1792]; State Cincinnati Boehm nf Georgia; Rev. Tims. H. Price,[1817], Susannah Kivu»'e,’[t785];Lvnch Roberts,[1792]; Dr. James Stuart, [1818]; Murgarel 'lone, Ex’s of Solan, [18191; Niardo, Grannie fe Co. [17921; Elisabeth Williams, [1792]; Bird, Savage fe Bird; John J. Pringle; Natlil. Rue- eel!, iu trust for Cba/Iestott insurance Company, heirs of Geo. Guerfn. 41 tf A FORTY Acre mMs *the 18th Diatriet, td tfnctioa,of Cobb county. The above lot will Ire told on reasonable terms,by immediate application at this Office. May 8.1846. * U MEDICAL CAKE. D OCTOR FAWCETT, Ofl96, Fulton lireet, New York Member of the Royal College of Surgeona, of_ London und EdiiilMirgli, ami Grailuale of the Jr-flersoti Medical Col lege of Philadelphia; also, author of a work embracing the following subjects, viz;—Matrimony, Impotrncv and Sterili ty, anatomically, pliy*iological|y. Slid piedicnlly explained, with a eomprehensive’oxjrosilioii of the nature and modern treatment of Syphilis, Secondary •Symptoms, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strictures, Nocturnal Emissions, and nil the conse quences arising from self pollution. Doctor Fawcett cuntin- ue* liis private consultations on the almvcinnntiniiGd diseases, at his long established office, 196 Fulton street, where the most aggravated forms ol all affection* of the generative or gnns will yield to hi* mode of treatment, withouf io»traint in diet or exercise, nud without mercury. Even when the pro creative energies become torpid or paralyzed, from excessive indulgence, or from masturbation, lie will he able to restore the parts to health and vigor. Persons at a distance, enclos ing $l,can have a copy of the work.. All letters must he poat paid,and direoted to Pr. II. Paw celt, 196 Fultoii street, New York. Aug 26. 48 6tn GEORGIA, Lee County. TURNER HUNT, of the 961th Dist G. M. tolled before me, D.R. Hunt, a Jus tice of the Peace in and for eaid county, one sorrel Mare, about four years old, ___________ with blame (ace and her left hind foot white. Appraised by Thomaa B. High and Jamea Cox at fifty dollars, this lha oth Oct., 1846. D.R. HUNT, J.P. A true extract from the Estrey Book, this 8th day of < Octo ber,1845. SAMUEL C. WYCIf E.Cteik. 4 3t Do do > half 25 quarter 30 ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class No. 45, for 1845, To be drawn in A Icxandriu, l).C., on Saturday, November 29lh,1845. SPLENDID PRIZES. 13,000 Dollars! 3,000 Dollnrs! 3,000 3,500 1,330 1,300 500 40,000 Dollars! 5,810 Dollars! 3 Prizes of- 5 no 5 do 5 do 40 tlo &c. kc. &c. Numbers—14 Diawn Ballots. Tickets $10—Halves $5—Qnnrtere $2 50. Certificates of Pncknges ul^2C, Wholes, $130 00 Do do 20 Hnlves. 00 (1(1 Ito do 26 Quarters, 32 50 (LrOrders for Tickets and Shares ood Certificates olTack- sges in the above Magnipicknt Shemks will receive prompt Uoardlnv House. THE Subscriber will board Members durioe the sitting ol the Legislature. Location aear the State House. M.E. EDWARDS. Out. 21,1045. 4 5t n. Congressional Intelligencer., S Proprietors of die Natios'xl Ijvtxj.ljg>:xc> attention and an account of the Drawing will bn sont imnin- eiy uftei it is over to all who mnv orde .1. G.GliE dlately aflei it is over to all who may order from us. Address, GREGORY & Co., managers' Washington Oily, D. C. ttltUlWJER sfc FACTORS | And Commission Merchants, fto, 72, Bay Street, Savannah. C. A, (mi KIN Kit, Ws A. Beali.. 51 tf Sept. 17. STATE OF GEORGIA. By GEORGE VV. CRA WFORD, Governor oj said State. A VACANCY having occurred in the 29th Congress of the U nited States,Y>y the resignation of the Honorable WASHINGTON TOE, member elect from the Third Con gresgioiiul District of this Slate, Ido hereby issue this, my proclamation, requiring tlie fluly authorized officers of said District to hold an election in their levpeclive counties, on MONDAY,the 5thday of Janpury,1846,in mannur and foitn as by luw pointed out, to fill said vacancy, end that they give certificate* thereof* Given under my hand nnd weal of tlm Executive Depart merit, at the Capitol in Milledgeville, this the 16th dnv of October, A. (>.1815. GEORGE W.CRAWFORD. By the Governor: John 11. tf- E I). 4 tf f|MIE Proprietors of the National iKTitLLiGXNcxn. il ». JL der to meet the withes of those whose tir inclination do not altow them to subscribe even to a weekly Washington paper during the whole year,have dv.termintd lo i*8iic, dining each session of Congiess,a weekly sheet,styl- ed “ Tmk UwffORKx IO.VAL 1/VTELI.IGKNCKK,” to he devoted exclusively to the publication, us far as its limit* will per- in it 9 of i he Proceedings of both Houses of Congress, nnd Official Reports and Documents connected tiierewjth,inclu ding a complete ojjicial copy of all the Acts jrassed by Congress during the session. To bring the price within t he reach of every man who can rend, tno charge for tins paper will fie for the first session of each Coiigre** One Duller, and for the second session ol each Congress half a Dollar. The price of the Congressional Intelliokncek, to be issued on each Wednesday during tlte npprouchiiig Sppuion of Cong res a, will therefore be One Dollnr, paid in ad vance. To enlarge upon tho value, to those who take no newspa per from Washington,ol this publication,containing an ini- partial lint necessarily abbreviated account cf the Proceed- mgs in Congrco*,including an authentic official copy of nil tho luw* passed during tho session, would he need less. The man who takes no such paper aught to tuke one, if lie don* not prefer remaining ignorant of what most near ly concerns hi* own destiny, und thut of liis family and his posterit v for ever. Q3*\Vhen six copies arc ordered and paid for by any on* person, n deduction of ODc-sixth will be made from the price; that is to say, a remittance ol Five Dollars will command six copies of the Congressional Intelligencer for the next sei.sioit. A remittance of Ten Dolltns will secure thirteen copies; and for Fifteen Dollar* remitted from any one person or place, twenty copies will be forwarded. ffjr'l’ay tin ai t iu advance in all caseB is indispensable. Weekly National Intelligencer. This paper,bring made up of such portion of the content* of the National Intelligencer proper as can be compressed within tho compass of u single newspaper, continues lobe issued and mailed to subscribers every Saturday at Two Dol lars a your,payable in advance in oil cases—no account be ing opened with subscribers to (lie weekly paper- To bring this paper yet more nearly within the reach of such us desire to take by Ilie yiar a cheap paper from the sent of the Gem ini Government, u reduction will be n.adcin the price of it where a number of copies nre ordered and paid for by nuv person or association nt lljc following rnlrs; For Ten Dollars six copies will be sent. For Twenty DolInrH thirteen conics ; and For each sum of Ten Dollars, above Twenty , eight conies will he forwarded ; so that a remittance of Fifty Dollars will command thirty-seven copies. Washington, D.C., Oct. 7,1845 5 tf A E’ICOUL AVIATION, STATU OF UEOItGIA, Uy GEORGE W. CRA IV FORD, Got truer oj said State H AVING received information that u murder was commit ted on (he 1 hi day of August, in the county of Lowndes, upon the body of Samuel M Aur.DKN, by DAVID VV- KING, who has find from just ice, I have (nought proper lo issue this, my proclamation, offering a reward of One Hunukki; Dol lars, to uuy person, or prisons, who muy apprehend and deliver said fugitive, to the Sherifl - , or Jailor, of Lowndes county. And I do moreover charge and require all officers, civil and military,to be vigilant iu endenvoriug to apprehend the suid KING, in order that lie may be tried for the offence with which lie stands charged. Given under tny hand and the great weal of the State, nt the Capitol in Milledgeville^ this 15th day of September, A. D., 1845. GEQRGE W. CRAWFORD. By the Governor: N. C. BARNETT,Secr’y of State. DESCRIPTION. The said KING is about 23 years of age, thin visage, swarthy complexion, blue eye*, dark Itnir, bus u down look and is about o feet high. Ill addition lo tlte Governor’s Retvni'd, we will nay TWO HUNDRED AND FIF TY 1)01.LARS for the delivery of the snjdJ)AVlD W. KING to any one of tAULIlEN, J. GROOVED, 'J'. J. DENMARK, M. GROOVER, J. LEE, J. S. GROOVER. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, $300,000. HE NEW-YORK CONTRABUTION8HII* FIRE user)- T INSURANCE COMPANY Imviogesiolilislied cy in Knoxville,Crawford county,willj BUILDINGS, MERCHANDIZE* HOUSE HOLD FVRMTVRE* and every description of property, against loss or damage by fire. FRANCIS II. MURDOCK. Agent. Knoxville,June 11, 1614. 37 tf KNIGHTS OF THE HORSE SHOE: A Traditionary Tale ot* tlie Coeked-llat Ole.’itry of the Old Dominion. By the author of the "Cavaliers of Virginia*'' *J-c. <fc. C HARLES YANCEY lias the pleasure of informing tlie Southern public,* ho will is*ua from hi* I’rcas in West Wetumpka, Ala. in a few weeks, tho above named Nov el, hv a distinguished uuthor loeiding in tlie Stute of Georgiu, THE KNIGHTS OF THE HORSE SHOE will be is sued iu Pamphlet form, 2 vols. 125 pages, or more each,— Price 75 cts. per singlo copv-9 copies for $5; 20 copie* for $10. CHARLES YANCEY, Wetumpka, A Aug. 5. 45 |f , Ala. New York City Advertisement, PRINT WAREHOUSE IN NEW YOKK. To supply tlie city fe interior trude by tlie piece or package No. 44 CEDAR STREET, CNF.AH WILLIAM-BT.) L EE fe BREWSTER give notice lo Denlersin Dry Goods that lliev have removed their \VAUE-HOUtfE for PRIN TED CALICOES EXCL U8IVELY, from l’esrl to 44 Cedar Street. By confining their attention In PRINTS ONI.) ,L fe B.are (molded to exhibit an assortment far surpassing any ever before offered in America—olid to sell st prices s* low and GKNjcKALLY LowXK.tlinn those w hose attention is divided among a large vaiiety of article*. ‘The .Stock consist* of several thousand patterns ast COSOHB, EKHliAClNO J.VLKY VARIETY Of AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRINTS in market—many styles oj which are got up exclusively tor thru own sales,and carnet be had elsewhere, except in second hands. Dealers in Print* will find it for their interest to examine this slock before making their purchases— they will have the advantugo ol learning the lowest market price, nud compar ing all the desirable styles in mnrket sid? ky side. Catalogues of price* cor roe led with every variation of the market,urn placed iu the hand* of buyers. Oct. 8, 1841.2jf Notice lo Debtors and Creditor!)' A LL person* having demands against the estate of Wil I tain Brown, late «if Wilkinson county, deceased, are * requested to render them in terms of the law ; and those iu- j dabted to ihe estate are requested lo make immed ate pay- f •neat to tlm subscriber. September 1st, 1846. PROPOSALS For Publishing in Savannah a Mon'hly Periodical* TO BE CALLED THE SOUTIlEltN HISTORICAL AND LITERARY MAGAZINE. PROSPECTUS. rnHE originatorsof this work believe that the field forlitc- X rnry exertion and influence, ip our country, is everyday growing'wider and wider; nnd they are willing to occupy at feast n portion of the ground, which seems to invite Inhotiieri. 'Tlie chief object w inch they liuve in view, is to uid in yindiit- ting lor the Southern States that lilerury position which, it i« believed, they lire qualified to asHume. They design abo, (liiougii this channel, to point out the resources a no defend the interests of tlie South,to represent with truth the charac ter und condition of tlie people, and to furnish iucrenved occa sion for intellectual eflort, Willi these views, they have sought to enlist in the undertaking the heat talent of the s hole South; und they feel, that they can appeal with some confi dence to their fellow citizens for support und co-operation. 'The work will be S rulhern—it will be the organ of a sec tion ; but in no tiurrow spirit of hostility to any pen lion of our country. Justice and candour towards all, will govern int course*; and it will steadily pursue the sacted aiiua of Truth. There is need, especially in this day of cheap Iiteiattire, for, stern and discriminating criticism. Manliness m d • . t »i-..iy although!—as Well us sound morals—me ii «’ i.noi l"inc crushed under the mass of trashy orcomipi j-.. ..tuhous. ho It foreign mid domestic, with which the press u • in*. '1 h« y cuff loudly for some daring and independent censor, who will Iny on the lush of severe bill just criticism, “without feur or ln- vor,” and who will guard the iutefests ol literature ngainrt those influences of tin* publishing houses of the country which through magazine und newspaper puffing, confer so many false reputations on worthless volumes, anti corrupt die very sources of a well regulated and wholesome public opinion.— We therefore avow al Ihe outset, that we intend to deal with these author*, publishers and booh*, w ith a severity only lim ited by Durabilities, and a proper regard for the courtesies due to an enlightened community. We know and feel that our literature la young, and hitherto hut too imitative. Nevertheless that very vontli has iii* wu- Vantage* and tvo shall endeavor to give them full phiy, by fit* coiirnging fresh mid vigorous exhibitions of the mind ol our own country. That this is pre-eminently tho land of original ihcrglit,our Patent Office, our wnikshops,opr held* and our im h-iibuii* dandy illustrate. Iii the Fine Aits, American pn-ius liss produced works of w liieli any nation might be pmwd- »»• are already rivaling old Emope in every department* I tiAii* lion, save only in tliut of literature. Even in this, an ir.depen dent assertion of thought and feeling bus commenced, winch tlie American position and character demand, and nfcc«/cu- lutrd to develop!*. Men here stand to toc’h other in new and advanced relation*. Any expressions that shall he true to ini'” conditions, must give our literature new and original fnrmi — It will accordingly be unn of the cherished objects ol t-o( Magazine, to foster, by uil the inruns in our power,every im pulse ofnative und original genius. \\ liile nothing of a sectarian or partisan diameter uni of admitted into our pages, we shall hv no means win ink b*-tn discussing religions und political topics. They involve tbs highest interests of man, and at present, more thun at *»} PMI period, attract the serious altenlrou of all reflecting minds. The interest which tlte Bouili has in the efficiency soa character oftlie Army und Navy, will claim lor both * fr ,*!-' r, 5 prominent place in our columns. Our Naval mul lnmis*I Officers have often shown thut tlmv are as competent to aaoin (lie literature, ns to defend the honor of tb» it cnuuiiy.» number of able conliibutor* will he secured frem tLv 'i'liis Magazine willulsobe the medium through rmikf M •$$■ H lt ncniw w„. a.m wv „ H WWJ llich iklU GKciltGL! HwfoKTwirBOciEW iiir.esolirft p»*'- li*li much of its most interesting material—portions ol tnestic and foreign ct rrespondeuce,communication#,lecture*!, nud other papers which may possess n getierul vnine. We believe too i«mt out position bus peculiar auvantngcu Georgia lies nearest the centre ol the tfoMlheiu £!■!*•» * n ® thus possesses superior opportunities for estiinaiing foutnern opinion, and giving a true expression to southern iuierrsli. Tlie wotk will lie published by W.Tmohne il.LiAMi op the first day of every month, heginuing in October next, The price will he Eire Dollars per annum, payable mfj* vauce. Agents w ill he allowed a liberal conimianotb ab® their efforts lo obtain subscribers nre respectfully soln iico.— Returns lo be made by the first of August. Savannah.Muy 1,1846, , ,k;i ffj’Editors desirous ol exchanging will please '?( 1 Fr-ispectus. •’' 1 Cnutlon. A> ciuliourj Ir.din, for . not. m.d« , b« in. lo Do.o.m Mim., foi $70. | ilo uol recullMi Ui. , d«ie of „id nolo, liui it i, th, only on. ol tlie >or< I ' *.d I .lud.l.iuiin.a not la p.J th# in' 10., u.Im, comnell.d * byl.w. r AKGIIIUALU MIMil, ■ JmImrv1II.,Q.. Sepr. I0ih, 1845. W If | MAIL VIllUNCEinrAIT. Northern Mail. Duk Daily, (.xc.pi riumluy,) *i 10 Clu.ii. Daily, - .1014... Savannah Mail. Duk daily, (< xctpi Hondo).) tt $ r. M., »iBf. Macon and Columbus Mail Dok duily, (f'xi'opi ftiindd),) M 3 r. n. Glo... daily, “ •< 8 V- *• Eatonlon Mail. Due Hoad.,, WodncMity aadCiidoy .iT r. M. Glo... “ . *' Monticelle Mail. DU R Thurid.j.od.ii-a.) .1* y . CLOl.KN.iiiO) »»'lTh«r-U«)»l»l'.H- Uawkiusvillt Mail. Gl oat. andThundty at 8 r. Florida Moil. Ci> Mnnd.y, Wrduead.y and VrlWj*'• K. UAUGHI I, P *'•