The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, November 14, 1845, Image 3

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ly—ipjpw 4t,$t Immxl ♦ ■ - MILLEDGEVILLE: Friday niornlnn, November 14, IMS. gj-Tlic reader will find in our paper of tu-d.ty two important bill*—one tho Supremo Court bill, introduc ed by Mr. Wofford, and wliicli we think will pass both (louses, with, perhaps, a few alterations—and tho other the bill to authorize tho construction of a Railroad from Macon to Columbus, Georgia. From time to lime, during tho session, wo shall publish a synopsis, or the whole, of such bills as wo may deem interesting nrim. purtanl to the public. As we intend publishing twice a week during the session, the reader will find, in the Journal, very nearly all the proceedings of the Legisla ture. XT On Wednesday there was no business done in either branch of the Legislature—both Houses having adjourned to accept the invitation of the Faculty of the Oglethorpe University to attend the Commencement. election of state house officers. Yesterday, both branches of the Legislature pro ceeded to the election of Slate House officers—and, as will be seen below, all of tho old ufficers have been re tained. For Secretary of Slate. 1st. 2d. 3d. 4t!i. 5ih. N. C. Harnett,* 32 41 58 87 95 Tully Vinson, 30 29 10 4 withdr’n p. J. Williams, 0 51 74 79 78 \V. P. Bowen, 17 15 13 withdr'n 11. Garmany, 4 9 0 3 withdr’n Harrison, 80 22 willtdr’ a Jones. 0 7 0 2 Blank, 1 2 1 0 For Stale Treasurer. 1st. 2d. W. 11. Mitchell,* 53 103 T. 11. Hall, 47 51 Lanier, 10 0 8 Floyd, 57 7 lllauk, 1 1 For Comptroller General. 1st. 2d. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 0th. 1). B. Bothwell,* 37 31 51 00 70 99 1>. Tliwcalt. 18 10 drawn. \V. D. Lttckie, 11 7 7 drawn. \Vnt. A. Cobb, 7 5 drawn. \V.Bacon, 13 10 drawn. 1L E. Marlin, 18 22 35 31 20 08 11. K. Harrison, 5 5 drawn. Jas. Lyon, G2 74 75 75 00 drawn. For Surveyor General. 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th 5th P. M. Compton, *31 47 04 77 01 J. Betliune, 9 3 drawn. F. S. Colley, 4 8 drawn. Wm. Rutherford, 29 28 28 27 27 C. J. Malone, 7 32 34 48 48 1. Brooks, A A. Horton, 52 3 4 drawn. Powers, 9 Cole, 4 4 7 7 McNeil, 10 17 17 8 8 Ramsey, 14 14 11 drawn, Thurlkill, 3 Blank, C 3 ELECTIONS liY THE LEGISLATURE. For Solicitor General of the Coweta Circuit. mm — " ri»l itaiiuintrittinn of 111* government”!!! How Mt » liiifttoilic distant iburuhr nbovo nl'iidul Jo! Vrnl, a \* cui*y lo hi iko h mountain of a molehill. Wo pass over other portions of llio criticism of • lies two papers, and will note but one more, upon which « really regret that there should be any difference of opi ion! We refer to the remarks of both Editors upon th » ' style of thit State paper." The Federal Union says:— The high praise bnstowsd by some of our Whig cotem ♦* paper, is our spot* 11 is nui generis. Th Howsd by pornries upon the ante of this Si«i K.v fori he nxprnAHion of our opinion. composition manifest* aucli a studied attempt st teraenes and aonlenlintianAM, that ila porunal in nol only rentier*- tireHomn.hut iIm meaning oftentimes obscure and sometime j alnioat incomprehensible*” Now hear tho Constitutionalist 1 The Editor sayr | “ The general tenor of llio menango in replete will* uaeft ( suggestions, and a paliiolio N|iirit. The style is terse in. | 1st, 2nd. 3rd. 4th- A. C. Ferrell. 72 74 81 60 Ted we II, 72 10 withdrawn. . Burke, 13 70 88 83 McMatli, 0 7 4 2 McKinley, 5 0 0 0 Glass, 5 7 3 0 Blank, i 0 0 1 For Solicitor General of the Flint Circuit.] 1st. 2nd. S. Hall, 08 70 R. VV. McCune, 26 104 O. II. Prince, 74 1 C. Blslte, 2 Shockley, 0 For Judge of the Oyer and Terminer Court of the City of Savannah. E. J. Harden, 87 11. Williams, 84 Blank. 2 Fur Director of the Bank of the Slate nf Georgia, on the pari of the Slale. 11. Roberts, 90 Rosier, 81 THE GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE AND CRITI CISMS THEREON. The first bold criticism upon tho Governor’s Mes sage* which met our eye, was from I he Fede/al Union* The second, was from the pen of the Editor of the Georgia Constitutionalist. Side by side, they present rather a different aspect; and the reader, aware that lie is perusing the writings of members of the same party, those who play similar parts in the grand political dra ma, and who have no small share of reputation for ability and scholastic attainments, will be, must be, lost in wonder at their different conclusions. How can this bo so, unless it be admitted that party spirit will control some, despite of every other cons deration?— Loth as we are to assume such a position, or to apply it to any press, we are nevertheless almost compelled *.o do so, when wo have it “evidenced” before us, that ustire is made to yield its sternest precepts, and bei d •encath the iron yoke of party prejudice. Rut let us iligiutied, and it breathes a patriotic spirit ol devotion lo liii honor, ilia beat interest* and llio financial credit of the Stub ■- which, it ia to be hoped, will be succeeded by appropriate leginlution." W liile such is tho difference of opinion as to Govec y nor Crawford’s message between two of the leading opposition papers, we arc pleased to see that the Whi,* press throughout our whole Stale, and the adjoining Stales, and presses of tho opposition likewise, spea!^ one universal voice of commendation and praise* Gcorflfa JUfitelaturr. senate. Monday, Nov. 10, 1845. Tlie Committee to whom was referred llie ducu enW accompanying the Governor's Message, re- commended the printing of 100 copies each of the Reports of the Treasurer, Comptroller General the Chief Engineer of the Western and Atlantic Railroad—mid 50 copies of the Report of tin Commissioner of the Indigent Deaf and Dumb, am the testimony in llio cuse of Charles W. Jones— and also. 100 copies of tho Report of liio Commit tee appointed to investigato the affairs of the Ceil trul Bank—which was agreed to. BILLS INTRODUCED. By Mr. Calhoun : To incorporate tho Coweta Bulls Manufacturing Company. Also, to incorporate the Columbus Water Lot Company in the city of Columbus, Mr.Chastain : To compel persons owing luxa. able property in Murray county, to pay lax on the same in said county. Mr. Jackson t To amend the several acts rela ling to the Central Railroad and Banking Company, and to extend its road from the county of Bibb, to llio Chattuhoochoo river at or near the city of Co lumbus. Mr. Murpltey : To add Lot No. 2, in the 13th District of Fayette, to DcKulh county. Mr. Lee : To udd Levi Phillips of Campbell to tho county of Coweta. A resolution was adopted, on motion of Mr. Bronddus, calling upon the Governor, for a state- inent of tile census recently made. Mr. Ridley laid on the table the following res- "Union : Resolved, That both branches of the General Assembly will meet in the Representative Chum* her on —the insl„ at 11 o’clock, A. M„ for tho purpose ol electing u Senator to rep resent the State of Georgia in the Congress of the United States, for six years front and after the 4lh March. 1847. Mr. Calhoun laid on the mblo a resolution re. questing our members in Congress to have the Slate of Georgia laid off into two Judicial Districts, The Senate then proceeded to the House lor tint purpose of joining in certain elections—und having • on-rued, adjourned till 10 o’clock lo morrow mar. ning. Tuesday. Nuv. 11. A portion of this day was occupied in certain elections in joint assembly, which are elsewhere reported. Mr. Wofford laid on the table a resolution that q| llie State Engineer be required to make u survey utideslimute of tho cost of a railroad connecting the Charleston and Hamburg and the Georgia | Railroads tu Augusta, mid report, if possible, lo this Legislature. The message was received from tiio Governor transmitting the resignation of the Hun. J. M. Ber. ittE.N, Senator in Congress ; also the resignation ol the Hon. W. B. Fleming, Judge ol the City Court of Savannah. DILLS INTRODUCED. By Mr. Ridley: To umend tho 1st section of an act of 1829 changing the names of certain persons. &u. Mr. tluckelt: To crente a new judicial circuit, to he composed of the counties of DeKuib, Cobh, Cherokee, Forsyth, Lumpkin, Uuiuit und Gilmer, and lo fix the times of holding the courts therein. Mr. Miller: To extend the provisions of the act of 1843, pointing out the nmtiner of creating certain corporations, &.e. Mr. Harris: For llio limitation of proceedings in caveating wills. Mr. Murphy: To alter the time of holding the Inferior Court nf the county of DeKnlb, &e. Mr. Calhoun ; To umend the act of 1799 to re gulate the general elections in this Slate, and lo appoint the lime of the meeting of llio General Assembly. This bill provides tlmt every Cap tain’s District shuli he an election precinct, und that every voter shall he compelled to vole ill the district in which he resides. COURT OR ERRORS. Tho Senate took up the order of tho day, being the bill to establish a Supreme Court for the cor rection of Errors. Severul unsuccessful motions were mode to change the places id' holding the Courts. A motion lo fix the salary of the Judges at $3, 000 having failed, the blank was filled u tin $2 500. The salary of the Reporter was fixed ul @1000 Tito bill, having been gone through without furtlie ' amendment, was laid upon the tuule fur the pres. efer more particularly to these two criticisms, that the eatlor may be able to judge for himself how wide ofj en *- tho mark one, or’the other, of them has fallen! The I After completing in joint assembly the election Federal Union starts with complaints that the Cover- j ^ u P tt [ l * or 1,10 u,lerno0n ’ lhe So,,ale « d J <,urned »■ mr dors nut touch upon our Federal relations, the Tar | fi ur * u y morning, ill’, and so forth —and says that "he hears the language of menace and the rolling of the distant thunder, but his v.dce is not heard to warn his constituents, nor lo rebuke those at whose bidding it has been raisedVery eloquent all this, hut tho thunder must be distant indeed, when it has so alarmed the Federal Union, and has not had the t-ame effect upon either the Governor, or the Editor of the Constitutionalist—for the latter says of the Mes sage : "The factious and prejudiced might find in it food fur carping and cavil, but I fesl assured that tlie liberal minded of both parties will concede to it, patriotism and ability, and coincide with most of his recommendations.** The recommendation of the Governor to tho Legis lature, to appropriate a limited sum for tho purchase of grains and grasses for tho promotion of agriculture, ap proved of by the Editor of the Constitutionalist, is doubtfully commended by the Federal Union, who inti mates tint tlie object of the recommendation may be, tho enriching of our exhausted fields by legislative appro- priation, a principle of taxatio ',” the Editors say, “repugnant to every idea of an impartii! and econcmi* WE art v«q«s*t«d to mwmw B — E- Bttglfy us u Cnndhldt* for ill nr Mint at theElecRotion the first .Saturday in December# Receiver of Tux Returns for Talbot couuty, ut the next January election. ’ C 2t We ere authorised to nnnounce John W. W. MtlCnd a canilidaie for Clerk of lint City Cunnr‘1 ul' Milledgeville. 6 If* No MATT C. BUTTS i* a Candidate for Clerk «f iiw City Connell, »< th* mail ing Election on tlie (iral Batunloy in December. . 4th, 1015. G5t Administrator’s Sale. A OEEABLY In an order of the Inferb-r Court of Witkin- ■nn county, wliilo .tiling fur nrdiunry purposes. will be mild on the fir.t Turadny in February next, belure ibe Court- linu.e Hour in Ibe Hum lit lrwinlun, all the reel oelnto be longing to the relate of Allen Smith, late of Wilkinaon noun- Iv, deceaaed. Terms of anlo made known on the dav of ante. JAMES VICKERS, Adm’r. November 8th, 184S. II id* CiEOKOIA, Wilkinson County. W HEREAS Jamas M.l’olaoni applies to mo for letters of Administration on the estate of Gilbert l). Combe, late of anid county, deceased: Them* nre therefore to cito and admonish nil and singular tlie kindred und creditors of said deceased, to be and uppeur ut my office within the time prescribed bv law, to snow cause, if any they have, why nuiu letters should not be grunted. Given nndermv hand at office,thin 8tli day of Nov., I84u. « *"* * AUG. R. RAIFORD. Clerk. 8 lilt Gi OKGI.4, Telfair County. and Seaborn Hall, apply iii«tration on (lie estate of Henry Cook, Sen., late of said county,deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish nil und singular, the kindred und creditors ofsuid deceased lo be and appear at iny office within ilie time prescribed by law. to allow cause, i, any the,y have,why said letters should not be grunted. Given under my Itnnd, at office, this 5th da 8 fa Pplicntion will be idea county, when sit tint! for ordinary purposes, to sell the estate of James Fat ten, late of Lowndes county, deceased. MONTHS after date F Mimic to the Inferior Court of I.< Oct. 27, 1815. WILLIAM PATTEN,Admr. NEW ARRIVAL! OF CLOTHING Of the Cheapest anti JLatest ivisnio.xs: M. I. I.E01Y, of New York, M OS I* respectfully informs the citizens of Milledtieville •mil its vicinity,and also nil who intend visiting Mil- ledgevillc this winter, tlmt he hasjual arrived, and is opening the Finest Assortment of EtciMly-ninde (DILOTMra® ever brought to this market, consisting of Dress, Frock, Over, Surtout, and Pc I to Cunts, The new style of Sacks, of superior goods, Pantaloons and Vests, of every vuriety and style, Cloaks ul all sizes, ami of superior material, Shirts and Drawers, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspcndeis, &c. &c. Canes &,Uubrellns, ALL of which will lie sold CHEAPER than ever lias been sold here. For the evidence that what 1 say is true, LEV EVERY BODY CALL AT MY STORE NEXT BOOK TO THU OLD STATE BANK, AND JUDGE FUR THEMSELVES! CUTTINGS- OP WARMtiXTS, Nentlv executed, with despatch, and ut tho shot test notice. Milledgeville, Sept. 3(1,1815. 1 If HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Monday, Nov. 10. [Proceedings of this rluy not included in synop sis tinder editorial head Tuesday last.] BILLS INTRODUCED, . By Mr. Armstiotig, ol Bibb: To change the name of Mnrinli B. Allens to Moriah B; Clmpinuii, and declare her legitimate. Mr. Stroud, ol Clark : To incorporate tho Ath ens Manufacturing Company. Mr. Perry: For the relief of Joel Sunders and James Bell. Mr. Robinson, of Early, from tho Select Com mittee : A bill for the relief of Win. H. Wade. Mr. Morris : To repeal the act authorizing all free while citizens of the State lo peddle and vend goods us itinerant traders, Mr. Cannon : To reduce tho Sheriff’s bond of tho county uf Gilmer. Mr. Kiiuzoy: To change tlie line between tho countie* of H ill and Habersham. Mr. Crawford, o( Harris ; To grant to lhe Iufe. rier Court of the county of Harris diaeretinnarv ,in.ver» relative to tho erection of public bridge., and provide for iho payment thereof. Mr. Green, of Macon t For the relief of Ssmu- i F. Jo tes, James W. Cunningham and Wm. Un. derwond. Mr. Famlirough : To amend the act of 1812 for more effoctonlly securing the probate of wiile, &c., so a* lo authorize the Courts of Ordinary to order the division to lie either partial or entire, oi eslatis, subject to distribution. Also: A bill to amend tho act of 1803, authoriz ing Inforin r courts lo disclmrgo insolvent debtors confined by procuss from uny court of litis State tvhuinver. Mr. Prior: To authorize the Inferior court of Morgan couuty lo retain the genettil tax of the State,collected in said county for 1845. Mr. Green of Rahun ; To establish an election precinct in the Mockersou dist. of said county. Mr. Guuldeu ol Stewart: The act of Inst ses sion to niter and amend the 7tli section of the 1st aiticlo of thu Constitution of Georgia, [for a second pussugc by this General Assembly.] Mr. Clifton: To extend the time for taking out giants heretofore surveyed on head rights uud county warrants. Mr. Graham: To exempt Jas. Murray, a crip ple, uf Telfair county, from the provisions of the ict relative to license of pedlers. Also: A bill to alter the time of holding the Inferior courts of the county of Telfair. Mr. Hill: To change the limes of holding the Superior Courts of the county of Wilkes. BILLS PASSED. The hill of Senate relative lo service of Jurors in tlie county of Troup, To repeal the act consolidating tho offices of T- x Collector & Receiver fur toe county of Lump kin. To chnnge the lime of bidding tho Superior uud inferior Courts of the county of Baldwin. 'i’u authorize Jno. R. Bowman of tho county of Greene to plead and practise law, and lo define his lia hililies. To prevent wards from having to pay commis sions on their estates to more than ono guardian. PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. Barrett : For the relief of Robert B. Kicksot) of the county of Eibert. A<so : From certain citizens of the town of Ruckorsviile. Mr. Jones: From Sarah Walton of the county of Harris. Mr. Guulden of Pidet From cortaiu citizensof Griffin, relative to the act of incorporation of that city. Mr. Black : Front Samuel Juckson, tax collector of thu county of Clmttuogu. RESOLUTION ADOPTED. Tho Report and resolution of the Committee for Printing for the use of the House 200 copies of the evidence accompanying the respite of Charles W Jones, nnd 200 copies each of the report of tlie Chief Engineer of the Western and Atlantic Rail load, and the reports of lite Treasurer nnd Comp troller General and the tux bill accompanying die same; Tuesday, Nuv. 11. Tho first part of this day was taken up in tlio- election of u Solicitor General of the Coweta Cir cuit and a Solicitor General of the Flint Circuit. The following message was received front (I s Excellency the Governor, by his Secretary. Mr. Steele. Executive Department. ) Milledgeville, Nov. 11.1845. j I have the honor to communicate lo the General Assembly lite resignation uf the [loo. John Mc Pherson Berrien, u Senator in the Congress of lhe United States. I also communicate the resignation of tho Hon. Willium B- Fleming, us Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, uud Oyer und Terminer of the ci ty of Savannah. [Signed] GEO. VV. CRAWFORD. Tho Speaker laid before the House the corrcs. poudetice between the Governor and the Attorneys of Peter Trezevanl, which was referred to the committee on Finance. The House adopted a resolution to proceed at 3 o’clock this evening to the election of a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer uud Terminer of the city of Snvamiah, and a Director for the Bank of lite Slute of Georgia, on tlie part uf the State. BILLS PASSED, Bill of Senate, To authorize Alphcus Baker and others to plead und practise law in this Stale. Bill of Senate, To declare legitimate Henry George Olivet and others. Bill of Senate, To give the consent of the Stale to a purchase, by tho United States, of u lot nl land in the city ofSavnnnah, for tho use of n Cus tom house, and to cede the jurisdiction of the same. At 3 o’clock ttics House assembled, nnd being joined by the Semite, proceeded to tho elections us almvo slated, nnd having gone through with the ■same, the Senate returned, and tho Speaker un nouuced tlie lolluwiitg joint Standing Committees mi tiie part of the House. On Finance. — Messrs Hull. Robinson of Wilkes, Varoadne, Dtdegul, Vi hilonga, Kitnsoy, Berry. Barnes. Barrett, Lusseur, On the Stale nf the Republic,—Messrs. Harris ol Baldwin, Unwind, Ector, Barrett, Carlton, Guuiding of Slower!, Gruy, Knox, Chapman, Cal. luwtiy. On the Judiciary.—Messrs. Kenan, Harris, of Baldwin, Jackson, Lewis, HanselI. Swearingen, Jenkins, of Sumter, Crawford, of Harris, Ward.! Goode, Armstrong, of Greene, Baugh. On Ranks—Messrs. Anderson, of Chatham. f'lOOLEKS nnd MEANUKES-a lurR. s.™ • Stroud. Robinson, of Laurens, Armstrong, of Bibb, 1 _ *•"'""Thr WiHQH r it stetson : Butts. Morris, Mustiun, Livingston, Lumpkin, , Grenin, of Crawford. I On Military.—Messrs. Sanford, Dubignon, llil- I Vy'EfilTL i.Lttt : hard. Cooper, Guilford. Guyton, Royal, Thorton, \ | Willis. Junes, Smith, nf Heard. j Tj'ACTOi'iY TH MCA F On Enrolment.—Messrs. Dixon. Stapleton, Kil- 1 ! gore, Thom Knox, Smith On Petitions.—Messrs. Strong. Crook, Hines, j TJ1’; Oglesby, Sumner, Keith, Jennings, Whitworth, j *' Sa lib rd. On Printing.—Messrs Wnre, of Washington, Lend better. Whitaker, Goodwin, Mobley, Peterson, McMullen, Walker. On Journals.—Messrs. Bivins, Hentz, Hutch, ings, Maloney, Guuiding, of Stewurt, Hill, How ard, Swearingen. Tlie House then adjourned. wmm%, jmmm, SILVER AND PLATED WARE- THE Subscriber ia ihie day open- inrat bis old aland a eplaodid aaeort- mam ofOold and Silver WATOMIES of the most improved makers, com- J - trifling a greater variety than aver be- prices. JC ll’ULBI’. A great variety, nnd tlie lateat style, embracing, In part. Hreaet Pii.n. Car and Fiuenr Rinen, Gold an.I Enamelled Guard and Fub Chain*, Seal* and K**y*. Goldnnd Enamelled Pencil*. Hold Pen* and Thimble*,Gold and Silver Spectacle*, Gold HrucHutM with pin* to match. SILl’Ltt 4* FIsTED n\tHE OF ALL KINDS. Fine Table Cutlery in aetta of 52 pieces, Dining nnd Dea- vert Ivnive* and Fork*, Tea Trays in aelt* andniugle.Castor*, llrnmdt Camll»'*tkkB,SnuflVr8amJ Troy*, Chamber Candle stick*. Fine Assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scis sors, Fine Razors and Strops. Dottbln ISnrrellcd Guns, .Shot and Game Hugs, Powder Flunks, Musical Instruments, Accordions, Walking Cane*, Hair, Tooth, Mail and .Shaving Brushes. Lard Lumpa, Suspending, I loll, Side and Hand Lamps. Pearl,Shell and Ivory Card Cases, Fine Steel Wrought Bags ami Purses, SHEET MUSIC, With a great variety of Fancy Article** The stock Ims been selected h\ the Subscriber with great core at the luwest emdi prices, and is offered at a small ad vance oti the cost. The public {and ^rangert vitiling our city) are respect ful!) invited to call mid ••xninine i he aitieie* sod old stand opposite IIusuu^s Hotel. 1 prices at th* OTIS CHILDS. N. B. WATCHES AND TIME PIECES, of every de- flcripiion carefully repaired by experienced workmen, and WARRANTED.' Persona from a distance sending watches for repairs may depend on having them promptly and faithfully attended to, and amchenp an at any other place in the State. REPAIRING of nil hinds, and ENGRAVING promptly ntt n nded to. Uj".SPECTACLES of ull kinds. Poriscopic,Concave and Convex Glasses, cmiatnntlv on hand to put to old Irnme* st short notice. O.C. Milledgeville.Oct. 21. 1845. 4 tf OTiOETO M(Q)TOIL CONTINUES to be open for the reception of Members of the Legislature and transient visitoi s Promising to spare no pains to render comfort* • Me nil who may cnll,th« proprietor hopes to re- inrenf the publicpiUruiiuge. Oct 21.1315. 4 »f ~nOAKDIXU. THE Snbac liber will Board Members and I ran- uient persons during the setting of the Legislature ' I* ° PETER J. WILLIAMS. S if t" 15. TIIiiODUhlliS 11. DAVIES, A T T O It S E Y A T I. A XV, MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga. no 24lh. (845. :19 lf NO. 2, CHEAP SIDE! JS'ew (iootls .Arriving Daily. fined I.mif For sale by alatlug nf prims St. Croix .Port ,V Orleans—12110 Ike double re- WltlGUT & STETSON, C OFFEE —100 bags, among which may lie found best old Government, Java, Rio,Culm, und St Domingo. For sale bv WRIGHT & STEPSON. £1 AW4E FLOUR —A superior article—needs but a trial to be appreciated. Fo WRIGHT & STETSON. C ANIDEKS—So b oxen Sperm, 20 boxen Adumantiae, •ill boxes Hull&. Soil’s, For enleliv WIUUI1T ic STETSON. MAP tllld M’fl’A ItCBl—20 tmxee ofCnlxote’s make CIO \ l5 For ele bv WltltiUT Sc STETSON. EG AliS—10,000 of Superior blende. For ee|e by S E O 8IOES—toou pr of Kip Brogeoa. F Wlttmt r Sc STETSON. '5 \\ ItltJIlT Sc STE TSON. M OI. ASSES—Ne M For Bale by Qj ILS—Sperm S ALT ’ BV pieces, weighing 2 poundrt to the vurd W11IGHT 4 «TEPSON* oils of Rope M ‘ \V ft IGHT & STETSON. jtyj AILS—100 kegs warm on rpOBAECO— A few Ijoxe X tleuiou'd l ohaceo. For fit sol' superior Gold Leal Ueu lo hv WRIGHT A. STETSON. rn FA—Impel & STETSON. pltOCKERV and GL\SN W.4KI5-* large Vy us.mrtinent. For sale l»v \V RIGHT STETSON. BROGANS!!! „ »!“{ kmSHOE STOKE. All persons purchasing D® ,|,; H nriicle will il • well to give tu* a cull, ua wt- are determined to sell CIlEAl - E. ALEXANDER & CO. ItmlgevtHe ,Oet. 14,18tt. 3lf CHEAP FOR CASH. S. B. BROWN, ANUFACTUUER and Dealer in Ladies and O.Dll.- a.»jL men’s . siidill(>S Harnesses, Travelling "1 runks, Mul.llo Kiies, Biltlle*, RlnrUngBlefl, Whips, Spurs, Cowhides, Ae. Ac. One doer South if Hcrty's Grocery Store, MiUedgeviUe Nov. 4111,1845. liL NEW STOCK OF WATCHES, IEWELRV, Cl T t. K K V, IPllsit(Bc& -wm WT' A N D rArrcy poods. .11 CO {»•/.’« mens than then nave 11 ever been olftretl for in Georgia. recently returned from New-\ork, witltu fine stock ol Watches, Jewelry. ilMatcd Ware, Am. Ac. —CONSISTI*" 1 *“* Superior Gold and Sil '•r Lev GtddFoh, Guard ami Ladies . Gold,Silver, and Steel Specif Gold and Silver Pencils, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Breast Pins, Finger Rings and Ear Rings, Gold Buttons,Studs ami Cham Slide*, 1 htinble*, Ladies’ Fine Gold and Hair Bracelets, Jet Combs, Hair Pins and Head Ornaments,&c. Roger’s Superior Pen ui?d Pocktfl Knives, r Tv ”Hp/u fcu Castors, Cake Baskets nnd Candle Sticks Hr'iltnnia"Ware.Fancy (inode, -to. Ite. &o._ Etnhi'iicing almost everv article usually kept in In* line. ALL of which is F.N I IK ELY NEW and of the most fashionable ntjjtc and best quality, .ml will be soldnl price, wliicli cannot fait to .ail nnrebarerr. . W'atelies and Jewelry ofevorydo.rrmlionre- palred lit ibe anorlo-i iiolicH. All Wutoheo repaired or .old will l,n warranted to keep pood lime lor on. year or the co.l: refunded. Wnlelma eem front any part of try rvrll jve the name attention, and be repaired un as reaionatite Watch Maher and Jcircler store adjoiniutr that of Mr. Geo. A. Kimbalil, Mulberry Street,MACON, Geo. Macon.Jan. 7.1815. 15 tf ^ B .ICTOKS A N l> (TlrTbirnn ritm ng liSagDISi S\V tNNAU, «n. JOSEPH WASHBURN, JOHN It. WILDER. Aog. 12. pr Watches, leek Chains, clef, WRIGII P & S I E I SON. \v WRIGHT & STETSON. | tiore, I luimpHun, Ruwu, Ivey. Pearson, Pryor. !/'ASXAMUKGS—a i a,uf Henry, Lewis, Hauseil, I _ & S TETSON. 'D-4IORDS, Kiltoe Tlireud uud Sad I- OIts—all superior urliclr.. Fo, .ate I.v WRIGHT St. STETSON. 'i’ite New York eurruspundunl of tiio National [ntelli|>encer says— 1 leant that a lifo of General Scott is now in a state of preparation bv E. D. Mansfield, E.q., of Cincinntti. This, I presume, may be considered us un indication by his friends that they intend to present him, at a proper lime, as a candidate for the Presidency. A jjiiod kook nnd n good woman nre excellent ihinjis to those who know how lo value them, hut there arc many who judge of both only by their co- Aerinf: KWIVEfl. For .ul, 1 by W HIGH I & S TET.SON. oai>i.o4:ks, g it in i . i;is , i i a .Tin iTit sj 1 uud FlLEii. Fur Sale bv WiliailT Sc STETSON. B ROAD bdA IklBglltijt nmehetz. Far nl* by WltlGIIT k STETSON. S IIHEF Sll I; tIts, Ciit'i'y Combs, ttpadei and Sliovels. Forsuift>v WRIGHT & STETSON. pMFFHE-TIII.LS, V Fi j'iiiK-l’iius. Fo W'aflle Irons, and .0 If I, V WRIGHT Si STETSON. L ETTER FAFER- A fine artltltt. F«r pale by WRIGHT & STETSON. C SOTTON CAICOS mill Plough Flues.— j For Sale by URKillL &. STE TSON. . "Whil Brushes. Sami Paper uml ninny other aiticles, nil of which will be sold LOWER lliuu nl any oilier houpe in I his city,by WRIGHT AND STETSON. ftliUedgtvills, .«ept.Q3, 1845. 42 if 4(> 20 NEW FIRE-PROOF WARE-HOUSE, .Macon, Uto. 'I'll li •tmlerei«itied having erected a Fikk- > ^ Proof W AliK-HOl'sK,situated i»l tho lietfil of Colton Avenue, teinlers Ins services tu Ilia Iriemls and the public generally, lortliesto- ( „ C p Ct.ijiin mid 'lerchaiuliie, ami llm transnetiun of CoillllliSSiOII Business in all its hrauchea, pledging himself tu tin' every esertiuii to pioiuuto the iuterealH ol, nnd render sutiefacliuu to, those who may coutide hut-ill ’flfl 10 his charge. The storage and mile of Colton will he under the dnecliori and control of.Mr. JOHN JONES, who has long been known in the Ware lioitae Interne**, and will give pailieular uitciitiou to the gain ofColtoii uml the filling ol orders lor goods. Liberal udvuuces will be made oil Cotton in storo or to ()• shipped. ESYUttBftttv HOPE, 4Nfi> THINE, together wiih any other articles, will ho lutniahed customer* ut the lowest market price. N. B. Storage and CotiunissiuBs at customary rate*. JERRY COWLES. Macon.21th June,1015. 09 2tt A|mliiclii€Olti,Fln-y July* I845- rm*V. nmleisigned will continue to tran-act a l.ENLRAL pi OMMISSION BUSINESS ut APALACHICOLA, u^9 the firm of lanvAien & uimi Ki oi i). [} j -J' | ,f 1 linve .1,0 d.iprniini'd to f.tabli.b it t.fJMTIlH* SIGN HOUSE at NEW ORLEANS, ilia an.ning aau.on, wh.ra 011a oflhofirin witlnlwaja ba foond. Than p.raunal nitmitiou will be ffiv.n lo all buainaia with wliicli ttiay moy bn entriislfil. "I lie uaual advancaa will be inuilv upon good, in .tore or Cotton eotwignpd to itiaiu. THACKER B. HOWARD. 47 if ADOI.I’IIL*S S. Ill) THEItFORl). ASIIlTltST A DlO.ilATARI, at toilmes at law, Ciifoiifon. On., Will practise in all the Counties of the Ocmtt/tfce Circuit. Dee. IT. UK Goshen Under mid Cheese. ii/K .bull rfffire about ih«2Uiliof October, u large lot of 11 Butter, Cbeeae, and irisb Foiatooa, WKIGHTde STETSON. September 53,1815. »K