The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, November 21, 1845, Image 4

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""" 'W 11 1' 1 WW W euimiy, on th. liu luwihji In OKCEM- HKft mi, wlilnn th. l«|sl hour* of raU, ih. loltowla, Pr c(ir"«V«ro nan Moierl •hm.l« ywrenW. four Hp»<I •lock wok, ««• y«h» i k»M «<> «• lh« property ol John from Poiwoi Inlnrlpr CouH. I.. fnvorof Catharine Pnlriok »•. John llowk nod Unify Mor !un, Administrator of XV,». Col. 33,1845. * Crnxvford December Slieria *. Rain. II.L ho sold before the Court li«u«o door, in tlir loon ol f| Knoxville,no itio fiisl Tuesday in UKCRMHBIl ion, within the ueu.l hour* of wile. the following property. lo wit I Olio ooirrl Marti, ehout eight yonro old, levied on no lit* pr,merit of Philip J. Eoliolo. nie.ii.fy loo fi fa.froin Macon Superior Court in fnvur oi William south »• Philip J. Mi ols.f r Ihs urn of officer, of Court. Properly pi out hy A. J. Preston. ... , . ,, On* lot of land, itonlninln* two hundred two nod n lielf nrrro more or lieing lot Nn. 84, in the erenud District ol urilin.llv Houelon. now Criiwlord eotinty | levied on ne the properly of John Kick*, to relief* one morlrngr fi from Crawford SutmriorCotttrt in levur of Hntdy Solomon, ndioin- i.iratnr, va John Kicks. Properl* pointed out ineoid fi fa. One hundred one nml n fooitll ecrea nflaud more nr leas it being the north half of Ini No 1911. ill the seventh District cf originally Houston, now Criiwlord county ; levied on na the prnperty'of Itiirlliololuew Stovnll. to saiisly one mortgage f fn ftoin Craw lord Superior Court in Invor of IXotiinniel Hey nolds vs said Sluvall. Properly pointed out in said fi fa. JAMES BEELANI),.Sheriff. Oct. 35,1845. fi HEOKOIA, Baldwla County. < Elliubnlk O’lUaunn ) InftH&OoiH. iUHng fat trdmary Purpnut, Monday. } " [uutjhr iMwrrt. JVn^flOflUMS. ! William j. o'Dmmm. ) llooors—JOHN 8. THOMAS, XVII. 4 fi Wilkinson SUytrior Court. October Term, IMS. LEV, XVILUAM H. KUGEKa, Jua' | T r appearing to the Court, from the return of the Sheriff. Ml that (lie defendant nol lo lie loutid within the limit* ol UAM B. T NSLt tiCN. Abrnhutn Foard, Guardian of William O. Harris, Orphan of F.tekiel Hurria, deceased, appeared mid presented to lha Gourt a full and Anal receipt from auid orphan, now out of Ilia minority; and petitioned the Court to gram him letters of Diamisinn Irom said Guardianship : H hen*upon it wnh ordered, that the Clerk of this Court do isaiio a citation, requiring all per rod a concerned tulie anilap- pcarat iliemit regular Term of said Court, tube hohien on the second Mouduv in January next, to show cause, if any they have,why said lettct* should mu he gianted. 11 was, also, fiirther ordered, that snid citation be published according lo legal requirement. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this 15tlt No* vemher, 18-15. JOHN W. W. SNEAD, c. c.o. Butts J miliary lUorignge Shcrifl ’s Sales. % ILL ne mild un tilts first Tuesday to JANUARY next, ▼ T before the Couit-hoiiHe door in the town of Jackson, Butts county, within the legul hours of sale, the following property,to wit: The Negro slave Lot, a man about 48 years old ; his wife Silvia, about 45 years old; Fanny,a woman; Ede and Leilie, Silvia’s children, yoiui^ women from 20 to 25 years old; Fan nv’s two children, from one to four years old j Ede’acliildren, three in number, two buys and one girl from two to six years old; a girl child of Lethe’s, about 15 months old; also, Sil via’s other children, three hoys and a young girl, from four to fifteen years old ; also, Bob, about 38 years old; also, Jim, about $6 tears old; also, Etlcck, about 31 years old. Sold as ilia property of .Morton Bledsoe, by virtue of a mortgage fi ta from the Interior Court of said county, in favor of Charles Builev ami (iustavus Hendiick vs Morton Bledsoe. Proper ty pointed out in the mortgage (Ha October 30th, 1845. GEORQ!At Baldwin County* Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes, July Term, 1845. I T appearing to the Court hy the representation of Mrs. Elizabeth Washington, Ex ecu rix outlie Estate of Rob- eil B. Washington, deceased, that lliesuid Executrix tias lul- I v administered oil said Estate, and wishes to he dismissed therefrom : It is therefore, on motion, ordered. That the Clerk of this Court do issue a citation requiting all persona concerned, lo shew cause, ifany they have, on or before the second Men- dny in January next, why said dismission should lint lie gran ten—and mat said citation he published according to legal re quirement. A irueextiact from the minutes, this 7 lit dav of July, 1845. 41 mtim JOHN W. W. SNEAD, c c.o. the comity «f Wilkinson, ami it being also represented that the said defendant resides out of the State ol Georgia i It is, on motion, ordered, that lie uppeir and file Ills answer on or be fore the first Monday lo April next, or be considered in de fault : and that service of this rule he perfected hy a monthly publication In th* Georgia Journal for three mouths beforo the utxt Term of tble Court. JULIUS L. LATASTE, Atty. pro Libellant. Ocl. 7th, 1845. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. I ,Tliomaa M. Tarpley, Clerk ol the Superior Court of said comity, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true extract from the minutes of said Conn, at October Term. 1845. Given under my liuudiliis ‘diet da^ufOunber, 1845. 7 iu3m itfilim AND WACOM, (IHnMmditton) TllOd AS Hi. TARI’LEV. Clerk. GEOItGU, Telfair County. W HEREAS John McLean, Administrator on the estate ol Allen McLean, dcceu«ed,uppliea to me for letters of Dismission from the same : These see, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear a t my office, within the lime prescribed bylaw, to show cause,il any they have, why said li tters of dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 3d day of June, 1845. 37 m6in J NO F. McRAE, O. C. O. HEAD RIIAIKTEKK,? Mili.kdgkvillk, IOth Nov., 1845. \ To the Colonels or Commandants of Regiments compos- ing the Second Brigade, Sixth Division, Georgia Militia: A VACANCY having occurred by the resignation of II. II. TARVER, Biigndier General of ilie Second Brig ade, Sixth Division ot the Militia of this State, I have thought proper to issue this, my Proclamation, hereby ordering you, | tin* said Colonels, or Commandants of Regiments, to cause elec ion tn he held on FRIDA V, the I6ih day of January the several places of Imliliug elections for Members of tha General Assembly, giving due notice thereof, lor the election of a Brigadier General to till the ulorcsuid vacant- And loo furtner ordor, that lelornn of aaid election he inui to lie-id Quarters in the lime pif scribed hy law. By the Commander in chief. 7 JOHN 11. BROWN, Aid-de-camp. Telfair December Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL he sold before (lie Court house door in the town of Jacksonville, Telfair county, on the first ‘Tuesday in DEC ;E W K ER next, within the usual hours of sale, the lol low ing proper!), lo wil i One lot <il laud ami improvement, No. 196, in the 8th Dis trict «.f originally W ilkiiisou.unw Tellair comity; levied on as the property of John R. Hatcher, to satiety a fi fa in favoi of O. I.. Hatton, vs said Hatcher. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Levy mudeaiid returned lo me by n constable. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. W HEREAS) Jamos M. Folsom applies to me for letter* ot Admiiiiatrntion on tn«iealHte of Gilbert D. Coiuhe. late of antd county, deceased : These nre therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, tu he and! inpeur at my office within the time prescribed hy law, to- linwcause.if any they have, why suid letters should not he granted. Given underiny hand at office,this 8ih day of Nov., I845. 8 tut AUG. B. RAIFORD. Clerk. Oct. 20,1845. WILLIAM ELLIS, Sheriff. Ailiniiii«trntor*s Sale. W ILL be sold hy an order ol the Inferior Court of Telfair county, oil the fir.l 'Tuesday hi December next, lot No. 222in the 7th District and 3d sectiou of originully Cherokee, Aiow Murray countv. the fiiet Ttmsdev in January Jacksonville, Telfair county, lot No. Unknown as the Me AII inter place, and Nos. 166 and 167, all in the 9lh -District of suid county, tviili the iin-umhenince of the widow’s ‘dower ; and No. 59 in tha 7th District of said county, and u urgro wouiun 45 or 50 a ears old. Sold ne the. property of William 8tndailll, sr. late of said count v. deceased, for the benefit of lltft'heir* ami creditors ol said dsoeused. ’IVtuis made ksiowu oil tlic days of sale WM. S TUDS I ILI.,jr. Adtu' Telfuircountv, September 24tli. IH45.I Adininislrxitor , s knit*. A GREEABLY to ail order of the Honorable Inferior Court of Jasper County, when silling for ordinary purposes will be sold before the Court-house door in Monticello.on the fiiHt ’Tue-d.iyin February next, within the legal hours of sale, the laudrt ail'd negro 's helongiiig to the estate of Jesse J Bpeucer, deceased. Terms oil the dav of sale. CHARLES L. RIDLEY, Administrator. Oct. 14th, 1845. 3 ids Aduiini'itruior’s bale. W ILL be sold on tlie 27th day of November next, al the lute resilience of Jesse U. Spencer, in Jasper county. Ga.the perishuhle propeity of 6aid deceased, con.-isting ol Horses, Cattle, Hugs, Corn and Fodder, 6u:. dec. ‘Terms on ttlie day. CHARLES L. RIDLEY, Administrator. September 20th. 1845. 52 ids Executor’s Sale. A GREEABLY loan order of the Inferior Court of Wil kinsuii county, while sitting lor ordinary purposes, will be. suld before the Court-house door in Irwiutoii, Wilkinsci county,on the first Tuesday iu Jnnuary next, between the usual hours ot sale, the laud and one negro belonging to the late of James King, deceased. Sold for the himelit of the heirs and enditors. Terms made known on the dav of sal JAMES K1NNY, Executor. Septomher 1st, 1845. 50 ids Executor’s Sale. A GREEABLY lonnorderof the Interior Court of Wil kmson county, while sitting for onlittary purposes, wil be sold on the first ‘Tuesday in November next, within the usual hours of sale, bef ire the Court-lions ! door in Irw intuit one hundred eleven ami one fourth acres of (anil, as u part ol -hit nuuinar t*n hundred and twenty-nine; also, forty acres of bind, as a part of said lot number 229; also, iweiity-eiglu actes of land,as part of lot number two hundred and twenty* uine, also, one hundnul and fifty and one half acres, No. 2JH -whereon Benjamin Stubbs lived at the time of his death AI eo.oue hi of laud, No. 219, containing one hundred one. ami -one-fourth acres ; nil m the fourth district of Wilkinson county, belonging t«- the estate of Benj. Stubbs, late of sain county, chccRs- it. Also, on the. first Tuesday in "December next, before the Court-house door in the county of Lowndes, one-third of lot of laud No. 456, containing 49U acres, belonging to said estati of Ben) Stubbs, dec’d. Ailfculd for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of ssidde ceased. Terms made known on the dav of sale. WILLIAM C. PARKER, Ex’r. Aug' 5th,16l5.46 tds Executors’ Sales. A GREEABLY to MU order of the Inferior Courl of Wil kinson county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, wil he selld before the Court House door iu Irwfutuu, on the first Tuesday iu January next, between the usual hours of sale (he land and negroes belonging to the estate of Jume- Exutn late of aaid county, deceased,sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, Terms made known on day of sale. JAMES ROSS, J.G.R. HOGAN, { Lxeetitora Oct. 28th, 1845. 6 tds. W‘ Coroner's Sale. TILL be sold before the Court-house door in the town f of Irwinton, Wilkinson county, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, between the usual hours of sale, (he following property,to wit: One Jersey Waggon; levied on ns the property of Lev Bimpsun.U) satisfy one fi fa,from the Inferior Court of said county vs.said Simpson, iu fuvor of Walter W. Beall, Slier- iff,anil others. Property pointed out bv idnintifT*Attorney JtlC 11A IU I W AT T E RS, Coroner. Oct. 17th 1845. 5 5t Valuable Plantation for Sale. T HE subsciibers hold for sale, a Plantation in the upP-. part of the 15th district, Sumpter county, adjoining Mr Joaiuh Scxutcbins and others,containing 131b acres.—Also 475 acres in the name countv,28th district, well timbered pine land ; with a saw mill, on Mill creek, convenient to the lim ber. Also, a plantation in the 3d District of Buker county containing 2600 acres, a very superior tract of land combining fertility, good water,healthiness. Al these plsces have im provements upoo theta. Pernoue disposed to treat for these lund< are requested to address the undersigned personally by letter at Augusta, and those in the neighborhood, urn ferred to Maj|. John Cowart, of Americus, or Mr. Josiuli Scrutchins.of the name countv. ROBER T F. POE, > adm’rn. of the es WILLIAM J EVE > late of Paul Fils- GEO. W. CRAWFORD, ) aimmuus, ilecM Sept 23, 1845 53— Hit. d~r The Federal Union, Georgia Journal, Savannah Re publican, A Ihanv Patriot, and Columbus ‘Times, will copy until the 1st ol December. v ui 9 Valuable Plan union for Sale. I offer an excellent and RICH COTTON PLANTATION for sale It lies in Crawfoid County, thirty two miles fiom Macon, ten from Knoxville, and thren front Culloden. a hettllli village, where there is nlwuys good male nml female Schools. The Plantation contains Eiglitern Hundred •nd Fifty acres of laud,all first and second q.ialiiy oak ami hickory, nml post oak land, well watered, with seven hundred acres cleaied, the balance woodbind. ‘The improvements are excellent, and nearly new, being mostlv made within the Inst five years, with a yaidand garden hardly equalled in Middle Georgin fur ilia excellence and variety of its flowers, shrub berv and fruits. From the great drought, the crop is not equal (4) the land,but is much better (bun an average crop of the country. A bargain maybe had, and time inpayments made to suit purchasers. SAMUEL RUTHERFORD. Crawford county, Ga., Sept. 30,1845. (CTTlie Augusta Chronicle At. Sentinel will please copy four Mines, weelily. 1 4t Administrator’* Male. A GEE ABLY to sn order of the Inferior Court of Wilkin sou county, while silling for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first ‘Tuesday in February next, before the Court house d >or iu the town of Irwinton, all the real estate be longing to the estate of Allen Smith, late of Wilkiusou c ty, deceased. Terms of sals made known on the dav of sale. JAMES VICKERS, Adm’r. Ntrvemher 9tb, 1845. 9 *)• Gi OUGIA. Telfair County. \\MIEREAS Henry Cook,Jr. ami Seaborn Hall, apply VV to me for letters of Administration on the estute ot Henry Cook, Sen., late of sail! county,deceased : These are therefore tu cite ami udmoiiieh all and singular* the kindred and creditorsofsaiddeceased to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed hy luw. to show cause , ifany they have,why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, ut office, this 5th d«% of Nov.. 1845. 8 5l J NO. F. McRAE, c. c. o. GEOICGIA, I’ntildingA/OUiily. W HEREAS William Adair applies to me for letters of Administration on the estuie of Allen liilburn, late «1‘ said county, ileceased: These tire, 4 In* ret ore. incite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of suid deceased, to be nml uppeur at my office, within the time presetihed h\ law ,to show cause, Tuny they have, why suid letters should not he granted. Given under my bund, at office, this 26th tlt«\ ol Sept 1845. 2 nifiiu B. THOMPSON,O.C O. 'for letters- I lie cdtate' of Eplialy McGrifl’ GEORGIA) Decatur County. W HEREAS George W. Bruton applies to of Administration late of suid county, decsu These are,therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditorsol-said deceased .to he ami appeal nt my office within thetiniepreaeribedby law.toshow cuusc ifany exist,why said letters should not he granted. iven under my bund at office this241th du\ ol Oct., 1845. 6m JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. c.o. GEORGIA Decatur Comity. W HEREAS Thomas Whigliaiu, Administrator on the e-tuleof William W liighuui. late ol said county, de ceased, applies for letters ol Disuussiuii from said Adminis tration : These nre, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of-said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time ptescrihed hv law,to shew cause ifany they have, why said letters should nol be granted. Given under tnvhuml at ofliee, ihf* 2H dav of **Sept., i845. 50 6m JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. c. o. after dale application will he nlado to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Putnam county, while sitting lot ordinary purposes,lor leave to sell the negroes and perishable propeity ol Robert Aeliurst. Jr., deceased. JNO. M. ASHURST, Adm’r. Nov. 12th, 1845. 9 I^OIJIt MONTHS ufier dale application will he 1/ uinile to the Inferior Court of Lowndes county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, to sell the estate of James Pat leu, lute of Lowndes county, drccusnl. WILLIAM PATTEN,Admr. Oct. 27,1845. 7 ... II he to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Ware county, while silting for ordinary purposes, for lenve tosell all the lauds and negroes helongiug lo the estute of lleory Joice, lute of said county, deceased. MILES J. GUEST, Admr. BARNH JOICE, Adiur'x. Aug.15th, 1845. ■^NOUII MO IN TUN after date application will he made I to t he honorable the I ul'erior Court of Wilkinson county, while sitting fur ordinary purposes, for leave tosell the reul estate ol Allen Stuilli, laie of said countv,deceased. JAMES VICKERS, Administrator. Sept. 11,1845. 51 I^OUli MONTHS afterdate, application will he L made to thd Honorable Inferior Court of Wilkinson county, while fitting for ordinary purposes,for leave tosell the land & negroes belonging to the estute of John Eady, sr. late of said county, dcceused. HENRY EADY, Administrator. Sept. 5th, 4845 50 ill he made to the llonurahle Inferior Court ol D» ty, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave tosell the reul estate ol Charles Garner, lute ol said cotiniv.dcceueed. JEREMIAH TA TE, Administrator. Sept. 9, 1845. 50 [jpu] TNOIJK MONfTIISofterdate,application will be made X 1 to tile Inferior Court of Baldwin county , when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leuve to sell a negro hoy. named Ahr,tin, belonging to the estate of Isaiah W heeler, ileceased. July 22d, 1845. DELILAH WHEELER, Adtn’x. Notlct* to Debtors nnd Creditor*. ^ LL persons havin; demands against the estate of James Exuni, late of Wilkinson County, deceased, nre r- quest •-d io render them in terms of the low; and those indebted lo said estate, to make immediate pavimuit. JAMES ROSS, J. G. R. HOGAN, October 28th. 1845. ^ > Ex’rs. * 6 fit Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL person* having diunands against the estate of Wil liam Smith, late of Wilkinson county, deceased, are re quested to render them in terms of the ’luw; and those in debted lo said estate, to make iuniied ; ute payment. JAMES ROSS, Adin’r. Oct, 28th. 1845. 6 fit Notice lo Debtor* nnd Creditors. A LI. persons indebted to the estute of Robert Aslmrst, Jr., J\. deceased, late of Pallium county are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having demand* against said estate will semi them in duly authenticated with in the time prescribed hy law. JNO. M. ASHURST, Adm’r. Nov. 12th, 1845. 9 fit ttKEiNuit & m;Alii/, FACTOUS I And Commission merchant., 1 ISo. 7‘J, Jtiiy Street, Suvannnh. C. A. Gkmnkk, W. A. Beam.. 51 if Sept. 17. Boarding House. THE Subscriber will hoard Members during the sitting of the Legislatute. Location near the State House. M.E. EDWARDS. Oct. 21,1845. 4 At fY FOR SALi , A FORTY Acre Lot, No. 611, in the 13th District. 2d Section,of Cobh county. ‘The above lot n ill he sold on reasonable terms, hy immediate application at this Office. Mav 6 1845- 39 if NOTICE. A LL persons nre hereby cautioned against trading for six sinn I promissory notes, five for thirty dollars e icli. nnd one for fifteen dollars, amounting to one hundred nnd sixty-five dollars; made hv John J- Dninanl mid William E. Dtuiiard, dated third day of December, in the year 1844. and ilue the first day of Jnnuary. 1846, payable to losiali Mur pliey, or hearer, Administrator oi the estate of SiisuiiiinIi litison, deceased; and the makers of t-nid notes nre can meil against paying the same to any one hut myself, us the notes have been stolen from my possession. JOdlAll MURPIIEY. ov. Mill, IB-15. 7 tf STAGE NOTICE. The Nearest. Cheapest, and only Route between these lico important points, now in operation, that runs directly through without delay upon the road. L EAVING Madison on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings, after the nrrivnl of ilia Cara from Augusta, passing hv Euionton, CloptmT* -Mills, Blountsville, Clinton, and arrive at Macon at 7 o’clock, P. M., where we intersect the line for ‘Talliihassee, and u daily line of Four Horse Post Conches fut Columbus. RETURNING. Leave Macon on 'Tuesday, Thursday, and Botordtiy at 2 o'clock, A. M., passing through the above named places,and arriving nt Madison at 3J o’clock, P. !M., where we will ut-ver fail to connect with (lie dowuwuid (ruin of Curs for Augusta. We also run n line to Millrdgeville and Mottlicello for Milledgeviile. Lenve Madison tut Monday, VVednestlay and Friday mornings,after the arrival of the curs from Augusta, passing through Euionton, nnd arrive nt Milledgeviile al 5 o'clock, P. M. where we will connect wrtli a daily line of four horse Conches for Savannah and Alar on. Rrturninff, leave Milledgeviile on ‘Tuesday. ‘Thursday nnd Saturday, ut 3 o'clock, A. M., parsing hy Eutonton, and ar rive nt \indison at 3J o’clock,r M. For Moitticelln, leave Madison on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, after the arrivul ofih- cars from Augus ta, passing hy WhitfiebTs, and anive ut Monticello at 1 o'clock, P. M. Returnin'*, leave Monticello, mi 'Tuesday, ‘Thursday mid Saturday,at 81 o'clock, A. M., and arrive at Madison ut 3| o’clock, P. Al. ‘Traveller* may rely upon good horses and conches, and sober and steady, anil careful drivers. We hope, by good nd close attention to share a part of the public putronage. C. H. C A M PBELL, A gem, M adison. ST. LANIER. “ Macon. WM. GOOLSBY, “ Mnuiicello N. HAWKINS, •• Milledgevillt. Col. BRYAN, “ Eatouton. HAWKINS & BRIGGS, Proprietors. Kept. 30, 1845. 1 tf Splendid Mjottericg ! 9. *IX«XT * CO., BKMWger.. GRAND SCHEME! k) roti^lii lo Jail, V T Irwinton, Wilkinson county lienrgin, a nrgro man, who says his inline is GEORGE, about twenty-two vears old, rather yellow complexion, five Icet six nr Vigil inches high,anil say* he belongs lo Julio Carter,of Cultim- bus Georgia. The owner or owners ore requo- ted to come forward, prove property, pay chutges, and take him nwny July 14th, 1845. Broiifilit to Darien Jail, O N the 2d tiny »l Alay last, a Negro mail slave, who says bis name is J A AIKS, and that lie betmigs to John Hury of Bmke county, and that lie ran awnv about the 15iIt ol April. 8ai»l tmy is iilniui five feet five or six inches high dark completed; his buck well masked with the whip. JOHN SMITH, Jailor mT. c. Oct.7.3 4i Hron^lit to Jail. lelli'W h* the name of PIIEL1X, t twniity one vears old, of yellow complexion, about ve feet six inches high, w ho says he belongs to General lieu- mi U. Slmriar, of Eofatiln Alii. ’T. ». BRANNON, Sh’ff. of Muscogee County. Columbus, .Sept. 24th 1815. I— iol2.,.ortf. STATE OP GEORGIA. Uy GEORGE IF. CRA H’FORD s Governoroj said State. X VACANCY having occurred hi the 29lli <Congress of the United .States hv the resignation of the Honorable WASHINGTON POE, member elect the Third Con gressional District of this Stute, I ilo hereby i»siiu this, my proclamation, requiring the duly uuilioi izeif ntlicers of said District to hold nil election in their te-pet live counties, on AIONDA Y, t!»e 5th day*of January, 1846. in manner nnd f«om as hy law pointed out, to fill suid vncuncy,ai d that they give certificates thereof. Given under m.v hand nnd seal of the Executive Depart ment. at the Capitol iu .Milledgeviile,this the ifith dav of October, A. D. 1815. GEORGE W.CRAWFORD. By the Governor: John II.Stkf.i.e. S. E D. 4 tf FURNITURE AND HOUSE CARPENTRY. R OBERT D. HALL (successor of H . Lardy) has con stantly on haml, makes to order, uud repuirs ull kinds of Furniture. All Kinds of HOUSE CARPENTRY done in the best manner,and Law, All kinds ol Paintscan lie had ready fur use, Glasscut to nnv size, and Glazing done. Also, Glass for Picture frames Ate. of various sizes; Hard ware Trimming* for Ftirni'ure, etc., and Aluliogany uud Itluck Walnut Draw Knobs, &c. Ladies will please call at .Mr. Newell’s Store, where they will be conducted into the Shop und cun see the Furniture.’ Milledgeviile, June IU, 1845. 37 if GEORGIA) Decatur County. W HEREAS Niilluiniel 11. Hicks, Administrator on the estate of William Brow-u, deceased, applies to toe for letters of dismission from said A tlmini-t ration : These are,therefore.loeiieandadmoniBh all and singuli ^ the kindred uud creditor* of said deceased ,to he and appeti.- at mv office within the time prescribed by Inw.tosliowcause. It any tlie.v have, why saidletters should not be granted. l»tveil uudertiiv baud at office, this 3d dav ofOi tnher,IB45. s Cm • ’ JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. c. o. TO PRINTERS. Type Found*y &. Primer’s Furnishing %Vnrehoiise. f |MlK Subscribers have opened a new Type Foundry in I the City of New Yoik, where they ate ready lo supply ordets to nny extent,for any kind of Juhor Funcy Type, Ink, Paper. Cases, Gulleys, llruss Rule, STEEL COLUMN RULE, Composing Sticks, Chases, and every article for a Priming Office. 'The Type, w hich nre rust in new moulds, from nn entirely new set «»f matrizes, with deep counters,ure warranted lo he unsurpassed hy uuy, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. All the type fnriiMieil bv iisIs "Imnil casi." Priming Presses furnished, nml also Steam Engines of the most approved patterns. Composition Rollers cast for Printers. Editors of newspapers, who will buy three limes as much type as their billsuniotint to, may give the above six mouths insertion iu tlmir papers, and send their pupers containing it to the Subscribers. COCKCROFT & OVEREND. Sept. 9. 50 6m 68 Ann street, New York. KNIGHTS OF THE HORSE SHOE: A Traditionary Tale of Hie Corked-Hat Ge »try of the Old Dominion. By the author of the Cavaliers of Virginia,'* 4*c. tfc. C HARLES YANCEY has the pleasure of informing the Southern public, lie will issue from his Press in \\ est Wetumpka, Ala. in a lew weeks, the ubnve named Nov el, hv a distinguished author lesiding iu the State of Georgia. THE KNIGH TS OF THE HOUSE SHOE will be is sued in Pamphlet form, 2 vols. 125 pages, or more eaeh.— Price 75 cts. per single copy- 9 c.lines I’..r $5; 20 copies fi 510. CHARLES YANCEY, Wetumpka, Ala. A tig. 5. 45 if AIEUIUAI. L'ARt;. A VVCfc inher of the Royal College ol Surgeons, of Lnndi ami Edinburgh, and Giuduote of the Jefferson Meilicul Col lege of Tliiladelphia; also, author of n woik embracing tlir following subjects, viz:—Matrimony, Impoteiicy und Slerili ty, anatomically, physiologically, and medicnfly cxplaiueil with a compreliensive’expositioti of the nature and modern treatment of Syphilis, Secondary Symptoms, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strictures, Noctiirnul Emissions, uud all the cons*- quences arising from self pollution. Doctor Fawcett contin ues his private consultations on the ahovi'meiilioned diseases ut his long established office, 196 Fulton street, where the most aggravatedfurms nf all affections of (tie generative or gans will yield to bis mode of treatment, without restraint in dietor exercise,and without mercury. Even when the pin- creative energies become tnrpiil or purely zeil, from excessive indulgence, nr from inasturbatioi). he will he able to restore the parts to health and vigor. Persons nt a distance, enclos ing $1, can have a copy of the work. All letters must he post paid.nnd directed to I)r. II. Fni celt, 196 Fulton street, New York. Aug.26. 48 6m Congressional Inielli^onm*.. riHIE Proprietors of »lie National Intklligknckr. in c □ iler to meet the w iabes ot those whose chcomstuucea inclination do not allow them to subscribe even to a week __ Wiishingtmi paper during the whole y eur,have dplerminsd lo issue, (luting each aession of Congies*, a weekly sheet, sly I ed'• The Conches ional Intelligencer,” t«) be devoted exclusively to the publication, us fir as its limits will pei niit.of the Proceedings ol both Houses of Congress, an Official Reports ami Documents connected therew ith, iuclt ding a comp et* official copy of aft ihc Acts passed by Congress during the session. I o bring the price within t he reach of every man who can rend, toe charge for this paper will lie for illo first session each Congress One Dcllur, and for the second session of each Congress linlfa Dolla 'The price of the Congressional Intelligencer, to he issued mi each Wednesday during the approaching .Session of Congress, will therefore he One Dollar, paid ill ud- To enlarge upon the vnlue per from M ashiugtou.of tliii partial hut necessarily uhlu :,*.. o r., to those who luke no newepa- publication, containing ail mi- vuitcd account of the Proceed Congress,including nn authentic official copy of all the laws passed dining the session, would he need lesa. ‘The man who lakes tm such paper ought to lake one, if lie iloes not preler remaining ignorant of what most near ly concerns hi* own destiny. uud that of his family and his posterity for ever. ITT*When six copies nre ordered and paid for by any one person, n deduction of one sixth will lie made from the price; (litl is to say, a remittance of Five Dollars will command aix | copies of tlie Congressional Intelligencer for the next seasion. ’ A remittance of Ivn Dqllras will si:cure thirteen copies; and 1 for Fifteen Dollars remitted from anyone peison ot place, ‘ twenty copies will he forwarded* ST'Payim nt in advance in all cases is indispensable. I Weekly National lutelligenccr. 'This paper, being made up of auch portiou of the contents of the National Intelligencer proper as cuo he compressed within the compass of a single uewspapei, continues lobe issued and mailed to subscribers every Saturday nt Two Dol lars a year.payable in advance iu all esses—no account be ing openeil wi:h subscribers to the weekly paper. ‘To bring this paper yet more nearly vv iihiu the reach of such ns desire to tnke’Ay the year a’cheap paper from the •lent of the General Goveruuieut, n reduction will lie made in the price of it where a number of copies nre ordered and paid for hy nnv person or association ut (lie following rules : For Tun Dollars six copies will he sent. For 'Twenty Dollam thirfeer. copies ; nnd For each sum of Ten Dollars, above Twenty, eight copies will he forwarded ; so that a remittance of Fifty Dollars will command thirty-seven copies. Washington, D.C.,Oet. 7,1845* 5 tf A PltrtC/l/AM ATlWrV. STATU OP OUOUGIA. Hy G EO ft(.E W. C ft I Wfolt O. Governor of. aid State H AVING liifurinnllun llioiu minder **n. commit- li d on the Isl dnv of Anetl-I, io ilic of L.owmlc., 0)100 llit* bodv ufSAMOKL Maui.uks, Ii.v IMVil) W. KING, wlto bn. fled iVoiiljn.lice, I li.v. tln.iiiE l tiropcr to llii/, .v |iroctmnuiion. offering n rnwiiidnl OnkIIukdkku Dol lar., to nny peri-on, or prt.oti., w ho inny n|i|irelicml nnd deliver .aid fugitive, to tfie blieriff, or Jnilor, of f.owndes county. And I do mnreoverctinrgennd require ull officer.,civil nod be vigilant in endeavoring oappieltend tlic euid KING, in order I bn t be may be tried fur tlic offence will, which be rtuml. charged. Given under my bund und the erect aenl of the State, at the Gapitol ill Mil ledge v ill , Ibis loth day of September, A. U., 1815. GEORGE W. CRAWFORD. Ily the Governor: ' N. C. BARNETT,Secr’v ol Slate. DESCRII- I ION. Tlie aaid KING ia about 33 *eare of nge, thin visage, ewatlliy lonqilexinn, blue etee.daik hair, bus u down look and is dliool 6 leel bigll. Ill ndtlilionlo tlie tiovci-noi-S Kewnrd, we wi In,IV TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTV DO .EARS for tlie delivery of tlie said II * VIl> W. KING to any one of us, or the Stic riff orJuilor of Lowndes county. A. MAUI.DRN, J. GROOVER, T. J. DENMARK, M. GROOVER, .1. LEE, 5 tf J. S. GROOVER. N OTICE.—Tlie following persons, preseoliilives,nmy bear tit somethiiii Ellioll. (1818); F. &E. Fence, (1830); 93); Miss ..|,reli Gnemrd,of Beanloil. (1815); Richard (IHIM ); Win. Hurt. Es’or Jane Peart. (1798); Win. . Dunlap.(1798); Mery l.incli Ifnrrv.(IBI11; rami. (|7U3)j Will Jeoner' & Co, o. I- vey.d llulsnn llort.E John JobiiHon, ufDfiib Disi (1818); Col. Win King. (1810),' Janie. Moure of Georg [1793]; Stale Cinciiinaii Society of Georgia; Itev. Tims H. Price,[1817], Susaiiiinb Rivers,[l785];Lvncll lloberls.f i7931; Dr. James Stuart, [18181; Margaret Tone, Ex’* ol Solan, f18181; Ntnrile, Grannie ft Co. [I793t; Elizabeth Williams, II79.J; Bird, Savage At Bird; Jotiii J. Pringle; Nnlhl. Rne- s-l I, to trosi for Uharlestoo lii.oraiiceUiinipaoy, heirs of Geo, Guerin. tf A C.UtD, I P is deemed by tlie Trustee, nod Resident Phveicinn lo tlie Institution, prnninlive of Ilia best interests'of the in- mat.. that no visitor, be adioilled be line 8 o'clock, A. M.,he- iveen 13 nnd 2, nod «fle^5 P M.; uud *x those boors on- itlen permit lo ly in company with the Pb the Stewurd uud Jl cea. D. COOl Aug. 13,1815. epl under pr PER, II n I it ALEX INDICIA LOri EHV, Clues No. 45. for 1815, i be druwn in A lexaiidriu. D C., on Suturduy, November 391 ll, 1815. SPLE.WIU PRIZES. 40,000 Dollars! A,81o Dollars! A Puxrs of <fo A <lo A do 40 do Ate 19,000 Dol'nrs! 3,000 Dollars! 3,000 9.500 1,35© 1,300 AOO OLC. MEICCEIt UNIVERSITY. HE Uuiycisilv comprises a Theological, Collegiate and I. Academical Departmeiit. Ttlk oLOiJir Al. IIEP \ IITMF.NT. Faculty.—Rev. Jolm L Da««, D. D., Tiofessov of Sys tematic ‘Theology; Rev. J. L. Reynolds, A. M.. ProfesBor of Bihliciil Literature; Rev. N. M. Crawford, A M. f Professor (elect) of Ecclesiastical History. ‘Tlie course oi studies in this Dep-ir ment embraces ull the branches usually taught in Theological .Schools of the first order, including Hebrew and, it desired, Chaldee, COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. Faculty.—Rev. John I. Dagg, I). I).. President; Rev, P. il. IMell, A. M , Prof, of Language*; B. (). Peirce, A. M., Prof, of Chemistry and Natural Pliilosnphv ;8. P. Sanford, A. Jl , Prol'esMir of Mulhematics; Rev. S.G. Hillycr,A. M.. Professor (el cl) of Belles Lettres. The course of studies io the College is as full as in nny kindred institution in the South. ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT. 4 Rev. Thomas D Martin, A. B., Principal. ‘The Students in this Department are prepared for College under tlie direction of the Faculty. EXPENSES. Tuition,in thn Collegiate Department, $35 for tlie scholas tic year; in the Preparatory Department. $25; in the Theologi cal Depart ment, free. Board from 7 to $8 per month. Wushing, Room rent, &c., uhoiii $2,U0 per month. The first session commences on the 2d Wednesday in Au gust mid doses on the 30th of November. ‘The 2nd session begins on the loth of January, nnd closes with the Commencement Exercises on tlie 2d Weutiesduy iu For the course of studies in the several departments, in de tail, refer to the Christian Index,orupply to one of tlie Pro lessors. O’ ‘The Chronicle nnd Sentinel.and Constitutionalist, A tf gusin; the W hig and Runner, Athens, the Southern Recorder and Journal, Milledgeviile; the Kept) dii-an and Georgian, Savannah, und the Enquirer and Times. CoIuiiiImis, are re quested to nuidish the a ho v e once u month lor five months, and forward their accounts for settlement to the ‘Treasurer, ‘Thomas J. Buraev, Madison. Sept. 3Uth 1845. 1 ni5m 7H Numbers—14 Piann Ballots. Ticket. (18 —Ifulvea $S—Qnaitei.$3 50. Certificate, ol I’neknge. ol 3!i \\ liolee, *130 CO Do do kK llnlvi a. 05 11) •>« do Sfi (Ill'llter., 33 50 tn’Oriler. for Ticket, ail.I Share, and ( erlifie.le, ol Peek- age. ill the above Maokikicknt mikml, »ill r, i ei*e prolt pt I uo ■ecoiiiit I,r Ibe will In- vein inline. dint ly nttei it mover to all who may a, Aildrei,. .1. ILGIILGOItY A Co., 11 (inn[it-is. Wil-llillgli . D. C. Milledgeviile, Ni \VA UTED) > Ins. of Pork, fm orgiu, lor which < v.11,1815. ash will he paid. P. FAIR, lifi.ei FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, iVIPMVlL $300,000. rpHE NEW.YORK CON TRA BUTIONHII P FIRE 1 l.NSURXNCE COMPANY having established un ucen- cy in Knox v t li.k, Crawford cu n lit v .\v ill insure BUILDINGS, MERCHANDIZE, HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE, and evervdescripliouof property, against loss or ilamoge bv lire. FRANCIS 11. MURDOCK A... - Knoxville. Jim FRANCIS II. MURDOCK. 1,1614. 37 tf Valuable Laud ami Mill-Scut for Sale. WII.Lb'*sold iu Eatouton on tlie first‘Tues day iu J A NU A RY, I3l6,ii portion of the real estate of Robert Aslmrst, sen., il. i eased ; situ- ate on tin* waters iff Murder Ciiek in Pultiain county,cotilaiuiiig some three liundied uud si-\cn> cres, about one bundled and fifteen acies of liicii state (d'cullivaiioti. the remaining poitii-n of wbu.ii is bered.aud uuu I.e. classed as first quality cotton luiid. lei^the othei induct incut- offer* d iu tlie sate ol this vul- irnpeny, il M’liluin* a fine Mill Si at. with siifficieni an extensive Merclnitit Mill, or Cotton Fac tory, and i- u must e| igible site fur either, as it is surioumleil hy n weiililiy and prosperous cuiumiiuity, iluis afforilinp u r* ndv market lot dour or cotton Maiiulactuies ol ever) de scription. 'The above described properl.v adjoins ilm lauds of Giiggs, Moreland. Farley and others, * nd is told under a provision of the will of the said deceits* d. (O’ Terms made known un the dav. JNO. M. A .SI ILK’S'?*. Adm’r. de bonis non, cum testa meat o Euionton. Nov. I2lh, 1815. 9 6t New York Cily Ailrerlisemnil. PRINT WAREHOUSE IN NliW YOllK. To supply (lie city & iuteiior nude by tbe piece or package ]\o. 44 CL BA It 1ST It ELI’, (NF.AIt WILLIAM ST.) L EE BREWS TER give notice lo Dealers in Dn Goods tInn iliev haver •moved iheir WAREHOUSE foi PRIN- ;XCI USIVEI.V. from Pearl lo 44 t < und c Bv KKAt.l.t i large \ riel v ntleiilloi xbihil an ussori Aim lie .—und i Kit,than those, v PRINTS OM.) .L lioseutieulioii is divided ifdend, their rc- preseniulives, may hear ot'sonielliing to their advantage, uy application nt the office ol the Cluirle-lon Courier, viz :— Catharine Alexander. Ex. (A. D. 1792); Daniel Atwood, (1796); Allwell Ishubod, (Ibill); Suruii Boiler, (1764); John Bull, (1797); Joseph Brevard,(181KB ; Hugh Boiliune,( 18011), John Brownlee, (1794); Andrew Baskins, (1792) ; Rebecca Bumpfield, 11792); Elisabeth Bund., (1795); Elias Bull.( 1797); Virtoriue G. Boisgerard,f 1811); Crawford Duvidson, (1795); Christiuna Daubuz, or Hauling, (IMil y Josiuli Dickinson, adin’r of James Gilchrist, (1811); John Darrell, (1709; Morv Gregory, (1811); Isaac Holmes, Ex’r of James SMuyarna, (1792); 'Tliomus Horry, Ex’r o'E. Horry, (1798); John Bee Holmes, io trust for Harriet Edwards,(1*798); Archibald Hur- vey,(l79))' William Hurt, (1803); Ann Elliott linger,(1802;; Nathaniel Heyward, (1806); Edw. Lowndes, (1801); Isauc Legnre, (1792); Langston &. Dixon, (17%); Samuel Lining, Ex’orol K. Gucrard,(IBI3); Jam**s Loumh-s, (1801); John P. Martin and B. A. Mark ley, for Robl. !Martin. (1794); John C. Martin, (1794); John Elias .Mome, (1812); John Niclnt. (1796); James Povhs. London. (1795); Win. Price, (1797); Esther P-eseott,(1797); John Price, (1795); Itobt. Scott, (1792); Win. Stephen. (1796); James Mmilli. in trust, (1793); Love Slone, (1601); IVler Siniih.ndiuVr ofJno. II. Smith, (t 804); Frances Simmons, mi trust fur the estate of John Holmes, (lU'di); Rnht. Smith,(1812); ‘Thoinan Tinner, (1791); .Marv Tucker. (1795); lit tit. William* (1801); James Wairiuglon, (1798); Jn)m Wakefield,sen. (1799); Thus. Young, (181*7); Marv Bowman, (1817); Rev. Miclil. Crosbv, (|KI7): J. B. Campbell, iu trust, (1818); Sami. Davenport, (1817); t liristoplier jte Gruffenreidi, ((825); Rev. Edw. Ellington. 11800); Episcopal Clmrch.(IRIC); I he Stock consists oI skvkkai. thousand pattkrks am COLORS. EMBRACING KVKRY V-RIKIV OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRINTS in market—muuy styles oj tchich arc got up exclusivity for thru vie it satis.and cannot be had elscirhere.cxci pi iu si conn hands. Dealers iu Prints will find il lor liieir interest in examine this stock bttlore inuking lltdt purcltnses— ibex w ill liuve the advantage m leaiuiug tlie lowest uiurket pi ice. mid cmupur- jug all tlie desirable sty les in market sid- W\ side. Catalogues of prices corrected with every vuiiuiiun of the market.are i-laced iu the hnndsol buvers. Ocl. 8, 1844. 2 if FIFTY DOLLA IIS REWARD. I’OLK.N from the Subscriber in Campbell county. Gn.. nn S the I5;h of Aug old. l.v the name < f R \ Fh, I hired hv ilie Subsetilier the front teeth, large chill, speak. to his age i uiv trunk, f A Is quick win ll he gilt ed in any safe jail, or fortv do ient proof to convict him; or lodged in tin v sale j iil. The Columbus Knqu will please publish the ubov MnrlhaHville, DeKalh co., Ga., Aug. 26. phi. by culling u > or ibiiiv dolliiis. .r the uegr..,.ml thief, lodg- s lor lb* ilii**t widi si.flic- dollars lol the s. id !o>, J.C.SIIYI.Y • nnd Wetumpka ( \la ] ’A big tree months, uud tor* anl their 48 I3t nnd I an hv law. ’Jacks. Caution. uimieil Hgniiift trading lor n note Hindu MiMS.fwi $70. I do not recollect the [ is the only one ol the sort I evergi.vf, ol lo pay Ibe same, unless compelled ARCHIBALD MIMS. 52 if ille.Ga. Sept. I Oil,, 1845. GEORGIA, Fee Coinin’. TURNER HUNT, of the 96lili Dist M. t died before me. I) R 11 ant, n Jus te nf Ilie Peace in and Ibr suid cmiirtv, ie sorrel Mate, nlmiil lour years old, ill blaze line and tier left 'loud foot while. Appinised by 'Tliomus B. High and James Ci.x at fifty dollurs, this llie bill Ocl., 1845. D R HUNT. J.P. A true extract from the Eslrav Rook, ibis Rib day ol <’clo- ber. 1815. SAMUEL C. WYUIIE,Clerk. 4 3t M BroiifflK Co Jail, A’T Irwinton, Wilkinson county, Georgia, a •gro mini, who says his name i- XNTHON Y, mill t weiitv -five years of age, five leel six or gbt inches high, rather yellow complexion and says ne belongs to a mini living in Oisuge uuly, N.C , hv Hie name of Sandy Cheek. The owner or owners are request* d lo come forward, prove properly, puy cliurges, ami lake bii July 13th, 1815. 11 ionulit lo Jaif, THIS day, a n. gro man who says Ins name is FRANK and Hint lie belongs to Jesse Ihck, ol lily. Ga. Suid negro is of light com plexion, idioul five feel ten inches liicb, speaks \ when sookeu to. Tl.e owner is requested io 1 forwatd, prove propeity, pay cl»aiges,und take him away. i., July 9, 1845. T. A BRANNON, She 42 in I *iu or iff*. WlliLUW K. DfOltAFIKNIllED ATTORNEY AT LAW. niiikoly, Cnrly CoMiily,Oeo. RErEHENCE.—Uon. Seaborn Janet.Hun. W.T.Col quill, Hon.A. lemr.n,Hon. JnteyhSluryrii.JohnSchlty. and Henry Henning Esorr. ■»«»•». n g MAIL AKItAMGIilHENT. Northern Mail. Doe !)«il», (except Sinulii),) al I" a. m. Ci*08E. liniiy, ** ui9|a.m. Savannah Mail. Doe dnilv, (f xcapl Moiida, .) »! 3 e m. Cl.oats (laill, •' ttlEp. M. Macon and Columbus Mail Doe .litilv. (except Suiolav,) «• 3 P- M. Closes iluili, “ ai 8 p. M. Ealonlon Mail. Doe Monday, Wednesday uad Fi idny m 7 p. M. Closes “ “ " « *3 P. «• Monticclh Mail. DU KTliursil.jHRdKumts) .18 P - M. CLOSES Jloiii'aj anti .I. P.M . Hnwk'nsfiht Aiait. Closes Monday nod Tlitoedny «' 8 P- M- Florida Mail. Closes Mondsv, Wednesdn* anti Frida* ot '■ I-i K. IUVOOF.TT, I’ 'I.