The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, December 02, 1845, Image 3

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jrttr - 2 V -WiKKUtf- - W S M H*«BaBBB*WWW«W», tareatcd in auoh acta, or imoIvm, «ro aura to mllrr-r tnd it U lu thia tlml wo bof loov* to direct (ho Mien, i iun of our rondrre, partiuu larly iboaa who arc raumbtra of the Lcgieieturo. In incorporating n manufacturing or olher compnny i it i. prudent to protest the public interest. Two inodes of doing this are suggested. One, to bind thu individ ual property of all the stockholders, for the debts of the company; and tlio oilier, to bind the individual property of the Stockholders, to the full amount of their sinch.- There is another suggestion to which we need hn4b ullude—that is, not to bind the individual property of t ie stockholders at all. Experience has piovcd that this will not do, and wo therefore turn nnr attention to the points aliove not iced. To bind the individual properly of all tho stockhold ers fur the full amount of the debt, would, tve think, be unwise. It would retard that which it is now proper to advance, and it would not make the demand of a creditor any tho more certain of payment. It is quite sufficient, in our humble opinion, to bind tho individu al properly of a stockholder to the full amount of his sleek, for any debts of tho co inpany. If this dues not protect the public from fraud or disaster,nothing else can- If a man subscribes for $5000 stock, in any cotton, iron or other company, and lie knows that Ins property is hound for the company's debts to the amount of $5,- 000, ho will not he apt to by idle and suffer himself to he swindled out of $10,000, by mismanagement and fail ure. Hence this restriction is severe enough, and while it will not keep him from embarking in an enter- prise that w ill developo what nature and interest point out, neither will it make him neglectful, so far of his own interests, as to suffer, by mismanagement, a dou ble loss. But bind all tho individual property of a man worth $20,000, because ho subscribes for $5 000 of stock in an iron, or marble, or cotton manufactory, ami how many men will thus involve themselves ! Does not the mast unobservittg see, that the individual, and his c edit are at once paralyzed! With a surplus capital of $5,000. lie is debarreJ investing it in an enterprise, however public spirited it may be, or conducive to the irciicral weal, because if ho does so, Ins wholo means are tied hand and foot! Such ought not to be the ac tion of the Legislature. If it is, much uf tho capital of our State will seek some other place—some other State—where similar enterprises are not retarded by similar means. Wo desire to see the Legislature just hut not severe. We desire to see it advance, not re tard, enterprise. Anil while we urge upon them to protect the public interest, we would also urge upon them to do all that is liberal andy'usf to developo the resources of our Slate. MR. BERRIEN’S ALIUNV SPEECH. This speech as “reported” has b n frequently allu ded to, and an attempt has been made by Democratic Editors to give it force or “authority,” from the fact that it was published in the Georgia Journal. The Editor of the Augusta Constitutionalist, writing from this place and commenting upon Mr. Berrien’s Address, makes frequent allusion to the Albany Bpeech, and as frequently, to its publication in the “Georgia Journal.” Although he does not say unequivocally, yet his remarks would bear the intepretation that the “report” was pub. lished “authoritatively” or bv some one who "softened (it) down to suit the gaze of its Georgia admirers.” Now wo wish to put this matter right. We saw the "report” of this speech in a Northern exchange paper, and supposing it to be correct, it was copied into our columns. Wc did not approve of the principles it con tained—but we felt it due to our readers and the peo ple of Georgia, that the political opinions of thoir pub. lie servants (no matter where and when publicly ex pressed) should ho made known to them—and although we regretted to learn that Judge Berrien had uttered the Bentiments contained in the “report,” yet a duty to ourself and those who support us, and a duty to Judge Berrien, prompted its publication in the Journal. Wo supposed if the “report” was wrong, Judge B. would make the correction—if right, we had no disposition, although he was an influential and prominent Whig, to • conceal” his opinions from thopeoploof Georgia, even though they did not moot with favor. Since our connection with the press, wo have at- tempted to da justice to all. We are as oilier men, not perfect, ami may have failed in doing so—if s >, that failure has not been intentional. Our attachment to what we conceived to he tho best interests of tho court- try, being stronger, than to parly or men, wo have had no disposition ta“eoncad" for any one—lienee wo pub lished the “report” of the Albany speech, without deeming the sentiments it contained sound doctrine, or in accordanco with the opinions of the Wh'gsor Deni- ! ocrais of Georgia. But Mr. Berrien has di 'avowed the correctness of that “report.” He has re.asserted opin inns which he lias all along hold, olid wli cli are sus tained by his acts—and we think it limn, now, that the • Albany Speech” as reported, should be dropped—and treated as spurious coin. rrTlie last Sandersville Telescope comes out in a long defence of Mr. Ware on account of his course in the election of public printer, and as it does not deny that Mr. W. bargained with Democrats, to give the Au gusta Constitutionalist a portion of the public printing, in the event of the election of Smith—wo would not trouble the readers i f the Journal, further, with the matter, but for the extract below. The Telescope, in attempting to justify Mr. Waro, has the following: “There was then ft “bargain” made by Grieve ,V To. with | the Federal Union to ibis effect—if they, oftltft Union, would | throw lheir influence to them, at the next aesaion or ever here- I alter when the democrats were in pnvvor, they should hnvn no ' opposition by either the lleeorder or Journal. Stick tt pin here. But that tens not t nil, dune by these editor*. Tb<*v [ even went so far, we are informed, as to bargain with the Fed eral Union, if it would get them democratic votes and aid in \ their election, a certain portion of the eroutd be pivcil to that, office if they ict're elected. Now, wo would usk if they are leas excusable by the whig party for thus timing limn Mr. I \Vure for vvhnt he done, and if they have any jnsl grounds to I heap upon his head, their vile insinuations t And further-[ more,we lutvn il from iliupicslioiiahio nutlinritv lliat these lUilledgevilte editors have agreed lu combine llieir influence, i together,at every session of the legislature, in order ilmt the | .State printer slia/t he kept in I lint place.” Now, we deem it unnecessary to say more than lh»i t j the whole of the above is false, from beginning to end. There was no “bargain,” ••arrangemnnl” or "under | s audiiig," whatever, with the Editors of the Federal 1 Union, either on our part, or on the part of the Recor- \ der. Ij*\Vo take the following article from tho Decatur] (DeKalb county) Watchman. We think it but ex- | presses the views of nearly all who have reflected much | upon tho subject. Happening in an adjoining county, a few days since, we were surprised at tho lively inter, eat fell mi tho part of the people, for the tale ol the Court bill. Nearly all that we met inquired about it. and there was not ono who expressed opposition to it But to ■ lie extract. The Editor in alluding to the pro ceedings of ilm Icgislaiurc, says: "A lull for establishing a Supreme Court in this Slate has been submitted, and we are glad to dud that it is becoming a matter of some interest to the people ; amt hence wo hear the frequent enquiry, “what will become of the Court bill!" It has passed the Senate by u bare majority ; its fate in the House is not yet known ; it is however, supposed by many that.its success there is also reduced !« a certain!*, Worn the fact that a hi to provent such a courl wislsat in iMHuuia by a very la -go majority. This mint, however, have been a very ■tiange bill, to prevent that which was nut. We hope this hill may peas, tnd can tee no good rea son why it fliould not; Yet them >• ■ strong opposition lu it, and that opposition originates among those who would cortainly be more benefltted by such a court than any other class of the community. The lawyer would not bo henefltled by such an iualitution/boeauss it would most certainly be a great bar in tho way uf litigation, from tlio fact that it would reduce law to a standard throughout the Slate, so that many of those uncertain suits now Usually instituted would never trouble a court room for redress, when indeed nn wrung had been com mitted. Tho wealthy could nol bo particularly or ex clusively bencfiltcd, for thoir money would only enable them io unier the doors of justice, which would at all times be alike open to the poorr.nd indigent, and Ihey would thore have justice mected out with equal hands Nor is argument wanting by way of precedent. Sim. ilar Courts exist in well nigh all the Suites of the Un ion except Georgia, ami have in many of them existed from iho foundation of their independent judiciary, and have done well; and in no Stale where they have existed, and still doexisl, do wc hear of any wish to ties troy thorn. Iun word there is no State that can have any thing bul a mock judiciary without such a court. It gives dignity ami character to a Slate and the judi ciary. It gives ju-iicc to all who seek ii, and if prop erly conducted, the sale of its reports will well nigh de fray the expenses of its officers. Upon this bill some ot our members in the Li-gislatirc have voted strangely. Whether it was the result of a determined opposition to a court, or an opposition to the form of the present bill alone, wo are not enabled to say. If tho former, their course is at least censurable; if the latter they may to some extent be excused, CASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. No. IT WI*IUttker-«tree«, NuvmNuU. (Opposite IV. II May Co.’s Saddlery Store ) HAMILTON & SYMONS would inform ihelr frhnda and tb» public*, that In addition to their pre sent l*rg« supply of KEAUY- MaUK .CLOTHING, they have C ureImBed, mul are now opening a irge nnd elegant assortment ol the very beat quality of English and French Cloths, Cassimerc*, Vestings, And FANCY ARTICLES, suita ble to (ieutleuioii'a wear. All of which they urn prepared to make order in »lie im>«i elegantttud fashionable style, and at tlio shortest Millet*. ... ■ • i i ; Their - tuck is entirely new,mid being connected "ilk the firm of J. C. Booth 6c Co. Io7 Broadway, New York, they will he furnished with the moat Iashionubln nrtfc lea, a a they arrive in tho market. Mr. S. A. OEMS, fate foreman for Price 6c Vender, nnd well know n us a superior Cutter, will huve churge of this de partment of biisineeH, no that our customers may rely upon getting the verv bent fits. Orders from tlio country filled promptly, nnd no deviation in price, «•* we mo resolved to approach ns nearly as possible to Northern rates. 13 if TERM,’ in rcTiDilouucuT Lituiiiw r air : C K WEN*fWORTH T HE t,iidie*nfMm,!<U«»1lla«IH riva a FA HIM tits Bin rfnuic flail on Tkur*ih*y evening the 4th ins!., at which time a great variety of Fancy and olher articles. will be ex* hibited lor sale, the proceed* lobe appropriated to charitable uses. „ taper ot 50 els. Cake, Fruits, Ac. e|in>ged extra. Admittance ‘Junta. Children hall price. 13 It OUOICHHIA, Wilkinson County. \T/HISKKAri Martha Chambers applies to me for liMtrr* W of Ailiiilni.tratian oh that part nt the eatnta of VV ill in in (’li.mbor., fleeeosctl, not di.pio.rd of in tlio will of raid \\ in. Cltninhni.: TIipixt nrp, tltprrforp, to cite find ndmnni.b til I nnd singular tltnsp p.nnpoinpd, f sltuw cuusp, if any thpy Irnvp, why suit! letter, rtf Adininisiratiun should nultip .runtptl. Given under my hand ttl office, this 2-lth tiny uf Nov, It: 15. It 5t IIAIFOIID, Gletk. Watch-naker nnd JEWELLER, .Macon, Georgia, ml fine stock of goods in his lino, consist* r, Horizontal, Puteot nnd Verti- IS CASH. r SAVANNAH ADVERTISEMENTS. Our readers are referred to the advertisement uf Mes srs. Hamilton &. Symons in another column: We are assured by the very best authority that in quality and extent their slocks of goods cannot he surpassed, ami that In style, elegance of finish and neatness, tiieir fils aro hard to beat. By tho way, wo are pleased to learn that our Savannah friends are beginning to understand their true interests by adopting the proper course ill or der to secure patronage Irnm the interior. We think if more of them were to pursuo the same course they would be mere titan repaid by the increase of protits. Our readers who go Savannah, are-requested to give Messrs. Hamilton & Symons a call. FOU HE subscriber oflejs for ante thu following land. : IN LAURENS COUNTY t Fractions No. 63,100,101, I lid. in tho 1st distrie.t, lying on P.liuntto nr Turkey Greek, making a body of 425J acre.;— (ructions No. 301) nod 311, in the 2d District, lying on tho Oco nee river—they join and contain 252 acres! lot No.321,iu Ilia 12th District.containing 2U2J ceres. WILKINSON COUNTY : An undivided half of 11 TO ucresof land anil a mill seat,on Black crock, in tho 5th District, known as tho Mnndcrsuu place. TELFAIR COUNTY: Two fraction* in ili« I4lli District, lying, cue on the Oc- inulgee, und the oilier joining it on Crookin'. creek, containing H10 acres, near General Wilcox’s landing—the Nob. 337 und 350. PULASKI COUNTY: Irani ions, No. 22Jond329, in tho 20th District, on the Ocmnlgee liver and Mosquito Creek—they join und contain 222J acres; one fraction in the 21th District,on the Ocmnlgee river and Shell Stono Creek, containing 98 acres—its No. in TWIUCLS COUNTY. Two Auctions, Non. 153 nnd 154. in the 7th District, on the Ocmnlgee river,containing 391 ij acres, known »s tho Kossenu (ructions. Any of tho above lands can he bought at moderate prices, by application to the subscriber. Macon, Ga. Nov: 27,18-15. SMtAYKD, FROM my plantation, in Bibb enmity* five miles Ituin Macon, on tlie* road lending to Marion,early in October, o small mouse colored JlOI&t! DllllfS uhoul 4 years old. lie was last iieard of in the neighbor hood of Rlmiiitsville, in Jones county. Aliy information thankfully received,and n reasonable row mil will he given foi* his delivciy to Mr. Albert G. Harvey* at the or to the subscriber in Muron. JOHN It. LAMAR. 13 It Lxci ntoi^ Sales. V GRF.F. \BI.Y to mi Older of ilia Interior Court of Vv • k iny.m count v, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will lie sold before the Court House door in Irvvintoii, on the first I’uesday in Febiuury next, between the usual limns of mile, the lam) mid negroes belong in? to the estate ol James Exutn, lute of said county, deceased, ho Id for the benefit oi the heirs i and creditors. Terms made known ou day of sale. J A MES LOSS, I Fcerutors J.O. R. HOGAN, \ hxecu,ora - Dec. 2, 1315. I'd liK We me aiilli'‘ti/..-d I t annomiee |'. J. EAS- ‘ f EK us n Candidate lor re-election, tor Cleik of of the t ity Council. ^ 'e are authorized l«* nunouuce .lollII . ’ W. a candidate for Clerk of the. City Coitiic*l of Milledgnville. t> 11* ! now opening a new i ing in purl of I Fine Gold and .Silver Le j tieal Escapement Gold Guard,Fob, and Vest Chain*, j JJienst Pins,Finger Rings,Ear Kings, j Gold Chain and If air Riaceleti, i Gold..Silver, and Steel Speuneles and Eve Piot« ctors, j Gold and Silver P» ncils. Gold Pens, | Gold mill Silver \Vuteh Keys, Gold nnd Silver Thimbles Silver Combs, Silver nnd Pr«rl Pelt Slides, Gold Sleeve m d Collar Huttons, Gold SiihIh nnd Chain Slides, Gold Lockets, Henris and Crosses; Cord Cares, Steel, Silver aofl Gilt Rends, Mend Ornaments, Jet Combs, Ludien’ and Gentlemen’**Purses, Superior Pen ami Pocket Knives. Scissors, Razor’s nnd Razor Strops, Tooth. Lntlier, ami Nail Riiishes, Miuving Cream, Real German Cologne, I’ink Pi.a i Ktr Castoiis. Cuke Raskets, Candle Slick', Waiters,Cups, SriufieiB und Tin) s, Dixon’s Fine Ware in setts. Also, Cotfee. nnd Ten Pots, Silver setts of Knife, Fork and Spoon, Spoons, Wiiteii Stand*, Fans, Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Ate. HIATT V. HI T'S W i- a Candidate for 'Clerk of tho C!iiy council, »t tho t-nsti- ing Election on the hist Saturday in December. Nov. 4th. I j; ir>. 65t ., WE are MMiucHttil Io niiliotlfcce Willisim Bnitlpy us for Mni’Klinl m • tilt- Kl.-otit.tion tilt-first jSotnrtlny in Dvcvtnlier. Remarkablb Wheat.—A specimen of white wheat,(says the Baltimore American) very remark- nblo lor its extraordinary size, lias been lelt at litis office for the examination of those w ho take an interest in such multlers. It wus grown on the farm of Mr. Joseph i’earson, ubout tliree mile North West of this city, who tins this year raised about three hundred bushels, the produce being es tiinated nt forty to forty five bushels per acre.— The stalks are about six feet high, very stout at the but tom, and the grain fully ouu Itnlf larger limn the ordinary red wheal. The strength of the s.ulks enables it to stand the wind and ruin, and it is said to be entirely exempt from sinut. We learn that several yeurs ago Air. Pearson purchas ed and sowed a quantity of wheat procured front New York, umottg which some heads appeared towering several feet above tile oilier grain.— These were carefully collected, producing about it gill of grain, nnd in a few years, Mr. P. lias sue. ceedcd in raising from them the quantity above- mentioned. Llo supposes il to be a species ot Chinese Wheat, tlio description of which it closely resembles. D H Just Kercived, December 1st, ISIS. R. DurliimP Ohbervntions in flic East. Tlio American Shepherd, by L. A Morrell, with en* graving**. The liuchclor’a Christman, n domestic legend ly W.G. Simms* The Groves of Rlnrnny, by Mrs, S. O. Hale. The Wing of the Wind,by J. H. Ingraham. The Pirate’s < nve. by Lieut. Murray. The Stolen Jleir, by M. Marvel, The Zuleikd, bv Eugene Sue. Mrs. Washington Putts und Mr. Smith, Tales b.V Miss Leslie. Alida, or Town and Country, by the author of Allen Prcs- cott. The Salamander, a Novel Romance by Eugene Sue* The Violiiia, n Romance by Raron De Lu Mottu. Fouclie, the Cotton Lord, by Miss Slone. Harper's Illuminated and Illustrated Shakspeare. Also, llaiper’s Illuminated and Pictoi jal Rihle,aml Gibbon's Decline and Fail ol the Roman Empire,by II. II. M Roman, ami a v.triely of late Novels, Music und Toy Books receiving constantly, und all kinds of Books can he received at the shortest notice, bv application to M.E. EDWARDS. (Cj*The subset iber in solo Agent in Milledgeville for Dr- D. Drttntlrelh's Dills, Mont's Morrison Dill The Hifgeiiu Universal Medicine, also, Moff a It's Pluenix Bitters anti Pills. It is 1,8,’Lss to mention the virtue of these medicines. None can tell hut those that have tried them in nil kinds of diseas es. 13 tl M. E. EDWARDS. tt WAS S!WP u ’M rpHE undersigned have bought out the interest ot Mr. S r. I Lasikk i*i this well known establishment, and design . inking it wnrtliv oftlie liberal p .nonage ii has heretofore h'aiueil front the public. Every exertion will be made tn .tike the sojourn of either the peruiaucnt or transient boarder ieusunt and agreeable. The hl«*eping npartineiils are nun ; irtahle mi l eoinmodioua,ami fitted up with neat and clean uiiiiuio. The luldes will he fiirnishnl with every luxury I H iiwn market,mid thom* of Suvauiuih can snpplv; and no j Vots jqiMiTil io mniic the house deserving of jiuldic patron- j MOTT & NEWCOMB. j Matson,Oct. 7,1315 H—»' j FLOYD HOUSE. M MACON, Ga. IluM. g to hid friends nnd the pub - ; liberally patronised, his ■ nil heg's leave to assure ITT All of uliifh will Ire sold ai the VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES. W’alrhes, of evert/ tU-scri/nion, Kopbiml iii flic best manner! All Watches sold or repaiied will * e wni>anterl to keep good time, or the cash refunded. \\ niches sent fioin any part of the country will receive tlm am/tr nth ntion. and he repair* d on ns rutso/tfiUc terms ns though the turner n t re present. All kinds of Gold nnd .Silver Work made to order. ILf JhWKLItY OF KVF.RY KINO NK.VTI.V HEPAIUIU. Spectacle Glasses adapted to all ages. Abo. for Kale, On** of (’hii keiing’s .^upeiii t 1*1:1110 I'orK'S, in rose wood oast*, full length iron /mine, nn.l w mi runted us line uu iustriimeiit, in every reap* ct, us can he found in Georgia. C. K. WENTWORTH, Watch Maker nntl Jnrt f/er, Macon, Nov. 28,1315. lC/ist. Fitlc Mulberry Street. 1 I T HE Sobscril lie, 1 r, id auiioum i he hits been i nitiiineiiee ot the above Establishment iMu ol his thieriiuiiMtion tosustam tin*- well otablishcd i ation c ,fh!-< house. Instead of falling olf, thercshall I •ogressive improvement ; mid if n liberal nutlsy oil furnished table, with every delicacy ibis and other* 1 •Is can siirply; ‘-lean beds, comfortahlo rooms, attentive I ninocu rv-ints, nnd tlio will in please und accoinodatc will »»»orit ^ itronage. lie expects to obtain it. ii. ci. NEW COM II. . s rs ’ ,,lf Mueoii, Oct. 7, 1845. Il WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE- TH E Subscriber is this day open* ingot his old stand n Kplerniid assort* meiit ofGoWi tttul Silver of the most iin/uovi /J makers, com- prising n greater variety tliuu ever be fore offered, at reduced prices. jMrjixnv. A great vmietv, nnd ilie Inte-t style, embracing, in pnrt, Rreast Ph.s. Ear nnd Finger Rings, Gold mi l I'nmoclled Guard and Fob Ghiiins, St ills mid K»*v s, Gohland Enaiuelh’d Pencils, Gold Pens and Thimbles,Gold und .Silvur Spuctacles, Gold Rracelets with pins to match. SMMjfJER A' P Sc. IT hit II MICE The Lomlon Times of the 30th uli. Ims a loitt> loading editorial on tlie forlhcumit.g Presidoin Mussuge. Seldom, it says, has a document of that character hud “ more momentous tojiics to deni »ilh, more important doubts to remove, more hid den things to reveal.” Il expresses its belief that nothing is to ho hoped from arbitration, bu: says that— ••The actual value of the country is not so great bul tite terms might bo easily iiit upon und Itonoru. bly accepted under the sunelion of n third power. Tite question, therefore, soerns to be narrowed to the alternatives of arbitration or eventual war; and the reluctance of Americans to submit their claims to arbitration implies a waul of coulidunce in their validity, which certainly does not surprise us, since we ure tormented by no such doubts of our own rights: nnd England is perfectly willing to abide Ity the impartial judgment of the world." Should arbitration lie rejected, the Titties says it matters little whether the abrogation of the exist ing arrangement for the joint occupation of the territory proceeds from Ureal Britain or front a parly in tlio United States. “Under existing circumstances, since emigra tion lias boon going on to u considerable extent west of tite Rocky Mountains, nnd the new settler! there carry out nil tho angry feelings which (brent- en to embroil their respective countries, the system of joint occupancy is u mere blind for aggression, anti, instead of being an admission nf a concurrent right, il is n practical denial of ono. The position of (lie Hudson's Buy Company is one of occupation nnd defence; nnd, unless a lino of provisional de. markation can he agreed upon, it is scarcely pos sible that a collision should long he averted.” Splendid Lotteries ! J. a. GREGORY Ot CO., Managers. “ BEHOLD ! • l bring you good tidings of great ’>y, which shall be to all people.'' PULMONARY ELIXIR. Hpeciltilly iufiiruis thu TnblfGiitlpiy in bp Hr of 52 pipcet*, Dining nnd Dph* ivps nnd Forks, Tni Tinvs in sella am! aint:lp,(.'aHinit<, unclh'StK’kri, {Snuffri** mul Tiny a, ('Imml pi- ('aiulla* iip Asxoi tiriPiit of Feu and 1’ocket Knit on, fc’cia* Razors and Strops. Ilmihli 1 RiirrelhMl 4-ims, Shot mul Game Burs, PowiIpi Flasks, Musical Instinnii'iils, Aet-nrdiniis, Walking I’nnPs, Ilair, Tooth, Nail ami Shut big Brushes. 1 L imps, Siispeudiuu, 11 nlI, Side and Hand Lamps. Pearl,Sln ll and Ivory Card (’ Fine Steel Wrought Bags d Pi iti/.eus <»i y al Mr at title* of Medicine, viz: #15,000 ! #10,000! ! SPLENDID ALEXAMUIIA LOTTERY, CIush 17, fur 1(145, Tobsdrawititi Alexnntliiu.D.C,, „n Suturdny, the 13t]t Di'i!t , ilili* , r l tfi'15. lii-illiiint Nclicnic. I Urantl <!n|>it:il ttl $50,000! 1 Siplciuliil iPi-ixc ol* 15,000 ! 1 <l<> <lo. 1 ilo <lo. I <lo no. 1 ilo do. 50 Prizes of JOO Iko. k 5 vr Mo. Ate. A;c. ! i ’ll*. BilOASOA '. J llulilw III citunl}’, lltnt lie Ims nil* III! Act' l.tllAVS Dri Ono,Is f . iilmoimry Elixir und 4 ullinrfir Fills. j Dr. R. pledgeehimspjfio the public that the ELIXIR "ill j ! .in (*111 it*, in Jive minutes, either "ith man or b»*aMt—lelievn | ' sihinn.Cunsuinpiiou, Coughs, (’iniiip, anil (’roup in a few , i , urs. or days at most—nnd lor Axiluna, will give relrel hi ten i mutes. Fur public speakers, its equal is not known, in the \ ■ rise I revlot aliou of Urn vii* h to uni ui al time. All oh- j ructions of the Inenst iminedinlely rrinoved by n lew dost s I the Elixir.* And in confirmation ol wlmt I here state, my I . Pills are all inslriu led to refund tin* money in every case ol ; iiuie, w hen* a fair li in I lias been made with the medicine. CATjrurrii) B’ii Ls. ! These Pills are purely vegetable—warrant* d to ho mild in | L )< ir operation—possessing tonic and sii.niilaiit properties ; ; d will he lutiiid useful in almost all classes • >1 disease, rm . stiveness, in irregularities uf the sy siem, they me-without i p i mile I. Tlie lioxt s me largo, mid put up in neat and |mr i I,.. Families will find il to he gieul economy in the ii'chiiFO and uso ofthoso Pills. If tho Cathurtic. Pills fail to orove what I have staled above, what milv lie slated on the hills, the purchaser ran return p empty box und label to the Agent. n,.d the money will he | Ri spectfull.V, SHEET Ml SIC, With a areal variety of l'micy .4 liiclcs. The slock bus been selected iiy the Subscriber w ith grent rare at the lowest cash prices, and is offen d at a small ad vance on the rust. The public {und stranger* visiting our city) me respect fully invited to call mid examine tin* articles nud prices nt the old stand rppusite I lustin' s Hold. OTIS CHILDS. N. IL WATCHES AND TIME PIECES, of every do- scripiion cmeftilly repaiied by experienced woikineu, and WARRANTED. Persons from a distance sending watches for repairs mov depend on having them promptly and faithfully attended to, nud ns cheap as at any other place in the Stale REPAIRING otall kinds, and ENGRAVING promptly attended to. UF’SPECTACLES of nil kinds, Pcrisropir,Concove nud Convex Glasses, constantly on hand to put to old fra short notice. (j Milledgeville.Oct. 21, 1345. >iiud« (I. F. ; rent, BRONSON, M. D illedgeville, J. II. filRlIitfell, A mmmiL 12 Two Great Mohal facts.—Half the value of all the exports of the United States is in raw cotton. Hal! the value of the exports of Great Britain is in maun, factured cotton. Let the two nations, says the Chris- liait Citizen, think uf ihese facts before they go to war. 10,000! 5,000 ! ■1.000 ! 3,3:ia: i ,ooo 400 300 78 NUMBEIl LOTTERY—\3 Drawn Ballots. COM I Ale,"Iters i 4J.M. WeaiY will CO\ | INUES Im lie open Ihr the reception nf; of the Legislature ami transient vintois ' spinc mi p.iius in render conil'ortn • i who limy call,ilm pmprictur hopes lu re* i I shine uf the public patronage, file. Oct 21, 1845. 4 if New-loik € iiy Advertisement. S II E ll WOOD’S Tickets ^lO—Hulves !»»5—(luarters 50. Cei tilie ttes ol Packages .’t> whole ’J’ickcts, 26 Half do 2ti Quarter do $140 00 70 00 35 00 (CTThe following lines were handed tn us ubout the first nf last month, and would have been published before, blit that the manuscript copy was misplaced. [FOR TIIK GF.OHGIA JOF.RNAt..] LINES TO OF MILLEDGEVILLE, Suggested on Reading her Scrap. Hook. O! how shall 1 measure the flight, Or truck of thy spirit unfurled ? It dwells in the regions of light, And sweetly encircles the world. Where angels in purity move, It lingers in ncstacy there ; Drinks deep of ilm ocean of love, Ami weeps over woe und despuir. When life, is encompass’d with gloom, And the angel of death,dark and dr-’ur, Hurries thousands away to the tomb, Thy innocent spirit is there. Whm the storm clouds in majesty fly, At the bidding of liopiiml flies, Thy soul mounts enraptured oudiigh, And thrills ul the wuil of their lyres. Far, far on the ocean’s blue, wave, Thy spirit steals softly along ; There weeps o’er the muriner’s grave, As tlm ocean wreath wakens his song. The notes of thy lyreaie henid Away on the mountain's full height, Awuki/ig sweet hopes, long deterred, In strains of tlio purest delight. Tliv muse sips the dew-drops that 1 ie Upon the lone wilderness flowers, Flings inscense nihwart I he blue skies, Ami lingers 'iieuth beautiful bowers; lu accents,plaintive and low, Responsive it mouns to the righs Ol streamlets that, iiiuimuring, flow Beneath thy own radiant skies. O! Iiow shall I measure theflighr, Or truck of thy spirit uiiturie<l ? It dwells in the regions of light, And sweetly encircles (lie world. Adversity’s storm mnv enshroud Tliv hopes in the darkest despair, Yet, like the Jono sun smitten cloud. It shall vanish forever in air. CULLODKN. 60,000 !^j In (> Prizes of #10,000 ! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class 48, Inr 1843, To be drawn at Alexiimlria, D. C. on Saturday Dueeiuher 20, 1815. SPLENDID SCHEME. (i Cuitilnls oiMo.omt. nmoiniting to 0*0,000 Dollars! 3,500 Dollars! 2,340 Dollars! 25 ri&xzxis or 1,000 dollars :: 53 do ol IOO Dollars! iOO (Io of 300 Dollars! <$-e. Nc. A-c. 75 NUMBER LOTTERY—IS Drawn Ballots. Tickets $10—Halves $5—Uunrlers $2,50. Certificates ol Packages of25 whole Tickets, $1 30 ‘ 05 32 50 MIK Vibratory Moveun 1 Rotary, in <l<is M.tchiue lb an f xlrnnrdinury superi* Euch * 1,3: • half 25 quarter A I.I V t \IIIIIA LOTTERY, IM.tss Ntt. ID, f„r llilo, To he drttAvn in A lexnudria, D.C., 011 .Saturday, December 27lh, 1845. GRAND SCHEME! 35,401 Dollars! 14.000 Dollars! 0,000 Dollars! 3,000 Dollars! 4,073 Dollars! 75 Prizot ol’. 1,000 , 140 do 400 VIBRATORY MAGNETIC MACHINE. recently substituted lor the by the suhveriher, endows it iiy i.ver every lorm in which it ompncily fined together with , wiies,and othorappliances, in neat niMhogauvca* vcrnl sizes and (lowers, al (two sizes.) .*14 nnd $16 I forwanii'’d lu older, m any part of the Union, the West Indies or Smith America. iM-is accompanied with a Manual (7 th edition, pp. , )—-including a complete .Manual of the Practice .Medicine, with a very full Glossary—giving clear and am* • c diicdioiis for the use ol ihe insiriiment in the various dis- nos to which it is applicable, ami which ccesr-lul practice of hiimlr* ils of uperntuis, tn include tho »*t pre vahmt, as well as the most peculiar and obstinate, • atarc known to the medical profussitiii ; with ihunropcr edicincs for each case. A. H. SIIERNNOOD. M. I). in $ | 102Chiiuibcr st., N'ew York. A^IlB'ICStT A: 1*B«VB ITAEtl, ATTOKMES AT LAW, Cntonton, 4i<a., Will practise in all the Counties of the Ocmnlgee Circuit. i .two ns AND M®ff©3h35iim(kfl 9 SAVANNAH, LI. JOSEPH WASIIUUUN, JitllN It. HII.DUIt. Aug. 13. 415 20 THCIODOSIIIS II. D4TIE8, ATTORNEY AT TAW, MUjLEDGEVIUjE, Ga. June 24th, 1845. 39 if ValnsfiDle l.antt and JTIIII«Sonf for Sale. \VILL lie sold in Entouton on tlio first I'ues y in .1 ANU-ARY, lolti,a portion of the real uf Robert Ashiir- 1 l, sen., deceased ; shu ttle on the. waters «.f Murder (’trek in Potiiaii) county .contaiiiiiig some lliieo hundicd and si \en- ,ubout one hundicd and lil’lcen ncics ol wh’n li ore in a suite of cultivation, the n maining poi (ion of u hi. h is well tiriihi r< d,and may bc< htn-ed a- fu-l qoaliiy rollon fund. lb sith’S tho other iiitluceuieiils nflhred ini In* sale ofihisvnl- mnlains aline Aiii.i. Mai - , with Mifliuieut water power lor mi cxicusivc Merchiinl Mill, or Gollou Fite* lory, mid if a most ol igihlc site for either, us it is sinioumled by ii wealthy and nio>pcrou8 eoinimiuily, thus iiflaidiug a r. ndy market for ll-or or cotton .Mmuilactiius ot cveiy de- sci tytion. The above tlesciihcd pir.peity adjoiiiH the Imitls «>f Griggs. Moil-laud, Farley and oiheis, nd is m»|,J under a provision of the \\ ill of the mi.I deccus. .1, UJ l*i*ims made known on thedtiv. J N't >. M. AS HURST, Adm’r. de h(iniM no it, cum lrstumi'n/o nninro. Ratonton, Nov. IQili, 1845. 9 m YiiliRihlr Hold lor Salt*. THE iimh rehi.od i- d< -itoiH of -e)Jing bin large und conn lodious HOTEL at Knoxvii.i.k, Gru w loid • oil lily . Alim lied lo the premises me L, pond out houses, stable’., hack hits, guldens, \e. el i» the only one in the village ol Knoxville, the main mud fiom Macon to Goluiiihus mid , the (iisieiii git en it is miieli belter than I lag. s differently situuied. ie Minoiis tils* Mnnigoiiici \, A tuiiutl, 1“ i>te 1 oilier llntcta,it vfortl co. Nov. 21, 1845. J. J. CARSON. 10 tf Ate 6cc. NOTIPE. \ |.L persons arc hereby cautioned against trading fur six shim I promissory notes, five fur thirty dollars e tch, ami unit fur fifteen dollars, amounting tn one hundicd m.d sixtv-live dollms • made hv JohnJ. Dainurd and Wll'i.iji F. Dimmit!, dated third dnv nf llccendicr, m thu year 1811, mill } /hie tJ»e first day of January. J846, payable lo Jnsiah Mur* I pltey, or beater, Adiiiiiiisirntor o i the ukIiiIc ol Susiiunnh i Johnsi.n, Jet cased; mid the mrikeis ef said antes me can- I honed HCnicsl paying tliepuine to any rmc hut myself, as the I no'.: a have been stolen from my possemion. JoslAII MURPDEY. j Nov. 11th, 1845. 7 if VsftlimRilt 1 Flstuisilioii for Salo. i f Mill', ruhsciihers Iwrhl for sale, n PlnulHlinii in the upper 1 p.ut of the loth district, Wampler county, adjoining Air. hiciids and the public generally, furthcato*j JSr.rutchius and others,cm.laiaiiig I3lb itcrcn.— Also NEW FIRE-PROOF WARE-HOUSE, .Macon, Geo. IIIC undesigned having eroded n FlUF.- Ilalvcs $5— Quarters$2 50. kages ul 26 \\ holes, $140 (lO • »o do Halves. 70 (•(! I Do do 26 (Quarters, 35 00 i IPj'Orilers for Ticket* and Shu ie* and Certificate* of Pack* ages in the ntiovti Magmficknt^chkmks will receive I attention nnd an account of the Drawing will ho sent imme diately nlici it isovei In all who may order from us. Aihliess, J. G.GREGOUY A to., !1latiit(ieri, « .1 Washington City, D. C. To Pcisoiik Visiting jllilledgoville. A GREAT iiuinber of transient visitors having lefi the seat of Government, good Mi.cnniuioda- BEECHER 6i BROWN'S m. rage nf Cotton and .Merchandise, uiul ths ansnrtion of 4'oimiiiss.ioil in all its nnclies,pledging himself to u^e * vetv rxenion tn promote m interests ol, and render satisfaction to, those wiio muy j infide hnsim ss to his charge. The storage mid sale of ('ohoii will be under the direction id control ol Mr. JOHN JONES, who bus long been known i ilieWuiv house business, nnd will give particular intention . the sale of Out Inn mul the filling ul mdei> for goods. Liberal advances vv ill he made nil Coltcii in store or to h-* lipped. BARGING, ROPE, AND TWHE, getlicr vviih any olhci articles, w ill hu Iniuiahcd cuntuincis , i the IowchI muikvl (nice. N. B. Stniagc and Guunii'ssiuiis atcustoinnrv rules. JERKY CoW LK8. Macon 21th June,1815. 33 26t ouutv,28lh district, well tiiuhcrcd pit. I a mi; Willi <1 Haw mill, on Mill creek, convenient to the lim ber. Also, a p’aiitniitm in the 3,1 Dish in of Raker cnnnty containing 2600 acres, a very snpciior tract of land ccnnhiiiing fertility, good water,healiltineM. AL tlisse pliic provements upon llicni. Poisons <hs| lauds me icqucsted to address the uui by letter ut Augusta, and thon teiied In Maj. John Cow art, f*ci ulchinsml the. same cuiiniv • lOliERI' F. POE, ) hnvn tl lo treat for these ri«ocd personally,or lie neiglihurniind, arc re- Americas, or Mr. Josialt ndiii’r*. of llo* es- \\ ILLIA.M J. EVE > lute of Paul Fi»z* GEO. W. CRAWFORD, j siuiuions, dec’d. Sept 23,1815 53—HU. (L/ J I be Federal I’ninn, Georgia Journal, Savannah ID*- piililicuu, Alhniiv Putiiot, and Ooluiuhii* Times, v ill top/ nuiil the Ut nl l»ct » nh* r.