The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, December 02, 1845, Image 4

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W I'uimm county, on tho Ini Tueaduy in DEC KM- next, within tbn l.g.l hour* of ule, iho lullo-u.ft pnmvrly, to wit: „ ... . , tine negro man named David, nhout 65 triri nld, feur head •lock rattle, one yoke oxen ; levied on us the property of Jolm llawk .to satisfy ft fi fu from Putnam Interior Court, In lilt or of Catharine Patrick *a. John Hawk mid Henry ftlor tun, Administrator of Win. Williams, deceased. JAS. W. MAI I IN, Sheriff. srasrr Cct. 33,1845. CriiHloi'd Dcecntbt-r Slii-rlS ’» Hnlrs. %%/ ILL bo sold before the Court house door, in the tow n of \ w Knoxville,on the fuel Tuesday in DKCKMIUill next, within the usual hour* ol sale,the follow tug property, to wit: One mii id ,Mure, nhout eight yearn old, levied on tta the property ol Philip J. Echols, to sallslv two file afro in Macon {Superior Court in favor of William Smith vs Philip J. Leh jof ortieeraof Couit. Property pointed out by fitupeiior ole, f«>r the A. J. Prratn... . Olio lot of land,containing two hundred two and n hull ■on a. more or being lot No. 84, in the second Diatrict ol originnllv llouetoii, now Crawford county ; levied on n* the propel ty of John Ricks, to Hatinfv one mortgage fi fa from Crawfoid SupeiiorCourt in lavor ol Manly Solomon, admin* it* 11 u lor, i- John llicks. Property pointed out ill an id fi («• One hundred one and u fnintli acrea of laud more or less, it being the north hulfol lot No. the seventh Diatrict ol c,i jgiunlh lloiieton, now Crawford county ; levied on ua the proper!v’of Bartholomew Htovull. to aaiisly one mortgage li fu Iruiu Cruwfold Supeiior Court in lavor of Nathaniel Rey nolds vs said Siovull. Properly pointed out in euid fi fa. JAMES KEEL AND, Sheriff. Oct. 25,1845. « Knit* J tummy !Woriff»ire * tic rill’* &nlv*. u a: ||.|. ne nold on the firat Tuesday hi JANUARY next, ♦ ? before the Com t-house door in the tow n of Jackson, Runs county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property,to wit: Pile Negro slave Cot, a man ubout 48 years old ; hia wife Silvia, about 45 years old; Fanny,u wouiuu ; Lde and Ceilie, Silvia’s childien, young women lroiu 20 to 25 years old ; Fan n\'s two childreu, from one to lour years old ; Ede’schildten, three iu number, two hoys and one uirl from two to six years old; u girl child of Lethe’s, about 15 months old ; also, Sil via's other children, three hoys auda voting girl, thmr'four to fifteen years old ; also, Rob, about 38 years old; also, Jim. ulioiit 3li >eora old ; also, Ellftck, about 31 years old. Sold as the property of Morton Bledsoe, by virtue of ft mortgage li lit from the Interior Court of said county, in favor of Charles Rsilev and Uustavus iiendiick vs Morton Bledsoe. Proper ty pointed out in the mortgage ti fa. • 1 ij11? October 30th, 1845. 0U| Bitumin Comity. Inferior Court, titling for Ordinary Purpose,, Monday. November 10th, 1645. P KF.8F.NT, tlirlr II.,nor.—JOHN H. TIIOMAH, WII, LIAM U. TtNSLKV, WILI.IAM 8. KUGEK8, Juc ticea. Ahrnham Foard. (Itinidinn of William G. Harris, Orphan of Ezekiel Harris, deceased, appeared and presented to the C«mHn lull and filial receipt from said orphan, now out of hif iniuoiity ; and patilioncil the Court to grunt him letters of Dismisiou lroiu said Guardianship: \\ hereupon it wua ordered, that the Clerk of this Court do iasuo a citation, requiring uil perrons concerned tube and up- pe/irut the uest regtilar lerm ofsuid Court, (obe holden on the second Monday in Juuonry next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Idle rs should noi he grnntrd. It war,also, further ordered,that suidcilulioii be published according to legal requiieiiient. A true extract from the minutes ofsaid Court, this 15th No- Temper,1846. JOHN W. W. SNKAI>, c. c.o. 4ii:OHU!A, Baldwin C ounty. Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes, July Term, 184o. I T appearing to the Court by the representation of Mrs. Eli/.uheth W nshington, Executrix on the Estate of Rob- eit B. Washington, deceased,tiiut thesuid Executrix has ful ly ndmitiiatert-d on said Estate, and wishes to be diaiuissed therefrom : It is therefore, on motion, ordered. That the Clerk of this Court do issue a citation requiting all persons concerned, to shew cause, ifony they have, on or before the second Mon day in January next, w hy said dismission should not be gran ted—ami Ihut said citation be published according to legal le* quirement. A true extiact from the minutes, this 7lh dav of July , 1545. 41 iiitim JOHN W. W. SNEAD, c. c.u. Units Uongnge 8 lie rill's Sale. W ILE bo sold before the Court-house door iu the tow not J .inks>»u. Butts county, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Five negroes, viz— Jacob, Peter, Sam, Jim, and Frank ; le vied on n* the prop* rtv ofLphiaiin Price, deceased, by virtue of a mortgage, fi fa lroiu the Inferior Court of Green county, in favor of Thomas G. Janes, and controlled by Stephen W. Pi ice vs. Ephraim Price. Toe above named slaves pointed o it in s i I mortgage fi fi. o. ii. p. McClendon, d. sheriff. Nov.21,1845. 1» id* Buds Jauntil y Shcrill Sale. 1 l/'ILL he. soldbefore tlie Court-house door in the town T ▼ ofJackson, Butts county, on the first Tuesday iu JANUARY next, within the usual hours ofsale,lhe fol lowing property, to wit: Fifty acres ill land, more or less, it being the northeast cor nerof l.oi No. 144, in the 3d District of formerly Monroe, Butts county, whereon Richaid I' literal now lives; leviei us the propeity of Richard Futernl, to satisfy two fi fas from a Justice’s Court in favor of Thomas Foster vs liichafd Fu- feral. Levy made and returned to mebv W. J. Carr, cousin lde. O. H. 1\ McCLENDON, D.Shff. November 25.1845. 11 id* Montgomery Postponed ftlierill’s Snlcft. \ l r LL he sold before the Court-house door at Ml. Vet not. \V Montgomery County ,on the first Tuesdav in JANU ARY next, within the usual hours of sale, the following proper!\ to wit: due negro hoy by the name of Toney, about thirty years old; also, five hit mired acres of pine land, more or less clndiiu the * upioveinents whereon Thomas Moseley i lives; also, two hundred acres of pine laud,morn or 1 including the improvement w hereon James Coouer now lives —all ofsaid luiuis lying in the 51st Company District, and oi the waters ol Fetidl'elon and Tiger Creeks—all of said pro peitv levied on us the property of Clement T. Moseley, Brantley Moseley, er., and Thomas Moseley, to satisfy one ti fa issued from the Superior Court of said county iu lavor ol Samuel Miller vs Clement T. Moseley,principal, and Brant lev Moseley sr , ami Thomas Moseley, securities. Part oI said property pointed out by plaiutiff, ami the balance by defendants. J. M. WALL,Sheriff. Nov. 21 ,-1845. Telfair December Slierill’s Male. 1\7 |EL lm sold before tlm Court house door in the town » V of Jacksonville, Telfair county, on the first Tuesday in DEC EM BEK next, within the usual hours of sule, the follow ing property, to wit: Due lot of land and improvement,No. 19G, in the 8th Di-- trict of nrigiuuily W Telfair county; levied on ns ihe property of John R. Hatcher, to satisfy n fi fain favoi of O. L. Hutton, vs said Hatcher. Property pointed out by pluiotiff. Levy madcuiid u-turned to me bv u constable. WILLIAM ELLIS, .Sheriff. Oct. 20,1845. fi Administrator's Sale. W ILL be sold by an order of the Inferior Court of Telfaii county, on the first Tuesday in December next, Ini N» 222 in the 7ill District and 3d section of originally Cherokee now Murray county. Also,on the first Tuesday in January Jacksonville, Telfair county, lot No. 113, known as the McAllister pb and Nos. ICG and l(>7, all iu the 9th District of said county, with the incumberntice of the widow’s dower; and No. 59 the 7th District of said county, and a negro woman 45 or years old. Sold ss the property of William Studstill, sr. late of si county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ssiil dev eased. Terms made known on the da vs of Rule. WM. STUDS f ILL,jr. Adm’r Telfair county, September 24th, 1845. 1 Administrator's Sale. V GREF. \ REV to unorder ot the Honorable Inferior Court of Ju p r County, when sitting for ordinary purpose w ill he sold before the Court-house door in Monticelio, on tl first Tue.-day in February next, within the legal hours of sal ttie lands ami negroes belonging to the estate of Jesse It Spencer, deceased. Terms on tlm dav of sale. (JHAREES E. K1DEEY, Administrator. Oct. Mill, 1845. 3 td- Ltvciilor’s Sale. A GKEEABLY to an order of tlt*» Inferior Court of M il - m. kmson county, while sitting tor ordiuaiy purposes, wii he sold before tlm Court-house door in Irwinton, Wilkinson county, ou the first Tuesday iu J unitary next, betweei usual hours of sale, the laud and one negro belonging to tbecs- late of James King, deceased. Sold fur the benefit of the heirs und cr* ditto s. Terms made know n on the duv of sale. JAMES KI.NNY, Executor. Septomher 1st, 1845. 50 ids Executor’s Haiti. V GKEEABEY to an orilsr of tlm Interior Court of Wii kmsuii county, while sitting for ordinury purposes, wii he sold on the first Tuesday in November next, witliyi tlm usual hours of sale, hef ire tlm Court-linns ; door in Irwinton one hundred eleven and one fourth acres of lund, us u part of lot number two hundred and twenty-nine; also, forty a of laud, us a part ofsuid lot number 229; also, twenty-eight ucies of land, ns part of lot number two hundred and twenty nine, also, one hundred and fifty and one halfaeies, No. 228 whereon Benjamin Stubbs lived ut the lime of hi* death AI so,one l .t of laud, No. 219, containing one hundred one ami oiie-fourih acres ; u 11 m the fourth district of Wilkins* county, belonging to the estate of Benj. Stubbs, late ufsui county, deceasfd. Also, on the. first Tuesday in December next, before the Court-house door in the county of Low tides, one-third of lot of land No. 45G, containing 49U ucree, belonging to said estate ofBenj Siuhhs, dec’d. All sold for the benefit of tlm heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Terms made known on the dav of sale. WILLIAM L\ PARKER, Ex’r. Aug 5th, 1815. 4G ids GEOKGIAt Telfair County. W HEREAS John McLean, Administrator on the estate ol Allea McLean, deceased,applies to urn foi letter*, of Dismission from the same : These ure, there.ore, to cite and admonish all and singular tlm kindredumlcreditors of suid deceased,to bound appear«• my otlice, within the time prescribed by luvv, to show cause,if any they have, why said E tters of dismission should not be gi anted. Given under my baud, at office, this 3d day of June, 1845. 37 inGtn J NO F. McRAE, C. C. O. (iPOIIGIA, \\ ilLiusun County. W HEREAS Juruvs M. Folsom applies to tue for letters ol Administration on tlm estate of Gilbert I). CoinL*. late of said comity, deceased : “liese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tlm kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be ui.r appear at inv office within the time, prescribed b\ law, to show cause, i f any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given tindermy hand at office, this 8th day of Nov., 1815. 8 lilt ' AUG. B. KAIFORD, Clerk. Gf OKGIA* Tcllnir County. Henry Cook, Sen., late of said county,deceased : Tiiope are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular Ihe kindred a ml creditors ofsuid deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. tu show cans* if any they have,why said letters should not he grunted. Given underiny hand, ut office, this 5ih dav of Nov.,1845. 8 fit J NO. F. McftAE, 0* C* 0* GEORGIA, TatiUlitiK County. 11’ HERE AS Wii lia v ? Administration ot saidcouiily, deceased : These are, th» relure, to cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred ami creditors of suid d» * eased, to be urn) uppeu, at my office, within the time prrsenhed bv law,to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under inv bund, ut office, this 2!ith dav ol Sept 1845. 3 iiiGm ' K. THOMPSON,C.C.U. Oi^OUUIA, Decaiur County. \\f HEREAS George. W. Button applies to me for letters ? V of Administration on the estate ol Eplialy McGrit) lute of said county, deceased : These are,therefore, tocite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased ,to be and appear at my otlice within thctiuie prescribed bv law,toshuw cause ifony exist, why suid letteis should not he granted. Given under my hand at office this 2Uth day of Oct., 1845. 5 Gm JOHN P. DICKENSON, o. c. o. In llm Superior Court of Hancock County. October 7Vr«, 1845. Prttml Hit Honor JuniutHUIyr, Judge, Archibald Drake 1 > IN EQUITY. William II. Price., impleaded tirilh Berry Peeler and | Benjamin Roberts, Adm'r. J I T being shown to the Court, that the defendant, William 11. Price, is beyond the jurisdiction of this Court : It is ordered, that he appear at the next Term of this Court and plead, answer, or demur to the hill of complaint in this cause,or that the allegations iu said bill will lie taken os con fessed by hint; and that a copy of this order be published once a month lor four months in the Georgia Journal, previ ous to said Term. A true extract from the minutes ol Hancock Superior Court, October 17,1815. || i„4rn JOS. T. SIMMONS. Dept. Clerk • Executors. • sold before the Court House door iu Irwinton, nil the first Tuesday in January nest, between the usual hours of sale, the lumf uiiil negroes belonging to the estate of James Extim. late of said county, deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs uml creditors. Terms made known on dav of sub JAMES KOS&, J.G. R. HOGAN, Oct. 28th, 1815. ti td-*, Coroner's Ssilo. W IEE be sold helore the Court-house door in the town of Irwinton, Wiikiusou county, on the first Tuesday iu DECEMBER next, between ihe usual hours of siue, the following property,to wit: One Jersey Waggon: levied on ns the property of Levi Simpson,to satisfy onefi fa, from the Interior Court of suid county VN.saiil Simpson, ill favor of Waller \\ . Head, Sher iff, and others. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s At torney. KIC11A IU» WATTERS, Coroner. Oct. 17th 1845. • 5t AilmliiKtrutor’fc Sulc. A 1 GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable (he Inferior . Court ol the County of Burke, while •itting for ordina ry pm poses, and in accordance with the will of llolduic Bar ber, deceased, will be sold before the Court-house do<>r iu Cnuipbellton, Campbell county, on the first Tuesday iu Feb runrv next, one tract ol land known as number 71, in the 7th Diatiict of originallv Coweta, now Cnintihell county. Sold for division among the heirs of the lato Holding Burbot, de- eSHted. Perms on the day. 1\B. CONNELLY, Administrator liov.^a. 1444 ti witli d»« will anaaxeJ. GEORGIA, Dcwatur County. 1% ’HEKEAS Tlmmas Whigliuin, Administrator on the. tv estate of William Whigiiam, late ol said county, de ceased, applies for letters ol Dismission from t-uid Adminis tration : These nre, therefore, to cite and admonish all andslngula the kindred and creditors ol suid deceased, to be and uppra. •it in) office, within the. time prescribed bv law, to shew cuu.-y it any the) have, why suii*! letters should not he granted. Given under invhuml at office, tins 2d day of Sept., 1845. 50 Gm * JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. c. o. GEGKGIA, Ih’t’sttnr County. W HEREAS Nathaniel H. Ilieks, Administrator on tin estate of William Blown, deceased, uppiies to in. for letters ol dismission 11oin said Administration : These ure,therefore .tocitcandudmonish uli and siugul thekiudred and creditors ol said deceased ,to he and uppe at my office within the time prescribed by law.toshowcnus it any they liuve, why suiillctiers should not be grunted Given under uiv hum! ut olfice, this 3d dav oi October,1845 • 6m JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Vculo.i Counly. rilOEEED helore me, George W. Berry, n justice of tin l Peace for the 461th District, G. M. by Thomas W tight, a black mure mule, supposed to be mx yours old, brand* :i with J. 11. on the loll shoulder, and has Ihe bellows. Ap praise*! by Clark Brewer and Dnvid McDaniel to be worth twelve dollars. M , , , GEORGE W. BERRY, J. P. November loth, 1845. A true extract from the Eetruy Book. W. D. LUCKIE, C. I. C. 10 3t ill be Minty, when real estate ol Charles Garner, late ot suid count) ,deceased. JEREMIAH TATE, Administrator. Sept. 9, 1845. 50 [ji*u] Ad in inist ralo r’s Halts A GEEABLY to an order of the Infori* r Court of Wilkin son county, while silting for oidiiiurv purposes, will Ini sold on the first Tuesday in February next, helorn the Court* house door iu the town n( Irwinton, all the reul estate he* longing to the estutcof Alb u Smilli, late of Wilkinson coun ty, deceased. Terms of sale made known on the duy of sale. JAMES VICKERS, Adm’r. November 8th, 1845. 8 ijg Adiiiiiiisirntor’* Sale. 'll ILL lie sold on .Saturday, tlm 3d of Junuarv next, at v ▼ the lain residence of Elizabeth Williams, iu Putnam county, all the perishuble property belonging to ilia suid Elizabeth \\ illiains, lute of rotuam counly, deceased.— Terms on the duy. ELMORE CALLAWAY, Administrator. Nov. 21, 1845. 10 Klizabeflli O’Kiuinon ) V». / I.tbcl for Divorce. William J. O’ltnnnon.) In Wilkinson Superior Court, October Term, 1845. t T appearing to the Court, from the return of the Sheriff. that the defendant is not to Iip found within the limits of the county of Wilkinson, and it being also represented that the said defendant tesides out of the Stale ol Georgia : It is,oi motion, ordered, that he appear and tile his answer on or ho fore tlm first Monday in April next, or be consider* *! in de. tali 11 : and that service ol this rule he perfected liv n monthly publication in the Georgia Jouir.ul for three months before the next Teim of this Court. JULIUS L. I.ATASTE, A tty. pro Liballaut. Oct. 7th, 1845. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County• Micoir, (HUi JUndison) I, Thomas M.Tarpley, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, uerehy certily that the foregoing is a true extract I sober and steady, and flout ilrn minutes ol said Court, at October Term. 1845. Given under my hum! ibis 3lst dav ofOctoher, 1645. 7 m3m THOMAS M. TAKPl.EY. Clerk. IXolicc to DfIXoi s mid Ert'diio is. V LL persons having demands against the tstate of Janies Exiim, lulo of Wilkinson County, deccosed, nre r« quest- *1 to render them in terms of the law ; and those indebted to -aid estute, to make imnudiute pnvmcnt. JAMES ROSS, J. G. K. HOGAN, * r8 ‘ October 23th. 1845. t» 6t STAGE NOTICE. The "Nearest, Cheapest, and only Route between these Uco important points, now in operation, (hat runs directly through without delay upon the road. L EAVING Madison on Monday, Wednesday, and Friduy Mornings, ufter the arrival ol the Cara from Augusta, pausing by Eatonlon, Clopton’s Mills, Blouiilsville, Clinton, and arrive ut Macon at 7 o'clock, P. M.« where we intersect the line for Tallahassee, and a daily linn of Four Horse Po»l Conches for Cnlnmhn*. RETURNING. Leave Macon on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sut in day ut 2 o'clock, A. M., passing through the above named places,and arriving at Mudison at 3j o’clock, P. M.. where we will n^ver tail to connect with the downwind train of Curs for Augusta. We also run » linn to Millrdgnville and Monticelio for Milledgevilln. Leave Madison on Mondav, Wednesday and Friday'mornings,alter the urrival of the cars from Augusta, passing through Eatonlon, and arrive at Milledgeville at o o’clock, P. fif. where we will connect with a daily line of four horse Coaches for Savnnnuh and Mat on. Returning, leave Milledgeville on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, at 3 o'clock, \. M., pa-sing by Eutoiitou, ami ur- live at .liadiHoii at 3J o'clock,M. For Monticelio, leave Madison oil Monday, Wednesday, him! Friday morning, alter the arrival ol the curs from A ugus- tu,passing by Whitfield's, and uirive at Monticelio at I o'clock, I*. M. Returning, leave Monticelio, on Tuesday, Thursday qikI Saturday, at 8j o’clock, A. M., uml uirive ut Madison at 3J o'clock, P. M. Travellers may relv upon good horses and roaches, and fill drivers. We hope, hv good and close attention to share a part of the public putronuge C. II, CAMPBELL, Agent, Madison. ST. LAMER, “ Macon. WM. GOOLSBY, •• Monticelio N. HAWKINS, “ Milledgeville. Col. BRYAN , “ En tout on. HAWKINS A BRIGGS, Proprietors. Sept. 30, 1845. I tf Notice to Debtor* mid Creditor*. V LL persona having demands against the estate of Wil liam Smith, late of Wilkinson county, deceuscd, ure re quested to render them in terms ol the luw; ami those in- d -bted to said estate, to make immed'nle pnvmcnt. JAMES ROSS, Adui’r. O t, 38th, 1846. G_Gi Notice to Debtor* mid Creditors. V LL persons indebted to the estate of Robert Ashurst, Jr., deceuscd, late of Pulliam county are hereby requested j to make immediate payment, uml those having demands I ugoinst suid estate will send them iu duly authenticated with in the time prescribed by law. JNO. M. ASHURST, Adm’r. Nov. 19th, 1815. 9 fit STATE OF GEORGIA. liy GEORGE W. CRA WFORD, Governor oj suid State, V VACANCY having occurred in the 29th Congress of the United Scales, liy the resignation of the Honorable WASHING TON POE, member elect from the Third Con gressionnl District of this Stute, Ido hereby issue this, nty j proclamation, requiring the duly uulhoi ized olficets ot said! District to hold un election in their re-pective cotu.ti* s, op j MONDAY,the 5th day of January, 184G, in tnunnvr and foiiu i ns hv law pointed out, to fill suid vacaucy, and that they givt certificates thereof. Given under my hand and seal of the Executive Depert incut, at ihe Capitol in Milledgeville, this the IGtli da) of October, A. L). 1845. GEORGE W. CRAWFORD. By the Governor: John H. Stkm.f.. S. E I). 4 tf mag UU8,NES8 « ^SALACHICOU, HOW A HD Sc RUTHFRFOID. 11/ I hey have also determined to establish a I’OMllN SION HOUSE at NEW ORLEANS, the ensuing sess.Sn where <»ne ofthn firm will always he found. Their personal ntteotion will he given to all business with which thev n*uv b«i entrusted. Tlie usual adv antes will be utude upoii goods ill >tore or Cotton consigned to them. THACKER B. HOWARD. JJ f AIM) IT 11 US S. RUM IL R FO It R. WANTED, , _ t . } B»s. of Pork, for tentiury of Georgia, for which cash will he paid. MlMgrlU;.,Wor. 11,1815. P - VA " 1 ' 'TT"' li Ut; IA L It cV B HAM,, FACTORS I Ami Coinmi«Mioii mprclinni,, ' Ao. JU, ltsiy Sired, Suvillllillll, S<-pt. 17. WILLI.UI K. IIpORAFFEKICIKU ATTORNEY AT LAW. 1 , Ditt-ly Counly,Geo. RKFr.HF.NrEA—Han. Seaborn Jones,Hon. W.T.Col. quin, Hon.A. Icersnn,Hnn. Joseph Sturgis, JohnSeh/eq, anil Henry L. Henning llsi/rs. Lin.--. 1 , 11 tl FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, V,iPiT,iIj $300,000. milE NEW-YORK CONTRABU'l’IONSHIP FIRE I. INSURANCE COMPANY havingesitililit-heduniigon- cy in Kkoxvili.e,Crawford comity ,w illinsure BUILDINGS, MERCHANDIZE, HOUSE HOLD EUR MTU RE, and every description of property , ngaiitft loss «>r dninore bv fi re. FR \ ,\CIS H . M L UL)OC K. A cen t. J Knoxville, J tine 11, IG44. 37 tf KNIGHTS OF THE HCRSE SHCE: A Tradifionnry Talo of ilit* <'o<*ki*<!-i!at Gentry of i!ie OUI Doininioi], By the author of the “Cavaliers of Virginia,’’ dr. d-e, /^IIIARI.ES YANCEY lias the plensun: ol iuformit,^ tlm K_i Southern public, il,„t be will i<sue f ( t in I i- p,.".. r , West Weluit.pkii, Ala. in u f* w weeks, the above imti<«-,| el, bv n di-'ineuisbeil author .e-iihug iu the Still*- ol ti* ninja THE KNIGHTS OF THE HOUSE SHOE will |„. •''ed ill Puiiiphlet fiirto, 2 vols. 125 pages, or more each Price 75 cts. per single copv- 9 cupie*. fi r $5; 20 * oi-ies for $10- . CHARLES YANCEY, Wetumpka, Ala. A it£. 5. 15 n I \ iMtocun vTiw.y. STATE OF GEOUGIA. KiotipM lo Jiiil, IN Spaita. Hancock county,n boy who snvs ,, ... „ f> n ,, . ., . hi« name i<* Austin, and belongs to Wesley I "9 GEORGE \\.CRAWFORD, Governor oj said State Taiver, Macon county, Alabama. Austin is I I f AVING received information thatn murder was commit- of low stature, nod well set, not very black, I *--A- ted on the 1st day of August, in the county of Lovymle-, with no particular ntnrks,nnd looks to he he- 1 upon the lioely ofS.iMUZL Maui.pen, by DAVID W. KING, tween iwentv five und thirty years old. ’The ho hus tied front justice, 1 liuve ihotig t proper to issue this, ow ner i- requested to conic forward, prove propertv, and take I n, y proclamation, offering u reward of Onk Hundrep Dol him away. R. S. HARD WICK. * * Sparta, Nov. 24t!», 1845. II tf KroiiKlit to .fail, A T Irwinton, W ilkinson county, Georgia, s negro man, who says his name is ANTHONY, about (wentv-fivo years of age, five feet six or eight inches high,* rather yellow complexion, and says lie belongs to u man living in Orange county, N.C.,l»y tlie name of Sandy Cheek r owners are requested Income forward, prove properly, pay charges, and take him uwav Julv lDh, 1815. ti. b. Murphy, jailor. 43 u L.\rb, to any person, or persons, | deliver said fugitive, to the Sheriff, j county. 1 And 1 do moreoverchargeand require all officers, civil am! military,to he vigilant in endeavoring 10 apprehend tlie said KING, in order that he may he tried for the offeuce with which he stumls charged. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at the Capitol in .Milledgeville, this 15th duv of September A. D., 1815. GEORGE W. CRAWFORD. By the Governor: N. C. BARNETT,Seer’v of State. DESCRIPTION. The enid KING is about 23 vears of age, thin visage, swarthy complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, has u dow n look ami is About fi feet high. Ill addition to the Governor 9 * Reward, Brought to Jnil, THIS day, a negro man who says his name is FRANK,and that he belongs to Jesse Beck, of Henry county,Gh. Said negro is of light com plexion, about live feet ten inches high, speaks | we will pay TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLAR, quick when anokeii to. Tlie owner is requested to j fi, r the delivery of the said DAVID \V. KING to any one of forward, prove property, pay charges, and j U9| or the Sheriff or J ailor of Lownde* county * ' take him away. u T. A. BRANNON, Sheriff. UM-Hgee co., July 9, 1345. 42 inlSin urtl li rough! lo Jnil, V T Irwinton, Wilkinson county. Geoigia, a negro tnan.i who says his name is GEORGE, about twenty-two years old, rather yellow complexion, five feet six or eight inches high, ami says he belongs to John Carter, of Colum bus Georgia. The owner or owners nre reauerted lo come foi ward, prove property, pay chuiges, ami lake him away. 1 * 8. B. MURPHY, Jailor. July 14th, 1845. 43 tf Brought lo Dnrien Jnil, O N the 2*1 day ol Muy last, a Negro man eluve, who pays liisnnttic is JAMES,and that lie belongs to John Hary, of Buike county, and that he run away about the 15th of April. Suid hoy is about five feet five or six inches high, dark completed; his back well imitkcd wilh the whip. JOHN 8MIT11, Jailor m’i.c. Oct. 7. 3 4t Nov. 18th, 1815. GEORGIA, Montgomery County. U 7HKKKAS John Gillis, Guardian of the minor chil dren of James Calhoun, late ofanid countv, deceased, applies to mo for letters of dismission from bis said Guui- dianship : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil and singula • those concerned, tube nut appear at my office within tlm time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exists, why suid letters should not be grunted. (liven under my liami at office this Nov. 1 Ilh, 1 815. 10 6w PAKtjUHARP McRAE, 0,0,0. 1 4^0PR MONTHS after date application will b* made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Pulliam county, while r-iuiug foi ordinury purponcs,lor leave to sell the negiuca ol Kobcil AchurM. Jr., deceased. JNO. M. ASHURST, Adm’r. Nov. 12th, 1845. *j |^0Tit MONTHS ufter dato uppliunti 1 made to the Interior Court of Lowndes cot silting for ordinary purposes, to sell the estute of James Put ten, late ol Lowndes county, deceused. * WILLIAM PATTEN, Admr. Oct. 27,1815. 7 i 4^01'It MONTHS after dute, application will he made to the Honorable 1 lie Inferior Cour* of \Vy 1 c county , while sitting tor ordinary purposes, for leave tosell all the lands and negroes Ix-lungmg to the estute of Henry Juice, lute of said county, deceased. MILKS J. GUEST, Admr. , p , SARUI JOICE. Admr’x. Aug. 15th, 1845. L jHHiIt MONTIISttlterdateappli* •ntion willbc made to the honorable the I nierior Court of \\ ilkiiisoucounty, wliile sitting l«»r ordinary purposss, for leuve to sell the reu I estate ol Allen Smith, I tie of s ml counly, dec eased. JAMES VICKERS, Administrator. Sept. 11,1845. 61 I ^OTIt MONTHS afterdate, application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Wilkinson county, while titling for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the laud it negroes belonging to the estate of John Eudv, lute ot suid county, deceused. HENRY EADY, Administrator. Sept. 5th, 4845 60 LMHU MONTHS alter dute application will he — - I ■- made to tlm Houoruhle Inferior Court of Decatur conn- mJL kill-on county, while, sitting fur ordinary purposes, will ty, when silling for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the BiuiikIiI to Jsiil. N the 14th inst. u negro lellow b.v the name of PIIELIX, about twenty one years old, of yellow complexion, about live feet six inches high, w ho says lie belongs lo General Reu- neii C. Shorter, of Eufuulo A In. T. A. BRANNON, Sli'ff. of Muscogee County. ColmnhttH, Sept. 24th 1845, 1—tiil2*nortf. S ALT —350 Sacks, large size, Liverpool Salt. A few a ,<-ka <*f A111111 do.—Just received und for sale liv Nov.-J5, IG43. 11 WniGUT &. STETSON. II il.VI) UUAItTEKS, I MlLl.KDOKVlLLK, I Util Nov ., 1815. ) 'I'o the Colonels or Commandants of Regiments compos ing the Second Hrigade, Sixth Division, Georgii Militia: 5 tf MAULDEN, J. GROOVER, T. J. DENMARK, M. GROOVER, J. LEE, J. S. GROOVER. .4 CUIlt. deemed hj the Trusters und Resident I'ltv.irian to lislitotion, jiruiootive ofthn Lrst interesls'nf dn-in. males that no visitor, be ndinilti d before 8 o’clock, A. jl. be tween |-J and d, and iiltnr 5 1' M.; aotl witldn then Li.l.rann- ly it) company with the I'hvsiciiin nr hj Ins written ■» n, M n, llteStevvurd and,Matron, except under per itliar ciieiun-inn oes. D.COOI'LR, Ure. Rh>s.&Sunetint. Any. 12.18*5, j? ,f New York City Advertisement. PRINT WAREHOUSE IN NEW YORK. 'To supply the city &. interior trade by the piece or pnekuge No. 44 CEDAR STMEICT, CNEAR WILI.IAM-f-T.) L EE HRLW Silill give imtii-e to Dealers in Di \ (iri rh that thev have r • moved tin ir \\ A KE-IK it SE lor I'l.I N- TED CALICOES T.Xt I i .-iVEI.Y. IV. ... r. .Hi,, u i t..',, Street. By confining iheii alli-utioti to PRINTS (».M t 1. .V li r*r«» enabled to exhibit un itseuilinent Im Mirpa«Mut »u\ ever before ofleied in Atunica—and to «ell m p.h .-h us b vv. 1111*1 (iENEKVLI.Y LOW'KK,tllllll lllOhC W llUM is (liv ffipj Miming a large variety ol h11 in let*. I he Stock cons im.** oI'm.vkkai. thul’sa.nd p a t t t: n .x ^ am CI'I-oKs, kM Hit A* IS*J KVKltV VaHIKIY *>F AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRINTS in market—tunny tily/en of icluch me gotupexefuaivt/y/or thev own sntiK.mid ciiniiotbc hud cist win r« ,uctpi inm o/i.U lnn,ih Dealers in Prints will find it lur'their interest tu examine this slock before making tin ir purchases—thev vv ill have ihe dvantage of learning the lowest niurkt t jirice, and c*.mpur- MTItt ER UNIVERSITY. rnilE University comprises a 'Theological, Collegiate and 1 Academical Depurlment. THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT. Faculty.—Rev. John L. Dagg, D. !)., Professor of Sys- j tematic 'Theology; Rcv.J. L. Reynolds, A. M., Professor of! Biblical Literature; Rev. N. M. Craw lord, A iil., Professor '* ‘ (elect) of Ecclesiastical History. I The course ot studies in this Department embraces nil the i branches usually taught in 'Theological Schools of the first j order, including Hebrew and, if desired, Chaldee. iug all the deeiiahh Catalogues of prices corrected will market,are placed in the bunds of buy Oct. 8, 1841. side, vuiinlion ol the TITTY DOLLARS KCLM AR1). S TOLEN from the Campbell rmmtw.Ga., COLLEGIATE DEPAR I’M EN T Faculty.—Rev. John I. Dagg. D. D., President; Rev, P. II. Mell, A. M., Prof, of Languages; B. O. Peirce, A. AL, Prof, of Chemistry and Natural Philosophy ; S. P. Sanford, A. AL, Professor of Ala thematic*; Rev. S. G. 11 il Iyer, A. M .. O N the 14th Inst, u negro lellow bv the name of PIIELIX, Professor (elect) of Belles Lellres. about twenty one years old, of yellow complexion, about The course of studies in the College is as full kindred institution in the South. ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT. Rev. Tlmmas D. .Martin, A. IE, Principal. The Students in this Department aie prepared for College under Ihe direction of the Faculty. EXPENSES. Tuition,in the Collegiate Department, $55 for the srholns tic year; in the Preparatory Department. $25; in the Theologi cal Department, free. Board from7 to $8 per month. Washing, Room rent, Ac,c., about $2,00 per month. The first session commences on the 2*1 Wednesday in Au gust, and closes on the 30th of November. The3nd session begins on the 15ili of Jnntiatv, and closes with the Commencement Exercises on the 2d \Veonesday iu \ VACANCY having occurred by the resignation of II. I Julv. 11. TARVER, Brigadier General of the Second Brig- For the course of studies in the several departments, in de- tide, Sixth Division of the Alilitin of this Stale,I liuve thought' tail, refer to the Christian Index, ornpply to one of the Pro the 15th of August in*>t, a n* gm hoy ubout twelve veins Id, by the un *•«• * f R A FIE belonging to Thomas Pitts, uml hired by the >ubsrriber this veur, dork cuioplccteil, large front teeth, large chin, speuks quick when spoken t**. well grown to his age. A Iso, stolen tlie same night, hv cutting a nolo in my trunk, some five or thirty dolims. 'The ulmv*' reward will be gi. m for the negronml tbipf, lodg ed iu onv si*ft juil . or tort) dolluis lei tio thit-I. vv i'll suffic ient proof tu convict him; or ten dollars for lb* s i b*»v, lodged in any sal*- jail. J. ('. SII.N 1.5 . (LT’ The Columbus Enquirer and Wetunipku [Ala ] ’*\ I ig will please publish the ubuvc tlnec months, and lorw m l their Gu., Aug. 2C. J.C 48 I3| TaiKion. cQUti;>i>ed against trading for ami 1 am (leteiiuinrU not to pay lb* proper to issue this, tnv Proclamation, hereby ordering tin -said Colonels, or Commandants of Regiments, to cause mi elec ion lobe held on FRIDAY, the |(>th day of January next,at the several places of holding elections for .Members of the General Assembly, giving due notice thereof, lor Ihe election of a Brigadier General to fill the aforesaid vacancy. And Ido further order, that returns of said election he mode to Head Uuuriers in the lime pifscribr-d by law. By the Commander-in-chief. 7 JOHN II. BROWN, Aid-de-camp. FURNITURE AND HOUSE CARPENTRY. | >Oi>KKT I). HALL (anccesKor of H. Lord,) has con- I l stoutly oil hand, makes to order, and lepnirs ull kinds of Furniture. All kinds of HOUSE CARPENTRY done in the best manner, and LOW. All kinds ol Paints can be had ready for use, Glasscutto any size, and Glazing done. A.-o, Glass for T lessors lO* The Chronicle and Sentinel.and Constitutionalist, A u- gusiu; the \\ big nod Banner, Allien**, the Southern Rec- r*ler uml Journal, .Milledgeville; the Republican ami Georgian. Savannah, und the Enquirer and'Times, Columbus, nre re quitted to imblish the above once u month for five months, and forward their accounts for settlement to the Treasurer. 'Thomas J. Burney, Mudison, Sept. 30th 1845. 1 n*5m ville.Gn. Sept. 1 Ol li, 1815 ARCHIBALD .MI.M> :tf GEORGIA, LffCotinly. TURNER III NT, of tie 90 It It Di«t (i. M. t died before me, D. R II nut, a Jus tice ol the Peace iu and !• i said *■« iiM), one sorrel Mure, about l«Mir veins old, i with blaze line und her !• I• lund i.■« t wliitc. Appiaised by 'I’ll* mm* IE High nmlJmi '-t x nt tillv dollars, thif* the fill) (Jet., 18-15. I).IL III 'NT. J.P. •t ficm ti.c F^tiav Book, this Till d:»v *-M'cio- SAMI EL C. \N A Ull ,Clcik. A true extm b. r, 1815. 4 3t cum>tauccs * 4!oiitfres*loiiiil lulullliioiit'rr riMIE Proprietors of the National Iktkli.igf.ncxr I der to meet the wishes of those whose inclination do not allow’ them to subscribe even to ii we* klv Washington paper during the whole year, have determined to issue, «l u t ing each session of Congress, n weekly sheet, sly I ed " ThK CoNGIIKs HIN.VI. IKTKI.I.IGKNCKK, ” to he devoted exclusively to the publication, as fir os its limits w ill per mil, of the Proceedings of both Houses of Congress, and Official Reports and Documents connected therewilh, inclii- PROSPECTUS OF THE SOITIILRN 4 1 LTIVATOIt, A Monthly Journal, devoted to the intj roumeut tf Snathe rn Agrtcultvre. EDITED BY JAMES CAMAK, of Athens, Gu. IV.ture I mines, &c. of various sizes; Hurd-. ( |j llt , compete official copy of all the Acts passed by Cong j Minmiiigs for ^ T urniiure, 4ce., and Mi^hoguuy and during the session. To firing the price within t lie reach of every Bluck Wulntil Draw Knobs, &c. Ladies will please call at Mr. Newell’s Stoic, where they will he conducted into the Shop and cun see the Furniture. .Milledgeville, June IU, 1815. 37 tf euch Wednesday during the approaching of Congress, will therefore lie One Dollar, paid i vu lice. To enlarge upon the value, to those who take no lie per Irom W ashington,ol this publication, containing t partial but necessarily ubhievinted account < f (lie Pi **.. TO I’ltlVrEHS. Tyne Yon miry & Primer’s Furnish liir WniTliouse. rilllE Subscribers have opened a tu-w Type Foundry in I the CltyofNew A'nrk, where they ate read) to supply orders to any extent,for any kind of Job or Fancy Tvpe, Inti, 1 Paper, Cases, Gulleys, Brass Rule, ^i'TEEE COLUMN * . i | lllil.K, Cnmpo.iiig Slicks, Clm.c, and every article fur a *, llae i ai.Vh.g* the .....inn, tvnuld Tha" 5 rype,Vhicli arc ra.t In new n.uulde, frmn an entirely !".»• , T W J?° ""P 1 ' P"l’" "r"^! 1 , "' u . k , new Be. (h inntrieee, w ilh deen c.nnters, am warre I to he i!. unsurpassed by any, am) w ill l.e sold at puces to suit the times. All the tvpe furnished by iis is “hand rust.'* Printing Presses lurnii<hcd,umi also JSteam Engines of the most approved patterns. Composition Rollers cost for Printers. Editors of newspapers, w ho will buy three limes ns much tvpe ns their bills amount to, niov give the. above six months * V! • .. i- l»r I* It ttP II Dill l.t rend, trie charge foi this paper will lie for the^rsf session ol euch Congress One D* liar, und lor the second session ol ttu f Congress half a Dollar. 'The price of the Congressional Intelligencer, to In mi ll public the Tr*»**P' ctim *• r ‘•fijOL TIILKN Cl L 1 1 VA- 'TOR.” vvhich may now be regarded as p«’iM'i*iinl , y*. i hdi- lish«’d, the ptibiislu’is ilcem it unnt-c.essnrv i" i-«i\*it i>. me high . haiacter the W <>rk Imsatluined under the edimiiul •■* a* trol ol .Mi ( A.M \K. .ti d ii.* rt re n akt a dirt the Planters ami Friends of Agriculture ilirnnglmut m" SoulJu ro Stafrs, to ai») (hem in soslaiuing' a pnbli. a!i"ii <!*■ voted exclusively to the caii-e of .Southern Agiiculftii''. The lulvaniuges nml benefits resulting Iu m Agiitnln » I I"’* riudicak,livve been fell olid acknowledged hv the ii»t* 1 • ami reflecting 'Tilleis ol the Soil in all civilized n.uioi>: I" he mo-t useful, therefore, they should J o cxlciisively eiicnia- te*l mnong all classes of Agriculturists; il possible, ill* y hliottlil be iu the luiuis of evei v man who tills mi acre <>l l«i *l. and t" this end we invoke the aid ol every one win* I* * l> m* interest in the hnprovi-meiil *1 the Agiieiiltuie ol Ilie5 4 ni.iii- 'The first iiumher ot the Fourth Volume w ill I *■ isso* *1 * * the fir-t ol January next. It is published monthly iuqiiiiim form, each number contains sixlecu pagts of mutter, 9 by 1‘- im bep Mjuaie. i destiny, uml that of his family und hi» j One copy, Ext*? ii tor's Sale. \ ILL lie sold ut ill** late residence of Amos Ward, late ' » of Putnam county, deceused, on Thursday, the llilt day of December next, all the perishable property belonging to i lie estate of said deceased, constating of corn, fodder, hor ses, inula*, cattle, hogs, sheep, household nml kitchen furni ture, farming metis U,&c. futile to continue front *hi) to day till all is sold, und tcims to he made known on the dav. A1108 K. WARD, Executor, 19tk 1&46. 19 *)» rt ion ill their papers, and send their papers containing it to the ^ubecribeis. COCKCROFT & OVEREND. Sept. 9. 50 fim titt Ann Street, New York. M EDICAL CAB IL D OCTOR FAWt LPT, of 19G, Fulton street, New York Member of tlie Royal College of Surgeons, of London and Edinburgh, and Graduate of the Jefferson Mediml Col lege of Philadelphia; also, author of n work embracing the , following subjects, viz:—Matrimony, Impotcncy mid Sterili ty, anatomically, physiologically, mid medically explained, w ith a comprehensive exposition of (lie nature und modern treatment of Syphilis, Secondary Symptoms, Gonorrluea, Gleet, Strictures, Nocturnal Emissions, and all the cons* quenees attsing (rout self pollution. Doctor Fnw'ceit conlin* ! ties his private consultations on the abovemenlioned diseases, | at his long established olfice, 19b Fulton street, where the . most aggravated forms of all affections of tlie generative or- •{uiiH will yield to his inode of tieutmeiii, without restraint in liet or exercise,and without mercury. Even when the pro* •restive energies become torpid or paralyzed, from excessive iidolgence, or front masturbation, lie will be able to restore lie parts to health and vigor. Persons at a distance,encloa- tig $ I, ran have a ropy of the work. All letters must he post paid,and directed to Dr. II. Faw- «tt,I96 Fulton atreet.New York. . Aug. fifi 4fi 6hi ly concerns his poster it v for rv (TT*W hen six copn s are ordered and paid for by any ot person, n deduction * f one-sixth will be mude from the pric that is to say, a r< m i unce ol Five Dollars w ill command s copies of the Congressional Intelligencer for the next suasion. A remittance ol Ten Dolltas will secure thirteen copies; ami rs remitted from any one person oi place, Evenly copies will he forwarded. ffj'Pa \ im nt in uilvaucc in ull cases is indispensable. Weekly National lutellitfezieei*. ‘This paper,being made up of sttcli portion ol the * outputs of the National Intelligencer proper as can he compressed within the cutnnuss of a single newspaper, continues to he issued ami mmled to subscribers every {Saturday at Two Dol lars a yeur, payable in advance in all enses—no ucrniuit be ing opened w ith subscribers to the weekly pnper. To bring tltie paper yei more nearly within the reach of such as desire to tnke’Ay the year u cheap paper from the seat of tlm General Government, n reduction will he n tub' iu the pi ice of il where a minilter of copies are ordered nml pai l for by any person or tuaociitlion at the following rules : For 'Ten Dollars six copies will he sent. For Twenty Dollars thirteen copies ; and For each sum of Ten Dollars, above Twenty, eight eopi* s w ill he forwarded ; so that <t remittance of Fifty Dollars w ill command thirty-seven copies. Washington, D.C.,(let. 7,1845. 5 tf FOK HALIL , \ FORTY Acre Lot, No. 611, ill the 18th District, -*l Section,of Cobh county, 'The above lot w ill be sold on reasonable terms,by immediate application at this Of ce; Mav §, 1846. " One hundred 'The rush i*y TERMS tain will be rigidly enforerd. .inpitny the older. $1." Augusta, Nov. 1815. MAIL ARRANGEMENT. Northern Mail. Due Daily, (except Sunday,) *»t 19 a m. C loses Daily, *• 9j a m. Savannah Mail. Due dnilv, (• xcepi Monday .) at 3 r. w. Closii *!ailv, •' tit Hr. M. Macon and Columbus Mail Due daily,(except !,) at 3 r. M. a t 8 f. »i. Eat nut on , W editcsday i Due Monda* Close* “ ' ” «* *«»*•«• MonliceHv Mai!. D t K r liurulajaud Sumtuj a t6 I*. M . C i.ovk b ,V|oiicu j an«t TliutMia) ats I’.M • Hawk‘uscil!t Mail. Closes Monday ami I hominy at b t'. m* Florida Mail. Closes Mondav, Widltcsiisv am! I ridav at T 1 t K. DAGlUi l T. I 1