The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, December 05, 1845, Image 3

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89+ ®+****h. MILLKOUKVILLK: Friday fllnmlnF. December a, IMS. WHIG CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS, nutrlcl No. S, DR. AMBKOUK BADER, o* ana couNTr. (TTTh. Lntli'n' F*m, wliioh w.i po.tponml on accounl o f ilia wealliot, » ill lio hold lllin availing nl ilia Ma.unio llall. LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS.—Yesterday. In llio Senate. yesterday, Mr. SlclI inlrudui'.ci) a bill to provide for the appointment, by llio LoiriaJalurc, (by lialloi) of n committee lo cxunino into tho condition of the Trcaaury, Sts., in tlioao years when there shall bo no session ol the Legislature. This bill is in accordance with tno recommendation of Gov. Crawford. Mr. Anderson, from the Committee on Education and Free Schools, reported a bill lo amend tlio act "to provide for tho education of llio Poor.” This bill pro. vidcs for tho distribution, of two thousand six hundred and thirty shares, of the Bank Stock, in tho Bank of the State of Georgia and Bank of Augusta, to the several counties, upon the basis or the Representative popula tion for 1845—the proceed of the same to be un der the direction of the Inferior Courts, subject to the approval or disapproval of tho Grand Juries. The In ferior Courts being prohibited front selling snid stock. Mr. Beall introduced a bill more effectually to pro vide for llio collection and disbursement of fines im. posed by military Courts of Inquiry This bill pro vules, that the Tax Collector of the several counties shall collect all fines, the same as taxes, &c. The Senate passed a bill, giving persons the prefer ence, in granting Iota under the act of 1843, who swear that they intend to settle tho lot or lots applied for— yeas 23; nays 15. The resolution, relative to the establishment of a mail route between Savannah and Charleston, having been taken up, Mr. Cranford remarked that being opposed to the doctrine of instruction, he coul.l not vole for tho resolutions, unless the word “instructed” was stricken out, so that it might read our Senators are "re- quested," &c. Mr. C. therefore moved that llio word “instructed” bo stricken out, which was carried by the voteof the President; on a division, there being 17 for, and 17 against striking out. Tl’.o House was engaged yesterday upon the special order of llio day, it being the bill to organize a Court for llio Correction of Errors. Up to half past 1 o’clock, various amendments hud been offered and rejected. The House, not having gone through with the bill, then took a teccsa until 3 o’clock. At our present writing tho House is engaged in tho consideration of the bill — and if a vote is taken upon it before our papci goes to press we shall give the result. Wc think the bill wiP pass the House—and, perhaps, without amendment. ET P. S.—The Court hill passed the House, as sent FlioM the Senate—yeas 64; nays 53. CENSUS RE TURNS,-AND BILL TO APPOR TION REPRESENTATIVES. The reader will hud on our first page the report of tho Committee appointed lo receive and add up the re. turns of the Census, taken this year. By reference to the Table, it will be 6een that Chatham still has the largest representative population, and consequently, continues to be the 1st Senatorial District. According lo the returns, the population of Georgia is 771,325 viz ; Free white persons 458,169, Blacks 316.156. . The reader will also find the bill introduced by the Committee to apportion the Representatives among the several counties, in accordance with tho 7ih section of the let article of the Constitution. It will be seen that only five counties that now send two Representatives lose a member, each, viz : Hancock, Morgan, Jones, Jackson and Hall. The counties, that gain one mem ber, each, aro Cass, Cherokee, Cobb, Lumpkin and Ran. ilcdph. The balance of the counties stand as they did, before llio census. Three, out of tho five counties that lose a representative, each, are now represented in the Legislature by Democrats, but tho five counties that gain the members are also Democratic—llio consc. quence is, that the Whigs only lose two members. This is much better than we, or any of our friends, anticipa. ted, and we are very well satisfied with the result. THE INFERIOR COURT BILL. On our first page will bo found a very important bill, introduced into the House of Representatives by Mr. Howard, of Muscogee. The bill when first introduc ed was referred to the Judiciary Committee. The com mittee reported it back to the House without amend ment; ami as the course taken warrants the belief that it will be seriously considered, we have concluded to present the whole bill to our rondure. THE TAX BILL." The b.11 to alter and amend the present tax laws, and reported in the House of Representatives, from the Committee on Finance, will be found in our paper of to-day. Tho general principles of the bill aro the same ns those sugg. sted by the Treasurer, although, it will be seen, that there have been alterations, in several articles proposed to he taxed. ICr* As will lie se.-n by the Legislative proceedings, most of Tuesday and Wednesday last, was taken up by the Senate, in the consideration of the bill to au thorize the construction of a Railroad from the City of Macon to the City of Columbus. A large majority of the Senators were favorable to the measure, but a por tion of them wished to make the private property of an individual slock holder, not only liable for his portion ef the stuck subscribed fur, but liable lor all the debts of the corporation. Accordingly, Mr. Stoll, proposed to amend the bill to that effect. Upon this proposition much discussion took place. On Tuesday the amend- luent was supported by Alessrs. Wofford, Marlin, and Lewis, and oppused by Messrs. Jackson, Murphy, Rid. Icy, Crawford and Cone. Mr. Cone having offered an amendment, and as there appeared to bo a disposition on the part of other Senators to bo heard on the sub ject, itwns postponed uniil 10 o'clock the next day, and the Senate adjourned. Oil Wednesday, tho subject was again taken tip, when Messrs. Miller, Cone, Craw. ford anil Murphey, addressed the Senate in opposition to the amendment of Mr. Stell, while It was again ad vocated by Messrs. Wofford, Martin, Lewis and S'tell. Tho question was dually taken upon the amendment offered by Mr. Stell, and it was rejected by 24 to 17. After the adoption of a wholesome amendment by Mr. Kenan, the bill was then passed, by yeas 30; nays 11. We were sorry our engagements wore such as to prevent our being present during the whole of I he dts- vussivin—so that wo could have given the substance ol the remarks, of the different speakers, to the reader. THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION. • VICTORY ! VICTORY ! I—"NEVERSAV DIE I” Stand Aside, and let SA V ANN All Speak.' Tim election ycsteiday, like tho weather, was rath er stormy, but I ho Whigs, nothing daunlcd by their re- cent defeat at the S’ate election, turned out in their full force, and the result is a Glorious Viclnrij. The number of votes polled was 1,130, The ENTIRE WHIG TICKET, wjth one excettion, IS ELECT. ED, Dr. Uurrouoiu hu a majority of liiteeo votcaover Dr. Wayne, the Democratic nominee, and R. M. Goodwin, the "Independent" Democratic candi date for Mayor. Col. Jackson, tho only Democratic Alderman elected, bean Mr. A. II. Smith eeven vote* only. The result in the face nf our recent defeat, is a great victory, and wu congratulate the Whigs on the succoss of tlioir efforts.— Save Rep. GEORGIA PENITENTIARY. The following message, in reply to a resolution of the Senate, was transmitted to that body on the 24th ulL by tho Governor, Executive Department. I Milledgoville, Nov. 24, 1845. { In answer to a resolution of the Senatp, which re- quested that this Department would give a statement of the amount of debts paid for the Ponilontiary in the years 1844 and 1845—showing the names of all par. sous holding such demands—the amount of each debt, and when they fell due ; also showing what amount of debts aro yet unpaid, if any, against such institution, by whom made, mid when they fell due—I liavo the honor to say, that it is prcsuinod the object ef the resolution was intended to a ascertain the number, amount, dales, &c„ of the debts due by tlio Penitentiary, antecedent to the first day of January, 1844, which were partially paid under the Act of 1843, and which Act appropriat ed 832,000 for that purpose. The accompanying ta ble bIiows the payees nl each debi, llio dale when con tracted anil matured, the amount paid, and when and to whom. Between the approval of tho Act of appropri- lion above stated and the last payment, when the entire amount was exhausted, a very brief interval occurred. Indeed it was soon discovered that tlio ajipropriation was wholly iusiiflicicut to meet the demands against the Penitentiary, and with the intention of doing equaljus. tico to all creditors of the institution, it wis duterinin ed only to pay the principal of each demand. In ihn absence ol regular books of tlio Inspector, and it is thought, of Ins predecessors since the origin of the Penitentiary, the precautionary means was adop ted, not lo pay any claim unless the same had been pro- viously certified by that officer. Alter the appropriation of 1843 had boon exhausted at the Treasury, it was deemed proper that the claims which had been partially paid, should hu placed under the control ef the officers of the Penitentiary so as to avoid double payment. •,-I have called upon the Principal Keeper to report upon the balance due upon those claims, as well as the amount of debts reported at the Penitentiary, not in cluded in the list of those in part paid at the Treasury, the amuunl paid thereon, and the amount of indebted ness of tho institution created since tho first of Janu ary, 1844. 1 herewith lay it beforo tho Senate. A summary of the indebtedness of tlio Penitentiary as ascertained, as well as the payments made thereon may he slated as follows : Paul at the Treasury. “ “ Penitentiary since 1st Jan., 1844, contracted before that date, Unpaid on 22d Nov., 1845, and contract ed before 1st Jan., 1814, Total, Tho amount due on contracts made January, 1844, to this date, is $2,529 27, whereof, on ly $127 38 are past due, but whose payment has not been demanded. GEO. VV. CRAWFORD. Nkw-Yobk. Nov. 29. Cotton.—Tlio market has been jetivo thie week, and price* have gradually improved,''Until Ihcv have advanced abovo last week’s prices ; so that the decline noticod in the early part of the week hai boen fully recovered. The sale* of the week reach 7,450 balea, na follows : Vp'd. ft Florida, Mub.jfr N. O, 3,000 BALES. ....none. ....finG| ,...7W| ....71 ■ 8 is... nominal. Inferior Ord. to good ord Mid. to good mid.a * * •• Middling fair to fair... Fully fair to good ffir. Fine 4.400 BALES. none, fij a fil 7 a 7J B a fij 81 s 9J nominal. -fc"' HOOTS I BOOTS IS BOOTS III JUST received nnd opened at the Now Boot und Shoe Store, Gent's Snpr. fr. cf. Boots, “ cf. Hwd. do. “ ** pegged do. “ “ sowed Brogans, Bovs’ “ Boots, Youth’s “ do. Ladies’ Embossed Kid Slips, “ Col’d Boots, Or. Trunks, Carpet Bags, Satchels, &c. fac. Ate: E. ALEXANDER At CO. Milledgcvillc, Dec. 5th, 1845. * H if CH/tRIOTTEUS & BU«GIG$i. T HE Subscriber having again established himself in this City, announces to llio citizens nnd public generally, that ho Ins nil hand nnd is daily receiving a very splendid dssortmont of vehicles of every descriptive,consisting of Biiskas* Cliariottecs* and Baggies with nnd wiihouttojis, some nf which arc hung upon Tom- linson's Patent Spring Perches, a new nnd great improve" ment. His carriages were hui't under his own superintend donee nnd of the best materials, and he feels assured tlmt they cannot fail to give satisfaction to those who may favour him with their patronage. B. P. BUSH. Milledgoville. Doe. 5th, 1845. 14 3t CHEAP I CASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. No. IT Whlftnkeratreety Savannah* (Opposite W. II May Co.’s Saddlery Store ) HAMILTON & SYMONS would inform their friend* and III*' public, that in addition to their pro* sent largo supply of ItEADY- MAl)E CLOTHING, they have purchased,nnd ore now opening n large nnd elegant assortment ol the very best quality of English and French Cloths, Cnssimeres. Vestings, And FANCY ARTICLES, suita ble to Gentlemen’s wear. All of which they nro prepared to make to orderjn the most elegant nnd fashionable style, nnd at the shortest notice. * Their stock is entirely new, and being connected with the firm of J. C. Booth At Co. 187 Broadway, New York, they will he furnished -.villi the most fashionable articles, as they arrive in the market. Air. 8. A. OLDS, tale foreman fin- Price Sc Vender, mid well know n ns a superior Cutter, will have charge of this de partment of business, so tlmt our customers may rely upon getting the very best fils. Orders from tl»e country filled promptly, and no deviation in price, as we ore resolved to approach as nearly ns possible lo Northern rates. „ 13 If TERMS CASH# NEW STOKE 41 NEW KOOKS. WENTWORTH, aa Waleh-itinker flgj*) nnd mt /M JEWELLER, JUacou, fieorgU 7fX-g- — We nre nuthntized to anno os Candidate for of tlio City Council. ce I . J. I .FAS- clcctiou, for Clerk of 10 n IIKIL'K, rOBI BII.DIII Ml U il.V■ ry street, (immediately opposite his old stand,) and ia now opening u now and fine stock of goods in Iris line, consist ing in part of , Fine Gold nnd Silver Lever, Horizontal, Patent and Verti- licnl Escapement Watches, (•old Guard,Fob, and Vest Chains, Breast Pins,Finger Bings,Ear Rings, Gold Chain nnd flair Bracelets, (•old,Silver, and Steel Spectacles nnd Eve Protectors, Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pens, Gold and Silver Watch Keys, Gold nnd Silver TliiinhleH, Silver Combs, Silver and Pearl Belt Slides, Gold Sleeve and Collar Buttons, Gold Studs nnd Chain Slides, Gold Lockets, Hearts and Crospcs; Card Cases, Steel, Silver and Gilt Brads, Head Ornaments, Jet Combs, Ladies’ und Gentlemen’s Purses, Superior Pen nnd Pocket Knives, Scishois, Bnznr’s anil Rntsnr Strops, Tooth. Lather, and Nail Brushes, Shaving Crrum, Beal German Cologne, Fink Sii.vkr Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Candle Sticks, Waiters, Cups, Snuffers and Trays, We are million?.' d to announce Jollll W* W. Sinead a candidate for Clerk of lira City Count'.'1 of Milledgoville. 6 If* UIATT~d7BirTT8"is”a'Candidate far Cl< k li£ of tlm City Council, at the mail ing Election on the lust Saturday in December. 4th, 1815. 6 5t 1'n(nain January MlicrifPs Sale* W ILL be sold before the Court house door in Eatonfon. Putnam county, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wits Two feather beds, three bedsteads, two cords, six chairs, four picture frames, one candle stand, one clock, and one countcrpuin; nil levied on us the propertv of Nancy Roby to satisfy n fi fa issued from the Super'orCourt of sniu comi ty, in favor of Clark & Lawson, vs. Nairnv Itobv; W.T. SAMMONS, D. Sheriff. Dec. 5,1845. 14 WE are requested lo nnnumce William ‘ S. Htltfley «:s a Candidate for Marshal at the Election on the first Saturday in December. M Crawford January SlicriflT’s Sales. W ILL be sold before the Court-house door ill the town of Knoxville, Crawford county, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, within the usual hours of sale, thefol- lowing property, to wit: One negro woman about twenty-seven venrs old by the name of Eliza, of vcllnw complexion; levied on to satisfy one attachment fi fa from Crawford Superior Court, in favor of D. K Perry At Co., vs. Aicbibuld Armstrong and James A. Prosser, i'ropeity pointed out in snid fi fa. Also,two hundred acres of land more or less. Nos. 20, 21 and 22, it being fractious in seveuth district, or Old Agen cy reserve known ns the place whereon Christopher Cockrun now lives,joining lands with David PieHtou nnd A. J. Preston; levied on to satisfy one fi fa from Burke Superior Court, in favor of A. Wood At On. vs. Thus. Cockran and Christopher Cockrun. Property pointed out by plaintiffs. JAMES BEELAND,Shtiiff. Dec. 1, 1045. 14. M WASHINGTON HALL. MACON, Ga. rn I1E undersigned have bought out the interest of Mr. St. J. I.anikk in this well known establishment, and design milking it worthy ofthe liberal patronage it has heretofore obtained from tlio public. Every excition will be made to make tho sojourn or either the permanent or transient hoarder pleasant nnd agreeable. Tim sleeping apartments are com fortable an 1 commodious,nnd fitted up with neat and clean furniture. Tho tallies will lie furnished with every luxury j our own market, nnd those of Savannah can supnh ; and no efforts spared to make the house deserving of public patron- Macon,Oct. 7, 1845. 350. [CORRESPONDENCE of THE CHARLESTON COURIER.] Washington, Nov. 28. Tlitro aro now about ouo hundred and thirty members of tlio House in tlio city, but only one- third of the Senators. Among the candidates for Speakership now here, nro Messrs. J. W. Davis, of Indiana ; M’(Holland, of Michigan; Bowlin, of Missouri ; Tibbnlts and Boyd, of Kentucky ; C. J. Ingcrsoll, of Pennsyl vania ; Hunter and Hopkins, of Virginia; Holmes, of South-Curolinu ; Houston und Payne, of Ala. hama ; and Slidell, of Louisiana. Thu current runs in fnvur of a man from the North-West. Nothing cun provent llio selection of a North-Western candidate for the Speaker’s Chair hut lire number of llio condidates from that quarter und lire pertinacity of their several friends. Should their force and influence bo united in the caucus, they will carry any one of their candidates, though not, perhaps, with a two-thirds vote, which may he insisted upon. It is, after all, very possi ble tluiuhe Western and Northern democracy will unite upon a Southern candidate—not cue of the Virginia candidates, but from some Southern or South. Western State. Tho choice of Speaker is of more titan usual importance, at the present time—for the organize lion of flic Committees of the Houso will have a strong hearing upon llte legislation of the present session. An Oregon or onli-Oregon Committee of Foreign Affairs—a Tariff or an anti.Turiff Com mitiee oi Finance—may givo a shape to public opinion und (lie policy of the country on these ques tions; Wo learn, to day, from undoubted sources, that llte tone of tlio President’s Message on tlio Tariff, will he dillbrenl from wliat lias been represented by some of tlio Journals. He will not recommend 339, u horizontal Tariff, hut will propose "a Tariff for revenue, with incidental protection'’’ Mr. Walker will not, it is now said, propose any uniform rate of duties. Should this turn out to ho true, the proba bility will he that nothing will he done on the Tar- iil’question ut present, for the Southern Anti-Tar iff men will luke no part in any measure so unsatis factory ns that would be. It is stated, by the Union, that Mr. Buchanan will not leave the Cabinet for the Bench. This seems to he prohuble, and, in caso it is true, we must expect soon to see llio vacant Judgeship fill, ed. Fa rcicai ns it may seem, it is, nevertheless, true, that tho Native Americans, who have six members of the House, will keep up a separate organization, and nominate a Speaker ol their own. There are a number of offices connected with llio two Houses to he filled, and there arc not wanting can didates for them all—Clerks, Secretary of tlio Senate, Printer, Serjeants at Arms, &c. There cannot he a doubt that the Union will liavo tho printing of the House, and, perhaps, of tlie Senate. The Constitution, which it was supposed would liavo sumo chance, has retired from the field, though it docs not appear that any other paper here can, with more strength, contend with the Union for the prize of the Senate. Macon, Dec. 2. The nows by the Britanoia, has had the effect ol do pressing our Cotton market still farther, and llio rc ceipts continuing light, the transactions for llio past week having been quite light. In the early part of llie week, the receipts were moderalo and sales were readily effected at tlio rates of tlio previous week—but on tlio receipt of tlio Foreign accounts, dealers became lei octant to purchase, unless at a reduction ol front J to Jo., per lb. We therefore quote infeior at -1^ a 5 middling 5 n 5} ; fair 5J a 6^—I ire business closing dull, with a downward tendency in prices. We quote ns extremes to-day 4J a 6J coots, the latter for choice lots, ill square hales. Received since 1st Sept. 1845,16,698 bales, Slopped during saino time. 5,127 ” i llio first Tuesday in JANUARY next, within liic legnl hours of snlo tho following properly, to wilt Ono lot nf land in tho liflh district of originally Appling now Wnrecounty, Nu. not known, being ilia piuce whereon Samuel Sweats formerly lived, containing four bundled anil ninety ncres none nr less ; levied on as llio properly of Sam uel Sweats, tu Batisfy two fi lus issued from the Superior Court of W are courtly, one in favor of N. Smith St, Co., vs. id Swcnts, one in fuvor of Streets St Pringle Vs. Samuel Sweats. One lot of land in the seventh dhtriot of originally Appling >w Ware county, No.358; levied on na Ibo property of Da vid Runs to satisfy two fi fiia issued from a Justice’s Court of 58G district, (3. M.,in favor of Seaborn l.astioger vs. Duvid Butts. Levy made and returned lo me by a Constable.— Property pointed oulbv defendant. MILES J. GUEST, Sheriff. Nov. 20,1815. 14 Ware Jnitunry Sheriff’s Snlc. V^"1LL he sold in tire town of Wareboro’, Ware county, A A Dix 4 Fine \V« Also, Coffee.'and Ton Pots, Silver sells of Kuile, Fork nnd Spoon, Spoons, Watch Stands, Fans, Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Ate. ID 3 All of which will he sold at (lie VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES. II ‘atclns, of every description, Repaired in manner! All Watches sold or repaired will be warranted to keep pood lime, or ihn cash refunded. \\ * li refitndc irv will receive ihn reasonable terms . nidu s scut from i mis attention, nnd b« though the owner were ofthe repaired oi present. All kinds ofGold nnd Silver Work made to order. O* Jewelry «f every kind neatly rev aired. Spectacle Glassesudapted to all ages. Also* for Kale* One of Chiuknring’s .Superior PiattO Fortes, in rose wiodcuse, fntt length iron frame, and wurrnntcd as fine un instrument, iu every respect, us tun be found in Georgia. C. K. WENTWORTH, Watch Maher and Jeweller, Macon, Nov. 28,1815. East Side Mulberry Street. FLOYD HOUSE. MACON, Ga. rnHE Subscriber, in announcing to his friends and the pub i. lie, by whom he has been so liberally patronised, his conlinuenco of the above Establishment begs leave to assure them of his determination to sustain the well established rep utation of his house. Instead of falling off, thereshull be a progressive improvement; and if a liberal outlay, u well ftiruit-hed table, with every delicacy this and other mar kets can supply; clean beds, comfortable rooms, attentive servants, and tlie will to please und accomodate will merit patronage, lie expects to obtain it. B. S. NEWCOMB* Macon, Oct. 7,1845. 11—tl u BEHOLD ! AtlmiiiEirutrix’s Sale* A GREEABLE to an order of the Inferior Court of Ware county, while sitting for ordinary purposes will be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Wareboro’, Ware county on the first Tuesday in January next, between the usual hours of sale the land nnd negroes belonging to the estate of Henry Joice, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. 'Perms made known on the day of pale. MILES J. GUEST, Adm’r. SARAH JOICE,Admr’x. Nov. 20, 1844. 14 FOR SALE* T HE subscriber offejs for sale the following lauds : IN LAUREN'S COUNTYs Fractions No. G3,100,101, 102, in tho 1st district, lying on / Palmetto or Turkey Creek, making a body of 425J acres- fractions No. 309 and 311,in the2d District, lying on the Oco nee river—they join nml contain 252 acres! lot No.321,in the L2tU District,cuulaining 2021 acres. WILKINSON COUNTY : An undivided half of 1110 acres of land mid a mill seat, on Black creek, iu the 5th District, known as the Alanderson place. TELFAIR COUNTY: Two fractions in the 14th District, lying, one on the Oc- mulgeo, und the other joining it on Crooked creek, containing 310 acres, near General Wilcox’s landing—the Nos. 337 uud “/ bring you good tidings of great toy, tchich shall be to all people.'' PULMONARY ELIXIR. D ll. IIitOASOV respectfully informs the citizens of Baldwin county, that he has now an Agency at Mr. Sll A HAN’S Dr. Goods Store, two nilicles of Medicine, viz: Pnlmouary Elixir and CatlinHic Pills* Dr. B. pledges himself to the public that the ELIXIR will cunt Colic, infloe minutes, either with man or heust—relieve Asthma,Consumption, Coughs, Cramp, and Croup in a few hours, or days at most—und for Asthma, will givo relief in ten minutes. For public speakers, its equal is not known, in the perfect restoration of the voice to its natural tone. All ob- structions of the breast immediately removed by a few doses of the Elixir. And ill confirmation of whnt 1 here state, my agents are all instructed lo refund the money in every cuse of failure* whore a fair trial lias been made with the medicine* CATHARTIC PILLS. These Pills nre purely vegetable—warranted to he mild in their operation—possessing tonic nml stimulant properties j and will he loiiiiu useful in almost all classes of disease. For costiveuess, or irregularities of the system, they are without u p tralld. The boxes nre largo, nnd put up in neat ami por table st)lc. Families will find it to be great economy in tlm purchase und use of these Pills. I f tho Cathartic Pills fail to prove whnt I have stated above, or wlint may be slated on the bills, the purchaser can return the empty box and label to the Agent, and tho money will be refunded. Respectfully, F. S. BRONSON, M. D J. IX* Sliulian, Agent* Milledgoville, Ga. 1 jBnffsoirs Mourn, CONTINUES to bo open for the reception of Members of the Legislature und transient visitois- mising to spare no pains to render comfortu t Lie all who m.»y call, the proprietor hopes to rc- eivea liberal shareoflhe public patronage. Milledgeville, Oct 21,1815.4 tf Ncw-York City Advertisement* WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE- THE Suitrcrilter ia ihia day open* tiiC at Ilia old aland a fplendid'nB.ort- me nt of Gold anil Silver WATO11S of the most improved makers, com prising a greater variety than ever be fore offered, at reduced prices. JEWBJLR1T. A great variety, nnd the latest sty le, embracing, in part. Breast I’it.s. Ear nnd Finger Rings, Gold and F.nnmelled Guard and Fob Chains, Seals and Keys, Gotdnnd Enamelled Pencils, Gold Pens nnd Thimbles,Gold and Silvor Spectacles, Gold Bracelets with pins lo match. SBLfVElt A' PE.STEBt IV\1UE OF AI.L KINDS. Fine Table Cutlery in sett* of 52 pieces, Dining nnd Des sert Knives nnd Forks, Tea Trays in setts and single, Castors, Branch Ciimlleatieks, Snuffers and Trays, Chamber Cnmlle- sticks, Fine Assortment of Pen unJ Pocket Knives, fccU- ” Razors and Strops. PULASKI COUNTY: No. 223 nnd 329, in the 20th District, on the d Musqnito Creek—they join and contain n the 24th District,on tho Ocmnlgee. res—its No. ia S II Lit WOOD’S Two tracti' Ocmnlgee tiv 222j ucres; ono fracti river und Shell Stone Creek, containing 98 TWIGGS COUNTY. ctions,Nos. 153 nnd 154, iu the 7th District,on the river,containing 391} acres, known »s tho Kosseuu Two fra Ocmnlgee fractious. Any ofthe above lands can be bought at moderuteprices, by application to the subscriber. ^ JOHN B. LAMAR, Macon, Ga. Nov: 27,1845. 13 ,jt Double ISaiTClIcd Onus, .Shot nnd Game Bags, Powder Flasks. Musical Instruments, Accordions, Walking Cunrs, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shaving Brushes. Lard Lamps, Suspending, Hall, Side ami llund Lamps. Pearl,Shell and Ivory Card Cases, Fine Steel Wrought Bags and Purses, SHEET IUFSIC, With a great variety of Fancy Article*, The stock has been selected by tho Subscriber with great care at the lowest cnsli juices, and is offered at a small ad vance on the cost. The public (and strangers visiting our city) are respect fully invited to call nml examine the articles uud juices at the old stand opposite Uuson's Hotel. OBIS CHILDS. N. B. WATCHES AND TIME-PIECES, of every do- scription carefully repaired by experienced workmen, uud WARRANTED. Persons from a distance sending watches for repairs may dejiend on having them promptly nnd faithfully attended to, and ns cheap ns nt any other place in the State. REPAIRING of all kinds, and LNURaVING promptly attended to. 1 (T./ 3 SPECTACLES of all kinds, Periscopic.Concuvo nml Convex Glasses, constantly on Imnd to put to old frames nt short notice. q >c .Milledgeville,Oct. 21, 1845. 4 „• .1. WASHBURN & WILDEhT~ it.1C TO US AND (0®raDima£!§a®im M®ip®3h®3afk2 s SAVANNAH) GA. JOSEPH WASHBURN, JOHN R. WILDER. Aug. 12. 4(» 26 TlllBtODOSIUS It. DAVIES, ATTOHNEY AT I, A XV, Mils LED G E MILL E, CSa. - 21th. 1815. 39 If Just Itcccivcd, December 1st, 1815. D R. Durbins’ Observations in the East. The American Shepherd, by L. A Morrell, with en gravings. The Bachelor’s Christmas, a domestic legend by W.G. Simms* The Groves of Blarney, by Mrs. S. C. Hale. The Wing of the Wind,by 11. Ingraham. Thu Pirate’s Cnvo, hv Lieut. Murray. The Stolen Heir, by *M. Marvel. The Zulcik,y,by Eugene Sue. Mrs. Washington Potts uud Mr. Smith, Tales by Miss Leslie. Alida, dr Town and Counli v, by the author of Allen Pres cott. The Salamander, a Novel Romance by Eugene Sue* The Violina, n Romance by Baron J)e I.a Malta. Fouclie, the Colton Lord, hv Miss Stone. Harper’s Illuminated nnd Illustrated Shakspenre. Also, Hntper’s Illuminated mid Pictoiinl Bible,and Gibbon’s Decline and Fall ofthe Roman Empire, by II. If. Milomnn, and a Variety of late Novels, Music und Toy Books receiving constantly, und all kinds of Books can be received at the shortest notice, hv njipliculiou to M. E. EDWARDS. 0*The subscriber is solo Agent in Milledgeville for Dr• B. Brawlrelk's Pills, Mont's Morrison Pill, Tltc Ht/gcan Universal Medicine, also, MoffatCa Pluenix Hitlers and Pills. ia uspleae to iitetitinn the virtue of theHO imulicittea. None can tell hut tlto.c tlmt have tried them in all kind* nf discon- IS If »|. E. EDWARDS. VIBRATORY MAGNETIC MACHINE. r■ MlE Vibratory Movement recentl, B- Rotary, in this Machine, liy the. with an extruoiilinurv supeiiority over has been constructed. Ii is compact! its battery, wires,and other apjil ses, of several sizes nml jmiwit ench ; mid forwarded to order, tu substituted for the* dmeriber, endows it ,eiy form in w hich it fitted together with hogan .d , at (two sizes.) $14 nnd |l(» any part of the Union, tho Valuable L;tn f atttl IHill-Scat for Sale. W ILL ho sobl in Eutniiton on tlio first Tues day in JANUARY, 1816, a portion of tho real estate of Robert Aslmrst, sen., deceased ; situ ate on the waters of Murder Crick iu Putnam county,containing some three hundred and seven 's, about one bundled and fifteen acres of w hie If nro in n state ol'cuitivation.the remaining portion of which is well timbered,uud may ho classed as first quality cotton hind. Besides the. other inducements offered in tlio sale of this val uable property. it contains a fine Mill-Hkat, with sufficient water power lor an extensive March ml Mill, or Colton Fiie- by * ■ite f’t Each case is accompanied with a Manual (7th edition,pp. ! Q dy market for Hour 221, 32 tun.)—including u complete Manual of the Practice hi*liptioii. of Medicine, with n very full Glossary—giving cb pie iliiections fir 1 lie use ofthe instrument' [o which it is npplkable, ami which nre found, hv the 1 ecs.-ful |irnr.tice of hundreds of operators, to include, the I (JJr’Tc -t jirevnlnnt, ns well as the most |tt'culinr uud obstinate, 1 are known to the. medical jnofassion ; with the proper dicines for each case. A. II. SHERWOOD. M. D. Iff $1 102 Chumber st., New York. 'lin'd properly ndj and ollters, vud is 1 id il lion Mau-ulUcture the lai uffinuing n ut every de ls of Griggs jirovirfiuu o! ASIIIJKKT A 1)10.11 ATARI, ATTOlt.VSES AT LAW, KlUoittou, La., II’/// practise in all llte Comities of the Ocmnlgee Circuit. an. 17. Uif ) made kti J NO. M. ASI1IJKST, Adm’r. de bonis non,non icslamento annexe v. lSlh. 1815. 9 6t m. Valuable Hotel lor Sale. THE undersigned is desirous of selling bis large ami commodious HOTEL at Knuxvillk, CiHwford county. Alluchcd to the premises ate Leaving n Stock on hand, on the 1st of December, 1845, of 11,571 bales Advertiser. [CORUKSPONDEIVCE OF THE CIIAULKSTON EVENING NEWS.] New Orleans, Nov. 25. Tlie*Cotton market was rather quiet aftor closing my letter yesterday, and the business of the day did not exceed *2wl)0 bales, with rather a drooping market. To. day, only about 1500 bales have been sold in small lots; buyers declining tooperate extensively, except at a decline in prices, the tendency of tho market is de cidedly downwards. Tlio following quotations may be given ; say, Ordinary f»J a 0J, low middling G$, good middling, really so. Tie., tn d. fair 7i a 7g, lair 7g a 7J. good fair 8] a 8J per lb. Apsthichicoln, Fla., July* 1845. ilersigned will continue to transnet u GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS ut APALACHICOLA, under the firm of iio%vab:i> kuthFjRFord. lTJ*Tliey liuvo also determined lo establish a COMMIS SION HOUSE nt NEW ORLEANS, the ensuing season, where one ofthe firm will alwuys be found. Their |)ersonal attention will he given to ull business with which they may l»e. entrusted. I he. usvml advances will be made upon goods in store or Cotton consigned to them. Thacker b. Howard. 47tf ADOLPHUS S. RUrilEKKORD. (aeUlAEIt & BEALL, FACTORS I Anti Commission mcrclinnfs, 1 No, 7‘i, liny Sti-rot, _ . „ Savannah. C. A. (iRKINKtt, W. A. Hkam.. 51 tf Sept. 17. WaUAJI K. OMARAFFCNKIED ATTORNEY AT LAW. niaki'ly, Curly County,Geo. RfiFEitENCEe—Ilmt. Seaborn Junes,lion. II .T.Col. quit/, linn. A. Iverson, linn. Joseph Sturgis .John Scliln, and Henri/ L Henning Hsqrs, Jan 2, ti tf NEW FIRE-PROOF WARE-HOUSE, •Hacon, tieo. TIIE undersigned having erected a FlKK* Proof WARK-HOL'sK.siliian d ut the h'*iWl of Cotton Avenue, tenders his services to his friends and the public generally, for the sto rage of Cotton nml Merchandize, and the transaction of Co 111 mission Business in all its branches, jdedging himself to use every exertlou to proiDOtO the interests of, and render satisfaction to, those who muy -confide business to his charge. The storage and sale of Cotton will he under the direction and control ol Mr. JOHN JONES, who has long been known iu the Ware house business, and will give purtieular attention tu the sale of Cotton and the filling ol orders for goods. Liberal advances will be made mi Cotton in sloie or lo b.* shi|iped. BAGGIND, HOPE, AND TWINE, together with any other articles, will In; furnished customers at the lowest maikrt pi ice. N. B. Storage und Commissions at customary rates. JERRY COWLES. Macon,21th June,1815. 39 2Ct Tlio I and as il is oit the mail Montgomery, Ala., the other Hotels, in villug* tlio purclia: tho only 1 id fr e,Crawford cn. No illage of Knoxville, n lo (’olumhua and, given il is much belter limn cully situated. Term** «<» Hint J. J. CARSON. .21,1815. Iff If NOTICE* A LL jiersona are hereby cautioned against trading for six smn.I promissory notes, five fur thirty dollars encli, and one for fifteen dollars, amounting t<) om* hundred and sixty-live, dollars ; made by John J. Dnnmrd anil William E. Dumard, dated tliiid day of December, nitlie year 1814 and due the first day of Juuuary, LC4G, payable tu Jokiuh Mur- phey, or beater, Adminiatiator 0.1 il*c estate of Susannah Johnson, deceased; and the makers of mid notes are can Honed against paying the saino 10 uuy one hut myself', as the notes liuvc been stolen from my possession. J031AII MURPHEY. Nov.llth, 1845. 7 if* rniiE h 1 part o FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, C.IPIT.IL, £300,000. rnilK NEW-YORK CONTRABtTION.SIIIP F 1 INSURANCE COMPANY havingestablishedana ey iu Knoxville,Crawford county .willinsuri BUILDINGS, MERCHANDIZE, HOUSE HOLD FUR MTU HE, and every descript ion of |>roporty,ugu nml loss or damage by fire. FRANCIS II. MURDOCK, Agent. Knoxville,June 11, 1614. 37 it IRE Valuable I’laiitnlcon For Kale* HE subscribers hold for sale, a Plaululiou in thy uppec 1 district, Sumpter county, adjoining Mr. and olheis,containing Ltd6 acres.-Also 175 acres in the sumo county,28th district, well timbered pine laud; with u suw mill, on .Mill creek, convenient to the tim ber. Also, a n nutation in the 3d Disuict cf Baker county containing 2600 acres, a very supeHoi tract of land combining fertility, good water,lieallhiuesa. A H these (daces have im provements ujion them. Persons disposed to treat for these lands ate requested to address the nuilerki?ned nersonslly.or by letter at Augusta, and those in the neighborhood, nro re* fened 1‘* Maj. Joliu Cowart, of Aincricus, or Mr. Josiuli Sn uU'ltin*,of ihn sumo conntv. ROBERT I’. POE. WILLIAM J. EYE GEO. W. CRAW FORD Hrpt 23, Iff ]5 (Hr' The Federal Unhm, Heorgi publican, AUmuv Pntiiot, and f’*d U'Mii tl>»* 1*U o' Derryd-Mf, J adin’rs. of*. into of Paul Fitz simmons, dec’d. 53—HU. Journal, $nv(iiiunli Re- nl'ija Times, will ropy