The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, December 05, 1845, Image 4

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>V befor. .1.0 Oou..-bo.. ! .door In ita .own of.Mw ▼ ▼ before tlte uoum*iiohp» uw« ••« —«—’ IIuki county, *l.bln.t» lojol hours of calc, Uio followlnj '"rcl.. l-o', •■I*®" 1 48 yoorc oJJ ; hi. wife Bil.iu, oUunl 45y««rs «Ui Konny.n nnu. Me* HilvU s children, young worn on Iron. 20 lo 45 ycoro old, b on o*’o l»o children, from ono lo lour ycoro old j Mo ochtldron, Ikroo in number, two boy. nnd une girl from two lo on yiioro old; o girl child ofl.elhc’o, .Irani I& mon.lio old . vio'o other children,ll.reo hoy. end ..young girl, Iron four lo fifteen yooro old ; oloo, llob. eboul 38 ynnre old; oliii, Jiin, ebou.3ti yooro old: oloo, Elleck, ubout 31 ycoro uld. Hohl oo the property of ilort.m Bledeue, by virtue of o morlgoge fi fo front ill.! Inlorlor Court nf uid comity, in fovornf Cliorlee Boilcv ond tiuolovuo lloniltick vo Morton Bledooe. Pro|ier ,y pointed oo. in tho morlgoge ^ %|| „ Doga> s|lPrifr . G l<l QUOHOUt Baldwin cannty. Inferior C<mri f $iuing for Ordinary Purposet, Monday, November 10/A, 1845. P RESENT, their Honors—JOHN 8. THOMAS, WIL* liam u. Tinsley, william b. kogekb, jus tice*. Biitw Nlorl«i»BC SherlS - ’* Stile. -txrlLI. he sold liefore llioGourt-housedoor ill llie tnwnol VV Joekson, Butts county, on the first '1 uesdey in FEURDARY" next, within the legal hours of sole, the Peter. Sam, Jim,; le vied on as the prop, rly ol Kphraim Price, deceesed, hy virtue of. mnngage li f. Iron, the Inferior Court of Green county, iu favor of Thomas G. J.u.s, end controlled hy Stephen W. Price vs. Kpltruim Price. Toe above named elavos pointed a tl in s, 11 mortgage fi IL p J| c CLENDON, D. Sheriff. Nov.21,1845. 111 ,d " Bntta January SlierlB 's kale. 1X711.1. he auldhafore the Courl-liouae door ill the town W of Jackson, Butts county, on tho first Tuesday in JANUARY next, within the usual hours of sale,the fol lowing property, to wit: Fifty ncre. of land,more or less, itheing the nortliea.t cor ncrof Lot No. 144, in the 3d District of formerly Monrue, now Butts nountv, whereon Riche,d Futeral now lives; levied on os the property of Richard Futeral, to satisfy two li fas from a Justice's Court in favor of Thomas Foster vs Richard Fu- toral. Levy made and returned to me hv'V. J. Curr, cotiHta. Li,. O. H.P. McCl.ENDON, D.Shff. November25,l8l5. 11 tds Montgomery Post'potted Sheriff's Sates. ittLL he sold beforetheCourt-housedoornt Kit. Vernon YV Montgomery County, on the first'Yuesdav in JANU ARY next, within the usual houra of aale, the following properlv to wit: Ono negro buy hy the name of Toney, about thirty years uld ; also, five hundred acres of pine land, more or less, in eluding tlm improvements whereon Thomas Moseley now lives; ulso, two hundred notes of pine land, more or less, including tho improvement whereon James Conner now lives —all of aaid lands lying in the 51st Compnny District, end on the waters nf Pendleton und Tiger Creeks—ull of said pro perly levied on ns the property of Clement T. Moseley, Brantley Moseley, sr., enu Thomas Moseley, to satisfy one fi f. issued front the Superior Court ol said eonnty iu Invor ol Samuel Miller vs Clement T. Moseley,principal, nnd Brent- lev Moseley sr , and Thomas Moseley, securities. Part of suid property pointed out by plaintiff, and the hulunce hy ' J.M. WALL, Sheriff. Nnv.21,11845. 10 Administrator’s Safe. tt7 ILL be sold by an order ol the Inferior Court of Telfair V V county, on the first Tuesday in December next, lot No. 222 in the 7th District and 3d section of originally Cherokee, now Murray county. ... ..... A Iso, on the first Tuesday In January next, at Jacksonville, Telfair countv, lot No. 113, known as the McAllister place, and Nos. 166 and lflt, all in the 9lli District ofsaid county, with the incumhernnce of the widow’s dower; and No. 59 in the 7th District of said county, and a negro woman 45 or 50 ^ Sold as the property of William Studstil), nr. late of said countv, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of aaid deceased. Terms made known on the days of sale. WM. STUDS'! ILL,jr. Adm’r. Telfair county, September 24th, 1845. 1 Administrator's Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable Inferior Court jfV of Jasper County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sold before the Court-house door in Monticello, on the first ’Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours of sale, the lauds and negroes belonging lo the estate of Jesse M. Spencer, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. ' CHARLES L. RIDLEY, Administrator. Oct. 14th, 1845. 3 tds Lxeciitor’s Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of the inferior Court of Wil J\. kinson county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold before the Court-house door in Irwinton, Wilkinson countv,oo the first Tuesday in January next, between the usual'houre of sale, the land and one negro belonging to the es tate of Jamas King, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and enditors. Terms mode known on the day of sale. JAMES KINNY, Executor. Septomber 1st, 1845. 50 tds Aftuilnistrator’fr Sale* A GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable tlie-Inferior J\. Court of the County of Burke, while sitting for ordiua ry purposes, und in accordance with the will of Holding Bar ber, deceased, will be sold before the Court-house door iu Campbellton, Campbell county, on tho first Tuesday in Feb- ruarv next, one tract of land known as number 74, in the 7 tli District of originallv Coweta, now Cnnmhell county. Sold for division anions the heirs of the late lloldine Barber, de ceased. Terms ou the day. I*. B. CONNELLY, Administrator Nov. 25,1845. H wtih the will annexed. Administrator's Sale. A GEEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of Wilkin- f \ sou county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold oil the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court house door in the town of Irwinton, all the real estate be longing to.the cstateof Allen Smith, late of Wilkinson couit- tv, deceasod. Terms of sale made known on the day of sale. JAMES VICKERS, Adm’r. November 8th, 1845. 8 tds Administrator’* Sale. \\j ILL he sold on Saturday, the 3d of January next, at Y Y the late residence of Elizabeth Williams, in Putnam county, all the perishable property belonging to the said Elizuhetli Williams, late of Putnam county, deceased.— Terms on the day. ELMORE CALLAWAY, Administrator. Nov. 21, 1845. 10 * Executor’s Sale. \\f ILL he sold at t‘ie late residence of Amos Ward, late tT of Putnam county, deceased, on Thursday, the lllli duv of December next, ull the perishable properly belonging to the estate ofsaid deceused, consisting of com, fodder, hor ses, mules, cattle, hogs, sheep, household and kitchen furni ture, farming utensils, Ate. Sale to continue from day to duy till all is sold, and terms to be made known on the day. AMOS E. WARD, Executor, November 18tW, 1841. 16 tds Executors’ Sales. * GREEABLY to un order of the Inferior Court of Wil- 1\. kinson county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold before the Court House door iu Irwinton, on the first Tuesdav iu February next, between the usual hours of sale, the IiiikI and negroes belonging to the estate of James Exum, lute of said county, deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms mnde known on day of aule. JAMES ROSS, in J.G. K. IIOGAN, S l -« culor8 ’ Dvc. 2,1815. 13 Id., T740UR MONTHS after date application will be JL 1 made to tho Honorable the Inferior Court of Putnum county, while sitting foi ordinary purposes,lor leave to sell the negroes of Robert Ashurst. Jr., deceased. b JNO. M. ASHURST, Adm’r. Nov. 12th, 1845. 9 rtOUR MONTHS after date application will be F 1 made to the Inferior Court of Lowndes county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, to sell the estate of James Pal ten. late of Lowndes county, deceased. WILLIAM PATTEN,Admr. Oct. 27,1815. 7 1/4011K MONTHS ufutr date, application will be F made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Ware county .while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave toscll all the lands and negroea belonging to the estate of Henry Joicc, lute of slid county, deceused. MILES J. GUEST, Admr. SARAH JOlCE. Admr’x. Aug. I5tl», 1845. y.lOUIt MONTHS after date application will be mude 1’ to the honorable tho Inferior Court of Wilkinson county while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the rea estate of Allen Smith, late of said county .deceased. JAMES VICKERS, Administrator. Sept. 11,1845. 51 TjAOUR MONTHS afterdate, application will he mude to the Honorable Inferior Court of Wilkinson c ointy, white fitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land At negroes belonging to the estate of John Eady, sr. late of said county, deceased. HENRY EADY, Administrator. Sept. 5th, 4815 50 ff^NOUR MONTHS after date application will be X 1 made to the Honorable lufarior Court of Decatur comi ty, when mltiue for ordinary purpose*; for lanvo to sell the real estute of Charles Garner, late of stud county, deceased. JEltEMIAH TATE, AdminiHtrator. Sept. 9,1815. 50 UiaiHision from said Guardianship: Whereupon It wns ordered, that the Clerk of thin Court do issue a citation, requiring all persons concerned to he ondep- pear at the next regular Term ofsuid Court, tube Itohlen on the second Monday in January next, to show cause, if any they have, why said leltera should not be grouted. It was, also, further ordered, that said citation he published according to legnl requirement. A true extract from the minutes nf said Court, this 15th No vember, 1845. JOHN W. W. SNEAD, c. c.o. GEOHttfA, Baldwin County. Inferior Courl, silting for Ordinary purposes, July Trim, 1845. I T appearing to the Court by the representation of Mrs. Elizabeth Washington, Executrix on the Estate of Rob- ett II. Washington, deceased,that Ihoeaid Executrix Ims ful ly administered oil said Estate, and wishes to be dismissed therefrom : It is therefore, on motion, ordered, That the Clerk of this Court do issue n citation requiting all persons concerned, to shew cause, ifany they have, on or before the second Mun- duy in January next ; why said dismission should not be gran ted—and that said citation be published according to legnl re quirement. , A true exttact from the minutes, this 7th day of July, 1845. 41 iiiGiii JOHN W. W. SNEAD, c.c.o. GEORGIA, Telfair County. W HEREAS John McLean, Administrator on the estate ol Allen McLean, deceused,applies to me forlettersof Dismission from the same : These nre, therefore, to citeand admonish all and singular (lie kindred and creditors of said deceased,to he and uppeurut my office, within the time prescribed by Intv, to show cause, if any they Itnve, why aaid letters of dismission should not bn granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 3d dav of June, 1845. 37 mGm JNO F. McllAK.C. C. O. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. W HEREAS James M. Folsom applies to me for letters ol Administration on the estate of Gilbert D. Combo, late of said county, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish ull and singulur the kindred and creditors of said deceused, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to snow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not lie granted. Given under my hand nt office, this 8th day of Nov., 1845. 8 lOt AUG. B. RAIFORD. Clerk. GEORGIA, Telfair County• W HEREAS Henry Cook, Jr. and Seaborn Hall, apply to me for letters of Administration on the estute ol Henry Cook, Sen., late of said county,deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditorsofsaid deceased |o be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. lo show cuuso . if any they have,why said letters should not be granted. Given under my baud, ut office, this 5th day of Nov., 1815. 8 5t JNO. F. McRAH, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Paulding County. W HEREAS William Adair applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of Allen llilburn, lute of said county, deceased : These ure, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he und nppeur at my office, within the time prescribed bv luw,to show cause, ifany they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my bund, at office, this 26th dnv of Sept, 1845. 2 mGm E. THOMPSON,C.C.O. GEORGIA, Dccnltir County. W HEKEAS George W. Bruton applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of Ephnly McGriff late of said county, deesased : These are .therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased ,to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law,tosltow cause ifany exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my liuudnt office this 20th duv of Oct., 1845. 5 Gin JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Decatur County. W HEREAS Thomas Whighum, Administrator on the estate of William Whighnni, late of said county, de ceased, applies for letters of Dismission from said Adminis tration : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, to be and uppeur at my oflice, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cuuse if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my bund nt office, this 2d day of Sept., 1845. 50 6nt JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Decatur County. W HEREAS Nathaniel H. Hicks, Administrator on the estate of William Brown, deceased, upplies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration: These a re, therefore,to cite and admonish all and sing uln r thekindred and creditors of said deceased ,to be ami appear at my office within thetimeprescribed by law.toshowcuuse. ifunythey have, why snidletters should not be grunted. Given under my hand at office, this 3d dav of October,1845. JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Newton County. rilOLLED before ine, George W. Berry, n justice of the A Peace for tlie461tli District, G. M. by Thomas Wright, a black mare mule, supposed to bn six years old, branded with J. H. on the left shoulder, and has the bellows. Ap praised by Clark Brewer and David McDaniel to be worth twelve dollurs. M GEORGE W. BERRY, J. P. November 15th, 1845. A true extract from the Estray Book. AT W. D. LUCKIE, C. I. C. Nov. 18th, 1845. ]() 3t GEORGIA, Montgomery County. W HEREAS John Gillis, Guardian nf the minor chil dren of James Calhoun, late ofsaid county, deceased, applies to me for letters of distniosion from his said Guar dianship : These urn, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singula-- those concerned, to bn and appear nt my office within the June prescribed by luw,to show cuuse, if uny exists, why said letters should not be grunted; Given under my hand nt office this Nov. 14th, 1815. 19 6* FARQUIIAIID McRAE, C.C.O. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. W HEREAS Martha Chambers applies to me for letters of Administration on that part of the estate of William Chambers, deceased, not disposed of in the will of said Win. Cltnmbers: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all ond singular those concerned, t<_ show cause, if any they have, why said letters of Administration should not lie granted. Given under my hand at office, this 24th dnv of Nov, 1845. U 5t AUG. B. RA1FORD, Clerk. GEORGIA t In the Superior Court of Hancock County, October Term, 1845. Prcst nt His Honor Junius Hillyer, Judge, Archibald Drake 'I IS EQUITY, William II. Price, impleaded with Berry Peeler and Benjamin Roberts, Adm'r. I T being shown to the Court, that the defendant, William H. Price, is beyond the jurisdiction of this Court : It is ordered, that he appear at the next Term of this Court and plead, answer, or demur to the hill of complaint in this cause,nr that the allegations in said hill will be taken as con fessed by him ; and thut a copy of this order bo published once a month lor four months in the Gcorgiu Journal, previ ous to said Term. A true extract from the minutes of Hancock Superior Court, October 17,1345, 11 »n4in JOS. T. SIMMONS. Dept. Clerk. GEORGIA, Fee County. TURNER HUNT, of the 961th Dist 4/ri U. M. tolled before me, D.R. Hunt, a Jus- BlXBtUr ffV °** , *‘ e P* Qce * n a»id for said county, Iff ■ V B\ one sorrel Mare, about four years old, Maze l*‘‘e and her left hind foot white. Appraised bv Thomas B. High and James Cox ai fifty dollars, this the 6th Oct., 1845. D.R. HUNT, J.P. A true extract Horn l lie Estray Book, this Bill day of (U-to- her,1845. SAMUEL C. WYCHE,Clerk. 4 3t STRAYED, FROM my plantation, in Bibb county, five miles from Macon, on the road lending to Marion, early in October, a nunil mouse colored Horse Mill*?, about 4 years old. Ha wot lust beard of in the neighbor hood of Blountsville, in Jones county. Any information thankfully received, and n reasonable reward will be given for his delivery lo Mr. Albert G- Harvey, nt the above plantation, or to the aubscriber in Macon. JOHN It. LAMAR., 1845. 13 It Brought to Jail, a IN Bpartn. Hancock comity,t boy who aaya jv j hia name is Austin, and belong* to Wwlnt Tarver, Macon county, Alabama. Austin Jr of low stature, and well set, not very black / with no particular marks, and looks to be be- BMHuMI tween twenty five and thirty years old. I h« owner is requested lo come forward, prove PfpPUfty> and take him away. 11.S.HARDWICK. Sparto, Nov. 24th, 1845.^ ^ Brought to Jnll, a AT Irwiotou,Wilkinson county,Georgia,e j negro man, who says his name is ANTHON Y, about iwentv-five years of age, five feel six or JW / eight inches high, rather yellow complexion, / and says he belongs to u mun living in Orange MflMIMU county, N.C.,by the name of Handy Cheek The owner or owners are requested to come forward, prove properly, puy charge., and Ufe. Wm Ju'yl3lh,\BI5.. <3 U BroUKlit lo Jiiil, TH1H day, a negro mini who says his name is FRANK,and that lie belongs to Jesse Beck, ol Heury county,Ga. Haid negro is of light com plexion, about five feci ten inches high, speaks quick when spoken to. The owner is requested lo come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away. _ . , T. A. BRANNON, Sheriff, useogee co., July 9, 1845. 42 inl2m or tf Splendid Lotteries ! j. a. axxaoxT * oo.. aburm. Elizabeth O’Kanuon f VS. > Libel for Divorce, William J. O’Bniinon.) In Wilkinson Superior Court, October Term, 1845. I T appearing to tho Court, from the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant is not to be found within the limits of the county of Wilkinson, and it being also rep resented that the said defendant resides out of the Sidle of Georgia: It is,on motion, ordered, that lie appear and tite his answer on or he* fore the first Monday in April next, or he considered in de- fault: and Unit service of this rule he perfected by a monthly publication in the Georgia Journal for three months before the next Term of this Court. JULIUS L. LATASTE, Ally, pro Libellant. Oct. 7th, 1845. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County, 1, Thomas M. Tarnley, Clerk ol the Superior Court of said comity, hereby certify that the loregoing is a true extract from the minutes of said Court, at October Term. 1845. Given under my hand ibis 31st day ofOclober, 1845. 7 m3.n THOMAS M. TARPLEY. Clerk. Brought to Jail*. A T Irwinton, Wilkinson county, Georgia, a nrgro man, who says his name in GEORGE, about twenty-two years old, rather yellow complexion, five feel six or eight inches high, ami says ho belongs to John Carter, of Colum bus Georgia. The owner or owners are reoucMed to come forward, prove property, pay charges, nod lake him awny. S. B. MURPHY, Jailor. July 14th, 1845.43 if Brought to Darien Jail, O N the 2d <lay ol May last, a Negro man slave, who pays his name is JAMES,and that lie belongs lo John Hary, of Burke county, and that he ran away about the 15th ol April. Said boy is about five feet five or six inches high, dark completed: his back well marked with the whip. JOHN SMITH, Jailor m’I.c Oct.7. 3 4t Brought to Jail. O N the 14th inst. a negro follow by the name of PIIELIX, about twenty one years old, of yellow complexion, nboul five feet six inches high, who snys he belongs lo General Reu ben C. Shorter, of Eufatiln Ain. T. A. BRANNON, Sh’ff. of Muscogee County. Columbus, Sept. 24tli 1015, 1— ml2a.ortf. Not ire to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons having demands against the estate of James rl. Kxutn, late of Wilkinson County, deceased, are r< quest ed to render them iit terms of the law; and those indebted to said estate, to make immediate pnvment. JA.\lES ROSS, J. G. R. HOGAN October 23th. 1845. 38, > , IGAN, { h * " r> fit Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons having demands against the estate of Wil liam Smith, late of Wilkinson county, deceased, nre re quested to render them in terms of the law; and those in debted to said estate, to make imined'nto payment. JAMES ROSS, Adm’r. Oct, 28th. 1845. 6 tit Notice to Debtors mid Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Robert Ashurst, J deceased, late of Putnam county are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having detunml*- against said estate will send them in duly authenticated with in the time prescribed bv law. JNO. M. ASHURST, Adm’r. Nov. 12th, 1845. 9 6t 'lIEAD QITARTEKS,) Mili.kdgkville, IOiIi Nov., 1845. $ To the Colonels or Commandants of Regiments compos ing the Second Brigade, Sixth Division, Georgia Militia: A VACANCY having occurred by the resignation of H H. TARVER, Brigadier General of the Second Brig ade, Sixth Division of the Militia of this State,I have thought proper to issue this, my Proclamation, hereby ordering you the said Colonels, or Commandants of Regiments, to cause aiteleciion to he held on FRIDAY, the 16th day of January next,at the several places of holding elections fur Members of the General Assembly, giving due notice thereof, lor the election of a Brigudier General lo fill the uloresaid vacancy. And Ido further order, that returns of said election be math to Head (iuurters in the time prescribed by law. By the Commander-in-chief. 7 JOHN 11. BROWN, Aid-de-camp. FURNITURE AND HOUSE CARPENTRY. R OBER T D. HALL (successor of \V» Lord,) has con stantly on hand, makes to order, and repairs all kinds ol Furniture. All kinds of HOUSE CARPENTRY done in the best manner,ond low. All kinds of Paints can he hud ready for use, Glasscutto any size, and G lazing done. Also, Glass for Picture frames, See. of various sizes; Hard ware Trimmings for Furniture, &c., and Mahogany and Black Walnut Draw Knobs, Ac. Ladies will pleusc call at Mr. Newell's Store, where they will lie conducted into the Shop und can see the Furniture. Alilledgeville, June 10, 1845. 37 tf VO PIUNTEKS. Type Foundry A Primer's Furnishing Warehouse. f |MIE Subscribers have opened a new Type Foundry in I the City of New York, where they are ready to supply orders to any extent, for any kind of Job or Fancy Type, Ink, Paper, ('uses, Galleys, Brass Rule, STEEL COLUMN RULE, Composing Sticks, Chuses, and every article for Printing Office. The 'Type, which nre cast in new moulds, from an entirely new set ol malrizes, with deep counters, are warranted to be unsurpassed by uny, and will be. sold ut prices to suit the times. All the type furnished bv ubis “bund cost." Printing Presses furnished, and also Steam Engines of the most approved pntterns. Composition Rollers cast for Printers; Editors of newspapers, who will buy three limes ns much type ns their bills amount to, may give the above six inonlhi insertion in their papers, and send their papers containing it to the Subscribers. COCKCROFT A OVEREND Sept. 9. 50 6m 68 Ann Stroet, New York. MEDICAL CAKE. D OCTOR FAWCETT, of J96, Fulton street, New York Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, of London and Edinburgh, and Graduate of the Jefferson Medical Col lege of Philadelphia; also, author of a work embracing the following subjects, viz.*—Matrimony, Impotencv and Sterili ty, anatomically, physiologically, and medicnUy explained, with a comprehensive exposition of the nature and modern treatment of Syphilis, Secondary Symptoms, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strictures, Nocturnal Emissions, and all the conse qucnces arising from self pollution. Doctor Fawcett contin ues his private consultations on the abovenientioned diseases, m his long established office, 196 Fulton street, where the most aggravated forms ol all affections of the generative or- guns will yield to his mode of treatment, without restraint in diet or exercise,and without mercury. Even when tiie pro creative energies become torpid or paralyzed, from excessive indulgence, or from masturbation, lie will be able to restore the parts to health and vigor. Persons nt a distance, enclos ing »i , can have a copy of the work. All letters must be post paid, and directed to Dr. H. Fnw. cell, 196 Fulton street, New York. Aug. 26. 48 Gin MEUCEU UNIVERSITY. T HE University comprises n Tlieologicul, Collegiate and Acudcmical Department. THEOLOGICAL DF.PARTMENT. Faculty.—Rev; John L. Dagg, I). I)., Professor of Sys tematic 'Theology ; Rev. J. L. Reynolds, A. M., Professor of Biblicul Literature; Rev. N- M. Crawford, A AI., Professor (elect) ol Ecclesiastical History. The course of studies in this Department embraces all tho branches usually taught in'Theological Schools of the first order, including’Hehrew and, if desired, Chaldee, COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. Faculty.—Rev. John I. Dagg, 1). D., President; Rev, P. 11. Alell, A. AI., Prof, of Languages; IJ. O.*Peirce, A. AI., Prof, of Chemistry and Natural Philosophy ; S. P. Sanford, A. AI., Professor of Mathematics; Rev. S. G. Hillyer, A. AI.. Professor (elect) of Belles Lettres. ‘The course of studies in the College is as full ns in any kindred institution in the South. ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT. Rev. Thomas D. Alartin, A. B., Principal. Tho Students in this Department are prepared for College nnder the direction of the Faculty. EXPENSES. Tuition, in the Collegiate Department, $35 for the scholas tic year; inthe Preparatory Department. $25; in the Theologi cal Department, free. Board from 7 to $8 per month. Washing, Room rent, &c., about $2,00 per month. The first session coinmencos on the 2d Wednesday in Au gust, and closes on the 30th of November. The2nd session begins on the 15th of January, and closes witli the Commencement Exercises on the 2d \Veonesdny in Jnlv. For the course of studies in the several departments, in de rail, refer to the Christiun Index,ornpply to one of the Pro- fessora. O* The Chronicle and Sentinel.and Constitutionalist, Au gusta; the Whig and Banner, Alliens, the Southern Recorder and Journal, Alilledgeyiile; the Republican and Georgian, Savannah, and the Enquirer and Times, Columbus, are re quested to publish the above nueo a mouth for five months, it ml forward their accounts for settlement to the Treasurer, Thomas J. Buraev, Aladison. Sept. 30th 1845. 1 m5m Caution. A LI. persons nre cautioned ugainst trading for a note made bv me to Duncan Mims, foi $70. 1 do not recollect the date ofsaid note, hut it is tho only one olthe sort I evergavo, und I am determined not to pay the same, unless compelled bylaw. ARCHIBALD MIMS. Jut kmite ill*. Ua. Sept. 10th, 1845. OC ff SPLENDID ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Clou. 47, fur 11145, Tube ilrawnin Alc.fliidri.,U.G., uu Saturday, the ]3(|, 0 f December, 11145. Brilllnnt Scheme. I Grand Capital of ftt.OOO I 1 Splendid Prize or l.V.OOO! I do do. 10.000! 1 do do. .1,000! 1 do do. 4,000! I do do. 3,»»3! SO Prizes of i ,4100 lOO Do. 400 ISO Do. 300 &C. &C. &c. 78 NUMBER LOTTERY—13 Drawn Ballots. TicketsSlO—Halves R,1—Quarters $9 50. Certificates ol Packages of 26 whole Tickets, $140 00 Do do 26 Half do 70 00 Do do 26 Quarter do 35 00 ir$eb;boo In 6 Prizes of $10,000 ! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class 48, for 1845, To be drawn ut Alexandria, 1). C. on Saturday December 20, 1845. SPLENDID SCHEME. # Capital* of $10,000, nmoiiiitinir to 60,000 Dollars! 3,900 Dollars I 3.340 Dollar. 2 as prizes or 1,000 dodlrrx :: <Jo of 400 Dollars! 300 do of 300 Dollars! $-e. <kc. A-c. 75 NUMBER LOTTERY—13 Drawn Ballots. Tickets $10—Halves $5—Quarters $3,50. Certificates ol Packages of25 whole Tickets, $1 30 Do tilt 35 half do 65 Do do 25 quarter do 32 50 PS,384 ! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY. Class No. 49, for 1.845, To be drawn in Alexandria, D.C., on Saturday, December 27th, 1845. GRAND SCHEME! 35,994 Dollurs! 19,000 Dollars! 6,000 Dollars! 3,000 Dollurs! 9,073 Dollurs! ??J Pr , l * cs of - 1,000 &c. itc. &c. Tickets $10—Halves $5—Quarters $2 50. Certificates of Packuges u! 26 Wholes, $140 00 Do do 26 Halvea. 70 DO Do do 26 Quarters, 35 00 UTOrdera for Tickets and Shares and Certificates ol Pack ages in the above AIaonificentSchkmks will receive prompt attention, and un account of the Drawing will be sent imme diately after it is over to all who may order from us. Address, J. G. GREGORY A Co., HI ulingers, U H Washington City, D. C. Congressional Intelligencer.. fllHE Proprietors of the National Intelligencer, inor- I der to meet the wishes of those whose circumstances or inclination do not allow them to subscribe even to a weekly Washington paper during the whole year,have determined to issue, dutiug each session of Congress, a weekly sheet, sty I cd " The Congressional Intelligencer," to be devoted exclusively to the publication, as fir as its limits will per mit, of the' Proceedings of both Houses of Congress, and Official Reports and Documents connected therewith, inclu ding a complete official copy of all the Acts passed by Congress during the session. To bring the price within tho reach of every man who can read, trie charge for this paper will he for the first session of each Congress One Dollar, and for the second session ol each Congress half a Dollar. The price of the Congressional Intelligencer, to bo issued on each Wednesday during the approaching Session of Congress, will therefore be One Dollar, paid in ad vance. To enlnrge upon the value, to those who take no newspa per from Washington,of this publication, containing un im partial but necessarily abbreviated account of the Proceed mgs in Congress, including an authentic official copy of all the laws passed during the session, would tie need less. The nran who takes no such paper ought to take one, if lie docs not prefer remaining ignorant of what most near ly concerns hie own destiny, and thut of his family and his posterity for ever. ID*When six copies nre ordered and paid for by any one pet son, a deduction of one-sixth will be made from the price; thnllis to say, a remittance of Five Dollars will command six copies of the Congressional Intelligencer for the next session. A remittance of Ten Dollrnn will secure thirteen copies; and for Fifteen Dollars remitted from anyone person or place, twenty copies will be forwarded. (LrFayiut nt iu advunce in all cases is indispensable. Weekly National Intelligencer. This paper, being made up of such portion of the contents of the National Intelligencer proper as can he compressed within the compass of a single newspaper, continues lobe issued and incited to subscribers every Saturday at Tw o Dol lars a year, payable in advance in nil cases—no account be ing opened with subscribers to the weekly paper* To bring this paper yet more nearly within the reach of such as desire to take Ay the year a cheap paper from the seat of the General Government, a reduction w ill he made in the price of it where a number of copies nre ordered and paid for by nnv person or association at the following rules : For Ten Dollars six copies will he sent. For Twenty Dollnrs thirteen copies; ond For each sum of Ten Dollars, above Twenty, eight copies will be forwarded ; so that a remittance of Fifty Dollnrs w ill command thirty-seven copies. Washington, D.O., Oct. 7,1845. 5 if PROSPECTUS or THE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR, A Monthly Journal, devoted to the improvement of Southern Agriculture. EDITED BY JAMES CAMAK, of Athens, Gn. AUGUSTA AND MACON, (VYa JtMadiaon) STAGE NOTICE. 1 he Nearest, Cheapen, and only Route between these two important points, now in operation, llint runs direct!,, through without delay upon the mad. J I HAVING illmlifton on Alnnilnv, U vdne.dnv, nnd Frid.. J Marninzfl, .ftjr IhnnWv.l of tho Cor. from Aueo.i/ pn.ring by Lmauton, Cloplon’. Mill., Wouhi.villv. cLi. n’ «nd arrive nlMncon M 7 o’clock, P.»l„ ol.cre »« i,, f „"!,’ u^h^;, li,,euf F,,ur RETURNING. I.cuve Macon on, Tliur.d.v and Saturday nt2 n clock, A. M., pn«»ing throneh the .hov.’ named place,und nmviiig nt Mudiruu nl 3} o’clock I* u whore we will never fail lo conned with the duwnivuid truin' orCnr.lbr, "s lino 8,ii lfdgevi | lo and Monticcllo for Milledgovillo. LeaveMrulieon on Mondoy, Wcilncrday end r rldny mommy.,after the arrival of the car. from Ao/u.i. pa.aing Ihroueli Ealonton, end arrive at Milledreville it 5 n clock, I’. M. where we will connect with u dailvli,i„„r four hor.e Conchc. for Savunnnh end Mncnn. Reluming, leave Millrdgevilte on Tuc.dey, Thuradev.nd KSaai’ZSft-iWsrsf--' For Monticcllo, leave Madison on Monday, Wednesday nnd b ndny morning, after the arrival of the cars from A us hr.' la,passing by W hit fie Id’s, and arrive at Motiticelln hi i o’clock P.M. Returning, leave Monticello, mi Tuesdav Ihur.ilny "nd Saturday, at 8J o’clock, A. M., nnd arrive d Medi.nn el 3J o’clock, P. M. tB “ l Traveller, may rely upon Rood hor.e. and cnaelie. and solier and steady, and careful drivers. We hope bv pi. n H rcs&T public puuoL ^ SI . LANIER, “ Macon. WM. GOOLSBY, *• Monticello. N. HAWKINS, “ Miltedgeville. Col. BRYAN, “ Enlonton. Sept. 30, 1845. " AWm & BK, ° G8 ' '’^riefor,. STATE OF GEORGIA, tty GEORUli IP, CRA WFORO, Governor oj said State. A VACANCY having occurred in tho 29lh Congre*. „i the United Slate., ny the re.iftiialiim of the WASHINGTON POE, member elect from the Third Con gre.eionnl District of llii. Slate, Ido hereby ir.ue thl. niv proclamation, requiring the duly authorized officer. 0 f’. n :5 lli.trict to hold un election in their respective counlirj , „ MONDA V.tfie 5(hdnv ol Juumiry, 184li, in manner and fnnn ashy low pointed out, lo fill eniil vacancy, ui d that ihev cive certificates thereof. * * Given under my hand and seal of the Executive Depart- tneiit, ut the Capitol in Miltedgeville, this the Itith duv of October, A. D. 1845. 3 „ , GEORGE W.CRAWFORD. By the Governor: John S. E D. 4 jf A PROCLAMATION. STATE OF GEORGIA, tty GEORGE IP. C/£.4 IP FORD, Governor oj,aid state H AVING received information tlialn murder was commit ted on the 1 hi day of August, in llio enmity of Lownile. upon the body ofSiHUKL Maumien, hv DAVID W. KING’ who has lied fromju.linc, 1 have thought proper lo i.suc liiir.' my proclamation, offering a reward of Oek Hundred Dot.! lars, to any person, or prisons, who uiuv apprehend and deliver said fugitive, to the Sheriff, or Jailor, of l.owndea county. And I do moreoverchnrgennd require all officers,civil ond inilitnry.tu he vigilnut in endenvoriug id apprehend the said KING, in order limt he may bo tried for the offence with which he atunda charged. Given under my hand and the great seal of the Stale, at the Capitol in .Milledgevillr-, this lath day of September, A, If., 1845. GEORGE W. CKAWFOItD. IIv the Governor: N. C. BARNETT,Secr’v ol Stale. DESCRIPTION. The &nid KING is ubuut 23 years of age, thin visage, sw.nliy complexion, blue eyes, diirk linir, lias a down look and is aboul fi feet high. In m«l tilt ion to llic tiovernor’s Kownril, we will pay TWO IIUMlKED AND FIFTY 1)01.1.Alts for the delivery of the mid DAVID W. KING to any one of us, or (he Sheriff or J ailor of Lowndes county. A. MAULDEN, J. GROOVER, T. J. DENMARK, M. GROOVER, J. I.EE, 5 If J. S. GROOVER. New York City Advertisement. PRINT WAREHOUSE IN NEW YORK. To supply the city & interior trade by the piece or puckage No. 44 CEDAR STREET, (NEAR WILLIAM-6T.) L EE & BREWSTER give notice to Dealers in Dry Goods that they have removed their WARE-HOUSE for PRIN TED CALICOES EXCI USIVELY. from Pearl to 44 Cedar Street. By confining their attention lo PRINTS OlSLi ,L & B are enabled to exhibit an assortment fur surpassing uny ever before offered in America—and to sell at puces as l«*v. and gknekally LowKK.tliun those w hose intention is divided mong a large variety of articles. The .Stock consists ofsevkkal thousand patterns anl COLORS. KMRRACING EVERY VARIETY OE AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRINTS market—many styles oj which are got up exclusively for that own sales,and cannot be had elsewhere, cxcipt in second hmtds. Dealers in Prints will find it for their interest to examine this stock before making their purchases—they will have tho advantage ol learning the lowest market price, and compar ing all the desirable styles iu market side U\ side. Catalogues of prices, corrected with every variation of the market,ure placed in the huudsofbiiyers. Oet. 8, 1841. 2 tf FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. S TOLEN' from the Subscriber, in Campbell county, Go., on the 15lh of August inst, a negro hoy about twelve yeuis old, by the tiume of RAPE, belonging to Thomas Pitts,and hired by the Suheciiher ibis year, dark complected, large front teeth, large chin, speuks quick when spoken to, well grown to ilia age. Also, stolen the same night, by culling u bole iu my trunk, some twenty five or thirty dollais. The above reward will be given for the negro and thief, lodg ed iu tiny safe jail. or forty dollars for tli* thief, will) suffic ient proof to convict him; or ten dollurs for the said boy* lodged in any safe jail. J.C.8ILVEY. (D*The Columbus Enquirer nnd Wetumpku [Ala-] Whig will please publish the above three mouths, ami lor ward their accounts to me. J.C.8. Murilitisville, DeKalb co., Ga., Aug. 26. 48 I3t I N submitting to the Southern public the Prospectus for tho Fourth Volume of the -SOUTHERN CULT1VA- TOR,” which may now be regarded as permanently estab lished, the publishers deem it unnecessary to ndveit lo the high character the Work has attained under the editorial con trol of Mr CAMAK, and therefore make a direct appeal to the Plunters and Friends of Agriculture throughout the Southern Stairs, to aid them in sustaining a publication de voted exclusively to the cause of Southern Agriculture. The advantages and benefits resulting from Agricultural pe riodicals, livvc been fell nnd acknowledged bv the intelligent and reflecting Tillers of the Soil in all civilized nations; to bn most useful, therefore, they should he extensively circula ted among nil classes of Agriculturists; if pnssfble, they should he in the bunds of every mun who tills an ncre nfland, and to this end we invoke the aid of every one who Reis an interest in the improvement of the Agriculture of the South. The first number of the Fourth V olume w ill be issued on the. first ol Jnnouty next. It is published monthly inqnatto form, each number contains sixteen pages of mutter, 9 by 12 inches square. TERMS: One eojiy, one year, . • • $1,00 Six copies,” “ . • t 5,00 Twenty'five copies, one year, • • 20,00 One hundred **“*•• . • 75,00 The Cush Syatom will be rigidly enforced. The Cash must always accompanv tho order. J. W. dt W. S. JONES. Augusta, Nov. 1845. 10 ^ ALT—350 Sneks, large size, Liverpool Salt. A few Hacks of A luin do.—J ust received and for sale, by Nov. 25, 1845. 11 WRIGHT &. STETSON. FOR SALL, A FORTY Acre Lot, No. 611, in the 13th Dialrct, 2d Section,of Cobb county. The above lot w ill he soldon reasonable terms. I»v immediate application at this (>fli.*e. Mfcv*.l»49. W if KNIGHTS OF THE HORSE SHOE: A Traditionary Talc of llic Cockcd-llal Gentry of llic Oltl Dominion. By the author of the “Cavaliers of Virginia," dpc. ij-e. C 'lllAHLKS YANOF.V tin. tlm plensurc of informiim Ilia j Southern public, Hint lie will i.aue from liix Pre.i in Went Wntutupka, A In. iu a few weeks, the ubove mimed Nov el, hv n ilislinttuislted author teenling in the Srotr of Genrpiu. ThP. KNIGHTS OK TIIK IIOKSF. 8HUE will he ie- eued in Piituphlel form, 2 vole. 125 pegee, or more each.— I’rice 75 cte. per .ingle rnpy~ 9 enpire Idr $5; 20 eopie* for $10. CHAULlilS YANCEY, Wetumpkn, Ale. Aug. 5. 45 tf A CABD . - I T i. deemed by the Tru.lee. und Ue.ident Phy.icten *n the In.litUlion, pioluulive of lire beet inteieei. of the in mate. that noviaitore he admilled hcfoic 8 o’clock, A. M-,be tween 12 nnd 2, nnd after 5 1*. M.; and witliin thore liour.on* ly iu company will: the I’hmicinn or by his written pennit I" the Steward and Matron, except undor peculiar circuuiM«n- ccx. D.COOI’ER, Kc..Pliya.& Sunerinl. Aug. 12,1845. 47_lf WANTED) r OK .10,000 lb., of Pork, for the nee of the Peni’ ' lentiary ol Georgia, for which coall will he paid. P. FAIR, Inn peeler. Alilledgeville, Nor. 11,1845. _7Jh illAIL AKItANGEMENT. Northern Mail. Doe Doily, (except Sunday,) at 10a.m. Close. Ij,lily, “ oi9! a.m. Savannah Mail. Doe dnllv, (rxcept Mooduy .) al 3 p. M. Closes daily, •’ el 8p.m. Macon and Columbus Mail Dr* daily, (except Sunday,) at 3 P. m. Close, daily, “ si 8 p.m. Eatonlon Mail. Due Monday, Wednesday and Friday nl7 p. M. “ “ a 18 p.m. Monlicel/t Mail. DU KTliursdsiA.dEumta) si. P.M. CLOSE a Mauds, and ThuriOs, all P.»lIs Hnwknisville Mail. Closes Mondoy and Thursday nt 8 p.m. Florida Mail. Close. Monday, Wednesday and Friday nt 8 > ■*•- H. UAUOK.I r, p. M. 45