The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, December 09, 1845, Image 4

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ievik Solitary snortST'* *»«*>■• •old before tl>. Oourt-hfidaedoot in lit* town of Hr.,Crewf5r.lcuuniy,uiilh« »r.« Tn.»d.yJo Ml, wMM* th* idf,M whi MmjRo won ilrf*ta.,of , TCo., v«. Armstrong «nii | GEOBU'A, Haiti win COM Uly. Ynpeity pointed ant in uld H f«. I Ahee,W* hundred ol Uni •«* or Ibm. Noj. -0, Imllt || being fraction* in Mvenllt dmlricl, «r Old Agoii- k dtiim known ••ill* nUe* whoreuu Chri.lopher Cocltr.n »wltveo.lohiio*luode with 1 livid Hieaton and A. J. Pro.lotr, «Mon loMli.fy on* fi in from Burk* Superior Court, in >. BhnrtlT. 14 •I hour* ol Mint tbn W- __ •honl tw«nt)-****n year. old lijr ill* ' yellow completion ; l«*i*d on 10 «»ti»f> i i Cm wfcinl Superior Court, in favor »f _ fpVkZ.. Abraham Foard, Guerdlen of Willis* 0. Harris, Orph*»ef Ewkiel Harris, devested, appeared and presented 10 Iks Court s full and Anal receipt From Raid orphan, now mil ol hta mioeriiv; and iistithmed ths Court to grunt hint lotteie ol lliemiaion Irnin Raid Guardianship: Vt lon-Hiipoii it was ordered, that Ilia Clark of till* Court do laflus a citation, requiting all persons concerned to be nhd ap paaral ihe twit regular Term of said Court, <o he holder) on the second Muud-t) in January neat, to hIio« utuu, it uiiy they have, why aaid letter* Rtiuuld not ho grunted. It wee, also, further ordered, thul Raid citation he published according to legal requirement. A true extract from the minute* ofsaid Court, thin 15th No vendier, 1845. JOHN W. W. SNEAD, c. c.o. p**.!'Not. 24lh. (#4$. k. Wood 4tCn. v s. Thus. Coukrau and Chrlitopher op.nmlni.doyB^^ ifr [pm.umt- , !± Wu« Jaamary shcrlt’i «nle. town of W.wboro', Wore county, within the .‘M/lLLfcoMld ill the town of W.mboro', Wn ff cm Ik. tret T«*.d.v in J ANUARY ua.t, lit haute of tats the tblfowing property, to wit • [Out lot ef land is the filth diatnet or origiually Appling racounty. No. not known, being tha place whereon Sweat! formerly tired, containing four hundred and kw nteorlaw ; levied on aatlie property of Sain* ita. te aattafy two A laa issued fn in the Superior wms county, one in favor of N, Smith k Co., vs. idle, quo In lavor of Streeta & Pnugle va. Samuel i lot of Jand in the aeventh district of originally Appling Afar* county, Nu.35t>: levied on aa the property ol Hu uttsto satisfy two A fee taued front a Justice » Com! idhtrkt|U. M.,in fisvor of Seaborn Laslinger vu. David . Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.— r pointed out by defendant. FP 7 MILES J. GUEST, Sher.ff. ,, tm. 14 hferior Court, titling for Ordinary purposes, July Term, 184.). I T appearing to the Court by the representation of Mrs. Elisabeth Worthington, Kxern rix on the Estate of Halt* ett 11. tVarthingtoii, (JecHUrted.itiHt IIihshM Executrix has ful ly ad ninisicred on aaid Estate, und wishes to be distuirtHed therefrom: It ia therefore, on motion, ordered, That the Clerk of this Court do issue n oil rtf ion requiring all pursuin' concerned, to ehew cause, ifany they have, on or liefiro the second Mon day in January next, why aaid diRiuiRRiun eliouldnot In; grun ted—-and tuat fluid citation he published according to legal re quirement. A true extinct from the minutea,thia 7 th day of July, 1345. 41 mini) JOHN W. VV. SNEAD, c c.o. Di'Oiiulit tu lull, AT Uwinlon, yVilkiu.mi cuonty, CWttx, 11 negro man, who says hia name ia AN I HON r, about twenty-five Years of age, five leet rix or eight inches high,' miller yellow complexion, nod *ova tie belongs to n man Uvinf in Ornnse county, N. tby the name of Saiuly Cheek. . tie ownetor owsera are requested to come forward, prove properly, pay charge., ...I ..ko him *w^ RpaY Jai ,* or . Jolv I l,i>, 1015. ■* Brought to Jnil, THIS duv, a negro omit who save Ins name is PRANK,anti that he belongs to Jesse Heck, of Henry couniv.Ga. Said negro is of light com plexion, shoiit live feet ten inches high, speaks 1 quick when spoken to. The owner ia requested to / coinn forward, prove property, pay charges, ana him .why. f. A. BRANNON, SliirlfT. 1ii»cog*eco.,Jiily9, 1815. 48 ml'.’in or if IBVEUfiKt ’ i, *. kifa-ri^a fiT: m ilanitarr mortgage Sheriff's Sales. .LL t»e sold outlie tfrstTueflday in JANUARV unxt, . . before the Comt-honaa door in the town of Jackson, utta county, within the legal hours of itnle, the following "l?s iJegro rIsvs Lot, a man about 48 years old ; hia wife lilvia. abont 45 years old *, Fanny,a woman; Ede and l.eilie, Bilvia'achildren, young women (rum 20 to 25 years old; Fan ky*s two children, from one to four years old ; Ede’s children, Ikies In number, two hoys and one girl from two to six years 5i; a girl child of Lethe’s, about 15 months old ; also, Nil- ria'aother children,three hoys and a voung girl, from to ■fleea years old ; also, Bob, about 38 years old; also, Jim, ioutJfe years old; also, Elleck, about 31 years old. Uohl j the property of Morton Bledsoe, by virtue of a mortgage fi 4 from the Interior Court of said county, in favor of ChurleH Sailev and Gustavus Hend'ick vs Morion Bledsoe. Proper- October 30th, 1845. Bulls JVIortgage Slicrifl ’ts Sulc, TILL be sold heforo ilia Court-house door in the town of Jackson, Buns county, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, within ’the legul hours of sale, the fallowing property,to wit; , Fivonegroes,vi«—Jacob, Peter,Sam, Jim, und l'rnnkjlo- u) m. mm (l.m nrnn 'Tlv n f i-'nlint iltl <1 v*Ct* IlSl’ll . 1) V Vil'lUt* »d on prop nv uf J'i lilkl- - virtue r.mortnso ti f. trout til* Inferior (.'onft nf fireeu euunty, in Ivor of j'lMmit* U. Jutunii and cuntrulled by Bteplteu W. Price va. Ephraim Price. The abure named slaves pointed |kul io aaid mortgage ti ft No*.8l, 1845. Batts Jitnuary Sliei-iil ’s Sale. TILL ba sold before the Cnurt-bouse door in the town , . . ofJnclisnn, Untisoonuty, on Ilia lirat Tuesday in JANUAIIV next, within tltn usual Ituura of aalc.ihu ful- owing properly. t« »it t ... Fifty acres of land.more or lass, itbsm. tit i northeast cor •roflmtiNo. 114, in ilia 3d llistrictof formerly Alonroe, now Boltscountv.wlifreini Kicltard Enteral now lives; levied on is the property of lliclnrd Enteral, to satisfy twu ft fas from j Jnatic*'* Court iu favor of Thomas Foster vs Hicliard I'u- •oral. Levy made und returned to mo by »V. J. Carr, cunstu' Srie! o.u.i*. McClendon, u.shir. November 25.1845. 11 "is fidontgoiiicry Pos.poucd Nlicrill’s Sales. W L1. be sold before the Con rt-lioiise door el lilt. Vernon Montgomery Comity, on the firslTucsday in JANU ARY next, within tbo usual hours of sale, the following iroperty to wit i ,... On* uegro Imv tiv the name of I one.v, about Hurry years .old; alao, Bvo hundred acres of pine land, mure or less, in k eluding ilia improvements whereon Thomas Moseley now |n,M; also, two hundred acres of pine land, more or less, [including the improvement whereon James Corner now lives I—all of.uul lands lying intlie 51st Company District, and on Itho waters ofFendlelon and Tiger Creeks—nil of said pro- ■ party levied on us tltn property nf Clement I. Moseley, hBrantley Moseley, sr., anil Thomas Moseley, to eulisfy one ti [fa issued from the Superior Court ol aaid eoniltv in favor ot I Samuel Millur vs Clement T. M«.eloy, principal, nod Dranl- ! lev Moselev ar , and Thomas Moseley, securities. I'orl nf f said properly pointed out by plaiulio, and the balunce by J.M. WALL,Sheriff. Nov. 21,.1815. 10 A<tiaiiuj*ti‘3tti'i**s Sato. A GREEABLE to an order cf tli« Inferior Court of W county, while Hilling loronlinary purposes will ho Hold I befurs (he Guurt-liudse door in the town of Wareboro’, Wine t comity on the first Tuesday in January m*xt, between tl>t* f usual hours of sale (he I md and negroes belonging to the (estateof Henry Jojce, deceased. Sold for the benefit ,,f the l heirs and creditors. Terms made known on ihe day of sale. MILES J. GUEST, Adm’r. SARAH JUICE,Admr’x. Nov. 20, 1844. H GEOKtiU, Telfair Count} . W HEREAS John McLean, Admiuirttrator on the ea ol Allen McLean, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the same: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred und creditors of said deceased, to he und appear ut iny office, within the lime prescribed by law, to show cause,if aiiy they have, why said U tters of dismission should oot lie granted’. Given under my hand, ut office, this 3d da v of June, 1845. 37 ntfitn J NO F. McRAK. C. C. O. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. VTnrllEREAS James M. Folsom applies to me for letters VV ot Adininistiatiou on Hie estute of Gill Ihcrt D. Combe, late of said county, deceased : These ure therefore to cite and admonish nil and Cite kindred uud creditors of said deceased, to appear at my office within the time prescribed h snow cause, i f any they have, why granted. Giveu undern»> hand ut office, this 8th dnv of N 8 Iflt nguiur 1 letters should not lie -,1845. AUG. «. RAlFORD. Clerk. GEORGIA, Telfair County. W HEREAS Henry Cook, Jr. nnd Seaborn Hall, apply to me lor letters nf Administration on the estate ol llenry Cook, 8en., late of said bounty,deceased : These are therefore to cite and udmoiiish all and singular, the kindred and creditorsofsaid deceased lo he und appear i my office within the lime prescribed hv law. lo show causi if any they have,why said letters should not be granted. Given under my baud, ut office, this 5th day of Nov., 1845 V 5t JNO. F. McRAK, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Paulding County. W HEREAS William Adair applies to m« for leite Administration on tho estate of Allen Hiiburn, late oi said county, deceased: These are, tlicrelore. to cite and admonish nil and singula the kindred ami creditors of suid deceased, to be and appea ai my office, within the time prescribed hv law,to show cause, if uny they have, why euid fellers should not he grained. Given under my hand, at office, this 2fith day of Sept. 1845, 2 m6ui ' E. THOMPSON,C.C.O. GEORGIA, Bccaliir County. W HEREAS George W. Biuton applies to me for letter of Administration on the estate of Ephuly McGrifl lute of said county, deesuaed : These are,therefore, to cite nod admonish all and singul the kindred mid creditors olsaid deceased,to he uud appear nt my office within thetime prescribed by Iuw,Ioh!iu\v cuuse ifany exist,why said letters should not be granted Given under i 6m nv hand at office tliis20tlt day of Oct.,1845. JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. c. GEORGIA, Decatur CouAlly. W HEREAS Thomas Whiglinin, Administrator on tli estate of William Wfiigfiatn, lute ol said county, de ceased, applies for lelters of itisiuissioii from ruid Admiois ’i’hertH are. therefore, to cite and admonish nil nndtuoguln thekinqrtol und creditors ofsaid deceased, to he and appeu at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cuuse jf any they Itnve, whv said h»tiers should’ not he granted (ii’ven under mv hand at office, ibis 2d day of ftcpt., )845. 50 Cm JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. c. GEORGIA, Decatur Comity. W HEREAS Nathaniel II. Ilicks, Administrator on tli estate of William Brown, ,1,‘ceased, applies to m for letters of iJieinissioi)from said Admioislration; These are,therefore,lociteiiudadmonisli all and siuguluf the kindred and creditors of said deceased ,to he and appeu at my office within tlietiineprcscrihcd by law.toMhowcausi l any the v have, whv saidletters should not be granted. Giveu under ni\ hand at office, this 3d duv of O..tuber,IU45. s 6m JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. c. T GEORGIA, Nfcwioii County. [POLLED before ine, George W. Berry, n justice of tl ucc for the4<iIfli District, G. ill. h» Thomas Wright a black mare mule, supposed to h« six years old, branded withJ.H.nn the left shoulder, and lias the bellows. Aj i,raised hv Clark Brewer und Duvid McDaniel to he worl twelve dollars. GEORGE W. BERRY, J. P. November loth. 1845. A true extract from the Eatrny Book. W. 1). LUCKIB'C. 1. C. Nov. 18th, 1845. B»3t AHiiiiuistrntor’s Stilts W ILL he sold hy an order ol the Inferior Court of Telfair countv, on the lirst Tuesday in December next, lot No. f 222 in the 7th District and 3d section of origiually Cherokee, now Murray county. Also,on the first Tuesday in January nrxt.nt Jacksonville, Telfair county, lot No. I|3, known as the McAllister place, > and Nos. 166 and 167, all in the 9th District of said county, with the iticumbernnce of the »v*dow’s dower; and No. 59 in [ the 7th District of said county, and a negro woman 45 or 50 jears old. I Sold »»the property of William Studstill, sr. late of said ■ county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs nod creditors of E aaid deceased. Terms made known on the days of sale. WM. STUDS I lLL,jr. Adm’r. Telfair county, September 24th, 1845. I Afliu&nisirator’s Sale. A greeably to an order of the Honorahhi Inferior Court of Jasper CouQty, whon sitting for ordinary piirpoaes, will be sold before the Court-house door in Monticeliu. on l‘ f SrU February next, within the legal hoard of ua the lends and negroes belonging to the estate of Jesse i Spencer, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. CHARLES L. RIDLEY, Administrator. Oct. Nth, 1845. 3 td-4 GEORGIA, ill oil! go in f*ry Coiiniy. he minor iity, deer hil dren of James Calhoun, Ute ofwaid coi applies to me for letters of disinidninu from I diunship : These are, therefore, to ciie nnd admonish all uud singula those concerned, to ho and appear at iny office within the time prescribed hy law, to show cause, if any exists, why said letters should not he granted. (liven under mv hand nt office this Nov. 14l)i, 1815. 1(1 6\v FARUUIIARD McRAE, C. C. O GEORGIA, Wilkinson Comity. W HEREAS Martha Chambers Applies to me for letters of Administration on that purl ot the estate of William Chambers, deceased, not disposed of iu the will of suid W Chambers: These are, therefore, fo ciie ami admonish all and singu those concerned, tc show cause, if uuv they have, why aaid letters of Adminisirutiou should not be granted. Given uiidei my huud at office, this 24ih da * ol Nov, 1C45 11 5i ' AUG. B RAI FORD, Clerk. uroiitflit to Jnil,. A T Irwinton, Wilkinson county Georgia, e negro who says his name is GEORGE, about twenty*l'yo forward, prove properly, pay charges, mid tak who eeyn ...» ....... .- . , .. ms old, ruther yellow complexion, five feel six or eight ioclies high,nnd save lie belongs-to John Carter,nfColuin- * — “-queried to come ske him away. S. B. MURPHY, Jailor. July 14th, 1845. 4; * Drought to DnYlcu Jnil, O N the 2d day ol May last, a Neffm man slave, who says his name is JAMF.S.and liiul lie belongs to John Dory, of Burke county, and that he ran away about the 15tliof April. Said Imy is about five feet five or six inches high, dark completed; his back well nvitked with the whip. JOHN SMITH, Jailor m i. c; Oct.7. 3 4t Drought to Jnil. O N the Mill inst. n negro fellow by the name of PIIELIX. aheut twenty one years old, of yellow complexion, about five feet six inches high, w ho says lie belongs to General Reu ben C. Shorter, of Eiifanln Ala. T. A. BRANNON, Sli’ff. of Muscogee County. Columbus, .Sept. 24th 1845, I—ml2<oorlf. Notice to Debtors nnd Creditors. A LL persons liftvin?demands nfaiusl the esiate of James Exuiu. late of WilkinSonCounty,deceased, are request* d to render them in terms of the law; and those indebted to said estate, lo make immediate payment. JAMES ROSS, J. G. R. HOGAN, October 28th. 1845. Ex»rs. Notice to Debtors uud Creditors. A LL persona having demands ngaiuet the estate of Wii - fiam Smith, bile of Wilkinson county, deceased, are i< - I nested to render them in teims of the law; and those ic •• ebted to suid estate, to make iimneduite payment. JAMES ’ROSS, Adm’r. Oct, Q8ih. 1815. 6 Ct Notice lo Debtors nnd Crctlitors. A LI. persons indebted to the estate of Robert Ashorst,Jr ., deceased, late of Putimm county are hereby requesie d make immediate payment, and those having demand a sgniusl said estute will semi them in duly authenticated witt »- the time prescribe^d hv luw. JNO. M. ASHURST, Adm’r. Nov. 12th, 1845. 9 6t Valuable Lima and ]Uill-8eat for Salt *- sold in Entonton on the first Tnei •- day in J ANUARY, 1846, n portion of the ret I Msitife of Robert Ashurst, sen., deceased ; situ - ate on llie wafers of Murder Creek in Putnar i county,containing some three hundred nnd seven - -five acres,about one hundred and fifteen acres of whic !» e in n slate ofcultivntion, the remaining portion of which is well timbered,nnd limy he classed us first quality cotton Ian d. Besides the other inducements offered iu the sale of this va I* ihle property, it contains u fine Mill-Skat, with sufficici it water power for an extensive Merchant Mill, or Cotton Fine ry, and it- a most eligible site for either, as it is surround* <1 Mi wealthy ami prosperous community, thus affording u ndy market for floor or cotton Manufactures of every <1 e- ription. The above described properly adjoins the lands of Grigg s, Moreland. Farley and others,and i« sold under a provision of e will of the said deceasrd. (tj*Tenns made known on the dnv. JNO. M. ASHURST, Adm’r. tic bonis non f cum itsinmento annexo• Eninnton, Nov. 12th, 1845, 9 6t Valuable Hotel for Sale. THE undersigned is desirous of selling hit large and commodious HOTEL nt Knoxvillk . Crawford county. Attached to the premises are good out houses, stables, hack lots, gardens, &i: . See. The lltoel is the only one in the village of Kuoxvillo . and as it is on the main road from Mncon lo Columbus nnd Montgomery, Ala., the custom given it is much heller than other Hotels, in villages differently situated. Terms, to sui 1 1 lie purchaser. J.J. CARSON. Knoxville,Crawford co. Nov. 21, 1845. 10 tf IILAD QUARTERS^ Mll.l.KDGKVlLLK. IGlIl Nov., 1845. J To the Colonels or Commandants of Regiments com; os. tug the Second Brigade, Sixth Division, Georgia Militia: \ VACANCY having occurred by the resignation of II . H. TARVER, Brigadier General of ijn* Second Brig ade, Sixth Division of llie Militia ot this Stale, I have though't proper io issue this, my Proclamation, hereby ordering you , the said Colonels, or Commandants of Regiments, to cause nil elec inn lobe held on FRIDAY, the IGlh day of January next, m the several places of holding elections for Members of the General Assembly, giving due notice thereof, lor tha election of a Brigadier General lo fill llie. a torero id vacancy. And Ido further order, that returns of said election be made lo Head Quarters in the time pirscrihed by law. By the Commander-in-chief. 7 ' JOHN II. BROWN, Aid-de-camp. TO PRINTERS. Type I-otuidi Vila lei’s Furnishing Warehouse. rjlHE Subscribers have opened n ordc Paper. Cases, RULE, Compel r Type Foundry i Ad in ftu ft slra tor’s Sale* BLY to an order of the " Ll . Court of the County of Burke, ^^GREEABLY to an order_of the Honorable the Inferior t MUMS ry purposes, and in accordance with the will of Holdini vhile sitting for nrdi ing Bar ber, deceased, will be sold before the Court-house do<>r iu Campbeilton, Campbell county, on the first Tuend iy in Feb ruary next, one tract of laud known »» number 71, in the 7th District of originally Coweta, now Campbell county. Sold for division among the heirs of the lute Holding Barber, de ceased. Terms on the day. * P. B. CONNELLY, Administrator Nor. 95,1845. 11 wilh tha will annexed. Administrator’* Halo. ^^G EE ABLY to an order of the Infericr Court of Wilkin- GEORGIAS In the Superior Court of Hancock County, October Term, 1845. Present His Honor Junius Ilillycr, Judge Archibald Drake 'i IN EQUITY. William II. Price, impleaded with llerry Peeler and Benjamin Roberts, Adm'r. J I T being shown to the Court, that the defendant, William H.Price, ia bejond the jurisdiction of this Court : It is ordered, that h«* appear at the next Term of this Court i nd plead, answer, or demur to the hill of complaint in this < nose,nr that tlm allegations in said hill will he taken fcsHed by him ; and that n copy of this order be published once u month tor tour mouths in the Georgia Journal, previ ous to said Term. A true extinct from the minutes ol Hancock Superior Court, October 17,1845. U mlui JOS. T. SIMMONS. Dept. Clerk. . eon county, while sitting for ordinary purpo * "* * ’ i February next, befoi ruosea. wifi he sold on the first Tuesday ill February next', before the Court house door indie town of Irwinton, all the real estate he* longing to the estate of Allen Smith, late of Wilkinson coun ty, deceased. Terms of sale made known on the dav of i November 8th, 1845. JAMES VICKERS, Adm’i I ids Administrator’* Sale. tv,the 3d of Jan llisabelli Williams, iii Putnam county, all (lie perishable property belonging to tha suid Elisabeth WBiiatns, late of Putnam county, deceased.— Terms on the day. ELMORE CALLAWAY, Administrator. Nov. 21,1845.10 Executor’s Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of Wil kinaon county, while aitting for ordinary purpm “ ‘ ... )()| Wilkinson rposes, be sold before the Court-house door in Irwinton, «ounty,ou the first Tuesday in January next, between the tistisl hours of sale,the land and one negro belonging to the es tate of James King, deceased. Sold Tor the benefit of tin 1 heirs and creditors. Tsrma made known on the day of sale. JAMES KINNY, Executor. September 1st, 1845. 50 ids Elizabeth O’Diiimoii ) VS. I Libel Jor Divorce. William J. O’Baiinon.) In Wilkinson Superior Court, October Term, 1S45. I T appearing to the Court, from the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant >h not to he found within the limits of the county of Wilkinson, and it being also represented that the Bait! defendant resides out of the State ol Georgia ; ll is,on motion, ordered, that lie appear nod file hia umtwer on or be fore the first Monday in April next, or he considered in de fault : ami that service, ol this rule he perfected hy u monthly publication in the Georgia Jmur.ul for three mouths before the next Term of this Court. JULIUS L. LA TASTE, Ally, pro Libellant. Oct. 7th, 1845. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County• I, Thomas M. Tarplav, Clerk ol the Superior Court ofsaid county, hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true extrac from the minutes of said Court, ot October Term. 1815. Given under my hand this 31 si day ofOcioher, 1845. 7 m’.hn THOM AS M. TAKPLEV. Clerk. D°m Jttacon, Georgia, H AS removed to the new brick block, east eWe of Molly/- ry street, (immediately opposite his old stand,) amt is now opening i new nod fine stock of goods in his lim*, consist* ! — in pen of „ . . ine Gold ent| Silver I^yer, llorixontal, Patent and Verti* ticnl Escapement Watches. Gold Guard, Fob, and Vest Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Ear Rings, Gold Chain apd Hair Bracelets, Gold,8ilver. end Steel Spectacles and Eye Protectors, Gold and Silver Pencils. Gold Pens, (•old and Silver Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Silver Combs, Silver and Peurl Heb Slides, Gold Sleeve and Collar Buttons, Gold Studs and Chain Slides, Gobi Lockets, Hearts and Crosses; Card Cases, Steel, Silver and Gilt Beads, Head Ornaments, Jef Combs,‘Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Purses, Superior Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors, Rflaor’s and Razor Strops, Tooth, Lather, and Nail Brushes, Shaving Cream, Real German Cologne, Fink Silvkr Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Candle Stick?, Waiters. Cups, Snuffers and ’I rajs, Dixon’s Fine Ware in setts. Also, Coffee, and Tea Pots, Silver setts of Knife, Fork and Spoon, Spoons, Watch Standa, Fans, Perfumery, Fancy Goods &c. 0TAll of which will be .old nt the VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES. H atches, of every description, Itcpaired in tlie ties! manner! All Watches sold or repaired will he warranted to keep jood time, or the cash refunded. Watches sent from any part of the country will receive the same attention, and he. repaired on as reasonable terms as though the owner were oresent. All kinds orGold and Silver Work made to order. O’JkWHLRY OF fcVERY KIND NEATLY REP AI IlLI). Spectacle Glasses adopted to all ages. Also* for SnlCt _ One of Chickering’s Superior PftnilO ForlCS* in rose a «(.d case, full length iron frame, and warranted us flue an instrument, in every respect, as cun be found iu Georgia. C. K. WENTWORTH. Watch Maker and Jeweller, Mncon, N< v. 28,1845. East Side Mulberry Street. $15,000! #10,000!! SPLENDID ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class 47, fur 1845, Tobe drawn in Aleitaiidila.I).*;., «» Snttmlny, lb. ]3ili of December, 1845. Brillliint Scheme. I Ornaut Capital of $50,000! 1 Splendid Trite of 19,000! 1 do do. 10,000 J 1 do do. 9,000! I do do. 4,0041! 1 do do. 3,333! 90 Prize* of 1 ,OO0 lOO Do. 400 ■ 9-;i Do. 300 (See. &c. &c. 78 NUMBER LOTTERY—13 Drawn Ballots. Tickets &10—IIo)ves$A—Quarters #9 50. Certificates of Puckngcs of 26 whole Tickets, $14 STV notice. The Newest, Cheapest, and only Routs between these hn important points, now in operation, that rum directly fhenDrrJi 4Ht/loul «nnm ft,. * through unthaul delay .upon the road. (ING ll.4j.oo uu Monday, W.4ne.4.y, .ml Mornings, after llie arrival "f ib* Cat. from A L RAV Friday i. a t on ton, Cloptmi’s Mills, Blount*viUr,”(jfiI!JI‘’ lHMMM7.teMuT.Mw -l(er* L’hSS} I aBshs t-rtee, and a daily line of Four Horse Post passing by and arrive at tlie line for Conches for Cofnmbus. _ J ' and: named ] where * of Cars for Augusta. We also ruu s line to Milledgeville and Monticello for Milh-dgevilltf. Leave Madison on Monday, Wednesday and 26 Half do 26 Quarter do $140 00 70 00 35 00 WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE- THE Subscriber is this day open ing at his old standa splendid assort ment of Gold and Silver of the most improved makers, com- prising a greater variety than ever be fore offered, at reduced prices. JHIPAXKl’. A grent variety, ami the latest style, embracing, in part. Breast Pii.s. Ear nnd Finger Rings, Gold nnd Enamelled Guard and Fob Chains, Seals mid Keys, Gnldand Enamelled Pencils, Gold Pens nnd Thimbles,Gold und Silver Spectacles, Gold Bracelets with pins to match. StleVJER A* PJL.lTMCn WMXtf OF ALL KINDS. Fit e 'fable Cutlery in setts of 52 pieces, Dining and Des sertKn'ves and Forks, Teu Trays in setts and single,Castors, Branch Candlesticks, SmifiVm und Trays, Chamber Candle sticks. Fine Assoitnmnt of Poii und Pocket Knives, Scis sors, Fine Razors and Strops. Double Dnrrellcd Guns, Shot and Game Bags, Powder Flasks, Musical Instruments, Accordions, Walking Canes, llatr, Tooth, Noil and Shaving Brushes. Lord Lamps, Suspending, Hull, Side and Hand Lamps. PeurLShell and Ivory Card Cases, Fino Steel Wrought Bags und Purses, SHEET !?■ ESIC, With a great variety of Fancy Articles* The stock has been selected by the Subscriber with gt mire at the lowest cash prices, and is offered at a small ad- \ -anee on the cost. The public (and strangers visiting our city) are respect- f ullj invited to call and examine the articles and prices at the dd stand opposite Union's Hotel. OTIS CHILDS. N. B. WATCHES AND TIME-PIECES, of every de* tcription carefully repaired hy experienced workmen, WARRANTED. Persons from a distance sending watches for repairs may tepend on having them promptly nnd ratthfiiiiy attended to, tnii as cheap as at any other place in the State. REPAIRING of all ‘ ' 1 * ttlended lo, (LFSPECTACLES of all kinds, Periscopic,Concave nnd 'Convex Glasses, constantly on hand to put to old frames at ihort notice. * O.C. Milledgeville.Oct. 21, 1845. 4 tf J. WASHBURN A WILDE!It, 1#*$60,000 !^e In 6 Prizes of ALEXANDHIA I.OTTEHY, Class 48, for 1845, To bo drawn at Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday December 20, 1845. SPLENDID SCHEME. O Capital* of$10,000, nmonntine to 60,000 Dollars! 3,500 Dollars! 3,340 Dollars t *• VB.IZBS or 1,000 DOX.X.AKB I! onn 3° °t 400 Dollars! 900 . ,l ° of 300 Dollars! <}•«• &C- SrC. 75 NUMBER LOTTERY—13 Drawn Ballots. Ticket. $10— Halva. |5—Quarters $2,50. Cerlificnles ol Packaees of25 whole Tickets, ft 30 <•» do 25 half do 65 Uo do 25 quarter do 32.50 • 1,000 .. 400 l kinds, and ENGRAVING promptly $35,294 ! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, , , Class No. 49, for 1845, lobe drawn in Alexandra, D.C., on Saturday, December 27th, 1845. GRAND SCHEME! yWKBKi 0,073 Dollars! 79 Prizes of. 440 do .... dec. fee. &c. I ickcte $ 10— Halves fn—Quarter* f2 50. Certificates ol Packuges uf26 Wholes, $140 00 {, do 26 Halves. 70 HO ir-=c , r .... do 28 Quarter*, 35 00 CTOrder* for Ticket, and Share, and CerliBcatee olTack- ages in the above Maonii ickntSchf.mks will receive nronmt attention, and an account of the Drawing will be nntimma- dtntelynfter Itmoverloallwlioinay order front us. Add.ees, O.t.HtGORY Ac Co., managers. “ Washington City, L>. C. A .. NOTICE. *-V P ,rs< >n. “re. hereby cautioned nguinst trading Air and “ n °'“- fiVe . folr ,hir, y dollar, e»ch, and one Tor fifteen dollar*, amounting to one hundred and •ixty-fivedollars ; made by John J. Damard and William E. Ilamard, dated third day of December, in lit. year 1844 and nhev 'uMienreV >««. P»>“ble dlo.lXr- ‘{.h-n’ „ T r ’ ^dminwtrotor on the estate of Surannah John*on, deceased; and the maker* of said note* are cau tioned agonist flaying the.nme to any one hut myself, a. the notes have been stolen from iny possession. Nov. 11 il,, 1845, JOSIAH MURPIIEY. 7 tf U BEHOLD! savannah, oa. JOSEPH WASHBUUN, JOHN H. WILDER. Aug. 12. 46 26 THEODO$I(J$ B. DAVIES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILLEOGEVILLE, Ga. to anv extent, for otiv kind of Job or Taney Typo, Ink , • ' Gulleys, 'liras. Rule. STKKI, COLUMN mpueing Stick*, Climes, uud every article fei ;u rriu:ing Office. The Tyt»e, which are cast in new motildH, front an entirely new net of unitHztis, with deep counters, an* warranted JO he ummrpuflHed hy any, nnd wilt he Bold at prices to t*uii tlie tiinee. All the type furuitfhed bv iibis “hand cbal’* Printing Pieseert lurnirihed, ami aUu Steam EngineR ofthe inoflt approved putteriiR. ('oiHtmRiliou Rollers cbpI for PrinteiR. F.ditorH uf uewflpnperfl, who will buy three times as mud. type hr their hills amount to, may give the above six months insertlonm their papers, and flenii their papetB contuming i t to the Subscriber*. COCKCROFT & OVEREND. Sept. 9. 50 6m 68 Ann Street, New York. FURNITURE AND HOUSE CARPENTRY. xoitKItT D. HALL (successor of ll . Lord,) baa cot hand, makes to order, and repairs all kinds of 1I1FDICAI, CAKE. OCTOR FAWCETT, of 196, Fulton street, New York riOLTI MONTHS after dote apniicat JF iiiitdo to the Honorable the Inferior (Jonrt of Putnam ill be W 1 of Putnameounty. deceased, on Thursday, the I hi ^sy of December next, all the perishable properly ludongiiq: | to the estate of iinid deceased, consisting of corn, fodder, hor- •ee,mules, cattle, hogs, sheep, household and kitchen furni line, farming utensils, Ac. Hale to continue from day t» da\ till all is sold, and terms to he made known on the day. AMOS E. WARD, E xecutor, W.y.fb.r 18th, 1844. 111 M* Cuntton* IiiIm. A GREE a III. Y to .n order of III. I.feriur Court of Wil klmmncounly.wbil. utlingfor ordinary purpn.i-*, wil Iw Mid before the Court Houm door In IrwiiHnit.on Ihr first Tunday in February n.xt, between III. tisa.1 hour, of snle, «h. Itna and Mgroe*belonging,o ikctaieof Jam.. Exum. tain of Mid county,,.nld fnrlh. benefit of the heirs a*4 Tarinain.d.knnwnnndnvnf sale. JAMES ROAR, J. G. R. HOGAN, t Dec. 9,1*15. - H »<l«- vhile sitting foi o unary purposes,for leave lie negroes of Hubert Ashurst. Jr., deceased. JNO. ill. ASHURST, Adn’i Nov. 13th, 1845. 9 (714)Hit niONTilrt ul’icr «1nl« n|iplicalioli will be A 1 tiutife to the Inferior Court of Lowndes cunoty, when rilling for ordinary puriiuses, to sell toe estate of James Pat- leu, late of Lowndes county, deceased. Oct. 87,1345. WILLIAM PlTTEN.Adtnr. 174011 It MONTHS after duie application v A’ to tli. huuu ruble the Inferior C’puri of Wilkin CJAI.T—540 Backs, largn nine, Ltycrpaol Sail. A ftw CT s.ekuf Alum do—Ju.l and for rele hy Nnv.9fi.IH5. K WKIGIIT A STEtBON. root IALB. A PORTT a*r* lot, No. fill, ia ih. ISlIt Di.tricl, 2d Cobb eoitniy. .ill he widen lllrtdf ^ _ unty while silting for ordinary purposes, for leave losell the real estate ul Allen Smith, lute of suid count v, dec eased. JAMES VICKEkS, Admiuieiratur., Sept. 11,1845. 51 I 7YOUIt itfONTHS after dale, application will he ' made to the llonornhlc Inferior Court of WilkiiiHou euinty, whiloaiiting for ordinary purpose#, Lir leuvatn sell the laud Sc negroev belonging to the ornate of John Eudy, lata of said county cleceaaed. HENRY EADY, Administrator. Sept. 5th, 4845 "ClOFtt MONTH# after data application will he Me mada to the Honorable Inferior Court of Decstureonii- ty, wbse silt Jef for ordiaary purposes, for leave to eell the reel estate of Chariot Garner, fete of eeiri coorty, deceased. - - - — - - iniati ft lie Royal College of Surgeons, of l.ondi arid F.ditdungli, and Graduate of the JtfTermin Medical Col lege of Philadelphia; also, nutLor of a work embracing the following subject*, viz:—Matrimony, Impotency und {Sterili ty, anatomically, physiologically,’and medically explained, with a comprehensive exposition of the nature and modem treatment of Syphilis, Secondary Symptoms, Gonorrhoea., Gleet, Stricture’s, Nocturnal Emissions, and all the conse quence* arising from self pollution. Doctor Fawcett contin ues his private, consultations on the abovetnentioned diseases., at his long estnhliHlicd office, 196 Pulton street, where tin* most aggravated forms nf all nffections of the generative or gans will yield to his inode of treatment, without restraint in diet or exercise, nnd witlumt mercury. Even when the pro creative energies become torpid or purnlyzed, front excessive indulgence, or from masturbation, he will i>e able to restoie the parts to Ite.nlih and vigor. Persons ut a distune**, enclos ing $1, can have a copy of the work. Alilefter* must he pb«t paid, ami directed to Dr. II. Faw cett, 196 Fulton street, New York. A up. 26. 48 Cm IHFItCFR UNIVERSITY* T HE University comprises a Theological, CollegUto and Academical Department. THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT. Faculty.—Kev. John L. Dagg, D. D., Professor of Sya- loir, a tic Theology ; Rev. J. L. Reynolds, A. M., Professor o ’ Biblical Literature; Rev. N. M.Cruwfoid, A- M., Profesaoi (elect) of Eccleaiasticul History. 'J’ltc course oi studies in this Department embraces oil the branches usually taught iu Theological Schools of the lira t order, including Hebrew and, if desired, Chaldee, COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. Faculty.—Rev. John I. Dsgg. D. I)., President; Rev, P. 11. Moll, A. M , Prof, of Languages; B. O. Peirce, A. M-, Prof, of Chemistry and Nutunil Philosophy ; S. P. Sanford, A. M., Professor of Mathemniics; Rev. 25.0. Htllyor, A. M Professor (eh’ct) of Belles Lettres. The course of studies io the College is as full as in any kindred institution in the South. ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT. Rev. Thomas 1) Martin, A. B., Principal. The Students in this Department are prepared for Collect' under the direction of the Faculty. EXPENSES. Tuition,in the Co!l**giute Department, $35 for the admin*- tic year; in tlie Preparatory Department.$25; in the Theologi cal Depart mentt/n'e. Board from 7 to $8 per month. Waalting, Room rent, ke», about $2,00 per month. Tim first sertrtiou commences on the 2d Wednesday in Aa* gust, and closes on the 30th of Nov«>mbrr. Tbe’Jnd session begins on the 15th of Jonnmv, nnd closes with the Commencement Exercises ou the 2d Weonesday hi July. For the course of studio* in tho several departments, in de tail, refer to the Christian Index, orappiy to one of the Pro- feasors. O* The Chronicle nnd Sentinel.nnd Constitutionalist, Au gusta; the Whig end Banner, Athens, fheMouthern Recorder X\. stoutly Furniture. All kinds of HOUSE CARPENTRY done in the best jiomier.und low. Ail kitidrt of PaintHcan lie liud ready for use. Glasscutto inv size,and Glazing done. Also, Glass for Picture frames, Ate. of various sizes; Hard ware Trimmings for Furniture, See., and Mahogany Black Walnut Draw Knobs, ike. Ladies will pleuse call ut Mr. Newell’s Store, where they , /ill he conducted into tlie Shop and cun see the Furniture. Mi'iledgeville, June 10, 1845. * " 37 tf Congressional Intelligencer.* r fl^HE Proprietors of the National Intklligknckr. im J. der to meet the wishes of those whose «ircumMHtices i idinntion do not allow them to subserihe even lo a weekly \ V ashing ton paper during the whole year, have determined to h .Bite, duiing each session of Coi.gtees,n weekly sheet, sty I e d * The Congkes ional Intklligenckk,” to he devoted e sclusively to the publication, us fu mb its limits will per il lit,of the Proceedings of both Ilouaes nf Congress, and t 'fficial Reports and Documents connected therewith, im ' di .tig n complete official copy of all the Acts passed by Cong\ d wring the session. l o Tiring the price within t he reneh of every man who md, tne charge lor tins paper will he lot theytaf session of flch Congress One I tellur, and for the second session ol eat-' longress half a Dollar. The price of'the Congressional Intelligencer, to lie isued ou eucli Weduesduy during the upproaching ssion f Congress, will therefore be One Dollar, paid in ad- anee. To enlarge upon the value, to those who take no newspa rr from U ashingfon,ol fhis ptihlicalion, containing ou im- p-nriial hut necessarily ahhrevinted account of the Proceed ngH in Congress,including un authentic official cony of n he laws passed timing the session, would he need ess. The man who takes no such paper ought to take one. f lie dties not prefer remaining ignorant of what most near- y concerns his own doutiny, und that of his family und his I Posterity for ever. IQ 3 When six copies are ordered anti paid for hy any one p ersnn.a deduction of one-sixth will he made from the price; hat is to say, a rein it fanes ol Five Dollars will command six opies of the Congressional Intelligencer for the nextsnnsion. t remittance of "len Dollrua will st-cure thirteen copies; and I or Fifteen Dollars remitted from uny one person oi place, l wentv copies will bo forwarded. UT l’uymi nt iu advaucc in all cases is indispensable. Weekly National lulellftgenccr. This paper,being made up of such portion of tlm contents o-f the National Intelligencer proper as cun be compressed 1 \ vilhin the compass of a single newnpapei, cotifiiineti to he i touted nnd mailed to subscribers every Saturday at Two Dol- I nrs a year, payable in advance in all coses—no account he- i «g opened with subscriber* to the weekly* paper. To bring this paper yet more neuily w ithin the reach of smell as desire to lnke’//y the year a cheap paper from the i mat of the General Government, a reduction will be made in t he price of it where a number of copies are ordered and I tain for hy any person or association ut the following rates : For Ten Dollars six copies will he sent. For Twenty Dollar* thirteen copies ; and For each sum of Teu Dullnra, above Twenty, eight copies will he forwarded ; so that a remittance of Fifty Dollars will command thirty-seven copies. Washington, D.O.,Oct. 7,1845 5 “1 bring you good tidings of great foy, which shall be to all people.*» PULMONARY ELIXIR. |lR* RICONSON respectfully informs the citizens of Ai. u^ V J".f 0U ?.'- V ' !‘ m J 1,6 h ““"“ w «n Agency nt Mr. oil Ali AIN 25 Drv Goods Store, two aiticles of Medicine viz* E»*« p ,and- Cathartic Pills. Ur *^B* Pledges htmselfto the public that the ELIXIR will cure Colic in five minutes, either with man or beast—relieve Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, Cramp, and Croup inn few hours, or do vs at most—and for Asthma, will give relief in ten minutes. For public speakers, its equal is not known, in the perfect restoration of the voice to its natural tone. All oh- etructions of the breast immediately removed by a few dos. s ol the Elixir. And in confirmation of wliot l here state, mv agents are all instructed in refund the money in every case of failure, whore a fair trial has been made with the medicine. ^ CATHARTIC PILLS. These Pills are purely vegetable—warranted to he mild in their operation possessing tonic nnd stimulant properties; ami will he found useful m nhnost ull clusses of disease. For rostiveness, or irregularities of the system, they are without u [> 'rullU. The boxes are large, und put up in neat and por table st) le. 1* amities will find it to be great economy in the purchase and use of these Pills. If the Cathartic Pills fail to orove what I have stated above, or wliut may ho stated on the bills, the purchaser can return the empty box and lubel to the Agent, and the money will be “funded. Respectfully, J . „ . F. 8. BRONSON, M. I). J. If. Blinhan, A?<*llf, Milledgeville, Ga. 12 Friday mornings,after the arrival of the cars from Augusta passing through Eatonton, ami arrive at Milledgevil| e ■■ 5 o’clock, T. M. where we will connect with a daily Tmeof four horse Coaches for Bavannah and Alacon. Returning, leave Alilledgeville on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 3 o'clock, A. A!., passing by Eatonton, and ar rive at Aladisoit at 3ft o’clock,! 1 . AI. For Monticeliu, leave Madison on Alondsy, Wednesday and Friday morning, after (be arrival ofthe cars from Align*.’ Travellers may rely upon good horses and coaches, and sober and steady, and careful drivers. We hope, hy good and close attention to share a part of the public patronuae C.H,CAMPBELL, Agent, Madison. ST. LANIER, “ Macon. WM. GOOLSBY, “ Monticello. N. HAWKINS, “ Milledgevilfe. Col. BRYAN, •• Eatonton. HAWKINS Ac BRIGGS, Proprietors. Sept. 30, 1845. ] J STATE OF GEORGIA. By GEORGE W. CRA WFORD, Governor oj said State. VACANCY having occurred in the 29lh Congress of the United States, by the resignation of the llonurabl* WASHINGTON POE, member elect from the Third Con* grcpgionnl District of this State, ldo hereby issue this, my proclamation, requiring the duly authorized officers of said District to hold an election in their respective counties,on MONDAY,the 5th day of January, 1846, in manner and form ashy law pointed out, to fill aaid vacancy, and that they give certificate!) thereof. Given under my hand and seal of the Executive Depart ment, at the Capitol in Alilledgeville, this the I6thdsy ol October, A. D. 1845. GEORGE W.CRAWFORD. A PROCLAMATION. STATE OF GEORGIA. Hy GEO ROE IV. CRA WFORD, Governor ojtaid Stall H AVING received itifurination thato murder wo* commit. led un the l*t dsy of August, in the county of Luwmlei, u|><m the body of sLtvuxL Mavi.veh, hy DAVID VV. KING, who hns fled from justice, 1 have thought |>ruperto issue this, iny proclamation, offering a reward ul One Hundred Dol lars, to uny person, or persons, who inay apprehend and deliver said fugitive, lo the Sherifl', or Jailor, of l.owndsi county. And! do moreoverchnrgeand require all officer*, civil and military,to be vigilant iu endeavoring to apprehend the said KING, io order that he may be tried for the offence with which he .land, charged. Given undermy hand and the grent seal of the Stole, a, lira Capitol in Milledgeville, Ihi. loth day of September, A. D., 1845. GEORGE W. CRAWFORD. Hy the Governor: N. U. D ARNETT, Secr’y ol State. DESCRIPTION. The said KING ix about 28 jenrs of age, ibmvinga, win thy complexion, blue eyes, 1'rk hair, hsB a down lnuk und is about 6 feet high. In ndditioii to the Covcrnoi-’s liewnnl, I Will pay TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS for the delivery of the paid DAVID W. KING to any oueof us, or llie Sheriff orJailorof Lowtnle. county. A. MAULDF.N, J. GROOVER, T. J. DENMARK, M. GROOVER, J. I.EE, 5 tf J. 8. GROOVER. New York City Advertisement. PRINT WAREHOUSE IN NEW YORK. To supply the city & interior trade by the piece or packs|* No. 44 CEDAR STREET, (NEAR WILLIAM-BT.j L EE So BREWSTER give nolieo lo llenler* in Dry Goode that they have removed their WARE*HOUSE forPKlft. TEI) CALICOES EXCLUSIVELY,front Penrllo44 Cedar Street. By confining their attention lo TR1NTS ONLV ,L A 11. are enabled to exhibit ail assortment far aurjmseing n; ever before offered in Atnericn—and to well at prices na low. and GENERALLY tow**,than those whose attention is divided among a largo variety of articles. The Stuck consists of several thousand patterns ASD COLOR*. EMBRACING EVERY VARIETY OE AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRINTS in market—ninny tty let oj which arc got up excltiiitclylor tktw own ,aid,and cannot be had cl.ewhere,exapliu lecaint Dealers in Prints will find it for their interest in examine this slock before making their purchases— they will have tbo advantage oilearning tho lowest market price,nnd cutupur- ing all the desirable styles in murkel side by side. Catalogues of prices, corrected with every vanohoa ef Us market,are placed in the baudsofbuyers. Oet. 8, 1844. 2 lf Ncu.York Cllf Advertisement. S II ER WOOD’S VIBRATORY MAGNETIC MACHINE. rntti and Joumnl 9 Mill«*il**yillf; the Republican and Qeorgintia Bavannah, and tha Enquirer and Time*. Cotumbua. are re queued to nubliiih the above once a month for five months and forward their accounla for nettleuient to tho Treasures, ThnmoMJ J ^trt««v,Madison. Valuable Plantation for bale* T HE subscriber* hold for sale, a Plantation fn lh« upper part of the 15th diatrict, Sumpter countv, adjoining Mr. Jnftiah Scrutehina and others, containing 131 b acres.—Also 475 acres iu the same county, 28th district, well limbered pine land ; with a auw mill, on Mill creek, convenient lo the tim ber. Alao, a plantation In the 3d District of Baker county containing UfiOOacrea, every superior tract of la ml combining fertility, good water,healtlnneaa. All these places have im provements upon them. Pereow* disposed to treat for throe lauda are requested to address the iindereifne$l personally, or by letter at Augusta, and those in tho neighborhood, are re ferred te Mai. John Cnvrnrt, of Amerlcus, or Mr. Josinh rthe asms county. ROBERT F, POE, 1 > edm'rs. ef tbn ns WILLIAM J. EVE. > tote of Paul Fils- GEO. W. CRAWFORD, ) simmons. dec'd 23,1845 58—101. The Federal Union, Georgia Journal, Savannah Rn- A Ibaur Patriot, and Columhi ““ Sept 23 I BT Tin • pubRwo. F1FTV DOLLARS REWARD. S TOLEN from the Snhseriher.ln Campbell count*,G..,o« the 15th of August Inal, n negro boy about twelve jeir« util, hy the name of RAFE, belonging to I honia. Pilti,.H hired hy the Subscriber Ihia year, dark complected,lun front teeth, large chin, .peak, quick when epuken le, well grown to his age. Alau, stolen the same night, by culling, hole in my trunk, some twenty five ur thirty dollar*. The above reward will he gi.en fer the negronnd thief, lodg ed ill eny aefe jail, or forty dollar* lot tin thief..mill feme- iout proof lo convict him; or ten dollars *°e llir .old Ijojr. ' .deed in any suie jail. r»i. l ickl. DT-Tbe Coliiinbti. Enquirer nnd \\ etmupka [Ale ] Whig ill please puhli.h the above three months, and lorwnnlthell 48 13t ' will please pul accounts to me. Marlliusville, DeKalh co., Ga., Aug. -6, Vibratory Movement recently substituted for the Iiot'ir), in this Machine, by the subscriber, piiiIowh it with an extraordinary superiority over every lorn, in which it lias been constructed. It is compactly fitted together with Us buttery, w ires.and other appliances, in neat mahogany ca n's. ol several sizes and powers,ut (two sizes,) $11 aiul$l6 each ; and forwarded to older, to any part of the Union, the CannduB, West Indies or South America. Each case is accompanied with a Manual (7th edition, pp. ■ a. « mn.J—tnc^lulling a complete Muoual of the Practice ol Medicine, with a very full Glossary—giving clear and am ple directions for the use of the ioHiruincnt iu tha various di*- eaMes to which il ia applicable, and which are found, hy the successful practice of hundreds of operators, to include the most prevaluot, an well as the most peculiar and obstinate, that are known to the medical profession ; with the proper Medicines for each case. A. II. SHE IIWOOD, M. I>. ***84 102 Chamber st.. New York. KNIGHTS OF THE HORSE SHOE: A Tl-nrtltlonnry Till* oH llie Cockfd-Hw Gentry of llie Old Dominion. By the author of the ‘ Cai aliertaf Virginia," <f* 4<- ( 111 AKLKS YANCEY ha. tbo ptrnauro uf informing tn j Southern public, that ho will issue frum In. I m*» West Wetumpkn, Ain. in a few weeks, the eboven.aied nor- el, hv a dietinguialtetl author residing in llie State ol Ororg«. I-IIE KNIGHTS OF THE HORSE SHOE will l*«- Sited ill 1-uu.phlel form,2 vola. 125 page*, or toori entdte- I'rice 75 els. per single copy- 9 c.ipte* fer $-i; -8 JS'J?’" $10. UIIAIU.ES YANCEY, Wetiimpk.,Alt. Aug- S. 4 '‘ “ - I T i. deemed by the Trustees mid Resident i’hysieiaR !• tho Instlttilien, promotive or the he B t ii.terestf uf »» male. Hint novi.itui. he ndmtlted before 8oclocll,A. tween 12 end 2, and .fte. 5 T M.; .ml within those ly in et.mpany with the Flivsician or by his written prmnt'* the steward andJIatmn, e.eept under peculiar D.COOFEK, Res. Fliys. So Superml. Aug. 13.1815. PROSPECTUS OK THK MOUTH IS RN tll/nVATOU, A Monthly Journal, dr voted to ihe improvement of Southern Agriculture. EDI l’ED BY JAMES CAMAK, of Athens, Ga. I N submittinir to the Southern public the Prospectus for the Fourth Volume of the “SOUTHERN 0ULT1VA- which ttmv *iow he regarded as permanently estab lished, (he publishers deem it unnecessary to udvert to Ihe high character the Work lisa attained under tha editorial con trol of Mr- CAMAK. and therefore make i direct appeal to tho Planters uud Friends of Agriculture throughout tha Southern Stairs, to aid them iu sustaining a publication de- votod exclusively to the cause of Southern Agriculture. The advantage* and benefits resulting front Agricultural pe riodicals, hwe been foil and acknowledged bv the intelligent and reflecting Tillers of the Soil in all civilised nation*; to bo most useful, therefore, they should he extensively circula- toil among all classes of Agriculturists: if possible, they should ho in the hand* of every man who tills tli acre of Una, end to tliiu end we invoke the aid of every one who frets an iuterest intlie improvement uf the Aariouliure of ijta Sooth. The first number of the Fourth V olume will he issued on the first of January next. It is published monthly iuqnerto form, each number contains sixteen pages of nietter.9 by 12 inches square. TERMS: Sff^EsT^: nss WANTED, a r OK yv.vot* III*, of Po,k, Tor .... »«• - •••; 4O lenti.ry ol Uoorgi., for wlurh j lt ..... MIIUdgoYilte, Nov. 11,1845. ' ' ? Jl FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, CJIPMTJSMj *300.000. rnllE NEW-VORK CONTRABUTIONKlIli; I INSURANCE COMPANY h.vinra»iubli*lietl».*fil- ey in KttoxvtLUt.Urnwforflcounty.wifliniur. BUILDINGS, MERCHANDIZE, HOUSE HOLD FUR.UTURE, Z UTtr3rd9K,ip,ion A*HUK*T & MOiTIATABI, attoknien at law, Eatonton, On-, Will practise in all the Counties of Ihe Ocmulgee Circuit. Dec. 17. 13 If mail, abkanoement. Northern Mail. Due D.ilv, (axerpt Huoday.j .* 1® *■ -• Ulo.ii Doily. “ *' Savannah Mail. Do* daily, (»xce,.t Monday .)*t 8 r. u. Clo... daily, *V, Macon and Columbus Mail Do* dally, (except Sunday,) .1 5 r. *.. ULo.Ii daily. " V. 8 Eatonton Mail. Due Monday, \Vedue«l.y andFrld.y .I7F.*. C, • 0 ‘ ,I, “ MonlitelloMail. * " Ko%Yi7«?«;y3i;.s>.!t. Hawkinsvtlh Mail. Thu Ch Hy.t.ui will he rljld]/ enforced. The Uheh i«u.l*lwtjreeecomptny tlie order. Ibht CLo.ce Mnud.y and Thureduy tl • r. e Ug»b Flared* Maul. Florid* Ctue*. Heud.y. Wed*ued«yj*d Ftg