The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, December 12, 1845, Image 3

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.-a jiy c#ur**. V V ib»ro M rry fault I in aur conra# ro. lafivc to llio Tariff, it i«, that tvc niny liavo been tob ultra, olthVV fof Ilia ’WTiIj# of, (for both parti#a in Ooorgia now profeao about-the aamo tiling,) in our opposition to principle# of protection- anil Inboring umler this impression, we nnVcr supposed for a moment, that any one Who read onr paper,'or who knew any thin; of our course, could draw such an in- lorenow. Although we have not (like the Democratic press,) harpid from week to i reek upon a Protective tariff ^-expressed onr opposi/iou to it, and its supporters, and rAenlaujk'd to the skies its supporters and those who have aasiktenin fastening tho system upon the country, yet upon alt proper occasions wo have given our views in a manner that could not be'misumlerstond. As, for in- stance, tel what follows, show. In May, 1844, hut tlirco or four mouths before the publication of tho “Al bany Speech,” when Mr CrupPSt-r. was paving the way to abandon his principles and tho Whig party, he re quested us to publish Ins letter “to the People of Geor gia." We complied with his request, and in the same paper. acconi|iatiying the address, will be found the fol- lowing: "Mr. Chappei-t.'s Address.—At I lie request of Mr. Clmppoll, we insert his address, "to tho people of Goor- gia” in our paper of to-day. Opposed as wo have been front boyhood up, lo a Protective Tariff, anil not having as yet seen any thing to change our opinion ae to its injustice and unconstitutionally—wlnlo wc dis sent from the spirit of Mr, C's address, yet as the prin cipal part of it is taken up in justification of his course and in an attack upon the Tariff of 1812—not being ourself in favor of, or an advocate for that Tariff—we have determined to let h:s address go I'orlli, without further comment at this time. If we ii idefslatid Mr. Chappell correctly, ho is still for a U. S. Bank, for a Tariff, lovie I for Revenue on - - ■ 1 g-s-ww■.' "i. nv..; u■> •hot through ihe head, staggering about the room I Mrs. McKeeii lived but a law momenta — Holmes a few hours—neither of them spoke, or gave any hint to unravel the myfJJVy: Wo forbear to speculate on the sail affair; ,btiv wc linpo some friend in tlie neighbor hood will furqish us with a more particular anrt iueu- rnlo account of the occurrence. Mum (Ala)free Press. [fhom the boston statesman‘nr.c. 0.] POSTSCRIPT, ARRIVAL OP THE CAMBRIA. Fifteen Days hater from England. Cotton has advance Jd, and is rather brisk. American provisions rather dull. No lard in Ihe market. It' is said that the English cabinet lias decided, posi tively, not lo open tliu ports to foreign provisions, and it is alleged that tho calamity anticipated from short crops, Sic.., has been much exaggeraied. The people of Tiimworth have been payingSir Rob ert Pool some public honors. Tho Bank of Engluud lias raised the rate of discount lo 84 per cent. J’lie king of the Be g ens lias b9on opening tho c.ham- bers in a speech which makes mention of a commercial treaty with the United States, but tho details of the treaty have not appeared. Tho stale of the potato crop, ami the sufferings which, it is leared, tho Belgians will endure in cnne'gtjuence, aro to bo provided for, the king suggests, by employing tho poor on tho public works, A kind and benevolent tone pervades this ad dress ; but although Leopold is Queen Victoria’s un cle, and is,moreover, a petitioner on the English purse, there is no country, hardly Ihe Zollverein itself, which draws tighter the cords of commercial monopoly to wards Great Britain than docs tho nation which ac knowledges Leopold as its ruler. The accounts from Algeria show that the French are still busy in malting the most ample preparations for the subjugation of the inhabitants. A rumor To Ihe Voter# or Baldwin Coaply. U/ILLUm respectfully Mnninces V V that Iki is a Cnntlidule for re-elcclion lo Ilia Clerks hip of llio Superior and Inferior Courts of said courtly. All who are disposed to support him for the above appoint* meets, will please express upon their tickets, on tue first Mouduy in January next,ns follows: For Clerk Huperior Court—STEELE. D..U #8 |_ H 1, I I,fnkli,v M'l'l*. Wt .W . 15 If SA )l tJEl, miPFINIJTON, Jr., nmioiim-fB llinr he is a Candidate for She, iff id Baldwin comity, at the elec tion in January next, witii OLIVER H- P. BONNER ae his Deputy. 15 If ta-ygu HAII II luBSKy respectfully £f*£r Ihe office III,-CH rhiii lie is a Candidate for irfior llio office of Receiver of Tnx Returns and Collec tor of Baldwin Countv, ut the electinn in January next. Dec. 7- ' 15 If NEW STORE Ac NEW WOODS. C. K. WENTWORTH, Waieli-mnker nml JEWELliEB, .Ifnr on, Georgia, rA8 removed to tho now brick block, cost sit auuusta iivnirAfoi^ (FVfl Madison) of Mullicr- ml,) and ii Hne.eonsist- _ from Russia, which has obtained little credit, ly, but not objecting to any protection lo Domestic in- I states that Nicholas intends to abdicate in favor of dustry winch might incidentally result from the same— I his successor, and that when lie lelt St Petersburgli t for lialy this hnd been resolved upon, lit other res If this be not his position, then j l )ect “ l ' 10 news of the last fortnight posses ses interest. The new tariff of the Zollverein has been publish ed, but lias exciled little notice in England. As regards tho U. M., tho increased duties will not at' lent tho importations. The transit duties on Colton have been reduced by tho Hanoverian Stales. fur the distribution of the proceeds of the public land and for Henry Clay, we may have something to say, This might be , uDicient. But the Editor of the Con stitutionalist, in ft subsequent part of the article, from which the extract above is taken, asserts that we took “fourteen months,” or "waited until Judge lierrien jnai.e ■the disavowal” of the principles of Ihe speech, before we didso. With™! looking through our paper tu give other expressions winch might lie found, equally strong’ at almost any time—we deem it unnecessary to go fur. ther, to allow tire Editor of lire Constitutionalist that lie is again in error, than to publish the extract below. The Washington Correspondent of the Charleston Mer cury having written to the Editor, under dato of 8th of last September, that Mr. Folk and his Cabinet had de termined to recommend a Tariff to Congress, cmlrrac. ing “to tho fullest extent the -principle of protection” —on the 10(/i of the same month, wo published the let- ter, and the first thing under our Editorial head, was the following; “The following, which we copy from the Charleston Mercury, a Democratic paper, shows, what we have all along believed, that Mr. Polk and his Cabinet, hare at last, "SETTLED Dl’ON A SOLICIT, WHICH ADMITS TO THE FULLEST EXTENT THE PRINCIPLE OF PROTECTION.” But we will not detain the reader, by commenting upon such information. Opposed, as we have ever been, to a Protective Tariff, had wo placed any confidence in Mr. Polk upon that question, we should feel indignant at what is here made known—but not having confided in him and hts frionds, wo have not been deceived, and therefore leave the subject to others who are differently situated." Now, if this be not a disavowal of tho principles contained in “Albany Speech” — if it be not adisavow- al of a support or countenance of a Protectivo Tariff- anil if it were not doue in less than “fourteen months” and before Mr. Berrien's speech of last month, then tho Almanac, and the history of the times are wrong, and the Editor of the Constitutionalist is right. If too, the Editor of the Constitutionalist wore held accountable for every thing that he published without uttering “a word of disapproval,” we think wo could convict him of approving and endorsing many things, that he would not like to endorse; If we mistake not, during the last year, ho called attention to tho produc tion of an anonymous writer in his paper over the sig nature of “Piney Woods”—yet when called upon, (and not before) to say whether lie approved, or endorsedr these articles, he disavowed an endorsement of them, and threw tho responsibility, as to the statements made, upon the author. If he did not approve or endorse the statements and conclusions of Piney Woods, when he did not disavow them, we do not concoive how he could “draw an inference” that wo approved or endorsed the principles contained in tho “report” of Mr. Berrien's speech when we published it in tho same manner— and particularly.too, when an all proper occasions, be fore and since, wo had expressed sentiments directly opposed to those contained in the “report" of that speech, AUGUSTA BRIDGE CASE. Our readers will perceive by reference to ntt other column, llrui this important case, in which more tlmn u half million of dollars is involved, and in which our worthy fellow citizen,! Henry Shultz, Esq., is a party, will he argued ut Savannah in April next, before the Circuit and District Court of Georgia. It is the opinion of many', far better qualified than ourselves, to judge of the merits of this case, that Mr. Shultz will succeed in despite of the proverbial “uncertainties of llio law.” Such indomitable perseverance as Mr. H. has evinced but seldom fails to command success,—South Carolina Temperance Advocate. CHEAP CASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. No. 17 WhiUaker-strect, Savannah* (Opposite TV. IL May <$’ Co.’s Saddlery Store.) HAMILTON & SYMONS would inform their friends mid llio public, tlmt in addition to their pro sent lnrge supply of READY MADE CLOTHING, they have nurchnscd, nnd are now opening a large nnd clegnnt assortment of tho very best quality of English and French Cloths, Cassimeres. Vestings, And FANCY ARTICLES, nmin- l»ln to Gentlemen's wenr. All of which they mo prepared to mnke to order in the most elegant and fashionable style, and nt tho shortest notice. Their stock is entirely new, nnd being connected with ihe firm of .1. C. Booth Co, 1157 Broadway, New York, they will be furnished with the most fashionable articles, as they arrive in the market. Air. S. A. OLDS, late foreman for Price Si Vender, nnd well known ns a superior Cutter, will have charge of this de* partme.nt of business, so that our customers may rely upon getting the very best fits. Orders from the country fdled promptly, and no deviation in prico, as wc are resolved to approach as nearly asjio to Northern rates. 13 tf H ry Htm-t,(Tirunr-ftiFilf-ty opposite his old eland,) and is now opening a now and line slunk of goods in his ‘ inc in part of 1‘ino Gold nml Silver I,ever, Horizontal, Patent nnd vc-rti tienl Escapement Welches, tinId (Jnnril.Fiib, and Vest Chain., Breast Pins, Finiror Rings, Ear Kings, Hold llhiin nnd flair Brncelets, Gold,Silver, nnd i-itecl Specinelci nnd Eye Protectors, Gold nnd silver Pencils, (fold Pens, Gold and Silver Waleh Keys, Gold nnd Silver Thimbles, riiKci Combs, Silver nnd Penrl Boll Slides, Gold Sleeve and Collnr Itiillonn, Gold Studs nnd Chain Slides, Gold Lockets, Henris and Crosses; f nrd l nans, Sieel, Silver and (tilt Bends, Head Ornaments, Joi Combs, Ladies’ nnd Gentian,en’aPurnee, Saiioriur Pen and Pocket Knives. Scissors, Rnenr'n nnd Razor Strops, Toolb, I,aiher, nnd Nail Brushes, Hlinving Cream, Ileal German Cologne, Kink Silver Plated Castors, Colic Baskets, Candle Sin ks, Waiters, Cups, Snuffers nnd Trays, Dixon’s Kino Wore in serts. Also, Coffee, nnd Ten Pols, Silver sells of Knife, Fork and Spoon, , , Spoons, Wnieli Stnnds, Fulls, Perfumery, Fancy Goods Itc. Oj” All of wliicli Will be sols! at tlie VERY LOWEST GASH PRICES. Watches, of every description, Repaired in tbc besl manner! All Winches sold nr repaired will he warranted to keep good lime, or tire cosh refunded. Welches sent from any part of tlm country will receive tlm same attention, and ho is reasonable terms as though the owner were STAGE NOTICE. epmi TERMS CASH. -L-' BOOTS ! BOOTS l J BOOTS!!! JIJST received nnd opened at the Ne Boot nml Shoo Store, Gent's Snpr. IV. cf. Roots, “ cf. Swd. do. “ “ peeged do. “ “ sowed Rroguns, Boys’ “ Boot*, Youth’* “ do. Ladies’ Embossed Kill Slips, “ Col’d Roots, Oc. Trunks, Carpet Rugs, Sjitch»ds,&c.J^ : &c Milledgeville, Dec. 5th, 1845 prei All kinds of Gold and Silver Work made to order. 0*Jk\vkluy of every kind neatly repaired* Spoetuelo Glasses adapted lo all ages. Also, for Sale, _ One of Chiekering’H Superior FinitO FortOS, tnrose wood case, full length iron frame, and wtirranted as fine an instrument, in every respect, as can he found in Gecrpin. c. K. WENTWORTH, 11 (itch Maher and Jeweller, Macon, Nov. 28,1015. East Side Mulberry Street. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE- THE Subscriber is this day open ing at his old stand a splendid assort- mein of 44o!<t siiul Silver The Nearest, Cheapest, and only Route between these two important points, now in operation, that runs directly through without delay upon the road. L EAVING Mudison on Monday, Wednesday, and'Friday Mornings, uficr the arrival of tho Curs from Augusta, passing by Eatouton, Cloptou’s Mills, Blonntsvillo, Clinton, mid arrive ut Mucon at 7 o’clock, P. Mwhere we intersect the lino for TnllahuHHee, and a daily line of Four JlorAe Pont Crinoline for Cofunihun. ,:i ' RE'EVRRING, Leave Macon on Tncmtny, Thirrnday, ig til rough rtirrabnve rduy i « hi- 'il pluci- V ill of Curt, for Aug \V« ii Go run 51 ill, dgovilIn. .ilo’clo rriv ' fui! to connect ivith Pi k, A. M., pnetihig ilirnuj incl arriving at Mmtinnn nt oh lion to Millrilgevillo nnri Monticelio for t-iive Altifirnun on Monday, WcJncgdnv nnj file mrivnl or tho rnr« Iroin AihjHntn, rimming through Ivunntou, and urrlve at Milledge 5 o’clock, P. M, n-liero we will connect i' ' four horse Conches for Navnminli nnd Me Jiftuniiup, leave Alilleilgevilhi on Tuendny, Tliuradnynnd daily line of luturdiiy, ul 3 u’ch-ck, A."M., pn-slnghy Knio -nt Madison ut 3) o'clock,I*. III. * ' and r Wednesday, i from Awgno- eaday, For Mnntieello, leave Mndinon ... nnd Friday rnomiiig, nfti’r liie arrival til, panning hy Wlritfielil’n, nnd art n’efoek, P. M. /{ehmiiug. lenvn Mnnrietdln, Thursday nnd Sniiirdnv.nt Uf o’clock, A. M„ _ Mollis,III al 3J o’clock, P. 51. Travellers may rely upon good horses nnd conches, end sober nnd siendv, nml careful drivers. We hope, hy good Olid cilice nl[eiiliou III shim, n purl of tlie public pntronnge. C. 11, CAMPBELL, Agent, .Madison. ST. 1.ANIER, “ Macon. W5I. GOOLSBY, “ Moiiticelln N. HAWKINS, " 5lillcdgcville. Col. ItllYAN, “ Enlonton. HAWKINS Sc BRIGGS, Proprietors. Sept. 30, 10-15, I If > STATE OI' GEOKOIA. Ily GEORGIZ IK. CHA \YFORD, Governoroj said Rtntc. A 5AGANGY having occurred in the 29lh Cougrens of tile Coiled Sillies, hv tlie resignation oi lire 11 o.iorri hlo WASHING EON POE, member elect from llio Third Con gressiomr! Dir cluinui'ii riel of this Side, I do Ik ug liietlniy autiiorized mill fin [COMMDNICATPD.] Mr. Editor:—I notice in the Georgian of the 5lli ■insUnt, and in tho Federal Union of this morn ing an article over tire signature of ono Jno. M. King, in which ho volunteers to say tlmt my letter of tiro 25th ult. contains statements “not consistent with the truth.” It might be supposed tlmt the person making so grave a qlmrgc would have rofutod some one of my statements, or at least have been sufficiently guarded not to nmko statements of his own at war with tire Jacts as they appear upon the records of tire Senate.— Neither of those being the case, and the article in ques tion be-ug of a nature as grovelling and contemptible as the source whence it originated, I feel myself absolved from all obligations togivo the signer tho kind of notice which he seems to covet. As that individual has taken upon himself tn play the champion fur the President of tlie Senate—to be come the guardian of his person—the sponsor for the correctness of his official actions—his mouth-pioce and .conacieuce-koepor-gcneral, I will only inform him and the public, that I prefer looking to the principal rather than to his overseer—to Ihe master rather than lo his man, becauso I regard the one as the real aggressor, .and the other as tho simple tool, totally unworthy of be- ing regardod as a responsible gentleman. Whether Mr. Chappell will look upon my remarks in regard to himself with “silent contempt,” is a question which I loavo for him to decide after ho is freed from the responsibilities arid privileges which now encumber «nd protect him. Should he feel himself aggrieved, And fail to' resent it in a manly and honorable way, I may, or may not extend to him that contempt and utter -disregard which lam forced to feel for the lackey whose name is appended tu the article in question. If, how- •ever, Mr. C. should place his personal honor (which! am not yet prepared to believe,) in no higher keeping than lie has placed his character as a statesman and Iris reputation as a prosiding officer of the Senate, I shall certainly feol disposed lo “lot him pass.” Yt urs, respectfully. S. T. CHAPMAN. Milledgeville, Dec. 9, 1845. [FR05I TIIF. HAMBURfi JOURNAL.] 15RIDGU CASE. It gives us pleasure lo admit the accompanying document furnished us, ns it confirms what wo snid in our paper of last Thursday, respecting a letter from Milledgvillo, relative to the “Bridgrr Case.” It is u wonderful event, and proves tin,* power of perseverance,—tlmt a single individual should combat with a mighty monied institution for nearly one quarter of a cenfury for his just rights ; for all the power that man and money could give in the case, was arranged against him : nnd what did then sustain him? It was law und justice. The talent that Mr. Shultz, has arrayed in his favor as his council, we feel warranted in saying, will obtain full justice in his helmlf. The Solicitors engaged, are, for Comrdainants, John M’Pherson Beirien, of Savannah, Gn. ; William Y. Llunsell, of Marietta, Ga. ; William & Win. F. Law, of Savannah, Gn, ; arid Sonbotn Jones, or Jones & tienning, of Columbus Ga.— (The latter being engaged on the part of John M’Kinnie, though a defendant, yet his interest is with that of the Complainants.) For Defendants M’Allister & Cohen, of Savannah, Ga. ; Pettigrn & Lessesne, of Charleston, S. C. ; A. J.Miller, of Augusta, Geo. ; nnd Thoirms E. Lloyd, of Savan nah, Ga. The largo amount claimed in tho Dill, is $595,. 000. exclusive of ihe Bridge! itself. We most heartily congratulate Mr. Shultz, in being, after a quarter of a century, able to huve a day fixed for justice to be awarded him. In Ihe Sixlli Circuit Court of tlie United States for the District of Georgia—November Term, 1845. John W, Yarborough. Trustee,) & Henry Shultz, Cumplain’ts, | ads ) In Eijuily. Tho Bank of the State of Goor- I gia, and others, Defendants. J The demurrers in the foregoing case, having been sot down for argument at this term of the Court ; upon motion, and by consent of the Solici tors for tlie Complainants and the Defendants; It is ordered, that the said demurrers be set down and stand for argument at the next term of this Court in April next, in lire Cily of Savannah. Milledgeville, 10/A Nov: 1845. ) True copy from the Minutes, ) [Seal.] Geo. Glen, Cleric. CIIARIOTTEES & BlfiaiW. T llE Subscriber having ngiiin pfituhlished liimsrlf in iliis Cily, announces to ilic citizens und public genorullv. thnt lie lias on hand and is daily receiving a very splendid assortment of vehicles of every descriptive, consisting of Bi'isl&as, Clisiriottccs, and Buggies with nnd without tops, some ol''which arc hung upon Tom linson's Patent Spring Perches, a new and grent improve ment. His carriages were bui't under his own superinten dence and of the best materials, and he feels assured that they cannot fail to give satisfaction to those who may favour hint with their patronage. B. P. BUSH. Milledgeville. Dec. 5th, 1845. 14 3t WASHINGTON HALL. AIACOxN, Ga. rpHE undersigned have bought out tho interest of Mr. Sr. J_ Lanier in this well known establishment, and design making it worthy ofthe liberal patronage it lias heretofore obtained from the public. Every exertion will ho made to make tho sojourn of cither the permanent or transient boarder pleasant und ugreeable. The sleeping npurtmeuts arc com fortable and commodious,and fitted up with neat and clean furniture. The tables will he furnished with every luxury otirown market, anti those of Savannah can supnly; nnd no efiorts spared lo make the house deserving of public patron- MOTT & NEWCOMB. Macon, Oct. 7, 1015, 11—If of tlie most improved makers, com prising u greate r variety than ever be fore offered, al reduced prices. JEWEEtRW A rrii-nt variety, nml the loti-et style, embracing, in part, Rennet 1-ii.s, Enr and Kinner Rinjre, Gold mid Eiiailielled Guard and Foil Chains, Seals mid Ki ys.Goldnud Enamelled Bem-ils, Gold IV-ns and riiiinbl'-e.Gidd mid Silvor Spectacles, Gold Bracelets with pins to match. SII/IXIJ A' ris.1TEl» lIMKii OF ALL KINDS. Fine Table Glittery in sells of 52 pieces, Dining nnd Des I sort Knives and Fork's, Tea Trays in sells and single,Custers, / [{much Candle slicks, Snuffers and Trays, Chamber Candle sticks, Fine Assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scis- ! Ra nd Strop.- M FLOYD HOUSE. MACON, Ga. A young woman was arrested in Pittsburgh, who stole a horse on Monday, got married on Tuesday, and committed two larcenies on Thursday. Quick work from the alter lo tho halter. Tho total outstanding liabilities of the Slate of Tennessee, amount tu $3 315,306.66. A NEW THING. [UST received, Freemuu’f- RAZOR STROPS, J l which require only ten or hlleen strokes to produce sharper edge upon a razor than uny other kind of strap evi before offered lo ihe public, with five limes ns much labor.— Any one purchasing Miis article, and does not find it as recoin mended (when having used it according to direclions) wii have the amount paidfor it refuuded by returning it. Price One Dollar cucli. To he had wholesale unc retail of the manufacturer, R. P. FREEMAN, Augusta, Geo. Also, ut Dr. Little’s Drug Stores Milledgeville.. Ga. lf> 4t Dec. 12,1845* T rfF. Subscriber, in announcing to his frionds and the pub lic, hy whom he has been so liberally patronised, his eontinneuce of the above Establishment begs leave to nasuri’ them of his determination to sustain tlie well established rep utation of his house. lustoiul of falling off’, thereshall be a •niftnt; and if u liberal outlay, n jfi furnished table, with every delicacy this and other mar- supply; clean beds, comfortuule rooms, attentive Dotublo SJsirrcElort Guns, JSliot and Game Rags, Powder Flasks, Musical JnstriMHfnis, Accordions, Walking Canes Hair, Tooth, Nail nnd Shaving Brushes. Laid Lamps, Suspending, Hall, Side and Hand La Pearl,Shell und Ivory Curd Cases, Fine Steel Wrought Rugs nnd Purses, District to hold an electio MONDAY,the 5th day of Jan ns hy law pointed out, to fill si certificates thereof. Given under my hand and * mont, ut the Capitol in of October, A. D. 1845 GEORGE W.CRAWFORD. By the. Governor: John II. Steele. S. E D. 4 tf d vacancy,and that the al of the Executive Depart- Milledgeville, this the 16th day A lUiaCLiUI STATJ) of GEORGIA. Ily GEORGE IK. CR l H’FORD, Governorojsaid Slate I I AVING information that a minder was commit- .1 J ted on the 1st day of August, in the county of Lowndes, upon the body of Samuel Maui.den, by DAVil) \V. KING. \\ bo has fled fromjtisijco, 1 hnv<* thought proper lo issue this, my proclamation, offering a reward o( One Hundred Dol lars, to any person, or prisons, who may apprehend and deliver suid lugitivo, to the Sheriff’, or Jailor, of Lowndes overcharge and r gilunt in emieuvo lliut he may he charged. ’ hum! and tin uire all officers, ci\i ig io apprehend the ed lor the offence id S II E i: T With a grent' M II SIC, progre servants, and the will to pi expects to obtain it, Mucon,Oct. 7,1845. nd 11—tl mmm CONTINUES to be open for the reception of Members of the Legislature and transient visilms Promising to spare no pains to render oomt’orlU' jble all who may call,the proprietor hopes lo re- crul slim oof the public patronage. Milledgeville, Oct- 2J, 1815. 4 tf if Fsincy Articles. The stork has been selected In the Subscriber with great care at the lowest cash prices, and is offered nt a small ad vance on the cost. •fhe public {amt strangers visiting onr city) are respect fully invited to call and examine (lie articles und prices al the old stand Ui/Dositc IJu.son's Hotel. OTIS CHILDS. N. n. WA TCHES AND TIME-PIECES, of every de scription carefully repaired by experienced workmen, and WARRANTED. Persons from a distance sending rvnlehes far rcpuirH may depend on having them promptly and faithfully attended to, and aschcap as at any other place in the State. REPAIRING of all kinds, and ENGRAVING promptly attended to. IEPSPECTACLES of nil kinds. Pcriscopir,Concave nnd Convex Glasses, constantly on hand lo (nil la old frames at short notice. O.C. Milledgeville, Oct. 21, 1815. dll’ And I do mo; military,to be i KING, iti order which he stand; Given under my burnt und the great seal ofthe State, at the Capitol in Milledgeville, this 15th duy of September. A. D., 1815. GEORGE W. CRAWFORD. Ry tho Governor: ’ N. U. BARNETT,Secr’v of State. DESCRIPTION. 'The said KING ie about 23 years of age, thin visage, swarthy complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, bus a down look und is uhoul (5 feet high. Ill SMlditioii lo Ilic Oovci'GBor’s Knviitd, wc will pay TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS for the delivery of the said DAVID W. KING to any one of us, or the Sheriff*or J ailor of Lowndes county. A. MAULDEN, J. GROOVER, T. J. DENMARK, M. GROOVER, J. LEE, 5’if J. S. GROOVER. ASin itSl A IHOJIA TAKI, ATTOR5SES AT LAW, ICafu.iio.i, On., Will practise in all the Counties of the Ocmuigcc Circuit. 12 tf Dec. 17. Valuable Brought to Jail, NEGRO MAN by the mime of Harry,about fifty y of age, speaks broken when sp< ion, and says he belongs to a man b living in Savanna It. Tho mv come fotwurd prove property und take him away. S . B. MURPHEY, Jailor. Dec.3,1845. 16 It keii to, of lie lit y the iiume of Isaac Scott, or owners are requested lo the luw directs,pay churges SHOCKING TRAGEDY! It is with pain ih il we record the following melan- tciioly tragedy, which has occurred within our county; On Saturday evening last, M.ij. Bethel Holmes, a res- jiectablo citizen of this county, and Mrs. MeKeen, wife .of Thomas McKoen of Columbus Bank robbery memo- try and daughter ofMuj. J. K- C, Poole of Perry county, were at the house of Col. Win. H, Richardson, who re sides near Athens in this county. Tho Colonel had been silling in ihe parlor with I hem —and upon his ro- i ’arino, he very shortly heard tho report of pistols which \ nere fired in the room in which he had left them; a, vd myrnuijr immediately, ho found Mrs McKoen sit. lit w n £hair shot through the head, and Holmes ulso AilmiiifslriUor’s Sale* O N Wednesday,the twenty-first day of January next, will be sold at the Into residence of James Draper of Warren county.deceased,all the personal property of said deceased, consisting of horses,hogs, cattle, sheep, household nnd kitch en furniture, plantation tools, Acc. Also the present crop of coni and fodder,cotton, wheat, outs, rye and peas, Womans, carts and oxen, cotton gin thrash nnd fan, and many other ar ticles too tedioiiH to mention. Plantation rented for the next year. All sold fot tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, rfale to continue from day to day, until all is 1 sold. Terms of sale made known on thcthiy; ELISHA RURSON,Adtu’r. With the Will annexed. December ISih, 1045. It) tds. Notice for Dower. A LL persons iiUerentetl will lake notice, that application will be made at the next Term of the Superior Court ‘ Newton county, for Dower in all the lands «>l which | Cowden died possessed, lying in the. said county of Newti I Dec. 12,1045. .lust Deceived, December 1st, IN 15. D R. Durbins’ Observations in the East. The American Shepherd, by L. A Morrell, with en gravings. The Bachelor's Christmas, a domestic legend by VV.G. Sunnis* .. , „ „ ’The Groves of Blarney, by Mrs, fe. C. Hale. The Wing of the Wind,by J. H. Ingraham. The Pirate’s Cave, hy Lieut. Murray. The Stolen Heir, hy M. Marvel. Tho Eugene Sue. Mrs. Washington Potts and Mr. Smith, Tales hv Miss Leslie. Alida, or Town and Country, by the author of [Allen Pres cott. The Salamander, n Novel Romance by Eugene Sue* The Vioiina, a Romance hy Baron I)c LaiMotta. Fouehe, the Cotton Lord, by Miss Stone. Harper’s llluniiimtfd and Illustrated Shakspeare. Also, Harper’s Illuminated and Pictorial Bible,and j Gibbon’s Decline nml Fall ofthe Roman Empire,hy II. II. 1 Milomnn, and a variety of late Novels, Music und Toy Books | receiving constantly, and all kinds of Books can be receive' 1 at tho shortest notice, by application to M. E. EDWARDS. ftj’The subscriber is sole Agent in Milledgeville for Dr* II. Brantlreth's Bills, Moat's Morrison Bill. The Hygeati Universal Medicine, also, Moffatt's Blicenix Bitltrs and Bills. It is useless to mention the virtue of these medicines. None can tell but those that have tried them in all kinds of discus- { es. 13 if M. E. EDWARDS. ! A LL persons are cautioned against trading for a note, made /V by m« to Duncan Mims, foi $70. i do not recollect tlie dato of said note, but it is llio only ono of the sort I ever gave, ami I am determined not to pay the same, unless compelled bv law. ARCHIBALD MIMS. Jacksonville,Ga. Sept. lOlli, 1845. 52 »f j Administrator’s Sale* GREEABLY to un order of the Inferior Court of Wilkin- j county while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be ild before the Court-house door in Irwniton, Wilkinson count v,on the first'Tuesday in July next, the land and ne- I groes belonging to tho estate, of John Eady, late of said coun- l v, deceased. Terms made known on the. day of sale. HENRY EADY, Adm’r. Dac. 1,1845. 15 rpg I rlOLIt MONTHS after date application will be 1 made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Decnturcoun- tv, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Charles Garner, late of said county, deceused. JEREMIAH TATE, Administrator Sept. 9, 1815. 5U prpi>] WASltBUItiV A WILDER, ,1 CTO itS A N J) ©@Mimas©fi®nsi M®rr©jb.®iEt?i 9 SAVANNAHS, GA. JOSEPH WASHBURN, JOHN R. WILDER. Lund mid Mill-Neat for Sale. \\ 1 l.l. he sold in Eatouton on tho first Tnes- u JANUARY, l.'MG, a portion of the real e of Robert Ashurst, sen., decenscd ; situ- • f Murder Creek in Putnam mnelhreo hundred umlseveii- I und fifteen acres of which emaiiiiug portion of nn liicli is •d as first quality cotton laud, offered in tho sale ofthisval- n flue Mill Si at, with sufficient ve Merchant Mill, or Cotton Enc oded a most eligible si hy a wealthy and prosperous cornu ready market for flour or cotton M unity, thus uflnrdii ol every dc- i|-ln Aug. 12. 4(i 2(5 CIBIEIXEK »V DEAL I.-, FACTORS Ais«I Commission Mci'.-Uniits, A». ?it, Bay siioo! BROGANS!!! i LARGE lot of Nrtfi'O Slions : received at the NEW BOOT AND tTORE. All persons purchasing Milledgeville,Oot. 1 1,1345. sell CHEAP. E. ALEXANDER 3 tf adjoins the lands of Giiggs, is sold under u provision of 'The above described propert Moreland, Farley and others,ai the will of the said deceased. [FT Terms made known on the day. JNO. M. AS HURST, Adm’r. de bonis non, aim testamento annex Eatouton, Nov. 12lh, 1845. 9 fit Valuable llofel for Sale. THE undersigned i< desirous of selling his large and commodious HOTEL at Knoxville, ' ' unly. Attached to the premises nro tses, stable-), hack lots, gardens, &c. nly ono io tlie village ol Knoxville, road from Macon to Columbus and iistnni given it is much better than i differently situated; Terms, to suit J. J. CARSON, ford co. Nov. 21, 1815. 10 if St Ootobe BOA ISD1**-. THE Sulisi will Buiiril Mr-mlierx nml '[’run ient persons during the. setting of the Legislature PETER J. WILLIAMS. 7,1845. 2 If [ for the rpilE Fraetii Pa I me in fraction.- A G « AGntiiiisd-nior’s Sale. riflLL bo sold on Wednesday, the twentieth day of Jan* 1 T uarv next, at the lute residence of 11 illie.r Hasty, do. ceased, in Twiggs county, all tho personal property belong ing to tlie estate of said deceased, consisting of Corn, Fodder, Horses. Hogs,Cows, Household und Kitchen Furnituie, and other articles too tedious to mention. Terms of sulo made known on tlie duy ofsulc. JOEL HORNE, Adin'r D*sc. 1st, 1845. 15 tds FOB SALE. subscriber for sale thn following lands : IN LAUREN'S COUNTY : ms No. 03,mo. 101, I hi, in th • 1st district, lying on or 'Turkey Creek, making a body of 425J acres;— No. 309 and 31 J,in the 2d District, lying on the Oco- j —they join und contain 252 acres! lot No.321,in the | 12th ’District,containing 2924 acres. WILKIN.SON COUNTY : An undivided half of 1119 acres of bind and a mill seat, on ( j Blnrk creek, in the 5th District, known as the Mandersou , ! place. TELFAIR COUNTY : Two fractions in the 14th Dj strict, lying, one. on the Oc- 1 mulgee, aud the other joining it on Crooked creek, cont lining I 310 acres, near General Wilcox’s landing—the Nos. 337 uml | 359. PULASKI COUNTY: ! 'Two fractions, No. 223 nml 329, in tho 20th District, on the . Ocmuigoe liver and Mu-quito Creek—they join and contain 222J acres; one fraction in the 21th District,on the Ocmuigcc i river und Shell Stone Creek, containing 98 acres—its No. is 339. TWIGGS COUNTY. I Two fractions,Nos. 153 ami 154, in the 7th District,oil the , I Qcmulgee river,containing 391 j ucres, known is the Rosscau fractions. Any ofthe above lands can be bought at moderate prices, hy upplicutiou to the subscriber. j Macon, Gn. Nov: 27,1045. ) adm’rs. of the cr [ tu to of Paul Fit v ), j simmons, dcc’d Executor’i Mile, W ILL be sold ut tlie late residence of Mrs. Nancy Mobley, deceased,on 'Tuesday, the 20tli day of Junnarv next, the perishable nropnrty of said deceased, consisting or stock of various kinds, provisions, furniture, plantation tools, and most articles common lo n Inim. Sold for the benefit of the creditorsand legatees of suid deceased. And at the same time the negroes will be hired. Terms made known ut the sale. DAVID RODDEN, Executor. Dec. 9,1815. lOtds Apalachicola, Fla., .Inly, 1 ft 15. ' rn HE undersigned will continue lo transact a GENERAL i COMMISSION BUSINESS at APALACHICOLA, under tin firm of UUWASU) & RCTIII.llFOr,D. OVTh°y have also determin ’d to establish a COMMIS SION HrtUSR r.t NEW ORLEANS, tho ensuing season, where one oiilmfirm will nlwiivH bn found. Their personal attention will be given to all business with which ihuy rimy he entrusted. The tisuui advances will he made upon goods in Hon* or Cotton consigned tu them. THACKER B. HOWARD. 47 if AUOLPlllici RUTHERFORD. Valuable Planlalioa for Sale. rpIIE subscribers hold for sale, a Plantation in the tipper 1 part ofthe 15th district, Sumpter county, adjoining Mr. Josiuh Scrutchins und others,containing 131(5 acres.— Also 475 acres in the same countv,28th district, well timbered pine laud ; With'a raw mill, on Mill neek, convenient to the tim ber. Also, a plantation in the 3d District of Baker county containing 2099 acres, a very superior truct of land combining fertility, good water, liealtliincss. AH these place provenicuts upon them. Persons disposed totrei lands aie requested to address the undersigned pel h\ letter at Augusta, and those in the neighbor'ho- fened to Maj. John Cowart, of Amcricus, or P Scrutchins,of the sumo county. ROBERT F. POE. WILLIAM J. EVE. GEO. W. CRAWFORD, _ Sept 23,1845 53—Hit. CF The Federal Union, Georgia Journal, Savanna!) Re publican, Alban) Patriot, and Columbus Times, will copy uutil the 1st of December. NEW FIRE-PROOF WARE-HOUSE, •ftar on, into. * THE undersigned having erected a Fiisk- ProoK Wark-hoi'sk,situated at the hon'd of Colton Avenue, tenders his services to his fiiends nml the public generally, for the sto rage of Cotton nnd Merchandize, and the transaction of {'OMitnissioil BlIfeEIH'.hS in all its branches, pledging himself to use every exertion to promote the interests ol, and render satisfaction to, those who may confide busim ss to his charge. The storage and sale of Cotton will be under the direction and control of Mr. JOHN JONES who bus long been known io llio Ware house business, and will give particular attention to the sale ofColtonand the tilling of oidersfor goods. Liberal advances will be made on Colton in store or to be shipped. bagghvii, rope, and twine, together with any other articles, will Im furnished customers at the lowest inatkrt price. N. B. Storage und Commissions nt customary rates. JERRY COWLES. Macon, 21th June,1845. 39 26t THLODOSIUS II. DAVIES, A T T O IS IV i: V A T 1,4 W, MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga. Jiinr Bftli. 1015. »9 If St® Y\ 11,1,1 V Jl K- l»<-«JIS AI ri-Mtll,I» attorney at i,a\v, Blakely, Early County, Goo. Rki'Ekfntf.s — lion. Seaborn Jones,Hon. TV.T. ('oU quilt, lion. A. I ter son, lion. Joseph Sturgis, John Schley* and Henry L. Henning Esqrs, Jnj II tl