The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, December 12, 1845, Image 4

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■tniiiWin ntua lumrr Rheriri «»•«- W ILL ImaoM b*fof* the (J.urfttou.e door In Kjinjlon. Fulnnm cuunly, on th. (IttiTtte»d»)rln JANUARY next. within the l.gef Ituiir. ofeeln.tho lollowln* propotty, > Two bode, klireo bodelende. two corile, ei» cheiri, faurniolur. (remoe, one cendle etend, on.cluck, end one tu satiety ini ell levied on *• the property of Neucy llohy ■V it n fe ie.iifd from the Su|ieViorL - o«rl of wtui ooun- fnior nr Clerk * slierl(r . Deo.#, IBIS. 14 Crawford Jminury ShfrtlTe Sales. W ILL be eold before the Court-houee door in the town ot Knexvillr, Crewfnrd ooniiiy, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY neel, within the ueuul linnre ot eelo, thefol- lo' wilt ., . . One iti-gro women elioul twenly-eoven years old by (lie nemo of Lhr.a, of Yellow conitileilon ; levied on to eetieft onentteehinent fi fa front CrswVitrtl Superior Court, in favor ol I). K Perry it. Co., ve. Ateliibald Armstrong and Jentee A. Proeeer. I’rtipeny pointed out In said ft At. „ Also.'wo hundred ncrea ul laud more nr leee, Noe. SO, 21 end 22, it being froetione in seventh district, or Old Agen- ov reserve known us the place whereon Christopher Lockron native.,Joining laud, with David and A. J. Peeeton; levied on to setiefv one ft Ik from Bnrke Superior Court, in levurof A. Wood A. Co. vs. Thus. Coekren end Chnstophor Cockren. Property pointed 81>< ri(r . Dec. 1. 1845, *1 Ware January Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL he sold in the town of Wereboro', Were county, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, within the legal hours of eele the following property, to wilt One lot of land in the fifth district ol originally Appling now Wereconuty, No. not known, being the plnco whereon Samuel Sweets formerly lived, containing four hundred end ninety acres more or less; levied on es the properly id Sam uel Sweets, to satisfy twofi Ins issued from the Superior Court of Waie county, oue in lavor of N. Smith A Co., vs. said Sweats, oue iu favor of Streets A Pringle ve. Samuel 8 One'Tot of lend in the seventh di.trict of originelly Appling now Wa ecouniv, Nu.350; levied on us the property ol Da vid Units to satisfy two fi feB issued (rum a Justice - of Allli distrii t, U. III., in favor of Seaborn Lestingcr llutts. Levy mode ami returned to mo by Property pointed out by defendant Court David Constable.— Nov. 20,1845. MILES J. GUEST,Sheriff. 14 Units January Mortgage Sheriff’s Sales. \\f ILL be Bold outlie first 1 uesday m JANUARY next, ▼ ▼ before the Coilit-house door ill the town of Jackson, Butts county, within the legal hours of sale, the following ^WeNegr "til live Lot, a man about 48 years old*, his wife Silviu, about 45 years old; Fanny,a woman; Edeand Lethe, Silvia's children, young women from 20 to 25 years old it* un- av'a two children, from one to louryeara old ; Bde’a children, three in number, two boys and one girl from two to si* ywir* old* a girl child of Lethe’s, about 15 months old; also, Sil- vin’a other children,three boys und a young girl, from four to fifteen years old ; also, IJob, about 38 yeurs old; alao, Jim, about 3b years old ; also, Elleck, about 31 years old. Hold as the property of Morton Bledsoe, by virtue of a mortgage ti fa from the Interior Court of said county, in favor of Charles Hailey and Uualavua Hendrick vs Morion Bledaoe. Proper ty pointed out in the mortgage fifa October 30th, 1845. GfiORGlAt Baldwin County. Inferior Court, titling for Ordinary Purposes, Monday November lOfh* 1845* P RESENT, their Honor*—JOHN 8. THOMAS, WIL LIAM B. TINSLEY, WILLIAM 8. KOGERS, Jus tice*; Abraham Foard. Guardian of William G. Harris, Orphan of Eaekiel Harris, deceased, appeared and presented to the Court a full and final receipt from said orphan, now out of hi* minority; and petitioned the Court to grant him letters of Diemisioti Irom said Guardianship: Whereupon it wee ordered, that the Clerk of this Court do issuo a citation, requiring all pcrsouaconcerned tube and ap pear at the next regular Term of said Court, lube hohlen on the second Monday in Januury next, to allow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grunted. It was, also, further ordered, that eaidcitatiou be published according to legal requirement. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this 15th No vember, 1845. JOHN W. W. SNEAD, c. c.o. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. Inferior Courts silling for Ordinary purposes, July Term, 1845. I T appearing to the Court by the representation of Mrs. Elizabeth Washington, Executrix on the Estate of Rob- eit B. Washington, deceased, that the said Executrix husful- I v administered on said Estate, and wishes to be dismissed therefrom: It is therefore, on motion, ordered. That tha Clerk of this Court do issue a citation requiting all persons concerned, to show cause, ifaoy they have, on or before the second Mon day in January next, why suid dismission should not be grun ted—and that said citation be published according to legul re quirement. A true exit act from the minutes, this 7 th day of July, 1845. 41 tu6m JOHN W. W. SNEAD, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County, W HEREAS JantesM. Folsom applies to me for letters ol Administration on the estate ofGilbert D. Combe, late of aaid county, deceased : .... These ore therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of aaid deceased, to be and appear at mv office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause,if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. ^ , Given undermy hand at office,this 8lti day of Nov., 1845. 8 lOt AUG. B. HA I FORD. Clerk. GEORGIA, Telfair County, W HEREAS Henry Cook, Jr. and Seaborn Hall, apply to me for letters of Administration on the astute ol Henry Conk, Sen., late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admoninh all and singular, the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should nut be granted. Given undermy hand, ut office,this 5tli day of Nov., 1845. 8 5l J NO. F. McRAE, c. c. o. Butts Mortgage Sheriff's Sale. W ILL lie sold before the Court-house door in the town of Jackson, Butts county, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, within the legal hours ol sale, the following property,to wit: , _ . Five negroes, viz—Jacob, Peter, Sam, Jun, and rrnnk; le vied on as the property of EphraimPrice, deceased, by virtue of h mortgage ti fa Irom the Inferior Court of Green county, in favor of Thomas G. Janes, and controlled by Stephen W. Price vs. Ephraim Price. The above named sluvcs pointed out in suid mortgage ti ft. o. h. p. McClendon, d. sheriff. Nov.21, 1845. 1» ids GEORGIA, Paulding County. W HEREAS William Adair applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of Allen Hilburn, lute ol* said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of suid deceased, to be und appeur at my office, within the tilne prescribed by law,to show cause, if any they have, why suid letters should not be granted. Given undermy baud, at office, this‘Jtlth dav ol Sept 11145. 2 m6tn fi. THOMPSON,C.C.O. GEORGIA, Decalur County. W HEREAS George W. Bruton oppiies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of Ephuly JMcGriflV late of said county, deceased: These are .therefore, to cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased ,to he ami appear nt my office within thotime prescribed by luw.toshowcause ifany exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under in v baud at office this lit)111 day of Oct., 1845. 5 6m * JOHN 1». DICKENSON, c.c.o. Butts January Sheriffs Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Jackson, Butts county, on the first Tuesday in J ANUARY next, within the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to wit: Fifty acres of land,more or less, itheiug tho northeast cor nerof Lot No. I 14, in the 3d District of formerly Monroe, now Butts county,whereon Richard Fulcra! now lives; levied on ns the property of Richard F literal, to satisfy two fi fas from a Justice’s Court in favor of Thomas Foster vs Richard Fu- teral. Levy made and returned to mo by W. J. Curr, consta ble. o. ii. p. McClendon, D.shff* November 25.1845. 11 t«s Montgomery Postponed Sheriffs Sales. W LL be sold before the Court-house door at M t. Vernon Montgomery County ,on the firstTuesduy in JANU ARY next, within the usual hours of sale, the following properlv to wit: One negro hoy by the name of Toney, about thirty years old ; also, five hundred acres of pine land, more nr less, in cluding the improvements whereon Thomas Moseley now lives; also, two hundred acres of pine land, more or less, including the improvement whereon James Cornier now lives —all ofsaid lauds lying in the 51st Company District, and on the waters of Pendleton and Tiger Creeks—all of suid pro perty levied on as the property of Clement T. Moselev. Brantley Moseley, sr., and Thomas Moseley, to sntisfv fa issued from the Superior Court of said conuty s Clement T. Moseley, principal, i Samuel Miller vs Clement T. Moaeley .principal, and Brunt- ley Moseley sr., and Thomas Moseley, securities. Purl of said property pointed out by plaintiff, and the bulunce by defendants. J. M.WALL,Sheriff. Nov.21,-1815. 10 GEORGIA, Decatur County. W HEREAS Thomas Whigham, Administrator on the estate of William Whighain, lute ol soid county, de ceased, applies for letters of Dismissiou from said Adminis tration : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, to be and uppear at my office, within the time prescribed by law,to shew cuusc ifanv they huve, why suid letters should not be granted. Given under mv bund at office, this 2d day of rtopt., 1845. 50 6m JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Decatur County. W HEREAS Nathaniel H. Hicks, Administrator on the estate of William Brown, deceused, applies to me (or letters of dismission IVom suid Administration : These are,therefore,tocileundudiiionish all und singult I the kindred uml creditors of suiddeceased ,to be and appeal at my office within the time prescribed by law.toshowcause*, (any they have, why saidlctters should not be granted. — « *»**nd nt office, this 3d duv ol October, 1845/ JOHN P. DICKENSON, c. c. o. Administratrix's Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the Inferior Court of Ware county, while sitting for ordinary purposes will be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Wureboro’, Ware county on the first Tuesday in January next, between the usual hours of sale the lund and negroes belonging to the estate of Henry Joice, deceased. Hold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. MILES J. GUEST, Adm’r. SARAH JOICE,Admr’x. Nov. 20, 1844. 14 Administrator's Sale. W ILL be sold by ail order of the Inferior Court of Telfair county, on the first Tuesday iu December next, lot No. 222 in the 7tli District und 3d section of originully Cherokee, now Murray county. Also,on the first Tuesday in January next.nt Jacksonville, Telfair county, lot No. 113, known as the. McAllister place, and Nos. IG6 nod 167, all in the 9th District of said county, with the incumbernnce of the widow’s dower; and No. 59 In the 7th District of said county, and a negro woman 45 or 50 years old. Sold as the property of William Studslill, sr. late of said county, deceased, for the bouefit of the heirs and creditors of suid deaaused. Terms made known on the days of sale. WM. STUDS Tir.L.jr. Adm’r. Telfaircounty, September 24th, 1845. ■.- ^ 1 Administrator's Salt?. A GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable Inferior Coint of Jasper County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold before the Court-house door iu Monticello.ou the first Tuesday in Februury next, within the legal hours of sale, the lauds and negroes belonging to the estate of Jesse M. Spencer, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. CHARLES L. RIDLEY, Administrator. Oct. 14th, 1845. 3 tds Administrator's Male. A GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable tha Inferior Court of the County of Burke, while silling for ordinu ry purposes, and in accordance with the will unfolding Bar ber, deceased, will be sold before the Court-house door iu Canipbellton, Campbell county, on the first Tuesday iu Feb ruary next, one tract of land known os number 74, in the 7th District of originally Coweta, now Campbell county. Sold for division among the heirs of the lute Holding Barber, de ceased. Terms on tho duy. P. B. CONNELLY, Administrator Nov. 25,1845. 11 with the will annexed. GEORGIA# Newton County. ffllOLLED before me, George W. Berry, n justice of the X Peace for the464ili District, G. M. by Thomas Wright, a black mnre mule, supposed to be six years old, hiuuded with J. 11. on the left shoulder, and has the bellows. Ap praised by Clurk Brewer und David McDaniel to be worth twelve dollars. GEORGE W. BERRY, J. P. November 15th, 1845. A true extract from the Estray Book. VV. D. LUCKIE,C. I. C. Nov. 18th, 1845. 10 3t GEORGIA# III out joinery County. W HEREAS John Gillis, Guardian of the minor chil dren of James Calhoun, late ofsaid county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from his said Guar dianship : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all nnd singular those concerned, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause,if u’uy exists, why said letters should not be granted; Given under my hand at office this Nov. 14th, 1845. 10 Gw FARQUHAKD McRAE, C.C.O. Briiflit to Jail# IN Sparta. Hancock county,* boy who aay* his name la Austin, and Oolong* to Wesley Tarver, Maeon county. Alabama* Austin is of low stature, and well set, not vary black, with no particular marka,and look* to^be bs- tween twenty five and thirty years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove him awsy. R.S.HARDWILK. Sparta, Nov. 24th, 1845. Af\ MMt II if Brought to Jalli AT Irwinton, Wilkitiflon county, Georgia,, negro man,who enyn hi. name i. ANTHONY, about twenty-five year, of age, five leu fix or eight inches high, rather yellow complexion, ■ml any. hebrloiige to o man living in Orange county, N.C*,hy llte-nttme ul* bandy Cheek. Thoowneror owners ore requested locome forward, prove property, pay charges, and lake him nwnv^ July 13th,1015. M Broil|[lit to Jail, THIS day, u negro man who says his name n FRANK,and that he belong* (o Jesse Beck, of Henry county,Ga. Haiti negro is of light com plexion, about five feet ten inches high, speaks quick when spoken to. The owner is requested to come forwurtf, prove property, pay charges, and tske him away. T. A. BRANNON, Sheriff, luscogee co., July 9, 1845. 42 ml2m or if Brought to Jail#. A T Irwinton, Wilkinson county, Georgia, a negro man, who says his name is GEORGE, about twenty-two years old, rather yellow complexion, five feet six or eight inches high, nnd says lie belongs to John Carter, of Colum bus Georgia. The owner or owners are requested to come forward, prove properly, pay charges, and take him uway. P 1 1 S. B. MURPHY. Jailor. July 14th, 1845. 43 tf Brought to Darien Jail# of Burke county, and that he ran away about the 15th of April. Said boy is about five feet five or six inches high, dark completed; hia back well marked with (lie whip. JOHN SMITH, Jailor m’i.c. Oct.7. 3 4t Brought to Jail. ............ t. a negro fellow by ti bout twenty one years old, of yellow complexion, about five feet six inches high, who says lie belongs to Generul Reu ben C. Shorter, of Eufttiila Alu. T. A. BRANNON, Sli’ff. of Muscogee County. Columbus, Sept. 24th 1845, 1—ml2mortf. LIOllR MONTHS after date application X 1 made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of I vill bo Putnam ling foi ordinary purposes,for leave to sell lie negroes of Robert Aslutrst. Jr., deceased. JNO. M. AS HURST, Adm’r. Nov. 12th, 1845. 9 NtwvYork City A4v*rlll*sent S HER WOOD’S VIBRATORY MAGNETIC MACHINE. T HE Vibratory Movement recently substituted for tho Rotary, in this Machine, by the subscriber, endows it with un extraordinary superiority over every form in which it has been constructed. It is compactly fitted together with its battery, wires, and other appliances, in neat mahogany ca- see. of several sizes and powers,at (two sizes,) $14 and $16 each ; nnd forwarded to order, to any part of the Union, the Canadas, West Indies or South America. Each case is accompanied with a Manual (7th edition, pp. 224, 32 mo.)—including u complete Manual of the Practice of Medicine, with a very full Glossary—giving clear and am ple directions for the use of the instrument in the various dis eases to which it is applicable, and which aro found, by the successful practice of hundreds of operators, to include the most prevalant, as well as the most peculiar and obstinate, thatare known to the medical profession ; with theproper Medicines for each case. 10 $4 A. H. SHERWOOD. 102 Chamber st., New York. X^OUR MONTHS after dute application will be X 1 made to the Inferior Court of Lowndes county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, to sell the estate of James Pat ten, lute of Lowndes county, deceused. WILLIAM PATTEN,Admr. Oct. 27, 1845. 7 New York Cily Advertisement. PRINT WAREHOUSE IN NEW YORK. To supply the city & interior trade by the piece or package No. 44 CEDAR STREET, Cneah william-bt.) L EE fit BREWSTER give notice to Dealers in Dry Goods that they have removed their WARE-HOUSE for PRIN TED CALICOES EXCL US1VELY, from Pearl to 44 Cedar Street. By confining their attention to PRINTS ONLi ,L fit B are enabled to exhibit nn assortment far surpassing any ever before offered in America—and to sell at prices as low. and generally lower, thun those whose attention is divided among a large variety of articles. The Stock consists oTseveral thousand patterns ant COLORS, EMBRACING EVERY VARIETY OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRINTS market—many styles oj which are got vp exclusively for then vi sales,and cannot he had elsewhere. except in second hands. Dealers iu Prints will find it for their interest to examine this stock before making their purchases—they will have the advantage ol learning the lowest market price, and compar ing all the desirable styles in market side hy side. Catalogues of prices, corrected with every variation of the market,ore placed in the hands of buyers. Oct. 8, 1844. 2 If Ij^OUR MO NXTIS after dateapplicatu JL to the honorable the I nferior Court of Wil ill be made ilkiusoiicounty, while sitting for nrdimtry purposes, for leave to sell the estute of Allen Smith,Inie of ssid count v,deceased. JAMES VICKKitS, Administrator. Sept. 11,1845. 51 I ^OUK MONTHS afterdate, application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Wilkinson county, whilesitling for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land fit negroes belonging to the estate of John Eady, sr. lute ofsaid county, deceased. HENRY EADY, Administrator. Sept. 5th, 4845. 50 Notice to Deb tors nnd Creditors. A LL persons having demands against the estate of James X\. Exum, lute of Wilkinson County, deceased, are request ed to render them in terms of the law; and those indebted to Baid estate, to moke immediate payment. JAMES ROSS, > J. G. It. HOGAN, \ October 28th. 1845. 6 • Ex’ra. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. W HEREAS MurtliuChumbersapplies to me for letters of Administration on that purl ol t he estute of Willium Chambers, deceased, not disposed ol in the will of suid Win. Chambers: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular those concerned, tu show cause, if any they huve, why suid letters of Administration should not he granted. Given undermy huud ul office, this 24th day of Nov, 1845. 13 5t AUG. B. RAIFORD, Clerk. Administrator's Sale. A GEE ABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of Wilkin son county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sold oil tho first Tuesday iu February next, before the Court house door in the town of Irwinton, all the real estate be longing to the estatoof Allen Smith, late of Wilkinson coun ty, deceased. Terms of sale made known on the day of sale. JAMES VICKERS, Adm’r. November 8th, 1845. Bids GEORGIA, Decatur County. W ’ HERE AS Wright Sanders and Thomas Sanders apply to me for letters of Adminislrulion on the estate of Robert W. Sanders, late of said county, deceased: These arethereforeto cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceused, to be uml appear at my office within the lime prescribed bv law,toshow cause,ifany they have,why said letters should not hegrunted. Given under mv hand utoflice,t!ns 2d duv of l)ec„1845. 15 1 Ot JOHN P. DICKINSON, c.c.o. GEORGIA : In the Superior Court of Hancock County, October Term, 1845. Present His Honor Junius Hillyer, Judge. Archibald Drake 'j . vs. I William H. Price t impleaded with Berry Peeler and Benjamin Roberts, Adm I T being shown to the Court, that the defendant, William H.P rice, is beyond the jurisdiction of this Court : It is ordered, that he appear at the next Term of this Court and plead, answer, or demur to the hill of complaint in this cause,or that the allegations in said hill will be taken us con fessed by him; and that a copy of this order be published once a month lor four mouths m the Georgia Journal, previ ous to suid Term. A true extinct from the minutes ol Huncock Superior Court, October 17,1845. II in4in JOS. T. SIMMONS. Dept. Clerk. Notice to Debtors and Creclitors. A LL persons liuving demands against the estate of Wil liam Smith, late of Wilkinson county, deceased, are re quested to render them in terms of the law; and those in debted to suid estate, to make immed'ute pnyment. JAMES ROSS, Ad mV Ort, 28th, 1845. 6 6t MEDICAL CARE. D OCTOR FAWCETT, of!96, Fulton street, New York Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, of London and Edinburgh, nnd Graduate of the Jefferson Medical Col lege of Philadelphia; also, author of a work embracing the following subjects, viz r— Matrimony, Impotency and Sterili ty, anatomically, physiologically, and medically explained, with u comprehensive exposition of the nature and modern treatment of Syphilis, Secondary Symptoms, Gonorrhcr.a, Gleet, Stricture's, Nocturnal Emissions, and all the conse quences arising from self-pollution. Doctor Fawcett contin ues his private consultations on the abovementioned diseases, ut his long established office, 196 Fulton street, where the most aggravated forms of all affections of the generative or gans will yield to his mode of treatment, without restraint iu diet or exercise, and without mercury. Even when the pro- creative energies become torpid or paralyzed, from excessive indulgence, or from masturbation, lie will be able to restore the parts to health and vigor. Persons at a distance, enclos ing $1 , can liuvo a copy of the work. All letters must be post paid,and directed to Dr. H. Faw cett, 196 Fulton street, New York. Aug-26. 48 6in Notice to Debtors mid Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Robert Aslmrst, Jr., l \. deceased, late of Putnam county are hereby requested » make immediate payment, and those having demands pniuot ooij o«t«!P will «pn<1 them in duly authenticated with- i the timo prescribed by law. JNO. M. AS HURST, AdmV Nov. 12th, 1845. 9 6t HEAD QUARTERS,? MlLLKDGKVlLLK, IOtll NoV ., 1845. { To the Colonels or Commandants of Regiments compos, ing the Second Brigade, Sixth Division, Georgia Militia: b A VACANCY having occurred by the resignation of II. H. TARVER, Brigadier General of the Second Brig ade, Sixth Division of the Militia of this State, 1 have thought proper to issue this, my Proclamation, hereby ordering you, the said Colonels, or Commandants of Regiments, to cau. e an election tube held on FRIDAY, the 16th day of Jauuan next,at the several plums of holding elections fur Member* of the Geneinl Assembly, giving due notice thereof, for the election of a Brigadier General to fill the nforesuid vacancy. And Ido further order, that returns of said election be mode to Head Ciuurters in the time prescribed hy law. By the Coinmnuder-in chief. 7 JOHN H. BROWN, Aid-de-camp • FURNITURE AND HOUSE CARPENTRY. R OBERT D. HALL (successor of \V. LordJ has con stantly on hand, makes to order, and repairs all kinds of Furniture. All kinds of HOUSE CARPENTRY done in the best manner, and low. All kinds ofPaintsenn be had ready for use. Glass cut to any size, and Glazing done. Also, Glass for Picture frames, ficc. ofvarious sizes; Hard ware Trimmings fur Furniture, fitc., and Mqliogany and Black Walnut Draw Knobs, ficc. Ladies will please call at Mr. Newell’s Store, where they will he conducted into the Shop and can see the Furniture. Milledgeville, June 10, 1845. 37 tf TO PRINTERS. Type Foundry A Primer’s Furnishing Warehouse. FlMiE Subscribers huve opened u new Type Foundry in X the City ot New York, where they are readv to supply orders to any extent, fur uuv kind of Job or Fancy'Type, Ink, ly concern* Ii Paner, Cases, Galleys, Brass Rule. STEEL COLUMN ! for RULE, Composing Sticks, Chases, and every article for u Hj When Printing Office. j person, a dei! The T also Steam Engines of tho }I\ EQUITY; •r.J Administrator's Sale. W ILL be sold on Saturdav, the 3d of January next,at the late residence of Elizabeth Williams, iu Putnam county, all the perishable property belonging to the said Elizabeth Williams, late of Putnam county, deceused.— Terms on the day. Nov.21,1845. ELMORE CALLAWAY, Administrator. 10 Executor's Sale. A GREEABLY to All order Of the Inferior Court of Wil kinson county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will bn sold before the Court-house door in Irwinton, Wilkinson county,on the first Tuesday in Jununry next, between the usual hours of sale, the Und and one negro belonging to the es tate of James King, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the duy of sale. JAMES K1NNY, Executor. Septomber 1st, 1845. 50 (( | a „ Executors' Sales. A GREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of Wil kinson county, while sitting for ordinury purposes, will he sold before the Court House door in Irwinton, on the first Tuesday in Februury next, between the usual hours of sale, the land and negroes belonging to the estate of James Exum, late of said county, deceased,sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Term* made known on day of sale. JAMES ROSS, J. O. K. HOGAN, f t»eculor«. 0... t, 1*4*. |9 td., Elizabeth O’Bannon > VS. > Libel for Divorce. William J. O'Baunon.) In Wilkinson Superior Court, October Term, 1845. I T appearing to the Court, from the return of the Sheriff, tliiil the defendant is not to be found within the limits of the county of Wilkinson, and it being also represented that the said defendant resides out of the State of Georgia : It is, on motion, ordered, that lie appear und file his answer on 01 be fore the first Monday in April next, or be considered in de fault : and that service of this rule be perfected by a monthly publication iu the Georgia Journal for three months before llm next Term of this Court. JULIUS L. LATASTE, Ally, pro Libellant. Oct. 7lh, 1845. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County• I, Thomas M. Tnrpley, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, hereby certify tlint the foregoing is a true extract from the minutes of said Court, at October Term. 1845. Given under my hand this 31st day ofOctober, 1845. 7 ni3m THOMAS M. TARPLEY. Clerk. Administrator's sale. W ILL he sold under an order oftho Inferior Court of Jas per county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, on tha first Tuesday in March next, at the Court-houee in Jasper county, 945 acres of land# more or less, lying in said county, being part of the lands of the estate of Stephen Mohlev, deceased, known os the widow’s dower tract, adjoining Brandon, Johnston and others. Sold as the property of suid estate for the benefit of the heir*. Terms,a credit till 25th December, 1816. DAVID RODDEN, FLEMING MOBLEY, Pfc.9.1845. If ► Adm’rs. ype, which are cast in new moulds, from an entirely new set ot matrixes, with deep counters, are warranted to be unsurpassed by any, nnd will he sold at prices to suit the times. All the type furnished by us is “bund cast.” Printing Presses furnished,und most approved patterns. Composition Rollers cast for Printers; Editors of newspapers, who will buy three times as much type as their hills amount to, may give the. above six months insertion in their papers, und send their pupers containing it COCKCROFT fit OVEREND. 68 Ann Street, New York. to the Subscribers. Sept. 9. 50 Cm prepared for College T MEIICEB UNIVERSITY. HE University comprises a Theological, Collegiate und Academical Department. THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT. Faculty.—Rev; John L. Dagg, I). D., Professor of Sys tematic Theology; Rev. J. L. Reynolds, A. M., Professor of Biblical Literature; Rev. N. M. Crawford, A. M., Professor (elect) of Ecclesiastical History. The course of studies in this Department embraces all the branches usually taught in Theological Schools of the first order,including Hebrew nnd, irdesired, Clmldeo. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. Faculty.—Rev. John I. Dng R , |>. |>., Rev, P. II. Mell.A. M., Prof.*; U. O. Peirce, A. M., Prof. ofCliemietrv und N.turul Philosophy ; S. P. Sanford, A. M., Professor of Mathematics; Rev. S.G. Hillyer, A. M.. Professor (elect) ol Belles Leltres. The course ot studies iu the College is ns full as in nnv kindled institution in tho ijouth. academical department. Rev. Thomas p. Marlin, A. B., Principal. The Students in this Department ere prer under the direction of the Faculty, EXPENSES. Tuition, in the Collegiute Department, $33 for the scltolns. tic year; inthe Preparatory Department.$25; in the Tbeolnei- cal Department,free. Board front 7 tu f 3 per month. Washing, Room rent, &c„ about $2,00 per month. The first sesdioti commences on the 2d Wednesday in Au gust, and closes on the 30th of November. The 2nd session begins on the 15ih of January, nnd closes with the Commencement Exercises on the 2d Weonesduy in July* For the course of studies in the several department*, in de- t«il, refer to the Christian Index, orttpply to one of the Pro fessors. O* Tho Chronicle and Sentinel,and Constitutionalist, Au gusta; the Whig and Banner, Athens, tlm Southern Recorder and Journal, Milledgeyille; the Republican ond Georgian, Savannah, and the Enquirer nnd Times, Columbus, aro re- quested to publish the above once a mouth for five months, and forward their accounts for settlement to the Treasurer, 1 homas J. Burnev, Madison. Sept. 30th 1845. j ni 5,„ FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OJIPIT+HIj $300,000. NKW-VOHK CONTRABUTION8HIP FIRE 1 INSURANCE COMPANY havingeatnhli.hedanecen- oy in KttoaviLLC,Crawford cnut.ty.willin.ure BUILDINGS, MERCHANDIZE, HOUSE HOLD EUR A ITU RE, andcvcrydescriptiontif property,again.llnatt ordamagebv Cr K , „ FRANCI* II. MURDOCK. Agent! Knoxville, June 11,1614. % 37 tf Splendid Lotteries ! 9. a. BXXttOXT * 00., Muarin. #15,000! #10,0001! SPLENDID ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Cloaa 47, for 1845, ’ Tobe drawnin Alexandria.D.C., on Saturday, the 13(1, December, 1845. 01 . „ Brilliniil Scheme. I ttrandI Capital of «.1«,000! 1 Splendid Prize or 19,0410 ! 1 do do. 1 do do. t do do. I do do. 90 Prizes of lOO Do. J9o Do. &c. dec. 10,000! 9,000! 4,000! 3,339 ! 1,000 400 300 &c. 78 NUMBER LOTTER F—13 Drawn Balhu. I icketsJftlO—Halves $5—Quarters q 0_mu Certificates ol Packages of 26 whole Tickets, $140?* So ti SSlm* ^ 0,000 Leg In 6 Prizes of #10,000 ! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class 48, for 1845, . * To be drawn ut Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday December 20, 1845. SPLENDID SCHEME. « Capital* of $10,000, ninoiiiitinir to 60,000 Dollars! 3,500 Dollars! 3,340 Dollars! as raizas or 1,000 doiiaai > r. onn *!° 04 400 Dollars! 300 do or 300 Doilurs! tj-e. &c. A-c. 75 NUMBER LOTTERY—13 Drawn Ballots. Ticket. $10—Halvra #5— Qtlurtrra $0,50. Certificate, of Package. of25 whole Ticket., $1 38 Do do 25 half do 65 Do do 25 quarter do 32 50 $33,S»4 ! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Cln.. No. 49, for 1845, Tobe drawn in Alexandria, D.C., ou Saturday, December 27th, 1845. GRAND SCHEME! ■WffBSIfB! Jj073 Dollars! !5o P ^ CS ° r MO® &c. ic. ic. Ticket. $10—llulvcs $5— Quarter. $2 50. Certificate.ol Packages of 26 Whole., $140 00 Do do 26 Halves. 70 (10 V a „ < ! 0 26 Quarters, 35 00 [CrOrders for I ttketH and Share, and Certificate, ol Pack age. in the above MAliNiFlcEKTScHEMlts will receive prompt attention, nnd an account of the Drawing w ill be lent imnie- dintely aflaf Uiaover to all who may order front its. Addre.., 4- 4».4*RLGOKY A Co., ItlnilllKcrs, ld »Washington City, D. C. Congressional Intelligencer*. 1 M1E Proprietors of the National Intelligencer, inor- _ der to meet the wishes of those whose circumstances or inclination do not allow them to subscribe even to a weekly Washington paper during the whole year,have determined to issue, Huiing each session of Congreps, n weekly sheet,styl ed “ The Congre8monal Intelligencer,” to be devoted exclusively to the publication, as fur as its limits will per mit, of the Proceedings of both Houses of Congress, and Official Reports nnd Documents connected therewith, inclu ding a complete official copy of all the Acts jfassed hy Congress during the session. To bring the price within the reach of every man who can rend, tne charge for this paper will be for the first session of each Congress One Dollar, and for the second session of euch Congress half a Dollar. The price of the Congressional Intelligencer, to be issued on each Wednesday during the approaching Session of Congress, will therefore be One Dollar, paid in ad vance. To enlarge upon the value, to those who take no newspa per front Washington,of this publication,containing anim- partial but necessarily abbreviated account of the Proceed ings in Congress, including nn authentic official cony of all tho laws passed during the session, would lie need less. The man who takes no such paper ought totuke one, if he does not prefer remaining ignoruntof what most near ly concerns his own destiny, und that of his family and his copies are ordered and paid for by any one deduction of one-sixih will he mude front the price; that is to say, a remittance ol Five Dollurs willcomniumi six copies of the Congressional Intelligencer for the next session. A remittance of Ten Dollras will secure thirteen copies; nnd fur Fifteen Dollars remitted front any one person or place, twenty copies will be forwarded. 0*Puymi nt in advance in ali cases is indispensable. Weekly National Intelligencer. This paper,being made up of such portion of the contents of the National Intelligencer proper as can be compressed within the compass of a single newspaper, continues lobe issued and mciled to subscribers every Saturday nt Two Dol lars a year, payable in advunce in ull enses— no account be ing opened with subscribers to the weekly paper- To bring this paper yet more nearly within the reacli of such ns desire to tnkeby the year a cheap paper from the sent of tho General Government, a reduction w ill be u ndo, in the price of it where a mini her of copies arc ordered and paid for hy any person or association ut the following rales : For Ten Dollars six copies will be sent. For Twenty Dollars thirteen copies ; and For eucli sum of Ten Dollars, above Twenty, eight copies will he forwarded *, so that a remittance of Fifty Dollar* will command thirty-seven copies. Washington, D.C., Oct. 7,1845 5 tf PROSPECTUS OF THE SOUTHERN CULTJYATOK, A Monthly Journal, devoted to the improvement of Southern Agriculture. EDITED BY~7AMES"CAMAk7of Athens, Ga. I N submitting to the Southern public the Prospectus for tho Fourth Volume of the “SOUTHERN CULTIVA TOR,” which may now be regarded as permanently estab lished, the publishers deem it unnecessary to advert to the high character the Work has attained under the editorial con trol of Mr. CAMAK, nnd therefore make a direct appeal to the Planters and Friends of Agriculture throughout the Southern States, to aid them in sustaining a publication de voted exclusively to the cause of Southern Agriculture. The advantages and benefits resulting from Agricultural pe riodicals, liyve been felt aud acknowledged hv the intelligent nnd reflecting Tillers of the Soil in all civilized nations; to bo most useful, therefore, they should he extensively circula ted among all clnsses of Agriculturists; if possible, they should be in the hands of every man who tills an acre of land, and to this end we invoke the aid of every one who feels an inlere.t in the improvement uf the Agriculture of the South. I he first number of the Fourth Volume will he issued on the first of Jantiory next. It is published monthly inqnarto form, each number contains sixteen pages of mutter, 9 by 12 inches equate. TERMS: One copy, one year, . , , $1,00 Six copies, “ ** . j fij)0 Twenty^five copies, one year, * . 20,00 One hundred ** •« »» , , 75^00 The Cash System will be rigidly enforced. The Cash must always accompany the order. M J. W. At W. S. JONES. Augusta, Nov. 184a. |y . .t NOTICE. \ LL persons are hereby cautioned ngninst trading fi /X six small promissory notes, five for thirty dollars end and one for fifteen dollars, amounting to one hundred sr sixty-five dollnrs ; made by John J. Dumard nnd William I Dnmard, dated third day of December, in the year 1844, nr due the. first day of Jununry, 1846, payable to Joniah Mu phey, or bearer, Administrator on the estate of Susanin Johnson, deceased; und the makers of suid notes are ca tioned against paying the same to uny one but myself, as tl notes huve been stolen from my possession. m » Ioir JOSIAH MURPHEY. Nov. lltli, 1845. 7 .< “ BEHOLD ! “M bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.'* PULMONARY ELIXIR. l^K. HKONSON respectfully informs the citizens of i-F Baldwin county, that lie bus now nn Aguncy at Mr. SH AHAN’8 Dry Goods Store, two nilicles of Medicine, viz: Pulmonary Elixir and Callanriic Pills. Dr. B. pledges himself to the public that the ELIXIR will euro Colic injffpe minutes, either with mun or beust—relieve Asthma,Consumption, Coughs, Crump, and Croup iu a few hours, or day s at most—and for Astluna, will give relief in ten minutes. For public speakers, its equal is not known, iu the perfect restoration of the voice to its nuturul tone. All ob structions of the breast immediately removed by a few doers of the Elixir. Aud in confirmation of what l here state, my agents ure all instructed to refund the money in every case of failure, where a fair triul lias been made with the medicine. CATHARTIC PILLS. Tlieso Pills are purely vegetable—warranted to be mild in their operation—possessing tonic and stimulant properties; and will he found useful in almost all classes of disease. For costiveness, or irregularities of the system, they ure without u parallel. The boxes are large, aud put up in neut and por table style. Fninilies will find it to be great economy iu the purchase and use of these Pills. If the Cathartic Pills fuil to prove what I have stated above, orwhiit may lie stated on the bills, the purchaser can return the empty box und label to the Agent, and the money will be refunded. Respectfully, F; 8. BRONHON, M. D. J. II. Slmlimi, Agent, Milledgeville, Ga. 18 WANTED, A AT OB 50,000 lbs. of Pork, for the use of the Pen!- tentiary of Georgia, for which cash will be paid. ■ ... .. „ P. FAIR, Inspector. Milledgeville, Nov. 11,1845. 7*3i POU S A I.R A FORTY Acre Lot, No. 611, in’th. I81I1 Di.trict, 2.1 Section,of Cobh county. Thonbov* lot will ho noltlon letirunnhl* torm*, by immediate application nt this Office; •May 0,1815. yj ^ KNIGHTS OF THE HORSE SHOE: X Traditionary Talc of tfiic Cocked»IIat Gentry of the Old Dominion. By the author of the “Cavaliers of Virginia,” dpc. cf-c. C 11AKLE8 YANCEY has the pleasure of informing the Southern public, that ho will issue from his Press in West Wetiiinpka, Ala. in a few weeks, the above mimed Nov el, by a distinguished author residing in the State of Georgia. THE KNIGHTS OF THE HOK8E SHOE will be is- sued in Piimphlct form, 2 vols. 125 pages, or more each.— Price 75 cts. per single copy— 9 copies for $5; 20 copies for $10. CHARLES YANCEY, Wetumpkn, Ala. Aug. 5. 45 if A CARD. I T is deemed hy the Trustees and Resident Physician to the Institution, proniotive oftho best interests of the in mates that no visitors be admitted before 8 o’clock, A. M.,be tween 12 and 2, nnd after 5 P M.; and within those hours on ly in company with the Phvsicisnor hy his written permit lw the 8tevvurd and Matron, except under peculiar circumstan ces. D. COOPER, Res. Phys. At Superint. Aug. 12,1815. 47 tf S ALT —350 Sacks, large size, Liverpool Salt. A few sacks of Alum do.—Just received uml for ealeby Nov.25, 1845. 11 WRIGHT & STETSON. MAIL ARRANGEMENT. Northern Mail. Duz Daily, (except Suiiduy,) at 10 a. m. Close* Daily, “ at9jA.ii. Savannah Dur. daily, (< xcept Monday.) ut 3p.m. Closes daily, *' at 8 p.m. Macon and Columbus MailJ Due daily, (except Sunday,) at 3 p. x. Closes daily, " at 6 p. n. Eafonfoti Mail. Due Monday, Wednesday aud Friday at 7 P. M. Closes *» *• “ a l8P.*% Monticello Mail; DUKTburadajandSundajalt t M. C LOSE S Mon tin) amt ThuisOa; a IS P.M • Hawkinstillt Mail. Closes Monday and Thursday at 8 p. n. Florida Mail. Closes Monday, Wednesday and Fiidny at 0 r.i»* K. PAGGl/l T, I*. M. 1945.