The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, December 16, 1845, Image 2

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(Kcorflfa a.rfl(«laturr. SENATE. Thursday, Doc. 11. 1845. [Proceeding* of tin's day, noticed editorially in Friday’* paper, are omitted.] Mr. Field introduced a bill to incorporate tiro Mountain Fire Company of Dahloncga. RILLS TABBED. To incorporate tlio Sontlt Wostorn R. R. Com pany. with power to extend ita brnnehos to Alba ny, to Fort Caines, or to any point below those place* upon the Flint and Chattahoochee Rivers. [This bill was amended by Mr. Culliotln. authoriz ing tiro city of Columbus to connect with this road ut any limn, it may think proper, by subscribing a capital of 61,000,001). The *amo restriction is incorporated in this bill, relative to the liability of Stockholder*, u* wn* incorporated in the bill to ex tend ihe Central Railroad to Columbus. On the passage of the bill, the yens were 27 i nay* 17.] To alter and antond the several ucts relative to the Monroe Railroad and Bunking Company ; to abolish its banking privileges; locliutige its mimes j and to authorise it to build n branch to Columbus —yeas 25 ; nays 7. [The same restriction is in. uted in this bill, that has been incorporated in others of hke character.] For tho relief of C. K. Carter of Talbot county. A communication was received (rom tbn Gover nor, relative to the accounts of the census takers— and inlorining the Semite that there is a deficit of 61190 in tire appropriation to pay expenses. Mr. Jackson’s resolutions relative to tile Turill' and Texas were taken up, when Mr. Miller ottered the following ns a substitute : Wliereus, Direct Taxation is at variunco with the true genius ol our Government, and it is prop, er turd expedient that tho want* of the government, economically administered, should bo supplied from duties from imports—therefore, 1. Resolved, fyc. That a Tariff 1 for Revenue should bo sojudjuaierl as not to give any preference to foreign ovor domestic interests. 2. Resolved, That, in tho opinion of this body, the Tariff uct of 1842,if altered, should place all the departments of American industry ns fur us possi* hie upon an equal footing. Whereas, the annexation of Texas has been agreed to by Congress, and been assented to by the people of Texas—Therefore, 8,1. Resolved, That in the opinion of the Gen. oral, Assemblyil is the duty of every good citizen to yield implicit obedience to the law of the land, und throw no obstacle in the wuy of tho complete coif summation of said act of annexation. Mr. Ridley moved to lay the resolutions on-the table for the balance of the session, which was re jected—yeas 23, nays 21. Mr. Wofford called for the previous question, on the adoption of the origiuul resolutions. Thu cull was sustained—when the resolutions were adopted by yeas 23, to nays 2d. [This was a strict party party vote, the Democrats votingfor, and the Whigs against, Mr. Jackson’s resolutions.] Mr. Kenan then offered the following resolution: Resolved, That it is not the intention of this Leg. islaturo to say, “that the duties on articles should beat the same, or u horizontal rale. Some arti cles will bear a much higher revenue duty than others. Uulotv tho maximum of tho revonue stan dard, Congress may,and ought to, discriminate in liio rates imposed.” (This is a quotation from Mr. Polk’s message to Congress.) The Sennto refus. e:l to take up und consider the resolution, viz. nays 23. to yeas 20. (The Whigs voting for, and the Democi uts against, taking up, Ou motion of Mr. Miller, the Senate agreed he re - after to meet at half past 0 A. M. and at 3 o’clock, on each day. OLJ1X.. ishnblo lire offence of i m • Friday, Dec. 12. On motion of Mr. Miller the Senulo reconsider ed so much of its journal of yesterday as relate to the rejection of the bill to incorporate the Augusta Manufacturing Company—yeas 22 ; nays 17. BILL INTRODUCED. JJ v Mr. Crawford: To uutliorizo Courts of Or dinary to appoint their clerks, and Guardians, yr certain cases, und fur other purposes. The Senate took up und agreed to tho ropoi t of the joint seloet committee, requesting the Governor to appoint three gentlemen,learned in tho ex amine tho work proposed to be published bv Unwell Cobb—und upon a luvoruble report, the Governot is icq .usted iu subscribe fur500copies, at $4 each; the 62.000 tn-be udvai.ced to said Cobb, provided be give bond and security for tire delivery ol tiro copies to the Governor—arid when they are re ceived, they uro to be furnished to public officers, when directed by resolution to furnish Georgia Justices. Mr. Calhoun, from the select committee, report ed unfavorably to the petition of James Moss ana Others of Muscogee, relative to a change of time in collecting tuxns from the summer and fall to the winter season—which was agreed to. , Mr. Jackson presented a m.mioriul from a large number ufcuiz-ns uf Savannah, protesting against tiie piissagu of tho bill which lately passed the House, relative to the altering the term of office of certain officers in Savannah. A inesH.igo wus received from tho Governor, concerning ins assenting to a joint resolution rela tive to tltu claims uf Messrs. Hmisell, Sanford and Hucketl, for professional services rendered. In approving and signing said resolution the Governor construe* it us only directory us t > the mode ot au diting suid accounts, und not us appropriating mo ney for their payment, lie enforces his views submitted in 1843 nguinst the constitutionality ol tho Legislature’s appropriating money by resolu tion. On motion of Mr. Hardeman, tho Senate took up and ogreed to a resolution, directing the Directors of the Central Rank to give up the note, bold by the I Central Rank, of Henry W. Jernijnn, upon his giving a bouu fide transfer of Iris claim of 621,242 against the General Government, lor property do- stroyed by the Indians nt Roanoke, in 1840. On motion of Mr. Ridley, tlio Senate agreed to a resolution, appointing Saturday the 20th inst, as the day an which both brunches of the Legislature will adj nu n sine die, Mr. Calhoun, from a select committee to whom was referred tho memorial of Mrs. N. F. Mitchell, relative to her father, ottered a resolution which was agreed to, requesting the Governor to have a monument erected over Ihe grave of Cnptain Sam. tlel Rccklmin, a soldier and a Captain during the Revolutionary War, and he is authorized to pay the expenses thereof out of the contingent fund. Tito Senate then took up tlio bill to amend and make certuin the provisions of an act passed 30tli Dee. 1830,to incorporate the Middle Branch Rail road Company. Several amendments were offer ed to tlio same, and alter much discussion, tlio Sen ale adjourned without talcing a voto upon the bill. Saturday. Dee. 13. DILLS INTRODUCED. By Mr. luckson : To authorize the Judgo of lire Court of Common Plcus und Oyer and Terrnoner for the city of Savannah, to bold special or extraor dinary Courts for the triul of offences defined in an act of tho General Assembly of 1843, making pun- abducting and harboring son- men. Mr. Murplioy, (from tlio committee on Internal Improvement) : To provide for the conducting the busiuuii of iranspurrutiun uf the Western and At lantic Railroad. Mr. Culhoun: To prescribe the mode of as- signing judgments against endorsers, in certain cases. Mr-Hacked : To define tiro duties, rights nnd powers of Administrators de bonii non, and to pro- seribo and deiiiie additional dutica und liabilities of tlio Clerks of tho several Courts ol'Ordinary. Also—To change the limo of holding the elec tion for Electors for President and Vico Presidnnt of the United States from the 1st Monday, to tho 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in November. Mr. Gignilliutt: To change the county line be tween Glynn and Wayne counties. Mr. Bruuddus: To refund to Sued rack Me Mi- cltaol, Administrator &c., the grant lee to ocertuin lot of land therein named. Mr. Murplioy from tlio committco on Internal Improvement, to whom wus reforred that purl of tlio Governor's Message, relative to Internal Im provements, und the report of the Chief Engineer of the Western nod Atlantic Ruil Road inadu a report, which wus taken up and agreed to: Tho report coimneuco thus—-“Tlio committee, in view of tlio grout ununiiniiy and enthusiasm with which this great enterprise was commenced, und the despondency und distrus which followed, and which were tlio result uf the hardness of the times, nnd the prodignlity with which the work was at first eo dueled, congratulate our country upon the return of that confidence which scums to prevail, ut present, under it more economical nmiiagement of its uffuirs, and tiro consequent probability of iho completion of liic raail, ami that a suiiiciuucy of it will be completed ill u short lime to bo of great Slulc uad national utility, and give the .State that elevation, and to her citizens those social und commercial advantages, and lo thu nation, in case of invusion, us ready communi cation und ready transition of men und munitions of war between the Seaboard and the West, to which the originators of this great Sluto work look ed with so much confidence when they authorised the survey and commenced its construction.” Tho committee then allude to the fraud practiced upon the State by Thompson and Furman ol Loudon.— und tho failure of Congress lo refund tho duty puid on Railroad iron, which caused the excess ol in debtedness over nnd utiovo tlio appropriations— and recommend un appropriation of 619.000 to pay ilmi excess. The committee further s y that they ••ngieo with Iris Excellency, llinthnwev or it may be, desirable lo extend lire road, a luriii- er indebtedness of tile State ought not to bo creat ed” for that purpose but "recommend its extension, within the next two years to Cioss I’liiius in die county of Murray,” and for this purpose authorise the Governor and Chief Engineer to "use the pro fits and credit of the road in such manner us may, in tire opinion of 11 is Excellency, best promote the success of the road nnd interests uf the Slate,” &e. &c. We may hereafter publish tire report in full. Mr. Kellogg ; To incorporate the town of Cumming, in Forsyth county, to repeal all other acts concerning the same, to make certain the cor porate, limits and to appoint commissioners, &c. Mr. Reynolds : To amend tho act of 31st De cember, 1838, so far as to extend tho power of the commissioners of tlio Waresboro’ Academy, in Burke county. Also—To compel persons ow ning planted',ons and property in Buiko county, to givo in und pay lax on said properly in said county* Mr. Gigndliatt: In relation to tlio holding of the Superior nnd Inferior courts of Glynn county. BILL PASSED. To add un additional section to die 13 It divi sion of the penal code. To l u-eiiact tbn 2-1 section of an act of 1600, rel ative to roads in Camden. To explain and amend the 1st section of an act of 1820, relative to security on appeal on stay of executions and for tiie protection of bail ou leuug- nizuncc, &c. For tho admission of certain evidence in «nso3 therein mentioned. To incorporate the Columbus Water lot Com pany (with tho same restriction, os in Rail Rond Charters.) To add the residence of James Layfield, to Tal bot county. To allow tho Into Tux Collector of Irtvin county, his insolvent list. To uiueiid tlio 5ih section of an act for die eg. tuiillshing and regulating patrols, &c. To change the Court of Ordinary and Land Court, in Camden county, to tlio 1st Monday in January. To establish, and remove election Precincts in certain counties. To authorise A. II. Reese, to erect a mill darn to an islund in the Chaltulioocheo river—and James Law of Hail county, lo build a loll bridge on his own Ittnd across the Chuliahuo-.-hec river. To authorise tlio Inferior Court of Lowndes county, to dispose of all land about Frunklinville, belonging lo the county. BILLS LOST. To change tire time of Justices’ courts fioni once a mouth, to unce in four months. To repeal so much of un act of 1840, requiring tiie Principal Keeper and Inspector und Bunk-keep, er ot tiie Penitentiary, to maku out their reports hr abstract form. Mr. Ciiustuin offered a resolution that our Sena tors be instructed, &c., to have established a week ly mail routo from Duhlouega, in Lumpkin, to Skcener Town, in Union, &c. Mr. Llardetnun moved to striko out tiro words "ho instructed.”—On agreeing to the same, tho yeas were 20, nays 20.—The President voting in iIre nffirinativo, the words "be instructed” were stricken out. Mr. Huckctt moved to strike out lire word "Sen. alors,” und insert "Senator, lion. Walter T. Col quitt. Mr. Crawford called for tho previous question, it being to agree to tlio original resolutions ns amended, 'J lie cud nut having been sustained, un der tiie rules of the Senate the subject wus post poned until another day. Mr. Murplioy offered a resolution requesting our members in Congress to liavo refunded to the State, the amount of duty paid by the State on iron fur tire Western and Atlantic Rail Road. Mr. Miller presumed the petition of tire Fire Company of Augusta, and introduced u bill lo in corporate said Company: Mr, Wofford : Front tlio Joint Standing Com- mitten on the Penitentiary, made a majority and minority Report,—which were read and 200 co pies of each, were ordored lo bo printed for ihe use of the Senate. Mr. Hackett : From lire Judiciary Committee reported that, lire bills lo prevent wurds frum hav ing to pay commissions more than once—and to amend an uct entitled an act to compel parlies’ plaintiffs in the several courts of this State, w here tiie plea of usury is filed, to discover on oath, dec., are unnecessary and inexpedient, and in tome cases would be productive of greul injustice—which was agreed lo. The bill relativo lo the Middle Branch R. Road Company, was again taken up, and made the order of tiie day for Tusduy next—yens 23, nays 17. Tho bill to authorise the construction of a Rail Road, from LaGrungo, to tlio Clmltuhoochee, at or near Weal Point, was also made tiie order of the day for Tuesday next. A communication was received from tho Dircc- tor of the Central Bunk, responding to certniu cn- qulries made of him, by resolution, relative to the uffuirs of ihe Darien B ink—which was referred lo Messrs. Calhoun, Wofford and Crawford a select committee, A communication was received from the Gov ernor, relative to the call made, to know the amount of tlio salary now puid tlio Chief Engineer of the W. & A. R. Road. The Governor informs the Semite "t’lat the villary of thu Chief Engineer of tho W. & A. R. Road is now at tire sum of 62,000, an amourt less than lias heretofore been paidpipon other woilts of intornal improvements enrried on in tho Stole since tlio progress of tiie work as au thorised indor the act of 1843." There ure three assistants—ono with n su In ry nt tiie rale of i8l,000 pet annum, und two nt $800 per annum, >Sjc. &o. Tho nature and amount of contingent expenses hr cannot furnish until ho hears from ill Chief Engineer, Ace. There being no luw requir ing it, the C lief Engineer disbuises the npproprin lions with 0.11 giving bond or security. BOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Thuiisday, Dec. 11. [Proceedings of this day, that were noticed editorial- ly on Friday, are entitled.] The Hou.e again tooic up tho Inx bill, and laid it on the table for die present. The House rejected the bill to pay the debt due by the State to Peter Trezevant. On tho passage of the bill, the yeas were 59 ; nays 03 —us follows: Yeah—.Messrs. Anderson ofClintlmin, Aimatroiig of B bli, Armstrong uf Girons, Kuknr, Bolivia, Berry, Bivins, Bryun, Chapman.Cl.ftnii,t'mipor, Ciswliird nl Harris, Cnrwfiinl of Upson, Dtdcgul, ilixoo, Diiliignuo, Faiiibrough, Fleioiniiig. Guuhlnn nl Niowu'I.G. urge, Cootie, Gordon, Graham, Gray, fireene of Mofion, liiu-rrr, Guyton, Hot.sell, lluriis ot Hold* win, lliurisof Troap, Hill, Ho'wnrd, Hull, litutchiligp, Ivey, Jenkins,Kenan. Ktudall, Lessoer, l-awis, Li\ iogstoo, Lump* km, ■lu-liftr, Ogled,y, Oiven, I'ourson, i’eirv. l’r.vor, Rhodes, ■tooiosoool Laurels, Itnliinsun of Wilkes, l loyal,Mi Slakes,strong.Stioud, Varooiloe, Yillitking a, Word. \ \vs—Messrs. Arnold, Humes, Hmreii, lluugli. Bell, Hint, Black, Boro, Brainy, Bollard, liaison, Bo Ural, Butt,Cube oe ss. Calloway, Caiuon ,1,'urlloo,,. reek, Do vis, llurmony, Ec- tor, Field, <*aiilding of Bike. Goodman, Green of Crawford, G reene ofllnbuu, (iuilfoid, lluriis 1 f Almge.ii, llilliind, Jui U non, Jennings, Jilmsnn, Junes, Keilh, Kile ore, Knox, Lead belter, Maloney,iMnrtin, Moon, Morris, Mr.Mullen, I'clerson. Hold neon of tiu ly, Sunfurd, Suiilli of Cos e, Soiilli of Heard, Sniitn of Henry, Smith of Oglethorpe, Stofloi'd, Stapleli 0. -limner, .Swvariigen. Thompson, 'I llurntnn, Wulker, Wore »f.\ia,iisuo, Woiitker, Wliitw-orili, tt 1II1-, Wynti Yarburoiigli. A tmtssuge wus received U0111 tiie Governor, •-Lowing that tho nmount of expenses incurred in taking tlio census of this State for the year 1845, is £2 1.190 and tho amount already appropriated for tins service is 620,000—showing a deficit in the appropriation ol 611,90. The House passed Hid bill, to niter nnd amend an net to provide for the indigent Deaf and Dumb of this til ole ; also, to provide for the appointment of a commissioner, to reguiutu iris duties, utlix his salary, and appropriate tnonio* therefor by chang ing tho place ol Education, Tho House tool: up tho act to niter and amend ilm 7th section of the 1st article uf tiie Constitution of this Suite and made it the special order for Monday next. - Friday, Dec 12. BILLS INTRODUCED. By Mr. Thornton : For the relief B. W, Cas- tiebury, of Fur-yt li county. Mr. Maloney: For the relief of James II. Ma. hnffey. Mr. Jackson: To authorize parties to traverse returns made by Justices of the Inferior Court or Justices of tho Peace in certiorari, Mr. Goode ; To chtmgo the time of holding the Superior ami Inferior Coin is of Upson enmity . Mr. Morris: To repeal ihe net of 1830. nnd 1840, relative to lire office of Adjutant General,die. Mr. Morris, (from a select committee) : For the relit-l of John Temples ol Franklin comity. Mr. Grulintn: To authorize tire Inferior Courts of Telfair and Ware counties to appoint lit and proper persons.and to have tiie lino beitwecn said counties run and marked out plainly. Tiie House agreed ton resolution for the pny. merit ol 620 to Thomas Allen, for services ns Bri gade Inspector for the year 18-44, in the 21 Bri Division, G. M. Also—The resolution for the payment of $20 to tiie Executors of Stephen Grice, of Henry county. Mr. Robinson, of Early, luid on tho table a res olution lo autlioiizn the Governor to have u dura- tile moiiunieiii erected over the grave of John 11 entz. deceased, late a Representative from the county uf Baker. Mr. Goode laid on tho table a resolution in favor of John C. W. Lindsay, of Upson county. On motion of Mr. Bclvin,il wus Resolved, Tint the rules of litis IJonso Lo dis pensed witii alter, so far as rotates lo the call of tho counties. Mr. Armstrong, of Bibb: To provide for a gen eral system of instruction. The [Rinse adopted a resolution calling upon the Treasurer to stute how many Auctioneers have complied with the law, relativo to their taking out license, &c., and to report tiro names of all that are in defuult, bills passed. 1 The bill of Senate to reduce the rate of interns! in this Slate to 7 per cent. (This bill provides hut the rate of interest shall not ho above 7 per cent on all money loaned, or contracts entered in to after the passage of the act.) On tho pussuge of the bill the yeas wore 83 ; cays 38. The bill of Senate, To aulhorizo tile investment ofTrusl Funds 11 Suite Stocks, or other securities, to provide fur Ike sale or disposition thereof, and to exempt tlio same from luxation. The House ugnin look up the tax bill, nnd after much discussioii. and voting, upon several amend ments offered, udjourned till to-morrow morning. Saturday, I)rc. 13. Mr. Owen, from the Joint .Standing Committee on the Penitentiary inadu a report thereon—which was read und 150 copies ordered to lie piinted. Tiie balance uf the day wus taken up in Ihe con sideralion ol it hill (Mr. Lewis') to levy and collect money fur tho support of Government for the years 1340 and 1847.—The hill having been gone thro’ with by sections, nnd amended, Mr. Sanford offered a substitute for tlio same, ! which was adopted and passed—yens 05. nays:>2. I [The substitute is the lux net nt present in force, with one or two amendments, ns to the manner in 1 w hich taxes shall he given in, and the time digest* shail be forwurded to the Comptroller General ] Mr. Owen, from the Joint Standing Committee on the Penitentiary, introduced a bill to amend the police ol the Peniientinry, mill for other purposes. The news bv the Cambria.—The "Journal of Commerce” states, on tlio authority of an intclli. gent merchant of the city of New York, who has been spending the Inst eight mouths in Europe, and had the lies! opportunities of observation, that “the excitement in England was universal nguinst tiie >gave United States on the subject of Oregon, The Go. vernment was making tho most vigorous prepara tions for war, and unquestionably with reference •lone lo tho Oregon dispute ; ns wills France, nnd nil tho nation* of Europe, she i* wiiltout controver sy on any subject. A very large contract had been made, among other tilings, for military cloth, ing in Cunadi. Indeed, it was said that tlio (iov. crumoiil wero determined U| on tlio necessity of settling lint difficulty without debit.’’ The same pnper further stale* thnt "the opinion of the passengers to whom ihe President’s Messago was road, on bourd the Cumbria, was that it would vory rmie.h increase tlio excitement in England, und increuso the difficulty of an nnticublo settle ment.” MILITARY CLAIMS. The following message was received in the Sen. tilo-on Wednesday, from Guv. Crawford, ia reply lo a resolution of that body, calling for informa. lion : EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, J Millf.dukville, Dec. 5lh, 1840. ) In answer to a resolution of the Senate, request ing the Governor to communicate to lliut branch of tlio General Assembly, the amount dun by tiie Go vernment of tlio United Status on the Military cluinrrs, and whether tlio appropriation made by Congress is sufficient to cover the whole urnouut duo, I have the honor lo say, lliut the following ex tractor n letter from Governor McDonald, lo the lion. Murk A. Cooper, duted 25th June, 1842, hows that between thu 20lli December, 1830, and 31st October, 1837, there was puid the sum of That between tho 1st November, 1837. nnd 31st October, 1833, paid under act of 20th December 1830, Puid tiitdor act of 20th December, 1837, between 1st February, and 27th Jnitu, 1838 Puid Batiks at Columbus, under act 25tlr Dt comber, 1837, Paid by Col. Y. P. King, between 1st March, anti 8di May. 1830, Paid Captains Knight and Curler, and Quarter Master Seminas, dec. under appropriation of 1p39, (the companies and Quarter Master mentioned in Col. ¥. P. King’s report) 9,920 88 Accounts for clothing, provisions, &c., audited by Rockwell and Hunsell und Anderson 1,652 10 ©I)* lfoi»rM«7fl» MILLEDGEVII.LE: Tuesday Morning, December 16, 16-15, WHIG CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS, District No. 3, DR. auiikom; barer, or Bins county. . . , j arrlti the course of the next six months, we expect 1 lo enrich Ihe columns of nttr paper with sketches of the ! present Legislature, nmlalsoto furnish them with liter- | al extracts from tlio colonial History of Georgia. In the execution of tins task, wc can confidently promise to our readers mite It to interest and amuse them. 6107,850 00 29,331 79 7,031 93 5,115 60 49,480 10 6210,582 81 To ibis amount may he added the sum of 61,. GOO paid to J. L. Daniel, under the authority of tin act passed in 1843, as well us the sum of 31,000 85 under an act of 1642, to provide for tiie protection of the Southern Iron tier. The aggregate amount of the claims may beset down 11s two hundred and forty-linen thousand three hundred and nine dol lars und sixty.six cents, 6243 300 06. Tiie act of Congress, assented to on the 11th Aug. 1841, appropriated only one hundred und sev enty.five thousand dollars—w he ten I one hundred and thirteen thousand (wo hundred und three dol lars nod thirty.five cents lutve been paid. Tiie payments have been made according to the follow- ing dittos and uinounts, viz : Nov. 25th, 1842, 694,037 14 Aug, 10th, 1843, 2 053 55 Sept. 20th, 1843, 2,045 68 “ 30ili, " 507 70 June 25lh, 1634, 12.909 08 it is proper to add, that only 6208,018 3(1 have been recommended to be paid, which is derived from a letter, addressed on 10th Februnry, 1841, by the then Secretary of War, lo the Committee of Ways and Means of tiie House of Representa tives. GEO, W. CRAWFORD. ID" The Rev. F. Jacobs, wc learn, has accepted of the appointment to the South Carolina Professorship in the Oglethorpe University, and will enter upon the duties of his chair at tho opening of the next term, 1st ! Monday in January. ! D" On Thursday evening last, tho Democratic mem- I borsof tho Legislature assembled in caucus, and norni. j mrted tire Hon. Hiuam Warner, as their candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court, for tho four years term, As it understood that both parlies are to make their own selection, which will be sustained by the Legisla- ture, there is no doubt of Judge Warner's being one of the Judges of the Court. The Whigs have not yet made then election, for Hie two and six years Judges. ! ADJOURNMENT OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. ! Both Houses of the Legislature of South Carolina j have agreed to adjourn on Monday tho 15th inst., fves. I tcrday.l This fission will therefore be an unusually short one—ONLY THREE WEEKS AND ONE DAY. LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS.—Yesterday. i'lia Semite,yesterday.passed a trill requiring persons m pny tax on ihcirpropcrly, in tint counties where it is situated, provided ir is used either by themselves, their agctila or ten- nnts. Air. Clm«tnin moved lo reronsider so mtieli of the jnnrnttls of Nmurduy, us related lo tiie striking our "tie instructed" in certuin resolutions. To reconsider, tlio yens were 19; nnvs 19—the President voting in rite negative, rite motion was lost. ’I'll® lull l» incorporate n Company (or (lie improvement of the navigation of tho Chattahoochee river, above Coin minis, wits taken op nnd indefinitely postponed. | The kill tu add the enmity of Houston to the Southern Ju. [ dicinl Circuit, was rrjectcit. I I lie Hill to am. ml tlio net of IGJ3, relative to die distribution I °f die poor school fluid, heimr under consideration— Mr. tv„f. iotd moved that in the riiHii(iiitinii,"/Yy)|.cxf/i/ttftre popula tion''he stiieken out, and “ White population'’ inserted. On agreeing to lire motion, the yens were ‘22; nays 19. After far. ■ (her consideration of die wna indefinitely postponed. ! The Senate passed (lie hill for din election,hy the I.egisla- latum, of Commissioners lo examine ittlo die nifa rs of the Treasury nnd public debt. The committee are also instruct- j ed to examine into the afinirs, condition and mttnageinent of | the Central Bank and lo have their report published: also ta direct the prosecution of die bond ofevery Director or office,. 1 who lias none any not unauthorized hy die charier of Ilia | Central Bank. I lie I,ill 10 alter the Constitution so os to allow enclt coun- I ly lo have a Senator was rejected—only two Senators, .Messrs, j Cone and Chastain, voting htr it. The hill, in compliance with tlio Constitution, for the up- porlionment of Beprcsentativcs among the scvcrul counties under rite census of 18-io, was passed, Tiie I,id to compel Banks lo pny tax on tlio highest amount ofltunk Stock hereafter returned, was passed. Tiie proceedings above, are die most important ol die Sen ate, tip to3 o’clock, 1’. Al. The House yesterday, reconsidered so iiineli of its Journnts ofSatnrdny ns relate lo the passage of die substitute, offered hy Air. Sanford, lo rite Tax hill. *1 Ira hill to alter the ns tonllow new conn* lies, hereafter created, a Kepresentntivn in die Legisla[11 re. die passage of the hill,die yeas were 38; nuy* wing a majority of ties thi,Js in (ovor of it. THE EUROPEAN NEWS. The mails to day brings us Boston papers of the evening of tiie Otli, and New York lo the morning of the Till, most of which arc filled with tiie news brought by the Cambria, at the former port on tiie morning of the 5th. The most gratifying portion of lire nows to our plnnlursnnd merchants must be the brighter up- puurattcu of the Cuttou market ; for it will be re membered tliut our advices by the Britania were of rather a gloomy character. A better feeling was also observable—tile sales were larger, and one eighth of a penny over previous prices had been renlized. Still, we cannol perceive llml tiny very great reliance can be pluced on tlio continu. trace of a ratso either in prices or sales—nlthough tire markets closed very firm botlr in Liverpool and Havre. Rice still commanded high rates in Liverpool, ov en at auction snles ; but in Havre, little wns doing owing to the scarcity of lire article—the stock being almost exhausted. Notwithstanding tlio generally acknowledged failure of the Potato crop, it seems that the Eng lish Premier Ims not yet decided to open tire ports for tlio admission of Corn ; as a consequence, that article continued firm, ut high prices. It wus thought, however, that Ftour and Wheat would shortly be admitted at the lowest rate of duly on the sliding scale. Ruilwuy speculation wns progressing, notwith standing nn advance in tlio rate of interest by the Bunk of England to 3J, und the expectation of a further increase to 4 per cent. The political news is of no certain importance. It is intimated by some of the journals, that Sir Robert Peel, is favorable lo an amicable adjustment of iho Oregon question ; but that tlio Duke of Well, ingion goes for “wor to the knife.” Hence, it is supposed tliut the former will be removed from of fice, and that the Duke will once more be placed nl the head of uffuirs. We gather from this not improbable statement, that a strung discussion may he expected in tiie next Purlinmettt, and a triul of strength take place between the friends of iho pres ent Premier, und those of tlio Duke; unless Eng land adopt* Iter usual policy of striking first, and iregoliuiittg afterwards. This may he done, should her Majesty get into a pet, and givo the Duke the reirts of power nt unce, hut we have reason to be lieve tliut ho is no greut favorite of Queen Victoria. Putting this und that, together, therefore, we must confess tliut tho news looks peaceable enough, making due allow ance for tho present stale of af fairs. VVha' the future may bring forth, ufter the reception of the President’* Message, we ahull see, la Ireland, Repeal was getting lo he a drug, not. withstanding O’Comieli’s most earnest endeavors. The miseries of tire people—the continual drain of their little mites—the exportation of provisions to England—the severity of winter—and the w ant of all those advantages which are nffortfed other na tions hy their governments, in agriculture, com merce and manufactures, doubllcs have led to their lukewarmness in this Repeal matter. Mr. O’Con nell’s brnllicr gave 62,599 for the relief of tlio suf. feting poor. We have heard nothing of what he wasrejeeled; 1 flit Thera it was tost. 'The House nnd tire same to press. then took up tiie General Appropriation hill— vos tinder consideration when oor paper went THE AMERICAN ALMANAC, AND REPOSITORY OP USEFUL KNOWLEDGE FOR 1849. Messrs. Dunham & Bi.eakely have left with us sev. oral copies of this valuable work, which members of the Legislature and others can obtain for 81 per copy. We have not had time to examine fully the contents of the work—but from a cursory glance, it teem- that it has an account of every thing connected with Govern ment, Education, the arts and sciences. As a work of re lerence, for general information, few equal it. Per sons desiring such a pubi.cation, can call and cxanmio for themselves. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. Tho Senate, on Tuesday hist, proceeded to the elec, lion of its officers. We mentioned in our Inst, that Judge Sturgis of this State, had been nominated by the Democrats, in caucus, as their candidate for Secretary ot the Senate. Before the Senate, ho was beaten by Mr. Dickens, tho old Secretary—all the Whig Senator* and Messrs. Denton, Baghy and Haywood, voting for him. The vole stood for Sturgis, 24; Dickens, 25. Messrs. Webster, Calhoun nnd Morcliead were absent, and Mr. McDuffie was sick. After the clcctiun of oili er officers, the Set ate proceeded to elect the following Chairmen of Committees—the same having been pro. viously chosen in caucus: On Foreign notations Air. Allen. Finance,Atr.Cnihoun, Commerce, Air. Ilaywuod. Manufactures, Air. Dickenson. Agriculture, Mr. Bioigen. Military Affairs, Air. Benton, Militia, Air. A l.rhiiison. Naval Affairs,Mr. Fairfield, i’ub• tic I-amts, Air. Ilreesc. Private Laud Claims, Air. I.evv. Indian Affairs, Mr. Sevier. Claims, Mr. Bngliy. Itevolu- tionnry\Claims, Air. Semple. Judiciary, Air. Aeltley. Pott j Office and Post Hoads, Air. Nile*. Roads and Canals, Mr. Hannegnii. Pensions, Air. (Jpliani. District of Columbia, \ Air. Uaywond. Patents and Patent Office, Air. Cameron, j Contingent Expenses,Mr. Niles. Public Fundings, Cuine- 1 roil. Printing, Atiierton. Retrenchment, Lewis. Ttrrilo- j rus, Wrrrott. Engrossed /)!//«,Chalmers, ! Tlio fallowing nro the two cummitteoa citascil, at the lotest I dates: I On Foreign Affairs—Alessrs. A Hen, Alltel ten, Cass, Se* I vier and Are.iter. Ou Finance— Alessrs. Calhoun, Benton, Evans, Lewis,and Jetmess. WHIG MEETING. At a meeting of a portion of the Whig parly, he’d at the Court House, on Saturday the 13:lr inst-. to nomi nate suitable persons as candidates for Ihe different county offices. On motion, C. J. Painf. was called to the Chair, anil Tuns. B. Lamar requested to act as Secretary. The following persons wore by acclamation selected as candidates; Wm. F. Scott, Sheriff. John II. Brown, Clerk Superior and Inferior Court. Levin J. Smith, Receiver and Tax Collector. Jno. W, Graybill, County Surveyor. On motion, the proceedings wore ordered to be pub* Itslted, The mooting then adjourned. C. J. PAINE, Cli’n. T. B Lamar, Sec’y.