The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, December 19, 1845, Image 3

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REPORT ON THE PENITENTIARY. The r**di-r will flml on the Aral p«jre of <mr paper Ihe Majority Report of ilia Joint ponding CommiUea on (tie Ponitemiary, presented to tlio Home of llepie. ■entativea oifSjtnrd.iy last, by Mr. Owen of Talbot. The resder cannot.hut bo airnclt with the plain and in telligible manner in which tho Report ia written, and the evidnneo there given of a fair and impartial invea. ligation of tho inatltution. There are no Blnlemeitta a 1 random, nor jumping at roncluaiona—no allcmpta nt concealment whatever, but the whole transaction* of the institution aro presented, conclusions are drawn, and wholesome recommendations made to the Legisla ture. Ono of them, in particular, ought, by all means, lobe adopted, and it ia that ono for the appointment of Commissioners to appraise at regular periods the raw materials, notes, accounts, and other assets of the Pen itentiary. Under the present system, large amounts of assets aro turned over Irmn one set of officors to anoth er, altogether or comparatively worthless. The last of ficer having them rcporlB them at the same amount at which ho received them from his predecessor—conse quently tho people are deceived; and suppnso the Pen itentiary has a largo amount of availabb assets, when, perhaps, from age, or some other cause, they are not worth ten cents in the dollar. By the change proposed, this state of things will no longer exist, and those in terested .an at any time know tho true condition of the institution. Mr. Wofford, from the Minority Committee, (himself and five others) made a counter Report, which we ex pect to publish in our next. We aro sorry that we can not speak of this report as the one above. But candour prompts 113 to say, that it has not the characteristics of investigation, frankness, or fair and opcu dealing—in fine, it is a one aided, parly affair. The committee set out with the proposition that convict labor cannot be made profitable—and without present, ing in their report, (as tho majority did) the whole transactions of the Penitentiary, the amount of assets received from the old officers, tho amount of assets now on hand, the labor done, &e., tho committee, after charging the present officers with what they have received, tail to give them credit for wliat they have done and the assets they have, so a9 to make good the assertion, that “it cannot be reasonably ex pected that the public can profit by criminals.” And in doing this, near $30,000 of materials and assets are left out of the credit side, which the maiorily commit, tcc say tho present officers are entitled to—and rel ative to which there ought to be no difference, as it is a mere question of fad—which tho materials and as sets in the Penitentiary at any moment show. But wo learn that, on motion of Mr. Wofford, the Majority and Minority Reports have been recommitted to the Joint Standing committee on tho Penitentiary— and hoping that Gen. Wofford and others with liitn,have seen their error, and will withdraw their report, wo shall conclude fur the present. TJ* Mr. Geoiige G. Henry, Commission Merchant ] at Mobile, Ala, in a circular of the 5th inst., estimates ' the present cotton crop of <tlie U. States at 3,150,000 bales. After giving the most liberal estimates admiss ible from the information lie has gathered by personal observation, and from what he has been able to procuro from sources which ho considers entitled to the most credit, Mr. H. estimates the crop thus—Atlantic States 500.000 j Florida 140,000 ; Alabama440,000 and Now Orleans 1,070,000 bales—total 2,150.000. lie seems to think the price of cotton this season will bo better than the last, from the fact that there is not so much made, and from the increase of Manufactures. From data, he estimates the consumption for 1340 at 3,311,. 000 bales—to complete this, estimates 1,100,00 bales stock itt Europo on 1st January, 1946, United States stock 94,000, crop of 1845, 2,150,000, crop of East In dies, &c., 510,000—total 3,854,000 ; leaving stock in Europe and in ihe United States on the 1st January, 1847, 513,000 hales. The Hon. Rice Garland, one of the Judges of the Court in Louisiana, having been charged with forgery and the evidence being tolerably sttong against him, attempted to commit suicide, by throwing himself from a steamboat in the Mississippi. He was, however, res cued. <£rovjjto zugtoiaturr. SENATE. Monday, Dec. 15. rTho proceedings of thin day, noticed iu Tuesday's paper, arc omitted.] BILLS PASSED. To amend the act of 1837 for compensation of grand and petit jurors in the several counties therein named. For the reliaf of H. S. Dickons of Butts, and S. 11. Andrews of Randolph conmy. Relative to public officers and their securities. Torepoa! the act of 1830, compensating superinten* dants of elections in Wayne county. To authorize Eustace Speer, Charles \V. and James *3. Nosbit* and Thou. W. Alexander, jr. to practice law in the Superior and Inferior Courts of this Stale. To establish and mike permanent the place for Jus* tices Courts in the 41 et district of Tattnall county. To cede to the U. States the Stated jurisdiction over 20 acres ot land on Cockapur Island near Savannah. To commute the bonds of this State issued in re demption of the bills and liabilities of tho Central Bank. More effectually to provide for the collection and disbursement of fines imposed by Courts of Enquiry. To defi le the duties of and Brigade In spectors, ami to regulate their pay, (See. To incorporate the Augusta Manufacturing Compa ny, yeas 23; nays 15. [Stockholders liable to the amount of stock subscribed for; the debts ot the com pany at no time to exceed one half the capital paid; and if otherwise, the stockholders are jointly liable (iticaso of a transfer and failure) for six mouths, for the whole debt of the company. Tho officers areiequired to nuke a semi-aiinuai report to the Governor, giving a state ment of the condition of the company, name** of stock holders, and number of shares held by e.ich.J To incorporate the Flint River Manufacturing Com pany of Up*on county, [as originally introduced,] yeas 22; nays ID. To authorize a grant to issue to Elisha Smart for lot No. 178, 13 h diet. of Dooly county, fee. BILLS LOST. To authorize the sale of the ungranted lands in this State. To compel persons who aro not citizens of Stewart nn*J Ilando'ph countics ami w ho Invo plantations and negroes mi sa.d comities, to pay tax on their properly, in ».tid counties. Mr. Broaiidus, from the cointnitfro on public Educa tion ami Free Schools, reported that c rcniiHlanccs connected with our State finances make it m xpedient at this time to recommend any appropriation I r Emory College. Mr. Wofford, from the joint Standing Committee on the Penitentiary, reported unfavorably to tho proposi tion to remove tho Penitent.ary from Milledgeville. Mr. Broiddu* laid on the table a preamble and reso lutions relative to the death of Gen. Jackson, and also n i 'solution Mtmlar to Mr. Robinson's, of the House, i .r the procurement of a lull length likeness of Goti. Jackson, to be placed mi one of tiie ll illa of the State House,, Dec. 10. On motion of Mr. Wofford, the S.mate reconsidered 1’ • passage of ‘.lie bill to incorporate the Flint river Manufacturing Company; yeas 20; n.iya 20—the P laident voting the affirmative. bills introduced* . ^ By Mr, Snead : For the relief of James M. Davis, ot Talbot county. The Senate took up Mr. Cone'* rrfolution, relative to tho removal of Ihe Post Office at Statesboro, in$lrucling *'our Senator, * tl»o Hon. Walter T. Colquitt, &.c.—to which was added as an nmomlumnt Mr. CliHsiaiuV ree. olutmn relative tou mail route Irani Dahlonegato Ben ton, Tennepice. Mr. Stoll offered to amend as follows : “We request our Senator, lion. J. M. Berrien, and instruct our Sen ator, Hon. W, T. Colquitt"—which waa lost. The previous question waa called for, and sustained —on the adoption of the resolutions, the yens yero 21 ; nay* 20—hut the Provident having then voted iu the negative, tho resolutions were lost. Tho Senate adopted a resolution requesting the Gov. ernor to communicate tho particulars of tho nogocialion with the Banks of this Stale, for the purpose of enabling tho Treasury to resume specie payments—with what Banks the negociations ’ The balance of tho dav was consumed in tho consi derat on of thu bill appropriating money for (lie support of Government for tho political years 1846 and 1847. Tuesday, Dec. 16. On motion, the House took up and agreed to the res olulioii of the Senate, appointing to-morrow at 11 o’clock, as tho lime for both brandies to meet and elect the Judges of the Supremo Court. Tho balance of the day was consumed in the con sideration of the unfinished business of yesterday, it being the bill m appropriate money for the support of Government tor the political years 1840 and 1847. Wednesday, Dec. 17. The House resumed ilio consideration of the unfin ished business of yesterday it being the bill to appro priate money for support of Government, for the politi cal year* 1840 and 1847. The greater part of tho day per cent, bonds ncgociated to each—the day on which the negociations were closed, and the amount of bills received from each Bank. Also, requesting the Direc tor of the Central Bank to report the amount of pay- mentfl made into the Bank since tlio first of January, 1844 ; and requesting the Governor to communicate all tlio correspondence had between the Executive and au thorities at Washington city, on the subject of the Georgia Military claims upon the Government, which has taken place since the first of September, 1843. Mr. Lewis, from the Committee on Finance, made a report, stating the amount in the Treasury, and approv ing of the official conduct of Ihe Treasurer and Comp troller General, fee. fee. Th(J report was agreed to. BILLS PASSED. To authorise John Douglass and others to construct a Railroad from Lagrange to West Point in Troup cout ty — (with restrictions similar to that of other com panies incorporated*-! hit session.) To authorize a grant to issue to John Bonner. To add lots No. (13 and G4, 14th district of Heard to Troup county. To change the name of David Thrash to that of Da vid Smith. To exempt from the process and liabilities of garn de the amount of 6 wa? consumed in discussion, and voting upon tlio sev- era I amendments offered. At a iatc hour, however, the bill was passed. The 11OU9U took up the bill of I ho Senato, to amend '.he several acts relative to ihe Monroe Railroad and Banking Company, to change the name of said Com pany to iho Macon and Western Railroad Company; to extinguish its Banking privileges; and to author ize the construction of a branch Railroad to Columbus fee. Mr. Sanford, of Greene, offered an amendment to the same, providing for the incorporation of the .Middle Branch Railroad, or a Railroad from Atlanta to West Point. Some discussion having been bud upon the same, it was rejected. On tlio reception of the amendment the yeas were 37 ; nays 75. Mr. Strong then offered a substitute for the original bill, which was adopted, and the same was passed with out a division. [The bill provides for the change ot name, extinguishment of Banking privileges, and ex tension of a branch road to Columbus as in the original bill—-hut requires the branch road tD Columbus lobe commenced mono year, and to bo finished in four — the privileges of building a branch road to West Point is suspended, until the Columbus branch ia finished ; and r instead of the individual liability of stockholders, the ishment, the daily, weekly or "monthly wages of all ! company is prohibited from issuing a bond or note, uu journeymen mechanics and daily laborers, whether in : dor a penalty of a forfeiture of the chartor.J the hands of employers or others. I The House also passed tho bill to amend tho several To authorize Osborn McGinni*. to remove certain acts iu relation to auctions and auctioneers, and for oth Records trom Jackson to Forsyth county. j er purposes. To repeal an act making permanent the county site ! bills introduced. and public buildings at Tazewell, Marion county, fee., By Mr. Whitaker; To provide for the completion of to provide for the selecting of a new county site and : tho Western and Atlantic Railroad. [The same as the for other purpo-es. For thu relief of John C. Edmondson of Wilkinson and Elijah R. Young of Thomas county. j of Irwin, and to chatig For the relief of Silas Grubbs, Tax Collector, and Mr. Ector: Toaliertl.e Constitution so as to allow others therein named. j new coun ies hereafter created a Representative in the To incorporate the Mountain Fire Company of Dali- Legislature. [The bill provides that the Representa- lonega. ! tivo branch of the Legislature shall not exceed the pro- To incorporate the town of Cumming in the county i sent number, 130, but that when a new county is creat- of Forsyth, &c., fee. j ed it shall have a Representative, which shall be taken To amend the 25th section of the act of 1848 rela- i from one of the 37 counties now with two Representa tive to powers of the Commissioners of the Waynes- 1 lives, containing the lowest Representative population.1 boro Academy, in Burke county. Butt* rcbrtmry SIioriflT’s l&'II.L be sold on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY v v next, before tbs Cutirt-hnuso door in tlio town of Jack- son, within tlio usuul hours of sale, tho following property, to wilt East half of lot of land No. 17, mid tho west half of lot of land No. IU, nod the north hnlfof the other lndf of lot No. IU, Oinking in nil 250 acres. nltd known ns ill* Ow liens place; nnd tho west half oflot of land No 10, the plnco whereon Yol- verton Thnxton now lives, and Green C.Thaxlon'a interest in t lie I a ml lie now liven on; nil in tlio district of origin al! v. Monroe, now Hull* county; one Negro man by tho name, of Dick. Cm years old ; Mourning, a woman 55 vears old; Ag* non, a woinnn ‘it yenrsold, and her child Anthony; I road waggon, 2 hoy horses, I gray noire nnd colt, ono hnyniare, one ronn colt, Scows, nnd yearlings, I old cow nnd heifer, 21 herd ofsice.k hoc* ; levied on a* il»e propeliv of Green Tlmxtou. to aatisL one li In from Bulls Superior Court iu fa vor of William F. Mappv* Yolveiton Thnxton, Samuel W. Tlmxt' n and Green C. Thnxton. Properly pointed out hv phi in tiff*. o. ii. i*. McLendon, d. sheriff. Dec. 19,ttM5* »-«.!- Telfair February SUerilf’N Sale. W ild,he Hold iu Jacksonville, Telfair county, on llie first Tnesduv in FF.BUU \RY next, within tho legal hours of Hale, tho follow ing propel ty , to wit • Two lots of pine land, Nos. 123 and 13H, in the seventh district of originally Wilkinson, now Telfair county ; levied on as tin* properly of John W. Roberts, to sulisfv two fi fa* from n Justice’* Court of the 3371Ii Dint (». .M. in favor of John Tickmn vs -aid Roberts. Levy made and returned to me hv u Constable. JAMES BUTLER, Dep. Shet iff. Doe: 19th, 1845. !U GI1BRU1 V, ^Vtlkinson Founty W HEREAS Benjamin Kemp applies to \ ((ministration on tin said county ,d* ceased : These are, therefore, to cite n nr! admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,to beam! appears! my office, w it bin tho time prescribed t» \ law, to show cause, it nuv they have, why si id I- iters should not In' granted. Given under my hand, ut office, this 3d dav of June, 1845. IU 5t AUG. It. IIAI FORD, (L C. O. forlettrrsof of liairis Tickle,late of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SItVJSIt AND PLATED WARE. Til K SuL.rrili.r is this dny open ing atIlisoM slntxl n .plrt.rii.l .snort- nioiii ul Uold nud Silver l.ip To Hit* Voters or Baldwin County. W ILMA.H STEEL Irj respectfully num in ilirtl lie ia it C Midicbile lor ie-eleeii«m lo the Clerk* of tile. Superior nud Inferior Courts of said county. All who arc disposed to support hi ii for the above appoint* tnent* will please express upon their tickets, oil the first tMomlnv in Jaiitiurv next,as follows: For Clerk Superior Court—STEELE. For C.crk Interior Court—STEELE. Dec.0s 15 if SA 4UKL BUFFIMOTONy Jr., eppecif.illy announces that lie is n Candidate for the office o! S|i«*riff*ol Baldwin eouiilv, at the elec- next, with wLIVFsK II. 1*. BONNER as his Deputy. 15 if jo ; mu up*urn ana Aiiaiuic iv-tnruau. | i no b»ihb mo . bill pubiishid m another part of our p*ptT. ii, 1 Mr. Durmmy: To add a part of Ware to tho county of Irwin, and to change the residence of Eli Vickers. 7* HAMUUL «*9. rilTGlIF.S respectfully . ►*• - j umioniiccsiiiiit he is n Gamli.luc fir re election to by-* ■.*.’* ilu* office of Receiver of Tux Returns and Collec tor of Baldwin County, ut tho ‘-lection in January next. of the most improved makers, com- _ prising a greater variety than ever be fore offered, at reduced prices. JHWELtrV. A great variety, and llm latest style, embracing, in part, Breast I’i-.s. Ear and Fine* i Ring , Gold nud Enaiu*||,m Gnnidnnd Fob Chains, .Seals and K* ys, Gold and Enamelled Pencils, (itihl Fens and rhimbles.Gohi and Milvur Spectacle*; Gold Bracelets with pins lo match. SIJLl'IuCe Sr Pl»tiTT.n n'.iMIE OF ALL KINDS. Finn Table Cutlery in setts of 52 pieces, Dining and Dos sed Knives and Forks, Tea Ti a vs iu sell* and single. Castors, Branch < uudh stick-**, Hnnfii isaud J'ruye, Cliiimhcr t ’andle- sti. ks. Fine Assortment of Fen and Pocket Knives, Scis sors, Fine Razor* and Strop-*. D»n!)!e Rtmfllcd Guns, Shot ami Game Bags, Powder Flasks. Mtirtic.ui InsirumeiilH, Acordions, Walking Canes, Hair. Tooth, Nail nnd Shaving Brushes. I.dhI I,amps, Suspending, Hall,Side and Hand Lamps. Feiirl,Shell mid Dorv Card Cases, Fine Steel \\ rough! Bags nnd Purses, S II F E 'S’ !M .... "iihin sremvati.iv of IT,in-y Articles. I Ik* stock has hern selected by the Nuhseriher with great can at the lowest cash prices, and is ofleied at a small ud- * lino nt. the c ost. Tin* public (unit slrnwjers visiting nor city) are respeet- fnlh invited to call an.I i-Mimiue tlm cuticle* and prices at the old stolid opposite /Insult's Hotel. OTIS CHILDS. N* B* WATCHES AND TIME PIECES, of every de- seription cnrolully repaired hv experienced workmen, and WARRANTED. Persons from n distance sending watches for repairs inay depend on having them promptly and faithfully atlendi d lo, and os cheap os nt nnij oilier phee in the S/nfe. KLPVIRING of all kinds, and ENGRAVING promptly attended to. 1 * J t d j ' S PLC I'ACLES of all kinds. Pcriscnpie,Concave nnd Convex Glasses, cmiRtuntly on hand to put to old frames at short notice. o. C. .Milledgeville,Get. 21, 1845. 4 tf A'S-JXV STORl') & mv uooisi C. K. WENTWOllTII, r** De 15 1 Y%. : We are authorised to announce I.. *. M«;\\ - tll'l -is ii cau-tiil.jtu for SI...rill' -if county, l '* it. llm i-T.-uiiifif Janimrv nluntiuu. If clcciis], Jull.N D. ANDI.'KW8 will tin his Dsinily. Dec. 10,1IS45. 17 if and I JEWE I. I. i: 5£, *TI neon, GforgUt, TJ I AS removed to the m*w brick block, east *i k J. iy Plreet, (immediately opposite liisohl * of M ul lie r- H ml.) nud is To repeal so much of an act, consolidating the offices ; of Receiver and Tax Collector of Madison and Haber sham counties. bill lost. Tho bill to amend and make certain the provisions jOf an act of 30:h Dec., 1836, to incorporate tho Mid* Idle Branch Railroad Company—on the passage of the I bill, tho yeas were 15 ; nays 25—as follows : i Yeas—Messrs. Allen,Tims. F. Anderson, Win. Q. Andor- son, Crawford, Hardeman, Hanis, Hill, Keimn,Long,Miller, Mitchell, NickeDon, Reynolds, Ridley, and ? The debt of the State of U »io. nccardino; to the Governor’s Message, is $20,000,000. Arrange ments have been made for pitying tiie interest which will accrue in January and July next. The Hun. Jesse I). Bright (Dutn.) lias been o- lected by the lndiuim Legislature, U. S. Senator for six years from the 4 h o( March last. There are in Mexico 3.500 clergy, 1,700 monk* ncneii, mcKeison, ueyimius, Kuliev, and Mneut . Innnn „ .i Nays—Messrs, Beutl,Boviituu. Broiiddus, Brown,Calhoun, antl 2.000 nuns, owning property to the amount of Uliurttuin, Golley, Cone, Curry, Field, Gignilliutl, (lines. Ilol- \ .1100,000.000. rilST receive *9 winch reqnii derness, Jackson, Kellogg, J<dm M. King, Wesley King, Lewis, Martin, McGahagun, McGreggot, 8mith, Sleli, Wliil* field, Wilcox, and Wofford. Wednesday, Dec. 17. The Senate reconsidered its rejection of Mr. Cone’s resolution relative to the Post Office at Statesboro, &.c, (fee. The Senate refused to reconsider its rejection of the Middle Brandi Railroad bill. To reconsider, yeas 12 ; nays 29. Mr. Wofford’s report from the Joint Standing Com mittee on tho Penitentiary, against the removal of the Penitentiary from Miliedgevdle, was taken up. Mr. Lewis, from the minority, submitted a report fa- vorablc to tlio removal. The majority report was adopt ed. On motion of Mr. Wofford, tho Reports of the ma jority and minority of the Committee on the Penitent ia- The failings of good men are commonly mote | published in the world, than their good deeds ; nnd | one fault of a well.deserving man will meet with j more reproaches than all h:s virtues praise, such is , the force ofill.wiii and iirimture. MILLEDGEVILLE PRICES CURRENT. Dcw inber 19, IN 15. Corrected Weekly by Wright cf* Stetson, A ttEW TESirtQ. a!, Freeman's genuine RAZOR STROPS, eqiiire only ten or fifteen strokes t« produce a sharper edge upon n razor than any other kind of strap ever before offered to the public, with five times n*« much labor.— Anv ono nnrchnsing this niliele, *1111! does not find it as recoro mended (when liuving used it according to directions) will have the amount paid lor it refunded l»v returning it. Price Oim* 6>i»llur c:icii. To he had wholesale an retail ot llm manufacturer, It. P. FREEMAN, Augusta. Geo. Also, at fill*. IHMle’S Drug Store, Milledgevillo Ga. Iff 41 Dec. 12,1U45 AdmhilMratorN Sale. \ GREEA BLY to nn order of the Inferior Court of Wilkin- •«on county u Idle Bitting for ordinary purposes, will ho sold before tiie Fourt-lintis.* door iu Irwiuton, Wilkinson county ,011 tho first Tuesday iu February next, ilic laud nnd ne* grnos b>*li*npih*- lo li e estate of Jidm E nly. bite ol said coun ty, deceased. Tonus made known on 1 !»o dav ol «ode. HENRY EADY, Adm'r. Dac.!, 1345. 15 tps DtiiMlI'IlDRPE FYIVEEWITY. TTAHE scholastic year of this (n-titutiun will he opened on I the 1st Monday iu January, with tin increased Faculty of instruction. TUITION P K It A N K U M I College ..... $50 Acailemv—- Languages, ... 3f, “ English, - - - Board per iiiuuih, - ... 10 C. W. LANE, 8cc’v P.'d of'Trustees. Dee. Ifi. 17 -It opening a new and fine stuck of goods in his line, consist- iig iu part of Fine Gold and Silver Lever, Horizontal, Patent* and Veili- ienl Esc upeinciit Watches, G»<ld Guard, Fob, nnd Y’est Chain*. Breast Pins, I inger Kings,Ear Kings, Gold Chain uud Hair Bra« elds, Gold.Silver, and Steel Hpectnclc* nnd Eye Protectors, Gold and Silver Pent its. Gold Pens, (jold and Silver Watch Keys. Gold and Silver Thimbles. Silver Combs, Silver and Pouil Belt Slides, Gold sleeve ami Collar Buttons, Gold Studs ami Chain Slides, Gold Lockets, Hearts and Crosses; Card Cases, Steel, Silver and Gilt Beads, Head Ornaments, Jet Combs, Ladies' and Gentlemeu’aPui'Bea, Superior Pen and Pocket Knives. Scissors, Razor’s and Ruzor Strops, Tooth, l.ullirr, and Nail UttisheH, Slmving Crrnm, Real German i mlogne, I'INK Pf.ATKU C.vstous, Cake Baskets, c.-nidle Sticks, Waiters, Cups, Snuffers and Trnya, Dixon’s Fine Ware in setts. Also, Coffee, nud Ten Pols, Silver setts of Knife, Fork nnd Spoon, Spoons, Watch Stand**, Fans, Perfumery, Fancy Goods fee. ID* All oi* wltioh will bo sold at ihe VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES. t! ‘arches, cf every desnOption, ■ 12 the hcsi itinianer! 1 sold ill he warranted to keep M niches sent from any same attention, and ho s though the owner were BAGGING — ! Kentucky, 44 in. vd Iff a IB ! BALE ROPE— Ih 7J a li»4 | BACON—Hums It) 12$ u I I 1 Sides lb 10 a 12* Shoulder* 8 a It) mtine, 33 t 37] Hull feSon's, lUn Ju CHEESE—North’ll 12J a 15 12* c 2* • COFFEE Java, prime, Rio, Culm, COTTON- FISH— libl. Mackerel, No. 1,14 50 n 15 “ No. 2,12 00 h 13 FLOUR—Canal, H 50 a I) Country, 0 50 u 7 50 GRAIN— Corn, bushel G2U 75 HIDES—Dry, lb 7 a I! IRON—Swedoa, 5J a fi Hoop, 0 a 10 LAUD— 1) u 10 MOLASSES— Culm, gallon, 37 n 50 Novv-Orleans, 50 ry, heretofore made, were referred back to the Com- i BUTTEll- lIttCC. j Gofhen, prime, iu -o u 01 Mr. Jackson, from the Committee on the State of the CANDL&S—Sporin 34 *37*1 ! Republic, made a report upon the subject of tho milt- ‘ * ' i tary claims of Georgia upon the General Government. : B reasserts the justice of the claims, a history of which j is given, and declares our efforts to obtain them ought 1 not to cease ; that tlio Governor renew ins correspon dence with the Secretary of War, ami that our doiega- | (ion in Congress are requested to urge further appropri* 'ions and more liberal rules of settlement—and that l upon the payment of the principal, the interest will be j relinquished. The Report was agreed lo, BILLS LOST. The bill to exempt from levy and 6alc under exocu- 'ion, homestead, and other property named. On the passage of the bill, the yeas wore 13; nays 27. To incorporate the Flint River Manufacturing Com pany—yeas 22 ; nays 22—lost by the voto of the Pres- dent. To amend ihe act of 1840, for the relief of Exccu- ors, Administrators and Guardians in certain cases. Toclungotho dividing line between the counties of Glynn and Wayne. ’To compel tho Sheriffs of the Cherokee Circuit to advertise their sales iu a public Gazette within their circuit. BILLS PASSED. To compel persons owning property in Burke, to pay (ax thereon iu said county. To define the rights and powers of administrators dc bonis non. To authorize Courts of Ordinary to appoint their Clerks and Guardians in certain cases, fee. To amend the laws relative to writs of scire facias. I Relative to the Court of Oyer and Terminer of Sa- 1 vannait—authorizing it to hold extra Courts to try cor* ] : tain cases I To change the lime of choosing Presidential Elec ! j tors from the 1st Monde, to tho 1st Tuesday after tiie 1st Monday in November. 1 To prescribe the mode of signing judgments against NAILS— Gut, 4d to 50d lb (ij a 8 OILS— gal. Sperm winter str. 1,38 a 1 ,50 Fall, 87J a 1,00 Linseed, 1,25a 1.374 ‘Tanner’s 75 a I Oil PORK—Fresh, lb 5 a 5} RICE— fij a 7 SUGAR'—Fbrto Rico and Ht. Croix. 10 a I2£ New-Orleans, 84 a Hi Loaf and Crushed, 15 a !(’> SAL T—Liverpool, Sack, 2,1*24 a 2,25 Bushel, 75 Alum hush. 1,25 1 (ii SO\P— Bar, lb 71 a 10 ‘ TALLOW— 7 a 10 i TEA—Imperial, 1,25 j Gunpowder, 1,25 j CHEAP CASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. No. S7 Wbi-iiikcf-^is'ccl, Savammh* (Opposite U r . II May Py Co.'s Saddh.ry Stare ) HAMILTON fe SYMONS hi inform their friends nud the would inform their friends n public, that in ad 'i'iuit to tin | 11I' III J " ■ .*1 I.‘ >'T«; I'Nt., thc\ Hv Black, TOB \CCO— Cavendish, prime, 50 n 75 Common, 10 a 25 TWINE—-Bagging, 18 a 25 THREAD— Factory, bundle, 05 a 1,00 VI.MEG Alt- Apple, gallon, 31 u 37 1,00] to order in die m 50 a 75 I shortest notice. 11 pie \ I»V- have based,uud and elej.Mint ucsurtmeul «»l the very heat quality of English and French Cloths, Ci 1 ssimeres, Vestings, And FANCY ARTICLES, suiin- hie K» Gentlunteu's wear. A11 of rSS 5 * which they nr • prepared lo make I fitslitonabln style, and ut tlo* All Watches sold or repaired v goad lime, or the cash refunded, part ol’the eouniry will receive the repaired on as reasonable terms ■ present. All kinds of Gold and Silver Work mode, to order. Kj’JKWIiLKY OF F.VliKY Kl!»l> NKATI.Y JtEPAlUFD. Spcutuch) Giaasesadapted lo all agea. .Also, for N:th‘, One of (flickering - Superior l'orll*s, in toae vvood eiiHtf, full length iron frame, nud warranted as tine an inatrumeul, iu etery respect, as can he found in (ieorgiu. C. K. WENTWORTH* Watch Maker and Jeweller, Maenn, Nov. 23, IB 15. Lost Side Mulberry Street, .5, W1SII31IKV ftC SK "‘ Mi* * tllUHU, i it jit r»‘. ^ i ’im A Ml (D©immEeei©iffi M@ir®]ks)iEi.'£3 s SAY I MY Ail, GA. JOSEPH WASHBURN, JOHN R. WILDER. MARRIED, Oil the 4th ult., by Dr. \V 11 ia nt K. Lightfoot, Mr. A I.LK* II. BAKKRR,of Museogee eo<tuly,to Miss Sarah J., vouns;- obt da a git ter of i*K r Fit Kockm >uk. Esq. of Jones county. Their -lock entirely new, nnd being cmineeted v ith the firm of J . C. Booth fe Go. T 7 P.rond*' , No-.v York, they will In* furnished wilh tin* moat fii-liiumildn arlieh*.-, as they arrix* in tin* market. Mr. S. A. OLDS, fate Orem in for Price fe Vender, nud well known as u upnriot • uttur, will havo clturge of (hi do* purtment ofhusiueas. ■> llm onr custoaiers may rely upon getiimr ihe v (■ 1 v Im*.-1 Onleii from lie* coxiitry filled promptly, and no deviation iu j»riee, na i* e are resolved !«> approach i«s nettrlv as possible toNorti.einrotes. 13 if TERAlS GASH. M fi i Hi\G. THE Subscrll«r will Board Meinbors nnd Prnn sieot persuna during the selling of ihe Legislature PETER J. WILLIAMS, r7,1345. 2 if AiCilnrliicoLi, !-(»., .fitly, l fit-ta, CM 11K undersigned will i-oniinue in transact a GENERAL I GOMMI-MON ul ADALACHlGOLA, under tin firm of EStnVAttW & Rl'TItf ICFO' !>. •rmined to i stublisli a GoMMIS- • I DIED, suddenly, in Columbus, on the 15th inst., at the j residence of Col. Jnjui G. .Maugham. Mra. Pauline Ei.LIs, i daughter of Mi. Benj. 11. Reynolds, of Girard. Ala., and eon ' sort of Davenport P. Ellis, Esq , of thu linn of Greenwood fe j Ellis, of ihnt city. . | MrTsHRIVAL’S CONCERT j WII.I. TAKB PLACE THIS EVEXING, AT THE MASONIC WALL. Tiofect . 50 ceulx. Doers open at 7, and | to commence nt S o’clock precisely. ! ao<n« Cl - 1 Boo ;■*.: : BOOTS !l mid Opened I Trunks, Carpet Bag WASHINGTON HALL. AlACOiN, tin. • find othcrF, of Paulding court- »ty, from the penalty of a certain bond. ’ To incorporate the Augusta Fire Company. | Relative lo I lie place ol holding Ihe (Superior and In- , ferior Courts of Glynn county ; also, relative to Justi- : ce*« Courts in the X 10th Dist- Ricbmaud county, and ; bailiffs to Grand Juries in said county. l HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. I Monday. Dec. 15. 1845. | | Proceedings of ibis day, that were noticed editorial- ; ly on Tuesday, aro omitted.I BILLS INTRODUCED. . By Mr. Atubrson, of Chatham : To incorporate J is i >er Lodge No. 8 of tlio united ancient order of Druids ' • 'it Savannah. Mr. Jackson: To incorporate the Unity Lidge No i . 30, of Jackson county. Mr. Anderson, of Chatham : To all or tlio time of! meeting of the overseers ot public reads of Chatham I I county. Mr. Yarnndoc : To auUmrizo Martha Martha A. An- j 1 Lews to hold property iu her own name and title. , t Mr. Kenan : To ani^n 1 the several acts relative to auctions and auctioneer!-. Mr. Owen : For the relief of James M. Davies, of Talbot county. , The House took up and concurred iu the resolution ; of the Senate for the relief of II. W. Jernigau. BILLS LOST. ' To provide for tho d . tributiou and management of the Poor School fund, him! lor other pur pores. | The bill to niter tiie Constitution, so as to allow a ! Representative in tho LegieliiMin*. to new counties | irreaftcr created—vena 58 ; nava 58. Hra.LINtt OFF AT COST! FTIXPECTING to make n change in biiHiness oil the 1st of I J January, ve offer our entire stock of Fancy ami Maple Dry Goods A T C O S T ! E. W. BANCDOFT: DocimberIff, 1U15. IU tf mill: undersigned have ii 1 L AN IKK ill tiiis well know -making it worthy oftho liberal oh< iiiu'J from (lie pu'die. make ttie ^oj' tin* pi glit out I he interest ol Mr. Sr .vii I'St-ddislimciit, ami dcsigi i patronage it has lien tolLn rery exertion will be made t* transient boarde i Sfi i.S U IL’.-E at NE'.V’ UKLK\\s, ili»* ciMiiing scusun, rm w I til way In i mud. Then ; eraonal j ail'Oiiiou will In* given to all husioess wub v\|iii:li they may 1 In* entrusted. 'I lie usual mluuices will he, mude upon goods iu -tore or ( ottun consigned lo them. I ll ACKER B. HOWARD. \ IK lLFHUrt s. Ill) I’ll BUFORD. THKODON1U1 18. DAVIES, A «' T O U N t; V A T l. A W , Mll.Li:l) ai: | 11, L E, (la. t Jimp 21ih, 1815. ;i;) if VVIS.E.IAT !k. OoClKAFPCKKIEn ATTOKNKV AT LAW, Xilaltcly. iiarly County.Goo, Rrreif.nci:.- — llm. Stah<,rn Jones.Ihm. W.T.Col. quifl, linn.A. trrnon.IIon. Jnse/,li Slury is, John Schley, 1 ami Hmry I,, limning lisqrs. Jan.a, ' U if phvisaiit foruldn i funiiiur • NOW IS Til i: TB.1IE FOR B A R G A I NS!! HEAVY snano i:i:USEY,—l3 cents, FLAW L/.Y.v*;V.S’,-9 cents. R IU) FLA Y.\ L’L,-20 cents. B.^rGO NET 811 \\\ I.S 12 J cents a $1,00 \\ Elite t’otton Rose, fi 1-1 cents, (Stxte'ii pair for one dollar.) *2,COO Yds. .Mou.'dm D • (.nines, ('axlimero De Ecosscsand —Crape De IB| cents.— 2,005 Yards Black,Green and Brown Alpacas. Fine Leghorn Bonnets,—$2 50 Fine Straw Bonnets.—$1 25 Bonuct Ribbons, (50 p reent. less than cost) 12J cents. 1 q lailer French Prints, 12| cents. Gotton Carpeting,- ■ 20 cents. Ingrain do., 371 cents. BANCROFT. December 16,1045. IB tf Telfair February SlicrifI Sale. WJ II-1* be sold before ilic Court house door in the town A V of .la •Usonvill.', 'Telfair county,on the first Tuesday in FKBItU ARY next, « it Lin tin* usual hours of sale, the iol low ing propern , to wit: 'I hr e Negroes—Rhode, a woman about forty years of age; Ann, about 22 years of uge. ami her child Hunimli, about 2 vears of ago; all levied on as the property of Robert N. Dillard, to satisfy u li fu from’Telfair Superior Court in favor ofJolin Dillon vs u.ud Rubt. N. Dillard. Property pointed out hy plaintiff. WILLIAM ELLIS, Sheriff. Dec. 19,1845. 17 'Tiie bleeping npartuiei, il ciiminouiotis.atid filled up with n«*a: 'The tables will he f.irni-hed with cv mrket,and llioso c irod iu make the in uud eh* I ervtug I pul ; bln: FLOYD HOUSE. M ACON, Ga. mincing to h Milled,' . £313210 2 ]Bff®g£®E10 S l BROGANS!!! A MKGE lot of A’rgro Slio^s ju-t rec.-iv.-d !.I the A7JH LOOT AM) .N7/U/) STORE. AII persons purchasing m ihi*. article will .1 • well to give us u cull, na wo aro determined to soil CHEAP. E. ALEXANDER fe CO. ille,Oct. 14,1815. 3(1 mil:. Lriher, i L lie, by who’ll h oontinui m .* of the ub them ol his del imin: ulnlion of bis house, progressive improv. well furuished tuble, w tilt every delieaey lliis uud oil keia can supply; oh uu hods, comfortable rooms, aitenlivo eervants, uud (lie will iu please uud a.-. oinodate will merit patronage henxp**rts to obtain il. il, S. NEWCOMB. friends and tie’ pub- ; uuyivc-i. .-II Ii;i lilily p.ltroili-cd, Ills v«> Estublislim nt In*"-, leave to assure :i a to m i-tain the well os| iblished tep- I Instead of filling off, tliercsliull l.o a | d if ii liberal outlay, u j Mac'..II, Oct. 7,18*15 11—Il AS58S.T5ST & DIO.UATAIEI, AYXOHKtD AT LAW, CiitUIKOll, (III., Will prarlhe in all the Counties of llie Ocmulgec Circuit. o.:.17. is if Valunbli! Hold i«r S:»!c. i ll 11 iiu.h r-ict.- d i- .!r-»iious of telling his large and cnmiuodioii- HO TEL at Knoxvii.i.c, f»»rd county. Aitnchml to the premises are good mil houses, stables, back lots, gardens, fee. fee. T • litoul is the only one in the village nt Knoxville, nod us il i on the main road f.nm Mm* |.. t'olmnbus and Moniponi^ry, Alu., Ihe c ustom given it is niiieh belter than oilioi Hotels,in viilug. s differeiitiy situated. 'Terms, tn suit [tyfi.-j 1 th" purelti Knoxville,Crawford ( v. 21, 1515. ,v ucai.e., FACTORS IL-,-." J Ana <'oiniiiisslon irit-rrhiints, :\o. 7-J, Bay Street. savamtali. U. A. OnKiKKr, W. A. llKALI.. •*>. tf, Valuable fain, mill Uliil-Scat for Sale. grjj 'y\V 11.1. h** sold in E-itoiiton on the lirsiTnes- t^ **day io J A NI A RY, I81ff,a portion of tlio reul eMtiite of llohert Asliurst, sen., deceased ; situ- \.* y *F* ale on tho waters of Murder Greek in Putiium county.coiilaitiiiig soma three bundled and seven- ty*iivc? i.ctes,ulmui one Itumired oltd fifteen nerce of which are in :> .into oi < ultivution,the remaining portion of which is well timbered.and mnv he classed us first ijuality cotton land. B* -ides tho oibei indocemeiita offered iu (lie wulo uf this val uable i ropertv, ii contains a fine Mill-Skat, with sufficient water power for an extei.siva Mute hunt M ill. or Cotton Fac ulty, and U a mo<i. I igtbh site for either, as it ia sunouiided hy’a wealthy and prosperous community, thus affording a ready market for flour or cotton llanufuctutee of every de- scriptiun. The above described properly adjoins the lands of Griggs, Moreland, Farley and others, and is sold tinder u provision of th** w ill of the said deceased. (TTTVrniH made know it on the dav. J NO. M. ASliritST, AdnTr. de bonis non, rum testamenta an unto. Eatonton, Nov. lfitli, ID-15. U fit