The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, December 30, 1845, Image 2

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test guilty in receiving, n# he received, according 1 1u wlmt \ou any, llio nmouni in paper. Al tin •nine period I dictated, in advance, other order** fur the payment ufilto auccesiilvtf instillment* with uli exactitude, und in ready cash ; f«»r, tin* people huv ing contriluited ii in cash, l revolved and ordered tiuit liio moil y should not ho employed for any oilier purpose ; and mv conversation with the Min. islor Sltumiuii, whicii you mention, alludes to this. lUreH. Congress hna iho power to pit** h'tiurnlizatinu j hey have enacted uno , ami the present law is deemed perfectly sufficient to gnttid the purity ol our tdcoire franchise, provided it could bn enforced.— t rands are complained of, and no doubt have been prac Used, and always will be under any naturalization eye. Mr. Dou^hi*, of I'l., from the Committee on territo ries, reported n lull for the protection of American set- tiers m Oregon, until the termination of llio joint oceu- pancy (hereof which bill was referred to the committee In short, in my opinion, the instalments to which !){’I* 0 "'hole, and made the order of the day for the 2d >o . r,l. r. were |»..l I.. ready «.l.; but. .1 » i. Mr Woodworth of N, V., offered , solution nrovid- u..d .he moo,,. Vow .mo rea- j llar Tl.*nt tl,o t.-rm nf service in nil civil offices bo fmited pnusthlo : tlm former loi having disobeyed my pm- ; to four yearn, and Unit the appointment of all e.lorlts, live orders, and the Inner for not having luililled messengers, &c. for the public departments in ■ Iiio city' the orders of his constituents. bo made from the several States and Territories, ami 1 am, n itli all consideration, your ub’t, set v’l- WIim kisses your blind. A. L. UK SAN I'A ANA. [rnuuTiiK M*cua mks.knmkh.] ’I be Albany i’utriot lins denied “oy autbority' 1 tlmt Col. Too-ns voted for the reception nf Aboli tion l’eii'iims in Congress, and has promised tIn,i the Colonel n ill scum “put h rnseif right before the country upon tit's subject.” As il,e first Monday in January is near at band, nod there is no prubtibility that the promised expos itinu «ill be forth coining in time for a reply to be circulated before the election, mo will join issue upon the denial of the Patriot, and proceed to prove the charge. The charge is. that Col. Towns voted for Pinck ney’s resolutions ill 1836, which admitted tlm re ception of nbulition petitions. Now for ibe proof. In Niles' Register, vol. SO. page 250, we find the yeas and nays on each resolution repuried by Air. Picluiey. \Vo will quote the second and third resolutions. ‘■2-1. Resolved, That Congress might not to in terfere, in any way, with siuvery in tito District of Colitiuhia, 3d. Resolved, That all petitions, memorials, res olutions, propositions or papers, relating in any way, or to any extent whatever, shall, without be ing either printed or referred, be laid upon the in- hie, und that no further action whatever shall he bad thereon.” Col. Towns voted for each o( these resolutions —-it least, so says the authority to which reference has been made. But, Col. Towns will nut deny having so v >ted : Is nut then the charge sustained ? Winn says iho 3J resolution ? “That all petitions, memorials, resolutions, pro positions or papers, relating in any way, or In any extent whatever, to the subject of slavery, shall, without being either printed or referred, lie laid up on the table.” But how could they he laid upon the table unless they were first received l Tltev must he received, and ho in possession of the Mouse before any disposition could ho made of then,. 1 the District ol Columbia, according to their represen tative population. Air. VV. moved iho previous question, and the reso lution was adopted nem. con. A law in compliance With this proposition lvili no doubt, ho enacted. The same rule nf appointments already applies to Midship men and Cadets. 1 Mr. Wiuihrop of Mass., offered the followin''' series nf resolutions, and gave notice that lie would call them up lor debate. Resolved, That the difference between the United Siaies and Great Britain on the aueject nf the Oregon 1 erritory are still a fit subject^for negotiation and com promise ; am! that satisfactory evidence has not yet been afforded that “no compromise which the United tiiales might to accept” can he offered. Resolved, That it would be a dishonor to the age .n "hich mo live, and in the Irghesl degree discreditable to both nations concerned, if they should suffer.them selves to be drawn into a war, upon a question of no im mediate or practical interest to either of litem. Resolvid, Th it if no other mode for the amicable ad justment of this question remains, it is due to the prin ciples of civilization and Christianity that a resort to ar bitration be had ; and tiiat this government cannot re lievo itself from all responsibility which may follow tlio failure to settle the controversy whdethisresort is still untried. Resolved, That arbitration does not necessarily in volve a reference to crowned heads, ami that if a jeal- ousy of such a reference is entertained in any quarter, a commission of able and dispassionate citizens, cither horn the two countries concerned or front iho world at large, offers itself as an obviouB and unolqectiunable alternative. Mr. Douglas of III., offered the following resolution, which lie said he would move as a substitute for Mr \V. when they came up. Resolved, That tin-lit In of the United States to Ore gon up to latitude 54= 4(j' j s nut a subject for corn- promise. Resolved, That said title ought not to bo submitter] to arbitration. <£eovijfa ZLcflteTatttvf. SENATE. Mondav. December 22, 18,45. [As we give in another part of our paper tito list of acts passed bo'li branches of the Legislature, we have then the charge against Col. Towns that ito voted - 11111 '[ied the “bills passed” and “bills lust" an i| le , )ro . for n resolution which admitted n reception ofahul- j " f '' ad ' , . itiuil petitions fuiau ? And is it false, that nbulition „„, 1* 0 ro '" l " ulw ' ,lll! ^npropr0,||_h-av- . . , r , 1 mg added numerous muter appropriations ‘oy way of petitions were actually received bv the House un der lliut resolution 7 Hu cannot pretend to say so. Surely the Albany 1’ntriot in denying the truth of the charge “by autbority” did not receive tlmt “au thority” from Col. Towns. It must have been re ceived from somo imprudent friend of the Col’s. But it may be said that tlie 8J resolution was harmless, inasmuch us it forbid any action mi nbol ilion petitions tiller they were received, otlie to lay them on the table. To this wo have replies to make—First, that in the South we object to the reception of abolition petitions nl all—they are upon n subject upon which Congress has no right to legislate, and therefore it is wrong to receive them : and, second, if received, to be laid on the table, a bare majority could at any time mg - amendment. RESOLUTION, Mr. Cone offered the following resolution ; Whereas the warlike preparations and movements in Europe, make it necessary, to preserve peace at homo, or in iho event of war to sustain ou r honor and our country, that we also he prepared— Therefore be it resol red, That ourSeuato rs be *“Ol- and our Representatives i. quested, to urg. j the , peedv ’ her than equipment amt completion of Fort PulasLi, on Cock ave two spur Island, below the city of Savannah 3 and, in the , Sm.ii, event ol necessity, to authorise His Kxce llencv to re ceive into the United Slates service such number of volunteers as be may lluuk capable of -defending the i eeacoapt ol Georgia. b 1 he Senate refused lo take up tin* resolution—yeas j 8. nays 32. The yeas were Messrs. Culh-v Mime n 1 1 • 1 j-n- j. . . in .v time Hackett, Jackson, Martin, Stell, Wlntfieidf and w.l’ call them up, I wish a different disposition ofthem cox. “ VVl1 —if it is right to receive, them und lay them the table, it is right to receive them and’ refer them to a Committee.—Once in the possession of the House, lilt) House can dispose of them us they see proper. To nllow the right of Congress lo receive abolition petitions, is to allow the right of Congress Tuesday, Dec. 23. KESOLUIIIINS. Mr. Hardeman offered a resolution declaring that, as tlie decisions of the Supreme Court to the United Siates contain the most authentic oxpusitirns of the Constitution and laws of the United Slates, they ought legislate upon the abolition ot slavery—if it is l,e |,ubllsl,t ' J under iho aiUlmniy of Congress, and at . ? ... . ■' .. .. .. . tints the public expense, am tbstrmutad in <»h light lo receive them, the right to legislate upon them follows ns uu inevitable consequence. The right may not be exercised—it may, or it may not be, and therefore, it is unsafe for tlie South in yield it in nny shape whatever. All who yield the right in Congress lo receive such petitions, yield the right to legislate upon them, for it would he absurd, foolish and idle lo say that Congress Ims a ri'dit lo receive a petition, and not iho power or right to lake into consideration the propriety ofgrautiim or refusing the tiling petilioued lor. To yield thu re ception of nbulition petitions is to yield tlie whole question. It is fur that reason that* the vole of Col. Towns is obnoxious. It is not that we bo- 1 ?. epubl ,f ... , , ,, • -.j lieve tlie Colonel is in favor of the abolition of sin- j r!,',', ‘ S |' « Massachusetts and the States “--i.™.. «. Jsay ,i,f u :.isr. n ,i„?rr count of the gross error he committed in yielding Slates, and declare that it will co-operation whenever ury »s offered the right of Congress to legislate upon the subject of .sinvery. Hut it may perhaps be said, ihttt iho writer has placed a wrong construction upon the resolutions. Lei us s c wlmt others thought of the report und resolutions while under consideration in tlw House. •‘.Mr. A. II. Sheppard of North Curoliuu, sutd, the report conceded every thing—it conceded the •emu cipation or slavery in the Disuiet, und that was conceding tiie whole,” Mr. Robertson of Virginia, moved lo recommit the report to the Ceraaiiltce with instructions to re- d>ort u -resolution (lecturing tlmt Congress has no n '.'.or under the Constitution to nbolish slavery in the i)i#tri<Jt,Or in tlio territories, and spoke at lengtlt in opposition lo the report, maintaining that since, [containinga q'mtatiimfrom M7.’i>olk’s message,] it surrendered, in effect, the rights and protection | was iHknn up. Mr. Alan in moved iliat the same lie I claimed liy the South, under the Constitution. upon the table for tlie present—yeas 15, Democrats; '" nays 10, Wings. The restitution was then unanimous. I Iv adopted, Tlio resolution far removal of tlio Arsenal at Mill- the public expense, and ilistriuuted in such maimer that all the citizens may have access thereto.—Our Senators and Representatives In Congress are request ed lo use their exertions lo have tins object accom plished.—Agreed to, Mr. Murphey’s resolution relative to the refunding by Congress of the duties paid liv the Slate on iron lor 1 the Western & Atanlic Railroad, was calied up and ag reed to* 1 The Senate took up and concurred to the resolution ol the House Jot registering ami humour the bills of Iho Bank of Darien (about @7110,000) new in the vaults of the Central Bank. REPORTS < F COMMITTEES. Mr. Jaekfion. from the Committee on the Slate of tlio EUhmitied a report on the cocurovert'y bc- of tit IOII6I the! wo latte),' receive nurheart'y indignity and ujj- to the sovereignty -and safely of our own or any oilier sister .Slate ol the Union. The report ami resolutions were agreed to. Wedx.ksday, Den. 24. ^ The Senate, in pasting the Cartriglit Manufacturing Company bill, amended it by adding the Atliens Mann, factoring Company—the hill for which passed the Honse too late tor three readings in tlm Senate. 1 hoy also amended the ltook Island Manufacturing Company bill, by adding the “Columbus Factory Com paiiy”—the “Caroline Mmufacturing Company'*—at Columbus—and the “Potatoe Creek Manufacturing Company” in Upson—eaclt with tlio .limited liability provision. RESOLUTIONS.’ The resolution offered by Mr. Kenan, some day the question being pu» “Shall this hill nowpauV’—the yeas were 40; nays 73 ns folh w«*: Vs.As—Messrs. Amlsrsiin nf WarriMi, Armstrong nf Bibb. It'dlviii, Bivins, Brandy, Butt, Crawturd of Harris, IMegal. lOixnn, l’'amttrnugb,l > '(eiiiiiix. Cieorge, Graliam, Gray. Grreno »f Craw ford. tJreeno of Altunin, (iuerry, Guyton, HaRsoll, • Isrria ufltaldwin, Harris of Mnigan.llurris of Troop, Hines, lowtird, Hull, Huicliiogs, Jenniogs, K< illi, Kandall, Knox, iustiiiii, (.iglesby, I’errv, Kobin«on of Wilkes, .Sanford, .Smith f Cass. Smith of Hoard, Stroud, Wcro of Washington, v'hitakcr. Nays.—Messrs. Armslronx, ot (ireonn, Arm hi, linker, Inrie s. Uunirli, Belt, Barry, Bird, Black, Born, Bryan, •nllurd, Buison, Bnttrel, Cfibiuess, Cail-iwuy, Cannon, ’rollon, Clin|iniun,Clihon, Cooper, Crook, Davis, Durmony, Mildgoon, Keior, Field, (iouldimr of Pike, (inulden ol Stew- t, tfoo(i«',Goodman, Greeim of Kahiin, Guilford, Hill, Hit- ■urd, Ivey, JucUkoii, Jenkins, Johnson, Kenan, Kil^or**, l.cs- ner,lavin>;Hloii, l.umpkiu, iMnlouey, Marlin, Mobley, Moon, I orris, McMullen, Owen, P«*h» so far os relates to the county of Gilmor and to regu* isle iho mode of taking the same. 21. Ah Act lo amend ills several acta in relation to issuing grants ou head rigiita in ihu Slate, ao far as to extend tlio time lor granting the same until llio 25 h December, 1843. 22. An Ad Fur tlie relief of William I’. Uembcrl, of Oglethorpe county. 23. An Act fur tlie relief of Sarah Walton of the county of Harris. 24. An Act lu alter nod amend an art to guard and protect tlie citizeua of tins 8.ale against the unwar rantable and too prevalent of deadly weapons, pass ed on 251 h December, 1837 25 An Act to authorize :bn Jnstieea of the Inferior Court of Pike county to levy an extra lax on the rili- Pelf nun, Pryor. Itiitiin I 7i n„ a 0 f caul county for the purpose of paying the Petit ■not l-.nrlv. Iloliinmin of l.noroiia, Itowu, llozar, .Sinithof - . f . I 30. An Ac. to atmmd the laws of this Slate requir ariiiHt-n, Thompson, Tlioruton, Vurnadoo, Vllhilonga, , , , , „ , , , Tard f \v mo of Mudison, Wlmwouli, Wyatt, Yarburougii. I mg tlio builders of public Bridges to givo bngd hiiiI sc- •V\w House agreed to a resolution to furnish Marion 1 runty for keeping in repair the same, so far as relates to oiiuty with certain d'gents—also, a resolution rulativc j Hie county of Upson, a mail route from Marietta to Drhlongn ; also, a re- 27. An Act to compensate persons who have render ed services in taking the census of the State of Geor- olutioti relative to iho arms of tlio Savannah Volun- . tier Guards : also, a resolution relative to the Laws and ; e ia during the year 184o. ouruals of the present session ; also, a resolution re- 2S. An Act to repeal an act entitled “An Act to com. Htive to tin* report of the Commissioners appointed to ! pennate one of the Justices of the 1 eacc who may bo nvestijrate the affairs and condition of the Central j » supermtendant of the elections held at the several link; ». so, a resolution relative to Hotchkiss* Codifi- at ion .if the Statute Liws of Georgia; also a resolu- 1 ion relative to tlio erection of a dwelling on the Poni- | lection precincts in the rutinhOH of Floyd and Walk er, assented to on the 18th Dec. 1834. JJ). An Act to authorize His Excellency the Gov Iiliary Mtuiire, fur the use of tiie Assistant Keeper; ; c , rm,r 10 lu-nisb arms and iiccoulrements to Voluntoct Iso, a resolution to autborizn the Governor to allow I >» Bm State. .. „ ertai-i p.-niers of tile in the offices of llio Slate House, i "I 0 - An Act to cliango the tunc nf bolding the Supt. a be used in evidence in certain caseS ; also, a repott ! rmr »'"l Inferior Couris of the enmity of Wilkes. >ba Fuccial comtnillce, which reported unfavorably to ! *11* An Act to authorize the Justices of iho Inferior ho petition at Francis Wltelchel, nf Ilali county j al- ,: " llrt ot ' llle coun, y 1,1 Mar-on and other counties l-n iln, renort i.f ibe comimliee, which reported fsvora. 'herein named ora majority ot them, tn examiue tbo tn- uuon tin' petition of U M. Orme, and D-.vid C. \ 80 ' v ""‘ li 8t “ f ‘bo Tax Collectors nl sa.d counties hjmtibell ; also, the report of the committee, upon the An Act m change the lute between the counties neml,rials of tbo Bank of Statu of Georgia and Plan- Habersham and Hall, so as to add lot No. 24 in the I ere Bank,relative to their claims agaiusL tlio Bank of Da- j Hist, in tbo county of Habersham lo tbo county of iien; also, a resolution of Senate, relative to tnonit- ] Hall. , , _ , „ T T nents over tlio graves of deceased members of the' An Act far the relief of Samuel F. Jones, James 'Legislature ; also, the resolution nf the Senate relative j " • Cunningham and William Underwood. ' 111? National Armory ; also, a resolution of Senate fur 1 ' I- An Act to be entitled an act to pardon William lie nmininunent »l Commissioners on the Savannah j Borion.uf Greene county. ver • also a resolution of Senate relative t„ ( | ie Cen-! An Act to amend an act to incorporate the Firo ral Bank of ; also, a resolution of Senate re. 1 Company of t ie City of Lo umbus, to bo known by t ie , UIV • to tlie printing of the Reports of the Treasurer 1 "" ,i “'y 1 ® ol «•'« ( ; d ".! , ‘ bUS F ' re Com Pany No, ind vjnmotroller General; also, a resolutroo relative to *• assented to Dec. 25tli, 1848. the i rn 'clsition of Massachusetts to change tbo Con- i , J8 ‘ , A " to pardon Charles Jones of the county of 1 ■ f.ip u Hi ms : Lunipk in* The’Hmise, also, agreed to a resolution of the Senate! , :i7 - An act to compel Urn superintendants of the in re Mini In I be Laws and Journals, and requiring the I electiona held for Governor, members of Congress, Sen- Gov -rnor to have cor laws of tins sees,m, publish- j »'" r9 a ' ld R“l ir cse"tat,ves m the S.a e Legislature tn also, a resolution of the Senate, in relation to the ^ le "»t» «-* office of the Clerk of the Super,or Court one duty onTltilroid iron j also, the resolution of the Sen. j 1 "** t 110 voters at said election, ate. iu relation to mail routes in Bulloch county, and ■» A ’i act to carry into effi-c that part of the fi st from 1) il.lonoga, Georgia, to Benton, To ; also, j “ ec, '.» n of . 1110 tl *' 1 r<1 art.clo of Uto constitution, winch a resolution of Senate, to authorize Ibe Secretary of 1 1, i ' , l«' re8 'be establ'ahment ol a Supreme Court for the Siate Treasurer and Surveyor General, to supply ; Correction nf Errors, and to organize the same, and to Clo-lc. after 1st January next, to aid in granting re I re g“' al0 . “ ,a P r o^ed;ng 8 thereof, vert 'd lands ; also, a resolution of Senate, relative to-, d9 - A" act to authorize the grant to lot of land No. oxeeulions issued bv the Treasury against the Bank of | 9 , 1 ' '" ll '« <*" 1 ' d ' 1,lr ' <;l - tbir.l o ungmaliy Cher- Mil edgeville; also, resolutions of Senate, relative to | '! kee «“ w , Cass county, to issue to Stephen Ellis, the the State’s claim against the United States on account ! drawor uf «“‘ d 101 of *»»*>.«» tlw W'«»“ 01 "*« Military serviceb ; also, a resolution of Senate, rela-j ,ee * . t . 4 , . .. , 4 r fp , • publication of the decisions of the Supremo . 49 - An ac ,0 „." U . thor ' zo l , , ° '" v , e *" n "" 1 , Go®,“of the U.S.; also, a resolution ofSenale, relative funds "tStae Stocks, or other State Securittcs, to . i ’ ns...,..* n i».t ii, i I provide for Hie sale or (Imposition thereof, and to ex it, iho compilation ol the laws of Georgia,by IJowell 1 . ... Cook: also, a resolution of the Senate relative to Gen. | ei “P | l **‘° 8a,, ‘° ,rol j® a J t . al, ? n * . , . . Andrew Jackson and Wm. II. Crawford ; also, a resolu. i 4l - A <> a ®t lo alter tbo law in relation to interest on lion of Senate, relative to the assus of tlm Bank ol , ^ \n act lo alter and amend the several acts bore- Darien; also, a re^s ' ’ “ siaie '°f" re passed, relaiing to the Monroe Railroad and tors and Representatives in Congress to have toe State | „ 91iltil ^ , ln “, inn „ B lhp „r said Ctinma- laid off into two Judicial Districts ; also, a resolution of Senate, ro'attve In monument ol Capt. Beckham. The House laid on the table Jot Inc balance of the ses sion, by a vote of 57 to 52, Mr. Jackson's tesolutions .rout tlie Senate, relative to the Tariff and Texas. 'The House also rejected the resolution relative to the Geological Survey of Georgia. Mr. Strong's resolu tion to sustain Air. l’olk upon the Oregon quest ion • right or wrong," was taken up, and an amendment having been offered to the same by Mr. Shockley, on notion of Mr. Harris of Baldwin, ibe resolution and air. imlment wore laid on the table for the balance of the session, by yeas 55 ,* nays 53. Th e House rejected a resolution relative to the nnex- Ri ml, id balanco in the Treasury to tiie credit of Flint I.BST OF ACTS R'usseJ by the present Legislature and signed by tlie Governor, ]. Ail Act to empower the Judge of the Superior Con j-ts of the Ocvvcta District, to compel th-- Jurors cho sen for the first week of Troup Superior Court, to set ve two instead of one week, and the Jurors chosen for tlie second week in serve two instead of one week. 2. An Act to give the consent of the State of Geor- gi a to a purchase by the United Slates, of a lot of land tn tiie eiiy of Savannah, for the use of a Custom House an ,d to cede the jurisdiction uf the same. !J. An Act for the relief of John W. Blown of tlio c oiioly of llousion. 4. Ao Act to authorize Leonidas Franklin, Marcus A. I ‘Va tik I in, and Mary G. Franklin to construct a mill, i jam across the Etowah River, on tbo land belonging to i'itber of them iu tlie third District of the second Sec tion of now Cherokee. 5. An Act to authorize Alpbeus Baker, jr, of the anuntv al Stewart, and other persons therein named, to plead and practice law iu llio different Conns of law ..nd equity of this State on certain conditions therein named. 0. An Act to declare Henry George Oliver Serliter, formerly Oliver, now tTie wife of Janies Young, jr., and Samuel Elliott Oliver, legitimate, and to entitle them to all the rights and privileges of distributions and heirs at law of George Oliver and Sarah Anne Wilson, and for other purposes. An Act to alter and amend the several acts in ro- Banking Company, lo change the name of said Compa ny, and to authorize said Company to build a branch Road to Columbus. 43. Act act For the relief of John J. Hamilton, Re. ceiver of Tax Returns fur flic county of Pulaski, for ibe year 1815. 41. An act to authorize David Ross of Putnam enmi ty, to erect a Mib-dam on bis own land, across one of tiie slures of the Oconee river at or near L ing Shoals. 45. An act lo incorporate the Mechanic's Benevolent Society of Ibe ci'.y of Savannah. 40. An acl to provide for the iniroduction of evidence of cerlaaiu copy executions in certain cases therein specified. 47. An act to repeal so tmieh of an act of 1838, as relates lo consolidating the officers of Receiver and 'Tax Collector of Madison and Habersham counties. 48. An act to amend the act of 1813, so far as re lates to the road and patrol laws of Effingham county. 49. An act to authorize Administrators, Executors, or Guardians to exercise discretion in selling lands which may lie divided by county lines. 59. Ao act for the relief of William II. Wade, of the county of Early, 51. An act for the relief of the Bank of Millcdgoville anil tlie Augusta Insurance and Banking Company. 02. An act to change the mime ol Maria Ellen Allens In that uf Maria Ellen Chapman, and the name of Em ma Louisa Wallis, of the county of-Twiggs, to that of Emma Louisa Exittn. and to legitimate tlie same. 53. An act to authorise the Justices uf the Inferior Court of Randolph county to levy an extra tax on tbo citizens of said county, fur certain purposes therein named. 54. An act to alter an amend (so far as relates to tlm county of Troup,) Ibe 3d section of an act to alter and amend the road laws uf Ibis Stale, approved 19ih De ct-mbcr, 1818. 55. An act lo appropriate money in cases of overpay, mi'tii at the Treasury. 50. An act for the relief of John C. Hunter. 57. An acl lo alter and amend an act entitled an act lo incorporate the village of Jefferson, in the county of Jackson, assented lo December 24, 1833, so far as re. lates to ilie appointment of five commissioners for llio same, and extending tlie corporate limits thereof, 58. An aci tn pardon Matilda Cogswell. 59. An act to extend tlio Western and Atlantic Rail road of the State of Georgia and lo provide thu means f wonder if lie « ill not Mr. Lewis of Aiauuum, v- , bo considered good Democrat,c: authority ?)<aid he had declined voting on either of the resolutions, for the reason that be did not think the House bad an) thin" to do with the sul ject of slavery, nny more llm.Mlmt of roligi Ho believed that no petl- edgcville to the Penitentiary squ ire, and the rc60- I lotion for appropriating @1.599 to ropa.r the Arse 1 j nal al Savannah, wcro indefinitely postponed. On motion ol Mr. Calhoun, a resolution of thanks lie President ol Scenic, “for the efficient ami , Limn limi oi religion. -- - - : , lions on the subject ought to a ’' n j dignified d.scliargu of liis official duties”—and lo the ;e. no disposition could be ^ ^ , i,I Secretary and Assistant Secretary, “for their very of 1 Such were tiie views of Southern members on the subject of the resolutions. We will now q»i- etly await tbo promised exposition of Col. Towns, and see how he will succeed in ‘'putting himself right be I ore the country, upon this subject.” Will lie, if elected, give a similar vote 1 Washington, Dec. 19. The Native American debate was suspended to day, for a while. The character of the debate cannot be deemed otherwise than exceedingly complimentary, and favorable to foreigners of all nations, who choose to come on our shores, from the "broad Pacific to the wide Atlantic,” all arc again invited lo share with us, without restrain, in every privation and privilege, and attribute of citizenship. Wo have got, as the members from the South and West say, a vast country lo fill up. Texas and Oregon, and California are all to be occupied and chiefly, and iu the first place, by em igration. A continent is yet to bo settled before we can talk of restricting immigration or the right of al- It appears, moreover, that there is really nothing for Congress to do in tbo matter. Each Slate for itself will make whatever laws it may choose as to the qua., ifications of voters. Each State now exercises that right. The appeal fet the restriction nf tlie right of foreigners to vote must he made to the State L g sla- ficient and satisfactory discharge of their dulies”- Was adopted. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Monoav. Doc. 22. 1845. On mol ion of Mr Ilanscll, me House agreed t-> a res olution offered by himself, authorizing the Comptroller General to have a certain execution marked falivficd, against Samuel Webb, late Tax Collector and Receiver ol Pulnfki county. On motion of Mr. Strong, the House look up the res olution, for the procurement of a likeness of Gen. Jackson. Mr. Gauldon of Stewart, moved to amend the same by i.ddinj! the name ol “William JJ. Craicfurd and William II. Harrison" and some discussion beiiitfbad thereon, on motion, the House adjourned. Tuesday, Dec. 23. The House took un the special order, it being tho bill of Sutiato, “For the protection and preservation of the rights and properly of married Women, and to provide a remedy for the recovery of their property in certa in cases, awl the defence and prosecution nf suits ill relation there- Some discussion having been had on tbe^ same, Mr Martin moved lor the previous question. The motion eing sustained, tin* bill cauio up on its passage,and upon. 7. latioii to itinerant traders, ai:d to prescribe the mode of | therefor, their obtaining licenses. j (jq act to provide for the correction of errors 8. An Act to amend the Charter of the Chatlhoochnr j committed by receivers of lax returns in llio several and Flint River Steamboat Gompany, incorporated and I counties of this Siate, in receiving taxable propeity, or approved December 23d, 1836. j j n assessing the taxes payable thcrepn. 9. An Act to repeal an Act entitled an act, ta con- i (jj, ,\ n change and fix the tune of holding the solidatu the offices of Receiver and J'ax Collector in Superior and Inferior Courts of the county of Upson. i the c .unties ol Lumpkin, Gilmer, Tattnall, Union, Pu- 62. An act to amend the charter of tlie City of Co- 1 aski. Teltair, Walker, Cherokee, Early. Ralmm Floyd, ] lumbusand to amend an act, amending the several acts a id Paulding, assented to December 25th, lb37, so lar i u j the Legislature ol tins State incorporating the City as relates to the Comities ol Lumpkin and \\ a;kcr. J 0 f Columbus, and to layoff paid city into wards, and to 10. An Act to authorize John R. Bowman of the : point out the manner ot electing the Mayor and Alder* co unty of Greene, and George C. Smith, of the county ! thereof, passed in tho year 1837. of Ebert, to plead and practice law, in the several! (j;3 # An act to alter and amend the third and seventh Co uits of law and equity in this State, and to prescribe sections of tlie third article of tlie Constitution. tin *ir liabilities touching the same. (54, act to change and alter tlio time of the meet* 11. An Act to repeal an act, compensating the Grand i j n g of the Commissioners of public roads of Chatham at t l Pel,t Jurors for tlie counties of Habersham and | county. Fii inklin, so far as relates to tho county of Habersham, j An act to appropriate ininoy for tho support of ass enud to 23d December, 1837. j government, for the years eighteen hundred and forty- 1 .2. An Acl to alter and change the time of holding MlX :lll( ] eighteen hundred and, the Superior and Inferior Courts of Baldwin county. | (36. An act lor the relief oi the Commercial Bank of 1 .3. An Act to reduce the Sheriff’s Bonds of this ; Macon. St a to, so far as relates to the county of Hall. ^ ^ j (37, An act to authorize William Roscoe Gorman, of 1 4. An Act to regulato the mode of taking Sheriff’s j the county of 'Talbot, to plead and practice Liw in the Bo- ids in this State, so far as relates to the county of j R«*verai Courts ol law and equity in this State, except Un ion. : in the Supreme Court, on certain conditions therein ex- 1 5. An Act for the relief of Burwell \\ ynn of the ; pressed, com ny of Hancock. 08. An act to change the places of holding elections It l. An Act to pardon Henry Jones. j j„ ,| 10 counties of Cobb, and Bibb. 17 - An Act lo alter tho time of holding the Inferior ! 69. An acl to change the tune of holding the Infcri- C0111 1 in the county of DeKnlh, 111 the State of Georgia, or Courts in the county of Pulatki. from the second Monday m January and July, to the , 70. An act to grant the rights and privileges of cili- four Hi Monday in December and Juno in each year, and j zenship to Ge.irge Michael Lavender of the county of to le galize and make valid al the ban! December and “ June terms of said Court, all writs, Bori-faciases, and other processes made returnable to the January at:d July * or ms thereof. 18. Au Aci to alter and amend the first section of an act to change the nanus of certain persons therein incut 10m d, and to legitimatize those persons whose names are so changed, and to constitute Martha Beau- champ the legal heir and representative of Isaiah Par- ktr of DcKaik county, passed 22d December, 1829,— Also lo (cgalizo tlie official and trust acts of James Kmiill, whose name is changed iu the act aforesaid from the name of James Boxlcy to the name of James Smith. 19. An Act to amend and alter an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the Savannah Institution for Sav ings, “ i0. Aa Act to reduce the Sheriff’s bonds of this State Coweta and Matt lie w ’Thompson ol the county of Cass, descendants of tiie Cherokee tribe of Indians, and to establish and lepa’izethe names of the said persons as George Michael Lavender and Matthew Thompson,and to remove all legal disabilities heretofore imposed, and so compel them to do and perform ail the duties of free white citizens. 71. Au act to make penal and to punish any unlaw ful interference with or molestation of the Western and Atlantic Railroad. 72. An act to alter and amend the Road Laws of this State, approved the nineteenth of December, eighteen hundred and eighteen, so far as relates to tho counties of Randolph and Jack»on, and to exempt laborers on the line of the different Railroad Companies of this Stale from working on public Roads upon certain condi tions therein specified. 73. An act toalterand amend the several acts estah- F* !\d u,, * ,oveir# * 0110011m P r « c,, i c U in th c county of 74 An an to incorporate tlie Rabun Turin,,r, pany, un,l lu C r»nt corlain pri.ilagp. u, il, e m * 73. An aci loober anil change iho ,,r i,„,, c!,gn. UPeriUf a " d 1 " r< '’ riur u, ' urt,i 01 tho conniyoi Mu’* 70. An act to auihnrizo and require the Ju.tic.. Ilf iho In-ornir Lonrl „f ihecnunly „f VVnrr.-n , ° f • jorily nf them to draw a Gland and Petit J U1V \* county. 3 " 77. An act for the relief of Benjamin Willia... of iho county of Scriven. Hinson 78. An act In preach.- the manner of holding c | Pr Uiiib in Iho couniy of Cl.allmtn and Iho Charier elec liona of the city uf Savannah. cc 79. An nut to prevent and remove obstruction, in ,| le Fill, lliver, calculated to impede the free p»„,„ ™h. "> "Pl»""t commiaamnera, and to punish iho»„ »-i? mav aiiompt lo defeat Iho lime. ° " 1,0 80. An act lo cliango the name of Marti,a.viii. • Del alb couniy. lolbatof A, Ian,.—J? Z : Hedion precinct now hold nI thc Iiou.e of ( |,! r , “ I |a,'!,T P ir ' eS ' k " mV " “ 8 11,0 VVI| "° ,lal1 precinct to Au I „ 8 '' f A " nc i 10 “iifhorixo and require the Justices of i the Infer,or Court of Appling couniy and iheir ,ucce. amor a majority thereof, to Judge of, and allow m the lax Collector* of raid County, ibeu insolvent l iBt 8— An aet in authorize Ilia Excellency the Govni- nor lo cause a grant to be issued t„ Jamea Bust, of ,h» county of Eariy, for lot number one hundred, in aix'li district of Ban! county. 11 ,lB 83. An act In alter and amend an act lo incorporate the town of lliomaalon, audio make permanent ho Seat ol Justice in llio County of Upson passed on t , eleventh day of June, eighteen hundred and twenty five and further to define the duties and powers of the Co n mpsumers of said town, 64. A,, act lo repeal an act lo regulate the election and pay of county I reasurer for the counties of B,bb and Upson, and to render inelig.ble any of the J ustlc ““ ol the Inferior Court of sam counties to sa d nnooim mcnis, si! far ns relates lo tlio county ot Bibb, aslnirfi tolLcembor tbo ninth, eighteen hundred and foriy? 65. An act to author,zo the Justices of the Inferior Cuunoi Cherokee couniy, tqjevyan extra tax for cer tain purposes therein named. 83. An act lo authorize the Justices of the Inferior Courl of the couniy of Murray to assess and levy an s,:^r my - flve purce,,, - fuMiiB p“ r p»««r 87. An aci to amend the Charier of the Medical Col lego of Georgia, and to exempt the Faculty and Students of said Institution from Jury and militia duty durintr the collegiate term. 3 "» 88. An act to amend the act entitled an act to incor. porate the lrwinton Bridge Company, and to regulate the rates ot tml thereof, to grant to Elizabeth Jones, Hie right to keep a ferry on the Savannah ILver, audio ex tend tlio authority of the City Council of Au-usta in relation to Terrirs anil Bridges iu uaidr.ity, ° 89. An act to cliangu the names of Cas's'andria Filz. J patrck.aud Thomas Edwin McLeroy, lo lint „f (;- [H sandria Hill and that of Thomas Edwin Hicks, and le". gititnatize the same. I 99. An acl to incorporate Jasper No, 8, of tho | United Ancient Order of Druid's, located and working I in the city of Savannah. 5 91. An act to relievo Alexander Means, of Newton county, Horn the payment of a portion of tax improper, ly assessed agaiust him in said couniy fur the year 184* 3 92. An act to alter and amend ibe act of 1832, m. eorpoiating Mount Carmel Academy iu Crawford couul ■y- ai. An act m relation to the holding nf the Superior am) Inferior Courts of Glynn county, ami iu re at or. to bailiff-- of the Grand and Pet.t Jury m Richmond coun. ly and I lie Justices Courts of the I19ih d,strict iu said coun'y of Richmond. 94. An act far tlio correction of errors in p!,it« and grants and to authorize the Governor to issue CO py fda’N and grants in certain cases. 11 95. An act to amend an act amending the cstray laws of this Ktalp, so far as relates to the time of advertis nn* and tolling horned canK slieep, goals or hogs, before they are sold, assented to 20lli Dec. 1823. I GO. An act to alter and amend the third section of the i ceud article of the Constitution of tins Slate, 97. An act to levy and collect a tax for each ot the | political years 1846 and 1847. . 99- An act to alter a. d amend an act to provide for the indigent deaf and dumb of this Slate—-aImi, to pro- | vide lor the appointment of a ConiHiiss.oner, to reguiato j his duties, aflix his salary and nppropria'e monies "in re- j l‘>r. by changing the place of education, and for other purposes, 99. An act to restrict tlie amount of tax fees recciv- i *-*d by Attorneys at Law for snitson certain notes. ! 190. An act Jo araer.d the fifth section of an act n> : provide lor the Education of the poor assented to tvven* ly seventh December, 18J3, mid for other other pur- • poses, so lar as relates to Franklin county. ! 101. An act to a mend an act passed in 1841, to give • to all persons employedon Steamboats and other w»- I ter crafts mi the Chattahoochee* Altaiualm and Ocnml. ■ geu U.vers a lien on said Steamboats or v\atir crafts j lor his, her or their wages, and for wood and provisions ! furnished, and to point out and tacilivaie the mode of die | collection of the same, so far as to extend tho pruv.s- j tonv of the same and to include Flint R.yer therein. 102. An act to repeal an act ot 1836 compensating , Grand Jurors in the county ot Dclvilb. j 193. An act To amend the corporation laws of tlm i village ot Ruckcrsvillo in the county of Elncn, passed | in 1822. i 191. An act tarepeal so much of an act cnciprnsa'- •ng Gland Jurors in Randolph county, and to regulate i the mode of dividing the Jury and confession fees be- j tween the Jurors ot said county of Randolph. ! 195. An acl to repeal so much of an act of 1 *-37, con- ; soliciting the offices of Receiver and Tax I'ollecb r of : Cherokee andTuttuail counties. ‘ 10(k An act add Jot 80, 24th diet. 3d section, audio , change-the lino between the counties of F.ojrd aid , Cass, so as lo include the residence of cerl.i.n pen »ns ! therein named within tho county of Floyd. ! 107. An act to change and point out the mode of in- | in certain cases therein named. ItH An act to alter and uuu.'iid tlio several nets Imre* ; toforc passed far tho incorporation uf the town of Ha- | rietta in the county of Cobb. ! 109. An act to render legal am!\a':d tin* adoption | of Rose Anna McHugh, by Robert Uailord, and to con* for upon her llio privileges and rights of Ids legit.male ; child. 110. An act for the relief of John R. Coiling, »Mdi* j taty Ktore Keeper at Milledgeville. 1 111. An act for the relict Robert P. Dickineun of tier 1 county of Eibert. 112. An act to confirm and make valid the sale of a ( lot of land by tlie Trustee- of the Decatur county Ac- . ademy, and to appoint additional Trustees. 113. Au act to add all ihat part of Lumpkin county lying and being north of the lt ue U dgo to tlie county | ot Union. J 114. An act to repeal so much of an act of a* consolidates the offices of Receiver and Tax Col tcior ■ ot 11 mcock coun'y. 1 115, An act for the relief of Asa E. Thompson, Ad r* &e , a security on account of Colinnku* ’J’houipsO''. 116. Ah act to require the Surveyor General tuissu* ' a grant far I ruction >»o. 100, 15ili dia»t. of Ih’calur C"» lo Daniel Belcher. j 117. An acl to repeal a part of tiie 11th sec. ef | act entitled an act to empower the Inferior Lfauits of I the several counties in tics JSt ite to order the laying ! out of public roads and to order th<? building and keen* j ing in repair of public buildings, approved Dec. 4th, 1799, and further to extend and define the powers « f said Courts as to the construct ;ou ot bridges. 118. An act to amend the police of the I'cnifcntinry, to authorize the appointment of Couiin t-sinners, to vnT ue from time to time, tho manufactured articles and as* sets of tiie Fcnitcntiary, to allow Governor, if necespi- rv in his judgment, to draw from the Treasury the re mainder of the appropriation « f 1843, m d to app'y Iho „aiue to the use of the DcniteiitiHry,and locompeiisiit- John I ladder out of the money now in the Treasury lor the use of the Penitentiary. 119. An act to a'trr and nnicml the si vrrnl acts now in force in relation lothc taking of KlionflTs ISO. An in I lo prohibit colored 111*1 bnnira and oi*imui» mg hln\ es or lice person* of color,being* or ihu "9 • from uiakin, tmilracis fur t!s» ncrtiuii nl I" Ddii ft, “t-' 1