Newspaper Page Text
merit and youiltfnj talent is justly appreciated | wo have some where seen or hearji of, though
■and receives tl>e mead of deserved distinction. | We cannot at this moment tell when or where.
As tho history goes, in tlm state of—we will
y 0 r President af the United States,
For Ffce President,
' - -
. j.j on and Calhoun Electoral 2'icktt for
*' Georgia.
Gen. Daniel Newnan of Baldwin
Gen. John Stewart of Oglethorpe
Gen. Henry Mitchell of Hancock
Col. John Burnet of Glynn
Col. John Cunningham of Elbert
Major William Penticost of Jackson
Major John Hatcher of Wilkinson
Benjamin Leigh Esq. of Columbia
Pitt Milner Esq. of Monroe.
In these piping times of peace and hot wea-
j, er) when our readers require something to
•ffuile the tedious lassitude of dull times, wo
m in disappointment from the many sheets
dinsail spreads before us, to the utter hope
less of finding any thing new to interest the
jlitician, the planter, the merchant or me-
,j, aD j C ;—while we . have noticed for months
uttbo daily predictions that each arrival from
nope would bring us intelligence of tho
ussian forijes having crossed tho Pruth, and
tire warfare commenced between'thtj belli-
; ,er.t armies—we find tlicm still inactive, and
* final prospect of hostilities uncertain—
fate of the brave and suffering Greeks, yet
ip on the thread of time, and while the
iitian world cannot but yield tho tribute of
ipathyfor their heroic sufferings—we regret
hard hearted policy which witholds the
lire interference of the Christian governments
if Europe in their favor. If but prompt measures
rejaken and the bold language of concious
lit used towards the proud Sultan, we venture
predict*, that it would not bedlong befdro
is suffering people would be left to the en-
lyoient of those dearest privileges of freemen,
right of self government, .mid' worship of
oJ according to the dictates of their own
kscicnee*. > .V,. ..
Though our own government does no! seem
",posed to inteiferu iu the cause of Greece,
most active exertions have been, and con-
tie to be made by many private individuals
communities, to alleviate their sufferings.
'he ladies of several of our northern cities,
it tiife exercise of their accustomed sympathies
ir a distressed people have contributed large-
in -clothing rind other necessaries, which
ive’becn forwarded to tlm Greeks—a large
sum of money and stores of various kinds have
in collected and'forwarded by tlia Greek
ommittees of this counjry, and it is hoped
» time will not bo long, wheu the proud Ma
ommedan shull acknowledge the fredora of a
qtintfy,’ whose. fate deeply interests every
true lover of civil and religious liberty.
The continued dry weather for several weeks
Ipast lias excited considerable alarm in many
■parts of tlio jeountry, for the fate of,the growing
Iuop; wherever tho drought has been most se-
I'crdy felt the corn crops aro already consider-
m«d as pa^t resusitatioti, and a half crop is consid-
Iwd as the most which, may be calculated on;
■this is moro ularming from ’the fact that the
■wheat crop was almost entirely destroyed by
I'lielato frosts in April, and the lastyears crop of
| corn was so veiy short as to be now nearly ex,
|Wted; to this may bo added, that large
entities of corn has been sent from tho
I section of country between tho- Ocmulgco and
jFlint rivers to-the suffering Indians who aro
[represented as being nearly in a state of starva-
|tion. ..>! ■■■
The cotton, crop in such parts of the coun-
l®J ^ we have heard from, altliougVit has suf-
jfered considerably from tiie drought, will not bo
[fit short if we should have rain in tho course
|uf this Week, hut 'should .the present state of
|'he weather continue much longer tbo injury
|"'ill 'uo irreparable'; • ! * ,l! ;'•
Fly reference to our advertising columns it
d be seen that the Macon Academy has been)
Ipliceil under tho caro of a rector,. who comes
jd'Otlio institution with tho- highest rccommen
[v-Jtions as to talent and moral worth.
FF 1 her) it, is known that oiir town possesses
l c ' er y inducement which a large population,
| E°°d health, and moral society,' can offer to
[parents and guardians to sond their children
j l|(i wards among us to attain an education,
J|* hoped that our institution will rocoive -at
[ , lts share of tho patronage of tho comma
r 1 .'.—ihejbcst evidences, which can be offored
| sustain these -facts may be found in the
It^ral and increasing prosperity of the several
|> l an, l religions societies which cmbraco
II P or, ton of our population;—already has
I •ted commodiuus church been erected
I 1,0 expenso of the citizens,, and another
r-ed for, which will probably be equal if
I su i )e rior to any other in this section of the
j ^ 6 “’' 0ur c ‘ ! '* en s are generally characterised
j J. dll; ' r industrious aud active habits, and
*•' c vica meet* iu deserved degradation
"The Dove and Olive branch, to man
"Good tidings brought, of Pc,ire ou Earth—
shall those roJumni bcurnbroad,
. jj. “The words of Peace, aud. reason too.
•ri, i .. .
say Massachusetts—ihcre existed in times past,
a very flourishing village, which, from being
situated in a remote corner of tho state, had
but little foreign trade, aud tho villagers were
consequently in tho habit of manufacturing al-
Under this title and-motto, the Rev. Mishael most all arliclcs.for domestic uso among tliem-
Smitlg&Author ofq Geographical view of the I s elvos, Mr. * Koran) supplied his neighbors
fivhislipossessions in North Amo ict.” “Hi,to- *} ,h Mr * Sl,i P ) ,1,e ,ailor ma(1 ° coats, arid
plaints against the Tariff, let us seize upon rite
advantages which it presents, and divide with
our Nothern brethren the profits of that policy
which they have pointod out to us. xb.
Wc understand (says the Boston Palladium
bfthe9lhult.)thnt heavy and extensive pur- < ^ ^ ur
chases of Cotton have boon made within a few I county, fuviedim Mlha'prapVrty of Jones Powell, to
days, from information, that last year's pro- “listy ttfl. fa. issuedJrom a Justice's Court, of said
.1*1 ~ -_l ‘ countv*. in fuvnr ot Tlinmun *
m* Hff %*Uu
Ax JACKSON—Butt* County,
On the first Tuesday in August nect,
B k l WREN the usual hours of sale, will be sold
the following property.
1103 Id acres of laud, more or less, known by lot No.
i 145 in the third Dist, formerly Monroe now Putts
duction did not equal that of 1S26.
A Wesleyan missionary meeting was lately
county, in favor ot Thomas Buttrel.vs Jones J’oweil
& Wiliram foster, Levied ou and returned to sne by
aconstable. ’ J
1-J acres of Land, more or less, known by lot
• a , | patronage among them; and nil together gavo, a
port tho- present Administration of tho Gen- j profitable business to tho tavern-keeper, tho
erul Government, “believing sincerely that grocer, anil tho dealor in fancy articles. The
should what is called the political combination fa™ 161 ' 3 also, for twenty miles round, felt the
of the nation succeed in their wish in electing f "T’ —5“ ^ ‘ l“ vi ‘ la S°,P r . 05 P erit y- . They
a . . .... • , fi found a ready market for their corn and pork,
General Jackshn. to tho Presidential chair, anJ fl om . an j butter an d boe f. and even tho
the country would be very much injured” and good woman derived a proportional advantage
moreover “The Editor is fully pursuaded that From tho prosperity of others; she found no
tho re-election of Mr. Adams is now absolute- difficully , '? exchanging her poultry and her
,y rr . z fc, *. ft* y*. oftlio Uni.
ted States, with these views .ho enters the happened to prefer those articles, as some goud
field of Georgia politics, awaro of (he mighty j women will—and was never at a loss for a new
Hood tide of popular political prejudice against bonnet on a holy day.
which his paper will have to contend, his mot- , effects changes every where. Tho
V? i -... t ’ , lawyer went to Boston, and found ,hat he could
is Annum, el Patriae as to I stand to my u blain a coat for a less sum than he was in tho
God and my country, he feels it bis duty to do habit of paying Mr. Snip, the village taylor. It
“ atid risk the consequences. was his interest, lie thought, to buy im the
Whatever success may attend the labors 0 f cheapest terras. _ So be bought all his com at
... , , ,. Boston; u became fashionable, and all the villa-
learned ed,tor wo w,h not ven,ure t0 P re * gers followed his example. They were not to
met, nor can we judge of his talents, having be taxed, they said, for the benefit of Mr. Snip,
never seen any of tbo first above enumerated Tho taylor lost his business—mortgaged his
works, the popular current is strong against house t0 the lawyer—became bankrupt, and
to, Thai tbfni. .n,.ch,.„ e c,p.,, ta „or,h. SdL'S'toli
citizens of this btato ig favor of tho present Rorara could manufacture them. So Mr. Ro«
administration than is generally supposed we ram soon lost his business, and was obliged to doubt, and among this number are I follow the tuilor. Tho farmers found that they
some of the most wealthy and respectable mem- co ? ld 3t5ndt , 0 ^ usl0a fu ™ ,ure * ‘ heir
v . i, -. . . , .... saddles and bridles, instead of purchasing them
hers of tho community—how far ihoy will be as berei0 f 0r0 at lbe vil i age . Ur . Peslle said
disposed to patronize tbo project of the Rev. | he could buy better aud cheaper shoes in Bos-
Mr. Smith wo cannot say—for ourselves we [to» than could be furnished by Mr. Crispin,
willingly extend the right hand of editorial Thus one after auotlier.tho mechanics lost their
, 1 business, and left the place. Tho shop-keeper*
courtesy and wtsii him all tho patronage the j sooa followed their customers. At length tho
people are * disposed to oxtend towards hises-1 barber found that, saving the lawyer, the doc-
tablishment. } tor, and thepurson, he had uo chins to scrape—
su, in a fit of the bine-devils, be drowned hira-
ron the macon i^pun. [self in his own suds. What became of the
Mr. EDITOR. !?■. ■ - [printer, wo could never exactly ascertain—
The names of several gcntleiden hare been though wo felt it to be our. duty to make par*
already given to the public as candidates for titular enquiry. From a habit, however
.l 0 . 1 ! g ^1wiL n n gen "F,M- 11 lm . s , bcc " “ nnn “ nce 1 d which he had contracted, of feeding entirely
west of the Ocmulgee.—Tins section of the stute Is . - ... ... ... b . „
destitute of neither talents nor wortli, and it seems I u P on •htn air, like a ca.mchou, it is conjectured
me that its interests ought notto go unrepresented by. his Iriends, that lie evaporated! But the
the National Legislature.—In looking uround, 11 doctor finding noiio left to take his pills, shift-
can think of none who presents h‘gher claims to the ei l b i 8 quarters. So did the parson. Aud in
represented us in Congress with grear ability, strenu-1 real estates of Ins neighbors, uy foreclosing the
ously, but temperately advocating the rights of this I mortgages, found himself the sole inhabitant of
sectiou of the Union.—His unquestioned talents,, and I j bo skeleton of tho once flourishing village of
A 4 a.
candidate. J6tli June— I‘IKE. ulter worthlessness of the property ho had ac-
d||W| 0VWt TffVT i/n The farmers in tho neighborhood no longei
rrri yr f 0UQ d a market for thoir corn and their pork,—
[The Lonumlteo ot Arrangement tor this I \V ba tever they might, raise over and' above
e C if* , ve ' Coa ' munic ® te ^ H*® following order I theinown consumption, became worthless, be-
oi the day tor tbe ensuing fourth of July.] jeausd it could ^not be sold. The good woman
found'no purchaser for her butler, her poultry
The number of patents granted'in 1827, was
380, producing in tho U. S. Treasury, direct
ly by the inventive ingenuity of our citizens,
Tbo Court oflnquiry organized at Charlestown
Mass, to investigate the conduct of Liul. Per
ceval, at tho Sandwich Islands, closed itsses-
IVI. «r—- — me by
b constable.
Lot No. ‘i\ in the fourth district formerly Monroe,
now Batts county, containingWJ 1-2 acres, more or
less, levied on «g the' Property of Xeal Stratum, to
satisty a Fi Fa issued from a Justice’s court of said
county in favor ot John Barkley, vs Neal ritrabm. <fc
Joel llaley. Property, pointed out by Defendant-
levied on and returned tome by a constable.
Samuci K. Mclin's interest in one House and I«t
No 2, in square No. 12 iu the town of Jackson Butt*
county, levied on to satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued
sion on Thursday, <itli inst. having spent six I court a
i •_aU«'s.:..HTi . i ^ Vi • luckercit Robinsou, and others vs said Mcliu—levied
weeks in the trial I he result is not yet knowh j 0 u and rntumed to me by a conttnble.
Cfl* Cour. i Fraction itfo. 55 hr the ninth district formerly Her*
... : ry, now ilutts county, quantity of acres not known,
The New York Met. Adv. says:—“A ! ‘ovmdon as lImProiicrtyof Barkley, tosatisy
r .1 . i . | aFi l a iu tuvor ot Jlossdc, ouinmerim v« H itliutn
gentleman of this city . has received a copy Barkley &, Francis Douglas*,
of tho Duke of Saxe Weimar’s Tour through Two town lots, to wTn lot No. 4, in square No. 6,
tho United States and Canada, in 1826, print- sad lot No. 2, in square No. bin the town of Jackson
ed at Weimar, the present year. It is an im- **“* «*“'*» levied on as the Property of David C.
- , . ' % L J mf . _ Wallis, to sutiity sundry 11 Fob issued irom a Justice’#
pertal octavo volume, ol about 700 pages,em- cour t ot said county in favor of the Justices ofthe
bellislied with a portrait ofthe author, with interior Court of said county. JProperty pointed out
corroct views of the Capitol, tit Washington, of by Defendant—levied on andreturnbd to me by 4
the "Schuylkill water works Philadelphia, i co i“ l ,“v e '-»■ . ,,
, /.t u ivr 1 i> r' j Lot No. 77m the first district formerly Henry, now
the safety barges OB tho North River, &C. told Butts countyf containing 202 J-2 acres, mure or li'ss,
several maps, iRCludill|F those of tho cities of; levied on as the Proiierty oi Samuel Clay, to snlisiy|a.
NetvTfork, PhiladeJphiifTand Pittsburg. The sundry Fi Fas'issued from a Justice's Court of said
work will probably be* soon translated und W“«^njav^r ofthe Trustees of Jackson Academy
soon translated und
published in this country. In the list ofsulr-
srribers, we.obsorvoali,.,the.‘raonarchs of £u*
The Baptist prayer meetings will be
held at the Academy every friday
evening, immediately after tunsit.
The'Brcthren of other denominations,
nnd all others, who may be disposed
to Join in the worship oJ God, aro earnestly solicited
to attend these meetings.
In New/teM, Sir. John Mansfield, of Brown\field, to
Miss Martha Wakefield.
Out of some of these fields, it Is reasonableto expect
Boat Catharine and Marian, Cutter owner, with a
full cargo to Stone &. C'oit, J. A. Blanton, Napier
Munroe, & Co. and others.
Boot Towaliea, J, T. Rowland, owner, with a full
cargo of groceries, to I B. Rowland, and others. (
Bagpni!, per yawl, 25
Cotton, lb.' 9 to 9 14
Castings, lb. 5 3-1 to 7 1-2
Coffee, lb. 16 to 19
Corn. bush. 75 to lb 1 ): 1
Candles, northern, lb. 1C
spermaceti, 45
Fish, mackerel, tj7 to 9
cod, 12 1-2 cents
Flour, bid
Gunpowder, Duponts, $9
Iron, lb. 61-2 cents
Lead, 10
Kails, . 10
Pork, prime, bbl. 14 to $16
Pepper, lb. (bunt 25
Pimento, {»H stii, 35
95 to $1
10 to 13
10 to 121-2
Baron, lb. 8 VIBDt cents |.CAcw,
Sail, bushel,
Sugar, muse,
Brandy, cognac, 1,50 to 2
Gin, holland. 150 to 1,75
northern, 5t) to 561-4
7?«m, Jamaica, 1,50 a 1,75
Whiskey, 40 to 45
lllnr, madelra, gal.' $4
teneriffe, 1,75 to 2
malug*. 1,01)
Molasses, gallon, 60 la 56
Butler, A. B. Pone and Samuel Ciny,
icunty, levied on and returned tu me by a eoristahle,
june, 18. ROBERT W. HAKKNES8, ShtC
At GREEN V 1LLE—Meuiwether Coii’thv
On the first Tuesday in August next,
W ILL be sold, betwen the usual hours of sale,
the following property, to wit:
One lot of Land, No. 144 in the tenth district of
Meriwether, formerly Troup county, levied on as
tile Property of IVilliam Bowles, to satisfy two mduII
executions, tfhe in fnvor of Joel Newsom, und the
other in favor of Bennett H. Elby v«. said Bowles—
levy mude and returned to me by a constable.
One lot of Land, No. 1Q2 in the second district
formerly Troup, now Meriwether county, levied on
as the Property of Elisha Crow, to satisty an execu
tion In favor ot Theophilus Freeman vs. said Crow-
levied on and returned to me by a constable.
One lot of Laud, No. 120 in the seventh district of
Formerly Troup, now Meriwether county, levied on
as the property, of Jasnis Howe, to satisfy his Tax for
lho year 1820 or so much of said lot as will satisfy bis
Tat; interest and cost, levied on, and returned to me
bytt Constable.
June, 14. ' •■
| Sci.Ft,
GEORGIA—In Horns Superior Court,
The Governor, on the information of
Arthur P. Watson’
■' vs,
JohrxS. Carely. . .
OrpHE Sheriff of said county, having returned that
ii John S. Carely is not to be found fit said county.
It is ordered that service of said scirifacias b: perfect-
edby publication of this Rule once a month fur three
months, before tho nexVTefm ’ofseid court.
A true copy from Ike minutes, 201A March, 1828.
juno 23 3mt C. BLANDFOKD, Clk.
One gua at day break. , , .
A Federal salute at sun rise.'.
A National salute at 12 o’clock,
and her eggs. Tho people had no means of
rasing money for the payment of their taxes,
thoir medicines, and those comforts which for
mer indulgence had rendered necessary. They
One gua af 11 o’clock, a signal for fotming [became poor; run in debt; their lands sunk in
procession. value; and, finally, thoso who were able moved
The procession will bo formed. at 11 o’- away to some new purchase, perhaps,
clock, on the public-square,*ih front of the Such is the history, as we have heard it. If
Mausion House, by Serguunt Tyner, Marshall it is nut authentic, it is m> fault of ours; but still
|?\; NOTICE.
R 'ANAWAY, a few days ago a mulatto woman
by the name of Lacy, who formerly belonged to
Mr. Asa Hill, of Colnmbns, where she will probably
attempt to go—anv perion confining her in Jail,* or
delivering her to me In Maeon, will be rewarded for
oi the day, in the following order:
Mrcou Volunteers. ' ..
President ofthe day and Clergyman, ■
Orator trail Reader.
Members of the 'different Committees,
Judges ofthe Superior and Inferior Courts,
Officers of the Regiment and Staff,
Citizens—two- ana two.
it is just as good, fur our argument as if it was
true. And, furthermore, if it is not now true, it
may become so, in' a. dozen instances, if our
citizens do not look the better to their own per
manent interests. . .
B URING our absence from lllaeon, Mr. Bailey
Goddard Is authorised to act for us at our gen-
ersl agent. Macon, 19th June. 1828.
The proposition that Georgia must become a
manufacturing State, is every day making itself
The procession will then move to the new I more evident to reflecting individuals, iu every
Warehouse near the Academy, where, section of the country. If tho people ol the
1st. An address wjll be offered to the fit rone North can afford, to purchase bur co.ton, pay the
of Grace, by the Rev. Mr. Gardner. expenses of transportation from the plantation,
Music. '• V; . - lay in the middle and upper counties, to tho
2d. The Declaration of Independence will manufactory, which must amount to a charge of
be road by David B. Butler, Esq. about 30 per cent, ou the raw material, and
3d. An Oration, by Isaac G. Seymour, transport their fabrics back again to Georgia,
Esq. . - - 1 and still find a profit ip their transaction, it
4th. Benediction by the Rev. Mr. Gard- would seem evident that our own citizens could
NER . manufacture the same articles, trad bring them
Tbo procession will then form, and march into market in fair competition with their North-
back to tho public square, and he dismissed. I cru neighbours. We have every means, aud
. The. Committee of Arrangements have c*n- every inducement, for becoming- a raauufactur-
traded for a Imndsomo' Barbacued Dinner, to *ng people. X)r agricultural interests are great-
bo furnished in a plain Republican style, by ly depressed ; provisions are. plenty aud cheap;
Capt. Riley, the dinner table wilt bo set at 2 labour is cheap; we have tbo raw material at
o’clock, P. M. under Lamar’s Warehouse, our own doors; water power in the greatest
The Citizens of the-County aro invited to at- abundance ; enterprise’and capita, are not fack-
tcm l j ing. Nothing, indeed, is warning, but an effort
Tickets of admission to the dinner $1 50 on the part ofdisiiuguistwd individuals, to direct
,,, 7 this capital and enterprise to the most proltut-
fir- .•;*¥ bio pursuits. It is the opinion of triany enlight-
O ened individuals, with whom wjt have conversed
1’ ’(that the planter who employs a largo forco in
cm 3. . «| the cultivation of cotton, must bo constantly
|| - I sulking his capital. In other words, a gang of
slaves cannot, by a groat deal, earn their support,
pay the tear and wear of a plantation, (without
bringing into view the interest on the capital)
T10I)lt months after date application will b« made
.f to the Hon. Inferior court of Butts county, when
Wltfng for ordinary purpo*»», for leave to sell all there-
1 al estate belonging to William RKodts, lute of said
county deceased. SAMUEL BELLAH. Admr.
may 8 20
John T. Lamar,
Hubert Birdsong,
Charles Cotton,
Samuel Gillespie,
K. Tuner, : y
David Ralston,
Robert Collins,
GEORGIA—Twiggs county.
W HEREAS John Sms applies to mo for letters
of dismission from his administration on tba
estate of Zilpha Lucns, late of said county deceased.
And, whereas Haydeu 1Ic«hks applies to me for
fetters of dismission from his administration on the
estate of Chetley Bradshaw, late of said county de-
TAc« are therefore to cite mm! admonish, all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, lobe
and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by
law, to shew cause if any they canphg said tellersshould
net be granted. Witness the Hun. Henry Solomon
o e ofthe Justices ofthe Court Ordinary,
june 16 ' Cmf- ’PETER SOLOMON, c. c. o.
At ZEBULON—Pies County,
On the first Tuesday in August next, j
R ILL be sold, between the usual hours of sale,
tbefollowiog property.
1U1 1-4 Acres of Land, more or less, wherroq
Eli Benson now lives, number 187 In tho first district ££
of originally -Monroe, now Pike* county; together
with bis iutereit in about 12 or 15 acres of Corn and
Cotton,standing in the field—also one cray llotvt,
levied on as the Property of Eli Benson, to satisiy a
Fi Fa In favor of Archibald Bachelor, against nutiil
Benson. "
1011-4 sere* of Land, more or leu, it being th«
east half of lot No. din the third district of original,
ly "Moure, now Pike county, levied on as the Property
of Allen Cook, to satisfy three small Fi Fas one in
favor of G. B. Buehunnon, one in favor of J. Brmvs-
ter, and one in favor of Robert Akeis sgaiost said
Cook—levied on aid returned to me by • constable,
101 1-4 acres of Land, more or less, It being the
north east half of lot No. 122 in the drat district A
^originally inonroe, now Pike county, levied op. a*,
the Property of J ualhan Baker, to Satisfy isv.-tt
small Fi Fat issued from a Just ice's court, one hi.
favor of Joseph Laurence, one i» favor of Ford &.
Buttrcll, one in favor of Harmon .Nesl# one to iavsW
of Henry Arllpe, one in favor of Robert Bull, hearer,
one in favor of J. D. McFarland, be* in favor of
Admr. of Williiins Akins, all agatnat said Baker-
levied on and returned to meby aconstable.
One sorrel Horse, levied oft as the Property of
Ellison Grisham, to satisfy a FI Fs in ftwor of Tnom.
' Graham.
as Hoxey against said (
'june 13
GEORGIA—In Harris Sujterior Court
«•>.;.- » ■ march teem, 1828.
James P. Poriis, informer, vs. Patrick Feely—Set Fa
For publishing by subscription a Weekly Lite-
rary GaiettS, to be entitled
prnllE subscribers pr-->j«ose publisliing a l.ijvrwiy
Miscellany under tha-ahuve title, which will bt>
issued weekly in G.uarto Numbers of eight pages ev h,
and Which tt will be their earnest endeavor to vernier
worthy of public patronage; and a vehicle both oi iss
structioti and entertaiataent to their .reeders.
and Literary I'Akays.Criiii^iat, Uomanch, and Peetrj.
together with the latest intelligence on 'Scientific anl
V|>T"appearing' t’o thTCo'urt, bv" the' return of the Political Shbjettt.wHt foritt thl principal raattero/ i* •
ii Sheriff, that tho.defrndnnt Is not to he found in ) pages. " 1 he 1 nbiet shall hi
said COUntY. It is‘on motion, ordered, thut the i ot good morals, and ol sound
defendant appear at the next term of said court, end Above all st will be the object ollk£
answer said Scire Faciaa-And it is further ordered, ogn we
tttULlI t>4 df voted to *du <
Literature nod
Uu iSsr
JtlLZTn*, i I he IvVLnheH^i^: i "lioti employed entirely ia the cultivatiou of
- < j present, cotton is the great staple of our eoumry,
. v from the savannah mcrcURT. I thu only article from tbo plantation which will
Fortltu pur|K>soof illustrating the idea, that it I contmaad the cash. ...
is sometimes cheaper for a community to pay. | This ktateftif things cannot tong exist; indus-
nominully, I. gher prices for mauy articles of ] try will shortly find other channels, and the
consumption, if manufactured among them* j sooner tho better. Instead,therofore, ofwas-
selvos, than to bring the same articles from a- ting our resources in useless experiments, in-
broad, at a less cash price, wo wiRgivo a short j stead ot letting the guidon moments for exer-
sketcii of tbo history of a couutryWljge, wiiicli | tiou pass away io hjlc uturmurt aas useless com-
that this Rule be published in one of the public Gaz.
cites of this State, for three months.
A true copy token from the menulet, March 20,1823.
June 2 3mt V C. BLANDFORD, Clk.
rja OUR months efter date, application Will be msde
to the honorable, the Interior court of Jii.per
county, when sitting for ordinary purpose*, for leave
to sell tho real estate of Thomas Cargite. late of Jas
per county, dec’d, for the benefit ofthe legatee of said
June, 3 1823. Executor.
VSbOUR months nfter date application will he made
iff to the honorable the Inferior equrt of Jasper coun
ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sail
the real estate of Charles ('ariile. a minor.
June, 3 1823. Guardian.
genius, and show thnt tile'natural product* of our 0»4*
idil, want but the la.oring warmth ot local attention
to renJar unnecessary much, that is furnished ustivu*
abroad. '
Wo invite the contributions af such of our friar.<1*
as may be inclined to favor « work hJte the out we
propose; nod dhile we deteriuine to be iriUly nrp‘>
lous in regarding the materials offered os tor public n-
tion.wo promise to asercise no "undue severity '<■
whet we inny reject,and to extend file utmost Indul
gence to the effusions of merit. 1 1 ’’
For the Ladies there shall he side
us a sanctuary, nothing but that wblf_
belong to them, shall be permitted to \
we shall devote much of our titno, u^THp-Jefrelh-
bestows his toil ujwn the richest ore—Uxor from them
we shall expect tliai fuVoaring patrorHqte,' , jHll*h WMi
it provides wiU. thetuVbh will ajao bo-MCQmpsui''?-
with so much of the sweet and grateful >u will gird to
•sertion and diligence their most suductive rewar^.
-The Tablet” will be put to subscriber* JetSH tftt?
annum, payable in advance, on tha dt-llvevy of'th .
m ^.v.. . j first numb r. It wiil be issue d as soon as a safflqie<tf
A * PPL.I CATION will be made to tho honorable number el subsertbera «« ohtainad. jJ-.-'l
Inferior Court ot Jone. count*, when ritting for • ^VAL G. Slffi
CharieatotivR. Carotlna, June I
OTFaBtots friendly foths ohjest, v,
lag.ttto«hvya»u insertion
^ \
Ordinary purposes, fur If *v» to >ell the Real Estate ssl
Willasu BAt-KUSp, Into of said county, deceased.
stay 13 dltotpami*.
•-ri .