Newspaper Page Text
SCWOEiul'OKDa <k
M *NLF lUTUKE and keen constantly on hand
a general asiortmeut of TIN YVAHE which
c. i.i .>e sold on liberal terms. »
Job work done at short notico at the shop next door
to E!i& Skotwell <& Co on third street.
January 15. 1831. 3 -
I II. j'lt & WALL,
of A'ew York,
IVE appointed Edit, Sbotwell^ & Con tbel
Agents, who will orders for, and furnis
Piano's ut New York prices, (adding tbe expense
o/trailijKirtatioo.) 1’. Hr H. through llu-ir agents will
fumi.h Piano's as low as by personal application,
and warrant the workmanship to be of (lie best, and
Jackson, Balls County, Co.
THIS Institution will be
open for the reception of stu
dents on Monday lltk but.—
Tbe Trustees are happy to lo-
nrm tbo public that they have
-rocured as Rector Sir. O.
■ reliant, A.M.a graduate ol
Glasgow University in Scot-
,and,^>lio brings the highest
„ testimonials of character and
capability.' Under the Instruction of thisgentleinan.
Students will bo prepared to enter any College
KAA LBS. live Geese Feathers
10 boxes northern Tallmv Candles
1 cash superior Lamp Oil
7 casks Uoshen Cheeso
Received and for sale by
Jan 15. 3 Hungtrfords 4’ Stoddard.
Have just received a splendid vertical Piano Forte
Feb 5. 1831.
H AS just vod at the store loimcrlyoccupied
by James A. Blanton, Mulberry street, a gener
al assortment of UUUDd suited to tbe season, among
which are
iron, German and cast Steel, Blacksmiths Tools. Ac.
Ac. nov 27 tim 48
J UST received—an assortment of SPRING
GOODS, of almost every description.
March 5 1831. 10 A. SHOT WELL.
heallbfuluess of this village, tbe moral and religious
character of its citirens, and the eminent qualifies-
" of the bead of the institution will < mure it o
the Piano to perform well at leastone yearat their ,' „ nerou , natronage. •
own risk-below is . list ol prices ^ generous^pMronege^ ^
square cornered5 1-2 octave Piano $105
do do G do $175
do or horizontal round corners 51-2 octave «I8U< 1
do 6 octave $2<H)
do do do Metalie Plate $225
square and horizontal round cornered octave,
Ito9e Wood no plate $225
do do metalic plate, blocks and drawers,0 octave
Mahogany $275
do do do Rose Wood $300
Upright Mahogany silk Front, 51-2 octave $325
do do 0 octave S350
do RoseWood do G 1-2 $350
do do do do 6 octave $375
Macon, Nov. 27th, 48
Brought to Jail,
A T Knoxville, Cratvlord county, on the 27(h ult. a
negro man, about twenty-fi.e years old. says his
name is Bob, and that be belongs lo David Seers of
Green county. The ownerisrequested to come and
pay charges aad lake him away.
* Aprilg 1831 14 W. B. FILES. Jailor.
*| A CASKS Goshen Chat, received in good
X" order, and for sale by
At the sign of the Harp Sp Bugle, on
STONE 4* COITS earner.
J OHN S.JHTH proprietor of this os.ablishment
takes the usual mode of informing his pations
and the public, that ho has completed his arrange
ments for their accommodation which comprizes
sn entire suit of rooms, (including elegant separate
apartments for select parties with fire places &c.)
lie has erected a cook house on an improved plan,
which will be always supplied with tho most sav
oury eatables that can be procured here or else
where. including hot Steaks, Chops, stewed, fiied
and plain Oysters, iongucs. Venison, Cutlets,
boiled Fowl. Eggs, soused Salmon, Shrimps,
with good coffee &c. His Confectionary and Bar
are well stocked with choico Wines, Holland Gin,
Jam. and Santa Cruz Rum, French and old Peach
Hrandy, genuine Cordials, Fruits, Cheese, Con
serves, Ac. All of which he submits to the judg
ment of his friends, to whom ho returns sincere
thank, for their liberal patronage.
YFUST received from New York, a largo assortment
02 of tho following articles to wit.
cog. Brandy Ketchup
Holland tJin Eng. \ French pickles
Jamaica Rum tup. Spanish cigars
at. Croix Sugar German Toys, raisina,
chatnpaigite Brandy prunes, almond., Filberts
beslmadeira Wino mad. nuts brazil do
L P. Tonerilf do currants, table salt
champaigns A muscatel West India preserves
port and claret do pino apples, lemons, limes
porter and Alu nectarine, quince, Ac.
Cordials Jelteys, guava, currants,
peppermint, temperance, quince and other jellies
pcrlcct love, life of man, cranberrys, fresh lemons
rose, cherry, aniseed, no* mustard, ground cinnamon
yeaii,cinnamonandclove cloves,auspice, Mack and
Stoughton's Bitters cayenne r**t‘t*° r
East India (trackers snuff and cut Tobacco
Firo works of different best chewing do
hinds, Roman Candles Luff's Crackers
preserved ginger Match lights, Tapers, Ac.
dec 3 43 LEVI ECKLEY.
R ESPECTFULLY inform the inhabitants of Ma
con and its vicinity, that they have taken the
store, in Mulberry street, opposite Chapman's cor
ner; where they will be happy to receive orders in
the various branches of House, Sign and Ornamental
Painting, Gilding, Glazing and Paper Hanging.—
They keep on hand Paints nf all klnas; Glass, Putty,
Oil, Varnishes, \o.
They liopo, by good attention to business, to re
ceive a share of public patronage.
Macon, Feb. 19, 1831. 8-3m
New York■ ZwH
a NSURANCEon Cotton hence lo sea ports, per
good boats or boxes, will be effected at a very
low rate. CIIAULE8 DAY. Agent:
dec. 18 51
E U.IS. SHOTWELL & CO. have just receiv
ed and lor sale, a fresh supply of Garden Seeds.
Wnile Onion,
Red Onion.
Blood Beet.
Early Turnip Beat,
Orange carrot,
Blood carrot,
Guernsey Tunip,
Long white Parsnip,
Long cucumber,
Dutch summer squash
crookneck summer squash.long white Okra,
crookneck winter squash, early June Peas,
Double Peppergrass,
Salsafy, Tomatoes,
-solid celery,
supimer savoy,
curled Parsley,
Asparagus round spinnage
Engli'h So ml, Nastursion
early sugar corn,
early spring Hat Turnip,
Gaidcn cresses,
Jco head lettuce,
Ice coss lettuce,
cebbage head lettuce,
Leek lettuce,
salmon Raddisb,
scarlet do
scarlet Turnip Raddisb,
Drum head cabbage,
savoy cabbage,
earlyyork cabbage,
Flat Turnip,
Rutabaga Turnip,
Turnip, sage,
'squash Pepper,
uov. 24 48
early golden Hotsnur do.
white Marrowfat do.
green dwarf marrowfat do
strawberry dwarf do.
early china Dwarf Beans,
Lima pole do.
cranberry nole do
superior white pole Bean,
new Zealand spinnage,
green glazed cabbage,
sugar loaf do cauliflower.
Orange Turnip Bceti
Early Charlton Peas.
l%loss. Latin, • > annum
Elements of Euclid, )
2 Class. English Grammar, S
Geognphy, • }•*!* —
Elocution, J
3 Class. Arithmetic,
At riling,
N. B No < StJdf” P wi» be admiUed ffir a less term
than one quarter, to be charged Irom tho begmingot
the quarter in which he enter.
1 JAMES H. STARK, Secretary.
Jackson, Butts county, April 6,1331. 15-Ct
$lJper annum.
Georgia, now occupied by the Cntroktes.
T HE subscribers would respectfully inform the
public, that they intend, in addition to their
NEW MAI* OF GEORGIA, lo publish as soon
as the Sectioual Surveyors have made their returns,
a large and complete Map of the Cherokee coun
try, wherein will be delineated all that can be
pointed out on a .Map.
Tbe Map will be printed on strong silk paper,
and "as richly ornamented” as any presented to
the public, with as many "gold regions, as minute
ly described;" and delivered to subscribers for
One Dollar and tweuty-five Cents—without any
part in advance. CARLTON WELLBORN,
MiUedgtviUt, March 10, 1831. 13-41
Q3 5 * Subscriptions received at the Office of
iheMacon Telegraph.
M AVL just received u fresh supply ot Northern
calf skins, do. sole leather and lining skins
brown, bleached, and yellow shoe thread, assorted
20 hhds
15 bis loaf Sugar
5 hhds Molasses
50 bis Baltimore Whiskey
20 do Portland Rum
20 do Apple Brandy. For sale by
Feb 12 7 DAY A BUTTS.
I N the West end of McDonald's building, are now
receivings new and Fashionable assortment of
GOODS, warranted to be as cheap according to ihe
quality as any other establishment can produce, con
sisting of Black, Blue, Browq and the most fashiona
ble coloured Cloths, some of which are of a very su
perior quality, > assimerts, also, an elegant assortmeu-
of Silk, Valentia and M&rsailes Vestings, Stocks, Cra
vats, cravat Stifners, Handkerchiefs. Hosiery, Glove-
Garments of every description made to measure is
the Aral style of fashion and elegance, and completen
according to order at the shortest notice.
Fine Blue and Black Dress Coats and Frocks, fan
cy Hntinelt Goatlees, Black Velvet Vests, White and
Spotted Mcrsailes do. Buff do. Velentia, Plain Silk
common do. Tollinett do. Cloth do. Blue, Black,
Brown Drab Mixt and Sattinett Pantaloons, fine goats
hair camblet and plaid Cloaks, ladies Cloak. Sus
penders. Drawers, also, 1 case of line black Mats.
■ E. II. P. Sf co. most respectfully solicit acontin
uance of the public favor, which they will endeavor
to merit by the bestattention.
Macon, oel. 29. 44
E BERLE’S practice of Medicine
Grosson the Bones
Teale’s Neuralgia
Rafter's Formulary
Martinets Therapeutics
Dentists’ Manual
Gaits Byron
Southennan ) „ , . .
The Mussclman ( Novels, Ac. &c.
Jnstreceived by ELLIS, SHOTWELL & Co.
Auction and Comu iseion
T HE subscribers have associated themselves
under the firm of BOND & VAN WAGE-
NEN, for the purpose of transacting the Auction
and Commission Business; and respectfully soli-
cit the patronage of their friends and the public.
Their room is on Mulberry Street, next 1. B. Row-
land’s. J. VAN WAGENEN-
Feb. 5 C tf THOMAS P. BOND.
« DOZEN northern tanned CALF SKINS
0 ditto white and yellow Lining SKINS
Received and for sale by
United States Bank
For sale by O. COLLINS
May 2 29,1830. a
R UNAWAY from the subscriber living near
Darien McIntosh county Georgia, two Ne
gro men named GEORGE Sc QUIB0S, George
is about five feel five inches high smooth face of a
yellowish black, large high forehead, limps a little
aa though one leg was shorter than the othei in
consequence of having had it injured by a fall, it is
thought one of his upper front teeth out and is
about thirty eight years of age, he formerly be
~ KEEPS constantly on hand a gener
Sofas, Chairs, Looking Glasses
Venetian Blinds
Piano Fortes, Mattresses
An extensive supply of Carpetingand
Hearth Rugs,
ogether with many other articles usually kept in a
Being cbnnected with an establishment in New
York any orders will be forwarded and filled, free or
commission and no advance required until the articles
-ac delivered here, and approved by the purchaser.
Augusta. May, 1830. 88
On Consignment.
rjIHE undersigned has made aa arrangement
_ _ with an extensive manufacturing interest for a
longed to Mr. George Atkinson of Darien and ac- regular and extensive supply of COTTON BAG-
customed to going on the Boats from Darien to i GiNG, and has now on the way to thia place the
u.n-A i„- " ,L * above mentioned quantity, which will be sold low,
and on long time, for approved paper.
March 28. I3-tf J. T. ROWLAND.
Milledgnville and Macon, Quibus is a darker
Mu* then George, and is about five feet five inch
es stutters a little in common, but if suddenly a-
laraed stutters very much and is about thirty seven
yean of age, they had a pass to spend the Christ
inas holy Hays, and no doubt (hey have goue up
thesivevto Milledgerille or Macon an ' will go to
work on the wharf and among the Boats Ten
dollars reward will be paid for each of them if taken
In this county and Twenty dollars for each of them
if taken out of the county and all other reasona
ble charges will be paid ob their delivery to me or
ia nay jail, sad information given to me ao that
I can get them. JOHN N. McINTOSH.
Jsn. 9*. 4X31. - 4
Cheap Store.
; MT AS taken a store in Mulberry street, a lew doors
Jp| below Washington Hall and opposite Messrs
rja7& Butts, where he is now receiving and opening
a General Assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Mats
Shoes, &c. which be will sell at wholesale and retail,
at the lowest prices, and iuvites purchasers to call
and examine tor ibetnselves. Arnoug the articles re
ceived are the following:
Extra fine saxony Blk sinchews, do sarsnel
Blue, blk and col'd cloths do Horaces
do do cassimeres
Dark blue satinett
Blue mixt do
Steel mixt do
Cadet do do
Lavender do do
Brown do do
Negro cloths
do Gros de Berlin
do Gros de Naples
colored Florences
Black Italian crapes
colored do do, cantoii do
Nankin do, linen cambrics
Genoa silk Velvet
Blaskand colored cambric
He3 Flannels, white do Osnaburgs, Fortersbeeting
White saxony Gauze do Red paudiug, canvass
Green do, yellow do Browu Buckram, blk do
Canton do * White do, Blk siiesias
Green bordering Baize colored do, Blk lasting
do Floor cloth Mosquito Netting, scarfs
Dufiie Blankets. Point do Turead lace, Uubinet do
Rose do cotton do, Prllcriues
4.4 brown sheeting, 6-4 do Gauze Gcrniture Ribbons
7-g do, 3-4 do shirtings Gros de Naples do do
9-8 Negro do, 4-4 do do Belt do, cap do
Bleach’d JIuslins Black and colord plain do
Domestic Plaidsandstripessilk Umbrellas, Parasols
3- fAproncheck, 4-4 do cotton Umbrellas
4- 4 Furniture do, Bedliclu Blk and col’d tabby Velvet
Bleach’d cotton Diapers Men's Gloves, ladies’ do
Brown do, bleach'd Jeans cotton, silk & worsted Ho.
Brown do, Fustians lambs wool do [siery
Linseys, Birdseye Diaper AtdiaFlug Hdkfs
Russia do; Table do Bandana do, splttlefield do
Scotch do, linen sheetings White Jaconet do
Russia do, Irish linens linen cambric do
Long lawn, Brown linens White jaconet cravats
Cambric Muslins do swiss do, Fsnoy col do
corded do, check’d do Wellington do 1 *
Black Italian do, col dodo
Black canton do
Madrass Hkfs, Turk red do
Britannia do
Nansookdo, Painted do Buttons of all descriptions
Foundation do, Calicoes Bonnet wire, stocks
Ginghams, Vestings collars. Bosoms
Bishop lawns cravat stiffeners
Merino cloths Pocketbooks, Wallets
do Circassians cottou balls, spool cotton
Indigo blue camblet do Floss, Wire cotton
Tartan Plaids Patent Thread. Tapes
Blk and col’d Bombazetts Bobbins, Ferrets
do do Circassians Quality Binding
Print ed do, Merino shawls suspenders, flat Weeds
Valentia do, cashmere do shell combs, BrazilliaD do
Prussian do, cassimere do Fine do, pocket do
chintz do, leghorn Hats Dressing do
Fancy silk Hakfs Clothes Brushes. Hair do
Black lace Veils, white do Tooth do, shaving do
Green Gauze do Fancy soaps, lavend water
Black Italian lustring cologn water
Men’s and Youths Clothing of all descriptions, made
In the best manner
Men’s and Youths Far Hals of all qualities
Blk and drab wool do—Fur Caps, Hair do, leathr do
Meng, Womens and childrens Shoes, Ac Ac. ,
Macon, Oct 2 40 v
Plain A figd jaconet do
do do book do
do do swiss do
do do mull do
skus. saoxwauiii co.
j AVEjust opened several packages oi New Book
M.X including mtiny of tbe latest publications—a
along them are
Paul Clifford ) Fami y Library 8 vols.
Pelham j Quarto Octavo and school
The Disowned > Pelham Webster’s Dictionary
Falkland 1 Novels. The Wept ol Wish-ton
J Wish
The Spy
Sbakespear Diamond
edition Gilt
Methodist Hymns’! red
Village do I bind-
Zion Songster ting A
Common Prayer J gilt.
Bucks Theological Dic
Vicar of Wakefield
Sunday evening lectures
Scripture natural History
Paradise Lost 12 super fine
- plates
Fox's book of Martyrs gilt Young cadet Plates
Tales of a grand-father 3 Goldsmith’s Natural His
series tory, plates
Scott’s poetical Worlu7 Lawyer
vols. gilt Death-bed scenes
Arabian Knight’s 1 vol. Pulpit Assistant
complete new edition, 12 Roman literature
plates super extra. Beilramis’s voyages Lon.
Rasselas ' don edition
Wreath American Uistory plates
Unique 12 plates fancy Bays’ political Economy
Beauties of the Wavcrly fine
Novel* Thompson’s seasons extra
Josephus gilt A white Plutarch's Lives 4 vol. fine
Hannah Moore’s Works Paley’a Evidences
new addition ^
The English at'home
The Denounced
Thfe Oioniani
Sketch book
Brace Bridge Hall
Souvenir A Token for
Young's Night thoughts!
Gatts Byron
Family Bibles call extra 2u jatnin M'l’mney, A. It. M'Guirr, \Yut. M'Uridc,
Rollins ancient History ^ plates Jamis C. M-tJough, Andrew M'Uridc. Isaac fllath-
«ith maps A plates Music of church new
Life of Bolivar new A fiueU. States 12mo, gilt
Kirke While's Works 1 Monlsgeresonlhuriseaud
vol extra laTl of Republics
Eulogies of Adams A Jef-Brown's Philosophy
rerson Harmony ufihe Gospel
Mayo’s Mythology plates American biographical
Cabinet ot Arts sketches
Ladies Lexicon Moore’s Bvrun 1st vol.
Gentlemens* do NichotsunS opcmtive Me
Popes poetical Works 1 ebanic
vol new edition elegant Smith's Grammar
New England Memorial do Arithmetic
Gibbou's Rome 4 vols. el-Sequel lo popular lesson
egant , . Lady of lUo Manor, B vol.
Banyan's Works Family Hymns
Smith's sermons Tales ol a Grand-Father
Lord Byron’s Works fine 1st 2d Jr 3d series
Campbell's A Owen’s Memoirs ot iVapoleou
debate ou Christianity Pocket Bibles and Testa-
Lucas’s Progression ments.diainoudedg. red A
Drawing Book, a splendid gilt
Work Richard's Physiology
Memoirs of Mrs. Judson Memoirs ol Urqueliart
Nugent's French Dictiou- Quotationslroin Poets
»ry Campbell's Poems
Ltogards England lOvois.New Music
Lpeclator gilt extra
Sife of Franklin gilt
Hungarian Brothers
Montague’s Letters
Psley’s Theology
Splendid Albums
super letter (taper
do do to O.Miige
do do do Rose
do da do sky blue
Opaque Quills
Walker's pocket Dictiona-Kussian do
rygilt Rogers A-son's Pen
Godmau's Natural History knives
3 vols. 45 plates Blank Books great variety
Gillies Greece 1 vol com-
Together with a greet variety of other Books, con
sistingof Religious, Medical, Law, School, Miscella
W Janie Washburn. Hendrick Wrandle, $u-1 T . AS . 1,> ° 0 ,L > i“*',m *8
in White, Mrs. Dimmis P. WH- ; 8 ' ELLIS, SHonVhM^j
fjlHF. Macon Insurance Company have commenced
Z business, and will insure cotton shipped on
good boats or boxes. Also, the lives of Negroes em
ployed in the treating business. Apply to
Jan 29 5 W. MELRO SE, secretary.
i\ call and e xamiue their Booka. Orderaior boolta no't.. . ^ ,IHBL HR
~ ing M Mullen, will be sold on the first Tuesday I on hand, will be sent to the North, and executed win.. I Miss Rebecca Woodson, Jurors Wooddard, January 19, l MSI.
in August nest, la the townofJForxyth Monro* coun-1outdelay. | James Wilson 1
L IST of Letters remaining in the Post Office in
Clinton, Geoigia -1st April, 1831.
A Jesse Adkins, John Alston,- Dr. A. Anderson,
Joseph E. Anderson, Richard A. Alien.
II Burrell Barker. John Berry, Phelix Brooks,
Johu Bayne, William Bell, Elijah Uriant, Mary J.
Blanks, Abram Blitchington, Julin Brian!, William
S. Bennett 2. Augustus W Browder.
C Asa Cook, James Comer, sen. Gibson Clark,
Green Cnudle, j. B Clark, Hanford Cffapman, John
Childs 2, Mark Cobb. G. WffiCook, Dr. E. H
Cook, James Comer, Philip Catchiogs, Solomon 1).
Chapman, Peter Olower, Hugh Comer, William
Gumming, Mathew Clemens, Giles Chapman, Win.
Chambliss, John Cannon, Christopher Collins, Win.
D E. II. Dryer, John Dnniass, John Daniel,
Abner Darden. A. Durham, lllury Dartre.
E Syon Edge.
F Frazier, John Fletcher A co. John Fletcher,
Elizabeth Ford—M. Ferrell. m
(j Edward Gresham, B. H. Gates, George Gray,
Curtis Gray
11 John Harvey, Robert Henly, William O.
Hurt, Snrah Hurt, William HudsonmR. A llall 2,
Z. Hester.
J Jacob Jordan, July Jones, Thomas W. Jordan,
John Jefferson, John Jones 2, Joseph Jolly, Wilkins
K Peter Kolb. *
L James Lee 2, James Lamar 5, Z. Lamar, Sarah
Lockett. m
M T. A J. W. M'Gehee, Arthur Mcpherson, El
en E. Moughon, Mary Ann Martin, Ezekiel M'Malli,
John Manon, George W. Moore, Daniel M'Danicl.
N Thomas Nelson.
O James J. II. Owens.
P Lieut J. Pope. Martha M. Perryman, Batlv
Peterson, Jicob Pruett, William Porter, Snsannali
Pogue, Mark Paterson, Richard Pieketl, Charles
Pearson. Warren B. Parker, Susan Pope.
R Nathan Renfro, William Richardson, John
Rushin, James C. Robison. Mary Ramsey.
S Pascal ciatterwhite, Jesse Short, John Summers,
William Sims, William Simmons. _
T Swenson Taylor, William Trotter, John
Tamplin, Mathew Terrett.
V William Van Zelt
W Alfred M. Whitsit, John Ward, Green Wei-
tins, John Walker. Thomas Walton. William Wal
den, A. D. Ward, Joseph C. While.
15 E. ORMSBY. Assistant P. HE
L IST of Letters Remaining in the Post Office
at Macon, 1st of April, 1831.
A Abraham Alexander 3. Lucius, Arnica 3,
Adera Ery, Joseph Atkins, Ben. Alien, Moses
Anderson, Bennett Allen-
B Thomas Brignion, Gilbert Bonner, Briatit
Bateman, Mrs. Binkey Blanchird. J. F Heecliee,
Benjamin L. Barker, John Bowman, Uilliau
Brunton, John Heman, Henry Brockman, Irwin
Bullock, Jblin Bateman, Richard M. Bcvers, John
Bailey, Martin Brown, John lialto 2, Francis
Barrow, John Bridgers, William Bon, John
Brgg* 9, Thomas A. Brown, to tlie‘ Bishop of the
Conference, Charles Brooks Messrs. L. Baldwin
& co. James Brown. Isaac Brooks.
C John Cleaveland, Jocob C. Carter, John
Courson, Peter Johnson Carnes, John Chandler,
Robert Cook, Mrs. .Mary B. Coleman, Rar.illo
Chandler, Clayton A Smith, -Elisha Calhoun,
E. VVm. Callingham, Tax Collector, James
Campbell, Robert Curry, J. 11. Cunningham
Clem Clemmons, Col. H. H Cook 2. Abner Cox,
James N. B. > lark, .Messrs. Chapman A Bon,
J. S. Calhoon, C. Cranford, Primus Camp,
Miss Lucretia Cunningham, Geo. \V. Carter,
Wm. Crosby.
D John Drinkard, Joseph Dickson, David
Dickinson, Cooper Dick, Wm. J. Dauclly, Aaron
E David Ennis, George R. Edwards, Thom
Everritt, Rev. Charles Euflurd, Eli Edmonds hi,
Messrs. M. P. Earle & co. Ausalein J. Evans.
F her Hachatiah Fiedenburgh, John Feb,iker.
William Farrington. Col. James S. Frierson,
Renne Fitspatrick, Robert Freeman.
G Simeon Gray, Rev. Mr. Gray, John R.
Garland, Lewis J. Gtoce, Rev. Thomas Gardner.
John Griffin, Lewis Griffin, Briant Getnigau, Mrs.
Florindia Glover, Capt. Joseph Griffin. Miss
Louisa Gachel, Legrand Gueiry, Air. Garreil,
W. J. Gibson 2, Lewis Gregory 2, William B
Gamble, L. W. Groce 2.
H James Horton, Lawrence Holt, Messrs.
John J. Heard & co. Frank llarinoo, Alurim
Hau lier, Charles Harrison. Vaugliu llilbnrn, B.
flowed, James Holdinesv, Eaton Holunton, Acid-
bald Holman, Pinkney 11 ill. David Holmes, Messrs.
Ham & Button, .Mrs. Darkey Hogans, J. lli-nry,
Abner Hantmond, John C.' Hamilton, Caswell
J Young Johnson 2, Joseph Jones. Dcmsey J.
Justice, Mrs. Prudence II. Johnson, Jonathan
Jewitt, Luke Johnson, David Al. Jenin, Young
Jessop, James Jcssop, Viclor M. Johnson.
K James Knight. John Keith, Henry Kcncr,
Zcbulon Ktizcy, Nehcmiuh King, Angus Al. D.
King, Ephraim Kedrick.
L Bryan T. Lane 2, Sarah Loguo 2, F.
D. Lowry, T. R. Lamb, L. Q. C. Lamar, James
R. Locklear, John Lcgan. Col. B. B. Lamar II,
Thomas Lowe, Rev. Jonathan Ladvitt, Thomas
Lamar, John J. Ltmear.
Al Rev. J. L. .Moultrie, Nathan Mishear, Ben
■Commission Business
T HE UNDERSIGNED has in addition
birmi-r Warehouse on Cherry street
complete order on the east side of the Kiv.r
those of Ilia friends and customers from that Ii? '
have the same attention paid to their goods ai l “
fore,and be saved the trouble of crossing the
U 8. GKU'ppf
Moron, October 10th 1829.
THE subscriber has i„„
turned from Nev York * ’
now opening 1^*1
merit ot goods in his || 0 ,
WATCHES. Lockets,
Ladies Gold patent lever Medal ions, & c Ac
Watches, SILVER WASt !
Gent, do do do (extra Table & Tea Spoon, -
, Je ' V (1 . J Sait & Mustard d ?' 1
“ silver do do do Cream Desert da
Lcoine A Kngh do Soup & Butter l,,u I
: M ^VELlIrY. Butter Knives',8ug»Jr
(Manufactured of Georgia PLATED GOiMJ
<!old ) Fruit Baskets.’Casn.T/i
Ladies neck Chains (ele- Candlestick-.SnikLj
gunt patterns) - Trays,
*' Watch do Table & Tea Snnr„ ,
Filigree & Jell Ear-rings & Sugar Tong“ ffSS
Breast-pins, dies, 6 I
Pearl & Jolt Finger-rings, BRITANNIA' WAM
Curb & Long-luik watch Coffee & Tea Pot,
Chains, Sugar & Cream Dii.,
Scnls, Keys, watch books,Table dt Tea 8noomt
Snaps, Soup Ladles &c A,’ I
Studs. .Miniature settings, *
Fancy and Military Goods.
Tea 1 rays, Bread Baskets, Steel 8mifr,r.
Trays, silver mounted Spectacles, steel Hn rl
pointed Pencils, silver Whistles, Dirks tol I
superior article) coral Beads. Wax do Pen t
Spanish do, Raisors, Thimbles, Bracelets \
buckles, Percussion Caps, Toy Watches’
gammon Boards, Guns, swords. Enaubul i_
spurs, Gilt and steel Watch Chains SesiJ
Iveys. Ribbon Chains, together with ageneril , J
nlcnt of watch makers Tools, Alaterials, (llasseT
&c. all of which will be sold at the lowest cash J
N. B. Clocks of every description ca-tiX
paired and warranted. RUFUS R smiti
Macon, J6, 1839.
Just Received.
fl 8 ilk Boxes Raisins
If ■ V 13 Barrels soft shelled Almondi
12 Barrels Lull’s Crackers
15 Boxes tresli Lemons
22 Drum’s Figs
20011 lbs Goshen Cheese
12 doz. jais English Pickles assorted
. 140 Boxes GuavuJelly
15,000 best Cigars. For sale by
J UST received a few cases tientlemesVj
' quality Drub Beaver Hats, and for sale It [
march 12. 11 IV II. BURD8.4
Ready Made Clothing. I
*, NUB suhsciiher bus just received an cxtensisil
d soi Intent of ready made clothing, sad roil
tiers for sale r
120 blue dress Coats, 75 d frock do S5 frees
25 steel mixt do 100 blue ntid steel miitatfitcUb
do. SOOsultinct and fustian round Joclati toil
and drab I’nntulooiis, 3'.'5 pair saitinet do 275 do J
do 500 pair coase negro do, 75 dark valrncia Vrs
light do do black silk do 250 sremisdown do. 30 C
plaid and cmnblet Cloaks, a to an assortnu
Youths' clolliing, fine linen alui muslin Sheets,i<
muslin,cotton Flannel, anil flannel drawers, 51
&c. a. 8HOTWH
Tlie above work having been done underlh
spcction of first rale workmen, will be wit
the subscriber tb he good dt:|
Crockery and Gr<gce
✓ l-lIlF. subscribers have taken the Store, fm.
kept liy Childers 8f Wiley, directly in fra.
Cotton Avenue, where they are opening tliqil
splendid assnrtmem of China, Lustre, Itfi
and Glass-ware, embracing n variety of wire al
111 lest style, China Sets coinplcti', tin in pari il
light and dark Bluc.'nnd earthen do U
VVare, gins* l.mnjis, Tumblers, Decnnlen, Ca
"hies. Suits, 1-intern 1. with 8greatvnrieljol«
en and glass Ware. Crates assorted ripresslj
Hi" country trade, nil of which will lo sold l«4
chants, dealers, families ond others low antlosf
Receiving l,y several Boots, a stock of GR0CF.I
mid n large qumitity of Hollow ll’are, part ofri
nre on consignment. Purchasers are invited tsj
as they will sell them very low for cash nr «||
paper at skxly days. ELLIS, SHOTWELL I
P 8. Goods consigned lo E. 8. fr Co. 1
received mid sold ut the usual rates.
Feb. 5, 1831.
ews. L. B. Marsh, Col. John B. Al'Cartcr, Samuel
Alilborn, Hiram Alann, T. H Aloreland. David B* j
.Mitchell, G. W. Alore, Green M'Donald, Duncan
AI'Laughlin, VVm. C. Alorgan 4, John Mitchell |
Josejih Mubley^ Hen^ Mtihom, ltev Lewis Aly- j EMONS. Almonds, Raisins, Figs, it-
(Al Chapman’s Comer)
H AVE just received, and offer for sale, at n
CO bis Whiskey. 40 bit Portland Rom
40 bis American Gin, 10 hogsheads Slip: I
10 quarter ensks superior Wine, 5 casts Kio 1
CO bis Irish Potatoes, 10 hhds Molasses
15 casks Cheese. 30 bags Coffee. 10tonsb
Alum Salt. Mnrkerel. Salmon, Cod Fisk
20 boxes Georgia Candles, Logwood («R“ _
Copperas. Alum, Indigo', Brimstone, Ch»A I
Pepper, Allspice, Tea. Catlings. Arc.
100 cast iron Ploughs different sixes, sad
20 boxes superior cast-steel ground Atct
march 19 J2
era, johu Alerchant, M'Cundon or Pelluny Mac-
condon, D. C. Massingale, Judith Malden, E. H. 1 13
,Moore, Al. Al'Coy, Jainea Miller, John Maloy, -
N James Nelhcrlaild, William Norris, Jona
than Neil.
O John Oliver.
P Harmon Perryman, David Prickit, Benjamin
received and for sale by
M AS removed from his old stand lo the n«*J|
in Cotton Avenue a few doors M«l
- ..Ml... Wnvbi igtoir Hall, and nearly opposite J. s-
Page, John Pott, E. II. Peck, J,d»-z Pierson, land's cotton scales, where he Hirers at
Julin G. Pollhill, B. Pye, Wm. Perdue, J. Pal- and Retail on very reasonayl'. terms, a vro' e
mer, Wright Permenter, George Petty, J. Pen-' "*
der, William G. Parker, johu F. Pausin, Kiogston
R Eliza Rots 5. 8. R. Ripley. Blake R. Rut- . _..
land, James Al. Rust, Luke Ross, John Rushin,
Georgo A. Rodgers, Williamson P. Rhctv 2, Geo. haDDI fry*
8. Rollins, B. Reiv 2, A. Randolph, M. Rob- ’
inion, lle..rlley Robinson, Abner Railey.
8 John O. Sewall, Wm. P. Slnlf, F. Sims,
John nykes, E. Couth, Jesse Smith Airs. Nancy
.'•(ephens. C. S. -”>milh, 'I'honias riullivan, Joseph
Snang, Ambrose Sanders, Hamblin Sanders; ' v
T Lewis Thomas, Al. Tarver, Timothy or I &c. Also. L£i*rbanttaMeT'£oilvar7L(it | > c<,<
Nuthan Tucker, Bushrod Taylor, Hpnjninin Terry, and open straw Bonnets. Gents, taper ccja
Jacob Taylor, John W . Taylor, A. G. Thompson,! 'f er Hats, fiuli-it fsaluoiis.) Purchasers »r'
Janies Tliompsoin, Drury Thompson, Allen Tur- - ^ ,d i- v 1° C "U and examine for Iheraw 11 j
it * • m > * * .Mel cm, /).! ‘Ill IQ’lsk
assortment of,
Iron (icrmnn nod cast Steel, cotton
ChitIn, Carolina lims, i’ltiugli Mould4,^0'««T
t bains, dtecly ards, spaoisb Cigars. Paper,hs 1 "l
routine, Daniel Tucker.
V Moses Vinson.
Ahum, Oct 30. is:io
ami Walton, Martin
liami, John Wilrox. George Whiting, Howell
Warsden, G*-o. W'eiton, Hirani Warner, John
W illis. Wm. W imbush, Wm. Mr
neous sad Blank Books. The public’invited to ,V "“J* .r.*7' He|ny Wil-
call and c lamine their Booka. Opderxior book* nol' ,nH ** on ? ^ an 1 VViluer, VVm. Wil
ly, the Plantation of Mid d«c<
* c heir* and erei"
April 4tb J«3I.
. L . , . r -a for benefit of
the heir* and creditor* of raid dacrarad
tt?“ We are nnthorizeil ,4 j
nooroo HARMON II HOWARD,» ,r
ato for thf nli< rilfiilty oi Bibb count)*
N. M'MULLEW, &qt. j MftC<U)/007.
P.8. Bock Slare. on Third ilraet in the rear, adjoin „ ^ Archabald Young, Henry T. Young, Rev. fi^S|ra Wa are authoriZCtL ^
E. 8. & (jo. Wm. Youog. ’ j BULLOCK...
| •* M. &. WALLIS, PotUsmter. j sheriff ol Bibb county, Much 12