Newspaper Page Text
J&nrattiwfe saily §wml&
- Perhaps there is no power in the des
potic power of Jeff. Davis that has done
more to sustain the flagging energies of
the Southern aimies and people than
the press, Shut out as the have
been from all access to Northern
news, they have been confined to these
lying sheets for all information relative
to civil and military matters.
These have represented tbe Federal
troops as a horde of barbarians who
have respected neither tottering age nor
lisping childhood—who violated person
and property with a savage wantonness
that would shame Attiila and his savage
horde. They have pictured the North
ern—or Yankee army as it has been
called—as cruel invaders come to over
run the rich lands of the South and
fatten on the spoil.
To such a pitc h has this been carried
that the child in the cradle has been
hushed by the bug-bear “Yankee
soldier,” and the chaste matron and
timid maiden have trembled at the ap
proach of our armies. We could refer
to old files of Savannah papers, now ly
ing in our office, in conformation of our
Most of these papers have been in the of the Confederate Government.
Some have held fat sinacures,"while others
have freely dropped their hands into the
Treasury box, and are therefore well
paid for lying. It is not surprising,
therefore, that they have been the cats
paw by which Jeff. Davis has drawn the
deluded people of the Southern States
into his meshes and brought desolation
to 4imost every fireside.
With a wonderful affrontery they have
ingeniously twisted the mo3t crushing
defeats into glorious victories, and flat
; tered their dupes that the Southern
.cause was never so flourishing as when
the Federal army was sweeping through
their country, with their armies fleeing
before them,,and capturing their forts
and cities wholesale. If a defeat chanc
-• ed to be so crushing that they could not
have the brazen sophistry to manufac
ture it into a victory, they console their
readers by assuring them that the whole
'was a grand strategical movement-on
< tbe part of their generals, that they were
/merely drawing the enemy into a well
; set snare from which they could not ex
i trieate themselves.
'Then if the Northern papers heralded
'‘ ihe victory to the world it was but an
* other trick of the lying Yankee press.
It is time that the good people of the
\ South should think for themselves, open
their eyes to the true state of things and
not be misguided by a hireling press.
Since the occupation of Savannah by
the Federal troops, the inhabitants have
eh&d an opportunity of judging for them
• selves. Though large bodies of troops
have been encamped in and around their
city, and large military movements in
'■operation, still all this has been done
*■ without parade or bustle, or any vexa
tious annoyance to any one. We have
yet to learn that the least insult has been
v offered to person or property. Guards
. and sentries have been placed at different
points for the preservation of peace and
order, who quietly go their rounds with
out hurt or molestation to any one.
In fact everything is so quiet in this
lovely city, justly called—“the Forest
'"City”—that one would almost think it
vwaa some old Knickerbocker town
waking up from a Rip-Van-Winkle
siesta. The Yankee army has not come
here either as marauders or invaders—
they have come here to sustain the glo
rious Union for which our fathers bled,
and the preservation of which they be
queathed to their children as the richest
legacy. For this the Federal armies are
contending, and will to the last, but are
ready and willing to grasp, in the bond
of brotherhood, the hands of their
Southern brothers as soon as they give
up their fraticidal strife and return to
the glorious old Union of our Fathers.
We will continue this subiect further.
The cargo of provisions brought b}’
the Rebecca Clyde is nearly all distribu
ted throughput the city. The New
York Committee, which came to
the city in charge of the provisions,
will probably leave to morrow or Wed
nesday. The Daniel Webster has not
yet come to the dock, but it is probable
she will get there this afternoon. Pro
visions of every description to the
amount of fifty thousand dollars are on
board. This vessel was sent out by Col.
Julian Allen, who expects to arrive here
himself in a few days. The Greyhound,
from Boston, also laden with provisions,
is expected here hourly, and is the river.
The inauguration of this entire relief
movement at the North may be traced to
Col. Allen. His Untiring exertions in the
cause, both in New York and Boston,
are deserving of much credit. He made
eloquent addresses at meetings in both
of those citids, which had the effect of
opening the purse-strings of the wealthy
merchants and business men generally.
The Supplies for the City of Savan
nah. — The Daniel Webs.ter has not yet
arrived from below. The Greyhound has
left Port Royal for here, but has not got
up the river yet. following Com
mittees have been appointed in the sev
eral Fire Districts by the Mayor, to attend
to the distribution, under direction of His
Honor, the Council and Capt. Veale:
Thomas Holcombe, Chairman.
Jos. S. Caruthers, Secretary.
District No. I—John B. Barnwell, W.
11. Tison. Alternate—A. Fawcett.
District No. 2—Thomas S. Wayne.
Thos. 11. Harden. Alternate—Hadley.
District No. 3—Jacob Miller, Benj. L.
Cole. ,
District No. 4—Win. Morel, Sol. Zeig
District No. s—Alonzo Day, John B.
Hogg. Alternate—John Ryan.
District No. 6-Wm. L. Vroom, Win.
H. Bordley.
Removal of Obstructions. —We are
informed that the pens of ballast placed
in the North Channel, or a portion of
them, have been removed, so as to render
the main ship channel navigable for ves
-1 sels of light draught. There are many
other obstructions yet to be removed,
but under the management of Capt. Ben
nett, of the Board of Underwriters, and
his indefatigable corps, we hope, at an
early day to be able to report the remo
val of these impediments to our river
Those in the South Channel and at the
mouth of King’s cut will be attended to
as soon as the work in the North Chan
nel is completed.
Mr. 0. T. Gilman's name was inad
vertantly printed C- F. Gilbert in the
Herald of Saturday. He was a passen
ger here by the Ajax, and is Superin
tendent of the U. S. Senate Document
Room, at Washington.
[Correspondence of the Savannah Herald,]
Philadelphia, Jan. 15, 1865.
Dear Herald :—After an absence of
i two and a half years in the army, I find
myself once more treading the soil of the
old Keystone State, having received a
thirty-day fnrlough from Maj. General
Foster, commanding the Department of
the South.
I find, in my intercourse with men of
business here, that the strongest Union
feeling prevails. “No compromise with
traitors" is the uniuersal sentiment,” —
“The Union must and shall be preserv
ep,” should it sacrifice the last man and
dollar in Pennsylvania. But while these
sentiments are uppermost with nine
tenths of our population, the people are
ready to receive with open arms those of
our brethren who are willing to lay down
their arms and return to their former al
legiance .
Our public spirited citizens have held
a meeting in aid of the suffering peo
ple of Savannah. On the 12th inst.
to the amount of $4,000
Were handed in, and it is thought that
the sum will reach $30,000. In what
country on the face of the globe, dear
Herald, would such sympathy be exhib
ited, under a recognized government, for
those recently in rebellion against it ?
But the people of the United States, as
sooii as they perceive the slightest ten
dency toward loyalty by th eir erring
friends, have on every occasion given
that tendency encouragement and sup
The fact is, dear Herald, the people of
the loyal States have never looked upon
the great mass of Georgians as disloya
to the Government. They have looked
upon them as the victim of circumstan
ces. The weighty arguments of the
great speech of Mr Stephens, of Georgia,
no doubt had been well pondered by the
citizens of your State, and they are now
realizing its truths.
The following subscriptions, in addi
tion to those previously announced in
this letter has been made. The names
of subscribers will be remembered by
the former business men of Savannah :
Jay Cooke & Cos., SSOO E. S.Whelan & Cos., 100
Alfred Cope, 500 Cash, SIOO
Henry Cope, 500 J. R. Fry, 100
Cope Bros., 500 B. W. Adams, 100
S. & W. Welsh, 250 C. B. Wright, 100
DeHaven Bros., 250 Thomas A.Biddle, 100
Smith & Randolph, 250 F. M. Reazor, 50
Clarkson & Cos., 250 D. Gilbert, M. D;. 50
A. T. Lane, 200 De Coursey, Lafour-
Massey,Coliins&Co.,2oo. cade & Cos., 50
Harris, Shortridge fFrothingham &
& Cos., 200: Wells, 50
Farnham, Kirkham |J. M, Wya, 50
& Cos., 200 Wilson, Cannell &
Coffin & Altemus, 200: Cos., 50
Joseph Shipley, of H. Hartshorne, 50
Del., 500;A. J. Dolger, 50
Henry Bohlen, 200 G F. Ward & Cos., 50
Brookhill & Wilson, lOO.Cash, 50
Wood, March, & IR. F. Raley 50
Haywood. 100 ;J. S. Withers, 50
Jas. L. Claghorn. 100iJ. E. Fox & Cos., 50
Jos. Lea & Cos., lOOjC. F. Yerker, 50
M. C. Cope, lOOiAbraham Baker, 50
J. S. Earle & Sons, lOOj J. E Lewars, 50
Alex. Brown, lOOiCash, 50
F. J. Sylvester, 100;E. S. Whelan, 50
M. Shults, 100i.T. R. Legee, 50
J. Graham, lOOjThos, Sewardsoa
Stanbridge & Cos., 100: & Cos., 50
Walton & Yost, 100jLittle,Stoker & Cos., 50
W. G. Huey, lOOiCash, 5
Work.M’Cough&Co.looip. G. Oliver, 5
Davis Brothers, 100 j A., 1
Total, $7,561
I fear that I have already monopolized
too much space. With the assurance
that you will hear from me again I close
this letter. M. J. McK.
An old pocket book, evidently be
longing to a soldier, has been left at our
office by the finder, for identification.—
Its contents consist or papers of no
value except to the owner.
' The Steamship Arago, Henry Gads
den commander, from New York at 6 r .
m., Tuesday, Jan. 17, with schooner R.
C. A. Ward in tow, arrived at Port Royal
at 11, a. m., Jan. 21st. On Thursday,
20th inst., at daylight, 50 miles north of
Hatteras, passed U. S. Steamers Pow
hattan, Susquehanna and Minnesota, and
two ohter steamers, names unknown.
She brought the following passengers:—
Brig.-Gen. J. J. Fuller, Mrs. Gen. Don
aldson, Mr. Brown, Mrs. Brown, Miss
Hoadlev, Lt.-Col. Orren Starr, Mr. Hart
ley, Miss L. Staats, Mrs. Ausman, J. R.
Snyder, Mrs. J. R. Snyder, Lt.-Col-
Farnsworth, C. L. Robinson, W. S. Kid
der, Hon. P. Frazer, S. N. Hoyt, J. H.
Ehle, Dr. R. Titsworth, C. L. Mather, G.
F. Doak, V. Precht, F. T. Willis, A. T.
Miller, C. Demarest, J. M. Demarest, E.
Waldron, Messrs, Adams, Kingman,
Marvin, Noble, Attix, Graves, Tilden,
Mayo, Platt, Dorr, Steele, Griswold, God
ley, Poole, Shepherd, Miller, Atwood,
Newman/Bestick, Price; Hawks. Kim
berly, Osborne ; Surgeon Luaring, Asst.
Surgeon Marboury, Bass. Bougkman,
Murphy, Sewell, Captains Wilson, Wyck
ott, Ilartsell, Snodgrass, Sears, Swift,
Ellis, Callanhan, Griffiths; Lieuts. Ketch -
um, Batterson, Yates, Castle. McKenzie,
Cartrigkt, Bergman, Mitchell, Bryants,
Breck, Ludlow, Whitney, Northrop,
Wolfe, Jarretkers; Mr. O-I*. Miller, Rev.
W. H. Tiffamy, Rogers, Brouse, Curtis,
Tasker and 597 in stearage.
[From the Herald Extra of Yesterday.]
Official Report of the Cap
ture of Fort Fisher.
1,200 Prisoners Captured.
Special Dispatch
New York City, Tuesday Jan. 17,
5:40 o'clock, p. m.
To the Savannah Daily Herald :
The following is just being published
here in an extra:
Washington, Tuesday,
Jau. 17, 10.40 A. M-
Mam'-Gcneral J. A. Dix :
The following official dispatches have
just been received at this department;
Headquarters, U. S. Forces,
On Federal Point, N. C. %
Jan. 15, via Fortress Monroe,
January 17, 1865-
Brigadier-Geveral J. A. Rawlins:
General: I have the honor to report
Jjhat “Fort Fisher” was carried by as-
Ifctult this afternoon and evening by Gen-
Ames' Division and the 2d Brigade of the
Ist Division of the 25th Army Corps,
gaHantly aided by a battalion of marines
and seamen from the Navy.
. The assault was preceded by a heavy
bombardment from the Union fleet, and
was made at 3.30 P. M., when the Ist
Brigade (Curtis’) of Ames’ Division, ef
fected a lodgement on the parapet, but
full possession of the work was not ob
tained until 10 P. M.
The behavior of both officers and men
was most admirable. All the works
south of Fort Fisher are now occupied
by our troops. We have not less than
1,200 prisoners, including Gen. Whiting
and Col. Lamb, the commandant of the
I regret to say that our loss 13 severe,
especially in officers. lam not yet able
to form any estimate of the number of
Alfred H. Terry,
Brevet Major General. *
Com'd’ng Expedition.
Fort Fisher, Monday, Jan. 16, 2 a. m.
After a careful reconnoisaucc on the