Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 1-NO. Go.
The Savannah Daily Herald
ii. W. MAHON & CO.,
At 111 Bat Street, Savannah, Georgia.
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Per Copy : .Five Cent*.
per Hundred $3 60.
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every style, neatly and promptly done.
Three Days Later from New York
From General Sherman.
In addition to the telegraphic summary
oi Northern dates of the 25th ult., which we
were enabled to lay before our readers last
evening in an ‘ Extra,” we now give the
laslest and fullest particulars of the intelli
gence brought yesterday to Hilton Head by
the steamer George Leary. As it gives a
long account of a recent battle between the
armies of Grant and Let*, and places upon
record anew proof of the valor of our sol
diers, and scores one more to the bright vic
tries the pastGiree months have brought,
it can readily be perceived that it is truly of
the utmost importance. Other items of news
are related and commented on, and tho bud
get of newagenerally is one of the most im
portant that we have received for gome
t ime.
li e quote from the New York Herald of
tiie 25th of March, which is lu part indebted
to late Richmond papers.
War Department, j
Washington, March 24—y p. m. f
Major-General John A. Dix, New York :
The following extracts from Richmond pa
pers were received this eveniug at thirty
minutes past eight from General Grant.
Edwin M. Stanton,
Secretary of War.
City Point, March 23, 1865.
Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Sec’ry of War :
Richmond papers are received. The fol
lowing is from the Dispatch :
It ia understood in official circles that no
fighting has ooo.ured in North Carolina siuco
Sunday ; and from ail we can learn it appears
tiiat Sherman has attempted no advances
since |iis check on that day.
General Hardee’s victory on the 16th was
n very important one, and as regards the.
enemy. %most bloody affair. General John
ston telegraphs that in that battle tho Con
federate loss was four hundred and titty,
while that of the enemy was three thousand,
three hundred. The light took place at
Avcrysboro’, on the Cape Fear river, half
way between Raleigh and Fayetteville.
General Johnston’s deteat of the enemy last
Sunday, the Jtffh inst., occurred at Bentona
ville, near the INeuse river.
By these facts we are informed that Sher
man is pushing towards Raleigh in two
columns,one moving due north from Fayette
ville, the other northwest from Newbern,
General Hardee fought the former, General
Johnston the latter.
U. H. Gkant, Lieutenant General.
Washington’, March 24, 1865.
No news had been received from North
Carolina to-day up to a late hour this after
noon. Important advices are hourly expect
ed and may be received at the War Depart
ment this morning.
No apprehensions are felt in regard to the
safety and success of Sherman and Schofield.
The affairs which the rebel papers magnify
into serious repulses were evidently of no
great importance, and tho result was not un
favorable to our arms. Everybodp feels san
guine and confident ot a continuance ot the
success which lias thus far attended this great
Sixty refugees, who were allowed to come
through from Fayetteville by permission of
Gen. Sherman, have arrived here. This party
consist of armorers, from the Fayetteville
Arsenal, and their families, all of whom are
in a destitute condition. The men were for
merly employed at Harper’s Ferry had
moved 10 Fayetteville in 1861, when the
machinery of’ the Harper’s Ferry Arsenal
"as i alien to that place by the rebels. They
'■•‘port that Gen. army is g.eatly
•'ueutr.bered with refugees, there being some
hundred with him now, who followed
iuin through from Columbia.
Several transports, including the Europe
and the Everman, sailed from Washington
and Alexanpria yesterday for Beaufort, N.
| with clothing* intended for the use of Gen.
Gherman’s army.
Elizabeth, C. March 15, 18G5.
Communication was opened on the 18th
inst. with General Sherman from Wilmiog
ton, N. C., by the Thirteenth Pennsylvania
cavalry, Col. M. Ker win commanding, and
a detachment of men under Capt. Berks.
Colonel Kerwin marched from Wilmington
Jo this city, and from here the despatches
"ere carried through by Captain Berks, who
''as the first officer to make the junction
"'ith General Sherman from Wilmington.
General Sherman crossed the Capo Fear
river yesterday at 8 A. M., intending to
narch ten mile?. To-day he will probably
march on Goldsboro.
Ihe arsenal, public buildings, and some
very elegant residences of Fayetteville,owned
by prominent secessionists, were in ttame3 at
eight A. M. yesterday.
The Thirteenth Pennsylvania cavalry are
now crossing the Cape Fear river at this
point on the steamboat James Christopher,
Captain Samuel G. Martin, a South Amboy
man, and are to march forward to joiu Gen.
Sherman at Goldsboro to-morrmv, or to form
a junction with Gen. Kilpatrick on Saturday.
Rebel Account*.
THE battle near avertsboro.
The Raleigh Progress of March 20 says this
affair turns out to have been of much more
magnitude and importance than was at first
supposed. The editor conversed with sevei
al wounded and other soldiers engaged in the
fight, and they all agree that it was a des
perate one. Most of them think our entire
loss was about one thousand, while they sav
that of the enemy must have been four or
five thousand.
Another account, said to be official, is that
our loss was three hundred and fifty, while
the Yankee loss was between three anil four
The Progres* gives the following account
of the battle, without vouching tor the abso
lute truth of the statement:
It seems that the fight commenced about
noon on Wednesday, the 15th inst., and con
tinued briskly until night. Considerable
skirmishing was carried on all night, and on
Thursday morning the battle commenced
furiously, and raged the whole day. General
Hardee, with about a half a corps, was in
trenched between Black creek and Cape Fear
river, at no great distance from the conflu
ence of these two dreams, but a point higher
up than that at which these two streams, but
at a point higher up than that at which the
enemy crossed the former stream. Here he
was attacked by two corps of Sherman’s vet
erans, and our works were charged three
several times, and each charge was repulsed
with immense slaughter. We do not under
stand the position of General Bragg, but we
are informed that his troops were
driven back, whieb made it necessary for
Hardee to fall back .to prevent being flanked.
He.had to abandon two guns, the horses be
longing to them being all, or nearly all,
killed, so that he was unable to bring them
The subjoined list of the Regular and Vol
unteer Navy can scarcely fail to be exceed
ingly interesting to every one whose friends
have cast their lot in tho ships of the United
States. It shows the number of officers in
each grade of the Navyj Regular and Volun
teer, as shown on the books of the Navy De
partment, February 10, 1865 :
1 Vice Admiral Active List.
6 Hear Admirals Active List,
T Rear Admirals .#'.*« Retired List.
2() Commodores r ... Active List
81 ■Commodores..^..«* 5..- Retired Dist.
?! ii.VCaptaiiis Active List.
24 Captains Retired List.
06 Commanders Active List.
88 Commanders Retired List.
142 Lieutenant Commanders Active List.
2 Lieutenant Commanders Retired List.
108 Lieutenants Active List.
21 Lieutenants Retired List.
8 Masters Retired List.
20 En-igns Active List.
31 Acting Ensigns Active List
2 Ensigns Retired List.
80 Surgeons Active List.
14 Surgeons Retired i ist.
20 Passed Assistant Surgeons Active List,
4 Passed Assistant Surgeons Retired Aist,
"'B4 Assistant burgeons. Active List.
g 5 Assistant Surgeon.* Retired List.
03 Paymasters Active List.
14 Paymasters Retired Litt.
S3 Assistant Paymasters Active List.
21 Chaplains Active List.
10 Chaplains .Retired List.
10 Professor Mathematics Active List.
§? 3 Professor Mathematics Retired Li9t.
59 Chief Engineers Active List,
06 First Assistant Engineers .. .Active List.
238 Second Assistant Engineers .Active List.
109 Third Assistant Engineers Active Lis#
40 Boatswains Active List.
3 Boatswains Retired List.
08 Gunners Active List.
jg SGunnners Retired Lis .
48 Carpenters Active List.
2 Carpenters Retired List.
30 Hailmakers Active List.
4 Sailmakers Retired List.
31 Midshipmen •raduates.
I Midshipman..... Invalided j
475 Midshipmen Naval Academy.
lit Act’g Vo!. Lieut. Commanders.. .General Service.
1 Act’g Vol. Lieut. Commanders.. .Miss. Squadron.
I Acting Lieutenant General Service.
t<« Acting Volunteer Lieutenants General Sendee.
22 A#jug Volunteer Lieutenants Miss. Squadrou.
407 Acting Masters General Service.
f 01 Acting Masters Miss. Squadron.
1115 Acting Ensigns Genera: Service.
188 Acting Ensigns Miss. Squadron.
607 Acting Master’s Mates General Service.
225 Acting Master's Mates ;. .Miss. Squadron.
282 Acting Assistant Surgeons General Service.
10 Acting Assistant Surgeons Miss. Squadron,
384 Acting Assistant Surgeons General Service.
25 Acting Chief Engineers General Sendee.
80 Acting Chief Engineers Miss. Squadron.
ISO Acting Firßt Assistant Engineers. General Service.
89 Acting First Assistant Engineers. Miss. Squadrou.
354 Act’g Socond Ass't Engineers ... .General Servico.
132 Act’g Second Ass’t Engineers Miss. Squadron.
881 Act’g Third Ass't Engineers General Service.
148 Act’g Third Ass’t Engineers Miss. Squadron.
6 Actiug Boatswains General Service.
63 Acting Gunners Qeneral Service.
II Acting Gunners Miss Squadron.
5 Acting Carpenters General Service.
25 Actiug Carpenters .Miss. Squadron.
The \ icksburg Herald has information
derived from persons lately arrived in that
city, to the effect that a few days ago a reg
iment of Texans moved on a prison pen at
Jackson, Miss., and literally demolished it,
telling the prisoners confined to go home ;
that they themselves had had enough of the
war and were going to Texas. This story
was also vouched for by a rebel officer who
stated that he was in Jackson on the day
that the stockade was destroyed.
At the last sale of autographs in Paris a
charming letter from Mdlle. Rachel to Mdme.
Samson, the wife of her master of elocution,
was sold. It gives an interesting account of
her tour in Switzerland in 1843. She men
tions among other incidents, that one night
she stopped at an inn, where two travellers
met her. One one of them vyas sure she
was the great tragic actress of (he French
Comedy; the other was as positive to the
contrary. An appeal was made to the per
son best informed on the subject, and she de
cided the question by writing on the register
of arrivals: “Pay the leg of mutton, sir, I
am Rachel.”*
I From the Reside Chicken.l
Billy Boleun jumped out of Us bed,
lie rushed at his sister and clt off her head ;
This gave his dear mother 4 great deal of paiu—
Let ns hope little Billy won’t do so again :
Baity sat in the window-sect,
Mary pushed her into the street;
Baby’s brains were dashed out in the airv.
And Mamma held up her forefinger at Mary.
“Where is your sister, Margaret, tel!»”
“Mother, I pushed her into the well.” •
“Very cross in you, Margaret, really ;
I thought you loved your sister dearly V’
Grandpa had goid in his brass nailed trunk;
Grandpa gav e Harry some ; Harry got drunk.
Then to get more the trunk Harrvjtroke into;
Grandpa thought Harry ought to be spoken to.
Darling sticks carving forks into poor dames -
Darling callsgrundmma hoi.dMe names;
Darling can’t have any dese rt—that’s clear.
Unless she screams loud win* there's company here.
Sammy got hold of a match vge day,
And set on fire a stack of ha&v
Soon hay, barn and horses vrare ashes and dust ,
And Sammy's papa turned away in disgust.
“Oh, look, if yon please, Master Jonathan, inarm,
He’s bitten a piece right out of my arm !”
“Oh dear!” cried the mother, Hu accents wild,
“I hope it won’t disagree will the child
“Who strangled Jack with hi> collar and chain ?’’
“I did, mamma, and I'll do it again;
And I’ll strangle you when I get big and strong I”
“That’s a good boy to confesß v\ Leu your wrong.”
Mucii has been said, arid mow has been sung,
Oi the open ingenuousness of the young;
But we own we'd like better tie infant democracv,
Were it even endowed wiih *'ȣ grace of hypocrisy,
Let's have anew motto nigcriw:', on our banners
Asa step toward good morals we’ll strive for good
Importance of Rest.—ln his excellent
Herald of Health, Dr. Trail thus sagely ad
vises rest: How much has been written about
water, air, food, exercise, dress, and other
hygienic materials and influences, and how
little about rest! Asa remedial measure,
rest is of vast more importance than has gen
eaally been supposed. Asa therapeutic
means its place is at the vfcry head of hygi
enic materia medica. Vefy little skill, com
paratively, is required for a practitioner of
the Higeio-Therapeutis "school, to know
when to do something and what to do. But
a vastly greater fund of professional knowl
edge is required to know %heu and how to
let the patient alone.
One half the world is drugged to death
when sick, and one half of tile remainder is
fretted to death. We have frequently saved
life by standing between the patient and
their friends. The world has got a bad fash
ion of making a terrible ado, keeping up a
constant consternation, nursing and fussing
continually, while anxious relatives, sympa
thyzing friends, mysteriously gibbering doc
tors. meddlesome nurses, and whispering
watchers, add their mite df mighty influence
on the wrong side, and all because somebody
is sick and needs rest. And the whole mis
chief is traceable to a false dogma in medi
cal science in relation to tue nature of
the disease. c
The authors teach ns that disease is an
entity, a thing which travels about, pervades
the air, penetrates our dwellings, and finally
attacks us; and this absurd phantasm is eas
ily transmogrified by the ignorant and un
thinking multitude (unthiuking ou the sub
ject, we mean) into something analagous to
a witch, a ghost, a goblin, spook, fiend or
demon, w hich nothing hut the doctor’s pois
ons, dealt out by the doctor's own hand or
pen, can assuage, pacify, eradicate, exorcise,
kill or cure. The charms, incantations, and
amulet3 of the ancients were not more silly,
and the necromancy and pow-wows of the
Indian tribes of the present day are not more
ridiculous (and they are predicated on pre
cisely the same false notions of the nature oi
disease,) than are the dosing and drugging
and slopping and stuffing and watching and
fretting of the regular physicians of to
day and the patrons and nurses of their
Nine out of ten of all the maladies of ail
the people of the world would get well in a
few hours or days, if left to themselves, with
no other appliances than such as instinct
would suggest and common sense employ.
Yet in nine cases out of ten the doctor is
called, and if he is a dmgopathie doctor, one
half his patients are in danger of a protract
ed illness, and one half of these are sure of
a ruine*l constitution, not because of tho
disease, but be-ronsequence of the drags.—
When wc visit a patient in the country, our
greatest difficulty is to keep the friends quiet,
who nothing but letaloneativeness is needed.
All are willing to do something; every one
is anxious to lend a helping hand, and peo
ple generally estimate a physicians knowl
edge and skill by the extent and variety of
his prescriptions. * Few ean understand the
quietly-working, yet efficient remedial re
sources of nature, when undisturbed.
The following observations of the Provi
dence Journal are so just and express so
much truth in so few words, that we copy
them for the consideration of our readers : •
It is said that there have been over fifty
railroad accidents in tbe United States since
the year begun, and some of them have been
attended with great loss of life. It is simple
nonesense to say that most ot them are acci
dents in the just sense of the word. They
are the natural or legitimate effects of negli
gence. They are crimes. Nowhere else in
the world do’ we hear of such a sacrifice of
fife. Nowhere else is railway travelling at
tended with such perils. Never before, we
think, was there in this country so much
need of bidding farewell to a friend, who is
about to travel a thousand miles, as if you
would probably never see him again. The
locomotives are half worn out. The rails
need to he replaced by new ones. Owing to
the high price of labor and of iron, the com
panies have postponed the purchase of rails
and locomotives. The roads are therefore
imperfectly equipped. Hence trains are be
hind time, and collisions occur. Rails break
and throw the cars down embankments. A
journey by railway becomes an undertaking
accompanied by about as many risks as
service in Grant’s army.
Le Club tells a wonderful story of a clas
sical Scotchman who now haunts the stu
dents’ quarters in Paris, and earns a livelihood
by singing Latin songs and translating Taci
tus to eager audiences, which crown round
the gutlers in which he “stands and delivers”
bis song and sentiments, raising shouts on
him as be ends.
A Illark Hole of DsuKir- Tin- Sw Signal
Apparatus Its liMtttciiiu anti I
Character—Prospeet of Sniaslt-irpH autt
Collision*—Wlial the Kinployecs Say.
There appeared in one of the British (Quar
terlies, some five years ago, an article which
predicted that the time would come within
a few years, when railroad accidents would
he very common in this country. The rea
sons given for their prophecy were that the
roads had been constructed with such haste
and incompleteness that they must of a cer
tainty he in a very dangerous condition with
in a few years. That time seems to have come
with a vengeance, for (lie last three months
have presented a very carnival of railroad
disasters. Os course Bergen Tunnel has not
been unrecorded in the list, else it would
have lost its legendary fame and charac
The public were informed two months
since, that the acknowledged dangers of pas
sage through the Bergen Tunnel, by reason
of its use for the trains of two companies,
were to lie obviated by a complete system of
telegraphic signals. The many hundreds of
gentlemen doing business in New York, hut
who arc called to pass through the tunnel
daily, dh*\v a breath of relief at the prospect
of security and protection in their going and
coming. And it is probable that most of
these gentlemen now labor under the im
pression t)at the new wires and “Martello
tower;.’ are winding off thedangeis that used
to cause so much trepidation.
It is not pleasant to do away with such a
delightful hallucination, hut a tour of obser
vation and examination into the merits of the
matter, compels us to destroy a very blind
dream. It is indeed true that the signal ap
paratus has beeu erected, and the “opera
tor’ keeps watch at each cuds, hut the re
sults are not at all as satisfactory as they
ought to be to insure safety.* The wires that
r:a over the hill and into the towers, give
electrical signals by the application of the
finger to a button. But the only signal
given D the ringing of little bells, the sound
of which is by no means sure to be heard.
There are four towers and four wires, two
for the Morris and Essex nnd two for the
Erie Railroad. The bell is rung to signalize
the approach of the train; if it is a Morris
and Essex, that hell is rung, aud if the Erie,
the Erie bell. It takes a practised ear to
discern which bell has sounded, and what
renders the whole thing uncertain and dan
gerous, the wires are so near together that a
stxmg breeze will bring them in contact, ami
thus the electrical current is beyond control,
and a false signal is liable to be given at any
moment. The employees at the tunnel ex
press doubt as to the practical workings of
the arrangement, and declare that they are
themselves afraid to remain in the little sta
tion house beside the track, there is such a
thundering and whirling past of trains. If
this is so, how much greater should be the
fear of those who are doomed to be whirled
along at tlje mercy of the. crossing and re
crossing tracks. And wliafnfstill m<#£ im
portant to be known, of the men employed
at the tunnel, all but one are ignorant Irish
men. Iu tact, we consider this point, when
considered in every view, the most danger
ous spot for railway travel in the country.
It is a wonder that numerous and terrific ac
cidents do not occur here.
The Erie Railroad have very properly post
ed regulations with regard to’ the passage of
the tunnel, one of the restrictions being that
the trains of the Mtsrris aud Essex shall stop
on leaving the tunnel, before crossing the
track of the Erie. This regulation the Mor
ris and Essex “protest” against, but say
that they will “obey it for safety’s sake.”—
But for this regulation, a fearful smash-up
would have occurred last Thursday, four cars
of the Erie road having been thrown directly
across the track. A train was also detained
one hour at the tunnel, last week, because
the operator had taken a little' saunter over
the hill.
Now we contend that all this danger may
he obviated by tlie use of proper means of
safety. And this means of safety wc claim
to he perfect telegraphic communica
tion, by which two persons shall be in con
stant conversation between the ends of the
tunnel. Mere signals by bells will never he
proper projection, as has been already
There is very general dread of the tunnel
in Orange, Moiristowu, and other places,
where New York business men reside, and
several now change from the Morris and I?s
--sex to the New Jersey, at Newark, rather
thairrisk the dangers of the tunnel. It is
time that more attention was paid to the
matter, and we shall uot cease to disclose
the hazards of the tunnel passage, until
proper means are adopted for the protection
of the public. The recent attempt is a fail
ure. Tiie men employed as watchmen are
not responsible enough. And the whole
thing is left in too loose aud reckless a man
ner.—Jersey City Times.
Payment of Generals Sherman and Sheri
dan's Troops- —lt has been decided to pay
General Sherman’s army in lull to the end of
February, as soon as it arrives at a point
where it can rest long enough for payment to
be made. This wifi give six months’ pay to
nearly the whole army. The men were last
paid up to the 31st of August, and they will
now be paid to the 28th of February. Secre
tary Stanton has decided that this mark of
approval—almost the only one in his power—
of their noble, brilliant and patriotic deeds
during the last six months of their service,
shall b<s promptly accorded. Let their fami
lies rejoice, therefore, in the' expectation ot
soon hearing from their loved ones, not only
in tones of affection, but of absolute demon
stration of regard.
It is also intended to serve Sheridan's boys
(they never call them men) in thesame way,
as soon as they form a junction with Sher
man. This they will not fail to do as soon
as ordered by “Little Phil.” Whatever he
orders they will do.
Henry A Wise.— This redoubtable hero is
announced as a candidate for the rebel Con
gress from the second district of Virginia.
We sincerely hope he will be elected. A
constitutional firebrand, he may unwittingly
do his country some service by ihcreasing
the distraction of the already divided coun
cils of the Confederacy. Let him be made
a Congressman, by all-means, lor his tongue
is more pointed than his sword.
Auraham Lincoln is tin* only northern man
ever re-elected President of the United States.
Little Patti’s affianeed'hushand is said to
have an income of nine millions.
Mrs. Swish elm is a Washington corres
pondent of the Chicago Journal.
Hon. Schuyler Colfax, is in New' York,
whoie he will remain a few days before go
ing to his home.
It is announced that Henry Ward Beecher
will preach in Charleston, S. (.’. Subject:
“The Fullness of Time.”
The correspondence of Humboldt, is
to be published. He wrote-2,000 letters a
year, and it it will take 22 thick volumes to
contain it. Two volumes are nearly ready.
Young ladies, it may be well enough for
youlo go to balls, spangled with scattered
diamonds, like the sky on a fine night., hut
not crusted over with them like barnacles on
a ship's hull. ***
The first to “strike He,” it now appears,
was Job, who says ;
“When I washed my steps with butter,and
the rocks pop red me out rivers of oil.”— Job,
xxix; 6.
The condition of the people of Texas may
be inferred from the fact, stated in the Hous
ton Telegraph, that more than four hundred
families ih tiiat city (of L> s than 8,0(0 inhabi
tants) are dependent upon the city for the
necessaries of life.
Foote was once met by a friend in town
with a young man who was flashing away
very brilliantly, while Foote seemed grave;
“Why, Foote,” said lus friend, “you are flat
to-day ; you don’t, seem to relish a joke!”—
“You have not tried me yet, sir,” said Foote.
A handsome lithographed copy of Con
stant Mayer’s full-length picture of Mr.
Owens as “Solon Shingle,” has just been is
sued by Frodsham & Cos., of 625 Broadway.
It is lithographed by Fabronius, and is a vary
pleasant souvenir of a remarkable theatrical
A writer in Blackwood professes to know
all the Englishmen abroad who write travels,
and lie says that “they all sketch, most of
them are short-sighted, and wear thick boots
and spectacles, very little crinoline, with
what there is of it rather long. The younger
ones are reserved, the older ones gushing.”
Insinuations are made iu the Richmond
papers that Vice President Stevens has nei
ther stood by Jeff Davis, nor raised his voice
in Georgia to “fire the Southern heart, ” as
was expected after the failure of the peace
mission. So Jeff' Dayis is left alone in his
glory to deal as he best can with the difficul
ties thickening around him.
“Malakoff, ” the Paris correspondent of
the. New York Times, writes: “General
McClellan ia.nq^iiera*„ c itQppbig/at the Hotel
de 1 Empire, but is to leave, I understand, on
Thursday for. Rome. He breakfasted at
Claremont, while in England, with the entire
Louis Phillippe family, consisting of 32 per
sons, and was also invited to the house of
the Prince of Wales.
“Artkmus Ward his Book” has been re
published in London by a Mr. J. C. Hottea.
The Flaneur of the London Star says that
“it is impossible to imagine a better reposi
tory of most genial nonsense, most exquisite
fooling. Its humor is irresistible, but—rid divere verum qws vetatf — there is a good
deal of shrewd practical truth under Mr.
Ward’s nonsense. The critic evidently
thinks that “Mr. Ward” is the real name of
this entertaining humorist..
Ball, the Boston sculptor, sails for Europe
oil the 29th inst. He will proceed at once to
Florence, where he proposes to remain three
years, during which time he will put into
marble, a life statue of Edwin Forrest, in the
character of Coriolanus. It is now two
years since Mr. Ball first began this work. —
He will also execute in marble a bust of the
late Rev. Thomas Starr King, for tho Hollis
street church, and several other heads of dis
tinguished persons in Boston, during his res
idence in Italy. He has just completed a
model of the head of Edward Everett.
It is a remarkable fact that persons losing
themselves in a forest or in a snow storm
manifest invariably a tendency to turn round
gradually to the left, to the extent even of
eventually moving in a circle. The expla
nation of this is found probably in the fact
that the limbs and muscles of the right side
are generally better developed than those of
the left side. Under the excitement felt
when one is lost, and in the absence of any
guiding line, the superior energy of the
right limbs throws the pedestrian insensibly
round to the left.
The Mormons have commenced cutting a
canal of a magnitude far exceeding anything
of tbe kind ever undertaken in the Territory
before, for the two-fold purpose of irrigation
and navigation. Starting near the boundaries
; of Utah and Salt Lake counties, it will wind
i its way along the eastern side of the valley,
| watering the land on its course, including’a
very considerable tract yet unbroken, and
reaching a terminus in the city, a short dis
tance south and west of where the artesian
well is being sunk; its entire length being
over thirty-two miles.
The Paris correspondent of the London
Morning Post says he has seen a letter from
“an official authority in Washington,” in
which occurs the following language refer
ring to the peace conference: “There was
much more jn the meeting the other day
than you will learn from the newspapers.
W e shall, however, go on threatening, and
even fighting, and declaring (both sides) that
we will not give rvay, and all this time we
shall be approaching peace, thank heaven.’’
It is noticeable that since Gen. Sherman
took Savannah, the great majority of desert
ers from Lee’s army hail from South Caroli
na. As soon as the rebel soldiers ascertain
that their houses are within our lines, they
are seized with an uncontrollable inclination
to desert, showing palpably that their reten
tion in the rebel ranks is compulsory. Other
wise these would be the very circumstances
under which they would fight more desperate
ly, when their own Slate is invaded and the
safety of their own homes jeopardized.