Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Daily Herald.
S*nri£i W. Mason KmTOB.
the important sews of satirdav.
Vreat Demand for tfae Herald Extra.
The important news brought by the 1 ris
tmm Shandy created considerable excitement
in Savannah, and the demand was great for
the Herald Extra, coutaiting. as it did, the
Amnesty Proclamation in full, the procla
mation reorganizing the North Carolina State
Government, Attorney General Speed’s opin
ion relative to the Amnesty Proclamation,
the announcement ot the arrival of distin
guished State prisoners at Fort Pulaski, the
designation of the new commands assigned
to Major Generals in the tegular army, aud
other important news. Several editions were
exhausted, aud we might have disposed of a
much larger number tliau were sold, but we
discontinued printing yesterday morning in
season te avoid any annoyance to church
goers is the forenoon.
Tlv matter in the Extra is re-printed on
our firsl Jiage this morning, and we also .give
much oßier news from our full tiles of North
Army and Navy Lincoln Monument.—
The movement for tlur erection of a monu
ment to President Lincoln from contributions
of the soldiers and sailors cannot fail to meet
with favor universally in the service. Abra
ham Lincoln was regarded by the common
soldier aud sailor with a veneration and love
which no military leader or civil magistrate
ever before commanded. His sterling up
rightness and his far-seeiug practical wis
dom in the conduct of public affairs won
their respect tor him as their President; his
plainness, simple good-heartedness, aud un
affected interest in their behalf, won their
affection for him as a man and friend. No
monument nobler or more enduring could be
conceived than that already reared in sacred
memory to him in the hearts of “his hoys”
in the Army aud Navy. Yet there is not
one of them in the legions of the service who
ha 9 not waited for some opportunity to tes
tify in a practical manner his deeply felt
respect for Abraham Lincoln's tnem
We are glad to sec that this project is to
be carried forward energetically and system
atically, for it is not too much to say that
among the many monuments to be reared
to the “Savior of his Country” not one will
bear a prouder significance, not one will con
vey to posterity a more grateful and touch
ing memorial of the beloved and venerated
Lincoln, than that which the hand of every
soldier and silor of the Union helped to
From Macon. Ga. —From a gentleman, re
cently arrived, a merchant of Macon, we
learn that business is re-opening in that city
to an extent wholly unprecedented. Good
order reigns in the city, aud no surplus pop
ulation is permitted, either of refugees, pa
roled men or negroes from plantations. Gen.
Wilson, by his courtesy, kindness and firm
discipline, has wen the confidence of the
people of Macon.
The following were the ruling prices for
produce, etc., when our informant left Ma
con: Corn, one dollar per bushel; corn meal,
ditto; wheat flour, five cents per pound;
coffee, twelve and a half cents per pound ;
ladies’ gaiters, two dollars to two fifty; cal
ico, a good article, twenty-five cents per
yard; lineu goods, according to quality,
twenty-five cents to one dollar per yard;
bacon, ten to twelve and a half cents per
Kulikf of the Gakuisox at Fort .Pulas
w.—On yesterday forenoon two companies
ot the Gill U. S. regular infantry were thor
oughly Inspected in front of their quarters at
the Central Railroad Depot. They imme
diately proceeded from their quarters to the
steamer Emilio, aud will relieve the two
companies of the 9th Conn. Vet. Vol. Battal
ion who have been performing duty at that
post tor several months. The detachment
was escorted to the wharf by the splendid
brass band of the regiment aud their drum
A Mi kmi.kkk Arrested- — A few weeks
since wc noticed the murder, near Goldsl»oro,
N. ('., ofCapt. McGuire, of the 17~»th New*
York Volunteers. The murderer, Col. Hart,
of the fith Georgia Cavalry, was arrested a
few days since at Augusta, Georgia, and is
now incarcerated in the jail of Savannah.
From the evidence taken at a Coroner’s lu
quest, held on the body of Qapt. McGuire, it
appeals that the act was willful.
Grand Bali..— The Germans, and all others
of the city who have been accustomed to
celebrate in a testal manner what is known
to many Christian Churches as the feast of
the Penticost. will find that by attending at
the \ olks Garten, on Monday night next,
they will have an opportunity of joining
with others iu an appropriate commemora
tien of that festival.
Fro* Augusta —The U. s" Iron Trans
port Savannah, Capt. Eldridge arrived in
this city on Saturday evening last, with U. S.
mails, passengers, a large nmnUer of pa
roled prisoners and the convalescents of
(*3i. Washburn’s Brigade We are indebt
ed to Capt. Miller, in charge of the Savan
nah, for favors. ,
No More Provost Passes Required.— An
important order from Gen. Grover on this
•übject appears elsewhere.
About the middle of May the New York
Herald promulgated au idea for payiug off
! at one grand swoop our Immense war debt,
;indllms leaving the country free oftaxarion
The plan was to divide the debt—which is
! estimated at three thousand millions of dol
lars—into one hundred and fifty thousand
shares of twenty thousand dollars each,
these shares to be taken up by our wealthy
men, and the Herald offered to Start the
scheme by taking two shares on its own ac
The plan appeared so monstrously improb
able that it provoked at first considerable
sneering and remark from rival newspapers;
but no sooner did it get fairly before the
business community than the responses were
so liberal and so numerous as to demonstrate
that if the scheme be pressed with vigor, the
entire debt may be paid off in the first half
of the next fiscal year
Commodore Vanderbilt uobly headed the
list with a subscription of five hundred thou
sand dollars, and in u week there were sub -
scriptions enough offered in sums of ten
thousand dollars and over, to amount to
many millions of dollars. Besides this, there
were dozens of projects offered and discussed
to so modify the plan as to enable not
only those who are able to give by
thousands, but to permit every man
who cares to contribute even a single
dollar to clo so. Someone of those schemes
will, doubtless, be adopted, so that the “Roll
of Honor” may be made to include the names
of every donor, whether he contributes a
dollar or half a million. There is perfect
justice only iu some plau which shall ac
knowledge by name the receipt" of every
amount, however large or small. The Her
ald thus comments on its own plan :
It is of course understood that none of
these subscriptions are to be paid up until
the whole amount is subscribed for. It is no
part of the plan to pay off a quarter or one
half of the debt, while capitalists who have
withheld their subscriptions profit by the
liberality of those who subscribe. There are
enongli rich men in this country to pay the
whole debt before the Ist of January next,
and it must be done. Then Congress will
at once abolish all taxation, and the Secre
tary of the Treasury will place the country
in the financial position which it occupied
five years ago. After all, these subscriptions
are but paying our taxes in advance. Com
modore Vanderbilt subscribes five hundred
thousand dollars. In five years his taxes
would reach that amount, it is bette* for
the rich men and better for the poor men to
abolish the debt and the taxation without
delay, ending the present cumbersome sys
tem of collecting revenue and the espionage
upon our incomes and our silver, and re
storing the republic to the proud position of
a nation which owes no man a dollar.
The financial year ends in July, and before
next January we ought to have all the shares
taken. The understanding is that no money
is to be paid until they are all taken, and
that cash down is to be the rule when the
subscription is filled. Congress and Secreta
ry McCulloch will arrange all the details lor
the receipt of the money and the discharge
of the national debt. The debt, of England
is only four thousand million of dollars, and
the English government considers itself hap
py if, once in a while, it can reduce the debt
three millions a year. But we want to show
the world that, after raising the largest army
in the world to suppress the largest rebellion
the world evor saw, we can pay off the larg
est debt ever contracted in so short a space of
time without waiting for the slow process of
taxation and gradual reduction.
Two Men Shot by a U. S. Police Offi
cer.—Yesterday afternoon a number of men
belonging to the Gth IT. S. Infantry, quarter
ed at the Central Railroad Depot, were ab
sent without leave from quarters. They had
been freely supplied with liquor by some
unknown parties, and under its influence
assailed the house of Miss Lucretia Wright,
residing northeast corner of Harrison and
Ann streets, and attempted by force to enter
the premises. Sergeant Wood, of the U. S.
Police requested the soldiers to desist, as
they were violating the laws. Imme
diately they turned on Sergeant Wood
and cut him five times on the back
of the head, tearing the scalp to
the scull. He was struck on the forehead
with a slung shot. Sergeant Wood, covered
with blood, alter being repeatedly knocked
down, rallied, and getting bis right arm Iree,
passed it to his lett side, drew his revolver
and at the first shot hit one of his assailants
in the abdomen, the ball passing through the
kidneys aud inflicting a mortal wound. The
second shot cut the scalp of one of the assail
ants. At this stage ol the combat several of
the Bth Indiana Regiment came to the rescue
aud drove off the assailants of Sergeant
Wood. The injured men were removed to
the Post (Pavillion House) Hospital where
the}' received Medical attendance.
Accident.— On Saturday afternoon last
near Green island, south-east of Savannah
and south of Warsaw Sound a painful aeoi
dent occurred. It appears that several col
ored persons were in a boat and had a sail
set, bound for Green Island. Approaching
within a mile of the Island the wind died
away, aud it became necessary to use oars.
One of the men, -while putting out his oar
with the others,struck the hammer of a mus
ket lying iu tne stern of the boat, which was
discharged. The following parties were in
jured : Isaac Boston, right leg and supposed
iracture; Davy Green, in both legs; Lyman
Green, both legs and arm ; Epliram Reglar,
both legs. It is feared that Isaac Boston
will have to suffer the amputation of his leg.
Medical attendance was promptly forwarded
to the sufferers. .ffi.
List of Interments. —Ms shall publish this
evening a list of interments in Savannah Cem
eteries tor the month of May.
The investigations now' being made iu
Washington, seem to show conclusively and
without the shadow of a doubt that the hellish
scheme of introducing yellow fever into the
loyal States, by means of intecting clothing,
was deliberately adopted as a part of the
Rebel war policy: that the Rebel leaders in
the South, aud their sympathisers in Canada,
were cognizant ot It and aided it in every
possible manner; that the Confederate Cou
gress made an appropriation of $200,-
000 to carry the plot into effect, and
that it onl}' failed from some cause not
at present known to us. The clothing
was purchased, was infected by Dr.
Blackburn and others, was brought into the
North and sold at auction, that seeming to he
the readiest means of introducing the goods
to the loyal people of the North and of the
army. So thoroughly had Dr. Blackburn
done his infernal work that, to use his own
words, the clothing iu one specified trunk
“would kill at sixty yards,” and we
can attribute the former immunity of
our armies from yellow feuer and
small [pox, either to the influences of
the colder climate of the North, to the fact
that the plpt was discovered in time to make"
people exceedingly careful about wearing
goods that could not be traced directly to
the manufacturer, or perhaps even to a more
direct interposition of that overruling Provi
dence which has protected the fortunes, and
at last signally justified the North iu its strug
gle with Rebellion.
The testimony on this subject which was
taken at Washington on the 29th ult., is to
the following effect ; it is so lengthy that we
are compelled to condense it very much, and
can only pretend to give its spirit.
Godfrey J. Hyams, ol Toronto, C. W.,
testified that iu December, 1862, he met in
Toronto, Dr. Blackburn, whom he knew to
be in the rebel service. Blackburn took
Hyams to a private room aud asked him if
he was willing to go on an expedition in
which he would make a hundred thousand
dollars aud receive more glory than the rebel
General Lee. Witness finally consented.
Here the matter seems to have dropped for
nearly or quite two years, but last May wit
ness received a letter from Dr. Blackburn,
dated at Havaua, iu consequence ot which
be went to Halifax, N. S.,where, on the 12th
of July last, he again met Blackburn, and
where arrangements were made for the dis
tribution of the infected clothing, and for
transporting the trunks to New York, Phila
delphia and other northern cities. Black
burn stated that his object was to destroy the
Union army; that the clothing was infected
with yellow fever, and that other parties
were engag'ed with him iu infecting goods,
amounting to one million dollars worth, with
that disease and the small pox. The witness
understood from Blackburn that clothing in
a valise which was sent to President Lincoln
was infected with both diseases. When witness
returned to Hamilton, Canada, he met Clay
and Holcombe, the rebel agents, who con
gratulated him on his success, and he tele
graphed to Dr. Blackburn, who came down
the next night; and when witness told him
what he had done he said it was all right, as
Big No. Two had gone to Washington aud
he was sure it would kill at sixty yards.—
Blackburn told Hyams that Thompson,
another ot the rebel agents in Canada, would
pay him, aud he • went to Thompsou, who
stated that he would be paid when they
heatd the goods had been delivered according
to instructions. The witnesses'showed them
a letter frprn Wall & Cos„ when Thompson
gave him fifty dollars ou account.
The account of the witness, of his meeting
Clay, Holcombe, Thompson, Young. Pres
ton, Beverly Tucker, and other rebel sym
pathizers in Canada, is very circumstantial,
and his description of their congratulations
on hearing his report of his success iu dispos
ing of the infected goods in the cities of the
North, implicate, beyond the shadow' of a
doubt, those prominent Rebels. Jacob
Thompson, in peison, paid him fifty dollars
on each of two occasions, which is all the
money the witness (who passed by the name
ot Harris while at the North) ever received
for his share in the transaction. Mr. Wall,
an auction and commission merchant of
Washington, and Mr. A. Bremier, his clerk,
testified to the receipt in August last, from
Harris, otherwise Hyams, of five trunks con
taining the infected clothing, and to selling
the same at auction the next day for #142 90.
This is a summary of all the testimony
which has, as yet,been takeu on this particu
lar question, but it is of so direct and positive
a nature as to leave no room for doubt of the
actual existence of the horrible plot, and of
the guilty complicity ip it of many of the
prommeut leaders of the Rebellion.
New York Banking House— We call at
tention to the advertisement of Erinstein,
Ros‘*nfeld & Cos., Bankers, at No. 8 Broad
street, New York. They draw at sight or
sixty days on London, Paris, Frankfort, and
all other principal cities of Europe. Depos
itors are allowed interest on all deposits above
SI,OOO, and can draw- at their convenience.
Government and other stocks, gold, bonds.
Ac., can be bought or sold through them.
Jeff. Davis’ Quotation from Macbeth.—
The text of Macbeth’s murderous soliloquy,
evidently referred to iu the testimony re
garding Jeff. Davis, is—
‘■lf 'twere done, when ’tis done,
Then 'twere well 'twere (lone quickly."
Gen. Sherman. —This officer is on his way
to Chicago to attend the great Western San
itary Fair, iu Which his wife is deeply in-
I tercsted.
'---a** u ■ ■
Another Arrival from New York.
Sxp ressions of Approval of the Act.
Rtgrels that Seward, stantoo and Johnson
were not Rilled.
ileir Davis to l»e Tried In the
Criminal Court of the
District of Columbia.
GOLD 130 tt-N.
Our agent at Hilton Head has forwarded us
a New York Herald of the 31st, received
there by an
here by Capt. Cannon, of the steamer Res o
We give extracts below, including some
very importaut news:
Important Testimony In the Assassination
Cases in regard to Jeff Davis.
On Tuesday, Lewis H. Bates testified as
follows, in the assassination cases:
By Judge AdVbcate Holt—Q. State where
do you reside. A. Iu Charlotte, N. C.
Q. How long have you resided there ? A.
A little over four years.
Q. In what business have you been en
gaged there during the past year ? A. 1 have
been engaged as Superintendent of the South
ern Express Company for the State of Noith
Q. State whether or not you saw Jefferson
Davis recently at Charlotte, N. C., and under
what circumstances. A. He stopped at my
house on the 19th of April last.
Q. Did he mske an address to the people
on that occasion ? He did, on the steps of
my house.
Q. State whether or not in the course of
that address, or toward the close of it, a tele
gram was received by him announcing the
assassination of the President of the United
States? A. It was.
Q. From whom ? A. From John C. Breek
Q. Did he or did he notread that telegram
to the crowd ? A. He did.
Q- Look at that (exhibiting to witness a
telegram) and see whether it is the same des
patch ? A. I should say that it was.
The despatch was then read as follows:
Greensboro, April 19, 1865.
His Excellency President Davis: —
President Lincoln was assassinated in the
theatre in Washington, on the night of the 14th
inst. Seward’s house was entered on the
same night, and he wa9 repeatedly stabbed,
aud, possibly, mortally wounded.
John C. Breckenridge.
Q, State what Jeff. Davis said after reading
this despatch to the crowd, aud endeavor to
recollect his precise language. A. Upon
the conclusion of his speech to the people he
read this despatch aloud aud made this re
mark : “If it were to be done it were better
that it were well done.”
Q. You are sure those are the words ? A.
Those are the words.
Q. State whether or not iu a day or two
afterwards Jeff Davis, John C. Breckenridge
and others were present at your house iu
Charlotte? A. They were.
Q. And the assassination of the President
was the subject of conversation ? A. A day
or two afterwards that was the subject of
the conversation.
Q. Can you remember what John C.
Breckenridge said ? «A. In speaking of the
assassination of President Lincoln he re
marked to Davis that “he regretted it very
much ; that it was unfortunate for the peo
ple of the South at that time Davis re
plied, “well General, I don't know'; if it
w'ere to be done at all, it were better twere
w-ell done ; and if the same were done to
Andy Johnson, the beast, and Secretary
Stanton, the job would then be complete.’
Q. You feel confident that you recollect
his words ? A. Those are the words used.
Q. State whether or not the regret which
John C. Breckenridge expressed at the assas
sinalion was because of its criminality, or
simply because it was unfortunate for the
people of the at that time? A. I
drew that conclusion.
A. Was there any remark made as to the
criminality of the'act? A. No, sir; he
simply remarked that he regretted it as bein g
unfortunate for the south.
Q. Os what State are you a native ? A.
Os Massachusetts.
How Jeff Darla is to be Tried.
Washington, May 30, 1865.
Jeff. Davis is expected to arrive here to
morrow. He will be arraigned soou after
his arrival. The trial will not probably be
begun until the completion ot that of the as
sassination conspirators.
The Star says there is no truth iu the state
ment that a refusal has been made on the
part of Secretary Stanton to surrender Jeff.
Davis to the civil authorities here for trial
Davis will doubtless he tried here under the
indictment of the Criminal Court of the
District of Columbia.
The stock market was lower on the 30th
Governments were heavy. Gold was barely
steady, and, after opening at 138 1-8, closed
at five o'clock in the afternoon a’t 137 3-8.
13G 7-8 was the night closing price.
The demand was moderate, at about the
prices of the 30th. The sales were 1,000
bales. We quote:
Upland. Florida. Mobil*. A.O.tiT.
Ordinary. 34 34 34 34
Good ordmary..,. 39 39 39 39
Middling 48 48 48 48
Good 50 50 50
Middling fair 53 53 53 53
New Judge. —lt will be seen by a General
Order in another column, that Capt Benedict
has been relieved, as Judge of the Second
Provost Court, by Capt. Rundlett, of the 38th
Massachusetts Regiment.
Ales, Winks, Liquors, &c— lsrael R. Sea
ly aud Cos., advertise with us a large stock of
.ales, wines, liquors, Ac., at wholesale for
family use, at 207 Bay street. Their stock
consists of a large assortment, with several
grades, including the finest qualities of im
ported articles.
Capt. Sealy, the senior proprietor, was for
a long time an Adjutant General of the De
partment of the South, serving on Gen. Hun
ter sand Gen. Gillmore’s Staffs, aud he was
subsequently Adjutant General of the army
of the James. He won a host of friends
while in the army, by bis ability, bis devotion
to his duties and his courtesy. The stock
of goods offered by Messrs Sealy & Cos., were
selected with much care and purchased to
great advantage.
Messrs. Riddell & Murdock, No. 5 Mer
chants Row, Hilton Head, S. C., have been
appointed agents for Sealy & Cos. They are
a substantial, reliable honorable firm, who
will conduct the business with the greatest
strictness and propriety. Their card appears
in another column.
We have long been acquainted with the
gentlemen composing both firms, and know
them to possess that integrity which is more
essential in dealers in liquors for family and
medical use, than in almost any other branch
.of the mercantile profession.
From Fortress Monroe. —Saturday after
noon last, the U. S. gunboat Tristram Shan
ty, from Fortress Monroe, arrived at this
port. We are indebted to her officers and
men for late New York.and Baltimore pa
pers. Tho following is a list of the officers
of the Tristram Shanty:
Acting Ensign Commanding, J. H. Nash.
Acting Ensign and Ex. Off, A C. South
Chief Engineer, W. W. Whiting.
Paymaster, L. F. Whltin.
Acting Ensign and Sailing Master, T. M.
Acting Ensign, Win. Moody.
Acting Second Assistant Engineer, Henry
Acting Third Assistant Engineer, Richard
Acting Third Assistant Engineer, Wm. H,
Acting Third Assistant Engineer, Wm. H.
Acting Third Assistant Engineer, Thomas
Acting Third Assistant Engineer, Wilber
F. Cogswell.
Mate, Maurice Wagg.
Surgeons’ Steward, John R. Beard.
Sweatnam’s Yariet ies.— The reopening of
Sweatnam’s Varieties, the latter part of last
week was of course responded to with a suc
cession of full houses, on the part of the pub
lic. It will be seen that Mr. Sweatuam
makes anew start, with a largely augmented
company, comprising some favorite actors
from the Savannah Theatre, and other artists,
who appear for the first time in this city.
An excellent bill, including dramas, dances,
Etliiopean delineations &c., &c., is up for
this evening.
Robbery.— On Thursday night last, the
store of Mr. George Cordes, northeast corner
ot Bryan and Ann streets, was entered and
robbed, of goods to the value of one hundred
and fifty dollars. No clue has as yet been
discovered of those who committed the rob
|u rib it Is.
VV H Otis, Detroit. J S Geer, Charleston, 9 C.
A Putnam, Boston. M Moore, “
A B French, “ Min McLanghlen, “
W E Farrar, “ Capt JD Ferry, Beaniort.
JC Emerson, Concord,N.H.
G Blanchard & wife, Bean-H B Thompson, H Head.
_ fort. E H Kulin Savannah.
O C Ketsley, N Y. W W Coil, Norwich.
C W Keiin, Va. < W Cantwe'l, H Head.
Mrs Loring, Va. Mrs LaFurland, Savannah
W Howe, Savannah. Miss Berell,
S E Wildman, “
"'.'—ML '..I—ILL! L.—
Hipping ||iii*lligeiKe.
_ to®, transport Savannah. Eldridge, Augusta, 2
P. M., 2d iD£t., with cotton, tJnited States mails, and
passengers, to Capt S S btarr.
Passengers—Mrs Keeblcr and child, A Wilcox, T M
n on T^ B , M 'V M W Cloud, Mrs Charlotte E
Box, t T Clark, M s Osborn, Mr. Cohen, Jas A Gray,
w 2,“?Ar Bnd A Simpson, Miss J R Solomon,
“ *, Voting, Miss L Simpson, P Johnston, Mr Dur
cLeriv Mra Howell, FJ Champion, Miss Carrie
StncKland, Mr and Mrs Qeo McMillan. Mrs F Coggin,
Mrs Usher Mrs S Com be, C O Lynch, Mrs W T Foster,
“ McGar, Hon Wm B Hodgson, Mr and Mrs. C
D Rodgers and 3 children.
Cai>t. Geo. W. Tall,
Will receive Cargo at foot of Jefferson street, on
MONDAY, June sth, aiul'be despatched for the above
port on or before the Bth inst.
For freight or passage apply to
_jn ; l-3t cur Bay and Abercorn streets.
The paper almve named is published at Hilton Head
S. S.. by M. J. MoKenna,
It is designed by the Publisher to make an Interest
ing and Instructive Paper, not only for
but u WELCOME WEEKLY VISITOR to all residents
of nilton Head.
It Ivill contain Original LOCAL NEWS, a summary
of NORTHERN NEWS, and carefully Selected MIS
Ladies’, Misses' and Children’s, all styles :
Men’s Calf aud Congress Gaiters ;
At lowest prices, to close invoices, by ' -
jnnc-1-3 193 Bay st., near Barnard.