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The Savannah Daily Herald.
SAXCKL W. MASOS “j 1 " -
\V. T. TIIOMFTOS,. A«»ot iatc t-.Ultor.
t’v an accident to our press we were obliged to ma
pp'd our Evening Eilluon temporarily, and various
circumstances now lead us to announce its discon
tinuance for a few days longer. We shall resume Its
publication very soon.
TO advertisers.
Onr advertising patrons are reminded that adver
ts.--Brents inserted in the Morning Edition of th
B?saU> will appear in the Evening without extra
charge. Advemsements should be handed in as fc irly
.11= possible, but will be received as late "a 12 o’clock
at night. We adhere to onr advertised rates, except
for long advertisements, or those inserted re* a long
time, on which s reasonable discount will he made.
We often have complaints from e rents of Savan
nah and Hilton H-ad th t they are nor able always tn
obtain the F»*ai.d. The demand Is sometimes so
gre jt cflto exhaust an Edition very soon at’er Its isene,
and those «ho wi-h to have the Her, ALU regularly,
should subscribe for it. We have (hithfnl carriers in
Ba\ anuah and at Hilton Head, and through them we
always serve regular subscrioers first.
We took occasion last evening to converse
with several of onr leading merchants re
specting the fall trade, and were pleased to
learn that, there are many and most cheering
indications of returning prosperity in Savan
nah, as well as in other portions of the
State. The trade and commerce of this
Ctv begins to exhibit unmistakable indica
tions of a healthy and vigorous reaction.—
iudeed, in spite of the many drawbacks, at
no time during the last ten years has much
more activity in the sl.ippii g line been ob
aerved than Bay strett is n<>w presenting.—
A large number of st< am boats and sail-ves
sels crowd our wharves, and are busily en
gaged in receiving and discharging freights.
An endless s roces-ion of waggons, drays and
cans, he ivi y lad. ned with .all the various
articles of commerce, saluie the ear with their
incessant din. lodeeed every thing begins to
assume the appearance of those happy days
anterior to the civil war, when the trade ofSa
vanuah annually awoke about the Ist of Octo
ber from Its summer slumber. Audwhat is still
more satisfactory, the trade is on a sound
fooling ; for it is based upon the interchange
and actual delivery of the products aud
c ap’es of all sections of our State and Flor
ida for greenbacks and merchandize. We
do not think that this acivity is spasmodic,
or that it will prove temporary.
The extraordinary activity and magnitude
of business throughout tuis great country at
the present lime is far beyood any anticipa
tions that had been entertained of it in "any
quarter. The enlargement seems to be in every
branch of activity, iu the importation and
jobbing of all varieties of goods, and manu
tacluring industry and mechanic work. It
has already started steamboat lines—many
of them entirely new—to nearly every avail
able port on the vast seaboard of tbe South
ern States. Tue Northern cities are receiv
ing. in unprecedented quantity, the cotton of
the Souths and the indications from Wes'ern
Europe, say tbe New York papers, are that
our people w ill find market for heavy expor
tations of tbe cereklb of the West.
The South was swept bare of every sort
of goods during the war, and its working
machinery, its railroads, its rolling stock, &c.
were in great part destroyed. All that was
left it were its staple crops; but as it is
now proven to possess these in heavy quan
tity, they will enable it to supply itself witli
everything else.
As regards foreign commerce, there are the
same reasons for anticipating its healthy,reg
ular and profitable condition, as apply to in
, tereectional trade, namely, an approximate
correspondence between the value.oi exports
and imports. We learn from au intelligent
citizen oi New York city, no* on a visit to
this qi.ty, tnat the itnpoitatioi s .bus far in the
new fiscal year are not equal to the demand,
and considerate drauguts continue to be
made on the stock of merchandize in bend.
In one respect the trade promises to be
safer than ever before. The financial crisis
of '67 and the political crisis of ’6l killed
credit, and the bl-st wav is to let it stay dead.
With it the tendency to overtrade is often
mischievous and dangerous; but in the cash
system the more trade the better, as long
as k represents the legitimate ex
changes of producers and consumers.—
•So keep the green backs flying, ami
one of these days, if public affairs are con
ducted properly, gold and silver will iingle
musically as of yore.
To recover iu due season their former
prosperity, the people of the South must
eschew political excitement and contention,
end cultivate in a patriotic spirit that mu
tuality of kindness and lriendly assistance
always characteristic ot au enlightened and
Cdriotiau people, when struggling to recover
from tue cjqpiug effects of a national ca
lamity. The uiau who, whether in public or
private life, attempts, eveu indirectly, to in
flame the public m.ud in times like the present,
deserves to he o-traeised from the commu
nity, as a moral incendiary, seeking to de
stroy its peace and pro.-perity. God forbid
that the political suite and confusion which
existed beiore the war and convulsed the
country into the late sanguinary conflict, and
for which reckiuss and unprincipled editors
and politicians ate ttspousible, should ever
be felt and seen agaiu by this impoverished
and Uearutricaen people. That such a ca
tastiopbu may net be repeated will be due
mainly tc the solemn determination on the
part ot every g -od citizen to discountenance
the mischievoua machinations of political
tricksters in pursuit ot office, and the evil
influences of insane fanatics who thirst ter
excitement aud notoriety.
General Slocum commenced tbe political
campaign in Neuv York on Monday last by
an open and manly speech at Syracuse. He
gave a clear statement ol the present condi
tion of the South, as regards both the white
and black population, bated upon his own
personal observation; maintained that the
Southern people cordially accept tbe verdict
of the war as conclusive aud binding, and
strongly advocated the policy of President
Johnson, looking upon it as tbe only safe,
wise and practical policy that could be
adopted. Tne Mississippi militia controver
»y was fully explained. An extract from the
®«WtaVs speech will be found on our first
s PH«- r ’
tici, tMocuih e risignaiiou ha* (wen ac
—A large and enthusiastic Fenian meeting
was held at Nashville on the 4th inst.
—Maj Gen. Hooker was married to Mias
Olivia Groesbeck at Ciucinnati on Tuesday
—lt is reported that Ralph Waldo Emerson
lost his entire property by the Concord Bank
robbery, except his homestead.
—Hon. Win Aiken, of Charleston, is pro-,
posed as a candidate to represent the Second.
District ot South Carolina in Congresr.
—Gen. Gillmore is expected back to his
Department about the middle of the pte
seut month.
—Gen. Butler is besieging the President,
haying had four interviews with him since
the 30tb ult.
—The Atago and Fulton resume their
trips between New York and Havre in Nov
i mber.
—Miss Laura Keene has sued out an in
junction to restrain Mr. Johu S. Clarke, of
the \\ inter Garden, New York, from per
forming ‘Our American Cousin.’
—The Mississippi election returns thus far
rece’ved, indicate the certain election of Gen.
Benj G. Humphries, as Governor, by a large
—The splendid mansion and grounds of
Geo. H. Stuart, near Philadelphia, have been
purchased by the tragediau Edwin Forrest,
for $76,000.
—The Jacksonville Union denies the re
port that yellow lever is prevalent in that
town. There has not been a single case of
yellow fever in Jacksonville this season.
—ln some sections of South Western Ga.,
the crops have suffered greatly from w ant of
rain. In some places they have beeu material
ly cut short.
—The Gothamites are awaiting anew seu
sation in the autiepated developments of a
divorce case, in which a husband and wife
are both suing for divorce on the ground of
—Close upon the great firas at Mobile comes
a destructive conflagration at Memphis, by
which three hundred bales of cotton were
destroyed. The fires were all believed to be
—Citizens and soldiers, white and black,
in Gainesville, Fla., convicted of misdemean
or, are set to work "cutting down and drag
ging out” the weeds which grow luxuriantly
in the streets of that city.
—The latest Fenian report is that an
American bark, lately arrived at Liverpool,
was overhauled at sea by an armed screw
steamer carrying the Fenian flag. What
j spoils the story however, is that the Captain
! of the ship pronounces it a hoax.
—Twenty families in South Boston have
vowed to eat no butter until the price falls
to thirty cents a pound. The present rates
are exorbitant. In Philadelphia dealers have
had (lie impudence to charge sl. 25 a
! pound.
—The New Bedford Standard says that
within two hours niter the arrival of the
heavy artillery company in that city on Fri
day, the musket and knapsack of one of tbe
members were levied upon by an officer for
—A kind of convention was recently held
by the colored people in the vicinity of
Washington in this State. “A procession was
formed,"says a witness, “which kept ‘march
in’ ’round and ’round’, for some time; the mar
shals were somewhat pomp-out, but such is
—A Northern paper says that one of the
surest indications that the South is resuming
her wonted activity, is the occurrence of a
railroad accident now and then. The train
between Tallahassee and Quincy, on the
80th ult., ran off the track, killing the engi
—At a ball given by the Fenian Sisterhood
in St. Louis, Mo., a few weeks since, a beau
tiful Irish Hag was presented to the Feniau
Association of that city. Brig. Gen. Tom
Bweeney, Major Gen. Frank Blair, Major
Gen. Baeruian, and other distinguished ol
licei6 of the army, were present on the occa
sion. Gen. Sweeney made an eloquent
speech. Gen. Sherman wore on his breast,
the badge of the Fen ian Brotherhood-
IV e publish in another column Circular No.
2, from Brig Gen. Davis Tillson, in com
mand ol the Bureau of Refugses, Frcedmeu
aud Abandoned Lands for the State of Geor
gia, setting forth the rules to be observed iu
this department in the business relations to
be established between employers and freed
men. It will be obseived that while the
freedmen are fully protected, the just rights
and interests of the employer are not left un
guarded. A faithful compliance on the part
of plauters and other employers with the re
quirements of the Bureau will, under exist
ing circumstances, be promotive ot the gen
eral weliare ot both the employers aud the.
lreedmen. The latter are given plainly to
understand that they will not be subsisted in
idleness or protected in acts of lawless inso
leuct and insubordination to the laws, while
the former are assured that they will be re
quired to aet in good faith and to religiously
comply with just and equitable contracts.—
AU good citizens will lend a cheerful sup
port Id the efforts ol Gen- Tillson to re-estab
lish relations of mutual interest, confidence
and security, between capital aud labor, iu
dispensible alike to the* general and indivi
dual prosper ity of our section
A On cat Hotel at Central Park, New
York.— The plot ol ground bounded by Fifty
ninth and Sixtieth streets, and Filth aud
Madison avenues, New York, has been
purchased, it is repotted, by the proprietor
of the New York Hotel, Mr. Hiram Cranston,
ior the purpose of erecting a magnificent
hotel, which shall cost, with the ground,
about two million dollars. This building, if
completed according to the plans, will pro
bably be the largest and finest hotel in tbe
world. The situation of it, near the Fifth
avenue entrance to tbe Pari, will be very
Os the late Dr. Way land the Providence
Journal says: During the summer be has,
been in his usual health, .las revised his
' Moral Puilosopby, ( ” written two or three
new chapters for it, and eorrtcted the proofs
of the new edition, which will appear almost
simultaneously with bis death. During com
mencement week he made a journey to Ash
burnbam, Mass., and assisted in drawing the
plan of an academy, for which one of his
relatives had left a large bequest.
BranaCOF*. Fhfudmi.x avo Aim- >
i*onm» I.wrwi n.K the Staik of Ga.,
i ■mttn, Ga.. (lkl. .\lB6. r r. J
No. 2- >
1. To prevent starvation and death among
the freed people during Hie ranidly approach'
ing winter, officers and agents of this Bureau
will make immediate and vigorous efforts to
provide all treed people who may be out ot
employment witn oppormoiiie? lor labor
win-re fair compensation aud kind treatment
will be secured to them. Thb is the only
practicable aud comprehensive plan of pro
viding for their necessities, and to this all
homes, asylums, hospitals or other modes of
furnishing relief will be regarded as subsi
diary ami for temporary use only.
2d. Fh aii tiie large cities, and where
practicable in Sab-Districts, a census will be
taken of the lreed people, showing the name,
present and former residence, sex, age. oc
cupation. value of property aud condition,
viz: whether able bodied, decrepid or per
manently incapable ot self-support This
can be done by intelligent soldiers de
tailed for tbe purpose, with very sligut ex
pense to tbe government.
3d. Officers and Agents of the Bureau
w ill invite all persons iu their sub-Di>trlcts
w .tiling labor to make known tbe fact, to
gether with tbeir address, or name of agent
liear.-r ot access, and a full statement ot the
number and kind of persons wanted—the
kind of employment and tbe compensation
otiired —whieb will be kept on file in tbe
office, or entered upon a book suitable for
the purpose. Intelligence offices established
by priva'e parties, if mauaged honestly,
may be encouraged and used as auxiliaries
Whenever it shad appear that there is
mor.. o.- /ess labor than can tiud profitable
employment in any sub-District, the fact
will in made known at. this office, to the end
that the needed distribution may be se
4th. Rations will uot be issued, or other
aid given, to able bodied refugees or freed
people who are offered or can find opportu
nities to labor for their own support, and
who neglect or refuse to do it. Only such
persons of either class as have sufficient
means, or who ate so permanently employed
as to make it probable that they will be able
to provide for tbeir own wants through tbe
coming winter, will be allowed to remain in
or about cities and towns, but must be com
pelled, it necessary, to go to the country and
accept places of labor tound by tbemseives,
or tor them, by offices or agents of the Bu
sth Unfortunately, there is a widespread
belief among tbe heed people of this State
that at Christmas there is to be a distribution
of property among them, and under this im
pression they are refusing to make contracts
for the coming year. Aii officers and agents
of this Bureau are directed, and other officers
of tiie army throughout the Slate, are ear
nestly requested to exert themselves to con
vince the freed people that they are utterly
mistaken, and that no such distribution W’il
take place at Christmas, or at any other
time, and to induce them to enter into con
tracts now, that the}' may not, at the end of
the year be in a condition io entail severe '
suffering on themselves, their families, and ;
upon tbe communiiv.
6th. Contracts for this year however ;
made, verbal or otherwise, will not be inter
fered wiih, except to compel, if necessary, ,
both parties to comply in good faith with
their agreements, and to settle disputes when J
they may arise. Conti acts for next year will :
b« made iu writing. The form of contract |
usually adopted reads as follow's ;
"Know ml men by these presents, that——- :
of the county of Stgte of held aud j
firmly bound io the United States of Ameri
ca iu the sum of dollars, for the payment |
of which biud heirs, executors, ad- j
ministrators firmly by these presents in this j
contract • That to furnish to tbe persons I
whose names are subjoined, (freed laborers,)
quarters, fuel, substantial and healthy ra j
lions, all medical attendance ami supplies iu j
case ot sickuess, and the amount set oppo
site, their respective names per month during
the coutinuatiou of the contract ; the
laborers to be paid in full before the final
disposal of the crop which is to be raised by
them on plantation, in the county of-
State of .
No. 1 Names, j Age. | Dolls | Cents. |
!. I !
1 j__j _ i
This contract is to commence with this
date and close with the year.
Given in duplicate ai this day
of 18(1 .
Superintendent of District.
Registered at 186 .
But this may he modified to meet the in
dividual wants, wishes and circumstances of
the contracting parties, who can make any
trade or agreement that is satisfactory to
themselves, and so long as advantage is not
taken of the ignorance of the freed people to
deprive them of a fair and reasonable com
pensation for their labor, officers of the Bu
reau in this District will not interfere, but on
the contrary will give aid, encouragement
aud assistance in making contracts without
cnarging any fee or imposing any other
burden. The Bureau reluses to fix# price
for labor or allow ivto be a tone by any com
munity or combination of people, but leaves
labor, like any other commodity, to sell it
self, in the open market to the highest bid
der. Iu case the employers’ circumstances
are such as to make it doubtful whether or
not they will have the means necessary to
enable them to comply with their part ol the
contract, good and sufficient sureties to the
bond will be required, or wages will be se
cured by a lieu on the crops or land.
These contracts must be made in duplicate
and approved bv an officer of the Bureau, or
nearest Provost Marshal, who should also, if
possible, witness the Signature of all the
liarties and explain to them the terms, con
ditions aud probable results of the contract.
In all cases the officer will inform the parties
that having of their own free will joined in
the contract, they will be compelled itneces- i
sary to comply in good faith with its terms |
abil conditions. They will especially im- i
press upon the laborer that he is to work ]
under the direction of his employer, to be
industrious and faithful, aud not to leave the
plantation or place of his employment, with
out permission, unless he is treated with
Parents are responsible for their childten.
the children tor their aged and decrepid
parents, and must labor lor their support ;
and in making contracts this fact must be
taken ’mto consideration, thereby providing
lor a large class of persons who would other
wise become a burden upon tbe community
or Government.
Persons who refuse or neglect to make
written contracts lor next year with the freed
people employed by them," will oe required,
should any dispute arise as to the compensa -
tion to be allowed, to pay tbe highest wages
given for the same kind of labor iu the neigh
borhood or section of country.
7th. Officers and agents of the Bu
reau will on no account fail to protect the
freed people in their just rights as set forth in
the laws of Congress'and the Proclamations
ofihe President of the United States, aud for
this purpose will, if necessary, call on the
nearest uulitaiy commander ior aid, in com-
I piiuuce with Gen. Order 102. C. 8., from the
1 War Department. At the same time they
j will not allow the freed people to practice
j any wrong or injustice on their employers,
nr on society. They will remember that it is
| ibe chief object of tue Bureau to do simple
justice to all persons, while or black—to aid
to the utmost in securing to the employer
permanent aud reliable labor, and in restore
iug the State to its former condition of peace
and prosperity.
Davis TittsoN',
Brig. Gen. U. S. Yols. Act. Asst. Comm.
Official •
W. W- Dean. Asst. Adj. General.
From our Special i orrespondent.)
Ken York Markrli.
Xbw Yoke, OiX. ISK—2 ! . o'clock, P. M.
I’uu s—The inquiry l»r W eatern and state Elmir
is more active, and price* have advanced luai.'c.
I*'- hid. mi! tie Jmy, am I lia'jac. mi Hit- iuebii'in auil
hieh grades. The marker during tue day was quite
excited alul closes Ann at lie improvement. The
sales are 22,400Mi1-, at fs Idas 25tor Superfine state;
•v* 35a» *6 bar Extra Slate : $8 60a9 lor Fancy state :
ss 65a6 90 for low grades of Western Extra; s9a9 20
tor shipping Ohio; SO 40a 12 70 lor Trade aud iamilv
hraiui.-. and 3sl«-_-,ala for at. Lout- Extras. In
cluded in the aitove sales are 1000 bbls. Extra State,
Seller* option, November at $8 so.
CasaPa Fi.oitk—is In rail- demand, and prices
have advanced loalic. per bbl. Sales of 310 hols, at
5546 do for the low grade- of Extra, and s9al2 io
for Trade and Familv Extra.
Southern Flour—ls m less active derr.-mJ, but
prices nave advanced lOaitc. per bbl Sales of 750
bbls. at $m liaioeo for mixed to good Superfine
i onntrv indtunore, Ac., aud il(/75aio25 lor Trade
and Family brands.
Wmshey:—The market is dull and heavy. Sales
of 200 bbls. at $2 29 tor Western.
Pr .visions.—The Pork market lias been active
and excited and is higher, closing rirm at the im
provement Fiime Me.— Is much sought after In an
ticipation of Government contract. For future de
livery 3750 bbls. sold, buyers option this month, at
S3B ; 250 buyer until 15t!i at j 36, and 250 bbls. Prime
Mass, buver until 15th at 531. The sales, cash and
regular, are 13200 bbls.. at $35 2.5 a 35 87‘f lor Mess ;
$35 soa 31 for Western Prhue Mess; and 31 25 rot
small lots do.
Beef is tinner and In demand. Sale 750 bbls., at
s2a 14 for Plain Mess ; sl4 a 1.5 for Extra do., job
bing sales do. at $lB ; $8 a 10 lor State do.
Tierce Beef is dull and nominal at about $24 for
Western do. ; $25 for India Mess.
Cut Meats are entirely nominal.
Bacon Is qmet though rumors prevail of Ueavv
sales tor future delivery.
Lard is rather firmer and in demand owing to the
improvement in gold. Sales of 750 bills, and to-.,
at 27 a 29. MC. for No. 1 Prime Steam Kettle, and 2955
a 3055 for small lots.
Tali ow.—The market Is quiet but firm at 15 a
I SHc. Tor Western : and 1555 a 15?; for City.
Butter.—There is no change of Importance to
note since our last. The demand continues mod
erate at about J 2 a 38c. for Ohio and Western ; 42 a
4tic. for State firkins; 42 a 43c. for do. Welsh tubs ;
and 65c. for Orange county palls.
Cheese.—Prices are firm and the demand fair.—
We quote at 16b; a i;c. lor factory made ; 1755 c. for
choice do.; 16% a 17c. for farmers’ dairies; 1754 c.
for choice do.; 22 a 24c. for Connecticut English
dairy; and pine apple, 24 a 2055 c.
Cotton.—The excitement continues unabated
speculators, manufacturers and exporters buying
freely; and the sales and re-sales yesterday, and thus
far to-day, foot up nearly 15,000 bales. Prices again
show a decided improvement, closing buoyant at 47
cents for low middling upland, 48c. for do Orleans.
49 a 49Kc. Tor middling upland, and 50c. for Orleans.
The receipts this morning were 3,957 Oates ; yester
day, 1,300 bales. Mobile and New Orleans cotton
sold at auction, attracting a good attendance, and
foil prices were leubzed. The Mobile sold as fol
lows : 7 bales middling fair at 5354 c.; 65 bales strict
middling 60. • *ls hs}r-; low middling, 4854 c.; 85 bales
good ordinary. 48c.; 28 bales ordinary, 4454 c.; 4 bales
low ordinary, 37c.; 9 bales pickings, 3054 c.; 156 bale3
1 e-baled, 4354 c. The New Orleans us follows • 9 bales
middling fair, 54c.; 101 bales strict middling, 6054 c.;
140 bales low middling, 4654 c.; 115 bales good ordi
nary, 44c.; 62 hales ordinary, 43c.; 35 bales low or
dinary, 38)40.; 191 bales pickings, 21%c.; and 204
bales re-bak-d, 40 1 1c.
grain.—The wheat market U fairly active r.t an
advance of 2 a 3c. on Spring, and 5 a ioc. on Winter.
The demand Is from both speculators and millers.
The sales are 63,000 bushels, at $1 70 a 1 77 for Chi
cago .Spring ; $1 72 a 1 76 for Milwaukee Club; $1 75
a 1 7754 for Atuoer do.: $2 4n a2 45 for new Amber
Western ; $2 87 for Amber State.
Oats- -Are in moderate supply and firm, but the
demand Is not active. The sales are 40,000 bushels.
Unsound at 54 a 58c,; Western at H 4; Btato fUc.
Corn—ls without change of importance. The
sales are 77,900 bushels. Unsound at 85 a 92c. : West
ern Mixed at 93 a 94c.; do. White at $1 Ok.
CoprEE.—Rio remains quiet but urm at full pre
vious figures. Java is very scarce and most holders
demand 81 a 32c. gold Other styles are without
Molasses.—A good fair business i-i doing and full
prices readily obtained. We quote Cuba Muscovado
at 56 a 67c. iu Hilda, aud 65 a 71 in tierces and bbls.
Cuba Clayed 45 a 48c, and small lots at 52 a 53c.;
Centrifugal Cuba 35 a42c.: Barbadoes 78a 80c.; Porto
iiico 80 a 95c. fair to good, and $1 00 a 1 Id for prime.
Rice.—A small parcel Carolina has been sold at
1254 c. currency, but prices are quiet.
.■sugars.— Tmier the. Influence of the excitement in
gold tire market for Raw Sugara was quite active this
morning and prices further advanced. This after
noon there is less doing, but little improvement is
sustained. We quote Fair Refining at 13*4a1854c.
Good do. 13f4a13?4c., aud Fair to Good Grocery 14a
1554 c.. and Prime to Choice do. 15‘;al65ic. Refined
arc firm at 2o,Yc. for Powdered, Granulated and
Gold—gold hat been somewhat excited, opening
at 14654 c.. mlv«firing to 14754 c, but subsequently de
clined aud closes weak at 1465(0.
Connecticut aDd Colorado vote “no” on
tire question of negro suffrage. Col. Forney,
evidently alarmed, writes to the Philadelphia
Press from Washington, as follows :
The convention which nominated Abra
nara Lincoln and Andrew Johnson refuse to
make a national test ot the question, and
nothing but disaster bas ever befallen our
Irie.uds whenever they have departed from it
iu the States. Let us adhere to what is
nominated in the national bond. To go be
yond it is to court disaster for no practical,
nay for no theoretical good. Above all, let
us'avoid attempting to lorce upon tbe South
ern States what we are now once more
taught wo cannot, even with our better in
formed colored people, do ourselves at our
own homes.
Speaking of the vote in Connecticut, the
Hartford Times says :
A remarkable and significant feature of the
election ou Monday was the unanimity of
the soldiers' vote The returned veterans of
the war, bronzed in years of toilsome marches
and scarred in many battles, voted very
nearly unanimously against the proposition
for negro suffrage.
Tiie Fenian Prisoners.— A Liverpool let
ter of the 4th says:
The Feuian prisoners were all remanded
yesterday at Dublin for a week. They will
all be tried together. Arrests continue.—
Among tbe latest are a merchant tailor in
Dublin named Druiffe and a stationer in Li
verpool named Archdeacon. Treasonable
documents and arms were found in both
Iu the beginning woman consisted of a
single rib- Now she is all ribs, from her belt
to the rim of her petticoats.
Sub Dist. of Ogekchee, >
Savannah, Ga., Oct. 9th, 1865.)
To facilitate the collection of the tax
enumerated in paragraph 6, Special Orders
No. 32, dated Headquarters, Sub-District of
Ogeeehee, it is hereby ordered :
That officers of bauks, insurance, express
and oilier stock companies, manufactuies,
merchants, professional men, and all others
who receive a salary or employ labor for
which compensation is paid, amounting to or
exceeding eighty-three and one-ihird dollars
per month, will render to Captain Wm. T.
Easton, Tax Receivet, city of Savannah, Ga.,
prior to the 20th instant, a certified report
for the months of September and October.
1865, stating name, occupation and amount
of compensation received or paid.
By command of
Bvt. Brig. Gen. DAVIS.
Signed • IV H. Folk. Ist Lieut, and
A. A. A. G.
Tfce Original and Best in the World! The only true
and perfect nalr Dye. Harmless. Reliable and Instan
taneous. Frodaocs immediate.;.- a splendid Black or
natural Brown, without injuries the hair or skin.
Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, f old by all Drug
gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor.
For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair.
aul4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR, New Yore.
Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine Plates
and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Or
gans in a state ot Health and Disease, wiih a Trea
tise on Early Errors, its Deplorable Consequences
upon the mind and Body, with the Author’s Plan of
Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of
cure, as shown by the report of eases treated. A
tfctbfttl adviser to the married, and those contem
pAting marriage, who entertain doubts ot their phys
ical condition. Sent free of postage to any addM*s,
oh receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or postage currency,
by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Malden Lane,
Albany, N. Y.
Tbe author may be consulted upon any of the dis
eases upon which bis book treats either personally or
by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world,
octl* eg
A Glorious Result
There are § c many roads to fame and fortune as
there were gateways to ancient Thebes. Your am
bitious warrior is for carrying his war with the
eabre ; your aspiring politician for scheming his way
by intrigue and consummate art. But there Is one
grand broad patli to the goal, along which nothing
base can travel. It is the path set apart for the
march of talent, energy 7 , and noble purpose and
though full of obstacles, it contains none that a brave
man cannot surmount. This fact has been exemplified
in innumerable instances, but In few more forcibly
than in the rise and progreas of DR. HOOFLAND’S
GERMAN BITTERS. For over fifteen years its course
lias been onward and upward, scattering blessings at
every step, until it now stands on the topmost rounds
u* the ladder of fame, as the
Hoofiand’s German Bitters
Is a positive remedy for
Diseases Resulting From
And i3 the orly certain and safe
By the use of this Bitters
Weakened and Debilitated Frame* Be*
eome Renewed with all the Vigor
of Health.
Impaired constitutions are rebuilt, and the pa tient
in a short time regains
Vigor, Health and Strength.
Resulting from Disorderexjfthe Digestive Organs!
Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the
Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart
burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight
in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sink
ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the
Stomach, Swimming of the Head.
Hurried and lliillcult Breath
ing, Fluttering at the
,» • Heart,
Choking or Suffocating
Sensation when in a Lying Pos
tore, Dimness of Vision,
Dots or
Webs before the Sight, Fever
and Dull Pain la the Head, Desi
eiency si i'erspl ation. Yellowness of
the Skin and Eyes, Pain In the Side, Back,
Chest, Limbs, Ac., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burn
ing in tbe Flesb, Constant Imaginings of Evil,
and great Depression of Spirits.
That these Bitters
contain no Rum or Whiskey
And can't make Drunkards
Is not a
Bar Room Drink,
Bat a Highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract,
Free from Alcoholic Stimulant or Injurious Drugs-
It cannot Insidiously introduce the vice of Drunk
enness Into the bosom of your families—to your wife,
your children, or your friends.
Or others, whose systems have become impaired’by
hardships or disease, will find Iu th is Bitters a toi lie
that will restore them to all tbeir original vigor.
These Bitters have pertormed more cures!
Given Better Satisfaction l
Have more Testimony J
Have more respectable people to vouch for them 1
Than any other article in the Market We defy any
one to contradict this assertion,
To any one that will produce a Certificate publiehet 1
by ui that is not GENUINE.
W usbingiou, January 1, 18G4.
Gentlemen Having btateu it verbally to you, I
have no hesitation in writing the fact, that I experi
enced marked Lvne it from your Hoofiand’s German
Bitters. During a long and tedious of Con
gress, pressing and onerous duties nearly prostrated
me. A kind lriend suggested the use of the prepa.a
tion I have named. 1 touk his advice, and the result ;
was improvement of health, renewed energy, and j
that particular relief Iso much needed and obtaine i. ,
Others may be similarly advantaged, if they desire to
he. Truly vour friend,
From Rev. W. D. Sefgfried, Pastor of Twelfth Baptist
Philadelphia, December 26, 186 X
Messes. Jones & Evans,
Gentlemen :—I have recently "been laboring under
tbe distressing effects of iadigewtiou accompanied by
a prostration ol the nervous avr>tem. Numewus rem
edies were recommended by mends aud some ol them
tested, but wi.hout relief. Your Hoofliand’a German
Bitters were recommended by persons who had tried
them, and whose favorable mention of the Hitters In
duced me also to try them. I must confess that 1 hud
au :iversion to patent medicines, from tue *-thousand
and one’* quacK ••Bitters,” whose only aim seems to
oe so palm off sweetened aud drugged liquor upon
th© community, iu a sly way; and the tendency of
which, 1 fear, is to make muuy a confirmed drunkard.
Upon learning that yours was really a raediciual
preparation I took it with happy effect. Its action
was not only upon the stomach, bat upon the ner
vous system, was prompt and gratifying. I fen that I
have derived great aud permanent benefit lroin the
use of a few bottle*. Very respectfully yours,
W. G. SklGFKlfilD, *
No. 264 Shackamaxon street,
Sec that the slgnatnre of ‘C. M. JACKSON” Sa on the
Wrapper of each bottle.
For sale by Drngglati and Dealer* in every town ia
t he United States. octll-WAS
To The
At the aorvesrion of several tneirhnntt*, tbe un
dersigned proposes to publish, at au early day, u
for the city of Savannah. It is to be gr. tten up in
good style. The Cards will I* well displayed, printed
iu colors, the whole trained, and placed in the dilt'er
ent hotels and other public places iu Savannah, on
all steamers and train* running to this place, and
distributed throughout Southwestern Georgia and
Terms—For a medium sized card. TEN DOLLARS.
Address me at Estill’s News Depot. Bull street, cor.
Bay Lane
mHOMAs & co.;
117 Bay Street.
Taken at as Low Rate* as are accepted by any good
Company. octl 1-lm
Going toR. Balfore’s, 157 Broughton St.
uv" 200 bbie Potatoes
100 bbls Onions
50,000 lbs Bacon
Fresh Crackers
20 bbls Brown Sugar
5 tierces English Crushed Sugar
Switzerland Cheese. oetll-I w
Van Horn, Holyoke & Murray,
General Commission and Forwarding
No. 9 Stoddard’s Block,
Ckas. Van Horn, Hoi ioke & Murray.
Savannah, Ga. New York.
Engaged exclusively in a Commission Business,u llh
ample and first class Storage Room, we most respect
fully tender onr servicer, for the purchase and sale of
all kinds of merchandise.
Just Received,
Ani in Store on Consignment,
Also, a lot of Fine Liquors, consisting of
I Which we offer on the mo-i liberal terms.
octll-tf No. 9 Stoddard’s Block.
Cl ENTS* RESORT®, Folt, Derby and Faust Eats.
* Army and Navy Cap*, Boys Huts. Cap*, and Tur
ban?. Just received and lor sale bv
oct 11 No. 153 Congress street.
Boots, Shoes, <&c
GENTS’ BOOTS. Gaiters and Balmorals ; Ladies'
and Misses’ Ga tera and Balmorals; Children',
Balmorals and Bootees. Just received and for sale
l] octlf No. 153 Congress street.
Central Railroad
SaTanuab, Oct, loth, 1865./
:l This Company is now. In connection with HJ.
!• Dickerson A Co.’s Wagons, prepared to receive and
ji fottvard to Augusta daily from twenty to thirty thou
l sad pounds of Freight, and go through in from three
P to six days.
Ship Freight and other expenses must be paid by
Shippers. Railroad freight can be paid here or t at des
Freight on perishable goods must be prepaid.
octll General Superintendent.
SPECIE, Bank Notes and past due Bonds of the Cen
tral Railroad Company, by
octll-lw HENRY BRY AN.
TWO GENTLEMEN can be accommodated with a
pleasant Room and first class Board In a desira
ble locality.
Address X., Herald office. octll-2
Dunn & Brown,
HAVING opened an office at No. 36 Bay street, be
tween Habersham and Price streets, we are pre
pared to farnlah crews at the shortest notice
Grits and Meal.
ed the entire interest from Mr H. Gillem la his
large and, ntensive Mills, on the corner of Habersham
street and Perry street lane, we are now prepared to
. furnish Grist and Meal nt favorable rates. Corn will
be ground on toll. All orders promptlv filled,
Consignment? solicited
Personal attention given to forwarding Merchandise
* and Cotton. octll-lm
QY A cftrcftU Tenant, n HOUSE in a < antral local!-
XJ ty. Audreys F., Herald office. «>ctll 3
iv U luu bbis •Antietam" Flour
Fo - Sale by W. H STARK,
octll .3 cor. Lincoln and Bay sM.
Information Wanted
OF Mi * Honora (Fitzmaurlce) Riech, who resided
in s a Hannah beiore the war broke out. Is a na
tive of I. Teland, and In America about 20 years. By
calling o. 1 the Editor of the Dally Herald, she will
hear som Bthins to her advantage. 1 octli
THE Cos .-ran iershlp heretofore existing ltetween
JACK; KIX A- WAKROCK was, on tile 30th Sep
tember die »alvw.l by mutual consent. The business
All hereai ter be conducted by the undersigned, who
will be liai my to receive a continuance of the pa
tronage b .stowed on the late firm of Jackson &
Warrick. L. WARROCK.
By B ell, Wylly & Christian
Souther a half of Lot No. 4, Elbert Ward. Improve
ments coi islet of a Dwelling on Brick Basement fitted
tip as a » ore. Also. Lot No. 23, on corner of Price
and Char iton streets. The improvements consist of
a Handso *ne Dwelling, known as Lewis’ Cottage.
Also, Tru m Lot No. 38, Troup Ward. AU of the above
property will be sold at a bargain, if applied for this
week. a octu
Mawag».- Messrs Hav mono A Ha^ilto
Repetition, by desire, of the great Comedy ol
In which all the Company appear.
To conclude with the new French Drama or the
Tailor of France;
T'MraaVfSflS? “ ■*
Mr. Lancaster has the pleasure of Informing Ll>
troos and friends that hi- has secured as arsoc-sieE?
the instruction and management of hie School i-rW
al highly educated and accomplished Ladies of si
vannah. 0R "
Besides the usual branches of an Engll-h
tlon. Instruction will be given in Latlu, Frereh -
Music—Vocal and Instrumental—and Drawing
It la the purpose of the Principal to establish «fi, at
cla-s School for Young Ladies, in which ,n
branches of a complete education may be s
under i he moßt Lvorable circumstances. n * el
The School will not be divided into Department,,
but there will 1* division of classes, so that ea?b on
Slfferenf Teach^sre** 1 * ° f Ked, “ tloa
Term* of'fourteSn lnto Th '-
Senior Class, Ist nud 2d Terms.. .. ««
Senior Class 3d Terms ay
lunlor Class, Ist and 2d Terms yg
Junior Class, 3d 'lerm ” j/
Mnsic, Vocal and Instrumental s'27 Der , erm
Drawing _ F ..
Extra charges made for Mnsic and Drawing n„lr
Tuition bills payable during the term. K ‘
oct7-lw Principal
c. o. ~o:
(Shcbloox's Old Dky Goods Stand.)
HAVING taken the above large and commodbns
Store, and made extensive additions to o lr Stock
we are prepared to supply our old customers and new'
with every variety ol
We guarantee to sell for less than goods can t»
bought for iu New York.
Call and see.
Xhave just returned from New York, and have
inought out one of the best selected stocks of
Milinery Dress Goods
Ever brought to this market. The Goods will be sold
I will receive weekly the latest styles of Mlliuevv
under Scrlven House. Corner of Bull aud Congress
Street Lane.
octd-Imo MRS. PEASE.
Joseph Smith,
No. 65 Liberty Stmt, New York City
ORDERS for Seeds by mail will be promptly execu
ted and forwarded by Express. C. O. V.
N. B —The Trade supplied on the most liberal
terras. Priced Catalogues will be sent upon applies
tlon by mall. oct6-codlo
Paper and Hag Warehouse
Warren & Flatner,
WHOLESALE dealers in nil kinds of coarse end
fine Paper, Envelops, Twines and Paper Boxes
Sole Agents in this city for the Bath Paper Mills.
The highest caah prices paid for Rags, old Rope
aud Bagging and Waste Paper, ia large or small
octlo-tf 210 Bay street. Savannah, Ga
THE undersigned promisee to enre
Seminal "Weakness
in all its worst forms witbont the use of medicmc.-
Pleaso send for my Circular, enclosing 10 cents for
postage. Address .1. Jl. RUSSELL,
octro-3m Boston, Mass.
IS hereby given that neither the owners or agents of
the Steamers AMAZON, GIBBONS and LAURA,
will be responsible for any debt, bill or contract
by any of the officer.) or crew of said steamers unices
made by written permission of
For Agents and Owners.
Jno. L. Roc’jii.lEt, Agent on Wharf.
octlO ts
THE public is cautioned against trading for three
bonds of tbe city of Augusta (past dnej Nos. 177,
178 aud 183, for two hundred and filly dollars each,
tbe same having been stolen, and payment stopped
octlO-6 S. M. COLDINO.
List of
Remaining in*Adam’s Express Compa
ny’s OAce, Oct. 3d, 1865.
Budge, Gilbert A Boyse, C» pt Michael
Bussell, HA, 175th N Y Baker, Judge B
Berlin, Ralph Behn, P. H
Balkan], Lieut H G
Corley, Ohas
Dsvls, Amos cere Q.T Drake Davis, MrsJ H
Davis, CO Dasher. Israel
Dante, Wm Dasher, Mrs W H
Draper, A G Dodd, Margaret.
Davts, Mrs J D
Estes, Albert.
Flinn, Michael
Grant, Lieut Miller B
Haley, Sergt Pcti 1 Hite, H
Hart, H L Heety, John
Harris A Miller Houston, Col E
Joy, H M, 17th A C Iverson, Edward
Jordan. F J -Jaaney, T B
Jones. J L
Kternan, Thos Kirkpatrick, J O
King, G F Kavnuaugh, J P
Miller, Robt. 17th A C Morriss. Mrs E
Modic, 'ire O Moeber, A, 126th N Y
Muller, H H Moode, A
Niven? A, Cos E. loth Me Norwood, Mrs Thos
Nugent, Wm
Palletier, Madam C Powel, 8
Perry, Col J 8
RUley, Michael Rutledge. Rev N H
Rolf, Dolf Richardson, J
Smith, Andrew Stookes. Miss Mary
Snow, H C
Tbomton, Mrs Hannah Triae, N, Cos A, lSth Ifl d
Toole, J Hegt
Vannaha, Beni C
Wetlem. Capt C B Wade, E C
Weetern, Capt C B Whitner. Capt B F
Whelan, Thad, care DWUliame.J H
Wood Wood, Heat, Henry
ocii-tf E. P, TUNISON, Agent,